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iF70DT/DS iF70T/S iF80DT/DS iF80T/S: Instruction Manual

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IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.

18 4:26 PM Page a (1,1)


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful

The photo shows the IC-F70DT/T or

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page i (1,1)


READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com- This device made under license under one or more of the fol-
pletely before using the transceiver. lowing US patents: #4,590,473, #4,636,791, #5,148,482,
SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This #5,185,796, #5,271,017, #5,377,229.
instruction manual contains important operating instructions
for the IC-F70DT/F70DS/F70T/F70S VHF TRANSCEIVERS The IMBE™ voice coding Technology embodied in this prod-
and IC-F80DT/F80DS/F80T/F80S UHF TRANSCEIVERS. uct is protected by intellectual property rights including patent
rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems,
Inc. This voice coding Technology is licensed solely for use
within this Communications Equipment. The user of this
EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS Technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decom-
pile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in
WORD DEFINITION any other way convert the Object Code into a human-readable
Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shock form. U.S. Pat. Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974,
RWARNING may occur. #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656,
#5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084, #5,195,166.
CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.
If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk
NOTE of personal injury, fire or electric shock.

Icom, Icom Inc. and the logo are registered trademarks of Icom
Incorporated (Japan) in the United states, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.
All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective holders.
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page ii (1,1)

R CAUTION! NEVER hold the transceiver so that the DO NOT modify the transceiver for any reason.
antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the Optional unit installation should be done at authorized Icom
body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. The service center only.
transceiver will perform best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm The waterproof capability of the transceiver cannot be guar-
(2 to 4 in.) away from the lips and the transceiver is vertical. anteed if you install an unit yourself, or have it done at a non-
authorised dealer/service center.
R CAUTION! NEVER operate the transceiver with a
headset or other audio accessories at high volume levels. BE CAREFUL! The IC-F70/F80 series transceivers
employ waterproof construction, which corresponds to IPX
R CAUTION! NEVER short the terminals of the bat- waterproof specification, Grade 7 (1 m depth for 30 min.).
tery pack. However, once the transceiver has been dropped, water-
DO NOT push PTT when not actually desiring to transmit. proofing cannot be guaranteed due to the fact that the trans-
ceiver may be cracked, or the waterproof seal damaged, etc.
AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight or
in areas with temperatures below –30°C (–22°F) or above For U.S.A. only
+60°C (+140°F). CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, not
The basic operations, transmission and reception of the trans- expressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority to
ceiver are guaranteed within the specified operating temper- operate this transceiver under FCC regulations.
ature range. However, the LCD display may not be operate
correctly, or show an indication in the case of long hours of
operation, or after being placed in extremely cold areas.

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IMPORTANT .................................................................................... i ■ Auto emergency transmission .............................................. 28
EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ................................................................. i ■ Stun function ........................................................................ 28
ABOUT APCO PROJECT 25 ........................................................... i ■ BIIS indication ...................................................................... 29
PRECAUTIONS .............................................................................. ii ■ Priority A channel selection .................................................. 29
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. iii 5 BATTERY CHARGING ...................................................... 30–32
1 ACCESSORIES ..................................................................... 1–3 ■ Battery charging ................................................................... 30
■ Supplied accessories ............................................................. 1 ■ Battery caution ..................................................................... 30
■ Accessory attachments .......................................................... 1 ■ Optional battery chargers ..................................................... 31
2 PANEL DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 4–11 6 BATTERY CASE ..................................................................... 33
■ Front panel ............................................................................. 4 ■ Optional battery case (BP-237) ............................................ 33
■ Function display ..................................................................... 6 7 SWIVEL BELT CLIP .......................................................... 34–35
■ Programmable function keys .................................................. 7 ■ MB-93 contents .................................................................... 34
3 BASIC OPERATION .......................................................... 12–18 ■ To attach ............................................................................... 34
■ Turning power ON ................................................................ 12 ■ To detach .............................................................................. 35
■ Channel selection ................................................................. 12 8 SPEAKER-MICROPHONE ...................................................... 36
■ Call procedure ...................................................................... 13 ■ Optional HM-138 description ................................................ 36
■ Receiving and transmitting ................................................... 13 ■ Attachment ........................................................................... 36
■ User set mode ...................................................................... 17 9 OPTIONS ........................................................................... 37–39
■ Scrambler function ............................................................... 18 10 SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION ................................ 40–41
4 BIIS OPERATION .............................................................. 19–29
■ Default setting ...................................................................... 19
■ Receiving a call .................................................................... 19
■ Transmitting a call ................................................................ 21
■ Receiving a message ........................................................... 23
■ Transmitting a status ............................................................ 25
■ Transmitting an SDM (Short Data Message) ........................ 26
■ Position data transmission ................................................... 27
■ Printer connection ................................................................ 28
■ Digital ANI ............................................................................ 28

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■ Supplied accessories ■ Accessory attachments 1
The following accessories are supplied: Qty. D Flexible antenna
q Flexible antenna ……………………………………………1 Connect the supplied flexible anten-
w Battery pack …………………………………………………1 na to the antenna connector.
e Belt clip ………………………………………………………1
r Connector cover (with screw) …………………………1 set CAUTION!
• NEVER HOLD by the antenna
when carrying the transceiver.
• Transmitting without an antenna
q w e may damage the transceiver.

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ï Battery pack D Belt clip

To attach the battery pack: To attach the belt clip:
Slide the battery pack in the direction of the arrow (q), then q Release the battery pack if it is attached.
lock it with the battery release button. w Slide the belt clip in the direction of the arrow until the belt
• Slide the battery pack until the battery release button makes a ‘click’ clip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.
To release the battery pack:
Slide the battery release button in the direction of the arrow
(w) as shown below. The battery pack is then released.
NEVER release or attach the battery pack when the trans-
ceiver is wet or soiled. This may result water or dust get-
ting into the transceiver/battery pack and may result in the
transceiver being damaged.

To detach the belt clip:

q Release the battery pack if it is attached.
w Pinch the clip (q), and slide the belt clip in the direction of
the arrow (w).


Battery release button

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ï Connector cover 1
Attach the connector cover when the optional speaker-micro-
phone is not used.

