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Chapter -2



ONGC (Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, formerly: Oil & Natural Gas

Commission) was set up in 1956 soon after India got its independence

in 1947, with the strategic objective to explore and exploit hydrocarbon

resources of the country. Today ONGC is one of the leading oil

companies of India, evolving as a fully integrated, upstream petroleum

company. It is playing a prominent role in the area of oil exploration,

development and production of crude oil, natural gas, and some value

added products. But the principal business of organization is

Petroleum. ONGC is exploring and producing oil & natural gas from

acreages both onland and offshore in diverse logistic conditions, from

rugged mountains to deserts and deep oceans.

Today, ONGC is poised to emerge as a complete energy company;

and this is possible by its dedicated team of professionals who toil

round the clock. It is this toil, which amply reflects in the performance

figures and aspirations of ONGC. The company has adapted

progressive policies in scientific planning, acquisition, utilization,

training, and motivation of the team.

ONGC contributes around Rs. 10,000 crore to the nation’s oil pool

account to subsidise the prices of kerosene, LPG and diesel and is

India’s largest producer of crude oil, natural gas and LPG. It also

produces other value-added petroleum products such as NGL, C2-C3,

Aromatic Naphtha and kerosene.

ONGC has entered into a joint venture (JV) with Coal India Limited to

undertake commercial exploitation of CBM (Coal Bed Methane) in the

coalfields of Raniganj West, Jharia East, West Bokaro, Ramgarh and

Karanpura. ONGC is endeavouring to become a world class Oil & Gas

Company in pursuit of Exploration & production (E&P) business in the

domestic and international arena. OVL (ONGC Videsh Limited, a

wholly owned subsidiary of ONGC has a number of existing and

upcoming interests in select oil patches across the world, including

development of an offshore gas field discovery by it in Vietnam.


Vision: The vision of ONGC is to be a world class Oil & Gas

Company integrated in energy business, with dominant Indian

leadership and global presence.

Mission: ONGC has the following mission before it.

1. Dedicated to excellence by leveraging competitive

advantages in R&D and technology with involved people.

1. Imbibe high standards of business ethics and

organisatoinal values.

2. Abiding commitment to health, safety and environment to

enrich quality of community life.

3. Foster a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern to

make working stimulating & challenging experience for our


4. Focus on domestic and international oil & gas exploration


and production business opportunities.

5. Provide value linkages in other sectors of energy business,

6. Create growth opportunities and maximize shareholder


7. Retain dominant position in Indian Petroleum Sector and

enhance India’s energy availability.


C&MD (Chairman & Managing Director) is the top most position in

ONGC under the drive of CRC (Corporate Rejuvenation

Campaign)(fig.-1). Prior to CRC, ONGC’s board was comprised of

Chairman, and the members like, Member (Exploration), Member

(Drilling), Member (Technical), Member (Finance), Member

(Operations), and Member (Personnel). Now the members of C&MD’s

board are constituted of Director (Offshore), Director (Onshore),


Director (Exploration), Director (Human Resource), Director (Technical

& Field Services), Director (Finance), and Director (Corporate

Services), with Company secretary as nominated member of Ministry

of Petroleum and Natural gas.

In the new assess based structures the entire major activities and

regions are entrusted with EDs (Executive Directors) who are

administering control over the specified functioning of Asset Managers.

The whole gamut of ONGC is divided into the distinct structure in

accordance with the organisational activities, and operations to ensure

greater cohesion, communication, and knowledge transfer, maximising

outputs with quality concepts.


Fig.-1: ONGC Structure

Mumbai Ahmedabad Interna! Chief Info-Comm

High Audit Services

Bassein & Ankleshwar Commecial Chief- Panning, Projects

Satellite & Capital Budg.

Heera& Mehsana Performance Mgmt Chief-MM

Neelam & Bench Marking

Supply Karaite] Chief - Business Dev.

Bases (Cauvery) JVs & Marketing

Uran Rajahmurtdry Chief-SHE

Plant (KG)

Hazira Tripura

PSC-JV Chief - EM Technical
Audit &QA
Chief- Engg.

Chief- Design
Exploration Geophysical
Directorate Services IDT Works
[ EXCOM |-
GEOPiC (OGPT Maintenance

Regional IEOT
Geophy. Services

Exp!. & Dev.


-Offshore Asset structures (fig.-2)

-Onshore Asset Structures (fig.-3)

- Basin Structures (fig.-4)

- Regional Office Structures (fig.-5)

These are based on a system for communication of information that

enables those at the top to know what goes on at the bottom, at the

sharp end with respect to the actual outcomes against expectations

and objectives. The structures are presented in diagrammatic fashion

as below.

Fig.-2: Offshore Asset Structure

Director (Offshore)

i Fig.-3: Onshore Asset Structure

Fig.-4: Basin Structure

Basin Manager

Block Head Specialist Head Bid Head Head Head Head Head Regional
Manager Group Monitoring Group Database Support Regional Labs Geophy. Services Office

Forward - Base

Fig.-5: Regional Office Structure



To comprehend the scenario of change in this fast changing

environment, organizations as well as individuals are to join pro­

actively in the game and then strive to extend their own spheres of

influence for survival and sustained growth. This issue is of great

significance for India's Oil Sector, which has to provide oil security, and

thereby economic strength & resilience, to the country. This sector has

to be globally competitive for achieving its rightful place amidst the

global oil industry. Under the existing business regime, transition to a

competitive market environment calls for a radical change in the

management culture & processes and the whole architecture of the

organization encompassing delegation of powers, planning & decision

making processes, executive accountability, and business paradigm.

In the restructuring scenario, the competitive strengths of such virtual

enterprises, which are the cornerstones of the total corporate entity,

are synergised across the internal organizational boundaries to

strengthen the overall corporate culture. The emphasis is more on

organizational process and empowerment of people with clear

accountability than on hierarchical structure.

The hallmark of changing environment due to the impact of

globalization has created challenges and opportunities in E&P

(Exploration & Production) business. The challenges are in terms of

more volatility of business environment and more competitions, and

opportunities towards more advanced technology. NELP (New

Exploration Licensing Policy) has to pose challenging edge to compete

against other companies in obtaining oil blocks for exploration, market

driven pricing mechanism, deep-sea exploration, and processes. For

an enterprise it has to be a quantum leap in transformation from what it

is today to a more responsive and innovative organization of tomorrow.

And that ensures the extension of its sphere of influence with a

competitive strength in the market place. An intensive company-wide

diagnostic survey conducted in ONGC in 1996-97 made certain

revealing findings on its performance trend. With a distinctive track

record of independently finding and opening up new basins such as

Cambay, Assam, and Mumbai Offshore, the organization possesses

certain fundamental skills and potentials to excel, including a good cost

position, qualified & experienced Geoscientists & technologists, and

access to high quality acreage in the country, and also overseas.


