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Effect of Application of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Laryngeal Manual Therapy in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial

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Effect of Application of Transcutaneous Electrical

Nerve Stimulation and Laryngeal Manual Therapy

in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial
*Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, *Alcione Ghedini Brasolotto, *Larissa Thaı́s Donalonso Siqueira,
†Christiano Giacomo Carneiro, *Ana Paula Fukushiro, and ‡Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus Guirro, *yBauru, and zRibeir~ao
Preto, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Summary: Objective. To verify the effect of the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and of Laryn-
geal Manual Therapy (LMT) and to compare the two techniques in relation to vocal/laryngeal symptoms, pain, and
vocal quality after these resources were administered in dysphonic women.
Study Design. Control trial.
Method. A total of 20 women with bilateral vocal nodules participated. All of the volunteers underwent investigation
of vocal/laryngeal symptoms, musculoskeletal pain, and vocal register. The volunteers were subdivided into: 1. TENS
Group (10 volunteers)—TENS application; 2. LMT Group (10 volunteers)—LMT application; both groups received 12
sessions of treatment, twice a week, lasting 20 minutes each. After treatment, the initial assessments were repeated. Data
were statistically analyzed by Wilcoxon and signal test (P < 0.05).
Results. After TENS, there was significant improvement in the ‘‘high pitched voice’’ and ‘‘effort to speak’’ symptoms;
there was significantly lower frequency of pain in the posterior neck and shoulder; TENS significantly reduced the
intensity of pain in the posterior neck, shoulder, and upper back. The auditory perceptual analysis showed improvement
only in the strain parameter after TENS. After LMT, there was improvement of the ‘‘sore throat,’’ significantly lower
incidence of pain in the anterior neck, and the pain intensity in the posterior neck decreased.
Conclusion. When compared with the LMT, TENS appeared to be a treatment method intended to be used as a com-
plement to voice therapy, considering the parameters evaluated and controlled.
Key Words: TENS–Dysphonia–Massage–Voice–Larynx.

INTRODUCTION voice with changes in resonance.5,10–12 Recently, MTD was

Hyperfunctional voice disorders associated with prolonged, defined as a clinical and diagnostic term describing a spectrum
strong contraction of the larynx muscles are commonly associ- of disorder of vocal folds behavior caused by increased muscle
ated with high laryngeal position in voices that have a strong tension and was considered a ‘‘bridge’’ between functional and
component of muscle tension.1–3 organic dysphonia.13
Prolonged phonation in the presence of increased laryngeal Although many causal factors and methods of diagnosis have
muscle tension causes excessive force on the physiology of been described,14 the literature shows the use of only a few
the vocal tract and can lead to changes in its function and techniques that have been proven effective in the treatment of
changes in the mucosa, such as nodules, polypoid degeneration, dysphonia associated with hyperfunctional disorders.13 Thus,
and chronic laryngitis.4,5 Specifically, the presence of vocal we describe the use of techniques that prioritize the relaxing
nodules is a difficult condition to study and treat, especially of the larynx such as the circumlaryngeal manual therapy10,15,16
when the etiology is not fully understood.6 Clinically, it has and Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT).2,17 The main goal of
been observed that sometimes the vocal nodules are associated manual therapy in the laryngeal and perilaryngeal area is to
with changes defined as muscle tension dysphonia (MTD).7–10 relax the excessively tense muscles that ultimately inhibit
MTD is defined as a voice disorder that is characterized by balanced phonation, such as the high position of the larynx in
excessive force on the laryngeal and perilaryngeal mus- the neck that can influence phonation by changing the length
cles7,8,10,11 with incomplete glottic closure, median constriction control function and stiffness of the vocal folds, contributing
of the vocal folds, median constriction in the laryngeal to the imbalance in voice quality.2,10,13,18–21
vestibule, change in vocal fold mucosa, high larynx, tension in A literature review conducted in 201113 indicates other
the suprahyoid muscles, breathiness, vocal attack, and strained treatment options for MTD such as indirect therapy: vocal hy-
giene and patient education; direct therapy: voice therapy and
Accepted for publication June 5, 2014. Circunlaryngeal Manual Therapy; medical treatment; and sur-
From the *Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Bauru School of gery for secondary organic lesions.
Dentistry, University of S~ao Paulo—FOB/USP, Bauru, S~ao Paulo, Brazil; yHospital for
Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies—HRAC, University of S~ao Paulo, Bauru, S~ao Specifically, for the treatment of patients with vocal nodules,
Paulo, Brazil; and the zDepartment of Biomechanics, Medicine and Locomotor Apparatus another study6 suggests using standardized protocols to
Rehabilitation, University of S~ao Paulo, Ribeir~ao Preto—FMRP/USP, Ribeir~ao Preto, S~ao
Paulo, Brazil. improve data comparisons in the treatment of patients. The
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, Alameda Dr authors suggest five phases for the treatment: vocal hygiene;
Octavio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, Bauru, SP, Brazil 17012-901. E-mail:
Journal of Voice, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 200-208 relaxation exercises; respiratory exercises; direct facilitation
0892-1997/$36.00 with reduction of loudness and yawn-sigh, which is a frequently
Ó 2015 The Voice Foundation used approach for reducing muscular tension, decreasing effort,
Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, et al Effect of TENS and LMT in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial 201

