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The Divine Prescription - How To Obtain Services of The Great Physician

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214 The Divine Prescription .

The Divine Prescription 215

The Divine Prescription His great mercy, God has revealed to the minds of men many
of His secrets pel1aining to the hnman body; and those of the
A Treatise on How to Obtain the Services of profession who are actuated only with a desire to do good to
The Great Physician their fellow men and to act as instruments in the hands of
God to that end, are to be regarded as a blessing to the
communities in which they operate.
December 1932
However, as there is a positive and a negative in all
life and action, so there is a gennine and counterfeit. The
"Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of latter is a natural concomitant of the former. Satan is an
the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him imitator. He aspires to be God. His passion is to rule.

with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of Having been driven out of heaven, he has taken his abode up

faith shall save the sick.'" on emth and has dedicated his life to the destruction of that
which God his Father may create from time to time.

Since the fall in Eden, man has suffered from sickness. The It is Satan who gloats over sickness, and men's

mOltal machinery has proven faulty. Disease and death are distress is his gift to emth. So that in the medical profession
instruments introduced into the world by the adversary of there me to be found not only men and women of profound

light. Having lost his unrighteous battle for supremacy, he lem'11ing, of God-inspired ideals, and of unfaltering loyalty to

elected to bring misery into the lives of his brothers and the highest conception of duty; but there are also those
sisters and influence them into a state of rebellion against among them whose mission is to destroy, to pollute and to
their Father. With the stress of disease came the medical degrade, making mammon the sale object of life. To the

adviser. At first unscientific and severely primitive, but latter, mnch of the misery of mankind is attribntable.
advancing with the years, he has finally evolved into an Nor must it be forgotten that those physicians who are
impOltance of great magnitude. guided in their professional work by the highest human
It must be admitted that the medical profession, high ideals are not without their limitations. For as rapidly as one
and honorable as a science, has performed wonderful feats disease is discovered and conquered, another dses to take its
and is doing yeoman service in the field of alleviating pain place, which, for a time, may baffle all the known skill of

and assisting nature to restore the broken bodies of men. In science. "One woe doth tread upon another's heal, so fast
they follow" - so that sorrow, pain, angnish, and death, both
James 5:14,15
216 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescription 217

of body and mind, are ever present as the foe of men. The human body is delicately fashioned. When in
It is not our purpose in this address to outline the proper adjustment, its machinery works with a precision that
history of medicine, nor to venture an analysis of the to man is no less than miracnlous. In a lifetime of one
different schools pertaining to the profession. That there are hundred years, the heart beats nearly four billion times, never
many conflicting theories in the field of healing is common stopping a single instant for rest. Though it is only about the
knowledge - which, in itself, is proof of the finite nature of size of one's clenched fist, it drives about seven tons of blood
man's learning. It is well known that diagnosticians of the . through its valves each day. Yet the heart is regarded a
same school frequently disagree,thereby leaving tlle patient delicate organ. The brain cells prove capable of
in donbt as to the most efficient treatment to adopt. Bleeding collecting,storing, and giving out, when required, facts that
the patient, hot packs, ice packs, sweat baths, physics, spinal might require tons of books to record. With every breath that
adjnstments, massage, fasting, feasting,resting, and exercise ceaselessly functions through the lungs, pure air is drawn
have all been prescribed in different stages of man's into the system and foul air expelled. Let man, daring as he
progress, often for the saine ailment. And now surgeons are is, produce, in the laboratory of science, produce a like
performing operations so delicate in their nature as to specimen. And yet within man - male and female - lies
challenge man's highest conception of skill and power. hidden but unexplainable by mortal, the power of endless
In view of the great conflict in human jndgment increase. It is this beautiful piece of workmanship that God,
pertaining to the care of the body, wonld it not be wise to the Creator, has claimed for His temple.
make inquiry of Him who first fashioned it and learn from
the builder Himself the secret of health? The creator is the "The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is
one person who may be expected to nnderstand his creations, the tabernacle of God, even temples.'"
and he is naturally the best authority to be fonnd on the
science of care and cure as peltaining to his creatures. Thus And it is tins holy temple, intricate in stmcture and
God, our Fatller, having created onr bodies, r--
it is .,naturalfor
- - '-,-.-.-:.
delicately faslnoned, a mechanism that man, in all his
His children to appeal to Him for relief from sickness and boasted wisdom and knowledge, has not been able to
,=---,-,-.-_~_-",o-, __,-:_ _ _' __ .' _., _, _ __~._ ,-._.-.,-. _. -.- --- . .,-_ --;=<1

