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ACC Server Admin Handbook

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ACC Server Admin Handbook

Version 1.3
I Discussion & FAQ ....................................................................................................................... 2
II About ACC Multiplayer ............................................................................................................... 2
II.1 Public Multiplayer ................................................................................................................. 2
II.2 Private Multiplayer ................................................................................................................ 2
II.3 Competition (CP) Servers ..................................................................................................... 2
III Basic configuration ...................................................................................................................... 2
III.1 File location ....................................................................................................................... 2
III.2 Configuration files ............................................................................................................. 2
III.2.1 configuration.json .......................................................................................................... 3
III.2.2 settings.json .................................................................................................................... 4
III.2.3 event.json ....................................................................................................................... 5
III.2.4 eventRules.json .............................................................................................................. 8
IV Race weekend simulation........................................................................................................... 11
IV.1 Weather simulation .............................................................................................................. 11
IV.2 Track simulation .................................................................................................................. 12
V Server admin commands ............................................................................................................ 13
VI Entry lists ................................................................................................................................... 16
VI.1 Teams ............................................................................................................................... 18
VI.2 Custom cars ..................................................................................................................... 19
VI.3 Additional BoP ................................................................................................................ 19
VII About Spectators ..................................................................................................................... 20
VIII Session results ......................................................................................................................... 20
VIII.1 Result files ....................................................................................................................... 20
IX Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 23
IX.1 Track name list with slots ................................................................................................ 23
IX.2 Car model list ................................................................................................................... 24
IX.3 Driver Category list ......................................................................................................... 25
IX.4 Cup Category list ............................................................................................................. 25
IX.5 Session type list ............................................................................................................... 25
X Changelog .................................................................................................................................. 25
X.1 1.0 ........................................................................................................................................ 25
X.2 1.0.5 ..................................................................................................................................... 25
X.3 1.0.7 ..................................................................................................................................... 26
X.4 1.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
X.5 1.1.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 26
X.6 1.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
X.7 1.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
X.8 1.3.3 ..................................................................................................................................... 27

I Discussion & FAQ

To discuss this document, find a FAQ and ask more questions please visit our Forum thread: link.

II About ACC Multiplayer

The ACC Multiplayer can be split into three sections, where Server Admins can configure and run
custom servers for the first two parts.

II.1 Public Multiplayer

Public MP Servers are accessible via the Quickjoin button and the Server List. They run a limited
set of options and additional restrictions, so the users know what to expect when they blindly enter a

II.2 Private Multiplayer

Once a server is password protected, or doesn’t register to the Lobby at all, we can allow more
sophisticated settings and remove those restrictions - private groups and leagues are capable of
letting their users know what specific settings a server may run. We also consider them expert
admins, which means this document will focus on the Public MP options first and add a section for
private MP once we have features implemented. Up to ACC Version 1.0.5, there are very few extra
settings implemented.

II.3 Competition (CP) Servers

Until the final concept for the CP servers is chosen, they will be only run by Kunos. So this
document will ignore the CP servers.

III Basic configuration

III.1 File location
You will find the current server files in your ACC steam installation folder:

Steam\steamapps\common\Assetto Corsa Competizione\server

For a first setup, copy the folder to your dedicated server. For updates, just copy and overwrite the
accServer.exe. Be sure to have a look at the “log” folder in case the server does not start – in case it
detects implausible configurations, it will give a reasonable precise error message and close the
process immediately.

III.2 Configuration files

The server is exclusively configured via JSON files in UTF16-LE format. In general, it is a good
idea to get used to the JSON syntax, and/or test your configurations with an online syntax check.
To get a clean start, you can just remove the .json files and start the server once, it will auto-
generate them with current defaults. Additionally, you can reduce the “configVersion” contained in
each file to get new properties generated (this is true for all the configs). Certain “advanced”
settings will be hidden when the value is set to it’s default during this process.
The configuration is split into different files, which represent different levels of what you would
possibly like to keep or change frequently:

III.2.1 configuration.json
Here we define the very technical settings that possibly never change and define the server
"udpPort": 9201,
"tcpPort": 9201,
"maxConnections": 85,
"lanDiscovery": 1,
"registerToLobby": 1,
"configVersion": 1
The most important thing to know is that both ports must be unique on the system, the firewall
allows connections and the ports are accessible from the internet.
Attention: Running a server on a private PC is not recommended. It requires opening and
forwarding Ports onto your private system, which makes it vulnerable to random and/or malicious
internet traffic. Additionally, private ISP bandwidth is often asymmetrically limited in the upload,
which can easily lead to a bad server performance and in the result in a bad multiplayer experience
for everyone around.

