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Mactan Cebu IA V Tudtud

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 174012             November 14, 2008


BORGA, and FE DEL ROSARIO, represented by LYDIA ADLAWAN, Attorney-in-fact, respondents.



The predecessors-in-interest of respondents Benjamin Tudtud et al. were the owners of a parcel of land in
Cebu City, identified as Lot No. 988 of the Banilad Estate and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
(TCT) No. 27692.

In 1949, the National Airports Corporation (NAC), a public corporation of the Republic of the Philippines,
embarked on a program to expand the Cebu Lahug Airport. For this purpose, it sought to acquire, by
negotiated sale or expropriation, several lots adjoining the then existing airport.

By virtue of a judgment rendered by the third branch of the Court of First Instance in Civil Case No. R-
1881, the NAC acquired Lot No. 988, among other lots. TCT No. 26792 covering Lot No. 988 was thus
cancelled and TCT No. 27919 was issued in its stead in the name of the Republic of the Philippines. No
structures related to the operation of the Cebu Lahug Airport were constructed on Lot No. 988.

Lot No. 988 was later transferred to the Air Transport Office (ATO), and still later to petitioner Mactan
Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) in 1990 via Republic Act No. 6958.

When the Mactan International Airport at Lapu Lapu City was opened for commercial flights, the Cebu
Lahug Airport was closed and abandoned and a significant area thereof was purchased by the Cebu
Property Ventures, Inc. for development as a commercial complex.

By letter of October 7, 1996 to the general manager of the MCIAA, Lydia Adlawan, acting as attorney-in-
fact of the original owners of Lot No. 988, demanded to repurchase the lot at the same price paid at the
time of the taking, without interest, no structures or improvements having been erected thereon and the
Cebu Lahug Airport having been closed and abandoned, hence, the purpose for which the lot was
acquired no longer existed.1

As the demand remained unheeded, respondents, represented by their attorney-in-fact Lydia Adlawan,
filed a Complaint2before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City, docketed as Civil Case No. CEB-
19464, for reconveyance and damageswith application for preliminary injunction/restraining order against
the MCIAA.

Respondents anchored their complaint on the assurance they claimed was made by the NAC that the
original owners and/or their successors-in-interest would be entitled to repurchase the lot when and in the
event that it was no longer used for airport purposes. 3
In its Answer with Counterclaim, 4 the MCIAA countered that, inter alia, the decision in Civil Case No. R-
1881 did not lay any condition that the lots subject of expropriation would revert to their owners in case
the expansion of the Cebu Lahug Airport would not materialize. 5

To prove their claim, respondents presented witnesses who testified that the NAC promised their
predecessors-in-interest-original owners of Lot No. 988 that it would be returned to them should the
expansion of the Cebu Lahug Airport not materialize. 6 And respondents invoked this Court's ruling
in MCIAA v. Court of Appeals7 involving another lot acquired by the NAC for the expansion of the Cebu
Lahug Airport. In that case, although the deed of sale between the therein respondent Melba Limbaco's
predecessor-in-interest and NAC did not contain a provision for the repurchase of the therein subject lot
should the purpose for its acquisition ceased to exist, this Court allowed Melba Limbaco to recover the lot
based on parole evidence that the NAC promised the right of repurchase to her predecessor-in-interest. 8

The MCIAA disputed the applicability to the present case of the immediately-cited MCIAA ruling, the NAC
having acquired Lot No. 988 not by a deed of sale but by virtue of a final judicial decree of
expropriation which cannot be modified by parole evidence.9

After trial, Branch 20 of the Cebu City RTC rendered judgment in favor of respondents, disposing as

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs as against

defendant ordering the latter to reconvey the entire subject real property covered by T.C.T. No.
27919 within 15 days from receipt of this decision.

SO ORDERED.10 (Underscoring supplied)

On appeal,11 the Court of Appeals, by Decision of May 8, 2006 12 affirmed the RTC decision. Its Motion for
Reconsideration13having been denied,14 the MCIAA filed the present petition,15 faulting the appellate court
in "disregarding" the following considerations:









CERTIFICATE OF TITLE.16 (Underscoring supplied)