distress. Especially is this true when one's own wisdom is duplicate, that is oftentimes being subjected to the whims and
inadequate to meet the situation. Since the knowledge of experiments of human skill. So that while man was intended
man has proven insufficient for the occasion, onenatul:al~y to live to the age of a tree, his life has been cut to an
~Ild. properly looks to his Maker for help.
2 D&C93:35
218 The Divine Prescription
The Divine Prescription 219

expectancy of but a few years. Who would take an jndgments to be meted out on the wicked. "And in that day"
expensive w~tch to be adjusted to other than a builder of (the day when the times of the gentiles be fulfilled--the
watches? Who would trust the repairing of his airplane. to a present day), saith the Lord, "shall be heard of wars and
novice rather than the real builder? Then why should any rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion,
power other than that of the infinite be entrusted with the and men's hearts shall fail them." ... "And there shall be men
care and adjustment of the human body - "the temple of standing in that generation that shall not pass until they shall
God'? It is a sad commentary on man's intelligence, and yet see an ovetflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall
it is the truth, that he often insists on the employment of the cover the land."3
highest known skill to attend his livestock, his threshing Now when sickness covers the land as it did in the
machine,his automobile, and what-not, while he, without reign of Pharoah when the firstborn of every Egyptian family
thought, will subject his own physical machinery to the was stricken, who is best able to provide a cure? - the power
quackery of newspaper ads or to the knife of the surgeon that created the body and that is familiar with every detail of
with no sane assurance of a sound diagnosis or the ability to its mechanism, and of whom it is said that not even a hair of
effect Ii cure. And this, notwithstanding the fact that the the head falls unobserved, or the mortal student who assays
,,--- -- _. the Petfect
- of~--~.-'- --- Physician
-, -,.. are
,-- - . always
--- --
-- fOL-.~ '~--'-'
to study the human body and to treat the same for a
,the .asking . ang Withoutmonetary.cost! livelihood? God built the machine, and He alone is capable
God understood this situation from the beginning. He of caring for it. From the beginning He has acted the part of
knew His children would wander far afield in quest of health. the great Physician to those who call upon Him. He has not
He could foresee that in their avaricious desire for worldly only wamed against actions tending to bring on sickness,'
pleasure, their judgment would lead them into excesses but, knowing the weakness of mankind and his proneness to
resulting in sickness and disease of varying intensity. surrender to the temptation of Satan,has provided means for
Indeed, the great Creator found it necessary, because of the relief from sickness - such a relief that is in easy grasp of
inclination of his children to follow in the footsteps of Satan, both rich and poor, high and low, young and old. The cure is
to permit scourges and distress to come upon them as a easily within the grasp of every child of God,and that,
means of bringing them back to Him through the channel of without cost! James, the apostle of Jesus Christ, gave the
repentance. Knowing man's proneness to do evil, and with prescription under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. That
due regard for his welfare, as a tender parent, He has
repeatedly wamed and forewarned him of the destructive 3 D&C 45:26,31
4 SeeD&C89
220 The Divine Prescription Th"e Divine Prescription 221

