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Analysis On Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection

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International Journal of Steel Structures

June 2011, Vol 11, No 2, 203-213

DOI 10.1007/s13296-011-2008-0

Analysis on Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection

Yongjiu Shi, Meng Wang*, and Yuanqing Wang
Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Education Ministry,
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China


Because of high cost of tests and numerical calculation using solid element of high-strength bolts connection in steel
frameworks, it is important to find an accurate and simplified approach to describe the shear behavior of high-strength bolts
connection. The paper aims to find a spring element to simulate the shear behavior instead of solid element in structure. Firstly,
solid element model of high-strength bolt connection is established, which is proved correct and applicable comparing with
existing typical shear tests. Then, base on the reliability of finite element model, the shear behavior of bolts connection is further
discussed through a large number of parameter analyses. The three feature points and four stages of the simplified shear model
are calibrated according to tests and calculation results. A simplified shear behavior model and hysteretic criterion of high-
strength bolts connection are proposed. According to cases study, feasibility of the proposed model is validated. The proposed
model gives a simple process to provide quite accurate results, which provides a great tool for engineering applications.

Keywords: high-strength bolts connection, finite element method (FEM), shear behavior, hysteretic criterion, feature points

1. Introduction of high-strength bolted connections with sand blasted

faying surface to obtain the friction coefficient; Song et
Steel high-strength bolts connection has obvious economic al. (2009) carried out experimental study on friction
advantages in actual manufacture and installation, which coefficient; And a lot of end-plate connections researches
is widely used in steel structures (Chen et al., 2004; were also interested in the bolts connection behavior.
Azuma et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2009). However, because Form these tests, the shape of shear behavior curve was
of complicated characteristics of steel high-strength bolts found. However, because of high cost of the tests, the
connection, the shear behaviors have a variety of data from tests were too limited to obtain the quantitative
influencing factors such as anti-slip coefficient (friction expressions. Therefore, numerical simulation analysis is
coefficient), bolt pre-tension value, high-strength bolts widely used at present. Chung et al. (2000 and 2001)
strength level (10.9 or 8.8), bolt diameter, plate thickness used three-dimension finite element model to study the
and steel type etc. bolted connections between cold formed steel strips and
According to previous works, tests and numerical analyses hot rolled steel plates under static shear loading; Ju et al.
are both common methods to study shear behavior of the (2004) also used three-dimension finite element to
high-strength bolts connection. In tests field, Chen et al. simulate steel bolted connections; McCarthy et al. (2005)
(2004) selected eight common end-plate connections to and McCarthy and McCarthy (2005) adopted three-
determine anti-slip coefficient (friction coefficient) under dimension finite element to analyze the single-bolt and
shear, the obvious four stages of shear curve were found; single-lap composite bolted joints; Yu et al. (2005) were
Liu et al. (2009) produced ten specimens to study the interested in bolted moment connections in cold-formed
capacity behavior of the bolt connections under shear; Li steel beam-column with means of FEM; Nah et al. (2009)
et al. (2003) used five specimens to discuss the behavior created finite element model to estimate the clamping
force of high-strength bolts subjected to temperature
Note.-Discussion open until November 1, 2011. This manuscript for variation. However, the simulation methods for high-
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on strength bolts connections above were all solid element
October 13, 2010; approved on May 15, 2011. method, in which the problem of contact with serious
© KSSC and Springer 2011 nonlinear existed. Therefore, solid element model is only
*Corresponding author suitable for local models not for whole structure.
Tel: +86-10-62792330; Fax: +86-10-62782708 For high cost of tests and numerical calculation using
E-mail: solid element, a simplified approach to simulate shear
204 Yongjiu Shi et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 203-213, 2011

Figure 1. The goal of the paper.

behavior of high-strength bolts connection is expected to

obtain for engineering application. Then, a nonlinear spring
which can describe the shear behavior of connection
would be used in structure model instead of solid element
model (Fig. 1).
To achieve this goal, solid finite element model of
high-strength bolts connection will be established with
ABAQUS for parameter analyses. Then it is proved
correct and applicable according to existing typical tests
of shear behavior. According to a large number of
parameter analyses with reliable solid element model, the
shear behavior of high-strength bolts connection will be
Figure 2. Contact of high-strength bolts connection.
further discussed including simplified monotonic shear
model and hysteretic criterion. The simplified model could
provide a basis tool for modeling high-strength bolts
connection using simple spring element in whole structure.

