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Role of Engineers in Resolving Public Health Issues During Natural or Manmade Epidemic Breakout

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International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)

Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

Role of Engineers in Resolving Public Health Issues

during Natural or Manmade Epidemic Breakout
M. Subhashini
Senior Executive, Lacustrine Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Abstract — This paper explains the contribution of engineering and technical skills in safeguarding public health during
humanitarian crisis caused due to natural calamities or man- made disasters such as armed conflicts. Humanitarian crisis is
more complex in urban settings that put greater population at health risk due to epidemic disease breakout. Here we
discussed the role of well-trained engineers who are specialist in water, sanitation, energy supply and environment. This
book explains the link between water, sanitation and hygiene so called WASH activities that reduces mortality and morbidity
in population during disasters.

Keywords — Public Health Engineering; Water Supply System; Sanitation Technology; Excreta Management

1. Introduction

1.1. Public Health Engineering

Public health engineering is the art and science of

preventing diseases, prolonging life, promoting health
through organized effort of society. The essential services
undertaken by engineer are to inspect how infectious
diseases transmitted their environment transmission
pathways and the measures to prevent their spread. The Fig. 1: Relationship between population and
main objective is to introduce WASH activities to prevent environment
break out of epidemic diseases, ensuring required water
quantity, assuring their quality in emergency, preventing The main role of public health engineering is to put
disease transmission through WASH intervention and barrier to environment transmission pathway of diseases
vector control measures. The importance is given to through implementation of measures dealing with water
sanitation water quality and solid waste management. The supply and excreta management. The main principles are
set-out example is the role played by engineers in  Preventing creation of hazards
eradicating plaque in Madagascar, Iraq. Another set out  Preventing transmission of vectors
example at Thai-Cambodian border where one million  Preventing direct exposure to vectors
refugees were provided surgical and curative care as  Creating multiple barriers to interrupt transmission
primary measures and provided with water, sanitation and cycle of diseases
nutrition as secondary essentials and preventive measures  Understanding transmission cycles of various vectors
also taken by setting up vaccinations camps to prevent  Providing proper sanitation system to prevent spread
break out of epidemic diseases among population. This of communicable diseases such as diarrhea and
essential service resulted in reduced mortality and malaria.
morbidity rate due to vector borne diseases.
Bradley broadly classifies diseases brake out based on
The key building blocks of public health engineering water as
are,  Water borne diseases
 Providing nutrition and water  Water washed diseases
 Excreta management  Water based diseases
 Waste water disposal  Water related diseases
 Medical waste disposal
 Vector control intervention Water based diseases are caused due to pathogens in
drinking water that causes diarrhea causes death in children
The relationship between population and environment below five years nearly half a million children dies every
is explained in figure no 1. year. Water washed diseases are due to personal hygiene

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

habits and depends on quantity of water used. Water based The presence of coli phage virus also degrades the
diseases such as schistosomiasis and Guinea worm caused quality of drinking water. The collection point also
due to play habit of children in sand. These diseases are contaminated due to communal tap contacted by adult or
transmitted from one person to another and so-called children. The collection containers are not cleaned properly
contagious diseases. Figure 2 represents F-diagram which and the water stored unhygienic also degrades water
is illustrated below. quality. The quantity of water is determined by cultural and
religious practices. Water is essential for drinking, cooking,
washing and building cleaning. The amount depends on
sanitation factors such as.
 Local habits
 Climate
 Sanitation technology used.