ONGC Institutes’ Integrated services (OIIS) is the common platform for

the nine premier ONGC institutes that offer R&D need and consultancy

support in all areas of hydrocarbon sector. OIIS provides a single

window service to ensure customers’ satisfaction in terms of quality,

reliability, cost effectiveness, and time consciousness. OIIS, which has

developed a multi-dimensional expertise over the years, offers services

that some of the best in the world in terms of quality, reliability, and


ONGC, during the period 1962-1977, had only one Research &

Training (R&T) centre supported by regional Laboratories at Vadodara

and Sibsagar. This mother institute prepared the first ever sedimentary

basin map and tectonic map of India, institutionalized integrated basin

evaluation almost as pioneering approach internationally. That

introduced two cycles of resource appraisal and exploration

perspective and plans for the country. The optimism R&T generated in

respect of offshore exploration led to the discovery of Bombay High

subsequent to the initial foray by ONGC in these shallow waters off the

Gujarat coast under the company’s initiative called ’Leap Frog’. The

discovery of Bombay High was a watershed that provided innovation in

expanding research so as to take it close to the operational assets

confining some areas of work in some specialized centres.

The basic objectives of these R&D institutes are to meet its needs and .

provide consultancy services to private and multinational companies

around the world in all the areas of exploration, drilling, production, etc.

The purposes of R&D of ONGC are to help increase hydrocarbon

reserves and production through understanding habitats of petroleum

and managing costs for maximization of value and profitability. It aims

at maintaining and augmenting success ratio per unit investment and

maximizing field growth opportunities in proven prospects and up

gradation of ultimate recovery of producing fields. Harnessing the

leading state-of-the-art technologies, R&D in ONGC has intensified

core competence areas for exploration, reservoir management, and

production of hydrocarbons, including the aspects of safety and

environment management. Training of manpower through advanced

training agencies and also work in association with world leaders in

petroleum technology are part of efforts on creation of functional


Managing change, quality of work life and organizational excellence

are the focused areas for realizing the basic objectives effectively.

Beyond the quality focus, in pursuit of excellence, many of these

institutes have been accredited with the prestigious ISO 9001, ISO—

9002, ISO-14001, ISO—18001.

The company set up the following institutes, which Kuldeep Chandra

(2001) called “Nava Durga’—the nine institutes with the defined

objectives and mission

1. K. D. Malaviya Institute of Petroleum Exploration

(KDMIPE), Dehradun-1962

2. Institute of Reservoir Studies (IRS), Ahmedabad--1978

3. Institute of Drilling Technology (IDT), Dehradun-1978

4. Institute of Oil & Gas Production Technology (IOGPT),


5. Institute of Engineering & Ocean Technology (IEOT),


6. Geophysical Data Processing & Interpretation Centre

(GEOPIC), Dehradun-1987

7. Institute of Petroleum Safety Health & Environment

Management (IPSHEM), Betul (Goa)--1989

8. Institute of Biotechnology and Geotectonic Studies

(INBIGS), Jorhat (Assam)--1989

9. Institute of Management Development (IMD), Dehradun-r-


Besides these, there are attached RTIs (Regional Training Institutes) at

regional centres—Mumbai, Chennai, Baroda. ONGC has been

instrumental in the establishment of Data Studies Institute (DSI) with

Andhra University and the Centre for Petroleum Biotechnology (CBPT)

with Tezpur University. It also operates a Wireline Research Centre

(OSWRC) jointly with Schlumberger in New Delhi.

2.5.1 Keshava . Deva Malaviya Institute of Petroleum

Exploration (KDMIPE)

Founded in 1962 at Dehradun, KDMIPE occupies today a unique place

in the Indian petroleum sector as a nodal agency for hydrocarbon

exploration activities in India.

The Vision & Mission:

KDMIPE is a symbol of the initiative of ONGC towards self-reliance in

the field of oil and natural gas exploration, stands to foster the culture

of excellence, and provides technological competitive edge. The

institute’s mission is to help conceptualize and initialize exploration

efforts in virgin and inadequately explored areas and to contribute to

enhancement of effectiveness of efforts towards petroleum exploration

and energy security. There are three major functions of the institute—

geosciences research, basin research and petroleum economics, and

foreign appraisal.

Objectives of KDMIPE:
> to unravel the complexities of habitat of petroleum

through synergic geoscientific research,

> to identify prospective zones and exploration plays,

> to evaluate hydrocarbon potential and to estimate

ultimate resources of sedimentary basins,

> to develop exploration models and to firm up and

prioritize prospects for exploratory locations in various


> to generate operation activity priorities through long­

term perspective planning and medium-term strategic

planning and techno economics,

> to absorb, improve and develop pre-drilling, while­

drilling, post-drilling and post-discovery exploration


> to generate area specific optimized data acquisition,

processing and interpretation protocols,

> to help harness alternate /non-conventional energy


Services from KDMIPE:

KDMIPE offers its services broadly in the following areas:

1. Regional geological studies.

2. Integrated Basin evaluation including 3D genetic


3. Interpretation of remote sensing data including

generation of satellite altimetry maps.

4. Modelling and designing of all geophysical

prospecting techniques.

5. 2D and 3D seismic interpretation.

6. Log-analysis for formation evaluation, dip-meter

evaluation, and fracture evaluation.

7. Geochemical classification and correlation of oil and

formation fluids.

8. Absolute age dating

9. Organic matter facies and biofacies mapping and

maturation modelling.

10. Paleontology,biostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy.

11. Petrophysical and reservoir characterization.

12. Paleogeographic reconstruction.

13. Evaluation of exploration blocks and bids, preparation

of dockets and data packages.

KDMIPE undertakes collaborative projects with universities and other

institutes of Indian and abroad as a follow up of the national policy

towards utilization of academia in the domain of dedicated research in

various disciplines of earth sciences and applied research in petroleum

exploration. The institute has strived to establish organization -wide

E&P database network, i.e. EPINET (Exploration & Production

Information Network). The future R&D thrust areas of KDMIPE for the

tenth plan shall focus on meeting the challenges of the accredited

exploration and development programmes of ONGC. The areas in

which the major activities will revolve around are: Remote sensing,

Geochemical prospecting, well logging, stratigraphic research,

sedimentology, Palynology, Petroleum geochemistry, Basin evaluation

and modeling, Energy research, Exploration economics, Non-

conventional energy, Geodata base, and Instrumentation.

2.5.2 Institute of Reservoir Studies (IRS)

IRS was founded in Ahmedabad in 1978 for comprehensive evaluation

of reservoir and preparation of an optimum strategy for exploration of

the reservoir.

