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CLO2 Sensor 110 - MWC Instruction Manual MCD7 - MPES7 - MOZ7 - MWP7 PDF

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

October 2015

Please carefully read this operating instructions completely before commissioning the probe!

Do not discard!

The operator shall be liable for any damage caused by installation or operating errors!

For types:

Chlorine dioxide CD7 (analog-out/analog) analog signal output

Peracetic acid PES7 (analog-out/analog) Dual power supply ±5 - ±15 VDC

Single power supply 10 – 30 VDC
Ozone OZ7 (analog-out/analog) analog signal processing

Hydrogen peroxide WP7 (analog-out/analog) no galvanical isolation

CD7 4-20mA (analog-

Chlorine dioxide
analog signal output
PES7 4-20mA (analog-
Peracetic acid
out/analog) Current supply 4…20 mA

OZ7 4-20mA (analog- analog signal processing

no galvanical isolation
WP7 4-20mA (analog-
Hydrogen peroxide

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”



1 General information ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7 ................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7 .................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Ozone sensor OZ7 .................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7.............................................................................................. 3
2 Function .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Intended use ................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Scope of supply .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Sensor with voltage supply (analog-out/analog) – 4-20mA with 5-pole M12 .......................... 4
4.2 Sensor with 4-20 mA output (analog-out/analog) with 2-pole terminal ................................... 5
5 Preparation of the sensor for start up ............................................................................................. 5
6 Insertion of the sensor in the flow chambers FLC .......................................................................... 7
6.1 Mounting with retaining ring ..................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Mounting without retaining ring ................................................................................................ 8
7 Startup of the sensor ...................................................................................................................... 9
8 Control of the sensor / Analytics ..................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Analytics chlorine dioxide ...................................................................................................... 10
8.2 Analytics peracetic acid ......................................................................................................... 10
8.3 Analytics ozone...................................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Analytics hydrogen peroxide ................................................................................................. 10
8.5 Sensors with 2-pole terminal + CE-mark (4-20mA) ............................................................... 10
9 Disassembling of the sensor ........................................................................................................ 10
10 Maintenance of the sensor ...................................................................................................... 11
10.1 Change of electrolyte ............................................................................................................. 11
10.2 Change of membrane cap ..................................................................................................... 11
11 Storage .................................................................................................................................... 12
12 Electrical specifications............................................................................................................ 12
12.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7 / Ozone sensor OZ7 ............................................................... 13
12.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7 / Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7...........................................14
13 Technical Data ......................................................................................................................... 15
13.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7 ................................................................................................. 15
13.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7 .................................................................................................. 16
13.3 Ozone sensor OZ7 ................................................................................................................ 17
13.4 Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7............................................................................................ 18
14 General operating guidelines................................................................................................... 20
15 Spare Parts .............................................................................................................................. 20
16 Trouble Shooting ..................................................................................................................... 21
16.1 General Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 21
16.2 Special troubleshooting for sensor ........................................................................................ 23
17 Warranty .................................................................................................................................. 26
18 Liability disclaimer.................................................................................................................... 26

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

1 General information

These sensors can be applied in nearly all water qualities. These sensors are partially resistant to
chemicals and surfactants as they are equipped with a special membrane system.

This sensor is not suitable to check the absence of chlorine dioxide /peracetic acid /ozone / hydrogen

A complete measuring and/or control system normally consists of the following components:

electrical leads and connectors
flow chambers and connections
measuring and control device
dosing equipment
analysing instrumentation

This operating instructions primarily refers to the sensor. Please pay attention to the corresponding
operating instructions of the peripheral devices!

Warning: Do not touch the electrode finger and keep it clean!

Do not remove the layer on the electrode finger!

1.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7

The chlorine dioxide sensor is insensitive to chlorine. Ozone is measured with a sensitivity 25 times
higher than chlorine dioxide. The sensor can be used in the pH range from >pH 1 in alkaline fluids up
to the chlorine dioxide stability limit is reached. Precipitations (e. g. lime) may block the membrane!

1.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7

The sensor can be used in the pH range from >pH 1 up to pH 6. At a pH >6 the peracetic anion is
present which cannot be measured by the sensor.
(Lime may block the membrane!)

1.3 Ozone sensor OZ7

The ozone probe is insensitive to chlorine. Chlorine dioxide increases the measuring value about 6%.
The probe can be used within the pH range of pH 2 to pH 12 (lime may block the membrane!).

1.4 Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7

The probe can be used in the pH range from >pH 2 up to pH 11 (lime may block the membrane)!

2 Function

The sensor is a membrane covered amperometric 2-electrode system. The measuring electrode is
membrane covered and is in the electrolyte area together with the reference electrode. This electrolyte
area contains a special electrolyte and is separated from the measuring water.

In this measuring method the disinfectant, e. g. chlorine dioxide diffuses out of the measuring water,
through the membrane and causes in compound with the electrolyte an electrical signal at the
measuring electrode. The electrical signal at the measuring electrode is proportional to the
concentration of the disinfectant and is amplified by the electronics of the sensor. The measuring
signal is independent from the temperature of the measuring water due to an integrated temperature
compensation. Surfactants (e. g. tensides) are partially tolerated.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

3 Intended use

The sensor has to be inserted in the flow chambers FLC-1 or FLC-3 according to this operating
instructions (see section 6). The use of the sensor in other flow chambers has to be released by the
manufacturer of the sensor. Otherwise the liability for a proper function of the sensors and personal
injury and damage to equipment resulting from that is disclaimed.

