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Information System Acceptance and User Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Trust

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418

International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and

Technology Management

Information system acceptance and user satisfaction: The

mediating role of trust
Erne Suzila Kassim*, Sri Fatiany Abdul Kader Jailani, Hanitahaiza Hairuddin,
Norol Hamiza Zamzuri
Center for Applied Management Studies, Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
42300 Puncak Alam,Selangor, Malaysia


Satisfying users is one of the crucial objectives of information system success. In addition, trust has been found as
an important factor in information system studies. Although a large amount of research have been conducted to
investigate and evaluate information system satisfaction, the role of trust that mediates the relationship between
satisfaction and its acceptance antecedence still requires a close attention. This paper examines the role of trust that
mediates the relationship between information system acceptance and user satisfaction. Selected domains from the
past models are adapted and integrated with theoretical findings from prior IS satisfaction research to theorize a
model of trust and satisfaction. Six hypotheses are derived and empirically validated. Findings of the study suggest
ease of learning is related to ease of use; ease of use and information quality are the determinants of trust; and trust
mediates the acceptance and satisfaction relationship. This study draws substantive attention to the requirement of
understanding trust as a mediating variable in an information system context.

© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia Pacific
Pacific Business
Business Innovation
Innovation and Technology
and Technology Management
Management Society Society
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: information system satisfaction; user acceptance; trust

1. Introduction

One of the fundamental information system success criteria is user satisfaction. Evaluating the
satisfaction and its determinant is an important exercise to gauge the value and effectiveness of the
information system investment. In the past, user satisfaction has been used to surrogate information
system success. It is an assessment made by a user, along a continuum from positive to negative, about
certain qualities of information systems. Furthermore, various determinants of user satisfaction have
been assessed and investigated on how users perceive their acceptance rate on the fit of the information
system characteristics and user needs.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +603-32585020; fax: +603-32585000.

E-mail address:

1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology
Management Society (APBITM) Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Erne Suzila Kassim et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418 413

For advocating user acceptance on information system use, it is thus of importance to ensure an
appropriate level of fit between the user needs and expectations. Attitudinal belief constructs of
Technology Acceptance Model, Information System Success Model and Theory of Planned Behavior,
for instances perceive usefulness, perceive ease of use, attitude, intention, information quality and
system quality have been well investigated to capture the behavioral effect of information system use
on satisfaction.

In determining the acceptance also, trust has been widely studied as a key factor. Common
antecedents of the behavioral beliefs are attitude, perceive behavioral control, subjective norms,
perceive usefulness and perceive ease of use (Wu & Chen, 2005). There has been debate as to whether
trust attributes such as benevolence, ability and integrity can be ascribed to technology. But Li et al.,
(2008) ascertain that the attributes are applicable to technology, especially given that the technology is
designed and operated by humans. However, while trust is apparently an important antecedent of user
acceptance (Wu & Chen, 2005), it is argued trust is the result of the system acceptance, which later
influence the information system user satisfaction.

Therefore, the purpose of the study is to examine the influence of user acceptance on the trust of the
system, and to examine the mediating role of trust on the link between information system user
acceptance and satisfaction.

2. Review of Literature

Information system success has long been the concern of IS researchers. In its simplest definition,
information system success is simply the dependent or output variable (Delone and Mclean, 1992).
With this regard, many measures define the success. For instance, the information system success
model measures the aspects of MIS success as information quality, system quality, service quality, use,
satisfaction and net benefits (Delone and McLean, 2003). They further add the net benefits can be
measured as work group impacts, interorganizational and industry impacts, consumer impacts and
societal impacts.

On the other hand, Smith and Hirschheim (1999) describe the output variables as the consequences
of the introduction of a new information system, and these consequences can affect the aspects of
economics, organizations, social and management at the levels of macro, sector, firm, application and
stakeholder. Although Delone and McLean (2003) suggest many dimensions of information system
success, the ones that are essential are the usage and the performance impacts.
The interest and importance of the information system success has led to the antecedents
investigations. Of particular interest to the researchers are the appropriation fit, individual
characteristics and trusting beliefs.

While past studies have evaluated and uncovered the fit as predictor to system usage (Norzaidi et al,
2007 ; Goodhue at al, 2000 ; Staples and Seddon, 2004, Dennis et al, 2001), the fit dimensions are not
standard. Yet, most follow the work of Goodhue and Thompson (1995) with quality, locatability,
authorization, compatibility, systems reliability and ease of use become the common measurement.

