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G.R. No.



MARTIREZ, Petitioners, vs. LEPANTO CERAMICS, INC., Respondent.


 On December 23, 2011, respondent Lepanto Ceramics, Inc. (LCI) filed a petition for
corporate rehabilitation pursuant to FRIA of 2010.
 LCI alleged that due to the financial difficulties it has been experiencing dating back to
the Asian financial crisis, it had entered into a state of insolvency considering its inability
to pay its obligations as they become due and that its total liabilities far exceed its total
assets. Notably, LCI admitted its tax liabilities to the national government in the amount
of at least P6,355,368.00
 On January 13, 2012, the Rehabilitation Court issued a Commencement Order which
declared LCI to be under corporate rehabilitation, suspended all actions or proceedings,
in court or otherwise, for the enforcement of claims against LCI; (c) prohibited LCI from
making any payment of its liabilities outstanding as of even date, except as may be
provided under RA 10142; and (d) directed the BIR to file and serve on LCI its comment
or opposition to the petition, or its claims against LCI. Accordingly, the Commencement
Order was published in a newspaper of general circulation and the same, together with
the petition for corporate rehabilitation, were personally served upon LCI's creditors,
including the BIR.
 Despite the foregoing, BIR through Misajon et. al. sent LCI a notice of informal
conference informing the latter of its deficiency internal tax liabilities. In response, LCI
sent a letter to BIR reminding the latter of the pendency of LCI's corporate rehabilitation
proceedings, as well as the issuance of the Commencement Order in connection
therewith. Undaunted, BIR sent LCI a Formal Letter of Demand requiring LCI to pay
deficiency taxes.
 This prompted LCI to file a petition for indirect contempt against petitioners before the
RTC. LCI asserted that petitioners' act of pursuing the BIR's claims against LCI outside
of the pending rehabilitation proceedings in spite of the Commencement Order is a clear
defiance of the aforesaid order.
 Petitioners maintained that: (a) RTC had no jurisdiction to cite them in contempt as it is
only the Rehabilitation Court which has authority to determine whether or not the
Commencement Order was defied, (b) that the instant petition had already been mooted
by the Rehabilitation Court's Order which declared LCI to have been successfully
rehabilitated resulting in the termination of the corporate rehabilitation proceedings, (c)
their acts do not amount to a defiance as it was done merelu to toll the prescriptive
period in collecting deficiency taxes, (d) their acts of sending a Notice of Informal
Conference and Demand do not amount to a "legal action or other recourse" against LCI
outside of the rehabilitation proceedings and (e) the indirect contempt proceedings
interfere with the exercise of their functions to collect taxes due to the government.
 RTC found Misajon et al. guilty of indirect contempt. Hence, this petition.
ISSUE: Whether or not RTC correctly found Misajon et al. to have defied the Commencement
Order and, accordingly, cited them for indirect contempt.


Section 4 (gg) of RA 10142 defined Rehabilitation as the restoration of the debtor to a condition
of successful operation and solvency, if it is shown that its continuance of operation is
economically feasible and its creditors can recover by way of the present value of payments
projected in the plan, more if the debtor continues as a going concern than if it is immediately

Verily, the inherent purpose of rehabilitation is to find ways and means to minimize the
expenses of the distressed corporation during the rehabilitation period by providing the best
possible framework for the corporation to gradually regain or achieve a sustainable operating
form. Thus, rehabilitation shall be undertaken when it is shown that the continued operation of
the corporation is economically more feasible and its creditors can recover, by way of the
present value of payments projected in the plan, more, if the corporation continues as a going
concern than if it is immediately liquidated.

In order to achieve such objectives, Section 16 of RA 10142 provides, inter alia, that upon the
issuance of a Commencement Order - which includes a Stay or Suspension Order - all actions
or proceedings, in court or otherwise, for the enforcement of "claims" against the distressed
company shall be suspended. Under the same law, claim "shall refer to all claims or demands of
whatever nature or character against the debtor or its property, whether for money or otherwise,
liquidated or unliquidated, fixed or contingent, matured or unmatured, disputed or undisputed,
including, but not limited to; (1) all claims of the government, whether national or local,
including taxes, tariffs and customs duties; and (2) claims against directors and officers of
the debtor arising from acts done in the discharge of their functions falling within the scope of
their authority: Provided, That, this inclusion does not prohibit the creditors or third parties from
filing cases against the directors and officers acting in their personal capacities." Creditors must
ventilate their claims before the rehabilitation court, and any "[a]ttempts to seek legal or other
resource against the distressed corporation shall be sufficient to support a finding of indirect
contempt of court."

In the case at bar, it is undisputed that LCI filed a petition for corporate rehabilitation. Finding
the same to be sufficient in form and substance, the Rehabilitation Court issued a
Commencement Order. It is likewise undisputed that the BIR - personally and by publication -
was notified of the rehabilitation proceedings involving LCI and the issuance of the
Commencement Order related thereto. Despite the foregoing, the BIR, through Misajon, et al.,
still opted to send LCI a notice of informal conference and a formal letter of demand
notwithstanding the written reminder coming from LCI of the pendency of rehabilitation
proceedings and the issuance of the commencement order.
Notably, the acts of sending a notice of informal conference and a Formal Letter of Demand are
part and parcel of the entire process for the assessment and collection of deficiency taxes from
a delinquent taxpayer, - an action or proceeding for the enforcement of a claim which should
have been suspended pursuant to the Commencement Order. Unmistakably, Misajon, et al. 's
foregoing acts are in clear defiance of the Commencement Order.

Petitioners' insistence that: (a) Misajon, et al. only performed such acts to toll the prescriptive
period for the collection of deficiency taxes; and (b) to cite them in indirect contempt would
unduly interfere with their function of collecting taxes due to the government, cannot be given
any credence. As aptly put by the RTC Br. 35, they could have easily tolled the running of such
prescriptive period, and at the same time, perform their functions as officers of the BIR, without
defying the Commencement Order and without violating the laudable purpose of RA 10142 by
simply ventilating their claim before the Rehabilitation Court. After all, they were adequately
notified of the LCI's corporate rehabilitation and the issuance of the corresponding
Commencement Order. In sum, it was improper for Misajon, et al. to collect, or even attempt to
collect, deficiency taxes from LCI outside of the rehabilitation proceedings concerning the latter,
and in the process, willfully disregard the Commencement Order lawfully issued by the
Rehabilitation Court. Hence, the RTC Br. 35 correctly cited them for indirect contempt.

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