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Financial independence

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Financial Independence Original Title: Financial freedom :The alchemy of choice
, Copyright 1990 1995 esp Translation of john m. Castro
Home: Gary Craig Digitizer: Nascav Nascav L-01 Edited: 4/03/04 - Back Cover
Financial Independence provides the reader with a new understanding of what are
the money and the gold and tells you how to use that knowledge to achieve
independence in today's world, this book shows that those who manage the world
do through money and foster a climate that oppresses man up to a servile state
of dependency and the need, while the powerful continue to accumulate the money.
In today's world, so you find that you are not happy because eno you enough, it
is possible that you will never come to be satisfied while you are at the mercy
of life. The irrealizados dreams are a constraint to grow and develop and,
finally, for the economic well-being. This book will help you to fulfill your
dreams and to open a new dimension of possibilities and selections that will
give you the power to walk the path of personal and financial freedom.
Explanation This book is designed to provide information on the subject. Its
objective is to educate and entertain. Neither the author nor the editors are
responsible for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly by the
information contained in this book.
For more information on Ramtha or its events write to:
Ramtha Dialogs, P.O. Box 1210, Yelm, WA 98597, USA.
ISBN: 0-9632573-3-1 ©1995 P.O. Box 730, Rainier, WA 98576, USA.
Special thanks to Adrianne and Jennifer, my small lights.
Special recognition I am very grateful to the author Stephen Smoke and Beyond
Words Publishing, Inc. for allowing me to use the wonderful appointments in your
transformer book the trick of the light, which is widely used here.
To all who desire to be free
Foreword - The epic journey of man Requiem for a dreamer to be a Christ is to
live what are you if each of your dreams is based on money, you are exposed to a
rude awakening I do not live in the state of California!
I live in a state called poverty consciousness!
The old man and the magician The process starts by remember the dream survive or
arrive. It is your choice to accept the dream. The actual process The Truth
Unlimited is not expressed in words the trick is to teach you to possess it be
the dream of how to eat bread and piece!
The life and the illusion you are god that sounds that it is man: There are no
words that all your desires become reality
1977 2 Preface In Ramtha was presented to JZ Knight at the door of your kitchen
in Tacoma, Washington. Since then, nothing has been the same.
Ramtha is an enigma; this is how it is called. And without a doubt, as the
attention of the society goes beyond the phenomenon of the entities that speak
through human beings and more and more people begin to take the message
seriously, Ramtha will be hailed as one of the most great communicators and
masters of all times.
He lived on earth for 35.000 years and during the greater part of that life was
a conqueror, until he was wounded in a battle. He withdrew to a mountain to
ponder life and spent seven years on a barren rock, watching the sun and the
moon, the life and death and things that do not seem to never change. When he
left the rock and returned to his army, was already an enlightened being, as he
had known the play of illusion called life.
Spent many years teaching its people until it amounted to thousands. He is "The
Ram", around which the Hindus built their religion.
He is described as part of a brotherhood of human beings who love to humanity.
Has brought its valuable information to help us make the necessary decisions and
achieve personal sovereignty in the days to come. His message is powerful and
Once asked what he would say if he could reach out to the world with a unique
message and transcendental, to which he replied: "I would say that you are God
and that you are immensely loved".
Ramtha books are based on events called Intensive Courses and retreats, during
which Ramtha speaks on a specific topic.
The Intensive Course on which it is based this book took place in March 1987.
The participants received instructions given to the process of manifesting
experimentally. The intensive courses are a process. Start with a flow of
theoretical knowledge, so that we can all start from the same point of
reference, from the same premise. The continuing education within an emotional
path, with a part of the information transmitted in a simple and another in the
form of poetry.
This intensive course was much more practical than almost all others, because
they demanded the same. If your life is a product of your creation, they
certainly are also your manifestations. Sometimes you will be asked to sit on
the floor, preferably on the ground. It is recommended that during those moments
I distraigais and participate.
The toasts are made with water with lemon and the prayers are repeated aloud to
align with the Father and honor him.
Thanks There is
not enough space in all eternity to the people and spirits, to the magnificent
Gods, who have aided and assisted.
I was born with the name of the family Zion, of the Cherokee removal. As my
mother did not receive medical attention during my birth, my fall toward the
human form was quite literally. I was born quite alone in a hut of rail to the
side of the rails in a depression in Appalachia.
I would like to thank the mother who gave me up for adoption to be able to
follow your dream and to the father who left me the way free.
I am grateful to the beings that i protected from childhood and taught me to
value. I would like to thank the mother who raised me, as always showed me the
boundaries in such a way that i knew which pass, and for showing me what he had
to fear at such an early age. And for loving me, although he could not achieve
that i was what she wanted.
I am grateful to the conservative church, prohibitive and closed my childhood,
because it showed me that God was not and i reflected everything that he had to
understand with regard to the hypocrisy and judgment.
I appreciate the men who have loved you for not having been able to return that
love. Because in the long run, was not receiving what he wanted from them, which
taught me to love what I am and to please myself.
I met the ram for the first time in the wind of Assateague Island, along the
Atlantic coast of Virginia.
During three days walk in the middle of gales and he taught me many things.
He taught me about the creation, as the thought of the temple itself, reduced
its speed and fell to the light.
As the light slowed until it reaches a point where, to become physical matter,
had to be divided, each light on male/female (positive/negative) in order to
manifest on this earth.
He showed me the perfection of every thing, and when I hugged her and I
understood what I had been taught, the momentum beyond me so that I could
capture the limitation of the concept of perfection.
Finally, I was given a prophecy that I have been obsessed for a decade. She has
shaped the structure of my days and my nights inquiries.
And I can say with certainty that now are building bridges through which it will
be many.
We did not come here to abstain from life. We are the flesh and blood of the
Creator, whatever name you give to God. We are the arms and legs, ears and eyes
of the Father/Mother. Through us, the Creator can walk among the stars and the
lily of the valley. Through us, the Creator can listen to the voice of eternity
in the wind. Through us, the Creator can feel the foam of a waterfall and
inhaling the
spicy aroma 3 beautiful earth that is under our dancing feet. Through us, the
Creator knows the joy of true love and the pleasant embrace of ecstasy.
But this does not occur if you do not dance. No, if we do not walk on the earth
and we put our cheek on the skin of the mother. No, if we do not sit on the side
of the cascade and drink the foam. No, if we retain, and avoid the danger and
dodged the risk. No, if ever we immerse ourselves in the arms of a lover, and we
rise with a hug. No, if we think that some things are sacred and others do not.
We weren't born to abstain from life. We were born to live life.
These words do not have to find an excuse for our dissonance to justify our
In order to help us understand that our objective to take shape is to experience
the emotion, to feel.
We come here to feel. And before we finish everything here, we will have sense
everything. If we know that we can exercise our right to choose and take more
So I would like to thank all the people who have been "wounded" and i have been
"used", which threw a God biased and judgmental in my face. They gave me great
gifts and received the experience of being the tyrant. And until it reaches
perfection in this plane! In 35.000 years we have all been the tyrant and the
victim. But now we are waking up, and once one knows, one assumes no
responsibility for the knowledge, because we are experiencing it really the last
waltz of the tyrants.
The beautiful lights I brought into this world, Jenni and Adrianne, are my most
beautiful gifts for and deserve my eternal gratitude. Every time I lowered the
step on the path toward my dream, they pushed me to continue. They gave me their
moods and even their Christmas money, because they believed in my dream. Are
both the teacher and the disciple, the oracle and the healer. The winds of
eternity sing your praises and always will love you.
The Wolf who shares my burrow, my heart and my vision, thou hast taught me a
lot, and you've brought many present to my life. You gave me the ritual and
ceremony. You taught me who really is my mother. To my dance you added the
feathers, bones, drums and rattles. To my fridge you added skins and wild meat.
You taught me to wear cowboy hats and howlin' at the moon. You brought me to
your precious daughter, Gabrielle, whom I have come to love. You are the shaman
and healer, teacher and healer, poet and grizzly bear. You really are the last
of your kind.
Thanks JZ for letting me the way, I feel so honored.
To my beloved master Ram i have no words. You hear my heart. You gave me the
greatest gift of all: I have taught us to be free.
So be it!
"But something that i am discovering is that there is no such thing as an
The trick of the light
"Your ad in the Yellow Pages says that you can find to anyone."
She paused, I smoke again, sighed and said slowly,
"I want you to find God."
The trick of the light
FOREWORD The epic journey of man
so that you want money.
I once asked a group of people gathered in a classroom they wanted. And they all
said: "being God and be rich."
Then we go to the grain. You want money; i gold, but we must clarify this point
right now. Your government is no longer called gold money, not since the
Sixteenth Amendment to your Constitution allowed for the implementation of the
taxes and the international bankers gave life to the Federal Reserve.
I bet you think that because it says "Federal" is the property of your
Well, it is not. The Federal Reserve is owned by a group of people who, for
thousands of years, have created the war to gain power by means of religious
dogmas. Are the same that are no longer used the gold to sponsor your dollars,
because your country does not have enough gold to support the paper. And these
are sovereign individuals who control your governments around the world. They
decide how much it is worth your role. It is not ye that produce inflation or
deflation; you do not do that the actions to be lifted or lowered.
4 do that
those who control the world through money.
So I prefer the gold above all your dollars, because, in the twinkling of an
eye, your role may be unusable. And Gold, which is a metal that is tender,
bright and wonderful, whose beauty and rarity have adorned kings, nobles, the
rich and, sometimes even to the poor, has always retained its value.
Gold is a metal that is sensitive; it is a gift of love and affection because it
is soft. The soft metal absorbs the emotional frequencies that are outside of
the physical body. Your Gold has retained its emotional value forever.
Get the breastplate of a king, and in a few moments you will feel the glory,
because his emotion, His glory, His attitude of superiority when you use it, are
all enclosed in the metal.
If you see the mask of a disappeared pharaoh, look deep into the black eyes and
subdued to the nose finely marked and you will see the tragedy, you will know
the majesty, because the engraved face in gold emanates the totality of being
that she was wearing.
Then, gold has retained its value for so long only because it is bright yellow
and beautiful? No. Gold is a metal that is impartial; it sets the hatred, nor
the longing for power, nor love, nor passion, nor the betrayal. The simply
stores the emotion. In other words, the gold is the soul of all other metals.
Rather than give credibility to this deceptive illusion of your paper money, I
will refer to your pursuit gold in your hands, the financial independence from
the point of view of the gold. Because when you have become immortal with that
By the way, the greatest gold you can get has been melted and locked, and no one
owns it. This is how you can transmit power and emotional reaction to the metal.
But let's go back to your government a moment, because in regard to these
matters, ye are in a very precarious position.
You have been in a blatant ignorance as to the origin of your money.
Do you ever let your dollar
could lose its value, no matter how much you have in the safe?
You comes to mind that there are people
in high positions that controls the power of the world?
You are fallible because ye have been in need and ignorance. You can accumulate
huge amounts of paper in a bank, but if the paper has no value, what are you
going to eat? Does the paper?
You have closed the door on your understanding with regard to other
possibilities. If money is what you desire, then you are going to die unhappy; I
assure you. Because the money will not be worth nothing when the spirit call the
soul out of the body and enjoy this time and space, of this world controlled by
mathematical equations. The Gold will count for nothing!
But there is where you state your heart; you are very holy even when the money
comes into play. The rogues that have ruled as a nation and that I have enslaved
by beliefs that are born in sin from the cradle. Well, this is not the case.
Only you need. You are reborn of the divine. The greatest legacy that I leave
you for all eternity has not changed. Whether you place the consonants in the
right place or not, or if you placed the verbs at the beginning of the phrase
and the nouns in the end, the message is clear.
You and the Father are one. And the life you carry, that you breathe, which
impregnais with your existence, His love is called grace. The kingdom of heaven
is within you. Is not in your castles, or in your money, neither in your
ignorance. Is Within You.
And I say: "That is nothing new."
Of course, is not new to you. But only a few precious among you have lived.
Listen: is new when you accept internally and your fickle mind will open and
allow the inner power to act. This is my great legacy that goes beyond your
accounts and goes beyond that which you desire to have in the banks. When you
seek to accept the inner kingdom impeccably and above all else, and when you
live that truth in the midst of the fire, then everything else will be in sight.
Here is when you say, "But I still need help; I don't think I can do it alone."
I know that many of you are crippled, always have been. Are those who do not
have God you have been dead because you have never lived.
Are those who do not have God because you have never known the God within, and
you have never lived because i really don't you live if you don't know the God
To survive simply have been revolcandoos within your ignorance. You have been
trying to get his head above fear, threats and intimidation. You have been
struggling to get out of your predicament, but that will never be able to get
out of them, because truly you have never lived. When you are without God, your
only means of survival are the scratch, bite, the Camorra, the peck, contempt,
envy and malicious destruction of everything that reflects your lack.
The rich man lives in a tower with walls decorated in gold, Persian rugs and
covered with gold. Their rooms smell of lavender, rose water. From its source
flow fragrance and jasmine, while dinner with pheasant, fish, figs, fruits and
all kinds of wonderful things. But sits there and still aren't happy.
And then there is the man who does not possess any of these things. Stale bread,
water and fruit jams are a delicacy for special occasions. On his back wears
rough clothing and barely has a bed to sleep,
but, nevertheless, there is no joy. And when it passes through the palace, not
contempt or envy the rich, but who loves him as such. And their days are not a
horrible experience of survival, but rather an opportunity to be a ray of light,
to accept, to run, to love, to be free and be alive.
I can change the roles and make the poor man is envious, contemptible, a
malicious gossip.
I can do that the rich man wakes up in joy, but it would be under the emotion
that is alive. With life and find joy are not the result of what one possesses
in the material sense.
The legacy that I have taught over the last ten years has not changed, because
it represents the zenith of a life that passes of a requiem of dream toward a
great understanding.
When you are owners of what is within you, that which is outside doesn't matter.
When analyzed what pursue the achievement of financial independence, I see that
you are courageous, fearless and admirable. Why do I say that? Because the other
os have been censored by the gold and in some way have tried to accommodate this
censorship within what they call the plan of God.
This controversy about the gold and God is the same ignorance that has allowed
you to accept your heritage.
Is God free from the wickedness of man and the danger it represents the money?
Everything is God. How can you say that the gold does not exist? How can you say
that it is a synonym of life?
Gold is only through the emotion. And it is the exchange of such emotional
energy investment that allows you to move forward.
Wake Up! Those who run the world, handled through the money, because this is
power. A
wealthy man is powerful, and you want to wealth because it provides power. Power
is what he seeks and religion has been the pawn on the board. And the churches
are part of the world's richest entities.
All wars have been fought by a religious belief. What God is going to win?
The people you call irish were called ancient Scandinavian in my days. That was
when the sun penetrated and frost. The irish massacre beings and justify it with
the pretext that it is a holy war. But is the power that walks behind the
religious belief which has accomplished the assembly in order to avoid damaging
the system and thus gain control.
If you understand the dark side of gold, then you can understand the light that
brings to light the shadows. The gold, the power and religion have been an
iniquitous combination through your history, because any religious belief is
stained with the blood of those who conquered to be established.
All the gold that have obtained lies in vaults, but God, who is the life,
intelligence, for ever and ever, it is the life which has given rise to the
gold; it is the coagulated thought of God. As well as what are your dollars; as
well as you. There is no difference.
Ignorance has remained depressed man in an abject state of dependence and need.
And somewhere in there you have marked a division between God who is spiritual
and the Gold is money. Some of you think in fact there is a dividing line
between the gold and God. And if you are within the who think so, you are not
only hypocritical, but that you are self-destructing, because the powerful are
accumulating gold in the name of God.
And the political hypocrite that says that man is evil if you are looking for
wealth, but it is divine if you are looking for God, is lusting after the gold
that gives you the power to reign over the ignorant.
None of this is bad; it is purely and simply the way as you have prescribed.
But the gold, which condemns the condemnation of God. Because, where does the
gold? What is it made of? What gives you life? It is not even the gold itself,
but the attitude that takes to the what it has done so valuable. The gold is not
bad. All you have to do is look around and realize that everything came from
God, and the one who controls that reality is the Father which is within you.
If all life is God, then your gold is too.
And what is wrong? You have become bad through the limited thinking and
attitude behind that thought. And that is what this book. You have already
heard: "You are God" and "The Father is in". But until now you have not served
for nothing, because you still have the hand extended to ask for, want, need.
You are unhappy because you do not have enough.
When you have enough to be filled in? Never. There is that admiraros to address
this issue and to continue
reading; it says a lot about your courage, your interest in yourselves and your
needs. And if you do not understand the greatest legacy of all and only want,
there's nothing wrong with it.
Sooner or later greet the greatest need: to know God. The greatest need is to
embrace is a limitation, and that the freedom to exist in harmony with all of
God, to live it until you see that the need life comes from within.
‫ ٭‬a teacher leaves no traces in the last days before Christ. But for now, with
all the gold that you bear placed around the neck or that you bear in your
handbags or wallets, your footprints are very marked.
It is important that queVIAJE razoneis on what I am saying, because all this, if
you have ye
6 will become a reality, the
dream that you have, because the knowledge, not the rituals, it is lighting,
which means to be aware of.
How do you acknowledge the Truth?
You shake your boxes.
When in a moment i despise by something I said, but it was painfully true, and
you love me in the next moment because they read something that I exalt you and
that you wanted to be true.
This is how you know the truth.
Reaccionais before her.
For many years, some of you have heard that God the Father and the Kingdom are
within you, but I still don't understand. There is nothing wrong; sooner or
later the asimilareis.
I will give you a very simple and profound.
A dream come true is a limitation to become Christ.
Look to yourselves: You have all these illusions, dreams of what you want to do
and have. You have to feel important, you want security, you want to feel. Your
wish list from a plastic surgery to possess abundant land and the house of your
dreams. Want food for four years and the education of the children paid. You
want to store everything, so as to be able to sit relaxed to eat biscuits with
jam, cleanse you teeth, watching the sunset and say: "Alleluia".