The maximum allowed operating pressure of the sensor is 1.0 bar / 10 mwc. The allowed temperature
operating range of the sensor is 0 up to <50 °C or <45 °C for the hydrogen peroxide sensors of the
type WP7 and peracetic acid sensors PES7. Further operating guidelines see items 13 + 14. The
sensors are to be used only for the measurement and control of the concentration of chlorine dioxide /
peracetic acid / ozone / hydrogen peroxide.

Only trained and authorised staff should operate the sensor.

Each application beyond this is a not intended use so the warranty becomes void and the liability is

We do not accept liability for injury to persons or damage to property if the operating instructions in this
manual have not been followed, or the original state of the sensor has been changed, or the sensor
has been used under conditions other than those specified.

If installing the sensor outside Germany, please comply with the corresponding local regulations.

4 Scope of supply

Keep the packaging for the sensor completely. In case of repair or warranty return the sensor in this

Check that the delivery is intact. In case of damage please contact your supplier.

Check that the delivery is complete by comparing with the below mentioned scope of supply.

4.1 Sensor with voltage supply (analog-out/analog) – 4-20mA with 5-pole M12

1 sensor with membrane cap M7N / M7D or M7N O3 /

M7D O3

1 btl. 100 ml electrolyte ECD4/W-ECD7/W / EPS7/W /


1 piece of abrasive paper S2

1 manual

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

4.2 Sensor with 4-20 mA output (analog-out/analog) with 2-pole terminal

1 sensor with membrane cap M7N / M7D or M7N O3 / M7D O3

1 mA-cap with o-ring 20 x 1.5

1 btl. 100 ml electrolyte ECD4/W-ECD7/W / EPS7/W / EPS7L/W / EOZ7/W

1 piece of abrasive paper S2

1 manual

5 Preparation of the sensor for start up

Safety hint: Some electrolytes contain diluted acids. Please heed the warnings on the electrolyte

Do not swallow the electrolyte. Avoid contact of the electrolyte with skin and eyes.
Otherwise wash with a lot of water. In case of eye inflammation, contact a doctor.

Filling the membrane cap

Open the box with the membrane cap, empty out the
liquid and take the membrane cap. Make sure that only
one hose-ring is situated in the groove and closes the
vent (see arrow). Then fill the empty membrane cap up to
the edge with the electrolyte supplied.
If there are air entrapments in the area of the membrane
(visible with transmitted light), please perform the “knock
method“ described below.

If necessary: “knock method” to remove air entrapments

in the membrane area
Hereby potentially existing air entrapments on the inner
side of the membrane can be removed. An air
entrapment may interfere the measuring function:
Knock on the filled membrane cap with the electrode
shaft until no more air bubbles appear (see picture). This
procedure removes air entrapments that may have built
up on the inside of the membrane. Then add electrolyte if
Cleaning of the working electrode
Remove the black protection tube from the electrode
Use the special abrasive paper supplied to clean just the
tip of the dry electrode finger (= working electrode).
Firmly hold the soft pad with the special abrasive paper
and rub the electrode tip of the slightly inclined probe
over the abrasive paper. Then turn the probe a bit around
its axis and rub again over the abrasive paper. Repeat
this procedure several times.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

Assembling of the sensor

Hold the electrode shaft upright and place it onto filled membrane cap.
Turn it anticlockwise until the thread engages, then screw the electrode
shaft clockwise (by hand) slowly onto the membrane cap.
Excess electrolyte will escape through a valve (located above the type
marking) in the membrane cap. Do not close this vent (see arrow)!

Caution: The electrolyte may spurt from the vent.

Excess electrolyte or electrolyte which gets on your skin or in
your eye wash up with water.
Some electrolytes contain diluted acids. Please heed the
warnings on the electrolyte bottle.

Make sure that the membrane cap is tightly fastened to the electrode
shaft! Wash up the excess electrolyte with water.
Important: Check whether the membrane cap is completely screwed in up
to the stop. The first screw-in resistance comes from the O-
ring seal; however the screwing procedure of the cap must
be continued until it hits the electrode shaft!
When the membrane cap has been screwed on, the
membrane is curved to the outside and must not be
thumped any more, as this will damage the membrane and
thus make it unusable.

Caution: When the filled membrane cap is completely screwed onto the
electrode shaft it is not allowed to touch or to adjoin the
Then also push the second hose-ring into the deepening over the first
one. Make sure that the hose-rings do not pucker!

Unscrewing the membrane cap

Important: When unscrewing the filled membrane cap, the two hose-
rings must be pushed to the side above the type marking
to allow air to stream into the electrolyte chamber;
otherwise the membrane will be destroyed!

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

6 Insertion of the sensor in the flow chambers FLC

Depressurise the system before inserting the sensor into the flow chamber. Close the stop valves
before and after the flow chamber.

Insertion of the sensor into the flow chamber should be carried out slowly.

The sensor is not allowed to be pushed against the bottom of the flow chamber!

Warning: A sudden failure of the sensor may lead to a very dangerous overdosing of the disinfectant
– please provide preventative measures. In case of a very high overdose, the titration may
be imprecise as the titration volume gets too large or the DPD-measuring may remain
colourless, as the colorant will be bleached by the disinfectant respectively.

Recommendations: e. g. dosage volume monitoring, dosage time monitoring, limit value


Safety hint: Please make sure that the sensor is tightly fastened in place!

Otherwise it may be pressed out of the flow chamber when it is under pressure.

