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Command Reference

Acropolis 5.1

Copyright 2017 Nutanix, Inc.
Nutanix, Inc.
1740 Technology Drive, Suite 150
San Jose, CA 95110
All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property
laws. Nutanix is a trademark of Nutanix, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks
and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

The provision of this software to you does not grant any licenses or other rights under any Microsoft
patents with respect to anything other than the file server implementation portion of the binaries for this
software, including no licenses or any other rights in any hardware or any devices or software that are used
to communicate with or in connection with this software.

Convention Description

variable_value The action depends on a value that is unique to your environment.

ncli> command The commands are executed in the Nutanix nCLI.

user@host$ command The commands are executed as a non-privileged user (such as nutanix)
in the system shell.

root@host# command The commands are executed as the root user in the vSphere or Acropolis
host shell.

> command The commands are executed in the Hyper-V host shell.

output The information is displayed as output from a command or in a log file.

Default Cluster Credentials

Interface Target Username Password

Nutanix web console Nutanix Controller VM admin Nutanix/4u

vSphere Web Client ESXi host root nutanix/4u

Copyright | Command Reference | AOS | 2

Interface Target Username Password

vSphere client ESXi host root nutanix/4u

SSH client or console ESXi host root nutanix/4u

SSH client or console AHV host root nutanix/4u

SSH client or console Hyper-V host Administrator nutanix/4u

SSH client Nutanix Controller VM nutanix nutanix/4u

SSH client Nutanix Controller VM admin Nutanix/4u

SSH client or console Acropolis OpenStack root admin

Services VM (Nutanix

Last modified: May 25, 2017 (2017-05-25 8:02:06 GMT-7)

Copyright | Command Reference | AOS | 3


1: Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI)............................................6

CLI Reference Conventions.................................................................................................................6

2: Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI).............................................58

Installing the nCLI on Your Local System......................................................................................... 58
Initiating an nCLI Session From Your Local System.........................................................................59
Command Format.............................................................................................................................. 60
Embedded Help................................................................................................................................. 60
nCLI Entities.......................................................................................................................................60
Nutanix Command-Line Interface Reference.................................................................................... 61
CLI Reference Conventions....................................................................................................61
alerts: Alert........................................................................................................................... 62
authconfig: Authentication Configuration............................................................................. 64
cloud: Cloud........................................................................................................................... 69
cluster: Cluster..................................................................................................................... 73
container: Storage Container............................................................................................... 86
data-at-rest-encryption: Data At Rest Encryption.......................................................... 91
data-at-rest-encryption-certificate: Data At Rest Encryption Certificate................. 92
datastore: Datastore............................................................................................................. 95
disk: Physical Disk.................................................................................................................96
events: Event......................................................................................................................... 97
failover-cluster: Failover Cluster..................................................................................... 98
file-server: File Server.....................................................................................................100
health-check: Health Check...............................................................................................115
host: Physical Host.............................................................................................................. 116
http-proxy: HTTP Proxy.....................................................................................................121
key-management-server: Key Management Server...........................................................123
license: License.................................................................................................................. 124
managementserver: Management Server............................................................................125
multicluster: Multicluster.................................................................................................. 127
network: Network................................................................................................................. 128

nutanix-guest-tools: Nutanix Guest Tools...................................................................... 134
progress-monitor: Progress Monitor................................................................................. 136
protection-domain: Protection domain............................................................................. 137
pulse-config: Pulse Configuration..................................................................................... 151
rackable-unit: Rackable unit............................................................................................ 151
remote-site: Remote Site.................................................................................................. 152
rsyslog-config: RSyslog Configuration.............................................................................157
share: Share.........................................................................................................................160
smb-server: Nutanix SMB server........................................................................................ 160
snapshot: Snapshot............................................................................................................. 161
snmp: SNMP.......................................................................................................................... 162
software: Software.............................................................................................................. 166
ssl-certificate: SSL Certificate...................................................................................... 168
storagepool: Storage Pool................................................................................................. 169
storagetier: Storage Tier...................................................................................................170
tag: Tag.................................................................................................................................172
task: Tasks........................................................................................................................... 172
user: User.............................................................................................................................173
vdisk: Virtual Disk................................................................................................................ 176
virtual-disk: Virtual Disk.................................................................................................. 179
virtualmachine: Virtual Machine........................................................................................180
volume-group: Volume Groups........................................................................................... 182
vstore: VStore..................................................................................................................... 187
vzone: vZone........................................................................................................................ 188

3: Controller VM Commands.................................................................. 191

Specifying Credentials..................................................................................................................... 191
cluster............................................................................................................................................... 191
genesis............................................................................................................................................. 236
ncc.................................................................................................................................................... 245 275

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI)
Acropolis provides a command-line interface for managing hosts, networks, snapshots, and VMs.

Accessing the Acropolis CLI

To access the Acropolis CLI, log on to a Controller VM in the cluster with SSH and type acli at the shell
To exit the Acropolis CLI and return to the shell, type exit at the <acropolis> prompt.

CLI Reference Conventions

This command-line interface reference uses the following conventions.
• Parameters in italic are unique to your environment.

• Parameters in square brackets are optional.

[ value ]

• Parameters in curly brackets must be one of a limited set of values.

{ value1 | value2 }

One example is boolean parameters: { true | false }

• The keyword is a literal string required by the command, and the value is the unique value for your



• Get current Acropolis Dynamic Scheduling (ADS) configuration : ads.get

• Enable or disable Acropolis Dynamic Scheduling (ADS) : ads.update

Get current Acropolis Dynamic Scheduling (ADS) configuration

<acropolis> ads.get
Required arguments

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 6

Enable or disable Acropolis Dynamic Scheduling (ADS)

<acropolis> ads.update [ enable="{ true | false }" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable ADS.
Type: boolean
Default: true



• Exits the CLI : core.exit

• Gets the current value of the given configuration options : core.get
• Provides help text for the named object :
• Sets the value of the given configuration options : core.set

Exits the CLI

<acropolis> core.exit
Required arguments

Gets the current value of the given configuration options

<acropolis> core.get [ options ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list
Type: list of configuration options

Provides help text for the named object

<acropolis> [ name ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Command or namespace to describe

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 7

Type: command or namespace name

Sets the value of the given configuration options

<acropolis> core.set [ assume_default="{ true | false }" ][ inline_help="{ true |

false }" ][ json="{ true | false }" ][ pretty="{ true | false }" ][ use_dns="{ true |
false }" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Reply to all prompts with default values.
Type: boolean
Show inline help for tab completion.
Type: boolean
Output JSON.
Type: boolean
Show pretty output.
Type: boolean
Perform DNS lookups.
Type: boolean



• Get current HA configuration : ha.get

• Enable, disable or modify VM availability configuration : ha.update

Get current HA configuration

<acropolis> ha.get
Required arguments

Enable, disable or modify VM availability configuration

<acropolis> ha.update [ enable_failover="{ true | false }" ][

evacuation_mode="evacuation_mode" ][
num_host_failures_to_tolerate="num_host_failures_to_tolerate" ][
reservation_type="reservation_type" ][ wait="{ true | false }" ]

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 8

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable VM restart on host failure.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Evacuation mode
Type: VM evacuation option
Default: 3
Number of host failures to tolerate.
Type: int
Reservation type
Type: HA reservation type
If True, wait for the host evacuation attempt to finish
Type: boolean
Default: true



• Puts a host into maintenance mode : host.enter_maintenance_mode

• Check if AHV host can enter maintenance mode : host.enter_maintenance_mode_check
• Takes a host out of maintenance mode : host.exit_maintenance_mode
• Retrieves scheduler information about a Host : host.get
• Lists hosts in the cluster : host.list
• Lists VMs currently running on the host : host.list_vms

Puts a host into maintenance mode

This command initiates a transition into maintenance mode. The host will be marked as unschedulable, so
that no new VMs are instantiated on it. Subsequently, an attempt is made to evacuate VMs from the host.
If the evacuation attempt fails (e.g., because there are insufficient resources available elsewhere in the
cluster), the host will remain in the "entering maintenance mode" state, where it is marked unschedulable,
waiting for user remediation. The user may safely run this command again, and may do so with different
options (e.g., by specifying mode=power_off to power off the remaining VMs on the host). A request to
enter maintenance mode may be aborted at any time using the host.exit_maintenance_mode command.
The user should use the host.get command to determine the host's current maintenance mode state.

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 9

<acropolis> host.enter_maintenance_mode host [ mode="mode" ][
non_migratable_vm_action="non_migratable_vm_action" ][ wait="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Host identifier
Type: host
Optional arguments
Evacuation mode ('live', 'cold', 'power_off')
Type: string
Default: live
Action for non migratable VMs ('block', 'acpi_shutdown')
Type: string
Default: block
If True, wait for the host evacuation attempt to finish
Type: boolean
Default: true

Check if AHV host can enter maintenance mode

User can proceed to 'host.enter_maintenance_mode' if check succeeds.

<acropolis> host.enter_maintenance_mode_check host [
non_migratable_vm_action="non_migratable_vm_action" ]
Required arguments
Host identifier
Type: host
Optional arguments
Action for non migratable VMs ('block', 'acpi_shutdown')
Type: string
Default: block

Takes a host out of maintenance mode

This command may be used to abort a prior attempt to enter maintenance mode, even if the attempt is
ongoing. If the host is no longer in maintenance mode, this command has no effect. The host may not be
removed from maintenance mode synchronously. Use the host.get command to check the host's current
maintenance mode state.
<acropolis> host.exit_maintenance_mode host

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 10

Required arguments
Host identifier
Type: host

Retrieves scheduler information about a Host

<acropolis> host.get host_list

Required arguments
Host identifier
Type: list of hosts

Lists hosts in the cluster

<acropolis> host.list
Required arguments

Lists VMs currently running on the host

<acropolis> host.list_vms host

Required arguments
Type: host



• Create an image : image.create

• Delete an image(s) : image.delete
• Retrieves information about an image : image.get
• List all Images : image.list
• Update an image : image.update

Create an image

We support two different modes of creation. A URL to a disk image can be provided with the source_url
keyword argument or an existing vmdisk can be provided with the clone_from_vmdisk keyword argument.
If the image is created from a source_url then a container must also be provided. Otherwise the container
keyword argument should not be specified and the image will reside in the same container as the vmdisk.
In addition to a creation mode, an image type must also be provided. Image types can either be an ISO
(kIsoImage) or a disk image (kDiskImage). Optionally, a checksum may also be specified if we are creating
an image from a source_url in order to verify the correctness of the image.

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 11

<acropolis> image.create name [ annotation="annotation" ][
clone_from_vmdisk="clone_from_vmdisk" ][ compute_checksum="{ true | false }"
][ container="container" ][ image_type="{raw|vhd|vmdk|vdi|iso|qcow2|vhdx}"
][ product_name="product_name" ][ product_version="product_version" ][
sha1_checksum="sha1_checksum" ][ sha256_checksum="sha256_checksum" ][
source_url="source_url" ][ wait="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of image names
Type: list of strings with expansion wildcards
Optional arguments
Image description
Type: string
UUID of the source vmdisk
Type: VM disk
If True, we will compute the checksum of the image
Type: boolean
Default: false
Destination Storage Container
Type: container
Image type
Type: image type
Name of the producer/distributor of the image
Type: string
Version string for the image
Type: string
SHA-1 checksum
Type: hex checksum
SHA-256 checksum
Type: hex checksum
URL location of the source image
Type: image URL

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 12

If True, we will wait for the image creation to complete
Type: boolean
Default: true
1. Create an image named 'foo' from an image located at
<acropolis> image.create foo source_url= container=default
2. Create an image named 'bar' from a vmdisk 0b4fc60b-cc56-41c6-911e-67cc8406d096.
<acropolis> image.create bar clone_from_vmdisk=0b4fc60b-cc56-41c6-911e-67cc8406d096

Delete an image(s)

<acropolis> image.delete image_list

Required arguments
Image identifiers
Type: list of images

Retrieves information about an image

<acropolis> image.get image_list [ include_vmdisk_paths="{ true | false }" ][

include_vmdisk_sizes="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Image identifiers
Type: list of images
Optional arguments
Fetch vmdisk paths
Type: boolean
Default: false
Fetch vmdisk sizes (in bytes)
Type: boolean
Default: true

List all Images

<acropolis> image.list
Required arguments

Update an image

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 13

<acropolis> image.update image [ annotation="annotation" ][ image_type="{raw|
vhd|vmdk|vdi|iso|qcow2|vhdx}" ][ name="name" ][ product_name="product_name" ][
product_version="product_version" ]
Required arguments
Image identifier
Type: image
Optional arguments
Image description
Type: string
Image type
Type: image type
Image name
Type: string
Name of the producer/distributor of the image
Type: string
Version string for the image
Type: string
1. Update the name of an image named 'foo'.
<acropolis> image.update foo name=bar



• Retrieves information about an ISCSI client : iscsi_client.get

• Lists all ISCSI clients : iscsi_client.list
• Update an ISCSI client's parameters : iscsi_client.update

Retrieves information about an ISCSI client

<acropolis> iscsi_client.get [ client_uuid_list="client_uuid_list" ][

name_list="name_list" ][ network_id_list="network_id_list" ]
Required arguments

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 14

Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list of iscsi initiator client uuids
Type: List of iSCSI clients
Comma-delimited list of iscsi initiator names (IQNs)
Type: List of iSCSI clients
Comma-delimited list of iscsi initiator network identifiers
Type: List of iSCSI clients

Lists all ISCSI clients

<acropolis> iscsi_client.list
Required arguments

Update an ISCSI client's parameters

<acropolis> iscsi_client.update [ client_secret="client_secret" ][

client_uuid="client_uuid" ][ name="name" ][ network_id="network_id" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Client secret to be used in CHAP authentication
Type: string
iscsi client UUID
Type: iSCSI client name or network id
iscsi initiator name (IQNs)
Type: iSCSI client name or network id
iscsi initiator network identifier
Type: iSCSI client name or network id



• Add a DHCP pool to a managed network : net.add_dhcp_pool

• Blacklists IP addresses for a managed network : net.add_to_ip_blacklist

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 15

• Clear the DHCP DNS configuration for a managed network : net.clear_dhcp_dns
• Clear the DHCP TFTP configuration for a managed network : net.clear_dhcp_tftp
• Clears the network function chain for this network : net.clear_network_function_chain
• Creates a new virtual network for VMs : net.create
• Deletes a network : net.delete
• Delete a DHCP pool from a managed network : net.delete_dhcp_pool
• Removes IP addresses from a managed network's blacklist : net.delete_from_ip_blacklist
• Retrieves information about a network : net.get
• Lists all networks : net.list
• List blacklisted IPs for a managed network : net.list_ip_blacklist
• Lists VMs configured on the network : net.list_vms
• Updates network metadata : net.update
• Configure the DHCP DNS configuration for a managed network : net.update_dhcp_dns
• Configure the DHCP TFTP configuration for a managed network : net.update_dhcp_tftp
• Sets the network function chain for this network : net.update_network_function_chain

Add a DHCP pool to a managed network

A managed network may have zero or more non-overlapping DHCP pools. Each pool must be entirely
contained within the network's managed subnet. In the absence of a DHCP pool, the user must specify
an IPv4 address when creating a virtual network adapter (see vm.nic_create). If the managed network
has a DHCP pool, the user need not provide an address; the NIC will automatically be assigned an IPv4
address from one of the pools at creation time, provided at least one address is available. Addresses in the
DHCP pool are not reserved. That is, a user may manually specify an address belonging to the pool when
creating a virtual adapter.
<acropolis> net.add_dhcp_pool network [ end="end" ][ start="ip_addr" ]
Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Last IPv4 address
Type: IPv4 address
First IPv4 address
Type: IPv4 address
1. Auto-assign addresses from the inclusive range -
<acropolis> net.add_dhcp_pool vlan.16 start= end=

Blacklists IP addresses for a managed network

A blacklisted IP address can not be assigned to a VM network adapter. This property may be useful for
avoiding conflicts between VMs and other hosts on the physical network.
<acropolis> net.add_to_ip_blacklist network [ ip_list="ip_addr_list" ]

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 16

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list of IP addresses
Type: list of IPv4 addresses

Clear the DHCP DNS configuration for a managed network

<acropolis> net.clear_dhcp_dns network

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
1. Clear DNS servers and search domains.
<acropolis> net.clear_dhcp_dns vlan.123

Clear the DHCP TFTP configuration for a managed network

<acropolis> net.clear_dhcp_tftp network

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
1. Clear TFTP server name and boot filename.
<acropolis> net.clear_dhcp_tftp vlan.123

Clears the network function chain for this network

<acropolis> net.clear_network_function_chain network

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network

Creates a new virtual network for VMs

Each VM network interface is bound to a virtual network (see vm.nic_create). While a virtual network is
in use by a VM, it cannot be modified or deleted. Currently, the only supported L2 type is VLAN. Each
virtual network is bound to a single VLAN, and trunking VLANs to a virtual network is not supported.
A virtual network on VLAN 66 would be named "vlan.66". Each virtual network maps to a hypervisor-

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 17

specific default vswitch. On KVM, this is "br0". To use a different vswitch (e.g., with different uplinks),
you can append the vswitch name to the network identifier. For example, "vlan.66.br1". The user is
responsible for ensuring that the specified vswitch exists on all hosts, and that the physical switch
ports for the vswitch uplinks are properly configured to receive VLAN-tagged traffic. On hypervisors
where it is supported, a virtual network may have an IPv4 configuration. Such a network is a "managed"
network. A network without an IPv4 configuration is an "unmanaged" network. A network must be
configured as "managed" or "unmanaged" at creation time. It is not possible to convert one to the
other. A particular L2 (i.e., a particular VLAN) may have at most one managed network defined at a
time. To create a managed network, the user specifies the "ip_config" keyword. This consists of an
IPv4 default gateway address and subnet in CIDR notation. The user may optionally specify a DHCP
server address, to avoid conflict with other services on the network. By default, the last available host
address in the subnet is used. Optionally mtu can be specified as part of network create if mtu other
than default (1500) is required. Every virtual NIC on a managed network must be assigned an IPv4
address at NIC creation time. All DHCP traffic on the network will be rerouted to an internal DHCP
server, who hands out configured IPv4 addresses. DHCP traffic on the physical network will not reach
the virtual network, and vice versa. For more about managed networks, see the following commands:
net.add_dhcp_pool net.add_to_ip_blacklist net.clear_dhcp_dns net.clear_dhcp_tftp net.delete_dhcp_pool
net.delete_from_ip_blacklist net.list_ip_blacklist net.update_dhcp_dns net.update_dhcp_tftp
<acropolis> net.create name [ annotation="annotation" ][ dhcp_address="dhcp_address" ][
ip_config="ip_config" ][ mtu="mtu" ][ vlan="vlan" ][ vswitch_name="vswitch_name" ]
Required arguments
Network name
Type: string
Optional arguments
Annotation string
Type: string
DHCP server address (for managed networks)
Type: IPv4 address
IP configuration in CIDR notation ("default_gateway/prefix")
Type: string
MTU setting
Type: int
Type: int
Vswitch name
Type: string
1. Create an unmanaged network on VLAN 66.
<acropolis> net.create mynet vlan=66

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 18

2. Create an unmanaged network on VLAN 66 with MTU 9000.
<acropolis> net.create mynet vlan=66 mtu=9000
3. Create a managed network on VLAN 99, bound to vswitch br1. The managed IPv4 range is -, the default gateway is, and the DHCP server is
<acropolis> net.create mynet vlan=99 vswitch_name=br1 ip_config=
4. Create an untagged managed network. The managed IPv4 range is -, and
the default gateway is In this example, the DHCP server will be automatically configured
as to avoid collision with the default gateway.
<acropolis> net.create mynet vlan=0 ip_config=

Deletes a network

Note that a network may not be deleted while VMs are still attached to it. To determine which VMs are on a
network, use net.list_vms.
<acropolis> net.delete network
Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network

Delete a DHCP pool from a managed network

See network.add_dhcp_pool for more information.

<acropolis> net.delete_dhcp_pool network [ start="ip_addr" ]
Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
First IPv4 address
Type: IPv4 address

Removes IP addresses from a managed network's blacklist

<acropolis> net.delete_from_ip_blacklist network [ ip_list="ip_addr_list" ]

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list of IP addresses
Type: list of IPv4 addresses

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 19

Retrieves information about a network

<acropolis> net.get network_list

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: list of networks

Lists all networks

<acropolis> net.list
Required arguments

List blacklisted IPs for a managed network

<acropolis> net.list_ip_blacklist network

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network

Lists VMs configured on the network

<acropolis> net.list_vms network

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network

Updates network metadata

<acropolis> net.update network [ annotation="annotation" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Annotation string
Type: string
Network name
Type: string

Configure the DHCP DNS configuration for a managed network

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 20

This command is used to configure the DNS information that the DHCP server includes in its responses
to clients on the virtual network. In particular, it is used to configure a list of DNS server IP addresses, and
domain search paths. The DHCP server's DNS configuration may be modified while VMs are connected to
the network. However, the DHCP server hands out infinite leases, so clients will need to manually renew to
pick up the new settings.
<acropolis> net.update_dhcp_dns network [ domains="domains" ][ servers="dns_servers" ]
Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list of search domains
Type: list of DNS domains
Comma-delimited list of DNS server IP addresses
Type: list of IPv4 addresses
1. Configure DNS servers and search domains.
<acropolis> net.update_dhcp_dns vlan.123 servers=,,

Configure the DHCP TFTP configuration for a managed network

This command is used to configure the TFTP information that the DHCP server includes in its responses
to clients on the virtual network. In particular, it is used to configure the TFTP server name (option 66)
and boot file name (option 67). The DHCP server's TFTP configuration may be modified while VMs are
connected to the network. However, the TFTP server hands out infinite leases, so clients will need to
manually renew to pick up the new settings.
<acropolis> net.update_dhcp_tftp network [ bootfile_name="bootfile_name" ][
server_name="server_name" ]
Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Optional arguments
Boot file name
Type: string
TFTP server name
Type: string

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 21

1. Configure TFTP server and bootfile.
<acropolis> net.update_dhcp_tftp vlan.123 server_name= bootfile_name=ARDBP32.BIN

Sets the network function chain for this network

<acropolis> net.update_network_function_chain network chain

Required arguments
Network identifier
Type: network
Network function chain identifier
Type: network function chain



• Adds a network function to a chain : nf.chain_add_function

• Clears network functions from a chain : nf.chain_clear_functions
• Creates a network function chain object : nf.chain_create
• Deletes a network function chain : nf.chain_delete
• Gets specific network function chains : nf.chain_get
• Lists all network function chains : nf.chain_list

Adds a network function to a chain

<acropolis> nf.chain_add_function chain [ network_function_name="network_function_name"

][ type="type" ]
Required arguments
Network function chain
Type: network function chain
Optional arguments
Network function name
Type: string
Network function type
Type: Network function type

Clears network functions from a chain

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 22

<acropolis> nf.chain_clear_functions chain
Required arguments
Network function chain
Type: network function chain

Creates a network function chain object

<acropolis> nf.chain_create name

Required arguments
Network function chain name
Type: string

Deletes a network function chain

<acropolis> nf.chain_delete chain

Required arguments
Network function chain
Type: network function chain

Gets specific network function chains

<acropolis> nf.chain_get chains

Required arguments
Network function chain
Type: list of network function chains

Lists all network function chains

<acropolis> nf.chain_list
Required arguments



• Retrieves information about a parcel : parcel.get

• List all Parcels : parcel.list

Retrieves information about a parcel

<acropolis> parcel.get parcel_list

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 23

Required arguments
Parcel identifiers
Type: list of parcels

List all Parcels

<acropolis> parcel.list
Required arguments



• Creates a new policy : policy.create

• Deletes a policy : policy.delete
• Retrieves information about a policy : policy.get
• Lists all policies : policy.list
• Updates policy metadata : policy.update

Creates a new policy

<acropolis> policy.create name [ vlan="vlan" ]

Required arguments
Policy name
Type: string
Optional arguments
Type: int

Deletes a policy

<acropolis> policy.delete policy

Required arguments
Policy identifier
Type: policy

Retrieves information about a policy

<acropolis> policy.get policy_list

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 24

Required arguments
Policy identifier
Type: list of policies

Lists all policies

<acropolis> policy.list
Required arguments

Updates policy metadata

<acropolis> policy.update policy [ annotation="annotation" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Policy identifier
Type: policy
Optional arguments
Annotation string
Type: string
Policy name
Type: string



• Deletes one or more snapshots : snapshot.delete

• Retrieves information about a snapshot : snapshot.get
• Lists all snapshots : snapshot.list

Deletes one or more snapshots

<acropolis> snapshot.delete snapshot_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of snapshot identifiers
Type: list of snapshots

Retrieves information about a snapshot

<acropolis> snapshot.get snapshot_list

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 25

Required arguments
Snapshot identifier
Type: list of snapshots

Lists all snapshots

<acropolis> snapshot.list
Required arguments



• Cancel tasks : task.cancel

• Retrieves information about list of tasks based on identifiers specified : task.get
• Lists tasks based on specified filters : task.list
• Poll for task completion : task.poll

Cancel tasks

<acropolis> task.cancel [ task_list="task_list" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Task identifier
Type: list of task identifiers

Retrieves information about list of tasks based on identifiers specified

<acropolis> task.get task_list

Required arguments
Task identifier
Type: list of task identifiers
1. Get details of list of tasks based on identifiers
<acropolis> task.get 783d9fed-131e-406d-ae4b-e8ca2726cc02,90a13330-

Lists tasks based on specified filters

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 26

If no filters are specified, then only tasks that are currently in progress are returned. Any filters specified
will be used with an AND condition. However, within each filter that consitutes a list, an OR condition will
be used to match the values in the list with tasks. For eg. if component_list filter with Acropolis and Uhura
is specified along with status filter with kSucceeded, tasks are first filtered based on whether they are
associated with component Acropolis OR Uhura. This filtered list of tasks is then further filtered based
whether they are in kSucceeded state.
<acropolis> task.list [ component_list="component_list" ][ entity_list="entity_list"
][ entity_type_list="entity_type_list" ][ include_completed="{ true |
false }" ][ include_internal_tasks="{ true | false }" ][ limit="limit" ][
operation_type_list="operation_type_list" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Task components
Type: list of strings
Entity identifiers
Type: list of entities
Entity types
Type: list of entity types
Include completed tasks
Type: boolean
Default: true
Include internal tasks
Type: boolean
Default: true
Number of tasks to return
Type: int
Default: 40
Operation types
Type: list of strings
1. List tasks without any filters.
<acropolis> task.list
2. List tasks that are associated with specific entity types, eg. vm, node
<acropolis> task.list entity_type_list=kVM,kNode

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 27

3. List only pending tasks.
<acropolis> task.list include_completed=false
4. List tasks for a specific component.
<acropolis> task.list component_list=Uhura
5. List tasks that are associated with a specific operation type.
<acropolis> task.list operation_type_list=kVmCreate

Poll for task completion

If any of the specified tasks finish, then the poll returns. The response will specify if the request timed out
without any tasks completing or if they did, the exact of tasks that completed. Invalid task uuids will also be
specified in the response.
<acropolis> task.poll task_list [ timeout="timeout" ]
Required arguments
Task identifier
Type: list of task identifiers
Optional arguments
Poll timeout in seconds
Type: int
Default: 30
1. Poll list of tasks for completion.
<acropolis> task.poll 783d9fed-131e-406d-ae4b-e8ca2726cc02,90a13330-



• Allow volume group to be accessed from an external intiator : vg.attach_external

• Attach a VG to the specified VM : vg.attach_to_vm
• Clones a Volume Group : vg.clone
• Creates one or more VGs : vg.create
• Deletes one or more VGs and its backing disks : vg.delete
• Stop allowing volume group to be accessed from an external intiator : vg.detach_external
• Detach a VG from the specified VM : vg.detach_from_vm
• Add a new disk to a VG : vg.disk_create
• Remove a disk from a VG : vg.disk_delete
• Updates the backing for the specified volume group disk : vg.disk_update
• Retrieves information about a VG : vg.get
• Lists all VGs : vg.list

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 28

• Updates the specified VGs : vg.update
• Update preferred_host for a given external attachment for a VG : vg.update_external

Allow volume group to be accessed from an external intiator

<acropolis> vg.attach_external vg [ initiator_name="initiator_name" ][

initiator_network_id="initiator_network_id" ][ num_virtual_targets="num_virtual_targets"
][ use_redirection="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Optional arguments
Name of external initiator as a valid IQN
Network identifier of external initiator as a valid IPv4 address
Type: string
Number of virtual targets
Type: int
Use iSCSI redirection for iSCSI login to this target?
Type: boolean
1. Attach an external client identified by name,, to the VG, vg1, :
<acropolis> vg.attach_external vg1.attach_external
2. Attach an external client identified by network id,, to the VG, vg2, :
<acropolis> vg.attach_external vg2.attach_external initiator_network_id=

Attach a VG to the specified VM

<acropolis> vg.attach_to_vm vg vm [ index="index" ]

Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
VM identifier
Type: VM

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 29

Optional arguments
Device index on the scsi bus
Type: int

Clones a Volume Group

The source volume group must be specified through the 'clone_from_vg' argument. If the ISCSI target
names for the clones are not specified through the 'iscsi_target_prefix_list' argument, then default values
will be used.
<acropolis> vg.clone name_list [ clone_from_vg="clone_from_vg"
][ iscsi_target_prefix_list="iscsi_target_prefix_list" ][
target_secret_list="target_secret_list" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VG names
Type: list of strings with expansion wildcards
Optional arguments
VG from which to clone
Type: volume group
Comma-delimited list of iscsi target prefixes for each of the VGs
Type: list of strings
Comma delimited CHAP secrets associated with each of the VGs. To delete the secret, set
target_secret="" using vg.update
Type: list of strings
1. Clone two VGs vg1 and vg2 with iscsi targets vgt1 and vgt2 from source-vg
<acropolis> vg.clone vg1,vg2 clone_from_vg=source-vg iscsi_target_prefix_list=vgt1,vgt2
2. Clone two VGs vg1 and vg2 with target_secrets vg1_target_secret and vg2_target_secret
<acropolis> vg.clone vg1,vg2 clone_from_vg=source-vg

Creates one or more VGs

<acropolis> vg.create name_list [ annotation="annotation" ][ flash_mode="{ true |

false }" ][ iscsi_target_prefix_list="iscsi_target_prefix_list" ][ shared="{ true |
false }" ][ target_secret_list="target_secret_list" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VG names
Type: list of strings with expansion wildcards

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 30

Optional arguments
Annotation string
Type: string
Whether to enable/disable flash mode
Type: boolean
Comma-delimited list of iscsi target prefixes for each of the VGs
Type: list of strings
Allow VG to be attached to multiple VMs simultaneously?
Type: boolean
Comma delimited CHAP secrets associated with each of the VGs. To delete the secret, set
target_secret="" using vg.update
Type: list of strings

Deletes one or more VGs and its backing disks

<acropolis> vg.delete vg_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited VG identifiers
Type: list of volume groups

Stop allowing volume group to be accessed from an external intiator

<acropolis> vg.detach_external vg [ initiator_name="initiator_name" ][

initiator_network_id="initiator_network_id" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Optional arguments
Name of external initiator as a valid IQN
Type: VG external initiator name
Network identifier of external initiator as a valid IPv4 address
Type: VG external initiator name

Detach a VG from the specified VM

<acropolis> vg.detach_from_vm vg vm

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 31

Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
VM identifier
Type: VM attached to VG

Add a new disk to a VG

Exactly one of the following options is required: clone_from_adsf_file, clone_from_vmdisk, create_size.

