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International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 51–72

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International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations


A new hybrid approach based on discrete differential evolution algorithm to enhancement

solutions of quadratic assignment problem

Asaad Shakir Hameeda*, Burhanuddin Mohd Aboobaidera, Modhi Lafta Mutara and Ngo Hea

aFacultyof Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100, Durian
Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia

Article history: The Combinatorial Optimization Problem (COPs) is one of the branches of applied mathematics
Received April 1 2019 and computer sciences, which is accompanied by many problems such as Facility Layout
Received in Revised Format Problem (FLP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), etc. Even though the use of several
June 19 2019
mathematical formulations is employed for FLP, Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one
Accepted June 19 2019
Available online of the most commonly used. One of the major problems of Combinatorial NP-hard Optimization
June 19 2019 Problem is QAP mathematical model. Consequently, many approaches have been introduced to
Keywords: solve this problem, and these approaches are classified as Approximate and Exact methods. With
Combinatorial optimization QAP, each facility is allocated to just one location, thereby reducing cost in terms of aggregate
Problems distances weighted by flow values. The primary aim of this study is to propose a hybrid approach
Facility Layout Problem which combines Discrete Differential Evolution (DDE) algorithm and Tabu Search (TS)
Quadratic Assignment Problem algorithm to enhance solutions of QAP model, to reduce the distances between the locations by
Discrete Differential Evolution finding the best distribution of N facilities to N locations, and to implement hybrid approach
Tabu Search Algorithm
based on discrete differential evolution (HDDETS) on many instances of QAP from the
benchmark. The performance of the proposed approach has been tested on several sets of
instances from the data set of QAP and the results obtained have shown the effective performance
of the proposed algorithm in improving several solutions of QAP in reasonable time.
Afterwards, the proposed approach is compared with other recent methods in the literature
review. Based on the computation results, the proposed hybrid approach outperforms the other
© 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada

1. Introduction

The emergence of Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COPs) from theory and practice poses a great
challenge that has continued to attract the attention of practitioners, researchers and academicians
globally for the last five decades. Facility Layout Problem is an example of such combinatorial problems
and finding a solution to this problem has remained a major challenge (Scalia et al., 2019). The main
purpose of finding a solution to this problem is to enable the arrangement of departments within the
boundaries of the predefined facility such that the functions can efficiently interact with one another,
while the total cost of mobility is reduced. Many studies have been carried out in the area of facility
* Corresponding author
E-mail: (A. S. Hameed)

2020 Growing Science Ltd.

doi: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2019.6.005

layout problems, but most of them have only focused on studying facility layout problems in
manufacturing facilities, with just a few of them analyzing this problem within hospital domain. The
modelling of FLP was first carried out as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP) by (Koopmans &
Beckmann, 1957). According to Samanta et al. (2018), these COPs emerge from real-life situations. The
use of discrete formulations is employed in layout problems which involve determining possible
positions of facilities prior to their optimization. QAP is commonly used for this kind of problem. The
QAP is regarded as a problem of NP-Hard combinatorial optimization (Şahinkoç & Bilge, 2018), which
serves as a model for many real-life applications such as hospital layout, backboard wiring, campus
layout, scheduling and designing of keyboard typewriter, etc. ever since the QAP was formulated, the
attention of researchers has been drawn to it because of its importance in theory and practice, and most
importantly because of how complex it is (Duman et al., 2012; Benlic & Hao, 2013; Kaviani et al., 2014;
Abdel-Basset et al., 2018a, Cela et al., 2018). The FLP has been introduced as a QAP in order to identify
the ideal allocation of N facilities to N locations, where there must be equality between the number of
locations and number of facilities. Researchers around the world have accepted the complexity associated
with finding a solution, but now, there is no available polynomial time algorithm that can be used to solve
QAP. In recent times, the approximate algorithms have been used more than the exact algorithms,
because it can find the optimal solution with unreasonable time. However, most of the times it is
impossible to solve a problem that is more than 20 within a reasonable period of time (Abdel-Baset et
al., 2017). Therefore, researchers are more interested in employing the use of meta-heuristic and heuristic
approaches to solve huge QAP problems. The motivation of this paper is proposing a novel approximate
meta-heuristic algorithm that can enable the most efficient allocation of N facilities to N locations (N >
30) of QAP. It is hoped that this approach will, in turn, enhance the reduction of cost while the problem
is solved within the shortest time possible. The use of different methods, which are classified as a
heuristic, meta-heuristic and exact methods has been employed in solving this challenging problem. Out
of the three categories of methods, researchers are paying more attention to meta-heuristic methods, and
this is evident in its increased usage in solving problems associated with optimization. Regardless of the
inability of these methods to solve problems optimally, their efficiency is guaranteed especially when the
models are complex. One of the meta-heuristic methods that are widely used in models of healthcare
facility location is Tabu search (TS) (Zhang et al., 2010). Apart from Tabu, there are other methods that
are used in solving such problems, such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) (Radiah Shariff & Noor Hasnah
Moin, 2012). Pareto Ant Colony Optimization (P-ACO) (Doerner et al., 2007), and Simulate Annealing
(SA) (Syam & Côté, 2010). One of the greatest problems associated with the exact methods is their cost
of computation with more time, and for this reason, this study is carried out to find the best solutions for
QAP. In order to achieve this, a new method is proposed in this study. This study seeks to achieve more
objectives as follows: (i) The major objective of this study is to propose a hybrid approach which
combines Discrete Differential Evolution (DDE) algorithm and Tabu Search (TS) algorithm for
enhancing solutions of QAP model, (ii) To minimizethe cost through reducing the distances between the
locations by finding the best distribution of N facilities from N locations, and (iii) To implement
HDDETS on many instances of QAP from the benchmark.

The other sections of this paper are as follows. Section 2 introduces the Quadratic Assignment Problem
QAP. In Section 3 the Review of Literature is provided. In Section 4, the algorithm that has been proposed
(HDDETS) has been examined and discussed. The Computational Results are discussed in Section 5.
Lastly, the conclusions and some recommendations for future studies are given in Section 6.

2. Quadratic Assignment Problem QAP

The QAP has several real-life applications, which makes it an interesting area of study for researchers
since its inception (Czapiński, 2013; Abdelkafi et al., 2015; Çela et al., 2017). The QAP mathematical
model has been presented as follows:
n n (1)
𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑓(𝜋) = 
i 1 j 1
𝐹 𝐷 () ( )
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 53

Overall permutations   Pn .

The model of QAP consists of two matrices each of them size N ×N, N =1, 2, ..., n.
 The F refers to the flow or weight between each pair of facilities is represented by 𝐹 denoting
the flow from facility i to facility j;
 The D connotes the distance that exist between each pair of locations being represented by 𝐷 ,
which denotes the distance from location i to location j;
 π is the best way through which a solution to a QAP problem can be represented.
 The aim is to allocate N facilities to N locations at a low cost.