All those things make up the layers in the core of the dream; and you think that
the money is at the core of your needs. That is what you have in common with all
the other people who read this book; it is your collective consciousness. You
think that money is the answer to all your prayers. Some of you until
comprariais The love for one or two days with money.
In your consciousness the dream of not having money is a limitacon.
Is limited thinking. While that thought stay within you, never become Christ.
And Christ is the epic destiny of man.
"It is as if the world and all its possibilities were waiting for us..." "Yes?"
"to create them, bring them to life."
What impels us to create certain realities and to rule out other Valeriee?" she
I thought the answer before answering.
"I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with what the person believes
it is true...".
"I believe that a person sees or 'creates' what you believe, or what you truly
believe in, not simply what you want it to be true.
Many people want to be rich.
But those who truly believe that they deserve to be rich, you are."
The trick of the light
Do you not realize that believe the destination before your noses? Do you not
know that what you want with vehemence,
what envidiais, what you want, what you need, what dream is destiny does not
become a reality? And don't you know that is when those destinations become
reality when you liberais of them?
A demonstration in your faces is not a miracle of manifestation: it is a miracle
of relief!
Because when the dream is a reality, then no longer do I agonize. Esclavizaros
stops only when it becomes reality, and at the time of manifest in the material
world, I leave.
I have been teaching "all these years," that the path toward the Kingdom of God;
it is a path is called the path of joy.
You can run from here to there dead of laughter as fools saying: "In truth, I am
God," but that doesn't set you free of the dreams that are still buried in the
heart, even when you try to dispose of them.
You cannot cast the irrealizados dreams. To do so using spiritual dogmas that
were not obtained godly wisdom is called hypocrisy. No one understood what I
said. In fact, no one realized it meant the messenger‫٭‬: Joy! What is the path?
Suddenly use my phrases "in truth", "so be it" too many times.
N.T The messengers are human beings, Thoughts, visions or events that Ramtha to
show his audience some truths or to reinforce a teaching.
Now I'm clarifying.
The path is called the joy of the self. But in reality you have not considered
that; rather you have jumped to the path of someone else. You are, on the whole,
search-paths, find-gurus, followers of teachers.
And never learn until you look inward and know.
The path to the Kingdom of Heaven is inside and is called joy. Read carefully
now, this is important; here we are talking about how to create your destiny.
When inwardly abraceis your dreams that result in limitation and within your
soul the do flourish, will become a reality in front of you.
What is accepted with emotion in the soul, will manifest itself.
Is called destination. And, in this plane, the destination is controlled by
time, distance, space and the speed of life. You are in a flow of time.
Your mind is in the future, your emotions in the now and your body in the past.
This is how you live.
Now, let's take a look at the layers of the surface of your lives. What are
they? Here is an example. You say:
"I want to cut the hair, but i can't because my lover loves it. But if i do cut,
the glorious crown of God, not only will I be a sinner, but that my
lover/husband will seek another". So that peinais and wash your hair with a gust
of wind.
What kind of dream is this?
The dream that is hidden behind that statement is-"I Would Like To get rid of
this hair". But what
holds is: "I'm afraid you no longer love me if I do what I want." So that the
original dream remains in the soul not being carried out. Do You Understand?
What is the artist that has the ability to work with a great creative talent? He
knows that if he had a
chance, his wit could create much more, but afraid to show his creative genius
because it could be a threat to him; I think you call it policy. So I prefer to
live with a latent talent that is not used. What Do You See?
After all it is assumed that you should not make waves; you must not contaminate
the water.
Then we have the woman who lives with her husband, but in his heart does not
feel any passion. Secret desires to be free to go where you want, eat and go to
bed when she wants, rather than when it is sorted.
But it gives free rein to his desire, because her husband is your provider. What
would her children if she went away?
What would happen? She thinks that if it goes, the mortificaria a great feeling
of guilt. So that it becomes
an old oppressed.
Irrealizados dreams.
Never become the Lord God of your being while you are tied to the unhappiness.
It was noted that many dream of having an own idea, be a creative person, be
inventive, an invention that is appreciated throughout the world. But the lack
of gold inhibits the dream. To return to the routine of work and live as a
genius frustrated, while your dream hangs above you.
And there are some among you who sincerely want to be unhappy. Really want to be
unhappy, despicable and detestable, as well as your fantasies, rates and
intolerant. You would really be all those things, but do not dare to serlas,
because: My God, what would people? What do I do? Unhappy?" So your escondeis
fingis most hidden feelings and a smile. And turn ye hypocrites, ye will be
unhappy, but no one said that there is nothing wrong with it. In your culture is
something forbidden; you have to be happy!
There are many emotions that can not be expressed in your culture. Why do you
think that your psychiatrists as well? ! Because the inexpressible has to go
looking for someone to talk! And after years and years of repeating the same
arguments not yet you are happy. Do you know why? Because the psychiatrist never
"There is nothing wrong, and is negligible".
And there are others among you that want to be happy, but cling to all the
reasons why you are not.
You want to be beautiful, but every time i look in the mirror hate what you see.
You want to be thinner, but you eat to satiety every time you think of it. You
want to laugh and be happy, but it is considered vulgar.
This is the duality.
You wish, but you think that you deserve.
You live in a duality, so that the dreams and desires hang from the soul as a
confusion. And what will happen is that terminareis inevitably as the majority
of you now: running like mad to find someone who will provide balance and
purpose in life.
You need to, you want to have someone with whom to share this misery, for that
someone take the weight of the
confusion and the wound. You want someone to hold the psychotic attitude but it
feels there, i smile and say:
"You are wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful."
This is called the blame to another.
There are many other examples of irrealizados your dreams that are suspended
above you.
I hope that you understand that I am not talking about your nighttime dreams
during which knights in shining armour gallop by crystal clear waters and
through fields covered with poppies and daisies to find the woman whose hair
reaches down to the floor and wears a belt loose. I'm not talking about those
The joy cannot be defined in terms of your laws; it goes far beyond them. The
joy is what you have lost. You live in what the civilization called "prudent"
life styles, but you have more crimes, vices, rape and nasty behavior than ever
And it is the soldier who uses his tongue to put an end to the innocence of
another. However, your society is called modern, Christian, God-fearing. I
should be afraid of some of these Gods!
Joy is the relief of repression.
It is what allows you to transcend, be what you want to be.
It only takes a moment to come to that place where the dream you enslaves.
And there is a joy that comes at that moment of relief. I once said: "I will
open your doors and clean your closets, your souls, with a polished, shining
thing: the joy".
The lack of joy is the reason why you are grumbling in the dark swamp and living
lives despicable, because the dreams that you have saved in the lockers have
been the catalyst for the experience that results in joy.
"You're living with your brain and not with your senses. Them, clear skies and
intact, are the compass of the soul. You live in the past, seeing what you want
to see.
You see the world through the eyes without life ".
The trick of the light
What is reality?
What lies ahead of you and causes your senses?" You know, touch, smell.
The emotion is the true power, the coagulation of a demonstration which adorns
the senses. That is the
reality. Without emotion there senses; without emotion, there is nothing.
Do you know what it means to be blocked? The blockage occurs when what you want
is not carried out. And you say: "I am
locked". Why are you blocked? Because there is a dream sitting there, a dream of
an adventure in power that you have not accepted.
Why do you think i called Yeshua Ben Joseph a Christ noble? What is the meaning
of that word noble? Virtuous and
noble. Of noble virtue. What does that mean? The quality of a Christ does not
mean the abolition of what you are; he wants
"to live what you are, until that leave you free. While more dreams become
reality, more
empty" you have inside; only then is there space to see the light.
A being of noble virtue is the one who has lived all his limitations, that is to
say, all of their dreams. And when those dreams disappear, they will, at that
time, becomes a Christ. And when you walk, leaves no traces, because there is
nothing to stop. All the things you have left. Do You Understand? If you do not
understand this, you are going to run behind many teachers with hands
outstretched, with the hope of wearing your talisman or whatever is needed to be
blessed that day, and you are going to suffer a great disappointment.
You seem dazzled by all those who seem to have it all. Yes, until i postrais in
front of them! Do you not know that you have it all? It is not that some special
entities came, lived here and then were resurrected. They understood that the
way to return home and the way to get to the greatest of all is through the God
within. This is the path that opens the power to become all things.
Why do you think Yeshua ben Joseph, the Christ, he went into the wilderness to
be tempted by Satan for
forty days? Who Was Satan? It was his false ego. And what was the temptation? To
be sufficiently powerful to reign over the world. During those days in the
desert, Yeshua saw in front of him the cities of Persia, Rome and Ethiopia; he
saw to Mesopotamia and to the Hittites; and he saw the formidable egyptians.
Each kingdom came to the face because that was what I was there for you to
The Satan is the false ego in his need.
He saw all of Christ inwardly and hugged each of them; the taste; it became them
9 in 40
days left him quiet. What was the dream? The temptation. What is the temptation?
It is the dream repressed. When you reality your dreams when you're facing them
and possess as wisdom, then you are not a temptation. Only then disappear these
internal blockades.
What is to forgive when you call a sinner? Is to understand that there are
limitations, dreams that should be possessed
as wisdom to be able to get rid of them. Do You Understand? Why was this
necessary for Yeshua Ben Joseph?
Because without it, teachers, would not have been able to be what he wanted to
be on all things. And his kingdom was not of this world.
Now, what is the difference between you and him?
The motivation. You prefer shall vex you, swear, be unhappy, feel limited and
run in circles chasing the queue as the cat, instead of having a moment in
recognition of who you are. Because careceis of the motivation to find the joy.
Now, what is obsessive of money. If you have to do with finance? Everything. All
who read this book have a desire to give a gift shining, bright and beautiful,
would fall in a hand that is malicious, unhappy and miserable, and the energy of
that single hand changes the power.
You can open the doors of opportunity, but if you are not motivated, you will
drive to rise up and enter through the door? Prefer to sit and moan and cry
because nothing happened.
Now, I have done marvelous things, but that left no traces. I will give you the
power of knowledge and a strong wind to your back as motivation. But only you
can take it inward and face those dreams. I obligaros to do so. There are many
people in this world who doesn't know absolutely nothing of what happens in your
government and the world in general. They are followers and them that weep.
There are people who, in ignorance, totally dependent on someone else to take
all the decisions of their lives; they lack of vigor. They are more like a
bubble, just waiting to be pushed and move up to the next place in life.
What do I mean by this? Only that many people expect others to do everything, so
you never
know. Will have to return in another existence to deal with the dreams that are
its limitations.
All readers have dreams that are suspended in the soul. Why not see the light?
Why don't you had the vision? Why not curaros pudisteis yourselves? What about
all those miracles mythological that great teachers are running in faraway
places? There are. Why can you not make them? Do you want to give a long jump
starting from out there to get in until the light. And do you know that I have
observed in regard to your behavior? If you do not see the light, swear by that
if only so as not to be wrong with your friends.
You want to ignore all the dreams that I would be there. Do you know what i has
passed, entities that create illusions and fantasies that are truly an ecstasy?
Now I have created a dream for you - go home,‫ ٭‬lighting. And have you placed
this dream in front of all the others and you are more stuck than ever before!
You must go beyond that to return to the crucial point of face to your dreams.
N. T. when Ramtha uses the expression 'going home', it means return to Uios, the
place where we come from.
So let's get down to work.
The first messenger you will find after working with this material is for those
who are not aware of their limitations.
Now, when I say limitations, I am not referring to situations such as when you
have their hands tied and therefore there is no limitation of movement. I'm
talking about the limitations created because you have burdened your soul
desires, dreams and emotional difficulties, to the point that you do not know
how to begin to unravel all that mess. Soon you will find a person who will
allow you to see your first irrealizado dream clearly; so you will know which is
your first limitation.
This experience consists of three parts, and is for those who have lost sight of
its first limitation, its first irrealizado dream. (so that you will find three
messengers that are part of the experience).
The first person will represent your irrealizado dream. This character is very
ostentatious; it will boast of their position in life, of how to accomplish the
dream, of wealth, of how much food has, how much land has, of what you are going
to buy. You will not be able to overlook this person, because it will be too
The second aspect of this experience will be an invitation this person to catch.
When I say get caught, I would like to say that she will say: "Come and dance in
my boat of light". In other words, you will open a door that will give you the
opportunity to experience your dream to make the next aspect of this experience
happen debisteis have gone with the individual who came up. Act continue to find
a person who will open the door, as well as a concierge this can only happen if
you recognize that will hold the mirror in front of you and you see the door.
There is one condition: you must accept and embrace. By the way do you know that
is to embrace? Some of you you call it envy.
You know those emotions, jealousy and envy. "Eh, that Fulano. Who does he think
he is? Did God?" And what you are saying is: "I'm just, and he has all what I
You must aventuraros a bit to be able to fulfill this dream I just I am giving
you a hand in this realization.
Now, there are some who say: "Give It simply; give it and shut up." I know how
to think, and I prepared a small special experience. Are you going to get what
you want. And only when you realize that have obtained what you wanted has not
made happy, you will begin the other experience to make a dream come true.
The financial independence comes in unleashing the genius in what you are.
Any entity that has earned its gold has done so through a rare thing called
common sense; that is what I call a genius. And is the genius which also leads
back to God.
What are you looking for? I can help you to find it, but i can not obligaros to
keep it. Tell me how much
gold you want and I will tell you that that figure will never be enough. Always
want more.
Teach you to express is part of what we are going to do here. But you can start
to manifest until you recognize why can't you make it happen right now. These
first messengers are intended to start the trip. After that, a kind of
"turbulence", because what he wants to say is that you have to take
responsibility for the light that is hidden inside. To get what you want, it is
imperative to realize all your dreams.
" 'I gave you twenty pieces of paper are non-negotiable and all of a sudden you
happy.' 'Well?' 'What made you happy?' 'The twenty thousand'.
'But the twenty thousand really never existed'.
'But I thought that if I'.
'Even when there were real you were happy'.
'Because I thought they were real'.
"In reality, what made you happy, Nick?', Sam said, interrupting.
Then I came out the words. 'I thought.' false money had kept their real value
all the time. When I had it in my hands my mind began to manufacture all kinds
of arguments which gave me a feeling of pleasure and well-being.
I know it sounds a little hard to believe, but all of a sudden my perception
about money changed radically.
The trick of the light
will teach you to manifest from the Lord God of your being, not the gold, but
the dreams. And if you will take the knowledge you have gained up to now and
live this truth at the foot of the letter, allowing your close all the dreams
that you had when mind is open just a little, you will understand. Everything
will be very clear and do reality started to read this book.
Every dream that i will leave in peace and you will be able to go to a kingdom
that cannot be explained with words.
In other words, it is the gold that makes the dream, but the pure love.
Do you know the meaning of the word "attitude"? Let's see: you might have a bad
attitude, good, positive or a
detestable. The understanding that you are God remains buried underneath the
dreams. But, what gave credibility to the dreams? What gave credibility to the
gold? The Father which is within you.
Creasteis so that each one of those things that are suspended there. But with
that kind of attitude the creasteis? What kind of inner knowing?
There is something that you must know about men who use religion as a means of
control: what they really want is power. And when I tell you about men who
accumulate gold, what they really want is power. What they want is the absolute
power to control the destiny of mankind. And these powerful i despise, because
through them you are the populace of the public square. Only you are there to be
exploited and manipulated.
Why is there such an attitude? Because they want to be. After all, they are
gods, how you and your
dream is to be powerful and control. Do You Understand? It is necessary to learn
I know that many of you read this and think: "I don't belong to that group; I am
not interested in the control. I just want a job that pays more". Do not delude
anyone; you are trying to embellish it appearance. Your attitude is what shows
the truth.
Let's take a look at your attitude to gold and dollars. (By the way, if I had to
choose between gold and dollars, I would recommend the gold).
How do you taught that it is much more grandiose replace the desire of gold by
the desire to be a genius? Do you not
know that the mind gives rise to all? And you think: "Good teaching, Ramtha, but
I do not think that this within my dream." I am saying this for a reason.
If every one of your dreams is based on money and the Stock Exchange, you are
exposed to a rude awakening.
Now do not go out running to sell your shares; listen to what I am saying: If
your future and all your dreams depend on the Stock Exchange and of your
investments, you are walking on a tightrope.
And if you quejais of how much you are going to have to invest in your food, one
day you will be seated and besareis The soil where you are sitting, because the
money, as a commercial product, backed by dreams, is easily manipulated by the
men who control it.
The money does not belong to you, belongs to the Federal Reserve, which is owned
by the most powerful families from the time of Napoleon. And how to deliver it.
My desire is educaros, so I say to you: Your paper currency is controlled by the
men who invented. Your government has an owner. Any government, with the
exception of India, is the property of the bankers of the world. What do you
know? Do offend you? Once you are well aware of this, you can begin to assess
what you really want.
You must select a dream that may not be as misleading; a dream that produces
fruit, which is well supported, so that I leave you free and you may continue
until the next realization. A dream come true is one that is left in peace so
that you may achieve the following realization. This supports himself and, when
it becomes reality, it is the way home.
When the rich get off of the tower, this is no longer enslave you; when the poor
to renounce its rags broken and climb the tower, the rags already do not
enslave. Ready for the next state of understanding. If you say that you are
spiritual entities, you must have the courage to say that all things are
If you say that you are spiritual entities, then you must have gray matter
enough to realize that the world is also God and that everyone is creating their
own destiny. What have been built as they wanted it to be. Governments and the
international powers sit in your wonderful balloon emerald as players in a game
of chess. And there is one that moves the strings and has all the money. Your
government is not going to war for noble virtue; it does so because it is good
Let your brain is active and ask that will enable you to receive a great thought
that will help you to understand your limitations, of course, are equal to your
dreams. It is nonsense to say: "I am the Lord God of my being and I don't want
to know anything else." It is absurd to say: "My higher self is not in harmony
with my lower self". It is a deterrent to the reality. Argue with himself does
not make one aware of their dreams, nor about the unlimited, that is where you
need to be.