Objectives of IRS:

> To provide holistic reservoir description through

integration of all data.

> To maximize the value of proven serves with

conventional and improved oil recovery techniques.

> To enhance the skills and knowledge for better

reservoir management.

Services from IRS:

IRS has distinguished for its capabilities in the fields of:

1. Reservoir evaluation & description—Core studies,

PVT analysis, Tracer studies, Well test analysis, Log

analysis and analysis of production & reservoir data.

2. Oil & gas field Development—Prospect evaluation,

Reservoir modeling, and Techno economic appraisal.

3. Enhanced Oil Recovery—Water flooding, Chemical

flooding, Miscible Gas processes, Thermal processes

and Microbial EOR.

IRS has close interaction/ collaboration with a number of scientific and

industrial organizations within India and abroad. The Institute has

state-of-the-art hardware/software for providing cost effective solutions

to complex exploration and exploitation problems. As a part of

international collaboration process, feasibility studies of High-pressure

Air Injection (HPAI) for improved oil recovery is taken with University of

Calgary, Canada, and Institut Farncais du Petrole of France. As

national collaborative projects are: NCL, Pune, and TERI, New Delhi.

The thrust is being given for improvement in recovery of existing fields

through identification of appropriate Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) and

Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques.

2.5.3 Institute of Drilling Technology (IDT)

Founded in 1978 at Dehradun, IDT is engaged in relentless efforts in

R&D in the areas of Oil & gas well drilling technology; IDT is engaged

in providing advance technical knowledge through training and

offering solutions to field problems. The focus of R&D is directed

towards drilling technology, drilling fluid engineering, and cementation

& cementing materials.

The Vision & Mission:

To provide services in an environmentally harmonious manner through

continuous knowledge assimilation adaptation, up gradation, and

development of technologies.

The institutes’ mission is to become a leading global institute providing

services for the E&P related drilling activities.

Objectives of IDT.

> To carry out R&D work pertaining to oil well drilling

technology, drilling fluid cementation and cementing


> To Design well programmes & providing on the spot

technical back up and consultancy services for drilling

of high temperature, high-pressure deep wells in

varied geological conditions.

> To design and application of drilling rig, associated

equipment and manpower with complete technical

back-up world wide on contract basis.

> To impart training to drilling personnel, hands-on

training on simulator including specially devised on

the rig well control school.

> To render specialized services for troubleshooting.

Services from IDT.

1. Applied research and Development in the areas of;

drilling technology, Drilling fluid Engineering, Cement

and cementing materials.

2. Human Resource Development

3. Operations monitoring

4. Technical back-ups and consultancy

Apart from R&D activities, IDT provides support to drilling operations

through knowledge sharing and by providing feasible solutions to

difficult technical problems encountered in the course of drilling wells.

The institute’s state-of-the-art specialized training node called Well

Control School (1997) is at part with international standards and

imparting training of world class. Institute’s drilling services in overseas

markets and contracts have been executed successfully in Bangladesh

and Oman. The R&D thrust of IDT is directed towards drilling

technologies that are relevant for successful and efficient drilling of

wells under varied sub-surface geological environment. IDT has also

been assigned the task of up gradation of the onland drilling rigs in ER,

WOBU and SR. This exercise will enhance the useful life of rigs and

modernize them.

2.5.4 Institute of Oil & Gas Production Technology (IOGPT)

IOGPT was founded in 1984 at Panvel with the assistance of UNDP to

provide a strong Research & Development base for oil and gas

production. This is the first institute in the country to provide integrated

R&D support to the entire spectrum of oil and gas production, which

begins in the well bore and ends at the consumer point.

The Vision & Mission:

To play increasingly an important role in view of the advanced

technological requirements of ageing oilfields, improved recovery

processes and also production interest from frontier areas such as

deep water and CBM.

The institute’s mission is to provide reliable services through

assimilation, up gradation and development of technology.

Objectives of IOGPT

> To ensure customer satisfaction by providing reliable,

cost-effective and timely services.

> To develop scientifically oriented and technically

competent professionals.

> To equip IOGPT with eco-friendly and state-of-the-art

technology through acquisition, collaboration and in-

house R&D

Services from IOGPT:
IOGPT has six major functional groups, and the capabilities in the

areas are:

1. Production Engineering—well completion design, well

stimulation and sand control, water shut off/

conformance control, hydro impact, high energy gas

fracturing, work over / trouble shooting with coil


2. Process Engineering—Basic engineering for new

installations, Engineering packages for new process

plants, Optimization & troubleshooting, Basic

engineering for value addition, Pipeline design for

multiphase/network transportation, Characterization of

crude oil, Clay mineralogical analysis, Rheological

properties of fluids.

3. Corrosion Engineering—Corrosion prediction &

monitoring techniques, remedial measures of Internal

& external corrosion, Design of corrosion inhibitor,

Corrosion audit, onsite corrosion monitoring.

4. Deepwater & Marginal Field Development: Sub-sea

architecture design, Flow assurance study,

Development of offshore marginal fields, Evaluation of

FPSO for deepwater/marginal fields.

5. Artificial Lift: Artificial lift design, Troubleshooting of lift

systems, Sucker rod pumping, Combination lift,

Electrical submersible pumps, Probe testing of gas lift


6. Well . Analysis: Field /layer/Weil -wise

production/reservoir performance analysis, Remedial

measures for production enhancement.

7. Training Services: IOGPT offers specialized training

services in all the areas of oil & gas production.

Processing and transportation for technologists and


As a part of its future plans, the institute envisages more interactive

role in existing work areas and work with field teams for solutions

already given and application of new technologies.

2.5.5 Institute of Engineering & Ocean Technology (IEOT)

The institute was founded in 1983 at Panvel as an applied research

and development wing of ONGC. Today the institute is the nodal centre

in ONGC for technology management in the areas of risk analysis and

conceptual engineering, structural engineering and material &

corrosion engineering.

The Vision and Mission:

The institute has set a vision to transform itself into a global centre of

excellence in its four areas of core competence

Objectives of IEOT:

> Applied R&D in frontier areas of engineering and

ocean technology.

> Quality consultancy services to wider clientele in the

fields of:

1. Risk assessment and HAZOP studies

2. Geotechnical engineering

3. Structural engineering

4. Materials and corrosion engineering

Services from IEOT.

