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Seismic Retrofitting of Structures Using Passive Energy Dissipation Devices: A Review

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8 V May 2020
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

Seismic Retrofitting of Structures using Passive

Energy Dissipation Devices: A Review
S. Kawalkar1, S. Sanghai2
1, 2
Department of Civil Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur.

Abstract: Past earthquake record depicts there is a significant increase in human loss, structural as well as economic losses.
Advancement in the research field has revised many designing codes that demand more structural stability in the seismic prone
zone. This aspect leads to seismic retrofitting of existing structures, many methodologies have been put forth by an ample
amount of research work, and among that use of energy dissipating system gains the focus for retrofitting in recent years. This
paper attempts the review of different aspects related to seismic retrofitting with the help of passive energy dissipation devices.
Designing philosophy, optimal locations and case studies are discussed in this literature. Summarising, it gives the total idea of
the different parameters to be considered and recent research works summary.
Keywords: Seismic performance, Energy dissipation, Optimal location, Retrofitting, Non-linear analysis.

The world has gone through many devastating earthquakes over the last few decades such as the Nepal earthquake of 2015, the
Imphal earthquake of January 2016, Latur earthquake of 1993 [1]. Mexico earthquake in 1985 reported 16000 people injured, 4500
people died, were affected and 1778 structures were severely damaged [22]. Structures affected by earthquake needs to use their
generic facility as soon as possible, thus effective economic and seismic resistant retrofitting strategies are needed with future
perspective keeping in mind.
The Improvement of seismic performance of existing structures is a challenging and difficult task for engineers. Such a situation
also arises, when standard codes of design are revised and they demand higher spectral acceleration. The solution to this problem is
through two strategies are given, first by strengthening, i.e. increasing the capacity of the structures and second by reducing seismic
demand of structure i.e. introduction of seismic energy dissipation devices [23] this paper reviews the various studies in respect to
the second approach of reducing seismic demand on a structure. Passive energy dissipation devices do not require external energy
supply for their working and they are easy to install thus it is a better choice for seismic retrofitting.
According to the design philosophy of earthquake resistant design of the structure, it should be resisted minor and frequent
earthquakes without damages, should be able to resist moderate earthquakes with some nonstructural damage and resist the major
earthquake without collapse of structure [24].
Performance-based Retrofitting and design of the structures is the trending concept in the recent era. Various guidelines related to
that are coded in the FEMA-356 and ACT40 codes. Determination of performance point based on structure capacity and
earthquakes demand is carried out through non-linear static analysis i.e. pushover analysis. Based on this performance point
different types of energy dissipating devices are design for the purpose of retrofitting of existing structures.


FEMA-356 described the rehabilitation objectives based on target performance levels for structure as a whole. Three types of
objectives are defined as i) Basic safety objectives, ii) Enhanced objectives and iii) limited objectives. Under basic safety objectives,
target performance levels are defined as follows

A. For BSE-1 structure should be under the Life Safety Performance level.
B. For BSE-2 structure should be under the Collapse Prevention Performance level.

BSE-1 is the earthquake that has a 10% probability of Exceedance in 50 years i.e. return period of 474 years. BSE-2 is the
earthquake that has a 2% probability of Exceedance in 50 years i.e. return period of 2475 years. The retrofitted structure should have
to obey the above target objectives as per the FEMA code.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at


A. Design Philosophy
1) Habibi [10] proposed the energy-based design method for the seismic retrofitting of the structure by using passive energy
dissipating devices. The design aspect uses modal pushover analysis. Pushover analysis by two higher participating modes
carried out for determining yield force. Literature gave the detailed step by step procedure for dissipation device design,
a) Step 1: a) elastic modal analysis
To determine i) modal shape vector ii) participation factor
mi  iT M i  1
i  iT M 1/ mi
b) Modal push over-analysis to find yield force and yield strength coefficient
Fyi f yi
f yi  C yi 
i  i mi g
c) To assign damping `
b) Step 2: To determine the ductility factor for the assign damping ratio.
c) Step 3: To determine the equivalent velocity of absorbed energy.
d) Step 4: a) to calculate absorbed energy and total absorbed energy.
m  V  2
Eai  i i ai EaT   Eai
2 i 1
b) To calculate elastic strain energy.
2 2  1 Ds1 
ES  2 m1  
T1  1 
e) Step 5: to find plastic strain energy need to dissipate.
ED  EaT  ES
If ED <1 no need of energy dissipators
Otherwise, damping demand is calculated by
D 
4 ES
f) Step 6: To compare dissipative plastic energy with elastic strain energy.
g) Step 7: Distribute EDi over the height of the structure according to the energy profile of the corresponding mode.
h) Step 8: Convert all the calculated entities to MDOF system and distribute over the height of the structure.
i) Step 9: To determine an energy dissipation device characteristic based on energy to be dissipated.
j) Step 10: Design the bracing member according to axial force.
The validation of the above design method was done by nonlinear time history analysis. Results showed that structure retrofitted
with the above method remains in an elastic zone.

