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Sample Exam Papers: National University of Singapore Nanyang Technological University

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Sample Exam Papers



HANOI, 2013

Time: 9.30am to 11.30am

Duration: 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) sections – A and B, and comprises SEVEN (7) printed pages.

2. Answer all questions in section A.

i. For each question, five suggested answers are given. Choose the most appropriate one and
indicate it on the answer paper provided.
ii. Each question is allotted 2 marks. Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.
iii. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

3. Answer any THREE (3) questions from section B.

i. Write your answers on the answer paper provided. Begin each question on a fresh sheet of
paper. Write the question number beside each question.
ii. Each question is allotted 20 marks.

4. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer script. Complete the
information required on the cover paper. The cover paper for this examination is BLUE.

5. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper, out of the
examination hall.
SECTION A (40 marks)

1. Which one of the following products may not be expressed in units of energy?

A. surface tension x area

B. force x distance moved
C. pressure x volume
D. mass x (speed of light)2
E. potential difference x current

2. A stone is thrown from P and follows a parabolic path. The highest point reached is T. The vertical
component of acceleration of the stone

A. is zero at T
B. is greatest at T
C. is greatest at P
D. is the same at P as at T
E. decreases at a constant rate

3. For a particle moving in a horizontal circle with constant angular velocity,

A. the linear momentum is constant but the energy varies

B. the energy is constant but the linear momentum varies
C. both energy and linear momentum are constant
D. neither the linear momentum nor the energy is constant
E. the speed and the linear velocity are both constant

4. On braking, 500 kJ of heat were produced when a vehicle of total mass 1600 kg was brought to rest
on a level road. The speed of the vehicle just before the brakes were applied was

A. 0.625 ms-1
B. 0.79 ms-1
C. 25 ms-1
D. 62.5 ms-1
E. 625 ms-1

5. A body of mass m moves at constant angular speed ω in a horizontal circle of radius r . What is the
work done on the body in one revolution?

A. zero
B. 2π mr ω2

C. π mr 3ω 3
D. mr 2ω 2
E. mr 2ω 2 / 2

6. The critical angle for an air-glass interface is

A. the smallest angle of incidence for which light in air can enter glass
B. the largest angle of incidence for which light in air can enter glass
C. the angle at which white light is just dispersed into its constituent colours
D. the largest angle of incidence for which light in glass can enter air
E. the smallest angle of incidence for which light in glass can enter air

7. The energy carried by a wave-train is proportional to the square of the wave amplitude. If two
waves of the same frequency are superposed in phase, the total energy carried is proportional to

A. the sum of the energies carried by the separate waves

B. the mean value of the energies carried by the separate waves
C. the square of the mean value of the two amplitudes
D. the square of the difference of the two amplitudes
E. the square of the sum of the two amplitudes

8. Which one of the following characteristics of electromagnetic waves is needed to explain the
spectrum produced when white light falls on a diffraction grating? Electromagnetic waves can

A. interfere
B. be linearly polarized
C. change speed in passing from one material into another
D. be reflected with little, if any, loss in intensity
E. be shown to exchange energy with matter in quantised amounts

9. For the construction of a thermometer, one of the essential requirements is a thermometric

substance which

A. remains liquid over the entire range of temperature to be measured

B. has a property that varies linearly with temperature
C. has a property that varies with temperature
D. obeys Boyle’s law
E. has a constant expansivity

10. The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas in a closed, rigid container is increased
by a factor of 4. What happens to the pressure of the gas?

A. It remains the same

B. It increases by a factor of 2
C. It increases by a factor of 4
D. It increases by a factor of 8
E. It increases by a factor of 16

11. A 2µF capacitor is charged to a potential of 200 V and then isolated. When it is connected in parallel
with a second capacitor which is initially uncharged, the common potential becomes 40V. The
capacitor of the second capacitor is

A. 2µF
B. 4µF
C. 6µF
D. 8µF
E. 16µF

12. The resistance of a semiconductor decreases rapidly with increasing temperature. The main factor
contributing to this effect is the rapid increase, with increasing temperature, of

A. the speed of the random motion of the free charge carriers

B. the concentration of the free charge carriers
C. the drift velocity of the free charge carriers
D. the frequency of vibration of the atoms of the semiconductor
E. the amplitude of vibration of the atoms of the semiconductor

13. A mutual inductor consists of two coils X and Y arranged so that one quarter of the magnetic flux
produced by X links with Y. When X is used as the primary coil and Y as the secondary, the mutual
inductance is M. What is the mutual inductance when Y is used as primary and X as the secondary?

A. M/4
B. M/2
C. M
D. 2M
E. 4M

14. When an electron moving with constant speed in a vacuum enters a magnetic field in a direction at
right angles to the field, its subsequent path is

A. a straight line parallel to the field

B. a parabola in a plane normal to the field
C. a circle in a plane normal to the field
D. undeviated
E. a spiral with the direction of the field as axis

15. Drops X and Y, of the same oil, remained simultaneously stationary in air so long as a vertical
electric field was applied. After the field had been switched off, X fell more quickly than Y. Which
one of the following deductions can be made?

A. X had a greater charge than Y

B. Y had a greater charge than X
C. Both X and Y were positively charged
D. X lost its charge while Y remained charged
E. The charges on X and Y were identical in sign and magnitude

16. The wavelength of a 5 MeV γ- ray is

A. 4.95 x 10-38m
B. 8.89 x 10-32m
C. 8.89 x 10-30m
D. 2.48 x 10-13 m
E. 2.48 x 10-10m

[electron charge = -1.6 x 10-19C; Planck constant = 6.6 x 10-34 Js; speed of light = 3.0 x 108 ms-1]

17. A student connects a photocell to a supply and finds that when the cell is exposed to
monochromatic radiation, a current flows only when the potential difference across the cell is less
than 1.6V. What is the maximum energy of the emitted electrons?

A. 1.0 x 10-19 J
B. 2.6 x 10-19 J
C. 4.8 x 10-11J
D. 1.6 J
E. 1.0 x 10+19J

[electronic charge = -1.6 x 10-19C]

18. The wave nature of electrons is suggested by experiments on

A. line spectra of atoms

B. the production of X-rays
C. the photoelectric effect
D. electron diffraction by a crystalline material
E. β-decay of nuclei

19. A naturally occurring isotope of radium, 88 Ra has a half-life of 1622 years. Its radioactive decay
may be represented by the equation

88 Ra → X + a + γ

where X is a daughter nuclide, a is an alpha-particle and γ is a gamma-ray photon. The atomic

number of X is

A. 86
B. 88
C. 89
D. 224
E. 227

20. The radioactive decay of a certain nuclide is governed by the following relationship:

= −λn where λ = 2.4 x 10−8 s −1

What is the half-life of the nuclide?

A. 2.9 x 107s
B. 1.3 x 107s
C. 1.2 x 108 s
D. 3.4 x 108 s
E. 8.0 x 108 s

SECTION B (60 marks)

1. (a) State the laws of conservation of linear momentum and energy. [6 marks]

(b) A proton of mass m moving with velocity u makes a head-on, perfectly elastic collision with a
stationary nucleus of mass M. The velocities of the proton and the nucleus after collision are ν
and V respectively.

(i) Write down the equations that summarise the application of the laws of conservation of
linear momentum and energy. [4 marks]

(ii) Show that the fractional loss of kinetic energy ∆E / E of the proton is given by

∆E 4( M / m)
E (1 + M / m) 2

[6 marks]

(iii) Assume the nucleus has a mass 4 times that of the proton, calculate the fraction of the
kinetic energy of the proton which is transferred to the nucleus. [4 marks]

2. (a) State the principle of superposition of waves and use it to account the following observations.

(i) The interference of light produced in Young’s double-slit experiment.

(ii) The diffraction of parallel light with fringe pattern produced by a single slit.

[8 marks]

(b) Explain how the wavelength of monochromatic light is measured by using a diffraction grating
and a spectrometer. [6 marks]

(c) A parallel beam of sodium light is incident normally on a diffraction grating having 400 lines per
o '
mm. The angle between the two first order spectra on either side of the normal is 27 16 . Find
the wavelength of the light. [6 marks]

3. (a) Define the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water and describe a method for its
determination. [8 marks]

(b) At a temperature of 100 C and a pressure of 1.01 x 10 Pa , 1.00 kg of steam occupies

1.67m3 but the same mass of water occupies only 1.04 x 10-3 m3. The specific latent heat of
100o C is 2.26 x 106 J kg-1. For a system consisting of 2.00 kg of water
vaporization of water at
o 5
changing to steam at 100 C and 1.01 x 10 Pa , find

(i) the heat applied to the system,

(ii) the work done by the system, and

(iii) the increase in the internal energy of the system.

[12 marks]

4. (a) (i) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, the structure of a single beam cathode-ray
oscilloscope tube.

(ii) What is the function of the linear time-base in an oscilloscope? Sketch a graph showing the
variation of the time-base voltage with time.

[10 marks]

(b) A cathode-ray oscilloscope has its voltage sensitivity (Y-deflection) set at 10Vcm-1 and its time-
base (X-deflection) set at 2 ms cm-1. A sinusoidal input is suitably applied to give a steady trace
on the screen. If the trace has a total peak to peak height of 4.0 cm and a horizontal distance
for one complete cycle of 2.0 cm, determine

(i) the r.m.s voltage, and

(ii) the frequency of the input signal.

[10 marks]

5. A typical fission reaction is U + 01n →

57 La + 85
35 Br + neutrons .

(a) Explain the term fission reaction. [5 marks]

(b) What is meant by 235 and 92 in U ? [4 marks]

(c) How many neutrons are released in this reaction? What is the importance of these neutrons in
a nuclear reactor? [6 marks]

(d) Calculate the energy released in this reaction.

[mass of
92 U = 235.1u , mass of
0 n = 1.009 u

mass of
57 La =148.0 u , mass of
35 Br = 84.9 u

1 u = 931 MeV ]

[5 marks]



Duration : 2 hours

Please read the follow instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) sections – A and B, and comprises SEVEN (7)
printed pages.

2. Attempt all sections.

3. Answer all questions in section A. Indicate your answers on the answer paper
provided. Each question carries 2 marks. Marks will not be deducted for wrong

4. Answer any THREE (3) questions in section B. Write your answers on the answer
paper provided. Begin each question with a fresh sheet of paper. Write the
question number clearly. Each question carries 20 marks.

5. A non-programmable scientific calculator may be used.

6. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer
script. Complete the information required on the cover page and tie the papers
together with the string provided.

7. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper,
out of the examination hall.
SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section. Each question carries 2 marks.

1. A car accelerates uniformly from 10 to 20 ms-1 in a distance of 150m; How

long after that will it reach 40 ms-1 ?

A 40s .
B 20s .
C 45s .
D 15s .
E 30s .

2. A parachuter of mass 75 kg falls towards the earth at a speed of 25 ms-1.

What is the resultant force acting on the person?

A 750N .
B 450N .
C 1,350N .
D No net force .
E 1,500N .

3. Light travels at different speed through different materials. If it travels at

speed c1 in a medium of refractive index 1.2, what is its speed in a medium
of refractive index 1.6?

A 1.3c1 .
B 0.67c1 .
C 2c1 .
D 1.7c1 .
E 0.55c1 .

4. Speed of sound in air is 340ms-1. A shot is fired and the echo is heard 2 s
after the shot was fired. How far is the reflecting surface?

A 340m .
B 680m .
C 170m .
D 85m .
E 34m .

5. The oscillation of a pendulum is simple harmonic when the amplitude is small

compared to its length. This is because:

A a long pendulum loses less energy .

B the restoring force is proportional to displacement at small angles .
C friction of the pivot is smaller when the pendulum is long .
D a long pendulum is more massive.
E it has a higher length to mass ratio.
6. A coil of wire stores energy in the form of

A charge .
B potential difference .
C magnetic field .
D A and B .
E A and C .

7. The angular frequency of a wave is 2,000π and its phase velocity is 320ms-1.
Its period is

A 10-3s .
B 5x10-4s .
C 10 ms .
D 100µs .
E 0.05s .

8. A motor has both resistance and inductance. A motor rated at 1 hp input

operating at 240V draws 4 A of current because

A power is lost due to resistance .

B magnetic saturation robs power .
C inductance does not consume power .
D friction in the bearings of the motor.
E A and B .

9. A sinusoidal alternating current is fullwave rectified. The rectified current

will produce in the same load

A the same power .

B 0.71 times the power .
C 1.41 times the power .
D half the power .
E twice the power .

10. Capacitance is measured in

A Farads .
B Henrys .
C Ohms.
D Pascal .
E Watts .

11. Fluorescent lamps use phosphors to produce visible light from UV light. This
is done by absorbing the UV light and then re-radiating it using a different
wavelength. This is a

A one way process .

B reversible process.
C process that produces continuous spectrum .
D process that produces a single wavelength only .
E process that is very inefficient .

12. The property of a transparent material that makes it useful as material for a
lens is

A refraction .
B diffraction .
C polarization .
D dispersion .
E absorption .

13. Which of the properties listed below determines the energy of a photon

A wavelength .
B intensity of the beam .
C speed of the photon.
D polarization .
E frequency .

14. The conservation of linear momentum in a collision does not apply if

A sound is generated during impact .

B the collision is inelastic .
C frictional forces are present .
D the objects do not collide head-on .
E The collision is partially elastic only .

15. A simple glass lens do not focus the image of an object correctly under white
light because

A the lens absorbs light .

B the glass has some colouration due to impurities .
C the surface of the lens reflect some light .
D a glass prism splits sunlight into different colours .
E glass absorbs UV light .

16. When measured with a digital multimeter, the potential difference of a dry
cell is 1.6V. When it was used in a 2 cell flashlight with a lamp current of
0.75A, the lamp was found to be working at 2.4V. This is due to internal
resistance. The internal resistance of a cell is

A 0.533Ω .
B 1.07Ω .
C 3.20Ω .
D 1.10Ω .
E 0.107Ω .

17. Heat is used to change a liquid to its gaseous state at the same temperature
as the liquid. This is because of the property of the liquid called

A heat capacity .
B latern heat .
C specific heat capacity .
D conductivity .
E boiling point .

18. The shadow cast by an object on a wall by the light from a point source of
light at a smaller distance from the object compared to one with the light
source placed further away from the object has a sharpness of edge that is

A reduced .
B the same .
C increased .
D the same at first and then reduces .
E the same at first and then increases .

19. Two weights of mass 10kg are hung at two ends of a rope that is passed
over a frictionless pulley fixed on the ceiling. The tension in the rope is

A 98N .
B 196N .
C 49N .
D 147N .
E 73.5N .

20. Two metal plates carrying charge Q is separated by a distance d. The

capacitance of the resultant charged capacitor is then decreased by moving
the plates. The energy stored in the capacitor

A stays the same .

B increases .
C decreases .
D stays the same if the plates are moved parallel to each other .
E decreases if the plates are moved parallel to each other .

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer not more than THREE (3) questions in this section. Each question carries 20 marks.

1. A kettle rated at 240V10A is placed on an electronic weighing scale and

turned on. When the liquid is boiling, the kettle is found to be losing weight
at the rate of 10g in 10s .