To attach the connector To detach the connector

cover: cover:
q Insert the connector cover e Unscrew the screw using
into the multi-connector. a phillips screwdriver.
w Tighten the screw. r Detach the connector
cover for the speaker-
microphone connection.



w e


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■ Front panel
e Push and hold for a specified period to transmit an emer-
r gency call.
t • Desired function can be programmed by your dealer. (p. 7)
Speaker ➥ Lights green while receiving a signal, or when the
y squelch is open.
!1 Microphone ➥ Lights red while transmitting.
!0 Connect the optional speaker-microphone.

o Connector cover
NOTE: Attach the connec-
tor cover when the optional
speaker-microphone is not
used. (See p. 3 for details)
Rotate to turn the power ON/OFF and adjusts the audio
level. u FUNCTION DISPLAY (p. 6)
w ROTARY SELECTOR Displays a variety of information, such as an operating
Rotate to select the pre-programmed memory channels or channel number/name, 5-tone code, DTMF numbers and
the operating zone. audible condition, etc.
(Depending on the pre-setting) i DEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYS
Desired functions can be programmed independently by
your dealer. (p. 7)
Connects the supplied antenna.
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o 10-KEYPAD (IC-F70DT/F70T or IC-F80DT/F80T only) !1 PTT SWITCH [PTT] 2

The keypad allows you to enter digits to: ➥ Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.
• Select memory channels, tone channels and DTMF codes (dur- ➥ Push to transmit the call during BIIS operation, depend-
ing transmission). ing on the setting.
• Set TX codes and BIIS status number.
• Input text message for SDM operation. !2 UP/DOWN SWITCHES
• Start up with a password. ➥ Push to select an operating channel.
• Input the Individual ID code for digital operation. ➥ Push to select a TX code channel after pushing
➥ Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMF].
➥ Mute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelch
➥ Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding
mute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute while
pushing and holding this key. (LMR operation only)
➥ Push to select a BIIS code, status number or SDM
➥ Activates one of (or two of) the following functions on
(Short Data Message) after pushing [DIGITAL].
each channel independently.
• Desired functions can be programmed independently by your
(PMR or BIIS PMR operation only) dealer. (p. 7)
• Push and hold the key to unmute the channel (audio is
emitted; ‘audible’ condition).
• Push the key to toggle the mute and unmute conditions
(toggles ‘audible’ and ‘inaudible’).
• Push the key to mute the channel (sets to ‘inaudible’ only).
• Push the key to unmute the channel (sets to ‘audible’ only).
• Push the key after communication is finished to send a ‘reset
• Push the key after communication is finished to send a ‘clear
down code’ during BIIS operation on a BIIS channel.
NOTE: The unmute condition (‘audible’ conditions)
may automatically return to the mute condition
(‘inaudible’ condition) after a specified period.
• Desired function can be programmed by your dealer. (p. 7)
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■ Function display
Appears when the voice scrambler function is activated.
Appears/blinks when the specific 2/5-tone/BIIS code is
received, according to the pre-programming.
!0 Appears when the call code memory is selected.
Appears when the SDM memory is selected.
Appears or blinks when the battery power decreases to a
Indicates relative signal strength level.
w LOW POWER INDICATOR ➥ Displays an operating channel number, channel name,
Appears when low output power is selected. Set mode contents, DTMF code, etc.
e AUDIBLE INDICATOR ➥ The indication mode can be selected from 1 line or 2
➥ Appears when the channel is in the ‘audible’ (unmute) lines. Ask your dealer for details.
condition. • In this instruction manual, the LCD illustration is described
using the 2 lines indication mode.
➥ Appears when the specified 2/5-tone/BIIS code is
received. !1 KEY INDICATOR
r COMPANDER INDICATOR Indicate the programmed function of the front panel keys
Appears when the compander function is activated. ([P0], [P1], [P2] and [P3]).

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■ Programmable function keys

The following functions can be assigned to [EMERGENCY], What is “zone”?— The desired channels are assigned 2
[UP], [DOWN], [MONITOR], [P0], [P1], [P2] and [P3] pro- into a zone according to the intended use for grouping. For
grammable function keys. example, ‘Staff A’ and ‘Staff B’ are assigned into a
Consult your Icom dealer or system operator for details con- “Business” zone, and ‘John’ and ‘Cindy’ are assigned into a
cerning your transceivers programming. “Private” zone.
If the programmable function names are bracketed in the fol-
lowing explanations, the specific key is used to activate the SCAN A START/STOP KEY “SCNA”
function depends on the programming. ➥ This key’s operation depends on the Power ON Scan setting.
When the power ON scan function is turned OFF;
CH UP AND DOWN KEYS “UP” “DOWN” Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case of
➥ Push to select an operating channel. transmission during scan, cancels scanning.
➥ Push to select a transmit code channel after pushing [TX When the power ON scan function is turned ON;
Code CH Select]. Push to pause scanning. Scanning resumes after a speci-
➥ Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMF fied time period has passed. In case of transmission during
Autodial]. scan, pauses scanning. Scanning resumes after a specified
➥ Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding time period has passed after the transmission is finished.
[Scan A Start/Stop]/[Scan B Start/Stop]. ➥ Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scan group,
➥ Push to select a BIIS code, status number or SDM after then select the desired group using [CH Up]/[CH Down].
pushing [Digital].
➥ Push to select an Individual ID code or Talkgroup ID code SCAN B START/STOP KEY “SCNB”
after pushing [Individual] or [Talkgroup]. ➥ Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case of
transmission during scan, pauses scanning. Scanning
ZONE KEY “ZONE” resumes after a specified time period has passed after the
Push this key, then select the desired zone using [CH Up]/ transmission is finished.
[CH Down]. ➥ Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scan
group, then select the desired group using [CH Up]/
[CH Down].

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Push to add or delete the selected channel to/from the scan Push to turn the transceiver’s backlight ON temporarily only
group. when the backlight function is turned OFF in user set mode.


➥ Push to select Priority A or Priority B channel. ➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. to electronically lock all program-
➥ Push and hold [Prio A (Rewrite)] or [Prio B (Rewrite)] to mable keys except the following:
rewrite the Priority A or Priority B channel to the selected [Call] (incl. Call A and Call B), [Moni(Audi)] and [Emergency].
channel. ➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. again to turn the lock function OFF.

