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Archaeology in The ex-USSR

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Archaeological Laboratory managed by archaeological institution today is a complete-

Martyna Milewska, who employs two per- ly different experience from that of pre-1939.
sons. Usually, good managers are required as direc-
tors rather than outstanding scientists.
Conclusion In my opinion the future of archaeology in
The Polish archaeology of the future has just Poland is not a bleak one. We are undeniably
begun its adventure with a system ruled by moving rapidly toward a world in which com-
the free market economy. The experience of petition is the watchword, but that is not nec-
the pre-World War I1 period has been com- essarily bad in itself: there are also several
pletely forgotten. Moreover, managing a n bright sides to this world.

Archaeology in the ex-USSR: post-

perestroyka problems

Structure concept was refuted after Stalin in 1950 crit-

For about 70 years the USSR possessed the icized it as ‘a vulgarization of Marxism’.
world’s largest network of archaeological The structure of Soviet archaeology was
research (Trigger 1989). The foundation of this repeatedly modified in the course of recent
system was laid on 18 April 1919, when Lenin decades until it finally acquired its full status
signed a decree establishing the Russian in the 1970s.
Academy for the History of Material Culture At that time at least three hierarchical levels
(RAIMK)in place of the Imperial Archaeological could be distinguished:
Commission. The same decree proclaimed all
the historical and archaeological monuments on All-Union institutions
the Russian territory to be state property. These were entitled to carry out archaeologi-
The establishment of a centralized archaeo- cal investigations on the whole territory of the
logical structure in the newly founded com- USSR:
munist state was instigated by Nikolai Ya. Research Institutes of the Academy of
Marr (1865-1934), the Russian linguist and Sciences of the USSR
archaeologist of Marxist orientation. Institute of Archaeology, Moscow (Directors:
From the very beginning the archaeology Acad. V.P. Alexeyev; died in 1992; acting
in the USSR was largely viewed as a device director: Prof. R.M. Munchayev);
for official communist indoctrination. The Leningrad (later St Petersburg) Branch of the
study of material remains (hence the name Institute of Archaeology (Director: Prof.
of the archaeological institution) was regard- V.M. Masson);
ed as an instrument for promoting Marxist Institute of History, Ethnography and
dogmas in relation to the socio-economic Archaeology, Novosibirsk (Director: Acad.
development of pre-class a n d early-class A. Derevyanko).
societies. For a long time Marr’s teaching Each of these institutes included several
based on the formal similarities between the historically evolved departments, e.g.
evolution of languages and Marxist explana- Department of Stone Age, Department of
tion of socio-economic evolution was offi- Central Asia and Siberia, Department of North
cially regarded as a guideline for Soviet the- Pontic (Classical) Archaeology, Department of
oretical a n d practical archaeology. Marr’s Finno-Slavic Archaeology, Laboratory for

* Dcpartrnent of Archaeology, The Ilnivcrsity, Newcastle upon Tync N E 7RlJ,

~ IJK.

