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(Adam Drenowski) Obesity Treatment and Prevention New Directions

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Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series | Vol. 73

Obesity Treatment
and Prevention:
New Directions
Adam Drewnowski
Barbara J. Rolls
Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions
Nestlé Nutrition Institute
Workshop Series
Vol. 73
Obesity Treatment
and Prevention:
New Directions


Adam Drewnowski Seattle, WA, USA

Barbara J. Rolls University Park, PA, USA
Nestec Ltd., 55 Avenue Nestlé, CH–1800 Vevey (Switzerland)
S. Karger AG, P.O. Box, CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nestlé Nutrition Workshop (73rd : 2011 : San Diego, Calif.)

Obesity treatment and prevention : new directions / editors, Adam
Drewnowski, Barbara J. Rolls.
p. ; cm. -- (Nestlé Nutrition Institute workshop series, ISSN
1664-2147 ; vol. 73)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-3-318-02115-8 (hard cover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-3-318-02116-5
I. Drewnowski, Adam. II. Rolls, Barbara J. III. Nestlé Nutrition
Institute. IV. Title. V. Series: Nestlé Nutrition Institute workshop series
; v. 73. 1664-2147
[DNLM: 1. Obesity--therapy--Congresses. 2. Obesity--prevention &
control--Congresses. W1 NE228D v.73 2012 / WD 210]


The material contained in this volume was submitted as previously unpublished material, except in the instances in
which credit has been given to the source from which some of the illustrative material was derived.
Great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of the information contained in the volume. However, neither
Nestec Ltd. nor S. Karger AG can be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the use of the
information contained herein.
© 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey (Switzerland) and S. Karger AG, Basel (Switzerland). All rights reserved. This book is
protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or
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Printed on acid-free and non-aging paper

ISBN 978–3–318–02115–8
e-ISBN 978–3–318–02116–5
ISSN 1664–2147
e-ISSN 1664–2155

Basel · Freiburg · Paris · London · New York · New Delhi · Bangkok ·

Beijing · Tokyo · Kuala Lumpur · Singapore · Sydney

VII Preface
XI Foreword
XV Contributors

Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities

1 Brain Reorganization following Weight Loss
Rosenbaum, M.; Leibel, R.L. (USA)
21 Physical Activity and Weight Loss
Jakicic, J.M. (USA)
37 Dietary Strategies for Weight Management
Rolls, B.J. (USA)
49 Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation to Treat the Underlying Basis
of the Metabolic Complications of Obesity
Goran, M.I.; Alderete, T.L. (USA)
61 Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and

New Directions for Prevention

67 The Gut Microbiome and Obesity
Hullar, M.A.J.; Lampe, J.W. (USA)
81 Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy
Birch, L.L.; Anzman-Frasca, S.; Paul, I.M. (USA)
95 The Economics of Food Choice Behavior: Why Poverty and Obesity
Are Linked
Drewnowski, A. (USA)
113 The Importance of the Food and Physical Activity Environments
Oppert, J.-M.; Charreire, H. (France)

123 The Importance of Systems Thinking to Address Obesity
Finegood, D.T. (Canada)
139 Summary Discussion on New Directions for Prevention

143 Concluding Remarks

147 Subject Index

For more information on related publications, please consult the NNI website:

VI Contents

Obesity continues to be a major problem for global public health. Despite best
efforts by health care providers, public health agencies, and the private sector,
few prevention efforts have been effective. As a result, bodyweights have con-
tinued their upward surge, contributing to ill-health among both children and
adults. Although many treatment programs are available, few can boast of long-
term success, with minimal risk of relapse and weight regain.
One glimmer of hope has been the recent leveling off in obesity rates in the
US and in European countries. Whether temporary or permanent, it provides
a much-needed breathing space. This is the opportunity to regroup, reexamine
past approaches, assess relative success rates, and point to new directions for the
future. Those new directions can be global in their reach. Obesity and diabetes
are no longer limited to wealthy societies. Their rates in developing countries,
while still relatively low, are on the rise.
Clearly, obesity treatment and prevention can benefit from a major paradigm
shift. The standard advice to eat less and exercise more is both simplistic and
often ineffective. The science presented at this workshop suggested a sequence
of steps that could result in new ways to address obesity at the personal as well
as at the population level. First, we need to achieve a clear understanding of
who becomes obese, where, and for what reason. Second, we need to parse out
the likely contributions to overeating by the brain, biology, economics, and the
environment. Then, based on our understanding of disease etiology and its dis-
tribution by geography and by social strata, we need to develop targeted yet
comprehensive strategies for obesity prevention and treatment for both indi-
viduals and groups.
The conventional disease model of obesity, built around the individual
patient, needs to be reconciled with some of the contemporary thinking about
obesity in its social and environmental context. That may require a shift of
emphasis from the individual to the group and a full consideration of the bio-
logical as well as the social and economic determinants of health.
One issue that deserves serious study is the observed social gradient in obe-
sity. Obesity rates, especially for women, are strongly influenced by the social