1. Conceptual engineering for development of oil & gas


2. HAZOP Studies

3. Offshore, onshore and near shore soil investigations

4. Laboratory testing of soil samples

5. Estimation of jack-up-rig leg penetration

6. Analysis & design of offshore and near shore


7. Structural analysis & design of offshore structures

8. Fatigue testing and analysis

9. Corrosion audit of pipelines and installations

10. Materials selections and failure investigations

11. Corrosion mitigation schemes

12. Cathodic protection system—design and review

13. Non-destructive examinations

14. Customized training in the above areas.

The institute has collaborations with premier research and academic

institutions, like IIT, Mumbai, Roorkee University, BARC, Mumbai,

Structural Engineering research Institute, Karaikudi and various other

reputed universities for carrying out in-depth study of different problems

related to engineering in oil and gas industry. The institute has also

entered into collaborations with NGI, Norway in the area of soil testing

and foundation design.

2.5.6 Geophysical Data Processing & Interpretation Centre


GEOPIC at Dehradun was established in 1987 to cater to the

specialized needs of seismic data processing and interpretation of

ONGC. It is the largest computing facilities with dedicated state-of-the-

art infrastructure and specialists in the fields of seismic data

processing, geoscientific data interpretation, and software

development. Land and marine seismic data of ONGC is processed

and interpreted synergistically at this centre to unravel the structural

and stratigraphic complexities of the subsurface. GEOPIC processes

one of the finest capabilities in the world in the area of data evaluation,

as is evident from its success rate of 54% for exploratory wells.

The Vision & Mission:

To become a global player in providing geoscientific solutions to E&P


GEOPIC’s mission is the computer aided exploration and reservoir

description by integrating seismic with other geoscientific data.

Services from GEOPIC:

1. Seismic & Log data interpretation—Computer aided

3D data interpretation, interactive interpretation


2. Seismic data processing—2D & 3D seismic data

processing, customized re-processing, optimal

utilization of resources and special processing.

3. Seismic software development—Dip & Azimuth

Transformation Software (DATS), Post stack 3D cross

line statics, 3D seismic survey design, Corporate

serve estimation, vigilance Information system (VIS)

4. Business Development—Consultancy training in the

field of seismic data processing and interpretation has

been imparted to oil industry professionals from Iraq,

Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.

2.5.7 Institute of Petroleum Safety Health & Environment

Management (IPSHEM)

The institute was established in 1989 in Margao, Goa

Objectives of IPSHEM:
The primary objective of the institute is to promote standards of safety,

Health, and environment management in petroleum sector in India.

> To upgrade and develop human resources with a view

to minimize the overall risk to human life, damage to

property, process and environment.

> Applied Research and development

> Consultancy Services

> Advisory role in evolving standards and procedures

> Data bank and information services related to safety

and environment management

Services from IPSHEM:

1. Training—Theoretical classroom training of safety,

health and environment management

2. Practical skill building training programme on—

Offshore survival and safety, Coxswain/boat handling,

Swimming, jumping into water, abandonment

exercises, first aid. Basic fire fighting

3. Safety Consultancy—Safety audit, development of

SMS and procedures, Development of DMPs/ERPs

4. Environment Consultancy—Ambient air quality

monitoring, Environment baseline studies,

environment monitoring, Environment impact

assessment, ISO-14000 implementation, environment


IPSHEM has plans to develop the environment laboratory to take up

R&D projects to solve problems, in addition to providing back up to field

projects. The institute has planned for augmenting its practical training

facilities in the areas like, Helicopter underwater escape training,

advanced fire fighting, academic course in safety and environment

affiliated to Goa University.

2.5.8 Institute of Biotechnology and Geotectonic Studies


INBIGS was founded in 1989 at Jorhat, Assam. The northeast and

Assam region, in particular, is a pioneer in crude oil production and has

a number of oil fields throughout the region. Being rich in flora and

fauna, the region was selected to locate INBIGS of marked tectonic


Petroleum biotechnology plays a vital role in geomicrobial prospecting,

enhancing oil recovery from reservoir and environmental protection by

bioremediation techniques.

Objectives of INBIGS:
The main objectives of INBIGS are:

1 .„ > To take up innovative research in the frontier areas of

petroleum biotechnology and geotectonics through

talented, dedicated and highly motivated team of


> To provide support to industries involved in

hydrocarbon exploration, exploitation and other

related activities.

> To upgrade /elevate existing technical know-how and

state-of-the-art status in the field of petroleum


Services from INBIGS:

INBIGS offers following services:

1. Microbial EOR

2. Geomicrobial hydrocarbon prospecting

3. Bioremediation of oil spilled soil and oily waste

4. Screening of wellhead samples for presence of


To its credit, bioremediation of effluent pits of Borholla and Koraghat

fields of DVP, ER, and bioremediation of oil spilled soil of cluster, I, II,

III of Borholla of Koraghat oil field DVP were done successfully.

2.5.9 Institute of Management Development (IMD)

Founded in 1985 at Dehradun, the institute emerged out of a SWOT

(Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) analysis by the

organization in 1982. IMD is an interface and stimulant between

ONGC and its work force to enhance their professional and managerial


Objectives of IMD:

IMD’s primary objective is to be a global player by realizing the full

potential of ONGC’s human resources to meet the challenges in the

upstream sector and it is committed to achieve global excellence in

meeting managerial and technical needs of customers in upstream oil

industry by:

> Continuously upgrading training programmes to suit

the requirement of the emerging skills and

technologies internationally

> Effectively implementing and maintaining ISO-9001

Quality management system

> To identify the gap between the current technological

know-how and those emerging internationally in order

to bridge the same by developing appropriate training


> To periodically evaluate the resource base of IMD to

meet the provisions of the strategic Business

objectives of the parent company

> To promote quality awareness, develop quality in

practices and include creative and innovative thinking.

IMD organizes different types of management training program for

middle level and senior executives, in association with the leading

management institutes of India. Foreign nationals of Uganda, Vietnam,

Yemen, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Tanzania, Malaysia, and Nigeria

have also availed training facilities of IMD.


ONGC’s network of working and activities are spread over the various

projects, plants and work centers in the respective regions.

