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Hypothesis: Hui Li, Liang Liu, Dingyu Zhang, Jiuyang Xu, Huaping Dai, Nan Tang, Xiao Su, Bin Cao

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SARS-CoV-2 and viral sepsis: observations and hypotheses

Hui Li, Liang Liu, Dingyu Zhang, Jiuyang Xu, Huaping Dai, Nan Tang, Xiao Su, Bin Cao

Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), clinicians have tried every effort to understand the Lancet 2020; 395: 1517–20
disease, and a brief portrait of its clinical features have been identified. In clinical practice, we noticed that many Published Online
severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients developed typical clinical manifestations of shock, including cold extremities April 17, 2020
and weak peripheral pulses, even in the absence of overt hypotension. Understanding the mechanism of viral sepsis
in COVID-19 is warranted for exploring better clinical care for these patients. With evidence collected from autopsy
For the Chinese translation see
studies on COVID-19 and basic science research on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Online for appendix
and SARS-CoV, we have put forward several hypotheses about SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis after multiple rounds of Department of Pulmonary and
discussion among basic science researchers, pathologists, and clinicians working on COVID-19. We hypothesise that Critical Care Medicine,
a process called viral sepsis is crucial to the disease mechanism of COVID-19. Although these ideas might be proven China-Japan Friendship
imperfect or even wrong later, we believe they can provide inputs and guide directions for basic research at this Hospital, Center of Respiratory
Medicine, National Clinical
moment. Research Center for Respiratory
Diseases, Beijing, China
Introduction In addition, spleen atrophy, hilar lymph node necrosis, (H Li MD, Prof H Dai MD,
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 focal haemorrhage in the kidney, enlarged liver with Prof B Cao MD); Institute of
Respiratory Medicine, Chinese
(SARS-CoV-2) outbreak, which was first reported in inflammatory cell infiltration, oedema, and scattered Academy of Medical Sciences
Wuhan, China, in December, 2019, has had an enormous degeneration of the neurons in the brain were present in and Peking Union Medical
impact on China and the whole world. The disease some patients.8,9 SARS-CoV-2 infectious virus particles College, Beijing, China (H Li,
Prof H Dai, Prof B Cao);
caused by SARS-CoV-2 is named coronavirus disease have been isolated from respiratory samples,10 as well as
Department of Forensic
2019 (COVID-19). By March 19, 2020, the number of from faecal11 and urine (Zhao J, Guangzhou Medical Medicine, Tongji Medical
confirmed cases had increased to over 200 000. Although University, personal communication) specimens from College of Huazhong University
most patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 had a mild COVID-19 patients, suggesting that multiple organ of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China (Prof L Liu MD);
illness, about 5% of patients had severe lung injury or dysfunction in severe COVID-19 patients is at least
Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital,
even multiorgan dysfunction, resulting in a 1·4% case partially caused by a direct attack from the virus. However, Wuhan, China
fatality ratio.1 there are no reports about the post-mortem observations (Prof D Zhang MD); Department
In clinical practice, we noticed that many severe or of the broad dissemin­ation of the viral particles by autopsy of Basic Medical Sciences,
Tsinghua University School
critically ill COVID-19 patients developed typical clinical right now. Whether SARS-CoV-2 can directly target
of Medicine, Beijing, China
manifestations of shock, including cold extremities and organs other than the lung, especially those organs with (J Xu MD); National Institute
weak peripheral pulses, even in the absence of overt high expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 of Biological Sciences, Beijing,
hypotension. Many of these patients showed severe (ACE2)12,13 and organs with L-SIGN14 as possible alternative China (N Tang PhD); and
Institute Pasteur of Shanghai,
metabolic acidosis, indicating possible microcirculation cell receptors for SARS-CoV-2, has to be further inves­
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
dysfunction. Moreover, some patients had impaired liver2 tigated. In addition, the question of how the SARS-CoV-2 Shanghai, China (Prof X Su PhD)
and kidney function in addition to severe lung injury. spreads to extrapulmonary organs remains an enigma. Correspondence to:
These patients met the diagnostic criteria for sepsis and Genomic variation of the circulating SARS-CoV-2 has Prof Bin Cao, Department of
septic shock according to the Sepsis-3 International been obser­ved, and the difference in the virulence needs Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine, China-Japan
Consensus,3 but SARS-CoV-2 infection appeared to be the further investigation.15
Friendship Hospital,
sole cause in most of them.1 Blood and lower respiratory Beijing 100029, China
tract specimen cultures turned out to be negative for Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and viral
bacteria and fungus in 76% sepsis patients in a COVID-19 sepsis
cohort.4 Therefore, viral sepsis would be more accurate to It has been shown that proinflammatory cytokines and
describe the clinical manifestations of severe or critically chemokines including tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α,
ill COVID-19 patients.5 Understanding the mechanism of interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-6, granulocyte-colony stimulating
viral sepsis in COVID-19 is warranted for exploring better factor, interferon gamma-induced protein-10, monocyte
clinical care for these patients. chemo­attractant protein-1, and macrophage inflam­matory
proteins 1-α were signifi­ cantly elevated in COVID-19
Virus infection and COVID-19 pathogenesis in patients.16,17 Like in a severe influenza infection, the
organs cytokine storm might play an important role in the
In biopsy or autopsy studies, pulmonary pathology for immunopathology of COVID-19. Previous studies revealed
both early6 and late phase7 COVID-19 patients showed that lung epithelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells
diffuse alveolar damage with the formation of hyaline all express cytokines to some extent during influenza
membranes, mononuclear cells, and macrophages infil­ infection via the activation of pattern recog­nition receptors
trating air spaces, and a diffuse thickening of the alveolar (including the Toll-like receptors TLR3, TLR7, and TLR8),
wall. Viral particles were observed in the bronchial and retinoic acid-inducible gene I, and the NOD-like receptor
type 2 alveolar epithelial cells by electron microscopy.8,9 family members.18 However, little is known about the Vol 395 May 9, 2020 1517


