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Cleaning and Conditioning: Forming and Press Sections

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D O C T O R I N G , C L E A N I N G , F I LT R AT I O N

Cleaning and Conditioning

Forming and Press Sections

Improve paper
machine efficiency
and productivity
by optimizing
forming and press
section cleaning and
conditioning systems.

Forming Fabrics
Kadant provides cleaning and conditioning systems for paper machines, filtration systems, fourdrinier formation
systems, vacuum control equipment, and a variety of consumable products for the
paper industry.

Whether you produce fine papers, newsprint, tissue, corrugated, kraft, linerboard, or specialties from virgin or
recycled furnish, Kadant can help you achieve a higher quality product.

Forming Section Showers Couch Roll Shower – Shower 7

Essential components of an effective cleaning and To keep the couch roll functioning most efficiently
conditioning system for the forming section of paper and to minimize corrosion, an oscillating high-pressure
machines, showers of varying design deliver water shower is located outside the roll with needle jet nozzles
and/or specialized solutions at specific locations. To directed at the centerline. High-pressure water jets
supplement the following descriptions, refer to the penetrate and scour holes and countersinks.
charts and illustrations within this brochure. Each shower
application is identified with a different number. Flooded Nip Shower – Shower 8
This shower was developed for use with multi-layer
Headbox Shower – Shower 1 fabrics where conventional knock-off showers prove
A swing shower is used for atmospheric or open type inadequate. It is stationary with the water spray directed
headboxes, its nozzle pipe rotates 180º. A pressurized into the nip between the turning roll and fabric.
or closed headbox uses a shower rotating 360º and is Depending on machine speed, fabric style, water volume,
furnished with mounts and seals at each end. A special and pressure, it is effectively used for sheet separation
application utilizing low-pressure fan nozzles, this prior to a conventional knock-off shower or alone as the
shower thoroughly cleans the inner headbox, preventing sole knock-off shower. This shower can also be used for
fiber build-up and knocking down foam on the pond. effective fabric cleaning.

Breast Roll Shower – Shower 2 The following formula can be used to calculate the
Located on the outside of the forming fabric and volume of water required for this shower.
directed toward the center of the breast roll, this shower
fills the void volume of the fabric to retard drainage
immediately following the headbox slice. Using white RUNNING VOID VOLUME
water prevents process thermal and pH shock.
Where C = Caliper of Fabric (inches/mm)
Headbox Apron Shower – Shower 3 (gallons per minute) 19.25
W = Fabric Width (inches/m)
This shower, located on the headbox outside the forming
S = Fabric Speed (fpm/mpm)
fabric, directs water to the underside of the headbox. R VV
= CxWxSxV
Its application minimizes stock build-up on the headbox (liters per minute)
V = Fabric Void Factor (use 0.6)
apron, eliminating “drop offs” that could cause wire
damage and paper defects.

Dandy Roll Shower – Shower 4 Trim Knock-Off Shower – Shower 9

The dandy roll requires an oscillating needle jet shower Trim knock-off showers are short showers located on
usually on an extended header. Whenever possible, it each side of the forming table. Each usually contains
is mounted inside the dandy roll with nozzles spraying three or four nozzles run continuously to separate
upward toward the headbox. The extended header the trimmed portion of the sheet from the fabric.
positions the nozzles close to the roll surface and is most These showers may not be required if the flooded nip
effective in keeping the face clean and fiber free. shower or conventional sheet knock-off shower is run
Dandy Roll Air Knife Shower – Shower 5
This stationary air knife, located inside the dandy roll, Conventional Sheet Knock-Off Shower – Shower 10
is used to remove fiber and water from the dandy roll This is a stationary high-volume shower located after
cover. the couch or turning roll and before the first wire return
roll. If a sheet break occurs, it will remove the sheet and
Lump Breaker Roll Shower – Shower 6 direct it into the couch pit. When operated continuously,
To eliminate sheet stealing and fiber picking, this is a low the end nozzles provide the trim knock-off function.
volume stationary fan shower designed to keep the lump When sheet knock-off is treated as a separate function,
breaker roll clean and moist. individual trim or deckle showers are required.

