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Refrigeration Cycles: Department of Mechanical Engineering H H Itui It Hashemite University

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Chapter 11


Dr Ali Jawarneh
Department of Mechanical Engineering
H h it U
Hashemite University
i it
• Introduce the concepts of refrigerators and heat pumps
and the measure of their performance.
• Analyze
A l th
the id
ideall vapor-compression
i refrigeration
fi ti cycle.
• Analyze the actual vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.
• Review the factors involved in selecting the right
refrigerant for an application.
• Discuss the operation of refrigeration and heat pump
• Evaluate the performance of innovative vapor-
compression refrigeration systems.
• Analyze gas refrigeration systems.
• Introduce the concepts of absorption-refrigeration
The transfer of heat from a low-temperature
region to a high-temperature one requires
special devices called refrigerators.
Refrigerators and heat pumps are essentially
the same devices; they differ in their
objectives only.

for fixed values of QL and QH

The objective of a refrigerator is to

h t (QL) ffrom th
remove heat the cold
ld medium;
the objective of a heat pump is to
supply heat (QH) to a warm medium. 3
¾The cooling capacity of a refrigeration system
that is, the rate of heat removal from the
refrigerated space—is often expressed in terms
of tons of refrigeration.
¾The capacity of a refrigeration system that can
freeze 1 ton (2000 lbm) of liquid water at 0°C
(32°F) into ice at 0°C in 24 h is said to be 1 ton.
¾One ton of refrigeration is equivalent to 211
kJ/min (3.517 kW) or 200 Btu/min.
¾The cooling load of a typical 200-m2 residence
is in the 3-ton (10-kW) range.
1 Btu
1.055056 kJ
1 Ibm=0.4535937 kg
1 ton of refrigeration=211 kJ/min
3.517 kW
=200 Btu/min
10-1:THE CARNOT VAPOR CYCLE (see ch. 10)
The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle operating between two specified temperature limits but it is
not a suitable model for power cycles. Because:
Process 1-2 Limiting the heat transfer processes to two-phase systems severely limits the maximum
temperature that can be used in the cycle (374°C for water: triple point)
Process 2-3 The turbine cannot handle steam with a high moisture content because of the impingement
of liquid droplets on the turbine blades causing erosion and wear
Process 4-1 It is not practical to design a compressor that handles two phases.
The cycle in (b) is not suitable since it requires isentropic compression to extremely high
pressures and isothermal heat transfer at variable pressures.

a steady-flow Carnot
cycle executed within 1-2 isothermal heat
the saturation dome addition in a boiler
of a pure substance
2-3 isentropic expansion
in a turbine
3-4 isothermal heat
rejection in a condenser
4-1 isentropic
compression in a

Carnot cycle ideally can also be applied in

T-s diagram of two Carnot vapor cycles. closed system that consists of 5
piston–cylinder device
The reversed Carnot cycle is the most efficient
refrigeration cycle operating between TL and TH.
11-2 THE
However it is not a suitable model for refrigeration
cycles since processes 2-3 and 4-1 are not practical
Process 2-3 involves the compression of a liquid–vapor
mixture, which requires a compressor that will handle
two phases, and process 4-1 involves the expansion of
high-moisture-content refrigerant in a turbine.
Both COPs Carnot cycle is a
increase as the totally reversible cycle
difference that consists of two
between the two reversible isothermal
and two isentropic
t processes. It has the
decreases, that maximum thermal
is, as TL rises or efficiency for given
temperature limits,
TH falls. and it serves as a
standard against
which actual power
cycles can be
Schematic of a Carnot compared.
refrigerator and T-s A refrigerator or heat pump that operates on
diagram of the reversed the reversed Carnot cycle is called a Carnot
refrigerator or a Carnot heat pump.
Carnot cycle.

A steady-flow Carnot refrigeration cycle uses refrigerant-

134a as the working fluid. The refrigerant changes from
saturated vapor to saturated liquid at 30°C in the condenser
as it rejects heat. The evaporator pressure is 160 kPa. Show
the cycle on a TT-ss diagram relative to saturation lines, and
determine (a) the coefficient of performance, (b) the amount
of heat absorbed from the refrigerated space, and (c) the net
work input.