MR: -Neelam Pilot Project, Mumbai

CR: —West Bengal Project, Kolkata

- Tripura Project, Agartala

ER: - Dhansiri Valley Project, Jorhat

-- Cachar Project, Silchar

SR: - Cauvery Project, Karaikal

- Krishna Godavari Project, Rajahmundary

WR: -- Ahmedabad Project, Ahmedabad

- Ankleshwar Projects, Ankleswar

- Mehsana Project, Mehsana

- Cambay Project, Cambay

-- Jodhpur Project, Jodhpur

- Uran Plant, Uran Mumbai Region

- Hazira Plant, Surat, Mumbai Region

Regional Work Centres:

1. Delhi

2. HQ, Dehradun (Uttaranchal)

3. MR (Mumbai Region), Vashudhara Bhavan, Mumbai

(Maharashtra), Hazira (Surat)

4. CR (Central region), Kolkata (West Bengal), Silchar (Agartala)

5. ER (eastern Region), Nazira, Jorhat (Assam)

6. NR (Northern Region), Jammu (J&K)

7. SR (Southern Region), Chennai (Tamilnadu), Rajahmundary


8. WR (Western Region), Baroda, Mehsana, Cambay, Ankleswar

(Gujarat), Jodhpur (Rajasthan)


“Knowledge management is not ONGC’s business but ONGC is in

Knowledge industry”, is an established phrase known among ONGC

work culture. Information is the key input to the modern E&P business

in the present era of competitive open market economy. Appreciating

this, ONGC has leadingly taken several initiatives to ride over

Information Technology cultures. The on-going IT projects are: IMMS

(Integrated Material Management system); UFSO (Up gradation of

Financial system of Organization); SHRAMIK (System of Human

Resource Automated Management information by Kaizen); EPINET

(Exploration & Production Information Network), and ICNET (Integrated

Communication Network). INFOCOM (Information Communication)

centres are now established at different work centres with its long

terms and knowledge business objectives.

2.7.1 Library & Information Centres as Information Pool

Libraries of ONGC play an important role in knowledge transfer on the

latest know-hows, technological advancements and global oil

scenarios, and other up-coming challenges of E&P business. The

resources of Libraries & information centres of ONGC are of

paramount nature specialized in its collections and facilities needed to

meet the information needs of scientists and engineers in their varied

degree of business activities, industry operations, and R&D thrusts.

The development of libraries, particularly in R&D institutes started

along with the foundation of institutes themselves. Most of the work

plans, programmes of work, pilot projects, R&D future projections, New

thrust areas of concerns, Alternate Energy options, and safety &

environment programmes are based on new knowledge order and

information support. These are possible through the various primary

and secondary sources of information available with the libraries.

Libraries of different projects/ Plants, and work centres started with

gradual pace as per the demands of the working scientists and

engineers to fulfill their information needs in consonance with the

activities of projects/plants. Thus the libraries of ONGC act as

information pool for effective decision making processes and

knowledge enrichment of entire organization. These libraries are in

readiness to bridge the gap between the point of information

generation and the end users.

The followings are the ONGC libraries scattered all over the regions

and functioning under the control of Assets/ Work centres/ Projects/

plants and institutes.

1. KDMIPE Library (Dehradun)

This is the central Library of ONGC (HQ) and known to be the biggest

among all the libraries, with huge collection of about 60,000 books and

bound journals. The collection is comprised of mainly the core

disciplines of Engineering, Computer sciences, Technology, Energy,

Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum engineering,

Petroleum economics, Oil exploration, Geochemistry, Management,

Chemical technology, etc. The special collections include: the leading

publications of technical/Scientifics societies/ associations—American

Associations of Petroleum geologists (AAPG), American Society of

Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Petroleum Institute (API),

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Petroleum Extension

Services, American Geological Institute (AGI), Society of Petroleum

Engineers (SPE). The valuable collections also include the

seminar/conference proceedings: SPE conference proceedings, World

petroleum congress (WPC), International geological congress (IGC),

Deep offshore technology conference (DOT), etc. Apart from these,

there are good collections of Abstracting and indexing journals:

Petroleum Abstracts, Offshore abstracts, Engineering index, AGI Index,

Georef. The most costly data services being subscribed: Foreign

Scouting Services Reports (FSSR) is also available. Library automation

is in progress. Electronic database of Petroleum Abstracts, ONGC

Bulletin-Image library, Georef index are also available on CD-ROM

offline. On-line access is also available to the users. A large number of

current periodicals on different core subjects, like Geology, Exploration,

Sedimentology, Geophysics, Petroleum engineering, Petroleum

geology, Geochemistry, Electronics & telecommunications, Oil & gas,

Management, etc. are subscribed:

The library caters the needs of all the employees of ONGC at

Headquarter, Dehradun. However, it also provides library services and

document delivery on demand to other libraries and work centers of

ONGC. The working hrs is 9.30 to 17.30 and remains closed on

Saturday and Sunday.

2. IDT Library (Dehradun)

The library is located at Dehradun and exclusively meant for

specialized collection and knowledge base in the areas of Drilling

technology and its sub facets. The collection ranges to 10,000 books

and bound journals. The core collection concentrates on the subjects,

like Drilling technology, Petroleum engineering, Drill bits, Drilling fluids,

cementing, composite catalogue, offshore drilling, Drilling site

structures, Management, and computers. The special collections are

also on SPE drilling Publications, IADC Publications, Society

publications—AAPG, ASTM, API, etc, Technical journals coverage is

on: Drilling, exploration, Reservoir engineering, Petroleum singeing,

Drilling bits, Oil & gas, Oil recovery, Oil economics, etc. Library

automation is in its way.

The library has started switching over towards the collection of

electronic formats. CD-ROM offline access of Petroleum Abstracts, API

Standards, BIS standards, ASTM standards. The library’s working hrs

is 9.30 to 17.30 hrs. on 5 days pattern. The facilities are restricted to

the employees posted at IDT only.

3. IMD Library (Dehradun)

The library is located in the campus of KDMIPE with exclusive

collection on the discipline of management, administration, and training

& development. The core collections are on: Human resource

management, financial management, training, organizational

development, and also having formal collection on - oil exploration,

geology, geophysics, petroleum engineering, technology,

geochemistry, computer science, etc.

The subscription is restricted to technical journals in Management and

training only. The management trainees are the exclusive users of this

library. The working hrs is 9.30 to 17.30.

4. Technical Business Library (Dehradun)

Library’s exclusive collection is on engineering disciplines, like

Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electronics & Telecommunication,

Production, and Management. Some collections are available on Oil &

Gas, Reservoir engineering, Geology, Exploration. Technical journals

include the subject areas on: electronics, electrical engineering,

Engineering advances, society publications—IEEE, SPE, Engineering

index, SPWLA, etc. Electronics information sources are also available

on CD-ROM—engineering index, Indian standards, OISD standards,

and Conference proceedings on CD. The membership is restricted to

Technical business groups and employees of Tel Bhavan campus. The

working hrs is 9.30 to 17.30 hrs.

5. IRS Library (Ahmedabad)

The library is located at Ahmedabad, equipped with specialized

collections on Reservoir engineering and its various related studies.

The main collections are comprised of oil and gas, petroleum

engineering, Reservoir studies, Oil recovery, production engineering,

Cementing, Chemical technology, Computer technology, Reservoir

management, and drilling engineering. The technical journals

concentrate its subscription on: Oil & gas, reservoir engineering, oil

recovery, petroleum engineering, chemical technology, reservoir

fracturing, Formation evaluation, well over control, etc. specialized

facilities available are -Microfiche collections, on-line access, SPE

publications. Library automation is in its full swing, and having network

linkage with INFLIBNET. Timings of the library are 9.30 to 17.30 hrs.

