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ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 6, 535-539






*Eva Marie Codamon-Dugyon

Department of Extension and Training/ College of Advanced Education,Ifugao State University, Philippines

Manuscript Info Abstract

Manuscript History: One of the core functions of the academic institutions is to effect change by
empowering the people in the community by way of extension programs and
Received: 12 April 2016
Final Accepted: 19 May 2016
services. This studyassessed the impact of the community extension
Published Online: June 2016 programs of the Ifugao State University (IFSU) on the residents of its six
adopted barangays in the province of Ifugao, Philippines. This evaluation
Key words: type of research intends to gain an understanding of the successes and
Extension program, challenges that the extension implementers of IFSU face so as to guide future
Impact assessment, activities in a positive way. A total of 111 recipients of IFSU’s extension
programs and services were utilized as respondents. Frequency and
Adopted barangays.
percentages were used as statistical tools. Results showed that IFSU’s
extension programs have contributed to the communities especially in
*Corresponding Author enhancing the knowledge and skills of the residents, as well as, in promoting
health and wellness among the residents, and in preventing the youth and the
Eva Marie Codamon- mothers not to be indulged in vices. While respondents believed that they
Dugyon. have gained and learned many skills through the extension programs and
projects, almost all of the respondents perceived the necessity of further
improving and enhancing the community extension programs of IFSU. An
integrated extension project package should be developed and carried out
based on the assessed community needs in order to have greater impact.
Likewise, proper monitoring and evaluation of extended programs should be
undertaken to determine their impact to the communities.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2016,. All rights reserved.

Educational institutions,as the pillar of social development, have the social responsibility to be involved in
empowering communities and in transforming lives through knowledge and technology transfer by way of trainings,
workshops, seminars, and technical advisories. According to Gonzales (2009), an integrated extension approach is
needed to address multi-faceted community issues effectively. Dilao (nd a) in her study on the impact of community
extension program on the residents of Barangay Catadman-Manabay averred that issues in the community will not
be solely addressed by the local government officials nor by the residents, but these need a knowledge-based sector
and the academe for it to come up with a scientific diagnosis with regard to the occurrences of problems in the
community. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) by virtue of Republic Act 7722, mandates higher
education institutions like State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) to respond to the call for societal transformation.
Educational institutions have formidable function to bring their knowledge, skills, best practices and material
resources to the local folks to uplift their quality of life. In view of this, dynamic learning institutions are spirited to
improve the capacity of the faculty members by way of extending their field of expertise to the communities.

While extension services respond to the needs of the communities, the same also correspond to the vision, mission
and goals of the university. Thus, cognizant to its goal of pursuing excellence in Extension and Training, the Ifugao
State University (IFSU) as partner of social change, incessantly implements extension programs and activities that is
socially responsive to the needs of its service communities and is complementary to the curricular offerings of the

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 6, 535-539

university. The IFSU Extension programs and activities are being implemented by the different colleges of the
university in collaboration and coordination with the Local Government Units (LGUs) and other partner agencies
which is done through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). For years now, the extension and training department,
through the academic units of IFSU has established a collaborative partnership with the LGUs most especially the
barangays that led to the establishment of the Adopt-a-Barangay project. This project draws its strength from the
faculty members’ professional expertise and resource materials funded either internally from the general fund or
special trust fund, and/or externally from partner agencies. IFSU faculty members who are engaged in extension
works address community issues and needs by complementing what they have to offer from their respective
program areas. According to DeBord (2007), it is essential to collaborate across multiple disciplines to bring
necessary resources to address community issues.

Of late, the Extension and Training department of IFSU has espoused the motto, “Reaching out, Touching lives,
Empowering Communities” that conveys its mission to communicate, link, and get in touch with the community
people through provision of needed trainings, workshops, seminars and consultancies for them to live better and
become self-reliant communities. True to its commitment, IFSU has extended various community extension works
in many barangays for so long a time now along skills trainings, technology transfer, and information drives.
However, no assessment on the impact of the programs to the recipients has been done yet. Henceforth, this study
was conceptualized and carried out to find out the impact of IFSU’s extension programs and activities on the
beneficiaries in six selected adopted barangays.

The study aimed to assess the impact of community extension programs and activities to the residents of
barangaysJolowon, Pieza, Ambasa, Umilag and Payawan of the Municipality of Lamut; and barangay Baguinge of
the Municipality of Kiangan, Ifugao. Specifically it seeks to investigate the following:

1. To describe the perceived effect of the services extended by IFSU to the following:
a. communities
b. individuals
2. To describe the perceived influence of extension programs to the respondents.
3. To describe the perceived reasons of respondents’ participation and non-participation in the extension program.
4. To describe the felt need to improve the extension program.

