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Bacterial Expression and Enzymatic Activity Analysis of ME1 A Ribosome-Inactivating Protein From Mirabilis Expansa - USA

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Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151

Bacterial expression and enzymatic activity analysis of ME1,

a ribosome-inactivating protein from Mirabilis expansa
Ramarao Vepachedua, Sang-Wook Parkb, Neelam Sharmac, Jorge M. Vivancod,e,¤
Department of Medicine, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 1400 Jackson Street, Denver, CO 80206, USA
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173, USA
Cell and Molecular Biology Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173, USA

Received 15 September 2004, and in revised form 30 November 2004

Available online 5 January 2005


Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are toxic proteins synthesized by many plants and some bacteria, that speciWcally depuri-
nate the 28S RNA and thus interrupt protein translation. RIPs hold broad interest because of their potential use as plant defense fac-
tors against pathogens. However, study of the activity of type I RIPs has been hampered since their expression in Escherichia coli has
typically been toxic to the model system. Mirabilis expansa, an Andean root crop, produces a type I RIP called ME1 in large quanti-
ties in its storage roots. In this study, the cDNA sequence of ME1 was used to successfully express the recombinant ME1 protein in
E. coli. The production of recombinant ME1 in E. coli was conWrmed by Western blot analysis using anti-ME1 antibodies. The stud-
ies with Xuorescence-labeled ME1 showed that ME1 can enter bacteria and be distributed in the cytoplasm uniformly, indicating its
ability to access the protein synthesis machinery of the bacteria. The recombinant enzyme was active and depurinated yeast ribo-
somes. However, both native and recombinant ME1 proteins failed to depurinate the E. coli ribosomes, explaining the non-toxicity
of recombinant ME1 to E. coli. Structural modeling of ME1 showed that it has folding patterns similar to other RIPs, indicating that
ME1 and PAP, which share a similar folding pattern, can show diVerent substrate speciWcity towards E. coli ribosomes. The results
presented here are very signiWcant, as few reports are available in the area of bacterial interaction with type I RIPs.
 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ribosome-inactivating protein; ME1; Depurination; E. coli; Yeast ribosomes; Naked rRNA

Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of tion of the S/R loop prevents binding of the elongation
cytotoxic enzymes widely distributed in the plant King- factor 2 to the ribosome, and results in protein synthesis
dom [1]. RIPs are polynucleotide adenosine glycosidases inhibition [5]. Apart from the depurination of rRNA,
that cleave the glycosidic bond of an adenosine base in RIPs exhibit the ability to depurinate DNA, poly(A),
an evolutionarily conserved sequence (GAGA) located and viral RNA [6–8]. Studies on substrate speciWcity
in the -sarcin/ricin (S/R) loop of eukaryotic ribosomes indicate that some RIPs can also interact with and depu-
[2,3]. RIPs show depurination activity against eukaryotic rinate mRNA [9], leading to a recent study demonstrat-
and prokaryotic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in the pres- ing that depurination by ME1 does not require the cap
ence and absence of ribosomal proteins [4]. Depurina- structure for recognition [10].
RIPs have been characterized from various plant
Corresponding author. sources and are classiWed as type I, II, and III proteins.
E-mail address: (J.M. Vivanco). Type I RIPs consist of a single polypeptide chain of