The sphere project standard recommends 15 liters of

water per day per person for his basic needs; it indicates 3
liters for drinking, 6 liters for basic hygienic practices and
6 liters for cooking. Water washed diseases are mainly due
to lack of water. WHO prescribes 50 liters water per person
per day including water needs such as washing, laundry
Figure 2: F – Diagram and bathing? It also says that obstacles to access water
should be low less than 100 meters and time to fill
The barrier for transmission pathway of vector can be container should be less than 5 minutes. It should be also
achieved with proper excreta management principles. As affordable to poor.
per world health organization (WHO), the quality of water
can be determined by following standards. 2. Humanitarian Contexts
 It should be Microbial or pathogen free.
 It should be Chemical free (nitrate, arsenic, lead) Deprivation of urban services during armed conflicts
 It should be Colorless, odorless and should taste good. and it has great impact on the essential services
 The iron content should be less than 0.03ppm. affordability. The impacts are classified as
 The fluoride content should be less than 0.5ppm.  Immediate (or) Physical Impact
 The turbidity should be less.  Indirect Impact
 The PH value should lie between 6.5 to 7.0.
 It should be free from dissolved solids such as calcium The immediate impact is physical impact due to armed
and magnesium salts. conflict. Example: infrastructure destruction during
 It should be from coliforms which causes diarrhea. bombing, damaging pipes, cannibalization of critical
hardware components, attacking warehouse of electrical
The protection of water distribution system against components and also looting of water treatment plant to
corrosion is essential. The portal laboratories are available reduce availability of quality drinking water resulting in
to check the quality of water. The risk level of the E-coli reduced immunity among population. The indirect impact
indicator in drinking water is listed in table no 1. is brain drain caused due to attack on staff leading to fewer
numbers of staffs to conduct routine operation and
Table 1: Risk level of the E-coli indicator in maintenance. The disasters interrupt normal function of
drinking water community causing loss of life and property they classified
in to two categories.
Indicator count Category Risk level  Natural disaster such as earth quake, tsunami, drought.
per 100ml  Man- made disasters such as armed conflicts.
<0 A conformity
The essential needs to be met at this disaster times are.
1-10 B low
 Water
11-100 C intermediate  Food
101-1000 D High  Shelter
 Health care
>1000 E very high  sanitation

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

The time and action performed to achieve these basic

needs are explained by the figure 3.

Fig. 4: Flow diagram of Result Based Management


In the flow diagram the outcome represents immediate

effect of activity and the output achieved after analyzing
and verifying assessments whereas impact determines long
term effect on intervention. The four steps to be followed
to achieve the effective action are explained in flow chart

Fig. 3: The phases of development activities

Thus, the pre-crisis where essential needs are met and

preparedness measures take place, acute phase is the phase
where essential needs are met even after six months of the
disaster occurrence, recovery phase is the time for
rehabilitation, reconstruction and restoration and post crisis
denotes the development activities. The humanitarian
principles are.
 Humanity
 Impartiality
 Neutrality
 Independence
 Voluntary service
 Unity
 Universality Fig. 5: Effective Action Flow Chart

The medical workers and Red Cross peoples should Thus, the information gathered is assessed and
care for wounded besides the side which they belong to, analyzed and problem and the consequences of problem
weapon doesn’t know the difference between fighters and also identified then plan is formulated and implemented
civilians where the future is in hands of robots. The public and is evaluated. Due to armed conflict nearly 50 million
health engineers formulate strategy for critical issues based people affected and 80% of people are displaced as refugee
on relevant analysis. The determining factors are in urban areas. The term Urban is recognized by its
 Technical feasibility population density and geographic area by municipal
 Resources available authorities it is also defined as rea within which civilians
 Cost involved vulnerable to disruptions in essential services and network
of component supporting those services. The electric power
For effective action, RBM (Result Based Management plants, waste supply, waste treatment plant is located
Approach) is followed which is explained by flow diagram outside city limits. The urban service elements are shown
given below. below.

