Related Terminologies: Alphabet
Related Terminologies: Alphabet
Related Terminologies: Alphabet
Related Terminologies
Length of a String
Kleene Star
Definition − The set ∑+ is the infinite set of all possible strings of all possible
lengths over ∑ excluding λ.
Representation − ∑+ = ∑1 ∪ ∑2 ∪ ∑3 ∪…….
∑+ = ∑* − { λ }
Example − If ∑ = { a, b } , ∑+ = { a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb,………..}
Q = {a, b, c},
∑ = {0, 1},
q0 = {a},
F = {c}, and
Transition function δ as shown by the following table −
Present State Next State for Input 0 Next State for Input 1
a a b
b c a
c b c
Q = {a, b, c}
∑ = {0, 1}
q0 = {a}
F = {c}
The transition function δ as shown below −
Present State Next State for Input 0 Next State for Input 1
a a, b b
b c a, c
c b, c c
The following table lists the differences between DFA and NDFA.
The transition from a state is to a single The transition from a state can be to
particular next state for each input symbol. multiple next states for each input symbol.
Hence it is called deterministic. Hence it is called non-deterministic.
Empty string transitions are not seen in DFA. NDFA permits empty string transitions.
An automaton that computes a Boolean function is called an acceptor. All the states of
an acceptor is either accepting or rejecting the inputs given to it.
A classifier has more than two final states and it gives a single output when it
An automaton that produces outputs based on current input and/or previous state is
called a transducer. Transducers can be of two types −
Mealy Machine − The output depends both on the current state and the current
Moore Machine − The output depends only on the current state.
Strings accepted by the above DFA: {0, 00, 11, 010, 101, ...........}
Strings not accepted by the above DFA: {1, 011, 111, ........}
Problem Statement
Let X = (Qx, ∑, δx, q0, Fx) be an NDFA which accepts the language L(X). We have to
design an equivalent DFA Y = (Qy, ∑, δy, q0, Fy) such that L(Y) = L(X). The following
procedure converts the NDFA to its equivalent DFA −
Input − An NDFA
Output − An equivalent DFA
Step 1 − Create state table from the given NDFA.
Step 2 − Create a blank state table under possible input alphabets for the equivalent
Step 3 − Mark the start state of the DFA by q0 (Same as the NDFA).
Step 4 − Find out the combination of States {Q 0, Q1,... , Qn} for each possible input
Step 5 − Each time we generate a new DFA state under the input alphabet columns,
we have to apply step 4 again, otherwise go to step 6.
Step 6 − The states which contain any of the final states of the NDFA are the final
states of the equivalent DFA.
Let us consider the NDFA shown in the figure below.
q δ(q,0) δ(q,1)
a {a,b,c,d,e} {d,e}
b {c} {e}
c ∅ {b}
d {e} ∅
e ∅ ∅
Using the above algorithm, we find its equivalent DFA. The state table of the DFA is
shown in below.
q δ(q,0) δ(q,1)
[d,e] [e] ∅
[e] ∅ ∅
[c, e] ∅ [b]
[c] ∅ [b]
Input − DFA
Output − Minimized DFA
Step 1 − Draw a table for all pairs of states (Q i, Qj) not necessarily connected directly
[All are unmarked initially]
Step 2 − Consider every state pair (Q i, Qj) in the DFA where Qi ∈ F and Qj ∉ F or vice
versa and mark them. [Here F is the set of final states]
Step 3 − Repeat this step until we cannot mark anymore states −
If there is an unmarked pair (Qi, Qj), mark it if the pair {δ (Q i, A), δ (Qi, A)} is marked for
some input alphabet.
Step 4 − Combine all the unmarked pair (Q i, Qj) and make them a single state in the
reduced DFA.
a b c d e f
a b c d e f
c ✔ ✔
d ✔ ✔
e ✔ ✔
f ✔ ✔ ✔
Step 3 − We will try to mark the state pairs, with green colored check mark, transitively.
