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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)

ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-5 Issue-3, March 2018

Properties of Lightweight Concrete made with

Volcanic Scoria from Kenya, as Coarse Aggregates
Tejiona Tangomo Frank Roland, Ochieng Abuodha Silvester, Shitote Stanley Muse, Poh’Sie Guillaume Herve

Abstract: Lightweight concrete (LWC) is a specific type of several classifications of lightweight concrete depending,
concrete developed when the need to reduce dead load becomes either on their method of production where we have
relevant in structures, such as high-rise buildings and bridge lightweight aggregate concrete, aerated or cellular concrete,
decks. This type of concrete can offer a good strength to weight and No-fines concrete; or on the purpose for which the
ratio, good insulating properties and costs benefits due to reduced
sections of bearing elements in a structure (columns, beams,
concrete is to be used, where we distinguish structural
foundations). It is commonly made using artificial lightweight lightweight concrete, concrete used in masonry units and
aggregates like expanded shales and clays; however, the insulating concrete.
manufacturing process of those aggregates is linked to a great Structural lightweight aggregates concrete is a specific type
amount of energy consumption, natural resources depletion, and of lightweight concrete, made with lightweight aggregates
large amount of emission of CO2 gas in the environment, and conforming to the requirements of ASTM C330 standard, and
finally high costs. This experimental study investigated the use of
strong enough to be used as structural concrete. Lightweight
volcanic scoria aggregates from Lukenya in Kenya to produce
structural lightweight aggregates concrete (SLWAC). Scoria aggregates can be artificially processed by expanding, or
stones were collected, crushed into particle sizes 4.75-19 mm, calcining diverse products such as shale, slate, blast furnace
conforming to the grading requirements of ASTM C330, and used slag, clay, or diatomite. The resulting product is called
to produce lightweight concrete designed using the three different artificial lightweight aggregates which are the most
methods prescribed by the standard ACI 211.2-98 for commonly known. However, we also have naturally occurring
proportioning structural lightweight concrete. The design lightweight aggregates such as pumice, tuff or scoria
strength was 30 MPa and the aim was not only to investigate the aggregates [1], [11]. Their physical properties are almost
feasibility of producing structural lightweight concrete with
similar to the artificial aggregates, but with lower mechanical
locally available scoria aggregates, but also to find out the best
mix design approach out of the three prescribed by the standard, properties [3]. For this reason, the production of structural
namely the weight method, the absolute volume method and the lightweight aggregate concrete has been long commonly done
damp loose method. Physical and mechanical tests were carried using the artificial lightweight aggregates even if the
out on the scoria aggregates to classify them as suitable for manufacturing process is related to many environmental
structural lightweight concrete production. Similar tests were also issues such as depletion of natural resources, great amounts of
carried out on the lightweight concrete. The results showed that energy consumption, and emission of dangerous gases (such
the absolute volume method of mix design was the one giving the as CO2); and finally, aspects of high costs.
best results as regards to the dry density, the slump, and the
In Africa, like various other parts in the world, there are a
strengths (compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength);
This lead to the conclusion that volcanic scoria can be used as an lot of natural resources from volcanic eruptions which are
alternative to artificial lightweight aggregates for structural almost waste, including volcanic scoria aggregates. Scoria is
lightweight concrete production, and proved the efficiency of the relatively darker and heavier than other natural lightweight
absolute volume method as the best mix design approach. aggregates and mostly used by cement companies to make
Keywords: Absolute Volume Method, Artificial Lightweight clinker for cement production, around the world. The other
Aggregates, Lightweight Concrete, Structural Lightweight common use is in road construction where it can constitute the
Concrete, Volcanic Scoria Aggregates sub-base material. However, they are light and porous like
artificial aggregates with many other similar properties. It can
I. INTRODUCTION therefore be used as a cheaper alternative. The advantage of
lightweight aggregates (LWA) as compared to the normal
The use of Lightweight concrete (LWC) has been weight aggregates (NWA), is through conferring to the
investigated in the construction industry for centuries and concrete a lower density (around 25% lighter), leading to size
currently, good performance is expected for a consistent and reduction of load bearing elements in structures, as well as
reliable material with predictable characteristics. There are less structural steel reinforcements. Induced seismic loads are
also decreased, thereby reducing the risk of damages due to
Revised Version Manuscript Received on March 10, 2018.
earthquakes on the structure. Finally these advantages, lead to
Msc. Student, Tejiona Tangomo Frank Roland, Department of Civil cost savings [7], [8], improves sound and thermal insulation,
Engineering, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology as well as fire resistance [6], [9].
and Innovation (PAUSTI) hosted by Jomo Kenyatta University of There are very few published studies on the use of scoria
Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Juja, Kenya, E-mail:
as aggregates for structural lightweight concrete production;
Dr. Ochieng Abuodha Silvester, Department of Civil Engineering, most of the previous studies were on the use of lightweight
University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, E-mail: aggregates for production of blocks [10].
Prof. Shitote Stanley Muse, Department of Civil Engineering, Rongo
University, Rongo, Kenya, E-mail:
Dr. Poh’sié Guillaume Hervé, Department of Civil Engineering, Higher
National School of Public Works, Yaoundé, Cameroon, E-mail:

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 8 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Properties of Lightweight Concrete made with Volcanic Scoria from Kenya, as Coarse Aggregates

This study investigated the feasibility of using locally B. Natural River Sand
available volcanic scoria aggregates for production of The sample sand used in this study was from Meru river in
structural lightweight concrete. The volcanic scoria Kenya. This sand has a fineness modulus of 2.32 with
aggregates were prepared and their properties checked in particles sizes between 0-4.75 mm. The sand equivalent value
accordance with the ASTM C330 requirements. Thereafter, and silt content value have been found respectively as 94.77%
three different methods of mix design as prescribed by ACI and 5.42%. Its particle size distribution has been determined
211.2 standard (Weight method, absolute volume method and as shown in Table IV, as well as its bulk density, specific
damp loose method) were used to design lightweight concrete gravity and water absorption summarized in Table V. Its
specimens [2], [4]. Physical and mechanical tests were carried grading curve is shown on Figure I. The sand used was found
out on both scoria aggregates and concrete in a fresh and suitable to produce hydraulic concrete as regard to its
hardened state such as slump, dry density, compressive properties and according to criteria requirements of ASTM
strength, splitting tensile and flexural strength. The aim was to C330.
develop a structural lightweight concrete made with locally
available scoria aggregates while finding out the best mix C. Volcanic Scoria Aggregates.
design approach regarding the requirements of ACI 211.2 The volcanic scoria aggregates were obtained from a quarry
standard. for cement companies in the location of Lukenya in Kenya, in
the form of stones. Subsequently, they were manually crushed
II. MATERIALS into particles sizes 4.75-19 mm. Its particle sizes distribution
met the grading requirements as shown in Table IV. The
The main constituent materials of this study were Ordinary
grading curve is shown in Figure II. Its chemical composition
Portland Cement 42.5, natural river sand as fine aggregates,
was determined as shown in Table III, as well as the other
the volcanic scoria aggregates as coarse aggregates and
physical properties including bulk density (loose and
Water. They are all locally available in Kenya, and the
compacted), specific gravity and water absorption as
research was conducted at the Structural and Materials
summarized in Table V. The properties make them suitable
Laboratory of Jomo Kenyatta University of agriculture and
for lightweight aggregates for structural concrete production
Technology (JKUAT).
according to the criteria requirements of ASTM C330.
A. Ordinary Portland Cement.
Table III: Chemical Composition Volcanic Scoria.
The cement used was Ordinary Portland Cement Type I
(CEM I 42.5 N) called “Bamburi Power Plus”. It is an early Parameters Percentage (%)
high strength cement, conforming to the specification SiO2 72.755
prescribed by the standard EN 197-1, and is manufactured by Al2O3 13.482
“Bamburi Cement Ltd” in Kenya. The cement is safely kept in Fe 6.082
dry condition. Some important physical properties have been K2O 5.129
determined in the Laboratory, such as its Bulk density (loose CaO 1.090
and compacted) and its specific gravity as shown in Table I. Ti 0.545
Its chemical composition is as shown in Table II. Cl 0.333
Table I: Some Physical Properties of Bamburi Power Plus Mn 0.271
42.5 Zr 0.129
Specific Loose bulk density Compacted bulk Zn 0.048
gravity (Kg/m3) density (Kg/m3) Nb 0.027
3.197 1162.3 1398 Rb 0.019
Y 0.011
Table II: Chemical Composition of “Bamburi Power Plus Sr 0.002
42.5” Cu 0.002
Parameters Percentage (%) Table IV: Particle Size Distribution of Fines and Coarse
SiO2 20.61 Aggregates.
Al2O3 5.05
Sieve size
Fe2O3 3.24 Percentage passing
CaO 63.37
Limits Limits
MgO 0.81 (Upper-Lower) (Upper-Lower)
SO3 2.75 as prescribed as prescribed
Sand Scoria
Na2O 0.15 by the standard by the standard
Free CaO 0.63 C330-05 C330-05
Na Eq 0.49 25 - 100 100
Cl- <0.01 19 - 99.92 90-100
LOI 2.90
I.R. 1.00
C3A 7.91

