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SECTION 07180 Traffic Coatings Part 1 General: 1 Inch 4 by 8 Inches

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A. Section Includes:
1. Traffic bearing waterproof membrane at
a. Parking garage horizontal surfaces where exposed to the elements.
b. Exterior balconies off of living units.

A. Reference Standards: See Section 01420. In addition to requirements shown or specified,
comply with applicable provisions of following for design, materials, fabrication, and installation of
component parts:
1. NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, National Roofing Contractors Association.
a. NRCA Waterproofing and Dampproofing Manual.

A. General: Submit in accordance with Section 01330.
B. Product Data: Submit for each traffic coating product.
1. Include information for sealants, accessories, and other required components.
2. Include sample of warranty customized for this project.
C. Shop Drawings: Submit detail drawings of flashing, pipe and drain penetrations, curbs, expansion
joints, splices, transitions, and joints.
1. Submit detail drawings of accessory and components not included in manufacturer's product
D. Samples: Prepare samples of each traffic coating system scheduled.
1. Step back each coat at least 1 inch to show substrate and each coat in system build-up.
2. Sample size: 4 by 8 inches minimum.
3. Label each sample to indicate materials, texture, color, DFT of each coat applied, and total
system DFT.
E. Samples: Submit manufacturer's full range of available colors.
F. Informational Submittals: Submit following packaged separately from other submittals:
1. Certifications specified in Quality Assurance article.
2. Manufacturer's instructions.
3. Manufacturer's field reports.
G. Closeout Submittals: Submit following in accordance with Section 01780.
1. Maintenance data.
2. Warranty: Specified warranty.


A. Single Source Responsibility: Furnish each product from one manufacturer, unless otherwise
acceptable to Architect.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this
Section with minimum five years experience.
C. Applicator Qualifications: Acceptable to manufacturer with [documented] experience on at least
five projects of similar nature in past five years.
D. Testing: Section 01400. Employ independent testing agency to conduct moisture vapor
transmission testing.

98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 1 08 February 2007
E. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with specified requirements and with applicable regulations
limiting volatile organic compound (VOC) content of coatings to be applied. Conduct and report
measurement of volatile organic compounds in coatings in accordance with EPA TM-24.
F. Certifications: Manufacturer's Certification on manufacturer’s letterhead:
1. Submit manufacturer's approval of installer.
2. Certify materials ordered and supplied meet membrane manufacturer's published
performance standards and requirements of this Specification, including VOC and TDI
3. Certify materials ordered and supplied are compatible with each other, suited for locale and
purpose intended and shipped in sufficient quantity to ensure proper timely installation.
4. Certify waterproofing materials have express warranty of fitness for particular purposes of
this Project.
5. Certify submittal details meet manufacturer's warranty requirements for this specific Project.
6. Certify manufacturer has reviewed Drawings, Specifications, submittals, and project
conditions and will issue warranty upon successful completion of installation.
7. Certify that products are installed in accordance with Contract Documents based on
inspection and testing specified as part of Field Quality Control.


A. General: Comply with Section 01400.
B. Sample Installation: Construct 10 foot by 10 foot sample coating system as indicated.
1. Illustrate finished work, including detail work at internal or external corners, sealing,
flashings, treatment of cracks and joints, expansion joints, texture, control joints, expansion
joints, and color.
C. Acceptance: Make adjustments necessary to obtain approval from Architect. Do not proceed
with further work until sample installation has been approval by Architect.
1. Approved installation establishes minimum quality standards for workmanship and materials
for Project.
2. Approved sample may remain as part of Work.


A. Conduct pre-installation conference in accordance with Section 01312.
B. Agenda:
1. Review Project Specifications and Drawings.
2. Establish acceptable concrete substrate requirements and remedial measures for cracks,
textural conditions, curing compounds, and residual coatings.
3. Review environmental, personal protection, and ventilation requirements.
4. Review warranty conditions and verify manufacturer's acceptance of conditions.
5. Review system aggregate, installation, and traction requirements on ramps, turn lanes, and
6. Review installation procedures, including:
a. Mixing requirements.
b. Thickness and levelness tolerances.
c. Finishing requirements.
d. Expansion and control joints.
e. Review inspection, testing, and quality control procedures.
f. Review protection requirements for construction period after coating installation.