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

The water source should be protected the defecation

should be relocated. The rain water flows mountains
reaches valley points as surface water and stored in lakes
and ponds and finally runs through sea. The layer that
consists of rocks which permits water is called aquifer. The
amount of water pumped should be recharged if balance is
negative it indicates that pumping is more. The points to be
taken in selecting appropriate water resources are discussed
below. The primary steps in water distribution system are.
 Source
 Intake
Fig. 6: Urban Service Elements  Abstraction
 Treatment
The urban service elements get affected during armed  Distribution
conflicts including destruction of single power line, bomb  Transport
on pumping station which in turn affect water supply to
nearly more than 100,000 people. The primary steps in water distribution system is
explained through the below figure.
3. Water Supply System Techniques

The major water supply system is explained below.

The primary steps are explained through the following
steps. The urban service elements are people, hardware,
consumables, staff, private sector contactors, equipment’s,
infrastructure, medicines and fuels. Thus they play a vital
role in water supply system.

Fig. 8: Primary Steps in Water Distribution System

The source of the water is listed below.

 Rain water
 Spring water
 Ground water
 Surface water

The intake sources are explained below.

 Roof collection
 Rain catchment
 Sub surface storage dam
 Spring intake
 Dug well or bore well
 River intake

The abstraction technologies are

 Hand pumps
 Motors

The treatment process involves the following steps

Fig. 7 (a), (b): Water Supply System  Clarification

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

 Filtration 4. Sanitation Technology and Excrete

 Coagulation Management
 Sedimentation
 Chlorination To ensure public health multiple action approach
 Ultra violet rays or ozone filtration should be taken on essential elements such as
 Ultra-filtration and pasteurization  Water supply
 Dis infection performed using chemicals  Sanitation
 Sea water is treated using reverse osmosis process  Hygiene promotion
 In household water is treated using ceramic membrane
or chlorination or boiling. The sanitation products are classified in to two types
they are liquid and solid excreta. Waste treatment should
During selection of water resources, we should consider the material for functioning of technology and
consider water quality and water quantity. The water products after treatment of sludge usually sludge is dried
quantity is affected by seasonality and the yield should be and used as a soil amender. The urine contains nutrients
always greater than demand if not combination of several such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium. Feces contain
sources is considered. The water quality is affected by coliforms and pathogens and they are less nutrional product
turbidity due to presence of organic matters so water but urine is pathogen free. Grey water has no nutrional
should be treated usually ground water resources have less value. The primary product faces after particular period of
pathogens. The types of abstraction technology to be time digested in to humus used for agricultural purposes.
adopted either gravity or hand pumps or motor. The The sludge is emptied in to drying bed set on field with
accessibility of water resources should be considered. The gravel and sand sometimes FOGS (Fat, Oil, Grease, and
intense hygiene promotion campaign must be carried out. Surfactant) clog pipe. Interceptor used to prevent fog. Bio
The catchment area of river receives both surface and gas full of methane obtained from anaerobic digestion I
drainage water. The sea water has salinity of 3.5% which used as fuel for cooking. The types of sanitation products
indicates 1 liter of se water possess 35 gm of salt, dissolve are explained below along with different categories of
solids. The water treatment process involves coagulation water distinguished based on their usage. Thus, the brown
which uses metal saltssalts such as aluminum or iron for water is the combination of excreta and flush water and
PH correction and to destabilize the charged particle and black water or waste water is a combination of brown
settle down sediments using sand filters. The sand filter water and anal cleansing water. Grey water is discharged
possesses sand layer along with gravel. from kitchen and washing action. The sanitation process
 Waste water management
 Solid waste management
 Health care waste management
 Excreta management
 Dead body disposal
 Hygiene promotion
 Collection, transport, treatment and disposal of wastes.
 Reuse of human excreta
 Reuse of domestic waste water
Fig. 9: Points to be noted in Selecting Appropriate  Hygiene promotion.
Water Resources

Chlorine act s disinfectant added 0.5 mg per liter. UV

technology is cheaper and destroys simpler
microorganisms. The saline water is treated using reverse
osmosis process. The pure water is driven towards saline
water by osmatic pressure about 25 bars such osmatic
pressure is overwhelmed by external pressure about 30 bars
such saline water driven towards pure water called reverse
osmosis process. Water is transmitted through jerry can.
The water tank storage reservoir accumulates water at night
and supply demand during day time. The distribution chain
involves branched or looped techniques involving number
of interconnection pipes. Fig. 10: Excreta Management Process