3. Literature Review

QAP remains a major problem that is yet to have an exact solution. To this end, many researchers have
invested so many resources into finding the most appropriate solution to this problem, and they have as
well used several methods with different techniques to solve the problem. In this section, the review of
literature is presented to show some of the several techniques that other researchers have used to solve
the QAP. The Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) algorithm was introduced by Pradeepmon
et al. Sridharan (2016). In a study carried out by Pradeepmon (2018), the DPSO algorithm was modified
and named Modified DPSO. This development was also aimed at solving the QAP. Also, in (Shukla,
2015) the Bat Algorithm (BA) was used for the same purpose. Similarly, the study conducted by Riffi et
al. (2017) aimed at enhancing the BA search strategy by introducing a new method. In their proposed
method, the Discrete Bat Algorithm (DBA) was combined with BA, an enhanced uniform crossover, and
a 2-exchange neighborhood method. The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm has been suggested
by Xia and Zhou (2018). In the research conducted by Abdel-Basset et al. (2018b), a new approach
known as the WAITS was introduced. The WAITS is integration between meta-heuristic whale
optimization and the tabu search, hence the name. Similarly, Ahmed (2018) carried out a study in which
the lexisearch and genetic algorithms were combined to form a hybrid algorithm (LSGA) that can be
used in solving the QAP effectively. A hybrid method in which the Ant Colony Algorithm was combined
with Tabu Search algorithm, was proposed by Lv (2012). The experimental data for this proposed hybrid
algorithm indicated that the smallest average error value was obtained using the proposed hybrid
algorithm. In research carried out by Da Silva et al. (2012), another hybrid algorithm was proposed. The
proposed algorithm was an integration of Tabu search meta-heuristics and greedy randomized adaptive
search procedure (GRASP). Their results showed that the proposed algorithm produced low-cost
solutions for 50 instances. Similarly, another hybrid algorithm, which is a combination of Simulated
Annealing and Tabu Search was introduced by Kaviani et al. (2014) as a solution to the QAP. In the
proposed algorithm, memory structures were used through Tabu search as a means of explaining the
user-provided set of rules. In contrast to other studies, in a research carried out by (Said et al., 2014) the
Genetic algorithm, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search were compared in terms of execution time.
The study results revealed that the performance of the Tabu search was better than that of other meta-
heuristic algorithms in terms of execution time for solving practical QAP instances and the algorithm
demonstrated faster execution time. Another integration was performed by Harris et al. (2015), and in
their study, they integrated the Tabu Search with Memetic algorithm. Through the restarts, the solution
space is explored, and the problem of convergence is avoided by the algorithm. Furthermore, the search
for local optima is intensified using Tabu Search. Findings of their study revealed that the proposed
algorithm was less time consuming and outperformed other methods in terms of solving real-life
instances and random instances with high quality. In order to solve the QAP, Lim et al. (2016) proposed
another hybrid algorithm which is formed by combining the Biogeography-Based Optimization
Algorithm and Tabu Search. With the use of the proposed hybrid algorithm, the best solutions were found
for 36 instances out of 37 instances. This shows that the performance of the hybrid algorithm was good.

In other studies, attempts were made by researchers to solve the problems of discrete optimization. In
such studies, modifications were made to the Differential Evolution (DE). An algorithm associated with
discrete differential evolution (DDE) was proposed by (Pan et al., 2008) for the purpose of computing
differences in the flow-shop preparation problem. Results of their study showed that the efficiency of the
proposed algorithm was lower than that of other methods, and this was perceived to be caused using
probability of low mutation (0.2). However, the DDE algorithm operation is more successful and efficient
when the local search is used. In a study earlier conducted by Kushida et al. (2012) the DE was modified
to a discrete optimization problem and afterward used in solving the QAP. Similarly, the use of insertion
and swap was employed by Tasgetiren et al. (2013) in modifying DDE with the local search-based
modification. With the use of DDE alongside local search, improvements were observed in the results of
two kinds of dense and sparse instances of QAPLIB.
4. Methods

Three phases are involved in this section. In the first phase, discrete differential evolution algorithm
(DDE) is included, the second phase includes the Tabu search algorithm TS, and finally, in the third
phase, the proposed hybrid, which is a combination of both TS and DDE is introduced.

4.1 Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm (DDE)

One of the most recently introduced Evolutionary Algorithm is the Differential Evolution (DE)
optimization method, which was first introduced by Storn and Price (1997). The Evolutionary Algorithm
is regarded as a category of efficient optimization techniques used worldwide to solve a wide range of
hard problems. DE is known as a global optimizer that is constantly dependent on random space and
population (Lampinen, 2005). The DE has proven to be more efficient and powerful, and for this reason,
it is rapidly emerging as a popular optimizer that is used in different areas like the function of continuous
real value and for solving a combinatorial optimization problem with a discrete decision. In this study,
the discrete differential algorithm DDE which has been modified by (Tasgetiren et al., 2013) is used.
The Discrete Differential algorithm DDE is illustrated in the flowchart in Fig. 1. and the steps of it have
been introduced as follows:

I. Initialization initialize population matrix π = {π1, π2, π3, …, πNP} randomly. Matrix size NP × ND
where NP is number of population and ND dimension of problem space. All population individuals
should be unique.

II. Evaluate fitness: find the best solution πbt-1 from population π.

III. Mutation: obtain the mutant individual, the following equation can be used:

𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡 (𝜋 ) 𝑖𝑓 (𝑟 < 𝑃 ) (2)

𝑣 =
𝑠𝑤𝑎𝑝(𝜋 ) 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

where πbt-1 is the best solution from the previous generation in the target population; Pm is the perturbation
probability; and swap are simply the single insertion and swap moves, r is a uniform random number
belong to [0,1].

IV. Crossover: obtain the crossover, the following equation can be used:

𝐶𝑅 (𝑣 , 𝜋 ) 𝑖𝑓 (𝑟 < 𝑃 ) (3)
𝑢 =
𝑣 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 55

where πbt-1 is the best solution from the previous generation in the target population; Pc is the crossover
probability; and CR is crossover operation. then the crossover operator is applied to generate the trial
individual 𝑢 Otherwise the trial individual is chosen as 𝑢 = 𝑣 .

V. Selection: selection is based on fitness function; the following equation can be used:

𝑢 𝑖𝑓 𝑓 (𝜋 ) < 𝑓 (𝜋 ) (4)
𝜋 =
𝜋 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

Fig. 1. Flowchart of DDE algorithm

4.2 Tabu Search Algorithm (TS)

In order to solve the large combinatorial optimization problem, the use of Tabu search (TS) has been
employed with great success (Van Luong et al., 2010). Despite the efficiency and the meta-heuristic
strength demonstrated by the TS, it is usually combined with other solutions like evolutionary
computation. The central idea behind TS involves the specification of a set of moves or a neighborhood
which can be used in a specific solution so as to enable the generation of a new solution (Taillard, 1991).
The neighborhood solution that is considered by TS is to have the best evaluation. In an event that
improving moves are absent, TS selects the neighborhood solution that has minimal effect in terms of
degrading the objective function. It is possible to avoid the return to a local optimum that has just been
visited by using a list of tabu. In an event that tabu moves are perceived as fascinating, the introduction
of an aspiration criterion is made so that these tabu moves can be selected.
4.3 The proposed algorithm HDDETS
In Fig. 2 below, the HARDEST algorithm flow chart is presented. The basic steps of the HDDEST are
addressed as follows:

1- Initialization: initialize population matrix π = {π1, π2, π3, …, πNP} randomly. Matrix size NP × ND
where NP is several population and ND dimension of problem space. All population individuals should
be unique. Initialize set Solution Wait for each solution SW = array of NP with zeros and maximum wait,
and ht (iteration of tabu search).
2- Evaluate fitness: to the fined best solution based on the Eq. (1)
3- Mutation: use the Eq. (2)
4- Crossover: the crossover has been introduced by Eq. (3). The central idea of crossover is to leverage
the best benefits from the parent algorithm during the production of the new one, which is often known
as the hybrid. A wide range of crossover operators are found in the literature, and such crossover
operators have been proposed by researchers with the aim of solving quadratic assignment problem. In
this study, the crossover which has been used is referred to as the uniform-like crossover (ULX) which
was introduced by (Tate & Smith, 1995). The crossover was obtained as follows:
 The offspring inherits any facility which is has been allocated to the same location in both
 The selection of every unallocated facility is carried out randomly so as to ensure that each
facility that is unassigned is chosen just once. Here, a random selection of one of the parents
is made. In a situation whereby the location of the chosen facility is unoccupied, the offspring
inherits it. However, if the location is occupied in the first parent, then an attempt is made to
allocate the location of the facility from the second parent.
 Once a location has been allocated to a facility, it is marked. If the facility which is allocated
to this location in the parent that was used in the previous rule is not allocated, the offspring
inherits it.

5- apply the TS for a hybrid: TS used to an enhancement of the solution based on some
characteristics as follows:

i. Intensification: In Intensification the promising area is explored more fully in the hope to find
the best solutions by using neighborhood search, the size of a neighborhood is n (n − 1) / 2 and
calculated through the following:

Δcost (π, i, j) = (aii – ajj) (bπ(j) π(j) − bπ(i) π(j) ) + (aij – aji) (bπ(j) π(i) − bπ(i) π(j) ) + (4)
∑ , , (aik – ajk) (bπ(j) π(k) − bπ(i) π(k) ) + (aki – akj) (bπ(k) π(j) − bπ(k) π(i) )

where aii, ajj = 0, i=1, 2, …, n, k =1, 2, 3, …, n such that k ≠ i, k ≠ j

ii. Tabu list: The tabu list has been used to avoid the solution which visited in the past.

6- Selection: selection is based on fitness function; the following equation can be used:

𝑢 𝑖𝑓(𝑓(𝜋 ) < 𝑓(𝜋 )) (5)

𝜋 =
𝜋 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

7- Update solution waiting:

𝑆𝑊 =
0 𝜋 = 𝑢 (6)
𝑆𝑊 + 1 𝜋 = 𝜋
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 57

4.3.1 Pseudo-code of HDDETS algorithm

Generate population matrix π = {π1, π2, π3, …, πNP} randomly. Matrix size is NP × ND where NP is the
number of population and ND is the dimension of problem space. Max_t = number of maximum
iterations. Set Solution Wait for each solution SW = array of NP. Max_ht = number of maximum
iterations of TS.

While t < max_t

For each solution
Evaluate fitness: Equation (1)
Mutation: Equation (2)
Crossover: Equation (3)
If (r < 0.5)
ht = 1
While ht < max_ht
For each solution
Great neighborhood
Evaluate the neighborhood solutions.
Choose best admissible solutions 𝜋ℎ𝑖 which not exist in tabu list.
Update tabu list.
If best tabu solution is better than current solution update current
Great a new neighborhood
end if

end For
end while
Selection: Equation (5)
Update solution waiting SWi: Equation (6)
end if
if SWi reach to maximum waiting W
regenerate the current solution.
end for
end while

Fig. 2. Flowchart of HDDETS algorithm

5. Computational Results

In this section, the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is presented. In order to encode the proposed
algorithm, MATLAB was employed on a PC with Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz. Also,
the PC which was used operates under MS Windows 10 and has a RAM of 4GB. This section consists
of two parts, and the first part highlights the parameters used for the proposed algorithm, while in the
second part the results of the study are discussed. The results were obtained using the proposed algorithm.
The proposed algorithm has been applied to seven categories of instances from QAPLIB as Table 1.
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 59

Table 1
Instances of QAP from QAPLIB
Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

Category 5

Category 6

Category 7
Tai12a Nug12 Chr12a Esc16a Lipa20a Had12 Sko42
Tai12b Nug14 Chr12b Esc16b Lipa20b Had14 Sko49
Tai15a Nug15 Chr12c Esc16c Lipa30a Had16 Sko56
Tai15b Nug16a Chr15a Esc16d Lipa30b Had18 Sko64
Tai17a Nug16b Chr15b Esc16e Lipa40a Had20 Sko72
Tai20a Nug17 Chr15c Esc16f Lipa40b - Sko81
Tai20b Nug18 Chr18a Esc16g Lipa50a - Sko90
Tai25a Nug20 Chr18b Esc16h Lipa50b - Sko100a
Tai25b Nug21 Chr20a Esc16i Lipa60a - Sko100b
Tai30a Nug22 Chr20b Esc16j Lipa60b - Sko100c
Tai30b Nug24 Chr20c Esc32a Lipa70a - Sko100d
Tai35a Nug25 Chr22a Esc32b Lipa70b - Sko100e
Tai35b Nug27 Chr22b Esc32c Lipa80a - Sko100f
Tai40a Nug28 Chr25a Esc32d Lipa80b - -
Tai40b Nug30 - Esc32e Lipa90a - -
Tai50a - - Esc32g Lipa90b - -
Tai50b - - Esc32h - - -
Tai60a - - Esc64a - - -
Tai64c - - Esc128a - - -
Tai80a - - - - - -
Tai80b - - - - - -
Tai100a - - - - - -
Tai100b - - - - - -
Tai150b -
Tai256c -

5.1 Parameter setting

In order to determine the most appropriate parameter settings, extensive experiments, as well as many
runs of the algorithm, were performed. The set values of the parameters for the three algorithms were
presented in Table 2. The quality of the solutions obtained by using the proposed algorithm can be
influenced by the set algorithm parameters. To identify the most suitable set of parameter values that
produce desirable outcomes, numerous tests were performed.

Table 2
Parameter setting
Parameter Value
NP Number of Population 200
Maximum Iterations 100
Pm Perturbation Probability of Mutation 0.7
Pc Perturbation Probability of Crossover 0.8
Ph Probability of Hybrid 0.5
Maximum waiting for solutions updates 10
Tabu list length 10
Maximum iterations of TS 25
Number of runs 10

5.2 Results and Discussions

This section shows the computational results of the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The suggested
algorithm HDDETS has been run on 10 different instances made up of problems that are referred to as
follows: Tai, Nug, Chr, Esc, Lipa, Had, and Sko. Table3 shows the instances which have been used in
this study. The QAP size falls within the range of 12 to 256. Many statistical analyses have been carried
out for every instance which include the best solution, worst solution, average solution, best gap, worst
gap, average gap, standard deviation, and time. The experiment show the effect of integrating the tabu
search algorithm TS with the discrete differential evolution algorithm DDE. The performance of the

algorithm which is proposed in this study HDDETS was evaluated by comparing it with other algorithms.
Specific criteria which include quality of solution and measured running times were used in comparing
the algorithms. The use of quality of solution criterion for comparison of algorithms is more appropriate
in heuristic and estimation methods, especially (in optimization). On the other hand, the running time
comparison criterion is the most appropriate for exact algorithms. However, in a case where the produced
solutions are similar in terms of quality, comparison of running times of approximation algorithms and
heuristics will be suitable. This work focused on solution quality. The accuracy of an algorithm is
calculated using a percentage deviation or gap. In this study, the solution quality criterion was used in
calculating the accuracy, which is calculated through the question below:
Gap = (CBest - C*) / C* ×100, (7)
where CBest is the best objective value found over 10 runs, while C * is the best-known value taken from
QAPLIB. The results of the proposed algorithm (HDDETS) are presented in Table 3. The results are
discussed using three scenarios as follows:
Scenario 1:

The proposed algorithm was applied to the cases shown in Table 1. All the numerical results were
excellent and have been presented in Table 3. It was found that the proposed algorithm achieved an
accuracy of 100 % in 83 test instances out of 105 test instances. These excellent results can be attributed
to the use of an algorithm feature that can continuously improve all the solutions in each iteration until
the best solution is reached. The strength of this algorithm is due to the integration of the diversification
property of the algorithm DDE with the intensification feature of TS algorithm, as well as the use of tabu-
list which prevents the recurrence of solutions that have been visited in the past.

