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Name: Patel Parth Dineshbhai Roll Number: 17BCE085 Branch: Computer Engineering Course Name: Creativity and Innovation

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Name : Patel Parth Dineshbhai

Roll Number : 17BCE085

Branch : Computer Engineering
Course Name : Creativity and Innovation

Que-1 Creativity and Innovation are much sought after skills right now in
workplaces. Do you think it can be taught? Why do you think creativity and
innovation are so important? Give two examples to reinforce your points.

Ans-1 Various discussions have occurred over this inquiry because of

certain individuals' conviction that development can't be instructed and is
rather imbued in an individual. Each time the discussion has reached the
resolution that advancement can in truth be instructed. Turning your
dreams to reality doesn't require remarkable mental aptitude nor does it
require the attitude of a virtuoso. Advancement is something everybody
can learn and adjust to. It is a point of view like basic deduction in that it is
conceivable to prepare a psyche in its utilization.

However, innovation is not strictly for organizational purposes only and

can apply to every area of life. This is what many people fail to realize and
when they question the purpose of innovation, they fail to learn the thought
process as well.

The benefits of creativity in the workplace are countless; here are just a
few examples of the amazing results you will experience:

● Increased commitment
● Increased connection
● Increased staff spirit
● Increased energy
● Increased inspiration
● Increased critical thinking
● Increased efficiency
● Increased group holding and cooperation
It's obvious to see that tolerant imagination and development into the
working environment can be beneficial for everybody. By executing
inventiveness, you open the entryway for representatives from every
single distinctive office to meet up as a group, expanding commitment and
communication in the work environment. At the point when representatives
can fill in as a durable group, the staff spirit goes up, making the earth
increasingly fun, upbeat, and laid back. This eventually pulls in more
representatives and holds quality specialists. Innovativeness will
consistently make your representatives need to learn more by looking for
various alternatives, thoughts, and answers for the business. Your
business can't lose with imagination on its side.


Implementing creativity in the workplace can be a challenging task,

especially when you have a diverse group of employee skill sets. Get your
employees engaged in more creative thinking and ideas with these tips.

Intellectually challenge your employees

Match your representatives with critical thinking encounters that will assist
them with deduction and approach circumstances innovatively. Give the
worker a specific issue or task and have them explain it from various
perspectives. It is significant that your workers are tested somewhat
consistently. Excessively little of a test will cause weariness, yet a lot of
will cause pressure. It is essential to locate a sound equalization.

Freedom of expression

Employees are most inventive when they can pick which work techniques
they might want to utilize. In the event that a strategy or profession is by all
accounts excessively troublesome, it can smother imagination. Evade this
negative result by permitting your representatives to work in their own
particular manner. It is additionally significant that workers take parts from
specific undertakings, assignments, or critical thinking. At the point when a
break is taken, the psyche pulls together, and inventiveness can strike up
once more.

Create diverse work groups

Diversity permits inventive personalities to work together and take care of

issues. When in a gathering, representatives can tune in to various
methodologies and construct their conclusions and thinking process off of
each other. Have you at any point been in a gathering where distinctive
manners of thinking were being communicated, and a good thought flown
in your brain after somebody voiced a comparative methodology? Working
in various gatherings can enable your representatives to additionally arrive
at their inventive limit.
Being in a safe place

Most of a person’s creativity evolves here. When an employee feels safe

in their environment, they will most likely voice more of their creative
business ideas. In order for an employee to feel safe, they must have
encouragement from their managers and fellow coworkers. This helps
employees know that they can think freely and creatively without
judgment. This is not to say that you can’t let an employee know when
they aren’t doing their best. That’s when corrective criticism can come into

Organizational support

This obliges support. Your whole group should applaud innovativeness

and permit others to feel as though they can talk about their thoughts
transparently to various individuals in the workplace. You may not concur
with certain thoughts, yet never cause an individual to feel as if it was a
poorly conceived notion.

Permitting your representatives to use their inventive intuition all through

the workday can upgrade fearlessness and inspiration. Besides, by
rousing your representatives, they work more earnestly to help make the
business a triumph.
 Examples of Creative Thinking

Opportunities for creative thought in the workplace vary from the

obvious artistic position to the highly technical one. Generally,
anything that involves an “Aha” moment is considered creative. Here
are some examples of how to display creative thinking in different

1. Artistic Creativity
You don't need to be a craftsman for your work to have an aesthetic
component. Maybe you mastermind retail shows for greatest effect,
or shape the way of a tempting climbing trail. Other masterfully
inventive errands may incorporate planning logos, composing
promoting duplicate, making the bundling for an item, or drafting a
telephone content for a gathering pledges drive.

