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Republic V Mijares

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MIJARES  Subject land was owned by Philippine Communications
Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT). Both parties relied on the provisions of RA 7279 and PD 1086 to determine the
 Members of the Southern Pinugay Farmer Multi-Purpose propriety of the demolition by respondents
Cooperative Inc (SPFMPCI) occupied 100 hectares of the However, the Court herein based its decision on the provisions of PD 1845 and
land claiming that it is covered by the Comprehensive 1848 which provides that:
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).  Parcel of land is a security zone hosting the Philippine Space
Communications Center which consists of a satellite earth station that
PHILCOMSAT FILED A PROTEST BEFORE THE DAR serves as the communications gateway of the Philippines to more than
 Claiming that the subject land was exempt from the CARP ⅔ of the world.
coverage since it was an integral part of the Philippine Space  The same is under the jurisdiction of the Department of National
Communications Operation defense which has the power and the authority to determine who can
 DAR denied the protest occupy the areas within the security zone and how the lands shall be
 PHILCOMSAT filed a petition for review in the CA, which utilized.
later on ruled that the land was not exempt from CARP
coverage The SPFMPCI members occupied and introduced improvements in the parcel
of land under no right, title or vested interest
DURING THE PENDENCY OF THE PETITION, THE HOUSES  They never secured the prior written permission of the Secretary of
AND IMPROVEMENTS WERE DEMOLISHED National Defense as required by law.
 Respondent Mayor Roberto Ferrera issued an order directing  Although the land was initially placed under CARP coverage and they
Romeo Querubin to demolish the houses and improvements claimed to be farmer-beneficiaries, they were not included in the list
 Commissioner Rufino Mijares issued an order interposing no of occupants/potential farmer-beneficiaries of PHILCOMSAT
objection on the said order of demolition landholdings
 The parcel of land involved in this case is a security zone whose
SPFMPCI FILED BEFORE THE OFFICE OF THE operations must be protected from any form of disruption and it must be
OMBUDSMAN AN ADMINISTRATIVE CASE AGAINST protected from all types of squatters, including the SPFMPCI members,
RESPONDENTS FOR GRAVE MISCONDUCT who might create danger to national telecommunications facility.
 The Ombusman ruled that the demolition was unjustified
claiming that the same cannot be summarily demolished under WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision and the Resolution of
RA 7279 since the law does not apply to rural lands and lands the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED.
under CARP coverage
 Thus, respondents were found guilty of grave misconduct, with
a penalty of dismissal from service and forfeiture of retirement


  The order of demolition was based solely on the failure of the
SPFMPCI members to secure the necessary building permits
to construct the houses and improvements which is required
under PD No. 1096, thereby warranting summary demolition
provided for under RA 7279
ISSUE: Whether or not the demolition of the houses and
improvements is in order

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