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Evidence Based Medicine Series: Part 3. Appraising The Evidence Are The Results Valid and Clinically Important?

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Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3

ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)

©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

Review Article
Evidence Based Medicine Series
Are the results valid and clinically Important?

NM Lai MRCP, MRCPCH School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia.

Address for correspondence: Dr Lai Nai Ming, Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University
Malaysia, JKR 1235, Bukit Azah, 80100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. Tel: +607-2190600, Fax : +607-2190601, Email:

Lai NM. Evidence-based Medicine Series. Part 3. Appraising the evidence. Are the results valid and clinically important?
Malaysian Family Physician. 2009;4(2&3):57-62


Many of us incorporate new research findings uncritically into
our knowledge bank. We may be inclined to accept whatever A valid piece of research gives the readers confidence that its
the authors claim, especially on the subjects that arouse findings are close to the truth. Various problems in the conduct
interest or conclusions that conform to our beliefs. Such of a research-called biases in EBM terms, may affect its validity.
practice, although easy, is at best risky, as bad research is In critical appraisal, we essentially determine the “risk of bias”
rampant, even in reputable journals1. Our clinical practice might of a study. The lower is the risk of bias, the more likely are its
change according to these misleading findings, and so might findings to be valid. Following is a summary of the key criteria
others’ who believe us, at the perils of our patients. to note in assessing validity for different types of study. These
criteria, adapted from the appraisal guides of the Centre for
In critical appraisal, we examine a piece of clinical evidence Evidence Based Medicine Oxford5, are organised under the
systematically to determine its validity, clinical importance and mnemonic headings of “RAM”, which we hope some readers
applicability to our patient2. We look beyond the surface of will find useful. The words represented by the letters “RAM”
the evidence, identify possible biases and decide for ourselves differ slightly for different types of study.
how much we should believe its messages, and whether and
how we should use them in our clinical practice. Key criteria on assessing validity or risk of bias

There are many online guides to critical appraisal, many of Studies on diagnosis (studies that assess the
which are freely accessible3,4. The guides contain a very similar performance of a diagnostic test, i.e. the index test)
set of rules in critical appraisal, differing only in presentation
to aid memory for different groups of users. Essentially, we • Recruitment: Was a representative sample of diseased
ask three major questions in critical appraisal2: population included?
• Reference standard: Was there an independent and blind
1. Is this piece of research VALID? comparison between the index test and a reference (gold)
2. Are the results CLINICALLY IMPORTANT? standard test?
3. Are the recommendations APPLICABLE to my patient? • Accountability: Did everyone have both the index test and
the reference standard test (regardless of the index test
When we assess validity, we focus on the methods. When we result)?
assess clinical importance, we focus on the results. When we • Measurement: Was the index test an objective test?
assess applicability, we look through both methods and results.
In this article, we cover issues on validity. The next two articles Studies on therapy (studies that assess the effects of an
in this series deal with clinical importance and applicability intervention, e.g. medicine or other treatment methods)
• Randomisation:
To appraise an article, we first identify the type of study that o Was the assignment of patients randomized? Was the
the article belongs to, i.e. whether it is an article about therapy, randomisation method well-described (including how
diagnosis, prognosis or a systematic review. This is covered random sequence was generated, whether there was
elsewhere in the series. The appraisal differs between different sufficient safeguards to prevent the tampering of the
types of study, although the same three areas of validity, clinical sequence allocation (allocation concealment))
importance and applicability are assessed.

Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3
ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)
©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

o Was there evidence that both groups were RESULTS: ARE THEY CLINICALLY IMPORTANT?
prognostically comparable at the start of the study
o Was there evidence that both groups would have been This part of the article covers at a basic level, concepts and
treated equally throughout the study, other than one terms that are essential in understanding the results of an
receiving the intervention and the other comparison? article. For more in-depth understanding of these and other
• Accountability: related concepts, readers are advised to refer to many good
o Were all subjects accounted for throughout the study? resources that are available either online or in print.2, 6-9
o Was each subject analysed in the group to which they
were randomized, regardless of whether they received When we determine the internal validity of a study, we look
the intended allocation (i.e. was Intention-to-treat mainly at its methods. After deciding that a piece of research
analysis followed)? has good enough validity, we next determine the clinically
• Measurement: Was there blinding of investigators, care importance of its messages by looking at the results. If a study
givers and data collector on the allocation of the subjects? has many possible sources of bias in the methods, hence
poor validity, it will be a waste of time looking at the results.
Studies on prognosis (studies that assess the association On the other hand, a valid piece of research with clinically
between a prognostic factor, like a disease or patient trivial results may at best generate some interest among
characteristics, and an outcome, like mortality) clinicians and researchers. It will not find a place in the current
day-to-day care of the patients.
• Recruitment: Was there a well-defined and representative
sample? How to assess clinical importance? In different types of study,
• Accountability: there are different things to look out for, as listed below.
o Was the follow-up period appropriate for the outcomes
assessed? i) Studies (and systematic reviews) on therapy: Clinical
o Was the drop-out rate small enough? relevance of the outcome, the magnitude of effects, and
• Measurement: the precision of the effect estimates.
o Was the outcome objectively measured? ii) Studies on diagnosis: The performance of the diagnostic
o Was there adjustments for other confounders that test in question (including its sensitivity, specificity,
could have influenced the results? predictive values and likelihood ratio).
iii) Studies on prognosis: Clinical relevance of the outcome,
Systematic review (a study that summarises other studies the precision of the estimates, and the comprehensiveness
on the same research question, using reproducible of the information relating to the outcome over time.
methods of identifying, evaluating, selecting and
analyzing the studies) Following is a more detailed explanation of each issue
according to the type of study.
• Recruitment and Accountability:
o Was there a description on how the studies were
o Was there a description on how the studies were
included and excluded? We look at the study results in three ways:
• Measurement:
o Was there a meta-analysis pooling the results of all a) The outcome itself: whether it is of major relevance to
the included studies? patient care
o Were the results consistent from study to study? b) The magnitude of effects: whether large enough to be
considered worthwhile in actual clinical practice
Possible answers to these questions include “yes”, “no” or c) The precision of the effect estimates: whether the range
“unclear”. A study is considered to have good validity if the is narrow enough for us to be confident on the magnitude
investigators take care of each issue above and tell the readers of effects.
clearly that they have done so. Unclear or negative answer in
any of the question above casts some doubts on the study, as The first of these is straightforward. Let us explore the second
it alerts one on the possibility of biases from different sources. and third in more depth.
Some of these biases can be major. For example, lack of
randomisation in a study on therapy, and lack of an The magnitude of effects: beyond the p value
independent and blind comparison with a reference standard Take the example of two studies on antihypertensive therapy,
test in a study on a diagnostic test raise major concerns on its one testing Drug A, another Drug B, both against a currently
overall validity. popular drug, Drug C. We are interested in whether Drugs A

Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3
ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)
©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