2. Finite Element Model

In order to conduct parameter analysis of shear behavior,
three-dimension hexahedral non-conforming linear solid
element (C3D8I) was used to simulate cover plate, core
plate and high-strength bolts in ABAQUS (ABAQUS,
Contacts of high-strength bolts connection mainly contain
several parts: contact between cover plate and core plate,
contact between bolts nuts and the surfaces of cover plate,
contact between bolts screws and holes walls of cover
and core plates. The specific descriptions are shown in
Fig. 2. In ABAQUS, contact surfaces are defined in
“Interaction Manager” of “Interaction” module. The
properties of contact surfaces are defined in “Interaction
Property Manager” of “Interaction” module (ABAQUS,
2005). Contact properties of contact surfaces contain two
parts: tangent contact and normal contact. “Coulomb
friction” is used for tangent contact and the friction
coefficient is selected according to the tests. “Hard
contact” is used for normal contact. They are consistent
with the actual situation. “Bolt Load” command is used to
apply pre-tension in the middle face of bolts (Fig. 2). Figure 3. Constitutive model of components.
Analysis on Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection 205

Tri-linear elastic-plastic stress-strain curve is used for

steel constitutive model (Fig. 3 (a)), which is determined
according to tests. Poisson’s ratio is 0.3. Von Mises yield
criterion and kinematic hardening criterion are adopted.
Multi-linear elastic-plastic stress-strain curve is applied
for high-strength bolt constitutive model (Fig. 3 (b)),
which is also determined according to tests. Poisson’s
ratio is 0.3 and kinematic hardening criterion is adopted.

3. Experimental Verification Figure 4. Test details of Chen et al. (2004).

To prove the accuracy and applicability of the finite

element model for further parameter analyses, the
experiments of Chen et al. (2004) and Li et al. (2009) are

3.1. Experiment of Chen et al.

Chen et al. (2004) selected common end-plate connections
in portal frame, which aimed to determine friction
coefficient under shear. Double shear model (two cover
plates) was used in test specimens. The core plate was
connected with cover plates by two columns bolts and
four high-strength bolts in each column. 1/2 model was
adopted in finite element model considering the symmetry
of the specimens (Fig. 4). The ends of upper and lower
cover plates were in constraint. Two specimens HBS1
and HBS2 were selected, whose load-deformation curves
were given in the paper of Chen et al. (2004). M16
(Diameter is 16 mm) and M24 (Diameter is 24 mm) bolts
of 10.9 levels were selected. Constitutive model is shown
in Fig. 3 (b) and the parameters of constitutive model are
in Table 1 (a). The pre-tension values are respectively 110
and 225 kN according to the Chinese Specification
JGJ82-91 (1992) and GB50017-2003 (2003). The friction
coefficient was measured by Chen et al. (2004), as shown
in Table 1 (b). Q345B steel was used for cover and core
plates, whose constitutive model is shown in Fig. 3 (a)
and the parameters are in Table 1 (a). The diameter of
bolt hole was 1.5 mm larger than the bolt screw. Specific
dimensions and parameters of the specimens are shown in
Fig. 4 and Table 1(b).