prescription is applicable in this day. It is simple, easy to sick, raising the dead, suhduing the enemy,etc.
nnderstand, and efficient. God deals in no snperflnities. His "The prayer ofJaith shall save the sick." It is not our
words are of one meaning. He talks plain and direct. "Is any purpose to depreciate the humanitarian spirit of honorable
sick among you? Let him call Jor elders oj the Church, and physicians whose services are ungrudgingly devoted to the
, let them pray over hil1~ anointing him with oil in the name oj relief of pain and distress, particularly among God's
the Lord. And the prayer offaith shall save the sick." children, who, through lack of faith, do not feel to claim the
That langnage is subject to only one interpretation. Its promised blessings of the Lord. Surgery has progressed to
meaning is so plain that a "wayfaring man, though acconnted the point where marvelous recoveries are accomplished and
a fool" may nnderstand it. "The prayer ofJaith shall save the many valuable lives are being saved through its application.
,sick." God did not say, "Go to a hospital. Get a doctor. If God blesses the labors of His servants in all walks of life
yon are possessed of earthly wealth, don't lIust your life to when those labors are· devoted to the doing of good. But
our local physicians, but go to Chicago, or Buffalo, or many have reasoned themselves into believing that since
Vienna, and have an operation, by a snrgeon of world medical science has reached such a high state of perfection,
renown; involve yourself in debt; place yourself in bondage; one, is not expected to trouble the Lord with his physical or
risk yonr life with human skill." No! - but "Call in the mental ills, bnt should place his case in the hands of the
! i Elders of the Church." What church? Why, His! - God's family doctor and follow his instmctions. But since whel;
Church. They have the holy Priesthood, the power that can did the Lord revoke the divine law of healing? We know
remove mountains, turn the rivers from their courses, and nothing of such revocation. And since when, let us ask, has
ront the armies of the nations that may come up to fight man arrived at such a perfect state of knowledge as to justify
against Zion. No disease can withstand that power; no devil being entrusted with the lives of humanity? Surely God will I
can withstand it! It was by that power that Enoch took his not turn over the functions of life and health to mortal man in ,!
disciples and ascended away from this earth where they his present state of ignorance! Even to entertain such a
could worship God nnmolested. It was by this power--the notion of the great I AM is an admission of a total absence of
power of the holy Priesthood - that Moses caused the Red faith in His power and promise; for who does not know, that
Sea to be divided, and that Joshna commanded the sun to with all their skill and profound learning and almost limitless
stand still, and that Jesus Christ raised the dead and took up discoveries pertaining to the secrets of the human body,
His own body in the resUlTection, and later, that Joseph mankind is dying through disease as of yore?, the hospitals
Smithand his followers performed like miracles--healing the are filled as never before and distress from physical ailments
222 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescription 223

continue to increase? Melchizedek), of which I have spoken, and the magnifying of

Right now (December, 1932), leading men of the their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing
nation, with Dr. Ray Lyman Wilber, Secretary of the l1lterior, of their bodies.,,6 The promise is sure. There are no if's nOT
as chairman of the committee investigating the matter, are and's abont it. God possess the power and has made the
endeavoring to devise means for a better distribntion of the promise. Why then trust to the inadequacy of human skill?
national health expense. It is shown that the annual health No, God has not delegated His powers in fullness to
bill ofthe United States amounts to $3,647,000,000, or abont man. Man, as learned as he has become, has not reached a
$30 per capita. for evelY man,woman, and child.' point where his skill is faultless. God is still the great
Government figures also show that while only 50,285 United Physician, and his services are availahle to all. "If ye abide
States soldiers were killed by wounds in the late world war, in me," said Jesus Christ, "and my words abide in you, ye
there died in the United States in 1930 from tubercnlosis shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto yon." "Ask,
over 88,000 people and from cancer about l20,000,while and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and
infant deaths amount to over 135,000. TlIis appalling human it shall be opened unto you; For everyone that asketll,
tragedy is caused by diseases that have been under scientific receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that
investigation for ages and are yet defying the skill of man in knocketh, it shall be opened.'" TI,e prescription enunciated
this day of boasted progress and aclIievement! Take as an by James is still in vogue, and obedience to its direction will
example the matter of the renewal of cettain glands in the restore health today as it did when it was first given. Indeed,
human body for the restoration of yonth. Science is it has been rewritten in the present dispensation. To the
attempting a snbstitution of monkey, goat, and other animal Prophet Joseph SnIith, ti,e Lord said,
glands for those originally supplied by nature, and which,
often through excesses and sinful living, have lost their "And whosoever among you are sick, and have not
powers to function. The proposed operation is not only faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nurtured with
admitted to be hazardous to human health, but, at best, can all tenderness, with herbs and nIild food, and that not
only be procured by the wealthy who are able to foot the bill. by the hands of an enemy (of righteousness).
But God's plan in this exigency, open for those who are "And the Elders of the Church, two or more,
worthy of the blessing, is complete: "For whoso is faithful shall be called, and shall pray for and lay tI,eir hands
unto the obtaining of these two priesthoods (Aaronic and
6 D. & C. 84:]3
5 Literary Digest, Dec. 3, 1932, page 24. 7 Jolm, 15:7. Mat. 7:7,8
224 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescdption 225