and reducing abruptness of vocal onset, thereby helping to

reduce vocal hyperfunction; and carryover: with the aim to
transfer the newly learned vocal behaviors to real-life situations
outside of the therapy setting.
In recommending laryngeal relaxation and shoulder girdle in
individuals with hyperfunctional dysphonia, the application of
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may be an
effective therapeutic tool. This resource involves the application
of percutaneous electrodes aiming to excite the nerve fibers by
means of an electric current with a typically biphasic waveform,
symmetric or asymmetric, which can be transmitted through the
skin without interruption. TENS uses pulses with low or high
frequencies that can vary from one to over 100 Hz and also var-
iable pulse widths, which can be brief or not, depending on the
way one wishes to use the stimulation.22,23
It is noteworthy that the electrical current TENS described in FIGURE 1. Surface electrodes on submandibular area during TENS
this study differs from other types of electrical currents used to
treat swallowing and dysphonia by speech therapists, such as
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or transcuta- pain, and vocal quality after these resources were administered
neous electrical stimulation (TES) with reports of improvement in dysphonic women.
in voice quality.24–27 The main purpose of the electrical
stimulation was to treat cervical pain that often occurs in
these patients. METHODOLOGY
The objective of the current TENS as described in this study is Sample
to promote muscle relaxation of the perilaryngeal and cervical This research protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee
areas with the placement of surface electrodes on suprahyoid in Research of the University (CEP/FOB/USP 099/2011). For
muscles and superior fibers of trapezius muscles (Figures 1 this study, 20 women were selected, aged 18–45 years old.
and 2). This is done with low frequency and high intensity The calculation of the sample size was based on the study of La-
current, whereas in studies using other types of currents, the gorio, Carnaby-Mann, and Crary25 that considered a value of
stimulation is performed directly on perilaryngeal muscles in P < 0.05 (a ¼ 5%) and a test force of 90% (b > 0.90), which
the hyoid bone area, thyrohyoid membrane and even in the indicates the need of six individuals.
region of the cricothyroid muscle to recruit the cricothyroid To form the groups, women were sought who were enrolled
muscle fibers and then improve glottic closure.24–27 for vocal treatment in the Department of Speech and Language
TENS is widely used by physical therapists for muscle relax- Pathology Clinic, FOB/USP, and who were complaining of
ation and symptomatic treatment of musculoskeletal pain in vocal disorders. To participate in the study, the volunteers had
various body parts. Besides analgesia, TENS is able to promote to present complaints of voice alteration, altered voice evi-
improved vascularization in the application area and assists in denced by an auditory perceptual pre-assessment, bilateral
muscle relaxation.28,29 With an analgesic purpose, whether vocal nodules or mucosal thickening, and incomplete glottic
the pain is from an acute injury or due to chronic closure, as evidenced by the otolaryngology evaluation.
processes,23,29,30 TENS is one of the simplest forms of
electrotherapy and one of the most used techniques in the
field of electrotherapy.23 With regard to the treatment of
dysphonia in which the muscular tension is present, there is
only one study in the literature that the authors observed in
which the exclusive application of TENS provided a significant
improvement of pain in the cervical muscles and of vocal qual-
ity for women with muscle tension dysphonia. However, the
authors affirmed that further studies are needed to better under-
stand the muscle and vocal behavior after the application of this
The aim of this study highlights the need to develop further
research with TENS and LMT in individuals with voice prob-
lems, and to develop more research on the effect of the applica-
tion of both techniques in dysphonic individuals. The objective
of this clinical, controlled, and prospective study was to verify
the effect of TENS and LMT application and to compare the FIGURE 2. Surface electrodes on trapezius—upper fibers muscle
two techniques in relation to vocal and laryngeal symptoms, during TENS stimulation.
202 Journal of Voice, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2015