Operating mode Flow Operating Operating Flow rate

chamber pressure temperature
max. max.

!! Heed and comply with the max. allowed operating pressure

/ operating temperature of the sensor !!

Operation of the FLC-1 45 °C 15 (45)

sensor without 0.5 bar (5 mWS)
retaining ring FLC-3 70 °C 45 (15)

Operation of the FLC-1 4.0 bar (40 mWS) 45 °C 15 (45)

sensor with
retaining ring FLC-3 8.0 bar (80 mWS) 70 °C 45 (15)

6.1 Mounting with retaining ring

For the installation of the sensor in the flow chamber the sensor can be equipped with retaining ring,
slide-ring and O-ring by the manufacturer (see fig. 1). For installation of the sensor in the flow chamber
unscrew the 1 ¼” screw-connection from the flow chamber. Prepare the sensor according section 5.
Make sure that retaining ring, slide-ring and O-ring are properly fixed according fig. 1.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

Fig. 1: Fig. 2:

Insert the sensor according fig. 2 into the flow chamber. Push the earlier unscrewed 1 ¼” screw-
connection carefully over the inserted sensor and fasten it tightly, otherwise leaks may occur.

First open the measuring water outlet. Then open slowly the measuring water supply.

Avoid installations that allow air bubbles to enter the measuring water.

6.2 Mounting without retaining ring

If the sensor is not equipped with retaining ring, slide-ring and o-ring it can also be installed in the flow
chamber by using an o-ring and 2 slide rings. The second slide ring has to be used instead of the
retaining ring. Loosen the 1 ¼” screw-connection of the flow chamber. Insert the sensor (after
preparation according section 5) into the flow chamber until the distance between the membrane and
the inflow-opening is approx. 2 cm. Fasten the 1 ¼” screw-connection tightly. Please make sure that
the sensor is tightly fastened in place, otherwise it may be pressed out of the flow chamber when it is
under pressure and / or leaks may occur.

First open the measuring water outlet. Then open slowly the measuring water supply.

Avoid installations that allow air bubbles to enter the measuring water.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

7 Startup of the sensor

Connect the sensor with the measuring device.

Connection of sensors 4 pole connector, reverse polarity protection,

with 0…+/-2000 mV signal
output symmetrical or unipolar power supply

pin configuration:

1 (socket) +U

2 (socket) -U or voltage GND

3 (PIN) GND or Signal GND

4 (PIN) signal output

Connection of mA-sensors 2-pole terminal clamp

with 2-pole terminal
Push the sensor cable through the black cable gland of the cap.
Then fasten the wires in the terminals of the sensor electronics. By
hand, screw the cap only now onto the sensor body/shaft until the o-
ring seals. Now tighten the black cable gland (fixing the cable). For
disconnection untighten the black cable gland first to release the
Recommended cable: diameter approx. 4 mm, 2 x 0.25 mm².

Connection of mA-sensors 5 pole screw-connector, M12,

with 5-pole M12 plug-on
flange reverse polarity protection

pin configuration: PIN 2: +U

PIN 3: -U

As a rule the sensor is run in after about 3 hours so that a first adjustment can be made. The run-in
period of the OZ7 can take up to 5 hours or longer. The adjustment has to be repeated after approx.
one day. If there is some disinfectant in the measuring water it benefits the run-in period.
For proper function of the sensor the slope adjustment has to be repeated in regular intervals.

8 Control of the sensor / Analytics

A balance or checking of the probe using DPD-method or sulphuric titration with potassium
permanganate and if necessary sodium thiosulfate respectively, is recommended. This should be
performed regularly depending on utilization.

Recommendation: weekly check, if necessary more frequently.

The titrated value is adjusted by means of slope calibration function of the controller (see Operation
Manual of the Controller).

We recommend to replace the electrolyte every 3 - 6 month.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

8.1 Analytics chlorine dioxide

Provided that there are no other oxidants present in the measuring water, e. g. chlorine and ozone,
chlorine dioxide can be determined in the same way as “free chlorine” (DPD-1). The result of this
determination has to be multiplied by the factor 1.9, which shows the concentration in mg/l of chlorine

8.2 Analytics peracetic acid

The determination of the peracetic acid concentration should be performed by using sulphuric titration
with potassium permanganate and sodium thiosulfate.

8.3 Analytics ozone

Provided that there are no other oxidants in the measuring water, e. g. chlorine and chlorine dioxide,
ozone can be determined by DPD-method. For this, a DPD total chlorine determination has to be done
(DPD-4 or DPD-1 + DPD-3). The measuring value obtained has to be multiplied by a factor of 0.68,
which shows the ozone concentration in mg/l. This method can be used for ozone concentrations up to
1 mg/l.

8.4 Analytics hydrogen peroxide

The determination of the hydrogen peroxide concentration should be performed by using one-level
sulphuric titration with potassium permanganate.

8.5 Sensors with 2-pole terminal + CE-mark (4-20mA)

Factory provided the potentiometer sideways to the 2-pole-connector is adjusted on the measuring
range which is specified on the label. This adjustment is secured by a sealing wax. The setting of the
potentiometer should not be changed.

9 Disassembling of the sensor

Switch of secondary measuring and/or control systems or switch them to manual operation before
dismantling the sensor. A disassembled sensor results in an incorrect measuring value, which may
cause an uncontrolled dosing within a control system.

