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Current State of The Art of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics

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J O U R N A L O F M AT E R I A L S S C I E N C E : M AT E R I A L S I N M E D I C I N E 1 4 ( 2 0 0 3 ) 1 9 5 ± 2 0 0

Current state of the art of biphasic calcium

phosphate bioceramics
Centre de recherche sur les mateÂriaux d'inteÂreÃt biologique INSERM E 99-03 Faculte de
Chirurgie Dentaire, 1 Place Alexis Ricordeau, 44042 Nantes Cedex 01, France

We have developed 15 years ago, with the collaboration of Lynch, Nery, and LeGeros in the
USA, a bioactive concept based on biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramics. The concept
is determined by an optimum balance of the more stable phase of HA and more soluble TCP.
The material is soluble and gradually dissolves in the body, seeding new bone formation as it
releases calcium and phosphate ions into the biological medium.
The bioactive concept based on the dissolution/transformation processes of HA and TCP
has been applied to both Bulk, Coating and Injectable Biomaterials. The events at the calcium
phosphate (CaP) biomaterial/bone interface represent a dynamic process, including physico-
chemical processes, crystal/proteins interactions, cells and tissue colonization, bone
remodeling, ®nally contributing to the unique strength of such interfaces. An important
literature and numerous techniques have been used for the evaluation of the fundamental
physico chemical and biological performance of BCP concept. This type of arti®cial bone
used from a long time in preclinical and in clinical trial, revealed the ef®ciency for bone ®lling,
performance for bone reconstruction and ef®cacy for bone ingrowth at the expense of the
micro macroporous BCP bioceramics.
# 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers

The development of calcium phosphate ceramics and Europe, Brazil, Japan, USA, Australia as a bone-graft or
other related biomaterials for bone graft involved a better bone substitute materials for orthopaedic and dental
control of the process of biomaterials resorption and applications under various trade mark (BCP1, MBCP1,
bone substitution. Synthetic bone graft materials are Triosite1, Hatric1, Eurocer1, Biceram1, Bicalfoss1
available as alternatives to autogeneous bone for repair, . . .). It is now available in blocks, particulates,
substitution or augmentation. Synthetic biomaterials customized design (Fig. 1) and as an injectable material
include essentially special glass ceramics described as in a polymer carrier (Fig. 2).
bioactive glasses; calcium phosphates (calcium hydro- BCP is obtained when a synthetic or biological
xyapatite, HA; tricalcium phosphate, TCP; and biphasic calcium de®cient apatite (CDA) is sintered at tempera-
calcium phosphate (BCP)). These materials differ in tures above 700  C. The extent of calcium de®ciency
composition and physical properties from each other and (Ca/P molar ratio 5 1.67) depends on the method of
from bone [1±4]; and must be take into consideration for preparation (by precipitation, hydrolysis or mechanical
more ef®cient bone ingrowth at the expense of the mixture), the reaction pH and temperature in the
biomaterials and to adapt to new development of preparation of the unsintered apatite. The calcium
dedicated biomaterials. de®ciency determines the HA/b-TCP ratio in the BCP.
We have developed 15 years ago, with the collabora- The HA/b-TCP ratio in the BCP determines its reactivity
tion of Lynch, Nery, and LeGeros in USA, a bioactive [6, 8±10]: the lower the ratio, the higher the reactivity
concept based on BCP ceramics. The concept is (expressed in vitro as the extent of dissolution in an acid
determined by an optimum balance of the more stable buffer). Particle size, macro porosity and micro porosity
phase of HA and more soluble TCP. The material is (Figs. 3(a) and (b)) are also factors in the reactivity of
soluble and gradually dissolves in the body, seeding new BCP. Sintering temperature and conditions affect these
bone formation as it releases calcium and phosphate ions properties.
into the biological medium [5±8]. BCP bioceramics The interest of BCP concept is the controlled
consists of a mixture of hydroxyapatite (HA), dissolution and due to the structure, the bone ingrowth
Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 and beta-tricalcium phosphate (b- at the expense of the ceramic. Between 1920 and 1975, a
TCP), Ca3 (PO4 )2 of varying HA/b-TCP ratio. LeGeros very limited number of scienti®c articles reported that the
initiated in USA basic studies on preparation of BCP and use of calcium phosphate materials, described as
their in vitro properties in 1986 and Daculsi in France. At ``tricalcium phosphate'', to repair bone defects success-
the present time, BCP is commercially available in fully promoted bone formation [11, 12]; or periodontal
0957±4530 # 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers 195
Figure 1 MBCP1 block, granules, cylinders, wedges and customized
design available for bone reconstruction.

