Computed Using Classification and Globalization Rule: or Business Income Such As Passive Income
Computed Using Classification and Globalization Rule: or Business Income Such As Passive Income
Computed Using Classification and Globalization Rule: or Business Income Such As Passive Income
3. An annual tax
Exclusions from Gross Income – items of income that are excluded; Taxable Income of Pure Compensation Income Earner
hence, exempted from regular income tax
Gross compensation income xxx
Allowable Deductions – expenses of the conduct of business or
exercise of profession, commonly known as business expenses Less: Non-taxable compensation xxx
Personal expenses – non-deductible against gross income Taxable compensation income xxx
Total Gross Income xxx Mixed Income Earner with Other Income
Income of mixed earner from both sources is globalized or totaled. Gross business income xxx
Net loss when deductions exceed gross income from business or
profession shall not be offset against taxable compensation income. Add: Other gross income xxx
Taxable income xxx
Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees xxx
Add: Non-operating income xxx Taxable Income per Year Income Tax Rate
250,000 and below 0%
Total Gross Income xxx Above 250,000 to 400,000 25% of the excess over 250K
Above 400,000 to 800,000 30,000 + 30% of excess over
Less: Allowable deductions xxx 400K
Above 800,000 to 2,000,000 130,000 + 32% of excess
Taxable income xxx over 800K
Above 2,000,000 to 8,000,000 490,000 + 32% of excess
over 2M
REPORTING FORMAT FOR CORPORATE TAXPAYERS Above 8,000,000 2,410,000 + 35% of excess
over 8M
Net sales/revenues/receipts/fees xxx
Less: Cost of sales/services xxx The progressive tax covers all individuals including taxable estates
and trusts except NRA-NETB which is subject to 25% final tax on
Gross income from operations xxx gross income.
Total gross income xxx For self-employed and/or professionals, they can opt to be taxed at
8% of sales or receipt and other non-operating income.
Less: Allowable deductions xxx
It shall be in lieu of the:
Net income xxx
a. Progressive income tax
The minimum tax of corporate taxpayers is 2% of total gross income 15th day of the fourth month following the taxable year of the taxpayer
subject to regular tax.
The income tax due shall be paid upon filing.
Those enjoying lower tax rates but not 0%, such as private schools,
non-profit hospitals, and PEZA and TIEZA-registered enterprises. - For corporations and individuals engaged in business and
those engaged in the practice of profession
- Income not subject to income tax - Must be due to job-threatening sickness, deaths, or other
- Not included in gross income subject to regular tax, capital physical disability, or
gains tax, and final tax.
- Musts be due to any cause beyond control of the employee
1. Proceeds from life insurance policy or official
- paid to heirs or beneficiaries upon the death of the insured c. Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, and other
similar benefits from foreign govt agencies and other institutions,
- whether in single amount or otherwise private or public received by resident or non-resident citizens or aliens
who come to settle permanently in the Philippines
- but if such amounts are held by the insurer under an agreement to
pay interest thereon, the interest payments shall be included in gross d. US Veterans Administration (USVA) – administered benefits
e. Social Security System benefits
- life insurance is a return of capital
f. GSIS Benefits
2. Amount received by the insured as a return of premium
7. Miscellaneous items
- however, proceeds of property insurance contracts in excess of the
tax basis of the property lost or destroyed is a taxable return on a. Income derived in investments in the PH in loans, stocks,
capital. bonds, or other domestic securities, or from interest on deposits in
banks in the PH by foreign govts, financing institutions owned,
3. Gifts, bequest, devises or descent controlled, or enjoying refinancing from foreign govt, international or
regional financial institutions established by foreign govts
4. Compensation for injuries or sickness
b. Income derived by the govt and its political subdivisions
5. Income exempt under treaty
from any public utility or exercise of essential govt function
6. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities and other benefits
c. Prizes and awards made primarily in recognition of religious,