Disk sizes must be specified with a multiplicative suffix. The size will be rounded up to the nearest sector
size. The following suffixes are valid: c=1, s=512, k=1000, K=1024, m=1e6, M=2^20, g=1e9, G=2^30,
t=1e12, T=2^40. If the disk image is cloned from an existing vmdisk or ADSF file, the user may specify a
minimum size for the resulting clone. This can be used to expand a disk image at clone time.
<acropolis> vg.disk_create vg [ clone_from_adsf_file="clone_from_adsf_file"
][ clone_from_vmdisk="clone_from_vmdisk" ][ clone_min_size="clone_min_size" ][
container="container" ][ create_size="create_size" ][ index="index" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Optional arguments
Path to an ADSF file
Type: ADSF path
A vmdisk UUID
Type: VM disk
Minimum size of the resulting clone (only applies to cloned disks)
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Storage Container (only applies to newly-created disks)
Type: container
Size of new disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Device index on bus
Type: int
1. Create a blank 5GiB disk on ctr, and add it to my_vg at index 3
<acropolis> vg.disk_create my_vg create_size=5G container=ctr index=3

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 32

2. Clone a disk from the ADSF file /ctr/plan9.iso, and add it to first open slot
<acropolis> vg.disk_create my_vg clone_from_adsf_file=/ctr/plan9.iso
3. Clone a disk from the existing vmdisk, and add it to the first open slot
<acropolis> vg.disk_create my_vg clone_from_vmdisk=0b4fc60b-cc56-41c6-911e-67cc8406d096

Remove a disk from a VG

<acropolis> vg.disk_delete vg index

Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Disk index
Type: VG disk index

Updates the backing for the specified volume group disk

Exactly one of the following options is required: clone_from_adsf_file, clone_from_image,

clone_from_vmdisk, create_size, flash_mode. Flash mode updates will be done on the existing disk. But
for the other options, the existing disk image will be deleted and replaced by the new image (which may be
a clone of the existing image).
<acropolis> vg.disk_update vg index [ clone_from_adsf_file="clone_from_adsf_file"
][ clone_from_image="clone_from_image" ][ clone_from_vmdisk="clone_from_vmdisk" ][
clone_min_size="clone_min_size" ][ container="container" ][ create_size="create_size" ][
flash_mode="{ true | false }" ][ new_size="new_size" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Disk index
Type: VG disk index
Optional arguments
Path to an ADSF file
Type: ADSF path
An image name/UUID
Type: image
A vmdisk UUID
Type: VM disk
Minimum size of the resulting clone(only applies to cloned disks)

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 33

Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Storage Container (only applies to newly-created disks)
Type: container
Size of new disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Enable/Disable flash mode on this disk
Type: boolean
New size for the existing disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
1. Replace the disk at index 0 with blank 5GiB disk on ctr.
<acropolis> vg.disk_update my_vg 0 create_size=5G container=ctr
2. Replace the disk at index 0 with a clone of /ctr/plan9.iso.
<acropolis> vg.disk_update my_vg 0 clone_from_adsf_file=/ctr/plan9.iso
3. Replace the disk at index 0 with a clone of the existing vmdisk.
<acropolis> vg.disk_update my_vg 0 clone_from_vmdisk=0b4fc60b-cc56-41c6-911e-67cc8406d096
4. Update the size of disk at index 0 to 5GiB.
<acropolis> vg.disk_update my_vg 0 new_size=5G
5. Disable flash mode for disk at index 0.
<acropolis> vg.disk_update my_vg 0 flash_mode=false

Retrieves information about a VG

<acropolis> vg.get vg_list [ include_vmdisk_paths="{ true | false }" ][

include_vmdisk_sizes="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: list of volume groups
Optional arguments
Fetch disk paths
Type: boolean
Default: false
Fetch disk sizes (in bytes)
Type: boolean
Default: true

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 34

Lists all VGs

<acropolis> vg.list
Required arguments

Updates the specified VGs

<acropolis> vg.update vg_list [ annotation="annotation" ][

cbr_not_capable_reason="cbr_not_capable_reason" ][ flash_mode="{ true | false }" ][
iscsi_target_prefix_list="iscsi_target_prefix_list" ][ name="name" ][ shared="{ true |
false }" ][ target_secret_list="target_secret_list" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VG identifiers
Type: list of volume groups
Optional arguments
Annotation string
Type: string
If set, marks the VG incapable of CBR workflows
Type: string
Whether to enable/disable flash mode
Type: boolean
Comma-delimited list of iscsi target prefixes for each of the VGs
Type: list of strings
VG name
Type: string
Allow VG to be attached to multiple VMs simultaneously?
Type: boolean
Comma delimited CHAP secrets associated with each of the VGs. Enter "" to delete the secret.
Type: list of strings
1. Update target_secret for VG vg1 and delete target_secret for VG vg2
<acropolis> vg.update vg1,vg2 target_secret_list=new_vg1_secret,""

Update preferred_host for a given external attachment for a VG

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 35

<acropolis> vg.update_external vg [ initiator_name="initiator_name" ][
initiator_network_id="initiator_network_id" ][ use_redirection="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VG identifier
Type: volume group
Optional arguments
Name of external initiator as a valid IQN
Type: VG external initiator name
Network identifier of external initiator as a valid IPv4 address
Type: VG external initiator name
Use iSCSI redirection for iSCSI login to this target?
Type: boolean



• Retrieves affinity nodes for a given VM : vm.affinity_nodeget

• Enable VM-host affinity : vm.affinity_set
• Unsets affinity setting of specified VMs : vm.affinity_unset
• Clones a VM : vm.clone
• Creates one or more VMs : vm.create
• Deletes one or more VMs : vm.delete
• Attaches a new disk drive to a VM : vm.disk_create
• Detaches a disk drive from a VM : vm.disk_delete
• Gets details about the disks attached to a VM : vm.disk_get
• Lists the disks attached to a VM : vm.disk_list
• Updates the backing for the specified disk drive : vm.disk_update
• Force VM into the powered off state : vm.force_off
• Retrieves information about a VM : vm.get
• Attaches a new GPU to a VM : vm.gpu_assign
• Detaches a GPU from a VM : vm.gpu_deassign
• Lists all VMs : vm.list
• Live migrates a VM to another host : vm.migrate
• Clear the network function chain for this NIC : vm.nic_clear_network_function_chain
• Attaches a network adapter to a VM : vm.nic_create
• Detaches a NIC from a VM : vm.nic_delete
• Gets details about the NICs attached to a VM : vm.nic_get
• Lists the NICs attached to a VM : vm.nic_list
• Updates a network adapter on a VM, specified by the mac address of network adapater :

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 36

• Updates the network function chain for this NIC : vm.nic_update_network_function_chain
• Powers off the specified VMs :
• Powers on the specified VMs : vm.on
• Pauses the specified VMs : vm.pause
• Power cycles the specified VMs : vm.power_cycle
• Initiates a reboot by issuing an ACPI event : vm.reboot
• Resets the specified VMs : vm.reset
• Restores a VM to a snapshotted state : vm.restore
• Resumes the specified VMs : vm.resume
• Resumes all paused VMs : vm.resume_all
• Attaches a new serial port to a VM : vm.serial_port_create
• Detaches a serial port from a VM : vm.serial_port_delete
• Initiates a shutdown by issuing an ACPI event : vm.shutdown
• Creates one or more snapshots in a single consistency group : vm.snapshot_create
• Prints the graph representation of the snapshot history for a VM : vm.snapshot_get_tree
• Gets a list of all snapshots associated with a VM : vm.snapshot_list
• Updates the specified VMs : vm.update
• Updates a VM's boot device : vm.update_boot_device

Retrieves affinity nodes for a given VM

<acropolis> vm.affinity_nodeget vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Enable VM-host affinity

<acropolis> vm.affinity_set vm_list [ host_list="host_list" ]

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Host list
Type: list of hosts

Unsets affinity setting of specified VMs

This will unset a VM affinity configuration, including policy, constraint, and binding entities.
<acropolis> vm.affinity_unset vm_list
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 37

Clones a VM

One of the 'clone_from_*' arguments must be provided. The resulting VMs will be cloned from the
specified source. When the source has one or more NICs on a managed network, the caller may optionally
provide set of initial IP addresses. The first clone will get the first IP address set for each of its NIC, and
subsequent clones will be assigned subsequent IP addresses in sequence. If memory size or CPU-related
parameters are specified, they override the values allotted to the source VM/snapshot. Memory size must
be specified with a multiplicative suffix. The following suffixes are valid: M=2^20, G=2^30.
<acropolis> vm.clone name_list [ clone_affinity="{ true | false }" ][
clone_from_snapshot="clone_from_snapshot" ][ clone_from_vm="clone_from_vm"
][ clone_ip_address="clone_ip_address" ][ memory="memory" ][
num_cores_per_vcpu="num_cores_per_vcpu" ][ num_vcpus="num_vcpus" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM names
Type: list of strings with expansion wildcards
Optional arguments
Clone source VM's affinity rules.
Type: boolean
Snapshot from which to clone
Type: snapshot
VM from which to clone
Type: VM
IP addresses to assign to clones
Type: list of IPv4 addresses
Memory size
Type: size with MG suffix
Number of cores per vCPU
Type: int
Number of vCPUs
Type: int

Creates one or more VMs

Memory size must be specified with a multiplicative suffix. The following suffixes are valid: M=2^20,
<acropolis> vm.create name_list [ agent_vm="{ true | false }" ][
extra_flags="extra_flags" ][ memory="memory" ][ num_cores_per_vcpu="num_cores_per_vcpu"
][ num_vcpus="num_vcpus" ]

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 38

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM names
Type: list of strings with expansion wildcards
Optional arguments
Agent VM
Type: boolean
Additional VM flags as key=value pairs, separated by semicolon
Type: string
Memory size
Type: size with MG suffix
Default: 2G
Number of cores per vCPU
Type: int
Number of vCPUs
Type: int
Default: 1

Deletes one or more VMs

If the VM is powered on, it will be powered off and then deleted.

<acropolis> vm.delete vm_list [ delete_snapshots="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Delete snapshots?
Type: boolean
Default: false

Attaches a new disk drive to a VM

Exactly one of the following options is required: clone_from_adsf_file, clone_from_vmdisk, create_size,

empty, or clone_from_image. A disk drives may either be a regular disk drive, or a CD-ROM drive. Only
CD-ROM drives may be empty. Disk sizes must be specified with a multiplicative suffix. The size will be
rounded up to the nearest sector size. The following suffixes are valid: c=1, s=512, k=1000, K=1024,
m=1e6, M=2^20, g=1e9, G=2^30, t=1e12, T=2^40. By default, regular disk drives are configured on
the SCSI bus, and CD-ROM drives are configured on the IDE bus. The user may override this behavior

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 39

with the "bus" keyword. By default, a disk drive is placed on the first available bus slot. The user may
override this behavior with the "index" keyword. Disks on the SCSI bus may optionally be configured for
passthrough on platforms that support iSCSI. When in passthrough mode, SCSI commands are passed
directly to NDFS via iSCSI. When SCSI passthrough is disalbed, the hypervisor provides a SCSI emulation
layer, and treats the underlying iSCSI target as a block device. By default, SCSI passthrough is enabled
for SCSI devices on supported platforms. If the disk image is cloned from an existing vmdisk, ADSF file, or
Acropolis Image, the user may specify a minimum size for the resulting clone. This can be used to expand
a disk image at clone time. If the VM is running, the disk is hot-added to the VM. Note that certain buses,
like IDE, are not hot-pluggable.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create vm [ bus="bus" ][ cdrom="{ true | false }" ][
clone_from_adsf_file="clone_from_adsf_file" ][ clone_from_image="clone_from_image"
][ clone_from_vmdisk="clone_from_vmdisk" ][ clone_min_size="clone_min_size" ][
container="container" ][ create_size="create_size" ][ empty="{ true | false }" ][
index="index" ][ scsi_passthru="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Device bus
Type: Bus Type
Indicates if the disk is a CDROM drive
Type: boolean
Path to an ADSF file
Type: ADSF path
An image name/UUID
Type: image
A vmdisk UUID
Type: VM disk
Minimum size of the resulting clone (only applies to cloned disks)
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Container (only applies to newly-created disks)
Type: container
Size of new disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Whether the disk is empty (only applies to CDROMs)

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 40

Type: boolean
Device index on bus
Type: int
Passthrough disk?
Type: boolean
1. Create a blank 5GiB disk on ctr, and attach it as SCSI:3.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create my_vm create_size=5G container=ctr bus=scsi index=3
2. Clone a disk from the ADSF file /ctr/plan9.iso, and use it as the backing image for a newly-created CD-
ROM drive on the first available IDE slot.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create my_vm clone_from_adsf_file=/ctr/plan9.iso cdrom=1
3. Clone a disk from the existing vmdisk, and attach it to the first available SCSI slot.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create my_vm clone_from_vmdisk=0b4fc60b-cc56-41c6-911e-67cc8406d096
4. Create a disk from an Acropolis image and attach it to the first SCSI slot.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create my_vm clone_from_image=my_image
5. Create a new empty CD-ROM drive, and attach it to the first available IDE slot.
<acropolis> vm.disk_create my_vm empty=1 cdrom=1

Detaches a disk drive from a VM

If the VM is running, the disk is hot-removed from the VM. Note that certain buses, like IDE, are not hot-
<acropolis> vm.disk_delete vm disk_addr
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Disk address ("bus.index")
Type: VM disk

Gets details about the disks attached to a VM

<acropolis> vm.disk_get vm [ disk_addr="disk_addr" ][ include_vmdisk_paths="{ true |

false }" ][ include_vmdisk_sizes="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Disk address ("bus.index")

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 41

Type: VM disk
Fetch vmdisk paths
Type: boolean
Default: false
Fetch vmdisk sizes (in bytes)
Type: boolean
Default: true

Lists the disks attached to a VM

<acropolis> vm.disk_list vm
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM

Updates the backing for the specified disk drive

Exactly one of the following options is required: clone_from_adsf_file, clone_from_vmdisk, empty,

create_size. Disk sizes must be specified with a multiplicative suffix. The size will be rounded up to the
nearest sector size. The following suffixes are valid: c=1, s=512, k=1000, K=1024, m=1e6, M=2^20, g=1e9,
G=2^30, t=1e12, T=2^40. The existing disk image will be deleted and replaced by the new image (which
may be a clone of the existing image).
<acropolis> vm.disk_update vm disk_addr [ clone_from_adsf_file="clone_from_adsf_file"
][ clone_from_image="clone_from_image" ][ clone_from_vmdisk="clone_from_vmdisk" ][
clone_min_size="clone_min_size" ][ container="container" ][ create_size="create_size" ][
empty="{ true | false }" ][ new_size="new_size" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Disk address ("bus.index")
Type: VM disk
Optional arguments
Path to an ADSF file
Type: ADSF path
An image name/UUID
Type: image
A vmdisk UUID

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 42

Type: VM disk
Minimum size of the resulting clone (only applies to cloned disks)
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Container (only applies to newly-created disks)
Type: container
Size of new disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
Whether the disk is empty (only applies to CDROMs)
Type: boolean
New size for the existing disk
Type: size with cskKmMgGtT suffix
1. Replace the disk at SCSI:0 with blank 5GiB disk on ctr.
<acropolis> vm.disk_update my_vm scsi.0 create_size=5G container=ctr
2. Replace the disk at IDE:0 with a clone of /ctr/plan9.iso. Note that if IDE:0 is a CD-ROM drive, it remains
<acropolis> vm.disk_update my_vm ide.0 clone_from_adsf_file=/ctr/plan9.iso
3. Replace the disk at SCSI:0 with a clone of the existing vmdisk.
<acropolis> vm.disk_update my_vm scsi.0 clone_from_vmdisk=0b4fc60b-
4. Eject the image from the CD-ROM drive at IDE:0.
<acropolis> vm.disk_update my_vm ide.0 empty=1
5. Update the size of disk at SCSSI:1 to 5GiB.
<acropolis> vm.disk_update my_vm scsi.1 new_size=5G

Force VM into the powered off state

If a VM's host becomes disconnected from the cluster, and is not expected to return, this command may be
used to force the VM back to the powered off state. Use this command with extreme caution; if the VM is
actually still running on the host after a force off, a subsequent attempt to power on the VM elsewhere may
succeed. The two instances may experience IP conflicts, or corrupt the VM's virtual disks. Therefore, the
user should take adequate precautions to ensure that the old instance is really gone.
<acropolis> vm.force_off vm
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM

Retrieves information about a VM

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 43

<acropolis> vm.get vm_list [ include_address_assignments="{ true | false }" ][
include_vmdisk_paths="{ true | false }" ][ include_vmdisk_sizes="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Fetch configured IP addresses
Type: boolean
Default: true
Fetch vmdisk paths
Type: boolean
Default: false
Fetch vmdisk sizes (in bytes)
Type: boolean
Default: true

Attaches a new GPU to a VM

Changes to the GPU configuration can only be made when VM is powered off
<acropolis> vm.gpu_assign vm [ gpu="gpu" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Type: gpu
1. Add a new GPU in passthrough mode
<acropolis> vm.gpu_assign my_vm gpu=Nvidia_Tesla_M60

Detaches a GPU from a VM

Changes to the GPU configuration can only be made when VM is powered off
<acropolis> vm.gpu_deassign vm [ gpu="gpu" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 44

Type: VM
Optional arguments
Type: gpu
1. Remove a new GPU in passthrough mode
<acropolis> vm.gpu_deassign my_vm gpu=Nvidia_Tesla_M60

Lists all VMs

<acropolis> vm.list [ memory="memory" ][ num_vcpus="num_vcpus" ][

power_state="power_state" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
List VMs with the given amount of memory
Type: size with MG suffix
List VMs with the given number of VCPUs
Type: int
List VMs with the given power state
Type: string

Live migrates a VM to another host

If no host is specified, the scheduler will pick the one with the most available CPU and memory that can
support the VM. Note that no such host may be available. The user may abort an in-progress migration
with the vm.abort_migrate command. If multiple VMs are specified, it is recommended to also provide the
bandwidth_mbps parameter. This limit is applied to each of the migrations individually.
<acropolis> vm.migrate vm_list [ bandwidth_mbps="bandwidth_mbps" ][ host="host" ][
live="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Maximum bandwidth in MiB/s
Type: int
Default: 0

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 45

Destination host
Type: host
Live migration or suspended migration?
Type: boolean
Default: true

Clear the network function chain for this NIC

<acropolis> vm.nic_clear_network_function_chain vm mac_addr

Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address

Attaches a network adapter to a VM

A VM NIC must be associated with a virtual network. It is not possible to change this association. To
connect a VM to a different virtual network, it is necessary to create a new NIC. If the virtual network is
managed (see network.create), the NIC must be assigned an IPv4 address at creation time. If the network
has no DHCP pool, the user must specify the IPv4 address manually. If the VM is running, the NIC is hot-
added to the VM.
<acropolis> vm.nic_create vm [ ip="ip" ][ mac="mac" ][ model="model" ][
network="network" ][ network_function_nic_type="network_function_nic_type" ][
request_ip="{ true | false }" ][ trunked_networks="trunked_networks" ][ type="type" ][
vlan_mode="vlan_mode" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
IPv4 address
Type: IPv4 address
MAC address
Type: MAC address
Virtual hardware model
Type: string

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 46

Network identifier
Type: network
Network function nic type
Type: Network function NIC Type
If true, then try to request an IP from Acropolis (static if the 'ip=' field is set, otherwise dynamic
if the network is managed.) If false, then don't request an IP from Acropolis at all (even if 'ip=' is
Type: boolean
List of trunked networks.
Type: list of ints
NIC Type
Type: NIC Type
Default: 1
VLan Mode. Access by default.
Type: Vlan Type

Detaches a NIC from a VM

If the VM is running, the NIC is hot-removed from the VM. If the NIC to be removed is specified as the boot
device in the boot configuration, the boot device configuration will be cleared as a side effect of removing
the NIC.
<acropolis> vm.nic_delete vm mac_addr
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address

Gets details about the NICs attached to a VM

<acropolis> vm.nic_get vm [ include_address_assignments="{ true | false }" ][

mac_addr="mac_addr" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 47

Optional arguments
Fetch configured IP addresses
Type: boolean
Default: true
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address

Lists the NICs attached to a VM

<acropolis> vm.nic_list vm [ include_address_assignments="{ true | false }" ]

Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Fetch configured IP addresses
Type: boolean
Default: true

Updates a network adapter on a VM, specified by the mac address of network adapater

<acropolis> vm.nic_update vm mac_addr [ ip="ip" ][ network="network" ][

request_ip="{ true | false }" ][ trunked_networks="trunked_networks" ][
update_vlan_trunk_info="{ true | false }" ][ vlan_mode="vlan_mode" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address
Optional arguments
IPv4 address
Type: IPv4 address
Network identifier
Type: network
If true, request a new IP address.
Type: boolean

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 48

List of trunked networks.
Type: list of ints
If true, then update vlan type and trunked network list.
Type: boolean
VLan Mode. Access by default.
Type: Vlan Type

Updates the network function chain for this NIC

<acropolis> vm.nic_update_network_function_chain vm mac_addr chain

Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address
Network function chain
Type: network function chain

Powers off the specified VMs

<acropolis> vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Powers on the specified VMs

If no host is specified, the scheduler will pick the one with the most available CPU and memory that can
support the VM. Note that no such host may be available.
<acropolis> vm.on vm_list [ host="host" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Host on which to power on the VM
Type: host

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 49

Pauses the specified VMs

<acropolis> vm.pause vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Power cycles the specified VMs

<acropolis> vm.power_cycle vm_list [ change_host="{ true | false }" ][ host="host" ]

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Whether to power on on a different host
Type: boolean
Default: false
Host on which to power on the VM
Type: host

Initiates a reboot by issuing an ACPI event

<acropolis> vm.reboot vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Resets the specified VMs

<acropolis> vm.reset vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Restores a VM to a snapshotted state

If the VM is currently running, it will be powered off. Since VM snapshots do not include the VM memory
image, the VM will remain powered off after the restore is complete. A VM snapshot may no longer be
compatible with the current virtual network configuration. In this case, the user may choose not to restore
the VM's network adpaters using the "restore_network_config" keyword argument.
<acropolis> vm.restore vm snapshot [ restore_network_config="{ true | false }" ]

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 50

Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Snapshot identifier
Type: snapshot
Optional arguments
Whether to restore the VM's networking configuration
Type: boolean
Default: true

Resumes the specified VMs

<acropolis> vm.resume vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Resumes all paused VMs

<acropolis> vm.resume_all
Required arguments

Attaches a new serial port to a VM

Changes to the serial port configuration only take effect after a full power cycle.
<acropolis> vm.serial_port_create vm [ index="index" ][ type="type" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Serial port index
Type: int
Serial port type
Type: serial port type

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 51

1. Add a new serial port at COM1 in server mode.
<acropolis> vm.serial_port_create my_vm index=0 type=kServer

Detaches a serial port from a VM

Changes to the serial port configuration only take effect after a full power cycle.
<acropolis> vm.serial_port_delete vm index
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Serial port index
Type: int
1. Remove the serial port at COM2.
<acropolis> vm.serial_port_delete my_vm 1

Initiates a shutdown by issuing an ACPI event

<acropolis> vm.shutdown vm_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Creates one or more snapshots in a single consistency group

If multiple VMs are specified, all of their configurations and disks will fall into the same consistency group.
Since this operation requires the coordination of multiple resources, it should not be abused by specifying
more than several VMs at a time. Snapshots are crash-consistent. They do not include the VM's current
memory image, only the VM configuration and its disk contents. The snapshot is taken atomically across
all of a VM's configuration and disks to ensure consistency. If no snapshot name is provided, the snapshot
will be referred to as "<vm_name>-<timestamp>", where the timestamp is in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-
<acropolis> vm.snapshot_create vm_list [ snapshot_name_list="snapshot_name_list" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited list of names for each snapshot

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 52

Type: list of strings
1. Create a snapshot named 'dev-vm-gold' from a VM named 'dev-vm'.
<acropolis> vm.snapshot_create dev-vm snapshot_name_list=dev-vm-gold
2. Create a consistent snapshot across several VMs, using the default naming scheme.
<acropolis> vm.snapshot_create vm1,vm2,vm3

Prints the graph representation of the snapshot history for a VM

<acropolis> vm.snapshot_get_tree vm
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM

Gets a list of all snapshots associated with a VM

<acropolis> vm.snapshot_list vm
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM

Updates the specified VMs

Note that some attributes may not be modifiable while the VM is running. For instance, the KVM hypervisor
supports at present only hot add for CPU and Memory. Memory size must be specified with a multiplicative
suffix. The following suffixes are valid: M=2^20, G=2^30. The hwclock_timezone attribute specifies the
VM's hardware clock timezone. Most operating systems assume the system clock is UTC, but some (like
Windows) expect the local timezone. Changes to the clock timezone only take effect after a full VM power
cycle. The vga_console attribute controls whether the VM has a VGA console device. Changes to this
attribute only take effect after a full VM power cycle. The agent_vm attribute controls whether the VM is an
agent VM. When their host enters maintenance mode, after normal VMs are evacuated, agent VMs are
powered off. When the host is restored, agent VMs are powered on before normal VMs are restored. Agent
VMs cannot be HA-protected.
<acropolis> vm.update vm_list [ agent_vm="{ true | false }" ][ annotation="annotation"
][ cbr_not_capable_reason="cbr_not_capable_reason" ][ cpu_passthrough="{ true
| false }" ][ extra_flags="extra_flags" ][ ha_priority="ha_priority" ][
hwclock_timezone="hwclock_timezone" ][ memory="memory" ][ name="name" ][
num_cores_per_vcpu="num_cores_per_vcpu" ][ num_vcpus="num_vcpus" ][ uefi_boot="{ true |
false }" ][ vga_console="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 53

Optional arguments
Agent vm
Type: boolean
Annotation string
Type: string
If set, marks the VM incapable of CBR workflows
Type: string
Pass through all host CPU features.
Type: boolean
Additional VM flags as key=value pairs, separated by semicolon
Type: string
Numeric priority for HA restart. Negative value indicates no restart.
Type: int
Hardware clock timezone
Type: timezone
Memory size
Type: size with MG suffix
VM name
Type: string
Number of cores per vCPU
Type: int
Number of vCPUs
Type: int
UEFI boot
Type: boolean
VGA console device
Type: boolean

Updates a VM's boot device

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 54

<acropolis> vm.update_boot_device vm [ disk_addr="disk_addr" ][ mac_addr="mac_addr" ]
Required arguments
VM identifier
Type: VM
Optional arguments
Disk bus address
Type: VM disk
NIC MAC address
Type: NIC address



• Add VMs to a VM group : vm_group.add_vms

• Enables vm-vm preferential anti-affinity : vm_group.antiaffinity_set
• Clears vm-vm anti-affinity : vm_group.antiaffinity_unset
• Creates one or more VM groups : vm_group.create
• Deletes one or more VM groups : vm_group.delete
• Retrieves information about a VM group : vm_group.get
• Lists all VM groups : vm_group.list
• Lists VMs configured to the VmGroup : vm_group.list_vms
• Remove VMs from a VM group : vm_group.remove_vms
• Updates the specified VM groups : vm_group.update

Add VMs to a VM group

<acropolis> vm_group.add_vms vm_group [ vm_list="vm_list" ]

Required arguments
VmGroup identifier
Type: VM group type
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited VM identifiers
Type: list of VMs

Enables vm-vm preferential anti-affinity

<acropolis> vm_group.antiaffinity_set vm_group_list

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 55

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM group identifiers
Type: list of VM group types

Clears vm-vm anti-affinity

<acropolis> vm_group.antiaffinity_unset vm_group_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM group identifiers
Type: list of VM group types

Creates one or more VM groups

<acropolis> vm_group.create name_list [ uuid="uuid" ]

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM group names
Type: list of strings
Optional arguments
Type: string

Deletes one or more VM groups

<acropolis> vm_group.delete vm_group_list

Required arguments
Comma-delimited VM group identifiers
Type: list of VM group types

Retrieves information about a VM group

<acropolis> vm_group.get vm_group_list

Required arguments
VM group identifier
Type: list of VM group types

Lists all VM groups

<acropolis> vm_group.list
Required arguments

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 56

Lists VMs configured to the VmGroup

<acropolis> vm_group.list_vms vm_group

Required arguments
VmGroup identifier
Type: VM group type

Remove VMs from a VM group

<acropolis> vm_group.remove_vms vm_group [ vm_list="vm_list" ]

Required arguments
VmGroup identifier
Type: VM group type
Optional arguments
Comma-delimited VM identifiers
Type: List of VM configured to VmGroup

Updates the specified VM groups

<acropolis> vm_group.update vm_group_list [ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Comma-delimited list of VM group identifiers
Type: list of VM group types
Optional arguments
VM group name
Type: string

Acropolis Command-Line Interface (aCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 57

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI)
The Nutanix command-line interface (nCLI) allows you to run system administration commands against the
Nutanix cluster from any of the following machines:
• Your local machine (preferred)
• Any Controller VM in the cluster

Installing the nCLI on Your Local System

Tip: Refer to Default Cluster Credentials on page 2 for the default credentials of all cluster

1. Verify that your system has Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 5.0 or higher.
To check which version of Java is installed on your system or to download the latest version, go to

2. Download the nCLI.

a. Connect to the Nutanix web console.

Click the user icon at the top of the console.

c. Select Download nCLI.

d. Download and unzip the file on your local system.

3. Configure your Windows %PATH% or Linux $PATH environment variables.

• ncli directory (for example, C:\ncli)
• JRE bin directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_21\bin)

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 58

The procedure to complete this step depends on your operating system. For more information, go to

Initiating an nCLI Session From Your Local System

Before you begin: Install the nCLI on your local system by following Installing the nCLI on Your Local
System on page 58.

1. On your local system, open a command prompt (such as bash for Linux or CMD for Windows).

2. At the command prompt, start the nCLI by using one of the following commands.

a. ncli -s management_ip_addr -u 'username' -p 'user_password'

In this case, the console displays the password.

b. ncli -s management_ip_addr -u 'username' -p

In this case, you are prompted to specify the password.

• Replace management_ip_addr with the IP address of any Nutanix Controller VM in the cluster.
• Replace username with the name of the user (if not specified, the default is admin).
• (Optional) Replace user_password with the password of the user.

Note: When specifying the -p 'user_password' command-line argument to establish an

nCLI session interactively, the credentials are stored in the user's history file. This flag is
intended for use in automated scripts or third-party application integration to nCLI.
To prevent retention of the password for interactive login, specify the -p command flag alone
without the password as described in step 2(b). An interactive prompt is provided to supply
the password, which will not be stored in the user's history file.


Error Explanation/Resolution

ncli not found or not recognized The Windows %PATH% or Linux $PATH environment variable is
as a command not set.

Error: Bad credentials The admin user password has been changed from the default and
you did not specify the correct password.
Type exit and start the nCLI again with the correct password.

Error: Could not connect to The cluster is not started.

Nutanix Gateway
Log on to a Controller VM as the nutanix user and run the following
command: cluster start
When the cluster is up, exit the nCLI and start it again.

Results: The Nutanix CLI is now in interactive mode. To exit this mode, type exit at the ncli> prompt.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 59

Command Format
Nutanix Command-Line Interface commands must match the following format:
ncli> entity action parameter1=value parameter2=value ...

entity can be replaced by any Nutanix entity, such as cluster or disk.

action can be replaced by any valid action for the preceding entity. Each entity has a unique set of actions,
but a common action across all entities is list. For example, you can type the following command to
request a list of all storage pools in the cluster.
ncli> storagepool list

Some actions require parameters at the end of the command. For example, when creating an NFS
datastore, you need to provide both the name of the datastore as it will appear to the hypervisor and the
name of the source storage container.
ncli> datastore create name="NTNX-NFS" ctr-name="nfs-ctr"

Parameter-value pairs can be listed in any order, as long as they are preceded by a valid entity and action.

Tip: To avoid syntax errors, surround all string values with double-quotes, as demonstrated in the
preceding example. This is particularly important when specifying parameters that accept a list of

Embedded Help
The nCLI provides assistance on all entities and actions. By typing help at the command line, you can
request additional information at one of three levels of detail.
Provides a list of entities and their corresponding actions
entity help
Provides a list of all actions and parameters associated with the entity, as well as which parameters
are required, and which are optional
entity action help
Provides a list of all parameters associated with the action, as well as a description of each parameter
The nCLI provides additional details at each level. To control the scope of the nCLI help output, add the
detailed parameter, which can be set to either true or false.
For example, type the following command to request a detailed list of all actions and parameters for the
cluster entity.
ncli> cluster help detailed=true

You can also type the following command if you prefer to see a list of parameters for the cluster edit-
params action without descriptions.
ncli> cluster edit-params help detailed=false

nCLI Entities
alerts: An Alert
authconfig: Configuration information used to authenticate user
cloud: Manage AWS or AZURE Cloud

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 60

cluster: A Nutanix Complete Cluster
container: A Storage Container is a container for virtual disks
data-at-rest-encryption: Manage data-at-rest-encryption related operations
data-at-rest-encryption-certificate: Manage data-at-rest-encryption related digital certificates
datastore: An NFS Datastore
disk: A Physical Disk
events: An Event
failover-cluster: Hyper-V failover cluster
file-server: Minerva file server
health-check: A health check
host: A Physical Host hosts Virtual Machines
http-proxy: An HTTP Proxy
key-management-server: Manage key management servers
license: License for a Nutanix cluster
managementserver: An infrastructure management server such as VCenter
multicluster: A Nutanix Management Console to manage multiple clusters
network: Network specific commands
nutanix-guest-tools: Admin commands for Nutanix Guest Tools
progress-monitor: Monitor progress of long running tasks
protection-domain: A protection domain to be used for Data Protection
pulse-config: Configuration information used for Pulse setup
rackable-unit: A rackable unit
remote-site: A remote cluster to be used for replicating data
rsyslog-config: Configuration information to send logs to remote servers
share: Share
smb-server: The Nutanix SMB file server
snapshot: Snapshot of a Virtual Disk
snmp: An SNMP agent
software: NOS Software Release
ssl-certificate: Manage SSL certificates
storagepool: A Pool of Physical Disks
storagetier: A Tier of physical storage
tag: A tag that groups entities
task: A Task
user: A User
vdisk: A Virtual Disk
virtual-disk: Commands for performing different actions on Virtual Disks.
virtualmachine: A Virtual Machine
volume-group: A Volume Group
vstore: A file namespace in a Storage Container
vzone: A vZone

Nutanix Command-Line Interface Reference

CLI Reference Conventions

This command-line interface reference uses the following conventions.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 61

• Parameters in italic are unique to your environment.

• Parameters in square brackets are optional.

[ value ]

• Parameters in curly brackets must be one of a limited set of values.