ANTIQCJITY 67 (3993): 150-56


Archaeological Technology (St Petersburg); Department of Archaeology, Moldova

Department of Neolithic a n d Bronze Age, Academy of Sciences (Chisinau);
Department of Slavic Archaeology, Centre of Archaeology, Georgian Academy of
Department of Classical Archaeology, Sciences, Tbilisi;
Department of Theoretical Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy of
Department of Archaeological Records, Sciences, Samarkand;
Laboratory for Scientific Methods (Moscow). Departments of Archaeology in the Baltic
Republics (Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius);
Universities Departments of Archaeology in Petrozavodsk
Large departments of archaeology exist at the (Karelia);
Moscow State University and at the St Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography in
Petersburg State University, There are depart- Erevan (Armenia);
ments of Archaeology at the universities of Department of Archaeology in Baku
Eka t erinburg ( Sver dlovs k) , Novosibirsk , (Azerbaidjan) ;
Tomsk, Vladivostok, Syktyvkar (Komi Departments of Archaeology also exist in the
Republic in the Russian North), a n d some republican academic institutions in Alma-
other universities. Ata (Kazakhstan); Ashgabad
The universities carry out mostly teaching, (Turkmenistan); Bishpek (Kyrgyzstan);
both on undergraduate and postgraduate (aspi- and Dushanbe (Tadjikistan).
rantura) levels. At the same time, the universi- The most important departments of
ties are engaged in research and carry out field Archaeology are at the universities of Tbilisi,
projects, mostly on a smaller scale than the Yerevan, Baku and Tashkent.
institutes belonging to the Academy of Science. Large archaeological collections are held at
The inadequate co-operation between the ‘aca- the museums of Tallin, Riga a n d Vilnius.
demic’ institutions and the universities was Considerable archaeological materials are dis-
one of the main shortcomings of Soviet science played at three museums in Kiev. The
inherited by the present regime. Museum of Archaeology and Zoology,
Ukrainian Academy of Science (actually
Museums under reconstruction) houses important
The most important sectinns of archaeology, Palaeolithic collections, including reconstruc-
housing considerable collections, are at the tions of Palaeolithic dwellings; the Historical
State Museum of History, Moscow; The State Museum of Ukraine gives a general panorama
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg; The of Ukrainian antiquities, from the Stone Age
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art, Moscow; to the Middle Ages; the Museum at Kiev’s
Anthropological and Ethnographic Museum Lavra contains materials from Scythian
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St tumuli and Greek sites in the northern Pontic
Petersburg. area. The archaeological museum of Odessa
Archaeological and prehistoric departments (the only specialized archaeological museum
at these museums carry out many archaeologi- in the ex-USSR) possesses a unique collection
cal expeditions: e.g. the Hermitage Museum of classical antiquities from the north Pontic
has numerous archaeological missions in sites, including the materials from pre-1917
Central Asia, the North Pontic area and the excavations.
Russian northwest. There are local archaeological museums at
some important archaeological sites. One of
Republican institutions the most impressive museums is located at
All the Soviet Republics had either the reserve of Olbia, an important complex of
Archaeological Institutes or Departments of Greek and Roman sites near the town of
Archaeology within the framework of their Nikolaev.
Academies of Sciences. The most important of Each capital of the Caucasian republics
these are: (Tbilisi, Yerevan, Baku) has national museums
Institute of Archaeology, Ukrainian Academy of history with rich archaeological collections.
of Sciences, Kiev; In addition, there are local archaeological
Department of Archaeology, Belarus Academy museums erected at most important archaeo-
of Sciences, Minsk; logical sites. Amongst these one should men-

tion the museum at Vani (a site of the classical Geography

period) in Georgia; Gharni (a fully restored During the past 70 years Soviet archaeologists
basilica of the Hellenistic era) and Metsamor (a have excavated many sites of various periods.
large Bronze Age metallurgical centre) in The excavation technique adopted i n the
Armenia; Kobystan (Stone Age rock paintings) USSR stipulates large-scale horizontal expo-
in Azerbaidjan. Outstanding archaeological sures. Great attention is being attached to the
collections were held in the Museum of identification of various types of structures
Sukhumi, Abkhazia. They included monu- and to the distribution of artefacts within
ments of the Stone Age (including megaliths), these structures. The meticulous application
classical antiquities and objects of early Middle of this technique resulted in numerous out-
Ages. There are unconfirmed reports indicating standing achievements, including the identifi-
that these treasures were destroyed during the cation of Palaeolithic dwellings in the 1930s,
recent fighting in the town. earlier than anywhere else in the world
There are national museums at each capital (Childe 1951).
of the newly independent Central Asian Another characteristic feature of Soviet
republics. An important museum reserve is at archaeology consisted in a profound interest
the Parthian site of Nisa (3rd century BC-AD in sociological interpretations - in the identi-
3rd century) near Ashgabad, Turkmenistan. fication, wherever possible, of the technology,
Substantial archaeological collections are held social organization and ideology of past soci-
at the museum attached to the Institute of eties.
Archaeology, Uzhek Academy of Sciences in All materials from the excavations are held
Samarkand. An impressive museum is located i n centralized archaeological archives.
in Pendjikent, an important Sogdian town of According to law, excavation reports should
the 5th-8th centuries AD. be submitted to the controlling institutions
To the credit of local authorities both in (field committees) within six months of the
Russia and in ex-Soviet republics, it should be completion of field work. No licence may be
stressed that, notwithstanding economic diffi- issued until the full report of the previous
culties, they spend considerable funds on the excavation campaign has been handed in and
development of archaeological museums, approved. The St Petersburg Institute houses
which are considered as an important element the largest archaeological archive i n the
of the national heritage. USSR, which also includes the documents of
the Imperial Archaeological Commission. The
Regional institutions St Petersburg Institute also has the largest col-
Each capital of an oblast’ [district) has a her- lection of archaeological visual documents
itage museum with archaeological depart- (pictorial archive).
ments. These museums carry out limited-scale The central institutions carried out field
excavations within the corresponding districts. investigations in all part of the Soviet Union.
Each oblast’ has a department for the pro- Within the republics these investigations are
tection of historical monuments (within local often carried out jointly with the republican
councils), which supervises and partially and/or regional institutions.
finances the restoration of monuments under
its protection. Funding
In Russia, like in the ex-Soviet republics The greater part of funding for archaeological
there are small museums at archaeological research in the Institutes belonging to the
sites. A sizable museum was opened a few Academy of Sciences is normally carried out
years ago in Kostenki (Voronezh oblast”), at through appropriations by the central budget
one of the best preserved late Palaeolithic office of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow
dwellings. (currently, through the local branches of the
Each Soviet Republic had a Committee for Academy of Sciences in St Petershurg, Siberia
Field Archaeology which issues licences for etc.).
excavations (otkrityi list) within the territory Another important source of funding is the
under its jurisdiction. In the Russian Development Act, which provides for major
Federation this committee is attached to the development projects to finance archaeologi-
Institute of Archaeology in Moscow. cal excavations within the terrain affected by