Reflect on this information. It is pure reason, pure knowledge. To obtain this
understanding is very simple if you allow yourself to go beyond your limited
minds and accept the understanding.
Instead of wanting only money, it is much more cunning wish to manifest what you
buy with the money, rather than using money to get it. Then your wish will be
It is gold that will be useful in the days to come; it is a dream come true, and
This monkey mind with which you live - your false ego and social consciousness-
os has been programd in this matter to obtain wealth for you, wealth means to
accumulate assets and money, but the assets only if they can be settled down to
the last penny.
Now, when gold stopped supporting the role, altered the consciousness of your
false ego. It is pure reasoning.
Return to the most beautiful of all, that you are God.
You are God!
This means that you know, if you just ask for what you want, without money, what
you will bring very quickly.
All of the I AM is GOD. Forever and for always. And once you accept this and
why I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask of the object you want, not the
money to buy it? Because you are people with a
poverty consciousness. Never have enough money.
What is the cause of discussion with your lover? What does quejais on the
children? Spend too much
money. Everything revolves around money. What is your proverb? What is certainly
the money the root of all evil?
Analizadlo yourselves. (This is how best you learn). If you believe that this is
the only existence that you have had, born in this world, predestined by God to
live and die, until knowing the hour of death, in the light of all the then
there is evil. And there is, because if that little time, not even a breath of
eternity is all what you call life, then certainly if there is evil.
To know that you are Eternal transcends the evil because there is no such thing.
There is only God. The experience of life is continuous. If your existence is a
short life of struggle, to go from here to there, is governed by the evil and
there is a constant struggle to depart from evil and try to be kind forever. You
control have invented this concept by the power that you provided for them.
Don't you see? While they make you believe in evil, have absolute power over
Let your inner knowing to act. The more you know, in innocence, the greater are
the chances to put into action that inner knowing, since it is the Father, the
Lord God of your being and you can invoke it from any direction. The wind comes
from many points, not just one. The answer to your dreams clings to the premise
called gold. But you have to change your attitude, because for you, the world
revolves around money.
While this is your opinion,
so shall your reality.
"realistic" and sits there with his arms crossed and says: "But this is the real
world here. I have to pay the account of the light". But God says: "I AM THE ALL
When you change your attitude about gold and wish to accept internally the dream
and give him all the credit, your dreams will manifest quickly in front of your
eyes, because they come from a place where there are no locks, or emotional
difficulties, nor smooth.
You see something beautiful in the store and ask how much it costs. Everything
revolves around the price. While this is the case, these illusions tarnished
dreams. Your attitude says: "I can't buy it because it costs too much".
I change that attitude! I accept! I feel that you are unlimited! To accept what
you want, you have to desnudarlo. It does not
cost anything to accept the dream internally and at that moment of high emotion
allows you to live the dream of what you want.
How do I understand?
Here is something that you can understand. Men, what do you do if you want to
have an erection? The time Fantaseais
gives you passion and pleasure. In the mind, you live that moment and your body
responds. This is called a manifestation; the body makes a response to the
images and the feeling that they are in the mind. That process works fast
because you know that you can do it! Now, if you put a woman with nipples the
color of rose petal, there may not be any reaction. But alone, in the dark, if
you believe! (sometimes I can't help but make fun of you!).
Your body is beautiful; it is a wonder and nothing even to explain this point.
So powerful you are.
At a time when you can create an emotion and therefore a reaction to that
emotion. And shedding of the seed, the load disappears; no longer enslaves. Do
You Understand the example? It is the nature, is something wonderful, splendid.
In God there is energy divided; up to the positive and negative are one. The
energy is the energy. God did not put more emphasis creator the atom that the
sun; it is the same. The illusion is the separation. It is the same thing; at a
time when, by the middle of the excitement, you could accept the dream without
the gold. In a moment, you could live with emotional expression and by the law
that says that all things bear fruit from an emotional being, and it is
manifested. Why?
Because there is nothing that you block; it costs nothing; it simply is. Pure
Now, in this current attitude of submission, or what I call a social conscience,
the maximum controller power is the money. This is equivalent to a limited
consciousness that is expressed on a large scale. If trascendeis such limited
awareness that alleges that need the money and you are simply the object, it is
yours. What Do You See? Because the world is owner of what you want in money.
You know that?
What I am saying is that the money is not yours.
Do you understand? Do not belong to you; you do not have dominion over him. Is
the property of someone else and you are indebted to
them. This is how it works your society.
If you accept the dream simply by what it is in itself, and live up to the
pinnacle of emotion, as you do in your sexuality, that dream, by law, is
For the glory of God, will become a reality. And as you go. Performing the
dreams, the more quickly you will feel the joy and you are going to be closer to
Return to home is not walk forward; is to go inward and every dream you more
relaxed so that you can go inside.
Rich Man, when your nights are lonely, why aren't you happy? What is it that you
want now? Oh greedy entity! Don't you see? You asked for the money, not the
emotion you expect that money could buy. If you wanted to love, you should have
asked for love, not money.
"What happened to her?" "I find it funny you ask ", answered Susie.
"He said that he had found God ".
'At home i have the TV guide this week.
By chance you said in that channel was ? "
The trick of the light
A STATE called poverty consciousness!
Are people aware of poverty and do not know how to get out of there. Give to
Caesar what is Caesar's, but possess that which is eternal; that is your right
inherited. If you are yet hoping that someone will put it in the hands, you will
end up very soon.
Only the manifestation of a dream to make you understand to fullness and possess
in its entirety what I said at the beginning.
Big deal! The kingdom of heaven is in! Great thing, that you are God. This you
have to experience it. Only requires
a demonstration that abraceis, who believe, to begin to bring you home. It only
takes a sip of that power primitive to make you understand that YOU can do it.
Then the game is not how much gold you want to sleep, or how many objects. (And
remember this about objects: only worth something if they are accumulating in
The secret is that you need to savor the power of what is a master returning
home. Then you will not have to say: "I need land, food, gold". You will begin
to manifest all your dreams and the more you do, the more powerful you are
Then there is a relief and when you say: "I am hungry", and in a moment believe
the stillness, the manna.
No longer do you have to say: "I want the dollar to buy bread". In the times to
come, it will give you the dollar, so do the bread. Do You Understand?
That is when you will walk as a teacher. And when you begin to shell, layer by
layer, each dream; when every dream I leave you alone, you will be closer to
what has been said each Great Teacher from the beginning because the God who you
are is your time: The power is within you! You can do anything in truth forever,
But the trick is to convince you to change, by means of knowledge, such an
attitude that you have money. I obligaros to do so; I can send the messengers of
understanding - these fast beings that help you to learn through tribulation,
confusion and joy, what is necessary.
I can do many things to make you reflect on this. I have seen some lose all
their money, and cursed me and hated me. That is what this understanding has
cost them some. Some have had to go to the nakedness, so they have to create.
You have to rise of your divine rear and vehemently wish to be able to achieve
this. Then you begin to ascend slowly again.
Necessity is the mother of invention; it is also called the great wit. How could
you be a genius if everything was done? Well, it isn't, not by a long shot. It's
just that many of the current geniuses are controlled by the government and
industry; but it is not going to be as well for a long time.
Now, what I am encouraging to manifest? If we remove the money, what remains at
the heart of your dream? What is called genius.
The genie is begotten by the Father. When you decide to remove the narrowness of
mind, social consciousness, when all that do not obstruct the way, will be born
an unlimited mind. This unlimited mind is the heart of God. And that mind,
through the genius, gives rise to all manifestations.
And do not cost anything.
How do you do it? You have already begun to do so, because your desire has been
to know and have already begun the
process of learning and some of you you will bring your money, because it is the
only thing that
occurs to ask. But it will end, and then perhaps put attention to what I have
said and you will try to manifest something different to money.
I've never been a transigidor, one that manages or composed. Do you know that it
is a transigidor? It is a spiritual prostitute. They want to see as angels of
light, when in reality they are hypocrites in their souls. They settle, you
What is the truth coupled with an understanding of the social conscience - that
is the inclination of man and his nature- that will make you free.
Know how it works your mind; you hear. I say: "Dear brother, am i, working from
the Lord God of my being."
And I say unto you: "at what cost, Master?"
and you respond: "The cost does not matter. I would like this. I want". But then
you give back and ask: "And by the way, what should I invest?"
What was the understanding in the segment above? I want to be God, and for a
moment he saw that it was,
but was lost in the next moment.
You have to get to the point where "I want to be God" is the greatest desire of
all. Because it is only when one is hungry when one learns through the mother of
invention. Only when you are in bankruptcy seek to grope and converted,
inventive, frantic, hateful, malicious.
But you do! And then you say, "No thank you".
And I say: "Of course."
Then ask what to invest in? Isn't that a cancellation of compromise. How can you
say, "I want to be God"
thoughts and desires?
What you are saying is: "I want to be rich and thus will I have time to become
In this plane does not owe nothing to any man. I do not regret having taught
something individually or in a group. My truth is a plain truth; it is stained,
or concealed. It is only as a dream pregnant lying there. Why? Because i already
have everything. Why would I accommodate a dream of compromise? What I have as
wisdom. My life possessed it.
I am a teacher faithful to my principles.
But if you carry this truth inward, crossing your false ego, and hear my words
in the light of your own reasoning there will come a time in which no man will
be your master. And you can be the light of the
morning 14. And ye shall be the integrity and honor; and the beauty of who you
are, not leave shadows.
The entities that settle leave thick shadows.
It all goes back to your legacy.
The legacy is that you are God! And the Father and you are one. And the kingdom
of heaven is within each one. And if
you say, "I want to be God", then, what if it means dismantling the whole social
conscience until you understand each fragment and possess it as wisdom? What if
means struggling with every aspect of your character? What if means to celebrate
every aspect of your character?
No matter what is necessary in order to reach that time when you change your
attitude. I bless all that is necessary for you arrive there!
There are many wealthy entities who despise me because they lost part of their
fortunes, for my sake.
But I love you. Have become stronger, more resilient.
Learn from your own genius; that is wonderful. So that's how it should be! There
will come a day in which the dream of hatred, malice, bitterness and anger no
longer will enslave you, and ye shall possess it as wisdom.
And how will that happen? When that rich person to another what i came to be for
her. Then, when
they are hated, despised and censored, suddenly will possess all that as wisdom.
Will be spotless and transigiran no longer.
It is a series of great teachings and lessons that help you to understand the
game you call reality. This is all about how you help you. It is to bring you to
the other side of everything. Do You Understand? I love you!
My desire is that que repleguéis sovereignty.
Because in the days to come, the sovereignty and the impeccability will be a
truth. And if you live your truth, nothing hit or hurt; and no longer go hungry,
because that is the reality of a virtuous entity, intransigent.
"Are you implying that only to change our way of seeing things, the world is
changing " I said with skepticism.
"The thinking positively is nothing new."
"I recommend to think less and feel more."
The trick of the light
There was once a man, more or less like you but without the cosmetics, jewelry,
fine clothes, silks and all that. It was an old and simple that it wished to
have it all.
(By the way, this is a true story).
This man was to see a magician and told him: "Magician, I would like to have a
kingdom. What should I do?"
The Magician sent him to the highest mountain in the country with these
instructions: "Go to this mountain, brings together some rocks and built a hut
on the mountain and there will be a kingdom from where you can see the entire
The Magician was the wisest of all the region, so that the man obeyed the
instructions. This man was quite generous; the beggar who asked for alms gave a
ruble, was to buy some pastries, his ass and went to the mountain.
She reached the top of the mountain, and the gods must have been on his part,
because it didn't snow throughout the season. So that brought together the old
rocks and with the excrement of his wonderful animal hit the rocks and built a
hut. Then you searched for gray hair dry and put to his hut roof. As there was a
lot of wood in the vicinity, he took the stool, the dry and thus obtained fire.
i and had a view! Ah! What a view!
He sat for a while to enjoy the view while eating his meager crumbs. But when he
realized that nothing had happened, he returned with his ass and àra down from
the mountain to speak with the Magician. He said: "Magician, I want my kingdom.
I did what you asked me to do."
The magician looked at him and said: "Now, go derribalo, and placed the rocks
where they were".
Well, the man who could not believe it. "Ah, yes?" But then came a idea, as well
as all of you think: "If I do this, perhaps give me the gold castle". So he
convinced himself that the task of replacing the rocks meant that I was going to
receive his castle of gold.
As you can see, that was his motivation.
So he prepared his ass, gave a ruble to the beggar, he returned to the mountain
and began to disrupt everything that had been built. Quito reeds and, one by
one, removed all the rocks. And while working, his mind trying to remember the
exact place where every rock. He did it with a lot of fervor and very precisely,
because he knew that if he did with accuracy, would receive his palace of
brilliant gold. So that made the small sacrifice of straining her memory to find
out where he was every thing.
And when he was finished, he ate something nice, but crude oil. Then amount on
your ass and returned to see the magician. On his way he found at the same
beggar who asked for alms, alms, alms; so he gave a coin and after
found the Magician, who said,
"Go, find every rock that removed and reconstructs the hut, as you did before."
The third time is a charm. (This is the belief, doesn't it?).
The Magician only smiled. The man gave a deep sigh.
Well, you can imagine. He went out and ignored the beggar. He was running out of
the capital. Then, he prepared his ass, he returned to the Mountain, found each
rock as he had left it and began the work of reconstruction.
Now, when I was about three quarters of the work, realized what he was doing,
and decided that, if persevered, Allah would reward. So as to increase the pace
of work while singing a song. The echo is heard throughout the valley. The ass
he lifted his head, he paid little attention and returned to eat and produce
more excrement on the rocks.
Then the man continued his work with much precision, but when he had completed a
fourth part, arrived on a horrific storm of snow.
Well, a tormentita of snow was not going to spoil the arrival of Shambalah!
So that was covered a little, put the donkey in the center of the house and
continued by placing the rods in the middle of the storm.
When he finished, he was shivering from cold. He lit a fire. The donkey just
looked at him with her brown eyes and radiant. He was also satisfied.
The man began to get angry. He had done so much for the sake of Allah every day
spoke with Allah. Every day I asked Allah Surely Allah knew what kind of server
had there. Do you not know that charity had done everything that she had asked
the Magician? Couldn't Wing smile and give, say, real estate in Malibu? (I had
to update the story).
The storm had passed. Wing was more silent than ever.
The man prepared his ass and came down to see the magician.
The Magician said: "Ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh. You've done very well. Just a little bit
more. Derribalo, sees everything and placed rocks exactly where you found."
"Are you kidding me? Magician, what have you been smoking?" (another update. If
you use that expression; I have listened!) and the Magician assured him that
there wasn't a lot.
Well, the man stood up and raised their buttocks the donkey. And when the beggar
asked for "alms, Alms, Almsgiving!", spat in the eye, because he realized that
the beggar had enriched while the impoverished.
And continued on his way but not in a good mood. On this particular day, not
whistled no song. Nor looked at him with eyes hypocrites who were shedding salty
tears in the name of love by Allah. Only looked at the sun that was punishing
her eyes. His being was now dust layers of saffron. As she went up to the
mountain, coughed and suffocating.
Is that Allah only you can give both when one feels good.
If things go wrong, you forget to Allah. It is no more than a horrible midday
sun that punishes you to you and your poor ass.
So back to the mountain, but immediately realized that he was so motivated to
replace all the rocks where they were at the beginning. As you can see, now you
know exactly where every one of the rocks and could move them blindfolded.
Then he sat down on the ground and in his mind he would say: "I know where were
you and your".
"You were here. Your there."
"You were beyond. You must be here." "And your rates and beyond". "You must go
up a little bit more.
"Here is slippery, but you were here."
And sitting there put each rock in their respective place. I was very
exasperated, the procedure seemed tedious, although it had not lifted a finger.
So jumped on his donkey and under to see the magician.
And the magician asked: "Have you removed all of the rocks?"
And he replied: "of course".
"Then you must go back once more and build the hut". "Or I did."
And the magician said: "Well, then, derribala".
He replied: "Just do it".
So what happened to the house? Well, there was a horrible snow storm that
destroyed the roof and, with
time, because it was so cold, the excrement froze, became brittle and all the
stones crumbled and were under a thick layer of snow for the rest of the winter.
But, of course, when the melting in the spring, an avalanche under the mountain.
As the avalanche down the mountain, all those rocks that he had placed
meticulously rolled down the mountain and were split in two. Some of them hit
him in the butt!
In the center of one of the rocks was the mother lode.
Within each rock that rolled off the mountain was what is called Yellow fever:
Gold. Each one of the rocks that he had placed was in a vein of gold. I'm not
going to say exactly where is the place, but I will give you a hint: To Solomon
played their part.
However, the moral of the story - to help you here-. There will come a time is
that dreams are like the construction of this when you no matter what
manifesteis out of you, but what you have done within you. And when the outside
no longer exists for the demonstration, is the interior which relieves us of all
our burdens, the dreams. And will require a vast amount of messengers and
16 And every one
of those dreams you will have to build again and again, repeating it many times,
until you can say: "I already did".
And only then you will be able to see the Lord God of your be sitting there as a
flame glowing.
At a time when it has as wisdom, and the result is as a and what happens in
I was there all the time within these rocks.
You must do this in order to be able to say: "I already did".
You should be able to have this dream and prove the things you need to be able
to say: "I already did". And that is the goal of this book: Financial
And when you have finished reading this book, it simply means independence.
So be it.
One of these days I'll tell you that story and really understand, because you
have done your as wisdom.
"I started to look around and see life as a dream. I made a selection, create
and literally gave their existence.
And while all of the other possibilities or choices are available, just one does
not 'choose'.
Are there latent... without choosing.
These are the realities 'unrealized'".
The trick of the light
What Do You Need? What do you want?
It is time to start the process by means of a look inside you find your dreams.
this chapter, I want you to Fuméis time to meet your body's needs. Go to the
bathroom and then eat, so that when you begin to look inward, your body will not
get distracted.