The vapor-compression refrigeration cycle is the ideal model for refrigeration
t U lik the
Unlike th reversed
dCCarnott cycle,
l ththe refrigerant
fi t iis vaporized
i d completely
l t l
before it is compressed and the turbine is replaced with a throttling device.

Schematic and T-s diagram for This is the most widely used
the ideal vapor-compression
vapor compression cycle
l ffor refrigerators,
fi t A-C
refrigeration cycle. systems, and heat pumps.
The saturated liquid refrigerant at
state 3 is throttled to the evaporator
pressure by passing it through an
expansion valve or capillary tube.
The temperature of the refrigerant
drops below the temperature of the
refrigerated space during this
process. The refrigerant enters the
evaporator at state 4 as a low-
quality saturated mixture, and it
completely evaporates by
absorbing heat from the
refrigerated space. The refrigerant
If the throttling device were replaced by an isentropic turbine, the refrigerant would leaves the evaporator as saturated
enter the evaporator at state 4’ instead of state 4. As a result, the refrigeration vapor and reenters the compressor,
capacity would increase (by the area under process curve 4’-4 in Fig. 11–3) and the completing the cycle.
net work input would decrease (by the amount of work output of the turbine).
Replacing the expansion valve by a turbine is not practical, however, since the added 9
benefits cannot justify the added cost and complexity.
A schematic
diagram showing a
typical vapor
refrigeration cycle.

The compressor raises the pressure of the refrigerant, which also increases the temperature. The compressed
high-temperature refrigerant vapor then transfers heat to the ambient environment in the condenser, where it
condenses to a high-pressure liquid at a temperature close to the environmental temperature. The liquid
refrigerant is then passed through the expansion valve where the pressure is suddenly reduced, resulting in a
vapor–liquid mixture at a much lower temperature. The low temperature refrigerant is then used to cool air or
water in the evaporator where the liquid refrigerant evaporates by absorbing heat from the medium being
cooled. The cycle is completed by the vapor returning to the compressor. If water is cooled in the evaporator,
the device is usually called a chiller. The chilled water could then be used to cool air in a building.

The ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle involves an irreversible (throttling)
process to make it a more realistic model for the actual systems.
Replacing the expansion valve by a turbine is not practical since the added
benefits cannot justify the added cost and complexity.
energy balance

the ideal vapor

g cycle
y is
not an internally
reversible cycle since it
involves an irreversible
(throttling) process.

An ordinary
fi t
The P-h diagram of an ideal vapor-
compression refrigeration cycle.
A refrigerator uses refrigerant-134a as the working
fluid and operates on an ideal vapor-compression
refrigeration cycle between 0.12 and 0.7 MPa. The
mass flow rate of the refrigerant is 0.05 kg/s. Show the
cycle on a T-s
T s diagram with respect to saturation lines
(a) the rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space
and the popower
er inp
inputt to the compressor
(b) the rate of heat rejection to the environment, and
(c) the coefficient of performance.


An actual
A t l vapor-compression
i refrigeration
fi ti cycle l diff
differs ffrom th
the id
ideall one iin
several ways, owing mostly to the irreversibilities that occur in various
components, mainly due to fluid friction (causes pressure drops) and heat transfer
to or from the surroundings. The COP decreases as a result of irreversibilities.

Non isentropic
Superheated vapor
at evaporator exit
Subcooled liquid at
condenser exit
Pressure drops in
condenser and

Schematic and T-s diagram for the actual

vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. 14
In the ideal cycle, the refrigerant leaves the evaporator and enters the compressor as saturated vapor.
In practice, however, it may not be possible to control the state of the refrigerant so precisely. Instead,
it is easier to design the system so that the refrigerant is slightly superheated at the compressor inlet.
Thi slight
This li ht overdesign
d i ensures th thatt th
the refrigerant
fi t iis completely
l t l vaporized
i d when
h it enters
t th
compressor. Also, the line connecting the evaporator to the compressor is usually very long; thus the
pressure drop caused by fluid friction and heat transfer from the surroundings to the refrigerant can be
very significant. The result of superheating, heat gain in the connecting line, and pressure drops in the
p and the connecting
g line is an increase in the specific
p volume,, thus an increase in the p
input requirements to the compressor since steady-flow work is proportional to the specific volume.