1046-5928/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151 143

approximately 30 kDa. In contrast, type II RIPs contain depends on its localization and the ability of the ME1 to
a catalytically active A-chain and a carbohydrate-bind- depurinate the ribosomes of the host cells. Expression in
ing B-chain. Both chains are derived from a single pre- bacteria allows us to understand how prokaryotes
cursor by the excision of a linker sequence between the A respond to a synthesis of these plant toxins. In the pres-
and B domains and are held together by a disulWde ent study, we describe how ME1 was successfully
bridge between the C-terminus of the A-domain and the expressed in E. coli, and discuss the enzymatic activity of
N-terminus of the B domain. Type III RIPs have a single this recombinant protein and its structural similarities to
chain but are distinctly diVerent from both type I and II other RIPs.
RIPs in their sequence.
RIPs hold broad interest because of their potential
use as plant defense factors against viruses and fungi. Materials and methods
Transgenic plants expressing RIPs show enhanced resis-
tance to disease-causing pathogens: the barley RIP Plant material
expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protected
plants from the soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Seeds of M. expansa (CIP Accession 208001, ARB
[11,12], and maize RIP expressed in tobacco plants con- 5395) were obtained from Dr. M.K.V. Zant, Southern
ferred resistance against the corn earworm, Helicoverpa Illinois University, USA, and the native ME1 protein
zea (Boddie) [13]. Additionally, many RIPs are used as was puriWed from the storage roots of M. expansa [23].
immunotoxins by linking them to antibodies speciWc to
target cells [14,15]. For instance, the anti-CD19 and anti- Construction of the recombinant expression system
CD22 immunotoxins made of murine IgG(1) monoclo-
nal antibodies (Mabs) conjugated to a deglycosylated ME1 was cloned into the pET28 vector at the NdeI
ricin A-chain (dgRTA) were eVective in killing the B- and BamHI sites for expression in E. coli pLysS. The
lineage of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) [16]. open reading frame of ME1 has 317 amino acids and was
Understanding the mechanism of biological activity of obtained from a M. expansa storage root cDNA library
RIPs greatly enhances our ability to use them as defense using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The enzyme sites
proteins against pathogens. Production of RIPs as bio- NdeI and BamHI were generated using the following 5⬘
logically active recombinant proteins enhances our abil- and 3⬘ primers: CATATGGAAACTATGAGGTTGC
ity to use them as immunotoxins. TCTTCC and GGATCCTTAAGAAGATGCAACTA
The expression of RIPs in bacteria as recombinant CAACACTA. The PCR product containing the open
proteins is complicated because of their cellular toxicity. reading frame was cloned into a TA cloning vector,
The expression of type I RIPs in Escherichia coli has typ- pGEM-T Easy (Promega, Madison, WI). The TA clone
ically been toxic to the model system because of their plasmid was isolated by mini-prep using a plasmid isola-
ability to depurinate prokaryotic ribosomes. Studies tion kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) and digested with NdeI
with dianthin and Phytolacca antiviral protein, PAP, and BamHI. The fragment with the gene sequence was
both type I RIPs, indicate that these RIPs cleave a bond separated on a 1% agarose gel and ligated into a pET28b
between the A-2660 and the ribose of the 23S rRNA of expression vector (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) digested
E. coli, a position equivalent to the A-4324 of eukaryotic with the same enzymes. The resulting vector, ME-pET
28S rRNA [17]. PAP mutants, which do not inhibit 28b with an N-terminal His6-tag, was sequenced to con-
E. coli growth but inhibit eukaryotic protein synthesis, Wrm the sequence of ME1 and proper ligation to the vec-
have been constructed and expressed in E. coli [18]; how- tor. The ME-pET 28b was transformed into pLysS
ever, PAP mutants, despite their non-toxicity to E. coli, (Invitrogen) bacterial cells for expression.
are apparently able to retain their ability to inactivate
prokaryotic ribosomes [19]. Mirabilis antiviral protein Expression of recombinant protein
(MAP) from Mirabilis jalapa has been expressed with its
own signal sequence in E. coli, but the synthesis resulted The ME1 protein was expressed in E. coli pLysS
in low yields and inhibition of bacterial growth [20]. Our strain by induction with IPTG (isopropyl--D-thiogalac-
recent work with ME1, an RIP from Mirabilis expansa, topyranoside). The E. coli BL21(DE3) pLysS strain con-
has shown that ME1 has close sequence similarity with taining the ME1 expression plasmid was grown at 37 °C
MAP [10]. Previous studies of RIP activity on bacterial with constant shaking in Luria–Bertani (LB) medium
ribosomes have shown that type I RIPs show varying supplemented with 50 g/ml kanamycin and chloram-
degrees of toxicity against bacterial ribosomes [21,22]. phenicol, until the culture reached an absorbance of 0.5
Interestingly, ME1 has both anti-fungal and anti-bacte- at 620 nm. ME1 protein synthesis was induced by the
rial activities [23] that make this RIP an interesting tar- addition of 1 mM IPTG to the medium and the culture
get for expression studies aimed at understanding the was grown for 3 h at 200 rpm under constant shaking. To
biological activities of the RIPs. The toxicity of ME1 study the toxicity of the induced ME1 against the host
144 R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151

