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NOTES For Greek Rationalism

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NOTE: Greek Rationalism

470 b.c. - 322 b.c.

 Socrates, Aristotle, Plato 

Influenced British thought during the pre-industrial revolution along with polytheistic traditions

Greek Rationalism
by  Garrett Churchwell on 11 October 2012 (
Transcript of Greek Rationalism
Greek Rationalism The Cultural Tradition of Classic Greece:
The Search for Rational Order -The classical greeks did not make an enduring religious tradition
-A system of polytheism, oracles that predicted the future, Dionysus (the god of wine), fertility
cults, and the gods of Mount Olympus -Greek intellectuals left behind the framework of myths
and mythology -The intellectuals proclaimed that the world is a physical reality governed by
natural laws and that the humans could understand those laws -They also said that human reason
could work out a system for an ethical life - It is said that rationalism could of have started
because of the diversity and incoherence of mythology -It was an intellectual stimulation of the
great civilizations - Rationalism was a possible influence of the growing role of law in the
political life of Athens The Greek Way of Knowing - Greek Rationalism, along with the Greek
city-states, flourished around 600-300 B.C.E. -the significance of the Greek thinking was the
way questions were asked, with its emphasis focused on argument, logic, and the questioning of
received wisdom -the best example was Socrates of Athens (469-399 B.C.E. -he preferred to
teach by constantly questioning assumptions - Socrates had conflict with the city authorities over
the Athenian democracy -He was sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens.
-At his trial, he defended himself as the "gadfly" of Athens
-This time of Greek rationalism was the earliest of classical Greek thinkers - Many of the early
classical Greek thinkers applied rational questioning to nature
-Thales, for example, predicted the eclipse of the sun and that the monn reflected the sun's light
-They also applied their rational questioning to medicine
-The Greek thinkers applied rationalism to understand human behavior.
-Hippocrates came to believe that the body was made of four fluids, which, when out of balance,
caused different ailments
-He also traced the origins of epilepsy (known to the Greeks as the "sacred disease" to simple
heredity - The Greek Way of Knowing II: -The thinkers also applied Greek rationalism to
understand human behavior
-Herodotus: wanted to know why the Greeks and Persians fought each other in the Greco-Persian
-Ethics and government were also important in Greek thinking
-Plato (429-348 B.C.E.) outlined the design for a good society in "The Republic" with a
-Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) was a student of Plato and taught Alexander the Great
-he could have been the most complete expression of the Greek way of knowing
-he also emphasized empirical observation and cataloged 158 city-states, hundreds of animal
species, and wrote about astronomy, logic, physics, weather, and more The Greek Legacy
-rationalism was obviously not the whole of Greek culture
-many people still had religious beliefs and practices such as the gods of Mount Olympus and
-Greek rationalism still spread widely after the best days of Athens ended
-The Roman Empire helped spread Greek Rationalism
-Christian theology was also expressed in the philosophical terms of the Greeks
-After the western Roman Empire fell, the eastern half, which was called Byzantium, preserved
the Greek texts
-the classic scholarship was neglected in the western half of Europe, who instead favored the
Christian writers
-before the European rediscovery of rationalism, it had also entered the Islamic culture The
Cultural Tradition of Classical Greece:
The Search for a Rational Order -the brothers of the Greek gods -Zeus -Poseidon -Hades -map of
Greece -the Parthenon -Dionysus -Aristotle -Socrates -Plato -Herodotus -Western and Eastern
Roman Empire -Islamic emblem