The compression process in the ideal cycle is internally reversible and adiabatic, and thus isentropic.
The actual compression process, however, involves frictional effects, which increase the entropy, and
heat transfer
transfer, which may increase or decrease the entropy
entropy, depending on the direction
direction. Therefore
Therefore, the
entropy of the refrigerant may increase (process 1-2) or decrease (process 1-2’) during an actual
compression process, depending on which effects dominate. The compression process 1-2’ may be
even more desirable than the isentropic compression process since the specific volume of the
refrigerant and thus the work input requirement are smaller in this case. Therefore, the refrigerant
should be cooled during the compression process whenever it is practical and economical to do so.

In the ideal case, the refrigerant is assumed to leave the condenser as saturated liquid at the
compressor exit pressure. In reality, however, it is unavoidable to have some pressure drop in the
condenser as well as in the lines connecting the condenser to the compressor and to the throttling
valve. Also, it is not easy to execute the condensation process with such precision that the refrigerant
is a saturated liquid at the end, and it is undesirable to route the refrigerant to the throttling valve
before the refrigerant is completely condensed. Therefore, the refrigerant is subcooled somewhat
before it enters the throttling valve. We do not mind this at all, however, since the refrigerant in this
case enters the
th evaporatort with
ith a lower
l enthalpy
th l and d th
thus can absorb
b b more h heatt ffrom th
the refrigerated
fi t d
space. The throttling valve and the evaporator are usually located very close to each other, so the
pressure drop in the connecting line is small.
Refrigerant-134a enters the compressor of a refrigerator
as superheated vapor at 0.14 MPa and -10°C at a rate of
0 12 kg/s,
0.12 kg/s and it leaves at 0.7 0 7 MPa and 50°C.
50°C The
refrigerant is cooled in the condenser to 24°C and 0.65
MPa, and it is throttled to 0.15 MPa. Disregarding any
heat transfer and pressure drops in the connecting lines
between the components, show the cycle on a T-s
diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine
(a) the rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space
and the power input to the compressor,
(b) the isentropic efficiency of the compressor,
compressor and
(c) the COP of the refrigerator.