Table 1(a). Material parameters of Chen et al. (2004)

Material E (MPa) fy (MPa) εy2 fu (MPa) εu
Q345B 205000 370 0.022 547 0.182
Bolt 10.9 206000 940 none 1040 0.138

Table 1(b). Specimens parameters of Chen et al. (2004) (mm) Figure 5. Test results of Chen et al. (2004).
core core cover Bolt
Specimen plate plate plate spacing µ Monotonic displacement loading was applied until the
level D tp×tp lp lc×tc e1 e2 relative displacement of the core and cover plates was
HBS1 10.9 16 200×16 265 165×12 80 90 0.212 more than 4~5 mm. Deformation of specimens are shown
HBS2 10.9 24 300×20 315 215×12 100 140 0.265 in Fig. 5 (a). Comparative analysis of load-deformation
curves between tests and finite element model are shown
206 Yongjiu Shi et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 203-213, 2011

in Fig. 5 (b) and (c). From the figures, it can be seen that
nonlinear finite element analysis is reliable to simulate
the load-displacement curves of specimens in this paper.
Although there are some deviations in early stage of
confined stage, the simulation of shear carrying capacity
is accurate. The carrying capacity is the greatest concern
in this paper. The main reason of deviations is that
constitutive relationship used in paper is simplified linear
model, which is different from real steel constitutive

3.2. Experiment of Li et al.

Li et al. (2009) designed the specimens according to
the Chinese Requirements of JGJ82-91 (1992) and
GB50221-95 (1995). 1/2 model was still adopted in finite
element model considering the symmetry of the specimen
(Fig. 6). The ends of upper and lower cover plates were
in constraint. Specimen S1 was selected for analysis,
whose load - deformation curve was given in the paper of
Li et al. (2009).
M20 (Diameter is 20 mm) of 10.9 level was selected.
Constitutive model is shown in Fig. 3 (b) and the
parameters are in Table 2 (a). The pre-tension value is Figure 7. Test results of Li et al. (2003).
155 kN according to the Chinese Specification JGJ82-91
(1992) and GB50017-2003 (2003). The friction coefficient
was measured by Li et al. (2009), as shown in Table 2
(b). Q235B was used for cover and core plates, whose
constitutive model is in Fig. 3 (a) and the parameters are
in Table 2 (a). The diameter of bolt hole was 1.5mm
larger than the bolt screw. Specific dimensions and
parameters are shown in Fig. 6 and Table 2 (b).
Monotonic displacement loading was applied until

Table 2 (a). Material parameters of Li et al. (2003)

Material E (MPa) fy (MPa) εy2 fu (MPa) εu
Q345B 205000 285 0.018 454 0.223
Bolt 10.9 206000 995 none 1160 0.142 Figure 8. Simplified model of shear behavior of high-
strength bolts connection.
Table 2 (b). Specimens parameters of Li et al. (2003) (mm)

core core cover Bolt failure. Specimens deformations are shown in Fig. 7 (a)
Specimen plate plate plate spacing µ and comparative analysis of load-deformation curves are
level D tp×tp lp lc×tc e1 e2 shown in Fig. 7 (b). From the figures, finite element
S1 10.9 20 80×16 255 155×8 40 65 0.242 analysis and experimental results are in good agreement.

4. Simplified Model of Shear Behavior

4.1. Introduction of simplified model
It can be drawn from above tests that the shear behavior
of the high-strength bolts connection obviously presents
four stages (Fig. 8), including friction stage (O-A), slip
stage (AB), confined stage (BC) and extreme stage (CD).
Because of the different level of the bolt and steel in
yield, inflection points occur several times in stage B-C.
Figure 6. Test details of Li et al. (2003). But in order to make it easy to use, linear simplified
Analysis on Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection 207