A. Comply with requirements of Section 01600.
1. Storage and Protection: Deliver materials in manner to prevent damage to containers and
a. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions in clean and dry
location with temperature between 60 F and 90 F.

98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 2 08 February 2007
b. Do not store in direct sunlight.
c. Keep products away from fire or open flame.


A. Environmental Requirements: Do not install coating when slab temperature is below 55 F or
above 90 F.
1. Maintain temperature range, 24 hours before, during, and 72 hours after installation of
2. Ventilate area where coating is being installed. Post and enforce NO SMOKING and NO OPEN
FLAME signs until coating has cured.

A. Mold Prevention: Comply with Sections 01500 and 01600.
1. Schedule and sequence work to protect mold growth products from exposure to moisture.

A. Special Warranty: Prepare and submit in accordance with Section 01780.
1. Coating: Warranty signed by manufacturer warranting work to be free from defective
materials and workmanship, and agreeing to replace coating which fails within five years.
a. Failed materials and workmanship includes spalling, cracking, and delamination.
2. Expansion Joint: Warranty signed by manufacturer warranting work to be free from
defective materials and workmanship, and agreeing to replace expansion joints which fail
within five years.


A. Traffic Coating: Elastomeric, Vehicular:
1. System Components:
a. Primers: Water-dispersible epoxy or TDI-free, 100 percent solids, polyurethane.
b. Base Coats, Intermediate Coats, Wear Course, and Top Coats: Moisture-cured,
100 percent solids, TDI-free, aliphatic polyurethane. Top and wear coats shall be UV
2. Color: Color as selected by Architect.
a. Aggregate: Manufacturer's standard uniformly graded silica sand, aggregate
size as determined by site conditions and traction requirements.
3. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers:
a. Auto-gard FC by Neogard, Dallas, Texas
b. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600.
B. Traffic Coating: Pedestrian:
a. Primers: Water-dispersible epoxy or TDI-free, 100 percent solids, polyurethane.
b. Base Coat and Wear Coat: Moisture-cured, 100 percent solids, TDI-free,
aliphatic polyurethane. Top and wear coats shall be UV stable.
2. Color: Color as selected by Architect.
a. Aggregate (where exposed to foot traffic): Manufacturer's standard uniformly
graded silica sand, aggregate size as determined by site conditions and traction
3. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers:
a. Pedagard by Neogard.
b. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600.


98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 3 08 February 2007
A. Control Joint:
1. Preformed Foam Pavement Seal: At conditions above occupied spaces, provide pre-
compressed, impregnated foam secondary seal as joint sealant backer material.
a. Acceptable Products:
1) Blocoband, Salamander Products.
2) Polytite N, Dayton Superior.
3) Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600.
2. Joint Sealant: For use over Preformed Foam Secondary Seal. Floor coating
manufacturer’s standard typically. If not identified by floor coating manufacturer, provide
traffic bearing urethane sealant specified in Section 07920.
3. Joint Sealant Backer Material: At typical conditions, provide closed cell foam, EVA foam, or
bond breaker tape, of type and size to suit joint condition.

A. Primers: Type required by manufacturer for substrate encountered.
B. Sheet Flashing: Santoprene 0.050 inch minimum thickness or manufacturer's standard
reinforcing fabric.
C. Provide anchors, fasteners, lubricant-adhesive, and other accessories required for complete,
watertight installation.