and economic environments. In developing countries, it is the more affluent
urban women who are gaining weight. In developed countries, higher rates of
obesity are observed in relatively more deprived areas. In both cases, women’s
bodyweights are affected by the changing social conditions more than body-
weights of men. The global obesity epidemic can thus be viewed through the
prism of social disadvantage and women’s health.
Clear thinking about the biological and social determinants of weight and
health is essential to the success of any intervention, whether at the individual
or population level. Few studies have examined the success of prevention or
treatment strategies across different socioeconomic strata. Little is known about
social and economic barriers to the adoption of lower energy density diets and
more active lifestyles. If the reasons why some women gain weight and others
do not are either misunderstood or ignored altogether, then the proposed pre-
vention plans will fail. If the reasons why some people stay with a diet regime
whereas others fail are unclear, then the treatment plans will be ineffective in the
long-term. Barriers to treatment success may be inherent in the brain, the biol-
ogy, or the environment.
Current advances in research – discussed here – have the power to change our
thinking. The traditional disease model holds that people become obese through
a combination of genetic predisposition, faulty metabolism, and acquired bad
habits. The new emphasis must move beyond a focus on personal responsibil-
ity, calorie counting, and the macronutrient composition of the diet. We need a
greater understanding of behaviors determining food intake and physical activ-
ity and how environmental and biological influences combine to determine food
choices, amounts consumed, and activity levels. Appeals to individual motiva-
tion need to be tempered by the recognition that food-seeking behaviors are
bound by biological, economic, social and environmental constraints.
Our thinking about the role of the adipose tissue has also undergone a para-
digm shift. Formerly viewed as a passive fat repository, the adipose tissue is now
regarded as an active neuroendocrine organ functioning in concert with body
physiology. Similarly, the obese person is often thought of as the victim of pas-
sive overeating. Our thinking about obesity could benefit from a broader inte-
grative approach that places more emphasis on how obese people behave and
function within the surrounding food environment. On one hand, food choices
and dietary behaviors are driven by biology and the brain. On the other hand,
access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity can be limited by
material resources, transportation, and the built environment. New studies on
spatial epidemiology and behavioral economics provide a contextual framework
for cutting-edge research on biology, human development and behavior.
The chief aim of this workshop was to summarize some of the key issues in
obesity treatment and prevention in order to promote novel and interdisciplin-
ary approaches and to explore cutting-edge ideas that spanned child develop-
ment, nutrition, behavioral sciences, economics, geography and public health.

VIII Drewnowski · Rolls

We discussed a variety of approaches and disciplines, ranging from molecular
biology to ethnographic research and public health policy and practice. With
each topic, it was important to consider both personal and public health. On one
hand, individual decisions, choices, and behaviors that lead to overeating and
weight gain remain important and cannot be overlooked. On the other hand,
food systems, food cultures and food environments are of critical importance. It
is those systems, not human physiology, that have undergone dramatic changes
over the past few decades. Should we try to influence the person or improve the
food environment? New strategies should demand that we do both.
Adam Drewnowski
Barbara J. Rolls