Material and Methods:-

Research Design:-
The research design was an impact evaluation, with the aim to assess the overall effects of the extension programs
and activities implemented by the extension implementers of IFSU. This evaluation type of research intends to gain
an understanding of the successes and challenges that the Extension implementers face so as to guide future
activities in a positive way. According to Meadows, et al. (2004), extension agents need to believe that evaluations
designed for learning means the willingness to collect information about the effects of action, including the crucial
but not always welcome information that the action is not working.

Research Locale:-
This study was conducted in the adopted barangays of Jolowon, Pieza, Ambasa, Umilag and Payawan located in the
Municipality of Lamut; and barangay Baguinge of the Municipality of Kiangan, Ifugao. These six
barangays/communities were specifically selected as these are the communities where extension programs were
implemented for a couple of years now.

Respondents of the Study:-

The respondents of the study were the beneficiaries of the extension programs and activities of the
campuses/colleges of Ifugao State University (IFSU). Purposive sampling technique was used to select the
respondents of the study. Purposive sampling was utilized because only those concerned recipients or beneficiaries
in the adopted barangays of Ambasa, Jolowon, Pieza, Payawan, Umilag, and Baguinge in theprovince of Ifugao,
Philippineswere preferred to assess the impact of extension services, delivered and/or implemented by the extension
implementers of the university. For all these adopted barangays/ communities, they were given the same number of
questionnaires. Only the retrieved questionnaires were used in this study. Thus, a total of 111 recipients or
beneficiaries served as respondents in the study.

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 6, 535-539

Research Instrument:-
The main tool that was used by the researcher in this study is a survey questionnaire which was adopted from the
study of Dilao (nd b). Slight revision and modifications were made in the instrument.

The questionnaire was made up of two parts. Part I gathered the demographic profile of the respondents. Part II
elicited the impact of the extension services on the recipients, which is composed of six questions.

Statistical Treatment:-
Frequency and percentage distribution of the SPSS were used to describe the impact of extension programs and
activities to the residents of Jolowon, Pieza, Ambasa, Umilag, Payawan, and Baguinge.

Result and Discussion:-

The results of the study are presented in the following tables and discussions.
Table 1:- Effect of community extension to the community
Indicators Frequency Percentage (%)
It helped a lot to the community 74 66.70
It enhanced the knowledge and skills of the residents 79 71.20
It motivated the residents to clean their surroundings 52 46.80
It motivated the residents to establish livelihood projects in the community 53 47.70
It motivated the residents to adapt and apply new technologies and 44 39.60
innovation in farming
It helped in promoting health and wellness among residents 59 53.20
It helped in promoting peace and order, and good governance in the 54 46.60
It helped in promoting conservation and preservation of the natural 51 45.90
It helped the residents become aware of their rights, responsibilities and 47 42.30
duties as citizens or members of the community
It helped augment the income of the families 46 41.40
It prevented the youth and the mothers not to be indulged with vices 57 51.40
(drugs, gambling)

The Table manifests that 74 (71.20%) of the respondents agreed that the community extension of the Ifugao State
University has helped a lot to the community especially to the residents of barangays Ambasa, Jolowon, Pieza,
Umilag, Payawan, and Baguinge. A number of 79 (71.20%) respondents confirmed that their knowledge and skills
were enhanced, while 59 or 47.70% of them also averred that the IFSU extension helped in promoting health and
wellness among residents. These results signify that the community extension programs of IFSU have contributed
in one way or the other to the communities it serve. These findings conform with other impact studies on extension
programs of educational institutions conducted by Dilao (nd c), Herrera (2010), and Tacbas, et al. (2010).

Table 2:- Effect of community extension to the individual participant/ recipient/ beneficiary.
Indicators Frequency Percentage (%)
It helped boost my confidence 35 31.50
It enabled me to find job 45 40.50
I gained knowledge and skills 69 62.20
It enabled me to increase my income 33 29.70
It helped augment the income of the family 33 29.70
It prevented the youth and the mothers not to be indulged with vices 54 48.60
(drugs, gambling, etc.)

Table 2 shows that 69 (62.20%) of the respondent beneficiaries were able to gain knowledge and skills from the
seminars, trainings, and workshops extended to them by the IFSU extension implementers. Meanwhile, 54 (48.60%)
were in agreement that IFSU’s extension programs in the communities prevented the youth and the mothers not to
be indulged with vices like illegal drugs, gambling, among others. These results imply that the clienteles are

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 6, 535-539

empowered and capacitated due to the knowledge and skills they have gained, and that they become more
productive as they are drawn toward worthwhile activities.

