10 - Martinez v. Van Buskirk
10 - Martinez v. Van Buskirk
10 - Martinez v. Van Buskirk
Martinez who was riding a carromata in Ermita along the left side of the street was hit by a delivery wagon
belonging to the defendant on September 11, 1908. It was found out that the delivery wagon belonging
to the defenfant, to which a pair of horses attached to it came along the street in the opposite direction
at a great speed and ran into the carromata, wounding Martinez severely. However, the defendant
presented evidence which will cater to his claim that the cochero was a good servant, reliable, and a safe
cochero. He stated that he was delivering stuffs so he had to tie the driving lines of the horses to the front
end of the delivery wagon and went inside the wagon to already unload the stuffs when suddenly another
vehicle drove by whose driver cracked a whip and made some noises. This act frightened the said horses
of the cochero and made it ran away, it threw the cochero from the inside of the wagon out through the
rear upon the ground and was unable to stop the horses. That was the time the horses collided with the
Whether or not the defendant is liable for the negligence of his cochero.
No. The defendant is not liable for the negligence of his cochero. It is provided under Article 12 of the Civil
Code “A custom must be proved as a fact, according to the rules of evidences” in which it is proven to the
court that a custom which is to leave the horses in the manner in which they were left at the time of the
accident does exist. In the case at bar, it has been a custom or a matter of common knowledge and a
universal practice of merchants to leave horses as to how the cochero left his at the time of the accident.
The very reason why they have been permitted by the society is because this custom was beneficial rather
than prejudicial. It also proves that the defendant is not liable of the accusation as this is the custom in all
cities and the public finds itself unprejudiced by such practice has acquiesced for years. Hence, the court
ruled in favor of the defendant because the occurrence that transpired therein was an accident resulted
from ordinary acts of life.