If we input 1 to state ‘a’ and ‘f’, it will go to state ‘c’ and ‘f’ respectively. (c, f) is already
marked, hence we will mark pair (a, f). Now, we input 1 to state ‘b’ and ‘f’; it will go to
state ‘d’ and ‘f’ respectively. (d, f) is already marked, hence we will mark pair (b, f).
a b c d e f
c ✔ ✔
d ✔ ✔
e ✔ ✔
f ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
After step 3, we have got state combinations {a, b} {c, d} {c, e} {d, e} that are
We can recombine {c, d} {c, e} {d, e} into {c, d, e}
Hence we got two combined states as − {a, b} and {c, d, e}
So the final minimized DFA will contain three states {f}, {a, b} and {c, d, e}
DFA Minimization using Equivalence Theorem
If X and Y are two states in a DFA, we can combine these two states into {X, Y} if they
are not distinguishable. Two states are distinguishable, if there is at least one string S,
such that one of δ (X, S) and δ (Y, S) is accepting and another is not accepting. Hence,
a DFA is minimal if and only if all the states are distinguishable.
Algorithm 3
Step 1 − All the states Q are divided in two partitions − final states and non-final
states and are denoted by P0. All the states in a partition are 0 th equivalent. Take a
counter k and initialize it with 0.
Step 2 − Increment k by 1. For each partition in P k, divide the states in P k into two
partitions if they are k-distinguishable. Two states within this partition X and Y are k-
distinguishable if there is an input S such that δ(X, S) and δ(Y, S) are (k-1)-
Step 3 − If Pk ≠ Pk-1, repeat Step 2, otherwise go to Step 4.
Step 4 − Combine kth equivalent sets and make them the new states of the reduced
a b c
b a d
c e f
d e f
e e f
f f f
Mealy Machine
Moore machine
Mealy Machine
A Mealy Machine is an FSM whose output depends on the present state as well as the
present input.
It can be described by a 6 tuple (Q, ∑, O, δ, X, q 0) where −
Q is a finite set of states.
∑ is a finite set of symbols called the input alphabet.
O is a finite set of symbols called the output alphabet.
δ is the input transition function where δ: Q × ∑ → Q
X is the output transition function where X: Q × ∑ → O
q0 is the initial state from where any input is processed (q 0 ∈ Q).
The state table of a Mealy Machine is shown below −
Next state
→a b x1 c x1
b b x2 d x3
c d x3 c x1
d d x3 d x2
Moore machine is an FSM whose outputs depend on only the present state.
A Moore machine can be described by a 6 tuple (Q, ∑, O, δ, X, q 0) where −
Q is a finite set of states.
∑ is a finite set of symbols called the input alphabet.
O is a finite set of symbols called the output alphabet.
δ is the input transition function where δ: Q × ∑ → Q
X is the output transition function where X: Q → O
q0 is the initial state from where any input is processed (q 0 ∈ Q).
The state table of a Moore Machine is shown below −
Next State
Present state Output
Input = 0 Input = 1
→a b c x2
b b d x1
c c d x2
d d d x3
The following table highlights the points that differentiate a Mealy Machine from a
Moore Machine.
Output depends both upon the present state Output depends only upon the present state.
and the present input
Generally, it has fewer states than Moore Generally, it has more states than Mealy
Machine. Machine.
The value of the output function is a function of The value of the output function is a function of
the transitions and the changes, when the the current state and the changes at the clock
input logic on the present state is done. edges, whenever state changes occur.
Mealy machines react faster to inputs. They In Moore machines, more logic is required to
generally react in the same clock cycle. decode the outputs resulting in more circuit
delays. They generally react one clock cycle later.
Next State
Present State Output
a=0 a=1
→a d b 1
b a d 0
c c c 0
d b a 1
Next State
→a d b
b a d
c c c
d b a
Step 3 −
Next State
=> a d 1 b 0
b a 1 d 1
c c 0 c 0
d b 0 a 1
Let us consider the following Mealy Machine −
Next State
→a d 0 b 1
b a 1 d 0
c c 1 c 0
d b 0 a 1
Here, states ‘a’ and ‘d’ give only 1 and 0 outputs respectively, so we retain states ‘a’
and ‘d’. But states ‘b’ and ‘c’ produce different outputs (1 and 0). So, we
divide b into b0, b1 and c into c0, c1.