situation in COVID-19 at this moment. It is crucial to infection and ultimately death in mice.19 And the use of
identify the primary source of the cytokine storm in corticosteroids is still controversial.20,21
response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and the virological Yet the dysregulated immune response also has an
mechanisms behind the cytokine storm. It would also be immune suppression stage following the proinflam­
relevant to elucidate the kinetics of cytokine activation matory phase. It is characterised by sustained and
during SARS-CoV-2 infection: when were the first substantial reduction of the peripheral lymphocyte
cytokines released and what were they? Also, whether counts, mainly CD4 T and CD8 T cells in COVID-19
direct virus-induced tissue damage, systemic cytokine patients, and is associated with a high risk of developing
storm, or the synergistic effects of both, contributes to the secondary bacterial infection.4 This condition, known
multiple organ dysfunction of severe COVID-19 patients as lymphopenia, was also found in severe influenza
remains to be addressed. Further­more, it is worth keeping and other respiratory viral infections. The degree of
track of whether blocking one of these proinflammatory lymphopenia has been shown to correlate with the
mediators would affect the clinical outcome. The anti- severity of COVID-19.17 The mechanism underlying
IL-6R monoclonal antibody or corticosteroids have been lymphopenia remains unknown. Previous studies have
proposed to alleviate the inflammatory response. However, shown that SARS-like viral particles and SARS-CoV RNA
IL-6 might play an important role in initiating a preliminary were detected in T lymphocytes isolated from peripheral
response against virus infection by promoting neutrophil- blood sample, spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphoid tissue
mediated viral clearance, as one study revealed that of various organs,22,23 suggesting that SARS-CoV might
IL-6 or IL-6R deficiency led to persistence of influenza be able to infect T cells directly. The receptor-binding

Mild Severe
infection infection

Effector T cell


Dendritic cell Virus

Lymph nodes Antigen-presenting
cell Cytokines T cell

Naive T cell
Cell death Activated
Fibrin mesh platelets

Effector T cell

Asymptomatic Mild Severe

infection infection infection

Figure: Occurrence and outcome of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 viral sepsis