Property Remarks

tcpPort ACC clients will use this port to establish a connection to the server

udpPort Connected clients will use this Port to stream the car positions and is used
for the ping test. In case you never see your server getting a ping value, this
indicates that the udpPort is not accessible

registerToLobby When 0, this server won’t register to the backend. Is useful for LAN
sessions. If 0, the server is declared “Private Multiplayer”.

maxConnections Replaces “maxClients”. The maximum amount of connections a server will

accept at a time. If you own the hardware server, you can just set any high
number you want. If you rented a 16 or 24 slot server, your Hosting Provider
probably has set this here and doesn’t give you write-access to this
configuration file.

lanDiscovery Defines if the server will listen to LAN discovery requests. Can be turned
off for dedicated servers.
III.2.2 settings.json
The setting defines your personal server settings, which may be changed from time to time, but also
define the server.
"serverName": "Kunos Test Server #03",
"adminPassword": " adminPw123",
"trackMedalsRequirement": 3,
"safetyRatingRequirement": 49,
"racecraftRatingRequirement": -1,
"password": "accessPw123",
"spectatorPassword": "spectPw432",
"maxCarSlots": 30,
"dumpLeaderboards": 0,
"isRaceLocked": 1,
"randomizeTrackWhenEmpty": 0,
"centralEntryListPath": "",
"allowAutoDQ": 1,
"shortFormationLap": 0,
"dumpEntryList": 0,
"formationLapType": 3

Property Remarks

serverName The server name displayed in the ACC UI pages

adminPassword Password to elevate via “Server admin commands”

trackMedalsRequirement Defines the amount of track medals that a user has to have for
the given track (values 0, 1, 2, 3)

safetyRatingRequirement Defines the Safety Rating (SA) that a user must have to join this
server (values -1, 0, …. 99)

racecraftRatingRequirement Defines the Safety Rating (RC) that a user must have to join this
server (values -1, 0, …. 99)

password Password required to enter this server. If a password is set, the

server is declared “Private Multiplayer”.

spectatorPassword Password to enter the server as spectator. Must be different to

“password” if both is set.

maxCarSlots Replaces “maxClientsOverride” and “spectatorSlots”. Defines

the amount of car slots the server can occupy; this value is
overridden if the pit count of the track is lower, or with 30 for
public MP. The gap between maxCarSlots and maxConnections
defines how many spectators or other irregular connections (ie
entry list entries) can be on the server.

dumpLeaderboards If set to 1, any session will write down the result leaderboard in
a “results” folder (must be manually created). See ”Session
isRaceLocked If set to 0, the server will allow joining during a race session. Is
not useful in “Public Multiplayer”, as the user-server matching
will ignore ongoing race sessions.

randomizeTrackWhenEmpty If set to 1, the server will change to a random track when the
last drivers leaves (which causes a reset to FP1). The “track”
property will only define the default state for the first session.

centralEntryListPath Can override the default entryList path “cfg/entrylist.json”, so

multiple ACC servers on the machine can use the same entrylist
(and custom car files). Set a full path like
“C:/customEntryListSeriesA/”, where the entrylist is stored.
Attention: The path seperators have to be slashes (/),
backslashes (\) will not work.

allowAutoDQ If set to 0, the server won’t automatically disqualify drivers, and

instead hand out Stop&Go (30s) penalties. This way a server
admin / race director has 3 laps time to review the incident, and
either use /dq or /clear based on his judgement.

shortFormationLap Toggles the short and long formation lap. Long formation is
only usable on private servers.

dumpEntryList Will save an entry list at the end of any Qualifying session. This
can be a quick way to collect a starting point to build an entry
list, and is a way to save the defaultGridPositions which can be
used to run a race without Qualifying session and predefined
grid. Also see the corresponding admin command.

formationLapType Toggles the formation lap type that is permanently used on this
3 – default formation lap with position control and UI
0 – old limiter lap
1 – free (replaces /manual start), only usable for private servers