A. Examine conditions and proceed with work in accordance with Section 01400.
1. Verify that concrete density and finish comply with manufacturer's requirements.
2. Verify that substrates have cured minimum of 28 days and are free of ridges and sharp
projections, frozen matter, loose particles, cracks, pits, or other matter detrimental to
adhesion and application of coating.
3. Verify that items penetrating system are securely installed.
B. Examine Areas to Receive Coating for:
1. Defects in substrate that may adversely affect proper execution of coating.
2. Deviations beyond allowable tolerance for concrete slab work.
3. Surface curing agents or sealers that would inhibit bond.
4. Surface defects such as cracks that could transfer through to finished coating surface if not
C. Tests concrete substrate for pH, contaminants, and moisture content. Ensure concrete is within
manufacturer's required limits prior to installation.

A. General: Thoroughly clean and prepare surfaces to receive membrane in accordance with
manufacturer's requirements.
1. Treat as necessary to remove laitance, loose material on surface, grease, oil, and other
contaminants which will affect bond of membrane. Vacuum surface clean or wash with
clean water.
2. Remove oil and grease with commercial grade alkaline cleaner. Thoroughly rinse and dry.
3. Brush, trowel, or roller apply membrane at penetrations, ties, drains, and openings in
drainage medium to ensure full, watertight application.
B. Prepare Substrate: Tests concrete substrate for pH and contaminants in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations. Ensure concrete is within manufacturers recommended limits
prior to installation.
C. Remove ridges and bumps. Fill depressions, low spots, cracks, joints, holes, indentations, and
other defects with leveling and patching compounds.

98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 4 08 February 2007
1. Mechanically abrade or shot-blast existing concrete to remove inappropriate curing agents
and to open pores of concrete surfaces to allow proper application of bonding agent, primer,
or adhesive. Completely remove cleaning residue. Acid washing is not acceptable.
2. Repair cracks, divots and surface imperfections according to manufacturer's instructions.
Rout out cracks and joints and fill with Control Joint Filler specified in Section 03300.
3. Clean substrate to remove paint, dirt, oil, grease, sealers, release agents, hardening
compounds, residual adhesives, and substances which could impair performance of
adhesive materials.
4. Pressure wash, 3000 PSI minimum, or shot blast substrate. Acid etching is not permitted.
5. Broom clean and vacuum surfaces to remove dust and debris.
D. Concrete: Brush blast surface to remove curing compounds, oils, residues, dirt, and products
which diminish bond. Establish proper surface profile to maximize bond.
E. Moisture Vapor Transmission Test: ASTM E1907. Perform by independent testing laboratory to
determine suitability of concrete substrate with regard to moisture content and curing compounds.
Ensure concrete is within manufacturer’s recommended limits prior to installation.
F. Treat penetrations, cracks, expansion joints, control joints, and construction joints with filler,
sealant, and flashing materials in accordance with manufacturer's required.


A. General: Install in accordance with Section 01600.
1. Comply with ADA requirements for slip resistance at horizontal and at sloped surfaces.
a. Slip Resistance: ASTM D2047, minimum static coefficient of friction; 0.6 for
horizontal routes, 0.8 for ramp.
B. Flashings, Penetrations, and Detail Work: Provide flashing, control joints, joint sealant, joint
backer materials, and detail coats to achieve watertight seal.
1. Provide detail coat at locations where deck abuts nonmoving vertical surfaces, drains, and
cracks of less than /16 inch.
2. Cracks 1/16 inch and larger: Route cracks to minimum 1/4 by 1/4 inch; apply joint sealant
and detail coat.
3. Joints in concrete topping at edges of precast tees: Provide routed 1/4 by 1/4 inch joints;
apply backer material, joint sealant, and detail coat.
4. Pipes and projections through deck where slight movement is expected: Provide joint
sealant on top of backer material around penetration prior to detail coat.
5. Wall to Slab Joints:
a. 3/4 inch and Less: Backer material and joint sealant, sheet flashing,
reinforcement, and detail coat.
b. Over 3/4 inch: Sheet flashing, reinforcement, fasteners, and detail coat.
6. Control Joints: Provide backer material, joint sealant, and detail coat.
7. Install flashings and detail coats prior to application of base coats.
C. Traffic Coating (pededestrian): Elastomeric: Provide coating and aggregate to ensure vehicular
traction and wear resistance.
1. Apply primer, base coat, intermediate coat, and top coat, at rate to produce average dry film
thickness required by manufacturer, but not less than the following:
a. Primer: Minimum 5 mils DFT. After curing, treat cracks with minimum 30 mil
DFT membrane, using routing and sealing methods required by system manufacturer.
b. Base Coat: Minimum 20 mils DFT.
c. Wear Course: 15 mils DFT with 10-15 lbs of aggregate per 100 s.f. broadcast
into wet surface.
d. Total system thickness (exclusive of aggregate): 40 mils DFT.
2. Apply primer, base, intermediate, and top coats in accordance manufacturer recoat
3. Extend onto vertical abutting and intersecting surfaces, bases, and penetrating elements
minimum of 8 inches above slab unless indicated otherwise.