Results of the HDDETS algorithm for some instances from QAPLIB

Name of problem

Average Solution

Stander Division
Worst Solution

Time (seconds)
Best Solution

Average Gap
Worst Gap
Solution in


Best Gap

Nug12 578 HDDETS 578 578 578 0 0 0 0.514 0

Nug14 1014 HDDETS 1014 1014 1014 0 0 0 0.432 0
Nug15 1150 HDDETS 1150 1150 1150 0 0 0 0.378 0
Nug16a 1610 HDDETS 1610 1610 1610 0 0 0 0.573 0
Nug16b 1240 HDDETS 1240 1240 1240 0 0 0 0.461 0
Nug17 1732 HDDETS 1732 1732 1732 0 0 0 4.204 0
Nug18 1930 HDDETS 1930 1930 1930 0 0 0 0.526 0
Nug20 2570 HDDETS 2570 2570 2570 0 0 0 1.889 0
Nug21 2438 HDDETS 2438 2438 2438 0 0 0 2.275 0
Nug22 3596 HDDETS 3596 3596 3596 0 0 0 1.672 0
Nug24 3488 HDDETS 3488 3488 3488 0 0 0 1.99 0
Nug25 3744 HDDETS 3744 3744 3744 0 0 0 3.201 0
Nug27 5234 HDDETS 5234 5234 5234 0 0 0 1.299 0
Nug28 5166 HDDETS 5166 5166 5166 0 0 0 43.434 0
Nug30 6124 HDDETS 6124 6148 6126 0 0.391 0.039 3.273 0.123

Chr12a 9552 HDDETS 9552 9552 9552 0 0 0 0.518 0

Chr12b 9742 HDDETS 9742 9742 9742 0 0 0 0.281 0
Chr12c 11156 HDDETS 11156 11156 11156 0 0 0 0.558 0
Chr15a 9896 HDDETS 9896 9896 9896 0 0 0 1.077 0
Chr15b 7990 HDDETS 7990 7990 7990 0 0 0 0.369 0
Chr15c 9504 HDDETS 9504 9504 9504 0 0 0 2.026 0
Chr18a 11098 HDDETS 11098 11098 11098 0 0 0 1.01 0
Chr18b 1534 HDDETS 1534 1534 1534 0 0 0 0.522 0
Chr20a 2192 HDDETS 2192 2192 2192 0 0 0 2.057 0
Chr20b 2298 HDDETS 2298 2298 2298 0 0 0 50.772 0
Chr20c 14142 HDDETS 14142 14142 14142 0 0 0 0.849 0
Chr22a 6156 HDDETS 6156 6156 6156 0 0 0 51.954 0
Chr22b 6194 HDDETS 6194 6194 6194 0 0 0 64.016 0
Chr25a 3796 HDDETS 3796 3796 3796 0 0 0 9.588 0
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 61

Results of the HDDETS algorithm for some instances from QAPLIB (Continued)

Average Solution

Stander Division
Worst Solution

Time (seconds)
Best Solution

Average Gap
Worst Gap
Solution in


Best Gap
Name of

Sko42 15812 HDDETS 15812 15818 15814 0 0.037 0.015 20.864 0.019
Sko49 23386 HDDETS 23386 23440 23403 0 0.23 0.072 27.001 0.063
Sko56 34458 HDDETS 34458 34580 34503 0 0.354 0.131 623.89 0.132
Sko64 48498 HDDETS 48498 48902 48622 0 0.833 0.255 858.975 0.241
Sko72 66256 HDDETS 66316 66626 66429 0.09 0.558 0.261 368.841 0.136
Sko81 90998 HDDETS 91060 91524 91313 0.068 0.578 0.346 1624.424 0.18
Sko90 115534 HDDETS 115756 116498 116046 0.192 0.834 0.443 1727.96 0.197
Sko100a 152002 HDDETS 152316 154014 152725 0.206 1.323 0.475 2969.776 0.382
Sko100b 153890 HDDETS 154168 155054 154600 0.18 0.756 0.461 1490.758 0.189
Sko100c 147862 HDDETS 148148 149426 148753 0.193 1.057 0.602 2930.167 0.325
Sko100d 149576 HDDETS 149762 150512 150217 0.124 0.625 0.428 1472.923 0.15
Sko100e 149150 HDDETS 149514 151034 150024 0.244 1.263 0.585 6488.738 0.341
Sko100f 149063 HDDETS 149714 150464 149919 0.454 0.958 0.592 1265.821 0.144
Tai12a 224416 HDDETS 224416 224416 224416 0 0 0 0.508 0
Tai12b 39464925 HDDETS 39464925 39464925 39464925 0 0 0 0.684 0
Tai15a 388214 HDDETS 388214 388214 388214 0 0 0 0.847 0
Tai15b 51765268 HDDETS 51765268 51765268 51765268 0 0 0 0.81 0
Tai17a 491812 HDDETS 491812 491812 491812 0 0 0 5 0
Tai20a 703482 HDDETS 703482 706786 704026 0 0.469 0.077 5.653 0.167
Tai20b 122455319 HDDETS 122455319 122455319 122455319 0 0 0 0.511 0
Tai25a 1167256 HDDETS 1167256 1174422 1170285 0 0.613 0.259 7.848 0.209
Tai25b 344355646 HDDETS 344355646 344355646 344355646 0 0 0 13.46 0
Tai30a 1818146 HDDETS 1818146 1818146 1818146 0 0 0 57.4 0
Tai30b 637117113 HDDETS 637117113 637117113 637117113 0 0 0 29.794 0
Tai35a 2422002 HDDETS 2422002 2431810 2423613 0 0.404 0.066 29.589 0.131
Tai35b 283315445 HDDETS 283315445 283315445 283315445 0 0 0 57.4 0
Tai40a 3139370 HDDETS 3141431 3151727 3148060 0.065 0.393 0.276 138.357 0.087
Tai40b 637250948 HDDETS 637250948 650062131 638532066 0 2.01 0.201 416.445 0.635
Tai50a 4938796 HDDETS 4989160 5010958 5002852 1.019 1.461 1.297 768.214 0.162
Tai50b 458821517 HDDETS 458821517 460726849 459656699 0 0.415 0.182 48.479 0.194
Tai60a 7205962 HDDETS 7281638 7338518 7309055 1.05 1.839 1.43 921.089 0.263
Tai60b 608,215,054 HDDETS 7205962 608501817 640242782 0.047 5.265 1.526 42.188 1.616
Tai64c 1855928 HDDETS 1855928 1855928 1855928 0 0 0 8.308 0
Tai80a 13499184 HDDETS 13642148 13749540 13690956 1.059 1.854 1.42 1195.736 0.215
Tai80b 818415043 HDDETS 818415043 831997039 824550128 0 1.659 0.749 1399.883 0.561
Tai100a 21125314 HDDETS 21269898 21395720 21342495 1.069 1.667 1.414 2740.755 0.202
Tai100b 1185996137 HDDETS 1187179912 1212182931 1191632007 0.099 2.208 0.475 1553.481 0.624
Tai150b 498896643 HDDETS 501892435 508173332 505261057 0.6 1.859 1.275 9402.76 0.442
Tai256c 44759294 HDDETS 44786418 44838798 44813276 0.06 0.177 0.12 41014.57 0.041
Esc16a 68 HDDETS 68 68 68 0 0 0 0.533 0
Esc16b 292 HDDETS 292 292 292 0 0 0 0.634 0
Esc16c 160 HDDETS 160 160 160 0 0 0 0.577 0
Esc16d 16 HDDETS 16 16 16 0 0 0 0.532 0
Esc16e 28 HDDETS 28 28 28 0 0 0 0.55 0
Esc16f 0 HDDETS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.426 0
Esc16g 26 HDDETS 26 26 26 0 0 0 0.472 0
Esc16h 996 HDDETS 996 996 996 0 0 0 0.473 0
Esc16i 14 HDDETS 14 14 14 0 0 0 0.629 0
Esc16j 8 HDDETS 8 8 8 0 0 0 0.737 0
Esc32a 130 HDDETS 130 130 130 0 0 0 7.953 0
Esc32b 168 HDDETS 168 168 168 0 0 0 1.924 0
Esc32c 642 HDDETS 642 642 642 0 0 0 2.276 0
Esc32d 200 HDDETS 200 200 200 0 0 0 2.184 0
Esc32e 2 HDDETS 2 2 2 0 0 0 1.835 0
Esc32g 6 HDDETS 6 6 6 0 0 0 1.907 0
Esc32h 438 HDDETS 438 438 438 0 0 0 1.896 0
Esc64a 116 HDDETS 116 116 116 0 0 0 9.927 0
Esc128a 64 HDDETS 64 64 64 0 0 0 55.614 0