The membership is extended to the employees of Ahmedabad project

of ONGC, in addition to IRS.

6. Baroda Asset/Project Library (Baroda)

The library is located at Makarpura in Baroda. The collection is

normally on the subjects like, Petroleum Engineering, Electrical

engineering, mechanical engineering, Oil & gas, chemical technology,

drilling & production. The subscription of technical journals

concentrates on oil ' & gas, chemical engineering, processing,

production management, process engineering, ..field development,

drilling & exploration. The other specific collections are: Technical

standards—API, ASTM, BIS, OISD. The membership is allowed to the

employees of Baroda Asset/project. The timings are 9.00 to 17.00hrs.

7. Chennai Regional Library (SR-Chennai)

The library is the regional library of SR (southern region) situated in

Egmore Bldg at Chennai with well equipped collection on petroleum

engineering, oil & gas, geology, geophysics, oil exploration, reservoir

engineering, chemical technology, oil & gas, electrical & electronic

engineering. In addition to these, the library is equipped with electronic

information sources with CD-ROM off-line access facilities, like API

standards, ASTM standards and OISD standards. Library is partially

automated and discharging the services of issue /return of books on

computer itself. The library is open from 9-18 hrs. It provides

membership to all the employees of SR project/work centers of

Chennai region.

8. Rajahmundry Project Library (SR-Rajahmundry)

The library is located at Rajahmundary (A.P.) of southern region of

ONGC. Since, the library is in its initial phase of development with the

concentration of core collections on Technical literature, Engineering,

Oil & gas, technical standards (CD-ROM) version—API, and ASTM.

The reference books are also available. Technical journals are very few

in number. The library is in pilot stage of automation with the platform

of campus LAN. Membership is restricted to Rajahmundary project/

Asset. The timings are 9.30 to 17.30 hrs.

9. IOGPT Library (MR-Panvel)

The library is located in the institute at Panvel and well equipped with

excellent collection on operations, production engineering, chemical

engineering, drilling, technology, offshore engineering, Oil & natural

gas, electronics and telecommunication, management and computer

science. The technical journals are regularly subscribed on almost all

the related aspect of oil production and operations. These are on: Oil &

gas, Production technology, offshore engineering, chemical

technology, corrosion engineering, pipeline etc. The electronics

information sources are mostly on CD-ROM version of technical,

standards—API, BIS, ASTM, OISD, etc. The library is in active charge

of computerization. The issue and return is done by computer itself.

The membership is restricted to the scientists and engineers of IOGPT

only. The library is open from 9.30 to 17.30 hrs. This library is known to

be the active pool of technical information sources, particularly rich in

the areas of operations and production of oil and gas.

10. [EOT Library (MR-Panel) ^w '

Located in the same campus of IOGPT, the library is having good

collection on ocean technology, offshore engineering, petroleum

technology, corrosion engineering, underwater technology, rig flotation,

offshore drilling, oil and natural transportation, pipeline, etc. Electronic

formats are the off-line CD-ROM version of technical standards. The

library automation is in process, which has been taken in phase

manner. The timings of the library are from 9.30 to 17.30 hrs. The

users are those who are posted at I EOT only.

11. RTI Library (MR-Panvel)

RTI library is adjacent to the IOGPT. The core collection of this library

is on Management, training, human resource development, financial

management, drilling rigs, exploration & production, engineering,

computer science, and general readings, etc. Journals are very few on

management, training, petroleum, natural gas, Human resources, etc.

The members are the temporary basis for the specialized trainees and

faculties of ONGC posted at MR region. The library is open from 9.30

to 17 hrs.

12. Mumbai Regional Library (MR-Vasudhara Bhavan)

This library is known as regional library of Mumbai region located

Vashudhara Bhavan corporate building at Bandra. Equipped with all

core collections of literature on Petroleum engineering, production

engineering, chemical engineering, electronics and electrical

engineering, corrosion, pipeline, Oil and natural gas, oil exploration,

drilling, reservoir engineering, Management and computer science.

Electronic resource collections are adequately maintained in this library

particularly the CD version of Petroleum abstracts, technical standards.

Internet services are available to the employees of Vasudhara Bhavan.

Library automation is in momentum. The issue and return tasks are

done in computerized way. Members of the regional library are covered

widely from offshore rigs/platforms, Mumbai asset, in addition to the

other institutes/projects of Mumbai region. The library is open during

the working hrs on all working days.

13. Exploration Business Library, Sion (MR-Mumbai)

Now known as WOBS (Western Offshore Basin Studies) and located in

the Priyadarshini building at Sion, Mumbai, this library caters the needs

of exploration information and literatures. The core collection include

on the subjects: Exploration business, oil & natural findings, Offshore

field development, Basin studies, Geology, geophysics, well logging,

Offshore exploration, R&D of oil & gas, Geochemistry, management

and computer science. The technical and scientific journals are in the

areas of: Basin studies, exploration, sedimentology, geophysics,

reservoir engineering, petroleum geology, etc. Library is advancing

towards computerization, which is at threshold. The timings of library

are 9.00 to 17^00 hrs. The members are allowed to access the facilities

posted at Mumbai region in exploration business with Regional

geological Laboratory (RGL) and Regional chemical Laboratory (RCL).

14. E&C Library, Maker Tower (MR- Mumbai)

This library is specially concentrating on developing the collection in

the area of Engineering and Construction (E&C) of offshore platform,

geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, construction &

maintenance, Electrical and electronics engineering, corrosion

engineering, pipeline, etc. Technical journals are also subscribed on

these areas of engineering activities and operations. Electronic

information collection are exclusively on specifications and technical

standards—API, BIS, ASTM, IP, ISO, AANSI, IEC, etc. The library is

open from 9.30 to 17.30 hrs and allows accessing the employees of

ONGC placed at Maker tower building in Mumbai and others linked

with offshore duties.

15. Technical Library, Uran Plant (MR-Mumbai)

This library is located at Uran Township quite far from the main city of

Mumbai. The Plant is inevitably established near the seashore to

receive oil and gas from Mumbai High field off the costal areas of

Arabian Sea. The library’s collection is basically on Chemical

engineering, plant engineering, process engineering, Production

engineering, Waste water treatment, effluent treatment, Loss control,

pipeline engineering, corrosion control, Crude oil processing, LPG,

Naphtha, Management, etc. Technical Journals are also subscribed in

the line of demands of engineers necessary for plant and processing of

crude oil and gas. Electronic information formats are also available in

this library. Mostly the technical standards on CD-ROM—API, ASTM,

BIS, OISD are referred to by engineering disciplines and also by

scientists. Apart from this, the library is connected with IMMS, ICNET

of ONGC. Internet services through LAN /intranet are available. Library

services are from 9 to 18 hrs and allow to the employees of Uran plant

only. Here the employees are attending the duties in Shift pattern.