{ value1 | value2 }

One example is boolean parameters: { true | false }

• The keyword is a literal string required by the command, and the value is the unique value for your

alerts: Alert

Description An Alert
Alias alert

Operations • Acknowledge Alerts : acknowledge | ack

• Update Alert Configuration : edit-alert-config | update-alert-config
• List Alert Configuration : get-alert-config
• List history of Alerts : history
• List of unresolved Alerts : list | ls
• Resolve Alerts : resolve

Acknowledge Alerts

ncli> alerts { acknowledge | ack } ids="ids"

Required arguments
A comma-separated list of ids of the Alerts

Update Alert Configuration

ncli> alerts { edit-alert-config | update-alert-config }[ enable="{ true | false }"

][ enable-default-nutanix-email="{ true | false }" ][ enable-email-digest="{ true |
false }" ][ email-contacts="email_contacts" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable Alert emails
Enable default Nutanix email
Enable alert email digest

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 62

Comma-separated list of emails to be used while sending alerts. Set to '-' to clear all the existing

List Alert Configuration

ncli> alerts { get-alert-config }

Required arguments

List history of Alerts

ncli> alerts { history } duration="duration" [ acknowledged="acknowledged" ][

resolved="resolved" ][ auto-resolved="auto_resolved" ][ max-alerts="max_alerts" ]
Required arguments
Duration (in days) for getting the history of Alerts
Optional arguments
Acknowledged Alerts?
Resolved Alerts?
Auto resolved Alerts?
Maximum number of Alerts to fetch
Default: 100

List of unresolved Alerts

ncli> alerts { list | ls }[ acknowledged="acknowledged" ][ max-alerts="max_alerts" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Acknowledged Alerts?
Maximum number of Alerts to fetch
Default: 100

Resolve Alerts

ncli> alerts { resolve } ids="ids"

Required arguments
A comma-separated list of ids of the Alerts

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 63

authconfig: Authentication Configuration

Description Configuration information used to authenticate user

Operations • Add directory role mapping : add-role-mapping
• Comma-separated list of values to be added to the existing directory role mapping :
• Update Directory Service Configuration : create-directory | add-directory
• delete ca chain certificate : delete-ca-chain-certificate | delete-ca-chain-cert
• Delete directory role mappings : delete-role-mapping
• Update Authentication Configuration : edit | update
• Update Directory Service Configuration : edit-directory | update-directory
• Get Client Auth Configuration : get-client-authentication-config
• Get the list of entity values for the specified entity type and the directory name : get-
• List Authentication Configuration : list | ls
• List Authentication Configuration : list-directory | ls-directory
• Get the list of directory role mappings : list-role-mappings | ls-role-mappings
• Remove Authentication Configuration : remove | rm
• Remove Directory Service Configuration : remove-directory | rm-directory
• Comma-separated list of values to be removed from the existing directory role
mapping : remove-from-role-mapping-values
• Test LDAP Connection and authentication : test-ldap-connection
• Enable/Disable client authentication : update-client-authentication
• Update service account (CAC) : update-service-account

Add directory role mapping

ncli> authconfig { add-role-mapping } role="role" entity-type="entity_type" entity-

values="entity_values" name="name"
Required arguments
Role of the directory.
Type of directory entity.
List of entity values.
Directory Name

Comma-separated list of values to be added to the existing directory role mapping

ncli> authconfig { add-to-role-mapping-values } name="name" role="role" entity-

type="entity_type" entity-values="entity_values"
Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 64

Entity Type

Update Directory Service Configuration

ncli> authconfig { create-directory | add-directory } directory-type="directory_type"

connection-type="connection_type" directory-url="directory_url" domain="domain"
name="name" [ group-search-type="group_search_type" ]
Required arguments
Directory type.
Connection type.
Directory's ldap url.
Domain name.
Name of directory.
Optional arguments
Group search type.

delete ca chain certificate

ncli> authconfig { delete-ca-chain-certificate | delete-ca-chain-cert } ca-chain-

Required arguments
Name of the Certificate

Delete directory role mappings

ncli> authconfig { delete-role-mapping } name="name" [ role="role" ][ entity-

type="entity_type" ]
Required arguments
Directory Name
Optional arguments
Entity Type

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 65

Update Authentication Configuration

ncli> authconfig { edit | update } auth-type-list="auth_type_list" [ directory-

list="directory_list" ]
Required arguments
Authentication Types
Optional arguments
Id of an alert type.

Update Directory Service Configuration

ncli> authconfig { edit-directory | update-directory } directory-type="directory_type"

connection-type="connection_type" directory-url="directory_url" domain="domain"
name="name" [ group-search-type="group_search_type" ]
Required arguments
Directory type.
Connection type.
Directory's ldap url.
Domain name.
Name of directory.
Optional arguments
Group search type.

Get Client Auth Configuration

ncli> authconfig { get-client-authentication-config }

Required arguments

Get the list of entity values for the specified entity type and the directory name.

ncli> authconfig { get-directory-values-by-type } name="name" directory-

name="directory_name" username="username" password="password" entity-type="entity_type"
Required arguments
Name of the Directory
Name of the directory.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 66

User name.
Password for corresponding username.
Type of the directory entity.

List Authentication Configuration

ncli> authconfig { list | ls }

Required arguments

List Authentication Configuration

ncli> authconfig { list-directory | ls-directory }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Directory Service

Get the list of directory role mappings

ncli> authconfig { list-role-mappings | ls-role-mappings } name="name" [ role="role"

][ entity-type="entity_type" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Entity Type

Remove Authentication Configuration

ncli> authconfig { remove | rm }

Required arguments

Remove Directory Service Configuration

ncli> authconfig { remove-directory | rm-directory } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Directory

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 67

Comma-separated list of values to be removed from the existing directory role mapping

ncli> authconfig { remove-from-role-mapping-values } name="name" role="role"

entity-type="entity_type" entity-values="entity_values"
Required arguments
Entity Type

Test LDAP Connection and authentication

ncli> authconfig { test-ldap-connection } directory-name="directory_name"

password="password" username="username"
Required arguments
Directory name to test LDAP configuration.
Password to test LDAP configuration.
Username to test LDAP configuration.

Enable/Disable client authentication

ncli> authconfig { update-client-authentication } enable-client-auth="{ true |

false }"
Required arguments
Enable client auth

Update service account (CAC)

ncli> authconfig { update-service-account }[ enable="{ true | false }" ][ directory-

name="directory_name" ][ username="username" ][ password="password" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable Service Account (CAC)
Service Account (CAC) Directory Name
Service Account (CAC) Username

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 68

Service Account (CAC) Password

cloud: Cloud

Description Manage AWS or AZURE Cloud

Operations • Add AWS or AZURE credentials : add-credentials
• Clear all cloud credentials : clear-all-credentials
• Deploy and configure a Nutanix CVM on cloud, and create a Remote Site on the
local cluster which points to the new CVM : deploy-remote-site
• Destroy a cloud remote site : destroy-remote-site
• List AWS credentials : ls-credentials
• List AWS CVM images : ls-cvm-images
• List AWS CVMs : ls-cvms
• List AWS VPC subnets : ls-subnets
• Remove AWS credentials : remove-credentials
• Set default AWS credentials : set-default-credentials

Add AWS or AZURE credentials

ncli> cloud { add-credentials } cloud-type="cloud_type" [ name="name" ][ aws-access-

key="aws_access_key" ][ aws-secret-key="aws_secret_key" ][ azure-certificate-file-
path="azure_certificate_file_path" ][ azure-subscription-id="azure_subscription_id" ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Optional arguments
Given name of the credentials
AWS access key
AWS secret key
Path to the AZURE certificate file
AZURE subscription id

Clear all cloud credentials

ncli> cloud { clear-all-credentials } cloud-type="cloud_type"

Required arguments
Cloud type

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 69

Deploy and configure a Nutanix CVM on cloud, and create a Remote Site on the local cluster which points to the
new CVM

ncli> cloud { deploy-remote-site } cloud-type="cloud_type" region="region"

remote-site-name="remote_site_name" local-ctr-name="local_ctr_name" connectivity-
type="connectivity_type" [ instance-name="instance_name" ][ credential-
name="credential_name" ][ image-id="image_id" ][ image-name="image_name" ][
admin-password="admin_password" ][ remote-sp-name="remote_sp_name" ][ remote-ctr-
name="remote_ctr_name" ][ subnet-id="subnet_id" ][ ssh-tunnel-port="ssh_tunnel_port"
][ azure-virtual-network="azure_virtual_network" ][ enable-proxy="{ true | false }"
][ enable-on-wire-compression="{ true | false }" ][ max-bandwidth="max_bandwidth" ][
instance-type="instance_type" ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Name of the region, eg. us-east-1 | eu-west-1 | East Asia | Brazil South
Name of the Remote Site on the local cluster
Name of a local Storage Container to be backed-up to the deployed CVM
The platform to use for the cloud instance. Choose between 'vpn'(recommended) and 'ssh-
Optional arguments
Prefix for the name of the instance deployed in the cloud
Given name of the credentials
ID of the CVM image to use for deployment
Name of the CVM image to use for deployment
Password for the nutanix user on the CVM deployed in the cloud
Name of the storage pool to be created on the deployed CVM
Name of Storage Container to be created on the deployed CVM
Cloud subnet ID
Port to use for SSH tunnel, in the range of 3000-3099
Azure VPN Name

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 70

Boolean parameter to indicate whether the addresses specified in address-list can be used as a
proxy to communicate with other Nutanix components on the remote site
Enable or disable on-wire compression of data during replication
Default: true
Maximum bandwidth (in kilobytes per sec) to be used while replicating to the remote site. If not
specified, restriction is not placed on maximum bandwidth used by replication
Cloud instance type

Destroy a cloud remote site

ncli> cloud { destroy-remote-site } remote-site-name="remote_site_name" [ credential-

id="credential_id" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Optional arguments
Given id of the credentials

List AWS credentials

ncli> cloud { ls-credentials } cloud-type="cloud_type" [ name="name" ][ is-

default="is_default" ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Optional arguments
Given name of the credentials
Whether the AWS Credentials are being used as the default

List AWS CVM images

ncli> cloud { ls-cvm-images } cloud-type="cloud_type" [ credential-

name="credential_name" ][ region="region" ][ list-local- ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Optional arguments
Given name of the credentials

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 71

Name of the region, eg. us-east-1 | eu-west-1 | East Asia | Brazil South
Whether the list is local to the system (only for Azure cloud type)


ncli> cloud { ls-cvms } cloud-type="cloud_type" region="region" [ credential-

name="credential_name" ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Name of the region, eg. us-east-1 | eu-west-1 | East Asia | Brazil South
Optional arguments
Given name of the credentials

List AWS VPC subnets

ncli> cloud { ls-subnets } cloud-type="cloud_type" region="region" [ credential-

name="credential_name" ]
Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Name of the region, eg. us-east-1 | eu-west-1 | East Asia | Brazil South
Optional arguments
Given name of the credentials

Remove AWS credentials

ncli> cloud { remove-credentials } cloud-type="cloud_type" name="name"

Required arguments
Type of the cloud service
Given name of the credentials

Set default AWS credentials

ncli> cloud { set-default-credentials } name="name" cloud-type="cloud_type"

Required arguments
Given name of the credentials

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 72

Type of the cloud service

cluster: Cluster

Description A Nutanix Complete Cluster


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 73

Operations • Add the configured node to the cluster : add-node
• Add public key to the cluster : add-public-key
• Add addresses to the list of name servers : add-to-name-servers
• Add addresses to the list of NFS subnet whitelist : add-to-nfs-whitelist
• Add addresses to the list of NTP servers : add-to-ntp-servers
• Add a Metro Availability Witness : add-witness
• Clear the external IP address of the Cluster : clear-external-ip-address
• Clear configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alerts and report emails to
Nutanix support : clear-smtp-server
• Configure discovered node with IP addresses (Hypervisor, CVM and IPMI
addresses) : configure-node
• Discover new nodes available to add to the cluster : discover-nodes
• : edit-cvm-security-params
• : edit-hypervisor-security-params
• Edit params of a Cluster : edit-params | edit-info
• Generates and downloads the csr from discovered node based on certification
information from the cluster : generate-csr-for-discovered-node
• : get-cvm-security-config
• Get the domain fault tolerance state of the cluster : get-domain-fault-tolerance-
• : get-hypervisor-security-config
• Get Ipmi monitoring status : get-ipmi-monitoring-status
• Gets the Microsoft Azure Account details : get-la-jolla-azure-info
• Get the list of name servers : get-name-servers
• Get the list of NFS subnet whitelist : get-nfs-whitelist
• Get the list of NTP servers : get-ntp-servers
• Get params of a Cluster : get-params | info
• Get the redundancy state of the cluster : get-redundancy-state
• Get remote support status on a Cluster : get-remote-support-status
• Check the removal status for Physical Hosts : get-remove-status | get-rm-status
• Get configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alerts and report emails to
Nutanix support : get-smtp-server
• Join the Nutanix storage cluster to the Windows AD domain specified in the cluster
name : join-domain
• Get the list of public keys configured in the cluster : list-public-keys | ls-public-
• List All registered Metro Availability Witness : list-witness
• Remove all the public keys previously configured in the cluster : remove-all-public-
keys | rm-all-public-keys
• Remove addresses from the list of name servers : remove-from-name-servers
• Remove addresses from the list of NFS subnet whitelist : remove-from-nfs-
• Remove addresses from the list of NTP servers : remove-from-ntp-servers
• Delete public key with the specified name from the cluster : remove-public-key | rm-
• Begin the process of removing a Physical Host : remove-start | rm-start | delete
• Delete a Metro Availability Witness : remove-witness
• Change Rackable unit (RU) aware placement settings : ru-aware-placement
• Send an email to test the SMTP Server configuration : send-test-email
• Sets the DVM configuration parameters for LaJolla cluster : set-dvm-configuration
• Set the external IP address (IPv4) of the Cluster : set-external-ip-address
• Enable or disable Ipmi monitoring : set-ipmi-monitoring-status
• Nutanix Command-Line
Set the redundancy Interface
state of the cluster (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 74
: set-redundancy-state
• Set configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alert and report emails to
Add the configured node to the cluster

ncli> cluster { add-node } node-uuid="node_uuid" [ server-certificate-

list="server_certificate_list" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the new node
Optional arguments
Comma-separated list of the key management server uuid and corresponding certificate file
path. List should be of format <server_uuid:path_to_certificate>

Add public key to the cluster

ncli> cluster { add-public-key } name="name" file-path="file_path"

Required arguments
Name of the cluster public key
Full path of the public key file

Add addresses to the list of name servers

ncli> cluster { add-to-name-servers } servers="servers"

Required arguments
Comma-separated list of IP addresses to be included in the name servers list

Add addresses to the list of NFS subnet whitelist

ncli> cluster { add-to-nfs-whitelist } ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks"

Required arguments
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask'(a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be included in
the NFS subnet whitelist

Add addresses to the list of NTP servers

ncli> cluster { add-to-ntp-servers } servers="servers"

Required arguments
Comma-separated list of IP addresses/Host names to be included in the NTP servers list

Add a Metro Availability Witness

ncli> cluster { add-witness } external-ip-address="external_ip_address"

username="username" password="password" [ test- ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 75

Required arguments
external IP address of the Witness
Optional arguments
Only test the config without storing it.
Default: false

Clear the external IP address of the Cluster

ncli> cluster { clear-external-ip-address }

Required arguments

Clear configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alerts and report emails to Nutanix support

ncli> cluster { clear-smtp-server }

Required arguments

Configure discovered node with IP addresses (Hypervisor, CVM and IPMI addresses)

ncli> cluster { configure-node } node-uuid="node_uuid" [ cvm-ip="cvm_ip" ][

hypervisor-ip="hypervisor_ip" ][ ipmi-ip="ipmi_ip" ][ ipmi-netmask="ipmi_netmask" ][
ipmi-gateway="ipmi_gateway" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the new node
Optional arguments
IP address of the controller VM
IP address of the Hypervisor Host
IPMI address of the node
IPMI netmask of the node
IPMI gateway of the node

Discover new nodes available to add to the cluster

ncli> cluster { discover-nodes }

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 76

Required arguments

ncli> cluster { edit-cvm-security-params }[ enable-aide="{ true | false }" ][ enable-

core="{ true | false }" ][ enable-high-strength-password="{ true | false }" ][ enable-
banner="{ true | false }" ][ enable-snmpv3- true | false }" ][ schedule="schedule"
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable intrusion detection service.
Enable kernel core dumps.
Enable to set the minimum length for password to 14 and remember to 24 in PAM.
Enable DoD knowledge of consent banner for SSH and console logins.
Enable to set the CVM host to either ignore or explicitly restrict v1 and v2 snmp based
Set cron schedule to run Salt periodically.

ncli> cluster { edit-hypervisor-security-params }[ enable-aide="{ true | false }" ][

enable-core="{ true | false }" ][ enable-high-strength-password="{ true | false }" ][
enable-banner="{ true | false }" ][ schedule="schedule" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable intrusion detection service.
Enable kernel core dumps.
Enable to set the minimum length for password to 14 and remember to 24 in PAM.
Enable DoD knowledge of consent banner for SSH and console logins.
Set cron schedule to run Salt periodically.

Edit params of a Cluster

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 77

ncli> cluster { edit-params | edit-info }[ new-name="new_name" ][ support-
verbosity-level="support_verbosity_level" ][ external-ip-address="external_ip_address" ][
external-data-services-ip-address="external_data_services_ip_address" ][ enable-shadow-
clones="{ true | false }" ][ enable-password-remote-login="{ true | false }" ][ logon-
name="logon_name" ][ password="password" ][ enable-on-disk-dedup="{ true | false }" ][
enable-common-criteria-mode="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the cluster
Verbosity level settings for populating support information
External IP address to access the cluster. Set to '-' to clear the existing value
External Data Services IP address of the cluster. Set to '-' to clear the existing value
Enable/Disable shadow clones
Enable/Disable password remote login to cluster
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Password for the account specified by the logon account name
Whether to enable on-disk deduplication for any new writes at cluster level. It might be disabled
again when storage issue detected.
Enables Common Criteria mode on the cluster when set to 'true'. Disables when set to 'false'

Generates and downloads the csr from discovered node based on certification information from the cluster

ncli> cluster { generate-csr-for-discovered-node } cvm-ip="cvm_ip" file-

Required arguments
IPv6 address of the controller VM of discovered node
Path where csr from the discovered node needs to be downloaded

ncli> cluster { get-cvm-security-config }

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 78

Get the domain fault tolerance state of the cluster

ncli> cluster { get-domain-fault-tolerance-status } type="type"

Required arguments
Fault tolerance domain type { rackable_unit, node }

ncli> cluster { get-hypervisor-security-config }

Required arguments

Get Ipmi monitoring status

ncli> cluster { get-ipmi-monitoring-status }

Required arguments

Gets the Microsoft Azure Account details

ncli> cluster { get-la-jolla-azure-info }

Required arguments

Get the list of name servers

ncli> cluster { get-name-servers }

Required arguments

Get the list of NFS subnet whitelist

ncli> cluster { get-nfs-whitelist }

Required arguments

Get the list of NTP servers

ncli> cluster { get-ntp-servers }

Required arguments

Get params of a Cluster

ncli> cluster { get-params | info }

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 79

Get the redundancy state of the cluster

ncli> cluster { get-redundancy-state }

Required arguments

Get remote support status on a Cluster

ncli> cluster { get-remote-support-status }

Required arguments

Check the removal status for Physical Hosts

ncli> cluster { get-remove-status | get-rm-status }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Get configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alerts and report emails to Nutanix support

ncli> cluster { get-smtp-server }

Required arguments

Join the Nutanix storage cluster to the Windows AD domain specified in the cluster name. This operation is only
valid for clusters having hosts running Hyper-V.

ncli> cluster { join-domain } domain="domain" logon-name="logon_name" [

cluster-name="cluster_name" ][ external-ip-address="external_ip_address" ][ name-
server-ip="name_server_ip" ][ password="password" ][ ou-path="ou_path" ][ cps-
prefix="cps_prefix" ]
Required arguments
Full name of the domain
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Optional arguments
Name of the cluster
External IP address to access the cluster. Set to '-' to clear the existing value
IP address of the name server that can resolve the domain name

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 80

Password for the account specified by the logon account name
Organizational Unit path of the domain
CPS prefix path of the domain

Get the list of public keys configured in the cluster

ncli> cluster { list-public-keys | ls-public-keys }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the cluster public key

List All registered Metro Availability Witness

ncli> cluster { list-witness }

Required arguments

Remove all the public keys previously configured in the cluster

ncli> cluster { remove-all-public-keys | rm-all-public-keys }

Required arguments

Remove addresses from the list of name servers

ncli> cluster { remove-from-name-servers } servers="servers"

Required arguments
Comma-separated list of IP addresses to be removed from the name servers list

Remove addresses from the list of NFS subnet whitelist

ncli> cluster { remove-from-nfs-whitelist } ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks"

Required arguments
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask' (a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be removed
from the NFS subnet whitelist

Remove addresses from the list of NTP servers

ncli> cluster { remove-from-ntp-servers } servers="servers"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 81

Required arguments
Comma-separated list of IP addresses/Host names to be removed from the NTP servers list

Delete public key with the specified name from the cluster

ncli> cluster { remove-public-key | rm-public-key } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the cluster public key

Begin the process of removing a Physical Host

ncli> cluster { remove-start | rm-start | delete } id="id" [ skip-space-

check="{ true | false }" ][ force="force" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Physical Host
Optional arguments
Skip checking storage space-related constraints when initiating removal of a host from the
Default: false
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation
Default: false

Delete a Metro Availability Witness

ncli> cluster { remove-witness } id="id" [ recover="recover" ]

Required arguments
Id of the Metro Availability Witness
Optional arguments
Recover from a Metro Availability Witness an unsuccessful remove operation
Default: false

Change Rackable unit (RU) aware placement settings.

ncli> cluster { ru-aware-placement } enforce="enforce"

Required arguments
Enforce Rackable unit (RU) aware placement of replicas on the cluster (true | false)

Send an email to test the SMTP Server configuration

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 82

ncli> cluster { send-test-email } recipient="recipient" subject="subject"
Required arguments
Recipient of the test email
Subject of the test email

Sets the DVM configuration parameters for LaJolla cluster

ncli> cluster { set-dvm-configuration } ip-start="ip_start" ip-end="ip_end"

ip-mask="ip_mask" gateway="gateway" company-name="company_name" [ license-
key="license_key" ][ data-telemetry="data_telemetry" ]
Required arguments
IP Address range start.
IP Address range end.
Subnet mask.
Default Gateway IP.
Company name setting dvm configuraiton
Optional arguments
License key of Microsoft
True/False indicating whether you want your data to be sent to Microsoft.

Set the external IP address (IPv4) of the Cluster

ncli> cluster { set-external-ip-address }[ external-ip-address="external_ip_address"

][ logon-name="logon_name" ][ password="password" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
External IP address to access the cluster. Set to '-' to clear the existing value
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Password for the account specified by the logon account name

Enable or disable Ipmi monitoring

ncli> cluster { set-ipmi-monitoring-status } enable="{ true | false }"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 83

Required arguments
Enable or disable Ipmi monitoring

Set the redundancy state of the cluster

ncli> cluster { set-redundancy-state } desired-redundancy-

Required arguments
Desired redundancy factor of the cluster

Set configuration of SMTP Server used for transmitting alert and report emails to Nutanix support

ncli> cluster { set-smtp-server } address="address" [ port="port" ][

username="username" ][ password="password" ][ security-mode="security_mode" ][ from-
email-address="from_email_address" ]
Required arguments
Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN) or IPv4 address of the SMTP Server
Optional arguments
Port number of the SMTP Server. By default, port 25 is used
Username to access the SMTP Server
Password to access the SMTP Server
Security mode used by SMTP Server for data encryption and authentication. SMTP Server in
Nutanix cluster can be configured with one of the following mode: 'none', 'ssl' or 'starttls'
Default: none
From email address to be used while sending emails (Set to '-' to clear the existing value)

Set the timezone of the Cluster

ncli> cluster { set-timezone } timezone="timezone"

Required arguments
Timezone of the cluster

Start all services in the cluster

ncli> cluster { start }

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 84

Starts the CPS deployment in Lajolla cluster

ncli> cluster { start-la-jolla-deployment } ip-start="ip_start" ip-

end="ip_end" ip-mask="ip_mask" gateway="gateway" company-name="company_name"
username="username" password="password" storage_admin_password="storage_admin_password"
azure_onboarding_enabled="azure_onboarding_enabled" [ license-
key="license_key" ][ azure_subscription_name="azure_subscription_name"
][ azure_subscription_id="azure_subscription_id" ][
azure_site_recovery_region="azure_site_recovery_region" ][
azure_ops_insights_region="azure_ops_insights_region" ]
Required arguments
IP Address range start.
IP Address range end.
Subnet mask.
Default Gateway IP.
Company name setting dvm configuraiton
Active Directory User name
Active directory password
Admin password for the cluster
Set to true or false based on whether Azure info details are provided or not
Optional arguments
License key of Microsoft
Subscription name of Microsoft Account
Subscription Id of Microsoft Account
Site recovery region of Microsoft
Ops insight region of Microsoft

Start remote support on a Cluster

ncli> cluster { start-remote-support }[ duration="duration" ]

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 85

Optional arguments
Time (in minutes) to keep remote support enabled

Get the status of all services in the cluster

ncli> cluster { status }

Required arguments

Stop all services in the cluster

ncli> cluster { stop }

Required arguments

Stop remote support on a Cluster

ncli> cluster { stop-remote-support }[ duration="duration" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Time (in minutes) to keep remote support disabled

Update a Metro Availability Witness

ncli> cluster { update-witness } id="id" password="password"

Required arguments
Id of the Metro Availability Witness

Get version of software running on a Cluster

ncli> cluster { version }

Required arguments

container: Storage Container

Description A Storage Container is a container for virtual disks

Alias ctr storage-container

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 86

Operations • Add addresses to Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist : add-to-nfs-whitelist
• Create a new Storage Container : create | add
• Edit a Storage Container : edit | update
• Get the down-migrate times (in minutes) for Storage Tiers in a Storage Container :
get-down-migrate-times | get-dm-times
• List Storage Containers : list | ls
• Get stats data for Storage Containers : list-stats | ls-stats
• Delete a Storage Container : remove | rm
• Remove addresses from Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist : remove-from-
• Set the down-migrate times (in minutes) for a Storage Tier in a Storage Container :
set-down-migrate-times | set-dm-times

Add addresses to Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist

ncli> container { add-to-nfs-whitelist } ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks" [ id="id"

][ name="name" ]
Required arguments
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask'(a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be included in
the Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

Create a new Storage Container

ncli> container { create | add } name="name" [ res-capacity="res_capacity" ][

adv-capacity="adv_capacity" ][ sp-id="sp_id" ][ sp-name="sp_name" ][ rf="rf" ][
random-io-priority-order="random_io_priority_order" ][ sequential-io-priority-
order="sequential_io_priority_order" ][ enable-compression="{ true | false }" ][
fingerprint-on-write="fingerprint_on_write" ][ on-disk-dedup="on_disk_dedup" ][
compression-delay="compression_delay" ][ erasure-code="erasure_code" ][ erasure-code-
delay="erasure_code_delay" ][ ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Storage Container
Optional arguments
Explicit reserved Capacity (GiB) of the Storage Container
Advertised Capacity (GiB) of the Storage Container
ID of the Storage Pool for the Storage Container

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 87

Name of the Storage Pool for the Storage Container
Replication Factor for all data in the Storage Container
Comma-separated random I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers in a Storage
Comma-separated sequential I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers in a Storage
Enable or disable compression on a Storage Container
Default: false
Fingerprint on writes to the Storage Container {on, off, none}
On-disk dedup of the Storage Container {none, off, post-process}
Time delay in minutes for compressing/uncompressing the data on Storage Container
Erasure code should be of the form: 'on', 'off' or <N>/<K> where N, K are valid positive integers
Erasure code delay (mins) of the Storage Container. 'clear' for clearing the Erasure code delay
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask'(a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be included in
the Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist

Edit a Storage Container

ncli> container { edit | update }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ][ new-name="new_name"

][ res-capacity="res_capacity" ][ adv-capacity="adv_capacity" ][ rf="rf" ][
random-io-priority-order="random_io_priority_order" ][ sequential-io-priority-
order="sequential_io_priority_order" ][ enable-compression="{ true | false }" ][
compression-delay="compression_delay" ][ fingerprint-on-write="fingerprint_on_write"
][ on-disk-dedup="on_disk_dedup" ][ erasure-code="erasure_code" ][ erasure-code-
delay="erasure_code_delay" ][ ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 88

Explicit reserved Capacity (GiB) of the Storage Container
Advertised Capacity (GiB) of the Storage Container
Replication Factor for all data in the Storage Container
Comma-separated random I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers in a Storage
Comma-separated sequential I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers in a Storage
Enable or disable compression on a Storage Container
Time delay in minutes for compressing/uncompressing the data on Storage Container
Fingerprint on writes to the Storage Container {on, off, none}
On-disk dedup of the Storage Container {none, off, post-process}
Erasure code should be of the form: 'on', 'off' or <N>/<K> where N, K are valid positive integers
Erasure code delay (mins) of the Storage Container. 'clear' for clearing the Erasure code delay
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask'(a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be included in
the Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist

Get the down-migrate times (in minutes) for Storage Tiers in a Storage Container

ncli> container { get-down-migrate-times | get-dm-times }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

List Storage Containers

ncli> container { list | ls }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 89

Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

Get stats data for Storage Containers

ncli> container { list-stats | ls-stats }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

Delete a Storage Container

ncli> container { remove | rm }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ][ ignore-small-

files="ignore_small_files" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container
Ignore all the small files on the Storage Container {true, false} while marking for removal
Default: false

Remove addresses from Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist

ncli> container { remove-from-nfs-whitelist } ip-subnet-masks="ip_subnet_masks" [

id="id" ][ name="name" ]
Required arguments
Comma-separated list with entries of the form 'IP/subnet mask'(a.b.c.d/l.m.n.o) to be included in
the Storage Container's NFS subnet whitelist
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 90

Set the down-migrate times (in minutes) for a Storage Tier in a Storage Container

ncli> container { set-down-migrate-times | set-dm-times } tier-names="tier_names" [

id="id" ][ name="name" ][ time-in-min="time_in_min" ]
Required arguments
A comma-separated list of Storage Tiers
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container
Name of the Storage Container
Time in minutes after which to down-migrate data in a given Storage Tier in a Storage Container
Default: 30

data-at-rest-encryption: Data At Rest Encryption

Description Manage data-at-rest-encryption related operations

Operations • List of results of the certificate tests that were performed against key management
servers : get-recent-certificate-test-results
• Get current encryption status of the cluster : get-status
• Enable or disable disk passwords for encryption on the cluster : password
• Assigns new passwords to encryption capable disks when cluster is password
protected : rekey-disks
• Test encryption configuration on given hosts and key management servers : test-

List of results of the certificate tests that were performed against key management servers

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption { get-recent-certificate-test-results }[ host-

ids="host_ids" ][ key-management-server-names="key_management_server_names" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
List of Host ids
List of Key Management Server names

Get current encryption status of the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption { get-status }

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 91

Required arguments

Enable or disable disk passwords for encryption on the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption { password } enable="{ true | false }"

Required arguments
Enable or disable disk passwords for encryption

Assigns new passwords to encryption capable disks when cluster is password protected. If disk ids are not given,
rekey will be performed on all disks of the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption { rekey-disks }[ disk-ids="disk_ids" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
IDs of the Physical Disks

Test encryption configuration on given hosts and key management servers. If no parameters are specified, test will
be conducted on all nodes and key management servers configured in the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption { test-configuration }[ host-ids="host_ids" ][ key-

management-server-names="key_management_server_names" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts
Comma-separated list of key management server names

data-at-rest-encryption-certificate: Data At Rest Encryption Certificate

Description Manage data-at-rest-encryption related digital certificates


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 92

Operations • Download one or more CSRs from the cluster as zip file : download-csrs
• Get certification information : get-csr-information
• Get the list of ca certificates stored in the cluster : list-ca-certificates | ls-ca-
• Delete ca certificate with the specified name from the cluster : remove-ca-
certificate | rm-ca-certificate
• Delete certificate installed on a node for a key management server : remove-cvm-
certificate | rm-cvm-certificate
• Replace expired digital certificate : replace-cvm-certificate
• Update certification information : update-csr-information
• Upload ca certificate to the cluster : upload-ca-certificate
• Upload digital certificates as a single file or a zip file : upload-cvm-certificates

Download one or more CSRs from the cluster as zip file

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { download-csrs } file-path="file_path" [

host-ids="host_ids" ]
Required arguments
Path where zip file needs to be downloaded
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

Get certification information

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { get-csr-information }

Required arguments

Get the list of ca certificates stored in the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { list-ca-certificates | ls-ca-

certificates }
Required arguments

Delete ca certificate with the specified name from the cluster

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { remove-ca-certificate | rm-ca-

certificate } ca-name="ca_name"
Required arguments
Certificate Authority name

Delete certificate installed on a node for a key management server

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 93

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { remove-cvm-certificate | rm-cvm-
certificate } host-id="host_id" key-management-server-name="key_management_server_name"
Required arguments
Id of the node on which certificate is installed
Key management Server name for which certificate is installed

Replace expired digital certificate.