(a) Power rating of the kettle

[2 marks]

(b) The specific heat of vapourisation of the liquid

[8 marks]

(c) Site one source of error in the determination of the value of (b)
[5 marks]

(d) Suggest how this error may be reduced.

[5 marks]

2. A toy car of mass 0.50kg works with a wound spring that exerts a force as
shown in the table below. The car was initially at rest. The spring is wound at
the car set in motion on a horizontal surface.

Time (s) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Force (N) 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.00

(a) Plot a graph of force vs. time using the table above. Determine from
the graph the speed of the car 8 s after being released.

[8 marks]

(b) The car then crashes into a stationary car of mass 1.50kg. and is
stuck to the second car. Calculate the speed of the two cars after
collision. Show if the collision is elastic or not.
[12 marks]

3. (a) State what is an electric current.
[2 marks]

(b) A car battery can supply current of 1A for 45 hours. Its potential
difference is 12V. Calculate the energy stored in a fully charged
[6 marks]

(c) A heater rated at 2,000W operating at 250V is used on a supply of

230V. if the resistance of the heater is independent of temperature,
calculate the power absorbed by the heater.
[6 marks]

(d) You are given a number of 100 Ω resistors. Draw circuits that will form
a total resistance of (i) 50Ω; (ii) 150Ω (iii) 67Ω.
[6 marks]

4. A grinding wheel has a diameter of 0.12m and spins horizontally at 1,200

revolutions per minute about a vertical axis. A particle of mass 1x10-4kg
sticks to the wheel .

(a) Calculate the magnitude of the angular velocity, acceleration and force
acting on the particle
[5 marks]

(b) The radial force that keeps the particle on the wheel is 2.5N .
Calculate the angular velocity at which the particle will leave the wheel.

[5 marks]

(c) If the wheel exceeds the angular speed in (b), calculate the speed and
direction of motion of the particle just after it leaves the surface of the
[10 marks]

5. A mass is suspended on a spring. When the mass is displaced and then

freed, the amplitude of oscillation is found to be 6mm. The period of
oscillation is 3.2s .

(a) Caculate the maximum acceleration of the mass.

[6 marks]

(b) Sketch a graph with scales to show acceleration of the mass as a

function of displacement.
[8 marks]

(c) Suggest and explain one reason why the mass may not oscillate in
simple harmonic motion.
[6 marks]




Duration : 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This paper is made up of 50 Multiple-Choice questions and comprises ELEVEN

(11) printed pages.

2. Do not write on the question paper.

3. Answer all questions and indicate your answers on the answer sheet provided.
Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

4. Do not take any paper, including the question paper or unused answer sheets,
out of the examination hall.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Answer all questions in this section.

1. The mass of an isotope of uranium 238

92 U is 238.05 g mol–1. Its density is 19.1
g cm–3 at room temperature. Which of the following is closest to the number
of 238
92 U atoms in 1 cm of this isotope?
A 2.53x1021
B 3.29x1022
C 4.83x1022
D 6.02x1023
E 7.51x1024

2. An isotope of plutonium 94 Pu decays by alpha emission. Which of the
following is the decay product?
A 96 Cm
B 94 Pu
C 93 Np
D 92 U
E 90 Th

3. A compact disc of diameter 120 mm is spinning at a speed of 500 revolutions

per minute. Which of the following is closest to the linear speed of the outer
edge of the disc?
A 0.50 m s–1
B 1.0 m s–1
C 1.6 m s–1
D 3.1 m s–1
E 60 m s–1

4. A steel wire is stretched and clamped between two fixed points that are
spaced 1.0 m apart. Which of the following is closest to the fundamental
wavelength that can exist on this wire?

A 0.25 m
B 0.50 m
C 1.0 m
D 2.0 m
E 4.0 m

5. A thin converging lens of focal length 20 cm is used to shape light from a

lamp filament into a parallel beam. Which of the following is closest to the
required distance between the lamp filament and the lens?

A 5.0 cm
B 10 cm
C 20 cm
D 40 cm
E 80 cm

6. A metallic sphere of radius 1.0 cm is charged with 1.0x109 electrons in air.
Which of the following is closest to the electric potential difference between
the surface of this sphere and a point far away? [The electric potential of a
charged metallic sphere varies with distance r from the centre of the sphere
1 q
according to V = for r ≥ ro, where ro is the radius of the sphere.]
4 π ⋅ εo r
A 70 V
B –70 V
C 140 V
D –140 V
E 8.99x1020 V

7. Which of the following is closest to the wavelength of an electron of energy

1.0 eV?
A 1.2 nm
B 15 nm
C 50 nm
D 350 nm
E 1240 nm

8. Which of the following is most suitable to measure the temperature of red

hot molten steel?
A bimetallic strip thermometer
B thermocouple
C optical pyrometer
D mercury-in-glass thermometer
E silicon diode thermometer

9. Which of the following is closest to the mean distance between air molecules
at room temperature and pressure (298 K and 101325 Pa)? Assume air is
made of 79% N2 and 21% O2 by moles.
A 0.4 nm
B 4 nm
C 40 nm
D 400 nm
E 4 µm

10. The linear thermal expansion coefficient of invar is 1.3 x 10–6 K–1. Which of
the following is closest to the change in length of a 10-cm-long invar rod
subjected to a change in temperature of +100ºC?
A +0.13 µm
B +1.3 µm
C +13 µm
D +130 µm
E +1.3 mm

11. A typical capacitor in an MP3 player has C = 0.10 µF . If a voltage of 12.0 V is
placed on the capacitor, what is the charge on it?

A 1.2 µC
B 120 µC
C 1.2 C
D 120 C
E 1.2 × 108 C

12. A long, straight wire of length 1.4 m carries a current of i = 3.5 A . If a

magnetic field of magnitude B = 1.5 T is directed parallel to the wire, what is
the magnitude of the force on the wire?

A 7.4 N
B 6.7 N
C 5.2 N
D 3.7 N
E 0N

13. Two point charges are separated by a distance r. If the separation is

reduced by a factor of 3/2, by what factor does the electric potential
between them change?

A 3/2
B 2/3
C 9/4
D 4/9


14. The surface of the Sun has a temperature of about 6000 K. What is the
root-mean-square speed of a hydrogen atom in the Sun’s atmosphere?

A 6100 m/s
B 7900 m/s
C 9300 m/s
D 8600 m/s
E 12000 m/s

15. What is the critical for total internal reflection for light travelling between
diamond (n = 2.42) and water (n = 1.33)?

A 24.4o
B 33.3o
C 36.6o
D 48.8o
E 90.0o

A rectangular gold plate has an area of 0.40 m at 15 C . If it is heated until
−3 2
its area has increased by 2.5 × 10 m , what is the final temperature of the
−6 −1
plate? For gold, the coefficient of expansion is 14 × 10 K .
A 115o C
B 145o C
C 175o C
D 205o C
E 235o C

17. A pot of very cold water (0 C) is placed on a stove with the burner adjusted
for maximum heat. It is found that the water just begins to boil after 3.0
min. How much longer will it take the water to completely boil away?
A 1.6 min
B 3.6 min
C 16 min
D 18 min
E 19 min

18. A proton with v = 200 m s is moving through a region in which the magnetic
field is B = 2.5 T . If the magnitude of the force on the proton is 6.4 × 10 N ,

what angle does the proton’s velocity make with B ?
A 23o
B 35o
C 46o
D 53o
E 80o

19. The work function for a metal is 5.0 eV. What is the maximum photon
wavelength that can just eject an electron from the metal?

A 750 nm
B 500 nm
C 250 nm
D 125 nm
E 100 nm

20. The number of atoms in your body is closest to

A 1×1036
B 2 ×1032
C 3 × 1032
D 4 ×10 28
E 5 ×1024

T = 2π
21. The period of a physical pendulum can be calculated by mgd . The
quantity d has the unit of m . What is the unit of I ?
A kg −2 ⋅ m 2

B kg ⋅ s 2
C m 2 ⋅ s −2
D m −2 ⋅ s 2
E kg ⋅ m 2

Pu → X + α
22. Balancing the nuclear equation 94
X= 90 Th
X= 90 Th
X= 92 U
X= 92 U
X= 94 Pu

23. A particle is moving along a straight line. The position of the particle as a
function of time is x (t ) = 6 + 8t + 10t . What is the average speed of the particle
between t = 1 and t = 2 ?
A 8
B 18
C 28
D 38
E 48

24. A soccer ball with mass 0.45 kg is initially moving with speed 2.00 m/s. A
soccer player kicks the ball, exerting a constant force of magnitude 30.0 N in
the same direction as the ball’s motion. Over what distance must the
player’s foot be in contact with the ball to increase the ball’s speed to 4.00
A 0.06 m
B 0.09 m
C 0.12 m
D 0.15 m
E None of the above

25. A laboratory centrifuge makes 2000 rpm (rev/min) and produces an

acceleration of 6.00g at its outer end. What is the acceleration at a point
halfway out to the end?
A 1.50g
B 3.00g
C 6.00g
D 12.00g
E 24.00g

26. A student tries to raise a chain consisting of three identical links. Each link
has a mass of 200 g. The three-piece chain is connected to a light string and
then suspended vertically, with the student holding the upper end of the
string and pulling upward. Because of the student’s pull, an upward force of
15.0 N is applied to the chain by the string. Find the force exerted by the top
link on the middle link.
A 3.0 N
B 6.0 N
C 8.0 N
D 10.0 N
E None of the above

27. What is the percent difference between your apparent weight in Singapore,
near the sea level, and at the top of Mount K2, which is 8611 m above sea
A 0%
B 0.07%
C 0.13%
D 0.27%
E None of the above

28. A student originally charges a fixed capacitor to have a potential energy of 1

J. If the student wishes to give the capacitor a potential energy of 4 J, then
the student should

A quadruple the potential difference across the capacitor but leave the
charge unchanged.
B double the potential difference across the capacitor but leave the
charge unchanged.
C double both the potential difference across the capacitor and the
D leave the potential difference across the capacitor unchanged while
doubling the charge.
E leave the potential difference across the capacitor unchanged while
quadrupling the charge.

−8 o
29. The resistivity of gold is 2.44 × 10 Ω ⋅ m at a temperature of 20.0 C . A gold
wire, 1.00 mm in diameter and 37.0 cm long, carries a current of 810 mA.
The power dissipated in the wire is closest to
A 1.9 mW
B 3.3 mW
C 4.7 mW
D 6.1 mW
E 7.5 mW

30. What is the root-mean-square current value for an alternating current with
an amplitude of 10 A?
A 3.1 A
B 7.1 A
C 10 A
D 24 A
E 28 A

31. A standing wave is set up in a 200 cm string fixed at both ends? The string
vibrates in 5 distinct segments when driven by a 120 Hz source. What is the
wave speed?

A 96 m/s
B 120 m/s
C 160 m/s
D 240 m/s
E 480 m/s

32. A 18 mm wide diffraction grating has rulings of 740 lines per mm. Light is
incident normally on the grating. Monochromatic light of 555 nm wavelength
is used. The largest angle from the normal at which an intensity maximum
is formed is closest to
A 47o
B 49o
C 51o
D 53o
E 55o

33. A laser pulse of duration 25 ms has a total energy of 2.0 J. If the

wavelength of this radiation is 481 nm, how many photons are emitted in
one pulse?

A 4.8 × 1018
B 5.8 × 1019
C 1.2 × 10 20
D 1.9 × 1017
E 3.8 × 1017

34. An electron’s de Broglie wavelength is 5.0 µm . What is its speed?

A 1.5 × 10 2 m/s
B 8.0 × 10 2 m/s
C 1.2 × 105 m/s
D 4.0 × 106 m/s
E 4.0 × 107 m/s

238 206
35. The decay chain that leads from 92
to 82
consists a series of alpha
decays and beta decays. How many beta particles are emitted?

A 4
B 5
C 6
D 7
E 8

−3 −1
36. The decay constant of a radioactive nuclide is 2.1 × 10 s . The half-life of the
nuclide, in minutes, is closest to

A 3.1
B 4.3
C 5.5
D 6.7
E 8.0

37. In general, if a vector A is to be subtracted from a vector B the magnitude of

the resultant when A ≥ B
A must equal A + B.
B must equal A – B.
C may be between A and A + B.
D may be between B – A and B + A.
E may be between A – B and A + B.

38. A train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly, until it has traveled 6.10
km and acquired a velocity of 23.0 m/s. The train then moves at a constant
velocity of 23.0 m/s for 450 s. The train then slows down uniformly at
0.0650 m/s2, until it is brought to a halt. The acceleration during the first
6.10 km of travel, is closest to
A 0.043 m s 2

B 0.049 m s 2

C 0.054 m s 2

D 0.060 m s 2

E 0.065 m s 2

39. An object is moving in a circle at constant speed v. The magnitude of the

rate of change of momentum of the object
A is proportional to v .
B is proportional to v .
C is proportional to v.
D is a nonzero constant independent of v.
E is zero.

40. An object undergoing simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 2.3 m. If

the maximum velocity of the object is 14 m/s, what is the object’s angular

A 4.9 rad s

B 5.5 rad s

C 5.8 rad s

D 6.1 rad s

E 6.7 rad s

41. A car accelerates uniformly from 10 to 20 ms-1 in a distance of 150m; How
long after that will it reach 40 ms-1 ?

A 40s .
B 20s .
C 45s .
D 15s .
E 30s .

42. A parachuter of mass 75 kg falls towards the earth at a speed of 25 ms-1.

What is the resultant force acting on the person?

A 750N .
B 450N .
C 1,350N .
D No net force .
E 1,500N .

43. Light travels at different speed through different materials. If it travels at

speed c1 in a medium of refractive index 1.2, what is its speed in a medium
of refractive index 1.6?

A 1.3c1 .
B 0.67c1 .
C 2c1 .
D 1.7c1 .
E 0.55c1 .

44. Speed of sound in air is 340ms-1. A shot is fired and the echo is heard 2 s
after the shot was fired. How far is the reflecting surface?

A 340m .
B 680m .
C 170m .
D 85m .
E 34m .

45. The oscillation of a pendulum is simple harmonic when the amplitude is small
compared to its length. This is because:

A a long pendulum loses less energy .

B the restoring force is proportional to displacement at small angles .
C friction of the pivot is smaller when the pendulum is long .
D a long pendulum is more massive.
E it has a higher length to mass ratio.

46. A coil of wire stores energy in the form of

A charge .
B potential difference .
C magnetic field .
D A and B .
E A and C .

47. The angular frequency of a wave is 2,000π and its phase velocity is 320ms-1.
Its period is

A 10-3s .
B 5x10-4s .
C 10 ms .
D 100µs .
E 0.05s .

48. A motor has both resistance and inductance. A motor rated at 1 hp input
operating at 240V draws 4 A of current because

A power is lost due to resistance .

B magnetic saturation robs power .
C inductance does not consume power .
D friction in the bearings of the motor.
E A and B .

49. A sinusoidal alternating current is fullwave rectified. The rectified current

will produce in the same load

A the same power .

B 0.71 times the power .
C 1.41 times the power .
D half the power .
E twice the power .

50. Capacitance is measured in

A Farads .
B Henrys .
C Ohms.
D Pascal .
E Watts .




Duration : 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This paper is made up of 50 Multiple-Choice questions and comprises ELEVEN

(11) printed pages.