Then I want you to find a lonely place and quiet. Carry your pen and paper to
that place, and once you're ready, I want you to ask from the LORD God of your
being that is what you want. Id as inside as you can and write all the things
you want, all your dreams.
Why I am asking you to do this? Because I know that by doing this now, in the
light of this new
knowledge you have gained up to now, you will see your dreams from a very
different perspective. You have to do it; you are sensitive people and you have
to write them to know that they exist. This time, look at how the dream changes
of core. Write from the perspective "I want".
You can write all you want, or just one. You can simply write: "It's just money;
it is all what I want." This well. But it is as well as you will come to that
place where a day will you have gained enough to be great and you may say: "I
already did. What I have as wisdom".
We are about to begin the process by which you make your dreams become a
All you need is a manifestation punch. Only need to do one of the things that
dream become a reality for you to try a little bit of "I and the Father are
If, in order to be better aligned with your dreams you need a break, then do it.
But before I continue this book, if you want to work with the process, be aware
of your dreams, which are the limitations of your being.
"But don't create this type of thinking a kind of psychological anarchy where
nothing is wrong and each person is there, alone?" "That kind of thinking if you
could, that type of vision no ".
The trick of the light
survive or arrive. It is your choice.
If you have referred to your dreams in the light of this new information, so now
you can appreciate how limitations that are inhibiting any. And perhaps you have
come to the conclusion, without that i have said, that if you are full of
dreams, then you are not ready to go home.
After all, what is life?
Is the great platform through which God, the Father makes the existence is
perpetuated, follow evolved forward, always changing, becoming more beautiful.
The God that you are not perfect in this plane and perfection is a dream.
Let me ask you something: Why do you have this life if you want to leave it
immediately? Throughout your 17
drama, you can have dreams and then make them a reality. For that is all this!
This earth is not to come to be stubborn and refrain from things. That is
boring! You are missing the train and do not understand the meaning of life.
See God as a restriction on the life is also a limitation. It makes no sense to
think that there is a God and that there is a life,
but that one must not overlook the life to serve God. That would be a hypocrisy.
God cannot be separated from life. To what end you would be here, if it were to
experience the wholeness of life? Think of it.
You are eternal entities. What you are! And your dreams are only stages of
And evolucionareis not until your dreams become a reality.
Great is the teacher who has come to Christ because it has evolved through their
dreams of need.
If the soul feels the need, that means that you must own it as wisdom, whatever
it is.
When the dreams are repressed, acts of anger, violence and evil. Do you not
understand that? The wrongful acts happen when you suppress the dreams.
If you really i permitierais accept in full understanding of what I have said so
far, you could find the joy. But this is the crux of the matter.
You have to allow you to see your dreams; this means that you must open your
mind, go beyond the third of brain power and for a moment to reflect on the
feasibility of this truth. If only I could open to this truth and i alimentarais
of her like mana, you would walk into your day dreaming, making the path that
produces joy.
What is it that makes you happy? Get what you want. Is that right? When the
opposite happens, you feel
miserable. But the people he says: "Ahhh, it is better to give than to receive".
So you put the robe of the martyr.
When you are martyrs, are not happy.
When that dream becomes a reality, there is an ecstasy of joy and dancing. When
you gain a realization by the effort of another person, just don't appreciate to
the same degree. The joy is much larger when the realization comes from
yourselves. Is this true?
You may be the first admireis genius who know; but when you go and know others,
the admiration decreases.
so difficult to give but i can assure you that if admirarais your own genius,
the ecstasy would be total. Why is it yourselves?
If escucharais this truth and tomariais aprendierais, not out of context or the
permitierais mutilariais, if that were to remain as original as I gave it to
you, your dreams and the realization of absolute independence i would flow like
a river. And your life would work faster in the flow of time, because the period
of manifestation would be accelerated with every dream that convertierais in
By the way, yet I dream of independence to dream, rather than with the financial
independence, because in reality does not exist. If you think about who is the
owner of your money, you must proceed to the next step and realize that never
could be free if you have outstanding debts. If you have already realized that
you are the more developed countries of the class, because that is pure reason
and would indicate that are going on some lights.
It is only through the knowledge you will be able to accept this dream of
independence and make it bear fruit.
Do you want to know how to get to be the magician who continues its path to
Christ? You begin with a sincere desire
to knowledge of God and eternal life and you carry that desire to its zenith.
Sitting there where you are now, you can begin to understand these things in
your own language, in your own way. This knowledge can become your living truth.
This is how you become the magician who comes to be Christ.
Why not everyone understands? Because many of you are locked in your attitude
simply do not allow her to let you calm so that you can move forward. You still
have your hands up: "Give me, give me, give me. I am not worthy of me. In
reality I didn't like very much the same, but that anyway I have something".
This is the paradox that only allows you to survive, but in reality never come.
Literally, I can hear the process by which comparais what you read with what you
think is the truth in regard to these matters. That is fine; there is plenty of
room to grow. This truth is infinite; it is not measured in the time. Will stay
here forever, because that was how it happened the coagulation of the thinking
on the matter: By the middle of the excitement. You are the result of a dream
come true. All your world is a dream come true! Do you not know that God is
The evolution only comes when the dream is materialized. And when the process
begins to change, the dream is realized, the dream of God in which you are the
protagonists. So this is eternal. Within your social structure many things
happen, but this understanding has no end of term.
Here is a wonderful woman who thinks: "But I can't do it". Certainly you can
think that way, always and when you know that you have created the dream called
And your dream of poverty certainly will get bigger because you cannot hear this
truth and then say that you cannot do it. Because only you have created the
need! And to have that dream there is nothing wrong with it as long as you may
be aware that ye that you place the locks.
This process ceases to be a game when original articles your first
manifestation. The act of dreaming is just a game when sleeping and feel that
you cannot control it; from now on, the sound will be a game. 18 But ye
believe the dream and the circumstances.
Let me say that it is freedom:
the freedom is to manifest a dream bypassing the gold.
Only when you know what you are, you will be happy. You have attributed all the
failures in life. And have you blamed your parents, the lover, the government,
to the neighbor's dog. Everyone has the guilt of your horrible life! But, in
general, you have paid to the account your failure and have accepted the defeat.
If you take that same energy and you realize that you creasteis The failure,
then you will recognize that it was a dream and that it is time to transcend it.
When you concentrate on your own manifestation, nothing will come a wind that
will laugh with you. This means that you are at home, free.
"Perhaps it would have been easier to sit down to meditate, but one must do what
works best for you.
It seems that I spend a lot of time convincing me that what I think it is really
The trick of the light,
ACCEPTING THE DREAM. The actual process
the actual process to realize what one needs is sitting on the ground, the
earth. You must be very close to the magnetic field of your land.
Even the bacteria that live in the interior of the earth know, by its
polarization, where is the north, in the south. They know by instinct, which is
guided by the electromagnetic field. To create, you must be as close to nature
as you can because, after all, is the most splendid example of an everlasting
So sit down on the ground, not in a chair. You must sit aligned with the north
and the south. This is done so that your auric field to mix well with the
electromagnetic fields of the earth, ranging from pole to pole and then
remolinean around the tropic of Cancer.
Now, it may become this in a kind of rite in your minds. The rites should always
be secondary to knowledge.
If you give more importance to the rite, you will have defeated the goal that
you wanted in shaping. You can sit there, aligned with the north and the south
and with the tropic of Cancer all day, until blue torneis and when you go out
the door, still you will be stupid. Well, it is not my intention to offend, but
to joke. But there is also a great truth in what must communicate.
Your brain is a receiver that allows the thought. By the middle of the brain,
the thought travels through your body, and is recorded in the soul. And it is
with that knowledge recorded in the soul with him than with the future, the
present, the past, the future desires, the emotion and the present you can
perceive to be able to work in the body.
Then, to continue with this process, you must be sitting on the floor.
This is a personal experience, not something you do together on Saturday night.
Here to show you are learning in group, but remember that the great masters
retreated to the desert or they did while they were walking. They sat under a
tree, near a stream of water or in front of a great depth. No matter where, as
long as it is close to the earth. Not on a throne, but on earth. This knowledge
you can get collectively, you can enjoy my humor collectively, you can feel
offended by the collectively, but to work with this knowledge, id, and do it
I will continue to lead you here to understand how a group, but also will guide
you step by step when you work individually, and I recommend that you do so that
nothing will stop.
The trick is to put this information into practice. The rituals are boring
stuff. This is an action that has a knowledge as support. Also the silence in
the midst of the words has its purpose. The words are a limitation, but in the
silence you are free to explore the realms of emotional truth, with emotion.
Everything scientific is supported with creative emotion.
What gave movement to the atom? What gives a wonderful new quasar the breath of
life to exploit and
produce universes. The Emotion. For all you have done throughout life has been
achieved through the emotion.
Except that you have led lives with a narrow-minded and your excitement has been
concentrated in the area of child survival. Do you know how that works? Find a
girl or a boy and together you live a great passion. You do love repeatedly. You
cannot live without him/her. Who cares about tomorrow? But there comes a
morning, and relationships are not so pleasant, so that ye come out to find
another boy or girl: "We need more money.
I want a better house, a larger car. Ah, and I need more clothes." You already
know; that's where he has been all your attention.
Learn how to be emotional, in silence, is the key that opens the gates of the
kingdom of heaven, because the pure emotion is the pure truth.
As you can enjoy something that you don't want ; How can you feel emotion about
something that you are hypocrites?
Enjoy? How can you feel joy of helping a person if that person you disgusted?
The point is that when you are alone and learn to accept, don't you lie to
yourselves. In there, is the dream. It's up to you to accept it emotionally,
sitting there like a great emotionally, Canary Islands.
Do you think that the thought was screaming all day? Do you think that the
original thought was singing
lullabies, chirping by fields of lilies, thinking to create it all? No! He just
I want you to learn to accept with emotion the dream that ye put in writing. You
cannot sit there to repeat the name of the dream thousands of times until it
becomes a song. That's not good for nothing and, for highs, converted, grunting!
I want you to be aware of to be the protagonists of your own drama.
You will become in the dream. You will go in and, in a moment, you will begin to
embrace the apoderandoos dream and living it intensely. In other words, at a
time when you will become what you want, emotionally.
When you have learned to dodge the gold, you will have a huge and free platform
from which to create, because there is nothing within you that says: "But for
that i will need a lot of money." And if after all this, I still think that you
need the money, then you deserve to fall flat on his face, meaning that you will
not be
able to realize the dream.
If however you continue with the dream emotionally, and accept him by love, by
the need, for the I AM, by what you want then it will be a reality.
What is embraced within the soul with emotion returns at the same time, distance
and space.
Low frequency and becomes the reality called future, in truth, destination. So,
my dear teachers, is how creation works.
If you think that your life has been a sea of storms all these years, then what
can we say of him that made it that way?
What If? You know your game: "Nothing is fair and i'm always the victim". It is
your original creation!
God does not say: "You are right and you are wrong." It says: "I will exalt thee
but to him it willfully denigrate".
God is everlasting life; God allows, not determines the good or the bad. God
simply allows. That's why it's called unconditional love and you will not be
able to give a turn to look God in the face until ye be happy .Only then you
will know what you are looking. Do you see how simple it is? You can take this
knowledge to wherever you want to go. You can take these tools of creation with
you anywhere. If you are emotional, you have the keys in her hands.
Look around right now. Where are you? Notice that this table is not Persian. And
the light in your room? No longer smoke comes out of it. It is an imitation -
the highest form of flattery and the design of your favorite rug? How do I get
to be such a design? Someone had a discernment emotional, embodied in the paper
and said: "Look at this; isn't a wonderful design? You could make a mat so that
one day a great teacher walked on."
It all starts with the sharpness of wit. The same happens with electricity. Now
the candelabras are rendered obsolete because someone had an idea, emotionally,
and this created the light. There is nothing in your home or in what they are
wearing, even the way cortais your hair, not emotional in his creation.
Razonad This: The dream that is suspended upon you, so to speak, is a
limitation; this without making, pregnant of possibilities. What is it that
makes it in reality? Becoming emotionally in the dream. This is how you get to
be God.
So the first step is knowledge, the second step is the acceptance process, and
that is where you have to work.
Have you heard the phrase: "Your shoes because you are on holy ground"? It is
not to protect the floor, but to
allow the energy is more close to you and you may be able to benefit from
everything that the soil will provide. So do: Quitaos shoes to start this
process. Nothing should bring pressure to bear on the quitaos, waist belts or
anything that tighten; if you sit there suffering, you cannot achieve the
alignment freely.
Nothing should molestaros.
For this process you must wear very loose and speak gently to your body.
Quitaos all jewelry. Did you know that carry the vibration of the history of
your relationship with them? To remove
removeis 20 your jewelry, your past, thus preventing the past from interfering
with what you are creating in this now.
Many of you ask, why can't you forget the past; I scare you away, you have
nightmares about. At the time you what binds you to the past, will go away the
nightmares. In the process of manifestation, you must be so naked energy as
possible. This does not mean that you have to take the clothes; only your old
energy and past histories.
Now, stop for a moment and feel the space where you are sitting. Observe if you
are seated next to an arrogant person, if you are in a group. How do you feel in
your space? You can contact the Armonizaos. If you do not feel well there,
Arise, and go to another place. If the person next to you, move; if that person
is offended, that is your dream.
Do You Understand? I don't sit too close to each other.
As I said before, this process is done in as possible alone.
What is important is that, no matter where you are, you must be comfortable in
order to be emotionally alone
with the dream inside
Think a moment in the dream that wrote. Bring him hither back to your
consciousness. Recordadlo exactly as when ye put in the paper.
Now close your eyes and ID at the beginning of what is called divine alignment
to manifest.
Know that this is what you want. Beware very clear, without confusion. Speak
from the Lord God of your being, because he produces what you call the future,
up to what you call the present, up to what you call the past and with all that
i alineareis. At the time of the alignment, from the LORD God of your Being,
invoke him with power, up to its manifestation. It's up to you to do so.
Now, repent, emotionally in the dream. What does it mean? It doesn't mean
sitting down to meditate! Meditation is a prayer monotonous.
You must sit with your eyes closed, how to remove the reality that looks
threatening and to avoid any restriction to the inner creativity. You are not
supposed to sit there to contemplate God. Still do not know what it is to God.
I want you to participate in this fantasy to the same degree as you do with
sexual fantasies. I want this dream you as vividly as one of those fantasies.
I want you to be the dream.
How do you know when you are there? When nothing else exists, except what you
feel inside. When you are
able to dream in and become as a great actor on the stage of life, making the
role in all completely in that role. You will know when this happens, because
nothing more splendour of the profession and making it exist and there will be a
Your cardiovascular system will be reduced and your breath will become more
profound. There will be a change of temperature in the body. When temperature
change, there is a frequency change. When this happens, you will be there.
You know that a dream is a reality when the laughter comes out of the soul in
the middle of the dream.
When the joy is lives to such a degree that is vocalized and absorbs, the dream
belongs to you. At that time, I leave.
This is the climax of the creation.
When the dream I leave you, you will feel weak. At that time returns to the time
and goes through the process to create and make your destiny.
And when domineis The rudimentary processes, there will come a time when your
movement will not leave traces.
A time when what they say will be a law in a matter of a moment. What you feel
will be, when in a moment.
Miracles are the result of the creation.
And you will come a time when it is no longer sit to accept from the Lord God of
your Being, since it will be the Lord God of your Being. Accomplish the dream is
what will take you there. It is then that you will walk as a Christ, every thing
will simply be and the power to walk with you.
Now, some ye shall observe to do this, but you stop in the middle of the process
and you may wonder what would people say if i saw him doing this. And those of
you who are working in groups you may wonder who is thinking about the next
person or if you are arriving there faster than you. And there are others who do
not come near to any part because they are concerned about how they look when
you do this. Think of this, if you help: The person looking at the back of your
head has to someone who is looking at the back of his head.
And if alcanzais a moment of ecstasy and dare you to scream in the supreme joy
of your emotion, but i deteneis and say "What are you thinking of me?", you will
lose it. You will have to return to do it again until it is yours.
I understand that some of you simply do not understand this. Has been completely
above your heads because you are too busy thinking: "I will take the job to do
this; only i will get what i have been getting". And indeed it will.
But for those who wish to know the independence, this is how you will arrive
Let's Do It!
Remember your dream. Bring him hither to the surface.
Close your eyes. I BREATHE! Deep! I create a new air!
I begin with this prayer and then live the dream!
show thyself
to the alignment;
manifest thyself
manifest thyself
to the realization;
manifest thyself
At this time,
the father inside
OF WHAT I envision
for ever
and ever.
So be it!
Now, imagine the dream. Accept it, live it, poseedlo, let it be.
If you know that tomorrow everything you want would be your sentiriais, how do
It is with the same intensity as you manifest!
What if I tell you that your first dream will manifest according to the
intensity with which you accepted?
I hope you understand that, because exactly so it will be! So be it!
Do not ask for money to feed your family; ask the bread. This is a great
teaching that entails its
own proof. If you accept that your dream is a limitation and accept that you can
become a reality, what reaccionareis?
Everything you feel in regard to what you want is the feeling that it will be
the reality that you may believe in the drama.
This is very important; ponder for a moment.
If your dream becomes reality and then say: "Why don't I feel joy?" is simply
because it creasteis with joy. You can manifest the dream, but do not know where
was the joy. When the dream is accepted vividly, assiduously and with the same
emotion you want to express when it becomes a reality, then it is to be hoped
that that same energy produces the same results.
Now that you know that, you want a second chance to manifest, doesn't it?
It is wonderful to have the key that opens the door. The Kingdom of Heaven is
certainly one of the unlimited possibilities and understanding. And when you
realize that it is the emotion which opens the door, I bet that you will feel
this experience with more intensity the next time you try.
To accept the dream, you must live with the same intensity that when a reality,
because emotions govern and promulgate laws for the demonstration. Easier cannot
be expressed.
Then let's do it again with feeling!