• Composing another raising money content for volunteers

• Composing exchange for a TV or radio business
• Creating a test to test understudy information
• Creating bundling for an item
• Designing a logo
• Devising an exercise plan that will draw in understudies
• Proposing another search for a dress line
• Composing convincing duplicate for a print or online commercial

2. Creative Problem-Solving
Inventive critical thinking stands apart as creative. An inventive issue
solver will discover new arrangements as opposed to just distinguishing
and actualizing the standard. You may conceptualize better approaches to
cut vitality use, find better approaches to reduce expenses during a
spending emergency, or build up a special case procedure to shield a
customer. These all involve innovative intuition on your part.
• Brainstorming at a workforce conference to set a system for the
following year
• Brainstorming approaches to cut vitality use
• Coming up with new systems to improve quality
• Devising an increasingly effective approach to process travel
• Identifying approaches to reduce expenses during a spending
• Increasing staff profitability by contriving execution motivating
• Restructuring a recording framework to encourage simpler
recovery of data
• Suggesting better approaches for correspondence to reduce
conjugal clash
• Suggesting an approach to improve client assistance

3. Creativity in STEM
A few people consider science and designing as the specific inverse
of workmanship and innovativeness. Be that as it may, the opposite
is valid. The field of STEM (science, innovation, building, and math)
is exceptionally creative.3 For instance, planning an increasingly
proficient mechanical production system robot, composing an
inventive new PC program, or building up a testable speculation, are
on the whole profoundly imaginative acts.

Actually, the historical backdrop of science and innovation is loaded

up with ventures that didn't work, not in view of blunders in strategy
or philosophy, but since individuals stayed stuck in their suppositions
and old propensities. The STEM field needs extreme imagination so
as to thrive and develop.

• Constructing an examination model to test a theory

• Devising a PC program to mechanize a charging procedure
• Devising an online networking stage for a wireless
• Identifying better approaches to build the quantity of blood
• Proposing social changes for a patient who is overweight
• Redesigning hardware on a mechanical production system to
upgrade profitability


For the last few months, the world has been consumed with a minute virus that
has been infecting and killing the human population. It first came to light on
December 31, 2019 when China reported to the World Health Organization
(WHO) a string of pneumonia-like cases in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei
province.Covid-19 as it came to be known later, spread fast across the global from
Wuhan affecting people without distinction. It created a united international effort
to not only track and contain the virus, but also develop a cure or vaccine.
Many countries went into lockdown, placing restrictions on the movement of
people and barring international visitors to blunt the spread of the virus and
prevent community transmission.
India also adopted locked down to curb the spread of virus. The first locked down
started from March 2020. Rightnow we are in the third Locked Down. The locked
down has created lots of other issues pertaining to personal, social, and
professional lives. 
Assuming you are a Minister for Indian Railways and you are entrusted with the
responsibility of suggesting the measures in March to stop the spread of the virus,
what would have been your solution? Use six thinking hats to come out with the
solution. Do think about the field you are in and the impact your field will have.
Do SWOC analysis of the proposed solution.

Ans-2 Six Thinking Hats :

“Six Thinking Hats” is an effective way of decision making from a different
point of view. Usually, when one is too optimistic, they fail to consider the
downsides and when one is too cautious, they might not consider new
opportunities. The following are the six hats:

1. Red Hat
2. Black Hat
3. Yellow Hat
4. Green Hat
5. White Hat
6. Blue Hat

1. White Hat:
By using this hat, we need to gather the information regarding the
subject. From the available information only we are going to plan the
strategies. The following is the information regarding covid19:

The COVID19 is originated in Wuhan, China in early December

2019. The world health organization (WHO) declared it as an
outbreak on 30 January. In early May, the number of confirmed
cases surpassed 4.4M worldwide. The following is the stats from
some country where the outbreak is uncontrollable:
● China : 82000+ confirmed cases
● Italy: 200000+ confirmed cases
● Spain: 200000+ confirmed cases
● United States of America:1000000+ confirmed cases

This is the statistic of covid19 in the early march 2020. The first
question is why the outbreak became uncontrollable in this country is
because of the lack of gravity about the disease.Following are the
reasons why COVID-19 became a pandemic.
1. Their first mistake is to take the covid19 lightly.
2. The second thing is that they don't follow social distancing.
Apart from vaccines, the only way to avoid covid19 is to
maintain social distancing.
3. Also, the proper lockdown strategies should be planned in
each country so that social distancing can be implemented
4. All the essential products should be available at home without
going out for shopping.