Thus, subjects who met the inclusion criteria for the treat- upper back, elbows, wrists/hands/fingers, lower back, hips/
ment groups were subdivided into: TENS Group—to receive thighs, knees, ankles/feet. For this study, the following parts
TENS application according to Guirro et al31; and LMT were added: temporal region, masseter, submandibular, larynx,
group—to receive application of LMT according to Mathiesson anterior, and posterior neck.
et al20 The distribution of volunteers in each group was made by To measure the intensity of musculoskeletal pain, a visual
drawing lots where 20 pieces of papers with the same appear- analog scale34 was used, with length of 100 mm, where the
ance and with the names of each treatment (10 pieces of paper volunteer marked a vertical line crossing at the point that char-
for TENS; 10 pieces of paper for LMT) were placed in a box. acterizes the level of pain, if present at the time before the appli-
The therapist picked out the piece of paper and applied the cation of therapeutic action. The left edge referred to no pain
treatment. and the right referred to the worst possible pain. A visual analog
All patients who received vocal speech therapy or previous scale was created for each investigated site of pain.
larynx surgery, who were with changes of the thyroid or hor- Vocal quality. The assessment of vocal quality consisted of
monal changes, who presented cardiac or vascular problems the auditory perceptual analysis of voice. The voice record
and who were older than 45 years were excluded to isolate vari- was carried out in a quiet environment, treated acoustically, later
ables such as changes resulting from the natural process of providing the auditory perceptual and acoustic voice. The Sony
aging including muscular changes. Sound Forge Pro 10 software (Sony Creative Software Inc,
After consideration of the inclusion criteria, 10 volunteers USA) was used in a sampling rate of 44 100 Hz, 16 bit mono
who participated in the study were randomly assigned to the channel, installed on the Intel Pentium 4, 2.040 GHz with Cre-
TENS group (mean ¼ 28.7) and 10 volunteers were randomly ative Sound Blaster model Audigy II (Creative Technology Ltd,
assigned to the LMT Group (mean ¼ 30.1). After the project Singapore) and AKG C444 model headset microphone (AKG
presentation and clarification of doubts, all subjects signed a Acoustics GmbH, Vienna, Austria), together with the computer.
formal informed consent. After placement of the microphone, each volunteer sat in a chair
facing the examiner and was instructed to emit the speech situ-
Procedure ations: vowel /a/ sustained, isolated and after deep inspiration in
The study was divided into two phases: pitch and usual loudness—three replicates were performed;
Phase 1. Evaluations before treatment—after detecting the spontaneous speech, in speed, articulation, usual pitch and loud-
otolaryngology diagnosis and meeting the inclusion criteria, ness, answering the questions, ‘‘What do you think of your
the volunteers underwent an interview, evaluation of symptom voice?’’ and ‘‘Tell me about your work.’’
of musculoskeletal pain and vocal register. Both the TENS and To perform the auditory perceptual analysis, the vocal records
LMT voluntary groups participated in this phase. No guidance were randomized, paired, and sent to three judges—speech voice
was given to the volunteers in relation to vocal health, voice specialists with expertise in auditory perceptual voice analysis.
care, or hydration. The judges were blind in relation to the type and phase of treat-
Phase 2. Evaluations after treatment for the TENS and LMT ment. The assessment of the vocal parameters was performed
groups (12 sessions, in 6 weeks), repeating the same evaluation randomly and paired (before and after a therapeutic procedure
of phase 1. These assessments occurred in the same day and or vice versa), in which the judge indicated which of the two
immediately after completion of the chosen treatment. samples had a better voice quality or if there was no difference be-
tween the two samples. The following parameters were analyzed:
Evaluations global degree of vocal quality, which refers to the overall impres-
Vocal and laryngeal symptoms. After the interview that sion of voice quality, roughness, breathiness, and strain. In the
addressed issues related to the profession and activities with analysis of spontaneous speech, the following parameters were
voice use, voice complaints, health behavior, and general health added: resonance and speech articulation. For each parameter,
aspects, the laryngeal and vocal symptoms were investigated the reviewer conducted an evaluation protocol, marking an ‘‘x’’
with questions adapted from the questionnaire developed by in a table corresponding to each volunteer in terms of which emis-
Ferreira et al,32 especially regarding the frequency of symp- sion was best: whether emission ‘‘a’’ or emission ‘‘b’’ was better,
toms: never, rarely, often, and always. Phase 1: the volunteers or whether ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘ b’’ were equal. After the evaluations, allow-
were asked about the frequency of symptoms in the last ing the application of statistical tests for the statistical calcula-
6 months; phase 2: the volunteers were asked about the tions, the most common of three responses was elected.
frequency of symptoms in the last 6 weeks.
Musculoskeletal pain. To investigate the symptom of pain, Treatments
the Nordic musculoskeletal symptoms questionnaire—NMSQ Application of TENS (TENS group). The application of
(validated in Brazil by Pinheiro, Tr occoli, and Carvalho33) TENS was performed with the volunteers in a supine position,
—was used. This is a questionnaire that investigates musculo- resting on a stretcher. The equipment used was the Dualpex
skeletal pain with a design of the parts of the body corresponding 961—two channels of the Quark brand (Quark, Piracicaba/SP,
to the items in which the volunteer marked the frequency of pain Brazil). The parameters used were the low frequency TENS
if it was present in the last 12 months in phase 1 and in the last which was a Symmetrical biphasic square pulse, phase
6 weeks in the phase 2. The parts investigated were shoulders, 200 ms, frequency 10 Hz and motor threshold intensity.31 The
Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, et al Effect of TENS and LMT in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial 203