2. Do not write on the question paper.

3. Answer all questions and indicate your answers on the answer sheet provided.
Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

4. Do not take any paper, including the question paper or unused answer sheets,
out of the examination hall.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Answer all questions in this section.

1. A car accelerates uniformly from 10 to 20 ms-1 in a distance of 150m; How

long after that will it reach 40 ms-1 ?

A 40s .
B 20s .
C 45s .
D 15s .
E 30s .

2. A parachuter of mass 75 kg falls towards the earth at a speed of 25 ms-1.

What is the resultant force acting on the person?

A 750N .
B 450N .
C 1,350N .
D No net force .
E 1,500N .

3. Light travels at different speed through different materials. If it travels at

speed c1 in a medium of refractive index 1.2, what is its speed in a medium
of refractive index 1.6?

A 1.3c1 .
B 0.67c1 .
C 2c1 .
D 1.7c1 .
E 0.55c1 .

4. Speed of sound in air is 340ms-1. A shot is fired and the echo is heard 2 s
after the shot was fired. How far is the reflecting surface?

A 340m .
B 680m .
C 170m .
D 85m .
E 34m .

5. The oscillation of a pendulum is simple harmonic when the amplitude is small

compared to its length. This is because:

A a long pendulum loses less energy .

B the restoring force is proportional to displacement at small angles .
C friction of the pivot is smaller when the pendulum is long .
D a long pendulum is more massive.
E it has a higher length to mass ratio.

6. A coil of wire stores energy in the form of

A charge .
B potential difference .
C magnetic field .
D A and B .
E A and C .

7. The angular frequency of a wave is 2,000π and its phase velocity is 320ms-1.
Its period is

A 10-3s .
B 5x10-4s .
C 10 ms .
D 100µs .
E 0.05s .

8. A motor has both resistance and inductance. A motor rated at 1 hp input

operating at 240V draws 4 A of current because

A power is lost due to resistance .

B magnetic saturation robs power .
C inductance does not consume power .
D friction in the bearings of the motor.
E A and B .

9. A sinusoidal alternating current is fullwave rectified. The rectified current

will produce in the same load

A the same power .

B 0.71 times the power .
C 1.41 times the power .
D half the power .
E twice the power .

10. Capacitance is measured in

A Farads .
B Henrys .
C Ohms.
D Pascal .
E Watts .

11. Fluorescent lamps use phosphors to produce visible light from UV light. This
is done by absorbing the UV light and then re-radiating it using a different
wavelength. This is a

A one way process .

B reversible process.
C process that produces continuous spectrum .
D process that produces a single wavelength only .
E process that is very inefficient .

12. The property of a transparent material that makes it useful as material for a
lens is

A refraction .
B diffraction .
C polarization .
D dispersion .
E absorption .

13. Which of the properties listed below determines the energy of a photon

A wavelength .
B intensity of the beam .
C speed of the photon.
D polarization .
E frequency .

14. The conservation of linear momentum in a collision does not apply if

A sound is generated during impact .

B the collision is inelastic .
C frictional forces are present .
D the objects do not collide head-on .
E The collision is partially elastic only .

15. A simple glass lens do not focus the image of an object correctly under white
light because

A the lens absorbs light .

B the glass has some colouration due to impurities .
C the surface of the lens reflect some light .
D a glass prism splits sunlight into different colours .
E glass absorbs UV light .

16. When measured with a digital multimeter, the potential difference of a dry
cell is 1.6V. When it was used in a 2 cell flashlight with a lamp current of
0.75A, the lamp was found to be working at 2.4V. This is due to internal
resistance. The internal resistance of a cell is

A 0.533Ω .
B 1.07Ω .
C 3.20Ω .
D 1.10Ω .
E 0.107Ω .

17. Heat is used to change a liquid to its gaseous state at the same temperature
as the liquid. This is because of the property of the liquid called

A heat capacity .
B latern heat .
C specific heat capacity .
D conductivity .
E boiling point .

18. The shadow cast by an object on a wall by the light from a point source of
light at a smaller distance from the object compared to one with the light
source placed further away from the object has a sharpness of edge that is

A reduced .
B the same .
C increased .
D the same at first and then reduces .
E the same at first and then increases .

19. Two weights of mass 10kg are hung at two ends of a rope that is passed
over a frictionless pulley fixed on the ceiling. The tension in the rope is

A 98N .
B 196N .
C 49N .
D 147N .
E 73.5N .

20. Two metal plates carrying charge Q is separated by a distance d. The

capacitance of the resultant charged capacitor is then decreased by moving
the plates. The energy stored in the capacitor

A stays the same .

B increases .
C decreases .
D stays the same if the plates are moved parallel to each other .
E decreases if the plates are moved parallel to each other .

21. The velocity of a car which is decelerating uniformly changes from 30ms-1 to
15ms-1 in 75m. After what further distance will it come to rest?
A 25m
B 37.5m
C 50m
D 75m
E 100m

22. Which one of the following pairs of forces is not valid example of action and
reaction to which Newton’s third Law of Motion applies?
A the centripetal force holding a satellite in orbit round the Earth and
the weight of the satellite
B the forces of repulsion experienced by each other of two parallel wires
carrying currents in opposite direction
C the forces of attraction felt by each of two gas molecules passing near
to each other
D the forces of attraction between an electron and a proton in a
hydrogen atom
E the forces of repulsion between an atom in the surface of a table and
an atom in the surface of a book resting on the table.

23. A helicopter of mass 3.0x103kg rises vertically with a constant speed of

25ms-1. Taking the acceleration of free fall as 10ms-1, what resultant force
acts on the helicopter?
A Zero
B 3.0x104N downwards
C 4.5x104N upwards
D 7.5x104N upwards
E 10.5x104 upwards

24. Which one of the following is not measured in units of energy?

A couple x angle turned through
B moment of inertia x (angular velocity)2
C force x distance
D impulse x time
E mass x acceleration x distance

25. A car of mass m moving at a constant speed ν passes over a humpback

bridge of radius of curvature r. Given that the car remains in contact with
the road, what is the net force R exerted by the car on the road when it is at
the top of the bridge?
A R = mg + mv 2 / r
B R = mν 2 / r
C R = mg − mν 2 / r
D R = mg
E R = mν 2 / r − mg

26. Monochromatic light of wavelength λ1 traveling in a medium of n1 enters a
denser medium of refractive index n2. The wavelength in the second medium
A λ 1 ( n1 / n 2 )
B λ (n / n )
1 2 1

C λ 1

D λ (n − n ) / n
1 2 1 1

E λ (n − n ) / n
1 2 1 2

27. A sound wave of frequency 400Hz is traveling in air at a speed of 320ms-1.

What is the difference in phase between two points on the wave 0.2m apart
in the direction of travel?
A π / 4 rad
B π / 2 rad
C 2π / 5 rad
D 4π / 5 rad
E 8π / 5 rad

28. An opaque object 10cm wide casts a shadow when placed in a beam of light
but has little effect on a beam of sound emitted by a small source of
frequency 500 Hz. This is because
A sound is a pressure wave whereas light is an electromagnetic wave
B sound travels much more slowly than light
C sound waves are longitudinal whereas light waves are transverse.
D sound waves have a much longer wavelength than light waves
E the power per unit area in a beam of sound is much lower than that in
a beam of light

29. A solid X is in thermal equilibrium with a solid Y, which is at the same

temperature as a third solid Z. The three bodies are of different materials
and masses. Which one of the following statements is certainly correct?
A X and Y have the same heat capacity
B Y and Z have the same internal energy
C There is no net transfer of energy if X is placed in thermal contact with
D It is not necessary that Y should be in thermal equilibrium with Z
E It is not necessary that X should be at the same temperature as Y

30. A fixed mass of gas at constant pressure occupies a volume V. The gas
undergoes a rise in temperature so that the root mean square velocity of its
molecules is doubled. The new volume will be

A V /2
B V/ 2
C V 2
D 2V
E 4V

31. The densities of water and steam are 1.0x103kgm-3 and 6.1x10-1kgm-3
respectively. What is the ratio
average separation of steam molecules/average separation of water molecules?

A 12
B 40
C 250
D 1600
E 61000

32. When electricity conduction is compared with heat conduction, the electrical
analogue of rate of flow of heat is

A drift velocity of the charge carriers

B power dissipated
C electrical conductivity
D electric current
E potential gradient

33. The resistance of a semiconductor decreases rapidly with increasing

temperature. The main factor contributing to this effect is the rapid increase,
with increasing temperature of

A the speed of the random motion of the free charge carriers

B the concentration of the free charge carriers
C the drift velocity of the free charge carriers
D the frequency of vibration of the atoms of the semiconductor
E the amplitude of vibration of the atoms of the semiconductor

34. An alternating potential difference is connected across a pure resistor and

the frequency of the supply is varied keeping the r.m.s voltage constant. The
mean rate of production of heat in the resistor is

A proportional to (frequency)2
B proportional to frequency
C proportional to (frequency)1/2
D inversely proportional to frequency
E independent of frequency

35. Double-ionized oxygen atoms (O2-) and singly-ionized lithium atoms (Li+) are
traveling with the same speed, perpendicular to a magnetic field which
causes them to move in circular orbits. The relative atomic masses of oxygen
and lithium are 16 and 7 respectively. What is the ratio radius of O2-
orbit/radius of Li+ orbit?

A 16/7
B 8/7
C 7/8
D 7/16
E 7/32

36. Photon is the name given to
A an electron emitted from a metal surface by the action of light
B a unit of energy
C a positive charged atomic particle
D an electron emitted from a metal surface by the action of heat
E a quantum of electro-magnetic radiation

37. Which one of the following statements referring to photoelectric emission is

always true?
A No emission of electrons occurs for very low intensity illumination
B For a given metal there is a minimum frequency of radiation below
which no emission occurs.
C The velocity of the emitted electrons is proportional to the intensity of
the incident radiation.
D The number of electrons emitted per second is independent of the
intensity of the incident radiation.
E The number of electrons emitted per second is proportional to the
frequency of the incident radiation.

38. The intensity of a beam of monochromatic light is doubled. Which one of the
following represents the corresponding change, if any, in the momentum of
each photon of the radiation?
A increased fourfold
B doubled
C the same
D halved
E reduced fourfold

39. Transition between three energy levels in a particular atom gives rise to
three spectral lines of wavelengths, in increasing magnitudes, λ1, λ2 and λ3.
Which one of the following equations correctly relates λ1, λ2 and λ3?
A λ1 = λ 2 − λ 3
B λ1 = λ 3 − λ 2
1 1 1
C = +
λ 1 λ 2 λ 3

1 1 1
D = −
λ 1 λ 3 λ 2

1 1 1
E = −
λ 1 λ 2 λ 3

40. When 92 U is bombarded with slow neutrons, it is transformed, absorbing a
single neutron and subsequently emitting two β − particles. The resulting
nuclide is
A 93 Np
B 91 Pa
C 94 Pu
D 90 Th
E 88 Ra

41. The mass of an isotope of uranium 238
92 U is 238.05 g mol–1. Its density is 19.1
g cm–3 at room temperature. Which of the following is closest to the number
of 238
92 U atoms in 1 cm of this isotope?
A 2.53x1021
B 3.29x1022
C 4.83x1022
D 6.02x1023
E 7.51x1024

42. An isotope of plutonium 94 Pu decays by alpha emission. Which of the
following is the decay product?
A 96 Cm
B 94 Pu
C 93 Np
D 92 U
E 90 Th

43. A compact disc of diameter 120 mm is spinning at a speed of 500 revolutions

per minute. Which of the following is closest to the linear speed of the outer
edge of the disc?
A 0.50 m s–1
B 1.0 m s–1
C 1.6 m s–1
D 3.1 m s–1
E 60 m s–1

44. A steel wire is stretched and clamped between two fixed points that are
spaced 1.0 m apart. Which of the following is closest to the fundamental
wavelength that can exist on this wire?

A 0.25 m
B 0.50 m
C 1.0 m
D 2.0 m
E 4.0 m

45. A thin converging lens of focal length 20 cm is used to shape light from a
lamp filament into a parallel beam. Which of the following is closest to the
required distance between the lamp filament and the lens?

A 5.0 cm
B 10 cm
C 20 cm
D 40 cm
E 80 cm

46. A metallic sphere of radius 1.0 cm is charged with 1.0x109 electrons in air.
Which of the following is closest to the electric potential difference between
the surface of this sphere and a point far away? [The electric potential of a
charged metallic sphere varies with distance r from the centre of the sphere
1 q
according to V = for r ≥ ro, where ro is the radius of the sphere.]
4 π ⋅ εo r
A 70 V
B –70 V
C 140 V
D –140 V
E 8.99x1020 V

47. Which of the following is closest to the wavelength of an electron of energy

1.0 eV?
A 1.2 nm
B 15 nm
C 50 nm
D 350 nm
E 1240 nm

48. Which of the following is most suitable to measure the temperature of red
hot molten steel?
A bimetallic strip thermometer
B thermocouple
C optical pyrometer
D mercury-in-glass thermometer
E silicon diode thermometer

49. Which of the following is closest to the mean distance between air molecules
at room temperature and pressure (298 K and 101325 Pa)? Assume air is
made of 79% N2 and 21% O2 by moles.
A 0.4 nm
B 4 nm
C 40 nm
D 400 nm
E 4 µm

50. The linear thermal expansion coefficient of invar is 1.3 x 10–6 K–1. Which of
the following is closest to the change in length of a 10-cm-long invar rod
subjected to a change in temperature of +100ºC?
A +0.13 µm
B +1.3 µm
C +13 µm
D +130 µm
E +1.3 mm





Time Allowed: 2 hours

Date: _______________________________ Exam Centre: ____________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Passport /ID/Application Number: ______________________ Seat No.: __________


1. This question and answer booklet contains TWENTY (20) questions.

2. Answer ALL questions.

3. You are required to show your working clearly in the space provided after each

4. Indicate your final answer to each question by circling one of the choices provided
(a, b, c or d).

5. All questions carry equal marks.

6. This is a CLOSED-BOOKED examination.

7. All your solutions should be written in this booklet within the space provided after
each question.

For examiners:

Questions Total


MATHEMATICS ( ‘A’ level equivalent)

Duration : 2 hours

Please read the follow instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) sections – A and B, and comprises THIRTEEN
(13) printed pages.

2. Attempt all sections.

3. Answer all questions in section A. Indicate your answers on the answer paper
provided. Each question carries 2 marks. Marks will not be deducted for wrong

4. Answer FOUR (4) questions from section B with not more than THREE (3) from
any one option. Write your answers on the answer paper provided. Begin each
question with a fresh sheet of paper. Write the question number clearly. Each
question carries 15 marks.

5. A non-programmable scientific calculator may be used. However, candidates

should lay out systematically the various steps in the calculation.

6. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer
script. Complete the information required on the cover page and tie the papers
together with the string provided.

7. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper,
out of the examination hall.

Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm

Duration: 3 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) parts – A and B, and comprises FIVE (5) printed pages.

2. Do both parts.

3. Read the instructions at the beginning of each part.

4. Write your answers on the answer paper provided.

5. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer script.
Complete the information required on the cover paper. The cover paper for this
examination is YELLOW.

6. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper, out of
the examination hall.
Part A (50 marks)

Write a 350 word essay on one of the following topics to an educated reader with no
specialist knowledge. You should spend about 90 minutes on this task. You should use your
own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and
relevant evidence.

1. Man is a curious animal. Since time immemorial, he has not ceased to discover and to
invent. Some discoveries and inventions have made unforgettable marks in the lives of
human beings, but some have not. Think of such a discovery or invention that was
made over the last 50 years; explain how this discovery or invention has added
advantages and disadvantages to the lives of human beings so far.

2. Modern women in many developed and developing countries have had the
opportunities to receive an education. With this education, numerous women are
holding jobs outside their homes and are contributing significantly to their societies. To
help these women work effectively without being bogged down by child rearing, do you
agree that the government should build child-care centres and subsidise child-care
expenses? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

3. It is common knowledge that players of certain sports like soccer, tennis, basketball
and golf attract a large following of supporters. These supporters, from all walks of life,
are willing to pay a hefty sum and make an effort to go watch their favourite
sportsperson or team play in matches. Why do you think they do this? Support your
answer with specific reasons and examples.

4. There is a Chinese saying that goes like this: “Learning comes not from reading
thousands of books but from walking thousands of miles.” Compare and contrast
learning that is gained from experience and learning that is gained from books. In your
opinion, which source is more important? Explain why using concrete evidence?

Part B (50 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that followed. You should use about 90
minutes to do this task.

You Lose A Wrinkle Whenever You Learn

1 At 72, Ms Irene Ison cuts a deceptively diminutive, slightly bent figure. However,
2 up close, her mind is sprightly, her wit caustic and her sense of humour wicked.
3 Instead of enjoying her old age, the British grandmother has just finished a master’s
4 course in photography and is hoping to do a doctorate after that. She wants to do a
5 thesis on creativity and eccentricity in old age.

6 So far, most of the universities she has approached have rebuffed her as a doctoral
7 candidate because she will be pushing 80 when - and if – she finishes it. But the
8 tough-talking woman is not easily discouraged; she is bent on pursuing the PhD
9 programme.

10 “This will not stop me, they can't stop me,” she declares. “My son says when I die
11 he will have to turn my gravestone sideways to get all my degrees in.”

12 Last week, she was invited here to take part in a lifelong learning forum at the
13 Singapore Learning Festival, which was organised by the Ministry of Manpower
14 and Reed Exhibitions. It was her first time in Asia; her first long-haul flight and her
15 first overseas speaking engagement. Her ankles were swollen but her spirits were
16 high.

17 During the question-and-answer session, when asked what drives her insatiable
18 quest to master new areas, she quips: “Learning is the fertiliser which makes your
19 cells grow. It makes you younger. Forget all those beauty shops and creams. Every
20 time you learn something, you lose a wrinkle.”

21 Laughter erupts at her parting shot: “By the time I finish learning, I'm going to be
22 younger than you lot.”

23 The hardest part in her learning experience, she says, was making that first journey
24 to the community college for her 0-levels at age 42. It was plagued by self-doubt
25 and fear. After that, it became easier and she educated herself “one bite at a time”.
26 After finishing her 0-levels, she returned to full-time work to put her youngest
27 daughter through university before embarking on her A-levels at 52. She saved up
28 for several years before she enrolled at Warwick University to read literary and
29 cultural studies at 62.

30 At the close of the first semester, struggling with the bias and workload, she wanted
31 to quit, but she changed her mind when she was nominated for and won the
32 outstanding Adult Learners Award for Britain's Central Area in 1992.

33 While at Warwick, a play she wrote about acid-tongue American writer, Dorothy
34 Parker, picked up a £1,000 award, was produced in London and went on tour
35 around Britain.

36 In 1995, armed with a second upper-honours degree, she gave her mind a break.
37 However, after her son bought her a Minolta camera to tinker with, she decided to
38 pursue her lifelong love affair with photography formally at Tile Hill College in
39 Coventry. “My time at Warwick was very positive and supportive; so I was totally
40 unprepared for the treatment I received there,” she recalls.

41 From day one, she suffered verbal abuse from her delinquent 16-year-old
42 classmates. Because of her habit of taking her arthritic feet out of her shoes during
43 lectures, they called her “smelly old cow” and stomped on her pictures.

44 “There was little point in telling the tutor. He encouraged it and barred me from his
45 lectures. A student was stationed at the door to keep me out,” she relates.

46 So she went home in a huff and complained to the administering body, which kindly
47 sent her the teaching material for her courses and an external invigilator for her
48 examinations. Two years later, she scored five distinctions, adding with a curl of her
49 lip that “the rest of the class got two distinctions between them”. She progressed on
50 to diplomas in illustration, community teaching and video, and recently finished her
51 master's degree in photography at De-Montford University in Leicester.

52 Although she has exceeded her own academic expectations, she says the road to
53 adult learning is still full of obstacles in a greying Britain. Student grants are
54 reserved for the young and getting a study loan is nearly impossible beyond one's
55 mid-50s because “they think you're going to die before you pay it back”. But all
56 these road obstructions, she says, only prodded her to press on.

57 “Education is the saviour of old age. As long as you keep learning, you keep living.
58 You realise there are things you didn't know. You're thinking of tomorrow, not
59 yesterday.”

60 She lives alone in her Coventry cottage with a 17-year old cat, Harry. She reads
61 voraciously, answers fan mail from other mature students, and lectures at the
62 community library.

63 At 72, she says she is much too old for tears or regrets.

64 “I have room only for laughter and learning in my life. So long as my children
65 remember to put a book in my coffin, I shall be all right,” she says, then hastily
66 adds: “And, of course, a brochure of any likely courses there are in the hereafter.”

Adapted from an article of the same title by Susan Long,

The Straits Times, 15th Nov 2002.

Reading Comprehension Questions

Answer all of the following questions. Use your own words as much as you can for mere
copying from the text will be penalised. Do not copy the question on your answer paper.
Write the number of the question clearly on the left margin. Begin each answer on a
fresh line. Marks for each question are indicated in brackets.

1. Explain why the writer uses “deceptively” in line 1 to describe Ms Ison’s

appearance? (3 marks)

2. Why did Ms Ison’s son say that he has to turn his mother’s “gravestone sideways to get
all the degrees in” when his mother dies (lines 10 and 11)? (3 marks)

3. What makes the writer use the phrase, “spirits were high”, to describe Ms Ison? (3

4. Why does Ms Ison encourage people to forget all the beauty shops and creams (line
19)? (3 marks)

5. What do you think are the factors that helped Ms Ison win the outstanding Adult
Learners Award for Britain’s Central Area in 1992 (lines 31 and 32)? (3 marks)

6. What went on tour around Britain, and why did it go on tour (lines 34 and 35)? (4

7. What does each of the following words refer to (4 marks)

a. master’s (line 3)
b. master (line 18)
c. it (line 44)
d. they (line 55)

8. Explain the meaning of each of the following words or phrases as it is used in the
passage. (7 marks)

a. eccentricity in old age (line 5)

b. rebuffed (line 6)
c. parting shot (line 21)
d. verbal abuse (line 41)
e. a greying Britain (line 53)
f. reads voraciously (lines 60 and 61)
g. hereafter (line 66)

9. Describe the difficulties that Ms Irene Ison faced in her pursuit of education, and
how she overcame them? Using only material from the passage, explain your answer
in 120 words. The answer should be in an organised and continuous form. (20 marks)



Duration : 2 ½ hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) sections – A and B, and comprises FIVE (5)
printed pages.

2. Attempt all sections.

3. Section A comprises 60 Multiple Choice questions and you are given 50 minutes
to complete this section. Please use a 2B pencil to shade your answers on the
optical mark sheet provided.

4. Section B comprises 2 comprehension passages and an item of essay. You are

given 100 minutes to complete this section. Please use a ball-point pen to write
your essay on the ruled answer sheets given to you.

5. Do not take any paper, including the question paper, out of the examination hall.
SECTION A – Multiple Choice Questions (Time given : 50 minutes)

This Section comprises 60 Multiple Choice questions that will test you on your ability to
understand and use English in the following areas:
A. Grammar
B. Vocabulary
C. Grammar Cloze
D. Text Coherence
E. Reading Comprehension

(The following are examples of Grammar and Vocabulary questions. The correct
answer to each of the questions is underlined.)

1 Choose the MOST APPROPRIATE RESPONSE to the following questions:

1.1 They need to achieve ____________ weight reduction of at least 40 per cent
compared to steel materials in order to be effective.
A. a
B. an
C. the

1.2 Pain is an unpleasant experience that compels changes in physical activity and this
____________ to _____________ in everyday behavior of the affected person,
reported a research team at the Department of Physiology.
A. may led // changes
B. may lead // changes
C. may led // change
D. may lead // change

1.3 The equipment has deteriorated after years of poor ____.

A. conservation
B. maintenance
C. restoration
D. refurbishment

2. Choose the option that is NOT AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE to the following


2.1 There have been intense protests against the development of ____ in this region.

A. nuclear reactor
B. nuclear reactors
C. a nuclear reactor
D. the nuclear reactor

2.2 He did not give any ____ to my questions despite many written reminders.
A. response
B. answer
C. reply
D. reaction

(The following is an example of a Text Coherence question)

Read the following sentences and choose the order of sentences that is most
appropriate to make a coherent paragraph.

I. These figures play a significant role in framing current international policy

debates about the future direction of global agriculture.
II. In the last couple of years, scientists, politicians and agricultural industry
representatives have been arguing that there is a need to increase
global food production by 50% by the year 2030, and for food
production to double by 2050 to meet future demand.
III. In particular, the statistics have dominated the policy and media
discussions about food and farming and are often used to justify the
need for more intensive agricultural practices including the need for
further expansion of GM crops.


SECTION B – Comprehension & Essay (Time given : 100 minutes)

This Section focuses on writing, and it tests your ability to understand two passages and
then use the relevant ideas gathered from the passages to support your opinions/views
in an essay.

(The following is an example of the reading passages and essay prompt.)

Passage 1

Adapted from Research on the Effects of Media Violence

Media Awareness Network. Retrieved on October 7, 1010 from

Whether or not exposure to media violence causes increased levels of aggression and
violence in young people is the perennial question of media effects research. Some
experts, like University of Michigan Professor L. Rowell Huesmann, argue that fifty years
of evidence show "that exposure to media violence causes children to behave more
aggressively and affects them as adults years later." Others, like Jonathan Freedman of
the University of Toronto, maintain that "the scientific evidence simply does not show
that watching violence either produces violence in people, or desensitizes them to it."

Andrea Martinez at the University of Ottawa conducted a comprehensive review of the

scientific literature for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC) in 1994. She concluded that the lack of consensus about media
effects reflects three "grey areas" or constraints contained in the research itself.

First, media violence is notoriously hard to define and measure. Some experts who track
violence in television programming, such as George Gerbner of Temple University, define
violence as the act (or threat) of injuring or killing someone, independent of the method
used or the surrounding context. Accordingly, Gerber includes cartoon violence in his

data-set. But others, such as University of Laval professors Guy Paquette and Jacques de
Guise, specifically exclude cartoon violence from their research because of its comical
and unrealistic presentation.

Second, researchers disagree over the type of relationship the data supports. Some
argue that exposure to media violence causes aggression. Others say that the two are
associated, but that there is no causal connection. (That both, for instance, may be
caused by some third factor.) And others say the data supports the conclusion that there
is no relationship between the two at all.

Third, even those who agree that there is a connection between media violence and
aggression disagree about how the one affects the other. Some say that the mechanism
is a psychological one, rooted in the ways we learn. For example, Huesmann argues that
children develop "cognitive scripts" that guide their own behaviour by imitating the
actions of media heroes. As they watch violent shows, children learn to internalise scripts
that use violence as an appropriate method of problem-solving.

Other researchers argue that it is the physiological effects of media violence that cause
aggressive behaviour. Exposure to violent imagery is linked to increased heart rate,
faster respiration and higher blood pressure. Some think that this simulated "fight-or-
flight" response predisposes people to act aggressively in the real world.

Still others focus on the ways in which media violence primes or cues pre-existing
aggressive thoughts and feelings. They argue that an individual’s desire to strike out is
justified by media images in which both the hero and the villain use violence to seek
revenge, often without consequences.

In her final report to the CRTC, Martinez concluded that most studies support "a positive,
though weak, relation between exposure to television violence and aggressive
behaviour." Although that relationship cannot be "confirmed systematically," she agrees
with Dutch researcher Tom Van der Voot who argues that it would be illogical to
conclude that "a phenomenon does not exist simply because it is found at times not to
occur, or only to occur under certain circumstances."

Passage 2

Adapted from The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children

Tompkins, A. 2003 All Psych Journal. December 14
Retrieved on 17 September,2010 from

Violent situations are all too common in everyday entertainment and there are far less
programming choices that are non-violent than there are violent. The National Coalition
on Television Violence reported that there has been a consistent increase in the number
of violent themed video games. These games increased from fifty-three percent in 1985
to eighty-two percent in 1988 (Cesarone, 1994). A study conducted in 1989, on video
game usage and content found that most of the arcade games contained “antisocial
values of a violent nature” (Ivory, 2001).

Even if programming choices did exist, the research has proven that parents actually
have no clue as to what their children watch on television. Researchers say that parents
need to be attentive to the content these programmes have and question whether they
are appropriate for the age of their child. Parents should also monitor the amount of
time their children spend playing video games. Generally children in America have a lot
of time to spend on playing video games and on watching television. A multicultural
study found that among six different nations young Americans had the least amount of
work responsibility assigned to them. Also, instead of going outside to participate in

activities, they are encouraged to stay inside and watch television or play video games
alone. This excessive exposure to violent media has had negative effects.

The agreement amongst researchers on television violence is that there is a significant

increase from 3% to 15% in individuals' aggressive behavior after watching violent
television (Cesarone, 1994). In addition, a 1995 study revealed that both impulsive and
reflective young adults showed increased amounts of violent aggression towards play
objects after playing violent and non-violent video games. However, in a contradictory
study it was found that there was no difference between children who were exposed to
violent media and those who were exposed to non-violent media.

One point researchers do agree on is that violent media is not the only cause of children
committing violent acts. The involvement of parents in what their children watch, how
the family interacts with each other, what the children are exposed to in their
environment are also indicators of how they will behave and what value system they will
follow. Nonetheless, research is stronger towards media violence being a precursor to
increased aggression in children and young adults. This fact alone should be enough for
parents to become more involved in what their children are exposed to.

Although the results seem quite negative, the research thus far only suggests possible
short term effects of media violence. There is no strong evidence on the long term
effects of media violence. In summary, not one research conducted could prove either
positive or negative long term outcomes of violent media. It is clear, however, that
parents need to pay more attention to their children’s lives and not sit them in front of
the television, whether it is for movies, video games, or general television shows.
Raising a child is hard enough in this day and age but when you add all the outside
media violence it makes it ten times harder to steer your child in the right direction.

WRITE AN ESSAY of about 500 words to a university lecturer to express your opinion on
the following:

The government of your country plans to prohibit people below 18 years old from
watching or playing with all forms of media that contain violence or encourage violence.
The university has invited members of the student body to submit their views on this
proposal. Would you support the government’s proposal? Support your answer with
convincing reasons.