model is proposed to characterize the shear mechanical between holes (Fig. 9 (a)). The carrying capacity of this
properties of the high-strength bolts connection. This situation can be defined by equation (2):
assumption tends to be safer. The aim of the analysis
b b
below is to obtain the calculation method of these stages Nc1 = d∑tfcu (2)
and feature points.
Because the high-strength bolts connection has to
4.1.1. Friction stage (stage OA) overcome friction first, the ultimate carrying capacity of
In this stage, shear is transmitted by the friction of this failure mode is the sum of equation (1) and (2), such
contact surfaces. The relative displacement between the as equation (3):
core plate and cover plate is quite small. Friction force is
b b b b
calculated according to equation (1) (GB50017-2003, Nc = Nm + Nc1 = d∑tfcu + nfµPt (3)
(b) Bolts screw shear failure
Nm = nfµPt (1) When the bolt diameter is small but the connected steel
plates are thick, failure mode of bolts screw shear failure
In which, when it is a single shear model (one cover may occur (Fig. 9 (b)). If the bolts can be defined as the
plate), nf is 1 while when it is a double shear model (two ideal elastic-plastic material, the capacity of this mode is
cover plates), nf is 2. calculated by following equation (4):
b 1-n (πd2 ⁄ 4)fb
Nv = -----
4.1.2. Slip stage (stage AB) f y (4)
When the external force exceeds the friction of contact 3
surfaces, the curve goes to point “A” and the contact If this failure mode occurs, bolts screws have undertaken
surfaces have a relative “slip”. The relative displacement in deep plastic status with large deformation. Pre-tension
between core plate and cover plate is significantly loss seriously and the contribution of friction on bearing
increased while the load changes little. Slip displacement capacity will not be taken into account.
is mainly caused by the gap of the holes wall and the bolt
screw changing and the hole itself deformation. (c) Plate fracture failure
When the plates have more openings or the openings
4.1.3. Confined stage (stage BC) are closer to the edge of the plate whose net section are
In this stage, the bolt screws are in contact with the weaken seriously, the plate fracture failure may occur
holes walls of the core plate and cover plate. The external along the net section of component (Fig. 9 (c)). If the
force is transmitted by confined process of bolt screws steel can be defined as the ideal elastic-plastic material,
and holes walls. Inflection points occur several times in the carrying capacity is as follows equation (5):
stage B-C, which is mainly caused by the different failure
modes of the connection. When confined stage starts, the Nf = An fy (5)
high-strength bolts connection properties are similar to
the ordinary ones’ which have three failure modes In this failure mode, the whole cross-section of plates
(GB50017-2003, 2003): (a) plates crushing failure; (b) yield with a large plastic deformation, which makes the
bolts screw shear failure; (c) plates fracture failure plates thinner and pre-tension loss seriously without
(shown in Fig. 9). considering the contribution of friction on bearing capacity.
Therefore, shear capacity of the high-strength bolt
(a) Plates crushing failure connection is determined by the minimum value of
When the bolt diameter is large but the connected steel equations (3), (4), (5), such as equations (6):
plates are thin, a great compressive stress and plastic
b b b b
deformation will occur in bolt holes walls. Local pressure Nv, min = min(Nc , Nv , Nf ) (6)
or extrusion caused by bolt screw eventually results in
bolt hole being elongated and steel plate being fractured 4.1.4. Extreme stage (stage CD)
In practice, it means the component loss the capacity
and is defined as failure after the point C. It is not like
finite element method which will continue to calculate, so
the stage C-D is not the problem to concern in this paper.

4.2. Feature points of simplified model

In order to determine the feature points of the simplified
model, single-bolt model is established and monotonic
Figure 9. Typical failure modes. loading is applied to study the shear behavior of the high-
208 Yongjiu Shi et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 203-213, 2011