bacteria, the cultures were allowed to grow for 15 h with acidic proteins. The column of anti-ME1/Sepharose
and without IPTG induction. The bacterial growth was resin was washed thoroughly with 75 mM Tris–HCl (pH
monitored by absorbance at 620 nm. For Western analy- 8.0) equilibration buVer. The protein Xow-through frac-
sis the samples were collected from induced and non- tion from the DEAE column was loaded onto the aYn-
induced cultures after 3 h of IPTG induction and the ity column. The loaded column was washed with
bacterial cells were harvested by centrifugation (3000g at equilibration buVer, and ME1 was eluted with 100 mM
4 °C for 15 min). The pellet was dissolved in B-Per glycine–HCl buVer (pH 2.7) using a NaCl gradient. Frac-
(Pierce, Rockford, IL). These protein samples were used tions were collected and analyzed by SDS–PAGE using
for analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide silver staining. The protein concentration was deter-
gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and Western blotting. mined by the Bradford [25] method using a protein assay
The data presented here represent three independent kit (Bio-Rad) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a
experiments. standard.

SDS–PAGE and Western blotting Isolation of yeast ribosomes

The proteins from the bacterial extracts were resolved Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain YPH500 [26]
on 12% SDS–PAGE and stained with Coomassie bril- was grown in yeast extract/peptone/dextrose (YPD)
liant blue (CBB). To conWrm the identity of the resulting media. Yeast cells were then pelleted by centrifugation.
band, the bacterial protein samples were transferred To isolate yeast ribosomes, 10 g of pelleted yeast cells
onto a polyvinylidene Xuoride (PVDF) membrane and was ground in a mortar with liquid N2, and dissolved in
probed with anti-ME1 antibodies. For Western blots, 100 ml of extraction buVer (200 mM KCl, 25 mM MgCl2,
20 g of the total proteins was separated on a 12% SDS– 25 mM EGTA, 200 mM sucrose, and 25 mM -mercap-
PAGE gel and transferred to PVDF membranes (Milli- toethanol in 200 mM Tris–HCl, pH 9.0). The superna-
pore, Bedford, MA) and the membranes were blocked tant, following centrifugation at 10,000g for 20 min at
with 0.5% non-fat dry milk in TBST buVer (10 mM Tris– 4 °C, was pipetted onto a sucrose cushion (1 M sucrose,
HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, and 0.02% Tween-20) for 2 h 20 mM KCl, and 5 mM MgCl2 in 25 mM Tris–HCl, pH
at room temperature. The membranes were then incu- 7.6) in 70 Ti tubes (Beckman), and centrifuged at
bated in anti-ME1 antibodies [24] at 1:1000 dilutions for 55,000 rpm for 4 h at 4 °C (L-70 Ultracentrifuge, Beck-
1 h. The membranes were washed three times with TBST man). The pellets were resuspended in 25 mM Tris–HCl
and incubated in horseradish peroxidase-conjugated buVer (pH 7.6) with 25 mM KCl and 5 mM MgCl2, and
goat anti rabbit IgG (Immun-Blot Assay Kit, Bio-Rad, stored at ¡80 °C until use.
Hercules, CA) at a 1:3000 dilution and the labeled bands
were detected according to the manufacturer’s protocol. ME1 localization studies
For identiWcation of His-tagged proteins the membranes
were treated with anti-His antibodies (Bio-Rad) fol- The interaction of ME1 with bacteria was studied
lowed by anti-goat IgG (Bio-Rad) and the blots were using labeled ME1 protein. The ME was Xuorescence-
developed as per the manufacturer’s protocol. labeled using NHS-Xuorescein (Pierce, Rockford, IL)
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. BrieXy,
PuriWcation of the ME1 recombinant protein 1 mg of each sample was dissolved in 100 l of conjuga-
tion buVer (0.1 M phosphate, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.2). Sub-
For puriWcation of recombinant proteins the bacteria sequently, 50 l of 2 M NHS-Xuorescein dissolved in
were grown in 2-liter cultures and induced with IPTG dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was
for 3 h. The bacterial pellet from the culture was centri- added dropwise to the protein sample, and mixed by stir-
fuged and the pellet was lysed by sonication and the ring. Samples were placed on ice and incubated for 2 h.
insoluble cell debris was removed by centrifugation. For The unreacted NHS-Xuorescein was then removed by
puriWcation of bacterial expressed ME1, the bacterial dialysis, and the protein concentration was determined
extract was initially passed through a Ni2+-column by the Bradford method [25] using a protein assay kit
(Pharmacia) as per the manufacturer’s protocol. How- purchased from Bio-Rad (Hercules, CA). Fluorescein-
ever, no proteins were bound to the column. Subse- labeled proteins were stored at 4 °C in 0.1% NaN3 until
quently, we prepared a resin for aYnity chromatography use.
in which polyclonal anti-ME1 antibodies (5 mg ml¡1) Bacteria grown overnight were used for the study of
were coupled to cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-activated ME1 interaction with bacteria. One ml of the culture was
Sepharose. The resulting anti-ME1/Sepharose resin had centrifuged in a 1.5 ml micro-centrifuge tube and the pel-
a binding capacity of 72 mg ME1/ml resin. The total let was washed with 1 ml PBS buVer, resuspended in
bacterial proteins were fractionated using diethylamino- 100 l of the Xuorescence-labeled ME, incubated at
ethyl (DEAE) column chromatography to eliminate all room temperature covered with aluminum foil. After 4 h
R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151 145