FlGURE 1.Most important field projects of the Institute of Archaeology (Institute for History ofMateria1
Culture), St Petersburg, 1985-92.
Stone Age (triangle)
1 Kostenki
2 Palaeolithic cave-sites in the Central Caucasus (Kudaro et al.)
3 Pulaeolithic cavesites in the Nortliern Caucasus
Chalcolithic and Bronze Age (circle]
4 Bronze Age barrows in the Northern Caucasus
5-6 Clialcolithic-Bronze Age sites in southern Turkmenistan
7 Bronze Age sites in Western Siberia
Classical Age (diamond]
8-11 Sites of the Classical Age in the Northern Pontic area
Early Medieval sites (square)
11 Ladoga
1 2 Novgorod

the development ( 3 4 % of the total budget). funding of fundamental sciences, and particu-
The most important archaeological projects in larly of the humanities. Galloping inflation
the 1960s-1980s in Siberia were funded by has recently caused a considerable increase in
the major developments (e.g. Krasnoyarsk, salaries. Since the overall funding remained
Sayano-Shushino hydro-electric power sta- unchanged, it resulted in drastic restriction in
tions and many other projects). field activities. Only a few large expeditions
with ‘central budgeting’ were able to carry out
Post-perestroyka developments fieldwork in 1992.
The problems faced recently by archaeology Owing to the general decline of input from
in the USSR are akin to the difficulties industry and to the chaotic state of finances,
encountered by Soviet society as a whole. The no agreements were concluded for this year
first major problem stems from the disintegra- with the development companies for the
tion of the Soviet Union. The Academy of funding of archaeological excavations in
Sciences of the USSR no longer exists. It has development areas.
split up into the Academy of Sciences of inde- At the same time a new source of funding
pendent states. Some of these entered the CIS, emerged: sponsorship. At least one large expe-
others (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) are totally dition (a classical site near Nikolayev excavat-
independent. Consequently, the Institutes of ed by a team from St Petersburg) was entirely
Moscow and St Petersburg now belong to the financed by sponsors this year. There are also
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). The cases when sponsors fund the publication of
Institute in St Petersburg proclaimed its inde- archaeological books.
pendence from Moscow and restored its old The publication of archaeological books is
Marrian name [Institute for History of another area that has been severely hit by
Material Culture). post-perestroyka. Until recently a limited
Another consequence of the disintegration number of books was annually published by
of Soviet state was the disruption of intra- the central Nauka publishing house and by its
republican cooperation. Even in the old days St Petersburg branch. Since 1992 Nauka has
it was not always possible to obtain licences imposed charges on the institutes that they
for excavations from the republican archaeo- are unable to pay. No major archaeological
logical authorities. Now it has become much publications will appear this year.
more difficult. In spite of substantial difficul- According to reliable sources, the financial
ties, however, several archaeological expedi- situation in the ex-USSR will grow worse in the
tions from St Petersburg have been able to immediate future. In words of Mr Saltykov,
carry out fieldwork in the Ukrainian Pontic newly appointed Minister of Science, ‘Russia
area and in the Crimea (FIGURE 1). can no longer support its science to continue in
Ethnic conflicts have virtually stopped all the style it was accustomed’. A new policy
kinds of archaeological investigations in adopted by the Russian government abandons
Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. During our all-out support of a broad spectrum of basic
visit to the Greek and Roman site of Tyra (in research, and switches emphasis to priority pro-
the estuary of the Dniestr River) last April jects. The government reserves the right to
Charles Daniels (Head of Department of decide which these priorities are (cited from
Archaeology, University of Newcastle upon Pokrovsky 1992). There can be little doubt that
Tyne) and the author had to use a detour, the archaeology will have no chance of entering the
main motorway between Odessa and Kishinev circle of the privileged few.
being cut by fighting. There are numerous no less serious prob-
A flare-up of ethnic conflicts in the Northern lems facing Russian and ex-Soviet archae-
Caucasus has closed yet another area where ology in the turbulent post-Communist peri-
intensive archaeological studies were being od. The President of the newly organized
carried out by Russian archaeologists. Russian Archaeological Society in his address
to the Supreme Soviet stressed that the draft
Problems law on land presented to the Russian
The deep economic crisis combined with the Parliament makes no provisions to safeguard
painful transition to the market economy has the protection and management of national
resulted in considerable reduction in the heritage in the case of privatization of land