a. Retirement benefit under RA 7641 and those received by charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, literary, or civic
officials and employees of private firms achievements
g. PERA Investment and PERA distributions 2. Gross income subject to capital gains tax
h. 13th month pay and other benefits received by officials and 3. Gross income subject to regular tax
employees of public and private entities not exceeding 90,000
i. Gains from sale of bonds, debentures, or other certificate of ITEMS OF GROSS INCOME SUBJECT TO REGULAR TAX
indebtedness with a maturity of more than 5 years
1. Compensation for services for whatever form paid
j. Gains realized from redemption of shares in mutual fund
company by the investor 2. Gross income from the conduct of trade, business or exercise of
6. Royalties
- earned from sources within the PH, generally subject to final tax
except when active by nature
- Active royalty income and royalties earned from sources outside the
PH are subject to regular income tax
7. Dividends
- the excess of annuity payments received by the recipient over 3. Farming income
premium paid is taxable income in the year of receipt
4. Recovery of past deductions
9. Prizes and winnings
5. Reimbursement of expenses
For individuals:
6. Cancellation of indebtedness for a consideration
Earned from sources
Within Abroad
10,000 below Regular tax Regular tax
More than Final tax Regular tax
PCSO and Final tax N/A
PCSO and Exempt N/A
lotto, not
Winnings from Final tax Regular tax
other sources
10. Pensions
11. Partner’s distributable share from the net income of the general
professional partnership
- Arises from employer-employee relationship - Generally includes all remunerations received under employer-
employee relationship
A. Mandatory deductions
1. Selection and engagement of employees
- Mandatory contribution to GSIS, SSS, PHILHEALTH, HDMF, and
2. Payment of wages union dues
3. Power of dismissal B. Exempt benefits
4. Power of control 1. Benefits excluded and/or exempted under NIRC and special laws
Gross compensation income d. Social security, retirement gratuities, pensions, and similar benefits
from foreign govt agencies and other institutions, private or public
Less: Non-taxable compensation
e. benefits from SSS
Taxable compensation income
f. benefits from GSIS 1. excess de minimis over their regulatory limits
2. De minimis benefits 2. other benefits of relatively small value that are not included in the
list of de minimis benefits
A. Monetized unused vacation leave credits of private employees
not exceeding 10 days during the year
B. Monetized unused vacation and sick leave credits paid to govt TREATMENT OF TAXABLE DE MINIMIS BENEFITS
officials and employees
a. rank and file employees – 13th month pay and other benefits
C. Medical cash allowance to dependents of employees not
exceeding 1,500 per employee per semester, or 375 per month b. managerial and supervisory employees – fringe benefit subject to
fringe benefit tax
D. Rice subsidy < 2,000 or 1 sack of 50 kg rice per month amounting
not more than 2000
E. Uniform and clothing allowance < 6000 per annum BENEFITS EXEMPT UNDER TREATY OR INTERNATIONAL
F. Actual medical assistance < 10,000 per annum
Foreign embassy, Philippine embassy
G. Laundry allowance < 300 per month missions, or or consulate office
H. Employee achievement award – tangible property other than IN THE PH
cash and gift certificates, with an annual monetary value not Filipino citizens Taxable (taxpayer N/A
exceeding 10,000 must prove if there is
an exemption grant
I. Gifts given during Christmas and major anniversary celebrations not under contract or
exceeding 5,000 per employee per annum special law)
Aliens Exempt N/A
J. Daily meal allowance for overtime work and night or graveyard shift ABROAD
< 25% of the basic minimum wage on a per region basis Filipino citizens Exempt Taxable
Alien Exempt Exempt
K. Benefits received by an employee by virtue of a collective
bargaining agreement (CBA) and productivity incentive schemes –
total monetary value do not exceed 10,000 per employee per
taxable year
2. Other benefits
Non-compensation items
a. Christmas bonus of private employees
1. Fees (consultants, talents, and directors with no mgt function)
b. Cash gifts other than Christmas or anniversary gifts of
2. Commissions to non-employees private employees
3. Tips and gratuities c. Additional compensation allowance (ACA) of govt personnel
5. Commissions