Table 3. Specimens parameters of S1~S6 series strength bolts connection in parameter analysis, bp=lc=
120 mm is used and the diameter of bolt hole is 2.0 mm
Series fy tp tc Failure larger than the bolt screw. Constitutive models of bolt and
D P (MPa) (mm) (mm) µ
Name level mode steel are both ideal elastic-plastic constitutive model.
(mm) (kN)
The main parameters include the friction coefficient µ,
10.9 M16 110 270 16 8 0.3 A bolt pre-tension value Pt, high-strength bolts strength
10.9 M20 155 270 16 8 0.3 A level (10.9 or 8.8), bolt diameter d, core plate thickness tp,
S1 10.9 M22 190 270 16 8 0.3 A cover plate thickness tc and steel yield fy.
10.9 M24 225 270 16 8 0.3 A Equation (6) is used to determine the failure modes:
10.9 M27 290 270 16 8 0.3 A “A” stands for plates crushing failure; “B” stands for
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.3 A bolts screw shear failure; “C” stands for plates fracture
10.9 M22 190 270 24 12 0.3 A failure (Table 3).
S2 The results of the parameters analysis are as follows
10.9 M24 225 270 24 12 0.3 A
(Fig. 10).
10.9 M27 290 270 24 12 0.3 A
10.9 M20 155 270 14 7 0.3 A 4.2.1. Method for determining point A
10.9 M20 155 270 16 8 0.3 A O-A stage is friction stage when little deformation of
10.9 M20 155 270 18 9 0.3 A components occurs and plates and bolts have not
S3 10.9 M20 155 270 20 10 0.3 A contacted. So, point A is only possibly related with
10.9 M20 155 270 22 11 0.3 A friction coefficient µ and pre-tension Pt. S1 and S5 series
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.3 A are selected to calculate.
10.9 M20 155 270 26 13 0.3 A
10.9 M20 155 270 16 12 0.3 A (1) Determine Ax
10.9 M20 155 270 18 12 0.3 A The results of S1 and S5 series are shown in Fig. 9 (a),
S4 10.9 M20 155 270 20 12 0.3 A (b). It can be seen that Ax is basically stable at 0.06mm
10.9 M20 155 270 22 12 0.3 A
and is independent of the friction coefficient and pre-
tension value. So the value of Ax for simplified model is
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.3 A
proposed as 0.06 mm.
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.2 A
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.3 A (2) Determine Ay
S5 10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.4 A The results of S1 and S5 series for Ay are shown in Fig.
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.5 B 10 (c), (d). The results are equal to the friction calculated
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.6 B by equation (1), so Ay can be determined according to
10.9 M20 155 270 24 12 0.3 A equation (1).
S6 10.9 M20 155 400 24 12 0.3 B
8.8 M20 110 400 24 12 0.3 B 4.2.2. Method for determining point B
A-B stage is slip stage when the relative displacement
between core plate and cover plate is significantly increased
strength bolts connection. The whole process of the shear while the load changes little. Bolts screw contact with
curve (Fig. 8) is expected to obtain. The displacement core plate and cover plate in order and point B is related
loading is applied and the maximum displacement is applied with friction coefficient µ, pre-tension Pt, bolt diameter d,
to 10 mm which is enough to make the component failure. core plate thickness tp and cover plate thickness tc. So
Six series (Table 3) of specimens are selected for S1~S5 series are selected to calculate.
parameter analyses for the feature points, then the specific
expression of the feature points can be summarized. S1 (1) Determine Bx
series focus on the impact of bolt diameter on the shear The results of S1~S5 series are shown in Fig. 10 (e)~
behavior in the case of thin core plate; S2 series focus on (g). It can be seen that Bx is basically stable at 1.85 mm
the effect of bolt diameter in the case of common and is independent of the friction coefficient, pre-tension
thickness core plate; S3 series focus on the impact of value, core and cover plate thickness. So for the case that
different thickness of core plate and cover plate; S4 series the hole diameter is 2 mm larger than the screw diameter,
focus on the impact of different thickness of core plate in a value of 1.85 mm is suggested for Bx, which means Bx
case of cover plate with the same thickness; S5 series is 0.925 times of difference between the hole and the
focus on the impact of different friction coefficient; S6 screw. On one hand, this little difference is mainly caused
series focus on the impact of different yield strength of by the micro-tensile deformation, which leads screw
bolts and steel. holes not circular but slightly elliptical and makes the
In order to satisfy the structure requirements of high- screw contact with holes walls earlier. On the other hand,
Analysis on Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection 209

Figure 10. Parameters analysis of feature points.

it is also caused by the friction between the bolt nut and 4.2.3. Method for determining point C
the cover plate. Bx can also be determined as the same as B-C stage is confined stage when the bolt screws have
the difference between the hole and the screw for more already been in contact with the core plate and cover
security considerations. plate. The external force is transmitted by the confined
process of bolts screws and holes walls. Bolts and plates
(2) Determine By are likely to enter yield status at this time, so point C is
As A-B is slip stage and load is essentially constant, related with friction coefficient µ, pre-tension Pt, bolt
By=Ay is proposed in the model and the method to level, bolt diameter δ, core plate thickness tp, cover plate
determine By is in the same way as Ay. thickness tc, steel and bolt yield strength and failure
210 Yongjiu Shi et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 203-213, 2011