Next State
Present State Output
a=0 a=1
→a d b1 1
b0 a d 0
b1 a d 1
c0 c1 C0 0
c1 c1 C0 1
d b0 a 0
Week no.12
Pushdown Automata Introduction
Basic Structure of PDA
A pushdown automaton is a way to implement a context-free grammar in a similar way
we design DFA for a regular grammar. A DFA can remember a finite amount of
information, but a PDA can remember an infinite amount of information.
Basically a pushdown automaton is −
"Finite state machine" + "a stack"
A pushdown automaton has three components −
an input tape,
a control unit, and
a stack with infinite size.
The stack head scans the top symbol of the stack.
A stack does two operations −
Push − a new symbol is added at the top.
Pop − the top symbol is read and removed.
A PDA may or may not read an input symbol, but it has to read the top of the stack in
every transition.
Turnstile Notation
The "turnstile" notation is used for connecting pairs of ID's that represent one or many
moves of a PDA. The process of transition is denoted by the turnstile symbol "⊢".
Consider a PDA (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, I, F). A transition can be mathematically represented by
the following turnstile notation −
(p, aw, Tβ) ⊢ (q, w, αb)
This implies that while taking a transition from state p to state q, the input symbol ‘a’ is
consumed, and the top of the stack ‘T’ is replaced by a new string ‘α’.
Note − If we want zero or more moves of a PDA, we have to use the symbol (⊢*) for it.
Let L be a regular language. Then there exists a constant ‘c’ such that for every
string w in L −
|w| ≥ c
We can break w into three strings, w = xyz, such that −
|y| > 0
|xy| ≤ c
For all k ≥ 0, the string xykz is also in L.
Week no.13
Turing Machine Introduction
A Turing Machine (TM) is a mathematical model which consists of an infinite length
tape divided into cells on which input is given. It consists of a head which reads the
input tape. A state register stores the state of the Turing machine. After reading an
input symbol, it is replaced with another symbol, its internal state is changed, and it
moves from one cell to the right or left. If the TM reaches the final state, the input string
is accepted, otherwise rejected.
A TM can be formally described as a 7-tuple (Q, X, ∑, δ, q 0, B, F) where −
Q is a finite set of states
X is the tape alphabet
∑ is the input alphabet
δ is a transition function; δ : Q × X → Q × X × {Left_shift, Right_shift}.
q0 is the initial state
B is the blank symbol
F is the set of final states
The following table shows a comparison of how a Turing machine differs from Finite
Automaton and Pushdown Automaton.
Tape alphabet symbol Present State ‘q0’ Present State ‘q1’ Present State ‘q2’
Here the transition 1Rq1 implies that the write symbol is 1, the tape moves right, and
the next state is q1. Similarly, the transition 1Lq2 implies that the write symbol is 1, the
tape moves left, and the next state is q2.
Week no.14
Language Decidability
A language is called Decidable or Recursive if there is a Turing machine which
accepts and halts on every input string w. Every decidable language is Turing-
A decision problem P is decidable if the language L of all yes instances to P is
For a decidable language, for each input string, the TM halts either at the accept or the
reject state as depicted in the following diagram −
Find out whether the following problem is decidable or not Is a number ‘m’ prime?
Prime numbers = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, …………..}
Divide the number ‘m’ by all the numbers between ‘2’ and ‘√m’ starting from ‘2’.
If any of these numbers produce a remainder zero, then it goes to the “Rejected state”,
otherwise it goes to the “Accepted state”. So, here the answer could be made by ‘Yes’
or ‘No’.
Hence, it is a decidable problem.
Example 2
Given a regular language L and string w, how can we check if w ∈ L?
Undecidable Languages
For an undecidable language, there is no Turing Machine which accepts the language
and makes a decision for every input string w (TM can make decision for some input
string though). A decision problem P is called “undecidable” if the language L of all yes
instances to P is not decidable. Undecidable languages are not recursive languages,
but sometimes, they may be recursively enumerable languages.
The halting problem of Turing machine
The mortality problem
The mortal matrix problem
The Post correspondence problem, etc.
Week no.15
A → BC
where A, B, and C are non-terminals and a is terminal.