Mean, Standard Deviation and P Value of the Vocal and Laryngeal Symptoms Frequency Reported by TENS and LMT
Groups Before and After Treatment

Vocal and Laryngeal Before After Before After

Symptoms Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value
Hoarseness 3.2 (0.79) 2.3 (1.42) 0.087 3.1 (0.88) 2.8 (0.92) 0.429
Voice loss 1.8 (1.23) 1.2 (1.23) 0.118 1.8 (1.23) 1.8 (1.03) 0.941
Voice failure 2.1 (1.29) 1.5 (1.08) 0.167 2.9 (0.99) 2.6 (0.97) 0.333
Shortness of breath while 1.5 (1.65) 0.8 (0.92) 0.084 1.5 (1.35) 1.4 (1.17) 0.853
High-pitched voice 1.1 (0.99) 0.1 (0.32) 0.023 1.6 (1.26) 1.4 (1.26) 0.317
Low-pitched voice 1.5 (1.35) 1.2 (1.48) 0.379 1.6 (1.35) 1.4 (1.07) 0.580
Weak voice 1.3 (1.34) 0.7 (1.06) 0.160 2.2 (1.32) 1.8 (1.55) 0.304
Effort to speak 2.3 (1.16) 1.1 (1.37) 0.035 2.6 (0.70) 2.7 (1.06) 0.738
Vocal fatigue 1.7 (1.25) 1.5 (1.08) 0.680 2.3 (1.06) 2.5 (1.35) 0.557
Lump in the throat 0.6 (0.84) 0.8 (1.32) 0.891 1.7 (1.57) 1.4 (1.35) 0.517
Accumulation of mucus 2.1 (0.99) 1.6 (1.07) 0.095 2.5 (1.08) 2.3 (0.67) 0.738
in the throat
Dry cough 1.7 (0.82) 1.1 (0.88) 0.097 2.3 (1.06) 1.9 (0.74) 0.205
Cough with phlegm 1.1 (0.57) 0.9 (0.88) 0.414 1.5 (0.71) 1.2 (0.79) 0.317
Pain with voice use 0.7 (0.95) 0.4 (0.84) 0.449 1.6 (0.97) 1.7 (0.95) 0.738
Pain when swallowing 0.6 (0.84) 0.3 (0.67) 0.449 1.4 (0.97) 1.4 (0.52) 1.000
Difficulty in swallowing 0.4 (0.70) 0.2 (0.42) 0.479 1.2 (1.14) 1.2 (1.23) 0.860
Sore throat 1.2 (1.23) 0.9 (1.10) 0.365 2.3 (0.48) 1.9 (0.57) 0.045
Dry throat 2.2 (1.32) 1.9 (0.99) 0.595 2.6 (0.97) 2.7 (1.25) 0.792
Tickling in the throat 1.2 (1.14) 0.8 (0.92) 0.256 2.1 (1.20) 1.8 (0.63) 0.429
Burning 0.6 (0.84) 0.4 (0.84) 0.414 1.8 (1.23) 1.2 (0.92) 0.197
Abbreviation: SD, Standard Deviation.
Notes: 0, never; 1, rarely; 2, sometimes; 3, often; 4, always.
Wilcoxon test (P < 0.05).