upon them in my name; and if they die, they shall die of a serpent shall not have power to harm them.'"
unto me, and if they live, they shall live unto me ....
"And again it shall come to pass that he that "Lay your hands upon the sick and they shall recover,"
hath faith in me to be healed,and is not appointed unto the Lord told his servant William E. McClellan in

, i
death, shall be healed. He who hath faith to see shall designating his mission. (Doc. & Cov. 66:9)
see. He who hath faith to hear shall hear. The lame
who hath faith to leap shall leap.'" There is no uncertainty in these instructions. "He that
hath faith to see shall see." "Lay your hands 0/1 the sick and
InstlUcting his servants with reference to their they shall recover." "They," of course, who have faith in the
missionary work and the gifts and blessings that would healing ordinances of God. The power to heal through faith
follow the believer, thmngh the Pmphet Joseph Smith, the and prayer has always existed in every world that has ever
Lord fUlther said: been created. It was made to function on earth among Father
Adam's posterity as soon as sickness appeared, and its
"Therefore as I said unto mine apostles I say nnto you powers are jnst as great and celtain today. TI,e remedy,
again, that every. soul who believeth on your words when applied according to direction, never fails. It works
and is baptized by water for the remission of sins,shall with the precision of the planetary movements. The healing
receive the Holy Ghost. And these signs shall follow principle not only operates to alleviate physical pain, but it
them that believe: also takes care of mental distress. As in the case of the
"In my name they shall do many wonderful barren Sarah, the honored wife of Abraham, Elizabeth the
works; wife of Zachariah, and of the faithful Hannah. Barrenness to
"In my name they shall cast ont devils; these wonderful woman was a tIring to be greatly lamented; it
"In my name they shall heal the sick; was regarded as a reproach; and blessed indeed was the
"In my name they shall open the eyes of the woman whose womb was fruitful. These women with their
blind and unstop the ears of the deaf, and the tongue of husbands appealed to the great Physician, and not without
the dumb shall speak. And if any man shall administer results, for they were made to rejoice in the blessings of
poison unto them it shall not hurt them; and the poison motherhood that brought forth generations of men pre-
anointed to become Gods. And let us pause here to state that

8 D&C 42:43-51 9 D&C 84:64-72

The Divine Presctiplion The Divine Prescription 227

there are many Sarahs and Elizabeths and Hannahs on earth it shall come to pass that everyone tlmt is bitten, when
today whom God is blessing in like fashion; His goodness he looketh upon it, shall live." 11
and power being ever ready and anxious to answer the "
Even the faith to look upon the serpent image and an
prayer of faith."
Of course he that is appointed unto death--or in other inward prayer to be healed were requisite.
words, he who is about to be released from this mOital Later, Naaman, captain of the host of the King of
existence and take a higher appointment - may not be healed Syria, became an object for divine help. He was a leper. No
when prayed for. Neither luunan skill nor priestly petitions human remedy could touch his case. He was a great man in
can keep such in mortality, except through a special his generation and had won God's favor. When the tme
dispensation that the Lord, in His wisdom, may grant, as in Physician was appealed to tllrough His agent, the Prophet
the case of Hezekiah, whose life was prolonged through Elisha, Naaman was told to "go and wash in Jordan seven
earnest prayer so as to enable him to fulfill his emthly times and tlly flesh shall come again to thee and thou shalt be
mission. \0 And why should they want to continue to live, clean," which was done and the restoration realized. (2 Kings
provided they have lived proper lives and have finished their 5:10-14) Then again, tile lawyer Zeezrom had become "velY
work in mortality? For nnder such circumstances, death is low with a burning fever; and his mind was also exceedingly
simply a re-birth into a better existence. It is a step nearer sore because of his iniquities." He sent for the great
the goal for which man is working - it is a promotion much Physician who visited him tlu·ough the persons of Alma and
Amulek. Alma took him by the hand, questioned him
to be desired.
Tme, owing to lack of mental grasp in His children, at regarding his faith in the "redemption of Christ," which he
different stages of life the Lord has varied His method of had previously denied but now through faith and repentance
applying the divine remedy, but in no case have the affirmed. "Then Alma cried nnto the Lord, saying: "0 Lord
fundamentals - faith and prayer - been altered. For example, our God, have mercy on this man, and heal him according to
in the days of Moses when the faithless Israelites were his faith which is in Christ." Whereupon, "Zeezrom leaped
bittenby poisonous serpents and many died. In their distress upon his feet and began to walk" and was healed."
they appealed for help tlu·ongh Moses, and the Lord said, Nor does this Physician confine his attention to the
great and mighty. TIlere is no aristocracy of service with
"Make thee a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole, and
11 Num.2[:8,9
10 2 Kings 20:1-6 12 Alma 15
228 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescription 229