Greek Rationalism
by Alana Candido on 14 December 2012 (

Transcript of Greek Rationalism

by Alana, Christian, and Briana Greek Rationalism From Greece Influential Thinkers Socrates
(469-399 B.C.E.) - questioned the "status quo" thinking process, he also saw things in a
perspective of absolute right of absolute wrong.
Thales- predicted an eclipse of the and was among of the first to question the nature of the
Democritus- believed all matter contained atoms
Pythagoras- convinced that the world consisted of a mathematical order
Hippocrates- believed that four fluids kept our bodies in a healthy state when correctly balanced
Plato (429-348 B.C.E.) - believed that rulers should derive from a high education and form of
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) - wrote about physics, logic, astronomy, and health: identified
multiple animal and plant species and strived for a mixed government. Major Beliefs Greek
Rationalism Emerged between 600 B.C.E.-300 B.C.E. What is Greek Rationalism?
Greek rationalism is a form of thinking and a way of questioning occurrences in the world
whereas before they simply attributed all things to be the work of the gods. Architecture Music
Holy Days Music was a large part of all religious ceremonies, festivals, marriage ceremonies,
funeral rites, and banquet gatherings. 
Three important instruments:
-Kithara: a plucked string instrument
-Lyre: another stringed instrument
-Aulos: a double reed instrument
Most men were trained to sing and perform choral dances Greek philosophers saw a connection
between music and mathematics, seeing music as a model of harmonious order reflecting the
cosmos and the human soul. January 1: the New Year's Day - The feast on Santa Clause where
families cut the "vassilopita", a sweat bread with a coin inside which brings to it's finder good
fortune for the coming year.
Easter: Most important festival of the Greek Orthodox church, at the peak of Easter at midnight
mass a person receives the Holy Light. 
April 23: the Feast of Saint George (Agios Georgios)
The feast commemorates the Knight who killed the Dragon. Saint George is the patron of the
shepherds and celebrations for accomplishments are throughout Greece. Great festivities also
take place in Arachova, Skiathos, Skyros and other Greek towns, where Saint George is
considered their patron saint. Rhetorical treatsies and philosophical dialects written during this
time period as well.
Start of greek drama as well. Poets known as Sappho and Pindar wrote famous plays.
"sophocles" " Aeschylus" " Euripides"
Best prose achievement during the time period was philosophy. Most famous philosophers of
greek classical Era were Aristotle, Socrates and Plato.
Hellenistic era
Large amount of poetry, known as alexandrian poets, these men's names were Theocritus,
Callimachus and Apollonius.
Art during hellenistic period
best known sculptures of Greece came from this time, "Laocoon and his sons" " Venus de Milo"
and "Winged victory of Somothrace" (CONT.)

During this time cities rose agaun, built buildings to conform to its natural surroundings. Bulit
large amounts of theaters and parks. Had a large amount of available space to build. Cities like
Antioch, Pergamon, and Seleucia.

Pergamon Altar- a huge later able to hold 10,000 spectators.

Other important factors of hellenistic period

Gave life to a lot of philosophy and scientific method

During this time Alexander the Great launched his invasion ( happened during hellenistic
period.) this spread greek culture and Architecture throughout western world. 3 periods of Greek
art and architecture

All split throughout the three ages

Archaic Geece (800 bc-480bc)

rise of the Polis, or greek city state, also founding of other greek colonies. Written greek poetry
first appeared

Art during archaic period 

Black figure style drawings on pots and sculptures

However art during this time was mainly sculpted, called kouros and female statues known as
Also ceramic art, more black figure pottery, originated in corinth.

Sculptures made in limestone, marble, terra cotta, bronze and wood.

Classical Greece 200 year period

Parthenon in Athens was built during this time

Large leaps in architecture made during this time period, columned buildings, freizes and other
structures. Greek Art and Architecture (continued) 
- 1150 - 800 B.C.E.
- Divided into city-states in:
•surrounding islands
•shorelines throughout the Eastern Mediterranean between the Italy and the Turkish coasts
-Olympian gods were the main gods of Ancient Greece
+ overthrew ancestors --> The Titans
+ become Rulers of the World "COSMOS"
+ live on Mount Olympus
- built by the cyclops
+ leader was ZEUS
+ born & grew like humans, even married
+ unaging & never die
+ obligated to take full responsibility for their actions

12 main gods of Mt. Olympus :