2) Madan [2] Proposed performance energy-based performance design formulation of passive energy dissipation devices
(PED). The following procedure was given,
a) Step 1- To calculate earthquake input energy for MDOF system (E)
b) Step 2- To estimate elastic energy of the equivalent SDOF system (Ee)
c) Step 3- Total energy need to be dissipated (Edissipate) by retrofitted structure equals to [E-Ee]
d) Step 4- To find energy dissipated in plastic hinges (Ep)
e) Step 5- To calculate energy to be dissipated by PED equals to [Edissipate -Ep]
f) Step 6- For friction dampers, to estimate frictional sleep load.
A formulation for various steps was given by the author in respective research work.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1432

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

B. Location Estimation
Lin [12] proposed the optimal location of linear viscous damper for two-way unsymmetrical building. This method did not
depend on the earthquake excitation. The targeted response was observed on the basis of the rate of elastic strain energy dissipation
rather than the response parameter. Numerical validation is given in the latter part and concluded that results obtained in permissible
ranges. Qu [7] uses the modified weight coefficient method for determination of optimum numbers of dampers and optimum
location of dampers. Force analogy method was use to modify the weight coefficient method. Optimum location selected based on
the performance index value. Bogdanovic [8] gave the optimal placement of viscose dampers based on a fitness function.
Fitness function depends on the inter storey drift, energy dissipation capacity of dampers and input energy. Results showed the
elimination of the plastic elements. Plastic hinges reduced by 80% and acceleration reduced by 38%. Tolvar [3] focused on the
location and number of the dampers in structure. Two structures with less time periods and a large time period were selected. 1,3,5
dampers per storey modes were tested for two earthquake motion and observed the variation in storey drift. Large numbers of
dampers were not always beneficial to reduce drift. The equal distribution of the dampers leads to good control in drift. First storey
dampers were more effective than the top storey location. Yousefzadeh [21] presented study on optimal location and
characteristics of TADAS dampers in a steel frame structure. Optimum placement of damper was governed by the benefit to cost
ratio, storey drift. The problem statement was defined in the set chromosomes Genetic algorithm for detailed study and concluded
that performance of structure improved i.e. all hinges remains in the life safety zone. Singh [16] they proposed optimal sizing
and location of viscose and viscoelastic dampers by using a genetic algorithm. The genetic approach can be formulated for any
required performance function such as base shear, overturning moment or floor acceleration. By genetic algorithm method author
obtained a 66% reduction in RMS value of floor acceleration. Wu [18] Presented the location of dissipation devices based on
the inter storey drift caused by storey translation and torsional response, Concluded that the location of dampers are greatly affected
by ground motion characteristics and suggested that the energy dissipation devices should be located very near to the geometric
centre of the structure due to consideration of the torsional effect.Pérez [14] present work for the study of the location of
friction dampers in structures. With optimization technique of Firefly Algorithm linked with a computational routine. Study results
that inter-storey drift and floor acceleration reduced by 50% for installation of only three dampers through the out structure.
Shrikhande [15] studied inter-storey drift and base shear parameter for optimal location of fluid viscose dampers in 10 storey
building with consideration of soil-structure interaction. The effectiveness of damping devices decreases with the plan irregularity.
The optimal location for regular buildings founds more promising at the lower stories and upper stories. The number of dampers
beyond a certain number did not contribute towards seismic controlling of structure. Damper effectiveness increases as the stiffness
of soil increases.
Wang [5] proposed seismic performance up-gradation of 35 storey steel moment-resisting frame with the help of three types of
energy dissipation devices. Global response controlled best achieved by fluid viscous dampers but none of three energy dissipaters
were effective in seismic control of the building. Olariu [6] discussed the effectiveness of base isolation for seismic retrofitting
of existing historic structures. Formulation of Pendulum Rubber Bearing and conclusion put forth showed that this concept of
retrofitting is effective in controlling both floor acceleration and inter-storey drift also structure gave uniform behavior for an
earthquake in any direction and any time period. Gandelli [9] put forth a case study on seismic retrofitting of publically
important buildings such as hospital by means of hysteretic braces. The hysteretic brace displacement-based Design method was
discussed. Drift and acceleration sensitive parameter were observed for seismic performance evaluation of the hospital. The
conclusion showed that the retrofitting system was effective in drift reduction (approximately 80% reduction) but less effective in
acceleration control behavior of the building. Malfunctioning of elevators, false ceiling, and furniture was reported for a post-
earthquake emergency. Xiqing [11] developed a program on Matlab for evaluation of a system for seismic retrofitting based on
different parameters. Mahrenholtz [13] The application of buckling restrained braces for seismic retrofitting was discussed in
this literature. The objective was to increase the energy dissipation capacity of a structure by cyclic bucking capacity of braces. The
performance was observed on the basis of storey drift. Wada [17] performed a case study on seismic retrofitting of existing 11-
story RCC building using post-tension rocking wall and shear steel dampers. The objective of retrofitting was to eliminate weak
storey effect and reduce frame damage. Rocking wall imparts continuous stiffness to structure. Shear steel dampers' location was
between the rocking wall and the existing building column. C/s of rocking wall was approximately 50% of storey column c/s. time
history analysis was done and concluded that the rocking wall had minimal effect on the fundamental time period, the local
concentration of deformation eliminated. Thus retrofitted structure met objectives. Yildirim [19] a case study on seismic
retrofitting of single-storey industrial building at the Turkey with a retrofitting objective of immediate occupancy for design basis

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1433

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

earthquake and collapse prevention for maximum considered earthquake. Rotational frictional dampers were used for retrofitting. In
short direction dampers were placed at beam-column joint and for long direction dampers placed in brace type. Linear and non-
linear iterative procedure adopted for calculation of effective damping ratio and concluded that linear analysis was 45% to 50%
more conservative.
Various literatures available and studies put forth the following remarks,
1) Retrofitting by Passive Energy Dissipaters is an effective and promising strategy of seismic up-gradation of existing structures.
2) FEMA 356 and ACT 40 provide guidelines for performance-based seismic retrofitting of structures.
3) The retrofitting objective shall be decided according to location, importance and intended use of structure.
4) Location and number of energy dissipating devices are the governing factors for the seismic response control scheme

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