MR-CH 1/2/3/4 KEYS “CH1”/“CH2”/“CH3”/“CH4” HIGH/LOW KEY “H/L”

Push to select an operating channel directly. Push to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-
manently, depending on the pre-setting.
MONI (AUDI) KEY “MON” • Ask your dealer for the output power level for each selection.
➥ Mute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelch
mute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute while push- C.TONE CH ENT KEY “TSEL”
ing this key. (LMR operation only) Push to select the continuous tone channel using [CH Up]/
➥ Activates one of (or two of) the following functions on each [CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code setting. The
channel independently: (PMR or BIIS PMR operation only) selected channel remains set as the continuous tone chan-
• Push and hold to un-mute the channel (audio is emitted; ‘Audible’ nel until another channel is designated as such.
• Push to mute the channel (sets to ‘Inaudible’ only). TALK AROUND KEY “TA”
• Push to un-mute the channel (sets to ‘Audible’ only). Push to turn the talk around function ON and OFF.
• Push after the communication is finished to send a ‘reset code’. • The talk around function equalizes the transmit frequency to the
NOTE: The un-mute condition (‘Audible’ condition) may receive frequency for transceiver-to-transceiver communication.
automatically return to the mute condition (‘Inaudible‘ con-
dition) after a specified period depending on programming. WIDE/NARROW KEY “W/N”
Push to toggle the IF bandwidth between wide and narrow.
• The wide passband width can be selected from 25.0 or 20.0 kHz
operation only) Ask your Dealer for details.
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➥ Push to enter the DTMF channel selection mode. Then Push to turn the surveillance function ON or OFF.
select the desired DTMF channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down]. When this function is turned ON, the beep is not emitted and 2
➥ After selecting the desired DTMF channel, push this key to the LCD backlight does not light when a signal is received or
transmit the DTMF code. a key is pushed, etc.


Push to transmit the last-transmitted DTMF code. (PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)
Push to enter the ID code edit mode directly, for both 5-tone
CALL KEYS “CALL”/“CALA”/“CALB” and BIIS. Then set the desired digit using [CH Up]/
Push to transmit a 2/5-tone/BIIS ID code. [CH Down] or 10-keypad*. (p. 15)
• Call transmission is necessary before calling another station *IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only
depending on your signalling system.
• [Call A] and/or [Call B] may be available when your system employs TX CODE CHANNEL SELECT KEY “TXC”
selective ‘Individual/Group’ calls. Ask your dealer which call is ➥ Push to enter the ID code channel selection mode directly.
assigned to each key.
Then set the desired channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down].
(p. 14)
➥ During ID code channel selection mode, push for 1 sec. to
➥ Push and hold for a specified period to transmit an emer-
enter the ID code edit mode for 5-tone and BIIS. Then set
gency call.
the desired digit using [CH Up]/[CH Down] or 10-keypad*.
➥ When [Emergency Single (Silent)] or [Emergency Repeat
(p. 15)
(Silent)] is pushed, an emergency call is transmitted without
*IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only
a beep emission and LCD indication change.*
• If you want to cancel the emergency call, push (or push and
hold) the key again before transmitting the call.
• The emergency call is transmitted one time only or repeatedly Push to select a TX code channel directly.
until receiving a control code depending on the pre-setting.
*BIIS PMR operation only

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(PMR or BIIS PMR operation only) ➥ Push to select the call ID list, transmit message and stand-
➥ Recalls detected ID codes. by condition. Toggles between queue channel and
• Push this key, then select the ID code using [CH Up]/[CH Down]. received message record indication after queue channel is
• Up to 5 ID’s are memorized. selected.
➥ Push and hold to erase the selected ID’s. ➥ Push and hold to select queue channel indication.


Push to toggle the voice scrambler function ON and OFF. (BIIS operation only)
➥ While in the standby condition, push to display the trans-
COMPANDER KEY “COMP” mit status indication and select a status number.
Push to toggle the compander function ON and OFF. ➥ When a received SDM is displayed, push to cancel the
The compander function reduces noise components from the automatic scroll and scroll the message manually.
transmitted audio to provide clear communication. ➥ When an SDM that contains more than 12 characters is
displayed, push to scroll the message manually.
➥ Push and hold to enter user set mode.
• During user set mode, push this key to select an item, and
change the value or condition using push [CH Up]/[CH Down].
➥ Push and hold this key again to exit user set mode.
User set mode is also available via the ‘Power ON function.’
Refer to p. 17 also.


Push to control the output signal level of the optional ports in
the optional unit connector.


Push and hold to control the output signal level of the option-
al ports in the optional unit connector.
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TONE/NAC CH SELECT KEY “TSEL” D For Digital mode operation only

(LMR (P25 Conventional) operation only) INDIVIDUAL KEY “INDV”
➥ While in the analog mode operation, push to select the Push to enter the individual ID code selection mode directly. 2
continuous tone channel using [CH Up] or [CH Down] to Then select the desired individual ID code using [CH Up]/[CH
change the tone frequency/code setting. Down]. (p. 16)
➥ While in the digital mode operation, push to select the NAC
channel using [CH Up] or [CH Down] to change the NAC TALKGROUP KEY “TGID”
code setting. Push to enter the talkgroup ID code selection mode directly.
➥ While in the mixed (digital and analog) mode operation, Then select the desired talkgroup ID code using [CH Up]/[CH
push to select the continuous tone channel using [CH Up] Down]. (p. 16)
or [CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code setting.
Then push this key to enter the setting. After that, the NAC
channel selection screen appears. Select the NAC chan-
nel using [CH Up] or [CH Down] to change the NAC code
setting. Then push this key to enter the setting.

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■ Turning power ON ■ Channel selection

Prior to using the transceiver for the first time, the battery Several types of channel selections are available. Methods
pack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation. may differ according to your system set up.
(P. 30)
q Rotate [VOL] to turn the power ON. Push [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELECTOR]*
w If the transceiver is programmed for a start up password, to select the desired operating channel, in sequence; or, push
input the digit codes as directed by your dealer. one of [MR-CH 1] to [MR-CH 4] keys to select a channel
• 10-keypad* can be used for password input. directly.
*IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only • Up to 16 pre-programmed channels can be selected via [ROTARY
• The keys as below can be used for password input: SELECTOR].
The transceiver detects numbers in the same block as identical.
Therefore “01234” and “56789” are the same. ZONE TYPE:
Push [Zone] then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] or rotate
[VOL] [ROTARY SELECTOR]* to select the desired zone.
*Depending on the pre-setting.


Channel setting is not necessary for this type. When turning
power ON, the transceiver automatically starts scanning.
Scanning stops when receiving a call.

[P0]/[P1]/ 0 1 2 3 4
[P2]/[P3] 5 6 7 8 9

e When the “PASSWORD” indication does not clear after

inputting 6 digits, the input code number may be incorrect.
Turn the power off and start over in this case.

