Absorption in Plate and Packed Towers
Absorption in Plate and Packed Towers
Absorption in Plate and Packed Towers
1. Introduction to absorption
Absorption is a mass-transfer process in which a vapor solute A in a gas mixture is
absorbed by means of a liquid in which the solute is more or less soluble. The gas
mixtures consists mainly of an inert gas and the solute. The liquid also primarily
immiscible in the gas phrase ; that is, its vaporization into the gas phrase relatively
slight. A typical example is a absorption of the solute ammonia from an air-ammonia
mixture by water. Subsequently , the solute is recovered from the solution by
distillation . in the reverse process of desorption or stripping , the same principles and
equations hold.
2. Equipment for absorption and distillation
1) Various types of tray (plate) towers for absorption and distillation. In order to
efficiently bring the vapor and liquid into contact in absorption and distillation,
tray towers of the following types are often used.
a. Sieve tray. Essentially the same tray is used in distillation and gas absorption .
in the sieve tray, vapor bubbles up through simple holes in the tray through the
flowing liquid. Hole sizes range from 3 to 12 mm in diameter, with 5 mm a
common size. The vapor area of the holes varies between 5 to 15% of the tray
area. The liquid is held on the tray surface and prevented from flowing down
through the holes by the kinetic energy of the gas of vapor. The depth of liquid
on the tray is maintained by an overflow, outlet weir. The overflow liquids
flows into the downspout to the next tray below.
b. Valve tray. This consists of an opening in the tray and a lift-valve cover with
guides to keep the cover properly positioned over the opening. The provides a
variable open area which is varied by the vapor flow inhibiting leakage of
liquid down the opening at low vapor rates. Hence, this type of tray can
operate over a greater range flow rates than the sieve tray, with a cost of only
about 20% more than a sieve tray. The valve tray is being increasingly used
c. Bubble cup tray. Bubble cup tray has been used for over 100 years but since
1950 they have been generally superseded by sieve type or valve trays because
of their cost, which is almost double that of sieve type trays. In the bubble
tray, the vapor or gas rises through the opening in the tray into the bubble
caps. Then the gas flows through slots in the periphery of each cap and
bubbles upward through the flowing liquid. Details and the design procedures
for many of these and other types of trays are given elsewhere (B2,P2T1).
2) Structured packing for absorption and distillation. Structured packing has became
competitive with conventional tray towers, especially in tower revamps where
increased capacity and/or efficiency is desired (K1.L2). a typical corrugated-sheet
packing is shown in figure. The thin corrugated-metal sheets are formed in a
triangular cross-section, as shown in figure. The vapor flow goes upward through
the triangular channels, which are set at 45 angel with the vertical. The sheet are
arranged so the liquid flows downward in the opposite direction and spreads over
the surfaces, as in a wetted-wall tower.
The corrugated sheets are assembled into an element whose height E, as
shown in figure, is about 20 to 30 cm tall (8-12 in). A shorter height tends to
increase the liquid and vapor spread in the horizontal plane. Each adjacent
element is rotated 90 in in the horizontal plane with respect to the layer below in
order to spread the liquid and vapor uniformly in all radial planes. The ratios of
B/h in figure are in the range of 2/1 to 4/1. The size range of the triangle are
typically for B (2,4-4 cm ), for S (1,7-2,6 cm) , and for h (1,2-1,8 cm) (K1).
Smaller size of the triangle mean that more sheets are present, giving a greater
surface area. This results in a higher efficiency but smaller openings. However,
the increased resistance to gas flow gives a lower capacity and a greater sensitivity
to plugging (K1).
The open void fraction typically varies from 0,91 to 0,96 and the specific
surface area from 165 to 330 m^2/m^3 volume (50 to 100 ft^2/ft^3 ). In many
cases the packing sheet contains perforations or holes about 2-4 mm ID spaced
0,5-1,5 cm apart to help wet both the upper and lower sides of the sheet.
3) Packed towers for absorption and distillation. Packed towers are used for
continuous countercurrent contacting of gas and liquid in absorption as well as for
vapor-liquid contacting in distillation. The tower in figure, consist of a cylindrical
column containing a gas inlet and distributing space at the bottom, a liquid inlet
and distributing device at the top, a gas outlet at the top, a liquid outlet at the
bottom, and a packing or filling in the tower. The gas enters the distributing space
below the packed section and rises upward through the openings or interstices in
the packing and contacts the descending liquid flowing through the same
openings. A large area of intimate contact between the liquid and gas is provide
by the packing.
4) Types of random packing for absorption and distillation. Many different types of
tower packings have been developed and a number are used quite often. Common
types of packing which are dumped at random in the tower are shown in figure.
Such packings and other commercial packings are available in size of 3mm to
about 75 mm. most of the tower packings are made of materials such as clay,
porcelain, metal or plastic. High voice spaces of 65-95% are characteristic of
good packings. The packings permit relatively large volumes of liquid to pass
countercurrent to the gas flow through the openings with relatively low pressure
drops for the gas. These same types of packings are also used in vapor-liquid
separation cesses of distillation.
Ceramic Raschig rings and Berl saddles show in figure are older types of
random packing and are seldom used now (K1) pall rings (second-generation
packing) shown in figure , are made of plastic or metal, they are much more
efficient and are still used now. They have porosities or void spaces of 0,90-0,96
and areas of 100-200 m^2/m^3 (30-60 ft^2/ft^3). The latest or third-generation
packings are the Intalox metal type, shown in figure, which is a combination of
the Ber saddle and the Pall ring, and the Metal Tripack, shown in figure, which is
a Pall ring in spherical shape. Porosities range from 0,95 to 0,98. Many other
types of new packings are available. These third-generation packings are only
slightly more efficient than the Pall rings.
Stacked packings having size of 75 mm or so and larger are also used. The
packing is stacked vertically, with open channels running uninterruptedly through
the bed. The advantage of the lower pressure drop of the gas is offset in part by
the poorer gas-liquid contact in stacked packings. Typical stacked packings are
wood grids, drip-point grids, spiral partition rings, and others.
3. Pressure Drop and Flooding in Packed Towers
In given packed tower with a given type and size packing and with a definite
flow of liquid, there is an upper limit to the rate of gas flow, called the flooding
velocity. Above this gas velocity the tower cannot operate. At low gas velocities the
liquid flows downward through the packing, essentially uninfluenced by the upward
gas flow. As the gas flow rate is increased at low gas velocities, the pressure drop is
proportional to the flow rate to the 1,8 power. At a gas flow rate called the loading
point, the gas starts to hinder the liquid downflow, and local accumulations or pools
of liquid start to appear in the packing. The pressure drop of the gas starts to rise at a
faster rate. As the gas flow rate increased, the liquid holdup or accumulation
increases. At the flooding point, the liquid can no longer flow down through the
packing and is blown out with the gas.
In an actual, operating tower, the gas velocity is well below flooding. The
optimum economic gas velocity is about one-half or more of the flooding velocity. It
depends upon a balance of economics factors including equipment cost, pressure
drop, and processing variables. Pressure drop in the packing is an important
consideration in design of a tower and is covered in detail below.