Preface IX
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A fifth of all global deaths today can be attributed to overweight or obesity. At

least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese;
according to the WHO report (May 2012), 44% of the diabetes burden, 23%
of the ischemic heart disease burden and between 7 and 41% of certain cancer
burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity; moreover, as reported by the
WHO, the obesity epidemic is spreading widely – by 2002 the number of people
in the world who were overweight or obese had exceeded the number of people
who were undernourished.
And this is not only a problem in adults. It affects adolescents and young chil-
dren too, taking its burden into the future. In 2010, around 43 million children
under 5 years were overweight (
en/). Having been previously considered a problem restricted to high-income
countries, overweight and obesity rates are now also rising in low- and middle-
income countries. Close to 35 million overweight children under 5 years are
living in developing countries and 8 million in developed countries. Indeed,
developing countries now suffer from a dual burden of disease – obesity and
undernutrition. Unacceptably high rates of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syn-
drome in developing countries may well become a global health problem in the
near future.
Overweight and obesity, as well as their related noncommunicable diseases,
have become a burden for the society due to a decrease in the physical nature
of work and the increase in morbidity and mortality rates in obese people; but
this is largely preventable. While obesity management and prevention certainly
require an effort by individuals, the problem should also be a key area of focus
for public health systems and services and governments.
Thus, this 73rd Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop has been dedicated to
epidemiology and strategies to prevent obesity, treatment strategies, clinical
outcome, and future trends in scientific research. In addition, genetic and epige-
netic aspects were considered. The discussions held focused on the day-to-day
challenges and opportunities in obesity treatment, and when and how to start
preventive measures.

We highly appreciate the renowned chairpersons Prof. Barbara Rolls and
Prof. Adam Drewnowski who prepared such a high level of scientific program
and brought together distinguished world experts in the area of obesity.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the great work and organization of
Laura Taylor and her team from Jenny Craig, thanks to which we could enjoy
the scientific discussions in SanDiego, Calif.

Prof. Ferdinand Haschke, MD, PhD Natalia Wagemans, MD, PhD

Head of Global Medical Advisor
Nestlé Nutrition Institute Nestlé Nutrition Institute
Vevey, Switzerland Vevey, Switzerland

XII Haschke · Wagemans

73rd Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop
Carlsbad, CA September 22–24, 2011
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Chairpersons & Speakers

Prof. Leann Birch Prof. John Jakicic

129 Noll Laboratory School of Education
The Pennsylvania State University University of Pittsburgh
University Park, PA 16802 600 BIRM
USA Pittsburgh, PA 15260
E-Mail: USA
Prof. Adam Drewnowski
University of Washington Prof. Johanna Lampe
Box 353410 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Nutritional Sciences Center
Raitt Hall 305E 1100 Fairview Ave N., M4–B402
Seattle, WA 98195 PO Box 19024
USA Seattle, WA 98109
E-Mail: USA
Prof. Diane Finegood
Simon Fraser University Vancouver Prof. Jean-Michel Oppert
8888 University Drive University Pierre and Marie Curie
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Department of Nutrition
Canada Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP)
E-Mail: 83 boulevard de l'Hôpital
75013 Paris
Prof. Michael I. Goran France
Keck School of Medicine E-Mail:
University of Southern California
2250 Alcazar, CSC Bldg #212 Prof. Barbara J. Rolls
Los Angeles, CA 90033 The Pennsylvania State University
USA 226 Henderson Building
E-Mail: University Park, PA 16802

Prof. Michael Rosenbaum Denise Deming/USA
Columbia University Medical Center Llona Fordham/USA
Division of Molecular Genetics Chavanne Hanson/USA
Department of Pediatrics Linda Hsieh/USA
Russ Berrie Pavilion Maureen Huhmann/USA
1150 St. Nicholas Avenue, Rm 620 Wendy Johnson-Askew/USA
New York, NY 10032 Bill Kesting/USA
USA Jennifer Lovejoy/USA
E-Mail: Lauren McDonnell/USA
Juan Ochoa/USA
Attendees Elizabeth Roark/USA
Sachiko T. St. Jeor/USA
Denis Barclay/Switzerland Heidi Storm/USA
Ferdinand Haschke/Switzerland Roland Sturm/USA
Petra Klassen/Switzerland Lisa Talamini/USA
Laura Taylor/Switzerland Molly Wangsgaard/USA
Jamy Ard/USA Hope Warshaw/USA
Molly Bray/USA Christine Zoumas/USA
Anne Dattilo/USA

XVI Contributors
Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 1–20,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Brain Reorganization following

Weight Loss
Michael Rosenbaum ⭈ Rudolph L. Leibel
Division of Molecular Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