• Several refrigerants may be used in refrigeration systems such as
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), ammonia, hydrocarbons (propane, ethane, ethylene,
etc.), carbon dioxide, air (in the air-conditioning of aircraft), and even water (in
applications above the freezing point).
• R-11,
R 11, RR-12,
12, R
22, R
134a, and R-502
R 502 account for over 90 percent of the market.
• The industrial and heavy-commercial sectors use ammonia (it is toxic).
• R-11 is used in large-capacity water chillers serving A-C systems in buildings.
• R-134a (replaced R-12, which damages ozone layer) is used in domestic
refrigerators and freezers, as well as automotive air conditioners.
• R-22 is used in window air conditioners, heat pumps, air conditioners of commercial
buildings, and large industrial refrigeration systems, and offers strong competition
to ammonia.
• R-502 (a blend of R-115 and R-22) is the dominant refrigerant used in commercial
refrigeration systems such as those in supermarkets.
• CFCs allow more ultraviolet radiation into the earth’s atmosphere by destroying the
protective ozone layer and thus contributing to the greenhouse effect that causes
global warming. Fully halogenated CFCs (such as R-11, R-12, and R-115) do the
most damage to the ozone layer. Refrigerants that are friendly to the ozone layer
have been developed.
• T
Two important
i t t parameters
t that
th t needd to
t be
b considered
id d iin ththe selection
l ti off a
refrigerant are the temperatures of the two media (the refrigerated space and the
environment) with which the refrigerant exchanges heat. 18
11-6 HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS The most common energy source for heat pumps
is atmospheric air (air-to- air systems).
Water-source systems usually use well water and
ground source (geothermal) heat pumps use earth
as the energy source. They typically have higher
COPs but are more complex and more expensive
to install.
Both the capacity and the efficiency of a heat
t pump fall significantly at low temperatures
Therefore, most air-source heat pumps require a
Condenser supplementary heating system such as electric
resistance heaters or a gas furnace.
Heat pumps are most competitive in areas that
have a large cooling load during the cooling
season and a relatively small heating load during
A heat pump can be the heating season. In these areas, the heat pump
used to heat a house can meet the entire cooling and heating needs of
residential or commercial buildings.
in winter and to cool
The major
Th j problem
bl with
ith air-source
i systems
t is
i frosting,
f ti
it in summer. which occurs in humid climates when the temperature falls
below 2 to 5°C. Water-source systems usually use well
water from depths of up to 80 m in the temperature range
of 5 to 18°C, and they do not have a frosting problem.
They typically have higher COPs but are more complex
and require easy access to a large body of water such as
Evaporator underground water.
The condenser of the heat pump (located
indoors) functions as the evaporator of the air
conditioner in summer. Also, the evaporator of the heat
pump (located outdoors) serves as the condenser of
the air conditioner. This feature increases the
competitiveness of the heat
pump. 19
EXAMPLE: A heat pump with refrigerant-134a as the working fluid is
used to keep a space at 25°C by absorbing heat from geothermal water
that enters the evaporator at 5050°C
C at a rate of 0.065
0 065 kg/s and leaves at
40°C. The refrigerant enters the evaporator at 20°C with a quality of 23
percent and leaves at the inlet pressure as saturated vapor. The
refrigerant loses 300 W of heat to the surroundings as it flows through
the compressor and the refrigerant leaves the compressor at 1.4 Mpa at
the same entropy as the inlet. Determine (a) the degrees of subcooling
of the refrigerant
g in the condenser,, ((b)) the mass flow rate of the
refrigerant, (c) the heating load and the COP of the heat pump


Whatt do
Wh d we mean
by:The refrigerant
enters the
compressor at 200
subcooled by 3°C. kPa superheated
More information by 4
C as an
you need such example
as compressed


• The simple vapor-compression refrigeration cycle is the most widely
used refrigeration cycle, and it is adequate for most refrigeration
• The ordinary vapor-compression refrigeration systems are simple,
inexpensive, reliable, and practically maintenance-free.
• However, for large industrial applications efficiency,
However efficiency not simplicity,
simplicity is
the major concern.
• Also, for some applications the simple vapor-compression
refrigeration cycle is inadequate and needs to be modified.
• For moderately and very low temperature applications some
innovative refrigeration systems are used. The following cycles will be
• Cascade refrigeration systems
• Multistage compression refrigeration systems
• M lti
Multipurpose refrigeration
fi ti systems
t with
ith a single
i l compressor
• Liquefaction of gases
Cascade Refrigeration Systems
Some industrial applications require moderately low temperatures, and the temp range they involve may be too
large for a single vapor compression refrigeration cycle to be practical
practical. A large temp range also means a large
pressure range in the cycle and a poor performance for a reciprocating compressor. One way of dealing with such
situations is to perform the refrigeration process in stages, that is, to have two or more refrigeration cycles that
operate in series. Such refrigeration cycles are called cascade refrigeration cycles.