electrodes (5.0 3 5.0 cm) were placed on the trapezius region movements of landslides and drawdown in the larynx region
—upper fibers, bilaterally, and in the submandibular region, and 2 minutes of movement of dislocations in the thyroid re-
also bilaterally, bringing the number to four (Figures 1 and gion. During the procedure, the volunteers were silent and
2). The electrodes were fixed to the skin with allergenic tape were asked to breathe quietly to relax the shoulders and jaw
after being anointed with electro-conductive gel. All subjects and the teeth.
were instructed not to perform any vocal utterance during the
procedure. A total of 12 sessions were performed, twice a
week, each lasting 20 minutes.
Laryngeal manual therapy (LMT group). The LMT was Data analysis
applied with the volunteer sitting comfortably in a chair, For the statistical analysis, the qualitative data regarding the fre-
without any vocal utterance. The therapist stood behind the quency of vocal and laryngeal symptoms were transformed into
volunteer and initiated a massage in the sternocleidomastoid, numbers according to the Likert scale (never, 0; rarely, 1; some-
suprahyoid, and larynx muscles, bilaterally, with circular down- times, 2; often, 3, always, 4). The same was done for the fre-
ward movements, kneading and stretching each muscle group quency of symptoms of muscle pain.
based on the study of Mathiesson et al,20 but with adaptations For comparisons of variations in the results between the
due to the massage time proposed to obtain the same treatment phases before and after treatment in each group, the Wilcoxon
conditions of the TENS group volunteers. Thus, this study test was used. For all calculations, the critical level of 5%
adapted the recommendations of Mathiesson et al,20 proposing (P < 0.05) was fixed.
different times of massage for each region: a 5-minute massage Regarding the auditory perceptual analysis, the most com-
of the sternocleidomastoid muscles; a five-minute massage of mon result of three responses of the judges was elected (coinci-
the suprahyoid region; a repeat of three additional minutes of dent responses) and applied to the signal test (significance level
massage of the sternocleidomastoid muscles and three more of 0.05) for comparison between the groups after treatment,
minutes of massage of the suprahyoid region, two-minute with the vowel /a/ and spontaneous speech as a sample.
204 Journal of Voice, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2015

Numerical Summaries of Mean, Standard Deviation and P Value of the Frequency of Pain Reported by TENS and LMT
Groups Before and After Treatment