If you are tired, go to the bed. If you're hungry, eat. If you are ready to
create your destiny,
let's do it.
You already know how to start. If the music at high volume helps to avoid
distractions in your space, make it sound. Bring the dream to the surface;
grabadlo in your mind; give the papers to the characters u observadlos appear as
you begin the dream close your eyes; be conscious of your emotion to do this
What do you feel when the dream a reality? Expresadlo verbally. Forget your
as to the time. You must accept the dream, because to accept it, since there is
no time. Only when the dream the time begins to play a role.
I love you. Now, imagine the dream. Iluminadlo. Sentidlo. When the dream i leave
you and feel that you have already completed, say "so be it" with feeling and
know that the dream is yours.
So be it.
Now, given with a glass of water with a small slice of lemon -the bitter water,
so I call it.
For the miracles.
Invoke him:
So be it.
"If the truth were something that you could learn from a book, someone would
have written a long time ago."
The trick of the light
How Many Words I must express from my mouth to bring you up to the simplicity of
all the creative power? Is the
emotion within you. Are You So intellectuals who only os you feed the process of
words? Are you not more than mathematicians, for which things are meaningful
only if they add up to?
I will do whatever it takes to bring you up to the possibilities that are in
there. The truth Unlimited is not expressed in words, because if it is, then it
is a limitation. Is not what is said; it is not what i say; it is what I say.
That is the light.
What can I do to enter in touch with yourselves? What to bring you to the center
of the
excitement? What can I say to make that happen? Nothing.
Do As I Say, tap on the edge of your garments and feel as the virtue of your own
soul os crosses?
Yourselves; with anyone else. That is the only way to know where you must get in
touch with reality.
You are Great Gods. You are humanoid entities that you walk in light. Listen to
this: the voice of God is not the ringing of poetic words; it is the love, the
emotion, the feeling. If the palpais, resonates and sings the truth.
You are emotional entities forever, that is what you are. And for good reason.
The greater part of your body is a watery substance. The substance of the spirit
and the soul is the emotion. And the emotion is simply the thought of God
accepted within an emotional body, and the soul and the spirit house the
The Light! Where do you think that the light has come? The light is the thought
that was plunged in contemplation of itself
and, by means of that contemplation, gave rise to the emotion. The emotion is
What I have said is not what you dare to feel. What is the great voice that
cries in the wilderness? It is not another hablandoos, as many suppose. Are not
your guides, nor are your teachers. I Madurad!
The great voice that speaks to you is the emotion that is within you.
Is the original thought that begins to be accepted, embraced inwardly. Is the
seat of the love of God through the feelings. Emotion. That is what I can't
teach you; I can't find the words; I can only sudarla to the see.
What they do not say to you; that is what I feel for you. It is the wind, the
messengers that I teach, the inner knowing, the feeling. This is the voice in
the wilderness and is neglect.
If you wish to be intellectuals, then you must be indifferent, without emotion.
You've come to be without God and never actually live.
The Emotion. What is the fervor? Is the Holy Spirit. When playing the fervor of
the emotion, I armonizais with the Holy Spirit. And what is the Holy Spirit? It
is the spirit of your being; it is the connection with the inner light.
Do you not know that everything that surrounds you is made by means of the
emotional acceptance of an idea? Everything. Your
your eyes, see the Creator and not clothes, your car, your fashions; everything
that surrounds you. How can you open feel emotion?
What you say about your neighbor? I don't judge! Let live in peace. What if the
whole world stones?
No one will be able to lastimaros. This is a truth that is impeccable.
Permitidselo. While conserveis your truth inside, Live your truth is emotion, is
But, what do you do? No. Tremble when your neighbor crying in the wilderness in
the midst of a great joy. They are living their dream; they are in the middle of
a fire that has been accepted internally. With emotion. are turning your fantasy
in law, and when they cry, sonreis sonrojais foolishly, and os. I ashamed by
them! Woe to you! So far from God, because if we don't live the emotion, there
is no life.
For a decade the legacy has been: "Behold God. The Father and you are one. The
kingdom of heaven is within." This is how you open yourselves and perceive the
world. That is the law. And if your neighbor sees this as a great truth, but you
see as pure fantasy, that it will be.
The words have never changed; only this rite is something new. Do you not know
that a cell feel? Do you not know that a tree feels? Strives to come to light
and possesses great intelligence. Do you not know that a rock feel? 23
ento coagulated has become a matter. The fact that there is no emotion. Without
emotions, not be pensami that has emotion. The physical!
Every thing is alive; every thing is a living organism. Emotion is what
determines the life. And somehow, in some way, it all came to be an organism
that breathes and lives. What is it that i love it so much and hugged him in
order to move ahead? God the Father. I pure thought!
Do you want to be rich? Do you have your own land? Do you and your own cupboard
of food? Do you want to know?
Do you want to have a new car? Do a better job? Do you want to have fame? What
glory? Do you want the media to
survive? What Preservation? So be it!
When playing the I emotional, he created everything.
Ycuando really understand this and begin to do so, you will overcome that dream
and ye shall go forth on the other side very quickly. You will possess
everything. And you temeriais? You will have left the social conscience and,
would that be a bad thing? Social consciousness is intellectual; it is
emotional. Since you will be out of lament, poverty, misery, hunger, the
revolutionaries that exist for money, not because they feel their ideal.
Withdraw from the social consciousness there is nothing wrong with it.
And if you have already done, why don't you have it all? Because ye took up
teaching only to the extent that
the system. It is there that glorify or function within your box! And the box is
the system! You know acumulais gold to be able to have the power to dominate
Let me tell you that you are while you remain in social consciousness.
You are the populace enslaved of the streets. When you take this teaching and
place them in the box that is the system, it does not work. But when you go out
of the box and seek the realization of freedom, when esquivais The oppressor,
you have it all!
The only way to obtain it
without buying it is to feel it.
At that time you will possess.
Then comes from many sources. There will be many messengers. Will open many
doors and will come many opportunities and all will be spectacular.
God is not bleak. The fact that neither the purple sky in the middle of the
night or the silvery crescent moon i speak does not imply that God is gloomy.
The joy is what sustains the very heaven! If it were not for the joy, there
would be nothing in the sky. Is life. Each star in the middle of the night
expresses joy, because through the joy of life.
What is life? Are the gases that exploit, come together and produce the friction
that gives them life to the stars, and is
the joy and love that placed them there.
God is not bleak. God is the thunder that progresses, laughter, joy. If you
retry the manifestation with gloom, you will lose, unless you only want to
happen a pinch of the miracle. Do You Understand?
You are so close to the understanding of these words that you can feel. If you
possess the understanding of that money is not your because ye were sojourners
who issued, because it is the role of someone else, if you have it clear that,
then you possess emotional and you can take that knowledge up to the excitement,
then you possess everything.
as wisdom that knowledge. And if you can feel it, if you are living beings,
and when you reach the bread, say : "I am filled." Do not ask for money to feed
the family. Ask for the bread.
Do you understand? Then it will become law.
Because when you say: "I want to know; honestly desire" and your words match
your emotion,
then it is. then you learn. Then i can teach you and I can take you to a place
where it all makes sense. And you can walk free. "I am. I AM. The Father within
me and I are One". This is what all of this.
"If I could give you only one thing, it would be the faculty to think about
nothing... to simply perceive the truth directly, without think out of sight".
"But it all seems so strange - this idea that the world is an illusion that I
must try to move".
"The illusion is like a magic trick fabulous".
"It is the light of God that shines through the prism of our beliefs and fears,
then spreads, it folds up and takes the form of lines, colors, shades, patterns,
sounds and smells of the physical universe".
"The light is the only thing that is real".
The rest is... a trick of the light.
The trick of the light
The world I never understood because, under the current conditions, tends toward
the negative.
The world will never, never understand the sovereignty of an entity, because the
world has an owner. The world will never know God nor understand the
individuality of the self, nor the living organism called earth, because the
world is bought and paid for at least an existence.
But I am here to teach you to be sovereign states. Did you adecir: "But this is
a dissenting opinion; it is embarrassing"? What do you prefer, be embarrassed or
go hungry? If this is dissatisfied, then it is unlimited.
The trick is to teach you to possess it, so that you can be a light in your
world; that ye may be able to say: "God and I are the same," and to understand
its meaning to the fullest. If you possess, you will be able to survive the
coming days on your plane. You will enjoy a traquilidad and peace that passes
all understanding. If you possess, you will see how the meek inherit the kingdom
that leave them with the tyrants. And, if you possess, count with the genius
that creates new things.
genius unless you are emotional. Where do you think will come the new but never
possess that great minds?
You have done a happy toast. Not necessarily remember the words, but however was
somewhat happy. Something like this
from you. All of this work, with my extravagance and your disagreement. With
emotion and feeling.
You have been sitting reading this information. If you have followed my
instructions and have participated,
as "for life, and from God". You have read many lines that make sense. I said
two words that were vulgar and reisteis foolishly. (are not vulgar. A rear axle
is a ass! It is something living).
Have you not read, some things i drew the attention and your desire to know. And
that brain your began to think, is coming out of the ignorance recycled. And if
you movisteis toward the ground and with sincerity ye that something great was
going to happen, well, that was it.
You cannot say: "From the Lord God of My Being" and then express: "What did I
say?" and it would be very
appropriate to ask: "From the Lord God of my being, grant a loan". This is a
Make the Miracle Happen! I do!
Making the miracle a reality
now, do you remember that I said that your desire is in the future, the
excitement in the now and the body in the past?
Well, that leaves many with old bodies who feel quite young. Because your bodies
respond to the acceptance of an attitude that says as they should be. You did as
well. In other words, it is expected that envejeceis envejezcais and why.
In the physical everything moves slowly. Let us reason this: You have taken the
dream, that lies out there somewhere, rarefied and in the future and brought him
inside. You have taken the emotional - which is the eternal now - and you have
embraced in the body. And the body that cry" he shuddered, sudo, took a deep
breath, she cried, cried, felt and applauded is the body of the past.
It is a matter of conceptualizing what you call time. That is what we have to
look forward to a miracle a reality.
But when in the process of manifestation to fully match the body, is in perfect
harmony at the time when it becomes the now. Then everything is in focus. When
you manifest as a person that a sexual relationship, the body responds in a
moment; it is a miracle; it is the manifestation of a fantasea with emotion.
And it is when your body responds to the joy that the dream leaves you. It must
be manifest in time to clot, so that tomorrow the fate of your time starts to
change automatically. Then you will know that you have won.
In the flow of time sitting down to meditate does not produce the miracle. Puts
you in touch, you know that you are alive, you are breathing, sitting,
meditating. If produces peace, because if you want peace to meditate, the gain.
But the process of manifestation is an emotion: pure emotion. And if you just
sit there and with your orthodox belief say: "What I have, is mine, so be it",
it's not going to work. Are you going to express disbelief: "why nothing
happened? This is not that works". Well, if it does not work, how do you
explicais that your brother if flourishes as a genius? Have to be the body,
mind, spirit and soul together.
2 Let's take a look at your concept of time: E=mc . I will tell you how to began
on time.
Any time you remove yourselves from now, you pass the flow of time. When the
light was separated from the thought, began on time, because when the light
moved from the thought, he began to wane. As depleted, decreasing their
frequency until it became the clot of gross matter.
It takes time for you to believe i leave you and fall, so to speak, to time and
to the coagulated. Each time the thrill decline, is rapidly converted in the
field. That is the law of mathematics.
And that is what prepares your destiny that is called future. I will tell you
something: there's nothing to know with any certainty; your future if one exists
for the dream that manifestasteis in this day. By law, it must happen! So be it.
Well, how else are you going to tell me that the next year? What I am going to
display a calendar? Please. Am I going to say: Because it is my birthday?"
The future cannot be predicted scientifically. The future is mere conjecture.
What is the destiny decreed. And your manifestation of the dream has decreed and
is already, by the way, in the process of being a reality.
If you look at your calendar, will show the year. And you may have illustrations
to assure you that the winter certainly will come out of it, there is no way of
knowing that the future exists. But when emotionally you are in control of the
situation, everything with manejeis intention must be manifested. This is how it
holds your
You should provide for that.
So be it.
You have been circling around the same old box now you understand better the
emotion, let's get back to the procedure. Do you remember your first dream? Now
you possess. But what you did with the second thing on your list? Do you have
one? Or covered your first dream everything that you wanted? If so, you have
deceived. What will the human nature when you have made all your dreams? Create
another, of course. This is called evolution.
Some of you ye under what i call limited thinking.
You are convinced that it may not be possible, so that it is not.
Some of you sit, i alineais and you do all this but when you open your eyes and
look in the mirror, you see the same old face. Nothing has happened. You sit
there and ask and desire, dream and accept with emotion, yet you feel walking on
a cloud. And you know that things are going to get better, but after half an
hour nothing has changed, exclamais: "This roll does not work".
Do you know why it doesn't work for you? Because ignorance is widespread
everywhere. All you
have learned in this plane has been a limitation crass, because no one in this
plane knew the truth as to how it worked. Only i have delivered rites. And what
ganasteis with learn only half the truth?
The only thing that Ganasteis were long periods of suffering, celibacy, fasting,
chants, hectoplasma, Spirits, guides, teachers, (real and unreal) and books with
great titles: How to Be God in 30 days. The joy of leaving the body, for as I
Do you see why there has been so much junk? Everything that valorasteis in your
material world was created to accumulate
gold, which led to the power that enslaves. No one knew something better because
they lived in that awareness. Don't you see?
Bring him hither to house, inside, there must be the truth.
If you are sovereign, then no one will be able to esclavizaros. But if you don't
have dignity, does not belong to the royalty, you have problems, you can be
manipulated, enslaved and deceived for other purposes that do not go beyond this
can i do this; I do not have the new information involves looking at things from
a different perspective. "Oh, no skill. Some people are born with it, but I
don't. I suppose that if there is karma".
Karma is a limitation; a limitation that discriminate between the sexes. It is a
limitation class; exalts one destroys the other. Does not exist.
I have thrown bits, and eagerly you have taken possession of them. You seek to
address them, but do not function. Your friends will say that your life has
changed as a result of your most recent understanding. Well, I would be ashamed
if you give me a compliment as well, because, in that you switched? You have
been circling around your old box. You are only seeing the lounge from another
No one caught the complete idea, because it was too simple. Do you know that in
the blink of an eye you can own it?
"But my experience has been that the present time is like a funnel that, as you
zoom in, it becomes more and more small; so that at its far end it seems that
there is only a tiny hole of light.
However, while the closer you get to the small hole, the brighter light returns,
until arriving at the hole, you realize that the funnel was only the means of
access to the Infinite Now
26 - a magical moment
that is not only greater than the past or the future, but that, in fact,
contains the two".
The trick of the light
To help you to understand the science and mathematics, you need of rudimentary
The time is based on the speed of light; the speed of light that moves between
two distances determines the time. What you believe when you manifest in this
way has to go through the emotional body ethereal to become destination, which
becomes a flow of time out of you and then goes in the form of spiral, to become
reality, manifest.
But, where is the joy? Well, I just prepare to receive it.
Patience is a virtue. Exercise patience and understand the time. Each time you
make a dream, ye shall pass over to the next and I see happy and joyful. Love
yourselves with greater intensity, because something is happening. Become aware
of your creation. You are worthy of it! And certainly God if you think that you
are magnificent.
Que repleguéis every time a demonstration, you will continue with the next and
the next. You will realize that you are overcoming, eliminating and possessing
your limitations. You are ruling over them.
Do you not know that the master's degree is to govern the dream? It is not to
squeeze the dream. Is to be the dream. This
is how you pass the bridges to get to be the Christ. While most accept, the more
approach, more powerful you are converted and, at a time, so, for you no longer
are hypocrites with your words or your emotions.
Your emotions are the truth; that is what is impeccable. Learn to say "No
transigire. I am what I am. What i say i am, and to the God of my being, I am a
pure emotion that returns to the thought".
Be hypocrites with emotions is to live in a duality, which leads to lies that
produce sadness and confusion. What is confusion? It is the reflection of the i
fold here, within you. A hypocrite is one who says one thing, but emotionally is
another. Be impeccable; after all, what do you care about the world and your
attitude? What worldly opinion I depart from the sinlessness which will take you
back to the light?
Love the world and let him be is grace, and that is sinlessness, but, be who you
are, is God.
This has nothing to do with being martyrs, but to change your values. What value
do you give to know how to create and re-create? How to how to win the light?
How to be powerful? Or how to be God? This requires impeccability.
My daughter has learned something very difficult; she is impeccable with their
dreams. She has learned to be what is in this adventure.
In this your dream of freedom, independence, live what you are inside, not what
someone else tells you that you are. Have the patience and the skill to
understand the science of things, and of all that ye have longed for, everything
that has been spinning on the wheel of life, everything that you desire with
vehemence and all what you need, you will have.
It is called the path of joy; it is what leads you to the house. Be patient.
Possess what you have learned today; do not speak of it with other people; be
impeccable with your emotions. At the time you rush to or perhaps too much. And
compare with other what you have experienced, you may wonder if you have not
asked enough, you know how it is when you have too much. You are no longer so
I ask my daughter!
Poseedlo, bring him to term, as if it were the focus of the magnet - that part
which is neither positive nor negative. Poseedlo,
bring him up to that produces fruit. When it is a reality, you can tell the
world about it.
I make an effort to take you to the narrowness of mind, through the pure reason,
and bring you up to the Unlimited absolute.
And one way to get there is by having your own opinion, not someone else. And
how do you do that? Never ask me to another what you think!
And when you can do that, a wind will come out of the nothing to warn that
lograsteis; that you and the Father within you have made this a reality; that
reality is there as a testament to you, a living symbol of who God is. Then you
will be able to say, "Look, look at this!"
There you will understand what I mean when I talk to feel joy and you will be
ready for the next dream, and the next and the next.
