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Aircon Project 1

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The Design of Indoor Basketball Gym Air Conditioning System is a closed type of

gym that can be used not only for basketball but for in any other purposes. It can also

be used for different kind of events. It is a type of a gym that will provide comfort for the

players and occupants as well.

The area of the designed space is a huge factor that affects the calculation of the

heat gains because of its large dimensions. But with the help of cooling load calculation,

the authors were able to provide a solution to solve the problem in the designed space.

Every factor that affects the heat transmitting inside the space and the heat emitted by

the occupants inside were computed one by one.

The air conditioning units installed in the designed space will provide the comfort

needed by the occupants, enough cooling capacity to meet the compute heat gain from

every factor. Not only having fun while doing the said activities and also being

comfortable in the same place.

Air quality is an essential consideration in maintaining productivity, comfort and
health of the occupants, and should not be trivialized. If air quality and temperature are
not maintained, occupants’ comfort on the playing surface can suffer directly affecting
the productivity and morale. Comfort is best defined as the absence of discomfort.
People became uncomfortable when they are too hot or too cold, or when the air is
odorous and stale. Thermal comfort is that state of mind that is satisfied with the thermal
environment; it is thus the condition of minimal stimulation of the skin’s heat sensors
and of the heat-sensing portion of the brain.

Ventilation Air can be natural or mechanical. In modern commercial structures,

the term ventilation refers to mechanical ventilation. It is the intentional controlled
introduction of outdoor air into an enclosed occupied space. Ventilation is provided
using mechanical systems such as fans. The entry of outdoor air through an open door
or window is considered infiltration and not ventilation. The total air supplied to a space
consisting of outdoor air and indoor recirculation air is not ventilation air either. It is
referred to as supply air.

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, and HVAC systems
are, effectively, everything from your air conditioner at home to the large systems used
in industrial complexes and apartment blocks. A good HVAC system aims to provide
thermal control and indoor comfort, and one that is designed using the principles of
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
The purpose of an HVAC system is to provide the heating, cooling and
ventilation requirements of a building over a range of ambient conditions specific to the
building location. A system must be designed to cope with the maximum value of each
of these requirements. The degree to which an HVAC system fails to match the
requirements and overheats, overcools or over-ventilates the building space determines
the amount of energy being wasted. Systems may have one or more purposes, such as:

 To maintain comfort by controlling temperature and humidity within acceptable

 To maintain air quality within acceptable limits of carbon dioxide, oxygen and
odor content;
 To remove airborne contaminants produced by processes and occupants; and
 To remove internal heat gain by processes, building services and occupants.



The modern indoor basketball courts, which serves as a facility to develop sports
opportunities for everyone, consists of various sophisticated systems such as
foundation and support structures; electrical and lighting; and plumbing and fixtures.
Another fundamental part of any other building that is often taken for granted by its
inhabitants is the Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system.
The environmental conditions conducive to thermal comfort are not absolute, but
rather vary with the individual’s metabolism, the nature of the activity engaged in, and
the body’s ability to adjust to a wider or narrower range of ambient. For comfort and
efficiency, the human body requires a fairly narrow range of environmental conditions
compared with full scope of those found in nature.
The factors that affects humans pleasantly or adversely include temperature of
the surrounding air; humidity of the air; radiant temperatures of the surrounding
surfaces; air motion; odors; dust; aesthetics; acoustics; and lighting. Through
understanding the importance of the occupant’s comfort, we realize the significance of
an HVAC system in a building design.
Hence, the system is responsible for controlling the temperature in the
environment, providing fresh air to the occupants, and filtering out dusts and
contaminants while operating in an energy efficient and unobtrusive manner
Components of a Cooling Load

From the specification of materials for the wall, floor and other cooling loads were
all taken into considerations.
Walls, the authors recommend that the wall must be insulated so that heat may
not able to pass through. Moreover, it should be maintained well so that minor cracks
won’t cause any infiltration in the area. The recommended wall compositions have
layers such as: External Surface, External Render, Concrete Block, Insulation, Concrete
Block, Plaster and Internal Surface.

Ceiling, the authors recommend the use Metal Roof, ½’’ Insulation Board,

½’’ Exp. Polystyrene and ½’’ Exp. Urethane to have a low value of overall coefficient of
friction (U). This layer of materials will help to lessen the effects of solar radiation.