III.2.3 event.json
Defines the race weekend the server runs. This configuration file is meant to be swappable, so you
can easily switch between different event templates by renaming/overwriting them.
"track": "spa",
"preRaceWaitingTimeSeconds": 60,
"sessionOverTimeSeconds": 120,
"ambientTemp": 26,
"cloudLevel": 0.3,
"rain": 0.0,
"weatherRandomness": 3,
"configVersion": 1,
"sessions": [
"hourOfDay": 10,
"dayOfWeekend": 1,
"timeMultiplier": 1,
"sessionType": "P",
"sessionDurationMinutes": 20
"hourOfDay": 17,
"dayOfWeekend": 2,
"timeMultiplier": 8,
"sessionType": "Q",
"sessionDurationMinutes": 10
"hourOfDay": 16,
"dayOfWeekend": 3,
"timeMultiplier": 3,
"sessionType": "Q",
"sessionDurationMinutes": 20

Property Remarks

track The track we run, see “Track name list”. Setting a wrong value
will also print out the available track keys in the log. With the
1.1 update containing the 2019 season content, each track has a
_2019 variant. Using this track will set the BoP and track grip

preRaceWaitingTimeSeconds Preparation time before a race. Cannot be less than 30s.

sessionOverTimeSeconds Time after that a session is forcibly closing after the timer
reached 0:00. Something like 107% of the expected laptime is
recommended (careful: default 2 minutes does not properly
cover tracks like Spa or Silverstone).

ambientTemp Sets the baseline ambient temperature in °C, see “Race

weekend simulation”

trackTemp Obsolete: Track temperatures are always simulated based on

ambient temperature, sun angle, clouds and other aspects.

cloudLevel Sets the baseline cloud level, see “Race weekend simulation”.
Values (0.0, 0.1, …. 1.0)

rain If weather randomness is off, defines the static rain level. With
dynamic weather, it increases the rain chance.
Values (0.0, 0.1, …. 1.0)

weatherRandomness Sets the dynamic weather level, see “Race weekend

0 = static weather; 1-4 fairly realistic weather; 5-7 more
sensational (but less chaotic compared to versions before

postQualySeconds The time after the last driver is finished (or the
sessionOverTimeSeconds passed) in Q sessions and the race
Should not be set to 0, otherwise grid spawning is not secure.

postRaceSeconds Additional time after the race ended for everyone, before the
next race weekend starts.

sessions A list of session objects, see the next table

metaData A user defined string that will be transferred to the result


simracerWeatherConditions Experimental/not supported: if set to 1, this will limit the

maximum rain/wetness to roughly 2/3 of the maximum values,
translating to something between medium and heavy rain.
It may be useful if you feel forced to run very low cloudLevel
and weatherRandomness values just to avoid thunderstorm;
however high levels (0.4+ clouds combined with 5+
randomness) will still result in quite serious conditions.

isFixedConditionQualification Experimental/not supported: if set to 1, the server will take the

rain, cloud, temperature, rain levels literally and make sure
whatever is set up never changes. Daytime transitions still
happen visually, but do not affect the temperatures or road
wetness. Also rubber/grip is always the same. This is intended
to be used for private league qualification servers only.

Sessions are expressed as an array of:

Property Remarks

hourOfDay Session starting hour of the day (values 0 - 23)

dayOfWeekend Race day (1 = Friday, 2 = Saturday, 3 = Sunday) – relevant to the

grip and weather simulation.

timeMultiplier Rate at which the session time advances in realtime.

Values 0, 1, … 24

sessionType Race session type: P, Q, R for (P)ractice, (Q)ualy, (R)ace

sessionDurationMinutes Session duration in minutes

1) At least one non-race session must be set up
2) Setting up unreasonable day and hours (also consider time multipliers!) can lead to wrong
track and weather behaviour, e.g. avoid jumping from Saturday to Friday

III.2.4 eventRules.json
Defines the pitstop rules. Public MP servers will ignore this json file and use default values.
"qualifyStandingType": 1,
"pitWindowLengthSec": -1,
"driverStintTimeSec": -1,
"mandatoryPitstopCount": 0,
"maxTotalDrivingTime": -1,
"maxDriversCount": 1,
"isRefuellingAllowedInRace": true,
"isRefuellingTimeFixed": false,
"isMandatoryPitstopRefuellingRequired": false,
"isMandatoryPitstopTyreChangeRequired": false,
"isMandatoryPitstopSwapDriverRequired": false

Property Remarks

qualifyStandingType 1 = fastest lap, 2 = average lap (running Endurance

mode for multiple Q sessions) . Use 1, averaging
Qualy is not yet officially supported.

pitWindowLengthSec Defines a pit window at the middle of the race.