* Zeus- king of all gods, ruler of the heavens, throws lightening bolts, disguises himself
* Hera- queen of all gods, goddess of marriage
* Hades - ruler of the underworld
* Poseidon- ruler of the sea
* Athena- born from Zeus' brain, goddess of wisdom
* Ares- god of war
* Apollo- music
* Artemis -goddess of the hunt & goddess of the moon
* Hermes- messenger
* Aphrodite- goddess of love & beauty
* Demeter- in charge of the harvest
* Hesita- goddess of health & home 
~700-480 BCE philosopher Thales introduced concept "rationalism"
- actions were responsible for all that there was in the world
- Astronomy Social Classes Upper class:
-People of Athens
-not allowed to do minor tasks

Middle class:
-people who migrated to Athens
-not allowed to vote
-cannot buy land for marriage

Lower class:
-past slaves
-could get freedom by winning fights

-no rights ---> beat by owners
-bought their freedom Greek Rationalism vs. 
Like Greek Rationalism, Legalism is a philosophy rather than a religion and it concerns the
approach to certain subject matters.

Greek Philosophy


by Cristian Violatti 
published on 11 June 2013
Who are we? How can we be happy? Does the universe have a
purpose? Greek philosophers approached the big questions of life
sometimes in a genuine scientific way, sometimes in mystic ways, but
always in an imaginative fashion. Pythagoras considered a charlatan
for claiming the doctrine of reincarnation, a half-
naked Socrates haranguing people in the street with provocative and
unanswerable questions, Aristotle tutoring great generals: these are
examples of how Greek thinkers dared to question traditional
conventions and to challenge the prejudices of their age, sometimes
putting their own lives at stake. Greek Philosophy as an independent
cultural genre began around 600 BCE, and its insights still persist to
our times.

About 600 BCE, the Greek cities of Ionia were the intellectual and
cultural leaders of Greece and the number one sea-traders of the
Mediterranean. Miletus, the southernmost Ionian city, was the
wealthiest of Greek cities and the main focus of the “Ionian
awakening”, a name for the initial phase of classical
Greek civilization, coincidental with the birth of Greek philosophy.

The first group of Greek philosophers is a triad of Milesian thinkers:

Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. Their main concern was to
come up with a cosmological theory purely based on natural
phenomena. Their approach required the rejection of all traditional
explanations based on religious authority, dogma, myth and
superstition. They all agreed on the notion that all things come from a
single “primal substance”: Thales believed it was water; Anaximander
said it was a substance different from all other known substances,
“infinite, eternal and ageless”; and Anaximenes claimed it was air.

Observation was important among the Milesian school. Thales

predicted an eclipse which took place in 585 BCE and it seems he had
been able to calculate the distance of a ship at sea from observations
taken at two points. Anaximander, based on the fact that human
infants are helpless at birth, argued that if the first human had
somehow appeared on earth as an infant, it would not have survived:
therefore, humans have evolved from other animals whose offspring
are fitter. The science among Milesians was stronger than their
philosophy and somewhat crude, but it encouraged observation in
many subsequent thinkers and was also a good stimulus to approach
in a rational fashion many of the traditional questions that had
previously been answered through religion and superstition. The
Ionian rational view caused nothing but perplexity among some of
their powerful neighbours such as the Babylonians and Egyptians,
which were nations based on theocratic governments where religion
played an important political and social role.

Pythagoras is considered one of the Ionian thinkers but outside the

Milesian school: he was originally from Samos, an offshore Ionian
settlement. His approach combines science with religious beliefs,
something that would have caused horror among the Milesian school.
His philosophy has a dose of mysticism, probably an influence of the
Orphic tradition. Mathematics, in the sense of demonstrative deductive
arguments, begins with Pythagoras: he is credited as the author of the
first known mathematical formulation, the theorem which states that
the square of the longest side of a right triangle equals the sum of the
squares of the other two sides. Deductive reasoning from general
premises seems to have been a Pythagorean innovation.