The long-term stability of bodyweight despite wide variation in energy intake and expen-
diture suggests that at usual weight energy intake and output are ‘coupled’ to maintain
body energy stores. Our model for some of the molecular mechanics of this regulation of
energy stores is based on the concept of a neurally encoded ‘threshold’ for minimum
body fat, below which compensatory physiology is invoked to restore body fat. The exis-
tence of such a centrally encoded threshold is supported by the similarities in response to
maintenance of a reduced weight between lean and obese individuals, and the tendency
for weight-reduced individuals to regain weight to levels of fat stores similar to those
present prior to initial weight loss. Brain responses to food and the observed changes in
energy expenditure that occur during maintenance of a reduced weight are largely
reversed by the administration of the adipocyte-derived hormone, leptin.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel

Introduction: Evidence That Bodyweight Is Regulated

Obesity has become the most prevalent and costly nutritional problem in the
United States, and currently accounts for over 15% of total US health care
spending [1]. Modest (10%) weight loss will prevent or ameliorate many of the
major medical/metabolic consequences of obesity [2]. While most patients can
achieve such weight loss by conventional means, the majority cannot maintain
the reduced weight [3] for extended periods of time.
The long-term constancy of bodyweight (the average American adult gains
only about 0.5–1.5 kg per year despite ingesting over 900,000–1,000,000 kcal),
the 80–85% recidivism rate to previous levels of adiposity following otherwise
successful weight loss, the observation that individuals successful at maintaining
weight loss engage in dietary restriction and increased physical activity com-
pared to weight-matched controls, and the demonstration that there is similar
metabolic opposition to sustained weight loss in both lean and obese individu-
als all support the view that energy stores are physiologically regulated around
an individualized centrally perceived ideal (based on genetics, development,
and environment) [4–7]. The long-term persistence of hypometabolism [8] and
hyperphagia [9] in weight-reduced individuals compared to themselves prior to
weight loss or to individuals ‘naturally’ at the same weight, provides ample evi-
dence for the ‘biological’ basis of the difficulties in sustaining weight loss.
The steadily increasing prevalence of obesity suggests that metabolic
‘defenses’ against gain of fat are inherently weaker than those resisting its loss.
One model for the molecular mechanics of this regulation is based on the con-
cept of a centrally encoded ‘threshold’ for minimum body energy stores (fat).
The critical role of fat stores in reproduction and survival during periods of
undernutrition supports the idea of evolutionary ‘emphasis’ on preserving
somatic fat stores [6]. These inferences are consistent with genetic arguments
related to the so-called ‘thrifty genotype’ [10] and suggest that the conventional
‘thermostatic’ model of ‘set-point’ regulation of body fat [11] is not correct.
More likely, the control system is designed to keep body fat above a critical
lower limit or ‘threshold’ against threats of physical or reproductive extinction
during times of undernutrition. As a corollary, relative metabolic and behav-
ioral ‘leniency’ regarding increases in body fat would be anticipated for their
survival advantage.
The genes and developmental processes that affect bodyweight do so by
affecting the molecular and structural components of a CNS system that sense
and react to ambient concentrations of leptin, insulin, metabolic substrates,
and other molecules that reflect the mass and functional status of somatic fat
(energy) stores. This construct operates as a threshold sensor for relevant sig-
nals such as leptin. The threshold for any ligand (e.g. leptin) is determined by
the functional sensitivity (by virtue of differences in rates of expression or struc-
tural/functional integrity) of its central and peripheral molecular components,
e.g. leptin, insulin, ghrelin, melanocortin, and melanocyte-concentrating hor-
mone receptors, and various orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides, and
other molecules such as AMP-kinase, acetyl CoA-carboxylase, carnitine palmi-
toyl transfersase-1, malonyl CoA, FoxO1, PI3 kinase, etc. [6, 12].
In this model a major, but not the only, afferent signal is the adipocyte-
derived hormone leptin. Subthreshold circulating and CSF concentrations of
leptin invoke changes in energy expenditure and intake that result in regain of
bodyweight (fat) [6, 13]. The threshold determines the signal intensity required
to affect gene expression, neural connections, other cellular elements (glia) [6].
Both the level at which this threshold is set and the intensity of responses to
deviations below this threshold are the result of genetic, developmental, and
environmental (e.g. nutritional) factors.

