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How To Use The Camera Remote API Beta: September 2014

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Developer World

September 2014

How to use the

Camera Remote API beta
Camera Remote API Development Guide

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© Copyright 2013 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. Brands, company or
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You are hereby granted a limited license to download and/or print a copy of
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First edition (December 2013)

This document is published by Sony Corporation without any warranty*.

Improvements and changes to this text necessitated by typographical errors,
inaccuracies of current information or improvements to programs and/or
equipment, may be made by Sony Corporation at any time and without
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document. Printed versions are to be regarded as temporary reference copies
Developer World

Developer World
For the latest technical Sony news, tutorials and development tools go to

About this document

The “Camera Remote API beta” will be referred to as the “Camera Remote API” in this document.
The purpose of this document is to describe how to develop apps using the Camera Remote API provided by
Sony. For API specifications, please see the API Reference document available in the Camera Remote API SDK.

Document conventions
"RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (RFC 2616)

JSON JavaScript Object Notation (RFC 4627)
JSON-RPC Remote Procedure Call encoded in JSON
SSDP Simple Server Discovery Protocol

Developer World

Document history
Change history
2013-09-01 Version 1.0.0 First version
2013-12-01 Version 1.0.1 Improved instructions and new template
2014-04-15 Version 1.1.0 Added "system" API service to "API service" in Step 3.
2014-09-01 Version 1.2.0 Added "avContent" API service to "API service" in Step 3.

Developer World

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6
Publishing your app..................................................................................................... 7
Helping end users find your application ................................................................................................................ 7
Compatibility with cameras .................................................................................................................................. 7

Access Sony cameras wirelessly with the Camera Remote API ....................................... 8
Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................8
Supported devices ................................................................................................................................................8

How to access camera functions ................................................................................... 9

Step 1. Connect the phone or tablet to the camera over Wi-Fi® ........................................................................... 9
Step 2. Use SSDP to discover the camera (Device Discovery) ............................................................................. 10
Discovery request (SSDP M-SEARCH) .............................................................................................................. 10
Discovery response .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Device description............................................................................................................................................ 11
Step 3. Call the APIs ............................................................................................................................................ 13
API service ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Endpoint URL .................................................................................................................................................. 13
JSON-RPC and Extensions / Restrictions ........................................................................................................... 14
Calling Camera Remote APIs ............................................................................................................................ 15

More information ...................................................................................................... 16

Trademarks and acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 16

Developer World

The Camera Remote API allows you to extend or develop apps and services that can control a number of Sony
cameras wirelessly from another device. This opens up for a number of exciting use cases, where you for
example can remote control the zoom, viewfinder, image capture and video recording from an app on your
phone, tablet or computer.

Since the Camera Remote API beta is platform agnostic, you can develop applications using it for any platform.
The Camera Remote API beta SDK comes with sample code, a developer guide and API specifications to make it
easy for you to get started.

Figure 1. Typical use case for a Camera Remote API enabled app:
watch the viewfinder while somebody is taking a picture of you.

Developer World

Publishing your app

Helping end users find your application

Once you have created your app and are about to upload it to an app store, please include the following string in
your description (for example, in the bottom, on its own line):

Camera Remote API by Sony

This will help users find your application.

Compatibility with cameras

We recommend you to add a note about the need for the end user to update the camera firmware in the
description for your app, when you publish it in an app store.

Developer World

Access Sony cameras wirelessly with the

Camera Remote API
Some Wi-Fi® enabled Sony cameras support Camera Remote API, which allows access to camera functionality
wirelessly. This enables you to build remote control applications using Camera Remote API. In this document
you’ll learn all the steps necessary to enable the Camera Remote API in your app. For information about the API
specification, please see the API Reference document also available in the Camera Remote API SDK.

Camera Remote API is based on commonly-used protocols such as HTTP and JSON. You can develop your
applications for your choice of operating systems.

Supported devices
For a full list of supported devices, please see the Device section on To see which
APIs are supported for each compatible camera, please see the API Reference document also available in the
Camera Remote API SDK.

Developer World

How to access camera functions

There are three steps to access the camera functions from your app:

1) Connect the phone or tablet via Wi-Fi® to the Camera which acts as an access point.
2) From your app use SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) to discover the camera and get the URL
needed to call the APIs.
3) Now your app can call the APIs by HTTP POST with JSON.

1. Wi-Fi® 2. Device 3. API

Connection Discovery Calls

1. Wi-Fi® connection
Application Camera

2. Device Discovery

to get the URL to call APIs

3. API Calls
to access camera functions
Client Server

Figure 2. Overview of how to access the camera functions.

Step 1. Connect the phone or tablet to the camera over Wi-Fi®

First, you need to enable the remote control function on your camera. The camera will then act as an access

Then you should connect your phone or tablet to the camera access point. On the phone or tablet, select the
camera access point and input the password displayed on the camera or described in the manuals.

The remote device, for example your smartphone or tablet can now establish a one-to-one connection with the
camera via Wi-Fi®. Your application is now be ready to work as a client.

Developer World

Step 2. Use SSDP to discover the camera (Device Discovery)

Any camera supporting the Camera Remote API can be discovered using SSDP (Simple Service Discovery
Protocol). Your smartphone or tablet client app can get the endpoint URL of the API, and information about
supported functionalities, over device discovery according to the below illustration. For details please see the
sample code included in the Camera Remote API SDK.

Please note that an entire UPnP stack is not required to support Camera Remote API. Only the SSDP portion of
UPnP is required.