In insisting that the judgment in Civil Case No. R-1881 was absolute and unconditional, the MCIAA
cites Fery v. Municipality of Cabanatuan17 which held that:

x x x If x x x the decree of expropriation gives to the entity a fee simple title, then, of course, the
land becomes the absolute property of the expropriator, whether it be the State, a province, or
municipality, and in that case the non-user does not have the effect of defeating the title acquired
by the expropriation proceedings.
When land has been acquired for public use in fee simple, unconditionally, either by the exercise
of eminent domain or by purchase, the former owner retains no rights in the land, and the public
use may be abandoned, or the land may be devoted to a different use, without any impairment of
the estate or title acquired, or any reversion to the former owner. 18 (Italics in the original;
underscoring supplied)

MCIAA in fact offers the text of the trial court's decision in R-1881, inviting attention to the dispositive
portion thereof, to prove that the judgment of expropriation entered in favor of the government is absolute
and unconditional, and that there is nothing in the decision that would show that the government made
any assurance or stipulation whatsoever to reconvey the subject lot in case the expansion of the Lahug
airport would not materialize.19

But also in Fery, this Court, passing on the question of whether a private land which is expropriated for a
particular public use, but which particular public use is abandoned, may be returned to its former owner,

The answer to that question depends upon the character of the title acquired by the expropriator x
x x. If, for example, land is expropriated for a particular purpose, with the condition that when that
purpose is ended or abandoned the property shall return to its former owner, then, of course,
when the purpose is terminated or abandoned, the former owner reacquires the property so
expropriated. If, for example, land is expropriated for a public street and the expropriation is
granted upon conditions that the city can only  use it for a public street, then, of course, when the
city abandons its use as a public street, it returns to the former owner, unless there is some
statutory provision to the contrary.20 (Underscoring supplied)

That nothing in the trial court's decision in Civil Case No. R-1881 indicates a condition attached to the
expropriation of the subject lot, this Court, in Heirs of Timoteo Moreno v. MCIAA21 involving the rights of
another former owner of lots also involved in Civil Case No. R-1881, noting the following portion of the
body of the said trial court's decision:

As for the public purpose of the expropriation proceeding, it cannot now be doubted. Although the
Mactan Airport is being constructed, it does not take away the actual usefulness and importance
of the Lahug Airport: it is handling the air traffic both civilian and military. From it aircrafts fly to
Mindanao and Visayas and pass through it on their return flights to the North and Manila. Then,
no evidence was adduced to show how soon is the Mactan Airport to be placed in operation and
whether the Lahug Airport will be closed immediately thereafter. It is for the other departments of
the Government to determine said matters. The Court cannot substitute its judgment for those of
the said departments and agencies. In the absence of such a showing, the Court will presume
that the Lahug Airport will continue to be in operation, 22


While the trial court in Civil Case No. R-1881 could have simply acknowledged the presence of
public purpose for the exercise of eminent domain regardless of the survival of Lahug Airport, the
trial court in its Decision chose not to do so but instead prefixed its finding of public purpose upon
its understanding that "Lahug Airport will continue to be in operation ." Verily, these meaningful
statements in the body of the Decision warrant the conclusion that the expropriated properties
would remain to be so until it was confirmed that Lahug Airport was no longer "in operation". This
inference further implies two (2) things: (a) after the Lahug Airport ceased its undertaking as such
and the expropriated lots were not being used for any airport expansion project, the rights vis-à-
vis the expropriated Lots Nos. 916 and 920 as between the State and their former owners,
petitioners herein, must be equitably adjusted; and, (b) the foregoing
unmistakable declarations in the body of the Decision should merge with and become an
intrinsic part of the fallo thereof which under the premises is clearly inadequate since the
dispositive portion is not in accord with the findings as contained in the body thereof.23

On the Heirs of Moreno's motion for reconsideration, this Court affirmed its decision, emphasizing that
"the fallo of the decision in Civil Case No. R-1881 must be read in reference to the other portions of the
decision in which it forms a part[,]"24and that "[a] reading of the Court's judgment must not be confined to
the dispositive portion alone; rather, it should be meaningfully construed in unanimity with the ratio
decidendi thereof to grasp the true intent and meaning of a decision ."25

The MCIAA goes on, however, to cite MCIAA v. Court of Appeals and Chiongbian26 wherein this Court
rejected testimonial evidence of an assurance of a right to repurchase property acquired by the NAC
under the judgment in still the same Civil Case No. R-1881. The MCIAA's reliance on this case is
misplaced. As this Court noted in Heirs of Timoteo Moreno v. MCIAA,27 the respondent Chiongbian put
forth inadmissible and inconclusive evidence, Chiongbian's testimony as well as that of her witness as to
the existence of the agreement being hearsay.28