2 Rosenbaum · Leibel
Obese individuals are still frequently perceived as willful agents of their
excess adiposity by community [14], health professionals [15], and even by
themselves [14]. The inability of most individuals to sustain weight loss is attrib-
uted to a psychological lack of ‘will power’ (somehow lean individuals who are
unable to sustain even a small degree of weight loss are spared this bias) [15].
In the context of this threshold model, the metabolism and behaviors that make
it so difficult for even highly motivated individuals to sustain weight loss are
predominantly the predictable biological consequences of CNS-mediated pro-
cesses that occur as a result of decreased energy stores rather than indications of
a pathological lack of willpower that is somehow unique to formerly overweight
or obese individuals. The obese and never-obese differ primarily in the level at
which this threshold for body fatness is set rather than in response to deviations
below that threshold. Obesity is thus a chronic disease that continues to mani-
fest itself through persistent metabolic and behavioral opposition to sustaining
a reduced bodyweight even after the physical and comorbid manifestations of
the illness may have been ‘cured’ by weight reduction [5–9].

Energy Intake and Expenditure during Reduced-Weight Maintenance

In both never-obese and obese subjects, maintenance of a 10% or greater reduc-

tion in bodyweight is associated with reductions in energy expenditure adjusted
for metabolic mass, circulating concentrations of bioactive thyroid hormones,
sympathetic nervous system (SNS) tone, and satiety, and increases in parasym-
pathetic nervous system (PNS) tone and skeletal muscle work efficiency that
act together to favor restoration of body energy stores [5–7]. Thus, attempts to
sustain weight loss are ‘opposed’ by alterations in metabolism, neuroendocrine
function, autonomic function, and behavior that ‘conspire’ to favor the regain of
lost weight. Most of these changes, which are discussed below, are reversed by
repletion of the adipocyte-derived hormone leptin following weight loss [5–7,
13, 16, 17]. Both the effects of weight loss and leptin repletion are largely pre-
dictable from what is known about leptin action in the CNS.
In humans, maintenance of a 10% or greater decline in bodyweight (approx-
imately 70% of this loss is fat mass) lowers energy expenditure per unit of
remaining metabolic mass by ~22%, which represents a reduction of about 15%
(300–400) kcal below that predicted based on changes in body composition
[5]. Twenty-four hour energy expenditure (TEE) is the sum of resting energy
expenditure (REE: cardiorespiratory muscle work and the biochemical work
of maintaining transmembrane ion gradients at rest; ~60% of TEE), the ther-
mic effect of feeding (the work of digestion; ~5–10% of TEE), and non-resting
energy expenditure (NREE: energy expended in physical activity above resting;
~30–40% of TEE) [18]. The major effect of a 10% or greater weight loss is to
decrease NREE by approximately 30–40% [5]. The decline in NREE after weight

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 3

Table 1. Effects of maintenance of reduced bodyweight on energy expenditure, autonomic
function, neuroendocrine function, and skeletal muscle [5, 6, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24]

System Effects of sustained weight loss (–10% or greater)

Energy expenditure ↓ TEE (~15% below predicted based on body composition/

weight change)
↓ REE (~5% below predicted based on body composition/
weight change)
↓ NREE (~35% below predicted based on body composition/
weight change)

Autonomic nervous system ↓ SNS tone (~–45%)

↑ PNS tone (~90%)

Neuroendocrine function ↓ Leptin (proportional to loss of fat mass)

↓ T3 (~–10%)
↓ T4 (~–5%)
↓ TSH (~–15%)
↑ rT3 (~5%)

Skeletal muscle ↑ Chemomechanical efficiency (~20%)

↑ MHCI expression (~20%)
↑ SERCA2 expression (~30%)

TEE = Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure; REE = resting energy expenditure; NREE = non-
resting energy expenditure; T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating
hormone; rT3 = reverse T3; MHCI = myosin heavy chain I; SERCA2 = sarcoplasmic endoplasmic
reticulum Ca2+-dependent ATPase 2.