Before After Before After

Location of Pain Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value
Temporal 1 (1.05) 0.7 (0.95) 0.276 2.2 (1.03) 1.4 (0.84) 0.086
Masseter 0.7 (1.06) 0.3 (0.95) 0.102 1.6 (1.26) 1 (0.94) 0.095
Submandibular 0.3 (0.67) 0.2 (0.42) 0.563 1.5 (1.18) 0.9 (0.88) 0.131
Larynx 1.7 (0.82) 0.7 (1.25) 0.074 1.9 (0.74) 1.7 (0.95) 0.414
Anterior neck 0.8 (1.03) 0.2 (0.42) 0.108 1.9 (1.10) 1.1 (0.74) 0.019
Posterior neck 1.9 (1.45) 1.2 (1.32) 0.038 2.8 (1.03) 2.3 (1.16) 0.205
Shoulders 1.6 (1.35) 1 (1.33) 0.033 1.6 (1.07) 1.3 (1.06) 0.317
Upper back 1.5 (1.18) 0.9 (1.10) 0.083 1.6 (0.84) 1.7 (1.06) 0.705
Elbows 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 1.000 0.6 (0.97) 0.3 (0.48) 0.414
Wrists/hands/fingers 0.4 (0.97) 0 (0.00) 0.179 1.6 (1.07) 0.8 (1.23) 0.051
Lower back 1 (1.15) 1 (1.25) 1.000 1.4 (0.97) 1.2 (1.40) 0.588
Hips/thighs 0.2 (0.42) 0.1 (0.32) 0.317 1 (1.25) 0.7 (1.25) 0.083
Knees 0.3 (0.48) 0.1 (0.32) 0.157 1.5 (0.97) 0.8 (0.92) 0.082
Ankle/feet 0.9 (1.52) 0.6 (1.26) 0.179 1.3 (0.95) 1.3 (1.34) 1.000
Abbreviation: SD, Standard Deviation.
Notes: 0, never; 1, rarely; 2, sometimes; 3, often; 4, always.
Wilcoxon Test (P < 0.05).

RESULTS voice, after application of this resource, which did not occur
Table 1 shows the results of the variation of values in relation to with the women of the LMT group. In the analysis of spontaneous
the frequency of vocal and laryngeal symptoms between the speech, no significant differences were found in all of the param-
phases before and after treatment of the TENS and LMT eters that we analyzed.
groups. It was observed that women in the TENS group had The Kappa test35 was used to verify the concordance of the
symptoms that significantly improved from ‘‘thin voice’’ and auditory perceptual analysis among the judges. For sponta-
‘‘effort to speak’’ at 12 sessions of treatment, whereas women neous speech, the correlation to the Global degree of vocal
in the LMT group significantly improved with regard to the quality was 0.53, roughness was 0.56, breathiness was 0.5,
‘‘sore throat’’ symptom after the treatment. strain was 0.6, resonance was 0.6, and articulation was 0.96.
Table 2 reveals the results of comparing the variance of the For the vowel, the correlation to the Global degree of vocal
mean frequency of pain reported by women in the TENS and quality was 0.45, roughness was 0.42, breathiness was 0.58,
LMT groups, before and after treatment. It was observed that strain was 0.6, instability was 0.47, and resonance was 0.47.
women who underwent treatment with TENS reported a signif- Thus, it was observed that the agreement among the judges
icantly lower frequency of pain in the posterior neck and shoul- was moderate.
der than women who were treated with LMT. On the other hand, The reliability of judges ranged from 0.88 to one for sponta-
women in the LMT group reported a significantly lower fre- neous speech and 0.88 to 0.94 for the vowel, showing that the
quency of pain in the anterior neck after treatment, when judges were highly reliable.
compared with women of the TENS group.
Table 3 contains the results of comparing the mean intensity
of pain reported by women in the LMT and TENS groups in the DISCUSSION
stages before and after treatment, using a visual analog scale. Vocal/laryngeal symptoms
The women of the TENS group had significantly decreased In the hyperkinetic dysphonia which are composed of the two
pain intensity after treatment in the posterior region of the groups of the present study, prolonged hypercontraction of
neck, shoulder, and upper back, whereas women of the LMT the laryngeal muscles is reportedly associated with the
group had significantly decreased pain in the posterior neck. elevation of the hyoid bone and larynx, with pain and discom-
Table 4 shows the results of the auditory perceptual assessment fort at the time the circumlaryngeal region is palpated.1,2,10
performed by three judges from the moments before and after Considering these factors, the improvement of the symptoms
treatment with TENS or LMT, blindly. In the analysis of the ‘‘high pitched voice’’ and ‘‘effort to speak’’ is attributed to the
vowel /a/, we found that 60% of the women receiving TENS muscle relaxation that low frequency TENS causes the
application significantly improved the ‘‘tension’’ parameter in tissues.31
Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, et al Effect of TENS and LMT in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial 205