16. Regional Library—(ER-Nazira)

The library is equipped with technical collections on various aspects of

technology & engineering: production engineering, chemical

engineering, geosciences—geology, geophysics, geochemistry,

exploration, R&D etc. Journals are also subscribed on these topics to

enable the engineers and scientists aware in the area of oil and natural

gas exploration and production, drilling, and reservoir engineering. The

library is extensively used by the technical officers of ER of ONGC at

Nazira and Jorhat. Library has also developed collections on electronic

formats. The library’s working is 9.30 to 17.30 hrs.

17. Bengal Asset/Project Library (CR—Kolkata)

The library is located at RCC complex Kolkata. The collection is very

static on key subjects of business of ONGC—Geology, geophysics,

production engineering, drilling, computer science, oil & gas, etc.

Books and journals are procured oh the basis of occasional demands

by the engineers and scientists working at Kolkata establishments.

Library is accessed and opened when needed by the users.

18. IPSHEM Library (MR-Goa)

Located at Madgaon in Goa,, the library is well established with

exclusive collections on Safety, environment, health, Pollution control,

Loss prevention, Waste treatment, Fires and safety control, safety

auditing, training and management. S<pme formal collections are also

on oil and gas, drilling, reservoir engineering which has got relevance

with the core activities of the institute. Journals are subscribed on

Safety, health, environment, chemical hazards, fire engineering, etc.

Library working hrs is normal and allow to the trainees and employees

of IPSHEM. Library automation is in progress.

19. GEOPIC Library (HQ—Dehradun)

The library is located in GEOPIC building of KDMIPE campus at

Dehradun. The collection is purely on data processing, interpretation,

and programming. Geological and geophysical data processing are

done at great extent. The computer scientists, geophysicists are the

users of this library. The collections are on these areas with non-

conventional storage, like huge magnetic tapes, spools, etc. Few

journals on electronic and communication, computer engineering, data

processing, and network are subscribed. Officers of GEOPIC are also

open to access other libraries of headquarter. The Library is open

round the clock as the Geopic centers work in shifts and managed by

the technical officers themselves.

20. INBIGS Library (ER-Jorhat)

INBIGS library is very recent in its development and has acquired little

collection on Geology, geotectonics, Biotechnology, oil & gas, and

geotechnical engineering. Journal are very few in number, as

demanded by technical officers, the books and journals are procured

on occasional basis.

In addition to the above libraries, there are number of departmental and

unit libraries, project libraries, and divisional libraries. With limited

collections to meet the requirement of specific needs of local nature.

These libraries are at Mehsana (WR), Ankleswar (WR), Delhi

Corporate Office, Jodhpur project (WR), Hazira Project (WR), RTI

libraries of the regions, and the libraries of regional Laboratories.

2.7.2 Information generation in ONGC

Information is generated due to various hazards of human behaviours

and socio-economic actions in almost all the spheres of activities-be it

common community or scientific & industrial inter-operability. In the

mega organization like, ONGC, information generation is definite and

pre-determined in the given framework, at various junctures of

operations, processes and R&D activities carried all over the


In Oil Exploration business, Basin analysis and studies are the vital

area where the large amount of data are generated and correlated with

acreages and reserve estimates for finding oil & gas. Geophysical

surveys, field survey, exploratory drilling and production of oil and

natural gas are regularly generating handful of data and information for

computing the performance status of the projects / Assets in oil and

gas production tasks. All the projects/ plants of ONGC invariably bring

out internal reports, performance appraisal, and monthly & quarterly

progress reports by documenting the in-flow of data interpretation

being processed at various centres of ONGC. GEOPIC is only such

centre in Asian region, which is engaged round the clock in this

business at large. These specific and classified data and information

are monitored and validated under the control of technical group of

scientists and engineers of concerned Assets/ regions. The data

generated intermittently within the organization are finally used and

vehemently recycled for further use by the engineers and scientists for

their up coming projects and assignments they await. Deep sea drilling

is another challenge where reservoir information and exploration

become very urgent to strike oil & gas at great depth of meterage.

The joint ventures (JVs) are another challenged area where ONGC is

looking for organizational development and sustainable scenario. The

prospects of oil findings and production abroad are going well with new

projects and also as consultancy services, tend to involve huge data

and information of its own nature to soar exchequer to the economy of

the country.

2.7.3 IT and Information Consolidation Efficiency (ICE)

The ICE project--a burgeoning approach of organsiaiton towards

information consolidationm that would ensure seamless cross­

functional integration of all IT applications in ONGC, has been taken

into its shape of working. The integrational drive of IT and its interface

related matters among the applications with the communication

network, the teething difficulties are obvious to face. With a view to

overcome the problems of integration of enterprise- wide IT

applications, it was envisaged to create a single application platform as

a project. The project of such integration is called as Information

Consolidation Efficiency (ICE). The results of integration would focus


- Elimination of redundant data

- Total focus on business processes

- Single point of data entry—visibility across the enterprise

- Easier business consolidation

- Better managerial control

- Minimisation of interfaces

- Faster adaptation to technology solutions

- Faster reaction to changing structures

SAP has been considered as preferred platform for project ICE. The

major ongoing applications—UFSO and SHRAMIK are already on the

SAP platform. The solution architecture of SAP taken into account the

expectations of the business users in terms of meeting the

transactional needs, enabling tactical and strategic decision-making

based on online information. The key benefits of ICE projects

envisaged are: (Project ICE, ONGC, 2001).

- Better Decision Support

- Better Operation Support Control

- Efficient Cost Control

- Enable Internal Performance Measurements

- Improved responsiveness to changing market/global


- Enable Transformation (alignment to new organization

structure, and leveraging new technology)

However, to derive the full benefits of comprehensive IT integration, it

was felt that the material management function need be automated,

and must also be integrated into SAP platform for seamless cross

functional integration.

2.7.4 Manpower strength arid Information flow

ONGC has a unique distinction of being a Company with in-house

service capabilities in all the activity areas of exploration and

production of oil & gas and related oil field services. ONGC’s entire

manpower strength is 39956( 2003). There

are 23,798 (table-1) technical &non-technical experience and

competent executives (fig.-6). Out of these, 20305 (fig.-7) are mostly

the scientists and engineers that include: geologists, geophysicists,

geochemists, drilling engineers, reservoir engineers, petroleum

engineers, production engineers, E&T service providers, financial and

human resource experts and IT professional (table-2 to 5).