loss is due primarily to an approximate 20% increase in chemomechanical work

efficiency of skeletal muscle rather than to a decrease in time spent in physi-
cal activity [5, 13, 19]. The disproportionate decline in energy expenditure and
increase in skeletal muscle work efficiency following weight loss are most likely
the consequences of centrally mediated declines in circulating concentrations of
bioactive thyroid hormones (approximately –10 to 25%) and SNS tone (approx-
imately –45%) and increase in PNS tone (approximately 90%) [5]. More spe-
cifically, these autonomic and neuroendocrine changes directly affect skeletal
muscle gene expression and contractile efficiency predominantly by increasing
the expression of the more efficient isoforms of the myosin heavy chain (MHC)
and sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticular Ca2+-dependent ATPase (SERCA) [13,
16, 19, 20]. These changes occur following weight loss in both lean and obese
individuals and [5, 21] and do not abate over time [8]. Functional brain imaging
studies show that maintenance of a reduced weight is associated with leptin-
responsive decreased neuronal activity in the hypothalamus in response to
visual food stimuli which would make sense in the context of the known effects
of hypothalamic lesions or disruption of hypothalamic leptin signaling on both

4 Rosenbaum · Leibel
energy expenditure (decreased) and intake (increased) [22]. Data regarding
adaptive thermogenesis in response to reduced weight maintenance are pre-
sented in table 1.
The decline in energy expenditure following weight reduction would have
little clinical consequence if energy intake were proportionately reduced.
However, maintenance of a reduced bodyweight, as well as other ‘low-leptin’
states (see below), is also associated with decreased satiation and increased hun-
ger, thus creating the optimal biological circumstance to promote weight gain in
leptin-deficient and weight-reduced humans and rodents [6, 7, 25]. Individuals
maintaining a reduced bodyweight after non-surgical weight loss are inclined
towards greater rather than diminished energy intake [9, 17]. More specifically,
subjects maintaining a reduced weight show delayed satiation, decreased per-
ception of how much food has been eaten, decreased desire to switch to a differ-
ent food, increased hunger and craving for food, and an increased preference for
calorically dense foods [6, 7, 9, 17, 26, 27].

Regional Changes in Brain Activity in Response to Weight Loss

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of individuals before

weight loss and during maintenance of a 10% or greater reduced weight on
a constant composition liquid formula diet demonstrate leptin-responsive
increases in food reward and decreases in food restraint following weight loss.
Maintenance of a reduced bodyweight is associated with fMRI changes consis-
tent with increased emotional and cognitive response (reward) and decreased
emotional and cognitive control (restraint) regarding food intake (table 2).
Behaviorally, these changes in neuronal signaling would be predicted to
result in delayed satiation, as is seen in states of leptin deficiency [28]. This is, in
fact, true; individuals maintaining a reduced bodyweight demonstrate delayed
satiation, decreased perception of how much food has been consumed, and
increased hunger, despite the fact that they are in a eumetabolic state rather than
actively losing weight [9, 17]. As discussed below, most of these changes are
reversed by leptin ‘repletion’ following weight loss [13, 16, 17, 22].
Individuals in the National Weight Control Registry (individuals success-
ful at sustaining long-term weight loss) demonstrate increased activity in brain
areas related to cognitive control around food compared to non-weight-reduced
individuals [29], which may reflect behavioral traits that were present prior to
weight loss or traits that are learned in order to sustain weight loss. Patients who
have undergone Roux-en-Y banded gastroplasty demonstrate decreased activ-
ity in brain areas related to food reward [30] with little effect on areas related to
restraint. Taken together, these observations suggest that it should be possible
to identify individuals more likely to succeed in sustaining weight loss based on
prescreening, i.e. identifying those individuals with greater activity in brain areas

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 5

Table 2. Effects of weight loss and leptin repletion following weight loss on energy and neu-
ronal signaling (blood oxygen level-dependent fMRI signals in response to food vs. non-food
visual cues)

Structure Putative functions related to food intake Weight loss effect

Brain areas integrating peripheral signals with neural tracts regulating energy intake

Brainstem Signal processing (food recognition) Increased

Hypothalamus Integration of humoral/brain stem signaling Decreased

Brain areas related to restraint

Prefrontal cortex Sensitivity to caloric density and regulation of food Decreased

(multiple gyri) intake in response to sensory stimuli

Cingulate Self-control/error recognition (cognitive control) Decreased

Brain areas related to reward

Globus pallidus Food reward Increased

Lingual + Emotional and cognitive response to food Increased

temporal gyri

Ventral striatum Reward and motivation Increased

related to food restraint or decreased activity in brain areas related to food reward
as better candidates for lifestyle intervention. Furthermore, it should be possible
either to train individuals or to provide pharmacotherapy to alter their behavior
and reduce risk for weight regain, and to monitor progress by examining brain
function in response to food. For example, transcranial direct current stimula-
tion of the prefrontal cortex has been shown to reduce food cravings [31].
The autonomic (decreased SNS tone and increased PNS tone), neuroen-
docrine (decreased circulating concentrations of bioactive thyroid hormones,
leptin, and, if weight loss is sufficiently large, gonadotropins), and metabolic
(decreased energy expenditure largely due to increased skeletal muscle work
efficiency) effects of sustained weight loss are mediated centrally and, to a lesser
degree, peripherally.
The central and peripheral mechanisms accounting for changes in auto-
nomic, neuroendocrine, and metabolic systems relevant to energy homeostasis
are summarized in table 3.

