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Ambhrini Sukta Part2

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mantra 5

ahamēva svayamidam vadāmi juśhţam dēvēbhiruta mānuśhēbhiH |

yam kāmayē tamtamugram kŕņōmi tam brahmāņam tamŕśhim tam sumēdhām || 5 ||

aham |ēva | svayam |idam | vadāmi |

juśhţam | dēvēbhiH | uta | mānuśhēbhiH |
yam | kāmayē | tam + tam | ugram | kŕņōmi |
tam | brahmāņam | tam | ŕśhim | tam | su + mēdhām||5||

aham ēva = I only, svayam = on my own, idam = this, vadāmi = am saying, juśhţam = that which
is acquired with love, dēvēbhiH = by the deities, uta = and, mānuśhēbhiH = by the
knowledgeable, by human beings, yam = whom, kāmayē = I desire to create, tam + tam = them,
ugram = he who has attained the position of rudra, kŕņōmi = I do, tam = him, brahmāņam = he
who has attained the position of brahma, tam = him, ŕśhim = as a sage, tam = him, su +
mēdhām = as a wise person.

I myself have been saying these words, which the deities and knowledgeable men have
received with respect: whomever I wish to elevate to the position of rudra, I shall; whomever I
wish to elevate to the position of brahma, I shall; I shall make him a sage, a wise person,
whomever I wish.

mantra 6

aham rudrāya dhanurā tanōmi brahmadviśhē sharavē hantavā u |

aham janāya samadam kŕņōmyaham dyāvāpŕthivī āvivēsha || 6 ||

aham | rudrāya | dhanuH | ā | tanōmi |

brahma + dviśhē | sharavē | hantavai | ūo iti |
aham | janāya | sa + madam | kŕņōmi |
aham | dyāvāpŕthivī iti | ā | vivēsha ||6||

aham = I, rudrāya = for rudra, dhanuH = the bow, ā tanōmi = make ready, brahma + dviśhē =
he who made enemies with chaturmukha, sharavē = the destructor, hantavai = to kill, aham =
I, janāya = for the noble, sa + madam = liberation which is of the form of eternal bliss, kŕņōmi
= I bestow, aham = I, dyāvāpŕthivī = heaven as well as earth, ā vivēsha = I have pervaded.

I string the bow, in order to destroy rudra, the destroying force who severed the fifth head of
brahma! It is me who bestows liberation, which is of eternal bliss, to the noble souls! It is me
who controls, pervading the earth and skies.

mantra 7

aham suvē pitaramasya mūrdhan mama yōnirapsvantaHsamudrē |

tatō vitiśhţhē bhuvanānu vishvōtāmūm dyām varśhmaņōpaspŕshāmi || 7 ||

aham | suvē | pitaram |asya | mūrdhan |

mama | yōniH | ap + su | antriti | samudrē |
tataH | vi | tiśhţhē | bhuvanā | anu | vishvā |
uta | amūm | dyām | varśhmaņā| upa | spŕshāmi ||7||

aham = I, suvē = gave birth, pitaram = father, asya = of this world, mūrdhan = crest of the
head, mama = my, yōniH = the person who is my origin, ap + su antaH = inside the water,
samudrē = in the ocean, tataH = from that, from Him, vi tiśhţhē = I exist in various forms,
bhuvanā = worlds, anu (vishya) = having entered, vishvā = all, uta = and, amūm = upper,
dyām = the divine worlds, varśhmaņā = through the body itself, upa spŕshāmi = I have
pervaded by touch.

I gave birth to the father of this world, chaturmukha from the crest of my head, through the
suśhumnā. The cause of my greatness, nārāyaņa dwells in the ocean, beneath the waters.
Because of Him, I stood pervading all these worlds; I stood embracing even the upper divine
worlds with my body.

mantra 8

ahamēva vāta iva pravāmyārabhamāņā bhuvanāni vishvā |

parō divā para ēnā pŕthivyaitāvatī mahinā sambabhūva || 8 ||

aham | ēva | vāta + iva | pra | vāmi |

ā + rabhamāņā | bhuvanāni | vishvā |
paraH | divā | paraH | ēnā | pŕthivyā |
itāvatī | mahinā | sam | babhūva ||8||

aham ēva = I myself, vāta + iva = like the air, pra vāmi = I blow, ā + rabhamāņā = creating,
bhuvanāni = the worlds, vishvā = all, paraH = beyond, divā = from the sky, paraH = beyond,
ēnā = this, pŕthivyā = from the earth, itāvatī = of such stature (she), mahinā = by glories, sam
babhūva = I have become.

While creating the worlds, I myself blow like the wind, residing within the prāņatatva (vital air).
I am the one who stands beyond that sky and beyond this earth; I am of such stature through
supreme glories.

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