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { replace-cvm-certificate } host-

id="host_id" key-management-server-name="key_management_server_name" file-
Required arguments
ID of the Physical Host
Key management server name
Certificate path

Update certification information

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { update-csr-information }[

country-code="country_code" ][ state="state" ][ city="city" ][ organization-
name="organization_name" ][ email-address="email_address" ][ organizational-
units="organizational_units" ][ domain-name="domain_name" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Country Code
Organization Name
Email Address
List of comma-separated Organizational Units. Set to '-' to clear existing value(s)
Domain name that is to be included in Common Name. Set to '-' to clear the existing value

Upload ca certificate to the cluster

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 94

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { upload-ca-certificate } ca-name="ca_name"
Required arguments
Certificate Authority Name
Certificate path

Upload digital certificates as a single file or a zip file.

ncli> data-at-rest-encryption-certificate { upload-cvm-certificates } key-

management-server-name="key_management_server_name" file-path="file_path"
Required arguments
Key management server name
Path of a zipped or regular file

datastore: Datastore

Description An NFS Datastore

Operations • Create a new NFS datastore on the Physical Hosts using the Storage Container
(ESX only) : create | add
• Delete the NFS datastore on the Physical Hosts : delete | remove | rm
• List NFS Datastores : list | ls

Create a new NFS datastore on the Physical Hosts using the Storage Container (ESX only). Storage Container name
will be used as datastore name, if datastore name is not specified

ncli> datastore { create | add } ctr-name="ctr_name" [ name="name" ][ host-

ids="host_ids" ][ read- ]
Required arguments
Name of the Storage Container
Optional arguments
Name of the Datastore (default = Storage Container name)
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts (default = Includes all hosts)
Whether a Physical Host must have only read-only access to the Datastore
Default: false

Delete the NFS datastore on the Physical Hosts

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 95

ncli> datastore { delete | remove | rm } name="name" [ host-ids="host_ids" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Datastore
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts (default = Includes all hosts)

List NFS Datastores

ncli> datastore { list | ls }

Required arguments

disk: Physical Disk

Description A Physical Disk

Operations • Check the removal status for Physical Disks : get-remove-status | get-rm-status
• List Physical Disks : list | ls
• List Physical Disks that are not assigned to any Storage Pool : list-free | ls-free
• Get stats data for Physical Disks : list-stats | ls-stats
• Begin the process of removing a Physical Disk : remove-start | rm-start | delete

Check the removal status for Physical Disks

ncli> disk { get-remove-status | get-rm-status }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Disk

List Physical Disks

ncli> disk { list | ls }[ id="id" ][ sp-id="sp_id" ][ sp-name="sp_name" ][ tier-

name="tier_name" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Disk
ID of the Storage Pool for the Physical Disk

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 96

Name of the Storage Pool for the Physical Disk
Corresponding Storage Tier

List Physical Disks that are not assigned to any Storage Pool

ncli> disk { list-free | ls-free }

Required arguments

Get stats data for Physical Disks

ncli> disk { list-stats | ls-stats }[ id="id" ][ sp-id="sp_id" ][ tier-

name="tier_name" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Disk
ID of the Storage Pool for the Physical Disk
Corresponding Storage Tier

Begin the process of removing a Physical Disk

ncli> disk { remove-start | rm-start | delete } id="id" [ force="force" ]

Required arguments
ID of the Physical Disk
Optional arguments
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation
Default: false

events: Event

Description An Event
Alias event

Operations • Acknowledge Events : acknowledge | ack

• List history of Events : history
• List of unacknowledged Events : list | ls

Acknowledge Events

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 97

ncli> events { acknowledge | ack } ids="ids"
Required arguments
A comma-separated list of ids of the Events

List history of Events

ncli> events { history } duration="duration" [ acknowledged="acknowledged" ][ max-

events="max_events" ]
Required arguments
Duration (in days) for getting the history of Events
Optional arguments
Acknowledged Events?
Maximum number of Events to fetch
Default: 100

List of unacknowledged Events

ncli> events { list | ls }[ max-events="max_events" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Maximum number of Events to fetch
Default: 100

failover-cluster: Failover Cluster

Description Hyper-V failover cluster

Operations • Create a failover cluster : create
• Join nodes to a failover cluster : join-nodes
• List all failover clusters : list
• Remove node from a failover cluster : remove-node

Create a failover cluster

ncli> failover-cluster { create } name="name" ip-address="ip_address" logon-

name="logon_name" [ password="password" ][ host-ids="host_ids" ]
Required arguments
Simple name of the failover cluster. Must be at most 15 characters long.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 98

IP address of the failover cluster
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Optional arguments
Password for the account specified by the logon account name
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

Join nodes to a failover cluster

ncli> failover-cluster { join-nodes } name="name" logon-name="logon_name" [

password="password" ][ host-ids="host_ids" ]
Required arguments
Simple name of the failover cluster. Must be at most 15 characters long.
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Optional arguments
Password for the account specified by the logon account name
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

List all failover clusters

ncli> failover-cluster { list }

Required arguments

Remove node from a failover cluster

ncli> failover-cluster { remove-node } name="name" logon-name="logon_name" host-

id="host_id" [ password="password" ]
Required arguments
Simple name of the failover cluster. Must be at most 15 characters long.
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
ID of the Physical Host

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 99

Optional arguments
Password for the account specified by the logon account name

file-server: File Server

Description Minerva file server

Alias fs

Operations • Activate a file server : activate | activate

• Add a admin user : add-admin-user
• Add a Quota Policy : add-quota-policy
• Add a Share : add-share
• Add a Snapshot Policy : add-snapshot-policy
• Clone a file server : clone | clone
• Add a File Server : create | add
• Delete a File Server : delete | remove | rm
• Delete a admin user : delete-admin-user
• Delete a Quota Policy : delete-quota-policy
• Delete a Share : delete-share
• Delete a Snapshot Policy : delete-snapshot-policy
• Update a File Server : edit | update
• Show an individual FileServer's details : get
• Get a admin user : get-admin-user
• Show built in groupsper File Server : get-builtin-groups
• Get a Quota Policy : get-quota-policy
• Show an individual share's details : get-share | show-share
• Join the File Server to the Windows AD domain specified : join-domain | join-
• Leave File Server from domain : leave-domain | leave-domain
• List all File Servers with filtering : list | ls
• List all admin users with filtering : list-admin-users
• List all shares with filtering : list-all-fs-shares
• List all quota policies with filtering : list-quota-policies
• List all shares with filtering : list-shares | list-shares
• List all Snapshot policies with filtering : list-snapshot-policies
• Load balance a File Server : load-balance
• Add a protection domain for File Server : protect
• Update a admin user : update-admin-user
• Update a Quota Policy : update-quota-policy
• Update a Share : update-share | edit-share
• Update a Snapshot Policy : update-snapshot-policy
• Upgrade given list of File Servers : upgrade | upgrade

Activate a file server.

ncli> file-server { activate | activate } uuid="uuid" dns-server-ip-

address-list="dns_server_ip_address_list" ntp-servers="ntp_servers" windows-ad-
domain-name="windows_ad_domain_name" windows-ad-username="windows_ad_username"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 100

internal-virtual-network="internal_virtual_network" external-virtual-
network="external_virtual_network" [ windows-ad-password="windows_ad_password"
][ internal-virtual-network-gateway="internal_virtual_network_gateway" ][
internal-virtual-network-mask="internal_virtual_network_mask" ][ internal-
virtual-network-ips="internal_virtual_network_ips" ][ external-virtual-
network-gateway="external_virtual_network_gateway" ][ external-virtual-
network-mask="external_virtual_network_mask" ][ external-virtual-network-
ips="external_virtual_network_ips" ][ overwrite="overwrite" ][ add-user-as-afs-
admin="add_user_as_afs_admin" ][ organizational-unit="organizational_unit" ][ preferred-
domain-controller="preferred_domain_controller" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
List of comma-separated dns server ip addresses for file server configuration.
List of comma-separated ntp servers for file server configuration.
The windows AD domain the file server is associated with.
The name of a user account with administrative privileges in the AD domain the file server is
associated with.
The identifier of the internal virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
The identifier of the external virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
Optional arguments
The password for the above Windows AD account
The gateway ip address of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in internal virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or IPs,
e.g. ",".
The gateway ip address of the external virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in external virtual network.
If a machine account with the same name as file-server name is present on the AD, then
overwrite it during join-domain operation.
Default: false

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 101

AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
An Organizational unit container is where the AFS machine account will be created as part of
domain join operation. Use a / to specify hierarchical Organization Units. Default container OU
is "Computers". Examples: Engineering, Department/Engineering.
Use a specific domain controller for join-domain operation in a multi DC Active Directory setups.
By default, AFS discovers a site local domain controller for join-domain operation.

Add a admin user

ncli> file-server { add-admin-user } uuid="uuid" user="user" role="role"

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that admin user is associated with
AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
Role of the given user or group (one of AdMIN or BACKUP_OPERATOR).

Add a Quota Policy

ncli> file-server { add-quota-policy } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid"

principal-value="principal_value" quota-size-gib="quota_size_gib"
quota-enforcement-type="quota_enforcement_type" [ send-quota-
notifications-to-user="send_quota_notifications_to_user" ][ notification-
recipients="notification_recipients" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that quota policy is associated with
Uuid of the share that quota policy is associated with
Quota policy principal value (user or group name)
Quota size in Gibs
Quota enforcement type (Hard or Soft)
Optional arguments
Send quota notifications to user
Additional notification recipients (comma-separated)

Add a Share

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 102

ncli> file-server { add-share } uuid="uuid" name="name" uuid="uuid" [
description="description" ][ enable-windows-previous-version="{ true | false }" ][
share-type="share_type" ][ share-size-gib="share_size_gib" ][ default-quota-limit-
gib="default_quota_limit_gib" ][ quota-enforcement-type="quota_enforcement_type" ][ send-
quota-notifications-to-user="send_quota_notifications_to_user" ][ enable-access-based-
enumeration="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
uuid of the File Server
Name of the Share
Uuid of the fileserver that share is associated with.
Optional arguments
Description of the Share
Enable self service restore flag
Type of Share. Homes or General (General Purpose)
Share size in Gibs
Default quota limit in Gibs (Quota applies to all users of the share)
Quota enforcement type (Hard or Soft)
Send quota notifications to user
Enable access based enumeration flag

Add a Snapshot Policy

ncli> file-server { add-snapshot-policy } file-server-uuid="file_server_uuid"

snapshot-policy-type="snapshot_policy_type" frequency="frequency" local-
retention="local_retention" [ days-of-week="days_of_week" ][ days-of-
month="days_of_month" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that snapshot policy is associated with
Snapshot policy type - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
Snapshot policy frequency. Repeat snapshot every nth hour/day. For weekly and monthly,
frequency is 1.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 103

Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Optional arguments
Comma-separated day of week values for the schedule: 1-7 (starts with Sunday(1))
Comma-separated day of month values for the schedule: 1-31

Clone a file server.

ncli> file-server { clone | clone } uuid="uuid" name="name" dns-server-ip-

address-list="dns_server_ip_address_list" ntp-servers="ntp_servers" windows-ad-
domain-name="windows_ad_domain_name" windows-ad-username="windows_ad_username"
internal-virtual-network="internal_virtual_network" external-virtual-
network="external_virtual_network" windows-ad-password="windows_ad_password"
[ snapshot-uuid="snapshot_uuid" ][ internal-virtual-network-
gateway="internal_virtual_network_gateway" ][ internal-virtual-network-
mask="internal_virtual_network_mask" ][ internal-virtual-network-
ips="internal_virtual_network_ips" ][ external-virtual-network-
gateway="external_virtual_network_gateway" ][ external-virtual-network-
mask="external_virtual_network_mask" ][ external-virtual-network-
ips="external_virtual_network_ips" ][ overwrite="overwrite" ][ add-user-as-afs-
admin="add_user_as_afs_admin" ][ organizational-unit="organizational_unit" ][ preferred-
domain-controller="preferred_domain_controller" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
Name of the file server clone
List of comma-separated dns server ip addresses for file server configuration.
List of comma-separated ntp servers for file server configuration.
The windows AD domain the file server is associated with.
The name of a user account with administrative privileges in the AD domain the file server is
associated with.
The identifier of the internal virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
The identifier of the external virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
The password for the above Windows AD account
Optional arguments
File Server snapshot uuid

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 104

The gateway ip address of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in internal virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or IPs,
e.g. ",".
The gateway ip address of the external virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in external virtual network.
If a machine account with the same name as file-server name is present on the AD, then
overwrite it during join-domain operation.
Default: false
AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
An Organizational unit container is where the AFS machine account will be created as part of
domain join operation. Use a / to specify hierarchical Organization Units. Default container OU
is "Computers". Examples: Engineering, Department/Engineering.
Use a specific domain controller for join-domain operation in a multi DC Active Directory setups.
By default, AFS discovers a site local domain controller for join-domain operation.

Add a File Server

ncli> file-server { create | add } name="name" dns-server-ip-address-

list="dns_server_ip_address_list" ntp-servers="ntp_servers" windows-ad-
domain-name="windows_ad_domain_name" size-gib="size_gib" windows-ad-
username="windows_ad_username" internal-virtual-network="internal_virtual_network"
external-virtual-network="external_virtual_network" [ internal-virtual-
network-gateway="internal_virtual_network_gateway" ][ internal-virtual-
network-mask="internal_virtual_network_mask" ][ internal-virtual-
network-ips="internal_virtual_network_ips" ][ external-virtual-network-
gateway="external_virtual_network_gateway" ][ external-virtual-network-
mask="external_virtual_network_mask" ][ external-virtual-network-
ips="external_virtual_network_ips" ][ nvm-count="nvm_count" ][ memory="memory"
][ cpu-count="cpu_count" ][ windows-ad-password="windows_ad_password" ][
organizational-unit="organizational_unit" ][ pd-name="pd_name" ][ add-user-as-afs-
admin="add_user_as_afs_admin" ][ preferred-domain-controller="preferred_domain_controller"
Required arguments
Name of the file server

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 105

List of comma-separated dns server ip addresses for file server configuration.
List of comma-separated ntp servers for file server configuration.
The windows AD domain the file server is associated with.
File server size in gibs
The name of a user account with administrative privileges in the AD domain the file server is
associated with.
The identifier of the internal virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
The identifier of the external virtual network. Please use network UUID on AHV and ESX.
Optional arguments
The gateway ip address of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in internal virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or IPs,
e.g. ",".
The gateway ip address of the external virtual network associated with file server VMs.
The network mask of the internal virtual network associated with file server VMs.
IPs used by new file server VMs in the external virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or
IPs, e.g. ","
Total number of file server VMs associated with the file server.
Default: 3
Memory associated with each file server VM.
Default: 12
Number of vCPUs per file server VM.
Default: 4
The password for the above Windows AD account
An Organizational unit container is where the AFS machine account will be created as part of
domain join operation. Use a / to specify hierarchical Organization Units. Default container OU
is "Computers". Examples: Engineering, Department/Engineering.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 106

Name of the pd going to be associated with the file server.
AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
Use a specific domain controller for join-domain operation in a multi DC Active Directory setups.
By default, AFS discovers a site local domain controller for join-domain operation.

Delete a File Server

ncli> file-server { delete | remove | rm } uuid="uuid"

Required arguments
UUID of the FileServer

Delete a admin user

ncli> file-server { delete-admin-user } uuid="uuid" admin-user-uuid="admin_user_uuid"

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that admin user is associated with
uuid of the admin user

Delete a Quota Policy

ncli> file-server { delete-quota-policy } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid" quota-

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that quota policy is associated with
Uuid of the share that quota policy is associated with
uuid of the quota policy

Delete a Share

ncli> file-server { delete-share } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid" [

force="force" ]
Required arguments
uuid of the File Server
uuid of the FileServer share
Optional arguments
force delete Share

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 107

Delete a Snapshot Policy

ncli> file-server { delete-snapshot-policy } file-server-uuid="file_server_uuid"

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that snapshot policy is associated with
uuid of the snapshot policy

Update a File Server

ncli> file-server { edit | update } uuid="uuid" [ name="name" ][ total-nvm-

count="total_nvm_count" ][ internal-virtual-network-ips="internal_virtual_network_ips" ][
external-virtual-network-ips="external_virtual_network_ips" ][ dns-server-ip-address-
list="dns_server_ip_address_list" ][ ntp-servers="ntp_servers" ][ size-gib="size_gib" ][
memory="memory" ][ cpu-count="cpu_count" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
Optional arguments
Name of the file server
Total number of file server VMs associated with the file server.
IPs used by new file server VMs in the internal virtual network.
IPs used by new file server VMs in the external virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or
IPs, e.g. ","
List of comma-separated dns server ip addresses for file server configuration.
List of comma-separated ntp servers for file server configuration.
File server size in gibs
Memory associated with each file server VM.
Number of vCPUs per file server VM.

Show an individual FileServer's details

ncli> file-server { get } uuid="uuid" [ projection="projection" ]

Required arguments
uuid of the FileServer

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 108

Optional arguments
Projections on the attributes

Get a admin user

ncli> file-server { get-admin-user } uuid="uuid" admin-user-uuid="admin_user_uuid"

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that admin user is associated with
uuid of the admin user

Show built in groupsper File Server

ncli> file-server { get-builtin-groups } uuid="uuid" [ projection="projection" ]

Required arguments
uuid of the FileServer
Optional arguments
Projections on the attributes

Get a Quota Policy

ncli> file-server { get-quota-policy } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid" quota-

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that quota policy is associated with
uuid of the share
uuid of the quota policy

Show an individual share's details

ncli> file-server { get-share | show-share } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid" [

projection="projection" ]
Required arguments
uuid of the file server
uuid of the FileServer share
Optional arguments
Projections on the attributes

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 109

Join the File Server to the Windows AD domain specified.

ncli> file-server { join-domain | join-domain } uuid="uuid" windows-ad-

domain-name="windows_ad_domain_name" windows-ad-username="windows_ad_username" [
organizational-unit="organizational_unit" ][ windows-ad-password="windows_ad_password"
][ overwrite="overwrite" ][ add-user-as-afs-admin="add_user_as_afs_admin" ][ preferred-
domain-controller="preferred_domain_controller" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
The windows AD domain the file server is associated with.
The name of a user account with administrative privileges in the AD domain the file server is
associated with.
Optional arguments
An Organizational unit container is where the AFS machine account will be created as part of
domain join operation. Use a / to specify hierarchical Organization Units. Default container OU
is "Computers". Examples: Engineering, Department/Engineering.
The password for the above Windows AD account
If a machine account with the same name as file-server name is present on the AD, then
overwrite it during join-domain operation.
Default: false
AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
Use a specific domain controller for join-domain operation in a multi DC Active Directory setups.
By default, AFS discovers a site local domain controller for join-domain operation.

Leave File Server from domain

ncli> file-server { leave-domain | leave-domain } uuid="uuid" [ windows-ad-

password="windows_ad_password" ][ windows-ad-username="windows_ad_username" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
Optional arguments
The password for the above Windows AD account
The name of a user account with administrative privileges in the AD domain the file server is
associated with.

List all File Servers with filtering

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 110

ncli> file-server { list | ls }[ count="count" ][ filter-criteria="filter_criteria"
][ search-string="search_string" ][ projection="projection" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Number of Containers to retrieve
Filter criteria
Search string
Projections on the attributes

List all admin users with filtering

ncli> file-server { list-admin-users } uuid="uuid"

Required arguments
uuid of the file server

List all shares with filtering

ncli> file-server { list-all-fs-shares }[ count="count" ][ filter-

criteria="filter_criteria" ][ search-string="search_string" ][ search-attribute-
list="search_attribute_list" ][ projection="projection" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Number of shares to retrieve
Filter criteria
Search string
Search attribute list
Projections on the attributes

List all quota policies with filtering

ncli> file-server { list-quota-policies } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid"

Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that quota policy is associated with

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 111

uuid of the share

List all shares with filtering

ncli> file-server { list-shares | list-shares } uuid="uuid" [ count="count" ][

filter-criteria="filter_criteria" ][ search-string="search_string" ][ search-attribute-
list="search_attribute_list" ][ projection="projection" ]
Required arguments
uuid of the file server
Optional arguments
Number of Containers to retrieve
Filter criteria
Search string
Search attribute list
Projections on the attributes

List all Snapshot policies with filtering

ncli> file-server { list-snapshot-policies } file-server-uuid="file_server_uuid"

Required arguments
uuid of the file server

Load balance a File Server

ncli> file-server { load-balance } uuid="uuid" action="action" [ total-nvm-

count="total_nvm_count" ][ internal-virtual-network-ips="internal_virtual_network_ips" ][
external-virtual-network-ips="external_virtual_network_ips" ][ memory="memory" ][ cpu-
count="cpu_count" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server
Action based on the recommendation associated with file server.i.e {scaleup, scaleout or
Optional arguments
Total number of file server VMs associated with the file server.
IPs used by new file server VMs in the internal virtual network.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 112

IPs used by new file server VMs in the external virtual network. Comma-separated IP ranges or
IPs, e.g. ","
Memory associated with each file server VM.
Number of vCPUs per file server VM.

Add a protection domain for File Server.

ncli> file-server { protect } uuid="uuid"

Required arguments
UUID of the FileServer

Update a admin user

ncli> file-server { update-admin-user } uuid="uuid" admin-user-uuid="admin_user_uuid"

[ user="user" ][ role="role" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that admin user is associated with
Admin user uuid.
Optional arguments
AD user or group name as 'name' or 'NETBIOS ame' format.
Role of the given user or group (one of AdMIN or BACKUP_OPERATOR).

Update a Quota Policy

ncli> file-server { update-quota-policy } uuid="uuid" share-uuid="share_uuid"

quota-policy-uuid="quota_policy_uuid" [ quota-size-gib="quota_size_gib"
][ quota-enforcement-type="quota_enforcement_type" ][ send-quota-
notifications-to-user="send_quota_notifications_to_user" ][ notification-
recipients="notification_recipients" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that quota policy is associated with
Uuid of the share that quota policy is associated with
Uuid of the Quota Policy
Optional arguments
Quota size in Gibs

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 113

Quota enforcement type (Hard or Soft)
Send quota notifications to user
Additional notification recipients (comma-separated)

Update a Share

ncli> file-server { update-share | edit-share } uuid="uuid" [ share-uuid="share_uuid"

][ name="name" ][ enable-windows-previous-version="{ true | false }" ][
description="description" ][ share-size-gib="share_size_gib" ][ default-quota-limit-
gib="default_quota_limit_gib" ][ quota-enforcement-type="quota_enforcement_type" ][ send-
quota-notifications-to-user="send_quota_notifications_to_user" ][ enable-access-based-
enumeration="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
uuid of the File Server
Optional arguments
Uuid of the Share
Name of the Share
Enable self service restore flag
Description of the Share
Share size in Gibs
Default quota limit in Gibs (Quota applies to all users of the share)
Quota enforcement type (Hard or Soft)
Send quota notifications to user
Enable access based enumeration flag

Update a Snapshot Policy

ncli> file-server { update-snapshot-policy } file-server-uuid="file_server_uuid"

uuid="uuid" [ snapshot-policy-type="snapshot_policy_type" ][ frequency="frequency"
][ days-of-week="days_of_week" ][ days-of-month="days_of_month" ][ local-
retention="local_retention" ]
Required arguments
Uuid of the file server that snapshot policy is associated with

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 114

Uuid of the Snapshot Policy
Optional arguments
Snapshot policy type - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
Snapshot policy frequency. Repeat snapshot every nth hour/day. For weekly and monthly,
frequency is 1.
Comma-separated day of week values for the schedule: 1-7 (starts with Sunday(1))
Comma-separated day of month values for the schedule: 1-31
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally

Upgrade given list of File Servers

ncli> file-server { upgrade | upgrade } version="version" [ uuid="uuid" ][ upgrade-

all-file-servers="upgrade_all_file_servers" ]
Required arguments
Version of the file server
Optional arguments
Uuid of the file server
Upgrade all file servers flag.

health-check: Health Check

Description A health check

Alias check

Operations • Edit a Health Check : edit | update

• List Health Checks : list | ls

Edit a Health Check

ncli> health-check { edit | update } id="id" [ enable="{ true | false }"

][ interval="interval" ][ parameter-thresholds="parameter_thresholds" ][
severity="severity" ][ enable-severity-threshold="{ true | false }" ][ parameter-
name="parameter_name" ][ parameter-value="parameter_value" ][ auto-resolve="auto_resolve"
Required arguments
Id of the Health Check

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 115

Optional arguments
Enable/Disable Health Check
Scheduled interval at which Health Check should be run (in seconds)
List of comma-separated parameter and it's threshold. All the values should be of format
Severity Threshold to update
Enable or Disable the selected Severity Threshold
Name of the parameter to update.
Updated value of the parameter.
Enable/Disable Auto Resolve feature for this check. Value should be set to either true or false

List Health Checks

ncli> health-check { list | ls }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Id of the Health Check

host: Physical Host

Description A Physical Host hosts Virtual Machines


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 116

Operations • Add the configured node to the cluster : add-node
• Configure discovered node with IP addresses (Hypervisor, CVM and IPMI
addresses) : configure-node
• Discover new nodes available to add to the cluster : discover-nodes
• Edit Physical Host : edit | update
• Enable metadata store on a Physical Host : enable-metadata-store
• Generates and downloads the csr from discovered node based on certification
information from the cluster : generate-csr-for-discovered-node
• Get certificate related information : get-certificate-information
• Check the removal status for Physical Hosts : get-remove-status | get-rm-status
• Join one or more host(s) to a domain : join-domain
• List Physical Hosts : list | ls
• Get stats data for Physical Host : list-stats | ls-stats
• Begin the process of removing a Physical Host : remove-start | rm-start | delete
• Reset to factory setting, the default location to be used for storing the virtual
machine configuration files and the virtual hard disk files : reset-default-vm-vhd-
• Set the default location to be used for storing the virtual machine configuration files
and the virtual hard disk files : set-default-vm-vhd-location
• Set the monitoring status of Physical Hosts : set-monitoring

Add the configured node to the cluster

ncli> host { add-node } node-uuid="node_uuid" [ server-certificate-

list="server_certificate_list" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the new node
Optional arguments
Comma-separated list of the key management server uuid and corresponding certificate file
path. List should be of format <server_uuid:path_to_certificate>

Configure discovered node with IP addresses (Hypervisor, CVM and IPMI addresses)

ncli> host { configure-node } node-uuid="node_uuid" [ cvm-ip="cvm_ip" ][ hypervisor-

ip="hypervisor_ip" ][ ipmi-ip="ipmi_ip" ][ ipmi-netmask="ipmi_netmask" ][ ipmi-
gateway="ipmi_gateway" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the new node
Optional arguments
IP address of the controller VM
IP address of the Hypervisor Host
IPMI address of the node

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 117

IPMI netmask of the node
IPMI gateway of the node

Discover new nodes available to add to the cluster

ncli> host { discover-nodes }

Required arguments

Edit Physical Host

ncli> host { edit | update } id="id" [ hypervisor-username="hypervisor_username" ][

hypervisor-password="hypervisor_password" ][ new-ms-name="new_ms_name" ][ oplog-disk-
pct="oplog_disk_pct" ][ ipmi-username="ipmi_username" ][ ipmi-password="ipmi_password" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Physical Host
Optional arguments
Username to access the Hypervisor Host
Password to access the Hypervisor Host
Name of the Management Server
The percentage of the oplog-disk to use for oplog data
Username for IPMI access to a Physical Host
Password for IPMI access to a Physical Host

Enable metadata store on a Physical Host

ncli> host { enable-metadata-store } id="id"

Required arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Generates and downloads the csr from discovered node based on certification information from the cluster

ncli> host { generate-csr-for-discovered-node } cvm-ip="cvm_ip" file-path="file_path"

Required arguments
IPv6 address of the controller VM of discovered node

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 118

Path where csr from the discovered node needs to be downloaded

Get certificate related information.

ncli> host { get-certificate-information }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Check the removal status for Physical Hosts

ncli> host { get-remove-status | get-rm-status }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Join one or more host(s) to a domain. This operation is only valid for hosts running Hyper-V.

ncli> host { join-domain } domain="domain" logon-name="logon_name" restart="restart"

[ name-server-ip="name_server_ip" ][ host-name-prefix="host_name_prefix" ][
password="password" ][ host-ids="host_ids" ][ host-names="host_names" ][ ou-
path="ou_path" ][ cps-prefix="cps_prefix" ]
Required arguments
Full name of the domain
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Whether to restart the host(s) after the successful execution of a domain join/unjoin operation
Optional arguments
IP address of the name server that can resolve the domain name
The prefix to be used in naming the hosts running Hyper-V. Must not exceed 11 characters in
Password for the account specified by the logon account name
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts
A comma-separated list of the names of the Physical Hosts

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 119

Organizational Unit path of the domain
CPS prefix path of the domain

List Physical Hosts

ncli> host { list | ls }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Get stats data for Physical Host

ncli> host { list-stats | ls-stats }[ id="id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Physical Host

Begin the process of removing a Physical Host

ncli> host { remove-start | rm-start | delete } id="id" [ skip-space-check="{ true |

false }" ][ force="force" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Physical Host
Optional arguments
Skip checking storage space-related constraints when initiating removal of a host from the
Default: false
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation
Default: false

Reset to factory setting, the default location to be used for storing the virtual machine configuration files and the
virtual hard disk files. This operation is only valid for hosts running Hyper-V.

ncli> host { reset-default-vm-vhd-location } host-ids="host_ids"

Required arguments
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 120

Set the default location to be used for storing the virtual machine configuration files and the virtual hard disk files.
This operation is only valid for hosts running Hyper-V.

ncli> host { set-default-vm-vhd-location } ctr-for-vm-config="ctr_for_vm_config" ctr-

for-vhd-files="ctr_for_vhd_files" [ host-ids="host_ids" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Storage Container to be used for storing VM configuration files.
Name of the Storage Container to be used for storing virtual hard disk files.
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

Set the monitoring status of Physical Hosts

ncli> host { set-monitoring } enabled="{ true | false }" ids="ids"

Required arguments
Enable monitoring of Physical Hosts?
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

http-proxy: HTTP Proxy

Description An HTTP Proxy

Alias proxy

Operations • Create a new HTTP Proxy : add

• Add HTTP Proxy whitelist entry : add-to-whitelist
• Delete HTTP Proxy whitelist entry : delete-from-whitelist
• Edit an HTTP Proxy : edit | update
• Get HTTP Proxy whitelist : get-whitelist
• List HTTP Proxies : list | ls
• Remove an HTTP Proxy : remove | rm

Create a new HTTP Proxy

ncli> http-proxy { add } name="name" address="address" port="port" [

username="username" ][ password="password" ][ proxy-types="proxy_types" ]
Required arguments
Proxy name.
Address of the proxy
Port on which proxy is binding

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 121

Optional arguments
Username for proxy authentication
Password for proxy authentication
Proxy types to send applicable traffic

Add HTTP Proxy whitelist entry

ncli> http-proxy { add-to-whitelist } target-type="target_type" target="target"

Required arguments
Type of the target. Values can be {IPV4_ADDRESS, IPV4_NETWORK_MASK,
Http proxy whitelist target. If the target-type is IPV4_NETWORK_MASK, specify the netmask
using traditional notation (for example,, not CIDR notation.

Delete HTTP Proxy whitelist entry

ncli> http-proxy { delete-from-whitelist } target="target"

Required arguments
Http proxy whitelist target. If the target-type is IPV4_NETWORK_MASK, specify the netmask
using traditional notation (for example,, not CIDR notation.

Edit an HTTP Proxy

ncli> http-proxy { edit | update } name="name" [ address="address" ][

username="username" ][ password="password" ][ port="port" ]
Required arguments
Name of the HTTP Proxy
Optional arguments
Address of the HTTP Proxy
Username to access the HTTP Proxy
Password to access the HTTP Proxy
Port number of the HTTP Proxy

Get HTTP Proxy whitelist

ncli> http-proxy { get-whitelist }

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 122

Required arguments

List HTTP Proxies

ncli> http-proxy { list | ls }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the HTTP Proxy

Remove an HTTP Proxy

ncli> http-proxy { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of an HTTP Proxy

key-management-server: Key Management Server

Description Manage key management servers

Operations • Add key management server : add
• Get specified key management server : get
• List all key management servers : list | ls
• Remove key management server : remove | rm
• Update key management server : update

Add key management server

ncli> key-management-server { add } name="name" address-list="address_list"

Required arguments
Key management server name
List of comma-separated addresses of the key management server. All addresses should be of
format <ipaddress> or of format <ipaddress:port>. Port 5696 is used as default if port number is
not specified

Get specified key management server

ncli> key-management-server { get } name="name"

Required arguments
Key management server name

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 123

List all key management servers

ncli> key-management-server { list | ls }

Required arguments

Remove key management server

ncli> key-management-server { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Key management server name

Update key management server

ncli> key-management-server { update } name="name" [ address-list="address_list" ][

force="force" ]
Required arguments
Key management server name
Optional arguments
List of comma-separated addresses of the key management server. All addresses should be of
format <ipaddress> or of format <ipaddress:port>. Port 5696 is used as default if port number is
not specified
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation

license: License

Description License for a Nutanix cluster

Operations • Apply a license file to the cluster : apply-license
• Download cluster info as a file : download-cluster-info
• Get cluster info from the cluster : generate-cluster-info
• Read allowances for features as listed in the license : get-allowances
• Read license file from the cluster : get-license

Apply a license file to the cluster

ncli> license { apply-license } license-file="license_file"

Required arguments
License file

Download cluster info as a file

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 124

ncli> license { download-cluster-info } file-path="file_path"
Required arguments
File path

Get cluster info from the cluster

ncli> license { generate-cluster-info }

Required arguments

Read allowances for features as listed in the license

ncli> license { get-allowances }[ feature-name="feature_name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Feature name

Read license file from the cluster

ncli> license { get-license }

Required arguments

managementserver: Management Server

Description An infrastructure management server such as VCenter

Alias ms

Operations • Add a new Management Server : add

• Add a new Management Server : edit | update
• List Management Servers : list | ls
• Returns a list of information for management servers which are used for managing
the cluster : list-management-server-info
• Create and register a management server extension for Nutanix : register
• Delete a Management Server : remove | rm
• Unregister the management server extension for Nutanix : unregister

Add a new Management Server

ncli> managementserver { add } name="name" url="url" username="username"

password="password" [ type="type" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Management Server

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 125

Access URL of the Management Server
Username for access to the Management Server
Password for access to the Management Server
Optional arguments
Hypervisor type of the Management Server
Default: vmware

Add a new Management Server

ncli> managementserver { edit | update } name="name" [ url="url" ][

username="username" ][ password="password" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Management Server
Optional arguments
Access URL of the Management Server
Username for access to the Management Server
Password for access to the Management Server

List Management Servers

ncli> managementserver { list | ls }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Management Server

Returns a list of information for management servers which are used for managing the cluster.

ncli> managementserver { list-management-server-info }

Required arguments

Create and register a management server extension for Nutanix.

ncli> managementserver { register } ip-address="ip_address" port="port" admin-

username="admin_username" admin-password="admin_password"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 126

Required arguments
Address of the management server.
Port of the management server.
Administrator username of the management server.
Administrator password of the management server.