of incubation, the bacteria were brieXy washed with PBS

followed by antifade reagent anti Slowfade Antifade
(Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) as per manufacturer’s
instructions. The negative control, 100 l of 2 M NHS-
Xuorescein solution, was applied to the bacteria using
the same procedure used for the labeled protein, and
shows no background labeling. Fluorescent images were
taken using a Xuorescent microscope (JEOL 2000 EXII,

Study of enzymatic activity

The enzymatic activity of the recombinant ME1 was

analyzed by the depurination of eukaryotic (yeast) and
prokaryotic (E. coli) ribosomes, and was compared to
the depurination activity of native ME1. The depurina-
tion assay was conducted according to Tumer et al. [27].
BrieXy, ribosomes were resuspended in RIP buVer
(150 mM KCl, 100 mM MgCl2, and 100 mM Tris–HCl,
pH 7.2) and incubated with RIPs at 30 °C for 30 min in a
total volume of 100 l. For naked rRNA depurination
the ribosomes were phenol:chloroform extracted and
ethanol precipitated before incubation with RIP. Fol-
lowing incubation, the RIP protein was removed from
the mixture by phenol:chloroform extraction and the Fig. 1. ME1 expression in bacteria. (A) EVect of ME1 on bacterial
growth. E. coli were grown in LB media and IPTG was added to the
RNA was divided into half. Half of the extracted RNA
medium to Wnal concentration of 1 mM when bacterial absorbance
was incubated on ice for 30 min with 1 M aniline acetate was 0.5 at 620. Control D E. coli (pLysS) without plasmid;
(pH 4.5) and precipitated with ethanol. Both aniline- Induced D E. coli (pLysS) with ME-pET28b vector for heterologous
treated and untreated rRNAs were subjected to electro- expression of ME1. The error bars indicate the variation observed
phoresis in a 7 M urea/4.5% polyacrylamide gel and between three experiments. (B) Protein proWle of bacteria expressing
ME1. Extracts from induced and non-induced bacteria were resolved
stained with ethidium bromide. The experiments were
on SDS–PAGE and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. The arrow
repeated three times. PAP was used as a positive control indicates the new protein band, which appeared in the induced bacte-
and ricin as a negative control. rial extracts. (C) Western blot of the bacterial extracts. The bacterial
extracts were transferred to PVDF membrane and probed with anti-
Comparative modeling ME1 antibodies.