You are like the fruit on the tree. There are a bunch of peaches covered with
lint-free cloth, but only one has the color that they acquire when the kisses of
the sun. Falls from the branch only when she is ready. You are that way; you are
falling from the tree. Be happy. Only when you take yourself away from the tree
you can have a new life. So be it.
You are learning.
I ask you this: When your dream has manifested itself and be joyful, from the
LORD God of your Being, 27
thank the Father within. Give thanks to God. Don't forget!
The tomorrow that never comes when you are busy talking or saying something,
never listen. When you ask a question, your mind is quick to formulate an
appropriate response, instead of absorbing the information that you have just
been listening to.
I have a scoop: I care a damn about the other entities; all of them have their
game. I importais you and what you learn. And you can learn here is definitely
on the outside of the box, and it is only within the box where the design of the
games. There will never be another entity like me. There will never be others
like you, what matters is the inner treasure, not what you see in the narrowness
of human mind. Isn't the New Era an era of superconsciousness? If you persist in
seeing it as the New Era, will continue to be the tomorrow that never comes.
You can postpone until tomorrow the Superconsciousness, the superpower, the
Supermanifestacion, if you have an excuse to do so. The New Era is an illusory
future that never comes; and never come. The reality of the superconsciousness
is here, already; it is all a question of resurrect and possess it.
No longer do so many questions because you are too busy absorbing the
information; and the more you read and absorbais, the more you learn; embebereis
more precisely what is not said. If you are writing a list of questions, never
become emotional enough and powerful enough to create.
That's why Razonad.
This work is getting tired of my daughter, for many reasons. You cansariais if
you throw rocks.
I only can hurt a few times. But she isn't tired of learning.
I do honor to your desire for knowledge. It has required great strength to
undertake the reading of a text whose author is an entity that has been accused
of condoning the murder and things like that! But, like my daughter, you nor are
you tired to learn and, believe me, when trascendeis your monkey mind, opens a
whole new frontier.
My daughter I would like their feelings, but I tell him that the only thing that
matters is what you think the Father within, not what other people think. Never
grow weary of cansaos wanting to learn, to feel the misery. It only takes a
moment to speak with the Father within, so that everything goes afloat. It
requires only a moment to change your whole life. That is the legacy of this
You are going to get much more than financial independence. You are going to
have a lot more of what you know that there is, so that when you leave this
plane and coloqueis your hands forward, it will be filled with wealth, knowledge
and wisdom. You will be able to eat bread and piece, many times.
Once you know how to use the keys, you are in evolution, evolucionareis.
I love you. I know that some of you have cursed, slandered and hated, but I love
you. You still here, learning, this is due to the fact that i never stop loving
Be kind to yourselves; invest in your own life. For now it is enough; consumid
id and a hearty meal. Enjoy with your brothers and celebrate. Then, id to search
your sacred place on the floor and practice with fervor and delight what you
have learned here. Enjoy. Turn back to the Father within. Choose your next dream
or limitation and Cread. You already know how to do it. And if you have
understood correctly, you will do so with pure emotion and your body will begin
to throb and undulate in straight away. Id and do it alone and your power in all
parties shall be such as you inside. Live what you have learned and become a
living truth. One day rejoice to have done so, because all the gold in the world
will not be enough to buy what you know. The Impeccability is the most valuable
investment you have ever made.
And what is accurate? Time, loneliness. Thick walls so that no one heard your
cry at the moment of
Practice this until you become professionals. In the next segment, we will learn
to go beyond the dreams, of the limitations. So be it.
'If you're going to change your life, first you have to change the way you
The trick of the LIGHT
I recommend a toast with lemon water before continuing. This sentence indicates
where you are on this journey of
to the alignment to the
So be it.
The Man Who Dreamed the thirst Once there was a man who was lying on a cot in
his hut, very near the window. The glass of his window was so clean that it
seemed as if nothing would prevent that one out the hand and could feel the air.
And when he was in her bunk, the man he dreamed that he was thirsty and the
berth became the dry land and each movement toward the saffron powder will rise
and then fall and will build up between her eyelashes.
His tongue swelled with thirst and his lips are rajaron due to the continued
licking until there was moisture in the mouth.
And the dream was of intense thirst.
He lay down on his bed, that in the dream was the land of saffron powder. And as
I lay there, Ra, the Sun in its large zenith, beat him without mercy. Could not
lift an arm or call someone to calm their thirst with a drop of the precious
liquid. And he couldn't move on his pallet, for that the Earth doesn't it. In
that dream he did not know that he was dreaming and his thirst was insatiable.
As he lay there in torment, his lips and tongue destemplados, a soft rain fell
out of their window.
The man who had the sleep of death There was a man who was lying on his pallet
and had a dream of fear; he dreamed that he died. In the dream, toward efforts
to win the race a rider. From a distance he could hear the hooves of the horse.
But even if they tried, they could not move, and the hooves are coming more and
Desperately he tried to scream to preserve life, but in the dream he couldn't
move and the hooves of horses produced fire by crashing with the rocks and made
the earth tremble. I felt panic and dreamed that his death was only a few meters
In the midst of their desperation to run, he didn't notice the sun or the wind
moved her hair. The earth, the sweet land that was under his feet. And while she
dreamed that the death was getting closer, the Winter turned into Spring and the
nakedness of the great oak and its long and sinuous fingers of barren branches
promised the hope of spring.
The man who had the dream of the shortage There was a man who was lying on his
bed and he had the dream of poverty. In his dream, the opportunity never came to
your door. In this dream, he was a beggar who desperately asking for alms. I had
no more than a garment of linen that had already been patched on several
occasions and his boots had heels. I told him I didn't have a gold that will
shine in the sun. I didn't have anything. This was his dream of poverty. And
while dreaming, outside his window blew a pleasant wind. The wild flowers they
bathed in the sun and the wind was blowing pollen and seed into the womb of the
earth I expected in harmony, balance and simplicity.
The man who had the dream of God had a man who dreamed that he was God. In his
sleep, all things were possible. If it wished, at a time when he could descend
to the depths, throw your network and remove large fish, fleshy, bright and
silver. When she threw her network, the sea showed his great abundance.
In his dream was to God and to his view nothing perishing, nor the assault of
the stations affected him. Had a dream of joy, and all things resonated with a
desentonada music that never was, it was always harmonious. In his dream,
everything vibrated and the nuances of the colors went beyond human perception.
In this dream all things were combined and gave origin to the song that is the
thought of God.
And walked on meadows of emerald color, saw the flowers shine dimly in his
golden petals. Nowhere in his dream had fury, malice, envy, or criticism. There
was no disease or pain, or penalties. Everything was like an eternity that sang
a song of harmony.
So was the man who had the dream that was God. At any stage of the dream
considered the possibility of dreaming, and woke up to realize that he was
At the end of the day, relax those who have the dream of awakening the dream in
which you live is the dream.
When you wake up, what you see around no longer makes sense because on the
outside of the dream are the possibilities of harmonious relations of eternal
life. Forever and for always.
You are in a dream. And all your perceptions,
including the way you consider yourselves, are based on perishable things, not
in things that are eternal.
You have the dream that opaque all the other dreams.
Dream that everything is impossible.
And that dream is the custodian of all things unrealized, you live in the
illusion called limitation.
Do you not know that outside of your window it is raining?
Do you not know that outside of your window what died in the winter will be born
in the spring?
Do you not know that what's on the outside of your window is the abundance of
multiplication? What are the seeds of
Do you not know that you are asleep, dreaming of the harmony, dreaming with God?
The Event - what you are learning here - it is the emotional science. Emotion is
what is alive; your
logic is dead. The emotion is a vitality that transcends the horrors of the
intellect. Do you not know that when you are inside of the intellect, you have
never lived ?
When you experience spasms in the process of manifestation, do you not know that
you are the God who walks on green pastures, and listen to the song of harmony?
Because there, in that process, lies the eternity that has neither the beginning
nor the end of the boundaries that limit the feasibility of all things.
If there is a final in nature, there could be no evolution. You utilizasteis The
power, what you see on the contrary. Consider the imagination on and the ecstasy
of a fantasy as something unreal. The opposite is true. It is the enormity of
the emotional body aligned where you may believe what is in real truth from the
Lord God of Your Being. Do
you think that is the opposite, because that is the human drama.
The human drama ends when you find the difference between illusion and reality.
If you believe that you accept and abrazais when you go in and you bring the
dream to the surface is pure imagination, then you must also believe that the
kingdom of heaven that is inside is equally pure imagination.
You have to know this; you must resonate with the truth. Because if the Kingdom
of Heaven is inside, then it is the inside that creates all the outside.
It is the inside that keeps you in that narrowness of mind and of struggle. It
allows you to have the privilege of unlimited life. And do you know why
forcejeais? Because you are intolerant, narrow-minded. Because you are asleep in
a dream in which you are stuck. When you wake up emotionally, all the struggle,
pain, grief and the wound cease to exist.
When you wake up emotionally comes Harmony. It makes it very difficult to
embrace this privileged to know. It is a privilege to know what you are
learning, that is, that you have to change its attitude in regard to what is
real and what is illusory.
If you want to be realistic, feel emotion, since in that state there is
If you ampliais aventurais to boast and your capacity to reach that state of
pure reason, where you give birth to another part of your brain that allows you
to accept the majesty of a thought more grandiose, innately know that what have
I told you is a great truth. Your brain will open and will flow divine thoughts,
thoughts of the human drama. And in that thought, in that presumption, I begin
to realize that, emotionally, you have created all your unhappiness, which has
manifested itself in your dream of limitation.
And in a moment, in the midst of chaos, with a change of attitude, which is
fired with desire, you can resolve it, own it, and achieve happiness, because
the chaos exists. I tell you, this flesh and bone will pass away, but it is the
quality of the crown of your soul and spirit what will replace the kingdom of
flesh and bone. Only through that soul and spirit that has preserved the
immortality of love, joy and profound wisdom, because everything else perishes
and the body returns to the dust.
What is real? What is it that holds the eternal? The reason, one comes to the
conclusion that it is the Kingdom: taking
the legacy of truth that I AM GOD up to its zenith; Realizing that the
sustainability of who you are is forever. You are God.
What is it that acumulais that which is eternal? The understanding of what a
thrill it is truth. See the world with the
emotion inside is the way to collect the wealth that is called wisdom and inner
knowing that give origin to a magnificent Being of Light that has won the war to
death and all the chains that bind you to the flesh. Forever and for always.
You can not be a "realistic" and know innately that it is eternal. We know that
it is hypocritical, which is the great reality and know that with does not have
God never lived. To know that you accepted the dream, with the emotions,
absolute certainty is to be released from the dream, to wake up.
What is the light of God? What is the power of a Christ? What is the magic that
you are completely outside of the
when it emerges, the tallais in parts and discard what is not real in your
hands? It is the emotional truth.
Wake Up! It is raining outside.
Wake Up! The winter is going on. The mauve of the spring and pink buttons are
on the winding black fingers of the majestic oak. He lives again!
Dear teachers, express is only a piece of the pie of the king. But, as you can
see, the king will touch all the cake.
Why is the king! Accept and abraz ar is only a part. You are dreamers who abide
in the
biggest limitation of all: the notion of impossibility.
What is guarded by the impossibility never becomes reality.
And that is why you are not the genius; careceis of God, you are the living
dead, because you can not give an account of what is inside, the need that has
to be satisfied. And why has to be satisfied? Not to be property of mankind, nor
for nature to be happy with you, or to line your pockets with gold.
In essence, the need is satisfied for that highlight three-dimensional as a
tribute to the power that is within the glory of God, the Father, forever and
Is not the gold, it is the magic of what is inside of him. And says: "Look At
Me; I come from the One who sent me". And his name is eternal.
It is raining outside, you who need money! And when they spend it all, you are
going to need more.
Now comes the spring.
Part of the cake is the ability to look at your independence and have the
feeling that you are solid
from the financial point of view, so you can devote your life to God, right? I
do not!
Continuously you would be protecting the finances for the balance will never be
in red.
Still you are learning what is part of the cake, but that will not happen until
your attitude change. At this time, your attitude is against you, because, you
see, for you all this is still more than a delicious fantasy. When you leave
this book and remove yourselves to sleep, meditate with your mind realistic:
"This cannot be true; I am not worthy of this."
To change your attitude, you must use the pure reason up to the zenith of your
You have to let go of your monkey mind.
How do you know the way to open the great seventh seal, the pituitary gland, the
guardian of the seat of the brain? How do I
open? If you seek to achieve this through drugs, you will die. If ensayais The
songs, you will become hoarse. If you seek with meditation, only you will stand
around the corners of your safety. What you succeed by investing with intensity
the attitude; then, from there, you will begin to question the other side of it.
What is real and what is illusion? Ask: "What if...?" Keep asking and the
pituitary will begin to
respond. This Fantastic bright elixir of hormones will begin to open the brain
and pituitary blossom as a large lotus flower. And the "what if..." will take
you further as you open the brain more and more, so that you may accept and
embrace the thought, the beauty of what God is, in all the depths of his
Mystery. That is what opens the seventh seal.
The lazy minds, minds, metaphysical, spiritual teachers, diets, crystals,
amulets and the zircons do nothing more than decorate box. Nothing more. You are
going to die, well decorated. Is that not outside; inside. You are the most
wonderful machine ever built. You are the living body of the living God, and he
is there, behind the dreams. And the Genie is there, at the point where the
attitude is changed.
Social consciousness is an illusion; the emotion is a reality and if you could
accept that comenzariais quickly, to eliminate the guardian of all dreams, and
they would begin to flow like a river. And where do they go?
I return to God! You could look at the surface of those dreams, as if it were a
river, and see your face. You could
look at it and say: ''Soy i". Then shall possess the inner knowing, knowledge,
truth that goes beyond the idiocy of the rites. Then shall possess the truth
that extends beyond the game, beyond the box. It is the truth that runs all the
way to immortality.
You are able to be geniuses. It is not something that I can give, something that
you can put in your hand.
No messenger will appear carrying the gift of genius to you adorneis with him.
It is not something that you will bring kissing the feet to another, with the
hope that you paste something.
It is something innate to you. The Genie is the source that has not been
consulted, the brightness, the quantum of a life that can reach up to eternity.
The body is controlled by the pituitary gland, which by means of workflow
hormone, the gland that produces the life or arrange for it to finish.
You have owned a little excitement which vuetra invertisteis in fantasy, but
still do not possess the genius. Until invirtais The thrill, the next step in
manifestation will let you wondering what happened and discarding the process.
The greatest limitation is the attitude do you know why i never do you
completely? Because for you it is a dream, and dream that very
few do. Very few they get it, they are, they come to be, prove it. Your mind and
emotion are the biggest assets that you possess; you can never sell. The man can
kill the body, but never the soul, your spirit. You can stone, more never hurt.
They will never be able to bruise the soul and the spirit that is God. He
forgives with compassion and lives forever.
Very few will get all the cake, because your monkey mind is rational
explanation: "This is nothing more than the teachings of the Ram. And many deny
me and say that they no longer exist, because when they decide that
i no longer exist, it makes it easier for them to discard what has been taught,
and no longer feel obliged to follow with another step. What Do You See? I
became his excuse: "It doesn't matter; that is not real.
In the process of manifestation, you will get the great miracle and you may
wonder why you have not you are happy. In a moment you will feel an outburst,
celebrating your success with pomp, but then there is another thing and forget
everything you have learned. Why? Because you assume an attitude of nervous
You assert that you sit in silence to start this process because they do not
want to disturb the neighbor. Oh, mansa entity, the real reason for this silence
is you doubt what you are doing.
If gave you an amulet and saying, "Go and frotad this every night; remojadlo in
water, carry him out and then drink the water," you would at full speed. (And
obtendriais some results). But when the issue is with you, absolutely alone,
invent excuses not to participate because your attitude inverted says: "This is
not real.
That is why some of you at a time when you are cured by these teachings, while
others remain disabled.
Why the miracles happen to some and not to others, considering that all repeat
the same sentence?
Where is the attitude? There is the whole secret. The dream that keeps you
behind, which prevent you get
where you want to go, it is a dream of your creation; you accepted. The entire
society is as irrefutable evidence that you had every right to create it. Yes,
all the days society tells you what is real; every day gives evidence by means
of the dark swamp the market square, by the iniquity of the limitation. The man
slander and kills his brother and violates the innocence. The man makes and
builds walls. Prices are in a continuous change and you ask yourselves what is
your position in all of this. It is there where you claim that the old dream is
How do you awake from this dream? The beginning is the analysis of this
knowledge; there all starts to take
shape. The knowledge, not the rites, gives rise to the opening of the brain; it
changes the quality of life.
What can I do to intensify the knowledge? Can I send many messengers, but as you
can see, they are
more like a kind of placebo. I can say for a moment that you are well, but
immediately return to your syndromes: hatred and fury, envy, bitterness,
revenge, despotism, gossip and even war. So the messengers have been placebos. I
can't shoot down that attitude.
I only can I nourish yourselves with knowledge and to encourage you to discern
each word; with this emotional impact is achieved, starting to open the brain.
Then, little by little, will turn on the lights and you may say:"
from the Lord God of my being, I did it! The cake is mine!"
and what I have given you? What is my legacy?
A profound truth.
Get to eternity is a matter of changing the attitude toward inside.
Razonadlo. What if...? What if...? Sumadlo actuadlo in mathematics; as with
emotion, contemplate him.
Everything you have done in life you did it because you wanted to do so. That,
in itself, was a desire from
the emotion. Love is emotion.
And what is emotion? It is an unseen power.
Then, what is beyond?
It is raining outside; this is not a new truth. It is a forgotten truth.
Know ye not that there are on the other side? The reality.
What impelled to take this book? What a feeling? What agregasteis to that
feeling? That, in some
way, this book will help you to become millionaires. That was your attitude.
But what was the spontaneity within the soul? The emotion, excitement.
I say unto you, that those who live in the "real" world, the dreamers, are dead.
Have worshipped the intellect and
have abandoned their emotion, relegating it to the silly women and children
They have never lived.
And, one day, will have to eat their own words, because they do not have other
Where are the mysteries? There aren't any.
