Soil Taxonomy - Advantages, Surface Diagnostic Horizons
Soil Taxonomy - Advantages, Surface Diagnostic Horizons
Soil Taxonomy - Advantages, Surface Diagnostic Horizons
To overcome the shortcomings of the earlier systems of soil classification, the U.S. Soil
Survey Staff under the leadership of Guy D.Smith has developed a Comprehensive System of Soil
Classification. Initially started in 1951, several approximations were made and a comprehensive
system of soil classification, popularly called the 7 th approximation was published in 1960 with
supplements in 1964 and 1967. In 1975, the system was brought out as soil taxonomy (Soil Survey
Staff, 1975) and the 2nd edition was published during 1994 and the same is being followed till today.
Soil Taxonomy
It is the basic system of soil classification for interpreting soil survey. It is a multi categorical
system based on the concept of real bodies of soil.
Unlike the Genetic Systems, the Comprehensive System is based on measurable soil properties.
Efforts have been made to define all classes in terms of soil properties that exist today
It considers all such properties which affect soil genesis or are the outcome of soil genesis. Soil
genesis forms the backbone of the comprehensive system. But it does not appear in the definition
of the taxa.
The common definition of a class of taxonomic system is type or orthotype.
The nomenclature used in coining words is derived from Greek and Latin languages which are the
most logical system.
A new category i.e., sub group has been introduced to define the central concepts of great groups
and their intergrades
Unlike the Genetic System, it is an orderly scheme without prejudices and facilitates easy
remembering of the objects.
The basic principles followed in coining names, according to Heller (1963) are that the name
Should suggest some properties of the object
Should suggest the place of a taxon in the system
Should be as short as possible
Should be as euphonic as possible and
Should fit readily in as many languages as possible.
Criticism of Soil Taxonomy
The recently developed system of soil classification viz., soil taxonomy (1975) apparently departs
from the genetic approach
The system does not have strong geographic bias towards the four orders viz., Entisol, Vertisol,
Inceptisol and Histosol
The soils with a different genesis but with identical properties are classified within the same unit
There is no particular order for the strictly hydromorphic and saline-sodic soils, as in the case of
other systems.
Diagnostic Horizons:
These are horizons formed as result of pedogenic process. They have distinct properties that
can be measured in terms of soil properties. They are not only useful in identifying soils but also in
classifying soils at various category levels, especially great groups. There are two types of diagnostic
horizons. These are surface (epipedon) and subsurface (endopedons) horizons.
An epipedon is the surface, or uppermost soil horizon. (Epi-over, pedon-soil) It may be
thinner than the soil profile A horizon, or include the E or part or all of the B horizon. Epipedons
derived from bedrock lack rock structure and are normally darkened by organic matter. Though the
following seven epipedons are recognized, only three viz., mollic, ochric and umbric are of
importance in the soils of India.
Mollic epipedon (L. Mollis – soft)
This epipedon is a soft dark grassland soil. A thick dark coloured mineral horizon with
high (> 50 %) base saturation and strong structure. It contains more than one 1 % organic matter with
colour values darker than 5.5 dry and 3.5 moist. It is moist for more than nine months per year and
cannot have both hard consistency and massive structure.
Anthropic epipedon (Gk. Anthropos – man)
While similar to the mollic epipedon, the anthropic epipedon contains greater than 250 ppm
citric acid soluble P2O5 with or without a 50 percent base saturation and requires that the soil is moist
three months or more over 8 to 10 years. It is commonly found in fields cultivated over long periods
of time with additions of organic matter.
Umbric epipedon (L.Umbra – shade / dark)
Mollic-like in thickness, organic carbon content, color, P 2O5 content, consistence, and
structure, this epipedon has less than 50 percent base saturation (dominantly saturated with H +).
It is not naturally dry for more than three months a year.
Histic epipedon (Gk. Histos – tissue)
This organic horizon is water saturated long resulting in reduced conditions to occur unless
artificially drained. It is 20 to 60 cm thick and has a low bulk density often less than 1 g cm -3. The
actual organic matter content is dependent on the percent clay. It is thinner than 30 cm, if drained or
45 cm if not drained.