We used the structure of pokeweed antiviral protein ME1 was not toxic to E. coli. Furthermore, E. coli
(PAP), an RIP isolated from Phytolacca americana, as a showed higher growth during the Wrst 90 min of induc-
template to model ME1 (GenBank Accession No. tion compared to non-induced cultures. Bacterial growth
AAN65450, amino acids 34–299) using the comparative slowed down after 150 min as analyzed by bacterial
protein modeling program called SWISS-MODEL [28]. absorbency, suggesting that prolonged exposure to ME1
The procedure was conducted as follows: Wnding the tem- recombinant protein may have negative eVects on bacte-
plate structure (code: 1QCG) in the Protein Data Bank rial growth.
(PDB), aligning it with the sequence of ME1 and calculat- To study the expression of the recombinant protein,
ing the 3D model. The secondary structure was obtained the bacterial extracts were checked for ME1 after 3 h of
with the program DeepView/Swiss-PdbViewer [29]. induction using 1 mM IPTG. At this point, equal
amounts of non-induced and induced bacterial extracts
were resolved on 12% SDS–PAGE. The Coomassie bril-
Results liant blue (CBB) staining indicated the appearance of a
30 kDa size new protein band (Fig. 1B), which was close
Bacterial growth and expression of the ME1 recombinant to the size of the native ME1 from M. expansa on SDS–
protein PAGE, thus indicating the expression of recombinant
ME1. To conWrm the identity of the new band, the bacte-
ME1 was labeled with an N-terminal His6-tag and rial protein samples were transferred onto a PVDF mem-
expressed in the E. coli pLysS strain by induction with brane and probed with anti-ME1 antibodies. The
IPTG. As seen in Fig. 1A, the bacterial expression of expression of ME1 protein was conWrmed by the Western
146 R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151

blot analysis (Fig. 1C). The results indicated that the the column were eluted with 0–1 M NaCl gradient (Fig.
ME1 protein was produced in the bacteria only after 2A) in Tris–glycine buVer (pH 2.5), and the fractions
induction with IPTG, because the control sample, to were collected and checked for the presence of ME1 pro-
which IPTG had not been added, did not show this pro- tein. A single protein peak eluted at 200 mM NaCl and
tein band. The Western blots of the recombinant protein this peak fraction contained ME1 protein as shown by
were also probed with anti-His antibodies. The results SDS–PAGE and silver staining analysis (Fig. 2B).
indicate that the anti-His antibodies failed to recognize
the recombinant protein (data not shown). The fact that Distribution of ME1
anti-ME1 antibodies recognized the recombinant protein
while the anti-His antibodies failed to recognize it sug- The toxicity of various RIPs is attributed to their abil-
gests that there was an N-terminal deletion of the protein. ity to depurinate ribosomes and thus inhibit the protein
It is known that bacteria can process signal sequences in synthesis. However, most of the RIPs are localized to
recombinant proteins [30]. A study using SignalP V1.1 compartments to avoid toxicity to host cells in plants.
software has shown that both prokaryotes and eukary- Our bacterial growth experiments show that ME1
otes can recognize the signal sequence of ME1 [31]. Thus expression is non-toxic to bacteria and they also show
it is probable that the E. coli was able to recognize the that the presence of ME1 does not harm the bacteria. So
signal peptide of ME1 and delete the N-terminal to study how ME1 interacts with a bacterial cell when it
sequence to synthesize mature recombinant ME1. is added from outside, we labeled the ME1 with NHS-
Xuorescein and incubated it with bacteria for 4 h. The
PuriWcation of the ME1 recombinant protein distribution of labeled ME1 was observed using a confo-
cal microscope; these studies showed that ME1 enters
The recombinant protein was designed with an N-ter- into the bacteria and is distributed all over the cell (Fig.
minal polyhistidine-tag. However, the protein was not 3). There was no speciWc localization of ME1 within the
found to bind to the Ni2+ aYnity column, which further bacteria. The presence of ME1 inside the bacteria does
conWrms the deletion or masking of the N-terminal His6- not harm the bacterial growth, indicating that ME1 does
tag by E. coli. Hence, we have puriWed the protein by not inhibit the protein synthesis of bacteria.
conventional puriWcation methodologies for RIPs (see
Materials and methods). Since ME1 is a basic protein, Enzymatic activity of ME1
passing the total bacterial protein extracts through the
DEAE column removed most of the acidic proteins in The enzymatic activity of the recombinant and native
the bacterial lysates. The Xow-through basic fraction was ME1 was analyzed by the depurination of eukaryotic
collected and passed through an ME1 aYnity column (yeast) and prokaryotic (E. coli) ribosomes. The
with 20 mM Tris buVer (pH 8.0). The proteins bound to recombinant ME1 was incubated with yeast ribosomes