or B further reduces one-year cardiovascular mortality in Take the example mentioned above under the dichotomous
hypertensive adults compared to Drug C. Imagine that both outcome. Treatment A reduces the risk of dying at one year
studies were equally well-conducted i.e. validity is not a compared to placebo, relative risk: 0.85. This means treatment
concern. At the end, both studies show a significant difference A reduces the risk of dying by 15% compared to placebo (1.00
in one-year cardiovascular mortality, with p values of less than -0.85 = 0.15, which in percentage is 15%). This seems a good
0.05. In the first study, patients receiving Drug A had lower figure, a clinically important effect size. Is that really so?
mortality by an average of 15% compared to those receiving
Drug C. In the second study, those receiving Drug B had lower The truth is, we are not sure. It depends on what the actual
mortality by an average of 1% compared to Drug C. mortality figures are. A relative risk of dying of 0.85 may mean
either a reduction of mortality rate from 100% to 85% (15%
With p values of less than 0.05, both Drugs A and B produce absolute risk difference, which is clinically important), from
statistically significant lower one-year cardiovascular mortality 10% to 8.5% (1.5% absolute risk difference, which may or
compared to Drug C. Does it mean that both Drugs A and B may not be clinically important), or from 1% to 0.85% (0.15%
have clinically important effects and are worthwhile to be absolute risk difference, which is hardly considered clinically
considered in practice? important). The possible confusion arises because relative risk
is an “adjusted” figure. It is the absolute risk difference divided
To answer this question, we should think about what constitutes by the risk of the control group. From the three examples
clinically important reduction in one-year cardiovascular above, (100-85)/100, (10-8.5)/10 and (1-0.85)/1 all give us
mortality. Most will not dispute that 15% is a remarkable and the same relative risk of 0.85. This commonly used expression
important drop in mortality, as opposed to 1%. So, by of relative risk, on its own, gives us no idea on the absolute
considering the magnitude of the effects alone, we can claim figures (Absolute Risk Difference in EBM terms), which are
that despite statistically significant reductions in mortality necessary to decide whether the results are clinically important.
produced by both drugs, Drug A has more clinically important
effect in one-year cardiovascular mortality compared to Drug How large should a treatment effect be to be considered as
B. clinically important? There is no fixed rule and no scientific
formula - at least none so far. It depends on what the care
To determine the magnitude of effect of a therapy, we need to providers perceive as a worthwhile benefit, taking into account
understand how the outcomes are expressed. In a study on the severity of the condition, the harms associated with the
therapy, there are two major types of outcome: treatment, and the known effects of the currently available
alternatives. These in turn depend on our experience and
a) Continuous, like length of hospital stay or blood pressure. judgment. Different thresholds for clinical importance are
Example: in a study comparing treatment A with placebo, therefore possible, provided that they are well-justified.
patients receiving treatment A had shorter hospital stay
compared to those receiving placebo, mean difference: The precision of the estimates
3.2 days ……... Let us take the example of a study comparing a new
b) Dichotomous, like being dead or alive. Example: In a antihypertensive, X with a currently used antihypertensive, Y.
study comparing treatment A with placebo, patients The study shows that at the end, patients on X had on average
receiving treatment A were less likely to die at one year lower systolic blood pressure by 15mmHg, compared to Y.
compared to those receiving placebo, Relative Risk (RR) The figure of 15 mmHg is the mean reduction obtained in this
of dying: 0.85 ………. In the example of antihypertensive study.
studies above, we use a dichotomous outcome of one-
year cardiovascular mortality, i.e. being dead from In truth, the authors are not absolutely sure that 15mmHg is
cardiovascular causes, or being alive at one year after the exact mean for the population studied, because the study,
the commencement of the studies. like any other study, has a finite number of participants, which
the authors hope represents the entire population of patients
A continuous outcome can be converted to a dichotomous for whom this new drug is intended. With a limited sample,
outcome. For example, length of hospital stay: e” 3 days or < there is always a degree of uncertainty on the estimates. The
3 days; and systolic blood pressure of e” 130 mmHg, or < 130 authors normally give a range of values on top of the point
mmHg. estimate to address the uncertainty. This range of values is
usually expressed as 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI),
Interpreting the difference in a continuous outcome, for meaning that the authors are “95% sure” that the true mean
example, mean difference, is usually straightforward. For lies within the range. By looking at the range of the estimates,
dichotomous outcomes, however, we need to be careful, we will know how confident we should be on the effect size. A
because the same results can be expressed in different ways, narrow range gives us more confidence than a wide range.
making the intervention appear to have a large or small effect.

Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3
ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)
©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

From the example above, we may see the results being In this table, the “test results” refer to the results of the new
reported more or less like this: mean reduction in blood diagnostic tool being assessed. The terms “diseased” and “not
pressure of 15 mmHg (95% Confidence Interval: 13-18 diseased” refer to the disease status of the participants, as
mmHg). By reporting as such, the authors tell us that “In this determined by the results of the current reference standard.
study, we found a mean reduction in blood pressure of 15
mmHg, and we are 95% sure that the true mean reduction Let us take the table apart as we go through each term.
lies between 13 and 18mmHg”.
Sensitivity and specificity
Looking at the data, we are confident that the true mean To understand sensitivity, we need only to look at the left
reduction in blood pressure is around a narrow range of 13- column of the table, as follows:
18mmHg. If instead the 95% CI is 2 to 35mmHg, we are much
less confident about the estimate, as the true mean value Table 2. The “left-half” of table 1, used for illustrating the
might be as small as 2mmHg, or as large as 35mmHg. This concept of sensitivity
explains why precision of the estimates is an important,
although indirect measure of the clinical importance of a study.