Atomism began with Leucippus and Democritus. Among the ancient

schools, this approach is the closest to modern science: they believed
that everything is composed of atoms, which are indestructible and
physically indivisible. They were strict determinists, who believed that
everything happens in accordance with natural laws and the universe,
they said, has no purpose and is nothing more than a mixture of
infinite atoms being shuffled and re-shuffled according to the
indifferent rules of nature. What is interesting about this school is that
it attempted to understand the universe as objectively as possible and
minimize intellectual deviations in favour of cultural and mystic


About 500 BCE, the Greek city-states or poleis were still largely
divided. They had a common language and culture, but they were very
often rivals. Some years earlier, Athens implemented a socio-political
innovation by which all free male citizens had equal rights regardless
of their origin and fortune. They named it democracy. Before the time
of democracy, government decision-making was in the hands of a few,
often aristocratic and noble families. Democracy allowed all free
citizens to be part of the important decisions of the polis. They could
engage in the discussions held during deliberative assembly and
tribunals, their voices could be heard everywhere and had the same
value as any other voice. In this context, speech was king: being able
to discuss different topics effectively and to persuade others, granted a
competitive advantage. This was true not only of citizens actively
involved in politics, but for any other citizen. During court hearings, for
example, prosecutor and accused had to appear in court in person,
never through lawyers, and the failure or success of the process relied
largely on rhetorical skills and any citizen could be subject to a court
hearing. This period, therefore, saw the beginning of the Sophist


The Sophists were intellectuals who taught courses in various topics,
including rhetoric, a useful skill in Athens. Because they taught in
return for a fee, the Sophists’ schools were only attended by those
who could afford it, usually members of the aristocracy and wealthy
families. This was a time of profound political and social change in
Athens: democracy had replaced the old way of doing politics and
many aristocrats whose interests were affected were trying to destroy
the democracy; the rapid increase of wealth and culture, mainly due to
foreign commerce, undermined traditional beliefs and morals. In a
way, the Sophists represented the new political era in Athenian life,
especially because they were linked with the new educational needs.

Caught in the clash between cultural conservatism and innovation, we

find a peculiar character: Socrates, the pivotal figure in Greek
philosophy and the wisest among Greeks at his time according to the
oracle of Delphi. Like the Sophists, Socrates enjoyed teaching, but
unlike the Sophists he never requested a fee in return and lived a life
of austerity. He either underestimated or ignored most of the topics
that were popular among his predecessors. Before the time of
Socrates, philosophers’ main concern had been the physical world and
how to explain it naturally. However, Socrates set in motion a new
approach by focusing entirely on moral and psychological questions.
His methodology sought to define key questions such as: what is
virtue? what is patriotism? what do you mean by morality? As a result
of this, most of his debates ended up with even more questions, the
central issue unanswered, and the disputers’ ignorance on many topics
revealed, since he invariably proved that the words being used by his
contenders were actually abstract terms with an empty meaning.

By combining a humble spirit (he never claimed to be any wiser than

anyone else) and a strict agnosticism (he said he knew nothing) with a
method that challenged conventional assumptions and an intolerance
for unclear thinking, Socrates gradually earned enemies from various
sectors of Athenian society. He was, consequently, put on trial and
condemned to death. However,  Athenians did not like to condemn a
citizen to death, therefore, this was merely a formal sentence and he
was offered the possibility to escape. He refused to do so and obeyed
the jury’s decision: a mixture containing poison hemlock took away his
life, but his example granted him immortality.

Plato and Aristotle are the two most important Greek philosophers.
Their work has been the main focus of interest for students of
philosophy and specialists. This is partly because, unlike most of their
predecessors, what they wrote survived in an accessible form and
partly because Christian thought, which was the dominant thought in
the Western world during the Middle Ages and early modern age,
contained a high dose of Platonic and Aristotelian influence. 