Delete a Management Server

ncli> managementserver { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Management Server

Unregister the management server extension for Nutanix.

ncli> managementserver { unregister } ip-address="ip_address" port="port" admin-

username="admin_username" admin-password="admin_password"
Required arguments
Address of the management server.
Port of the management server.
Administrator username of the management server.
Administrator password of the management server.

multicluster: Multicluster

Description A Nutanix Management Console to manage multiple clusters

Operations • Add to multicluster : add-to-multicluster
• Delete cluster state : delete-cluster-state
• Get cluster state : get-cluster-state
• Remove from multicluster : remove-from-multicluster

Add to multicluster

ncli> multicluster { add-to-multicluster } external-ip-address-or-svm-

ips="external_ip_address_or_svm_ips" username="username" password="password"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 127

Required arguments
External IP address or list of SVM IP addresses

Delete cluster state

ncli> multicluster { delete-cluster-state } cluster-id="cluster_id"

Required arguments
Id of the cluster

Get cluster state

ncli> multicluster { get-cluster-state }[ cluster-id="cluster_id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Id of the cluster

Remove from multicluster

ncli> multicluster { remove-from-multicluster } external-ip-address-or-svm-

ips="external_ip_address_or_svm_ips" username="username" password="password"
Required arguments
External IP address or list of SVM IP addresses

network: Network

Description Network specific commands

Alias net

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 128

Operations • Add an SNMP Profile : add-snmp-profile
• Add a switch configuration : add-switch-config
• Delete an SNMP Profile : delete-snmp-profile
• Delete a switch configuration : delete-switch-config
• Update an SNMP Profile : edit-snmp-profile
• Update a switch collector configuration : edit-switch-collector-config
• Update a switch configuration : edit-switch-config
• Get switch collector configuration : get-switch-collector-config
• List all host interfaces : list-host-nics
• List all host virtual interfaces : list-host-vnics
• List all SNMP Profiles : list-snmp-profile
• List all switches information : list-switch
• List all switch interfaces information : list-switch-ports
• List all VM virtual Nics : list-vm-nics

Add an SNMP Profile

ncli> network { add-snmp-profile } name="name" [ uuid="uuid" ][ default="default"

][ version="version" ][ community="community" ][ level="level" ][ username="username"
][ auth-type="auth_type" ][ auth-key="auth_key" ][ priv-type="priv_type" ][ priv-
key="priv_key" ]
Required arguments
SNMP profile name
Optional arguments
SNMP profile UUID
Used as Default SNMP profile
SNMP version [snmpv2c, snmpv3]
SNMP community string
SNMP security level [NoAuthNoPriv, AuthnoPriv, AuthPriv].
SNMP username
SNMP authentication type [SHA]
SNMP authentication key
SNMP encryption type [AES or DES]
SNMP encryption key

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 129

Add a switch configuration

ncli> network { add-switch-config } switch-address="switch_address" [

switch-id="switch_id" ][ snmp-profile-name="snmp_profile_name" ][ host-
addresses="host_addresses" ][ version="version" ][ community="community" ][
level="level" ][ username="username" ][ auth-type="auth_type" ][ auth-key="auth_key" ][
priv-type="priv_type" ][ priv-key="priv_key" ]
Required arguments
Switch address
Optional arguments
Switch ID
SNMP profile name to apply on switch config
List of comma-separated Host addresses which is connected to this switch
SNMP version [snmpv2c, snmpv3]
SNMP community string
SNMP security level [NoAuthNoPriv, AuthnoPriv, AuthPriv].
SNMP username
SNMP authentication type [SHA]
SNMP authentication key
SNMP encryption type [AES or DES]
SNMP encryption key

Delete an SNMP Profile

ncli> network { delete-snmp-profile } uuid="uuid"

Required arguments
UUID of the SNMP Profile

Delete a switch configuration

ncli> network { delete-switch-config } switch-id="switch_id"

Required arguments
ID of the switch

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 130

Update an SNMP Profile

ncli> network { edit-snmp-profile } uuid="uuid" [ name="name" ][ default="default"

][ version="version" ][ community="community" ][ level="level" ][ username="username"
][ auth-type="auth_type" ][ auth-key="auth_key" ][ priv-type="priv_type" ][ priv-
key="priv_key" ]
Required arguments
SNMP profile UUID
Optional arguments
SNMP profile name
Used as Default SNMP profile
SNMP version [snmpv2c, snmpv3]
SNMP community string
SNMP security level [NoAuthNoPriv, AuthnoPriv, AuthPriv].
SNMP username
SNMP authentication type [SHA]
SNMP authentication key
SNMP encryption type [AES or DES]
SNMP encryption key

Update a switch collector configuration

ncli> network { edit-switch-collector-config }[ enabled="{ true | false }" ][

schedule-interval-in-secs="schedule_interval_in_secs" ][ schedule-discovery-in-
secs="schedule_discovery_in_secs" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable/Disable switch collector
Scheduled interval to collect the switch stats (in seconds)
Switch discovery interval (in seconds)

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 131

Update a switch configuration

ncli> network { edit-switch-config } switch-id="switch_id" [ switch-

address="switch_address" ][ snmp-profile-name="snmp_profile_name" ][ host-
addresses="host_addresses" ][ version="version" ][ community="community" ][
level="level" ][ username="username" ][ auth-type="auth_type" ][ auth-key="auth_key" ][
priv-type="priv_type" ][ priv-key="priv_key" ]
Required arguments
Switch ID
Optional arguments
Switch address
SNMP profile name to apply on switch config
List of comma-separated Host addresses which is connected to this switch
SNMP version [snmpv2c, snmpv3]
SNMP community string
SNMP security level [NoAuthNoPriv, AuthnoPriv, AuthPriv].
SNMP username
SNMP authentication type [SHA]
SNMP authentication key
SNMP encryption type [AES or DES]
SNMP encryption key

Get switch collector configuration

ncli> network { get-switch-collector-config }

Required arguments

List all host interfaces

ncli> network { list-host-nics } host-id="host_id" [ pnic-id="pnic_id" ]

Required arguments
ID of the Host

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 132

Optional arguments
ID of Host Nic

List all host virtual interfaces

ncli> network { list-host-vnics } host-id="host_id" [ host-vnic-id="host_vnic_id" ]

Required arguments
ID of the Host
Optional arguments
ID of Host Virtual Nic

List all SNMP Profiles

ncli> network { list-snmp-profile }[ uuid="uuid" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
UUID of the SNMP Profile

List all switches information

ncli> network { list-switch }[ switch-id="switch_id" ][ config- ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the switch
Config-only flag

List all switch interfaces information

ncli> network { list-switch-ports } switch-id="switch_id" [ port-id="port_id" ]

Required arguments
ID of the switch
Optional arguments
port ID of the switch interface

List all VM virtual Nics

ncli> network { list-vm-nics } vm-id="vm_id" [ vnic-id="vnic_id" ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 133

Required arguments
ID of the VM
Optional arguments
ID of VM Nic

nutanix-guest-tools: Nutanix Guest Tools

Description Admin commands for Nutanix Guest Tools

Alias ngt

Operations • Delete Nutanix Guest Tools : delete

• Disable Nutanix Guest Tools : disable
• Disable Applications in Nutanix Guest Tools : disable-applications
• Enable Nutanix Guest Tools : enable
• Enable Applications in Nutanix Guest Tools : enable-applications
• Get Nutanix Guest Tools : get
• List Nutanix Guest Tools : list
• List applications supported by Nutanix Guest Tools : list-applications
• Mount Nutanix Guest Tools : mount
• Unmount Nutanix Guest Tools : unmount

Delete Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { delete } vm-id="vm_id"

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine

Disable Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { disable } vm-id="vm_id"

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine

Disable Applications in Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { disable-applications } vm-id="vm_id" application-

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Comma-separated list of application names in Nutanix Guest Tools

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 134

Enable Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { enable } vm-id="vm_id" [ application-

names="application_names" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Optional arguments
Comma-separated list of application names in Nutanix Guest Tools

Enable Applications in Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { enable-applications } vm-id="vm_id" application-

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Comma-separated list of application names in Nutanix Guest Tools

Get Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { get } vm-id="vm_id"

Required arguments
Id of Virtual machine

List Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { list }[ application-names="application_names" ][ vm-

names="vm_names" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Comma separated list of application names. If no application name given all entities will be
Comma separated list of vm names.

List applications supported by Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { list-applications }

Required arguments

Mount Nutanix Guest Tools

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 135

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { mount } vm-id="vm_id"
Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine

Unmount Nutanix Guest Tools

ncli> nutanix-guest-tools { unmount } vm-id="vm_id"

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine

progress-monitor: Progress Monitor

Description Monitor progress of long running tasks

Operations • Remove a specific Progress Monitor : delete | remove
• List all or specific Progress Monitors : list | ls

Remove a specific Progress Monitor

ncli> progress-monitor { delete | remove } id="id"

Required arguments
Id of the progress monitor to be deleted

List all or specific Progress Monitors

ncli> progress-monitor { list | ls }[ operation="operation" ][ entity="entity" ][

entity-id="entity_id" ][ verbose="verbose" ][ has-fanout-details="has_fanout_details" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Operation to be monitored
Entity (for example: VM, VDisk etc.)
ID of Entity to be monitored
Set verbose to get detailed information
Default: false
Returns Fanout tasks details
Default: false

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 136

protection-domain: Protection domain

Description A protection domain to be used for Data Protection

Alias pd

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 137

Operations • Abort replications of a Protection domain : abort-replication | abort-repl
• Mark Protection domain as active : activate
• Add a daily snapshot schedule to a Protection domain : add-daily-schedule
• Add an hourly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain : add-hourly-schedule
• Add an minutely snapshot schedule to a Protection domain : add-minutely-
• Add a monthly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain : add-monthly-schedule
• Create a new out of band snapshot schedule in a Protection domain to take a
snapshot at a specified time : add-one-time-snapshot | create-one-time-snapshot
• Add a weekly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain : add-weekly-schedule
• Clear retention policies for snapshot schedules of a Protection domain : clear-
• Remove all snapshot schedules from a Protection domain : clear-schedules
• Create a new active Protection domain : create | add
• List all Protection domains : list | ls
• Get the status of replication in a Protection domain : list-replication-status | ls-
• List Snapshots of a Protection domain : list-snapshots | ls-snaps
• List all pending actions for Protection domains : ls-pending-actions
• List out of band snapshot schedules of Protection domains : ls-pending-one-time-
• List the snapshot schedules of a Protection domain : ls-schedules
• Disable metro availability for a specific Protection domain : metro-avail-disable
• Enable metro availability for a specific Protection domain : metro-avail-enable
• Mark Protection domain as inactive and failover to the specified Remote Site :
• Pause replications of a Protection domain : pause-replication | pause-repl
• Promote to active metro availability role for a Protection domain : promote-to-
• Add Virtual Machines and NFS files to a Protection domain : protect
• Mark a Protection domain for removal : remove | rm
• Remove a snapshot schedule from a Protection domain : remove-from-schedules
• Restore Virtual Machines and/or NFS files in a Snapshot : restore-snapshot
• Resume previously paused replications of a Protection domain : resume-
replication | resume-repl
• Resume all schedules in the Protection domain : resume-schedules
• Retain snapshots forever of a Protection domain : retain-snapshot | retain-snap
• Remove out of band snapshot schedules from a Protection domain : rm-one-time-
• Remove snapshots of a Protection domain : rm-snapshot | rm-snap
• Rollback an active Protection domain to a snapshot : rollback-pd
• Set retention policies for snapshot schedules of a Protection domain : set-
• The data protection status of the Protection domain : status
• Suspend all schedules in the Protection domain : suspend-schedules
• Mark Virtual Machines and NFS files for removal from a given Protection domain :
• Change failure handling mode for a protection domain : update-failure-handling

Abort replications of a Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 138

ncli> protection-domain { abort-replication | abort-repl } name="name" replication-
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of replications

Mark Protection domain as active

ncli> protection-domain { activate } name="name" [ snap-id="snap_id" ]

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Id of the Snapshot to be restored while making Protection domain as active. By default, latest
snapshot is restored.
Default: -1

Add a daily snapshot schedule to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { add-daily-schedule } name="name" [ start-

time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ every-nth-day="every_nth_day" ][ local-
retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ][ app-consistent-
snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become active. If not
specified, schedule will become active immediately
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become inactive. If not
specified, schedule will be active indefinitely
Repeat the daily schedule every nth day
Default: 1
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Default: 1
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 139

Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false

Add an hourly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { add-hourly-schedule } name="name" [ start-

time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ every-nth-hour="every_nth_hour" ][ local-
retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ][ app-consistent-
snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become active. If not
specified, schedule will become active immediately
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become inactive. If not
specified, schedule will be active indefinitely
Repeat the hourly schedule every nth hour
Default: 1
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Default: 1
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.
Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false

Add an minutely snapshot schedule to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { add-minutely-schedule } name="name" [ start-

time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ every-nth-minute="every_nth_minute" ][
local-retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ][ app-
consistent-snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 140

Optional arguments
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become active. If not
specified, schedule will become active immediately
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become inactive. If not
specified, schedule will be active indefinitely
Repeat the hourly schedule every nth minute
Default: 1
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Default: 1
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.
Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false

Add a monthly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { add-monthly-schedule } name="name" [ days-of-

month="days_of_month" ][ start-time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ local-
retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ][ app-consistent-
snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ][ timezone="timezone" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Comma-separated day of month values for the schedule: 1-31
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become active. If not
specified, schedule will become active immediately
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become inactive. If not
specified, schedule will be active indefinitely
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Default: 1
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 141

Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false
Timezone of the time values specified. (e.g: PST, America/Los_Angeles, GMT-8:00)
Default: GMT

Create a new out of band snapshot schedule in a Protection domain to take a snapshot at a specified time

ncli> protection-domain { add-one-time-snapshot | create-one-time-snapshot }

name="name" [ snap-time="snap_time" ][ remote-sites="remote_sites" ][ retention-
time="retention_time" ][ app-consistent-snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which snapshot is to be taken. If not
specified, snapshot will be taken immediately
Comma-separated list of Remote Site to which snapshots are replicated. If not specified, remote
replication is not performed
Number of seconds to retain the snapshot. Aged snapshots will be garbage collected. By
default, snapshot is retained forever
Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false

Add a weekly snapshot schedule to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { add-weekly-schedule } name="name" [ days-of-

week="days_of_week" ][ start-time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ local-
retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ][ app-consistent-
snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ][ timezone="timezone" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Comma-separated day of week values for the schedule: 1-7 (starts with Sunday(1)), or (sun |
mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat)
Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become active. If not
specified, schedule will become active immediately

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 142

Specify time in format MM/dd/yyyy [HH:mm:ss [z]] at which the schedule become inactive. If not
specified, schedule will be active indefinitely
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Default: 1
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.
Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false
Timezone of the time values specified. (e.g: PST, America/Los_Angeles, GMT-8:00)
Default: GMT

Clear retention policies for snapshot schedules of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { clear-retention-policy } name="name" id="id"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
ID of a cron schedule of a Protection domain

Remove all snapshot schedules from a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { clear-schedules } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

Create a new active Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { create | add } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

List all Protection domains

ncli> protection-domain { list | ls }[ name="name" ][ metro-avail="metro_avail" ][

vstore-name="vstore_name" ][ remote-site="remote_site" ]
Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 143

Optional arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Whether the Protection domain is stretched or not
Name of a VStore
Name of the Remote Site

Get the status of replication in a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { list-replication-status | ls-repl-status }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Protection domain

List Snapshots of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { list-snapshots | ls-snaps }[ name="name" ][ snap-

id="snap_id" ][ state="state" ][ oob-schedule-id="oob_schedule_id" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Id of the Snapshot
State of the Snapshot
Id of the out of band schedule that created the Snapshot

List all pending actions for Protection domains

ncli> protection-domain { ls-pending-actions }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Protection domain

List out of band snapshot schedules of Protection domains

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 144

ncli> protection-domain { ls-pending-one-time-snapshots }[ name="name" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Protection domain

List the snapshot schedules of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { ls-schedules } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

Disable metro availability for a specific Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { metro-avail-disable } name="name" [ skip-remote-

check="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Skip checking remoteProtection domain
Default: false

Enable metro availability for a specific Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { metro-avail-enable } name="name" [ ctr-name="ctr_name" ][

remote-site="remote_site" ][ re-enable="{ true | false }" ][ skip-remote-check="{ true |
false }" ][ failure-handling="failure_handling" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Name of the Storage Container
Name of the Remote Site
Resynchronize operation.
Default: false
Skip checking remoteProtection domain
Default: false

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 145

Failure handling mode (Modes : [Automatic, Manual, Witness])

Mark Protection domain as inactive and failover to the specified Remote Site

ncli> protection-domain { migrate } name="name" remote-site="remote_site" [ skip-vm-

mobility-check="skip_vm_mobility_check" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Remote Site to be used for planned failover
Optional arguments
Skip the vm mobility check while migrating a Protection domain

Pause replications of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { pause-replication | pause-repl } name="name" replication-

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of replications

Promote to active metro availability role for a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { promote-to-active } name="name" [ skip-remote-check="{ true

| false }" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Skip checking remoteProtection domain
Default: false

Add Virtual Machines and NFS files to a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { protect } name="name" [ vm-names="vm_names"

][ vm-ids="vm_ids" ][ volume-group-uuids="uuids" ][ host-id="host_id" ][
files="files" ][ cg-name="cg_name" ][ ignore-duplicates="ignore_duplicates" ][
app-consistent-snapshots="app_consistent_snapshots" ][ auto-protect-related-
entities="auto_protect_related_entities" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 146

Optional arguments
Comma-separated list of Virtual Machine names to be added in Protection domain
Comma-separated list of Virtual Machine ids to be added in Protection domain
UUIDs of the Volume Groups
Add all Virtual Machines in a Physical Host to a Protection domain
Comma-separated list of NFS files to be added in Protection domain
Name of the Consistency group to which Virtual Machines are added. If not specified, each
Virtual Machines is added to a Consistency group which has same name as the Virtual Machine
Whether to ignore if any of the specified Virtual Machines already exist in the specified
Protection domain
Default: true
Whether Consistency group created for Virtual Machine performs application consistent
snapshots. Such special Consistency group can contain one and only one Virtual Machine
Default: false
Whether the related entities need to be auto-protected
Default: false

Mark a Protection domain for removal. Protection domain will be removed from the appliance when all
outstanding operations on it are cancelled

ncli> protection-domain { remove | rm } name="name" [ skip-remote-check="{ true |

false }" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Skip checking remoteProtection domain
Default: false

Remove a snapshot schedule from a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { remove-from-schedules } name="name" id="id"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 147

ID of a cron schedule of a Protection domain

Restore Virtual Machines and/or NFS files in a Snapshot

ncli> protection-domain { restore-snapshot } name="name" [ vm-names="vm_names"

][ vm-uuids="vm_uuids" ][ files="files" ][ volume-group-uuids="uuids" ][
path-prefix="path_prefix" ][ vm-name-prefix="vm_name_prefix" ][ vg-name-
prefix="vg_name_prefix" ][ snap-id="snap_id" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection Domain
Optional arguments
Names of VM to be restored.
Uuids of VM to be restored.
Names of NFS files to be restored
UUIDs of Volume Groups to be restored
Path prefix to be applied for cloning VMs
Name prefix to be applied for cloning VMs.
Name prefix to be applied for cloning VGs.
Id of the snapshot to restore entities from.

Resume previously paused replications of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { resume-replication | resume-repl } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of replications

Resume all schedules in the Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { resume-schedules } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection Domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 148

Retain snapshots forever of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { retain-snapshot | retain-snap } name="name" snap-

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of Snapshots

Remove out of band snapshot schedules from a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { rm-one-time-schedules } name="name" schedule-

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of Out of band schedules

Remove snapshots of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { rm-snapshot | rm-snap } name="name" snap-ids="snap_ids"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of Snapshots

Rollback an active Protection domain to a snapshot

ncli> protection-domain { rollback-pd } name="name" snap-id="snap_id"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Snapshot to which Protection domain is to be rollbacked

Set retention policies for snapshot schedules of a Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { set-retention-policy } name="name" id="id" [ local-

retention="local_retention" ][ remote-retention="remote_retention" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
ID of a cron schedule of a Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 149

Optional arguments
Maximum number of snapshots to retain locally
Comma-separated enteries the form of <remote_site_name>:<quantity> to specify the remote
sites' retention policies for the schedule.

The data protection status of the Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { status }

Required arguments

Suspend all schedules in the Protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { suspend-schedules } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Protection Domain

Mark Virtual Machines and NFS files for removal from a given Protection domain. They will be removed when all
outstanding operations on them are completed/cancelled

ncli> protection-domain { unprotect } name="name" [ files="files" ][ vm-

names="vm_names" ][ vm-ids="vm_ids" ][ volume-group-uuids="uuids" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Optional arguments
Comma-separated list of NFS files to be removed from Protection domain
Comma-separated list of Virtual Machine name to be removed from Protection domain
Comma-separated list of Virtual Machine name to be removed from Protection domain
UUIDs of the Volume Groups

Change failure handling mode for a protection domain

ncli> protection-domain { update-failure-handling } name="name" failure-

Required arguments
Name of the Protection domain
Failure handling mode (Modes : [Automatic, Manual, Witness])

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 150

pulse-config: Pulse Configuration

Description Configuration information used for Pulse setup

Operations • Update Pulse Configuration : edit | update
• List Pulse Configuration : list | ls

Update Pulse Configuration

ncli> pulse-config { edit | update }[ enable="{ true | false }" ][ enable-default-

nutanix-email="{ true | false }" ][ support-verbosity-level="support_verbosity_level" ][
email-contacts="email_contacts" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable Pulse emails
Enable Pulse default Nutanix email
List Pulse Configuration
Comma-separated list of emails to be used while sending Pulse info. Set to '-' to clear all the
existing emails.

List Pulse Configuration

ncli> pulse-config { list | ls }

Required arguments

rackable-unit: Rackable unit

Description A rackable unit

Alias ru

Operations • Edit a Rackable unit : edit | update

• List Rackable unit : list | ls
• Remove a Rackable unit : remove | rm

Edit a Rackable unit

ncli> rackable-unit { edit | update } id="id" location="location"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 151

Required arguments
Id of the Rackable unit
Location of the Rackable unit

List Rackable unit

ncli> rackable-unit { list | ls }

Required arguments

Remove a Rackable unit

ncli> rackable-unit { remove | rm } id="id"

Required arguments
Id of the Rackable unit

remote-site: Remote Site

Description A remote cluster to be used for replicating data

Alias rs

Operations • Add bandwidth policy : add-bandwidth-schedule

• Add a network mapping : add-network-mapping
• Create a new Remote Site : create | add
• Edit a Remote Site : edit | update
• List Remote Sites : list | ls
• List schedules for bandwidth throttling : list-bandwidth-schedules
• List network mapping(s) corresponding to a remote site : list-network-mapping
• List networks corresponding to the local cluster or a remote site : list-networks
• List Snapshots of a Remote Site : list-snapshots | ls-snaps
• Mark a Remote Site for removal : remove | rm
• Remove a bandwidth schedule : remove-bandwidth-schedule
• Remove a network mapping : remove-network-mapping
• Download a snapshot from a Remote Site : retrieve-snapshot
• Remove snapshots of a Protection domain : rm-snapshot | rm-snap

Add bandwidth policy

ncli> remote-site { add-bandwidth-schedule } remote-site-name="remote_site_name" [

days-of-week="days_of_week" ][ start-time="start_time" ][ end-time="end_time" ][ max-
bandwidth="max_bandwidth" ][ default-bandwidth="default_bandwidth" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 152

Optional arguments
Comma-separated day of week values for the policy: 1-7 (starts with Sunday(1)), or (sun | mon |
tue | wed | thu | fri | sat)
Specify time in format [HH:mm:ss z] at which this bandwidth policy will start on a particular day.
Specify time in format [HH:mm:ss z] at which this bandwidth policy will end on a particular day.
Maximum bandwidth for policy in kilobytes per second.
Maximum bandwidth (in kilobytes per sec) to be used while replicating to the remote site. If not
specified, restriction is not placed on maximum bandwidth used by replication

Add a network mapping

ncli> remote-site { add-network-mapping } remote-site-name="remote_site_name" src-

network="src_network" dest-network="dest_network"
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Name of the source network
Name of thedestination network

Create a new Remote Site

ncli> remote-site { create | add } name="name" address-list="address_list" [

capabilities="capabilities" ][ enable-proxy="{ true | false }" ][ enable-ssh-
tunnel="{ true | false }" ][ enable-compression="{ true | false }" ][ vstore-
map="vstore_map" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
List of comma-separated addresses of the remote site. All addresses should be of format <ip>
or of format <ip:port>. Default port is used if the port number is not specified
Optional arguments
Capabilities of the Remote Site; comma-separated values of (backup | disaster_recovery).
Backup sites only allow data backup, whereas disaster recovery allows the user to run VMs in
the event of a disaster.
Boolean parameter to indicate whether the addresses specified in address-list can be used as a
proxy to communicate with other Nutanix components on the remote site

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 153

Boolean parameter to indicate whether the addresses specified in address-list can be used as
a SSH tunnel to communicate with other Nutanix components on the remote site. Enabling SSH
tunnel mode will also enable proxy mode
Enable or disable compression of data during replication
By default, data from a local vStore is replicated to a identically named vStore in the remote site.
To setup data replication from local vStore to remote vStore having different names, provide
comma-separated list of <local vStore>:<target vStore> mapping. Mapping is not required if the
names of local and target vStore are same

Edit a Remote Site

ncli> remote-site { edit | update } name="name" [ capabilities="capabilities" ][

enable-proxy="{ true | false }" ][ enable-ssh-tunnel="{ true | false }" ][ enable-
compression="{ true | false }" ][ address-add="address_add" ][ address-del="address_del"
][ address-list="address_list" ][ vstore-map-add="vstore_map_add" ][ vstore-map-
del="vstore_map_del" ][ enable-bandwidth-policy="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Optional arguments
Capabilities of the Remote Site; comma-separated values of (backup | disaster_recovery).
Backup sites only allow data backup, whereas disaster recovery allows the user to run VMs in
the event of a disaster.
Boolean parameter to indicate whether the addresses specified in address-list can be used as a
proxy to communicate with other Nutanix components on the remote site
Boolean parameter to indicate whether the addresses specified in address-list can be used as
a SSH tunnel to communicate with other Nutanix components on the remote site. Enabling SSH
tunnel mode will also enable proxy mode
Enable or disable compression of data during replication
Address to be included in the remote site address list. Address should be of the format <ip> or
of the format <ip:port> and should conform to the format of the current remote site address list
Address to be removed from the remote site address list. Port number, if provided, is ignored
List of comma-separated addresses of the remote site. All addresses should be of format <ip>
or of format <ip:port>. Default port is used if the port number is not specified
Entry of the form <local vStore>:<target vStore> to be included in the vStore replication map. If
mapping for a local vStore already exists, mapping is updated with the the new target vStore
Entry of the form <local vStore>:<target vStore> to be removed from the vStore replication map

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 154

Enable or Disable bandwidth policy

List Remote Sites

ncli> remote-site { list | ls }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Remote Site

List schedules for bandwidth throttling.

ncli> remote-site { list-bandwidth-schedules } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site

List network mapping(s) corresponding to a remote site

ncli> remote-site { list-network-mapping } remote-site-name="remote_site_name"

Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site

List networks corresponding to the local cluster or a remote site. If remote-site-name is provided then networks
corresponding to that remote site are returned else local cluster's networks are returned

ncli> remote-site { list-networks }[ remote-site-name="remote_site_name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Remote Site

List Snapshots of a Remote Site

ncli> remote-site { list-snapshots | ls-snaps }[ name="name" ][ pd-name="pd_name" ][

snap-id="snap_id" ][ state="state" ][ oob-schedule-id="oob_schedule_id" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Name of the Protection domain

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 155

Id of the Snapshot
State of the Snapshot
Id of the out of band schedule that created the Snapshot

Mark a Remote Site for removal. Site will be removed from the appliance when all outstanding operations that are
using the remote site are cancelled

ncli> remote-site { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site

Remove a bandwidth schedule

ncli> remote-site { remove-bandwidth-schedule } name="name" [ schedule-

id="schedule_id" ][ remove-all-schedules="remove_all_schedules" ][ remove-default-
bandwidth-policy="remove_default_bandwidth_policy" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Optional arguments
Id of bandwidth schedule
Remove all bandwidth schedules
Default: false
Remove default bandwidth policy
Default: false

Remove a network mapping

ncli> remote-site { remove-network-mapping } remote-site-name="remote_site_name" src-

network="src_network" dest-network="dest_network"
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Name of the source network
Name of thedestination network

Download a snapshot from a Remote Site

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 156

ncli> remote-site { retrieve-snapshot } name="name" pd-name="pd_name" snap-
Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Name of the Protection domain
Id of the Snapshot

Remove snapshots of a Protection domain

ncli> remote-site { rm-snapshot | rm-snap } name="name" pd-name="pd_name" snap-

Required arguments
Name of the Remote Site
Name of the Protection domain
List of comma-separated identifier of Snapshots

rsyslog-config: RSyslog Configuration

Description Configuration information to send logs to remote servers

Operations • Create RSyslog Server Module : create-module | add-module
• Create RSyslog Configuration : create-server | add-server
• Remove RSyslog Server Module : delete-module | remove-module
• Remove RSyslog Server : delete-server | remove-server
• Update RSyslog Server : edit-server | update-server
• Returns the status of RSyslog service : get-status
• List RSyslog Servers : list | ls
• List RSyslog Server Modules : list-modules | ls-modules
• List RSyslog Servers : list-servers | ls-servers
• Sets the status of RSyslog service : set-status

Create RSyslog Server Module

ncli> rsyslog-config { create-module | add-module } server-name="server_name" module-

name="module_name" level="level" [ include-monitor-logs="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Log Server Name
Name of the RSyslog Server Module

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 157

Log level for RSyslog Server Module
Optional arguments
Include monitor logs for the given RSyslog Server Module

Create RSyslog Configuration

ncli> rsyslog-config { create-server | add-server } name="name" ip-

address="ip_address" port="port" [ network-protocol="network_protocol" ][ relp-
enabled="relp_enabled" ]
Required arguments
Name of the RSyslog Server
Ip address of the RSyslog Server
port number
Optional arguments
Protocol for RSyslog server configuration
Reliable Event Logging Protocol option

Remove RSyslog Server Module

ncli> rsyslog-config { delete-module | remove-module } server-name="server_name"

Required arguments
Name of the RSyslog Server
Name of the RSyslog Server Module

Remove RSyslog Server

ncli> rsyslog-config { delete-server | remove-server } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the log server

Update RSyslog Server

ncli> rsyslog-config { edit-server | update-server } name="name" [ ip-

address="ip_address" ][ port="port" ][ network-protocol="network_protocol" ][ relp-
enabled="relp_enabled" ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 158

Required arguments
Name of the RSyslog Server
Optional arguments
Ip address of the RSyslog Server
port number
Protocol for RSyslog server configuration
Reliable Event Logging Protocol option

Returns the status of RSyslog service

ncli> rsyslog-config { get-status }

Required arguments

List RSyslog Servers

ncli> rsyslog-config { list | ls }

Required arguments

List RSyslog Server Modules

ncli> rsyslog-config { list-modules | ls-modules } server-name="server_name"

Required arguments
Name of the log server

List RSyslog Servers

ncli> rsyslog-config { list-servers | ls-servers }

Required arguments

Sets the status of RSyslog service

ncli> rsyslog-config { set-status } enable="{ true | false }"

Required arguments
Enable RSyslog Status

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 159

share: Share

Description Share

smb-server: Nutanix SMB server

Description The Nutanix SMB file server

Operations • Disable Kerberos security services in the SMB server : disable-kerberos
• Enable Kerberos security services in the SMB server : enable-kerberos
• Get the status of Kerberos for the SMB server : get-kerberos-status

Disable Kerberos security services in the SMB server. This operation is only valid for clusters having hosts running

ncli> smb-server { disable-kerberos } logon-name="logon_name" [ password="password" ]

Required arguments
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Optional arguments
Password for the account specified by the logon account name

Enable Kerberos security services in the SMB server. This operation is only valid for clusters having hosts running

ncli> smb-server { enable-kerberos } logon-name="logon_name" [ password="password" ]

Required arguments
Logon name (domain\username) of a domain user/administrator account that has privileges to
perform the operation
Optional arguments
Password for the account specified by the logon account name

Get the status of Kerberos for the SMB server. This operation is only valid for clusters having hosts running Hyper-

ncli> smb-server { get-kerberos-status }

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 160

snapshot: Snapshot

Description Snapshot of a Virtual Disk

Alias snap

Operations • Create a (fast) clone based on a Snapshot : clone

• Create a new Snapshot of a Virtual Disk or a NFS file : create | add
• List Snapshots : list | ls
• Get stats data for Snapshots : list-stats | ls-stats
• Delete a Snapshot : remove | rm

Create a (fast) clone based on a Snapshot

ncli> snapshot { clone }[ name="name" ][ clone-names="clone_names" ][ src-

file="src_file" ][ dest-files="dest_files" ][ allow-overwrite="allow_overwrite" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot
A comma-separated list of names for the newly created Snapshots
Absolute path of the NFS snapshot file
Absolute path(s) of the clone(s) to be created
Enable overwriting if a NFS file already exists in the destination path
Default: false

Create a new Snapshot of a Virtual Disk or a NFS file

ncli> snapshot { create | add }[ name="name" ][ vdisk-name="vdisk_name" ][ src-

file="src_file" ][ dest-file="dest_file" ][ allow-overwrite="allow_overwrite" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot. If name is not specified, format snap_<vDisk-
name>_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is used to generate the name
Name of the Virtual Disk
Absolute path of the NFS snapshot file
Absolute path of the snapshot file to be created

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 161

Enable overwriting if a NFS file already exists in the destination path
Default: false

List Snapshots

ncli> snapshot { list | ls }[ name="name" ][ vdisk-name="vdisk_name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot
Name of the corresponding Virtual Disk

Get stats data for Snapshots

ncli> snapshot { list-stats | ls-stats }[ name="name" ][ vdisk-name="vdisk_name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot
Name of the corresponding Virtual Disk

Delete a Snapshot

ncli> snapshot { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Snapshot

snmp: SNMP

Description An SNMP agent


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 162

Operations • Add a transport to the list of snmp transports : add-transport
• Add a trap sink to the list of trap sinks : add-trap
• Add an snmp user along with its authentication and privacy keys : add-user
• Edit one of the trap sinks from the list of trap sinks : edit-trap | update-trap
• Modify the authentication and encrytption information of an existing snmp user :
edit-user | update-user
• Returns the status of the snmp service : get-status
• List all the transports specified for the snmp agent : list-transports | ls-
• List all the configured trap sinks along with their user information : list-traps | ls-
• Lists all the snmp users along with their properties like authentication and privacy
information : list-users | ls-users
• Remove a transport from the list of snmp transports : remove-transport | delete-
• Remove a trap from the list of snmp traps : remove-trap | delete-trap
• Remove a user from the list of snmp users : remove-user | delete-user
• Sets the status of the snmp service : set-status

Add a transport to the list of snmp transports. Each transport is a protocol:port pair

ncli> snmp { add-transport } protocol="protocol" port="port"

Required arguments
Protocol for the snmp agent or trap sink. Currently supported protocols are UDP, TCP and
Port number on which an snmp agent listens for requests or on which a trap sink is waiting traps