Inside High-Pressure Shower – Shower 11 Forming Fabric Cleaning System – M-clean
This shower’s purpose is to maintain the void volume The M-clean™ forming fabric cleaning system traverses
of the forming fabric, keeping it clean and free of on a beam across the width of the tissue machine
contamination. It is a high-pressure, machine-speed- forming fabric. Intensified (high-pressure) water flows
synchronized oscillating shower located 3 to 4 inches with the objective of imparting enough energy to
(75 to 100 mm) from the fabric. Generally, it is run only remove contaminants that are adhered to the fabric.
intermittently as required. The M-clean forming fabric cleaning system is an
efficient and effective tool for removing stickies thereby
Sheet Side High-Pressure Shower – Shower 12 minimizing down time to chemically or manually wash
While the inside shower eliminates void volume the fabric. Water can also be saved with the use of full
contamination, this shower removes fibers, fines, and width HP showers.
stickies from the sheet side fabric surface. It is most
effective located 6 to 10 inches (150 to 255 mm) from
the fabric, angled into the run 15º to 20º either directed
at the fabric near the roll or at the fabric on the inside FLOODED NIP KNOCK-OFF FLOW
roll. Generally, this machine-speed-synchronized shower KO (gallons per minute) = RVV (gallons per minute) x SF
is run continuously. KO (liters per minute) = RVV (liters per minute) x SF
Where SF = Speed Factor from Graph 1
Inside Wire Return Roll Shower – Shower 13
Inside wire return roll showers should be mounted above FLOODED NIP FABRIC CLEANING FLOW
the centerline of the roll. These stationary fan showers FC (gallons per minute) = RVV (gallons per minute) x 1.1
provide water to suspend contaminants transferred FC (liters per minute) = RVV (liters per minute) x 1.1
from the forming fabric to the roll where they are easily
removed by a doctor. The film of water also provides
lubrication between the doctor blade and the roll.
Outside Wash Roll Shower – Shower 14 2.0
These wire return roll showers clean the fabric and
lubricate the doctor blade. They are most effective when
installed inside the fabric slightly ahead of where the SPEED
forming fabric and roll converge. They are designed FACTOR
(SF) 1.0
to supply a larger volume of water than Shower 12.
The larger volume partially fills the fabric void volume
and is removed by the vacuum created as the forming
fabric and roll diverge. The evacuated water carries
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
contaminants to the smoother surface of the roll which 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
are removed by the doctor.
Open or Grooved Roll Shower – Shower 15
This is a special shower common only to a specific type
of top former. It is important to provide an oscillating
shower to keep the roll cover clean. Generally mounted
3 to 5 inches (75 to 125 mm) from the roll surface, the
shower is operated continuously. It is important to
provide a spray shield or pan to prevent shower water
from rewetting the forming fabric. If a grooved roll Inside H.P.
is used inside the top wire, it should be doctored (see Needle Jet
Shower 11 Wash Roll Flooded
doctor B on page 5). Shower 14 Nip
Shower 8
Mist Elimination Systems – Shower ME
Applied to both high-speed, top-wire formers and
machines running recycled fiber, mist elimination systems Sheet Side H.P. Needle Jet
combine high-pressure and vacuum augmented mist and Shower 12
contamination removal from both sides of the fabric. The
mist elimination system increases runnability by improving Contact Kadant to obtain detailed recommendations for
wet end hygiene and providing a safer work environment. your specific operating conditions.