Doors, all of the proposed doors are two way and has a glass window placed
onto it. The purpose of having a door like this is for the students to know if there is
someone entering or exiting the area. In addition to, placing a glass would prevent

HVAC System, the authors recommend that an HVAC System is needed to

obtain proper comfort conditions for people standings on the tribunes in term of
temperature. It is needed to maintain the comfort cooling of people inside the designed

Lightings, the authors recommend that the light to be used has a quantity of 15
or more, providing the necessary brightness in the space and with 30 lamp wattages

Appliances, minimizing the appliances and cooling load, the authors

recommend that a single electronic scoreboard and a microphone amplifier to be used
by the committees should only be the appliances inside the designed space.
Occupants, the authors also considered the heat released by the occupants with
their different activities in the designed space.

Problem and Result

For centuries, buildings served as a primitive shelter to protect occupants from

the extremes of the outdoor environment. Control of the indoor environment was
chiefly dependent upon open fires for heat, and natural air circulation for ventilation.
The emerging technology of the twentieth century paved way for the
development of HVAC systems capable of maintaining fully controlled indoor
environments. Air-conditioning is then defined as the simultaneous control of
temperature, humidity, air movement, and the quantity of air in space. On account of
these advancements, technological innovations are continuously pushing the limits of
air-conditioning and refrigeration systems to meet the wide range of demands in order
to provide safe, healthful and comfortable environments that can operate at low
energy consumption.
For this purpose, the authors were tasked to design an air-conditioning system
for a basketball court situated Camella Homes, Sambat, San Pascual, Batangas
premises in order to provide comfort applications for the inhabitants in that sector.
Moreover, the authors aim to provide a convenient, consistent, and accurate method of
calculating the loads which enables them to select systems that meet the requirements
for efficient energy utilization and are also responsive to environmental needs.

Load Calculation

The objectives of load calculations can be obtained not only through providing
accurate methods of calculation but also through understanding the basis for the
loads. The load calculations can be used to accomplish one or more of the following:
 To provide information for equipment selection and HVAC system design;
 To provide data for evaluation of the optimum possibilities for load reduction;
and / or
 To permit analysis of partial loads as required for system design, operation
and control.

In air-conditioning design, there are three (3) distinct but related heat flow rates,
each of which varies with time:
1. Heat Gain or Heat Loss;
2. Cooling Load or Heating Load; and
3. Heat Extraction or Heat Addition Rate.

Heat gain, or perhaps more correctly, instantaneous rate of heat gain, is the
rate at which heat enters or is generated within a space at a given instant of time.
There are two (2) ways that heat gain is classified – the manner in which heat enters
the space and the type of heat gain.

The components of the load source which enters a space can be summarized
as follows:
1. Heat conduction through exterior walls and roof;
2. Solar radiation and heat gain through transparent surfaces such as
3. Heat conduction through interior partition walls, ceilings, and floors;
4. Loads as a result of ventilation and infiltration of outdoor air;
5. Heat generated within the space by occupants, lights, appliances,
equipment and processes; and
6. Other miscellaneous heat gains.

There are two distinct components of the air-conditioning load classified by the
type of heat gain: the sensible heat load (heat gain); and the latent heat load (water
vapor gain).
Sensible heat gain is the direct addition of heat to a space, which shall result
in an increase in space temperature. The factors influencing sensible heat loads are:
1. Solar and transmission heat gain through exterior walls, roof, floors, etc.;
2. Transmission eat gain through partition walls;
3. Ventilation and infiltration through cracks in the building, doors, and
4. Occupants;
5. Heat generated by appliances and equipment; and
6. Lights.

Latent heat gain is the heat contained in water vapor. Latent heat does not
cause a temperature rise, but it constitutes a load on the cooling equipment. Latent
load is the heat that must be removed to condense the moisture out of the air. The
factors influencing latent heat loads are:

1. Ventilation and infiltration through cracks in the building, doors, and

2. Occupants; and
3. Heat generated by appliances and equipment.


Sensible Heat Gains

Number of Sensible Latent

People Activity Heat (W) Heat

20 Athletics 210 315

50 Seating 75 40

60 Standing 75 75

Hours after Each Entry into

Total Hours in Space Space

6 0.50
Qathletics = (qp-athletics)(No-athletics)(CLFp)
= (210 W)(20)(0.50)
Qathletics = 2100 W
Qseating = (qp-seating)(No-seating)(CLFp)
= (75 W)(50)(0.50)
Qseating = 1875 W
Qstanding = (qp-standing)(No-standing)(CLFp)
= (75 W)(60)(0.50)
Qstanding = 2250 W
Qs = Qathletics + Qseating + Qstanding
= 2100 W + 1875 W + 2250 W
Qs = 6225 W
External wall

Material Thickness (m) Resistance
(m2 K / W)