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■ Call procedure ■ Receiving and transmitting

When your system employs tone signaling (excluding CTCSS Receiving:
and DTCS), the call procedure may be necessary prior to voice q Rotate [VOL] to turn the power ON. 3
transmission. The tone signalling employed may be a selec- w Push [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-
tive calling system which allows you to call specific station(s) TOR]* to select a channel in sequence.
only and prevent unwanted stations from contacting you. *Depending on the pre-setting.
q Select the desired TX code channel, 2/5-tone code, e When receiving a call, adjust the audio output level to a
Individual ID code* or Talkgroup ID code* according to comfortable listening level.
your System Operator’s instructions.
• This may not be necessary depending on programming. Transmitting:
• Refer to pgs. 14–16 for selection. Wait for the channel to become clear to avoid interference.
*Digital mode operation only. q Push [CALL] when initiating a call from your side.
w Push the call key (assigned to one of the dealer program- • Coded audio may be heard from the transceiver, then “ ”
mable keys; except for the Digital mode operation) or [PTT]. appears.
e After transmitting, the remainder of your communication • This operation may not be necessary depending on your signal-
can be carried out in the normal fashion. ing system. Ask your dealer for details.
Selective calling Non-selective calling w While pushing and holding [PTT], speak into the micro-
phone at your normal voice level.
e Release [PTT] to return to receive.

IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your signal;

1. Pause briefly after pushing [PTT].
2. Hold the microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) from
your mouth, then speak into the microphone at a normal
voice level.

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D Transmitting notes D TX code channel selection

• Transmit inhibit function If the transceiver has [TX Code CH Select] assigned to it, the
The transceiver has several inhibit functions which restrict indication can be toggled between the operating channel
transmission under the following conditions: number (or name) and TX code channel number (or name).
- The channel is in mute condition (‘Inaudible’ condition; When the TX code channel number (or name) is displayed,
“ ” does not appear.) [CH Up] or [CH Down] selects the TX code channel.
- The channel is busy.
- Un-matched (or matched) CTCSS is received. USING [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY:
(Depending on the pre-setting.) q Push [TX Code CH Select]—a TX code channel number
- Un-matched (or matched) NAC is received.* (or name) appears.
(Depending on the pre-setting.) w Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired TX code
- The selected channel is a ‘receive only’ channel. channel.
*Digital mode operation only. e Push [Call] (or [PTT] during BIIS operation) to transmit the
• Time-out timer selected TX code.
After continuous transmission for the pre-programmed time
period, the time-out timer is activated, causing the transceiv- USING [TX CODE CH UP]/[TX CODE CH DOWN] KEY:
er to stop transmitting. If the transceiver has a [TX Code CH Up] or [TX Code CH
• Penalty timer Down] key assignment, the programmed TX code channel
Once the time-out timer is activated, transmission is further can be selected directly when pushed.
inhibited for a period determined by the penalty timer. NOTE for PMR or BIIS PMR operation:
• The LCD indication does not change when the operating
channel number (or name) is displayed. (Depending on
the pre-setting)
• To check the selected TX code, push [TX Code CH

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D TX code number edit

(PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)
If the transceiver has [TX Code CH Select] or [TX Code USING [TX CODE ENTER] KEY:
Enter] assigned to it, TX code contents can be edited within q Select the desired TX code channel via [TX Code CH 3
the allowable digits. Select]+[CH Up] or [CH Down], [TX Code CH Up] or [TX
Code CH Down].
USING [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY: w Push [TX Code Enter] to enter the TX code edit mode.
q Push [TX Code CH Select] to enter the TX code channel e Push [TX Code Enter] to select the desired digit to be edit-
selection mode. ed.
• Select the desired channel before entering the TX code channel • The digit to be edited blinks.
selection mode if necessary. r Push [CH Up], [CH Down] or 10-keypad* to set the desired
w Push and hold [TX Code CH Select] for 1 sec. to enter the digit.
TX code edit mode. t Push [TX Code Enter] to set the digit. The digit to the right
e Push [TX Code CH Select] to select the desired digit to be will blink automatically.
edited. • When the 10-keypad* is used for setting, the digit to the right will
• The digit to be edited blinks. blink automatically without pushing [TX Code CH Enter].
r Push [CH Up], [CH Down] or 10-keypad* to set the desired y Repeat r and t to input all allowable digits.
digit. u Push [Call] or [PTT] to transmit the edited TX code.
t Push [TX Code CH Select] to set the digit. The digit to the
right will blink automatically. *IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only
• When the 10-keypad* is used for setting, the digit to the right will
blink automatically without pushing [TX Code CH Select].
y Repeat r and t to input all allowable digits.
u Push [Call] or [PTT] to transmit the edited TX code.

*IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only

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D Individual ID code selection D Talkgroup ID code selection

(Digital mode operation only) (Digital mode operation only)
If the transceiver has [Individual] assigned to it, the indication If the transceiver has [Talkgroup] assigned to it, the indication
can be toggled between the operating channel number (or can be toggled between the operating channel number (or
name) and Individual ID code (or name). When the Individual name) and Talkgroup ID code (or name). When the Talkgroup
ID code (or name) is displayed, [CH Up] or [CH Down] selects ID code (or name) is displayed, [CH Up] or [CH Down] selects
the desired Individual ID code. the desired Talkgroup ID code.

q Push [Individual]— an Individual ID code (or name) q Push [Talkgroup]— a Talkgroup ID code (or name)
appears. appears.
w Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired w Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired
Individual ID code. Talkgroup ID code.
e Push [PTT] to transmit the selected Individual ID code. e Push [PTT] to transmit the selected Talkgroup ID code.
r Push [Individual]— cancels the selected Individual ID code r Change the channel— cancels the selected Talkgroup ID
(return to the pre-set Talkgroup ID code in the channel.) code (return to the pre-set Talkgroup ID code in the chan-

D DTMF transmission
If the transceiver has [DTMF Autodial] assigned to it, the auto-
matic DTMF transmission function is available. Up to 8 DTMF
channels are available.
q Push [DTMF Autodial]— a DTMF channel appears.
w Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired DTMF
e Push [DTMF Autodial] to transmit the DTMF code in the
selected DTMF channel.