The compressor work Cascading

decreases and the amount improves the
of heat absorbed from the
refrigerated space COP of a
increases as a result of refrigeration
cascading. Therefore, system.
cascading improves the
COP of a refrigeration y
Some systems
system use three or four
stages of
In the cascade system
y shown in the figure,
g , the
refrigerants in both cycles are assumed to be the
same. This is not necessary, however, since there is
no mixing taking place in the heat exchanger.
Therefore, refrigerants with more desirable
characteristics can be used in each cycle. In this
case, there would be a separate saturation dome for
eachh flfluid,
id and the T-s
d th T diagram
di ffor one off the
th cycles
would be different. Also, in actual cascade
A two-stage cascade refrigeration system refrigeration systems, the two cycles would overlap
somewhat since a temperature difference between
with the same refrigerant in both stages. the two fluids is needed for any heat transfer 24to take
Co s de a ttwo-stage
o stage cascade refrigeration
e ge at o syste
system ope
at g bet
the pressure limits of 0.8 and 0.14 MPa. Each stage operates on the
ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle with refrigerant-134a as
the working fluid. Heat rejection from the lower cycle to the upper cycle
takes place in an adiabatic counterflow heat exchanger where both
streams enter at about 0.4 MPa. If the mass flow rate of the refrigerant
through the upper cycle is 0.24 kg/s, determine
( ) the
(a) th mass fl flow rate
t off the
th refrigerant
fi t through
th h the
th lower
l cycle,
(b) the rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space and the power
input to the compressor, and
(c) the coefficient of performance of this cascade refrigerator


Multistage When the fluid used throughout the cascade
p refrigeration
g system
y is the same,, the heat
Refrigeration Systems exchanger between the stages can be replaced
by a mixing chamber (called a flash chamber)
since it has better heat transfer characteristics.

In this system, the liquid

refrigerant expands in the
first expansion valve to the
flash chamber pressure,
which is the same as the
compressor interstage
pressure. Part of the liquid
Mixing vaporizes during this
process. This saturated
vapor (state 3) is mixed
with the superheated vapor
from the low-pressure
compressor (state 2), and
the mixture enters the high-
pressure compressor at
state 9. This is, in essence,
a regeneration process.
The saturated liquid (state
7) expands through the
second expansion valve
A two-stage compression refrigeration into the evaporator, where
it picks up heat from the
system with a flash chamber. refrigerated space. 27
A two-stage compression refrigeration system operates with
refrigerant-134a between the pressure limits of 1 and 0.14
MPa. The refrigerant leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid
and is throttled to a flash chamber operating at 0.5 MPa. The
refrigerant leaving the low-pressure compressor at 0.5 MPa is
also routed to the flash chamber. The vapor in the flash
chamber is then compressed to the condenser pressure by the
high-pressure compressor, and the liquid is throttled to the
p pressure. Assuming
p g the refrigerant
g leaves the
evaporator as saturated vapor and both compressors are
isentropic, determine (a) the fraction of the refrigerant that
p as it is throttled to the flash chamber,, ((b)) the rate of
heat removed from the refrigerated space for a mass flow rate
of 0.25 kg/s through the condenser, and (c) the coefficient of


Multipurpose Refrigeration Systems with a Single
Some applications require refrigeration at more than one temperature. A
practical and economical approach is to route all the exit streams from the
evaporators to a single compressor and let it handle the compression process
for the entire system. Each evaporator operating at different temperatures.

Schematic and T-s diagram for a refrigerator–freezer unit with one compressor.
Liquefaction of Gases
Many important scientific and engineering processes at cryogenic temperatures (below
about -100°C) depend on liquefied gases including the separation of oxygen and nitrogen
from air, preparation of liquid propellants for rockets, the study of material properties at low
temperatures, and the study of superconductivity.
The storage (i.e.,
(i e hydrogen) and
transportation of some gases (i.e., natural
gas) are done after they are liquefied at very
low temperatures. Several innovative cycles
are used
d ffor the
th liquefaction
li f ti off gases.

Linde-Hampson system
for liquefying gases

The reversed Brayton cycle (the gas
refrigeration cycle) can be used for

Simple gas refrigeration cycle.

As explained in Sec. 11–2, the Carnot cycle (the standard of comparison for power
cycles) and the reversed Carnot cycle (the standard of comparison for refrigeration
cycles) are identical, except that the reversed Carnot cycle operates in the reverse
direction. This suggests that the power cycles discussed in earlier chapters can be A closed-cycle
used as refrigeration cycles by simply reversing them. In fact, the vapor-
vapor gas-turbine
gas turbine
compression refrigeration cycle is essentially a modified Rankine cycle operating in engine
reverse. Another example is the reversed Stirling cycle, which is the cycle on which
Stirling refrigerators operate. In this section, we discuss the reversed Brayton cycle,
better known as the gas refrigeration cycle. CYCLE)
The gas refrigeration cycles have
lower COPs relative to the vapor-
compression refrigeration cycles or
the reversed Carnot cycle.
The reversed Carnot cycle
consumes a fraction of the net work
(area 1A3B) but produces a greater
amount of refrigeration (triangular
area under B1).