Shower Applications
Forming Section Showers
Nozzle Operating Flow
Shower Shower
Application Function Spacing Pressure GPM/in
Location Type
in (mm) psi (MPa) (LPM/cm)
Foam Killing and Prevention Rotary or 10” – 20” 20 – 40 psi 0.075 – 0.204
1 Headbox
of Stock Build-up Swing Nozzle (255–510 mm) (0.14 – 0.27 MPa) (0.111 – 0.303

Fill Void Volume of Forming Stationary 6” 30 – 40 psi 0.167 – 0.197

2 Breast Roll
Fabric Fan Nozzle (150 mm) (0.20–0.27 MPa) (0.248 – 0.293)

Headbox Stationary 6” 30 – 40 psi 0.120 – 0.133

3 Cleaning
Apron Fan Nozzle (150 mm) (0.20 – 0.27 MPa) (0.178 – 0.198)

Oscillating 1 1/2” 100 – 200 psi 0.13 – 0.290

4 Dandy Roll Cleaning
Needle Jet (37.5 mm) (0.69 – 1.4 MPa) (0.19 – 0.433)

Dandy Roll Cleaning Continuous Varies by Varies by

5 Air Knife
Air Knife Dewatering Slot Application Application

Lump Breaker Stationary 6” – 12” 20 – 30 psi 0.0285 – 0.0428

6 Cleaning
Roll Fan Nozzle (150-300 mm) (0.14 – 0.20 MPa) (0.042 – 0.064)

Oscillating 3” 350 – 700 psi 0.18 – 0.250

7 Couch Roll Cleaning
Needle Jet (75 mm) (2.4 – 4.8 MPa) (0.27 – 0.373)

Sheet Knock-Off and Stationary 3” 80 – 150 psi Calculate Running

8 Flooded Nip
Cleaning Multi-Layer Fabrics Fan Nozzle (75 mm) (0.55 – 1.0 MPa) Void Volume

Trim Trim Stationary 3” 100 – 250 psi 1.09 – 1.77

Knock-Off Knock-Off Fan Nozzle (75 mm) (0.69 – 1.7 MPa) (1.6 – 2.63)

Conventional Sheet Sheet Knock-Off for Single Stationary 3” 200 – 350 psi 0.75 – 1.77
Knock-Off Layer Fabrics Fan Nozzle (75 mm) (1.4 – 2.4 MPa) (1.12 – 2.628)

Inside Oscillating (Low 3” 200 – 450 psi 0.135 – 0.238

11 Fabric Cleaning
High-Pressure Frequency) Needle Jet (75 mm) (1.4 – 3.1 MPa) (0.20 – 0.355)

Sheet Side Oscillating (Low 3” 200 – 450 psi 0.135 – 0.238

12 Fabric Cleaning
High-Pressure Frequency) Needle Jet (75 mm) (1.4 – 3.1 MPa) (0.20 – 0.355)

Doctor Blade Stationary 6” – 8” 30 – 40 psi 0.15 – 0.163

13 Inside Wire Return Roll
Lubrication Fan Nozzle (150 – 200 mm) (0.20 – 0.27 MPa) (0.223 – 0.242)

Wash Roll Stationary 6” 40 – 60 psi 0.5 – 1.0

14 Outside Wash Roll
Cleaning and Lubrication Fan Nozzle (150 mm) (0.27 – 0.41 MPa) (0.74 – 1.48)

Grooved Roll Oscillating 3” 150 – 350 psi 0.145 – 0.212

15 Cleaning
(if machine is so equipped) Needle Jet (75 mm) (1.0 – 2.4 MPa) (0.216 – 0.316)

Suction rolls
rolls 13
Mist created by showers can
accumulate and fall onto the 11
lower forming fabric causing
sheet contamination and/
or breaks. Dual-sided mist
Grooved rollroll elimination system will clean
and remove contaminants.
13 13


14 14 11
2 13 7 8

10 9

M-clean 6
Dandy Roll
The graphic illustrates a fourdrinier and fourdrinier with top
wire. A twin wire is not shown as the equipment required is,
for all practical purposes, the same. 13
14 7
11 10
4 12
Forming Section Doctors