Obviously covers the Sprint series format. -1 will
disable the pit window. Use this combined with a
mandatoryPitstopCount = 1.

driverStintTimeSec Defines the maximum time a driver can stay out

without getting a penalty. Can be used to balance
fuel efficient cars in endurance races. The stint
time resets in the pitlane, no real stop is required.
-1 will disable the stint times.

mandatoryPitstopCount Defines the basic mandatory pit stops. If the value

is greater zero, any car that did not execute the
mandatory pitstops will be disqualified at the end
of the race. The necessary actions can be further
configured using the
“isMandatoryPitstopXYRequired” properties. A
value of zero disables the feature.

maxTotalDrivingTime Restricts the maximum driving time for a single

driver. Is only useful for driver swap situations and
allows to enforce a minimum driving time for each
driver (IRL this is used to make sure mixed teams
like Pro/Am have a fair distributions of the slower
drivers). -1 disables the feature.
Will set the maximum driving time for the team
size defined by “maxDriversCount”, always make
sure both are set.

maxDriversCount In driver swap situations, set this to the maximum

number of drivers on a car. When an entry has
fewer drivers than maxDriversCount,
maxTotalDrivingTime is automatically
compensated so that those "smaller" entries are
also able to complete the race
Example: 3H race length, 65 minutes
driverStintTimeSec and 65 minutes
maxTotalDrivingTime will result in 65 minutes of
maxTotalDrivingTime for entries of 3 and 105 (!)
minutes for entries of 2.
isRefuellingAllowedInRace Defines if refuelling is allowed during the race

isRefuellingTimeFixed If set to true, any refuelling will take the same

amount of time. If turned off, refuelling will
consume time linear to the amount refuelled. Very
useful setting to balance fuel efficient cars,
especially if combined with other features.

isMandatoryPitstopRefuellingRequired Defines if a mandatory pitstop requires refuelling.

isMandatoryPitstopTyreChangeRequired Defines if a mandatory pitstop requires changing


isMandatoryPitstopSwapDriverRequired Defines if a mandatory pitstop requires a driver

swap. Will only be effective for cars in driver swap
situations; even in a mixed field this will be
skipped for cars with a team size of 1 driver.

The basic pitstop features offer a huge array of combinations and different aspects you can set up
your non-public races. Not every combination does make sense though, so it’s your responsibility to
setup the rules so drivers have a good experience.
It should be entirely possible to create a race in the style of a single Sprint series race as well as a 3-
24h endurance race with or without driver swaps. Of course this shouldn’t limit you to think about
your series and especially race event durations, and possibly add more fairness to balance fuel
efficient cars – or allow a certain depth of tactics.
Additional notes regarding stints:
- Stint timer (top left corner in the timing HUD) is reset when the car crosses the pit entry and starts
counting down again when crossing the pit exit.
- When serving a penalty, the stint timer will freeze and continue counting down after pit exit
without resetting.
- When a player's total remaining driving time is less than his current stint time, the total driving
time will override the stint timer (!).
When this happens, the stint timer's background turns red, indicating the final stint of the active
IV Race weekend simulation
Each server cycle will simulate a race weekend. The configuration starts at Friday night, and
simulates weather, track conditions including support program race traffic until the first session
configured. With active dynamic weather this means each weekend is unique and unpredictable,
while the configuration determines how plausible, subtle or crazy the weekend will feel like.

IV.1 Weather simulation

The comprehensive weather system will start Friday night and evolve around the baseline values of
clouds, rain and temperatures. It is linked to the time of the day, which means running a higher time
multiplier in a session will also accelerate the rate of weather changes.
Weather will drive temperatures, sun impact, wind and cloud levels which can lead to rain. Low
“weatherRandomness” enables a realistic evolvement while having a plausible and stable day. A
simulation of 10 different days with a value of 3 or 4 could produce such rain flows:

Figure 1:example calculation of 10 days with low/medium randomness; y = rain %, x = hour of day
You see most of the days have some rain mixed in but are dry in most of the time. That means the
chance to witness rain during a 20-minute session is low but can happen. Extending the time by
either longer sessions or higher time multipliers will raise the chance.
Also note that most rain showers are in the “light/medium rain” region, only one day delivered a
full thunderstorm. This is where the baseline of both “cloudLevel” and “rain” play an important
role; raising either will make rain more probable.
Raising the “weatherRandomness” towards the upper end causes more extreme scenarios, where the
weather is changing a lot often per day, and is allowed to leave the baseline values more easily. A
more extreme case would be around values 5 or 6:

It’s clear how both frequencies and amplitudes change. While this looks nice and sensational, we do
not recommend to use extreme values. Even if there is no rain, a value of 2 will already notably
shift around clouds, temperatures and wind – but in a way you can still understand what is going on
while sitting in a race car. If the temperatures for example raise and drop by 5°C within minutes,
most users will constantly have the feeling that something is wrong and they don’t understand what
it is.
So please feel free to experiment with those values and create a cool server setup, but keep in mind
that it doesn’t have to reliably rain and stop twice within a 20 minute race session, and that users
have to have a chance to follow the weather development.

IV.2 Track simulation

During a Blancpain race weekend, many different things are going to influence the track conditions.
Friday night, we will start with fairly low or no rubber line, and a dusty track in general. Once the
support programs start to run, the track will get a bit cleaner and build up rubber. How your first
session looks like strongly depends on the race day you set up – Friday morning before 10am will
give you the virgin track, while Saturday evening is already quite good grip. If it didn’t rain in
between of course; high weather variation will of course often wash out the track. But as we also
simulate the traffic of the other series during the weekend, you may find yourself in wet track with
low/no rain, and the dry line started to form. Or the opposite, your session may find a really
rubbered ideal line while it just starts to rain (beware, highly slippery).
Unlike the weather, the track is not affected by the time multiplier, and always “runs” in real time.
That means even if you have a quick thunderstorm for one minute, your track won’t immediately
rush to full wetness levels, and it also will dry out in real time. The water dissipation rate depends
on sun angle, cloud level, temperatures and wind. That means a hot, sunny mid-day scenario may
clean up the track within minutes, while you can still find the track wet and full of puddles after a
cold night (no sun) or cloudy hours.
Again, having realistic and plausible weather settings will help users to understand what is going on
based on their every-day experience, which in the end makes their experience better – be careful
with extreme weather settings and time multipliers. It is also recommended to think about the real
track observations; Locations like Spa or Nürburgring tend to have unlimited amounts of surprises,
while Barcelona is known to be quite stable and hot (I’ll deliberately leave out the Italian tracks
here, after having visited them in 2018 and 2019).
In a recap, we exposed very few parameters to a quite complex system, and playing with those will
vastly influence the experience on your server. It is worth to learn and experiment with those

V Server admin commands

While connected to a server (both as driver and spectator), users can elevate to “server admins” if
they are aware of the password. That allows them to use a few special commands. Version 1.0 start
with a limited set, which is expected to be extended in future versions.
To elevate to admin, hit “enter” to use the chat and type
/admin adminPw123
A notification will tell you if successful. Additionally, you can setup an “Entry lists” entry for the
admin(s) steamids.
Once elevated, you can use several commands:

Command Parameters Remarks

/next Skips the current session

/restart Restarts the current session. Do not use this during the
preparation phase
/kick car race Kicks a user from the server, preventing him to join again
number until the race weekend restarts

/ban car race Bans a user from the server, preventing him to join again
number until the server restarts

/dq car race Instantly disqualifies the car, teleporting it to the pits with
number locked controls

/clear car race Removes pending penalties (e.g. Drivethrough or

number Stop&Go) and DSQs.
/clear_all Removes all penalties and DSQs from all cars.
/tp5 car race Adds a 5s penalty to the given car. Can accumulate and
number will be added in the final result and json outputs.
Also comes with a /tp5c variant for special message “for
causing a collision”.

/tp15 car race Adds a 15s penalty to the given car. Can accumulate and
number will be added in the final result and json outputs.
Also comes with a /tp15c variant for special message “for
causing a collision”.

/dt car race Assigns a drivethrough penalty to the given car. As other
number DTs, it has to be served within 3 laps or the car will
become disqualified. In case of a race finish within those 3
laps, the DT will be transformed to a 80s time penalty.
Also comes with a /dtc variant for special message “for
causing a collision”.

/sg10 car race Assigns a Stop&Go 10s penalty to the given car.

/sg20 car race Assigns a Stop&Go 20s penalty to the given car.

/sg30 car race Assigns a Stop&Go 30s penalty to the given car.