Please note that you need to properly acknowledge all information you use from the
reading passages.





Time allowed: 3 hou rs


1. This examination contains FIVE (5) sections and comprises TEN (10)
printed pages. .

2. All 5 sections are compulsory .

3. Read the instructions at the beginning of each section, which specify

the marks allocated and give time recommendations.

4, Write all your answers in the ANSWER BOOK provided.

5. Dictionaries should NOT be used.

Section A -Writing

Directions -Choose.Q!1£ of the following topics & clearly state the topic in the title of
your composition. The length should be 350-500 words. It is recommended that you
spend no longer than 60 minutes to complete this section of the test. Allow 10
minutes for organizing, 45 minutes for writing and 5 minutes for proofreading.

1. The pace of technological change has been extraordinarily rapid throughout the
past decade. What do you predict will be the major technological advances that
may occur within the next decade? Explain your view.

2. As population growth around the region continues, there is tremendous pressure

on land use. Many previously untouched areas, including forests and jungles,
are now being converted into urban areas. Should governments prioritise the
conservation of natural areas or is their destruction an inevitable consequence of
population growth? Support your view.

3 Some countries in the region have been trying to attract more foreign talent to
boost their economic competitiveness. This has, however, caused some concern
in those countries which are faced with a "brain drain", where their own talented
professionals have left to seek better employment opportunities and higher
wages in other countries. Do you agree with this practice? Support your view.

4 Social scientists and natural scientists are not always regarded as equal when it
comes to financial compensation for the work they have done in their own fields
of study. Some people feel that natural scientists, including medical doctors and
geneticists, should be paid higher wages, as their work makes a more obvious
contribution to the development of mankind. Do you agree with this? Support
your view.

5. Computers are becoming a standard feature in school classrooms throughout the

world. Can computers be effectively used in the teaching of every subject?
Support your view.

Section B -Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. You are advised
to spend a maximum of 50 minutes on the reading section.


1 Two billion people are caught in a specific energy crisis -the shortage of
fuelwood. Nearly half of humanity has not yet entered the age of fossil fuels and
depends on wood for warmth, light and cooking. But as trees are cut down, fuelwood
is becoming scarce over large parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

2 Fuelwood accounts for a large proportion of all energy consumption in many

developing countries. More than 90 per cent of energy use in such nations as
Tanzania, Nepal and Ethiopia comes from wood. It even supplies more than four
fifths of oil-rich Nigeria's needs, and many other countries get half to three quarters of
their energy from wood.

3 Already 100 million people in developing countries cannot get sufficient

fuelwood to meet their minimum energy needs, and close to 1.3 billion are
consuming fuelwood resources faster than they are being replenished. If present
trends continue, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
predicts that, in the next decade, another 1 billion people will be faced with chronic
fuelwood shortages.
4 Thus within a decade, more than half of the population of developing
countri~s will not be able to meet their minimum needs for energy or will be forced to
consume wood faster than it can be grown. There is little chance that they could find
any other source of heat and light. Usually there are no viable alternative fuels and,
where there are alternatives, they cost too much. Already even a few sticks of wood
can be prohibitively expensive in areas affected by severe shortages. It costs some
rural families in India and Pakistan as much to heat the evening dinner bowl as it
does to fill it. Health and nutrition are affected, as boiling water becomes an
unaffordable luxury. Mothers are forced to feed their children on cereals, which cook
quickly, rather than slower cooking and more nutritious foods, like beans.

5 Even in wood-rich areas like the Amazon, some towns are feeling the energy
pinch. In Manuas, Brazil, for example, the majority of the poorer residents depend on
charcoal for preparing meals. As the jungle recedes further away every year, due to
expanding agriculture and logging, the cost of trucking in fuel rises. A week's supply
of charcoal for an average family costs around $2 -a considerable amount of money
in a town where the average wage is $2 a day.

6 As supplies dwindle, villagers -mainly women and children -have to spend

more time searching for wood. Women in the village of Kalsaka in Africa walk three
and a half hours through searing heat to collect wood that used to be available close
to their huts. Families in the uplands of Nepal spend 230 person-days a year on
fuelwood collection to meet family needs. Inevitably, less time can be spent in
growing food.

7 Ostensibly, the fuelwood shortage has been attributed to the over-

exploitation of forests and woodlots by the rural poor as human numbers and energy
needs increase. This is an important factor. Yet the roots of the fuelwood crisis are
more intricate: rampant logging, in combination with animal foraging and slash-and-
burn cultivation, contribute to the fuelwood deficit. Deforestation is followed by
erosion, desert encroachment, loss of biomass productivity and reduced water
retention capacity of the soil.

8 Another consideration, often overlooked, is the increasing consumption of
wood and charcoal by urban dwellers. Urbanization concentrates people and puts
increasing stress on basic necessities such as food, energy, drinking water and
shelter, exacting a heavy toll on the surrounding countryside. A study by the Beijer
Institute of Stockholm, made for the Kenyan Government, found that proportionally
one of the major contributors to deforestation was not rural fuelwood use, which was
found to be mostly sustainable, but the wholesale conversion of wood to charcoal for
sale to people living in towns and cities.

9 Charcoal is used to meet city needs because it is so much lighter than the
original wood, and therefore much cheaper to transport. But converting wood to
charcoal in traditional earthen pits consumes more than half its energy. So each
town dweller uses twice as much wood for a given amount of energy as a country
person who continues to use the original wood.

10 The World Bank estimates that meeting the fuelwood crisis will require
planting 55 million hectares with fast-growing trees at a rate of 2.7 million hectares a
year, five times the present annual rate of 555,000 hectares. But simply planting
more trees, even fast-growing ones, is only part of the solution. The right species
have to be selected for each particular environment, taking into account growth rates
water and mineral needs, and adaptability, among other things. Above.all, the trees
have to be planted where they will be used and by the people who will use them.
This implies an emphasis on community woodlots, not the creation of huge fuelwood
plantations filled with monocultures, located too far from where the wood is needed.

11 Some species show great promise. The Leucaena or ipil ipil, a native of
Mexico, is one of the world's fastest growing trees. It can reach heights of 20 meters
in six years. A Leucaena plantation can provide up to 50 metric tons of wood per
hectare per year, or five times the average for cultivated pines in temperate regions.
Its nitrogen-fixing roots also replenish the soil.

12 At the same time, more efficient stoves must be developed to allow the wood
to burn longer, extracting more energy from each stick. The traditional three-stone
fire is a very inefficient way of burning wood; its conversion efficiency may only reach
6 per cent of the fuel value of the wood. Unfortunately, many1mproved stoves have
proved unworkable because they have technical problems or are made with material
too expensive or too difficult to obtain. Improved stoves, however, must respond to
local needs. The materials for building them have to be locally available, easily
accessible and relatively cheap. The Lorena stove from Guatemala cuts fuelwood
consumption in half. Molded from mud and sand, and fitted with a simple metal
damper and pipe, it costs the equivalent of $5. The World Bank estimates that the
use of more efficient stoves- together with fuel substitution where practicable- could
reduce fuelwood consumption by a quarter .

13 The threat of massive fuelwood shortages in the next century should prompt
governments and international agencies to commit money and manpower to solving
this crisis now, before it turns into a human tragedy.
Questions: The Fuelwood Crisis
This section consists of FIFTEEN (15) multiple choice questions. Choose the correct
answer from the alterna.tives given. In your ANSWER BOOK, write the correct
answer (a), (b), (c) or (d) next to the question number. Write in one column. Each
multiple choice question carries two marks.

1. The main idea of this reading passage as a whole is that

a) Charcoal is a substitute for fuelwood, and its widespread use can alleviate the
fuelwood crisis.
b) As supplies of fuelwood decrease, we need to develop new approaches to its
production and use.
c) The development of fast growing trees will help to avert the impending fuelwood
d) The fuelwood crisis has occurred as a direct result of rapid urbanization in
developing countries.

2. According to the information in paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT

a) Less than 10% of energy use in nations including Tanzania, Nepal and Ethiopia
comes from sources other than wood.
b) Fuelwood is consumed in large quantities for energy use in developing countries.
c) Ethiopian wood supplies more than 80% of Nigeria's energy needs.
d) Less than 20% of Nigeria's energy needs are met by sources other than wood.

3. Within ten years it is likely that

a) fewer people in developing countries will be faced with continuing fuelwood
b) over 50% of people in developing countries will not be able to meet their energy
c) other sources of heat and light will be discovered .
d) low cost alternatives to fuelwood will be developed .

4. The example of mothers feeding their children cereal is given in order to

a) illustrate regional variations in cooking .
b) support the view that cereal is the most nutritious food for children.
c) explain the process by which children suffer from malnutrition .
d) show that the high cost of fuelwood can impact on health and nutrition .

5. The example of women in Kalsaka walking to collect wood is given in order

a) illustrate the point that supplies of wood are not as plentiful now.
b) show that the situation is now better than it was in the past .
c) explain the process of deforestation in Kalsaka .
d) support the view that physical exercise is necessary for a healthy life .

6. The main purpose of paragraphs 7-9 is to

a) explain the complex causes of the fuelwood crisis .
b) compare the effectiveness of charcoal and wood as energy sources.
c) show that the rural poor are responsible for the fuelwood crisis .
d) explain the way in which the fuelwood crisis has influenced urbanization .
7. One disadvantage of the use of charcoal, as opposed to wood, is
a) its weight .
b) its cost to transport .
c) the energy consumption involved in producing it .
d) the difficulty of producing charcoal in earthen pits .

8. Planting more trees will not work if

a) the trees grow extremely rapidly.
b) the appropriate kind of tree is chosen for each special environment .
c) the people who will use the trees plant them in a convenient location
d) only fuelwood plantations filled with monocultures are developed .

9. People living in cities have contributed to the fuelwood crisis

a) because of their reliance on the use of wood and charcoal for energy.
b) .by polluting the atmosphere and destroying large tracts of forests .
c) because of their preference for wood as a source of energy.
d) to a lesser degree than rural dwellers, who continue to cut down trees .

10. More efficient stoves have not been widely used because
a) the traditional three stone fire is the most efficient way of burning wood .
b) there have been technical problems that have made their use difficult .
c) it is not possible to make money from producing stoves for developing countries.
d) the materials used to make them have been easy to get .

11. The writer warns that the consequences of the developing fuelwood crisis
will be disastrous unless
a) governments spend more and devote more human resources to solving the
fuelwood crisis .
b) the World Bank spends more on developing large forests that suit the needs of
local populations .
c) governments control the price of wood and charcoal,
d) governments delay acting until they have fully established the causes of the
fuelwood crisis .

12. Which of the following would be the best replacement for the underlined
part of the sentence from paragraph 5?
"Even in wood-rich areas like the Amazon, some towns are feelina the enerav
a) stealing wood from neighbouring towns
b) using only wood to supply the energy needs of their population
c) having no difficulties meeting the energy needs of their population
d) finding it a strain to meet their energy needs of their population

13. The word " ostensibly " (paragraph 7) is closest in meaning to

a) unfortunately, given the circumstances
b) appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
c) erronously, with the intent to deceive
d) infrequently

14. "!! costs the equivalent of $5 (paragraph 12 .!1refers to

a) the LorenaStove
b) fuelwood consumption
c) a simple metal damper and pipe
d) Guatemala

15. This reading would probably have appeared in
a) a daily newspaper
b) an elementary school science textbook
c) a senior high school environmental science textbook
d) a specialist environmental science journal


Section C-Word Forms
In the following, give the correct form of the word or verb in the brackets for each
numbered blank. In your answer book, write down the number and your answer
against it. DO NOT write out the whole passage. Each answer carries one mark.
You are advised to spend a maximum of 30 minutes on this section.


Conservation is the sustainable use of natural resources, such as soils, water ,

plants, animals, and minerals. The natural resources of any area constitute its
basic capital, and ...1... (waste) use of those resources constitutes an ...2...
(economy) loss. From the aesthetic viewpoint, conservation also includes the ...3...
(maintain) of national parks, wilderness areas, ...4... (history) sites, and wildlife.

Natural resources are of two main types, renewable and nonrenewable.

Renewable resources. ..5. ..(including) wildlife and natural vegetation of all kinds.
The soil itself can be considered a renewable resource, although severe damage is
...6... (extreme) difficult to repair because of the slow rate of soil-forming
processes. The natural ...7... (drain) of waters from the watershed of a region can
be maintained indefinitely by careful ...8... (manage) of vegetation and soils, and
the quality of water can be controlled through ...9... (pollute) control.
Nonrenewable resources are those that cannot be replaced or that can be replaced
only over ...10... (incredible) long periods of time. Such resources comprise the
fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) and the metallic and other ores.

Although the conservation of natural resources has been recognized as. ..11 ...
(desire) by many peoples since ancient times, frequently the ...12... (base)
principles of sound land use have been ignored, with ...13... (disaster) results.
Major losses-for example, the silting of rivers and the flooding of lowlands-
resulted from the ...14... (destroy) of the forests and grasslands that ...15...
(protection) watersheds in northern China and the Tigris-Euphrates area of Asia.
Large areas in North Africa and the Middle East were rendered barren by centuries
of uncontrolled livestock grazing, unwise cultivation, and ...16... (excess) cutting of
woody plants for fuel. Similar damage has also occurred in most of the more
...17. ..(recent) developed regions of the world, sometimes through the unwise
...18. ..(introduce) of species into new environments. The. ..19. ..(increase )
industrialization of nations around the world continues to present grave
conservation problems although international cooperation efforts have also evolved
in certain areas, such as the protection of some ...20... (endanger) species.


Section D-Fill in the blanks
Supply a suitable word for each of the numbered blanks (you are given the beginning
letter of the required word). In your answer book, write down the number and your
answer (the entire word) against it. Do not write out the whole passage. Each
answer carries ?12mark. You are advised to spend a maximum of 25 minutes on this

Acid Rain

Acid rain, a form of air pollution, is currently a subject of great controversy

because of widespread environmental d-L for which it has been blamed. It forms
w-.:L oxides of sulfur and nitrogen combine with atmospheric moisture to yield
sulfuric and nitric acids, w~ may then be carried long distances from their
source b-4- they are deposited by rain. The pollution may also take the form of
snow or fog or be precipitated i-2- dry forms. The dry form of such precipitation is
just as damaging to the environment a-2--- the liquid form.

The problem of acid rain originated w. 7- the Industrial Revolution, and it has
been growing ever since. The severity of its e~ has long been recognized in
local settings, as exemplified b~ the spells of acid smog in heavily industrialized
areas. The widespread destructiveness of acid rain, h 10 , has become evident
only in recent decades. One large area that has been studied extensively is
northern Europe, w 11 acid rain has eroded structures, injured crops and
forests, and threatened or depleted life in freshwater lakes. In 1984, for example,
environmental reports indicated that a 12 half of the trees in Germany's Black
Forest had been damaged by acid rain. The northeastern United States and
eastern Canada have been p 13 affected by this form of pollution. Damage has
a. 14 -been detected in other areas of these countries and other regions of the

Industrial emissions have been blamed as the m 15 cause of acid rain.