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 9 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-5 Issue-3, March 2018

12.5 - 90.01 90-100 III. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM

9.52 - 35.35 10-50 As prescribed by ACI 211.2-98 (Standard practice for
4.75 100 95-100 5.23 0-15 selecting proportion for structural lightweight concrete), three
different methods for designing structural lightweight
2.36 97.12 80-100 0.46 0-15
concrete were applied; the weight method or specific gravity
1.18 84.22 50-85 0.14 0-15 pycnometer method, the absolute volume Method and the
0.6 49.9 25-60 0.14 0-15 damp loose method or volumetric method [1], [2]. The target
0.3 28.05 10-30 0.14 0-15 was to produce Grade 30 lightweight aggregates concrete.
Before the mix design process, scoria stones were collected
0.15 3.2 2-10 0.14 0-15
and were crushed to make them fulfill the required particles
sizes distribution. Thereafter, three mix designs were carried
out using the three different methods prescribed by the
standard. The scoria aggregates were soaked in water for 24
hours before each mix, to make them in Saturated Surface Dry
condition (SSD) as recommended for that type of aggregates
with high absorption rate. The main goal was to develop a
structural lightweight aggregates concrete using scoria as
aggregates, while finding out the best mix design method out
of the three. The experimental work was divided into two
main phases: the mix designs, and specimen preparation and
A. Mix Designs Proportions
Three experimental programs were adopted in this study
each based on one of the three mix design methods prescribed
by ACI 211.2-98 standard [1], [2]. The aim was to develop the
most suitable LWC mix meeting the requirements for
structural lightweight concrete specified in ACI 211.2
standard. The scoria stones were collected, crushed and their
physical properties were determined and found to conform to
ASTM C330 requirements as shown in Table V, as well as the
grading chart in Figure II. Three trial mix specimen types
were designed using the three methods with the same w/c =
Figure I: Grading Curve of Sand Aggregate. 0.45, and a slump of 25 to 50 cm. At this stage, the main
D. Water criteria under observations were the workability, the dry unit
weight and the compressive strength. The best mix design
The water used in the study, was potable water obtained
method was the one giving us the mix with the highest
from the public water system. The water was clean with no strength to weight ratio with a good workability at the same
strange materials in it that can disturb the hydration process of w/c ratio, conforming to the requirements of ACI 211.2. The
cement. mix proportions for the different mix design methods are
summarized in the Table VI, as well as the slump values, the
dry density the compressive and splitting tensile strengths at 7
days in Table VII.

Figure II: Grading Curve of Volcanic Scoria Aggregates

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 10 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Properties of Lightweight Concrete made with Volcanic Scoria from Kenya, as Coarse Aggregates

Table V: Physical Properties of the Scoria Aggregates

Loose bulk Apparent Water
Rodded bulk Specific gravity Specific gravity
Aggregates density Specific absorption
density (kg/m3) (Oven Dry basis) (SSD basis)
(kg/m3) gravity (%)
Sand 1461 1602.92 2.36 2.51 2.76 4.7
Volcanic Scoria 1013.6 1179.11 1.91 2.16 2.54 13.06
Table VI: Mix Design Proportions for Each Design Method.

Lightweight Coarse
Sand content Water cement Water content, Cement
Mix design Method aggregate content
(SSD) kg/m3 ratio (W/C) kg/m3 content, kg/m3
(SSD) kg/m3
Weight method 848.03 339.12 0.45 187 415.6
Absolute volume
516 764.64 0.45 187 415.6
Damp loose method 710.36 775.93 0.45 187 374.86

Table VII: 24 Hours Dry Density, Slump, Compressive and Splitting Tensile Strength at 7 days.