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■ User set mode

User set mode is accessed at power ON and allows you to e Rotate [VOL] to turn the power
set seldom-changed settings. In this case you can “cus- OFF to exit set mode. [VOL] 3
tomize” the transceiver operation to suit your preferences and
operating style. NOTE: User set mode is also
available via a programmable
Entering the user set mode:
key. Please refer to p. 10 [User
q While pushing and holding [P1]
[VOL] Set Mode] section.
and [P2], rotate [VOL] to turn
the power ON. Then, push and
hold [P0] to enter user set


w Push [P0] several times to

select the appropriate item.
Then, push [Up] or [Down] to [Up]
set the desired level/condition. [Down]
• Available set mode functions are
Backlight, LCD Contrast, Beep,
Beep Level, SQL Level, AF Min
Level, Mic Gain, Vox Gain, Vox
Delay Battery Voltage and Signal
Moni. [P0]

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 18 (1,1)


■ Scrambler function
The voice scrambler function provides private communication
between stations. The frequency inversion type is equipped
to all versions, moreover, the optional Rolling or Non-rolling
type can be available.
q Push [Scrambler] to turn the scrambler function ON.
•“ ” appears.
w Push [Scrambler] again to turn the scrambler function
•“ ” disappears.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 19 (1,1)

■ Default setting ■ Receiving a call
The following functions are assigned to each programmable D Individual call
key as the default. However, the assigned function can be q When an individual call is received; 3
changed by your dealer. Ask your dealer for details. • Beeps sound.
During digital mode operation, BIIS is not available. • “ ” appears and the mute is released. 4
NOTE: [TX Code Enter] must be assigned to a key. • The programmed text message (e.g.“CALLING”) and the calling
station ID (or text) is displayed when the indication mode is 2
[P0]; Call : Push to transmit a 5-tone/BIIS call lines.
• The programmed text message (e.g.“CALLING”) and the calling
when the selected channel is a 5-tone
station ID (or text) is displayed alternately when the indication
or BIIS channel. mode is 1 line, depending on the setting.
• “CALL” is displayed on the key indicator. • “ ” appears or blinks depending on the setting.
[P1]; Digital : Push to select the call list ID/transmit
message, or to display the receive Appears Appears or
message record for selection.
• “BIFN” is displayed on the key indicator.
When this key is pushed, “BIFN” is
inverted as “ ”.
[P3]; TX Code Enter : Push to enter the ID code edit mode X

directly for both 5-tone and BIIS.

• “TXCE” is displayed on the key indicator.
w Push and hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone at a
[P2]; Null : No function is assigned. normal voice level.
• TX indicator lights red.
[MONI]; Moni(Audi) : Push this key after the communica-
e Release [PTT] to return to receive.
tion to send a ‘Clear down’ signal dur-
• BUSY indicator lights green while receiving a signal.
ing BIIS channel operation.
r To finish the conversation, push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to send
[Up]/[Down]; CH Up/Down
the ‘Clear down’ signal.
: While in the standby condition, • Either station can send a ‘Clear down’ signal.
selects the operating channel. • “CLR DOWN” is displayed for 2 sec. (approx.).
After pushing [Digital] or [TX Code • “ ” disappears and the transceiver returns to the standby condi-
CH Select], selects call list or TX code tion.
channel, respectively. 19
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 20 (1,1)


D Group call D Displaying the received call record

q When a group call is received; — Queue indication
• Beeps sound.
• “ ” appears and the mute is released. The transceiver memorizes the calling station ID in the mem-
• The programmed text message (e.g.“GROUP”) and the calling sta- ory. Up to 3 calls can be memorized, and the oldest call
tion ID (or text) is displayed when the indication mode is 2 lines. record is erased when a 4th call is received. However, once
• The programmed text message (e.g.“GROUP”) and the calling the transceiver is powered OFF, the all records are cleared.
station ID (or text) is displayed alternately when the indication
mode is 1 line, depending on the setting. q Push and hold [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec.
• “ ” appears or blinks depending on the setting. • Displays following indication.
Appears Appears or blinks When a record is available


w Push and hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone at a When no record is available
normal voice level.
• TX indicator lights red.
NOTE: Only one station is permitted to speak.
e Release [PTT] to return to receive.
• BUSY indicator lights green while receiving a signal.
r To finish the conversation, push [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) X
to send the ‘Clear down’ signal.
• Either station can send a ‘Clear down’ signal. w Push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired call.
• “CLR DOWN” is displayed for 2 sec. (approx.) e Push and hold [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. again to return to the
• “ ” disappears and the transceiver returns to the standby con- standby condition.
dition. • When no operation is performed for 30 sec., the transceiver
returns to the standby condition automatically.
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 21 (1,1)


■ Transmitting a call
A total of 3 ways for code selection are available—selecting D Calling back from the queue channel
the call code from memory, entering the call code from the q While in the standby condition, push and hold [P1] (Digital)
keypad and calling back from the queue channel record. for 1 sec. to enter the queue memory channel selection
mode. 4
D Using call memory w Push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired record.
q While in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) to enter
the call code memory channel selection mode.
•“ ” appears.

e Push [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call.

*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.
X NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans-
ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically,
w Push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired call code. and “WAIT” is displayed during each call. However, an
e Push [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call. error beep sounds and “FAILED” is displayed when no
*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted. answer back is received after the calls.
NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans- r Push [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.
ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically, t Push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’ signal.
and “WAIT” is displayed during each call. However, an
error beep sounds and “FAILED” is displayed when no
answer back is received after the calls.
r Push [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.
t Push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’ signal.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 22 (1,1)


D Direct code entry

q While in the standby condition, push [P3] (TX Code Enter) u Push [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.
to enter the TX code edit mode. i Push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’ signal.
• Code digit for editing blinks.
For your information
When the “UpDate” setting for the call code is enabled, the
set code is overwritten into the call code memory.

w Push [P3] (TX Code Enter) to select the desired digit to be

• Digit for editing differs according to the setting.
e Set the desired digit using [CH Up]/[CH Down] or 10-key-
*IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only
r Push [P3] (TX Code Enter) to set the digit, then the digit
to the right will blink automatically.
• When the 10-keypad is used for setting, the digit to the right will
blink automatically without pushing [P3] (TX Code Enter).
t Repeat e and r to input all allowable digits.
y Push [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call.
*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.
NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans-
ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically,
and “WAIT” is displayed during each call. However, an
error beep sounds and “FAILED” is displayed when no
answer back is received after the calls.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 23 (1,1)


■ Receiving a message
D Receiving a status message D Receiving an SDM (Short Data Message)
q When a status message is received; q When an SDM is received;
• Beeps sound. • Beeps sound.
• The calling station ID (or text) and the status message is dis- • The calling station ID (or text) and the SDM is displayed alter- 4
played alternately when the indication mode is 1 line, depending nately when the indication mode is 1 line, depending on the set-
on the setting. ting.


w Push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to return to the standby condition. w When the received SDM includes more than 12 charac-
NOTE: Only the calling station ID (or text) is displayed ters, the message scrolls automatically, when the auto-
(no message is displayed alternately) when the scroll matic scroll function is activated.
• Push [Status Up]/[Status Down] to scroll the message manually.
timer is set to ‘OFF.’ In this case, push [Status Up]/
[Status Down] to display the status message manually.