98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 5 08 February 2007
4. Aggregate: While top coatis still fluid uniformly broadcast aggregate at rate indicated by
manufacturer's instructions. When dry, remove excess aggregate.
D. Traffic Coating (vehicular): Elastomeric: Provide coating and aggregate to ensure vehicular
traction and wear resistance.
1. Apply primer, base coat, intermediate coat, and top coat, at rate to produce average dry film
thickness required by manufacturer, but not less than the following:
a. Primer: Minimum 5 mils DFT. After curing, treat cracks with minimum 30 mil
DFT membrane, using routing and sealing methods required by system manufacturer.
b. Base Coat: Minimum 20 mils DFT.
c. Mid Coat: 15 mils DFT with 10-15 lbs of aggregate per 100 s.f. broadcast into
wet surface.
d. Finish Coat: Remove excess aggregate and apply an additional 15 mils DFT.
e. Total system thickness (exclusive of aggregate): 50 mils DFT.
2. Apply primer, base, intermediate, and top coats in accordance manufacturer recoat
3. Extend onto vertical abutting and intersecting surfaces, bases, and penetrating elements
minimum of 8 inches above slab unless indicated otherwise.
4. Aggregate: While top coatis still fluid uniformly broadcast aggregate at rate indicated by
manufacturer's instructions. When dry, remove excess aggregate.


A. General: Comply with requirements of Section 01400.
B. Manufacturer’s Field Services: Comply with Section 01400.
1. Notify manufacturer in timely manner to arrange for manufacturer’s technical
representative’s site visits to ensure proper installation, verify work is in accordance with
manufacturer’s requirements, and warranty requirements have been met.
2. Manufacturer’s Qualified Technical Representative: Monitor activities and advise applicator
of proper installation procedures and precautions.
3. Minimum Site Visits:
a. Pre-construction conference.
b. First day of traffic coating on site including acceptance of substrate conditions.
c. Completion of traffic coating work on site.
4. Submit reports; include site observations, instructions, and monitoring activities.
C. Inspections:
1. Acceptance of substrate.
2. Before initial set takes place, periodically verify applied thickness by use of wet mil
thickness gage as work progresses. In deficient areas apply additional materials to produce
required thickness.
3. Inspect surfaces for voids, ruptures, and damages after completion of finish coat
4. Prepare manufacturer's field report indicating:
a. Non-complying conditions.
b. Repairs for non-complying conditions.
c. Successful and unsuccessful repair of non-complying conditions noted in
previous inspection reports.
d. Coating provides proper wet and dry traction on ramps and slopes.


A. General: Comply with Section 01400. Clean as recommended by manufacturer. Do not use
materials or methods which may damage surface and surrounding construction.
1. Clean stains from adjacent surfaces.
B. Protect finished work in accordance with Section 01500.


98 San Jacinto Residences, Austin, Texas TRAFFIC COATINGS

BOKA Powell Project No. 6671-06082 07180 - 6 08 February 2007

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