Fig. 2. PuriWcation of recombinant ME1. (A) AYnity chromatography of bacterial recombinant ME1. Protein extract of the induced bacteria were
fractionated through diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) column chromatography to eliminate all acidic proteins. The Xow-through of basic proteins was
collected and passed through an anti-ME1/Sepharose resin column. The bound proteins were eluted with 100 mM glycine–HCl buVer (pH 2.7) with
NaCl gradient. (B) Silver staining of the bacterial recombinant protein. The protein fraction eluted from the aYnity column was resolved on SDS–
PAGE and silver stained.
R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151 147

Fig. 3. ME1 distribution in the bacteria. Distribution of labeled ME1 in the bacteria. Bacteria grown overnight were incubated for 4 h with Xuores-
cein-labeled ME1 and observed under a confocal microscope. The left side panel shows Xuorescein-labeled ME1 (green) distribution in the bacteria
and the right side panel shows the same under transmitted light. (For interpretation of the references to color in this Wgure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this paper.)

for 30 min at 30 °C, and the RNA depurination was con- with PAP (an RIP from pokeweed, PDB code 1QCG),
Wrmed by aniline treatment. The ribose backbone at the 31.2 and 70% with -trichosanthin (an RIP isolated
depurinated site was fragmented by aniline treatment at from Trichosanthes kirilowii, PDB code 1MRJ), and
low pH (4.0) and a smaller fragment of RNA was 31.3 and 67.4% with -momorcharin (RIP isolated from
released from the 28S ribosomal RNA, indicating SR Momordica charantia, PDB code 1CF5). The three-
loop depurination of yeast ribosomes (Fig. 4A). Both dimensional structure of PAP has been resolved by X-
native ME1 and recombinant ME1 showed enzymatic ray crystallography [31]. The high degree of sequence
activity on yeast ribosomes. Type I RIPs like PAP show similarity between ME1 and PAP indicates that both
depurination of bacterial ribosomes, and PAP bacterial polypeptides are closely related in structure. The struc-
expression indicates that it is toxic to the bacteria. Since ture of ME1 (amino acid sequence between 34 and 299
ME1 does not show any toxicity to bacteria, we studied amino acids) was modeled using the coordinates of PAP
the eVect of ME1 on E. coli ribosomes. Ribosomes were (Fig. 5A). The three-dimensional model of the ME1
obtained from E. coli (DH5 ) and used to test the depu- sequence can be nicely superimposed on the structures
rination ability of ME1. Treatment of E. coli ribosomes of the type I RIPs PAP and -momorcharin (Fig. 5B).
with native ME1 and recombinant ME1 did not show This superimposition holds especially true for the -
any depurination (Fig. 4B), indicating that bacterial helices and strands of -sheet, which constitute the
ribosomes were not substrates for ME1. A positive con- overall folding pattern of the proteins. As a result, the
trol showed that PAP depurinated E. coli ribosomes network of amino acid residues forming the adenine-
under experimental conditions. Similarly, the depurina- binding site of all these protein models aligns in a simi-
tion activity of native and recombinant ME1 was lar pattern.
checked against naked rRNA of bacteria to understand Enzymatically active PAP consists of two distinct
the role of the ribosomal proteins in ME1 depurination domains and contains a well-deWned secondary struc-
activity. The results show that ME1 could not depuri- ture: eight -helices and a -sheet composed of six
nate the naked rRNA of E. coli ribosomes (Fig. 4C). strands [32]. The active site residues include Glu176 and
However PAP can depurinate the naked rRNA as well Arg180, involved in catalysis, and Tyr72 and Tyr123,
as being able to depurinate the intact ribosomes. These involved in binding to the target adenine base; all of
results indicate that ME1 interacts with bacterial ribo- these residues are conserved in the RIP family [33]. Mul-
somes in a manner more similar to ricin (type II RIP) tiple sequence alignment of ME1 with RIPs (PAP and
than to PAP (type I RIP). momorcharin) revealed that these active site residues are
fully conserved in ME1 (Glu135, Arg138, Tyr41, and
Structural modeling of ME1 Tyr86). Least squares superposition of the active site
regions of PAP and ME1 shows that there is variation in
The amino acid sequences of ME1 contain close spatial positions of active residues in both enzymes
identity and similarity to other type I RIPs. For (Figs. 5C and D). However, the structural position of
instance, ME1 has 33.3% identity and 83% similarity Tyr41 in ME1 is similar to the corresponding residue in
148 R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151