e Push [P4] (Moni(Audi)) to return to the standby condition.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 24 (1,1)


D Received message selection

The transceiver memorizes the received message in the e Push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired message.
memory. Up to 6 messages for status and SDM, or 95 char- • When selecting the SDM that includes more than 12 characters,
acter SDM’s can be memorized. The oldest message is the message scrolls automatically when the automatic scroll
erased when the 7th message is received. However, once the function is activated.
• Push [Status Up]/[Status Down] to scroll the message manually.
transceiver is powered OFF, all messages are cleared.
r Push and hold [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. again to return to the
q Push and hold [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. standby condition.
• Displays queue memory. • When no operation is performed for 30 sec., the transceiver
w Push [P1] (Digital) momentarily. returns to the standby condition automatically.
• Displays message memory.
When a message is available

When no message is available

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 25 (1,1)


■ Transmitting a status
D General D Transmitting a status
The status message can be selected with the programmed q While in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital), then
text, and the message text is also displayed on the function push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired station/group
display of the called station. code. 4
Up to 24 status types (1 to 24) are available, and the status w Push [P1] (Digital) again, then push [Up] or [Down] to
messages 22 and 24 have designated meanings. select the desired status message.
Status 22: Emergency* Or, you can select the desired status message using
Status 24: GPS request [Status Up]/[Status Down] key directly.
*The status 22 can also be used as a normal status message by
disabling the designated meaning. However, the status 24 is fixed.
The status call can be sent with both individual and group

Status message is displayed.

e Push [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to transmit the status message

to the selected station/group.
*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.
• 2 beeps will sound and the transceiver returns to the standby
condition automatically when the transmission is successful.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 26 (1,1)


■ Transmitting an SDM (Short Data Message)

D General D Programming an SDM memory
The short data message, SDM, can be sent to an individual (IC-F70DT/T or IC-F80DT/T only)
station or group stations. Also, 8 SDM memory channels are q During standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) twice, then
available and the messages can be edited via PC program- push [Up] or [Down] to select the desired SDM to be edit-
ming. ed.
w Push [M] or [#] to enter the message editing condition.
D Transmitting an SDM • The first character blinks when [#] is pushed, the last character
q While in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital), then blinks when [M] is pushed.
push [Up] or [Down] or rotate [DIAL] to select the desired Blinks
station/group code.
w Push [P1] (Digital) again, then push [Up] or [Down] to
select the desired SDM.
Or, you can select the desired SDM using [Status Up]/
[Status Down] key directly. X

When [#] is pushed.

e Push the appropriate digit key, [0] to [9], to enter the
desired character.
• See the table at right for the available characters.
X • Pushing [UP] also enters space, pushing [DOWN] deletes the
SDM is displayed. selected character.
r Push [#] to move the cursor to the right, push [M] to move
e Push [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to transmit the SDM to the the cursor to the left.
selected station/group. t Repeat steps e and r to set the desired text message.
*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted. y Push and hold [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. to overwrite the set
• 2 beeps will sound and the transceiver returns to the standby
content into the memory.
condition automatically when the transmission is successful.
• Push [P1] (Digital) momentarily to cancel the editing and return to
the original message indication.
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 27 (1,1)


■ Position data transmission

• Available characters When the optional cable (OPC-966) and a GPS receiver is
connected to the transceiver, the position (longitude and lati-
Key Characters
tude) data can be transmitted automatically.
[0] Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details. 4
[1] The position data is transmitted when;
• Status 24 message is received
*When the status 24 message, GPS request, is received.
[3] • Fully automatic
When automatic position transmission is enabled, send
[4] the position data according to ‘Time Marker’ and ‘Interval
[5] Timer’ settings.
• PTT is released
[6] When ‘Send with Logoff’ is enabled.
[7] - Set the ‘Log-In/Off’ item as ‘L-OFF.’
• After sending a status message
[8] When ‘Send with Status’ is enabled.
• After sending an SDM
When ‘Send with SDM’ is enabled.
• After sending status 22 (Emergency)
NOTE: A decimal point can only be written with the CS- When ‘Send with Emergency’ is enabled.
F70/F1700 CLONING SOFTWARE. Pre-programmed charac-
ters can be rewritten with the 10-keypad, except for the
decimal point, as it is not included in the transceiver char-
acter list, and cannot be displayed again.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 28 (1,1)


■ Printer connection ■ Auto emergency transmission

When the optional cable is connected to the transceiver, a When [Emergency Single (Silent)] or [Emergency Repeat
printer can be connected to print out the received SDM con- (Silent)] is pushed, an emergency signal is automatically
tent and the ID of the station who sent the message. transmitted for the specified time period.
Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details.
The status 22 (Emergency) is sent to the selected ID station,
and the position data is transmitted after the emergency sig-
■ Digital ANI nal when a GPS receiver is connected to the transceiver.
The emergency transmission is performed on the emergency
The own ID can be transmitted each time the PTT is pushed channel, however, when no emergency channel is specified,
(log-in) or released (log-off) during individual or group call the signal is transmitted on the previously selected channel.
By receiving the ANI, the communication log can be recorded There is no change in the function display or beep emission
when using a PC dispatch application. during automatic emergency transmission.

In addition, when using the ANI with log-in, the PTT side tone
function can be used to inform you that the ID is sent and ■ Stun function
voice communication can be performed.
When the specified ID, set as a killer ID, is received, the stun
function is activated.
When the killer ID is received, the transceiver switches to the
password required condition. Entering of the password via the
keypad is necessary to operate the transceiver again in this

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■ BIIS indication
The following indications are available for the BIIS operation
on a BIIS channel.
CONNECT : Individual/group call is successful.
OK : Message (status or SDM) transmission is suc-
FAILED : No answer back is received.
WAIT : Appears during retry of the call (2nd call).
CLR DOWN : End the communication.
BUSY : Operating channel is in the busy condition.

■ Priority A channel selection

When one of the following operations is performed, the trans-
ceiver selects the Priority A channel automatically.
Priority A is selected when;
• Clear down signal is received/transmitted
- Set the ‘Move to PrioA CH’ item as ‘Clear down.’
• Turning the power ON
The Priority A channel is selected each time the transceiv-
er power is turned ON.
• Status call
The Priority A channel is selected when transmitting a sta-
tus call.
- Enable the ‘Send Status on PrioA CH’ item in the BIIS
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 30 (1,1)


■ Battery charging ■ Battery caution

Prior to using the transceiver for the first time, the battery R DANGER Charge the specified Icom batteries only.
pack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation. Only tested and approved for use with genuine Icom batter-
CAUTION: To avoid damage to the transceiver, turn the ies. Fire and/or explosion may occur when a third party bat-
power OFF while charging. tery pack or counterfeit product is charged.