An open-cycle aircraft cooling system.

Despite their relatively low COPs, the gas refrigeration
cycles involve simple, lighter components, which make
them suitable for aircraft cooling, and they can
incorporate regeneration
Atmospheric air is compressed by a compressor, cooled by
the surrounding air, and expanded in a turbine. The cool air
leaving the turbine is then directly routed to the cabin.

All the processes described are internally reversible, and the cycle executed is the ideal gas refrigeration
cycle. In actual gas refrigeration cycles, the compression and expansion processes deviate from the
isentropic ones. The gas refrigeration cycle deviates from the reversed Carnot cycle because the heat
transfer processes are not isothermal. 35
The regenerative gas cycle is shown in Fig. 11–19. Regenerative cooling is achieved by
inserting a counter-flow heat exchanger into the cycle. Without regeneration, the lowest
t bi iinlet
turbine l t ttemperature
t is
i T0, the
th ttemperature
t off the
th surroundings
di or any other
th cooling
medium. With regeneration, the high-pressure gas is further cooled to T4 before
expanding in the turbine. Lowering the turbine inlet temperature automatically lowers the
turbine exit temperature, which is the minimum temperature in the cycle. Extremely low
t can be
b achieved
hi dbby repeating
ti thithis process.

Extremely low temperatures can be achieved

by repeating regeneration process.

Gas refrigeration
g cycle
y with regeneration.
In gas refrigeration cycles, can we replace the turbine No; because h = h(T) for ideal gases,
by an expansion valve as we did in vapor-compression and the temperature of air will not drop
refrigeration cycles? Why? during a throttling (h1 = h2) process.
Air enters the compressor (isentropic efficiency of 80%) of
gas refrigeration cycle at 12 12°C
C and 50 kPa and the turbine
(isentropic efficiency of 85%) at 47°C and 250 kPa. The
mass flow rate of air through the cycle is 0.08 kg/s.
Assumingi variable
i bl specific
ifi heats
h t for
f air,
i determine
d t i
(a) the rate of refrigeration,
(b) The net power input, and
(c) the coefficient of performance.


A gas refrigeration system using air as the working fluid has
a pressure ratio of 4. Air enters the compressor (isentropic
efficiency of 75%) at -7°C. The high-pressure air is cooled
to 27°C by rejecting heat to the surroundings. It is further
cooled to -15°C
15 C by regenerative cooling before it enters the
turbine (isentropic efficiency of 80%). Using constant
specific heats at room temperature, determine
(a) the lowest
lo est temperature
temperat re that can be obtained by b this
(b) the coefficient of performance of the cycle, and
(c) The mass flow rate of air for a refrigeration rate of 12