Lock the measuring water supply at first and after that the outlet. Disconnect the sensor from the

Disconnection of sensors with 2-pole terminal: First untighten the PG screw-connection so that the
cable is released. Unscrew the cap from the sensor.
Then disconnect the wires from the 2-pole-terminal.

Untighten the screw-connection and pull out the sensor carefully.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

10 Maintenance of the sensor

Caution: The brown coating of the electrode finger must not be emeried!!

Do not unscrew the metallic membrane holder from the cap as this will damage the

Check the sensor regularly for dirt, algae and bubbles. As far as possible avoid contamination of the
membrane with solid particles, deposits etc. Bubbles on the outside of the membrane can be
eliminated by increasing the flow rate temporary.

A slope adjustment has to be made after a change of the membrane cap or the electrolyte.

10.1 Change of electrolyte

Recommendation: Change the electrolyte every 3 – 6 months. And also, if an adjustment is

impossible due to unstable or too low values displayed.

Lift the two hose rings on the membrane cap above the type marking sealing the vent sideways so that
the opening is free (see fig. 3). The membrane cap is unscrewed and then air streams into the
uncovered vent. The electrode finger is cleaned with a clean, dry paper towel. With the special
abrasive paper supplied just the tip of the dry electrode finger (= working electrode) is cleaned. Place
the special abrasive paper on paper towel, hold it at one corner and rub the electrode tip of slightly
inclined probe two or three times across the abrasive paper (see fig. 4). Replace one hose ring in the
deepening and prepare the sensor according item 5 for installation: fill with electrolyte, if necessary
knock with the sensor shaft onto the membrane cap to remove air entrapments on the inner side of the
membrane that might have built up (see fig. 5 “knock-method”), add electrolyte if necessary, screw on
the membrane cap, replace the second hose ring into the deepening.

If the sensor still displays unstable or too low values, a new membrane cap must be used.

10.2 Change of membrane cap

Recommendation: Change of the membrane cap once a year. And also, if an adjustment is
impossible due to unstable or too low values displayed.

Lift the two hose rings on the membrane cap above the type marking sealing the vent sideways so that
the opening is free (see fig. 3). The membrane cap is unscrewed and then air streams into the
uncovered vent. The electrode finger is cleaned with a clean, dry paper towel. With the special
abrasive paper supplied just the tip of the dry electrode finger (= working electrode) is cleaned. Place
the special abrasive paper on paper towel, hold it at one corner and rub the electrode tip of slightly
inclined probe two or three times across the abrasive paper (see fig. 4). Take a new membrane cap
and fill with electrolyte, if necessary knock with the sensor shaft onto the membrane cap to remove air
entrapments on the inner side of the membrane that might have built up (see fig. 5 “knock-method”).

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

If the sensor still displays unstable or too low values, a check / reconditioning by the manufacturer has
to be done.

Note: When starting up a new membrane cap with an ozone sensor (M7N O3, M7D O3) the run-in
period may take up to 24 hours until 100% of the measuring signal is reached.

Fig. 3: Fig. 4: Fig. 5:

11 Storage

To store the sensor the membrane cap is unscrewed and the G-Holder removed with the tweezers.
Membrane cap and electrode finger are rinsed in clean water and dried in a place free of dust. The dry
membrane cap is then loosely screwed onto the electrode shaft to protect the electrode finger. The
membrane must not rest against the measuring electrode.

When putting the sensor back into use after storage, the electrode tip must be cleaned with the special
abrasive paper and a new membrane cap with new G-Holder must be used (see item 5).

Used membrane caps which have been in operation for at least 1 day cannot be stored and reused.

12 Electrical specifications

The sensors have to be operated potentialfree. A current flow between the sensors and the measuring
water is not allowed. Therefore the measuring and control devices must be supplied with a galvanical
isolation. When a 4-20 mA current loop is present a galvanical isolation can be achieved by using a
isolating amplifier.

The sensors are only allowed to be operated with the specified voltage supply.

Ensure that the supply voltage of the measuring and/or control device is stable. Too low a voltage
supply can cause incorrect measuring values, which may result in dangerous overdosing within a
control system.

NOTE: A potential-free electrical connection is necessary as the sensor electronic is not equipped with
a galvanical isolation.

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

12.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7 / Ozone sensor OZ7

Type N/H/L Up / HUp MA-x

EMC-Testing DIN EN 61326-1

RoHS compliant

Voltage supply ±5 … ±15 V DC +10 …+30 V DC 12 V DC

(load resistor: max. 50 )

Up to

30 V DC
(load resistor: 50 until 900 )

Power approx. 4 mA
consumption approx. 10 mA (max. current by overloading:
approx. 30 mA)

Signal Analog signal output Analog signal output Analog signal output

transmission (mV per mg/l) (mV per mg/l) 4 – 20 mA (uncalibrated)

N: appr. -100 Up: appr. +100 (16 mA/measuring range in

H: appr. -1000 HUp: appr. +1000
= nominal slope in mA/ppm)
L: appr. -10

Internal signal

Measuring N: 0.05… appr. 20.00 Up: 0.05… appr. 20.00 x = Measuring range
H: 0.005…appr. 2.000 HUp: 0.005… appr. 2.000 in mg/L
(mg/L) L: 0.5… appr. 200.0

(e. g. OZ7MA2: Measuring

range up to 2 mg/L ozone)

Connection 4-pole screw 4-pole screw connector 2-pole terminal or 5-

connector power supply is gal pole M12 plug-on
information Ground power supply vanically isolated flange
and ground signal are connections are connection is pro
the same protected against tected against polarity
connections are polarity reversal reversal
protected against the 4-20 mA
polarity reversal connection to the
device also supplies
the sensor with current
slope adjustment at
the device necessary
(Subject to technical changes!)

