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In The Concept Map Shown Above

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In the concept map shown above, it shows that the starting point is the Gospel.


Gospel is where the life and death of Jesus was being narrated, it is the ‘Good News’. You can

see that in the lower part, there is Jesus Christ who is connected with the fruit of the spirit which

are: love, joy, peace, gentleness, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, and patience and with the

three church teachings which are: Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus is a teacher, and Jesus is our

Savior. Jesus Christ is the Gospel, He is the Good News to us Christians. According to the book

of Luke 1:35, “therefore the child to be born will be called Holy- the Son of God”, this scripture

say that Jesus is the Son of God, the promised one, the anointed, the Messiah and even before of

His birth, Jesus Christ held the title of the Son of God when the angel Gabriel came to Mary to

give her the good news that she would be the mother of Christ, who will be called great and the

Son of the Most High.

As Jesus being the Son of God, He has missions, missions to be fulfilled by preaching the

people with the Good News and making disciples of all nations. In the book of Matthew 23

:10, “you have one teacher, the Christ”, with that scripture, Jesus is described as a teacher, the

greatest teacher of all. Jesus taught people everywhere and spreads the Good News. The teaching

of Jesus has had a power and an effect with which the influence of no other teacher can even for

a moment be compared. Why was Jesus the greatest teacher? One reason is that Jesus himself

had been taught and he knew how important it is to listen. But to whom did Jesus listen? Who

taught him? His Father did and Jesus’ Father is God. Jesus told countless parables. He pulled

spiritual truth from everyday life. Not only did these stories make Jesus’ preaching more

memorable, they also connected in much more profound way. Jesus is the one who teaches us

how to live and act in this world. As Christians, we claimed that Jesus is our Lord and with that,
we are to obey Jesus’ teaching as what the book of John 14:15 stated that, “If you love me, you

will keep my commandments”. Jesus loved his people very much that He is willing to sacrifice

His self for the salvation of sins, the salvation of everyone. In the book of John 3:16-17, “a gift

of love from the Father for the salvation of the world”, Jesus is being our savior, our redeemer.

He suffered a lot, He was a suffering servant and that is to show to us how He loved us so much

that He is to die on the cross for us to be saved. If we believe in Jesus as the revelation of God’s

unceasing love, our own notions of sin and punishment and forgiveness will begin to mirror

God’s mercy. Then our communal life will be capable of offering the world what it most needs: a

living image of Jesus, the revelation of God’s great love.

In the concept map, you can see there the application of Gospel in my life which has

branches. Because of the Gospel, I want to live out the life of Christ wherein you live to love

God and love others. I was inspired by Jesus Christ and His teachings. I want to serve just like

Jesus did to His people. To serve without expecting something in return. I want to grow with the

guide of the Sacred scriptures, to be a better person, to help others just like Jesus, that I may

always remember the essence of living in this temporary world. Because of the Gospel, I

somewhat want to change by knowing and applying the daily attitude of repentance which are,

avoid committing sin, go for a confession, learn to forgive others like how Jesus did, and

reconciliation wherein you bring back your deep connection with the Lord and our Father.

Lastly, because of the Gospel, the character of Christ being formed in me and I call them the

Fruit of the Spirit. These are: love, joy, peace, gentleness, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, and

patience. If you follow Jesus throughout your life, then you might possess the characteristics

Jesus has/had.

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