/manual start Removed + replaced by settings.json formationLapType

/manual entrylist Manually creates an entry list json file containing the
drivers connected in this moment (see also Settings ->

/debug formation Prints information about the current cars and their states.
Useful information to report bugs during the formation lap

/debug bandwidth Let’s the server console print the current bandwidth
relevant data for both TCP and UDP traffic. Type again to
turn it off.

/debug qos Let’s the server console print the current network
connection quality data. Type again to turn it off.

/ballast car race Sets the car’s ballast (in kg) to what you defined. This
number overrides any other ballast this car has been assigned.
Range is 0 to 100.
Example: /ballast 113 15
will give car #113 15kg of ballast
/restrictor car race Sets the car’s restrictor (in %) to what you defined. This
number overrides any other restrictor this car has been assigned.
Range is 0 to 20.
% restrictor
Example: /restrictor 113 7
will give car #113 7% restrictor, resulting in roughly 7%
less hp at max rpm.

- The race control commands /tp5, /tp15, /dt have another variant each (/tp5c, /tp15c, /dtc),
which will change the message to a more immersive “for causing a collision”
VI Entry lists
Using entry lists a server admin can setup special roles that link drivers (by Steam Id) to those
configuration entries.
It allows the server to identify persons, and allows to force or allow various aspects. Entry list
entries will always bypass Rating Requirements, and will be able to join servers even if they are full
(as long as we have pit slots left, and the driver number is smaller than configuration.json/
To start, just add a new file called entrylist.json in the “cfg” folder. Using an entry list does not
interfere with the classification of “Public” or “Private” MP, and you can selectively use an entry to
e.g. reserve a slot for you in a Public MP server. Serious groups might use slots for their members
and run a race with a 90 SA restriction in Public MP to fill up their rows with highly capable
"entries": [
"drivers": [
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx1"
"raceNumber": 88,
"forcedCarModel": -1,
"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
"isServerAdmin": 1
"drivers": [
"firstName": "First",
"lastName": "Driver",
"shortName": "NO1",
"driverCategory": 2,
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx3"
"firstName": "Another",
"lastName": "Person",
"shortName": "NO2",
"driverCategory": 1,
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx4"
"raceNumber": 114,
"forcedCarModel": -1,
"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
"defaultGridPosition": -1,
"ballastKg": 0,
"restrictor": 0,
"customCar": "exampleCar.json",
"overrideCarModelForCustomCar": 1,
"isServerAdmin": 0
"forceEntryList": 0
Property Remarks

entries List of entries, see next table

forceEntryList Will reject drivers that are not in the entry list. Default is 0,
which allows the partial definition of entries in a “normal”
server configuration. Cannot be used on public servers.

Entry definitions:

Property Remarks

drivers List of drivers, see next table. Must at least contain one
driver with the SteamId

raceNumber The preferred race number if set, -1 if the driver may

decide by picking his car. Values 1 - 998

forcedCarModel If not set to -1: user cannot join with a different car, see
“Car model list” for the values

overrideDriverInfo If set to 1, the driver’s name and category will be

overridden by what is setup in the entry list. If set to 0, it’s
up to the client joining.

customCar If set to a filename, the car, team and appearance will be

used no matter what the user chose (Exception:
overrideCarModelForCustomCar). This is useful for
leagues and events, where we want consistent car
appearance and the chosen car model for the
corresponding driver/team. The custom car file has to be
located in a “cars” folder next to the entrylist.json (also
works for centralEntryListPath).
Leave blank (“”, =default) to let the user chose the car via
car selection UI.

overrideCarModelForCustomCar If customCar is used, this setting will apply the car model
configured if the value is set to 1 (which is the default). If
set to 0, all values except the carModel are applied, so the
user is free to pick a car but while team name and
appearance will be applied.

isServerAdmin If set to 1, that user will be automatically elevated to server

admin when he joins.

defaultGridPosition If set to a value of 1 or greater, this car will obtain this grid
position if a race starts without any qualifying session
before (e.g. P -> R).
ballastKg Assigns ballast in kg for this car. Will be additive to ballast
for the car model (via bop.json), and can be overridden by
the admin command /ballast. Range is 0 to 100.

restrictor Assigns restrictor in % for this car. Will be additive to

restrictor for the car model (via bop.json), and can be
overridden by the admin command /restrictor. Range is 0
to 20.