STUDIES ON DIAGNOSIS Test result positive a

Test result negative b
A study examining a diagnostic tool typically compares a new
tool against an established, well-accepted tool for the same
condition –commonly called the reference standard. We look Here, the total number of patients who actually have the
at the performance of the tool in question against the reference disease is represented by the whole column, the sum of a
standard. The better the tool performs, the more clinically and b. The upper cell, a, is the number of patients with the
important is the results of the study. disease, in whom the test shows up (“correctly”) as positive.
The lower cell, b, is the number of patients with the disease,
There are several measures commonly used to indicate the in whom the test shows up (“incorrectly”) as negative, i.e. the
performance of a diagnostic tool. These include sensitivity, patients missed.
specificity, positive and negative predictive values and
likelihood ratios. The multitude of terms may be confusing, Sensitivity is represented by the formula: a/a+b. In words, it is
but they are necessary, and so are continued studies on new the percentage of people with the disease that are correctly
diagnostic tools, because there is no single tool that can identified by the test. We can see that when dealing with the
accurately identify all diseased persons as diseased, and all concept of sensitivity, we only talk about patients with disease.
healthy persons as healthy. There are always some “errors” The higher is the sensitivity, the smaller is b, which means the
associated with any diagnostic tool. There are two major sides fewer patients, missed by the test.
of the “errors”: first, mistakenly showing a diseased person as
not diseased (missing the diagnosis), and second, mistakenly Next, we go through the concept of specificity by looking at
showing a disease-free person as diseased (giving false the other half of the table.
alarm). The lower is the probability of these “errors”, the better
is the diagnostic tool. Table 3. The “right-half” of Table 1, used for illustrating
the concept of specificity
To understand the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, predictive
values and likelihood ratios, it is best to orientate ourselves Not diseased
with a common two-by-two table, as follows:
Test result positive c
Table 1. Two-by-two table depicting the states of disease Test result negative d
and test results, commonly used to illustrate concepts
related to the performance of a diagnostic test
Here, we can see that we only deal with patients without the
Diseased Not diseased disease. The total number of patients without the disease is
represented by the whole column, the sum of c and d. The
Test result positive a c upper cell, c, is the number of patients without the disease, in
Test result negative b d whom the test shows up (“incorrectly”) as positive. The lower
cell, d, is the number of patients without the disease, in whom
the test shows up (“correctly”) as negative.

Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3
ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)
©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

Specificity is represented by the formula: d/c+d. In words, it is Table 5. The “bottom-half” of Table 1, used for illustrating
the percentage of people without the disease that are correctly the concept of negative predictive value
identified by the test. The higher is the specificity, the smaller
is c, which means fewer disease-free persons would be tested
Diseased Not diseased
positive, and get a false alarm.