Figure 2 Injectable Bone Substitute IBS2, MBCPgel1 composite of

BCP granules and hydrosoluble HPMC polymer.
Figure 3 SEM of Triosite1 blocs showing macroporous structure (a)
and micropore (b).

defects [13]. The ``tricalcium phosphate'' material used

demonstrated what after a couple of months bone
by Nery was subsequently identi®ed by LeGeros in 1988
remodeling occurs, with secondary osteoclast resorption
as consisting of a mixture of 20% b-TCP and 80% HA
of the arti®cial bone and bone ingrowth at the expense of
[18]. This material and other mixtures of û-TCP and HA
the implant (Fig. 6).
were later described as a BCP.
Generally when granules are used in osteo-articular
The main attractive feature of bioactive bone graft
surgery, some grains will be released in cartilage or non
materials such as BCP ceramic is their ability to form a
osseous site. Neither it was described foreign body
strong direct bond with the host bone resulting in a strong
reaction and rejected materials. Resorption or tissue
interface compared to bio inert or bio tolerant materials
incorporation was demonstrated. For example, in human
which form a ®brous interface [1, 2, 14, 15].
spine arthrodesis after 3.5 months of implantation,
The formation of this dynamic interface is believed to
granules of Triosite1 appears surrounded by newly
result from a sequence of events involving interaction
with cells; formation of carbonate hydroxyapatite CHA
(similar to bone mineral) by dissolution/precipitation

Cellular events
The BCP materials elicit responses from bone cells and
related cells in vitro and in vivo that are similar to those
elicited by bone. These materials allow cell attachment,
proliferation and expression. The ®rst biological events
after BCP ceramics implantation are biological ¯uid
diffusion, followed by cells colonization. These cells are
macrophages, in early steps, followed by mesenchymal
stem cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, into the macropores
of the implants (Fig. 4). The resorbing cells forming both
Figure 4 Newly formed bone into MBCP2 or Triosite1 macropore in
at the surface of the newly formed bone and the femoral epiphysis of rabbit after 14 days of implantation showing
bioceramic surface looks like osteoclast and are TRAP osteoclasts (arrow) and osteoblasts. Decalci®ed section stained with
positive (Fig. 5). In human spine arthrodesis we have Masson's Trichromic staining.

Figure 5 TRAP staining of osteoclast in femoral epiphysis of rabbit Figure 8 MBCP1 granules implanted 2 weeks in muscular area of
after 14 days of implantation. rabbit. Non-decalci®ed section with Movat's staining.

Figure 6 Human spine arthrodesis using Triosite1 blocks after 3.5 Figure 9 Bone reconstruction into MBCP1 implant associated with
months of implantation showing bone ingrowth at the expense of the autologous bone marrow and implanted in 65 grays irradiated femoral
Triosite1 (Tr) with osteoclast (arrow) near vascular channel (C). canine bone defects.

formed cartilage without ®brous encapsulation (Fig. 7). Netherlands [16]. This property can be used for arti®cial
Moreover, in non osseous site after implantation in sub- bone in irradiated implantation site. Irradiation produces
cutaneous area, we have sometimes observed into some irreversible effects on normal tissues, involving damages
macropores of micro macroporous biphasic calcium on their reparation properties. Nevertheless quality of life
phosphate (MBCP1) osteoid formation (Fig. 8). These of patients who undergo radiotherapy could be improved
observations suggest that BCP with macropores present by bone reconstructions. A preclinical study performed
suitable chemical environment associated to ef®cient in irradiated dogs demonstrated bone ingrowth at the
architecture able to catch mesenchymal stem cells and to expense of structured implants of micro macroporous
induce their phenotype to osteogenic cell lines. These biphasic calcium phosphate ®lled by autologous bone
observations have been also described by other groups in marrow after implantation in irradiated soft and bone
tissue [17] (Fig. 9).