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

The process can be explained clearly by the following Thus, the different sanitation technologies are
flow chart. explained. The sanitation technology is chosen based on
following factors. In India Squat type toilets is used along
with water facilities for cleaning whereas in Europe sitting
toilets are used along with toilet papers and hybrid type
toilets are also available. Before involving in action plan,
one should learn government regulations through
government documents by performing literature survey.
The field observations such as measurements, testing, and
mapping are formal, and informal participating method.
User interface involves open defecation or shallow trench
latrines, deep trench latrines, bore hole latrines, chemical
toilets, container-based toilets, lime treatment. Open
defecation results in diarrhea, cholera, typhus. Shallow
Fig. 11: Waste Disposal Process trench latrine covers with dark soil nearly 0.25 square
meter space per day is required that is nearly half football
Thus, the above figure clearly states how the wastes ground for 10,000 inhabitant per day. It requires low
are disposed. The main goals of excreta management are capital, less resources but the drawback is flies and odor.
 Creating environment free from human feces There will be no privacy and the life span are very short
 Safe containment of excreta and large area is required and very difficult to manage. The
 Consultation with affected community on planned sanitation technology choosing factors are given below.
action Deep trench toilets where trench is drugged to 1.5m to 3m
 Menstrual hygienic management and lining is made with plastic sheets and wood pillars
which is in expensive, quick to construct, done at the place
 Provision of water and waste bin
where ground water table is low but the drawback is odor
 Providing hand washing facilities
and flies. Container based toilets should be emptied
 Avoid breeding of flies regularly; Pre-fabricated plastic molds are used so no
 Emptying wastes when filled periodically permanent structure required. Chemical toilets are mobile
 Ensuring that public toilet is used by less than 50 ones. Bore hole toilets require drilling machines. Lime
people. treatment toilets where odor is less where 20%-35% lime is
 Monitoring regularly and providing periodic rapid used. Collection and storage tank perform aerobic and
assessment aerobic digestion processes where an aerobic done in
 Formulating immediate and long-term action plan absence of oxygen at bottom of waste water pond carbon
 Implementing the plan effectively. rich organic substances is found.

The different sanitation technology is discussed in the

following diagram there are nearly 57 technologies out of
which three common techniques are discussed here.

Fig. 12: Sanitation Technology Type [1]

Fig. 13: Sanitation Technology Type [2]

Fig. 15: Sanitation technology determining factors

Methane and carbon-di oxide are obtained which is

known as bio gas. Degradation and stabilization of organic
Fig. 14: Sanitation Technology Type [3] matters by microorganisms without oxygen leads to

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

production of bio gas. Septic tank is water tight tank build  Behavior changing technology should be adopted
with reinforced concrete, polyethylene or fiber glass. The based on the assessments made.
structure is simple and robust and life is long, operation
cost is low, small land is required, regular desludging RANAS model is used achieve behavior changes. It
should be done.ABR (An aerobic baffled reactor with 1-3 determines following factors
fixed bed filter with larger surface for microbial growth.  Person understanding of health risk
Bio gas reactor used for cooking and lightening. Semi  Attitude whether positive or negative behavior
centralized treatment is performed under following stages.  Normalized social pressure
The biological process involves aerobic process, an aerobic  Ability and person confidence
technology, hybrid combination of both aerobic and an  Self-regulation and self-motivation
aerobic technology. The semi centralized treatment is
carried it in following four steps. The behavior changing techniques are stated below.
 Information
 Persuasive behavior
 Normalized behavior
 Infrastructure
Fig. 16: Semi Centralized Treatment Process  Skills and ability
 Planning and implementation
Pretreatment prevents accumulation of solids and
prevent blockage it is a preliminary process of removal of 5. Medical Waste Management
sludge constituents such as oil and grease. The primary
treatment involves liquid and solid separation for example Medical waste is normal waste mixed with needles,
sedimentation. Secondary treatment involves removal of vials, anatomical parts. X-ray liquid wastes are drained in
organic and suspended particles. Post treatment involves sewage polluting environment as it contains absorbable
removal of pathogens. Pretreatment involves initial organic iodinated compounds that are toxic to animals and
screening of floating particles such as fat, oil and grease. humans such as formaldehyde causes carcinogen in
The post treatment involves removal of nutritious humans. The medical wastes that are disposed through
components such as nitrogen and prosperous. An aerobic incineration cause more smoke and medical waste provides
technology takes 1-3 days retention time. The sludge vectors for transmission of diseases. The infection
removal process is explained in the figure below. transmission is explained in figure below.