Results of the HDDETS algorithm for some instances from QAPLIB (Continued)

Average Solution

Stander Division
Worst Solution

Time (seconds)
Best Solution

Average Gap
Worst Gap
Solution in


Best Gap
Name of

Lipa20a 3683 HDDETS 3683 3683 3683 0 0 0 1.351 0

Lipa20b 27076 HDDETS 27076 27076 27076 0 0 0 1.011 0
Lipa30a 131178 HDDETS 131178 131178 131178 0 0 0 9.965 0
Lipa30b 151426 HDDETS 151426 151426 151426 0 0 0 5.141 0
Lipa40a 31538 HDDETS 31538 31844 31684 0 0.97 0.461 16.246 0.487
Lipa40b 476581 HDDETS 476581 476581 476581 0 0 0 6.946 0
Lipa50a 62093 HDDETS 62093 62629 62451 0 0.863 0.576 42.387 0.398
Lipa50b 1210244 HDDETS 1210244 1210244 1210244 0 0 0 32.891 0
Lipa60a 107218 HDDETS 107897 108019 107959 0.633 0.747 0.69 463.998 0.034
Lipa60b 2520135 HDDETS 2520135 2969956 2742733 0 17.849 8.832 433.066 9.311
Lipa70a 169755 HDDETS 170787 170858 170824 0.607 0.649 0.629 1056.769 0.014
Lipa70b 4603200 HDDETS 4603200 5475784 5285704 0 18.956 14.8267 470.74 7.818
Lipa80a 253195 HDDETS 254506 254695 254590 0.517 0.592 0.551 719.781 0.023
Lipa80b 7763962 HDDETS 7763962 9293826 9131465 0 19.7047 17.613 176.991 6.189
Lipa90a 360630 HDDETS 362307 362601 362480 0.465 0.546 0.513 2000.489 0.026
Lipa90b 12490441 HDDETS 12490441 15002587 14479768 0 20.112 15.926 1851.828 8.395
Had12 1652 HDDETS 1652 1652 1652 0 0 0 0.784 0
Had14 2724 HDDETS 2724 2724 2724 0 0 0 0.583 0
Had16 3720 HDDETS 3720 3720 3720 0 0 0 0.437 0
Had18 5358 HDDETS 5358 5358 5358 0 0 0 0.674 0
Had20 6922 HDDETS 6922 6922 6922 0 0 0 0.837 0

Scenario 2:
All solutions for all cases mentioned in the database of QAP are divided into two types:

 Optimal Solution (OPT)

 Best Known Solution (BKS)

In this study, the number of instances that have the Optimal Solution is 77 instances and the number of
instances that have the Best-Known Solution is 28 instances. An Optimal Solution can be obtained by
the proposed algorithm in 73 instances out of 77 instances and it can produce Best Known Solution in 10
instances out of 28 instances. The first comparison was done in this study to evaluate the effectiveness
of the proposed algorithm HDDETS. The proposed algorithm was compared with TS and DDE. In Table
4, the results of the comparison are presented, and it can be observed from the results that the HDDETS
outperformed DDE and TS in all instances. Afterward, another comparison has been carried out between
the proposed algorithm and another algorithm in the literature. Prior to the proposal of a hybrid algorithm
in this study, a new approach called whale algorithm integrated with Tabu search for quadratic
assignment problem (WAITS) had been introduced by (Abdel-Basset et al., 2018a). A comparison was
done between the WAITS and the algorithm proposed in this study. Based on the outcome of the
comparison, the performance of WAITS is better than that of other algorithms in terms of solving QAP.
More so, it can produce an optimal solution for many instances of QAP.
Table 4 shows the comparison between our proposed HDDETS and WAITS. The main contribution of
this study is providing an improved solution for QAP, especially that which has not produced an optimal
solution. For instance, in the case of (Tai50a, Tai80b, Tai100a, and Tai150b) the best gap of this instance
was reached at (1.57 %, 1.20 %, 2.04 %, and 1.76 % respectively) compared with the solution in a dataset
of QAP. By applying our proposed algorithm to solve the instance (Tai50a, Tai80b, Tai100a, and
Tai150b) this gap was reduced to (0 %, 0 %, 1.146 %, and 0.6 % respectively). Table 4 shows our
contribution in terms of providing improved solutions for QAP. In the instances of (Sko49, Sko56,
Sko64, Sko72, Sko100b, and Sko100e), many researchers have developed several optimization methods
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 63

to improve the solutions of these instances so that they can reach the best or the same values within the
database for QAP. So far, the best gap has been found for these cases by WAITS as follows: (0.13 %,
0.08 %, 0.07 %, 0.27 %, 0.74 %, and 0.76 %, respectively). Another contribution of the algorithm
HDDETS is enhancing the solutions of these instances; the results produced by HDDETS were found to
be better than those of WAITS. More so, HDDETS reached the best gap of (0 %, 0 %, 0 %, 0.09 %, 0.18
%, and 0.124 %, respectively). Below are the figures (Figs. 3-9) that show the gaps obtained from the
algorithms in Table 4. In Table 5 below, a summary of the comparison results between HDDETS and
WAITS is presented.