The vapor When there is a source of
which is rich in
inexpensive thermal energy at
NH3 a temperature of 100 to 200°C
is absorption refrigeration.
The high- Some examples include
pressure pure geothermal energy, solar energy, and
NH3 vapor waste heat from cogeneration or
process steam plants, and even natural
hot NH3 + H2O
gas when it is at a relatively low price.
solution, which is
weak in NH3 Liquid
NH3+H2O ammonia (NH3) serves as the
solution, refrigerant and water (H2O)
which is rich as the transport medium.
in NH3
System looks very much like the
vapor-compression system, except
that the compressor has been
replaced by a complex absorption
mechanism consisting of an absorber,
Ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle. a pump, a generator, a regenerator, a
valve, and a rectifier.
Once the pressure of NH3 is raised by the components in the
box ((this is the onlyy thing
g they
y are set up
p to do),
), it is cooled The fluid in the absorber is cooled to
and condensed in the condenser by rejecting heat to the maximize
i i th the refrigerant
fi t content
t t off the
surroundings, is throttled to the evaporator pressure, and liquid; the fluid in the generator is
absorbs heat from the refrigerated space as it flows through heated to maximize the refrigerant
content of the vapor. 43
the evaporator. So, there is nothing new there.
Here is what happens in the box:
Ammonia vapor leaves the evaporator and enters the absorber, where it dissolves
and reacts with water to form NH3 +H2O solution. This is an exothermic reaction;
thus heat is released during this process. The amount of NH3 that can be
dissolved in H2O is inversely proportional to the temperature.
temperature Therefore,
Therefore it is
necessary to cool the absorber to maintain its temperature as low as possible,
hence to maximize the amount of NH3 dissolved in water. The liquid NH3+H2O
solution, which is rich in NH3, is then pumped to the generator. Heat is transferred
to the solution from
f a source to vaporize some off the solution. The vapor, which is
rich in NH3, passes through a rectifier, which separates the water and returns it to
the generator. The high-pressure pure NH3 vapor then continues its journey
through the rest of the cycle. The hot NH3 + H2O solution, which is weak in NH3,
then passes through a regenerator, where it transfers some heat to the rich
solution leaving the pump, and is throttled to the absorber pressure.

C d with
ith vapor-compression
i systems,
t absorption
b ti refrigeration
fi ti systems
t h
have one major
advantage: A liquid is compressed instead of a vapor. The steady-flow work is proportional to
the specific volume, and thus the work input for absorption refrigeration systems is very small (on
the order of one percent of the heat supplied to the generator) and often neglected in the cycle
analysis The operation of these systems is based on heat transfer from an external source
analysis. source.
Therefore, absorption refrigeration systems are often classified as heat-driven systems.

• Absorption refrigeration systems (ARS) involve the absorption of a
refrigerant by a transport medium.
• The most widely
idel used
sed ssystem
stem is the ammonia–water
ammonia ater system,
s stem where here
ammonia (NH3) serves as the refrigerant and water (H2O) as the transport
• Other systems include water–lithium
water lithium bromide and water–lithium
water lithium chloride
systems, where water serves as the refrigerant. These systems are limited
to applications such as A-C where the minimum temperature is above the
freezing point of water.
• Compared with vapor-compression systems, ARS have one major
advantage: A liquid is compressed instead of a vapor and as a result the
work input is very small (on the order of one percent of the heat supplied to
the generator) and often neglected in the cycle analysis
• ARS are often classified as heat-driven systems.
• ARS are much more expensive than the vapor-compression refrigeration
y They y are more complexp and occupypy more space,
p , theyy are much
less efficient thus requiring much larger cooling towers to reject the waste
heat, and they are more difficult to service since they are less common.
• Therefore, ARS should be considered only when the unit cost of thermal
energy isi llow andd iis projected
j d to remaini llow relative
l i to electricity.
l i i
• ARS are primarily used in large commercial and industrial installations.
From Ch 6

Schematic of
a heat engine.

The COP of actual absorption
refrigeration systems is usually less
than 1.
Air-conditioning systems based on
absorption refrigeration, called
p chillers, p
perform best
when the heat source can supply
heat at a high temperature with little
temperature drop.
where TL, T0, and Ts are
the thermodynamic
temperatures of the
Determining the refrigerated space, the
maximum COP of environment,, and the
an absorption heat source, respectively
refrigeration system.
Heatt is
H i supplied
li d to
t an absorption
b ti refrigeration
fi ti system
t f
from a
geothermal well at 130°C at a rate of 5 x 105 kJ/h. The
environment is at 25°C, and the refrigerated space is
i t i d att -30°C.
30°C Determine
D t i th maximum
the i rate
t att which
hi h
this system can remove heat from the refrigerated space.


• Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
• The Reversed Carnot Cycle
• The Ideal Vapor-Compression
• Refrigeration Cycle
• Actual Vapor-Compression
• Refrigeration Cycle
• Selecting the Right Refrigerant
• Heat Pump Systems
• Innovative Vapor-Compression
• Refrigeration Systems

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