Discovery request (SSDP M-SEARCH)

Cameras supporting Camera Remote API are discovered via the SSDP M-SEARCH method, using the following
specific search target (ST) header:

ST: urn:schemas-sony-com:service:ScalarWebAPI:1

All multicast messages are sent to the reserved address and port
Here is an example SSDP M-SEARCH for devices that support Camera Remote API. Please see UPnP
specification for details.

Request example:
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: seconds to delay response (ex. MX: 1)
ST: urn:schemas-sony-com:service:ScalarWebAPI:1
USER-AGENT: OS/version product/version

For your reference, see also sample source code.

Discovery response
Cameras that implement the restrictions specified in the search target (ST) field will respond with a unicast
response. Here is an example of the response.

Developer World

Response example:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=1800
SERVER: OS/version UPnP/1.0 product/version
ST: urn:schemas-sony-com:service:ScalarWebAPI:1

The value of the LOCATION header points to an UPnP Device Description. The Device Description is an XML
document. The value of the ST header is identical to the one sent in the M-SEARCH request. Note that the
value of LOCATION header may vary depending on camera models.

Device description
This is the example of the Device description. ("X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo" section only.)

<av:X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo xmlns:av="urn:schemas-sony-com:av">

The information of Camera Remote API is described by the following tags in "X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo"

Tag Name Explanation

X_ScalarWebAPI_ServiceList This element has the all provided "API service" information. Each "API service"
is described by "X_ScalarWebAPI_Service" tag.

X_ScalarWebAPI_Service This element has "API service" type and its URL of the service. This tag is sub
element of "X_ScalarWebAPI_ServiceList".
Provided "API service" name.
This tag is sub element of “X_ScalarWebAPI_Service".
e.g) camera
Each "API service" is set under this URL.
This tag is sub element of "X_ScalarWebAPI_Service".
For details about the "API service", see the API service section in this document.

After receiving the discovery response, the client should retrieve the Device Description (e.g. HTTP GET

Developer World

Cameras supporting Camera Remote API have "X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo" tag in Device Description. Its
name space is "urn:schemas-sony-com:av".

<av:X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo xmlns:av="urn:schemas-sony-com:av">

The client can get the URL to call APIs from the information in the "X_ScalarWebAPI_DeviceInfo" element. For
details, see the Endpoint URL section in this document.

Developer World

Step 3. Call the APIs

Camera Remote API uses JSON-RPC over HTTP. HTTP POST is used for unidirectional request from client to
camera as a server.

API service
Camera Remote API is categorized into API services based on functionalities.

API service Explanation

guide To get supported API services.

camera To get/set camera settings, and access shooting functions.

system To get/set system settings.

avContent To access still images and movies stored in a media.

When the client calls the APIs to access shooting functionality, the client must use "camera" as API service.

For more information about APIs which belong to each service, see the API Reference document.

Endpoint URL
Endpoint URL is the URL to call APIs by HTTP POST. It is composed of two parts, "ActionList_URL" and "API

URL: <ActionList_URL>/<API service>

Both ActionList_URL and API service are obtained through Device Discovery. The ActionList_URL is defined by
the content of "av:X_ScalarWebAPI_ActionList_URL" tag in the Device Description. The API Service is
defined by the content of "av:X_ScalarWebAPI_ServiceType" tag.

The ActionList_URL is determined by the same "av:X_ScalarWebAPI_Service" element that content of

"av:X_ScalarWebAPI_ServiceType" tag is "camera".

Note that the ActionList_URL may vary depending on camera models.



Developer World

JSON-RPC and Extensions / Restrictions

Camera Remote API uses JSON-RPC with some extensions and restrictions. JSON-RPC is simple and light
communication protocol. Below are some examples.

JSON-RPC Request example

"method": "echo",
"params": ["Hello Camera Remote API"],
"id": 1,
"version": "1.0"

JSON-RPC Response example

"result": ["Hello Camera Remote API"],
"error": null,
"id": 1

Camera Remote API adapts some extensions and restrictions to keep APIs simple and easy-to-use.

• If the request succeeds, "error" member is skipped in the response. On the other hand, if the request
fails, "result" member is skipped.

• The "error" value is array and defined as [error_code,error_message].

error_code is integer, error_message is string.

• The client must set "version" member in the request. The type of "version" value is string and the
version can be set as 2 numbers separated by dot (e.g. "1.0"). For details about "version", see API
Reference document.

• The "params"/"result" value is an array of fixed length. The length is defined on each API specification.

• Most of APIs will be replied by "result" member in those responses. Some of APIs will reply "results"
member in those responses. See API Reference document.

• The "id" member is integer and "0" MUST NOT be used. The client can set "id" in the "1" to
"2147483647" (0x00000001 to 0x7FFFFFFF).

Developer World

Calling Camera Remote APIs

Finally, to call the APIs, the client can send JSON data to the endpoint URL of the camera by HTTP POST. After
calling APIs, the client will get the response from camera.
For more information about APIs, please see the API Reference document.

Setting self-timer example

Endpoint URL:

Request example:
"method": "setSelfTimer",
"params": [2],
"id": 1,
"version": "1.0"

Response example (case of success):

"result": [0],
"id": 1

Response example (case of failure):

"error": [5, "Illegal Request"],
"id": 1

Developer World

More information
• IETF RFC 2119, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels

• IETF RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1

• IETF RFC 4627, The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)


For information regarding the latest Sony Camera Remote API SDK updates, go to Developer World, available at

Trademarks and acknowledgements

Sony is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
Wi-Fi is a trademark or registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners


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