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

12.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7 / Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7

Type N/H/L Up / HUp MA-x

EMC-Testing DIN EN 61326-1

RoHS compliant

Voltage supply ±5 … ±15 V DC +10 …+30 V DC 12 V DC

(load resistor: max. 50 )

Up to

30 V DC
(load resistor: 50 until 900 )

Power approx. 4 mA
consumption approx. 10 mA (max. current by overloading:
approx. 30 mA)

Signal Analog signal output Analog signal output Analog signal output

transmission (mV per ppm) (mV per ppm) 4 – 20 mA


N: appr. -1 Up: appr. +1

H: appr. -10 HUp: appr. +10 (16 mA/measuring range in ppm

L: appr. -0,1 = nominal slope in mA/ppm)

Internal signal

Measuring range N: 0.05… appr. 2000 Up: 0.05… appr. 2000 x = Measuring range

(ppm) H: 0.005…appr. 20 HUp: 0.005… appr. 200 in mg/L

L: 0.5… appr. 2 %

(e. g. PES7MA-CC: Measuring

range up to 200 mg/L peracetic

Connection 4-pole screw 4-pole screw connector 2-pole terminal or 5-pole

connector power supply is M12 plug-on flange
information Ground power galvanically isolated connection is protected
supply and ground connections are against polarity reversal
signal are the same protected against the 4-20 mA connection
connections are polarity reversal to the device also
protected against supplies the sensor with
polarity reversal current
slope adjustment at the
device necessary
(Subject to technical changes!)

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

13 Technical Data
Data sheets are available for each type of sensor.

13.1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CD7

All kinds of water treatment, also sea water

(e. g. bottle washing machine, CIP-plants)

Measuring system Membrane covered, amperometric 2-electrode system

Analog version: - voltage output

- not galvanically isolated electronics
- analog internal data processing
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
mA-version: - current output analog
- not galvanically isolated electronics
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
- only valid for sensors with 2-pole-terminal &
CE-mark: poti for (restricted) adjustment of
measuring range
Slope of a sensor can vary production-related or application-related between
65% and 150% of the nominal slope

-> Recommendation to determine the suitable measuring range or the

Information about the measuring suitable sensor:
range of sensors with 4-20 mA Concentration to be measured x factor 1.5 = measuring range of the

Example: Concentration to be measured 1.6 ppm x 1.5 = 2.4

-> recommended sensor with a measuring range of 5 ppm

indicator Chlorine dioxide

Working temperature 0 – <50 °C (no ice crystals in the measuring water)

Automatically, by an integrated temperature sensor

Temperature compensation
Temperature changes <5 °C

Max. allowed working pressure 1,0 bar, no pressure impulses and/or vibrations

Flow rate approx. 30L/h, small flow rate dependence is given

pH-range pH 1 – pH 11

Run-in time First start-up approx. 1 h

Response time T90: approx. 1,5 min.

Zero point adjustment Not necessary

Slope calibration At the device, by analytical determination

Cl2: does not disturb
O3: is measured with a sensitivity 25-times higher than ClO2
analog-out/analog version: 4-pole plug adapter

4-20 mA version: 2-pole terminal (2 x 1 mm²)

5-pole M12, plug-on flange
(PIN2: +U, PIN3: -U)

material PVC-U, stainless steel 1.4571

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

diameter: approx. 25 mm
Length: analog-out/analog version approx. 175 mm
4-20 mA version approx. 220 mm (2-pole-terminal)
approx. 190 mm (5-pole-M12)
Probe: Frost-protected, dry and without electrolyte no limit at
>5 - <40 °C
storage Membrane cap: Used membrane caps cannot be stored!
Electrolyte: in original bottle protected from sunlight min. 1 year at
>10 - <35 °C
Regularly control of the measuring signal, min. once a week
The following specifications depend on the water quality:
Change of the membrane cap: once a year
Change of the electrolyte: every 3 - 6 months

13.2 Peracetic acid sensor PES7

All kinds of water treatment, also sea water

Conductivity acids are tolerated, water must not contain any surfactants
(e. g. bottle washing machine, CIP-plants)

Measuring system Membrane covered, amperometric 2-electrode system

Analog version: - voltage output

- not galvanically isolated electronics
- analog internal data processing
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
mA-version: - current output analog
- not galvanically isolated electronics
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
- only valid for sensors with 2-pole-terminal &
CE-mark: poti for (restricted) adjustment of
measuring range
Slope of a sensor can vary production-related or application-related between
65% and 150% of the nominal slope

-> Recommendation to determine the suitable measuring range or the

Information about the measuring suitable sensor:
range of sensors with 4-20 mA Concentration to be measured x factor 1.5 = measuring range of the

Example: Concentration to be measured 1.6 ppm x 1.5 = 2.4

-> recommended sensor with a measuring range of 5 ppm

indicator Peracetic acid

Working temperature 0 – 45 °C (no ice crystals in the measuring water)

Automatically, by an integrated temperature sensor

Temperature compensation
Temperature changes <5 °C

Max. allowed working pressure 1,0 bar, no pressure impulses and/or vibrations

Flow rate approx. 30L/h, small flow rate dependence is given

pH-range pH 1 – pH 6

Run-in time First start-up approx. 1 h

Response time T90: approx. 3 min.

