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Usability, Customer Satisfaction, Service, and Trust Towards Mobile Banking User Loyalty

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 186

15th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2018)

Usability, customer satisfaction, service, and trust towards mobile

banking user loyalty
Victoria Detra Johannes, Indarini, & Silvia Margaretha
University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of usability, customer satisfaction, cus-
tomer service and trust towards mobile banking user loyalty in Surabaya. The data used in this research were
primary data obtained from questionnaires. Respondents of the study were 200 respondents who live in Sura-
baya and use mobile banking facility from BCA, BNI or Bank Mandiri over the past 6 months. Data processing
was conducted using SPSS 18 for Windows and Amos Graphic 21 for Windows. Non-probability sampling
with purposive sampling type was applied as the sampling technique. The result of this research showed there
is a positive influence between usability, customer satisfaction, customer service and trust towards loyalty.
Keywords: trust, customer satisfaction, customer service, trust, loyalty, mobile banking

1 INTRODUCTION Yet, internet banking can also be accessed via mobile

phone or tablet computer.
Technological advancements tighten the competition This research was conducted to examine the influ-
in the globalization era. Various information can be ence of usability, customer satisfaction, customer ser-
accessed anytime and anywhere via the internet. A vice, and trust to mobile banking user loyalty in Su-
variety of needs and transactions that used to be done rabaya. Based on several previous studies examined,
only manually can now be done digitally even from there is a research gap related to the influence of trust
home without the need for face-to-face interaction or towards loyalty.
going to a service provider. In order to deal with these Thakur (2014) shows trust does not significantly
technological advancements, a company should uti- affect the loyalty of mobile banking users. While pre-
lize the information technology in order to reach more vious studies (Mukherjee & Nath 2003, Schaupp &
consumers and meet the needs and demands without Belanger 2005) show the contrary result. Moreover,
time and space constraints. some researches in Indonesia by Maharsi & Fenny
One of the rapid growing services with increasing (2006) demonstrate that trust and sense of security af-
users and transaction is mobile banking. According to fect customer loyalty., mobile banking is defined as “the
use of a smart phone or other mobile devices to per-
form online banking tasks while away from your 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
home computer, such as monitoring account bal-
ances, transferring funds between accounts, bill pay- The effect of usability on customer satisfaction
ments and locating an ATM”. Thakur (2014) states that "Ease of use or usability is
There is no significant difference between internet one of the most important factors for determining the
banking and mobile banking. Mobile banking uses quality of a web site and therefore, it influences the
applications provided by banks through platforms or levels of customer satisfaction". H1: Usability has a
media such as iOS and Android. Meanwhile, internet direct and positive effect on satisfaction in m-banking
banking is generally still accessible through a partic- business.
ular website address with multiple securities and usu- The effect of customer service on customer
ally accompanied by a companion tool or device that satisfaction Thakur (2014) stated in his research "cus-
is the key used for transaction. tomer service affects customer satisfaction positively
and significantly. H2: Customer service has a direct
Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 144
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 186
and positive impact on customer satisfaction in m- 3 RESULT METHODS
banking business.
The effect of usability on customer service, Takhur This research uses primary data and information. The
(2014) argues that a good interface display and ease data obtained through questionnaire distribution to
of use will make customers feel positive about cus- the respondents with specified targets and character-
tomer service. If the consumer is provided with infor- istics. This questionnaire contains a list of written
mation on how to use the application, the customer statements about the responses of respondents to the
will likely have a positive evaluation of the service. usability, customer satisfaction, trust, customer ser-
Based on research conducted by Floh & vice and loyalty of mobile banking users of Bank
Treiblmaier (2006), "Usability has been found to be BCA, Bank BNI and Bank Mandiri.
an antecedent of customer service". H3: Usability has The target population of this study is customers
a direct and positive effect on customer service on m- who registered and used mobile banking facilities
banking business. over the past 6 months. The characteristics of the pop-
The effect of customer service to trust, based on a ulation are: (1) customers registering and using mo-
study conducted by Zhou (2012) usability has a sig- bile banking facilities from Bank BCA, Bank BNI or
nificant effect on trust. While Yeh & Li (2009) whose Bank Mandiri over the past 6 months; (2) Aged over
research was conducted in Taiwan stated that, "Un- 19 years; (3) having minimum education level of Sen-
like previous the results indicated that interactivity ior High School/Vocational School; and (4) domi-
and responsiveness did not lead to trust develop- ciled in Surabaya. These respondents are expected to
ment." Thus, the positive influence of usability and provide the required information which match with
customer service on trusts should be investigated”. the research purposes. The measurement scale of this
H4: Customer service has a direct and positive impact study uses interval measurement scale with a numer-
on customer trust in m-banking business. ical scale of 1 to 7.