External Surface – 0.029

0.200 0.38

Batt Insulation 0.0800 1.94

Sheathing (Fiber .013 .23

0.015 0.08
Air Space
– .17

Internal Surface – 0.12

Total 2.949
Uwall = 0.3391 2
m −K
Uglass = 5.9 2
m −K
Qs = UA(T2 – T1)

East Wall and West Wall

Lw = 41.94 m
ww = 9.29 m
Ld = 2.00 m
wd = 2.10 m
Lg = 7.6 m
wg = 1.0 m

Areatotal = Lw x ww
= 41.94 m x 9.29 m
Areatotal = 389.6226 m2
Areaglass = Lg x wg
= 7.6 m x 1 m
Areaglass = 7.6 m2
Areadoor = Ld x wd
= 2.00m x 2.10 m
Areadoor = 4.2 m2
Areawall = Areatotal – 4Areaglass – Areadoor
= 389.6226 m2 - 7.6 m2 - 4.2 m2
Areawall = 355.0226 m2

Qs1 = UwallAwall(T2 – T1)

= 0.3391 2 x 355.0226 m2 x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs1 = 481.5527 W

Qs2 = Uglass4Aglass(T2 – T1)

= 5.9 2x 4(7.6 m2) x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs2 = 825.056 W
Qs3 = UdoorAdoor(T2 – T1)
= 5.9 2x 4.2 m2 x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs3 = 113.988 W
Qtotal = Qs1 + Qs2 + Qs3
= 481.5527 W + 825.056 W + 113.988 W
Qtotal = 1420.5967 W

North Wall

2.39 m

h = √ c 2−a 2
= √ (14.43 m)2 −(2.39 m)2
h = 14.1901 m
Awall = (Lwall x wwall) + 2( )(b)(h)
= (41.94 m x 9.29 m) + (2.39 m x 14.43 m)
Awall = 425.236 m2
Qs = UwallAwall(T2 – T1)
= 0.3391 2 x 425.236 m2 x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs = 663.3086

South Wall


Areaglass1 = 8(L x w)
= 8(1.94 m x 2.47 m)
Areaglass1 = 38.3344 m2
Areaglass2 = 2(L x w)
= 2(3.89 m x 1.81 m)
Areaglass2 = 14.0818 m2
Areaglass3 = L x w
= 5.05 m x 1.76 m
Areaglass3 = 8.888 m2
Areaglass4 = 2[(L1w1) – (L2w2)]
= 2[(3.89 m x 3.78 m) – (2.13 m x 2.10 m)]
Areaglass4 = 20.4624 m2
Areaglass5 = 3(L x w)
= 3(1.93 m x 1.19 m)
Areaglass5 = 6.8901 m2

Areaglass-total = Areaglass1 + Areaglass2 + Areaglass3 + Areaglass4 + Areaglass5

= 38.3344 m2 + 14.0818 m2 + 8.888 m2 + 20.4624 m2 + 6.8901 m2
Areaglass-total = 88.6567 m2
Qs = UglassAglass(T2 – T1)
= 5.9 2 x 88.6567 m2 x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs = 2406.1428 W


Areawall1 = 2[(Lwallwwall) – (Lwindowwwindow)]

= 2[(9.29 m x 9.61 m) – (8.38 m x 2.72 m)]
Areawall1 = 132.9666 m2
Areawall2 = 2(Lwallwwall)
= 2(9.29 m x 2.96 m)
Areawall2 = 54.968 m2
Areawall3 = (Lwall)(wwall) – (Lgwindow)(wgwindow)
= (9.26 m x 9.89 m) – (8.57 m x 8.35 m)
Areawall3 = 14.373 m2
Areawall-total = Awall1 + Awall2 + Awall3
= 132.9666 m2 + 54.968 m2 + 14.373 m2
Areawall-total = 202.3076 m2

Qs = UwallAwall(T2 – T1)
= 0.3391 2 x 202.3076 m2 (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs = 315.5715 W

Qt = Qsglass + Qswall
= 315.5715 W + 2406.1428 W
Qt = 2721.7143 W


Thermal Thermal
Material Thickness (m) Conductivity Resistance
(W / m K) (m2 K / W)
Asph Roll Roof
– – 0.02642
Bldg Paper Felt
– – 0.01057
Wood Sft ¾ ’’
0.019049 0.115440 0.16501
Minwool Batt R11
– – 1.54096
with 2x4 Frame
Gypsum Board
0.015879 0.160266 0.09908
5/8 ’’ (GP02)

Total 1.84204

Type 2
25 mm wood with 25 mm insulation
Without suspended ceiling
12 noon
Uroof = 0.5429 2
m −K
L = 46.41 m
w = 33.28 m