• Recommended temperature range for charging: CAUTION! NEVER insert battery pack/transceiver (with the
+10°C to +40°C (+50°F to +104°F) battery pack attached) in a wet or soiled condition into the
charger. This may result in corrosion of the charger terminals
• Use the specified chargers (BC-119N and BC-121N).
or damage to the charger. The charger is not waterproof and
NEVER use another manufacture’s charger.
water can easily get into it.
• Use the specified AC adapter. NEVER use another manu-
facture’s adapter. NEVER incinerate used battery packs. Internal battery gas
may cause an explosion.
NEVER immerse the battery pack in water. If the battery
pack becomes wet, be sure to wipe it dry BEFORE attaching
it to the transceiver.
NEVER short the terminals of the battery pack. Also, current
may flow into nearby metal objects, such as a necklace, etc.
Therefore, be careful when carrying with, or placing near
metal objects, carrying in handbags, etc.
AVOID leaving the battery pack in a fully charged, or completely
Recommendation: discharged condition for long time. It causes shorter battery life.
Charge the supplied battery pack for a maximum of In case of leaving the battery pack unused for a long time, it
up to 10 hours. Li-Ion batteries are different from Ni- must be kept safely after discharge, or use the battery until the
Cd batteries in that it is not necessary to completely battery indicator appears, then remove it from the transceiver.
charge and discharge them to prolong the battery life. If your battery pack seems to have no capacity even after
Therefore, charging the battery in intervals, and not being charged, fully charge the battery pack again. If the bat-
for extended periods is recommended. teries still do not retain a charge (or very little), new battery
pack must be purchased.
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 31 (1,1)


■ Optional battery chargers

ï AD-110 installation ï Rapid charging with the BC-119N+AD-110
q Install the AD-110 desktop charger adapter into the holder The optional BC-119N provides rapid charging of battery
space of the BC-119N/BC-121N. packs. The following items are additionally required.
w Connect the plugs of the BC-119N/BC-121N to the AD-110 • AD-110 charger adapter
desktop charger adapter with the connector, then install • An AC adapter (may be supplied with BC-119N depending 5
the adapter into the charger with the supplied screws. on version) or the DC power cable (OPC-515L/CP-17L).
Connectors q Insert the battery pack
q AD-110 with/without the transceiver
into the charger. TRANSCEIVER
• The charge indicator lights
w Charge the battery pack
approx. 2.5 hours, depend-
ing on the remaining power

Screws supplied
with the charger
AC adapter
(Not supplied with
some versions.)

Optional OPC-515L (for 13.8 V

power source) or CP-17L (for 12 AD-110 charger
V cigarette lighter socket) can be adapter is installed
used instead of the AC adapter. in BC-119N.
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 32 (1,1)


ï Rapid charging with the BC-121N+AD-110 IMPORTANT!: Battery charging

The optional BC-121N allows up to 6 battery packs to be Ensure the guide lobs on the battery pack are correctly
charged simultaneously. The following items are additionally aligned with the guide rails inside the charger adapter.
required. (This illustration is described showing the BC-119N.)
• Six AD-110 charger adapters
• An AC adapter (BC-124) or the DC power cable (OPC-656)
q Insert the battery pack
with/without the transceiver
into the charger. BP-235
• The charge indicator lights
w Charge the battery pack
approx. 2.5 hours, depend-
ing on the remaining power
AD-110 charger
AC adapter adapters are
(Purchased installed in each slot.

Guide rails


DC power cable (OPC-656)

(Connect with the DC power supply;
13.8 V/at least 7 A)
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 33 (1,1)

■ Optional battery case (BP-237)
When using the optional battery case attached to the trans-
ceiver, install 6 × AA (LR6) size alkaline batteries as illustrated BP-237 Latch
at right. q
q Hook your finger under the latch, and open the cover in the
direction of the arrow (q). (Fig.1) 5
w Then, install 6 × AA (LR6) size alkaline batteries. (Fig.2)
• Install the alkaline batteries only.
w 6
• Be sure to observe the correct polarity. e
• Do not pin the ribbon under the batteries.
e Close the cover by fitting in the direction of the arrow (w)
first, then check the latch is in place (e). (Fig.1)
• Be sure the gasket is set correctly, and do not protrude from the
battery case. (Fig.3)

• When installing batteries, make sure they are all the same
brand, type and capacity. Also, do not mix new and old
batteries together.
• Keep battery contacts clean. It’s a good idea to clean bat-
tery terminals once a week.


IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 34 (1,1)


■ MB-93 contents e Clip the belt clip to a part of your belt. And insert the trans-
ceiver into the belt clip until the base clip inserted fully into
Qty. the groove.
q Belt clip ……………………………………………………… 1
w Base clip …………………………………………………… 1

q w

■ To attach r Once the transceiver is locked in place, it swivels as illus-

q Release the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2) trated below.
w Slide the base clip in the direction of the arrow until the
base clip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 35 (1,1)


■ To detach
q Turn the transceiver upside down in the direction of the w Release the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2)
arrow and pull out from the belt clip. e Pinch the clip (q), and slide the base clip in the direction
of the arrow (w).

q w

Otherwise the transceiver may not be attached to the hold-
er or swivel properly if the transceiver is accidentally
dropped and the base clip is scratched or damaged.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 36 (1,1)


■ Optional HM-138 description ■ Attachment

Attach the connector of the speaker-microphone into the
[SP/MIC] connector on the transceiver and tighten the screw.
Alligator type clip
To attach the speaker-mic.
to your shirt or collar, etc.

PTT switch
Transmits while pushed
Receives while released


CAUTION: Attach the

Speaker speaker-microphone s
connector securely to
prevent accidental
NEVER immerse the connector in water. If the connector dropping, or water intru-
becomes wet, be sure to dry it BEFORE attaching it to the sion in the connector.
IMPORTANT: KEEP the connector cover attached to the
NOTE: The microphone is located at the top of the transceiver when the speaker-microphone is not in use.
speaker-microphone, as shown in the diagram above. To Water will not get into the transceiver even if the cover is
maximize the readability of your transmitted signal (voice), not attached, however, the terminals (pins) will become
hold the microphone approx. 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) rusty, or the transceiver will function abnormally if the con-
from your mouth, and speak in a normal voice level. nector becomes wet.

IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 37 (1,1)

7.4 V/1600 mAh Li-Ion battery pack, allows more than 8 • MB-94 BELT CLIP
hours operation. The same as supplied with the transceiver. The same as supplied with the transceiver.
The BP-235 meets IPX waterproof specification grade 7. • MB-96N/96F LEATHER BELT HANGER
7.4 V/2400 mAh Li-Ion battery pack, allows more than 12 D OPTIONAL UNITS
hours operation. • UT-109 (#02)/UT-110 (#02) SCRAMBLER UNITS
The BP-236 meets IPX waterproof specification grade 7. Non-rolling type (UT-109)/Rolling type (UT-110) voice
• BP-237 BATTERY CASE scrambler unit provides higher communication security.
Battery case for 6 × AA (LR6) alkaline cells. • UT-111 LTR TRUNKING BOARD
The BP-237 meets IPX waterproof specification grade 4. Provides trunking operation. 8
+ BC-145A AC ADAPTER Allows charging of the battery pack through a 12 V cigarette
For rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is sup- lighter socket. (For BC-119N)
plied with the charger depending on versions. Charging • OPC-515L/OPC-656 DC POWER CABLES
time: approx. 2.5 hours when BP-235 is attached. Allows charging of the battery pack using a 13.8 V power
•BC-121N MULTI-CHARGER + AD-110 CHARGER ADAPTER (6 pcs.) source instead of the AC adapter.
+ BC-124 AC ADAPTER OPC-515L: For BC-119N
For rapid charging of up to 6 battery packs (six AD-110’s are OPC-656 : For BC-121N
required) simultaneously. An AC adapter should be pur- • OPC-966 INTERFACE CABLE
chased separately. Charging time: approx. 2.5 hours when Provides advanced operation, such as printer, GPS con-
BP-235 is attached. nection for position data transmission capabilities during
BIIS operation.

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• HM-138 SPEAKER-MICROPHONE The VS-1SC is a VOX/PTT unit for Icom handheld trans-
Full-sized waterproof (IPX grade 7; 1m/30 min.) speaker- ceivers, and allows you hands-free operation.
microphone including alligator type clip to attach to your shirt An optional headset (HS-94, etc.) is required for operation.
or collar, etc. • The VOX (Voice Operated Transmission) function starts transmis-
• HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET + VS-1SC VOX/PTT CASE sion without pushing PTT switch when you speak into the micro-
HS-94: Ear-hook type phone; then, automatically returns to receive when you stop speak-
HS-95: Neck-arm type
HS-97: Throat microphone
VS-1SC: VOX/PTT switch box for hands-free operation, etc. Features
• AD-98FSC ANTENNA CONNECTOR CONVERTER ➥ 9-pin Spring-plug type head SP/MIC plug is equipped
Allows you to connect an external antenna with BNC con- ➥ Water resistant construction
nector. ➥ Durable construction
• FA-SC25V/FA-SC55V/FA-SC25U/FA-SC57U/FA-SC72U ➥ Equipped with a PTT switch and revolving clip
FA-SC25V: 136–155 MHz FA-SC55V: 146–174 MHz MIC/VOX gain
adjusting pot VS-1SC
FA-SC25U: 400–430 MHz FA-SC57U: 440–470 MHz PTT switch
FA-SC72U: 470–520 MHz
FA-SC56VS: 150–162 MHz FA-SC57VS: 160–174 MHz Water protection cover
FA-SC73US: 450–490 MHz
VOX/PTT select switch

Some options may not available in some countries. Please ask your
dealer for details.

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VOX gain and delay adjustment • VOX Delay

q Attach the connector of the VS-1SC into the [SP/MIC] con- The VOX delay time can be set from 0.5 to 3.0 sec. (0.5 sec.
nector on the transceiver and tighten the screw. step) for a convenient interval before returning to receive.
• Toggle the toggle switch to [VOX].
w Enter user set mode. (p. 17) [Up]
e Push [P0] several times to select the “VOX Gain” or “VOX Push
Delay” items. Then, push [Up] or [Down] to set the desired [Down]
level/condition. SET X TXC SET X TXC
r Rotate [VOL] to turn the power OFF to exit set mode. 0.5 sec (min.) 3.0 sec (max.)
• VOX Gain
The VOX sensitivity level can be adjusted from OFF or 1 to 6 NOTE: MIC/VOX gain can be adjusted via the Adjusting
(more sensitive). pot using a thin screw driver.


VOX function is OFF VOX gain level 3


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Your Icom radio generates RF electromagnetic To ensure that your expose to RF electro-
energy during transmit mode. This radio is magnetic energy is within the FCC allow-
designed for and classified as “Occupational able limits for occupational use, always
Use Only”, meaning it must be used only during adhere to the following guidelines:
W ARN ING the course of employment by individuals aware
of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such • DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna
hazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General attached, as this may damaged the radio and may also
Population” in an uncontrolled environment. cause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A proper
This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF antenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by the
exposure limits for “Occupational Use Only”. In addition, your manufacturer or antenna specifically authorized by the
Icom radio complies with the following Standards and manufacturer for use with this radio.
Guidelines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic • DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use
energy levels and evaluation of such levels for exposure to time (“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of
humans: the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance
• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, requirements to be exceeded. The radio is transmitting
Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human when the TX indicator lights red. You can cause the radio
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. to transmit by pressing the “PTT” switch or VOX function.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), • ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) away
IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human from the body when transmitting and only use the Icom
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 belt-clips listed on page 37 when attaching the radio to
kHz to 300 GHz. your belt, etc., to ensure FCC RF exposure compliance
• American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), requirements are not exceeded. To provide the recipients
IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of of your transmission the best sound quality, hold the
Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and antenna at least 5 cm (2 inches) from your mouth, and
Microwave. slightly off to one side.
• The accessories (antennas, batteries, belt clips, speaker- The information listed above provides the user with the infor-
microphone, etc. that is listed on Pages 37–38) are mation needed to make him or her aware of RF exposure,
authorized for use with this product. Use of accessories and what to do to assure that this radio operates with the
other than those specified may result in RF exposure lev- FCC RF exposure limits of this radio.
els exceeding the FCC requirements for wireless RF
IC-F70_F80-1.qxd 05.1.18 4:26 PM Page 41 (1,1)


Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
During transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy
that can possibly cause interference with other devices or
systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in
areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the
transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radi-
ation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.
Occupational/Controlled Use
The radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons
are exposed as consequence of their employment provided
those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure
and can exercise control over their exposure.


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Printed in Japan
© 2004–2005 Icom Inc.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan

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