Because the chemical reactions involved i 16 the production of acid rain in the
atmosphere are complex and as yet little understood, industries have tended to
challenge s 17 assessments and to stress the need for further studies; and b
1.e.- of the cost of pollution reduction, governments have tended to support this
attitude. Studies released by the U.S. government in the e 19 1980s, however,
strongly implicated industries as the main s?Q.-of acid rain, in the eastern U.S.
and Canada.


Section E- Paraphrasing

Read Sentence A carefully. Complete Sentence B in your answer book, keeping as

closely as possible to the meaning in Sentence A. You are advised to spend a
maximum of 15 minutes on this section. Each answer carries one mark.

A. This story doesn't amuse me.

B. don't find

~ Answer: I don't find this story amusing.

A. He ran away as soon as he saw a policeman

B. The moment ...

2. A. The discipline mistress reprimanded our class for making too mu"ch noise.
B. Our class ...

3. A. Between Lin Yang and Wong Lu, one of them has to finish the job.
B. Either ...

4. A. Although Jane won the second prize in the story telling competition, she was
not happy.
B. In spite of ...

5. A. The man is too old to do anything.

B. The man is so. ..

6. A. The experience is fantastic!

B. What ...

7. A. Cou'd you do me a favour?

B. Would you mind ...

8. A. The librarian denied me entry into the library because I didn't have a
membership card.
8.1 was ...

9. A. I am very familiar with the environment here.

B. The environment here. ..

10. A. The movie was interesting,

B. I





Duration : 2 hours

Please read the follow instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) sections – A and B, and comprises SIX (6) printed

2. Attempt all sections.

3. Answer all questions in section A. Indicate your answers on the answer paper
provided. Each question carries 2 marks. Marks will not be deducted for wrong

4. Answer any THREE (3) questions in section B. Write your answers on the answer
paper provided. Begin each question with a fresh sheet of paper. Write the
question number clearly. Each question carries 20 marks.

5. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer
script. Complete the information required on the cover page and tie the papers
together with the string provided.

6. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper,
out of the examination hall.
SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer All Questions. (2 marks for each question).

1. How many lone pairs are there at C in CO32-?

A 0
B 0.5
C 1
D 1.5
E 2

2. How many lone pairs are there at N in NH4+?

A 0
B 0.5
C 1
D 1.5
E 2

3. Reaction between NH3 with BH3 is an example of ______ reactions.

A redox
B addition
C disproportionation
D condensation
E none of the above

4. CH2N2 readily liberates CH2. This statement is most likely _____

A correct
B wrong
C only correct if H is replaced by R
D only correct if N is replaced by S
E unable to judge as the molecule is too unstable

5. The reaction CO2 + H2O Æ H2CO3 is most likely to produce quantitative yield
of the product. This statement is most likely _____

A correct
B wrong
C correct if CO2 is in excess
D correct if the solution is very diluted
E unable to judge since the pH is not known

6. The N-N bond in N2H4 is likely to be ______

A weak and reactive

B weak and unreactive
C strong and reactive
D strong and unreactive
E unable to judge

7. Which of the following is a good example of a compound with π bond?

B B2H6
D all of the above
E none of the above

8. An important biosynthesis of carbohydrates in plants is _____

A esterification
B photosynthesis
C Aldol condensation
D trans-esterification
E enzymatic photo-oxidation

9. In pyrophosphoric acid H4P2O7, there is/are _____ P-H bonds.

A 0
B 1
C 2
D 3
E 4

10. Which of the following is (comparatively) most alkaline?

A sea water
B tomatoes
C black coffee
D (unpolluted) rain
E urine

11. The conjugate base of C2H5OH is ______

B C2H5O-
C C2H5+
E O2-

12. 10-9 is commonly expressed as ___

A micro
B nano
C pico
D molecular
E meso

13. In H-, the s orbital is _____

A fully filled
B half-filled
C empty
D half-filled but only in the excited state
E fully filled but only in the excited state

14. In H+, the s orbital is _____

A fully filled
B half-filled
C empty
D half-filled but only in the excited state
E fully filled but only in the excited state

15. In the solid state structure of BeCl2, the major force among individual [BeCl2]
molecules is likely to be _______ interactions.

A dipole-dipole interaction
B van der Waal interaction
C ionic
D covalent
E two of the above

16. Scattering of light by a colloidal system is commonly called _______ effect.

A Dalton
B Perkin
C Raman
D Tyndall
E Esosteric

17. The reaction between carboxylic acid and amine can be considered a/an
________ reaction.

A condensation
B addition
C redox
D hydrolysis
E metathesis

18. The reaction between NH4Cl and AgNCO gives urea, NH2COCH2. In the
process, Ag+ undergoes ________

A oxidation
B reduction
C disproportionation
D hydrolysis
E none of the above

19. When table sugar dissolves in water, it mostly undergoes _______

A hydrolysis
B solvolysis
C dissociation
D all of the above
E none of the above

20. How many pi (π) bonds are there in H2CO?

A 0
B 1.0
C 1.5
D 2.0
E none of the above

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer three (3) of the following five (5) questions (20 marks for each question).
(If there is any physical constant or data that you need in your calculation but which is not
found in the question, you may denote them as “x”, “y”… etc, explain them, and indicate
such clearly in your working process and answers)

1. “Since H+ is highly acidic and since H2O undergoes protonation easily to give
H3O+, it is likely that the latter would further react with H+ to give H4O2+

Examine this statement carefully by determining whether it is true or false

and, if false, under what situation would the statement be valid. Explain.

2. A mixture of acetaldehyde CH3CHO and propanal C2H5CHO under basic

conditions would readily yield four products. Identify them and sketch
carefully their structures.

3. You are given the following ions, namely (a) CH3+; (b) CH2R+; (c) CHR2+; (d)

Arrange them in a descending order of stability and explain your

arrangement carefully.

4. Sketch the Lewis structures of the following:

(a) H2SO5

(b) HNO3

(c) HClO3

5. What is the concentration of H3O+ in a 1.00 x 10-2 M NaOH solution? State

clearly the assumptions, if any, you make.
(Kw = 1.00 x 10-14)



Time: 1 pm to 3 pm
Duration: 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This examination has TWO (2) printed pages.

2. Answer all questions. Write your answers on the answer paper provided.

3. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer script. Complete the
information required on the cover paper. The cover paper for this examination is GREEN.

4. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper, out of the
examination hall.
Question 1

a. Propose a reasonable acid-base reaction (with balanced equation) and identify the acid and base in
the substrates.

b. Propose a reasonable redox reaction (with balanced equation) and identify the reducing and
oxidizing agents.

c. Propose a reasonable disproportionation reaction (with balanced equation). Is this a variant of redox
reaction? If so, what is reduced and what is oxidized (in the reaction that you have proposed)? If
not, why not?
(30 marks)

Question 2

Examine and discuss the validly of the following statement critically and concisely:

“NCl5 is a reasonable and stable compound because the five electrons on nitrogen can form bonds with
the five surrounding chloride.”
(35 marks)

Question 3

What is the pH of a 0.015 M solution of sodium acetate, NaCH3CO2? State your assumptions, if any,
(Water ionization constant Kw = 1.0 x 10-14 at 25oC; equilibrium constant Kb (CH3COO-) = 5.6 x 10-10)

(35 marks)


Time Allowed : 2 hours

1. This paper consists of TWO (2) Sections and comprises EIGHT (8) pages.

2. Answer ALL the questions in Section A and Section B.

3. For Section A, each multiple choice question carries 2 marks. Section B consists of 3
questions (total 40 marks).


This section consists of THIRTY (30) multiple choice questions. Answer ALL questions in this

1. Which of the following has no permanent dipole moments?

a. CHCl3
b. CH2Cl2
c. C2Cl4
d. C2HCl3

2. Which is the most abundant element in the universe?

a. Hydrogen
b. Helium
c. Carbon
d. Oxygen

3. Which one of the following equilibrium mixture will not be affected by a change in

a. CH3CH2CH2OH(g) CH3CH=CH2(g) + H2O(g)

b. BaCO3(s) BaO(s) + CO2(g)
c. H2(g) + Cl2(g) 2HCl(g)
d. O2(g) + 2Hg(l) 2HgO(s)

4. Calcium with elemental chlorine yields calcium chloride. Write a balanced chemical
equation for this reaction.

a. Ca(s) + Cl2(g) → CaCl(s) + Cl(g)

b. Ca(s) + Cl2(g) → CaCl2(s)
c. Ca(s) + 2 Cl2(g) → CaCl4(s)
d. 2 Ca(s) + Cl2(g) → 2 CaCl(s)

5. On heating, 0.09 mole of an element M reacts with 0.135 mole of oxygen gas. The empirical
formula of the oxide of M is

a. M2O2
b. M3O2
c. M4O6
d. M2O3

6. Given that ΔH0f (FeCl2(s)) = -341.8 kJ/mol and that ΔH0f (FeCl3(s)) = -399.5 kJ/mol, what is
ΔHrxn for the reaction: FeCl2(s) + ½ Cl2(g) →FeCl3(s)

a. -57.7 kJ
b. +714.3 kJ
c. 0 kJ
d. +57.7 kJ

7. Iron has a atomic number of 26. What is the electron configuration of the iron in FeCl3?

a. 1s22s22p63s23p63d34s2
b. 1s22s22p63s23p63d6
c. 1s22s22p63s23p63d5
d. 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s2

8. A microwave oven emits radiation at a wavelength of 0.500 cm. What is the frequency of
this radiation?

a. 1.67 × 10-11 s-1

b. 6.67 × 10-7 s-1
c. 6.00 × 1010 s-1
d. 2.00 s-1

9. The radioactive decay of sodium-24 has a half-life of 14.66 hours. How many grams of the
radioactive sodium-24 will be left after 73 hours if the initial weight of the sample is 4g?

a. 0.125g
b. 0.032g
c. 0.064g
d. 0.26g

10. Use the following information to answer the question below:
Sn2+(aq) + 2e Sn(s) E0 = -0.14 V
Sn4+(aq) + 2e Sn2+(s) E0 = +0.15 V
Fe2+(aq) + 2e Fe(s) E0 = -0.44 V
Fe3+(aq) + e Fe2+(aq) E0 = +0.77 V

Under standard conditions, which of the following statements is correct?

a. Sn(s) can reduce Fe(s)

b. Fe(s) can oxidize Sn2+(aq)
c. Sn2+(aq) can reduce Fe3+(aq)
d. Fe3+(aq) can reduce Sn4+(aq)

11. What is the pH of a solution of HNO3 with a concentration of 0.0013M?

a. 2.89
b. 6.64
c. 1.30
d. 11.10

12. The maximum number of electrons in the shell having the principle quantum number of n =
3 is

a. 18
b. 26
c. 28
d. 36

13. The hybridization of the nitrogen atom in the molecule NF3 is

a. sp2
b. spd
c. sp3
d. sp3d

14. Which of the following statements is true about the elements in Group II of the Periodic

a. The ionic radius decreases down the group

b. The electronegativity decreases down the group
c. They form stable oxidation states of two and four
d. The atomic radius increases down the group

15. The oxidation number of Chromium in the ion CrO42-

a. +4
b. +7
c. +6
d. +3

16. Which of the following compounds would react most rapidlywith NaCN?

a. 1-bromobutane
b. (R)-2-bromobutane
c. (S)-2-bromobutane
d. 1-bromo-2-methylpropane

17. The following reaction can be classified as

200°C + CH3CO2H

a. eminination
b. substitution
c. oxidation
d. rearrangement

18. Reaction of benzene with benzoyl chloride and aluminium trichloride will give as the

a. benzophenone
b. chlorobenzene
c. no reaction
d. benzoic acid

19. What will be the product(s) of the following reaction:

Br 20°C OMe Br OMe
Br MeO MeO Br
(i) (ii) (iii)
a. (iii) only
b. (ii) only
c. (i) and (ii)
d. (i), (ii) and (iii)

20. What will be the product(s) of the following reaction

KOH, EtOH, 80°C

(i) (ii) (iii)
a. (i) only
b. (ii) only
c. (ii) and (iii)
d. (iii) only

21. Phosphorus forms three well known compounds containing chlorine: phosphorus trichloride
(PCl3), phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5) and phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3). What are the
oxidation numbers of phosphorus in the compounds?

PCl3 PCl5 POCl3

a. –3 –5 –5
b. +1 +1 +3
c. +3 +5 +4
d. +3 +5 +5

22. Which of the following is the formula for a covalent network?

a. N2O4
b. P4O10
c. CO2
d. SiO2

23. Which of the following is a pure compound?

a. Milk
b. Ice cream
c. Lava
d. Distilled water
24. Which of the following electron configurations represents the ground state of an element?

a. [Ne]3s13p1
b. [He]2s12p3
c. [Ne]3s23p33d1
d. [Ne]3s23p3

25. Formic acid (HCO2H) has Ka = 1.8 × 10–4. What is the value of Kb for the formate ion

a. –1.8 × 10–4
b. 1.8 × 1010

c. 5.6 × 10–11
d. 5.6 × 104

26. Which of the following molecules/ions has non-zero dipole moments?

a. cis-HClC=CHCl
b. O2
c. BF3
d. ICl4–

27. An increase in temperature increases the reaction rate because

a. a greater fraction of the collisions have the correct orientation of molecules

b. the activation energy of the reaction will decrease.
c. temperature acts as a catalyst in chemical reactions.
d. more collisions will have enough energy to exceed the activation energy.

28. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction using the provided equilibrium

H2(g) + I2(g) 2 HI(g)

[H2] = 0.0057 mol L–1, [I2] = 0.0057 mol L–1, [HI] = 0.0345 mol L–1

a. 9.4 × 10–4
b. 0.027
c. 37
d. 1.1 × 103

29. In the following reaction:

HF(aq) + HPO42–(aq) F–(aq) + H2PO4–(aq)

a. HF is an acid and F– is its conjugate base.

b. HF is an acid and HPO42– is its conjugate base.
c. HPO42– is an acid and H2PO4– is its conjugate base.
d. H2PO4– is an acid and F– is its conjugate base.

30. The ionization energies (IE) of Ti are as follows:

6.82 13.58 27.49 43.27 99.22 eV

Stable oxidation states are expected when the difference in successive IE's exceeds 12 eV
for valence electrons. What stable oxidation states are expected for Ti?

a. Ti(I) only
b. Ti (I) and Ti(V)
c. Ti(I), Ti(II) and Ti(IV)
d. Ti(II), Ti(III) and Ti(IV)


This section consists of THREE (3) questions. Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. (a) Using dots to represent electrons, draw the electron distribution diagram (Lewis
structure) of ClF3. Use Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory (VSEPR) to explain the
shape of this molecule.

(b) Draw and label all the valence orbitals found in chlorine atom.

2. Data for the reaction 2 NO(g) + O2(g)  2 NO2 (g) are given in the table.

Concentration (mol/L) Initial Rate

Experiment [NO] [O2] (mol/L · h)
1 3.6×10-4 5.2×10-3 3.4×10-8
2 3.6×10-4 1.04×10-2 6.8×10-8
3 1.8×10 1.04×10-2 1.7×10-8
4 1.8×10 5.2×10-3 ?

(a) Determine the rate constant and write down the rate equation for the above reaction.

(b) What is the initial rate of the reaction in experiment 4?