7 days compressive 7 days Splitting tensile 24 hours-Dry density

Mix design Method Slump (mm)
strength (MPa) strength (MPa) (kg/m3)
Weight method 17.89 1.77 1820 15.5

Absolute volume method 21.81 2.44 1837 50

Damp loose method 18.97 1.95 1832 94

A. Specimen Preparation and Testing

For all the three mix design approaches, during the
concrete mixing phase, the aggregates were first mixed with A. Physical Properties of Volcanic Scoria Aggregates
half of mixing water, due to the high absorption rate of With regard to the specifications of ASTM C330 standard,
volcanic scoria aggregates. Although the fact that those some physical properties of the scoria aggregates were
aggregates were soaked in water for 24 hours before the determined, such as bulk density and specific gravity. 2.54
mixing date to reach the SSD condition, it has been proved were found as the apparent specific gravity of scoria which is
that they can still absorb water after 24 hours, for a relatively lower than the limit of 2.60 as prescribed by the standard.
long period of time. So, this measure was to minimize this Also, the oven dry particles density were found to be about
effect of absorption of the aggregates on the workability of the 1910 kg/m3 lower than the limit of 2000 kg/m3, as well as the
concrete during the early period of mixing. The other loose bulk density found 1013.6 kg/m3 lower than the limit
constituents (sand, cement) were then added with the 1200 kg/m3. The properties led to the conclusion that
remaining half of mixing water. The mixing was manually volcanic scoria aggregates locally available in Kenya, were
done as specified in BS EN 12390, Part 2 (2000). suitable for the production of structural lightweight
The slump test was done immediately on fresh concrete aggregates concrete with regard to ASTM C330 standard
after the mixing to measure the workability in accordance requirements.
with the specifications of BS EN 12350: Part 2 (1999). The B. Workability of the Lightweight Concrete
lightweight concrete specimens were cast into cylindrical The slump test was used to measure the workability of the
steel moulds of 150 mm of diameter and 300 mm of height, concrete specimens casted. The slump values varied from
and of 100 mm of diameter and 200 mm of height, 15.5 mm for the weight method, to 50 mm for the absolute
respectively for compressive and splitting tensile strengths volume method and 94 mm for the damp loose method, for the
tests at 7 and 28 days. It was also poured into cubic steel same w/c ratio. It is thus seen that only the absolute volume
moulds of 150x150x150 mm for use in carrying out the 24 method gave us a slump within 25-50 mm as defined in the
hours air-dry density test. Flexural strength test was also of design. The slump values are given for each mix design
interest at 28 days and for this purpose, the concrete was cast approach in Figure III.
into steel moulds of size 150x150x560 mm. The moulds were
prepared and oiled before, and the concrete was compacted
using a vibrator. 24 hours after the casting, the specimens
were demoulded and water cured in curing tanks until the
dates of testing [1], [2], [3], [4].

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 11 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-5 Issue-3, March 2018

than the target design strength. This experiment has shown

that local scoria aggregates can be used to produce structural
lightweight aggregates concrete, as regard to ACI
requirements and absolute volume method is the best mix
design approach. It is also noticeable that the early strength
which is around 67.1% of the strength at 28 days, exhibited by
lightweight concrete with scoria aggregates is good enough,
and hence structurally acceptable mostly with the absolute
volume method as a mix design approach.

Figure III: Slump values for the Three Mix Design


C. Air-Dry Density
Air dry density is one of the most important criteria for
concrete classification. According to ASTM C567 as well as
ACI 211.2-98 specifications, the air-dry unit weight of
concrete must not exceed 1842 kg/m3 to fit one of the
requirements for structural lightweight concrete. All the three
concrete specimen types fall within the required limits in
terms of air-dry density. The absolute volume method shows
the highest air dry density. Figure IV shows the different
values of air dry concrete density for each mix design
approach varying from 1820 to 1837 Kg/m3.

Figure V: Compressive strength for the three Mix Design

Approaches at 7 and 28 days.