From the individual characteristics, Strong et al (2006) have found computer self-efficacy has an
effect to technology utilization, moderated by characteristics of the technology being evaluated. In
another study, Goodhue et al (2000) apply user evaluation concept as a surrogate to task-technology fit,
and using the individual characteristics as computer literate, the characteristics are manipulated to fit
with technology. In an effort to measure user evaluations of information technology in health care
industry, Pendhakar et al (2001) have adopted Goodhue’s model (1995). However, instead of applying
computer literacy as the individual characteristics, a very limited meaning of individual characteristic
items has been used. There are only one item that measures prior information technology education and
another item that measure the job orientation requirement. On the other hand, individual characteristics
define as experience, prior knowledge and intellectual capabilities (Sun and Zhang, 2006) have been
found to have a significant impact to usage.
414 Erne Suzila Kassim et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418

Furthermore, in earlier research, the concept of trust was studied in the context of interpersonal
relationship, which is the human being. However, in the IS field, the studies on trust focused on web
vendor or virtual team members. Therefore, the trust was on a human, or an organization of humans.
Recently, the focus has shifted to evaluating trust in technology, in which the trust is placed on a
technological artefact, such as software agent or an information system (Li et al, 2008).

Trust in information system is a viable concept as highlighted by McKnight et al (2002) since it

reflects the willingness of the trustor to “behaviourally depend on a piece of software to do a task.”
Trust is studied in various dimensions. Yet, the most significant aspect of it is when trust is defined as a
set of specific beliefs about benevolence, ability and integrity, which Gefen (2005) and Meyer et al
(1995) label as trustworthiness.

While there has been debate as to whether human attributes such as benevolence can be ascribed to
technology, Li et al (2008) are certain that the attributes are applicable to technology, especially given
that the technology is designed and operated by humans. Previous studies have suggested trust plays a
role in predicting user behaviour in adopting technology (Jarvenpaa et al, 2000 ; Gefen et al, 2003).

Thus, based on the discussion, the following hypothesis and framework will be used in the study:

H1: Ease of learning is has a relationship with ease of use.

H2: Ease of use has a relationship with trust.
H3: Information quality has a relationship with trust.
H4: System quality has a relationship with trust.
H5: Trust has a relationship with satisfaction.
H6: Trust mediates the relationship between user acceptance and satisfaction.

Ease of use (ttf)

Ease of learning

Information H3 H5
Trust Satisfaction

System Quality

Fig. 1. The Conceptual Framework

Erne Suzila Kassim et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418 415

3. Research Methodology

3.1. Instrument Construction

Six constructs were measured in this study: ease of learning, ease of use, information quality,
system quality, trust and satisfaction. The constructs were measured using a seven point likert scale
ranging from 1 of strongly disagree to 7 of strongly agree, drawn from measures in information system
studies. Items for ease of learning, ease of use, information quality and system quality were adopted
from Staples and Seddon (2004), while trust and satisfaction items that capture the post affect usage
were adopted from Gefen et al., (2003) and Seddon and Yip (1992) respectively.

3.2. Data Collection

In information system studies, gauging for the uniformity of the systems and applications which are
being assessed and evaluated is important for ensuring responses consistency and data . Hence, data
was collected from students of higher learning institutes and they were asked to rate their level of
acceptance, trust and satisfaction on the students information system. 450 questionnaires were
distributed, and 331 were returned, contributing 73.5% to the response rate. The study used perceptual
measures to capture data as these are acceptable measures in most survey research.

3.3. Factor Analysis

Factor analysis with varimax rotation was performed to ascertain ease of learning, ease of use,
information quality, system quality, trust and satisfaction are distinct constructs. The results confirmed
the existence of six constructs with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 that accounted for 74.69% of the total
variance. The correlation matrix shows no value exceeds 0.85 that suggest for none existence of
multicollinearity. The KMO value of 0.920 signifies that factor analysis is appropriate.

4. Results and Discussion

The results of the descriptive analysis, factor loadings, reliability and construct validity tests are
shown in Table 1. The descriptive results may imply users agree the system is easy to be learnt and
used, quality of the information and the system is reliable, the system can be trusted and users are
satisfied. The factor loadings, convergent validity and composite reliability suggest the constructs are
valid. Thus, further analyses of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling are to be

Table 1. Descriptive and reliability analyses

Std. Cronbach Item Convergent Composite
Deviation alpha loadings validity reliability
Ease of Use .919 0.796 .921
Easy to use. 5.042 1.340 .894
User friendly. 4.997 1.382 .934
Easy to get the system to do what
4.870 1.367 .847
need to do.
Ease of Learning .902 0.749 0.900
Easy to learn. 5.060 1.263 .863
Easy to become more skilful. 5.084 1.225 .894
New features are easy to learn. 4.879 1.271 .839
Information quality . 824 0.634 0.837
Useful format. 4.969 1.208 .851
Accurate. 4.897 1.229 .850
Up-to-date information. 4.833 1.441 .675
System reliability .783 0.588 0.807
416 Erne Suzila Kassim et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418

“Up” and available. 4.622 1.271 .586

Minimum inconvenient down times. 4.803 1.277 .874
Irregular problems. 4.800 1.277 .811
Trust .927 0.764 0.928
Competent and effective. 4.833 1.343 .854
Performs its role very well 4.885 1.334 .941
Truthful 5.057 1.235 .850
Employed for best task interest. 4.948 1.379 .847
Satisfaction .932 0.784 0.956
Adequate 4.951 1.367 .790
Efficient. 4.915 1.390 .951
Effective. 4.975 1.374 .944
Overall satisfaction. 5.069 1.470 .847

Next, confirmatory factor analysis is performed. The analysis yields a result of chi-square/df = 2.227,
CFI = 0.968 and RMSEA = 0.061. Then, running the structural equation modeling for testing the
hypotheses resulted in chi-square/df = 2.350, CFI = 0.963 and RMSEA = 0.064. The model fit fulfils
the minimum requirement by Segar and Grover (1993) and Browne and Cudek (1993).

