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Imdrf Proc 151002 Strategic Plan 2020

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International Medical
IMDRF Device Regulators Forum


Title: IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020

Authoring Group: IMDRFMC

Date: 2 October 2015

Toshiyoshi Tominaga, IMDRF Chair

This document was produced by the International Medical Device Regulators Forum.
There are no restrictions on the reproduction or use of this document; however,
incorporation of this document, in part or in whole, into another document, or its
translation into languages oth~r than English, does not convey or represent an
endorsement of any kind by the Intemational Medical Device Regulators Forum.

Copyright© 2015 by the lntemational Medical Device Regulators Forum.


I. Introduction
Three years have passed since the launch of IMDRF in 2012. In this early period, IMDRF
developed sound foundational procedures and governance arrangements. Also in this period
IMDRF has delivered a number of significant work products some of which are a continuation of
the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF).
IMDRF has now reached a juncture where it should define its strategic direction for the
coming years to better coordinate its activities and allocate its limited resources. The IMDRF
Strategic Plan 2020 sets out the strategic priorities of the forum from 2016 to 2020.

II. IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020

1. Mission of IMDRF
The IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020 aligns with the following mission defined in IMDRF Terms
of Reference (IMDRF/MC/N1FINAL: 2014) (ToR);
“The mission of the IMDRF is to strategically accelerate international medical device
regulatory convergence to promote an efficient and effective regulatory model for medical
devices that is responsive to emerging challenges in the sector while protecting and maximizing
public health and safety.”
Under “D. Scope of Activities,” the ToR stipulates that “IMDRF will pursue its goals by
defining, implementing and evaluating strategic priorities so that objectives are met in an
efficient and effective manner.” The IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020 is a part of this activity and
helps developing prioritized work plans of activities from 2016 to 2020.

2. Strategic Priorities
The IMDRF ToR lists eight objectives to achieve our mission. While all objectives remain
important, the Management Committee (MC) intends to put particular focus on the objective,
“Support innovation and timely access to safe and effective medical devices” from 2016 to 2020.
The focus is in areas where the lack of common regulatory requirements and practice may delay
the delivery of medical devices of public health importance already available in one jurisdiction
to the patients in other jurisdictions. The IMDRF strategic plan is expected to promote further
regulatory convergence among IMDRF members resulting in benefits for patients, healthcare
professionals and industry stakeholders. To assure that this objective is met in an efficient and

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effective manner, the MC has identified the following strategic priorities for which it will
develop New Work Items and work plans:

1) Enhance Post-Market Surveillance; and

2) Improve the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Pre-Market Review.

In pursuing these strategic priorities, IMDRF would seek to assure an appropriate balance
between pre-market and post-market requirements as part of a total product lifecycle regulatory
approach to medical devices. Striking the right balance between pre-market and post-market
requirements, such as pre-market and post-market data collection, can facilitate timely patient
access to safe and effective devices by minimizing pre-market requirements to the extent
appropriate while assuring that patients receive safe and effective devices. This approach is
reflected in IMDRF's work item on Software as a Medical Device for which the framework
under development would foster the optimal use of applicable post-market controls to narrowly
tailor premarket requirements, as appropriate. IMDRF continues supporting the current work

The MC encourages all the stakeholders to recommend NWIs or to submit New Work Item
Proposals that are critical for achieving these strategic priorities. IMDRF will undertake NWIs
depending on the extent to which the NWI will advance the strategic priority, the feasibility of
the NWI, and the availability of adequate resources to develop the proposed outputs. IMDRF
will still consider other NWIPs for other topic areas but is not likely to accept those proposals
unless there is a sufficiently compelling reason to do so.

Enhance Post-Market Surveillance

Since the inception of IMDRF, the forum has undertaken several work items to enhance post-
market surveillance. These work items include:
i) Effective exchange of post-market data by improving the former GHTF NCAR
(National Competent Authorities Reports) Exchange Program;
ii) Establishment of common principles on registries;

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iii) Harmonization of adverse event terminology to expand the terminology and systems
being used to code information relating to medical device adverse events;
iv) Establishment of a Medical Device Single Audit Program; and
v) Development of non-binding rules for creating, using, and maintaining unique device
identifiers and related activities.

From 2016 to 2020, the MC intends to build on the work already started or completed as well as
consider New Work Items in line with identified objectives.

Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Pre-Market Review

Promoting regulatory convergence of pre-market review while striking the right balance
between pre-market and post-market requirements supports innovation by promoting the least
burdensome approach to assure devices are safe and effective. Regulatory convergence also
supports more timely market entry of safe and effective devices across member jurisdictions by
facilitating reliance on data developed for and/or decisions made by one or more jurisdictions to
support market approval in other jurisdictions. The MC already has taken an initial step forward
to achieve this strategic priority through the early-stage development of Regulatory Product
Submissions, including establishment of comprehensive Table of Contents (ToC) for non-IVD
market authorization and IVD market authorization. IMDRF will continue this activity. The MC
will select further New Work Items (NWIs) to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of pre-
market review. These may include assuring the reliability of data submitted to regulatory bodies,
improving quantity and quality of clinical data, developing Good Review Practices for pre-
market reviews/evaluations which includes competence and training for pre-market reviewers,
developing guidance on benefit-risk determinations, and improving the suitability of
international standards for regulatory authorities and effective regulatory authority involvement
at each stage in standards development.

3. Development and Utilization of IMDRF Outputs

In order to enhance the utilization of IMDRF outputs, MC members will:
a) Share information with stakeholders regarding the implementation of and/or
challenges to implementation of IMDRF outputs in their respective jurisdictions; and

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b) To the extent feasible and appropriate, support training activities on IMDRF outputs
conducted by other organizations.

In addition, in the future when accepting NWIs or New Work Item Extensions, the MC will
develop work plans with timetables for completion of deliverables and make them available to
the public.

4. Relationships with Stakeholders

IMDRF values transparency and inclusiveness. IMDRF will continue to promote close
communication about IMDRF activities and outputs with as well as inclusion of stakeholders,
such as medical devices industries, other regulators, international organizations, standards
development organizations, patient and professional associations, and academia, in IMDRF
working groups, as appropriate.
IMDRF will continue to encourage collaboration and outreach with Affiliate Organizations
and other interested regulatory authorities. IMDRF will seek opportunities to develop stronger
relationships with organizations that can help advance our mission, such as standards
development organizations. In addition, IMDRF will consider new membership requests based
on the established IMDRF ToR and Standard Operating Procedures.

5. Review of Progress of IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020

The progress of IMDRF Strategic Plan 2020 will be reviewed in the IMDRF MC and revised
as appropriate.

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