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Solving A System of Linear Equations: y X y X

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Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬


Solving a system of linear equations

Let A be a matrix, X a column vector, B a column vector then the system of linear
equations is denoted by AX=B.

The augmented matrix

The solution to a system of linear equations such as
x  2 y  5
3x  y  6

Depends on the coefficients of x and y and the constants on the right-hand side of
the equation. The matrix of coefficients for this system is the 2  2 matrix
1  2
3 1 
 

If we insert the constants from the right-hand side of the system into the matrix of
coefficients, we get the 2  3 matrix
1  2  5
 
3 1 6 

We use a vertical line between the coefficients and the constants to represent the
equal signs. This matrix is the augmented matrix of the system also it can be written
1  2 x   5
3 1  y    6 
    
Two systems of linear equations are equivalent if they have the same solution set.
Two augmented matrices are equivalent if the systems they represent are equivalent.

We'll take two methods to solve the system AX=B

1) Cramer's rule
The solution to the system

a1 x  b1 y  c1
a2 x  b2 y  c2

Dx Dy
Is given by x  and y  where
a1 b1 c1 b1 a1 c1
D , Dx  and Dy 
a2 b2 c2 b2 a2 c2

Provided that D  0

Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

1. Cramer's rule works on systems that have exactly one solution.
2. Cramer's rule gives us a precise formula for finding the solution to an
independent system.
3. Note that D is the determinant made up of the original coefficients of x and y .
D is used in the denominator for both x and y . Dx is obtained by replacing the
first (or x ) column of D by the constants c1 and c2 . Dy is found by replacing
the second (or y ) column of D by the constants c1 and c2 .

Ex.1: Use Cramer's rule to solve the system:

3x  2 y  4
2 x  y  3

First find the determinants D, Dx , and Dy :
3 2
D  3  (4)  7
2 1
4 2 3 4
Dx   4 - 6  -2 , Dy   -9 - 8  -17
3 1 2 3

By Cramer's rule, we have

D 2 Dy 17
x x  and y  
D 7 D 7
 2 17 
Check in the original equations. The solution set is ( , ) .
 7 7 

Ex.2: Solve the system:

2x  3y  9
 2x  3y  5
Cramer's rule does not work because
2 3
D  6  (6)  0
2 3
Because Cramer's rule fails to solve the system, we apply the addition method:
2x  3 y  9
 2x  3 y  5
0  14
Because this last statement is false, the solution set is empty. The original equations are

Ex.3: Solve the system:

3x  5 y  7
6 x  10 y  14

Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

Sol.: Cramer's rule does not apply because

3 5
D  30  (30)  0
6  10
Multiply Eq.(1) by -2 and add it to Eq.(2)
 6 x  10 y  14
6 x  10 y  14
Because the last statement is an identity, the equations are dependent. The
solution set is ( x, y) 3x  5 y  7.

2) The Gaussian Elimination method

When we solve a single equation, we write simpler and simpler equivalent
equations to get an equation whose solution is obvious. In the Gaussian elimination
method we write simpler and simpler equivalent augmented matrices until we get an
augmented matrix in which the solution to the corresponding system is obvious.
Because each row of an augmented matrix represents an equation, we can perform
the row operations on the augmented matrix.

Elementary Row Operation:

1. Construct the augmented matrix (A:B).
2. Interchange two rows (Ri  Rj).
3. Multiply any row by a constant different from zero (Ri  kRi)
4. Add a constant multiply of any row to another row (Ri  Ri + kRj)

Use Gaussian elimination method to solve the system (two equations in two
x  3 y  11
2x  y  1
Start with the augmented matrix:
1  3 11
 
2 1 1 
1  3 11 
  R2  -2R1  R 2
0 7  21
1  3 11  1
  R2  R 2
0 1  3 7

1 0 2 
  R1  3R 2  R
0 1  3

This augmented matrix represents the system x  2 and y  3 . So the solution

set to the system is 2,3.

Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

Ex.3: Solve the system

x  y 1
 3x  3 y  4
 1  1 1 1  1 1
   R2  3R 1  R 2  
  3 3 4 0 0 7 
R2 corresponds to the equation 0 = 7. So the equations are inconsistent, and
there is no solution to the system.

Ex.4: Solve the system

3x  y  1
6x  2 y  2
3 1 1  3 1 1 
   R2  - 2R 1  R 2  
6 2 2  0 0 0
In the R2 of the augmented matrix we have the equation 0 = 0. So the equations
are dependent. For ordered pair that satisfies the first equation satisfies both equations.
The solution set is ( x, y) 3x  y  1

Matrix Inverse
The matrix A has an inverse denoted by A-1 if |A|0 where A.A-1=I. We'll take two
methods to find A-1 where A is an n×n matrix.

1) By Gauss elimination method(Using row operations):

1. Construct the augment matrix (A:I)
2. Use row operation until we have (I:A-1)

2 1 
Ex1: Use Row operation to find A-1 if A=  
1 4 
 2 1 1 0  1 1 
1  1 0
   R  R  2 2
1 4 0 1
1 1
1 4 0 1  2
 
 1 1 
1 2 2 0
R 2  R 2  R 1  
7 1 
0 1
 2 2 
 1 
2 1 1 2 0 
R 2  R 2  2 1 2 
7 0 1 
 7 4
 4  1
1  1 0 7
R1  R1  R 2   7
1 2 
2 0 1 
 7 7

Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

4  1
 7
A-1 =  7
1 2
 
7 7

2) By Cofactor Method (Using determinant of the matrix)

The cofactor of the element aij of the matrix A = (aij) is defined by cij = (-1)i+j Aij
where Aij is the determinant of the matrix that remains when the row i and the column j
are deleted.
To find the inverse of a matrix whose determinant is not zero
1- construct the matrix of cofactors of A, cof (A) = cij
2- Construct the transposed matrix of cofactors called the adjoin of A = adj (A) =
cof (A)T
3- then A-1 = adj A
det ( A)
4- to check your answer A.A-1 = I or A-1.A = I

2 1 
Ex.: Use determinant to find A-1 where A =  
1 4 
A-1 = adj ( A)
2 1
A  8 1  7
1 4
 4  1
Cof(A) =  
 1 2 
C11 = (-1)1+1 |4| = 4
C12 = (-1)1+2 |1| = -1
C21 = (-1)2+1 |1| = -1
C22 = (-1)2+2 |2| = 2
 4  1  1
Adj(A) =     
 1 2   1 2 
 4 1
1  4  1  7 
 A    7 
7   1 2    1 2 
 
 7 7 

1) write the augment matrix to the following systems then find the solution:
x  y  z 1
a) 2x  2 y  2z  2
 3x  3 y  3z  3

Mathematics: Lecture 5 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

x yz 2
b) 2x  y  z  1
3x  3 y  3z  8

2x 2  1
x 2  2x 3  2
x1  2x 4  10
x1  x 4  5
2) Find the inverse of each following matrix
 2 1  1
 
a)  3 5 2
5  2 4 
 

 1 1  3
 
b)  2  1 1 
 1 2 1
 

1- Calculus & Analytic Geometry (Thomas).
2- Calculus (Haward Anton).
3- Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Studies )‫ رياض احمد عزت‬.‫(أ‬

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