The results of the hypothesis testing are shown in Table 2. Referring to the table, there are evidences
that ease of learning is related to ease of use while ease of use and information quality are also related
to trust. However, the results suggest system reliability has no significant relationship with trust. Yet,
trust is related to user satisfaction. Comparing between ease of use and information quality, the later
has a higher influence on trust as depicted by the regression weight of 0.420. In addition, ease of
learning explains for about 74% variance in the ease of use. About 43% of the variance in trust is
explained by ease of use and information quality while 57% of the satisfaction variance is explained by

Table 2. Hypotheses Testing

Hypothesis Relationship R2 β Sig. Result
H1 Ease of learning and ease of use 0.737 .859 .000 Supported
H2 Ease of use and trust .213 .002 Supported
H3 Information quality and trust 0.425 .420 .000 Supported
H4 System reliability and trust .105 .124 Supported
H5 Trust and satisfaction 0.569 .754 .000 Supported

In examining the role of trust as a mediator, the approach taken follows the recommendation of
Baron and Kenny (1986). An estimation of the direct effect between ease of use, information quality
and system reliability and user satisfaction is required, which produces model 1. Then, trust as the
mediating variable is added up which produces model 2. Running the two models generate the results
as displayed in Table 3.

Table 3. Testing for Mediating Effect

Model element Direct effect Indirect effect

Model fit
chi-square/df 2.151 2.144
Degrees of freedom 94 95
Probability 0.000 0.000
CFI 0.975 0.959
RMSEA 0.059 0.059
Standardized parameter estimates
R2 0.391 0.571
Beta for satisfaction 0.626 0.756
Beta for trust - 0.724
Erne Suzila Kassim et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 57 (2012) 412 – 418 417

Following Baron and Kenny (1986), the results indicate that the relationship between user
acceptance measured as ease of use, information quality and system quality and satisfaction is mediated
by trust on the system. When trust is controlled, on average, a unit increase in user acceptance is
associated with 0.756 unit increase in satisfaction, compared to 0.626 unit when trust is not controlled
for. In addition, user acceptance alone explaines about 39% of the variation in satisfaction, as
compared to about 57% when trust is controlled. Hence, there are strong evidences that suggest trust
mediates the relationship between user acceptance and satisfaction. Therefore, H6 is supported.

Therefore, the role of trust in mediating the relationship between user acceptance and satisfaction is
vital in this study as drivers for user acceptance and satisfaction. As related with Maslow Hierarchy of
Needs that one of an individual primary needs is safety needs which include security, protection against
physical and mental dangers and future deprivation (Keeling and Kallaus, 1996, p. 167), this may be
the reason of this result. Building of trust is based on an individual personal feeling of security and
safety, thus, it result a positive reacting attitude towards the system.

Despite of this, using a system that is user friendly, contributed individual encouraging behavior of
using the system. Furthermore, with the use of quality system that can also produce quality
information may result efficiency towards system process. Nevertheless, there is scarcity of research on
producing quality system by understanding individual behavior especially through cognitive behavior.
Thus, understanding cognitive behavior it is expected to increase individual behavior in accepting a

5. Conclusion

The main objective of the study is to examine the mediating role of trust on the linkage between user
acceptance of information system measured as ease of use, information quality and system quality, and
user acceptance. While previous studies have found a strong effect of trust on user acceptance, the
study argues trust is the result of achieving an appropriate level of user acceptance, and trust also plays
a role that mediates the user acceptance and satisfaction relationship. The results of the structural
equation modeling confirm the role of trust. Hence, it signals for the utter importance of ensuring the
appropriate fit of the user acceptance before users will establish their behavioral beliefs and confirm on
the integrity and ability of the system. In addition, as the system is more trustworthy, users will be
more satisfied.
In essence, the finding of the study adds to the body of knowledge by empirically examines and
evaluates the role of trust in the context of information system, and overcome the limitations of
previous research. Future studies shall enhance the model by incorporating more dimensions of user
acceptance and information system success criteria. Future studies shall enhance the model by
incorporating more dimensions of user acceptance such as from the context of cognitive behavior and
other information system success criteria.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Research Management Institute, Universiti Teknologi
MARA for the financial support in conducting the research.


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