Application Function Blade Material Oscillation Recommended Options

PolyCarb™, Polyflex™,
A Breast Roll Roll Cleaning Optional Removable Holder
SofTex™ blades

Inside Wire Removable Holder,

B Roll Cleaning PlusTek C™, Polyflex™, SofTex™ blades Optional
Return Roll Water Collection Pan

Outside Wire Roll Cleaning

C PlusTek C™, Polyflex™, SofTex™ blades Optional Removable Holder
Return Roll Sheet Removal

Water Removal, Removable Holder,

D Couch Roll Polyflex™, SofTek™ blades Optional
Reduce Sheet Rewetting AirSet™ Blade Holder

Top Wire
Removable Holder,
E Outside Wire Roll Cleaning PlusTek C™, Polyflex™, SofTex™ blades Optional
Water Collection Pan
Return Roll

Key Application Slot Size Gap Vacuum Required

Top Wire
1” – 2” 0.375” – 0.50”
ME Mist Elimination 7 – 10 CFM/sq” (0.030 – 0.044 m3/cm2) @5 – 10” H2O (125 – 250 mm H2O)
(25 – 50 mm) (9.5 – 13 mm)
Vacuum Box

Suction rolls
Mist created by showers can
Grooved rollroll accumulate and fall onto the
lower forming fabric causing
sheet contamination and/
or breaks. Dual-sided mist
elimination system will clean
and remove contaminants.



Dandy Roll

The graphic illustrates a fourdrinier and fourdrinier with top

wire. A twin wire is not shown as the equipment required is,
for all practical purposes, the same.

Press Fabrics
To maintain optimum performance, today’s high-speed papermaking machines call for
engineered cleaning and conditioning systems. Shower equipment is only part of the
solution. Efficient dewatering and vacuum dewatering systems must be given equal

The importance of an effective cleaning and conditioning system cannot be

overemphasized. Correct choices and applications significantly improve fabric life
and production efficiency while lowering production costs. Ultimately, the greatest
benefit is more uniform and consistent product quality. To supplement the following
descriptions, refer to the illustrations and charts presented within this brochure. Each
shower application is identified with a number.

Flooding Shower – Shower 1

This shower is a fan type shower used for wetting and chemical application. It is
recommended that this shower be located as close to the press nip and as far away
from the felt suction pipe as possible, thereby providing the longest dwell. By locating
this shower on the inside of the press fabric and directed into the nip of a roll, the
resultant hydraulic force causes the water and chemical to penetrate into the base of of Fabric of Fabric
Width Width 1st PRESS or PICK-UP
the press fabric. Where the press design or mechanical limitations prevent locating the 1.490 1.0
shower in this position, it may be installed on the face side. 1.341 0.9
5 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
(1500 gms/sq m)
4 oz/sq ft Press Fabric


1.192 0.8 (1200 gms/sq m)
The total volume of water applied to a press fabric for cleaning and conditioning 1.043 0.7
3 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
(900 gms/sq m)
varies from press section to press section. Since the volume of the high-pressure
0.894 0.6
shower and lube shower is constant, they are added together and then subtracted
0.745 0.5
from a calculated value. This represents the flow for which the flooding shower should
0.596 0.4
be designed. The appropriate press section flow factors are shown at right.
0.447 0.3
0.298 0.2
Inside High-Pressure Shower – Shower 2
0.149 0.1
This shower is an oscillating high-pressure needle jet shower located on the inside
of the press fabric. This shower is used on an intermittent basis for the purpose of FPM 1000 2000 3000 4000
keeping the void volume of the press fabric open as the fabric approaches the end of (MPM) (305) (610) (915) (1220)
its operating life. MACHINE SPEED (FPM)

Sheet Side High-Pressure Shower – Shower 3

This shower is an oscillating high-pressure needle jet shower mounted on the
of Fabric of Fabric
Width Width 2nd PRESS
sheet side of the press fabric. It is recommended that this shower be operated on a 1.490 1.0
continuous basis to remove contaminants from the surface of the press fabric and to 1.341 0.9
5 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
(1500 gms/sq m)
fluff up the face side bat. 4 oz/sq ft Press Fabric