Comparative results between DDE, TS, HDDETS, and WAITS algorithms for QAP
No. Problem Best-Known DDE TS HDDETS WAITS

Best gap Best gap Best gap Best gap

1 Chr12a 9552 0 3.810 0 0

2 Chr12b 9742 0 0 0 0
3 Chr12c 11156 2.312 2.312 0 0
4 Chr15a 9896 0 9.256 0 0
5 Chr15b 7990 14.167 23.329 0 0
6 Chr18a 11098 27.967 26.872 0 0
7 Chr18b 1534 30.365 11.155 0 0
8 Chr20a 2192 1.825 7.561 0 0
9 Chr20b 2298 13.594 20.255 0 1.56
10 Chr20c 14142 15.665 13.838 0 0
11 Chr22a 6156 40.347 35.384 0 0.16
12 Chr22b 6194 9.096 8.219 0 0
13 Chr25a 3796 8.653 7.426 0 0
14 Esc16a 68 0 0 0 0
15 Esc16b 292 0 0 0 0
16 Esc16c 160 0 0 0 0
17 Esc16d 16 0 0 0 0
18 Esc16e 28 0 0 0 0
19 Esc16f 0 0 0 0 0
20 Esc16g 26 0 0 0 0
21 Esc16h 996 0 0 0 0
22 Esc16i 14 0 0 0 0
23 Esc16j 8 0 15.3846 0 0
24 Esc32a 130 20 14.2857 0 0
25 Esc32b 168 19.047 0 0 0
26 Esc32c 642 0 0 0 0
27 Esc32d 200 0 0 0 0
28 Esc32e 2 0 0 0 0
29 Esc32g 6 0 0.91324 0 0
30 Esc32h 438 0.913 0 0 0
31 Esc64a 116 0 0 0 0
32 Esc128a 64 34.375 0 0 0
33 Lipa20a 3683 1.710 2.1721 0 0
34 Lipa20b 27076 14.791 0 0 0
35 Lipa30a 131178 1.844 1.7529 0 0
36 Lipa30b 151426 15.766 15.7998 0 0
37 Lipa40a 31538 1.417 1.4554 0 0
38 Lipa40b 476581 19.009 18.2678 0 0
39 Lipa50a 62093 1.3673 1.3705 0 0
40 Lipa50b 1210244 19.278 19.2295 0 0
41 Lipa60a 107218 1.221 1.2759 0.633 0
42 Lipa60b 2520135 21.013 21.2654 0 0
43 Lipa70a 169755 1.122 1.1611 0.607 0
44 Lipa70b 4603200 22.022 22.1949 0 0
45 Lipa80a 253195 1.029 1.0861 0.517 0.55
46 Lipa80b 7763962 23.047 23.4897 0 0
47 Lipa90a 360630 0.963 1.0559 0.465 0.50
48 Lipa90b 12490441 23.243 24.0423 0 0

Comparative results between DDE, TS, HDDETS, and WAITS algorithms for QAP (Continued)
No. Problem Best-Known DDE TS HDDETS WAITS

Best gap Best gap Best gap Best gap

49 Nug12 578 1.73 2.422 0 0

50 Nug14 1014 2.366 0 0 0
51 Nug16a 1150 2.782 0.173 0 0
52 Nug16b 1610 2.608 0.993 0 0
53 Nug17 1240 3.225 1.774 0 0
54 Nug18 1930 0.923 1.732 0 0
55 Nug20 2570 0.310 0.932 0 0
56 Nug21 2438 1.400 1.4 0 0
57 Nug22 3596 1.230 2.297 0 0
58 Nug24 3488 1.724 0.166 0 0
59 Nug25 3744 2.216 2.867 0 0
60 Nug27 5234 1.442 1.121 0 0
61 Nug28 5166 1.528 3.248 0 0
62 Nug30 6124 3.832 4.065 0 0.52
63 Sko42 15812.0 2.567 4.3638 0 0
64 Sko49 23386 1.599 4.8833 0 0.13
65 Sko56 34458 2.704 5.2876 0 0.08
66 Sko64 48498 3.365 5.2909 0 0.07
67 Sko72 66256 3.595 6.7164 0.09 0.27
68 Sko81 90998 3.356 6.2815 0.068 0.19
69 Sko90 115534 3.661 7.1183 0.192 0.56
70 Sko100a 152002 3.326 7.2039 0.206 0.76
71 Sko100b 153890 3.184 6.6723 0.18 0.74
72 Sko100c 147862 3.907 7.3799 0.193 0.99
73 Sko100d 149576 3.866 7.3394 0.124 0.98
74 Sko100e 149150 3.886 7.3067 0.244 0.76
75 Sko100f 149036 3.616 6.899 0.454 0.95
76 Had12 1652 0.121 0 0 0
77 Had14 2724 0.22 0 0 0
78 Had16 3720 0.86 0 0 0
79 Had18 5358 0.298 0.074 0 0
80 Had20 6922 1.126 0.086 0 0
81 Tai12a 224416 0 3.842 0 0
82 Tai12b 39464925 2.8496 4.263 0 0
83 Tai15a 388214 2.043 0.16898 0 0
84 Tai15b 51765268 0.339 2.4024 0 0
85 Tai20a 491812 2.983 0.90165 0 0
86 Tai20b 703482 4.592 4.3505 0 0
87 Tai25a 122455319 1.743 1.6315 0 0
88 Tai25b 1167256 4.216 4.0909 0 0
89 Tai30a 344355646 2.039 6.5651 0 0.48
90 Tai30b 1818146 4.548 5.5332 0 0
91 Tai35a 637117113 3.502 4.0868 0 0.06
92 Tai35b 2422002 4.777 6.3761 0 0
93 Tai40a 3139370 2.157 0.092568 0 0.52
94 Tai40b 637250948 4.748 6.9324 0.065 0.005
95 Tai50a 637250948 0.0769 11.4704 0 1.57
96 Tai50b 4938796 5.246 12.7767 1.019 0.05
97 Tai60a 458821517 3.388 13.2447 0 1.93
98 Tai60b 7205962 4.609 1.974 0.047 0.74
99 Tai64c 1855928 0.4175 2.4024 0 0
100 Tai80a 13499184 5.665 0.90165 1.059 1.90
101 Tai80b 818415043 7.486 4.3505 0 1.20
102 Tai100a 21125314 5.743 1.6315 1.146 2.04
103 Tai100b 1185996137 7.116 4.0909 0.099 0.50
104 Tai150b 498896643 8.6079 6.5651 0.6 1.76
105 Tai256c 44759294 1.5643 2.1909 0.06 0.26
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 65

Below the figures which show the gaps obtained from the performance of the algorithms in Table 4.

Average best gap 5.265


0.069 0.178



Fig. 2. comparison among DDE, TS, HDDETS, and WAITS

30 6
25 DDE 4 DDE

20 gap
15 TS 2 TS














Fig. 3. Comparison on instance Chr Fig. 4. Comparison on instance Nug

35 7
30 6
25 5

20 DDE 4 DDE

15 3
10 2


Fig. 5. Comparison on instance Esc Fig. 6. Comparison on instance Sko

30 1.2
25 1
15 DDE

10 TS

0 0.2















Had12 Had14 Had16 Had18 Had20

Problem Problem

Fig. 7. Comparison on instance Lipa Fig. 8. Comparison on instance Lipa






Fig. 9. Comparison on instance Tai

Table 5 presents a summary of the comparison results between HDDETS and WAITS.