Mean, Standard Deviation and P Value of the Intensity of Pain Reported by TENS and LMT Groups Before and After

Before After Before After

Pain Location Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value
Temporal 0.5 (1.5) 0 (0.00) 0.317 8 (22.9) 9.8 (16.3) 0.753
Masseter 5.9 (18.6) 2.4 (7.6) 0.317 10.6 (25.5) 4.4 (7.5) 0.357
Submandibular 1 (3.1) 0 (0.0) 0.317 7.9 (18.8) 6.4 (8.5) 0.916
Larynx 12 (27.7) 5.3 (16.9) 0.067 16.1 (26.2) 10.5 (15.0) 0.575
Anterior neck 1.2 (3.7) 0 (0.0) 0.317 14.5 (27.0) 4.8 (6.0) 0.400
Posterior neck 21 (22.9) 6.6 (15.1) 0.017 16.8 (23.4) 9.5 (12.8) 0.019
Shoulders 18.3 (21.3) 6.8 (15.7) 0.027 17.1 (30.7) 11.7 (21.0) 0.715
Upper back 20.6 (26.8) 1.8 (3.3) 0.043 23.5 (29.3) 17.3 (20.8) 0.612
Elbows 0 (0.00) 0 (0.0) 1.000 6.6 (20.8) 0.4 (1.2) 0.317
Wrists/hands/fingers 4.6 (13.8) 0 (0.0) 0.179 11 (25.9) 0.2 (0.6) 0.144
Lower back 13.1 (17.8) 5.1 (15.4) 0.224 19.5 (29.4) 6.3 (12.7) 0.224
Hips/thighs 1.1 (3.6) 0 (0.0) 0.317 12.8 (21.2) 5.1 (15.1) 0.273
Knees 2.1 (6.6) 0 (0.0) 0.317 9.3 (19.9) 0.8 (1.7) 0.285
Ankle/feet 3.2 (8.8) 4.6 (11.2) 0.654 11.2 (24.2) 0.9 (1.7) 0.224
Abbreviation: SD, Standard Deviation.
Notes: All the values are in millimeters units.
Wilcoxon Test (P < 0.05).

In this study, the use of TENS is not based only on the anal- treatment acts. Electrodes placed in the submandibular region
gesic action that low frequency TENS can promote; this type of and in the trapezius—upper fibers induced the setting of the
current with motor threshold intensity stimulates both nocicep- low frequency TENS, which were followed by high intensity
tive fibers type A-delta and C, and motor efferent fibers, pro- muscle contractions, such as vibrations in the neck region to
moting visible muscle contractions that help in muscle promote muscle relaxation over 6 weeks of treatment. It is
relaxation.31 This decreases symptoms in the vocal tract, espe- worth remembering that the placement of electrodes in the sub-
cially the feeling of making an effort to speak. mandibular region is not part of a protocol traditionally used in
Thus, it is believed that the application of low frequency speech therapy. The physical therapy also used in this study was
TENS under conditions proposed in the present study was an attempt to relax the larynx and neck region, because the same
effective in improving the laryngeal and voice symptoms in method of TENS treatment recommended in the study by
the vocal tract at 12 sessions of treatment. Future studies are Guirro et al31 was repeated in this study. The analgesic effect
needed to investigate the application of this therapeutic of TENS can be proven in the present study for the improve-
resource associated with vocal hygiene or even for traditional ment of the symptoms of muscle pain reported by women in
therapy guidelines with vocal training included. this group, contributing to muscle relaxation in the neck region.
After LMT, improvement in the frequency of the symptom However, we cannot confirm this behavior with objective
‘‘sore throat’’ was observed. The LMT recommends the mas- measurements.
sage on the cervical and perilaryngeal muscles. The aim is to The LMT promotes the massage, pressing, and stretching of
reduce the stiffness and contraction of the muscles, decreasing the perilaryngeal muscles and is intended primarily for the ster-
or eliminating the discomfort during the function of phonation nocleidomastoid muscles in the early intervention. This study
and reducing the vocal and laryngeal symptoms after the followed these criteria, but there was difference despite the
application.20 time application. Mathieson et al20 reported the logic to begin
Mathieson et al20 reported that patients improved the with these areas. This order is based on the clinical observation
frequency of symptoms such as dryness, itching, pain, tight- that many patients with muscle tension dysphonia by the sterno-
ness, and sore throat as a result of LMT, although they under- cleidomastoid muscles are overly tense. Although these mus-
went a session of application that was not observed in the cles are not directly related to the function of the larynx,
present study. patients often complain of stiffness and sensitivity in these mus-
cles. Clinical experience suggests that massaging these muscles
Musculoskeletal pain reduces the stress, thus reducing the patient’s discomfort.
The results on musculoskeletal pain after application of TENS Other types of massage of the larynx are recommended in the
may be related to the region of stimulation on which the literature to relax overly tense larynx and perilaryngeal
206 Journal of Voice, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2015