him. "The prayer of faith shall save the sick." The offer of Christ to the woman who had touched the hem of his
help has no limitation. garment. "Aud Jesus went about al1 Galilee ... healiug all
Note, for example, the case of Peter and John, 'Yho, on manner of sickuess aud al1 manner of disease among the
their way to the temple at the hour of prayer, accosted a people."l3
certain man "lame from Iris mother's womb" whom they God's plan is perfect. Nothing is left to be guessed at.
carried and "laid daily at the gate of the temple which is He, the wise builder that He is,saw the end from the
called Beautiful to ask alms of them that entered into the beginning. He knew how deternrinedly the adversary would
temple; "who seeing Peter and John about to go into the work to nullify His designs, aud He made every provision for
temple asked an alms. And Peter,fastening his eyes upon meeting and overcoming every obstacle. Anticipating
him with John, said, "Look on us." And he gave heed unto sickness, He gave the perfect remedy: "TI,e prayer of the
them,expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter faith shall save the sick." But He also foresaw the day when
said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I not only those in the household of faith would be troubled
thee: In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" with sickness; but after they had become perfected in their
And he took him by the right hand "and lifted him up; and faith and overcome the adversary, the honorable among the
immediately Iris feet and article bones received strength, and nations wonld still be subject to disease and distress; and to
he leaping up, stood, and walked, and "entered with" them His servant, John the Revelator, the Lord outlined a remedy
into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God!" for them.
"And he gave heed unto them expecting to receive Jolm was drawing a word-picture of the New
something." What a gift! From birth to manhood he had Jemsalem-to-be which should become the seat of God's
been unable to walk;he was carried, a helpless and hopeless government. TIris city was to be built under the direct
cripple, from place to place - a beggar asking ahns - to "many supervision of God; and among other things, there should be
a human nuisance. No, friend, we have neither silver or as follows: "In the midst of the street of it, and on either
gold, but we do possess the power of the Holy Priesthood, sideof the river, was there the tree of life, which bear twelve
which, through yonr hunrility and faith, is prepared to bless manner of fmits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the
you beyond any dream of your Iife- "arise and walk"! The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations!"
life of a king prolonged, a captain healed, a lawyer made What a marvel of beauty is God's plan - a
well - and then a beggar accorded the same recognition. All completeness that entirely circumvents the wisdom and
are blessed alike. "Thy faith hath made thee whole," said the
13 Matt. 4:23
230 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescription 231