1.192 0.8 (1200 gms/sq m)

3 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
1.043 0.7 (900 gms/sq m)
Uhle Pipe Shower – Shower 4
0.894 0.6
This shower is a fan type shower that provides water lubrication between the press
0.745 0.5
fabric and the wear surface of the felt suction pipes. Also, the layer of water provides
0.596 0.4
a seal between the felt suction pipe and the fabric resulting in more uniform CD
0.447 0.3
distribution of vacuum.
0.298 0.2
0.149 0.1
Doctor Lube Shower - Shower 5
This shower is a stationary fan shower designed to provide water to suspend FPM 1000 2000 3000 4000
contaminants transferred from the press fabric to the roll where they are removed by a (MPM) (305) (610) (915) (1220)
doctor. The film of water also provides lubrication between the doctor blade and roll.

Suction Roll Shower - Shower 6

To keep suction rolls functioning efficiently and to minimize corrosion, an oscillating LPM/CM GPM/in FLOODING SHOWER
of Fabric of Fabric
high-pressure shower is located outside the roll with the needle jet nozzles directed Width Width 3rd PRESS
1.490 1.0
at the centerline. The high-pressure water jets penetrate and scour holes and 5 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
1.341 0.9 (1500 gms/sq m)
countersinks. 4 oz/sq ft Press Fabric

1.192 0.8 (1200 gms/sq m)

3 oz/sq ft Press Fabric
Grooved Roll Shower – Shower 7 1.043 0.7 (900 gms/sq m)

Below 1400 fpm (425 mpm), this shower is a stationary fan type shower used to 0.894 0.6

remove water from the grooves of the roll. The design and location of this shower 0.745 0.5

must be precise in that the fan pattern functions as a doctor blade. The manufacturer’s 0.596 0.4
installation instructions and special alignment gauges must be used when installing 0.447 0.3
and aligning this shower. Above 1400 fpm (425 mpm), centrifugal force is sufficient 0.298 0.2
to purge water from the grooves of a grooved roll. Therefore, above this speed an 0.149 0.1
oscillating high-pressure shower with alternating needle jet and fan nozzles are used 0
FPM 1000 2000 3000 4000
to keep the grooves free from contaminants. (MPM) (305) (610) (915) (1220)

Traversing High-Pressure Shower – Shower 8
This traversing shower is available with multiple nozzles
for continuous or streak cleaning. The header, onto
which the nozzles are mounted, traverses the machine
rather than using a multi-jet shower, which spans
the complete width of the fabric. Comparatively, the
traversing shower applies a fraction of the water to
the process. Because of this lesser amount of water,
hydraulic crushing is less likely to occur in the highly
loaded nip common to third and fourth presses.
Cleaning is not compromised as the fabrics typically
used are designed relatively “open” and, to some
degree, are self-cleaning.

A Special Note – Moisture Profile Management

Moisture profile management refers to techniques that
ensure the most uniform distribution possible of water
applied to fabrics from showers. When installed and
operating, a fan shower should be located so that the
fan sprays do not overlap one another by more than
1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm).

Ensuring the proper location of the shower, as

explained above, is important. However, studies have
shown that all fan type showers distribute water
non-uniformly, despite how accurately installed and
positioned. Table 1 illustrates the degree of non-
uniform water distribution from a full-width, stationary
multi-nozzle fan shower. This non-uniform distribution
of water causes moisture streaks in both the press fabric
and sheet.

Table 2 illustrates the same shower when oscillated

rather than being stationary. The improvement will
be reflected in the moisture profile of the press fabric
and sheet.

As a result, it is a standard practice to oscillate all

showers in a press section. This includes not only the
high-pressure cleaning showers, but also the flooding
and lubricating showers.