ownership (cited from Archaeological the funding of individuals, whose indepen-

Bulletin, 1991). The law which may revoke dence will be encouraged (Pokrovsky 1992).
the decree of nationalization of historical and In the present circumstances Western insti-
cultural monuments enacted in Russia since tutions should themselves choose the projects
1919 (and which could not prevent the large- and individuals in Russia to he included in
scale destruction of historically and archaeo- joint ventures.
logically important ecclesiastical monuments In choosing concrete projects, the following
in the 1930s and 1940s) may result in massive considerations should be taken into account:
destruction of the national heritage. Since the the importance of the project for the resolu-
publication of this report, the situation has tion of problems of major theoretical
improved. Considerable sums of money were importance;
allotted for detailed records of archaeological the possibility of the application of multidis-
and historical monuments in the area of possi- ciplinary techniques;
ble privatization of land. accessibility and infrastructure.
A large scandal has arisen from the hasty One of the important aspects of the project
agreement of the Russian Government to hand should consist of training Russian personnel
back artistic treasures (including archaeologi- in the use of modern technology (computer-
cal items) from Russian museums to the ized data recording and processing, geophysi-
‘places of their origin’. This decision, which cal techniques etc.).
could have resulted in a cultural disaster, was British archaeologists already have consid-
finally repealed after numerous protests by erable experience in carrying out joint pro-
distinguished intellectuals. jects with Russian and ex-Soviet archaeolo-
A major controversy surrounds the estab- gists. The University of Southampton for
lishment of an Archaeological Society of about five years has been carrying out a n
Russia. In fact, two rival archaeological soci- exchange of researchers with a limited partici-
eties exist in Russia, each claiming the right to
pation in fieldwork in a wide range of topics.
represent the ‘unofficial organization of The Institute of Archaeology of University
archaeologists’ in Russia. The appeal of one of College London is participating in a field pro-
these societies is given as an appendix to this ject, the Jeytun Project, in Turkmenistan,
paper. aimed at the multidisciplinary study of early
agricultural sites.
Prospects The department of archaeology of the
According to available information, in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne is current-
present circumstances internationally spon- ly engaged in negotiations with the University
sored projects on the territory of the ex-USSR of Odessa and the Institute of History of
have the greatest chances for additional fund- Material Culture in St Petersburg which may
ing. The Academy of Sciences normally allo- result in starting several joint projects.
cates special funds for international multidis- The departments of archaeology in the
ciplinary projects. universities of Durham and Newcastle recent-
The problems related to aid to Russian sci- ly proposed to create a joint Centre for the
ence on the part of the international scholarly Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe,
community is being actively debated in the which would encompass all the former
scientific press. As J. Mervis wrote recently Eastern Bloc countries, including the
(Mervis 1992), ‘everyone agrees that . . . the ex-USSR. The aims of the Centre would
aid should by-pass the ex-Soviet bureaucracy include promoting fieldwork by British
and go directly into the hands of individuals’. scholars in the area: extending knowledge
This attitude seems to he accepted even by the of new technical and theoretical approaches
present Russian scientific establishment. In a in archaeological research in the Central
quoted statement, the Russian Minister of and East European countries; and providing
Science wrote that in terms of the new policy practical help to archaeologists in these
the funding of institutions will be replaced by countries.

References had we started to work when the official institu-

Archaeological Bulletin (1991) 418: 2. tions ( h e a d e d by t h e director of Novosibirsk
C H I L U E , V.G. 1951, Social evolution. London: Institute, A.P. Dcrcvyanko, the former secretary of
Watts. the regional committee CPSU KPSS) began to strug-
MEKVIS, J. 1992. The West gropes for ways to help, gle for assuming our title and appropriating the
Ncrture 356: 733. results of our work in order to maintain their for-
POKROVSKY, V. 1992. Russian research may be put mer monopoly. It is only through your support that
on a lean diet, Nature 3 5 7 : 530. helped u s to withstand the difficulties. We do not
TRIGGER, B.G. 1989. A history of archaeological know how long we shall be able to stand up to the
thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University I’ress. attack of offical institutions, that is why we are in a
hurry to send you o u r membership card and the
annotation of our society. We hope that you will go
Appendix on supporting us and with your help we shall [:on-
Dear colleagut: tinue our work o n saving archaenlogy in Russia.
We are very grateful to you for supporting o u r soci- President of the Russian Archaeological Society
ety in very hard times. LJp to now it was imp~issihle Academician Matyushin Gerald
to conduct archaeological research in Kussia only The Mosc:ow University (MGIJ)
through official state institutions. O u r Russian Korpus L
Archaeological Society is the first unofficial organi- K 111117234 M o s t : o i v
zation of archaeologists after 1917. However, hardly Russia

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