Table 4. Comparison analysis of S6 series

Steel Bolt
b Cy1/
Series fy fy Failure mode Cy1 Cy2
(MPa) (MPa)
270 940 Plates crushing failure 288 293 0.982
S6 400 940 Bolt screw shear failure 344 350 0.983
400 660 Bolt screw shear failure 240 245 0.976

modes. So all S1~S6 series are selected to calculate. The

path of B-C stage has little effect on the concerned
carrying capacity of the connection, so the simplified
model takes a straight line to connect point B and point C.
Figure 11. Hysteretic criterion of high-strength bolt
connection under shear.
(1) Determine Cx
The starting point of deformation curve going into the
flat stage (C-D stage) is between 3.2~3.4 mm, which 4.3. Simplified model of hysteretic behavior
means 1.35~1.55 mm after the screw touching the hole According to finite element analysis, it can be seen that
wall. Through calculations, it is proposed in this model the shear behavior of high-strength bolts connection
that the former value is taken for the bolt screw shear presents the isotropic hardening characteristics under
failure and the latter value is taken for the plates crushing cyclic loading (Fig. 11). Reloading stiffness is the same
failure. as the initial friction stiffness Ki, because they are the
same process caused by friction. Unloading is an elastic
(2) Determine Cy unloading process, which is independent of cover plate
The results of S1~S6 series according to the equation thickness, steel yield strength, bolts yield strength and the
(6) and FEM are shown in Fig. 10 (h)~(l) and Table 4. Cy1 friction coefficient. Ke is related with core plate thickness,
is the value of the simplified model and Cy2 is the value the elastic modulus of steel and the bolt diameter. The
of finite element model. These two values are nearly the deformation is composed with the elastic deformation of
same, so equation (6) can be used to determine the Cy. core plate and bolt. It is directly proportional to the core
Overall, the results of models are slightly less than the plate thickness. The unloading stiffness at each stage are
most results of the finite element calculations which basically the same. Compared with the finite element
satisfy the security. S6 results (Table 4) of model and analysis results, the unloading stiffness values suggested
finite element method are basically consistent under different in this study are:
failure modes. The maximum error of S1~S6 series is less
than 5% and the reasons of the points with greater Ke = λEA
------- (7)
difference between two methods are explained as follows: L
Because the relative thickness of plates in S1 series are λ (influence coefficient) is an assumed parameter for
thin (Fig. 10 (i)), stiffness difference between plates and describing the reloading stiffness. By calculating, it is
bolts are increasing and pre-tension loss increased as the found that the unloading stiffness is less than EA/L. It is
bolts diameter increasing. Therefore, the higher degree of possibly caused by tiny slip between plates during
the finite element method than proposed model is unloading process. By summarizing the results of a large
increasing generally. Core plates thickness of S2 (Fig. 10 number parameter analysis, it is found that unloading
(j)) increases compared with S1, so pre-tension loss is stiffness is within 0.5~0.6 EA/L and is larger when the
eased. The result of S3 (Fig. 10 (k)) has great difference bolt diameter is larger. Therefore, it is proposed that when
between two methods when the core plate thickness is 14 the bolt diameter is less than the thickness of core plate,
mm. The main reason is that the thickness of core plate λ is 0.5 otherwise λ is 0.6.
at this time is much smaller than the bolt diameter. In this In order to verify the accuracy of the equation (7), the
situation, plate crushing failure occurs with large plastic friction coefficient µ=0.3, steel yield strength fy=270
deformation and pre-tension suffers serious losses. So MPa, bolts yield strength fy =940 MPa are taken in
values of the proposed model are higher than FEM results parameters analyses. Ke1 is the unloading stiffness in the
for the crushing damage. S4 series with thick core plates simplified model and Ke2 is the one in finite element
result in small loss of pre-tension, whose results are more method. The results of both them are compared in Table
consistent with FEM. Therefore, reduction of the bearing 5. The results calculated by proposed method and finite
capacity should be required for the components with element method are in good agreement.
significant differences between plate thickness and bolt
Analysis on Shear Behavior of High-Strength Bolts Connection 211