Zero point adjustment Not necessary

Slope calibration At the device, by analytical determination

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O3: is measured with a factor of 2.500 of its measuring value

interferences ClO2: is measured with a factor of 1 of its measuring value
H2O2: is measured with a factor of 0,005 of its measuring value
analog-out/analog version: 4-pole plug adapter

4-20 mA version: 2-pole terminal (2 x 1 mm²)

5-pole M12, plug-on flange
(PIN2: +U, PIN3: -U)

1 % sulfuric acid or 1 % nitric acid in the water have no influence on the sensor
influence of conductivity acids
or the measuring behaviour respectively.

material PVC-U, stainless steel 1.4571

diameter: approx. 25 mm
Length: analog-out/analog version approx. 175 mm
4-20 mA version approx. 220 mm (2-pole-terminal)
approx. 190 mm (5-pole-M12)
Probe: Frost-protected, dry and without electrolyte no limit at
>5 - <40 °C
storage Membrane cap: Used membrane caps cannot be stored!
Electrolyte: in original bottle protected from sunlight min. 1 year at
>10 - <35 °C
Regularly control of the measuring signal, min. once a week
The following specifications depend on the water quality:
Change of the membrane cap: once a year
Change of the electrolyte: every 3 - 6 months

13.3 Ozone sensor OZ7

All kinds of water treatment, also sea water

Application Tensides are tolerated.
(e. g. bottle washing machine, CIP-plants)

Measuring system Membrane covered, amperometric 2-electrode system

Analog version: - voltage output

- not galvanically isolated electronics
- analog internal data processing
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
mA-version: - current output analog
- not galvanically isolated electronics
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
- only valid for sensors with 2-pole-terminal &
CE-mark: poti for (restricted) adjustment of
measuring range
Slope of a sensor can vary production-related or application-related between
65% and 150% of the nominal slope

-> Recommendation to determine the suitable measuring range or the

Information about the measuring suitable sensor:
range of sensors with 4-20 mA Concentration to be measured x factor 1.5 = measuring range of the

Example: Concentration to be measured 1.6 ppm x 1.5 = 2.4

-> recommended sensor with a measuring range of 5 ppm

indicator ozone

Working temperature 0 – <50 °C (no ice crystals in the measuring water)

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Automatically, by an integrated temperature sensor

Temperature compensation
Temperature changes <5 °C per hour

Max. allowed working pressure 1,0 bar, no pressure impulses and/or vibrations

Flow rate approx. 30L/h, small flow rate dependence is given

pH-range pH 2 – pH 11

Run-in time First start-up approx. 1 h

Response time T90: approx. 50 sec.

Zero point adjustment Not necessary

Slope calibration At the device, by analytical determination

Cl2: OZ7H: increases the measuring value about 1,5 %

interferences OZ7N: negligible
ClO2: OZ7N: increases the measuring value about 6 %
analog-out/analog version: 4-pole plug adapter

4-20 mA version: 2-pole terminal (2 x 1 mm²)

5-pole M12, plug-on flange
(PIN2: +U, PIN3: -U)

material PVC-U, stainless steel 1.4571

diameter: approx. 25 mm
Length: analog-out/analog version approx. 175 mm
4-20 mA version approx. 220 mm (2-pole-terminal)
approx. 190 mm (5-pole-M12)
Probe: Frost-protected, dry and without electrolyte no limit at
>5 - <40 °C
storage Membrane cap: Used membrane caps cannot be stored!
Electrolyte: in original bottle protected from sunlight min. 1 year at
>10 - <35 °C
Regularly control of the measuring signal, min. once a week
The following specifications depend on the water quality:
Change of the membrane cap: once a year
Change of the electrolyte: every 3 - 6 months

13.4 Hydrogen peroxide sensor WP7

All kinds of water treatment, also sea water

(e. g. bottle washing machine, CIP-plants)

Measuring system Membrane covered, amperometric 2-electrode system

Analog version: - voltage output

- not galvanically isolated electronics
- analog internal data processing
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
mA-version: - current output analog
- not galvanically isolated electronics
- output signal: analog (analog-out/analog)
- only valid for sensors with 2-pole-terminal &
CE-mark: poti for (restricted) adjustment of
measuring range

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

Slope of a sensor can vary production-related or application-related between

65% and 150% of the nominal slope

-> Recommendation to determine the suitable measuring range or the

Information about the measuring suitable sensor:
range of sensors with 4-20 mA Concentration to be measured x factor 1.5 = measuring range of the

Example: Concentration to be measured 1.6 ppm x 1.5 = 2.4

-> recommended sensor with a measuring range of 5 ppm

indicator Hydrogen peroxide

Working temperature 0 – <45 °C (no ice crystals in the measuring water)

Automatically, by an integrated temperature sensor

Temperature compensation
Temperature changes <5 °C

Max. allowed working pressure 1,0 bar, no pressure impulses and/or vibrations

Flow rate approx. 30L/h, small flow rate dependence is given

pH-range pH 2 – pH 11

Run-in time First start-up approx. 3 h

Response time T90: approx. 5 min. …10 min.