On-Machine Seamed Press Fabrics

This style of press fabric is designed to be seamed
on the press itself rather than being shipped to the
mill seamless. A flap is incorporated into this style of
fabric to protect the seam from marking the sheet and
causing vibration. The seam is more fragile than the
rest of the fabric. Therefore, as shown in Table 3, the Too often, factors in terms of cfm per square inch of felt
face side cleaning shower can be an oscillating fan type suction pipe open area are used to determine vacuum
rather than a needle jet type. Because these fabrics requirements. This is not accurate because the vacuum pump
are relatively open, the fan nozzles provide adequate capacity and dewatering assembly must be designed based
cleaning while maintaining the integrity of the flap. on the press fabric permeability, the fabric weight, the
amount of water applied by the showers, and the machine
A second consideration relative to OMS press fabrics
is the style of cover on the felt suction box. Straight
slotted covers are parallel to the flap, and draw the flap In view of this, the vacuum dewatering assembly and
into the slot. To prevent this, it is recommended that vacuum pump should be sized for each specific application.
a herringbone style cover be used rather than straight Commonly used for this purpose are the DeCrosta equations.
slots. When making this conversion, it is important to Kadant can offer valuable assistance when sizing press
ensure the herringbone cover provides a uniform open section fabric dewatering systems.
area equal to the slotted cover it is replacing.

Press Fabric Dewatering Systems

Cleaning and conditioning is a system. Part of this system
is a properly designed dewatering assembly, vacuum
pump, liquid air separator, and associated piping.

Shower Applications

4 4
B 5
5 3 4 4
5 This graphic illustrates
B 1 a typical “four nip”
8 press section. Locations
D of specific showers and
doctors are indicated.
7 Pans and suction pipes
7 1 1 are also represented.

6 5

1 1 7 1
D 1

7 D

Low frequency
electro-mechanical 2
5 B
Suction rolls B
3 8

Grooved roll 4

This graphic illustrates a “straight through” press

section. Locations of specific showers and doctors 6
are indicated. Pans and suction boxes are also 1
D 1

4 3

Press Section Showers
Shower Shower Nozzle Operating Flow GPM/in.
Application Function Oscillation
Location Type Spacing Pressure LPM/cm

Felt Wetting Must be

3 – 6 in. 40 – 60 psi
1 Flooding Chemical Fan Optional Calculated.
75 – 150 mm 0.3 – 0.4 MPa
Application See Text.

Inside High Void Volume Needle 6 in. 200 – 350 psi 0.083 – 0.106
2 Yes
Pressure Cleaning Jet 150 mm 1.4 – 2.4 MPa 0.124 – 0.158

Sheet Side Sheet Side Needle 6 in. 150 – 300 psi 0.073 – 0.099
3 Yes
High Pressure Cleaning Jet 150 mm 1.0 – 2.0 MPa 0.108 – 0.148

Wear Surface
6 – 8 in. 20 – 30 psi 0.05 – 0.07
4 Uhle Pipe Lube Lubrication and Fan Recommended
150 – 200 mm 0.15 – 0.2 MPa 0.075 – 0.104

Doctor Blade 6 – 8 in. 30 – 40 psi 0.05 – 0.07

5 Doctor Lube Fan No
Lubrication 150 – 200 mm 0.2 – 0.3 MPa 0.075 – 0.104

Needle 3 in. 350 – 500 psi 0.212 – 0.250

6 Suction Roll Cleaning Yes
Jet 75 mm 2.4 – 3.4 MPa 0.316 – 0.373

Grooved Roll
Remove Water 3 in. 60 – 80 psi 0.49 – 0.56
Below 1400 FPM Fan No
from Grooves 75 mm 0.4 – 0.6 MPa 0.73 – 0.83
425 mpm
Grooved Roll
Clean 3 in. 200 – 500 psi 0.167 – 0.250
Above 1400 FPM Needle/Fan Yes
Grooves 75 mm 1.4 – 3.4 MPa 0.248 – 0.373
425 mpm