Fig. 4. Enzyme activity of native and recombinant ME1. (A) Depurination of yeast ribosomes. Yeast ribosomes were incubated with native and
recombinant ME1. The depurination of the ribosomes was indicated by the release of fragments from ribosomal RNA after aniline treatment. (B)
Depurination of bacterial ribosomes. The bacterial ribosomes were treated as above with native and recombinant ME1 followed by aniline treat-
ment. Bacterial ribosomes failed to release any fragment after aniline treatment. (C) Depurination of naked bacterial ribosomal RNA. The results
presented here are representative of three separate experiments.

region from Thr30 to Asp47 in ME1 closely resembles the

structure of PAP (Thr61 to Asp78).


Recombinant ME1 was expressed in E. coli, and the

eVect of ME1 on bacterial growth was studied to under-
stand its toxicity. Our results were quite surprising consid-
ering that the expression of RIPs in bacteria has been
complicated by the toxic nature of these proteins. In the
past, several attempts were made to express PAP full
length and N-terminal truncated, and the recombinant
proteins showed very low expression, probably due to RIP
toxicity in E. coli [18,19,34,35]. High-level expression of
active PAP was Wnally achieved by removing the N-termi-
nal amino acid region [36,37]. Bouganin (type I RIP) with
truncated N- and C-terminal regions has been expressed
with a pectate lyase (pel B) leader sequence and the active
enzyme has been collected from the periplasmic fraction
[38]. This bacterial toxicity of RIPs appears to be the
result of their ability to depurinate prokaryotic ribosomes.
This depurination may result in protein synthesis inhibi-
Fig. 5. Structural models of ME1 and PAP. (A) Ribbon model showing tion in E. coli, as it has been suggested that A-2660 inter-
the architecture of -helix and  strands of ME1 (amino acids 34–299)
acts with elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu [39]. While
obtained using comparative protein structure homology modeling soft-
ware SWISS-MODEL. Deep View Swiss-Pdb viewer was used to generate the variation in bacterial expression and toxicity to bacte-
the Wgure. (B) Structure alignment of ME with PAP and momorcharin. ria is RIP-speciWc, successful expression of recombinant
The three-dimensional model of the ME1 sequence was superimposed on RIPs without bacterial toxicity has usually been the result
the structures of the type I RIPs PAP and -momorcharin. (C and D) Ste- of mis-folding, in which the expressed protein is inactive.
reodiagrams of the active site in PAP and ME1. The three-dimensional
In the present study, ME1 expression did not show nega-
structure of the amino acid residues involved in the active site of PAP and
ME1 are presented. (For color Wgure please refer to the web version). tive eVects on bacterial growth, even though the puriWed
recombinant protein was able to depurinate yeast ribo-
PAP (Tyr72), although a slight positional rotation of the somes. This depurination activity indicated that the
aromatic ring has occurred. The structural positions of ME1 expressed by the bacteria had proper folding and
several motifs exhibit close similarity (Fig. 5B), and the was active. That ME1 does not cause bacterial growth
R. Vepachedu et al. / Protein Expression and PuriWcation 40 (2005) 142–151 149