E. Splitting Tensile Strength

The absolute volume method gave the best results with
regard to the splitting tensile strength; 2.44 MPa and 2.74
MPa have been obtained at respectively 7 and 28 days, hence
leading to the conclusion that 89.05% of the strength is
reached at early age (7 days). The strength at 28 days
represents 8.43% of the compressive strength. This value is
lower than the range of 10% known for normal weight
structural concrete; this could be explained by the cellular
structure of the lightweight concrete due to the porous nature
of the lightweight aggregates used, which leads to the
Figure IV: Air-Dry Density of Concrete Specimen Types weakness of the material through enhancing the propagations
of microcracks in the material while under loading. However,
D. Compressive Strength 1.77 MPa and 2.05 MPa have been obtained with the weight
Both ACI and ASTM standard defined structural method of mix design at respectively 7 and 28 days, hence
lightweight aggregates concrete as concrete with lightweight representing the worst mix design approach as observed also
aggregates conforming to ASTM C330, with a compressive with the compressive strength. Figure VI shows the splitting
strength greater than 17.2 Mpa at 28 days tested as described tensile strength at 7 and 28 days for each mix design
by the standard. This is one of the most important criteria, approach.
together with the dry density. Hence, the concrete specimens
for each design approach were tested for the compressive
strength at 7 and 28 days, and the results are shown in Figure
V. The aim was to find the best mix design approach for
structural lightweight concrete using local scoria aggregates.
The absolute volume method gave the best results with 21.81
MPa and 32.5 MPa at respectively 7 and 28 days, while the
weight method showed the least compressive strength with
17.89 MPa and 26.77 MPa at respectively 7 and 28 days, less

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 12 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Properties of Lightweight Concrete made with Volcanic Scoria from Kenya, as Coarse Aggregates

The absolute volume method gave the best slump

value within 25-50 mm as defined in the design, at the same
w/c ratio, suitable for general constructions.
1820, 1829 and 1837 kg/m3 have been found as the
air-dry density for the concrete specimens designed
respectively with the weight method, damp loose method and
absolute volume method. All the three concrete specimen
types density are suitable. The required limits with regard to
the air-dry density must not exceed 1842 Kg/m3 as for ASTM
C567 standard.
All the three concrete specimen types gave suitable
compressive strengths, greater than the required limit of 17.2
MPa as for ASTM C330 at 28 days; and the best compressive
strength was obtained with the absolute volume method of
mix design. 21.8 MPa and 32.5 MPa were obtained as the
compressive strength respectively at 7 and 28 days.
With the absolute volume method of mix design, the
early strength (7days) is around 67.1% of the strength at 28
days, which is good enough to be structurally acceptable.
Figure VI: Splitting Tensile Strength for the three mix The absolute volume method gave the best results as
Design Approaches at 7 and 28 days. regard to the splitting tensile strength; 2.44 MPa and 2.74
MPa were obtained at respectively 7 and 28 days; The
F. Flexural strength splitting tensile strength at 28 days represent 8.43% of the
The highest flexural strength of 3.21 MPa has been obtained compressive strength at that age.
with the mix specimens designed with the absolute volume The same observation were done with regard to the
method. While, 3.05 MPa has been found as the lowest flexural strength. The absolute volume method gave the
strength from weight method approach. Figure VII highest values of strength at 7 and 28 days as compared to the
summarizes the values of flexural strength for the three design two other mix design approaches. 3.21 MPa has been found as
method approaches. the flexural strength at 28 days, representing 9.87% of the
compressive strength at that age.
As regard to those results, a conclusion can be made;
structural lightweight aggregate concrete can be produced
with locally available volcanic scoria from Kenya as
aggregates, and the absolute volume method was found to be
the best mix design approach out of the three methods
evaluated in the study.

Some recommendations can be made as regard to the
results obtained from the study.
Volcanic scoria aggregates can be used as an
alternative to artificial lightweight aggregates; therefore, they
should be industrially available in the form of aggregates like
the other aggregates types (normal weight aggregates and
artificial aggregates).
The absolute volume method of mix design is
highly recommended as the mix design approach for
structural lightweight aggregate concrete; mostly with natural
aggregates such as volcanic scoria as coarse aggregates.
Figure VII: Flexural strength for the three Mix Design
With regard to the high absorption rate of volcanic
Approaches at 7 and 28 days.
scoria aggregates, they can be pre-coated with a binding
material such as asphalt or plastic for instance, in a hot mix
V. CONCLUSIONS process, before the use in the concrete; further investigations
As regard to the results obtained from this investigation, some should be done in order to assess the physical and mechanical
conclusions can be drawn: properties of the lightweight concrete made with those
Volcanic scoria aggregates locally available in Kenya, pre-coated aggregates.
were found suitable as aggregates for the production of
structural lightweight aggregates concrete with regard to
ASTM C330 standard requirements.
Volcanic scoria aggregates met the grading
requirements in accordance with ASTM C330, for structural
lightweight concrete making.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 13 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-5 Issue-3, March 2018

We are sincerely grateful to both the African Union
Commission and Pan African University Institute for Basic
Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI) for their
financial support for this research.

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C1063035318 14 & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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