M-Clean Nozzle 0.5 – 1.5 GPM

Needle Jet/ 1.5 in. 150 – 300 psi
8 Traversing Cleaning Header 2 – 6 LPM
Narrow Fan 37 mm 1.0 – 2.0 MPa
High-Pressure Shower Traverses Total Flow

Press Section Doctors

Application Function Blade Material Oscillation Recommended Options

Abrasitek™, Grafgrit™, Graflex™,

Sheet Removal/Roll Cleaning Water Collection, Removable
A Top Press Roll nPak™ C+, PressTek™ Plus, Yes
and Conditioning Holder, Roll Conditioning Pad
SynTek™ C, Ultra™ C blades

Graflex, nPak C+, SynTek C,

B Face Side Felt Roll Roll Cleaning Optional Water Collection
Ultra C blades

Abrasitek , Grafgrit, Graflex, Removable Holder,

Sheet Removal/Roll Cleaning
C Center Press Roll nPak C+, PressTek Plus, Yes Pivot Bracket, Roll
and Conditioning
SynTek C, Ultra C blades Conditioning Pad

AirSet™ Blade Holder,

D Grooved/Suction Roll Water Removal/Roll Cleaning Polyflex No
Water and Mist Collection

Press Section
Chemical Cleaning
A Cleaning Strategy for Recycled Fiber Developing A Chemical Felt Cleaning Strategy
The increased use of recycled fiber results in greater 1. Identify the contaminants that need to be removed
amounts of contaminant getting into the process. or prevented from building up
Because of their nature, these contaminants are more -U
 nderstand chemicals and contaminants coming
difficult to remove than contaminants associated into the system
with virgin fiber. Therefore, it is important to adopt a -O
 btain used fabric analysis to determine
cleaning strategy that involves all components discussed contaminants
in this document. All cleaning and conditioning systems
- Determine if prevention or removal is best strategy
must be used on a continuous basis starting when the
press fabric is new. 2. R
 efer to contaminant removal circles for chemical
In addition, when running recycled fiber, it is important -W
 ork with chemical suppliers to develop
to include chemicals in the cleaning and conditioning concentrations and dwell times required
strategy. Different chemicals are available for different
types of contaminants and cleaning problems. Caution 3. Select proper chemical showers and location
must be exercised in choosing a chemical to prevent an -E
 ngineered full coverage and uniform coverage is a
unfavorable reaction with other chemicals in the process. must (oscillation may be necessary)
- L ocate shower to allow chemical to penetrate
fabrics (roll/felt nips) and provide maximum
dwell time
- Identify which side of fabric contaminants are
concentrated and adjust strategy accordingly

Chemical Selection Sheet for Contaminant Removal

Solvent Extractable
(dissolve with solvents)

1. Contaminant located
in one specific circle Asphalt
can be removed Grease
utilizing the proper Wet Strength
concentration and Polyethylene
dwell time of the Oil Wax

chemical associated Rosin Size

with the circle. Abietic Acid
Fatty Acid
Fatty Ester
Dry Strength Size
Wet Strength Wet Strength (acid)
Alkaline Extractable Acid
(Neutral/Acid) Fatty Acid salt
(dissolve with caustic) Extractable
Biological Slime ALUM Abietic Acid salt
(dissolve with acid)
Lignin (aluminum
Glue hydroxide)
2. Contaminant located
in more than one Calcium Carbonate
circle can be removed
utilizing one or Clay
more of the proper Talc
concentrations and Titanium Dioxide
dwell times of the Cellulose
chemicals associated
with the circles.
(Cannot dissolve, must dissolve the binder
in the contaminant and flush with water)
White Water vs. Fresh Water
Environmental concerns, energy savings potential, and the Shower Water Quality
desire to improve efficiency are reasons why many paper
mills today are using recycled white water for all showers in Solids Application of Water
Loading Strained with 100 Mesh per inch
the forming section. Despite these benefits, there are some PPM (Mg/L) (40 per CM) Mesh Screen
issues which should be considered.
0 – 50 Equivalent to filtered fresh water.
Shower nozzle plugging can be detrimental. To minimize
Usable in 0.040” (1 mm) and larger fixed orifice
plugging, the shower system must be designed to use 50 – 75
nozzles with minimal problems.
recycled white water. The illustration below shows the Usable in 0.055” (1.4 mm) and larger fixed orifice
75 – 100
components that typically constitute a correctly designed nozzles with minimal problems.
and applied white water system. Usable in 0.125” (3 mm) and larger fixed orifice
100 – 200
nozzles with minimal problems.