inhibition may provide clues about the behavior of ME1 diVerence could be the reason for their diVerent enzy-
towards prokaryotic ribosomes. matic activities towards bacterial ribosomes.
ME1 is known to localize the cell surface in Rhizocto- RIPs have signal sequences that speciWcally localize
nia solani and cause toxicity to this fungus [40]. How- them into cellular compartments to avoid cellular toxic-
ever, in the case of E. coli no such surface interaction ity. Due to their N-terminal signal sequence, many RIPs
and toxicity were observed. Since ME1 is non-toxic to are compartmentalized and secreted in such a way as to
bacteria we have checked its interaction with bacterial avoid damage to the host cell ribosomes [1]. The N-termi-
cells. We have checked if it is possible for the bacteria to nal sequence of native ME1 isolated from M. expansa
not uptake ME1 or to localize ME1 into a compartment root tissue has been found to lack the Wrst 33 leading
and thus render it non-toxic. Fluorescein-labeled ME1 amino acids found in the cDNA sequence, indicating that
was incubated with bacterial cultures for 4 h and the this sequence is removed during the maturation of the
ME1 distribution in the bacteria was studied. These protein [10]. The signal sequence of ME1 has a hydro-
studies indicated that the labeled ME1 can enter into phobic region of 22 amino acids, which forms part of the
bacteria and no localization of labeled ME1 was signal motif in the N-terminal signal peptides of both
observed. This behavior leads to a situation where ME1 prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The present study indicates
is distributed throughout the cytoplasm and is thus that the N-terminal region of ME1 which is processed
available to interact with the protein synthesis machin- and expressed in bacteria does not have the signal pep-
ery. Native ME1 from M. expansa roots has been shown tide. Similarly, Mirabilis antiviral protein (MAP) has
to be toxic to some bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, been expressed with its signal sequence in E. coli and the
Pseudomonas syringae, and Agrobacterium tumifaciens, recombinant protein was found to be 2.5 kDa smaller
but not to E. coli when supplied externally in inhibition- than the expected size [17]. The authors of the MAP
halo plate assays [23]. The present expression studies study suggest that the signal peptide may have been
provide further conWrmation that ME1 is not toxic to E. cleaved and the MAP transported to the ER lumen. The
coli, probably due to the related result that ME1 does signal peptide of ME1 shows sequence similarities with
not depurinate E. coli ribosomes. RIPs are known to be the MAP signal sequence and it is processed in the bacte-
selective in their substrate ribosomes. Type II RIPs, and ria. Thus it is possible that bacteria have the ability to
the A-chains of ricin and abrin, are highly active against process these proteins. However, it is diYcult to predict if
mammalian ribosomes, weakly active against plant ribo- this signal processing leads to the same result as the pro-
somes, and totally inactive against E. coli ribosomes [41]. cessing and transportation of MAP. Interestingly, labeled
However, type I RIPs like PAP have shown activity native ME1 from a plant can enter the bacterial cell and
against prokaryotic ribosomes and have depurinated this labeled ME1 also distributes uniformly in the bacte-
their prokaryotic RNA [17]. The reason for such selec- rial cell without any speciWc localization. Taken together,
tive depurination by RIPs is not known but is possibly our observations indicate that the recombinant ME1 is
due to the protein–protein interaction of RIPs with some active, suggesting that the protein is folded correctly in
ribosomal proteins [42]. RIPs are known to interact with E. coli and this active protein does not target bacterial
ribosomal proteins such as L3; however, it is not clear protein synthesis machinery as bacterial ribosomes are
what the signiWcance is of such interactions. It has been not substrates for this enzyme. This Wnding suggests that
shown that mutations in the L3 protein do not aVect the ME1 and PAP show diVerent substrate speciWcities even
direct binding of PAP to L3, but aVect the binding of though they show close structural similarity. This sub-
PAP to L3 in the ribosomes. These data indicate that the strate speciWcity will facilitate ME1 expression in bacteria
quaternary structure of ribosomes is an essential factor and its use as an immunotoxin.
in the depurination of ribosomes by RIPs [42]. In the
present study the depurination of rRNA both as intact
ribosomes and as naked RNA was similar and ME1 was Acknowledgments
found to be unable to depurinate rRNA in either condi-
tion, while the PAP could depurinate under both condi- This work was supported by the Colorado State Uni-
tions. This Wnding is very signiWcant, as few studies have versity Agricultural Experiment Station and by a
been done on the eVect of RIPs on bacterial ribosomes. National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career
ME1 shows structural similarity with PAP. In the Development Award MCB-0093017 (to J.M.V.).
present study our models show the close similarity
between PAP and ME1 in overall structure but indicate
that the orientation of the active site amino acids is
diVerent in both proteins. The active site amino acids are
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however, the spatial position of the active site residues perspective, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 52 (2001)
diVers from PAP (Glu176, Arg180, Tyr72, and Tyr123). This 785–816.
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