"There is no time better than the present ", I said feeling the futility of
making objections.
Max made a gesture concealed and said:
"The only time that exists is the present."
The trick of the light
What are the schools of wisdom? You are in a. What is it that you cannot put on
paper and be
hidden? Nothing. The superstition is as a rider without face; he does not exist.
When you do not understand something, sospechad. You know it all, and you know
by the middle of the excitement. Emotion is what lights the fire and allows the
You are the hidden books; you have hidden in the fantastic illusion.
I know that if seguisteis The instructions that I gave to the process, at the
beginning i jugasteis sentasteis there and only
32 with
your dream. Then, when I told you that this dream will manifest according to the
degree of acceptance that otorgarais, asked for another chance. Why? Because
something made effect and said: "I only receive what father and with joy and
deep release, I'm sorry."
So regresasteis and started to feel a little more. Understanding that operais in
this way, I shouldn't have said that acabarais actuarais as if to win one
million dollars.
But I understand the money; you no. It is not your money! And someone is going
to ask to cancel the loan.
But if invertis The attitude, you begin to notice the difference.
I have spoken and I have given you a deep teaching on the secret of all life, if
you can accept.
Outside it is raining, dreamers, but I know that if you can reason a moment you
will see that is the attitude with which you accept what difference the life of
And when that's clear, you will receive rich gifts for you to continue on your
path of joy.
Manifest all your dreams with an understanding incredibly wise and prudent that
goes far beyond the mind of the common man.
Does the cake?
The demonstration is only a very small part of it.
Serving the destination
before continuing, it is necessary to understand the destination.
and by the law will - what is the next step required for the destination to suit
If the emotion I think - emotion?
If you sit there with her head tilted and hands You must be doers; policy
makers. Doers!
Open the destination will pass you by.
You have to rise and walk toward the destination.
To be geniuses has nothing to do with the Dream. While you are in, is not the
genius, is the limitation. The genie appears when the dream is manifested, and
accept him or abrazais in the physical plane. You are going to have to do that
until you have made all your dreams, until one day, you can sit using nothing
more than a simple tunic and no longer want nothing more than this banaros
level, except in the heat of the morning light.
You can sit on the throne of Christ only when you have completed all of your
My kingdom is not of this world, because what I have everything. And you can sit
there and repeat those words all day, but as you have had the dream of clothes
of gold, this will have to come before
What is at the end of this path of enlightenment? To become God/Man, that God
can see your face for the
first time, and you can witness their amazing journey, which is called the same.
Your kingdom is not of this world, but of the inner world: possess all and no
longer be rampant. That is why you need your dreams, but you cannot have them,
you cannot sit back and banaros with the light, and does not leave traces like a
Christ, until you have walked toward your destiny. You can have laughed out loud
and cried rivers of relief in joyful freedom and you have felt immaculately
clean inside, as a new garment, but you have to go all the way.
The next piece of the pie is walking toward the destination that you have
created so that you can feel, touch, smell and wear the dream, because the soul
is already dressed in that dream.
And then you must continue with the following dream, and then the next, and the
The doers are geniuses. What makes a genius? The implementation of the dream!
You could sit to recite eloquent philosophies and have bright ideas, but your
audience will be when his insides begin to dream; no longer will listen. It is
Iran, eat and think that you are stupid. No impresionareis to anyone, because,
what a shame!
You will see just how stupid.
Do is live. If you sit within your caves and think that God must be something
because you know all this, the sun never shine within your cave. Will remain
dark and damp, and your bones arthritic hurt.
Life is a gift that we have to wake up! It is the reality. The genius is made.
The doors will
manifest, but you must enter them.
Do you think that gold bricks fall from the sky?
Do you think that only open the mouth the manna will fall and i will fill? Wake
Dreamers, it is only when you stand up from the bed, open the window, Fuméis
head and open the mouth when
the rain can quench your thirst. It is raining outside.
Life is a gift that we have to wake up. It is the reality.
When you awaken, no longer listen to the fiery hooves of the death. Then what
you will hear will be no more the wind whispering through the bare branches of
the spring begin to sprout. Is life. Life.
The life he says: "I am living again. Raise the winter. I am here again."
Wake Up! Id and embrace a tree. Spring arrived. You are alive. Awaken from
poverty. Arise and go out
the door, sit down in the meadow and let the pollen cover your face of
abundance. This is happening. The seeds are the dreams that blow in the wind.
They are grafted in the fertile womb of the Great Mother Earth, and will rise up
and blossom. They stand up and do. You dreamers who yaceis in the middle of the
dream and only dream with pursuing the queue as the cat in the midst of bad
relationships, to be unhappy, to be the 33
victims of your own creation; your dream is to be the victim. All the time i
sumis in the deep abysses of sadness and there revolcais. For ye compass the
corners of your own dreams of unhappiness.
Wake Up! Get Out! There is a marching band. Unite to it! Yaceis in your bunk,
with all these dreams,
of those who want to escape. Those dreams persecute and obsess on each corner.
You, the spiritual! You hypocrites! You who think that you possess to God, the
truth, the path and the
light, wake up! You are more than hypocrites, and you will die frustrated. Are
those who do not have God. Awaken and watch as dawn comes. Will tell you
everything you wanted to know.
Do not be afraid to shout in the wind, or hugging a child and listen to your
heart beat in your chest.
Do not be afraid to pick flowers in the meadow and spend some time enjoying its
fragrant perfume.
Do not be afraid to contemplate with wonder the midnight purple and the splendid
moon faded. And follow with great attention the course of the gray smoke, as it
moves in front of the Moon and casts shadows mottled on the sky of the middle of
the night.
Life is like that; it is God. What amulet that possess it can match the splendor
of twilight? What is the voice you hear? Who are your teachers? What I can say
that I do not know the silence? You are God. Wake Up! Hypocrites, spiritual
entities; there is no such thing. It is a dream. Say: "I want to be spiritual"
is really saying: "I am a failure; I want to be spiritual". Means that do not
I AM. I AM. I AM. There is no doubt.
Let us reason about this: if you strive to be good, it means that you are ill.
If you strive to be "the metaphysical entity" that goes beyond the wrath of the
dogma, it means that you are the dogma. Never going to get out of it, and you
will continue walking in your New Era. Will never arrive. The future never
comes, because you are dreaming of something that is expected in the future,
which means that it is now. What Do You See?
There is no such thing as the New Era. The abrigais if tomorrow never comes
hope, because if you do, it means you do not possess. You are asleep and you
have never lived. Wake Up! The sun is shining. The rocks are coming down from
the mountain.
Does the voice of those who listen to it in the wilderness? Yours!
I AM. The center of the I AM is eternal, forever and ever. The daring, humble
and gentle light of a
pure entity is inside; it is what lies beneath all the dreams: of all.
You are God, dreaming of a man who is limited. And on the berth of the dreamer
nothing evolves.
Since my days have not evolved. Do you and your technological era? In my days I
met her. You are very similar to how we were in my days.
technological knowledge? A genius daring which he had the dream and walked over
to her and who provided the destination.
Watch your light source. Your light is no longer coming out to burn whale oil;
you have caught the magic of the invisible - "electrum". Who thought of that?
Not you, but the dreamer that embrace with excitement and walked toward their
destination. Still you are asleep in your era. You have not evolved since my
days. Your heads have not grown to accommodate increased brain activity. But it
is not necessary, after all use only a third of your brain.
You are asleep in the bed.
Wake Up! It is about the spring; is evolving.
i Awake! The living organism of your Earth is evolving and you remain asleep.
A true God who walks in human form does not tilt at the feet of another, nor
asked council to another. A
true God is the shining light of the charism and of genius. A true God is full
of gentleness, humble strength, an extraordinary mind to know, and live
impeccably. The God who walks in the form of a man.
Stay tuned, the dreamers. There are angels walking outside your window. Are
Dancing in the rain. A child of God genuinely enthralled is God. And your inner
knowing is intact, is aware of all things with accuracy. Your instincts are so
refined as the salmon. Never this sad; let the sadness in the dream that was the
property of the dream.
Awakening is a joy. The cake is done, create. And at any moment you can finish,
embrace another dream, and walk to another destination.
The change is evolution. You know that you are accomplishing something when your
attitude begins to change; you know that you are waking up. When awaken, you
will know what I have said here and what I have said.
To express a dream of independence is to change the attitude. Your emotions are
The truth is inside.
The conception of yesterday is an illusion.
Your dreams will manifest, and a day sonareis simply I AM, greet and you will be
an integral part of your life.
Do you worry about the lily of the field by its beauty? Do they worry the herbs
for their nutrition? Hard. Live again
and again, many times and the seeds of the last life the wind through hills and
valleys to a new and beautiful meadow to have a new experience.
Want to be happy. Do you think that the money will give you happiness.
No, because the money is the walk of someone else.
Babes happiness in your years and she will take care of everything else. If you
are noble, kind entities, spotless, without deception, and the misery of
yesterday, the joy will make all things are fulfilled.
You are geniuses, but the majority of you is stunned by what he reads. You do
not have the intelligence, your back is
weak and, in addition, you can invent a million excuses not to do this and you
can also create.
You might say: "Sit down and think of all the reasons why you are not geniuses"
and quedariais sitting there until the morning. And what indicates that? Shows
how thick is the dream that opaque to all the others.
You are entities lazy and lethargic that they expect them to do everything.
Never awaken; never you will live. Don't like to hear that, I hurt. Then go back
to sleep.
But you are equipped with everything; you know that. Don't you came to this life
devoid of something that is necessary to go all the way.
What about those who think that what they fix their lives would be another human
being that makes them feel loved?
Need someone to make them feel special. Do you know why you want vehemently a
Do you know why you pass from one relationship to another? Because you round and
round in a box of frustration, and you believe that
a relationship is the answer and that if you can find someone who I caress, then
the sleep at night no longer is so stressful.
The whole mess to seek a relationship is in fact genius frustrated. When you
awaken and you may become the doer and take the rest of the cake, the energy
that is frustrated in the sexual organs changes direction, the pituitary is open
and the brain begins to flourish and all that energy walks toward its
destination. You are doing, you are creating.
Do you not know that the energy that is in what you call the root chakra is the
raw genius? And your nature
is to find someone to download! I Derramais your life on the ground!
Celibacy is not something forced; it is waiting there. It is the bridge that
leads from dream to reality. When you are celibate, the energy changes toward a
natural flow of creativity. You seek relationships like mad to be able to feel
good when you go to bed. When you awaken from the dream in which you live, you
may realize that you will walk alone toward your destiny, because what you have
created in this way to achieve that goal.
When you abandon this plane not casais, do not do the love in a cloud. You are
pure light energy. The God that converts the energy of the human element within
you in the creative genius and becomes that genius. How? Through your dreams;
abrazadlos and wait to speak in front of you.
Walk toward them, salidles to the encounter. Cread, complaceos in it; open your
brain, beyond the fire for the sake of knowledge and then, oh, human, God will
walk in your ways. Requiem for the Dream. Requiem for the Dream.
Your reality is the box and fantasy is the rest of the cake.
I know that there are some of you who are, say, disgusted by what I said. That's
because this message shakes many boxes, and your boxes represent your way of
life. I love to feel unhappy and insecure and the os provides the security you
need. I have angered many with this truth. But if you respond with emotion, I
know that you have listened well.
I know that for many of you the only motivation are the sexual organs and
survive. If you want the good things in life, but if that means make an effort
or if you can get otherwise, any day ye shall take the easy way out.
You are the thieves of your own treasure. But that has nothing wrong; it's okay
to stay asleep; do not have sin. You are still Loved. Remember this small
Teaching: Your safety is the reality and fantasy is what you call the rest of
the cake.
What is it that blocks your path? If that is your question, you do not have a
path. Rather than throw
your pearls to pigs, grasshoppers, remember what I have just said. Escribidlo if
necessary, and colocadlo where you may see.
If you want to leave the box, volteadla. That the box be the illusion and
reality, only in attitude. From the Lord God of your Being, so be it.
If only a speck of the cake was a snap of the lips, vulgar sounds with the nose
and I leave you with a desire, well, that may be the motivation that impels you
to rise, go out and walk to your destination. If you have that motivation, or at
least a particle of it, you will continue to savor it.
If your desire is to stay in the box, then careceis of a path; all you have is a
bed to sleep on.
So if you try, do not feel absolutely nothing and your motivation hesitates,
return to sleep. This is where you want to be.
But I'm going to make a deal with those who wish to move forward. One day when
you are sitting outside of the portals, studying all over the world, so to
speak, and none of the passers-by have something that you can possess
emotionally, you will begin to not leave traces, and I'll see you in the light.
So be it.
Now, I recommend you go to celebrate, to absorb this new piece of cake and to
think about your attitude. Reflect on the ability to transmute it, because when
you do, you will be able to carry that attitude beyond death, up to infinity.
Then you will know that this is real!
After you have added fuel to the body and new thoughts to mind, take again the
book and we will see what we can do with another one of those dreams emotional.
And if you belong to the group of those who remain asleep, and you know, anyway
continue with the reading.
Even in your sleep you will remember this. To read and absorb, even when you
don't understand part of this and discuss with the rest, you will get enough
pieces to start a process. When considering this material, you will have met
great options and a great truth. You have used the pure reason for delicious
emotional opportunities 35. Are you going to move mountains. And, perhaps, for
the first time, you have achieved a momentary tremor of hope for the enigmatic
Kingdom of Heaven.
Sure, for a long time you have heard that you are God, and that the kingdom of
heaven is within you. Those who accepted it are no longer here. Only reason why
that has not been so important is you, the rest, You are here.
And the next time you go to bed or to your destination, the understanding of a
emotional truth that transcends the words will accelerate.
And when you understand the financial independence, you will get.
Much more of what sonasteis! But the difference is that, when it's time to leave
this plane, what
you have accumulated these dreams will go with you to prepare a mansion, in
another time and in another place, where all things are in harmony.
So, not only are you going to fulfill all your dreams and leave them behind as a
dumb man legacy of your existence, but that the marcheis when you possess.
Woe to the rich that clings to their jewelry and you want to be buried with
them, because part naked into the light.
Now, id and eat. And when you do, and bless the food. Bless your bodies and
think about what you have learned with emotion. Think of all the fibers which
has touched, because the impact of the emotion of a truth embraced is yours
"It is as if a God with a trillion eyes awake from a long nap.
And as it stands, the first thing you see is the same... in a mirror.
And as you wake up, wake up many, many others."
The trick of the light
You are born of thought from which there are all things. You are beautiful.
The color of your skin is like a color palette. Some have polished mahogany
skin, a beautiful and rich color. Some of you are yellow, even more pale than a
daffodil. Some of you are pink, with a blush. You are beautiful; there is no
difference between you. You are all part of the light and you are exquisitely
There are eyes that have all the tones of brown, others are green as cane
stalks, felines and mystics.
There are blue in different tones of the sky at different times of the day;
dance, flash and burn with life. I have seen some eyes are gray, like the water
of a clam.
Some have polished copper hair, color of slate, soft yellow as the Sun, Ebony.
Some are like mountain peaks covered in snow. In some of you is brownish gray,
in other bright and radiant.
Beautiful bodies; you are homo erectus, Homo sapiens. You come in all forms:
large, small, widths, puny, stiff, thin, robust, but possess the same skeleton:
God that sounds that is man.
When he noted that the intensity of your lights varies, it does not mean that
some have more or less light than others, but you are all different, creative,
beautiful. But I see you all the same, as God, but each one is unique in its
When I look into your eyes and see your hair, it was noted that that goes beyond
the dream into the reality called "magnificent deployment of human drama,
develop, waking up, becoming again in that light."
When you come to be the light, you can see in others. None is more pale than the
other. You are beautiful, it is.
Special will be when you, wonderful entities that seek freedom, you can look at
all the world and not consider none less than another. How wonderful it will be
when you can look at your fellow men and not envying or feel jealousy, because
that is what has formed these vacuum unfathomable depths within you. When your
attitude change, you will begin to see things from another angle.
Do You Know that when envidiais, when you are empty, it is precisely that which
does not possess what mortifies?
When you possess, peace reigns.
There is no power to accompany the human dream, no matter how much money or has
control of, even if the world is a chessboard in which you carry out your games.
Those who play the game of money and control walk in the human dream where there
is something that you cannot conquer: love.
When you love, you remove yourselves from the game. But first, before delivering
a love of that class, you must be the king 36
eat the cake because you know that you deserve, because it is your cake. And
after that, you cannot love to the whole world.
Love. This is one of those words that sound like "big thing, this is nothing
new." But you have tested lately?
It is the bark of the cake.
When all begin to take their place in the final game, imagine to those entities
whose method of game
has been the of money and power. The meek who possess the love will not be
affected, since they can manipulate, control, or hypnotize. His peace comes from
the source of the soul, in which lies the richness of the noble things: the
honor, love, the impeccability, the truth, forgiveness and gentleness of Spirit.
Do you know how much damage you do to yourself when you judge to another? Do the
thicker the dream. Is it really worth it to judge?
In the spring you learn to love, so much so that one day, while you contemplate
the sunrise, a warrior will approach you and behold! Carries a broadsword with a
handle around which ten men can place their hands and, with blood in the eye, I
will say: "I have come to destroy you" and you expresareis mirareis love that
both in the eyes and you will answer: "If you, do it".
Now, this may seem very pulled the hair. How could you be there sitting and
allow anyone else to do that? Something great happens when energy is given to a
thing, only total surrender, not a capitulation superficial, but the complete
delivery that requires to be in a place where you can say: "When short my body
into pieces, only release my soul".
There is no energy; there is no friction; there is no war; there are no rabies;
there is no remorse, no regret; there is no judgment.
And the great soldier released his sword that loudly falls on the ground and is
beyond reflecting their leaves of light toward the sky, and the Conqueror starts
to cry, because there was no conquest. Accomplished nothing; not found an entity
pleading to spare the life; there was only truth. And sits down to cry a
thousand days because of the mystery.