3. (a) Discuss the difference in reactivity between the following pairs of compounds under the
conditions given
(i) benzene and phenol with bromine
(ii) 1-hexanol and 2-hexanol with chromium trioxide in acid
(iii) ethylamine and acetamide with dilute hydrochloric acid

(iv) sodium methoxide and sodium t-butoxide with 1-bromopropane

(b) How would you carry out the following transformation? More than one step may be



Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm

Duration: 3 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This examination has THREE (3) sections – A, B and C, and comprises FOUR (4) printed pages.

2. Answer FIVE (5) questions from any of the three sections. Candidates intending to offer Economics
or Computing must answer at least THREE (3) questions from the Economics section, i.e. section A.

3. Write your answers on the answer paper provided. Begin each question on a fresh sheet of paper.
Write the question number beside each question.

4. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer script. Complete the
information required on the cover paper. The cover paper for this examination is PINK.

5. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper, out of the
examination hall.

1. ABC Telecoms, one of the two long-distance telephone companies in the country, recently cut its
rates on all international telephone calls.
a. Distinguish between price elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of demand, and income elasticity
of demand. (10 marks)
b. How relevant would knowing the various elasticities of demand help in explaining the move by
ABC Telecoms? (10 marks)

2. “Monopoly is a more efficient market structure than monopolistic competition.” Comment. (20

3. The external value of many Asian currencies plunged during the Asian Financial Crisis.
a. What does it mean to say that a currency depreciates in value? What might cause such a
change? (12 marks)
b. Is depreciation of a country’s currency always detrimental to the health of its economy? (8

4. Do you think monetary policy is sufficient to achieve a low rate of inflation? (20 marks)

5. Given below is the amount of beef OR computers that a Canadian or a Mexican worker can produce
in a day.

Canada Mexico
Beef 9 5
Computer 3 2

a. Which country has the absolute advantage in computer production? Explain. (6 marks)
b. Which country has the comparative advantage in computer production? Explain. (6 marks)
c. If they specialize in production, what are the limits to the terms of trade? (8 marks)


1. Discuss the negative and positive implications for rural – urban migration with reference to a
particular country in East or Southeast Asia. (20 marks)

2. Why is sustainable natural resource management difficult to achieve? Illustrate this with specific
examples. (20 marks)

3. Why are regional human geography differences important within the European Union? (20 marks)

4. Critically examine some of the causes of river pollution and its impacts with reference to specific
examples. (20 marks)

5. With reference to a particular place, examine the significance of global – local interactions on the
human landscape. (20 marks)


1. “Western imperialism in Southeast Asia was driven by strategic rather than economic concerns.”
State whether you agree or disagree with this statement, and explain why. (20 marks)

2. What is the origin of the imagined communities that Benedict Anderson argues lie at the heart of
Southeast Asian nationalism? (20 marks)

3. India and Southeast Asia both have populations that speak many different languages, practice
different religions, and follow different cultural norms. India emerged from colonial rule as a
single state, but Southeast Asia did not. Why is this the case? (20 marks)

4. Compare and contrast the globalisation of early twentieth century imperialism and that of late
twentieth century capitalism. (20 marks)

5. Most Asian countries trace their modern history to the actions of one or at most two or three
national leaders (such as Ghandi and Nehru, Sukarno and Hatta, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Tse-tung and
so on). Japan does not. Why do you think this is the case? (20 marks)



Duration : 3 hours

Please read the follow instructions carefully.

1. This examination has THREE (3) sections – A, B and C, and comprises SIX (6)
printed pages.

2. Answer FIVE (5) questions from any of the three sections. Candidates intending
to offer Economics or Computing must answer at least THREE (3) questions from
the Economics section, i.e. section A.

3. Write your answers on the answer paper provided. Begin each question with a
fresh sheet of paper. Write the question numbers clearly. Each question carries
20 marks.

4. At the end of the examination, attach the cover paper on top of your answer
script. Complete the information required on the cover page and tie the papers
together with the string provided.

6. Do not take any paper, including the question paper and unused answer paper,
out of the examination hall.

Each question carries 20 marks. Candidates intending to offer Economics or Computing

must answer at least THREE (3) questions from the Economics section, i.e. section A.

(a) Using a graph, illustrate and explain the effect that an increase in production
costs will have on the equilibrium price and quantity of a good.
(4 marks)

(b) Suppose that the government increases a tax paid by employers for hiring
workers. Using a graph, illustrate and explain the likely effects on real wages,
output and employment? What are the likely magnitudes of these effects?
(10 marks)

(c) What are the three properties of money?

(6 marks)

(a) The table below shows the population and real GDP in 2021 for two countries,
A and B, for the years 2021 and 2031. Which of these two countries
experienced a faster increase in the standard of living between 2021 and
(5 marks)

Troy Pompeii
2021 2031 2021 2031
Real GDP $175 billion $189 billion $476 billion $547 billion
Population 62.3 million 63.7 million 73.6 million 82.4 million

(b) How would a nation’s central bank’s reduction of the reserve ratio
requirement affect money creation?
(5 marks)

(c) How would a central bank’s sale of government bonds on the open market
affect money creation?
(5 marks)

(d) Explain how automatic stabilizers work.

(5 marks)

(a) Explain why financial intermediaries are necessary to facilitate the
movement of funds from savers to investors and how they provide benefits
to both groups.
(5 marks)

(b) Explain what is meant by a devaluation of a currency. Under what

circumstances would a country devalue its currency?
(5 marks)

(c) The following are some changes that may take place in the market for
textbooks. For each of the following, indicate what will happen to either the
demand for or the supply of textbooks by listing which curve is affected and
then the terms: "shift right", "shift left", or "movement along".

(i) an increase in student enrollment at universities across the country

(ii) a decrease in the price of ink used to print textbooks

(iii) a drop in income (textbooks are a normal good)

(iv) an improvement in the technology used to print textbooks

(v) an increase in college tuition

(10 marks)

(a) Would consumers benefit more from a tariff or a quota on imports?
(5 marks)

(b) Distinguish the current account from the capital account.

(5 marks)

(c) The market for restaurant pizza in Chicago is currently in equilibrium at a

price of $8 and 2,000 pizzas are sold each day. Explain what will happen to
the equilibrium price and quantity of pizzas sold and why (which curve has
changed) for each of the following situations:

(i) delivery personnel form a labour union and demand to be paid $7.50
per hour (a large increase in their wage).

(ii) fast-food hamburger restaurants (Burger King & McDonalds) cut their
prices in half.
(10 marks)


Quantities Produced Prices

DVDs DVD Player DVDs DVD Player
Year 2004 100 200 20 110
Year 2005 120 210 22 120

(a) Calculate real GDP using prices from 2004. By what percent did real GDP
grow from 2004 to 2005?
(5 marks)

(b) Calculate the value of the price index for GDP for 2005 using 2004 as the
base year. By what percent did prices increase?
(5 marks)

(c) Consider an economy in which: C= 200 + 0.5y and I = 200.

(i) Find equilibrium income.

(ii) What is the multiplier for investment spending for this economy?

(iii) What is the savings function?

(iv) What is the level of savings at the level of equilibrium income?

(10 marks)


Answer a total of FIVE (5) questions only. These five questions may be from any of
the three sections. Each question carries 20 marks. Candidates intending to offer
Economics or Computing must answer at least THREE (3) questions from the Economics
section, i.e. section A.

B1. Examine the likely contributing causes to the Southeast Asian “haze”

B2. What is “eco-tourism”? Why may it bring both costs and benefits to rural

B3. Discuss the reasons for the development of mega-cities with reference to
specific examples you know of.

B4. Why is it necessary to consider the physical – human geography interface

when examining issues of environmental degradation?

B5. Why are human geographers so interested in the concept and meanings of


Instructions to Candidates:

Write an extended, coherent, well-organised and factually supported answer in English.

Each question is worth 20 marks.

C1. “Nationalism is responsible for most of the wars of the 20th century.” Do
you agree? Discuss in relation to any ONE of these regions: Southeast Asia,
East Asia or South Asia.

C2. Discuss why European powers could not and did not need to fully dominate
Asian countries from 1500 to 1800?

C3. “Colonised societies would be nothing more than backward polities had it not
been for western colonialism.” Using the example of any Southeast Asian
country, argue for or against this statement.

C4. What was the significance of the Meiji Restoration in Japanese history?

C5. What themes can we use to discuss the history of Asia that do not place an
emphasis on geographic categories such as “Southeast Asia”, “East Asia” and
“South Asia”? Discuss at least three themes and show how they cut across
all the regions listed above while using examples to illustrate your points.




Duration : 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This paper is made up of 60 Multiple-Choice questions and comprises THIRTEEN

(13) printed pages.

2. Do not write on the question paper.

3. Answer all questions and indicate your answers on the answer sheet provided.
Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

4. Do not take any paper, including the question paper or unused answer sheets,
out of the examination hall.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Answer all questions in this section.

1. Which of the following has cell wall made of cellulose?

A Cells taken from a mushroom.

B Stomach of a spider.
C Lung tissue of a chicken.
D Flower of a rose plant.

2. A skin is

A an organelle.
B a tissue.
C an organ.
D an organ system.

3. The ecological relationship between humans and bacterial infections like

tuberculosis is best described as

A predation.
B parasitism.
C mutualism.
D symbiosis.

4. A student examined the egg cell in an ovule of a plant and found that it contains
18 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are there in each of the root-tip cells
of this plant?

A 36.
B 18.
C 9.
D None of the above.

5. Which of the following secretion does NOT contain enzymes?

A Gastric (stomach) secretions.

B Bile.
C Saliva.
D Pancreatic juice.

6. Which of the following does not have membrane-bound nuclei in their cells?

A Insects.
B Prokayotes.
C Bryophytes.
D Gymnosperms.

7. The part of the digestive tract (in human) with lowest pH is the

A stomach.
B small intestine.
C mouth.
D rectum.

8. Which of the following is autotrophic?

A A fern growing on the tree.

B A mushroom growing on dead wood.
C Penicillium growing on an orange.
D None of the above is autotrophic.

9. Which of the following is NOT true of chlorophyll?

A It absorbs light at the red and blue ends of the spectrum.

B It does not absorb green wavelengths of light.
C It is found in mitochondria.
D All the above are not true of chlorophyll.

10. The oxygen molecules released during photosynthesis come from

A CO2 .
B H2O .
D C6H12O6 .

11. If A is a dominant gene and a is recessive, in the cross between Aa x aa, the
percentage of individuals with the A phenotype is:

A 0.
B 25.
C 50.
D 100.

12. The leaves (fronds) of a fern are parts of the ___________ phase of the plant.

A haploid
B diploid
C triploid
D tetraploid

13. Which of the following segregates during anaphase of meiosis I ?

A Sister chromatids.
B The spindle.
C Homologous chromosomes.
D Endoplasmic recticulum

14. A plant's tendency to bend toward a source of light is called

A phototropism.
B photoperiodism.
C gravitropism.
D thigmotropism.

15. A virus basically consists of

A RNA or DNA and a membrane.

B RNA or DNA and a protein coat.
C proteins and cell membrane.
D enzymes and a protein coat.

16. If red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are removed from a blood
sample, what is left is

A cytoplasm.
B plasma.
C lymph.
D albumin.

17. At the end of meiosis II, the number of gametes that produced from a single
germ cell is

A 2.
B 4.
C 8.
D 16.

18. Which of the following types of muscle tissue is under voluntary control?

A Smooth muscle.
B Cardiac muscle.
C Skeletal muscle.
D Intestinal muscle.

19. The physical home of a species is its

A community.
B ecosystem.
C predator.
D habitat.

20. In higher plants, sugar synthesized in the leaves is transported to other parts of
the plant through the

A xylem.
B stomata.
C phloem.
D epidermis.

21. DNA can be found in which of the following components of a plant cell?

A Nucleus and cell wall.

B Nucleus and vacuoles.
C Nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.
D Cell wall, vacuoles and chloroplasts.

22. The DNA of a certain organism has guanine as 30% of its bases. What
percentage of its bases would be adenine?

A 0.
B 10.
C 20.
D 30.

23. A student took some plant tissues and ground them up in a buffer. After
centrifugation, he obtained some organelles from the pellet in the test tube. The
organelles were able to take up CO2 and give off O2. The organelles are most

A nuclei.
B ribosomes.
C chloroplasts.
D mitochondria.

24. Which of the following has cell wall made of chitin?

A Earthworm.
B Rose.
C Mushroom.
D Snail.

25. A group of cells that perform a similar function are known as

A tissues.
B organs.
C organ systems.
D organisms.

26. A fern is

A a gymnosperm.
B a pteridophyte.
C a bryophyte.
D an angiosperm.

27. Which of the following is heterotrophic?

A A fern.
B A rose plant.
C A snail.
D An orchid plant.

28. A scientist obtained a mutant albino seedling in the laboratory. The albino
seedling would

A photosynthesize under white light.

B fail to thrive.
C synthesize glucose indefinitely, using stored ATP and NADPH.
D become parasitic in order to survive.

29. Which of the following are produced during light-dependent photosynthetic


C Glucose, ATP, O2
D Glucose, ATP, CO2

30. The acidic fluid in the stomach becomes slightly basic after it leaves the
stomach because the acids

A become neutralized by sodium bicarbonate secreted from the pancreas.

B remain in the stomach and never enter the small intestine.
C become neutralized by amylase from intestine.
D are absorbed by the small intestine.

31. Which of the following secretion does NOT contain enzymes?

A Intestinal wall secretions.

B Bile.
C Saliva.
D Pancreatic juice.

32. In human, amylase is produced by the

A salivary glands only.

B small intestine only.
C pancreas only.
D both salivary glands and pancreas.

33. Which of the following is NOT an example of two organisms in a parasitic


A A pitcher plant and the insect it captures.

B Bird flu virus and the bird it infected.
C Tape worm and the animal it lives in.
D Flea and the cat it lives on.

34. In the lungs, oxygen moves from air to blood by

A diffusion.
B osmosis.
C bulk flow.
D active transport.

35. Most of the oxygen in the blood is bound to

A hemoglobin.
B white blood cells.
C carbon dioxide molecules.
D plasma membrane.

36. A student examined the root-tip cells of a plant and found that there are 18
chromosomes in each cell. How many chromosomes are there in the generative
cell of its pollen grain?

A 36.
B 18.
C 9.
D 0.

37. During asexual reproduction in the black bread mold (Rhizopus sp), the spores
produced are

A haploid.
B diploid.
C triploid.
D tetraploid.

38. If you cross-pollinate homozygous white (recessive) flowers and homozygous

purple (dominance) flowers of pea plants, which of the following type(s) of
offspring you will obtain?

A All of the offspring will produce pink flowers.

B All the offspring will have purple flowers.
C All the offspring will have white flowers.
D Half of the offspring will produce purple flowers and half will produce white

39. Which of the following is NOT found in the epidermis of plants?

A Root hairs.
B Guard cells.
C Pericyle.
D All the above can be found in the epidermis of plants.

40. An “ecological niche” is best defined as

A the physical environmental factors needed for survival.

B the organism's habitat.
C an organism's interactions with other organisms.
D all the aspects of an organism's way of life.

41. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of animals?

A Sexual reproduction.
B Eukaryotic.
C Autotrophic.
D Intra-specific competition.