Add a trap sink to the list of trap sinks. Each trap sink is a combination of trap sink address, username and
authentication information

ncli> snmp { add-trap } username="username" address="address" [ port="port" ][

protocol="protocol" ][ engine-id="engine_id" ][ inform="inform" ]
Required arguments
Identity of an snmp user
Address of an snmp trap sink. This should be an IP address or FQDN
Optional arguments
Port number on which an snmp agent listens for requests or on which a trap sink is waiting traps
Protocol for the snmp agent or trap sink. Currently supported protocols are UDP, TCP and
Engine id of the snmp trap sink. This must be a hex string starting with 0x

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 163

Flag that specifies whether a trap sink is actually an inform sink
Default: false

Add an snmp user along with its authentication and privacy keys

ncli> snmp { add-user } username="username" auth-key="auth_key" auth-type="auth_type"

[ priv-key="priv_key" ][ priv-type="priv_type" ]
Required arguments
Identity of an snmp user
Authentication key for an snmp user
Authentication type for snmp user. Can be SHA
Optional arguments
Encryption key for an snmp user
Encryption type for an snmp user. Can be AES

Edit one of the trap sinks from the list of trap sinks. Editable properties are username, authentication and privacy
settings and protocol

ncli> snmp { edit-trap | update-trap } address="address" [ port="port" ][

protocol="protocol" ][ engine-id="engine_id" ][ inform="inform" ]
Required arguments
Address of an snmp trap sink. This should be an IP address or FQDN
Optional arguments
Port number on which an snmp agent listens for requests or on which a trap sink is waiting traps
Protocol for the snmp agent or trap sink. Currently supported protocols are UDP, TCP and
Engine id of the snmp trap sink. This must be a hex string starting with 0x
Flag that specifies whether a trap sink is actually an inform sink

Modify the authentication and encrytption information of an existing snmp user

ncli> snmp { edit-user | update-user } username="username" [ auth-key="auth_key" ][

auth-type="auth_type" ][ priv-key="priv_key" ][ priv-type="priv_type" ]
Required arguments
Identity of an snmp user

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 164

Optional arguments
Authentication key for an snmp user
Authentication type for snmp user. Can be SHA
Encryption key for an snmp user
Encryption type for an snmp user. Can be AES

Returns the status of the snmp service

ncli> snmp { get-status }

Required arguments

List all the transports specified for the snmp agent. Each transport is a protocol:port pair

ncli> snmp { list-transports | ls-transports }

Required arguments

List all the configured trap sinks along with their user information.

ncli> snmp { list-traps | ls-traps }[ address="address" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Address of an snmp trap sink. This should be an IP address or FQDN

Lists all the snmp users along with their properties like authentication and privacy information

ncli> snmp { list-users | ls-users }[ username="username" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Identity of an snmp user

Remove a transport from the list of snmp transports

ncli> snmp { remove-transport | delete-transport } protocol="protocol" port="port"

Required arguments
Protocol for the snmp agent or trap sink. Currently supported protocols are UDP, TCP and

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 165

Port number on which an snmp agent listens for requests or on which a trap sink is waiting traps

Remove a trap from the list of snmp traps

ncli> snmp { remove-trap | delete-trap } address="address"

Required arguments
Address of an snmp trap sink. This should be an IP address or FQDN

Remove a user from the list of snmp users

ncli> snmp { remove-user | delete-user } username="username"

Required arguments
Identity of an snmp user

Sets the status of the snmp service

ncli> snmp { set-status } enable="{ true | false }"

Required arguments
Enable or disable snmp agent on a cluster

software: Software

Description NOS Software Release

Operations • Toggle automatic download of a Software : automatic-download
• Download a Software : download
• List Software : list | ls
• Pause Downloading / Uploading a Software : pause
• Delete a Software : remove | rm | delete
• Upload a Software : upload

Toggle automatic download of a Software

ncli> software { automatic-download }[ enable="{ true | false }" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Enable/Disable automatic downloads

Download a Software

ncli> software { download } name="name" software-type="software_type"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 166

Required arguments
Name of the software

List Software

ncli> software { list | ls }[ name="name" ][ software-type="software_type" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the software

Pause Downloading / Uploading a Software

ncli> software { pause } name="name" software-type="software_type"

Required arguments
Name of the software

Delete a Software

ncli> software { remove | rm | delete } name="name" software-type="software_type"

Required arguments
Name of the software

Upload a Software

ncli> software { upload } file-path="file_path" software-type="software_type" [

hypervisor-type="hypervisor_type" ][ meta-file-path="meta_file_path" ]
Required arguments
Path to the software to be uploaded

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 167

Optional arguments
Type of the Hypervisor
Path to the metadata file of the software to be uploaded

ssl-certificate: SSL Certificate

Description Manage SSL certificates

Operations • Change password for pfx file : change-pfx-file-password
• Generates SSL Certificate with cipher Strength 2048 bits and replaces the existing
certificate : generate
• Import SSL Certificate, key and CA certificate or chain file : import

Change password for pfx file

ncli> ssl-certificate { change-pfx-file-password }

Required arguments

Generates SSL Certificate with cipher Strength 2048 bits and replaces the existing certificate

ncli> ssl-certificate { generate }

Required arguments

Import SSL Certificate, key and CA certificate or chain file. This import replaces the existing certificate

ncli> ssl-certificate { import } certificate-path="certificate_path" cacertificate-

path="cacertificate_path" key-path="key_path" key-type="key_type"
Required arguments
Path of the SSL certificate
Path of the CA certificate or chain file
Path of the private key
Type of Private key. Must be either RSA_2048 or ECDSA_256 or ECDSA_384

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 168

storagepool: Storage Pool

Description A Pool of Physical Disks

Alias sp

Operations • Create a new Storage Pool : create | add

• Edit a Storage Pool : edit | update
• List Storage Pools : list | ls
• Get stats data for Storage Pools : list-stats | ls-stats
• Delete a Storage Pool : remove | rm

Create a new Storage Pool

ncli> storagepool { create | add } name="name" [ disk-ids="disk_ids" ][ add-all-

free-disks="add_all_free_disks" ][ force="force" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Storage Pool
Optional arguments
IDs of Physical Disk in the Storage Pool
Add all free disks that are not part of any storage pool?
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation
Default: false

Edit a Storage Pool

ncli> storagepool { edit | update }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ][ new-name="new_name"

][ add-all-free-disks="add_all_free_disks" ][ add-disk-ids="add_disk_ids" ][ rm-disk-
ids="rm_disk_ids" ][ force="force" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Pool
Name of the Storage Pool
Name of the Storage Pool
Add all free disks that are not part of any storage pool?
A comma-separated list of Physical Disk IDs to be added to the Storage Pool

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 169

A comma-separated list of Physical Disk IDs to be removed from the Storage Pool
Forcefully perform the requested operation skipping any constraint validation
Default: false

List Storage Pools

ncli> storagepool { list | ls }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Pool
Name of the Storage Pool

Get stats data for Storage Pools

ncli> storagepool { list-stats | ls-stats }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Pool
Name of the Storage Pool

Delete a Storage Pool

ncli> storagepool { remove | rm }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Pool
Name of the Storage Pool

storagetier: Storage Tier

Description A Tier of physical storage

Alias tier

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 170

Operations • List the (global) default I/O priority order of Storage Tiers : get-default-io-
priority-order | get-def-io-pri
• List Storage Tiers : list | ls
• List types of Storage Tiers : list-supported-types | ls-supported-types
• Remove a Storage Tier : remove | rm
• Set the (global) default I/O priority order of Storage Tiers : set-default-io-
priority-order | set-def-io-pri

List the (global) default I/O priority order of Storage Tiers

ncli> storagetier { get-default-io-priority-order | get-def-io-pri }

Required arguments

List Storage Tiers

ncli> storagetier { list | ls }[ name="name" ][ type="type" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Storage Tier
Type of Storage Tier (as provided by the 'list-supported-types' operation)

List types of Storage Tiers

ncli> storagetier { list-supported-types | ls-supported-types }

Required arguments

Remove a Storage Tier

ncli> storagetier { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Storage Tier

Set the (global) default I/O priority order of Storage Tiers

ncli> storagetier { set-default-io-priority-order | set-def-io-pri }

random-io-priority-order="random_io_priority_order" sequential-io-priority-
Required arguments
Random I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 171

Sequential I/O priority order (high to low) of Storage Tiers

tag: Tag

Description A tag that groups entities


task: Tasks

Description A Task
Operations • Inspect Task : get
• List all Tasks : list | ls
• Poll Task to completion : wait-for-task

Inspect Task

ncli> task { get } taskid="taskid" [ include-entity-names="{ true | false }" ]

Required arguments
Id of the task
Optional arguments
Include entity names

List all Tasks

ncli> task { list | ls }[ entity-types="entity_types" ][ entity-uuids="entity_uuids"

][ operation-type-list="operation_type_list" ][ include-completed="{ true | false }" ][
epoch-cut-off-time="epoch_cut_off_time" ][ count="count" ][ include-entity-names="{ true
| false }" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Comma separated Entity types
Comma separated Entity types
Comma separated Operation types
Include Completed Tasks

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 172

Tasks greater than cut off epoch time in microseconds will be returned. This is applicable only
when include completed is set to True.
Maximum number of tasks
Include entity names

Poll Task to completion

ncli> task { wait-for-task } taskid="taskid" [ timeoutseconds="timeoutseconds" ][

include-entity-names="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Id of the task
Optional arguments
Timeout seconds
Include entity names

user: User

Description A User
Operations • Change the password of a User : change-password
• Add a new User : create | add
• Delete a User : delete | remove | rm
• Disable a User : disable
• Edit a User : edit | update
• Enable a User : enable
• Get the IP Addresses and browser details of a user who is currently logged in : get-
logged-in-user | get-logged-in-user
• Get a list of all users who are currently logged in to the system along with their IP
Addresses and browser details : get-logged-in-users | get-logged-in-users
• Grant cluster administration role to a User : grant-cluster-admin-role
• Grant user administration role to a User : grant-user-admin-role
• List Users : list | ls
• Reset the password of a User : reset-password
• Revoke cluster administration role from a User : revoke-cluster-admin-role
• Revoke user administration role from a User : revoke-user-admin-role
• Show profile of current User : show-profile

Change the password of a User

ncli> user { change-password } current-password="current_password" new-


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 173

Required arguments
Current password of the user
New password of the user

Add a new User

ncli> user { create | add } user-name="user_name" user-password="user_password"

first-name="first_name" last-name="last_name" email-id="email_id" [ middle-
initial="middle_initial" ]
Required arguments
User name of the user
Password of the user
First name of the user
Last name of the user
Email address of the user
Optional arguments
Middle Initial of the user

Delete a User

ncli> user { delete | remove | rm } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Disable a User

ncli> user { disable } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Edit a User

ncli> user { edit | update } user-name="user_name" [ first-name="first_name" ][ last-

name="last_name" ][ middle-initial="middle_initial" ][ email-id="email_id" ]
Required arguments
User name of the user

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 174

Optional arguments
First name of the user
Last name of the user
Middle Initial of the user
Email address of the user

Enable a User

ncli> user { enable } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Get the IP Addresses and browser details of a user who is currently logged in

ncli> user { get-logged-in-user | get-logged-in-user } username="username"

Required arguments
UserName of the Logged in User

Get a list of all users who are currently logged in to the system along with their IP Addresses and browser details

ncli> user { get-logged-in-users | get-logged-in-users }

Required arguments

Grant cluster administration role to a User

ncli> user { grant-cluster-admin-role } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Grant user administration role to a User

ncli> user { grant-user-admin-role } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

List Users

ncli> user { list | ls }[ user-name="user_name" ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 175

Required arguments
Optional arguments
User name of the user

Reset the password of a User

ncli> user { reset-password } user-name="user_name" password="password"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Revoke cluster administration role from a User

ncli> user { revoke-cluster-admin-role } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Revoke user administration role from a User

ncli> user { revoke-user-admin-role } user-name="user_name"

Required arguments
User name of the user

Show profile of current User

ncli> user { show-profile }

Required arguments

vdisk: Virtual Disk

Description A Virtual Disk


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 176

Operations • Create a (fast) clone of a Virtual Disk : clone
• Create a new Virtual Disk : create | add
• Edit a Virtual Disk : edit | update
• List Virtual Disks : list | ls
• List Snapshots : list-snapshots | ls-snaps
• Get stats data for Virtual Disks : list-stats | ls-stats
• Delete a Virtual Disk : remove | rm
• Create a new Snapshot of a Virtual Disk : snapshot | snap

Create a (fast) clone of a Virtual Disk

ncli> vdisk { clone } name="name" clone-names="clone_names" [ snap-name="snap_name" ]

Required arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk
A comma-separated list of names for the newly created Snapshots
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot on which the clone is based

Create a new Virtual Disk

ncli> vdisk { create | add } name="name" max-capacity="max_capacity" [ ctr-

id="ctr_id" ][ ctr-name="ctr_name" ][ res-capacity="res_capacity" ][ fingerprint-
on-write="fingerprint_on_write" ][ on-disk-dedup="on_disk_dedup" ][ erasure-code-
delay="erasure_code_delay" ][ shared="shared" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk
Max Capacity (GiB) of the Virtual Disk
Optional arguments
ID of the Storage Container for the Virtual Disk
Name of the Storage Container for the Virtual Disk
Reserved Capacity (GiB) of the Virtual Disk
Fingerprint on writes to the Virtual Disk {on, off, none}. This VDisk level setting overrides the
Storage Container level setting
On-disk dedup of the Virtual Disk {off, post-process, none}. This VDisk level setting overrides
the Storage Container level setting.

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 177

Erasure code delay (secs) of the Virtual Disk
Is this a shared Virtual Disk?
Default: false

Edit a Virtual Disk

ncli> vdisk { edit | update } name="name" [ max-capacity="max_capacity" ][ res-

capacity="res_capacity" ][ fingerprint-on-write="fingerprint_on_write" ][ on-disk-
dedup="on_disk_dedup" ][ erasure-code-delay="erasure_code_delay" ]
Required arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk
Optional arguments
Max Capacity (GiB) of the Virtual Disk
Reserved Capacity (GiB) of the Virtual Disk
Fingerprint on writes to the Virtual Disk {on, off, none}. This VDisk level setting overrides the
Storage Container level setting
On-disk dedup of the Virtual Disk {off, post-process, none}. This VDisk level setting overrides
the Storage Container level setting.
Erasure code delay (secs) of the Virtual Disk

List Virtual Disks

ncli> vdisk { list | ls }[ names="names" ][ vm-id="vm_id" ][ ctr-id="ctr_id" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the names of the Virtual Disks
ID of a Virtual Machine that the Virtual Disk is mapped to
Get Virtual Disks in the specified Storage Container

List Snapshots

ncli> vdisk { list-snapshots | ls-snaps }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 178

Optional arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk or Snapshot

Get stats data for Virtual Disks

ncli> vdisk { list-stats | ls-stats }[ names="names" ][ vm-id="vm_id" ][ ctr-

id="ctr_id" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A comma-separated list of the names of the Virtual Disks
ID of a Virtual Machine that the Virtual Disk is mapped to
Get Virtual Disks in the specified Storage Container

Delete a Virtual Disk

ncli> vdisk { remove | rm } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk

Create a new Snapshot of a Virtual Disk

ncli> vdisk { snapshot | snap } name="name" [ snap-name="snap_name" ]

Required arguments
Name of the Virtual Disk
Optional arguments
Name of the Snapshot

virtual-disk: Virtual Disk

Description Commands for performing different actions on Virtual Disks.

Operations • List Virtual Disk : list | ls

List Virtual Disk

ncli> virtual-disk { list | ls }[ id="id" ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 179

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Id of the Virtual Disk

virtualmachine: Virtual Machine

Description A Virtual Machine

Alias vm

Operations • Attach a disk from file level restore capable snapshot to a VM : attach-flr-disk
• Detach a file level restore disk from a VM : detach-flr-disk
• List Virtual Machine : list | ls
• Get all file level restore capable snapshots attached to a VM : list-attached-flr-
• Get file level restore capable snapshots of a VM : list-flr-snapshots | ls-flr-
• Get snapshots of a VM : list-snapshots | ls-snaps
• Get stats data for Virtual Machine : list-stats | ls-stats
• Update FingerPrintOnWrite on all vdisks of a VM : update-fingerprint-on-write
• Update OnDiskDedup on all vdisks of a VM : update-on-disk-dedup

Attach a disk from file level restore capable snapshot to a VM

ncli> virtualmachine { attach-flr-disk } vm-id="vm_id" snap-id="snap_id" disk-

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Id of the Snapshot
Label for disk to be attached

Detach a file level restore disk from a VM

ncli> virtualmachine { detach-flr-disk } vm-id="vm_id" attached-disk-

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Attached disk label

List Virtual Machine

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 180

ncli> virtualmachine { list | ls }[ name="name" ][ id="id" ][ host-id="host_id" ][
get-unprotected-cbr-vms- ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Virtual Machine
ID of the Virtual Machine
ID of the Physical Host running Virtual Machines
Get only unprotected Virtual Machines that can participate in Nutanix Converged Backup and
Default: false

Get all file level restore capable snapshots attached to a VM.

ncli> virtualmachine { list-attached-flr-snapshots } vm-id="vm_id" [ snap-

id="snap_id" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Optional arguments
Id of the Snapshot

Get file level restore capable snapshots of a VM.

ncli> virtualmachine { list-flr-snapshots | ls-flr-snaps } vm-id="vm_id" [ snapshot-

count="snapshot_count" ]
Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine
Optional arguments
Number of snapshots to be fetched. A value of 0 indicates all snapshots will be returned.

Get snapshots of a VM.

ncli> virtualmachine { list-snapshots | ls-snaps } vm-id="vm_id" [ snap-id="snap_id"

Required arguments
ID of the Virtual Machine

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 181

Optional arguments
Id of the Snapshot

Get stats data for Virtual Machine

ncli> virtualmachine { list-stats | ls-stats }[ name="name" ][ id="id" ][ host-

id="host_id" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the Virtual Machine
ID of the Virtual Machine
ID of the Physical Host running Virtual Machines

Update FingerPrintOnWrite on all vdisks of a VM

ncli> virtualmachine { update-fingerprint-on-write } vm-id="vm_id" fingerprint-on-

Required arguments
Uuid of Virtual machine
Finger Print on Write

Update OnDiskDedup on all vdisks of a VM

ncli> virtualmachine { update-on-disk-dedup } vm-id="vm_id" on-disk-

Required arguments
Uuid of Virtual machine
On Disk Dedup

volume-group: Volume Groups

Description A Volume Group


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 182

Operations • Attach Volume Group to VM : attach-to-vm
• Clone VM Disk for Volume Group : clone-disk
• Closes Volume Group for iSCSI initiators : close | detach-external
• Create Volume Group : create
• Create VM Disk for Volume Group : create-disk
• Delete Volume Group : delete
• Delete VM Disk from Volume Group : delete-disk
• Detach Volume Group to VM : detach-from-vm
• Inspect Volume Group : get
• List all Volume Groups : list | ls
• Show unprotected Volume Groups : list-unprotected
• Opens Volume Group for iSCSI initiators : open | attach-external
• Update Volume Group : update
• Update VM Disk for Volume Group : update-disk

Attach Volume Group to VM

ncli> volume-group { attach-to-vm } uuid="uuid" vm-uuid="vm_uuid" [ index="index" ]

Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Virtual machine UUID
Optional arguments
Volume Group index of the disk

Clone VM Disk for Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { clone-disk } uuid="uuid" [ vmdisk-uuid="vmdisk_uuid" ][ adsf-

filepath="adsf_filepath" ][ index="index" ][ size-mib="size_mib" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Optional arguments
VM Disk UUID to clone from
ADSF file path to VM Disk to clone from
Volume Group index of the disk
Size (MiB) to create a VM Disk for Volume Group

Closes Volume Group for iSCSI initiators

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 183

ncli> volume-group { close | detach-external } uuid="uuid" [ iscsi-
initiator="iscsi_initiator" ][ iscsi-client-ip="iscsi_client_ip" ][ iscsi-
client="iscsi_client" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Optional arguments
iSCSI qualified name
iSCSI client ip address
List of supported authentication types

Create Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { create } name="name" [ description="description"

][ shared="shared" ][ iscsi-target="iscsi_target" ][ iscsi-target-
prefix="iscsi_target_prefix" ][ iscsi-initiator-name-list="iscsi_initiator_name_list" ][
attached-clients="attached_clients" ][ enabled-authentications="{ true | false }" ]
Required arguments
Volume Group name
Optional arguments
Volume Group description
True or false indicating whether volume is shared across multiple iSCSI initiators
iSCSI target name
iSCSI target prefix name
iSCSI qualified name list
List of the attached clients
List of supported authentication types

Create VM Disk for Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { create-disk } uuid="uuid" size-mib="size_mib" [ container-

id="container_id" ][ container-uuid="container_uuid" ][ index="index" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 184

Size (MiB) to create a VM Disk for Volume Group
Optional arguments
ID of Storage Container to create VM Disk
UUID of the Storage Container
Volume Group index of the disk

Delete Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { delete } uuid="uuid"

Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group

Delete VM Disk from Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { delete-disk } uuid="uuid" index="index"

Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Volume Group index of the disk

Detach Volume Group to VM

ncli> volume-group { detach-from-vm } uuid="uuid" vm-uuid="vm_uuid" [ index="index" ]

Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Virtual machine UUID
Optional arguments
Volume Group index of the disk

Inspect Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { get }[ uuid="uuid" ][ name="name" ][ include-disk-size="{ true

| false }" ]
Required arguments
Optional arguments
UUID of the Volume Group

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 185

Name of the Volume Group
Whether to include disk sizes, true by default

List all Volume Groups

ncli> volume-group { list | ls }[ include-disk-size="{ true | false }" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Whether to include disk sizes, true by default

Show unprotected Volume Groups

ncli> volume-group { list-unprotected }[ uuids="uuids" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Volume Group UUIDs

Opens Volume Group for iSCSI initiators

ncli> volume-group { open | attach-external } uuid="uuid" [ iscsi-

initiator="iscsi_initiator" ][ iscsi-client-ip="iscsi_client_ip" ][ iscsi-
client="iscsi_client" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Optional arguments
iSCSI qualified name
iSCSI client ip address
List of supported authentication types

Update Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { update } uuid="uuid" [ name="name" ][ description="description"

][ shared="shared" ][ iscsi-target="iscsi_target" ][ iscsi-target-
prefix="iscsi_target_prefix" ][ attached-clients="attached_clients" ][ enabled-
authentications="{ true | false }" ]

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 186

Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Optional arguments
Volume Group name
Volume Group description
True or false indicating whether volume is shared across multiple iSCSI initiators
iSCSI target name
iSCSI target prefix
List of the attached clients
List of supported authentication types

Update VM Disk for Volume Group

ncli> volume-group { update-disk } uuid="uuid" index="index" size-mib="size_mib"

[ preserve-data="preserve_data" ][ vmdisk-uuid="vmdisk_uuid" ][ adsf-
filepath="adsf_filepath" ]
Required arguments
UUID of the Volume Group
Volume Group index of the disk
Size (MiB) to create a VM Disk for Volume Group
Optional arguments
Whether to preserve data of the volume disk, true by default
VM Disk UUID to clone from
ADSF file path to VM Disk to clone from

vstore: VStore

Description A file namespace in a Storage Container


Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 187

Operations • List VStores : list | ls
• Protect a VStore : protect
• Unprotect a VStore : unprotect

List VStores

ncli> vstore { list | ls }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of a VStore
Name of a VStore

Protect a VStore. Files in a protected VStore are replicated to a Remote Site at a defined frequency and these
protected files can be recovered in the event of a disaster

ncli> vstore { protect }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of a VStore
Name of a VStore

Unprotect a VStore

ncli> vstore { unprotect }[ id="id" ][ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
ID of a VStore
Name of a VStore

vzone: vZone

Description A vZone

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 188

Operations • Add Physical Hosts to a vZone : add-hosts
• Add Virtual Disks to a vZone : add-vdisks
• Create a new vZone : create | add
• List vZones : list | ls
• Delete avZone : remove | rm
• Remove allVirtual Disks from a vZone : remove-all-vdisks
• Remove Virtual Disks from a vZone : remove-vdisks

Add Physical Hosts to a vZone

ncli> vzone { add-hosts } name="name" host-ids="host_ids"

Required arguments
Name of the vZone
A comma-separated list of the ids of the Physical Hosts

Add Virtual Disks to a vZone

ncli> vzone { add-vdisks } name="name" vdisk-names="vdisk_names"

Required arguments
Name of the vZone
A comma-separated list of the names of the Virtual Disks

Create a new vZone

ncli> vzone { create | add } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the vZone

List vZones

ncli> vzone { list | ls }[ name="name" ]

Required arguments
Optional arguments
Name of the vZone

Delete avZone

ncli> vzone { remove | rm } name="name"

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 189

Required arguments
Name of the vZone

Remove allVirtual Disks from a vZone

ncli> vzone { remove-all-vdisks } name="name"

Required arguments
Name of the vZone

Remove Virtual Disks from a vZone

ncli> vzone { remove-vdisks } name="name" vdisk-names="vdisk_names"

Required arguments
Name of the vZone
A comma-separated list of the names of the Virtual Disks

Nutanix Command-Line Interface (nCLI) | Command Reference | AOS | 190

Controller VM Commands

Specifying Credentials
When specifying a password on the command line, always enclose the password in single quotes. For
example: --hypervisor_password='nutanix/4u'
• To display all user name and password options for, type /home/nutanix/diagnostics/ --help | egrep -A1 'password|user'
--hypervisor_password: Default hypervisor password.
(default: 'nutanix/4u')

--hyperv_hypervisor_username: The username to use when logging into the local

Hyper-V node.

--hypervisor_username: The username to use when logging into the local


--ipmi_password: The password to use when logging into the local IPMI device.
(default: 'ADMIN')
--ipmi_username: The username to use when logging into the local IPMI device.
(default: 'ADMIN')

--kmip_user_id: Username to insert into certificate signing request.

(default: 'nutanix')

--nsc_username: User name that provides services through SSH at Nutanix

service center.

• You can find all user name and password options for cluster, genesis, and by also
typing --help | egrep -A1 'password|user' as part of the command. For example,
--help | egrep -A1 'password|user'


Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 191


Usage: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/cluster [flags] [command]




Include Dependencies.
Default: false
Bundle for upgrading host in cluster.
If 'clean_debug_data' is True, then when we destroy a cluster we will also remove the logs, binary
logs, cached packages, and core dumps on each node.
Default: false
Cluster ip to manage the entire cluster.
List of functions of the cluster (use with create). Accepted functions are ['minerva', 'multicluster', 'ndfs',
'extension_store_vm', 'witness_vm', 'cloud_data_gateway']
Default: ndfs
Name of the cluster (use with create).
Path to the cluster configuration file.
Name of the default container on the cluster.
Comma separated list of one or more DNS servers.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 192

Operation specified will be done in context of firmware upgrade
Default: false
Installs the infrastructure package on all of the nodes.
Default: true
Operation specified will be done in context of foundation upgrade
Default: false
Type of hardware device. Please specify one of the following: disk nic hba bios bmc. (Currently
supported: disk, bios, bmc.)
show this help
Default: 0
Show flags for all modules
Default: false
show usage only for this module
Default: 0
like --help, but generates XML output
Default: false
Operation specified will be done in context of host_upgrade
Default: false
Hypervisor that needs to be upgraded. Possible values: esx, kvm, hyperv.
Perform preupgrade tests
Default: false
Ignore vm conversion errors during cluster conversion.
Default: false
Firmware upgrade will be done inline
Default: false
Location of the Nutanix installer directory.
JSON file with IP configuration.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 193

Nutanix default SSH public key.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/
Identifier of the public ssh key in the cluster.
Default: legacy_nos_compatibility
Path to the zookeeper node that contains the cluster license information.
Default: /appliance/logical/license/license_file
Flag for lockdown mode
Default: false
Manual upgrade method.
Default: false
Md5sum of the bundle.
The old zeus node IP address for Zeus migration.
The new zeus node IP address for Zeus migration.
Skip verification for package integrity.
Default: true
Comma separated list of one or more NTP servers.
Seed prism admin password only if the password hash does not contain this salt.
Default: $6$Mkd8T74/$
Path of protobuf egg relative to the install dir.
Default: lib/py/protobuf-2.6.1-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg
Max redundancy factor supported by the cluster. 'redundancy_factor - 1' determines the number of
node failures that the cluster should be able to tolerate.
Default: -1
Whether or not to remove the installer directory automatically when finished.
Default: true
Seed Prism admin password to be the same as the nutanix user if nutanix user has non-default
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 194

IP address of intended shutdown token holder SVM.
Skip mdns discovery.
Default: false
Skip CVM reconfig.
Default: false
Skip actual upgrade.
Default: false
Timeout for stand-alone upgrade.
Default: 600
Comma separated list of IP addresses of one or more SVMs in the target cluster. Not required if
cluster.cfg is being used.
User name for logging into SVM.
Default: nutanix
Target hypervisor type for cluster conversion. Valid types esx/kvm.
Number of seconds each command to SVMs should take.
Default: 180
Ipv4 or IPv6 address of node to be upgraded.
Metadata file for package integrity, upgrade info.
Version to which upgrade needs to be performed.
Wait for action to complete.
Default: true


Zookeeper node containing the CE version mapping.
Default: /appliance/logical/community_edition/version_map


Maximum time expected for SVM to reboot/shutdown.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 195

Default: 420


Flag that can be set by an SRE to let a node have a mix of sed and non-sed disks.
Default: true
Zknode to use for deployment state machine
Default: /appliance/logical/app_deployment_progress
Zknode to use for deployment state machine
Default: /appliance/logical/app_deployment_info
Path to file containing list of permitted SSL certs.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/AuthorizedCerts.txt
Directory in which Azure certificates are stored.
Default: /home/cloud/azure
Zookeeper node where each cassandra creates an ephmeral node indicating it is currently available.
Default: /appliance/logical/health-monitor/cassandra
Zookeeper node path to the cloud credentials node.
Default: /appliance/logical/cloud_credentials
Number of seconds to spend retrying an RPC request.
Default: 180
Holds IP address of CVM which needs to be reimaged using foundation service.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/convert_cluster/foundation
Holds information about cluster conversion operations and current status for each node.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/convert_cluster
Backplane interface is created during NOS upgrade if this marker file is present.
Default: /home/nutanix/.create_backplane_interface
Common name to use instead of <node_uuid>
Default: None
Suffix to use instead of when creating CSR

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 196

File containing SSL certs of all CVMs in the cluster.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/cvm_certs
Default netmask for backplane network
Default subnet for backplane network
Default password for the CVM.
Default: nutanix/4u
The default timeout for idle connections after which the connection is terminated if there is no activity.
Default: 3600
The default timeout for completion of a powershell command made by calling the execute method.
Default: 3600
Zookeeper directory where we store the degraded_node_policy
Default: /appliance/logical/zookeeper-monitor
Zookeeper location to store the degraded node shutdown policy.
Default: /appliance/logical/zookeeper-monitor/degraded_node_policy
Password for dell ptagent user 'ptuser'
Default: Dellam123
Port of dell PTagent REST service
Default: 8086
User name for dell ptagent
Default: ptuser
Name for the private container for app images.
Default: NutanixManagementShare
Zknode to keep download info related to uvm deployments
Default: /appliance/logical/deployment_info
Path of the marker to disable Cluster Sync.
Default: /home/nutanix/.disable_cluster_sync

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 197

Path of the marker to disable Hades.
Default: /home/nutanix/.disable_hades
Path for disk diagnostics ASUP data.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/serviceability/disk_diagnostics_run.json
Path to the disk_location.json file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/disk_location.json
Flag that can be set by an SRE to disable the HyperV HA algorithm of monitoring the internal switch
Default: false
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the info for nodes to be added.
Default: /appliance/logical/expand_cluster_info
Location in Zookeeper where the list for nodes which are currently being added by Genesis are kept.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/expand_cluster_status
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the whitelist containing allowed hypervisors for imaging new
Default: /appliance/logical/expand_cluster_whitelist
Path to the factory_config.json file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/factory_config.json
Path to json file storing information about firmware of hardware devices such as BIOS and BMC.
Default: /etc/nutanix/firmware_config.json
Directory where the firmware installer is located.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/installer/firmware
Zookeeper location to store firmware upgrade parameters.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/firmware_upgrade_params
Zookeeper node where we keep firmware upgrade information.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/firmware
Port on which foundation service listens.
Default: 8000
Path to the flock in order that must be acquired before running the foundation upgrade script.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 198

Default: /home/nutanix/foundation_upgrade_lock
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the foundationUpgrade node information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/foundation
Directory where all foundation upgrade related packages are stored.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/installer/foundation
Zookeeper location to store foundation upgrade paramteters.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/foundation_upgrade_params
Foundation service port.
Default: 8000
Zookeeper location to store foundation version.
Default: /appliance/logical/foundation/version
Path to the file that indicates that Nutanix mountpoints are currently frozen.
Default: /tmp/frozen_nutanix_mounts
Directory where all of the Genesis scripts are located.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin
URL of the JSON RPC handler on the Genesis HTTP server.
Default: /jsonrpc
Directory where genesis libraries are located.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib
Path to genesis command on SVMs.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/genesis
Port that Genesis listens on.
Default: 2100
Timeout for each Genesis RPC.
Default: 60
Parent zookeeper directory for hades config per CVM.
Default: /appliance/physical/hades/configuration
Location of Hades binary.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 199

Default: /usr/local/nutanix/bootstrap/bin/hades
Parent zookeeper directory for hades information.
Default: /appliance/physical/hades
Path to the hardware_config.json file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/hardware_config.json
Path to the hcl.json file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/hcl.json
Zookeeper node where ephmeral nodes of services are created.
Default: /appliance/logical/health-monitor
Location in Zookeeper where the status of the host bootdisk repair preprocess is kept.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/host_bootdisk_preprocess
Location in Zookeeper where the status of the host bootdisk repair is kept.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/host_bootdisk_repair_status
Base name of the host bundle to be copied to other CVM and hosts.
Default: host-bundle
Location of ssh key for accessing the CVM's host.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/host
Location of ssl cer for accessing the CVM's Hyperv host.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/host.cer
Path to the flock in order that must be acquired before running host upgrade
Default: /tmp/host_upgrade_lock
Directory where all hypervisor upgrade related bundle are stored.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/installer/hypervisor/
Zookeeper node where we keep the host related dataof the cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/hypervisor
Location of hpssacli utility.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/hp/hpssacli