Numbers and Percentage of Voice Quality Classification According to Perceptual Analyze of Vowel /a/ and Speech After
Treatment of TENS and LMT Groups
Vowel /a/ Speech


Parameters of Voice Quality N % P N % P N % P N % P

Global 1.000 1.000 0.727 0.625
Before better 4 40 4 40 5 50 1 10
After better 3 30 4 40 3 30 3 30
No difference 3 30 2 20 2 20 6 60
Roughness 0.625 0.375 0.688 0.219
Before better 3 30 1 10 4 40 1 10
After better 1 10 4 40 2 20 5 50
No difference 6 60 5 50 4 40 4 40
Breathiness 1.000 0.375 1.000 0.500
Before better 3 30 1 10 1 10 0 0
After better 2 20 4 40 1 10 2 20
No difference 5 50 5 50 8 80 8 80
Strain 0.031 0.289 1.000 1.000
Before better 0 0 2 20 2 20 1 10
After better 6 60 6 60 1 10 0 0
No difference 4 40 2 20 7 70 9 90
Instability 1.000 0.289 NE NE NE NE
Before better 1 10 2 20
After better 2 20 6 60
No difference 7 70 2 20
Resonance NE NE NE NE 1.000
Before better 1 10 1 10
After better 1 10 2 20
No difference 8 80 7 70
Articulation NE NE NE NE 1.000
Before better 0 0 0 0
After better 0 0 0 0
No difference 10 100 10 100
Abbreviations: N, numbers; %, percentage; NE, Not Evaluable.
Notes: Sign Test (P  0.05).

muscles, which inhibit normal phonation. This fact is evident in auditory perceptual analysis chosen, the sample size can also
the literature; using vocalizations often is associated with mas- be a factor that contributed to these results.
sage in the larynx.1,15,36 Meanwhile, the decrease in pain In the situation of spontaneous speech, no significant differ-
intensity in the region manipulated by the application of LMT ence was found in both therapeutic resources. Although both
reveals that pain is an important signal of muscle stiffness the TENS and the LMT may have benefits on the cervical
that eventually becomes part of the framework for muscle and laryngeal muscles, with improvement of some vocal and
tension dysphonia and should be considered when treating laryngeal symptoms, such therapeutic resources did not signif-
patients with this type of dysphonia. icantly improve voice quality, with the exception of vocal strain
that was judged with improvement after TENS in the vowel /a/.
Vocal quality The low frequency and high intensity associated with surface
The auditory perceptual analysis is still a matter for discussion electrodes placed on the submandibular region and trapezius–
in the clinical and speech research for the subjectivity that it upper fiber muscles induce a strong vibration in the submandib-
presents, although it is considered an important method for ular region, larynx, and cervical muscles, which causes muscle
assessment. The data shown are results of consistent responses relaxation. The improvement of strain in the vocal quality can
from at least two of the three judges, and in a few situations, be justified for the relaxation of the larynx, because the larynx
when there was disagreement between the three judges, the receives a strong vibration with this type of current. Guirro
evaluation was judged as ‘‘no difference’’. Considering the et al31 also found no significant differences after application
variables that can affect the results of the study, as the type of of TENS on the auditory perceptual analysis of the vowel /e/,
Kelly Cristina Alves Silverio, et al Effect of TENS and LMT in Dysphonic Women: Clinical Trial 207

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