With time, it will be the man who sits on the road and the beautiful sunrise.
Love is part of the demonstration.
Love is caring enough about the possibility of the enigma of God that is the
reality that it reverses the attitude toward the inner process that gives credit
and value to your existence. The faith has nothing to do here.
When you love yourselves with enough force to wake up from your dreams, your
being criticized, ridiculed and persecuted, that means that you are in
captivity, or of your dream of being victims, beginning to love what you are.
Love oneself is to be selfish, but if this is not the case, you cannot love to
another. Hypocrisy is a flagrant lack of self-esteem and profesarlo on the
other. It is hypocritical to live for others and not for yourselves, because
without love yourselves, the love that you profess by others it is fragile and
takes the wind.
You learn to love yourself. You begin to admire what you are, to respect your
genius and your courage. And you begin to admire the deployment, if you like, of
the effort and the desire if you see yourselves as human beings admirable,
honest with your emotions, so that your words correspond to your feelings, you
will find that you are lovable creatures! And do not forget: Only you can see in
others what you see in yourselves.
And this is where love begins. That is what it means to love unconditionally.
Do You Understand now that part of the process ?
If someone says that I despise, you can love him in spite of everything. He can
have his truth and you can have
is very rare to find someone who knows that the legacy of God lies inside and
even more rare to find someone who loves what is inside. And, however, these
concepts are synonymous and agree among themselves
each manifestation you make, every dream of whose load os liberais, brings you
closer to the love. The only act to address the possibilities of the self is
Love is not the lust of the sex organs, is not the reflection of painted faces
and mirrors. It is not the color of the clothes or hair, or the eyes. You are
never satisfied with any of them!
Love is what is inside, what you are, your essence. And while more dreams make
more cake and eat much more you will come to love yourselves, until that love
extends to an inner knowing that is all encompassing, so if that warrior i had
split in two, you could be at peace with him and with his word.
Love never dies, Teachers. For those without God is elusive, but for the living
never dies, it is continuous, I know that what seems normal is an illusion. It
is normal thing envy, be malicious. It is normal to be ill and fallible.
Teachers: normal is the drug that
keeps you asleep!
Do you not know that the large abnormal no longer walk on this plane?
I heard. I was struggling for words to match the interior , trying to
be truthful to cover. I see that many of you take with seriousness. And there
are others that bite the lips and show bright white teeth, and carnivores, and
have to bite his tongue to refrain from being normal.
Everything should run smoothly, as the mist of the morning.
"From the Lord God of my Being, this day I invoke the Father toward all that is
life, everything that is genius, everything
What am I".
In the same breath that emitis pronounced these words, the love and all its
possibilities. It is magic! It is the bark of the cake. With this knowledge,
they will come wonderful things. In many fields, freedom will be a reality, and
many of you will go to wind, forever and ever. But you have to appreciate be
enough to believe that you are worthy of this.
You have to love the dream with as much intensity as paris, what you want to say
that you have to love the Creator.
No one outside of your window, near the place where sleeping, by which
worthwhile to give everything, because it appears to be normal. I see you in all
that you are, in all the nuances that you are, and in the different stages of
sleep. And I love you all, because I have found that you are worthy of it,
because I was a human, I had the dream and woke up, although that did not like
many of those around me.
That handful faceless that controls your economy, your bag you call, your
revolutions and the laws that enslave, men who want to possess all the kings and
men of the kings, do not possess the nature. She is the greatest of all. The man
cannot control, because she is evolving.
When you go through this process, Dream after dream, focusing on your needs,
make sure that, out of the box, leave the door open for other possibilities. Do
it with a great understanding and a great love, so that through this flow of
love, in the natural process of evolution, remain in harmony with nature.
What is the nature? Is God; if you remain aligned with the nature in this
process, you will remain on the
outside of that which tends a loop, what ata and serial ata; you will get that
great independence they desire.
Ydeberiais see that before leaving this plane, before deslizaros up to the gate
to observe. You must percataros impeccable knowledge of that with which you are
aligned, it is vital, rich, fiery, mobile, and indomitable.
The life. Then the game will not be affected. Make no mistake. No you are going
to sit on the branches of a great tree to do nothing. You will have to move step
by step with your destiny, marching with the, aware of the destination with fine
sharpness. You will have to be in knowledge and in emotion.
Now, a few words for those that only you approach a little bit to the door, just
up to the lock. And listen and hear nothing there, no horseman gallops, no wind,
nothing. Then comes the fear, so subis the volume and the noise makes you feel
better. Return to the door and you know that you forgot something.
What was it? But of course, the past: "I can't go until packing all my
Be very very careful with your problems, look at how the empacais; without
wrinkles. They have priority
over everything else. Well, your past is extremely important for you!
And when empacais all the suitcases and return to the door, you realize that
there are too many. You cannot go through that door unless you bring everything
with you, but all of it is through that door.
Leaving behind the yesterday so you sit and think on it.
"I can't leave this behind. I have spent my entire life in it. What will people
think of me, if...?"
"I am going to say now that I don't have regrets?" "I had for a long time, and
that gave me good results!"
"And you will think the people when they see me crazy, happy and extravagant?"
"I must have something that is real".
"Oh, my God, and all my past lives?" "I have almost no luggage for all of them!"
"And that's why I still have the crates to pack everything what people have said
about me!"
"Yes, could not exist without a bit of evidence sustaining"- your dream; it is
what keeps you within the past is something in which you are stuck in a box. And
you cannot change your past. There will be only one now.
Are you afraid to throw him to oblivion, fear of being loving and compassionate.
You are afraid of a new day, radiant health, without further problems.
Many people do not come through the door because they are overloaded.
How does this fit in with your first manifestation?
Why do you have to go out and buy a hat again to feel happy? However, after
once, i cansais. How many hats more you need to understand that simply are not
The manifestation of your first dream that abrazasteis is collectively as a
target in front of you. What happens when you are going to see in front of you
and understand that you have to open the door to find it? You know that's out
there. You cannot hear, but is there. And you cannot get through that door
because you cannot forget the past.
In other words, you cannot forgive you yourselves, not by the yesterday, but to
live in. Then, what happens to the demonstration? Well, is out there.
Now, an entity that wants to find something to do and walk right, forward. As
you know, is not one of those spiritual types; it is a doer. Salta through that
door and there is that manifestation waiting; it is like a red apple ruborosa,
waiting for someone to the start of the tree. And, of course, the start. "It is
mine". And he runs out and makes patent! What you read in the newspaper.
And you are sitting there, your head spins to this dream, and the gnashing of
teeth and the curse, becoming blue inside of your safety. Feel remorse, spite,
hatred and bitterness. And just know that I stole it.
Let me tell you what happens: That destination was created by you. Where do you
think that
new ideas come out? The bright ideas come from someone that far created with
emotion. The bright idea was not necessarily created by the holder, but that was
picked up by the search engine. She peeps out there, ready for someone who is
looking for. The start of the tree, of the consciousness reflected the idea
because they were looking for. That is what they want; this is your dream.
As you can see, the creasteis, but you cannot go beyond the security of your own
yesterdays. Could not get out of the comfort zone of your own miseries,
emotional difficulties, dogmas and everything else, to be able to reach your own
Then, who is the genius? Well, what you read in the newspaper, of course, and
recognize that this man who tore your manifestation of ether is a genius, and
that it made a significant contribution to humanity. Their shares in the stock
exchange have risen, digging teeth and departs from the cake!
The bright ideas originate in some emotional being that embrace his concept with
emotion, he went out and became the conscience. His dream is looking for a
bright idea is found. It does not create; it simply finds; and in the midst of
his emotion is digging teeth. What Do You See? It gives you a pat on the
stomach. I say this because when we are talking about the genius and that cannot
pass through the door, we are talking about someone who has no love for himself,
someone who has learned to be something emotional, but that it does not pursue
its objective. And every dream that abraceis and that it was a limitation will
be done, but you have to get up and go out and look for them. You have to go
through the door, and if that means leaving behind the yesterday, it is
necessary to do so.
Do you not know that a Christ has no past? It is only the Christ.
It is not a trait of the evolution nor the nature look back and sigh for old
bones. The man strives
to preserve them. Where is your state of mind? Nature doesn't care; she follows
its course.
The nature based on the same truth which I am teaching you.
Out there abounds the dream, because there are grandiose dreams hoping that the
embrace. But there are also a lot of laziness. To pass through that door you
have to pack many suitcases full of yesterday and, in reality, the bags are
nothing more than an excuse for not having to go through the door. Whether you
go for the whole cake or not, ye have a contribution to somebody when
abrazasteis your first dream. Take your name; you are its creator.
But if you do not reclaim, someone else will. All of the great ideas originate
in a creator emotional that sounded.
How many stories you have heard of someone who said: "Yes, for years I thought
of that"? Hmmmm. Made you scratch your
head and ask: "Really?" Cuestionais for that, if you had the idea, he did
something with it.
Your dreams are that way and also your freedom. It is a matter of pursuing its
objective. Do you understand what I say?
I will repeat what I said as soon as the genius, because I know that some have
already tarnished.
The genius consists in the ability to have the dream and then do something with
The only walk forward opens the emotional body that allows the opening of the
emotional mind, which is the brain and, in turn, will continue to thought and
action. Action and reaction. The dream come true, and possessed, is called
genius. And then your consciousness begins to open space for more and the energy
begins to be nourished.
Have you ever heard of the Master da Vinci? He was a genius, right? Everything
that embraced with excitement, put
on paper.
Now, he is known as a genius, but in reality it was a dreamer, because it was
not until much later in your flow of time when drawing became the brilliant idea
of another. He was far ahead of its time. But it was in a box. Do You
Understand? What if I had continued forward and had created what she conceived?
Why was it not a bit more forward with their underwater concepts? You could have
How different would have been your world if da Vinci had crossed the door that
was in front of him and
had embraced each one of your dreams? Very different, dear teachers, very
different. But rather, his greatest achievement is a monotonous and distressed.
He made a self portrait, as well as the era, just a monotonous dreamer who
What Entendisteis The point?
What is it that you need? What makes the difference?
Love. Love is needed. This is what gives you the guts to go through the door. It
is love that opens the door,
leaving the suitcases behind. It is love which sees things as opportunities. And
it is love that you removed from the state which keeps you asleep.
If you are, then you have learned, because there is something that is not done
in the dream: Don't forget the emotional. That's all your dead weight. Do You
There is something very frustrating that I say to my daughter when she is going
through the bitterness of all things. I wish there. And, of course, if you can
tell him that there is no such thing as a problem. There unless you create it,
the answer lies within the problem.
Absolutely everything that you may believe you can undo. Everything. Even the
nothing can be undone.
If you possess all this emotionally, great are the days to come, because you
will find the joyful, not frightening.
"Learn to see. When you really can see,
i find looking directly into the eyes of God.
And if you frustrais, you can do what you did with me," said Chris, while his
lips formed a smile overlapped.
"ANDTHAT was?" "gorging themselves on search and decide to find.
Many of those who are stuck in the illusion, SENTIMENTALLY have glorified the
search for truth; they have come to cling to the search for the truth, rather
than to find the truth.
Ironically, they are like a boxer in a corner in which not even accept guidance
from someone who really has already reached that destination.
The trick of the light,
is very complicated trying to explain with words this truth about God, about the
feelings and the demonstration. It is hard to communicate with entities
sensitive they only hear because they are intellectuals.
You have never understood God, because you didn't know you feel. And in the
past, you have taken my words, the entallasteis memorizasteis, and saboreasteis
until they became a truth intellectualized.
The destilasteis only to the extent "You are God".
And you have used that truth to justify your bad behavior and duality.
He served for a purpose.
But communicate what is inside, that is pure power, absolute power. Remain still
in their own time.
There is no time when you go inside and abrazais emotion. It is; it is only the
For that i have no words.
Until now, no one has heard; they could not understand. What do you feel? What
is that?
And they say: "But I love you, Ram".
And I tell them that I am worthy of being loved. Why? Because if they could find
compassion in my being, that meant that they were still alive. I was to find the
magic that would invest that feeling and i would send a thousand times, so that
what you felt for me, you could start to feel it inside of you.
And I sent the messengers and more words, and you pegabais cortabais and
according to your ability to listen.
But by using this process, to make contact with your own excitement and release
your own power, you are finding your own truth.
Do you not know that those are the very words that I could never find?
You have to use your words to find your truth.
And if you have won it this information, then thank God. Hold fast to it forever
and not let
no one tear.
Are you going to see God in this existence. So be it.
Embracing the dream of God.
Well, it is time to do something great.
I hope that manifesteis abraceis and through the emotion.
To create the drama, I want you to desire that believe a drama, a great drama.
And at the time of going in, you are aware that you are feeling the dream of
In other words, embrace with excitement and power to everything that abraceis is
the living truth.
Do you understand?
Let me say this again, in another way. Embrace and create a drama, a fantasy, a
scene beautiful, wild,
delicious to give you whatever you want, as if you had the Midas touch, but that
touch is magical.
In this process, hope that you will live and contemplate everything what you
want and what you see happening at the time. So that's how it is possible!
. Here we are dealing with the dream that
holds everything else and what it leaves behind.
It is called attitude.
Your current scene says: "This is real. That is fantasy".
What this dream will do, if you possess, is to invest it, so that you are going
to say: "i see: What is real and this 40
is fantasy. I had it the other way around all the time!"
The process: physical instructions make yourselves comfortable. Sit on the
ground or the floor. Aflojad your clothes. Take responsibility for your life.
If you are doing this in a group for demonstration purposes, this time, if your
neighbor rolls on the ground, roll the. If she tickles your fancy and let out a
torrent with the. If you are laughing, Reid with him, not the, with wonderful,
permitidselo of rejoicing.
That is called emotion! It is cheerful! It is sweet and refreshing and
accelerates the dream.
Remember: you are brothers among you.
You are connected through the mind of God.
Be at peace with all those around you. When you feel that connection, will walk
in peace. Prepare yourselves. Quitaos all the trimmings.
Remember: your metals retain the frequency of yesterday.
To get to the alignment with the now, your body must be bare metal.
And those who are already filled, you are forgiven.
Aflojad your cinch. Quitaos shoes.
Do not undertake this process until you are comfortable. If you are in a group,
and you cannot find comfort in that environment, listen and learn from those
around you. You can do this alone when you are at home without the need for a
demonstration. Breathe. Close your eyes.
Prayer of manifestation
TO THIS TIME came home.
So be it!
Give thanks to the Father for what is truth, what is real, what is unlimited.
Because in God, all
things are possible. Thank you for all that gives recognition to the LORD God of
your being, to you, whatever your name.
"Don't forget to see, don't just look at.
Because nothing is as it seems.
This alley is no more than a road toward the sky, and you're just another dream.
The trick of the light
Jeshua ben Joseph said, when he was forty days in the wilderness: "Get behind
me, Satan". He was heading to his false ego. During this process in the desert,
the embrace all the cities of the world; the possessed, one by one. When I
finished with a, continued with the other, and the other. Withdrew from the
faintness of them, and when he was finished, he went hungry and thirsty, and
right for a wedding.
The truth is that the Wonderful Man became such by means of eliminating all your
dreams come true. What are dreams? ¡ Temptations suppressed! And he did it with
less force, drama and heartfelt emotion of which you should be using now.
I want you to know that in my spare time I sat on a rock for seven years
contemplating the world around me. When the wind bothered me on my face and blew
my robe around my qualified body, i had to possess it; I had to do it. It took
me many years to figure out how to be the wind. Only then,
inside of me, I came to understand what was the wind: free and wild, powerful,
blew; destapaba young knees, made the children laugh, turned emerald colored
leaves in silver and pushed what stagnated in the ponds.
I was the wind beneath the wings of birds of prey.
And through that same drama i became, I stretched out my conscience so that my
mind was bent in two to get to be the wind.
There was no way back, because they had no alternative.
The Act was in force.
You do not have to do anything other than what he has done any other great
teacher. And, by the way, many were as great teachers. Very few continued to be
the Christ in borders more grandiose, in realities more fabulous. Some were just
as magicians. Nothing more.
So with your vigor, enthusiasm and desire to be a part, you have created a
unique conscience.
It is called your reality.
And, truly, if you open the door and go out to find your destiny, one day you
will become what i have come to be.
And you will find again to all those who have earned your respect and love.
But you have to go out and find them.
Never be ashamed of your emotions, and your joy.
And never, never be ashamed of your tears that so sweet reveal your limitation.
Be grateful for them.
Agradecedle to God that you are alive.
You are feeling intelligence.
Then, in what way back all this to financial independence? By means of
knowledge. You have learned about the gold and dollars of paper. The Gray Men
are their owners. You no.
Through this understanding and reason, ye shall not go out from the vision
intolerant and you will come to the area.
Feel desire of what you want; live it; sedlo; saboreadlo; oledlo. It is a
I never want to have money to spend time with God. With all your mind and your
whole being, desired to be God. The rest is incidental.
Be kind to yourselves. If you are eager to rush out to invest in something that
will make you rich overnight, invest in permitiendoos yourselves time to take
these precious as the moments. Permitios time to be emotional, to live the
dream, to eat the cake. Is your. See manifestation is performed.
Walk forward in your destination. Poseedlo, Dream After Dream after dream.
all things. That is the secret of each entity and a day, entity, there will be
no more to possess, for you shall be that came to be God and woke up from the
dream of being a man.
I'm going to give a blessing to this process of manifestation and the desire to
know and feel that you have shown.
From the Lord God of my being, to all those who have shouted at him, to all
those who have proclaimed, to all those who have laughed like a thunderclap.
From the Father within me, toward the Father within to which all things respond,
that your desires become reality for the glory of God, the Father, and for all
eternity, and all of the time that comes.
And that ye may be the light that discovers the shadows of the world.
I'll be with you in the coming days! And all that are in the path, you will see
that in reality there is
no blockage. As your desire for knowledge increase, and i'll be there; in the
wind. And in thought. And in the fantasy.

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