Autonomic Nervous System

The decline in SNS tone following weight loss reflects decreased epinephrine
production by the adrenal medulla – probably mediated by adrenal med-
ullary leptin sensing cells as well as centrally mediated suppression of SNS

6 Rosenbaum · Leibel
Table 3. Centrally and peripherally mediated effects of weight loss on systems relevant to energy expenditure

Weight loss effect Proposed mechanism Supporting evidence

Centrally mediated

↓T3, T4, TSH ↓leptin→↓POMC (ARC) →↓pro-TRH (PVN) No effect of weight loss on TRH response
but leptin reversed decline in T3 and T4

↓ SNS tone ↓leptin →↑MCH (lateral hypothalamic area) Leptin reverses decline in SNS tone [13]
(norepinephrine) and ↓ CART→ ↓ SNS tone

↑ PNS tone

Delayed satiation and ↓leptin → ↓POMC and ↑ NPY/AgRP Leptin reverses behavioral and neuronal
increased hunger expression and ↑ sensitivity to satiety changes in intake behavior [17, 22]
signals (e.g. CCK) → ↑ energy intake

Peripherally mediated

↓Leptin Reduced weight maintenance → ↓ fat mass Following weight loss, there is little effect
→ ↓leptin; negative energy balance → on circulating leptin per unit fat mass;
↓leptin expression/fat mass during weight loss circulating leptin per
unit fat mass is decreased relative to
during weight stability [32]

↑ Reverse T 3 ↓ Activity of 5⬘ deiodinase 1 and ↓ transport Undernutrition leads to ↓ clearance of rT3

of T4 into the liver and kidney where it [33]
would be converted to T3 lead to ↓
clearance and ↑ production of rT3

↓ SNS tone ↓ Leptin-stimulated epinephrine release Leptin stimulates adrenal catecholamine

(epinephrine) from the adrenal medulla (probably less release [34] and reverses decline in SNS
clinically significant than centrally mediated tone [13]
effects on SNS tone)

Consequences for energy expenditure

↑ Skeletal muscle ↓T3 and SNS tone →↑ expression of more ↑ MHCI and SERCA2 expression, ↑
chemomechanical efficient isoforms of MHC and SERCA → ↑ utilization of FFA as fuel, are largely
efficiency efficiency and utilization of FFA as fuel by reversed by leptin [13, 16, 19, 20]
muscle repletion

REE ↓T3 and SNS tone lead to reduction (~–15%) in REE [21]

NREE ↑ Skeletal muscle chemomechanical efficiency leads to large (~–40%) reduction in

NREE [19, 21]

ARC = Arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus; PVN = paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 7

(norepinephrine-mediated) activity. Low leptin states increase expression of
melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in the lateral hypothalamus. Increased
MCH results in increased inhibition of activity in preganglionic sympathetic
neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord. Centrally mediated declines in SNS
tone are likely to have a much more significant effect on overall energy homeo-
stasis than the peripheral effects of weight loss, and therefore decreased leptin,
on epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla. Low leptin and fasting states
are also associated with decreased expression of cocaine- and amphetamine-
regulated transcript (CART) which is expressed in the arcuate nucleus of the
hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamus, and in neurons throughout the brain
[35]. CART neurons suppress MCH release in the lateral hypothalamic area
and innervate sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord and brain-
stem. Following weight loss, CART expression is decreased and would contrib-
ute to the decreased SNS tone. The increase in efferent PNS tone must reflect
increased central activation of the vagus nerve via the dorsal motor nucleus
and/or the nucleus ambiguus [5, 13]. The mechanism by which weight loss pro-
motes increased PNS tone is not clear. Vagal afferents and efferent neurons both
express functional long forms of the leptin receptor [36] and leptin potentiates
the effects of CCK on activation of vagal afferents in the brain stem, thereby
potentiating inhibition of feeding [36]. While central leptin injection inhibits
gastric emptying, possibly due to decreased vagal motor activity in the stomach
[37, 38], no such effect is observed following intraperitoneal leptin administra-
tion [37, 38] perhaps indicating that supraphysiological CNS leptin levels are
required to provoke a clinically significant change in PNS tone.