Table—1: Region wise strength of Executives (E-0 to E-9)

(Technical & Non-Technical)

S.No Region E9 E8 E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Total

1. WR - 5 32 116 369 1417 1327 918 1073 1559 6816
2. ER 1 1 14 39 140 716 826 827 924 1634 5122
3. CR - - 5 10 33 206 177 145 168 312 1056
4. NR - - 1 3 16 57 31 41 16 17 182
5. MR 4 12 58 181 469 1525 1372 835 736 720 5912
6. SR - 2 12 50 142 702 435 303 348 259 2253
7. HQ 1 3 34 58 169 551 293 189 204 321 1823
8. Others 2 3 16 29 77 258 84 50 53 62 634
Level Total 8 26 172 486 1415 5432 4545 3308 3522 4884 23798

Fig.- 6: Strength of Executives of ONGC



7 l
E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9

Levels of Executives

Fig.- 7: Strength of Engineers & Scientists

3568 3609
3500- ^ Engineers
2931 BS Scientists

2500- 2362



500H I
!35 94
I 35 99 49 145 , 7 0
0 T T T
E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9

Levels of Executives

Table-2: Discipline & Level-wise strength of Engineers (E-0 to E-9)

Levels of Engineers No. of

Disciplines Enginee
E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9
1. Production Engg. 965 691 777 1166 734 248 84 23 4 0 4692
2. Drilling Engg 863 776 232 750 419 123 25 18 1 0 3207
3. Mechanical Engg. 729 299 448 530 418 123 35 20 1 0 2603
4. Electrical Engg. 301 261 287 302 400 84 20 2 1 0 1658
5. Material Management 266 46 82 119 223 19 18 6 1 0 780
6. Elx & Telecommunication 31 97 63 160 232 71 24 5 0 0 683
7. Civil Engineering 12 52 57 194. 181 45 8 6 0 0 555
8. Auto 189 93 110 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 459
9. Instrumentation 47 66 63 83 66 17 3 2 0 0 347
I0. Transport 61 22 33 81 70 20 14 5 0 0 306
11. Marine Engineering 96 14 108 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 226
12. C&M 1 24- 5 59 70 24 14 2 0 0 199
13 Cementing 6 24 62 70 35 9 1 0 0 0 207
14. Computer programming 1 60 24 17 66 12 7 3 0 0 190
15. Mathematics 0 0 4 1 7 7 2 1 0 0 22
16 Short Hole Drilling 0 1 7 5 .1 0 0 0 0 0 14
17 Marketing 8
General Management
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 10
General Management
' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 9
Total 3568 2526 2362 3609 2931 804 255 99 14 7 16175

Table -3: Discipline & Level-wise strength of Scientists (E-0 to E-9)

Level of Scientisi S No.

>.N Disciplines of
E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 scien
1. Geology 51 57 85 202 499 117 45 18 0 0 1074
2. Geophysics 4 28 135 141 789 179 65 19 1 0 1361
3. Chemistry 84 43 115 169 555 126 35 6 0 0 1133
4. Reservoir Engineering. 9 48 29 46 180 57 21 6 1 0 397
5. Surveying 87 18 31 16 10 0 0 0 0 0 162
6. General Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
Total 203
235 194 395 574 479 166 49 5 0 4130

Table—4: Age-wise & Level wise strength of Scientists

Age Level of Scientists

S.No Groups No. of
(in years) E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 scientists
1. 25—30 106 174 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 491
2, 31-40 - 112 17 166 438 1145 205 0 0 0 0 2083
3. 41—50 17 3 18 112 824 232 48 18 0 0 1272
4. 51—60 0 0 0 24 64 42 118 31 5 0 284
Total 235 194 395 574 2033 479 166 49 5 0 4130

Table—5: Age-wise and Level wise strength of Engineers

Age Level of Engineers No. of

S.No Groups Engineers
(in years) E-0 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9
1. 25—30 1352 1128 1022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3502
2. 31—40 1238 817 1148 1934 2008 387 0 0 0 0 7532
3. 41—50 927 434 113 1143 546 256 162 42 4 2 3629
4. 51—60 51 147 79 532 377 161 93 57 10 5 1512
Total 3568 2526 2362 3609 2931 804 255 99 14 7 16175

As observed by the researcher in his paper, the transitional trend in the

organization from low technology to high technology is always a

feature, but the technology found in information services is seldom an

integrated part of such development. The management at apex is

becoming more and more dependent on advice of experts, consultants

and outsourced resources and the need for information directly geared

towards problems solving, while traditional services are seldom

capable to meet such needs (Das, 2000J. The cohesion of awareness

of three basic forms is pre-requisite: Information, technology, and

needs. The awareness of information gives vision; the awareness of

technology adds power; and awareness of needs inherit insights

among the end users.

In the drive of CRC, the corporate executives ranging from E-6 to E-9

level have the strength of 692 (table-1), which falls under the category

of 'top level management’. The middle level management (E-3 to E-5)

has the strength of 11,392 (table-1), and the remaining forms the part

of lower management / operative levels. The formal and informal

information transfer patterns are the two way of information flow

ranging from top level of management to the middle management. The

communication patterns are generally followed the organization’s

hierarchy. Most communication and information flow are lateral and

downward; upward communication is crucial due to point of increased

absorption for decision-making.

The information flow is explicitly visualized at all levels of management'

moving along the nodal points of transactions, that is MSGs .V;rc!Sl

(Management services Groups, and TSGs (Technical services Groups)
.. -rs©
attached with all the key offices of the top level management, As|eK^

managers, and regional heads. The top management is known to

as the planner, decision makers, strategists, technologists, policy

makers, and reformers of socio -economic throughputs in the

organization, and in general, nation at large. The information in-takes

and generation both are at crucial stage at the level, that navigates the

entire organization to rise, if not cautious, may lead to disaster. The

important and key information percolates down to the middle levels of

management for its execution through the various segments of working

units processing plants/ projects, and establishments. The operative

levels are responsible for absorption and implementation of decisions

for the ultimate net effects. Thus, the drive of the information flow

mechanism is almost intangible, which estimates the high absorption

and generation at top level of managers, and this trend of absorption of

information tends to be gradually low while reaching to operative level.

Here, information or decision conveyed has taken granted for its

effective use and implementation for the purpose it is deliberated,

without any sort of distortion.

With the restructured demand of the present age, the organization is in

the way to facilitate the information transfer processes as well as

production process and their intertwined cohesiveness. In multi-

operational oriented organization learning culture, the information

system has to synthesize, package, and disseminate information to

various levels of management, to provide internally produced and

externally derived information in proximity.


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