2. Red Hat

This hat can be used to analyze the emotional viewpoint of a

decision. Here we look at the problems using intuition, gut feeling,
and think about other’s emotions.

● In such a global pandemic situation everyone should support

the lockdown decision. Also, railway departments are required
to work together as a unit.
● As we have cut off the import of medical tools from China, we
have a shortage of goods like bandages, masks, sanitary
napkins, syringe.
● Also, make sure that the supply of medicine in the market
should remain sufficient through railway transportation as it is
the cheapest and the most effective mode of transportation for
the Government.

3. Black Hat

This hat can be used to analyze all the negative results of the
decision. This helps you make the decision more robust and
resilient. Due to this, all the potential flaws are found and one can try
to make the decision flawless.

As I have discussed in the above hat about the support from all
pharmaceutical companies. There is certain flaws:
1. For transportation we need to open the railway industry.
2. We also need to allow workers to work there. So this is the
violation of social distancing.
3. Also, the economy of the whole world is down, therefore we
need to make strategies to provide sufficient income to the
labor class who are working in the railways.
4. The laborers should also be provided with shelter and essential
food items as most of them are from different states and they
are only here for their work.
5. The workers are advised to download the “Aarogya Setu” app
on their mobile which is highly recommended for the people of

4. Yellow Hat
This hat can be used to analyze all the positive results of the
decision. This helps you to be optimistic while decision making. It
gives you hope when flaws are more.

Following are the points:

1. As a Minister for Indian Railways, I will maintain social
distancing and plan the strategies to deliver the required
service to the customer.
2. The general quota in the railways will be cancelled and there
will be no more general seats for the customers.
3. Only those customers who have booked their tickets through
online reservation systems will be allowed to travel through
4. For the ticket reservation through offline platforms, there
should be only 10 customers eligible to stand in the queue at a
5. All the customers standing the queue should be sanitized by a
volunteer compulsorily.

5. Green Hat
This hat can be used to develop creative solutions to the problem.
The new ideas generated here are by freewill thinking.

Following are some creative ideas in this field:

1. People who have came-by to drop off their friends and
relatives at the
station should be allowed only minutes before the arrival of the
2. No more than two people should be allowed to enter the
station for dropping their friends or relatives.
3. No more than four people of the family should be allowed for
4. For practising social distancing inside the trains, the middle
seats should not be available for reservation.
5. People without masks should not be allowed to travel and
should be sent back from the entrance of the platform itself.

6. Blue Hat
This hat can be used to control the process. If the ideas are not
working, the activity is directed to Green Hat and if one wants
uncertain plans, the activity is directed to Black Hat.
SWOC Analysis
SWOC analysis is a planning method used to find internal and external
factors that affect the organization, products and competitors.
S - Strength
W - Weakness
O - Opportunity
C – Challenge

1. Strength:
● The lockdown will ensure that the social distancing to be
followed nicely.
● There will be a huge increase in the transportation by Indian
● All the customers are well sanitized and have “Aarogya Setu”
app on their mobile device.
● All the customer service providers are well sanitized and have
“Aarogya Setu” app on their mobile device..
● The booking services are made available at home as the
online portals are made more efficient by the Government.
● Railways are the most effective mode of transport for Goods
and Ammunities.

2. Weakness:
● The slowdown in the economy is the biggest risk. Due to
slowdown in the economy, the labourers will not get enough
money due to which they will not be able to cope up with the
basic necessities.
● Also due to economic slowdown, the railways will incur a huge
set-back in it’s economy.
● As lockdown is imposed the transportation of daily goods from
one place to another is quite difficult and time-consuming.
● Implementing a complete lockdown is near to impossible.
● It is very hard to find workers for railways.
3. Opportunity:
● For the customers who are stuck at any place on a vacation or
any of the relative’s place due to any reasons, travel is their
basic necessity to reach home.
● There is an opportunity for thousands of people to reach their
home safely as everyone cannot afford private mode of
transportation such as private cars, taxis, etc.
● Also, there is a chance for India to increase its export of
hydroxychloroquine through railways in the neighboring

4. Challenges

● One of the challenges is to maintain the lockdown as people can get

frustrated for remaining at home for a long period of time.
● We have to pay for the worker their minimum salary.
● We have to keep the railway network working for people so that they
can reach their home safely.
● We also have to work hard to keep the travellers and support staff of
the railways safe from corona virus as India has a very big railway

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