Plato was a student of Socrates who left Athens disgusted by the death
of his teacher. After travelling for many years, he returned to Athens
and opened his famous Academy. He is the best known Greek
philosopher; the triumph of his work has been so complete and
influential in western philosophy, that the famous quote from Alfred
North Whitehead, although an exaggeration, is not far from the truth:
“The safest general characterization of the European philosophical
tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.” 

Plato had many philosophical interests including ethics and politics but
he is best known for his metaphysical and epistemological ideas. One
of his most influential insights is the Theory of Ideas: to Plato, notions
like virtue, justice, beauty, goodness, etc., would not be possible
unless we had some direct knowledge of these things in an earlier
existence. We are born into this world with an imperfect memory of
these Forms. In that ideal world of Ideas, one can experience the real
Forms which are perfect and universal. Our world is an imperfect
parody of the Platonic flawless and superior world of Ideas. A
knowledge of these Forms is possible only through long and arduous
study by philosophers but their eventual enlightenment will qualify
them, and they alone, to rule society.
Aristotle, a student of Plato for almost 20 years, was the tutor
of Alexander the Great. Aristotle’s interests covered a wide scope:
ethics, metaphysics, physics, biology, mathematics, meteorology,
astronomy, psychology, politics and rhetoric, among other topics. 
Aristotle was the first thinker who systematically developed the study
of logic. Some of the components of Aristotelian logic existed long
before Aristotle such as Socrates’ ideas on exact definition,
argumentative techniques found in Zeno of Elea, Parmenides and
Plato, and many other elements traceable to legal reasoning and
mathematical proof. Aristotle’s logic system consists of five treatises
known as the Organon, and although it does not exhaust all logic, it
was a pioneering one, revered for centuries and regarded as the
ultimate solution to logic and reference for science. Aristotle’s
contribution in logic and science became an authority and remained
unchallenged as late as the modern age: we can recall Galileo who,
after careful observation during the Renaissance, came to the
conclusion that most of the Aristotelian physics and astronomy was not
in line with the empirical evidence and yet, Galileo’s ideas were widely
rejected by his contemporary Aristotelian scholars. Even during the
most obscure times during the Middle Ages, a copy of the Organon, or
maybe fragments of it, could be found in all prestigious libraries.

During the Hellenistic age, four philosophical schools flourished: the
Cynics, Sceptics, Epicureans and Stoics. During this time, political
power was in the hands of the Macedonians. Therefore, Greek
philosophers abandoned their political concerns and focused on
problems of the individual. Instead of trying to come up with plans to
improve society, their interest was how to be happy or virtuous.

The Cynics rejected all types of conventions: marriage, manners,

religion, housing, and even decency. The Sceptic philosophical school
systematized old doubts: the senses caused troubles to most
philosophers except some rare exceptions like Plato who simply denied
the cognitive value of perception in favour of his world of ideas. On top
of the scepticism of the senses, the Sceptics added moral and logical
scepticism. Epicureanism claimed that life was about pursuing this
world's pleasures. They only believed in the material world, a belief
which attracted the opposition of the Stoics. Stoics said that
everything that happens is due to divine providence, therefore,
whatever misfortune occurs, a stoic will accept it without complaint.
Stoics rejected Aristotle’s views on the relevance of bodily and
material goods to human happiness. Achieving happiness, stoics said,
is not important, what is actually important is to pursue happiness
since the outcome of our attempt is not fully under our own control.

While Rome was expanding, Greece started to decline. The western
Mediterranean was left untouched by Alexander the Great. After the
first and second Punic Wars (264-241 and 218-201 BCE), Rome
neutralized Carthage and controlled Syracuse (the two leading city-
states of the western Mediterranean), and continued its expansion by
conquering the Macedonian monarchies during the second century BCE
followed by Spain, France, and Britain. Paradoxically, despite its
expansion and military superiority, Rome’s influence in the cultural life
of Greece was not significant. On the contrary, the influence of Greece
on Roman culture was deep and long-lasting. Roman gods were
identified with the Olympian deities, Hellenic art, literature,
architecture, philosophy and even the language captivated most
educated Romans. Rome was superior to Greece in building roads,
implementing social cohesion, creating effective systematic legal codes
and military tactics. However, Roman science, art and philosophy
were heavily influenced by the Greek tradition.

