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Ibrahim Essam Abdelmonem: Education Experience

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Mechatronics & Robotics Engineer.

  +201110731015  Cairo, Egypt

  

R&D Engineer BSc. Mechatronics Engineering
Avelabs The German University in Cairo
 09/2018-Ongoing  Cairo, Egypt  2018  Cairo
• Developer Advocate For Yonohub ( A cloud-based system for Autonomous Vehicles,  Excellent with Honors
ADAS, and Robotics ).
• Creating tech content for publication as articles, tutorials and showcase apps to
effectively demonstrate use cases of Yonohub.
• Developing new Blocks from the state of the art ML/DL and ADAS Algorithms. ONLINE DEGREES
• Preparing Hardware for Local Deployment (Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier, Raspberry Pi).
Sensors Fusion Nano Degree - Udacity
• Preparing AVS Datasets for Yonohub, e.g. KITTI, DeepDrive, ApolloScape and 
Certificate — Description
• AV’s Sensor Product Algorithms Development Engineer. • Lidar Obstacles Detection, Plane Segmenta-
• Creating ROS packages for the product. tion and PointsCloud Clustering.
•  Key Technologies: Autonomous Vehicles, ROS, ML/DL, Cloud, Embedded Boards . • Camera and Lidar Fusion.
• Radar Obstacle Detection.
• Kalman Filters.
Bachelor Thesis and Internship
Daimler AG
 02/2017-08/2017  Sindelfingen, Germany Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera

Certificate — Description
• Devleoping a Test Robot for Touch Devices Testing. • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
• Hardware (Robot Construction,Kinematics and Touch Devices) • Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyper-
• Software (CANoe,CAN-bus,Databases and The Test System) parameter tuning, Regularization and Opti-
• Making Tests on The Touch Devices with the Robot to analyze the state and de- mization
velop improvements. • Structuring Machine Learning Projects
• Implementing new Algorithms and Data structures for the Robot in MATLAB. • Convolutional Neural Networks
• Programming a Graphical User Interface for the System • Sequence Models
• Optimizing the test system to fulfill the requirements of Daimler AG.
•  Key Technologies: Delta Robots, MATLAB, CANoe .

Suspension and Steering Team
GUC Innovators - Shell Eco Marathon Competition C++ Python Java MATLAB Bash
 03/16 - 02/17  Cairo, Egypt
• Design and Manufacturing of Car’s Steering and Chassis.
•  Key Technologies: SolidWorks, MATLAB FRAMEWORKS AND LIBRARIES

Commercial Aircraft Maintenance Internship

Egypt Air
 06/16 - 07/16  Cairo, Egypt
• Training on Avionics and Jet Engines maintenance.

Junior Teaching Assistant

The German University in Cairo
 10/14 - 02/15  Cairo, Egypt TECHNOLOGIES
• Teaching CS01 Students Programming Concepts and Assisting them during the
•  Key Technologies: Java
• Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the state of multiple cars. Github • State Estimation and Localization for SDC
• Particles Filter C++ Implementation. Github • Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
• Time To Collision System (TTC) based on Lidar and Camera. Github • ROS1x: Hello (Real) World with ROS
• PointClouds Obstacles Detection, Segmentation and Clustering Github • Electric and Conventional Vehicles
• Jupyter-ROS (Contributor) ROS Support for jupyter notebooks Github • Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP
• Longitudinal and Lateral Control in CARLA Simulator Github — Video • Python Parallel Programming Solutions
• Deep Reinforcement Learning DQN Agent Playing Space Invaders Github — Video • Intro to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems
• Road Semantic Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) Github • Agile Software Development
• Building and Simulating TurtleBot using ROS and Raspberry Pi Github — Video • Control of Mobile Robots
• Optimal LQG Control of Wind Turbine using Kalman Filter
• Non-Linear Controller (Feedback Linearization) for 2D Plotter Robot Arm LANGUAGES
• PID Control of Two-Wheeled Self balancing Robot . Video
• Yu-Gi-Oh Video Game in Java Github — Video • Arabic
• English

Academic Achievement Full Scholarship

The German University in Cairo
 2013-2018  Cairo, Egypt

Ranked 7th in Thanwya Amma (High School)

The Egyptian Ministry of Education
 2013  Cairo, Egypt

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