Biodegradation, biodissolution and

biological apatite precipitation signi®cance
The biodegradation of BCP included the dissolution of
the individual HA or b-TCP crystals [6, 9, 10]. The
proportion of HA to b-TCP crystals in BCP appeared
greater after implantation [18] and the known higher
reactivity or solubility of b-TCP compared to HA.
The resorbability (re¯ecting in vivo dissolution) of
BCP ceramics depends on their b-TCP/HA ratios, the
higher the ratio, the greater the resorbability [6, 19].
Formation of microcrystals (which are able to diffract X-
Figure 7 Human spine arthrodesis after 3.5 months of implantation
showing hyaline and ®brous cartilage (arrows) growth all around a rays) with Ca/P ratios similar to those of bone apatite
granule of Triosite1 (Tr) and close to the newly formed bone at the crystals was also observed after implantation. The
expense of the implant (B). abundance of these crystals was directly related to the
initial b-TCP/HA ratio in the BCP: the higher the ratio
the greater the abundance of the microcrystals associated
with the BCP crystals. According to these data it is
possible to control the kinetic of dissolution and
precipitation, and subsequently the bioactivity [20].
Using high resolution TEM Daculsi et al. [7]
demonstrated for the ®rst time that the formation of
these microcrystals after implantation were non-speci®c,
i.e., not related to implantation site, subjects of
implantation, and types of CaP ceramics (Fig. 10).
The coalescing interfacial zone of biological apatite
and residual crystals provides a scaffold for bone-cell
adhesion and further bone ingrowth [18]. The resorbing
process involves dissolution of calcium phosphate Figure 11 Spongious bone formed at the expense of Triosite1 blocks in
human spine arthrodesis.
crystals and then a precipitation of CHA needle-like
crystallites in micropores close to the dissolving crystals.
The coalescing zone constitutes the new biomaterial/ new composite associating hydrosoluble polymer and
bone interface, which includes the participation of BCP granules [24]. We have elaborated such injectable
proteins and CHA crystals originating from the CaP bone substitute ready to use and able to be largely
materials, but does not include the biomaterial surface. invaded by osseous-conduction due to osteogenic cells
The following events of bone ingrowth and the newly [15]. These materials are perfectly biocompatible and
formed bone progressively replaces the initially formed potentially resorbable and, thanks to their initial
CHA from the CaP biomaterials. plasticity, they can ®t bone defects very easily, without
The process of cell colonization, adhesion, phagocy-
tosis and osteoclastic resorption, Extra Cellular Matrix
(ECM) elaboration and mineralization, bone in growth
and bone remodeling associated with the biological
apatite precipitation during CaP ceramics dissolution, are
continuously in progress. Consequently the interface is
not static but dynamic, in constant evolution, taking into
account bone physiopathology, biomechanical factors
and bone maturation. The processes involve a well
organized and mineralized bone ingrowth at the expense
of the arti®cial bone (Fig. 11). X-rays microtomography
(micro scanner imaging) of the bone ingrowth at the
expense macroporous BCP is able to demonstrate the
three-dimensional bone organization into the macropores
implant (Figs. 12(a) and (b)).
This concept of bioactivity could also be applied to
implant coating and to Injectable Bone Substitute
MBCPgel1 [20]. CaP materials are also used as
components or ®llers in polymeric composites [21, 22]
and in cements [23]. The hydraulic cement are not
macroporous and numerous studies have demonstrated
the necessity of macropores for bone osseous-conduction
[4]. The bioactive concept of BCP have been applied to a

Figure 12 X-ray microtomography (Synchrotron facility, ESRF

Grenoble France) of macroporous BCP implant in rabbit femoral
epiphysis. (a) Total imaging with bone ingrowth (gray level) at the
Figure 10 Biological apatite precipitation at the surface of residual expense of bioceramics (white). (b) 3-D image reconstruction of bone
crystals in BCP observed in high resolution TEM. ingrowth alone.

incorporating ions ( principally carbonate) from the
biological ¯uid during its formation; (3) association of
the carbonate-apatite crystals with an organic matrix; and
(4) incorporation of these microcrystals with the
collageneous matrix in the newly formed bone (in
osseous sites). The events at the CaP biomaterial/bone
interface represent a dynamic process, including phy-
sico-chemical processes, crystal/proteins interactions,
cells and tissue colonization, bone remodeling, ®nally
contributing to the unique strength of such interfaces.
These type of arti®cial bone revealed from a long time in
preclinical and in clinical trial the ef®ciency for bone
®lling, performance for bone reconstruction and ef®cacy
for bone ingrowth at the expense of the micro
macroporous biphasic calcium phosphate bioceramics.
Figure 13 Cancellous bone formed into rabbit femoral epiphysis after 3
weeks of implantation of IBS1 (Movat's staining).

The individual and collaborative studies were supported
by research grants from the INSERM U225, CJF 93-05
and E 99-03 and CNRS EP 59 (Dr G Daculsi, Director)
and from the National Institute for Dental Research of the
National Institutes of Health Nos. DE04123 and
DE07223 and special Calcium Phosphate Research
Funds (Dr RZ LeGeros, Principal Investigator). The X-
ray microtomography and 3-D imaging have been
performed with the ESFR Grenoble France facilities.
We thank BIOMATLANTE (Vigmeure ok Bulagne
France) and ZIMMER France for samples providing.

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