knowledge of man and that in the end will draw all men unto is better? - to trust tile wisdom of man for the blessings of
Him so that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess health, or God, who is all-powerful and whose promise is
that Jesus is the Christ. sme? We are reminded of an incident that happened in the
So numerous are the examples of divine healing in this early days of Utah. One of the brethren was appointed a very
day that it is not deeme<,i necessary to further elaborate on hazardous mission. His life was to be placed in jeopardy.
this ~phase of the subject. Sufficeth to say that in almost He had been advised by a friend to pmchase some insmance
innumerable cases,the blind have been made to see, the lame on Ius life for the benefit of Ius family in the event theworst
to walk, the deaf to hear. TIle ravages of dread diseases have should happen. He thought favorably of the idea but first
been stayed and the dead have been restored to life, while the sought counsel from his leader. Explaining the situation to
barren have been made fruitful. The remedy of in every President Young, the great leader turned to the yonng man
human ailment is within reach of all, and that withont cost. and in mild tone remarked, "So you think it is safer to trust
Faith and prayer are the fundamental requisites. It is said the devil than the Lord, do yon?" "Not by a d-m sight," the
that faith is the greatest undeveloped resource that man has at brother said in a blaze of indignant determination as he
his command and that. the greatest unused power is prayer. wheeled around and left to fill the call made of him. He took
Faith and prayer, synchmnized properly, are available to no insurance and is still alive to tell the tale. The Prophet
every child of God. TIle silly notion that God intends the snuck the right chord. The thought belund his expression is
body to be cut into and vital parts removed in the process of just as potent today - whom should we rely npon for help
restoring health is too stupid to be considered in the light of when in trouble'? - man, whose wisdom at best is faulty - or
what has been shown. His treatment requires no knife. There God, who knoweth all things and doeth all things well?
is no physical or mental pmblem in man that is beyond the There can be but one answer. Of comse there is nothing in
power of God to cure. God's law to justify a man's refusing to help himself. The
Lord requires self effort. The invoking of divine help in such
"Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his special instances is only justified after one's own wisdom
benefits; who forgiveth all tlune iniquities; who and powers are exhausted. One could hardly excuse a man
healeth all thy diseases.,,)4 who, falling into a pit, refused to makean effort to extricate
himself, leaving the job entirely up to the Lord.
The Psalmist knew what he was talking about. Which But, "Instead of calling for a doctor," said Brigham
Young, "you should administer to them by the laying on of
14 Psalms \03 :2,3
232 The Divine Prescription The Divine Prescription 233

hands and anointing with oil, and give them mild food and trusting to human skill rather than to divine power will
herbs and medicine that yon understand." receive all the reward to which they are entitled.
It must be conceded that much of the medical practice Let the Saints then return unto the Lord, seeking in
of today tends toward creating sterility in both man and hnmility His matchless blessings. Let them remember that
woman. Weakened by the shock of major operations and the Divine Prescription is just as potent in results today under
also by unholy abortipns, the human system is becoming like circumstances as in the days when it was first given.
more" and more incapable of functioning in the role of God is pleased to attend tlle sick through His P11esthood. He
parenthood. The divine mission of motherhood is being is not pleased with the lack of faith which that drives His
defeated, and women whose hemts yearn for the touch of real children in despair into the hospitals, placing their reliance in
life are denied the gift of all gifts - maternity - and all the mm of flesh, oftentimes at an unwarranted expense, all
through the ever-increasing tendency to snbstitute for God's too frequently resulting in financial bondage as well as
power the skill of man. physical ruin. "Come unto me," said the Savior, "all ye that
It is cause for great rejoicing tbat God in His great labor and are heavy ladeu (with disease, sorrow, distress,
mercy often blesses the efforts of tbe physician to correct etc.) and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and
human ills. The hand of the surgeon is gnided in many learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in hemt, and ye shall
instances by divine power. They who have not faith to be find rest unto your souls.""
healed, or even to be "nourished with tenderness, with herbs
and mild food" by the hands of friends, but find their only
hope in the skill of the surgeon,may not be beyond the favor
and sympathy of the great Physician. We rejoice to know
something of the deep love and wonderful patieilce of our
heavenly Father. So long as there is a spark of fire left in the
soul of man, God's mercies are inviting him to the feast, and 15 Malt. 11 :28, 29
that invitation is always good. 11lerefore, those who have
not faith to go to the Lord for the blessings of health,instead
of to man, are to be pitied rather than censured; for, after all,
blessings come in proportion as man is capable, throngh faith
and good works, of receiving them. And they who prefer

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