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 200

Location in Zookeeper where we keep the HyperV details, like domain info, failover cluster info, used
when adding new hyperv nodes to cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/hyperv_details
Default name of the network switch for Hyper-V's external network.
Default: ExternalSwitch
Zookeeper node where genesis on each node monitors the health of their internal switch and
publishes if bad.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/hyperv_failed_internal_switch_health
The username to use when logging into the local Hyper-V node.
Default: Administrator
MAC address of the internal network adapter connected to the CVM in Hyper-V nodes.
Default: 00:15:5D:00:00:80
Default name of the network switch for Hyper-V's internal network.
Default: InternalSwitch
Path of the LSIUtil utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.
Default: \Utils\LSIUtil.exe
Path of the MegaCli64 utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.
Default: \Utils\MegaCli64.exe
The path of the Nutanix directory on the Hyper-V host.
Default: ${env:ProgramFiles}\Nutanix
The path to the powershell binary on the Hyper-V host.
Default: ${env:windir}\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Path of the sas2ircu utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.
Default: \Utils\sas2ircu.exe
Path of the sas3ircu utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.
Default: \Utils\sas3ircu.exe
Path to the utility to allow sg_raw on Hyper-V clusters.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/winsg_raw
Path of the sg_scan utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 201

Default: \Utils\sg_scan.exe
Path of the sg_ses utility in a Hyper-V node relative to the Nutanix directory.
Default: \Utils\sg_ses.exe
Path at which various hypervisor installer tarballs are kept.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_downloads/hypervisor
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the info about the hypervisor installers.
Default: /appliance/logical/software_info/hypervisor_installer
Internal IP address of the hypervisor.
Path to the ipmicfg binary on hypervisor.
Default: /ipmicfg
The username to use when logging into the local hypervisor.
Default: root
Directory where the installer is located.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/installer
The password to use when logging into the local IPMI device.
Default: ADMIN
The username to use when logging into the local IPMI device.
Default: ADMIN
Path to zknode that will store key management server test results.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/kms_test_result
Username to insert into certificate signing request.
Default: nutanix
Location in Zookeeper where we keep La Jolla destroy specific info.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/la_jolla_destroy_info
Location of mount path for la_jolla_destroy.
Default: /tmp/la_jolla_destroy
Name of the directory where LaJolla contents will besaved on disk.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 202

Default: lajolla
Location in Zookeeper where we keep La Jolla specific info.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/la_jolla_info
Marker file name for la_jolla.
Default: workload.json
Location of mount path for la_jolla.
Default: /tmp/la_jolla
Location in Zookeeper where we keep La Jolla pre deployment specific info.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/la_jolla_pre_deploy_info
Name of the share containing La Jolla contents.
Default: /ManagementShare
Path to the ipmicfg binary on the local host.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/esx5/IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64
Path to logpipe.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/logpipe
The path of maintenance mode history file which records the time when CVM entered maintenance
Default: /home/nutanix/config/maintenance_mode.history
Location of MegaCli64 utility.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/MegaCli/MegaCli64
Path of storage dir where disk should be mounted
Default: /home/nutanix/data/stargate-storage/disks
Location in Zookeeper where the network segmentation enable parameters and status are kept.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/network_segmentation_params
This node exists if some node is undergoing firmware upgrade of hardware components. It stores
information about that node.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/firmware/upgrade_node
Location in Zookeeper where we keep list of svm ips which are given preference for token.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/node_shutdown_priority_list

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 203

Location of ssh key for accessing remote CVMs and hosts.
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh/id_rsa
Location of ssl cer for accessing remote Hyperv hosts.
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh/id_rsa.cer
Path at which NOS installer tarballs are kept.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_downloads/nos
External network interface of SVM for communicating with NTP server.
Default: eth0
Path to the NTPD daemon's drift file.
Default: /var/lib/ntp/drift
Path to the nutanix bin folder.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin
Directory containing binary logs.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/binary_logs
Directory containing core dumps of all Nutanix binaries.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/cores
Path to the nutanix data folder.
Default: /home/nutanix/data
Nutanix default SSH key used for logging into SVM.
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/nutanix
Nutanix home directory.
Default: /home/nutanix
The port on which the NutanixHostAgent service listens on the Hyper-V host.
Default: 3071
Directory containing Nutanix service lock files.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/locks
Directory containing logs.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 204

Nutanix storage directory
Default: /home/nutanix/data/stargate-storage/disks
Path to the module in phoenix image which does firmware install.
Default: /phoenix/
Path to the shell script in phoenix image which triggers firmware install.
Default: /phoenix/
Expect ZK child nodes under this path that are IP addresses of nodes that are going down.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/planned_outage
Default port used by Prism Monitor.
Default: 2019
Path to the file that contains the local release version.
Default: /etc/nutanix/release_version
Location in Zookeeper where the intent of rollingrestart is committed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/rolling_restart_znode
Location in Zookeeper where the intent of rollingsvm update is committed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/rolling_svm_update_znode
Path to the script to run salt related state changes.
Default: /srv/salt/statechange
Directory where the current salt states are maintained.
Default: /home/saltstates
Location of sas3ircu utility.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib/lsi-sas/sas3ircu
Location of sas2ircu utility.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib/lsi-sas/sas2ircu
Path of the Zookeeper node storing Azure certificates.
Default: /appliance/logical/secure_files
Name of the file containing list of signed certs of the node.
Default: SEDCerts.txt

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 205

File to use as a lock to ensure orderly trusted_storage_device calls to the drives.
Default: /tmp/sed_tool_lock
Number of seconds to wait before flushing the status of a self encrypting drive operation.
Default: 10
Path to the self_encrypting_drive binary.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/bootstrap/bin/self_encrypting_drive
Path to the zookeeper node where self encrypting drive configuration is stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/sed_state
Path to the zookeeper node where each drive will store it's status after an operation was issued
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/sed_operation_status
Path to the service_vm_config.json file.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/stargate-storage/service_vm_config.json
Path to the sg_raw binary.
Default: /usr/bin/sg_raw
Location of sg_ses utility.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/sg3utils/bin/sg_ses
Location in Zookeeper where the status for node which is currently being repaired by Genesis is kept.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/single_ssd_repair_status
Location of ssh keys and ssl certificates
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys
JSON file on stargate disk holding disk config
Default: disk_config.json
Zookeeper node where each stargate creates an ephmeral node indicating it is currently available.
Default: /appliance/logical/health-monitor/stargate
Port for Stargate.
Default: 2009
Backplane network interface of SVM to communicate with other nodes within cluster.
Default: eth2

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 206

Path to the CA certificate bundle file.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs/ca.pem
Directory where CA certificates are cached on the filesystem.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs/CA_certs
Directory where certificates are cached on the filesystem.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs
Path to local Svm's certificate signing request file.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs/svm.csr
eth1 MTU size configured in the SVMs.
Default: 1500
External network interface of SVM to communicate with other SVMs.
Default: eth0
IP address of the SVM IP address on the internal Nutanix vSwitch.
Internal network interface of the SVM to communicate with local hypervisor.
Default: eth1
Internal network sub-interface of the SVM to communicate with local hypervisor.
Default: eth1:1
eth0 MTU size configured in the SVMs.
Default: 1500
Internal IP address of SVM that is not redirected for HA.
The default version of SVM os
Default: centos
Path to local Svm's digital certificates private key.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs/svm.key
Path to local Svm's self signed certificate.
Default: /home/nutanix/certs/svm.crt

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 207

Path to the flock in order that must be acquired before running the finish script.
Default: /tmp/upgrade_finish_lock
Path to the flock in order that must be acquired before running the upgrade install script.
Default: /tmp/upgrade_lock
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the upgrade information for firmware upgrades published by
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/firmware
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the Upgrade node information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/nos
Parent Directory of location in a zookeeper where we keep the Upgrade node information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info
Zookeeper location to store upgrade paramteters.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/upgrade_params
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the Xen details, like credentials, etc when adding new xen
nodes to cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/xen_details
Path to the zeus configuration cache kept in sync by Genesis.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/configuration_proto.dat
Path to the zookeeper migration local WAL.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/zookeeper_migration.wal
Path to the zookeeper quorum change local WAL.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/quorum_change.wal
Path to the zookeeper directory node where CA certificates are stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/certs/CA_certs
Path to the zookeeper directory node where Svm certificates are stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/certs
Host port pair list for zookeeper.
Default: zk1:9876,zk2:9876,zk3:9876
Path to the zookeeper migration status zknode.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 208

Default: /appliance/logical/zookeeper_migration


Path to the logs from the clean_disks script.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/clean_disks.log
Path to the clean_disks script.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/clean_disks
Limit for the number of bytes we will allow to be unpartitioned on a disk.
Default: 2147483648
Percentage of available disk space to be allocated to stargate
Default: 95
DEPRECATED: Use all ssds attached to this node for oplog storage.
Default: true
Use realtime scheduling policy for fusion io driver.
Default: false
Priority for fusion io driver, when realtime scheduling policy is being used.
Default: 10
The percentage of total capacity of fusion-io drives that should be formatted as usable
Default: 60
Maximum number of ssds used for oplog per node. If value is -1, use all ssds available. If
only_select_nvme_disks_for_oplog gflag is true and NVMe disks are present, only NVMe disks are
used for selecting oplog disks.
Default: 8
Maximum size of metadata in GB
Default: 30
If true and NVMe disks are present, only use NVMe disks for selecting oplog disks.
Default: true
Path to setscheduler binary, which is used to set realtime priority for fusion io driver.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/setscheduler
Skip creation of metadata links (Use rootfs for storing metadata

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 209

Default: false
Skip rescanning scsi bus while running disk prep
Default: false
A comma-separated list of disk models that should be striped together to form a single logical device.
Default: SSD_910_200GB


Power off UVMs during hypervisor upgrade if Vmotion is not enabled or Vcenter is not configured for
Default: false
Update VIBS which are present in foundation during ESX hypervisor upgrade.
Default: true


The default timeout for completion of cloning of bootdisk.
Default: 28800
The default timeout for completion of restore of bootdisk.
Default: 14400
The maximum amount of time for which the state machine waits after cloning for the node, to be
booted in phoenix environment.
Default: 36000


The maximum amount of time for which the state machine waits for host to be up.
Default: 36000


Regular expression used to find the SVM vmx name.
Default: ServiceVM


Identify if agave is running on cluster.
Default: /home/nutanix/agave

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 210

Whether to start Dynamic ring changer for cloud nodes.Dynamic Ring changer is required to run
for some time to add new metadata disk. This may be required in customer escalations if existing
metadata disk becomes full.
Default: false
Zookeeper location to store upgrade parameters for firmware upgrades.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/firmware_upgrade_params
Location in Zookeeper where we keep whether a node start or stop.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_state
Location in Zookeeper where we keep upgrade method.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_upgrade_method
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the desired software versions map.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_versions
Timeout for waiting for cvm reboot.
Default: 100
Name of component to be registered with ergon service.
Default: genesis
Location to store script that runs preupgrade tests before running firmware upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/
File to disable blackbox mode completely.
Default: /home/nutanix/.force_disable_blackbox
Location for uncompressing foundation package.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_uncompressed/foundation/
Location in Zookeeper where we keep state of which node has currently requested to go down for
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/node_shutdown_token
Location in Zookeeper where we store upgrade status of nodes.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/node_upgrade_status
Zookeeper node of the Prism user repository
Default: /appliance/physical/userrepository

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 211

Zookeeper node where we keep the current release version of the cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/release_version
Timeout for waiting for shutdown token.
Default: 60
Location for uncompressing nutanix binaries.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_uncompressed/nos/


Flag needs explicit reset by SRE to let a ESX DVS cluster proceed with conversion to AHV with
awareness that conversion back to ESX will break networking
Default: true


Marker file to disable hypervisor conversion on node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.convert_cluster_disable


Number of retries for node genesis rpcs to be up after reboot
Default: 40


Size of nutanix installer in KBs
Default: 2500000


File containing packages present in the nos software
Default: install/nutanix-packages.json
Timeout in secs for tarring nos package
Default: 3600


Flag to add La Jolla disk back
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 212


NFS buffer size
Default: 8388608


Number of times to retry updating the zeus configuration with new zookeeper ensemble.
Default: 5
Number of times to retry Rpcs to other nodes during zookeeper migration.
Default: 10
Path to the tcpkill binary
Default: /usr/sbin/tcpkill
Path to zookeeper write-ahead-log file where migration state is recorded.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_migration.wal
Number of seconds zookeeper takes to verify and disconnect zookeeper quorum ip addresses that
are no longer valid.
Default: 10
Number of seconds to let tpckill to disconnect the tcp connections of zookeeper ensemble member
that is to be removed.
Default: 10


Retry count for publishing new zk mapping.
Default: 3


Number of seconds to sleep when local node can't join any discovered cluster.
Default: 5
dhcp ntp configuration file.
Default: /var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp
Directory where we will download directories from other SVMs.
Default: /home/nutanix/tmp

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 213

Number of seconds between each check of external NTP server.
Default: 600
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic firmware upgrade should not be performed on this node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.firmware_disable_auto_upgrade
Firmware upgrade failed and hardware is not working.
Default: fatal
Firmware upgrade failed but hardware is functioning ok.
Default: recoverable
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic foundation upgrade should not be performed on this
Default: /home/nutanix/.foundation_disable_auto_upgrade
Marker file to indicate that genesis restart is required during upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/.genesis_restart_required_path
Time we wait for the genesis to restart.
Default: 120
Path to the file that contains the version of the gold image.
Default: /etc/nutanix/svm-version
Zookeeper node base path containing the hardware configurations of each node.
Default: /appliance/physical/hardware_configs
Zookeeper node containing the hcl.
Default: /appliance/physical/hcl
Path to marker file to indicate that LaJolla is ready to be unconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.la_jolla_unconfigure
Path to the file that contains the local timezone.
Default: /etc/localtime
Avahi service type to publish under.
Default: _nutanix._tcp
Timeout for mdns browse service.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 214

Default: 1
The flag is set to allow time to be moved back by more than time_rollback_tolerance_secs.
Default: false
Path to the nagios configuration file.
Default: /home/nutanix/serviceability/config/nagios3/nutanix_nagios.cfg
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic software upgrade should not be performed on this node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_disable_auto_upgrade
Path to marker file to indicate that this node should be reconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_reconfigure
Path for node specific ssh keys on local disk
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/.blackbox
Path to marker file to indicate that node is ready to be unconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure
The path to the configuration file for NTP.
Default: /etc/ntp.conf
Zookeeper node containing the IP address of the current NTP leader.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ntp_leader
Zookeeper node containing a sequence number that is updated by the NTP leader when the NTP
server list is changed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ntp_time_watcher
Time out to wait for ntp server to return a valid time.
Default: 10
Default retry count for firmware upgrade.
Default: 60
Default retry count for firmware upgrade.
Default: 1000
Path to rpm log file during Genesis self install.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/rpm.genesis.out

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 215

Path to sshd config file.
Default: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Start services upto but not including the service specified in this zk node.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/stop_service
Internal IP addresses on eth1. The first one is the primary IP address, and the remaining are aliases.
The netmask for the internal IP addresses on eth1.
External network interface of SVM to communicate with other SVMs during cluster initialization time.
Default: eth2
The netmask for the non-data internal IP aliases on eth1.
Maximum number of seconds by which NTP is allowed to roll back time on the system.
Default: 5
Directory where all of the valid timezones exist.
Default: /usr/share/zoneinfo
Path to vlan_sniffer log.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/vlan_sniffer.log
Path to vlan sniffer proxy.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/vlan_sniffer_proxy
zookeeper server config file.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/zk_server_config_file
Timeout for waiting on Zookeeper connection on startup.
Default: 120


Mapping of node with its common pool memory in kb
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/common_pool_map

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 216

Common pool memory reservation for nodeswith cvm memory less than 20gb
Default: 8
Stargate default common pool memory reservation
Default: 12
File containing history of memory update on node
Default: /home/nutanix/config/memory_update.history
Minumum amount of memory difference for update
Default: 2097152
CVM target memory map zk node
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/target_memory_map


Cushion Memory required in nodes before update
Default: 2097152
Amount of CVM memory to be increased during NOS upgrade
Default: 4194304
Min host memory for memory update , set to 62 Gb
Default: 65011712


Component for CVM reconfig
Default: kGenesis
Component for CVM reconfig
Default: kCvmreconfig


User name for logging into SVM.
Default: nutanix
Timeout for zk operation like write
Default: 120

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 217

Marker to indicate upgrade has failed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/upgrade_failed


URL of the JSON RPC handler on the Hades HTTP server.
Default: /jsonrpc
Port that Hades listens on.
Default: 2099
Timeout for each Hades RPC.
Default: 30


Default retry count.
Default: 5
Maximum error count for disk after which disk is to removed.
Default: 3
Maximum time value where disk offline events areignored.
Default: 3600


Partition in which core files are stored on AWS.
Default: /dev/xvdb1
The size of a regular boot partition in sectors.
Default: 20969472
A name of the device mapper that is to be created in case striped devices are discovered.
Default: dm0
Number of times to retry unmounting the disk.
Default: 60
Default wait time after issuing firmware upgrade.
Default: 10

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 218

Location of hdparm.
Default: /sbin/hdparm
Size of the /home/nutanix partition in sectors.
Default: 83884032
Location of lsiutil utility.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib/lsi-sas/lsiutil
Location of sas3flash utility.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib/lsi-sas/sas3flash
Approximate time taken by sas3flash for upgrading HBA
Default: 300
Numter of times to retry SAS disk firmware upgrade.
Default: 60
Default retry count for firmware upgrade.
Default: 12
Location of sg_start binary.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/sg3utils/bin/sg_start
Location of sg_write_buffer. The version of the current binary used is 1.18 20141107.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/lib/sg3utils/bin/sg_write_buffer
Skip reboot for bad or removed disk.
Default: false
Skip reboot marker for bad or removed disk.
Default: /home/nutanix/.skip_disk_remove_reboot_marker
Read ahead size in KB for SSDs. Min: 0 Max: 256 KB
Default: 16
Location of the SSD udevadm rules file.
Default: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ssd.rules
Directory where stargate disks should be mounted.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/stargate-storage

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 219

Default wait time for unmounting to succeed.
Default: 120


Minimum raid sync speed
Default: 50000


File containing list of UVM which are powered off for host upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/.host_poweroff_vm_list
Seconds to wait before runninguprgade script in Esx Host.
Default: 0


Path to marker file to indicate that automatic host upgrade should not be performed on this node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.host_disable_auto_upgrade
File path where hypervisor upgrade history is recorded.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/hypervisor_upgrade.history
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the Hypervisor upgrade information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/hypervisor


End of the range of link local IP4 addresses.
Default timeout for running a remote command on an ESX host.
Default: 120
Default timeout for running a remote command on an hyperv host.
Default: 120
Number of times to try applying an IPMI IPv4 configuration before failing.
Default: 6

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 220

Default timeout for running a remote command on an KVM host.
Default: 120
Default name of the network device for KVM's external network.
Default: br0
End of the range of link local IP4 addresses.
Start of the range of link local IP4 addresses.
Default name of the network device for Xen's external network.
Default: xapi1


Seconds to wait before retrying enter maintenance mode operation on failures
Default: 7200
Seconds to delay before reboot KVM host
Default: 30


Zookeeper path where license configuration is stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/license/configuration
License configuration file shipped with NOS.
Default: configuration.cfg
License feature set files directory shipped with NOS.
Default: /home/nutanix/serviceability/license
License public key string shipped with NOS.
Default: /appliance/logical/license/public_key
License public key string shipped with NOS.
Zookeeper path where license information is stored.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 221

Default: /appliance/logical/license


Location where NCC is installed on a CVM.
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc
Number of nodes to upload the NCC installer directory to.
Default: 2
Location for uncompressing nutanix NCC binaries.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/installer
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the Upgrade node information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/ncc
Zookeeper location to store NCC upgrade parameters.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/ncc_upgrade_params
Location in Zookeeper where we store upgrade status of nodes.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ncc_upgrade_status
Timeout in seconds for the NCC upgrade module.
Default: 30
Zookeeper node where we keep the current release version of NCC.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ncc_version


Path to the arithmos binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/arithmos
Minimum space (KB) required on /home/nutanix for upgrade to proceed.
Default: 3600000
Minimum replication factor required per container.
Default: 2
Path to the mounts file in proc.
Default: /proc/mounts

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 222

Role mapping zk path
Default: /appliance/logical/prism/rolemapping
Mount point prefix for stargate disks
Default: /home/nutanix/data/stargate-storage/disks/


Location to extract NCC.
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc_preupgrade


Location to store script used to get cluster reset progress.
Default: /tmp/reset_status
Location of source script used to generate reset status script with IPs injected.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/reset_status


Default path for nutanix lock files.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/locks/
Default path for nutanix log files.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs
Default path for syslog state files. This stores thestate of rsyslog across restarts.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/syslog
Level of syslog used for sending module logs
Default: local0
Default Configuration file for Rsyslog service.
Default: /etc/rsyslog.d/rsyslog-nutanix.conf
Nutanix specified rsyslog rules are appended only below this marker.
Default: # Nutanix remote server rules
Nutanix specified rsyslog rules are added above this marker.
Default: # Nutanix remote server rules end

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 223

Dummy module name to denote non nutanix default syslog.
Default: syslog_module


Path to salt config for iptables state.
Default: /srv/pillar/iptables.sls
Path to the salt-call command.
Default: /usr/bin/salt-call
Path to salt ipv4 jinja template
Default: /srv/salt/security/CVM/iptables/iptables4.jinja
Path to dir holding the salt templates.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/salt_templates


Whether to consider salt framework or not
Default: false


Path to the Cluster Config binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/cluster_config
Maximum amount of resident memory Cluster Config may use on an Svm with 8GB memory
Default: 268435456


JSON file with curator configuration
Default: curator_config.json
Curator data directory size in MB (80 GB).
Default: 81920
Path to curator data directory symlink.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/curator

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 224

Path to curator subdirectory in data disk.
Default: curator
If -1, OOM is disabled for this component. If in [1, 1000], it is taken as the OOM score to be applied
for this component.
Default: -1
Path to the curator binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/curator
Maximum amount of resident memory Curator may use on an Svm with 8GB memory configuration.
Default: 536870912


Path to the foundation service script.
Default: /home/nutanix/foundation/bin/foundation
Maximum amount of resident memory Foundation may use on a CVM with 8GB memory
Default: 1073741824


Default number of seconds a stargate has to be alive to be considered asstable and healthy.
Default: 30
Timeout for how long we should wait before waking up the thread that monitors internal switch health
on HyperV.
Default: 30
The number of worker threads to use for running tasks.
Default: 8
When this node is created the old ha should not take any actions on the cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ha_stop
Default number of seconds a stargate is aggressively monitored after it is down.
Default: 3
Default timeout for accessing the Stargate exit handler page.
Default: 10

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 225

Timeout for how long we should wait before waking up the thread that monitors stargate health.
Default: 30
Number of seconds to wait for stargate to initialize.
Default: 30
When this node is created ha 2.0 should not take any actions on the cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ha_2_stop
Path to tcpkill binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/tcpkill.log
Path to tcpkill binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/lib/el6/tcpkill


If true, recommended gflags will be automatically set for cloud instances.
Default: true
Default subsystems used for cgroup creation.
Default: cpu,cpuacct,memory,freezer,net_cls
If true, C based service_monitor will re-spawn the service process upon exit, else Python based
self_monitor will be used.
Default: true
Total memory size of the standard Svm based on which memory limits are derived.
Default: 8388608
Path to cgclassify binary, which is used to add a process into cgroup.
Default: /bin/cgclassify
Path to cgcreate binary, which is used to create a cgroup.
Default: /bin/cgcreate
Path to cgset binary, which is used to set parameter for cgroup.
Default: /bin/cgset
Path to chrt binary, which is used to set realtime priority for a process.
Default: /usr/bin/chrt

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 226

Path to root cgroup directory.
Default: /dev/cgroup
Path to taskset binary, which is used to set cpu affinity for a process.
Default: /bin/taskset
Path to the service monitor binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/service_monitor
Wait time for how long we should wait before we start issuing SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM.
Default: 5


TCP port number for zookeeper service clients.
Default: 9876
Path to zookeeper configuration template.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/config/zoo.cfg.template
Default CPU affinity. This is a comma seperated list of cpus to be excluded for this component. If
specified as -1 then cpuset exclude cpu is disabled for this component.
Default: -1
Default CPU affinity for multiclusters. This is a comma seperated list of cpus to be excluded for this
component. If specified as -1 then cpuset exclude cpu is disabled for this component.
Default: -1
Default CPU affinity for AOS clusters. This is a comma seperated list of cpus to be excluded for this
component. If specified as -1 then cpuset exclude cpu is disabled for this component.
Default: 0
Path to zookeeper data directory.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper
Path to shell script with zookeeper environment.
Default: /etc/profile.d/
Path to the zookeeper_init tool.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/zookeeper_init
TCP port number for zookeeper service leader election.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 227

Default: 3888
Path to zookeeper jars.
Default: /home/nutanix/lib/zookeeper
Maximum number of snapshots to retain when compacting the zookeeper data
Default: 5
Path to the zookeeper monitor binary.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/zookeeper_monitor
Path to file where the local zookeeper component id is stored.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/zookeeper_monitor_config.json
Path to zookeeper monitor data directory.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor
Marker file to indicate that Zookeeper monitor is updated to configure itself.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/.zkmonitor_self_configure
Path to zookeeper id file.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper/myid
If -1, OOM is disabled for this component. If in [1, 1000], it is taken as the OOM score to be applied
for this component.
Default: -1
TCP port number for zookeeper service peers.
Default: 2888
Default priority. If specified as -1 then realtime priority is disabled and default scheduling policy is
applied. If specified as positive number between 1 to 99 then that is taken as realtime priority to be
applied to this component.
Default: -1
Default priority for multiclusters. If specified as -1 then realtime priority is disabled and default
scheduling policy is applied. If specified as positive number between 1 to 99 then that is taken as
realtime priority to be applied to this component.
Default: -1
Default priority for AOS clusters. If specified as -1 then realtime priority is disabled and default
scheduling policy is applied. If specified as positive number between 1 to 99 then that is taken as
realtime priority to be applied to this component.
Default: 6

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 228

Maximum amount of resident memory Zookeeper may use on an Svm with 8GB memory
Default: 268435456
Path to zookeeper config, zoo.cfg.
Default: /home/nutanix/config/zookeeper/zoo.cfg


Path to file containing list of permitted RSA keys
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh/authorized_keys2
Nutanix default SSH key used for logging into SVM.
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh/id_rsa
Location of ssh client configuration file.
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh/config
Max SSH keepalive messages missed before declaring connection dead.
Default: 3
SSH keepalive message interval.
Default: 10
Location of ssh folder for nutanix.
Default: /home/nutanix/.ssh


Default timeout for updating the cluster name in zeus.
Default: 5
Number of nodes to upload the installer directory to.
Default: 2
Base file name of the JSON file that contains the list of packages to expect in the packages directory.
Default: nutanix-packages.json
Location in Zookeeper where we store if genesis restart is required or not.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/upgrade_genesis_restart

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 229


Ipv6 interface corresponding to eth0
Default: 2


Root directory for foundation in CVM
Default: /home/nutanix


Default polling period for monitoring internal switch health
Default: 30
Default percentage of success which is used to determine switch health
Default: 100
Default number of pings sent to determine switch health
Default: 10


Log file for stand-alone upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/stand_alone_upgrade.out


Seconds to delay before reboot Xen host
Default: 5
Seconds to delay before reboot Xen host
Default: 30
Number of retries to wait for UVMs to migrate from xen host after it is put in maintenance mode
Default: 7
Port for webserver that will serve files required during xen upgrades
Default: 8999

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 230


Usage: /home/nutanix/diagnostics/ [command]




Whether to add Diagnostic VMs to pd.
Default: false
Cluster external data services IP
Collect cassandra latency stats for each test.
Default: true
Reads and writes to disk
Default: false
Collect stats related to Linux scheduling in SVM
Default: false
Grab snapshot of 2009 stargate stats page before and after every test.
Default: false
Internal in secs to collect stargate stats.
Default: 10
Max timeout in secs for stargate stats collection.
Default: 720
Collect top stats for each test.
Default: false
Collects uvm cpu and latency stats.
Default: false

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 231

Name of the container to be created for the disks of the UVM
Default script to aggregate results.
Deprecated container name used by older versions of this script. This is used to cleanup any
container that may be left behind by the previous version.
Default: NTNX-diagnostics-ctr
Local directory for storing images.
Default: /usr/local/nutanix/data/images/diagnostics
Display latency stats for each test (available in fio tests only).
Default: false
If True, only prints the tests it would have executed.
Default: false
Which bus to attach ESX vdisks to.
Default: lsilogic
Tests on EXt4 for Minerva.Uses iscsi_in_guest and enables it by default.
Default: false
Tests on EXt4 basic stargateSets up formatted vdisks.
Default: false
IP addresses of external UVMs. If specified, the setup step is skipped and the tests are run on these
Whether to enable fingerprint on write on container.
Default: false
Whether to flush svm cache before each test.
Default: true
show this help
Default: 0
show usage only for this module
Default: 0

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 232

like --help, but generates XML output
Default: false
Default hypervisor password.
Default: nutanix/4u
Proceed even if oplog is not completely flushed.
Default: false
Whether to enable inline compression on container.
Default: false
Number of parallel iperf sessions.
Default: 1
Use iscsi attached disks for the test. The virtual IP is used for discovery and attaching targets. 4 vcpu
UVMs are used with one target per UVM and 6 VGs per target.
Default: false
Which bus to attach KVM vdisks to.
Default: scsi
Whether to use VG for UVM data disks on KVM.
Default: false
List of semicolon separated key=value pairs for KVM
Maximum time waiting for the oplogs to flush before running a test.
Default: 1200
If non-zero, override the memory size for the uvm.
Default: 0
<esx|ahv|hyperv>: Run Diagnostics on a mixed hypervisor cluster. Specify subset of hypervisors to
create vm's on.
Default: esx
DNS Server

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 233

Run the test on the nfs master only. This is intended to be used with the metadata test. NFS master
and NFS slave have different performance characteristics. If the --nodes parameter is set, this
parameter is ignored.
Default: true
Comma-separated list of nodes (IP addresses of the hosts) where the tests are run. If not specified,
tests are run on all nodes.
Whether to enable on disk dedup on a container.
Default: false
Name of pd to add Diagnostics VMs.
Default: diagnostics_pd
Print cassandra latency stats for each test.
Default: false
Replication factor of the container.
Default: 2
Name of the results directory. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
Number of seconds to wait between successive polling or command attempts.
Default: 1
Whether to run gxprof to track CPU & heap data.
Default: false
Whether to run Iperf bandwidth test. Cleanup will be run before Iperf, so this incompatible with --
skip_setup, since the remaining tests will have to perform setup after Iperf is run.
Default: false
Comma-separated list of test arguments of the form key=value, to be passed to the test scripts. Use
' list_test_args' for a list of supported test args.
Path to the directory where the uvm tool scripts reside
Default: /home/nutanix/diagnostics
Only setup the test UVMs without running any actual tests. This option is mutually exclusive with --
Default: false
Skip entire diagnostics cleanup. Useful for testing purposes.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 234

Default: false
Skips cleaning up container and storage pool.
Default: false
Skip setting up the UVMs. Useful when the setup has already been performed by a previous run.
This option is mutually exclusive with --setup_only. This option is also incompatible with --run_iperf
because Iperf requires cleanup before it can be run and remaining tests will then require setup to be
Default: false
Name of the storage pool to be created for the disks of the UVM
Timeout in seconds, for ssh commands to finish.
Default: 90
Terse output - just prints the test name and the BW/IOPs as applicable. Note that any pre-req cluster/
uvm setup logs are still emitted.
Default: false
Comma-separated list of test groups to run. If not specified, the 'default' test group is run (unless --
tests is specified).
Default: default
Comma-separated list of tests to run. If not specified, all tests in the specified test groups are run.
Starting port for setting up tunnels to the UVMs
Default: 17000
SSH identity file of the diagnostics VM
Default: diagnostics_id_rsa
Directory having the right diagnostics uvm images
Default: /GoldImages/diagnostics_GoldImage/diagnostics-2.4
IP of the server having the diagnostics uvm images
IP address of the UVM
Common prefix of the names of the UVMs

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 235

Default: NTNX_diagnostics
OS type of the diagnostics UVM to run.
Default: linux
If non-zero, override the number of vcpus for the uvm.If iscsi_in_guest flag is used, vpcus are set to
Default: 0
If True, print verbose information to stdout.
Default: false
Boolean whether to zero_fill before first seq write. Zero fill is enabled by default.
Default: true
Tests on ZFS for Minerva.Uses iscsi_in_guest and enables it by default.
Default: false
Whether to flush ZFS cache before each test.
Default: true
ZFS trim minimum extent size.
Default: 4096
ZFS transactions per trim.
Default: 32



Usage: /usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/genesis start|stop [all|<service1> [<service2> ...]]|



Run Genesis in foreground.
Default: false
Flag to indicate whether signal handler need to be registered for debugging greenlet stacks.
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 236

Genesis to do self monitoring.
Default: true
Flag to indicate that genesis restarted because it is upgrading itself.
Default: false
show this help
Default: 0
show usage only for this module
Default: 0
like --help, but generates XML output
Default: false


The default timeout for completion of cloning of bootdisk.
Default: 28800
The default timeout for completion of restore of bootdisk.
Default: 14400
The maximum amount of time for which the state machine waits after cloning for the node, to be
booted in phoenix environment.
Default: 36000


The maximum amount of time for which the state machine waits for host to be up.
Default: 36000