The effect of usability to trust, based on a study on
the adoption of m-banking users in four areas
conducted by Zhou (2012) in China stated that, 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
"Besides structural assurance, both ubiquity and
perceived ease of use have significant effects on Using the questionnaire distribution, data processing
trust." There fore ease of use or usability have a will be done to obtain the result of hypothesis proof.
significant influence on trust, and refers to the results Measurement model result shows that each indicator
of research Darmasetiawan et al. (2013) that trust has standardized loadings > 0.5 and generated AVE
underlay cooperation between one another. H5: is > 0.5 which demonstrate that indicator of all re-
Usability has a direct and positive effect on customer search variables namely usability, customer service,
trust in m-banking business. customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty have shown
The effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty good measurements. Construct reliability values gen-
Thakur (2014) has proposed that the intention to con- erated in each variable is > 0.7 which indicates that
tinue to use a service is influenced by the satisfaction these indicators have good reliability. Amos software
of the online application itself. In accordance with the was used to test the measurement and structural
existing literature that users who are not satisfied with model which then followed by hypothesis analysis
the services of a company will seek satisfaction else- that explains the acceptance or rejection of a hypoth-
where (O'Malley & Tynan 2000, Lin & Wang 2006). esis. The result can be seen in table 1:
Other marketing literature also states that the higher
the level of satisfaction will tend to increase one's loy-
Table 1. Analysis of the coefficient of determination of a mul-
alty level (Anderson 1994, Gangguli & Roy 2011, tiple linear regression.
Hallowell 1996, Yoon & Kim 2000). H6: Customer __________________________________________________
satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on cus- Hypothesis C.R. Description
tomer loyalty in m-banking business. H1 Usability è 2.27*** supported
The effect of trust on loyalty in addition to cus- Satisfaction
tomer satisfaction, a study conducted by Lin & Wang H2 Customer Service è 3.86*** supported
(2006) mentions that trust has an influence on cus- H3 Usability è 11.70*** supported
tomer loyalty. Reducing the risk of online transac- Customer Service
tions and maintaining transaction trusts are key to at- H4 Customer Service è 4.69*** supported
tracting and retaining customers (Lee & Chung 2009, Trust
Luo et al. 2010). H7: Customer trust has a direct and H5 Usability è Trust 3.11*** supported
H6 Satisfaction è 2.47*** supported
positive impact on customer loyalty in m-banking Loyalty
business. H7 Trust è Loyalty 8.02*** supported
*** significant as p-value <0.1% or 0.001.
Based on the result of hypothesis testing, it can be
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 186
described the result of new research models with the 21 for Windows program are supported. Here is the
result of numbers entered into research variables (see explanation: There is a positive influence of usability,
figure 1): customer service on customer satisfaction of mobile
banking users in Surabaya. There is a positive influ-
ence of usability on customer service of mobile bank-
ing users in Surabaya. There is a positive effect of
customer service on trust of mobile banking users in
Surabaya. There is a positive influence of usability to
trust of mobile banking users in Surabaya. There is a
positive influence of satisfaction on loyalty of mobile
banking users in Surabaya. There is a positive influ-
ence of trust on loyalty of mobile banking users in
From the research results, it is known that trust has
the biggest influence on loyalty of mobile banking
user. Therefore, banking companies must continue to
Figure 1. Overall Structural Model. maintain customer trust by providing services that are
always keeping up with the needs of current custom-
The result of this study indicates that usability has ers such as the addition of The Indonesian National
a positive influence on customer satisfaction of mo- Health Insurance (BPJS) payment transaction feature
bile banking user in Surabaya. Thereby, it can be said and water utilities (PDAM) which is currently limited
that better display or interface and easier use of mo- to mobile banking services.
bile banking will increase customer satisfaction. Mobile banking service providers must also pro-
Customer service positively affects customer sat- vide reliable customer service and able to solve the
isfaction of mobile banking user in Surabaya. This problems experienced by customers in a correct and
signifies that better customer service of mobile bank- prompt manner.
ing provider will also increase customer satisfaction. This can be achieved through regular employee
Usability has a positive influence on customer ser- training on product knowledge of existing services on
vice of mobile banking user in Surabaya. Thus, it can mobile banking and how to deal with customers who
be said that better display or interface and easier use complain or need assistance appropriately.
of mobile banking will be an antecedent to customer In addition, mobile banking service providers also
service. need to conduct further research to the active mobile
The result shows that customer service has a posi- banking users on what should be improved in terms
tive influence on trust of mobile banking users in Su- of application display also difficulties experienced
rabaya. It can be concluded that the better the cus- when using the service. Through the following things,
tomer service, the higher the level of trust given by it is expected to create an overall customer satisfac-
customers to mobile banking services would be. tion that leads to increased customer loyalty in using
Usability has a positive effect on trust of mobile mobile banking.
banking users in Surabaya. It can be concluded that
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