1518 Vol 395 May 9, 2020


domains of the spike proteins between SARS-CoV-2 and would recover quickly. However, in severe or critical
SARS-CoV show a high degree of consistency,24,25 and COVID-19 cases, the integrity of the epithelial–endo­
SARS-CoV-2 RNA was also detected in blood samples.16 thelial (air–blood) barrier was severely interrupted. In
Therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesise that, in addition to epithelial cells, SARS-CoV-2 can also attack
addition to the activation-induced cell death induced by lung capillary endothelial cells, which leads to a large
Fas and Fas ligand interaction as well as TNF-related amount of plasma component exudate in the alveolar
apoptosis-inducing ligand axis,26 SARS-CoV-2 could cavity. In response to the infection of SARS-CoV-2,
directly infect lymphocytes, particularly T cells, and alveolar macrophages or epithelial cells could produce
initiate or promote the cell death of lymphocytes, which various proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines.
eventually lead to lymphopenia and impaired antiviral Upon this change, monocytes and neutrophils were then
responses. However, such a hypothesis needs to be chemotactic to the infection site to clear these exudates
further investigated. It also needs to be identified what with virus particles and infected cells, resulting in
types of cell death are happening in the lymphocytes uncontrolled inflammation. In this process, because of
after SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, it is intriguing the substantial reduction and dysfunction of lymphocytes,
that the lymphocytes lack ACE2 expression, suggesting the adaptive immune response cannot be effectively
an alternative mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 initiated. The uncontrolled virus infection leads to more
compromises T lymphocytes.13 Whether or not alveolar macrophage infiltration and a further worsening of lung
macrophages can phagocytise the viral particles and then injury. Meanwhile, the direct attack on other organs by
transfer to lymphocytes is an open question in the field. disseminated SARS-CoV-2, the immune pathogenesis
caused by the systemic cytokine storm, and the micro­
COVID-19 and abnormal coagulation circulation dysfunctions together lead to viral sepsis
Studies have revealed that 71·4% of non-survivors of (figure). Therefore, effective antiviral therapy and mea­
COVID-19 matched the grade of overt disseminated sures to modulate the innate immune response and
intravascular coagulation (≥5 points according to the restore the adaptive immune response are essential for
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis breaking the vicious cycle and improving the outcome of
criteria)27 and showed abnormal coagulation results the patients.
during later stages of the disease; particularly increased Since the outbreak of COVID-19, clinicians have tried
concentrations of D-dimer and other fibrin degradation every effort to understand the disease, and a brief portrait
products were significantly associated with poor of its clinical features have been identified. However, there
prognosis.4 However, the concrete mechanisms for are still open questions about the mechanisms of the
coagulopathy are not identified yet. Whether SARS-CoV-2 observations. With evidence collected from autopsy
is able to directly attack vascular endothelial cells studies on COVID-19 and basic science research on
expressing high levels of ACE2,13 and then lead to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, we have put forward several
abnormal coagulation and sepsis, still needs to be hypotheses about SARS-CoV-2 patho­genesis after multiple
explored. Meanwhile, ACE2 is also an important regu­ rounds of discussion among basic science researchers,
lator of blood pressure. High expression of ACE2 in the pathologists, and clinicians working on COVID-19. We
circulatory system after infection of SARS-CoV-2 might hypothesise that a process called viral sepsis is crucial to
partially contribute to septic hypotension.28 Questions the disease mechanism of COVID-19. Although these
have been raised about using inhibitor therapy with ideas might be proven imperfect or even wrong later on,
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) and ACE we believe that they raise questions for future research.
inhibitors for COVID-19 patients with hypertension. Future basic science research is needed to explore
Some researchers suggested that ACE inhibitors might whether SARS-CoV-2 directly attacks vascular endothelial
benefit these patients by reducing pulmonary inflam­ cells, and to examine the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on
mation,29 although others argued that ACE inhibitors coagulation and virus dissemination. Clinical trials and
might enhance viral entry by regulating ACE2 levels.30 animal experiments should be done to assess the effect
However, there has been little clinical evidence on the of ARB and ACE inhibitors on the outcome of
risk of treating COVID-19 patients with ARB or ACE SARS-CoV-2 infection in vivo. Efforts should be made to
inhi­bitors. Further research is needed to explore whether confirm whether SARS-CoV-2 directly infects lympho­
these drugs inhibit or aid viral entry. cytes, and how it influences the adaptive immune
response. The kinetics of the cytokine response during
Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 infection also need further investigation.
On the basis of observations from COVID-19 patients, we The efficacy of immunomodulatory therapies should be
hypothesise that in mild cases, resident macrophages assessed in randomised clinical trials.
initiating lung inflammatory responses were able to Contributors
contain the virus after SARS-CoV-2 infection; both HL did the literature search and drafted the paper. JX helped with the
innate and adaptive immune responses were efficiently literature search and revised the manuscript. BC put forward the
hypothesis and revised the manuscript. LL, DZ, JX, HD, NT, and XS
established to curb the viral replication so that the patient Vol 395 May 9, 2020 1519


provided ideas about the mechanism of viral sepsis and revised the 15 Yu WB, Tang GD, Zhang L, Corlett RT. Decoding evolution and
paper. transmissions of novel pneumonia coronavirus using the whole
genomic data. (accessed
Declaration of interests March 10, 2020).
We declare no competing interests. 16 Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. Clinical features of patients infected
Acknowledgments with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 2020;
We appreciate the advice and editing of this Hypothesis by Xuetao Cao 395: 497–506.
in Nankai University. 17 Liu J, Li S, Liu J, et al. Longitudinal characteristics of lymphocyte
responses and cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood of
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