For each entry in “drivers”, we will need at least the SteamId defining the entry. Other possible

Property Remarks

firstName First name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1

lastName Last name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1

shortName Short name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1

driverCategory Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum category, if “overrideDriverInfo” is

set to 1. See “Driver Category list” for values

playerID Steam64 Id for this client; Add a “S” in the front

More options are to come and will be added to the document. Please do not ask for the
undocumented fields that may be auto generated, they aren’t supported or implemented yet.

VI.1 Teams
You may have noticed that entry lists can have more than one driver on a car entry – which is how
we setup Teams for Driver Swaps. Once you declare two drivers, the first driver to join will enter
the car, while the other drivers will join in a special spectator role (they must not use the spectator
While in a team, drivers will see a list in the driving HUD, displaying the connection state of their

Using the Pit strategy page in the (M)ulti(F)unctional(D)isplay, the driver can assign a driver swap
which will be automatically executed during the next pitstop.
VI.2 Custom cars
With the version 1.2, the livery editor now makes custom skin templates an official feature. You can
simply create a “exampleCar.json” using the livery editor and find the corresponding json file in
Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Customs\Cars.
Given the “exampleCar.json”, the file needs to be located in cfg/cars/example.json (or
customEntryListPath/cars/example.json) in order to have a full server defined car entry.

VI.3 Additional BoP

In addition to the admin commands and entry list based ballast and restrictor, you globally define
those values for car and track combinations.
To accomplish this, just add a bop.json like this:
"entries": [
"track": "zolder",
"carModel": 7,
"ballast": 1,
"restrictor": 2
"track": "silverstone_2019",
"carModel": 2,
"restrictor": 5

Each “entry” can be understood as a line with a composite key of track and car model, and the
ballast/restrictor are applied if both math. This way you can apply a small balance to one precise
combination, or create your full blown custom BoP for all kinds of seasons, tracks and cars.
Important notes:
1) The additional BoP is at the moment adjustable on public servers, but we will look at this
closely. If we see bad and overdone efforts that affect the experience of average users, we
will limit the additional BoP to private servers
2) It is very hard to improve the current BoP, much harder than it may look (especially for
2019, where SRO did a great job). Do not fall for the mistake to use hotlap performance as
the reference, and also make sure to start with tiny adjustments.
The values of the bop.json act additive to the entry list, so you can combine a championship penalty
with your track/car specific changes. Any admin command (/ballast or /restrictor) will set the
corresponding value to whatever you define, and overwrite potential configurations until the car

VII About Spectators

To join a server as spectator, just enter the “spectatorPassword” in the password box in the
Multiplayer Server List. You won’t occupy a car or pitslot, but still can chat and elevate to admin.
Spectators still use server resources, so they will be limited by the total “maxClients” count –
however spectator slots are not limited by the global limit of 30 cars, nor do they occupy pit slots.

VIII Session results

VIII.1 Result files
Using the “dumpLeaderboards”: 1 option, any session that is finished will write the final standing
into a .json file in the “results” folder. Those files are generated with a filename in the pattern of
“190806_193009_R.json”, including date, time and session type (P, Q, R).
"sessionType": "R",
"trackName": "silverstone",
"sessionIndex": 1,
"sessionResult": {
"bestlap": 117915,
"bestSplits": [
"isWetSession": 0,
"type": 1,
"leaderBoardLines": [
"car": {
"carId": 1073,
"raceNumber": 912,
"carModel": 0,
"cupCategory": 0,
"teamName": "",
"drivers": [
"firstName": "Somebody",
"lastName": "Else",
"shortName": "SOE",
"playerId": "S76561191111111111"
"currentDriver": {
"firstName": "Somebody",
"lastName": "Else",
"shortName": "SOE",
"playerId": "S76561191111111111"
"currentDriverIndex": 0,
"timing": {
"lastLap": 119223,
"lastSplits": [
"bestLap": 118404,
"bestSplits": [
"totalTime": 719894,
"lapCount": 6,
"lastSplitId": 0
"missingMandatoryPitstop": 0,
"driverTotalTimes": [
}, ...
"laps": [
"carId": 1073,
"driverIndex": 0,
"laptime": 125511,
"isValidForBest": true,
"splits": [
}, ...
"penalties": [
"carId": 1079,
"driverIndex": 0,
"reason": "Cutting",
"penalty": "DriveThrough",
"penaltyValue": 3,
"violationInLap": 0,
"clearedInLap": 1
"carId": 1081,
"driverIndex": 0,
"reason": "PitSpeeding",
"penalty": "StopAndGo_20",
"penaltyValue": 20,
"violationInLap": 4,
"clearedInLap": 5

In a nutshell, the root object contains information about the session and track, next to a leaderboard
representation, a complete list of laps and a complete list of penalties for this session. The properties
should be self-explanatory, in case of doubts and questions please do not hesitate to join the official
support forum.
IX Appendix
IX.1 Track name list with slots
Note: Public MP is limited to unique pit box OR 30 at max.