Summary of the comparison results between HDDETS and WAITS

Category Name of Number of Type of Solution HDDETS WAITS
Problem Instances
1 Tai 25 10 15 10 7 8 3
2 Nug 14 14 - 14 - 13 -
3 Chr 13 13 - 13 - 11 -
4 Esc 19 19 - 19 - 19 -
5 Lipa 16 16 - 12 - 14 -
6 Had 5 5 - 5 - 5 -
7 Sko 13 - 13 - 3 - 1
Sum 105 77 28 73 10 70 4

Scenario 3:
In the next step, the effect and validation of the proposed algorithm HDDETS are presented. This is
achieved by comparing the proposed algorithm with other algorithms. The most robust and latest
algorithms were used for the comparison. Table 6 shows the results of the comparison between HDDETS
and four other algorithms. Comparisons between HDDETS and the following algorithms were done:
 Discrete Bat Algorithm (DBA) (Riffi et al., 2017)
 Development of modified discrete particle swarm (DPSO) (Pradeepmon, 2018)
 Biogeography-Based Optimization Algorithm Hybridized with Tabu Search (BBOTS) (Lim et
al., 2016)
 A hybrid algorithm combining lexisearch and genetic algorithms (LSGA) (Ahmed, 2018)
For the compared cases in Table 6, the first comparison which was between HDDETS and DBA, it was
found that the DBA can reach the optimal solution for 35 out of 54 instances and reach to Best Known
Solution for 5 out of 21 instances. While the HDDETS has been solved 54 optimal solutions out of 54
instances, this implies that the gap of the best value found was 0 %. On another hand, it was observed
that the HDDETS can reach the Best-Known Solution for 12 out of 21 instances. The results obtained by
the DBA algorithm are as follows: the optimal solution was achieved for (8 instances from case Bur out
of 8 instances, 5 instances from the case Chr out of 5 instances, 10 instances from the case Esc out of 10
instances, 3 instances from the case Nug out of 15 instances, and 9 instances from the case Tai out of
10). For the best-known solution in case Tai, the DBA can reach 4 instances out of 14 instances, the best
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 67

value for the best average gap report is 0.872 %. HDDETS can found 8 best-known solutions out of 14
instances with the best value is 0.333 % of the average gap. Next test for the best-known solution has
been applied on a case Sko, the results show DBA found 1 best-known solution out for 7 instances with
the best average gap value is 0.208 %. Whereas HDDETS has been reached to 4 best-known solutions
out for 7 instances and the best average gap is 0.05 %.
The next comparison was between HDDETS and DPSO; DPSO has been tested on 23 instances of QAP
which produced optimal solutions. The results have shown that one optimal solution was found, and the
results recorded the best value for an average gap for the rest of the instances at 0.618 %. When the
HDDETS was applied to these instances, it was found that HDDETS has the capability of improving all
the 23 instances, while reducing the gap to 0 % for all these instances. Similarly, the proposed algorithm
has been compared with BBOTS, and this algorithm was applied in 5 cases (Bur, Chr, Esc, Nug, and Tai)
of QAP. The results of these comparisons are as follows: in the case of Bur, the best value of the average
gap was found to be 0.003 %. On the other hand, results obtained from the proposed algorithm HDDETS
achieved an average gap of 0 %. For cases Chr, the difference between the results was obvious, where
the performance of HDDETS was better than BBOTS; the average gap obtained by HDDETS was 0.185
%, while the best average gap was 0 %. The results of the comparison were equal to an average gap for
both BBOTS and HDDETS algorithms in case Esc. For the case of Nug, the results for BBOTS in terms
of the best value for the average gap was 0.019 %, while it was found that the HDDETS can lower the
average gap to 0 %. On the other hand, for instances (tai12a, tai15a, tai17a, tai20a, tai30a, and tai80a)
the BBOTS algorithm was used to solve these cases, and the average gap of 0.892 % was achieved, while
the use of HDDETS to solve these instances enhanced the reduction of the best average rate to 0 %.

Comparison among DBA, DPSO, BBOTS, and HDDETS

No. Problem Type of Solve DBA DPSO BBOTS HDDETS

OPT BKS Best Solve Gap Best Gap Best Gap Best Solve Gap
Solve Solve
1 bur26a 5,426,670 - 5,426,670 0 5434783 0.150 5426670 0.028 5,426,670 0
2 bur26b 3,817,852 - 3,817,852 0 3824420 0.172 3817852 0 3,817,852 0
3 bur26c 5,426,795 - 5,426,795 0 5428396 0.030 5426795 0 5,426,795 0
4 bur26d 3,821,225 - 3,821,225 0 3821419 0.005 3821225 0 3,821,225 0
5 bur26e 5,386,879 - 5,386,879 0 5387320 0.008 5386879 0 5,386,879 0
6 bur26f 3,782,044 - 3,782,044 0 3783123 0.029 3782044 0 3,782,044 0
7 bur26g 10,117,172 - 10,117,172 0 10118542 0.014 10117172 0 10,117,172 0
8 bur26h 7,098,658 - 7,098,658 0 7099677 0.014 7098658 0 7,098,658 0
9 chr12a 9552 - 9552 0 - - 9552 0 9552 0
10 chr12b 9742 - 7990 - - - 9742 0 9742 0
11 chr12c 11156 - - - - - 11156 0 11156 0
12 chr15a 9896 - - - - - 9896 0 9896 0
13 chr15b 7990 - - 0 - - 7990 0.298 7990 0
14 chr15c 9504 - - - - - 9504 0 9504 0
15 chr18a 11098 - 11,098 0 - - 11098 0.079 11098 0
16 chr18b 1534 - - - - - 1534 0 1534 0
17 chr20a 2192 - - - - - 2192 0.876 2192 0
18 chr20c 14142 - 14,142 0 - - 14142 0.604 14142 0
19 chr25a 3796 - 3796 0 - - - - 3796 0
20 esc16a 68 - 68 0 - - 68 0 68 0
21 esc16b 292 - 292 0 - - 292 0 292 0
22 esc16c 160 - 160 0 - - 160 0 160 0
23 esc16d 16 - 16 0 - - - - 16 0
24 esc16e 28 - 28 0 - - - - 28 0
25 esc16f 0 - 0 0 - - - - 0 0
26 esc32a 130 - 130 0 - - - - 130 0
27 esc32e 2 - 2 0 - - - - 2 0
28 esc32g 6 - 6 0 - - - - 6 0
29 esc64a 116 - 116 0 - - - - 116 0

Comparison among DBA, DPSO, BBOTS, and HDDETS (Continued)