Zero point adjustment Not necessary

Slope calibration At the device, by analytical determination

Cl2: must not be present PAA:

must not be present O3:
interferences must not be present
Sulfides: contaminate the measuring system
Phenol: aqueous solution >3 % phenol, destroys the membrane system
analog-out/analog version: 4-pole plug adapter

4-20 mA version: 2-pole terminal (2 x 1 mm²)

5-pole M12, plug-on flange
(PIN2: +U, PIN3: -U)

material PVC-U, stainless steel 1.4571

diameter: approx. 25 mm
Length: analog-out/analog version approx. 175 mm
4-20 mA version approx. 220 mm (2-pole-terminal)
approx. 190 mm (5-pole-M12)
Probe: Frost-protected, dry and without electrolyte no limit at
>5 - <40 °C
storage Membrane cap: Used membrane caps cannot be stored!
Electrolyte: in original bottle protected from sunlight min. 1 year at
>10 - <35 °C
Regularly control of the measuring signal, min. once a week
The following specifications depend on the water quality:
Change of the membrane cap: once a year
Change of the electrolyte: every 3 - 6 months

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14 General operating guidelines

The sensor has to be operated in an upright position, so that the incoming flow comes from the
bottom up to the membrane.
During unpressurised operation with free outflow of the measuring water air bubbles have no
disturbing effect unless they cover the membrane. Air bubbles at the membrane obstruct the inflow
of the disinfectant, which leads to incorrect measuring signals.
The flow rate must be constant.
The membrane life is typically one year, but can vary considerably depending on the water quality.
Heavy contamination of the membrane should be avoided.
Each sensor has been tested and the results are documented.
During interval operation of the measuring system / plant the sensor is not allowed to be
disconnected from the power supply. The sensor must be connected to the power supply all the
time. The sensor must not be allowed to stand dry.
The sensor is not allowed to be operated in water that is free of disinfectant for a longer period
(>1 day). Danger: build-up of sediments/contaminations (e. g. biological) on the membrane. This
can interfere or block a later measurement of the disinfectant.
After any operation without disinfectant, run-in periods must be reckoned with. If required, switch
on metering unit time-delayed.
If no disinfectant is dosed for a longer period of time, the sensor must be disconnected from the
device, disassembled and stored dry (see section 11).
The presence of reducing-, oxidising reagents and corrosion inhibitors may interfere with the

15 Spare Parts

Membrane caps Electrolyte

M7N (Art. No. 11014)

PES7H, PES7N, PES7Up, PES7Un, PES7MAx (x=D, M, MM)
(Art. No. 11020)

CD7H, CD7N, CD7Up, CD7HUp, CD7HUn, ECD4/W - ECD7/W

CD7MAx (x=0.5 / 2 / 5 / 10) (Art. No. 11030)

WP7HUn, WP7Un, WP7Up, WP7HUp, EWP7/W

WP7MAx (x=CC, D, MM) (Art. No. 11201)

M7D (Art. No. 11015)

(Art. No. 11201)

M7L (Art. No. 11010)

(Art. No. 11022)

WP7LUn, WP7Up-CM, WP7CUn, WP7MA-x (x=XXM, LM, CM)
(Art. No. 11201)

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M7N O3 (Art. No. 11018)

OZ7H, OZ7MA0.2, OZ7MA0.5
(Art. No. 11102)

M7D O3 (Art. No. 11017)

OZ7N, OZ7Up, OZ7MA2, OZ7MA5, OZ7MA10
(Art. No. 11102)

16 Trouble Shooting

Trouble shooting must take account of the whole measuring circuit system from the extraction point to
drain. In general, the measuring system consists of:

electrical leads and its connectors
measuring and control device
flow chambers with hose connections / pipe connections

16.1 General Troubleshooting

Fault Possible Cause Action

Sensor cannot be calibrated / Run-in time too short See item 5, repeat calibration
deviation of the measuring after several hours
value from titration result
Replace membrane cap, see
Membrane cracked item 10.2

Membrane cap damaged Replace membrane cap, see

item 10.2

Interfering substances in the Examine the measuring water

measuring water for interfering substances and
remedy, if necessary consult

Short-circuit / damage in the Locate and eliminate short-

signal lead circuit / defect, if necessary
change the measuring cable

Distance between working Screw the membrane cap

electrode and membrane is too tightly onto the shaft until it hits
great the shaft

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DPD-/titration chemicals spent Use new DPD-/titration

chemicals, repeat calibration

Only valid for peracetic acid:

Improper method of titration Repeat titration with an

appropriate method (with a
minimal titration volume)
Deposits on the membrane With a soft brush (e. g.
toothbrush) and scoring agent
remove deposits carefully

Otherwise replace membrane

cap, see item 10.2

Air bubbles on the outside of Increase the flow rate

the membrane temporary, if necessary check
installation and revise it

Air entrapments on the inner Knock with the electrode shaft

side of the membrane on the membrane cap until no
air bubbles bubble up anymore
(see paragraph 5 “knock

Sensor defective Return the sensor to the

manufacturer for

No electrolyte in the membrane Fill membrane cap with

cap electrolyte and follow the
instructions of item 5

concentration of the disinfectant Check the whole system,

exceeds the upper limit of the remedy fault, repeat calibration
measuring range

Measuring signal is not Membrane cracked Replace membrane cap, see

stable item 10.2

Air Bubbles in the electrolyte Empty out the membrane cap

and refill it carefully with new
electrolyte without bubbles, see
item 10.1

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Air bubbles on the outside of Increase the flow rate

the membrane temporary, if necessary check
installation and revise it

Air entrapments on the inner Knock with the electrode shaft

side of the membrane on the membrane cap until no
air bubbles bubble up anymore
(see paragraph 5 “knock