42. Which of the following consists of nothing but a protein coat that surrounds
genetic material?

A Bacteria.
B Pollen grains.
C Viruses.
D Algae.

43. The fluid portion of the blood is called the

A lymphatic fluid.
B platelet.
C collagen.
D plasma.

44. A group of organs that function in a coordinated manner is known as

A tissues.
B organelles.
C organ systems.
D organisms.

45. Which is smallest?

A Artery.
B Arteriole.
C Capillary.
D Venule.

46. Which of the following are involved in conducting dissolved minerals from roots
to the rest of the plants?

A Companion cells, sieve tubes.

B Tracheids, vessel elements.
C Companion cells, vessel elements.
D Tracheids, sieve tubes.

47. A typical angiosperm leaf consists of a leaf blade with stomata. Each stoma is
surrounded by

A bundle-shealth cells.
B mesophyll cells.
C endodermal cells.
D guard cells.

48. The base-pairing rules for DNA are

A adenine-guanine, thymine-cytosine.
B adenine-cytosine, thymine-guanine.
C adenine-thymine, thymine-guanine.
D adenine-thymine, guanine-cytosine.

49. A student found a tree in his garden that produced only male flowers. Which of
the following floral organs he is likely to find in the flower of this tree?

A Sepals, petals, carpels.

B Sepals, petals, stamens, carpels.
C Petals, stamens, carpels.
D Sepals, petals, stamens.

50. A student examined the generative cell of a pollen grain and found that there
were 20 chromosomes in each cell. What is the number of chromosomes in
each of the root-tip cells of the same plant?

A 5.
B 10.
C 20.
D 40.

51. A fern is (an)

A gymnosperm.
B vascular plant.
C bryophyte.
D angiosperm.

52. A student brings a piece of bread with bread mold (Rhizopus sp) to the school.
The student is unlikely to find which of the following from bread mold?

A Spores.
B Hypha.
C Chloroplasts.
D Sporangia.

53. Hair is produced by

A muscle and nerve ending.

B glands in epithelial tissue.
C adipose tissue.
D dendrites and blood capillaries.

54. Which of the following is the extracellular matrix secreted by cartilage cells?

A Bone.
B Calcium phosphate.
C Myoglobin.
D Collagen.

55. A mycorrhiza is a

A symbiotic relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and roots of a land

B parasitic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a land plant.
C symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a land plant.
D parasitic relationship between a fungus and an alga.

56. Which of these statements regarding enzymes is FALSE?

A Enzymes are proteins.

B Enzymes display specificity for certain molecules to which they attach.
C Enzymes provide energy for the reactions they catalyze.
D The activity of enzymes can be regulated by factors in their environment.

57. All of the following combinations are possible in the gametes of an organism that

B dY.
C dd.
D dy.

58. The longest period of a cell’s life cycle is

A prophase.
B metaphase.
C interphase.
D anaphase.

59. The products of photosynthesis are

A glucose and amino acids.

B carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
C carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, and oxygen.
D glucose and oxygen.

60. Which of the following statements is generally FALSE?

A Parasites are generally smaller than their prey.

B Slow growing species are likely to be pioneers in secondary succession.
C Competition between members of two species is most intense when the
species are most similar.
D The physical home of a species is its habitat.




Duration : 2 hours

Please read the following instructions carefully.

1. This paper is made up of 60 Multiple-Choice questions and comprises THIRTEEN

(13) printed pages.

2. Do not write on the question paper.

3. Answer all questions and indicate your answers on the answer sheet provided.
Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

4. Do not take any paper, including the question paper or unused answer sheets,
out of the examination hall.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Answer all questions in this section.

1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(a) DNA provides the genetic code for the synthesis of proteins in all
(b) In 1983, James Crick and Francis Watson identified and
described the double helix structure of DNA.
(c) In the DNA helix, purines pair with pyrimidines via hydrogen
(d) The two chains of polynucleotides in a DNA molecule are anti-
parallel and complement each other.

2. Adenine comprised 40 % of the nitrogenous bases in the DNA of cells

from a bacterial clone. What was the percentage of guanine in the
(a) 10 %
(b) 20 %
(c) 40 %
(d) 80 %

3. All cells of an earthworm have the following components except

(a) mitochondria.
(b) nuclei.
(c) plasma membranes.
(d) cell walls.

4. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Proteins are simple molecules.
(b) Carbohydrates are the major molecules from which muscle cells
of animals are constructed.
(c) Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and,
also, sulphur and phosphorous.
(d) Lipids are not a source of energy.

5. All the following can be found in prokaryotic cells except

(a) cell membranes.
(b) cytoplasma.
(c) pili.
(d) nuclei.

6. Chlorophylls are plant pigments that absorb light optimally in the
(a) green and yellow wavelengths.
(b) green and blue wavelengths.
(c) blue and red wavelengths.
(d) blue and infrared wavelengths.

7. Which of the following plants take up carbon dioxide for

photosynthetic reactions during the night?
(a) Hibiscus and lily plants.
(b) Spinach and cucumber plants.
(c) Corn and sugar cane plants.
(d) Cactus and pineapple plants.

8. Which of the following is a polysaccharide found in human muscle cells?

(a) Myoglobin.
(b) Collagen.
(c) Glycogen.
(d) Amylose.

9. Which of the following statements is true of all enzymes?

(a) All enzymes are denatured at 60 oC and higher.
(b) The active sites of all enzymes can only bind to only one type of
(c) All enzymes lower the activation energy of the reaction.
(d) All enzymes catalyze the degradation of large molecules into
smaller moieties.

10. Monocotyledons are distinguished by all the following traits except

(a) they have a single seed leave.
(b) their flowers have a three-part symmetry.
(c) the veins on their leaves are not arranged in a net pattern.
(d) they include plants like orchids.

11. The muscular system of all vertebrates does not include
(a) smooth muscle cells.
(b) cardiac muscle cells.
(c) skeletal muscle cells.
(d) epithelial muscle cells.

12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(a) Most of the energy in an animal comes from the aerobic
breakdown of carbohydrates.
(b) In all respiratory systems of animals, the exchange of gases
needs a lot of energy.
(c) In the respiratory systems of animals, gases cannot be
transported in the gaseous form.
(d) Seals have more heamoglobin than humans.

13. A woman, who is a carrier of haemophilia, had phenotypically normal

parents and is married to a man without the recessive haemophilia
gene. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) All of her sons are haemophiliacs.
(b) All of her daughters are haemophiliacs.
(c) Her father was a carrier of haemophilia.
(d) Her mother was a carrier of haemophilia.

14. What is a codon?

(a) A specific group of three sequential bases of mRNA that
recognizes and attracts specific amino acids using tRNA as an
(b) A specific group of three sequential bases of DNA that
recognizes and attracts specific amino acids using mRNA as an
(c) A fragment of the DNA molecule which codes for a protein.
(d) A fragment of the DNA molecule which can undergo mutation.

15. Which of the following is an autotroph?

(a) Shitake mushrooms.
(b) A fish.
(c) A virus.
(d) An apple tree.

16. The C4-pathway of primary photosynthetic fixation is an adaptation of
plants to grow in
(a) the desert.
(b) hot and dry conditions.
(c) hot and high light conditions.
(d) All of the above conditions.

17. Most of our important crop plants come from the _________ family of
(a) grass
(b) orchid
(c) rose
(d) bromeliad

18. The _______ is considered the most intelligent invertebrate.

(a) grasshopper
(b) mosquito
(c) squid
(d) crab

19. Impulses can travel very rapidly along the nerves in our leg muscles
(a) there is a high concentration of sodium ions inside these nerve
(b) there is a high concentration of chloride ions inside these nerve
(c) the nerve cells contain a high concentration of calcium ions.
(d) the nerves are insulated by thick myelin sheaths.

20. You have to weigh out 155 mg of sodium bicarbonate salt for an
experiment on photosynthesis. Your weighing machine shows weight
in terms of g (grams) only. How many g of sodium bicarbonate
powder do you need to weight out?
(a) 155 g
(b) 15.5 g
(c) 1.55 g
(d) 0.155 g

21. In peas, tall stem length is dominant over short stem length. What
genotypic ratio would you expect in the offsprings of a cross between
a heterozygous tall plant and a homozygous short plant?
(a) 3 homozygous tall : 1 homozygous short.
(b) 1 homozygous tall : 3 homozygous short.
(c) 1 heterozygous tall : 1 homozygous short:2 heterozygous short.
(d) 1 heterozygous tall : 2 homozygous short:1 heterozygous short.

22. Adjacent plant cell walls are cemented by the

(a) cutin layer.
(b) primary wall
(c) secondary wall.
(d) middle lamella.

23. Which of the following class of compounds are generally hydrophobic?

(a) Carbohydrates.
(b) Lipids.
(c) Nucleic acids
(d) Proteins.

24. Which of the following transport processes in cells requires ATP?

(a) Simple diffusion.
(b) Facilitated diffusion.
(c) Osmosis.
(d) Active Transport.

25. Mary wants to determine the effect of temperature on the activity of a

enzyme she isolated from a plant growing in her garden. She can
expect that the activity of the enzyme would
(a) increase constantly as temperature increases.
(b) decrease constantly as temperature increases.
(c) increase to a certain level, then decrease, as temperature
(d) increase, then decrease, and increase again as temperature

26. Which of the following is produced during both the cyclic and non-
cyclic transport of electrons of photosynthesis?
(a) water
(b) ATP
(c) oxygen

27. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is fixed by bonding to

(a) glucose.
(b) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
(c) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate.
(d) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase.

28. Which of the following conditions favours photorespiration in plants?

(a) Darkness.
(b) Plants growing near to each other.
(c) Hot and dry conditions.
(d) Cool days.

29. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(a) Stomata are found on both leaves and green stems.
(b) Stomata allow CO2 and not O2 to pass through.
(c) Stomata are specialized pores on plants.
(d) Stomata close when a plant is subjected to drought.

30. Bacteriophages are

(a) bacteria that infect viruses.
(b) bacteria that are parasitic.
(c) viruses that infect bacteria.
(d) viruses that are parasitic.

31. A restriction enzyme, used in recombinant DNA technology, is most
likely to
(a) join DNA fragments together.
(b) cut DNA into fragments with sticky ends.
(c) transfer a plasmid into a bacterial cell.
(d) stimulate cell division in transformed cells.

32. Another term for neurons is

(a) neutron.
(b) neutral sex cells.
(c) blood cells.
(d) nerve cells.

33. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Sexual reproduction is biologically an inexpensive process.
(b) The reproductive systems of most terrestrial animals depend on
external fertilization.
(c) Many animal species do not use seasonal changes to coordinate
the timing of their reproductive systems.
(d) Sexual reproduction is the dominant form of reproduction
among animals.

34. The definition of a hermaphrodite is that of

(a) any organism that produces both eggs and sperm.
(b) a human male who has undergone a sex operation to be
changed into a female.
(c) any organism that releases a lot of eggs into its own mouth.
(d) any organism that shows a high rate of haemoglobin production.

35. Which of the following statements is true of fungi?

(a) Fungi are autotrophs.
(b) The food-absorbing part of a fungus is the mycelium.
(c) A mushroom is not classified as a fungus.
(d) Fungi are always harmful to the human race.

36. Each of the following is a function of epithelial tissue except
(a) movement.
(b) protection.
(c) secretion.
(d) sensory ability.

37. Calcium in the muscle cells attaches to

(a) the neurotransmitter.
(b) actin.
(c) myosin.
(d) troponin.

38. Mammals are unique among all vertebrates because they

(a) do not lay eggs.
(b) have hair.
(c) are warm-blooded.
(d) have a cartilaginous skeleton.

39. PCR is a technique used to

(a) amplify a region of DNA.
(b) chop us a source of DNA.
(c) transfer genes.
(d) create clone libraries.

40. Each of the following is a function of the Golgi complex except

(a) collection of molecules.
(b) distribution of molecules.
(c) synthesis of molecules.
(d) packaging of molecules.

41. Which of the following refers specifically to the transport of water?
(a) Energy transfer.
(b) Osmosis.
(c) Active transport.
(d) Diffusion.

42. Photosynthetic carbon fixation requires the expenditure of ATP

molecules. This ATP is generated by
(a) formation of glucose during the light-independent reactions.
(b) replenishment of the photosynthetic pigment.
(c) chemiosmotic synthesis during the light-dependent reactions.
(d) all of the above.

43. Which of the genetic diseases stated below is sex-linked?

(a) Cystic fibrosis.
(b) Haemophilia.
(c) Hypercholesterolemia.
(d) Tay-Sachs disease.

44. According to the Watson-Crick model of DNA, if you know that the
base-sequence of one strand is AATTCG, the sequence of the
complementary strand must be

45. DNA makes RNA by

(a) repair.
(b) replication.
(c) transcription.
(d) translation.

46. In creating recombinant DNA, the sticky ends of source DNA
fragments are joined to the sticky ends of ___________ produced by
the cutting up of a circular bacterial chromosome.
(a) antibiotics
(b) clones
(c) plasmids
(d) restriction enzymes

47. A version of DNA that is made from processed RNA is called

(a) a plasmid.
(b) a probe.
(c) cDNA.
(d) mDNA.

48. The transfer of working copies of genes from normal, healthy

individuals to afflicated individuals is known as
(a) a piggyback vaccine.
(b) the Human Genome Project.
(c) human gene therapy.
(d) DNA fingerprinting.

49. Prokaryotes, including bacteria, lack

(a) an organized nucleus.
(b) cells.
(c) cytoplasm.
(d) DNA.

50. Which of the following is not an arthropod?

(a) Butterfly.
(b) Crayfish.
(c) Earthworm.
(d) Spider.

51. Unlike the sponges and flatworms, vertebrates have a
(a) backbone.
(b) coelom.
(c) exoskeleton.
(d) nervous system.

52. Each of the following is a final product of human digestion except

(a) amino acids.
(b) fatty acids.
(c) free sugars.
(d) starch.

53. Schwann cells, which envelop the axon at intervals along the length,
act as
(a) dendrites.
(b) electrical insulators.
(c) nerves.
(d) tracts.

54. Which of the following does not promote biodiversity?

(a) Introduction of exotic species.
(b) Larger size of an ecosystem.
(c) Longer growing season.
(d) Climatic stability.

55. The path of energy in complex ecosystems with animals often feeding
at various trophic levels is called a
(a) community.
(b) food chain.
(c) food web.
(d) mineral cycle.

56. Cristae are found in which of the following?
(a) Chloroplasts.
(b) Mitochondria.
(c) Nuclei.
(d) Lysosomes.

57. Darwin believed that the major driving force in evolution was
(a) molecular biology.
(b) natural selection.
(c) divine creation.
(d) scientific creation.

58. The key advantage of multicellularity is that

(a) it allows the organism to be motile.
(b) it allows the organism to reproduce sexually.
(c) it allows the organism to photosynthesize.
(d) it allows special tissues to be formed within the organism.

59. A mass of fungal filaments is called a

(a) colony.
(b) hyphae.
(c) mycelium.
(d) mycorrhizae.

60. About 90 % of the water taken up by roots is lost to the atmosphere.

Which of the following structure accounts for the greatest loss of water
in plants?
(a) Stomata.
(b) Epidermes.
(c) Cuticles.
(d) Lenticels.



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