Table 5. Comparison of reloading rigidity simplified model

Ke1 Ke2
D (mm) tp (mm) tc (mm) K /K
(kN/mm) (kN/mm) e1 e2
M20 20 10 2060 1962 1.05
M20 16 12 1977 1914 1.03
M20 18 12 2224 1956 1.13
M20 20 12 2060 1980 1.04
M20 22 12 2266 2024 1.12
M20 24 12 2476 2368 1.05
M20 26 13 2678 2443 1.10
M20 24 12 2476 2368 1.05
M22 24 12 2476 2574 0.96
M24 24 12 2971 3033 0.98
M27 24 12 2971 3125 0.95
Mean 1.04

4.4. Example analysis

To prove the accuracy and applicability of the simplified
model, different failure modes, different bolts size, different
core plate thickness and different friction coefficient of
specimens are selected for analysis. Specific comparative
results are shown in Fig. 12.
The failure mode in Fig. 12 (a) is the bolt screw shear
failure. The high-strength bolts have yielded and the yield
strength of the bolt is higher than the plates, so the
smoothness of curve after point C calculated by FEM is
consistent with the proposed model. The failure mode in
Fig. 12 (b) is the plates crushing failure, so when point C
is reached, the bolt has not completely yielded. After the
point C, the bolt generally goes into complete yield. This
phenomenon causes the occurring of inflection point and
after the inflection point, the capacity still increases.
However, in practice, after the core plates crushing, it
means the component loss the capacity and is already
failure. So the curve after point C is not real. Considering
this situation, the simplified model can accurately
simulate the whole process of shear.
Figure 12 (c) and (d) show the comparison of cyclic
loading results, it can be seen that simplified model can
simulate hysteretic characteristics. In confined stage, the
skeleton curve is connected by a straight line which is
somewhat different from the finite element result. However,
the results of simplified model are safer and have a more
wide range of applications.

5. Summary and Conclusions

In this paper, nonlinear finite element model of high-
strength bolts connection is established for parameters
analyses. Typical tests are used to calibrate FEM model.
According to a large number of parameter analyses, main
conclusions can be drawn as follows:
(1) The macro-failure modes and capacity- deformation Figure 12. Comparison analysis of simplified model and
of the nonlinear finite element model of high-strength FEM.
212 Yongjiu Shi et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 203-213, 2011

bolts connection established in this paper are in good Nc1 : part of the shear capacity under plate crushing
agreement with typical test results. The elements types, failure mode
bolts force behavior, the material constitutive relationship Nc shear capacity under plate crushing failure
and contact are proved reliable. mode
(2) Based on the accuracy of the finite element model, Nv : shear capacity under bolt screw shear failure
the three feature points and four stages of shear behavior mode
simplified model of high-strength bolt connection are Nf : shear capacity under plate fracture failure
calibrated with a large number of parameter analyses. A mode
simplified model of shear behavior is proposed. Nv, min : the final shear capacity of the high-strength
(3) According to finite element analysis, it can be seen friction bolt connection under different failure
that the shear behavior of high-strength bolts connection modes
presents the isotropic hardening characteristics under Pt: pre-tension of the bolt
cyclic loading. Therefore, hysteretic model and hysteretic Ki: the initial friction stiffness
criterion are obtained. It provides a great tool for the Ke: the unloading stiffness
seismic performance of structure with high-strength bolts A: bp×tp the cross-sectional area for the core plate
connection. L: |lp−lc| the intersection length of the core plate
(4) The model is simple and accurate, which is and cover plate
important for engineering applications. The simplified λ: the Influence coefficient
model provides a basis for modeling high-strength bolts
connection using simple spring element in whole structure
ABAQUS (2005). ABAQUS User’s Manual, Version 6.5.
Acknowledgments Hibbitt, Karlsson and Sorenson, Inc., USA.
Azuma, K., Chida, T., Tarui T., Matsuishi, N., and Okada, T.
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