The concept of sensitivity and specificity is useful when we Test result negative b d
assess patients at the bedside, thinking through their likelihood
of having the disease from our clinical assessment, and
pondering on the added value of a diagnostic test in helping Similarly, looking at Table 5, negative predictive value,
us make our diagnosis. A diagnostic tool with high sensitivity represented by the formula d/b+d, is the proportion of those
is necessary in primary setting where screening takes place, with negative test result who truly do not have the disease.
and where we refer patients who are suspected to have the
disease for further work-up. On the other hand, a tool with Likelihood ratios
high specificity is preferable in tertiary centres where patients Compared to earlier terms, likelihood ratios are less intuitive,
have already undergone some form of prior assessments, to but probably more complete measures of the performance of
avoid unduly labeling healthy people as diseased and subject a diagnostic test. From the notes above, one may notice that
them to unnecessary anxiety, and even treatment. In general, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values, if considered alone,
for both sensitivity and specificity, figures above 80% are taken tell us only part of the story about a diagnostic test (only parts
as acceptable, and above 90% as excellent. of the 2x2 table is used when illustrating each of these terms).
In likelihood ratios, we combine both sensitivity and specificity
Predictive values into a single measure.
Once a diagnostic test is ordered and the results available,
the concepts of sensitivity and specificity are no longer directly There are two types of likelihood ratio – the likelihood ratio for
applicable. Instead, we look to see how accurate the available a positive result (LR+) and the likelihood ration for a negative
results of the test are in predicting the likelihood of having the result (LR -).
disease. These measures are called predictive values. There
are two types of predictive value, namely positive and negative LR+ is represented by the formula: Sensitivity/(1-specificity).
predictive values. Let us explore each of these terms using It tells us how much the odds of the disease increases when
again, parts of Table 1. the test is positive.

Table 4. The “top-half” of Table 1, used for illustrating the LR- is represented by the formula: (1-sensitivity)/specificity.
concept of positive predictive value It tells us how much the odds of the disease decreases when
the test is negative.

Diseased Not diseased The odds of a disease is the ratio between the number who
have the disease over the number who do not have the
Test result positive a c disease. This is different from the usual terms of “risk” or
“probability”, in which the denominator is the total number of
patients. Although less intuitive, measures involving odds are
In dealing with sensitivity and specificity, we look down the widely used for different reasons, the details of which are
columns. In dealing with predictive values, we look across the beyond the scope of this article.
rows. Shown here is the upper row of the table, where everyone
has a positive test result, while some truly have the disease
(a), and some do not have the disease (c). STUDIES ON PROGNOSIS

Positive predictive value of a test, represented by the formula In a study on prognosis, the authors look at the association
a/a+c, is the proportion of those with positive test result who between a factor, called the prognostic indicator, and the
truly have the disease. outcome. For example, patients with “stage 2BX, high grade”
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) (prognostic indicator) and
five-year disease-free survival (outcome). Among the three
major elements that determine the clinical importance of such
studies, clinical relevance of the outcome is straightforward,
and the precision of the estimates is covered in the previous

Malaysian Family Physician 2009; Volume 4, Number 2&3
ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic)
©Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Online version:

section on therapy. We shall now focus on the remaining are commonly used to depict all outcomes over time in general,
element: the comprehensiveness of the information relating not only survival.
to the outcome over time.
The three graphs contained in Figure 1 all end up with 50%
Take the example above on NHL and survival. Let’s say the survival rate at the end of the five-year period, but each has
study finds that the five-year disease-free survival rate for different trend of survival over time. The top graph shows a
patients with such specific staging and grading of NHL is 50%. steady decrease in survival rate over the five years, the middle
We know that at the end of the five-year period 50% of the shows a minimal decrease in the first four years followed by a
patients survive. That is all we know. But surely, we and our sharp drop between the fourth and the fifth year, while the
patients would be interested to find out what happens along bottom graph shows a sharp decrease over the first year and
the five years. We may ask: among the 50% who did not a slow drop thereafter. It should be self-evident that such
survive, was there a steady increase in mortality over the years information is critical in counselling patients about their
of follow-up? When did most of this 50% of patients die? prognosis.
Between the fourth and fifth year, or during the first year?....
These are crucial information for our patients and their family, Summary
who may well be planning their future.
It may be obvious to the readers now that critical appraisal,
A study on prognosis provides clinically useful and important especially evaluating the clinical importance of evidence, is
results by providing us the information on the likelihood of the not a robotic process. Apart from understanding the various
outcome over time. This is often best demonstrated using means of expressing a study result, it takes into account factors
graphs called the survival curves (see Figure 1). The curves other than the evidence itself, like the clinical circumstances
and the individual judgment of the clinicians who make
decisions on whether the treatment, diagnostic tool or
prognostic information is worth using in practice.


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