In contrast, in the case at bar, respondents' witness respondent Justiniano Borga himself, who
represented his mother-one of the original owners of subject lot during the negotiations between the NAC
and the landowners, declared that the original owners did not oppose the expropriation of the lot upon the
assurance of the NAC that they would reacquire it if it is no longer needed by the airport. 29

Another witness for respondent, Eugenio Amores, an employee of the NAC, declared that in the course of
some meetings with the landowners when he accompanied the NAC legal team and was requested to jot
down what transpired thereat, he personally heard the NAC officials give the assurance claimed by

The MCIAA nevertheless urges this Court to reject respondents' testimonial evidence, citing Article 1403
(2)(e) of the Civil Code which places agreements for the sale of real property or an interest therein within
the coverage of the Statute of Frauds.

The Statute of Frauds applies, however, only to executory contracts. 31 It does not apply to contracts which
have been completely or partially performed,32 the rationale thereof being as follows:

x x x In executory contracts there is a wide field for fraud because unless they be in writing there
is no palpable evidence of the intention of the contracting parties. The statute has precisely been
enacted to prevent fraud. However, if a contract has been totally or partially performed, the
exclusion of parol evidence would promote fraud or bad faith, for it would enable the defendant to
keep the benefits already delivered by him from the transaction in litigation, and, at the same
time, evade the obligations, responsibilities or liabilities assumed or contracted by him
thereby.33(Underscoring supplied)

A word on MCIAA's argument that MCIAA v. Court of Appeals, supra, does not apply to the present case.
As reflected in the earlier-quoted ruling in Fery, the mode of acquisition for public purpose of a land
- whether by expropriation or by contract - is not material in determining whether the acquisition is with or
without condition.

In fine, the decision in favor of respondents must be affirmed. The rights and duties between the MCIAA
and respondents are governed by Article 1190 of the Civil Code 34 which provides:

When the conditions have for their purpose the extinguishment of an obligation to give, the
parties, upon the fulfillment of said conditions, shall return to each other what they have received.
In case of the loss, deterioration, or improvement of the thing, the provisions which, with respect
to the debtor, are laid down in the preceding article [Article 1189] shall be applied to the party who
is bound to return.


While the MCIAA is obliged to reconvey Lot No. 988 to respondents, respondents must return to the
MCIAA what they received as just compensation for the expropriation of Lot No. 988, plus legal interest to
be computed from default,35 which in this case runs from the time the MCIAA complies with its obligation
to the respondents.36

Respondents must likewise pay the MCIAA the necessary expenses it may have incurred in sustaining
Lot No. 988 and the monetary value of its services in managing it to the extent that respondents were
benefited thereby.

Following Article 118737 of the Civil Code, the MCIAA may keep whatever income or fruits it may have
obtained from Lot No. 988, and respondents need not account for the interests that the amounts they
received as just compensation may have earned in the meantime.

In accordance with the earlier-quoted Article 1190 of the Civil Code vis-à-vis Article 1189 which provides
that "[i]f a thing is improved by its nature, or by time, the improvement shall inure to the benefit of the
creditor x x x," respondents, as creditors, do not have to settle as part of the process of restitution the
appreciation in value of Lot 988 which is a natural consequence of nature and time.

WHEREFORE, the petition is, in light of the foregoing disquisition, DENIED. The May 8, 2006 Decision of
the Court of Appeals affirming that of Branch 20 of the Cebu City Regional Trial Court is AFFIRMED with
MODIFICATION as follows:

1. Respondents are ORDERED to return to the MCIAA the just compensation they received for
the expropriation of Lot No. 988 plus legal interest in the case of default, to be computed from the
time the MCIAA complies with its obligation to reconvey Lot No. 988 to them;

2. Respondents are ORDERED to pay the MCIAA the necessary expenses it incurred in
sustaining Lot No. 988 and the monetary value of its services to the extent that respondents were
benefited thereby;

3. The MCIAA is ENTITLED to keep whatever fruits and income it may have obtained from Lot
No. 988; and

4. Respondents are also ENTITLED to keep whatever interests the amounts they received as just
compensation may have earned in the meantime, as well as the appreciation in value of Lot No.
988 which is a natural consequence of nature and time;

In light of the foregoing modifications, the case is REMANDED to Branch 20 the Regional Trial Court of
Cebu City only for the purpose of receiving evidence on the amounts that respondents will have to pay to
the MCIAA in accordance with this Court's decision.


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