Aroof = L x w
= 46.41 m x 33.28 m
Aroof = 1544.5248 m2

Qs1 = UroofAroof(T2 – T1)

= 0.5429 2 x 1544.5248 m2 x (26.6 – 22)K
m −K
Qs1 = 3857.2036 W
Qs2 = UA[CLTD + (25 – T1) + (T2 – 29)]
= 0 5429 2 x 1544.5248 m2 [(29) + (25 – 22) + (26.6 – 29)]
m −K
Qs2 = 24820. 2664 W
Qt = Qs1 + Qs2
= 3857.2036 W + 24820.2664 W
Qt = 28677.47 W


Lamp Wattage Number of Lamps

35 25

Fixture X, 6 hours after lights are turned on,10 hours of operation

Qs = (lamp rating in watts)(Fu)(Fb)(CLFL)
= 35 W x x 1.2 x 0.78
Qs = 6.552 W

Other Sources

Description Sensible Latent Quantity Total

Heat Heat Heat
Wide Voltage
Shot Clock Basketball 70 W – 1 pc 70 W
Microphone Pyle Home 70 W – 1 pc 70
Amplifier PT110

Qs = Qs-shotc lock + Qs-microphone

= 70 W + 70 W
Qs = 140 W

Latent Heat Gains


Qs Number of Sensible Latent =

People Activity Heat (W) Heat
(qp (W) )
(No 20 Athletics 210 315 )

50 Seating 75 40

60 Standing 75 75

Qathletics = (qp-athletics)(No-athletics)(CLFp)
= (210 W)(20)(1)
Qathletics = 4200 W
Qseating = (qp-seating)(No-seating)(CLFp)
= (75 W)(50)(1)
Qseating = 3750 W
Qstanding = (qp-standing)(No-standing)(CLFp)
= (75 W)(60)(1)
Qstanding = 4500 W
Qs = Qathletics + Qseating + Qstanding
= 4200 W + 3750 W +4500 W
Qs = 12450 W
Over-all Heat Gain
QT = QS + QL
= QT-walls + QT-occupants + QT-lightings + QT-othersources + (QT-occupants)
= 30619.4555 W + 4284.2308 W + 6225 W + 6.522 W + 140 W + 12450 W
QT = 53725.2083 W = 54 kW

Isometric View

Front View
Left Side View

Right Side View

Rear View
Top View
The matter of acceptable air quality and comfortable environmental conditions in
this building where a maximum capability of 200 spectators is foreseen, is the major
concern. Proper ventilation and supply of fresh air play a significant role in controlling
the indoor air quality and thermal comfort for the intense metabolism due to the
overcrowding of people.
The efficiency of a ventilation system can be evaluated through investigation of
environmental factors such as the quality of supply air, the thermal comfort conditions of
the occupied space and the level of airborne contaminants therein.
With the computed load of approximately 54 kW, the authors decided to use 2
type of air conditioning unit. Both floor mounted but with different cooling capacity. One
with 48.9 kW and one 5 kW, combining the cooling capacity of the two unit will meet the
calculated heat load. Providing the comfort of the occupants and the players needed.
Below are the types of units the authors used:

Item Name Note

1 Inlet Grille  
2 Fresh Air Inlet  
3 Outlet Grille  
4 Refrigerant Inlet (NO1) Φ12.7 Connected by Flare Nut
5 Refrigerant Outlet (NO1) Φ15.88 Connected by Flare Nut
6 Refrigerant Inlet (NO2) Φ12.7 Connected by Flare Nut
7 Refrigerant Outlet (NO2) Φ15.88 Connected by Flare Nut
8 Condensed Liquid Drain FPT 1"
9 Emergency Drain FPT 1/2"
10 Operation Cover  
11 Opening Width of Operation Cover  
12 Wiring Hole for Power Line Φ62 (Knock out Hole)
13 Wiring Hole for Outdoor Unit Φ32.5 (Knock out Hole)
14 Installation Fixture Hole 4-Φ15x25

15 Backside Intake  

Item Name Note

1 Air Inlet  
2 Air Outlet  
3 Refrigerant Inlet (NO1) Φ12.7 Connected by Phosphorus Copper Welding
4 Refrigerant Outlet (NO1) Φ15.88 Connected by Phosphorus Copper Welding
5 Refrigerant Inlet (NO2) Φ12.7 Connected by Phosphorus Copper Welding
6 Refrigerant Outlet (NO2) Φ15.88 Connected by Phosphorus Copper Welding
7 Wiring Hole for Fan Φ12
8 Service Cover  
9 Installation Screw Hole 6-Φ12.5
10 Hoist Bolt  


For air conditioner

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