Fig. 17: Sludge Removal Process

For effective action plan behavioral change in

Fig. 18: Infection Transmission through Personnel
population is important so systematic approach is necessary
for behavior change. The factors contributing behavior
changes are The medical wastes are classified as
 Social pressure  Sharp particles such as needles
 Attitude  Infectious wastes such as blood and excreta and
anatomical wastes
 Belief
 Pathological wastes
 Cost and benefits
 Pharmaceutical wastes
These are behavior factors that causes behavior
changes in population and the steps to be taken to achieve The chemical wastes are classified as
are stated below  Pharmaceutical wastes
 Identifying behavioral factors  Cytotoxic wastes
 Measure and calculate difference between doers and  Chemical wastes
non-doers  Radioactive wastes

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

Infection transmission through environment is explained Mechanical transmission through fly sitting on feces to
below. human being by landing on eye or salads also transmitted
through poor housing which results in increased human
exposure towards vector. Proper drainage and sanitation
management will reduce the risk of vector exposure of
population. The biological transformation is through skin
penetration causes diseases such as malaria. Vectors are
quoted here below.
Fig. 19: Infection Transmission through Environment

The medical wastes should be segregated by staff

members and the wastes should be collected periodically
and it should not be allowed to accumulate or overflow and
wastes are get transported and undergoes treatment which
not only reduces volume but also makes wastes harmless
and finally get disposed by landfills. Sharp and infectious
wastes are incinerated above 800 degree Celsius and some
are naturally decomposed. The incineration condition is
 Combustible materials Fig. 22: Types of Vector
 Oxygen
 Turbulence Thus, vector mosquito is classified according to their
 Temperature place of origin. Anopheles mosquito breed on pure and
 Time period unpolluted water and transmits malaria to the host, Aedes
mosquito breed on water receptacles such as water bottles,
The waste management principles are explained through buckets and causes yellow fever and dengue and Culex
type of mosquitoes breeds in stagnant water with organic
the figure below.
matter in latrines and causes filariasis. The breed of vectors
can be controlled by following preventive measures.
 Proper hosing to prevent host exposure to vector
 Proper drainage system
 Proper sanitation management controls vector
 Thus, following measures could be adapted to prevent
the transmission of pathogens to host through vectors.

The vector control strategies are explained through

following figure.

Fig. 20: Waste Management Principles

6. Vector Control Measures

Animals carry pathogen from reservoir, human or
environment to the host. Vectors causes nuisance such as
painful bites. The transmission pathway of pathogens is
explained in the figure given below.
Fig. 23: Vector Control Strategies

Thus, the vector control strategies are classified in to

four types they are environmental control that controls
breeding site by proper waste management principles and
the second are mechanical control achieved by using nets,
Fig. 21: Transmission Path way of Pathogens covering food against flies. Then Biological management

DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 7, Issue 1, January – March 2020 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)

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DOI: 10.30726/ijmrss/v7.i1.2020.71002

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