Value Unique pit boxes Private server slots

monza 29 60

zolder 34 50

brands_hatch 32 50

silverstone 36 50

paul_ricard 33 60

misano 30 50

spa 82 82

nurburgring 30 50

barcelona 29 50

hungaroring 27 50

zandvoort 25 50

monza_2019 29 60

zolder_2019 34 50

brands_hatch_2019 32 50

silverstone_2019 36 50

paul_ricard_2019 33 60

misano_2019 30 50

spa_2019 82 82

nurburgring_2019 30 50

barcelona_2019 29 50

hungaroring_2019 27 50

zandvoort_2019 25 50

kyalami_2019 40 50

mount_panorama_2019 36 50

suzuka_2019 51 105
laguna_seca_2019 30 50
IX.2 Car model list
Value Car model

0 Porsche 991 GT3

1 Mercedes AMG GT3

2 Ferrari 488 GT3

3 Audi R8 LMS

4 Lamborghini Huracan GT3

5 Mclaren 650s GT3

6 Nissan GT R Nismo GT3 2018

7 BMW M6 GT3

8 Bentley Continental GT3 2018

9 Porsche 991.2 GT3 Cup

10 Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2017

11 Bentley Continental GT3 2016

12 Aston Martin Vantage V12 GT3

13 Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX

14 Jaguar G3

15 Lexus RC F GT3

16 Lamborghini Huracan Evo (2019)

17 Honda NSX GT3

18 Lamborghini Huracan SuperTrofeo

19 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)

20 AMR V8 Vantage (2019)

21 Honda NSX Evo (2019)

22 McLaren 720S GT3 (Special)

23 Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019)

IX.3 Driver Category list
Value Category

3 Platinum

2 Gold

1 Silver

0 Bronze

IX.4 Cup Category list

Value Category

0 Overall

1 ProAm

2 Am

3 Silver

4 National

IX.5 Session type list

Value Session type

0 Practice

4 Qualifying

10 Race

X Changelog
X.1 1.0
Initial creation of the document

X.2 1.0.5
- Fixed glitched document reference
- Added section “Custom cars”
- Added EntryList property forceEntryList
- Added EntryList item values overrideCarModelForCustomCar and customCar
- Added Settings randomizeTrackWhenEmpty
- Added “VIII.1” Result files; Leaderboard files are now deprecated

X.3 1.0.7
- Added config.json property lanDiscovery
- Added Setting allowAutoDQ
- Added Setting shortFormationLap
- Added Setting dumpEntryList
- Marked Event property trackTemp as obsolete
- Added Event property postRaceSeconds
- Updated section “Result files” to reflect the 1.0.6 changes
- Added admin commands /manual start, /manual entrylist, /debug formation, /debug
bandwidth, /debug qos
- Revisited the Weather section to small corrections. 1.0.7 has a more reasonable range of
weather randomness values, so 1-5 should be good to use, and 2-4 should feel quite
plausible (on a low time multiplier).

X.4 1.1
- Added pitstop rules
- Added race control commands (/tp5 - /dtc)
- Added 2019 tracks
- Added 2019 cars

X.5 1.1.1
- Replaced maxClients by maxConnections
- Replaced maxClientsOverride by maxCarSlots
- Removed spectatorSlots

X.6 1.2
- Added additional BoP (admin cmd, entrylist, bop.json)
- Removed parts of the custom car configuration, as this is now easier using the livery editor

X.7 1.3
- Added IGT DLC tracks kyalami_2019, mount_panorama_2019, suzuka_2019,

- Added formationLapType parameter

- Removed admin cmd /manual start
- Added freaking comma in example settings.json

X.8 1.3.4
- Fixed another freaking comma
- Added unique pit count and max player starts (for private MP with multi-pit-assignment) to
track list
- Added experimental/not supported properties of the event.json
- Added metaData property in the event.json
- Added additional explanations to the event rules (for swap situations)
- Added and updated penalty admin cmds (/clear, /clear_all, /tpX, /dt, /sgX)

X.9 1.3.6
- Flipped values for 0/1 formation lap types

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