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Sagar Institute of Research & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication

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Major Project on
“Extracting Face from Live Feed”

Submitted by: Under the Guidance of:

Under the Supervision of:
Maithili Sharan Sir
SHANU PRAKASH Dr. Sangeeta Shukla
ECE Department

Face recognition systems are part of facial image processing applications

and it is one of the challenging topics in IT research. Biometric
information of humans are used instead of fingerprint, iris, signature
etc., because these types of biometrics are not much suitable for non-
collaborative people. Face recognition systems are usually used and
preferred for security cameras in metropolitan life. These systems can be
used for crime prevention, video surveillance, person verification, and
similar security activities.
Amazon Rekognition

Neural net classifiers trained on data with annotated class labels can also capture apparent visual similarity among
categories without being directed to do so. We study whether this observation can be extended beyond the conventional
domain of supervised learning: Can we learn a good feature representation that captures apparent similarity among
instances, instead of classes, by merely asking the feature to be discriminative of individual instances? We formulate this
intuition as a non-parametric classification problem at the instance-level, and use noisecontrastive estimation to tackle the
computational challenges imposed by the large number of instance classes. Our experimental results demonstrate that,
under unsupervised learning settings, our method surpasses the stateof-the-art on ImageNet classification by a large
margin. Our method is also remarkable for consistently improving test performance with more training data and better
network architectures. By fine-tuning the learned feature, we further obtain competitive results for semi-supervised
learning and object detection tasks. Our non-parametric model is highly compact: With 128 features per image, our
method requires only 600MB storage for a million images, enabling fast nearest neighbour retrieval at the run time
The rise of deep neural networks, especially convolutional neural networks (CNN), has led to several breakthroughs in
computer vision benchmarks. Most successful models are trained via supervised learning, which requires large datasets
that are completely annotated for a specific task. However, obtaining annotated data is often very costly or even infeasible
in certain cases. In recent years, unsupervised learning has received increasing attention from the community. Our novel
approach to unsupervised learning stems from a few observations on the results of supervised learning for object
recognition. On ImageNet, the top-5 classification error is significantly lower than the top-1 error
Generative Models
The primary objective of generative models is to reconstruct the distribution of data as faithfully as possible. Classical
generative models include Restricted Bolztmann Machines (RBMs) and Autoencoders . The latent features produced
by generative models could also help object recognition. Recent approaches such as generative adversarial networks
[8, 4] and variational auto-encoder improve both generative qualities and feature learning.

Self-supervised Learning.
Self-supervised learning exploits internal structures of data and formulates predictive tasks to train a model.
Specifically, the model needs to predict either an omitted aspect or component of an instance given the rest. To learn
a representation of images, the tasks could be: predicting the context ,counting the objects , filling in missing parts of
an image , recovering colours from grayscale images , or even solving a jigsaw puzzle . For videos, self-supervision
strategies include: leveraging temporal continuity via tracking , predicting future , or preserving the equivariance of
egomotion Recent work attempts to combine several self-supervised tasks to obtain better visual representations.
Whereas self-supervised learning may capture relations among parts or aspects of an instance, it is unclear why a
particular self supervision task should help semantic recognition and which task would be optimal.
Metric Learning
Every feature representation F induces a metric between instances x and y: dF(x,y) = kF(x) − F(y)k. Feature learning can
thus also be viewed as a certain form of metric learning. There have been extensive studies on metric learning [15, 33].
Successful application of metric learning can often result in competitive performance, e.g. on face recognition [35] and
person reidentification . In these tasks, the classes at the test time are disjoint from those at the training time. Once a
network is trained, one can only infer from its feature representation, not from the subsequent linear classifier. Metric
learning has been shown to be effective for few-shot learning . An important technical point on metric learning for face
recognition is normalization ,which we also utilize in this work. Note that all the methods mentioned here require
supervision in certain ways. Our work is drastically different: It learns the feature and thus the induced metric in an
unsupervised fashion, without any human annotations.

Exemplar CNN
Exemplar CNN [5] appears similar to our work. The fundamental difference is that it adopts a parametric
paradigm during both training and testing, while our method is non-parametric in nature. We study this
essential difference experimentally in Sec . Exemplar CNN is computationally demanding for large-scale
datasets such as ImageNet.
Our goal is to learn an embedding function v = fθ(x) without supervision. fθ is a deep neural network with parameters θ,
mapping image x to feature v. This embedding would induces a metric over the image space, as dθ(x,y) = kfθ(x) − fθ(y)k
for instances x and y. A good embedding should map visually similar images closer to each other. Our novel unsupervised
feature learning approach is instance-level discrimination. We treat each image instance as a distinct class of its own and
train a classifier to distinguish between individual instance classes

Non-Parametric SoftMax Classifier

Parametric Classifier. We formulate the instance-level classification objective using the SoftMax criterion.
Suppose we have n images x1,...,xn in n classes and their features v1,...,vn with vi = fθ(xi). Under the
conventional parametric SoftMax formulation, for image x with feature v = fθ(x), the probability of it being
recognized as i-th
Non-Parametric Classifier. The problem with the parametric softmax formulation in Eq. (1) is that the weight
vector w serves as a class prototype, preventing explicit comparisons between instances. We propose a non-
parametric variant of Eq. (1) that replaces wT j v with vT j v, and we enforce kvk = 1 via a L2normalization laye
Object Detection
To further assess the generalization capacity of the learned features, we transfer the learned networks to the new task of
object detection on PASCAL VOC 2007 [6]. Training object detection model from scratch is often difficult, and a prevalent
practice is to pretrain the underlying CNN on ImageNet and fine-tune it for the detection task. We experiment with Fast R
-CNN [7] with AlexNet and VGG16 architectures, and Faster R-CNN [32] with ResNet50. When fine-tuning Fast R-CNN, the
learning rate is initialized to 0.001 and scaled down by 10 times after every 50K iterations. When fine-tuning AlexNet and
VGG16, we follow the standard practice, fixing the conv1 model weights. When fine-tuning Faster R-CNN,

We present an unsupervised feature learning approach by maximizing distinction between instances via a novel
nonparametric softmax formulation. It is motivated by the observation that supervised learning results in apparent
image similarity. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on image
classification on ImageNet and Places, with a compact 128-dimensional representation that scales well with more data
and deeper networks. It also delivers competitive generalization results on semi-supervised learning and object
detection tasks
This work was supported in part by Berkeley Deep Drive, Big Data Collaboration Research grant from Sense
Time Group (CUHK Agreement No. TS1610626), and the General Research Fund (GRF) of Hong Kong (No.
Our project is currently taking the pictures from webcam , it takes pictures/second and extract the photos from the webcam
which we use for our model for further recognization.

Technology used
The main part of the whole model is based on Machine learning and for implementing a machine using model we need to
train our model and for that we need a bulk of images of the person (many as possible more than 50) and then train our
model so that it can recognize our model and then provide an accurate prediction. Machine learning is the study of
computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. So here
we need a strong database and for that we need to feed in pictures as much as possible.
Our Achievements
Up to the progress we have already made a program which can recognize and extract
• Human face
• Animals
• And objects like accessories
From the love feed of webcam and by this we can train our model for further recognizenation.

What our program does right now

• Read the live feed from webcam.
• Recognize the faces and objects in the model.
• Extract the faces and objects from the model.

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