Ochric epipedon (Gk. Ochros – pale, light coloured)
This horizon is light in colour and contains less than 1 % organic matter. It is dry for more
than three months a year. The ochric epipedon extends to the first illuvial (B) horizon.
Plaggen epipedon (Gk. Plaggen – Sod)
This man-made horizon is 50 cm or more thick and has resulted from centuries of
accumulation of sod, straw, and manure. It commonly contains artifacts such as pottery and bricks.
Melanic epipedon
A thick black horizon at or near soil surface which contain four to six percent organic carbon
usually associated with short-range minerals or alluvium-humus complex. The deep dark colour is
due to accumulation of organic matter resulting from root residues. Has a colour value (moist) and
chroma of two or less throughout.
Follistic epipedon
Consists of organic soil materials that remain saturated for less than a month. The bulk
density is less than 0.1 Mg /m3 .
Grossarenic epipedon
A sandy (loamy fine sand or coarser) horizon, 100 cm or more thick over an argillic horizon.
The sulfuric horizon forms as a result of draining soil with a high sulfide content that is
oxidized to sulfates, drastically reducing the pH. It is at least 15 cm thick and has a pH of 3.5 or
less, which is toxic to plant roots, and has yellow mottles of jarosite.
Measuring 15 cm or more thick, the salic horizon contains at least 2 percent water soluble
salts like NaCl, Na2SO4. A 1:1 soil to water extract has an electrical conductivity of 30 dS/m-1
(decisiemens per meter) or more.
Albic (L. Albus – White)
A bleached (Clay, humus, and other coatings have been leached from this eluvial horizon,
leaving light colored sand and silt particles) E horizon of planosols and podzols. It has typical
colou values of > 5 (dry) or > 4 (moist).
This transitional horizon has parts of an eluvial horizon and the remnants of a degrading
argillic, kandic, or natric horizon. It is 5 cm or more in thickness.
Calcic (L. Calcic - Lime)
A horizon with secondary Ca and / Mg- carbonate enriched materials. It is 15 cm or more
thick, and has evidence of calcium carbonate movement. If the horizon is cemented, it is
classified as petrocalcic. It has 15 % or more of secondary accumulation of carbonate and
contains atleast 5 % more carbonate than any underlying horizon.
Calcium and or magnesium sulphate – enriched horizon. It is more than 15 cm thick
and contains atleast 5 % more CaSO4 than the underlying horizon.
Hardpan horizons
An indurated calcic horizon that has hardness of 3 or more (Moh scale) and whose one-
half or more of the dry fragments break down in acid, but not in water. It is cemented by
carbonates and not penetrable by spade or auger.
A strongly cemented gypsic horizon whose dry fragments donot slake in water.
Cementation restricts the penetration of roots.
A thin (2 to 10 mm thick), slowly permeable, dark reddish brown to black coloured
cemented by iron and manganese that lies within 50 cm of the surface.
Duripan (L.durus – hard, pan – hard pan)
This subsurface horizon is cemented by silica in more than 50 percent of its volume. It
dissolves in concentrated basic solution or alternating acid and then basic solutions, but does not
slake in 18 % HCl.
Fragipan (L.fagillus – brittle, pan- hard pan)
A fragipan is a brittle horizon situated at some depth below an eluvial horizon. It has a
low organic matter content, lower bulk density than overlying horizons, and hard or very hard
consistence when dry. It is mottled, slowly or very slowly permeable to water and shows
bleached cracks forming polygons. Base saturation and pH are normally low.
Plinthite (Gk. Plinthos - brick)
Plinthite is iron-rich, humus –poor mixture of clay with quartz and other diluents. It
occurs as dark red mottles, which are in platy, polygonal and reticular patterns. Plinthite changes
irreversibly to an ironstone hardpan, especially if it is exposed to heat from the sun.