Pressure fluctuations in the Check installation, if necessary

measuring water revise it

Reference electrode exhausted Return sensor for

and/or contaminated reconditioning to the

Only for MA-sensors: Sensor is connected to the Correctly connect the sensor to
measuring and/or control the measuring and/or control
Output signal is 0 device with wrong polarity device

Signal lead is broken Replace signal lead

Sensor defective Return the sensor to the

manufacturer for

Measuring and/or control Check the measuring and/or

device defective control device

16.2 Special troubleshooting for sensor

When the electrode finger turns shiny silver or white the sensor must be reconditioned by the

Tightness check Membrane cap M7N / M7N O3, M7D / M7D O3, M7L
of membrane
cap 1. Thoroughly dry the outside of the membrane cap to be checked
2. Prepare membrane cap according to instruction manual and fill with
electrolyte or clean water
3. Dry the outside of the membrane cap again if necessary
4. Slowly and carefully screw membrane cap on sensor according to the
instruction manual
5. When screwing the membrane cap on, check if liquid leaks through the

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”

Thoroughly check if liquid leaks through the membrane or exits at the
designated points. If necessary, repeat tightness check.

-> If dripping can be observed at the membrane, the membrane is damaged

and a new membrane cap must be used.

-> Check if the reference electrode was damaged by the exchange from
measuring water to electrolyte. If it is not intact anymore, the sensor must
be send back to the manufacturer for testing.

Check of the 1. Unscrew membrane cap

electronic 2. Thoroughly rinse off electrode finger and dry carefully using clean cloth
system 3. Connect sensor to measurement/control device and wait for approx. 5 min.
4. Take readings of original sensor signal from measurement/control device
(dry test) or measure using a digital multimeter
A) Sensor (mV): approx. +/- 0 mV
B) Sensor (mA): approx. 4 mA
C) Sensor (µA): approx. 0 µA

-> If the sensor signal approximately corresponds to the above mentioned

values, the electronic system is likely to be ok.

-> If the measured value significantly deviates from the above mentioned
values, the sensor must be send back to the manufacturer for testing.

Zero point After the check of the electronic system

1. Prepare sensor for start-up according to section 5 of the instruction
2. Connect sensor to measurement/control device
3. Place sensor carefully into a beaker filled with clean tab water (free from
4. Stir for approx. 30 sec. using sensor in beaker (without causing air
5. Then leave the sensor in the beaker and wait until the run-in time has
passed (at least for 1 hour)
6. Take readings of original sensor signal from measurement/control device
or measure using a digital multimeter
7. The sensor signal should approach zero.

-> If the sensor signal approaches zero, the zero point is likely to be ok.

-> If the measured value deviates significantly from zero, maintenance must
be carried out on the sensor according to section 10 of the instruction
manual and the zeropoint check must be repeated. It has to be taken into
account that a freshly cleaned working electrode (measuring electrode)
has a relatively high zero point. The sensor needs a few days to reach its
lowest zero point again.

-> If the measured value does not approach zero even after maintenance
was carried out, the sensor must be send back to the manufacturer for

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Instruction Manual for the sensors TARAtec series “7”


For sensors with very limited measurement ranges or high sensitivity, the zero
points are always slightly above those of sensors with larger measurement
ranges or low sensitivity.

Signal check After zero point check

1. Add some disinfectant to the beaker filled with clean tab water from
section “zero point check“
2. Stir as steadily as possible using the sensor connected to the
measurement device for at least 5 min.
3. During this time, you should observe an increase of the measuring signal

-> If the sensor signal increases, the sensor is likely to be ok. If the sensor
does not react to the disinfectant, maintenance must be carried out on the
sensor according to section 10 of the operating instructions and the “signal
check” must be repeated.

-> If the sensor still does not react to the disinfectant, the sensor must be
send back to the manufacturer for testing.

Periphery check e. g.

1. Check flow
2. Check measuring cable
3. Check measurement/control device
4. Check proper calibration
5. Check dosing unit
6. Check concentration of disinfectant in the dosing tank
7. Check suitability of sensor for measuring the dosed disinfectant
8. Check concentration of disinfectant in the measuring water (analytics)
9. Check pH value of the measuring water
10. Check temperature of measuring water
11. Check pressure in the flow fittings
12. Check analytics

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17 Warranty

We grant a manufacturer’s warranty of two years on the electrode body including the electronics
subject to appropriate application. The warranty does not apply to the membrane cap (wearing part),
electrolyte (consumable material) and service work to be performed.

(Cleaning of the parts in contact with the electrolyte, renewing the silver chloride coating of the
electrode finger and cleaning of the electrode tip with special abrasive paper). Should there be
mechanical damage or should the serial number be illegible, the warranty becomes void.

Return of a sensor for check/reconditioning: Only shipments are accepted that are returned with
carriage paid. Otherwise they will be returned to the sender.

On checked/reconditioned sensors we grant a warranty of one year on the electrode body including
the electronics subject to appropriate application from the date of check/reconditioning. Should there
be mechanical damage or should the serial number be illegible, this warranty becomes void.

18 Liability disclaimer

The sensors are manufactured with the greatest care and is subjected to a documented function test.

Should any malfunctions occur in the sensor despite this, no liability claims may be lodged against the
manufacturer in case of damage resulting from this malfunction.

Subject to technical changes!

Reiss GmbH
Elektrochemische Messtechnik
Eisleber Str. 5
D - 69469 Weinheim

Tel. + 49(0)6201/25939-0
Fax + 49(0)6201/25939-10

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