No. Problem Type of Solve DBA DPSO BBOTS HDDETS

OPT BKS Best Solve Gap Best Gap Best Gap Best Solve Gap
Solve Solve
30 nug12 578 - - - 582 0.692 578 0 578 0
31 nug14 1014 - - - 1016 0.197 1014 0 1014 0
32 nug15 1150 - - - 1164 1.217 1150 0 1150 0
33 nug16a 1610 - - - 1630 1.242 1610 0 1610 0
34 nug16b 1240 - - - 1240 0.000 1240 0 1240 0
35 nug17 1732 - - - 1750 1.039 1732 0.012 1732 0
36 nug18 1930 - - - 1936 0.311 1930 0 1930 0
37 nug20 2570 - 2570 0 2570 0 2570 0 2570 0
38 nug21 2438 - 2438 0 2444 0.246 2438 0 2438 0
39 nug22 3596 - - - 3602 0.167 3596 0 3596 0
40 nug24 3488 - - - 3578 2.580 3488 0 3488 0
41 nug25 3744 - - - 3766 0.588 3744 0 3744 0
42 nug27 5234 - - - 5294 1.146 5234 0 5234 0
43 nug28 5166 - - - 5228 1.200 5166 0.209 5166 0
44 nug30 6124 - 6124 0 6206 1.339 6124 0.065 6124 0
45 tai12a 224,416 - 224,416 0 - - 224416 0 224416 0
46 tai12b 39,464,925 - 39,464,925 0 - - - - 39464925 0
47 tai15a 388,214 - 388,214 0 - - 388214 0 388214 0
48 tai15b 51,765,268 - 51,765,268 0 - - - - 51765268 0
49 tai17a 491,812 - 491,812 0 - - 491812 0.093 491812 0
50 tai20a 703,482 - 703,482 0 - - 705622 0.677 703482 0
51 tai20b 122,455,319 - 122,455,319 0 - - - - 122455319 0
52 tai25a 1,167,256 - 1,172,754 0.47 - - - - 1167256 0
53 tai25b 344,355,646 - 344,355,646 0 - - - - 344355646 0
54 tai30a - 1,818,146 1,831,272 0.72 - - 1843224 1.795 1818146 0
55 tai30b 637,117,113 - 637,117,113 0 - - - - 637117113 0
56 tai35a - 2,422,002 2,438,440 0.67 - - - - 2422002 0
57 tai35b - 283,315,445 283,315,445 0 - - - - 283315445 0
58 tai40a - 3,139,370 3,139,370 1.3 - - - - 3150391 0
59 tai40b - 637,250,948 637,250,948 0 - - - - 637250948 0.065
60 tai50a - 4,938,796 5,042,654 2.10 - - - - 4965748 0
61 tai50b - 458,821,517 458,830,119 0 - - - - 458821517 1.019
62 tai60a - 7,205,962 7,387,482 2.5 - - - - 7266970 0
63 tai60b - 608,215,054 608,414,385 0.03 - - - - 1855928 1.05
64 tai64c - 1,855,928 1,855,928 0 - - - - 13616880 0
65 tai80a - 13,499,184 13,810,130 2.30 - - 13841214 2.788 818415043 1.059
66 tai80b - 818,415,043 819,367,807 0.11 - - - - 818415043 0
67 tai100a - 21,052,466 21,541,326 2.3 - - - - 21285950 1.146
68 tai100b - 1185996137 1188168753 0.18 - - - - 1187179912 0.099
69 sko42 - 15,812 15,812 0 - - - - 15812 0
70 sko49 - 23,386 23,421 0.14 - - - - 23386 0
71 sko56 - 34,458 34,524 0.19 - - - - 34458 0
72 sko64 - 48,498 48,656 0.32 - - - - 48498 0
73 sko72 - 66,256 66,422 0.25 - - - - 66256 0.09
74 sko81 - 90,998 91,252 0.27 - - - - 91008 0.068
75 sko90 - 115,534 115,874 0.29 - - - - 115578 0.192

Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm HDDETS was compared with another algorithm
contained in the literature review of this study. This algorithm is a hybrid algorithm which is a
combination of lexisearch and genetic algorithms (LSGA) proposed by (Ahmed, 2018). The results of
this comparison have been presented in table 7. It was found that in the instances (Tai20a, Tai30a,
Tai40a, Tai50a, Tai60a, Tai80a, Tai100a, Tai20b, Tai30b, Tai40b, Tai50b, Tai60b, Tai80b, Tai100b,
Tai150b), the LSGA algorithm was able to solve this case with the best value of average gap of 0.665
%, while the proposed algorithm HDDETS reduced this value to 0.004 %. On the other hand, the LSGA
algorithm solved the instances (sko42, sko49, sko81, sko90, sko100a, sko100d), and the algorithm was
able to find the best average gap which was 0.191%, while the HDDETS reinforced the solutions of these
instances and it obtained an average gap of 0.093 % for these instances. Below Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show
the best gaps obtained from the performance of the algorithms in Table 7.
A. S. Hameed et al. / International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 11 (2020) 69

Comparison among LSGA and HDDETS


Gap % Gap % Gap % Gap %

Tai20a 703,482 0.48 0 sko42 15,812 0 0
Tai30a 1,818,146 1.06 0 sko49 23,386 0.14 0
Tai40a 3,139,370 1.62 0 sko81 90,998 0.1 0.068
Tai50a 4,938,796 1.49 0 sko90 115,534 0.33 0.192
Tai60a 7,205,962 1.53 0 sko100a 152,002 0.26 0.206
Tai80a 13,499,184 1.53 0 - - - -
Tai100a 21,052,466 1.53 0 - - - -
Tai20b 122,455,319 0 0 - - - -
Tai30b 637,117,113 0 0 - - - -
Tai40b 637,250,948 0 0 - - - -
Tai50b 458,821,517 0 0 - - - -
Tai60b 608,215,054 0 0 - - - -
Tai80b 818,415,043 0.01 0 - - - -
Tai100b 1,185,996,137 0.01 0.065 - - - -
Tai150b 498,896,643 0.72 0 - - - -
AVERAGE gap 0.665 0.004 0.191 0.093

Below Figures have been shown the gaps obtained from the performance of the algorithms in Table 7.

Best gap









Fig. 10. Comparative study 1 between LSGA and HDDETS

Best gap

sko42 sko49 sko81 sko90 sko100a


Fig. 11. Comparative study 2 between LSGA and HDDETS




Best gap






Fig. 12. Comparison on Average best for QAP

6. Conclusion

In this paper, a Discrete Differential Evolution algorithm hybrid with Tabu Search HDDETS has been
proposed with the aim of enhancing the solution of QAP. The limitation of the standard Discrete
Differential Evolution algorithm is the low level of accuracy of solutions obtained for QAP problems,
and this limitation has been alleviated by the proposed approach. The comparative results have shown
that HDDETS algorithm outperforms the classic DDE and TS. The HDDETS algorithm has enhanced
the solutions of QAP. Seven different case studies including 105 instances have been tested and used in
analyzing the performance of the proposed HDDETS. The effect of the HDDETS algorithm on
improving solutions was clear and has been discussed in the results and discussions section of this paper.
The results showed the contribution of HDDETS to improving solutions of QAP. The HDDETS
produced 73 optimal solutions out of 77 and has reached up to 10 best-known solutions out of 28. These
are the best values obtained by the HDDETS compared to other recently proposed algorithms in the
literature review in this paper. It is recommended that future research focus on the application of
HDDETS algorithm in a real-world application such as Campus Layout or Hospital Layout. Another
future work can focus on applying our proposed algorithm in other combinatorial optimization problems
such as scheduling models or vehicle routing problem.


The authors would like to thanks to the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Centre
for Research and Innovation Management, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for providing
the facilities and other support for this study.


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