The RotoFlex™ resource recovery strainer initially separates 200 – 500 Brush type shower recommended.
fiber and contaminants from the water supply.
500 – Up Purgeable showers recommended.
A white water tank collects the filtered accept water and
must include a sludge removal drain. The pump suction
outlet must be located well above the bottom of the tank.
Close attention to these details is important. It is equally
Pipe runs should be designed to avoid dead spots or important to analyze the quality of the accept water
pockets. Minimum flow velocity should be 9 to 10 feet (2.7 when selecting shower hardware. The chart shown above
to 3 meters) per second. Bleed valves installed at the end of provides guidelines relative to solids loading versus shower
each shower pipe will maintain this minimum velocity in the type and style.
piping and the shower. Flush valves should be located prior
to in-line filters, permitting all pipes to be flushed before With cleaner water, fixed orifice nozzles can sometimes
start-up and after machine shut-downs. be used without blockage problems. As solids loading
increases, it is necessary to select a shower with nozzles that
Kadant Solutions in-line filters will protect shower nozzles can be cleaned while running. Brush or purgeable showers
from blocking due to pipe scale and fiber flocs. provide on-the-run nozzle cleaning features.





Cleaning Products
Shower and Oscillator Systems
Shower systems provide the essential components of an effective cleaning and
conditioning system for today’s paper machine fabrics. Moisture profile management,
properly balancing shower pressure and flow dynamics as well as effective and efficient
cleaning is critical to maximize tissue machine performance.

Mist Elimination Systems

A newer development is the application of mist elimination technology on high-speed
modern paper machines. Effectively applying mist elimination systems will reduce wet
end breaks, positively impact overall machine hygiene, improve safety, and minimize
mist that can adversely affect machine room infrastructure.

M-Clean Cleaning Systems

The high-pressure cleaner is a modular cleaning system for packaging, paper, tissue,
and towel machine forming, press, and dryer fabrics. It combines high-pressure cleaning
with an effective evacuation system and air knife system.

Felt Cleaning Assemblies

Water removal and moisture profile management require an in-depth understanding
of modern press fabric designs, vacuum systems, and showering. Kadant Solutions will
properly size and apply vacuum in the most energy efficient method to optimize press
fabric performance.

VersaTrim™ Systems
Clean and precise trimming is essential to operate high-efficiency and high-speed paper
machines. The VersaTrim system provides an easily adjustable and accurate trim squirt
system. Also available is a skid-mounted pump system and filters for nozzle protection.

Auto-Brush Rotators
The auto-brush rotator provides the operator with a remote method to actuate the
internal brush on a shower to clean clogged nozzles and not put any workers at risk.
Simple, effective, and safe.

Doctor Systems
Kadant is recognized as a leader in doctor technology with a product range that
includes doctor blades, blade holders, and complete doctor systems for paper and
tissue making. Our solutions include patented technology developed for cleaning and
conditioning roll surfaces and dewatering couch and suction rolls. Kadant is a global supplier of high-value, critical components and engineered systems used in process industries worldwide.

K A D A N T S O L U T I O N S DIVISION C&C-Forming & Press Sections-3001 (US) 12/2018

35 Sword Street Tel: +1 508-791-8171 Replaces All Previous Versions
Auburn, MA 01501 USA Email: © 2018 Kadant Solutions Division

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