Regular expression used to find the SVM vmx name.
Default: ServiceVM


Identify if agave is running on cluster.
Default: /home/nutanix/agave

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 237

Whether to start Dynamic ring changer for cloud nodes.Dynamic Ring changer is required to run
for some time to add new metadata disk. This may be required in customer escalations if existing
metadata disk becomes full.
Default: false
Zookeeper location to store upgrade parameters for firmware upgrades.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/firmware_upgrade_params
Location in Zookeeper where we keep whether a node start or stop.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_state
Location in Zookeeper where we keep upgrade method.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_upgrade_method
Location in Zookeeper where we keep the desired software versions map.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/cluster_versions
Timeout for waiting for cvm reboot.
Default: 100
Name of component to be registered with ergon service.
Default: genesis
Location to store script that runs preupgrade tests before running firmware upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/
File to disable blackbox mode completely.
Default: /home/nutanix/.force_disable_blackbox
Location for uncompressing foundation package.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_uncompressed/foundation/
Location in Zookeeper where we keep state of which node has currently requested to go down for
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/node_shutdown_token
Location in Zookeeper where we store upgrade status of nodes.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/node_upgrade_status
Zookeeper node of the Prism user repository
Default: /appliance/physical/userrepository

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 238

Zookeeper node where we keep the current release version of the cluster.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/release_version
Timeout for waiting for shutdown token.
Default: 60
Location for uncompressing nutanix binaries.
Default: /home/nutanix/software_uncompressed/nos/


Flag needs explicit reset by SRE to let a ESX DVS cluster proceed with conversion to AHV with
awareness that conversion back to ESX will break networking
Default: true


Marker file to disable hypervisor conversion on node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.convert_cluster_disable


Number of retries for node genesis rpcs to be up after reboot
Default: 40


Size of nutanix installer in KBs
Default: 2500000


File containing packages present in the nos software
Default: install/nutanix-packages.json
Timeout in secs for tarring nos package
Default: 3600


Flag to add La Jolla disk back
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 239


NFS buffer size
Default: 8388608


Number of times to retry updating the zeus configuration with new zookeeper ensemble.
Default: 5
Number of times to retry Rpcs to other nodes during zookeeper migration.
Default: 10
Path to the tcpkill binary
Default: /usr/sbin/tcpkill
Path to zookeeper write-ahead-log file where migration state is recorded.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_migration.wal
Number of seconds zookeeper takes to verify and disconnect zookeeper quorum ip addresses that
are no longer valid.
Default: 10
Number of seconds to let tpckill to disconnect the tcp connections of zookeeper ensemble member
that is to be removed.
Default: 10


Retry count for publishing new zk mapping.
Default: 3


Number of seconds to sleep when local node can't join any discovered cluster.
Default: 5
dhcp ntp configuration file.
Default: /var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp
Directory where we will download directories from other SVMs.
Default: /home/nutanix/tmp

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 240

Number of seconds between each check of external NTP server.
Default: 600
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic firmware upgrade should not be performed on this node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.firmware_disable_auto_upgrade
Firmware upgrade failed and hardware is not working.
Default: fatal
Firmware upgrade failed but hardware is functioning ok.
Default: recoverable
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic foundation upgrade should not be performed on this
Default: /home/nutanix/.foundation_disable_auto_upgrade
Marker file to indicate that genesis restart is required during upgrade.
Default: /home/nutanix/.genesis_restart_required_path
Time we wait for the genesis to restart.
Default: 120
Path to the file that contains the version of the gold image.
Default: /etc/nutanix/svm-version
Zookeeper node base path containing the hardware configurations of each node.
Default: /appliance/physical/hardware_configs
Zookeeper node containing the hcl.
Default: /appliance/physical/hcl
Path to marker file to indicate that LaJolla is ready to be unconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.la_jolla_unconfigure
Path to the file that contains the local timezone.
Default: /etc/localtime
Avahi service type to publish under.
Default: _nutanix._tcp
Timeout for mdns browse service.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 241

Default: 1
The flag is set to allow time to be moved back by more than time_rollback_tolerance_secs.
Default: false
Path to the nagios configuration file.
Default: /home/nutanix/serviceability/config/nagios3/nutanix_nagios.cfg
Path to marker file to indicate that automatic software upgrade should not be performed on this node.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_disable_auto_upgrade
Path to marker file to indicate that this node should be reconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_reconfigure
Path for node specific ssh keys on local disk
Default: /home/nutanix/ssh_keys/.blackbox
Path to marker file to indicate that node is ready to be unconfigured.
Default: /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure
The path to the configuration file for NTP.
Default: /etc/ntp.conf
Zookeeper node containing the IP address of the current NTP leader.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ntp_leader
Zookeeper node containing a sequence number that is updated by the NTP leader when the NTP
server list is changed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ntp_time_watcher
Time out to wait for ntp server to return a valid time.
Default: 10
Default retry count for firmware upgrade.
Default: 60
Default retry count for firmware upgrade.
Default: 1000
Path to rpm log file during Genesis self install.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/rpm.genesis.out

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 242

Path to sshd config file.
Default: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Start services upto but not including the service specified in this zk node.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/stop_service
Internal IP addresses on eth1. The first one is the primary IP address, and the remaining are aliases.
The netmask for the internal IP addresses on eth1.
External network interface of SVM to communicate with other SVMs during cluster initialization time.
Default: eth2
The netmask for the non-data internal IP aliases on eth1.
Maximum number of seconds by which NTP is allowed to roll back time on the system.
Default: 5
Directory where all of the valid timezones exist.
Default: /usr/share/zoneinfo
Path to vlan_sniffer log.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/vlan_sniffer.log
Path to vlan sniffer proxy.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/bin/vlan_sniffer_proxy
zookeeper server config file.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/zookeeper_monitor/zk_server_config_file
Timeout for waiting on Zookeeper connection on startup.
Default: 120


Mapping of node with its common pool memory in kb
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/common_pool_map

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 243

Common pool memory reservation for nodeswith cvm memory less than 20gb
Default: 8
Stargate default common pool memory reservation
Default: 12
File containing history of memory update on node
Default: /home/nutanix/config/memory_update.history
Minumum amount of memory difference for update
Default: 2097152
CVM target memory map zk node
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/target_memory_map


Cushion Memory required in nodes before update
Default: 2097152
Amount of CVM memory to be increased during NOS upgrade
Default: 4194304
Min host memory for memory update , set to 62 Gb
Default: 65011712


Component for CVM reconfig
Default: kGenesis
Component for CVM reconfig
Default: kCvmreconfig


Document root where static files are served from.
Default: /home/nutanix/cluster/www
Timeout for rpc made through http server.
Default: 30

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 244


User name for logging into SVM.
Default: nutanix
Timeout for zk operation like write
Default: 120
Marker to indicate upgrade has failed.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/upgrade_failed



nutanix@cvm$ /home/nutanix/ncc/bin/ncc [flags]


Generate plugin config for the plugin
Default: false
show this help
Default: 0
show usage only for this module
Default: 0
like --help, but generates XML output
Default: false
Directory where script log files are stored.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs
Whether NCC is running on dev vm or not.
Default: false
Show script version.
Default: false
The flag to specify if the current ncc run is for pre-upgrade

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 245

Default: false
The flag to specify the path of all pre_upgrade checks
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/config/pre_upgrade_check_list.json
The log path of all preupgrade checks.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/preupgrade.out
Show script version.
Default: false


Location where NCC is installed on a CVM.
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc
Number of nodes to upload the NCC installer directory to.
Default: 2
Location for uncompressing nutanix NCC binaries.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/installer
Location in a zookeeper where we keep the Upgrade node information.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/ncc
Zookeeper location to store NCC upgrade parameters.
Default: /appliance/logical/upgrade_info/ncc_upgrade_params
Location in Zookeeper where we store upgrade status of nodes.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ncc_upgrade_status
Timeout in seconds for the NCC upgrade module.
Default: 30
Zookeeper node where we keep the current release version of NCC.
Default: /appliance/logical/genesis/ncc_version

Whether let algorithm automatic find the frequency of data set
Default: false

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 246

Comma separated list of model names to be used.
The ratio of capacity to be threshold
Default: 1.0
The percentage of capacity to be threshold
Default: 90
The type of storage capacity.
Default: -1
Minimum number of samples required for forecasting.
Default: 21
Number of models whose forecasts should be combined
Default: 2
The shortest time that the temporary scenario should stay in insights.
Default: 3600

The waiting time for r server to start.
Default: 0.01
The root directory of rserver.
Default: /home/nutanix

The directory to store all models get from R
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/

Check id of the alert for cpu runway.
Default: 120089
Check id of the alert for storage runway.
Default: 120113

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 247

Check id of the alert for memory runway.
Default: 120094
Threshold for CPU Usage in percentage.
Default: 80
Threshold for Memory Usage in percentage.
Default: 80
Number of days for which we want to ensure we have capacity before generating a recommendation.
Default: 90
Data set key to get cluster current cpu usage.
Default: current_cluster_cpu_hz_insights
Data set key to get predicted cluster disk usage.
Default: cluster_storage_usage_bytes_with_reservation_insights
Data set key to get cluster current memory usage.
Default: current_cluster_memory_bytes_insights
Data set key to get predicted cluster cpu usage.
Default: cluster_long_term_cpu_prediction_insights
Data set key to get predicted cluster disk usage.
Default: cluster_long_term_storage_prediction_insights
Data set key to get cluster predicted memory usage.
Default: cluster_long_term_memory_prediction_insights


If true run NCC only if NCC lock is acquired.
Default: true
Flag to specify if ncc output should be anonymized.
Default: false
Flag to specify if ncc is running in factory testing mode. By default, it is not running in factory mode.
Default: false

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 248

If set, NCC frequency check is ignored.
Default: false
Subject of the email to be sent.
Default: NCC Email Digest
Zookeeper path where the list of last failed plugins is stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/serviceability/last_failed_plugins
If True, ncc tries to sends an email from Zookeeper leader if configured time constraints are met.
Default: false
The timeout for the ncc task.
Default: 600
If set, NCC always sends an email.
Default: false
If set, NCC sends emails from local node.
Default: false
Flag to specify if NCC should run using RPC based mechanism. If False, NCC from command line
will run using default ssh based mechanism.
Default: true
Zk node having NCC email configuration.
Default: /appliance/logical/analytics/ncc_email
Ephemeral node for acquiring NCC execution lock.
Default: /appliance/logical/analytics/ncc_lock


Minimum NOS version for which we move category_list members to impact_type_list,
Default: 5.0


Batch cnt of entities read and written to Entity DB
Default: 1000

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 249


Flag to specify if the code should use ergon as the task interface.
Default: true


Enabling this flag will add plugin name to log record during plugin run
Default: true


Sampling interval for CPU usage for a cluster.
Default: 300
Sampling interval for Memory usage for a cluster.
Default: 300
The file containing the cpu capacity of a cluster in hz.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/cpu_capacity.json
The file containing the cpu usage of a cluster in hz.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/cpu_usage.json
The file containing the cpu usage of a cluster in cycles along with timestamp.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/cpu_usage_raw.json
The file containing the memory capacity of a cluster in bytes.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/memory_capacity.json
The file containing the Memory usage of a cluster in bytes.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/memory_usage.json
The file containing the memory usage of a cluster in bytes along with timestamp.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/ncc/memory_usage_raw.json


Timeout seconds for commands run on ESX and CVMs
Default: 30
Timeout seconds for file copy operations.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 250

Default: 600
Timeout for any command executed on cvms via ssh
Default: /usr/bin/timeout -s 9 %d
Username used to authenticate with cluster CVMs
Default: nutanix
Dummy ip to which socket is connected in order to get local ip address
The path of file hcl.json on CVM.
Default: /etc/nutanix/hcl.json
Timeout seconds for some commands run on HyperV
Default: 120
ipmiutil.exe does not behave correctly when multuple parallel instances are running at the same time.
This file will be used for flock around ipmiutil.exe invocations to protect against concurrent NCC and
cluster_health instances.
Default: /tmp/.ipmiutil_lock
Max number of times ipmiutil is run to get error free output
Default: 6
Time in seconds after which ipmiutil is run again after an unsuccessful run
Default: 10
Maximum memory used by ncc for heap or data segment.
Default: 256
Timeout secs for ping command to check alive nodes
Default: 10
Path to the zookeeper server config proto in Zookeeper.
Default: /appliance/logical/zkserver_config


Directory path where ncc config files are kept
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/config
Config file name for keeping node specific info

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 251

Default: node_config.json


Fix high performance policy.
Default: False
Temporary path to store the CVM vmx file.
Default: /tmp/ServiceVM.vmx


Comma separated list of severity types for alerts to retrieve. The valid values are: ['kInfo', 'kWarning',
'kCritical', 'kAudit', 'kAll']
Default: kAll
Flag to specify if the output of log collector should be anonymized.
Default: false
Flag to specify if the logs should be appended to the previously existing logs. E.g. append: --
Default: 0
The case number for which logs are collected. If specified, logs are stored in this directory on FTP
Boolean flag to specify whether to collect the activity traces.
Default: 1
Flag to specify if all /var/log/* files should be collected.
Default: true
Boolean flag to specify wheteher to collect binary logs or not.
Default: 0
Flag to specify if the /var/log/boot.log should be collected.
Default: true
Boolean flag to specify whether to collect snapshots of the coponent pages
Default: 1
Boolean flag to specify whether to collect cores files of the given components
Default: 0

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 252

Collect information about corrupted egroups
Default: false
Flag to specify if ServiceVM_Centos.*.out from cvm vm should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if vmware.log from cvm vm should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if ServiceVM_Centos.vmx from cvm vm should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the /var/log/dmesg should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the fdm log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /var/log/firstboot.log should be collected.
Default: true
Boolean flag to specify whether to collect the gflags.
Default: 1
Flag to specify if the host_upgrade logs should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the hostd log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the /var/log/installer.log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /var/log/isci_redirector files should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the kernel log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log should be collected
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 253

Flag to specify if the /var/log/messages should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /var/log/libvirt/qemu/* files should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /root/install.log* files should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /root/post-install*.log* files should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the shell log should be collected.
Default: true
Boolean flag to specify whether to collect stack_trace files of the given components
Default: 1
Flag to specify if the vmkernel psod logs should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the vmksummary log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the vmkwarning log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the vobd log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if the vpxa log should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify if /var/log/yum.log files should be collected.
Default: true
Flag to specify timeout in seconds for the collection of logs.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 254

List of components to collect logs from. E.g. <--component_list="foundation,serviceability">. The
valid values are:['foundation', 'serviceability', 'vip_service', 'minerva', 'preupgrade', 'misc', 'arithmos',
'firmware_upgrade', 'cerebro', 'orion', 'dynamic_ring_changer', 'hades', 'ergon', 'svm_boot', 'stargate',
'scavenger', 'ha', 'cluster_sync', 'cassandra', 'hyperint', 'uhura', 'host_upgrade', 'stats', 'pithos', 'ncli',
'janus', 'convert_cluster', 'alerts', 'tunnel_manager', 'curator', 'setup_hyperv', 'nutanix_guest_tools',
'lazan', 'insights', 'zookeeper', 'cluster_health', 'prism', 'acropolis', 'core_data_path', 'genesis',
Default: all
List of CVMs on which the plugin should be run. E.g. if the cvm ips are and <--
If True, ncc email configuration is deleted.
Default: false
End time till when logs should be collected. Time format is : YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS. E.g. <--
Flag to specify if the files needs to be collected by enhanced log collector mode.
Default: false
List of file server names to collect minerva_nvm logs as part of minerva component.
Default: all
Boolean to specify if the logs should be written even if there is less than 90% available space.
Default: 0
The flag to run the NCC even when cluster is down.
Default: true
Password of the server where files are to be uploaded. E.g. if password is 123: <--
Default: nutanix/4u
Nutanix FTP server where the collected logs should be uploaded. E.g.: if server name is my_server:
Target location where the file must be uploaded. Default location is the home directory. The target
location should be specified with respect to the home directory.
Username of the server where files are to be uploaded. E.g. if username is 123: <--
Default: inbound

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 255

List of log levels to be collected on Hyper-v E.g. collect all CRITICAL and ERROR: <--
hyperv_log_level=CRITICAL,ERROR>. Valid values:CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO,
Upper limit (in MB) for special files that do not fit in the limit specified by max_log_file_collection_size
Default: 5.0
Number of days for which logs should be collected. E.g. collect 3 days of logs: <--
Default: 0
Number of hours for which logs should be collected. By default, 4 hrs of logs are collected. E.g.
collect 3 hours of logs: <--last_no_of_hours=3>
Default: 4
List of log types to be collected. E.g. collect all ERROR and FATAL logs: <--
log_type_list="ERROR,FATAL">. Valid values: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL.
Default: all
The maximum size in mb for the alerts file.
Default: 10
Upper limit(in MB) on the file size of the logs that are collected directly
Default: 0.5
Flag to specify if the .gz files will be decompressed.
Default: true
The flag specifies the number of plugins to be run concurrently. The value should be at most 4.
Default: 1
List of plugins under the same module to be run. E.g. <--plugin_list=p1,p2,p3>
If true, rerun the plugins failed in the previous runs
Default: false
Boolean flag to specify if the file should be transfered using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP);
Default: false
Flag to specify if the log files needs to be collected/segregated based on log message type.
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 256

Frequency in hours at which NCC should periodically run. E.g Run ncc every 24 hours: <--
Default: 0
If set, display NCC email configuration
Default: false
Start time from when logs should be collected. Time format is : YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS. E.g. <--
The sub components of sysstats which are to be collected. E.g. <--
sub_component="cassandra_admctl_stats,cassandra_cfstats">. The valid values are:
['cassandra_admctl_stats', 'cassandra_cfstats', 'df', 'disk_usage', 'fio_stats', 'fio_status', 'interrupts',
'iostat', 'iotop', 'ipmi_event', 'ipmi_sensor', 'lsof', 'meminfo', 'metadata_disk_usage', 'mpstat', 'ntpq',
'ping_gateway', 'ping_hosts', 'ping_remotes', 'sar', 'top'].
Default: all
Flag to specify if the collected logs should be uploaded on the remote server; True/False. E.g. enable
upload: <--upload_file=True>
Default: false
If true, uses npyscreen for output.
Default: false
Flag to specify if the files will be filtered based on start time from file name regex and end time from
last modified time.
Default: true


The IP address of Insights RPC server.
The port where the Insights RPC server listens.
Default: 2027


Port that the HTTP server started by NCC listens on.
Default: 2101


Path to the job state for nic status.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 257

Default: /home/nutanix/data/serviceability/check_cvm_health_job_state.json
Nic link down timeout. It means that if a nic link's down time is longer than the timeout time, this nic is
regarded as disconnected and will be removed from the nic status list saved in nic status file, which
means this nic will no longer be checked until its status becomes Up that makes it reenter the nic
status list. The default timeout time is one day.If timeout time is 0, it means the nic will always be in
the nic status list, thus always be checked, just like before.
Default: 86400
Path to file storing raw sel log information.
Default: /tmp/raw_sel.log


Ping command timeout secs for checking reachable hosts
Default: 10


Time duration for which which progress monitor should sleep between retries.
Default: 2


Path where we keep zeus config for each cluster.
Default: /appliance/physical/zeusconfig


The flags specifies default_cluster_uuid
Default: Unknown
The flags specifies the amount of time the waiting plugins should sleep before checking for idle
Default: 0.05


HDD await threshold (ms/command) to determine Disk issues.
Default: 500
SSD await threshold (ms/command) to determine Disk issues.
Default: 50

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 258

Average I/O Latency threshold (ms) for a VM.
Default: 5000
Threshold count for cas failure log warnings.
Default: 5
Comma separated list of column families to check against size thresholds.
Default: historical_stats
Threshold for number of cassandra crashes.
Default: 5
Threshold for garbage collection related messages.
Default: 5
Threshold for number of heap usage log messages.
Default: 5
Path to find cassandra_init.json file.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/cassandra/conf/cassandra_init.json
Threshold for cassandra load-related messages.
Default: 5
Threshold for number of cassandra progress timeout log messages.
Default: 5
Threshold for cassandra restarts.
Default: 5
Threshold count for cassandra retry log warnings.
Default: 5
Cluster version of the nodetool_ring_file
Default: None
Threshold for number of missing stage counter messages.
Default: 5
Threshold count for cassandra unavailability log warnings.
Default: 5

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 259

Comma-separated list of services which are checked on cloud CVM.
Default: cassandra,pithos,hera,stargate,insights_server,insights_data_transfer,ergon,cerebro,chronos,curator,alert_
Health score to indicate check failure.
Default: 24
Health score to indicate check info.
Default: 98
Health score to indicate check warning.
Default: 74
File to which output of all scripts run should be dumped.
Default: /dev/null
The base directory contains all plugin configs
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/plugin_config
Current ideal EC delay value setting for better Erasure coding benefits.
Default: 604800
CVM memory average usage threshold (%) to determine memory contention.
Default: 90
CVM Memory Commit Threshold(%).
Default: 90
CVM Load level.
Default: 10
CVM Load level.
Default: 100
Minimum threshold for CVM memory for NOS > 2.6.4
Default: 15728640
Peak utilization threshold (%) to determine CVM CPU contention.
Default: 90
Disk read/write abort threshold. (aborts/sec)
Default: 0

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 260

Threshold count for disk corruption log warnings.
Default: 5
Latency threshold (ms/command) to determine storage issues.
Default: 10
Threshold count for disk read/write log warnings.
Default: 5
Threshold for disk usage (percentage) from being labeled as critical.
Default: 90
Threshold for disk usage (percentage) from being labeled as a warning.
Default: 75
Latency threshold (ms/command) to determine storage issues.
Default: 10
Displays the effect on the ring by applying the suggested node moves. The default is not to display
any, the value of 0 is to display all until max_number_of_node_moves.
Default: -1
External contact list to send email asups.
Default senders email addresses.
Whether emails are to be sent in text or binary format.
Default: true
End point of time range.
Default: 1495708363
The id of the entity.
Default: None
The type of entity.
Default: cluster
The file containing the error ids

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 261

Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/plugin_config/error_ids.json
Threshold for high ext4 journal sequence id as it approaches 2^31.
Default: 1879048192
Field of data to be trained. E.g. CPU usage, disk usage.
Default: hypervisor_cpu_usage_ppm
Full path of file to copy.
End point of a future time range.
Default: 1496313163
Start Point of a future time range.
Default: 1495708363
Default threshold for reporting size (percentage) occupied by garbage egroups as critical event
Default: 20
Default threshold for reporting size (percentage) occupied by garbage egroups as warning event
Default: 10
Generate the order for node adds specified in the operations file, which results in the minimal token
Default: false
Number of interrupts per second the pprof cpu-profiler uses to sample.
Default: 100
MySQL database that is used to store the profiles.
Default: profiles
MySQL server's IP address.
MySQL server's host name.
MySQL password for the given 'gx_mysql_user'.
Default: password
MySQL user name that was granted access to 'gx_mysql_db'.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 262

Default: nutanix
Output filename without extension where gx write profiling data.
Default: None
Specify whether the output file is in `html` or `text` format.
Default: html
Specify the pprof file that is to be translated to gxprof format.
Default: None
A text string of other important notes about the profile.
Default: None
A dictionary json of additional details about the profile.
Default: None
Numeric identifier of the profile in the database.
Default: None
Name of the profile in the database.
Default: no name
Name of the person who run the profiler.
Default: unknown
Specify the program that is being run.
Default: None
Version timestamp of the program that was being profiled
Default: Build date is unspecified
Version number of the program that was being profiled
Default: Build version is unspecified
Numeric identifier of a regression in the database.
Default: None
The duration it takes to complete a run of the program or test. The unit of the duration is dependent
on which program is being run. It could be second, mili-second, micro-second or others.
Default: 0

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 263

Current status of the execution being profiled.
Default: Running pprof.
Comma-separated list of symbols to be excluded from profiling data.
Default: __restore_rt,std::_Function_handler::_M_invoke,std::_Bind::__call,std::function::operator
The pprof sampling duration in seconds.
Default: None
Log the progress for all gx commands to help trouble-shooting.
Default: false
Latency threshold (ms/command) to determine Disk issues.
Default: 50
show usage only for this module
Default: 0
Threshold count for disk usage log warnings.
Default: 5
Critical threshold for high disk usage on /home/nutanix /, as well as other disks that are not in
Arithmos (percentage).
Default: 95
Warn threshold for high disk usage on /home/nutanix /, as well as other disks that are not in Arithmos
Default: 90
Host utilization threshold (%) to determine host CPU contention.
Default: 75
Balloon threshold to determine host memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Threshold for host disk usage (percentage) being labeled as critical.
Default: 95
Threshold for host disk usage (percentage) being labeled as warning.
Default: 90
Host utilization threshold (%) to determine host CPU contention.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 264

Default: 90
Receive packets drop threshold at host to determine network issues.
Default: 0
Swap in threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine host memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Swap out threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine host memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Swap rate threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine host memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Swap used threshold (bytes) to determine host memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Transmitted packets drop threshold at host to determine network issues.
Default: 0
Default name of the network switch for Hyper-V's external network.
Default: ExternalSwitch
IP address of internal interface on the Hyper-V host
User name to use to connect to the Hyper-V host
Default: administrator
Password to use to connect to the Hyper-V host
Default: nutanix/4u
Hypervisor monitoring sampling interval.
Default: 300
Whether ignore the negative slope or not.
Default: true
Threshold for inode usage (percentage) being labeled as critical.
Default: 90
Threshold for inode usage (percentage) being labeled as a warning.

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 265

Default: 75
Maximum amount of memory in MB that the insights collector can use.
Default: 256
Critical markers for number of bytes written into the Intel SSDs.
Default: 7e+15
Warning markers for number of bytes written into the Intel SSDs.
Default: 6.5e+15
Temperature warning marker position for the Intel 910 SSDs. Since maximum temperature is
retrieved from the device automatically, this value is actually the number of celcuis below the
maximum temperature allowed storagepool
Default: 7
Minimum bandwidth between CVMs (MB/s).
Default: 800
List of IPs to copy the file to.
Timeout (in seconds) for the iperf server per client.
Default: 20
Time duration for which logs are parsed.
Default: 300
Logs the protobug generated by each plugin execution - used mainly for debugging.
Default: false
Log types to include within the compression.
Default: None
List of IPs to gather logs from.
Default: None
Maximum health score for any plugin.
Default: 100
The number of iterations to find minimum token skew. Default is to use 3 node moves. The time taken
is exponential in the number of node moves and the number of nodes in cluster.
Default: 3

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 266

Number of retries when a rpc to cerebro returns kNotMaster
Default: 3
Maximum ratio between least and greatest loaded node in cassandra ring.
Default: 3
Maximum token skew allowed in cassandra ring.
Default: 2
Minimum replication factor for containers.
Default: 2
If true, recreate autocomplete bash script.
Default: false
Directory to store the auto-generated completion file.
Default: .
File to which canvas json of latest NCC run will be serialized.
If true, run plugins with intrusive impacts also.
Default: false
Execution token for the task.
Default: None
Path to factory config file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/factory_config.json
If true, any local plugins invoked will be run across all nodes in the cluster.
Default: true
Install ncc on all nodes.
Default: false
Path to hardware config file.
Default: /etc/nutanix/hardware_config.json
If true, the plugins will be run in an interactive mode, where the result will be available as soon as its
Default: true

Controller VM Commands | Command Reference | AOS | 267

List all available ncc modules.
Default: false
IP of the node from where the command is run.
Default: None
Monitor progress for long running tasks.
Default: true
Directory from where plugin should be loaded.
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/bin/plugins
File to which raw output of latest NCC run will be written (use '' to disable).
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/ncc-output-latest.log
File to which raw output of all NCC runs will be written.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/logs/ncc-output.log
Print the plugin config and exit without running.
Default: false
If true, display hidden plugins/modules.
Default: false
If true, display all the plugins in a tree format.
Default: false
Use a non-default ncli password (will be prompted for password input).
Default: true
Comma-separated list of services which are needed on cloud CVM.
Default: cassandra,pithos,hera,stargate,insights_server,insights_data_transfer,ergon,cerebro,chronos,curator,prism
NFS read/write abort threshold (aborts/sec).
Default: 0
Latency threshold (ms/command) to determine storage issues.
Default: 10
Upper threshold on the number of NFS files and directories per datastore.
Default: 20000

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Period over which to monitor NIC errors (seconds).
Default: 3600
Maximum errors permissible for any NIC.
Default: 5
Maximum errors permissible for any NIC before warning is issued.
Default: 100
Path to the 'nodetool' ring output file. Default is to use the nodetool command on the cluster
Default: None
Maximum number of non-shell vdisks in cluster.
Default: 200000
Number of consistency groups to list in a query protection domain rpc
Default: 200
Number of snapshots to list in QueryProtectionDomain
Default: 100
The base directory contains all nutanix models
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc/config
Path to node operations add/remove/no-op file
Default: None
Threshold for the number of episodes per vdisk.
Default: 1200
Threshold for the number of episodes for a vdisk in a cluster which has a version lower than 4.6.
Default: 100
Over-ride the plugin configuration stored in Zookeeper with the default NCC plugin configuration.
Default: false
Maximum ping time (in milli-seconds) between any two nodes.
Default: 15
Threshold for ping latency to remote beyond which the remote will be labeled as warning.
Default: 300

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Timeout for creating a socket to Stargate running on the remote site.
Default: 5
Threshold for remote cluster time (in seconds) being out of sync with source cluster to be labeled as
Default: 300
Threshold for remote cluster time (in seconds) being out of sync with source cluster to be labeled as
Default: 180
Maximum number of pending replications beyond which a protection domain will be labeled as
Default: 5
Maximum number of pending replications beyond which a protection domain will be labeled as
Default: 2
Threshold count for rpc timeout log warnings.
Default: 5
Run scheduler using gevent
Default: false
The length of sampling interval.
Default: 600
Maximum number of shell vdisks in cluster.
Default: 1000000
Local port number for the SMTP tunnel on the zookeeper leader.
Default: 2525
Default snapshot chain height threshold to determine if snapshot chains are not getting severed.
Default: 25
Generic stat name to get the space used by snapshots of a protection domain
Default: dr.exclusive_snapshot_usage_bytes
Default threshold for reporting size (percentage) occupied by snapshots as critical event
Default: 40

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Default threshold for reporting size (percentage) occupied by snapshots as warning event
Default: 30
Comma separated list of SSTable file size threshold.
Default: 2147483648
Threshold count for stargate retry log warnings.
Default: 5
List of stargate variables to store in arithmos (empty list returns all). Stats will only be stored if they
are supported by the relevant plugin.
Url where stargate stats can be queried.
Start Point of time range.
Default: 0
Default stats collection gathering interval.
Default: 300
Default target email addresses for sending stats.
The path to the file containing the test data config
Default: None
Threshold count for transport error log warnings.
Default: 5
Flag to update the job state (True: Update, False: Do not update).
Default: false
Update the plugin configuration stored in Zookeeper with the default NCC plugin configuration.
Default: true
Use esxtop to get stats. Otherwise use Arithmos
Default: false
Maximum number of vdisks in cluster.
Default: 80000

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Average utilization threshold (%) to determine VM CPU contention.
Default: 75
VM memory average usage threshold (%) to determine memory contention.
Default: 80
Threshold to determine memory pressurefor a VM.
Default: 0
Balloon threshold to determine memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Number of VMs to query in one hyperint rpc.
Default: 25
Utilization threshold (%) to determine VM CPU contention.
Default: 75
Peak utilization threshold (%) to determine VM CPU contention.
Default: 90
Peak utilization threshold (%) to determine VM memory bottlenecks.
Default: 90
Receive packets drop threshold at a VM to determine network issues.
Default: 4096
Swap in threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Swap out threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Swap out threshold (mbytes/sec) to determine memory bottlenecks.
Default: 0
Transmitted packets drop threshold at a VM to determine network issues.
Default: 0
Vcpu ready time threshold (%) to determine CPU contention.
Default: 10

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Path to the zeus config file. Default is to use the zeus config printer on the cluster
Default: None
Zookeeper path where zeus configuration is stored.
Default: /appliance/physical/configuration
Zookeeper path where plugin configuration is stored.
Default: /appliance/logical/analytics/plugin_schema


The base NCC directory
Default: /home/nutanix/ncc


The binary log analyzer tool to retrieve binary logs.
Default: /home/nutanix/bin/binary_log_analyzer
The number of hours for which binary logs are collected at once. Binary logs are collected in chunks
to avoid overfilling the memory.
Default: 1


The port from where chronos master activity traces should be collected.
Default: 2011
The port from where chronos node activity traces should be collected.
Default: 2012
The port on which cerebro activity traces should be collected.
Default: 2020
The port from where curator activity traces should be collected.
Default: 2010
The IP address from where activity traces should be collected.
The port on which stargate activity traces should be collected.

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Default: 2009
The limit on the high secs for activity tracer.
Default: 86400
Timeout for HTTP requests.
Default: 15


Comma seperated list of subcomponents for which kernel logs are to becollected. The valid values
are: ['dmesg.old', 'dmesg', 'wtmp']
Default: all


Flag to specify if zookeeper transaction logs should be collected.
Default: false


Whether to collect sysstats logs
Default: true
Whether to collect sysstats logs
Default: false


The timestamp for the current tarball generated
Default: 0
The extension of compressed tarfile.
Default: .tar.gz
If this flag is mentioned the logs on the hypervisor will be collected from the given directory, otherwise
they will be collected from the default configured directory.
If this flag is mentioned, logs will be collected from the given directory, otherwise they will be collected
from the default configured directory.
The maximum used percentage after which we do not write any logs
Default: 95

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The maximum used percentage after which we write the logs only if --force option is set byt the user.
Default: 90
The location where log collector stores the log files.
Default: /home/nutanix/data/log_collector
The flag specifies whether the timezone info should not be written to the log file
Default: false
The extension of the output tarfile.
Default: .tar


Collect HyperV cluster logs
Default: false


Usage: [FLAGS] [command]



Whether a library share should be configured
Default: None
The default SCVMM host group
Default: All Hosts
Print detailed help
Default: false
The name of the container that will be registered as a library share in SCVMM
Password to be used when running ncli
Domain account password for the host

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Host Group to which this cluster should be added
SCVMM account password - defaults to <password>
Name of the server running SCVMM
SCVMM account username (with the FQDN) - defaults to <host_fqdn>\<username>
The name of the storage pool created if one doesn't already exist
Domain account username (without domain name) which has/will have administrative rights on the
Print verbose output
Default: false

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