Table 3:- How community extension touches the respondents.

Indicators Frequency Percentage (%)
I now love to help my neighbors sharing to them what I have learned from 56 50.50
the trainers (extension implementers)
It awaken the spirit of volunteerism in me 44 39.60
It made me more proud 38 34.20
It made me feel that, there are others who care for me, inspired me to care for 43 38.70
our community too
I was touched by the trainers (extension implementers) for their patience and 49 44.10
willingness to help
It made me happy especially when I have gained skills 65 58.60

Table 3 reflects how IFSU’s extension programs and services touched the beneficiaries/ clienteles. A total of 65 or
58.60% responded that they were happy of the programs extended to them especially when they gained skills, while
56 or 50.50% of the respondents declared that they now love to help their neighbors by sharing to them what they
have learned from the trainers (extension implementers). The results indicate that the respondent beneficiaries
experienced gladness and wellbeing because of the skills they have acquired and they also become compassionate
and helpful to their neighbors.

Table 4:- Reasons why do respondents participate in IFSU’s Extension Programs.

Indicators Frequency Percentage (%)
I wanted to learn and to gain many skills 76 68.50
I find it beneficial 48 43.20
I was recommended then eventually I loved joining it 47 42.30
I am interested to join the programs 55 49.50
I was ashamed that the extension implementers will be the one to clean our 36 32.40
I am required by the Barangay officials 27 24.30

Table 4 reveals the reasons why respondents participated in IFSU’s extension programs. A little more than half
(68.50%) of the respondents manifested their interest to learn and to gain many skills, while 49.50% claimed that
they were interested to join the programs. These simply mean that the beneficiaries of IFSU’s extension programs
were very eager to gain and to learn many skills, and that they were interested to join the programs.

Table 5:- Need to improve the extension program.

Indicators Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 110 99.10%
No 1 00.90

Table 5 indicated the need to improve the extension programs of IFSU as agreed by almost all or 99.10%
respondents. This forthrightly signifies that IFSU’s extension programs must be further improved.

Conclusion and Recommendations:-

On the basis of these findings, the researcher forwarded the following conclusions:
1. IFSU’s extension programs have generally helped a lot the community and played a role in shaping the lives of
the residents in the adopted barangays/ communities specifically in Ambasa, Jolowon, Pieza, Umilag, Payawan,
and Baguinge. The extension services brought positive impacts such as: in enhancing the knowledge and skills
of the residents, thereby capacitating and empowering them to be self-reliant citizens; in promoting health and
wellness among residents; and in preventing the vulnerable members of society, who are the youth and the
mothers not to be indulged with vices, thereby making them more responsible and conscientious individuals.

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 6, 535-539

2. The extension services of IFSU still needs further improvement and enhancement to reach out, touch lives, and
empower the people in the communities at a greater extent and impact, and to correspond to the needs of the

Based on the findings and conclusions, the researcher offered the following recommendations:
1. The campuses and colleges, through the extension chairpersons and coordinators should come up with an
integrated extension project package based on assessed community needs in order to improve their community
2. Needs assessment survey must be undertaken. Also, proper monitoring and evaluation of extended projects and
activities of every college and/or campus must be undertaken to identify the strengths and weaknesses and to
determine their impact to the communities.
3. More extension programs that have greater economic and social impacts to the service communities of IFSU
should be provided and implemented.

1. DeBord, K. (2007). How Integrated Extension Programming helps market cooperative Extension: The North
Carolina recommendation. Journal of Extension, 45(5) Artcile 5COM1. Retrieved from
2. Dilao, Anilou B. (nda,b,c). Impact of Community Extension Program on the Residents of Barangay Catadman-
Manabay. Retrieved from
3. Gonzales, A.C. &Maghamil, C.W. (2009). Impact of Community Extension Program on LSU Faculty.
4. Herrera, Fernando T. (2010). Impact Assessment of Community Extension Services of Saint Joseph Institute
of Technology.
5. Meadows, D. Randers, J., & Meadows, D. (2004).Limits to growth. White River Junction,VT: Chelsea Green
6. Tacbas, Lauro B., De Vera, Mariana, Romo, NecyCesaria V. (2010). The Effectiveness of the Extension
Programs of the University of Northern Philippines, School Year 2005-2008. UNP Research Journal Vol. XIX,
January – December 2010.


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