Given this Roman admiration of all things Greek it is, therefore, no

wonder that one of the most important Roman
philosophers, Plotinus (204-270 CE), is the founder of Neo-Platonism.
Plotinus lived during a time of political disaster in Rome. Roman rulers
were placed and removed at will by the army in return for favours.
German tribes from the north and Persians from the east profited from
this scenario: the Roman army was more concerned with domestic
political struggle rather than defending the borders and their
ineptitude in defence was complete. Pestilence reduced the population,
unsuccessful military campaigns increased expenditure and taxes while
resources diminished and the entire Roman fiscal system crashed. The
world showed few signs of hope during the time of Plotinus, which
could explain why the ideal and eternal world of Platonic ideas was an
appealing refuge. This shift of attention from the Real World to the
Other World was also adopted by pagans and Christians alike whose
philosophies revolved around the idea of an eternal and heavenly
afterlife. The resemblances between Platonic and Christian thought are
so strong that Christian theologians used many ideas of Plotinus to
build their philosophy.

Platonism played a central role in shaping Christian theology. Christian

religion developed during the time of Rome and combined Platonism,
some philosophical beliefs from the Stoics and Orphism, esoteric
aspects traceable to cults of the Near East, and morals and history
acquired from Judaism. Even Saint Augustine refers to Plato’s ideas as
“the most pure and bright in all philosophy”. Christianity has
undergone many changes during its long history and it is important to
note that during the Middle Ages its philosophy revolved largely
around ideas derived directly from the Greeks.

Across the millennia, the voices of the Greek philosophers have been
shaping our minds, our institutions, our leaders and our civilization as
a whole. These Greek thinkers have unquestionably proved that the
same problem can be approached in different ways, that common
sense is not as common as we like to believe, that considering
unfamiliar possibilities can enlarge our thought and that imagination
and ideas can be immortal.

Greek Rationalism
by kathryn gaunt (
 on 15 September 2014

Transcript of Greek Rationalism

The idea of greek rationalism 
By: Kathryn,Julia, Sadiya,Mary,Brooklyn 
Greek Rationalism 
Greek rationalism was founded in ancient Greece in 515 B.C.E.

Aristotle (384-322BCE)- wrote about physics logic astronomy and health identified multiple
animal and plant species and strives from a mixed government.
Plato (429-348BCE)-believed that rulers should derive from high education and form of
Socrates (469-399 BCE)-questioned status quo thinking process. Also things in a perspective of
absolute right of absolute wrong.
Rationalism is the form of thinking in a way of questioning occurrences in the world. Where as
before they simply attributed all things to be the work of the Gods.
founder(s)/important initial figures
Date/place of founding:
There was 11 virtues of greek rationalism. The main ones are curiosity, evenness, humility and
perfectionism. (The more errors you correct in yourself the better you become) 
The key beliefs of greek rationalism the knowledge which argues that the ultimate justification
for any claim to know something is to have a reason to prove it.
Important writings/ scriptures:
Greek philosophers Aristotle, Plato, Socrates wrote about greek rationalism. During the
Hellenistic period music and art were made about rationalism the art work showed people
The higher power:

thank you 
The greek people believed in many gods like Zeus the god of the sky, Poseidon god of the sea,
Hades the god of the underworld. The rationalist people questioned the gods.
How rationalism spread
When cities were conquered is when Greek culture and the idea of rationalism spread around the
How and where is it present in the modern world?
Greek rationalism (the idea that knowledge is matter of reason)is present on the modern world in
many ways. One way is they teach classes on it. Modern society encourages people to question
"i think there for i am"
-Rene Descartes
Meaning that doubting ones existences an of its self proves that i exist to do the thinking.

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