Neuroendocrine Function
The decline in circulating concentrations of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine
(T4), without a compensatory increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
production, following weight loss indicates central effects of weight loss on the
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. TSH release in response to thyroid-
releasing hormone (TRH) is not diminished following weight loss; therefore,
the predominant effect of weight loss on the HPT axis must be via decreased
production of TRH. As discussed below, this most likely occurs as the result of
decreased hypothalamic (arcuate nucleus) pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) in low
leptin states coupled with leptin-sensitive decreased activity of prohormone con-
vertases in the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus [39]. The
net effect of decreased expression of POMC and the prohormone convertases
would be decreased production of the cleavage product of POMC, α-melanocyte-
stimulating hormone, which stimulates production of hypothalamic pro-TRH
in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. The increase in circulating
concentrations of reverse T3, the bioinactive enantiomer of T3, is due to decreased
clearance of T3 as a result of decreased expression of deiodinase 1 and decreased
transport of T4 into the liver and kidney where it would normally be converted

8 Rosenbaum · Leibel
to T3 (resulting in a net increased availability of T4 for conversion to reverse T3).
Leptin is made almost exclusively by adipose tissue, and the decline in leptin
following weight loss is mostly a reflection of decreased adipocyte volume. The
even more pronounced decline in leptin during active weight loss reflects direct
metabolic effects on rates of leptin production per adipocyte [40].

Skeletal Muscle
The increase in skeletal muscle work efficiency is of sufficient magnitude to
account for most of the reduction in energy expenditure following weight loss
[5, 8, 13, 16, 19, 20]. The centrally and peripherally mediated autonomic and
neuroendocrine changes described above directly impact skeletal muscle. As
noted above, the molecular phenotype of skeletal muscle in individuals follow-
ing dietary weight loss is one of increased expression of the more chemome-
chanically efficient myosin heavy chain I (MHCI) and SERCA2 isoforms [5,
16]; these molecular phenotypes are characteristic of slow twitch muscle fibers
whose chemomechanical efficiency is greater than that of fast twitch fibers.
The promoter region of the MHCI isoform contains inhibitory T3 response ele-
ments that result in increased MHCI expression in hypothyroid states [41]. The
decline in SNS tone following weight loss promotes decreased expression of
the more powerful, less efficient, MHCII isoform, decreases thermogenesis in
brown adipose tissue, and contributes to the decreased circulating concentra-
tions of T3 [5, 24]. The slow-twitch muscle isoform (SERCA2) is encoded by a
gene whose transcription is inhibited by T3 (unlike SERCA1 whose expression
is stimulated by T3) [16], and β-adrenergic stimulation decreases the expres-
sion of SERCA2a in cardiac muscle and increases the ratio of SERCA1/2 in
skeletal muscle [42]. Skeletal muscle expresses both the long- and short-forms
of the leptin receptor. Perfusion of isolated mouse hearts with leptin results
in increased fatty acid oxidation and decreased chemomechanical work effi-
ciency, which is consistent with findings of increased muscle work efficiency in
low leptin states [13, 19].

Caloric Intake
Caloric intake, assuming that there is ad libitum availability of nutrients, repre-
sents the central nervous system’s response to the sum total of multiple internal
and external sensory inputs. These inputs include short-term (e.g. glucose) and
longer-term (e.g. leptin) internal ‘biological’ signals regarding levels of energy
stored, food anticipation (based in part on environmental stimuli such as the
time of day), hunger, satiation, wanting of food, and liking of the food that is
available [43]. These signals determine how hard an individual will work for
food, what type of food will be preferred, how much will be eaten, how fast, and
when feeding will cease [44]. During dynamic weight loss, i.e. during negative
energy balance, one could argue that changes in energy intake behaviors are due
to alterations in short-term signals relevant to systemic energy status, and not

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 9

to any reorganization of the responses to food. For example, a decline in blood
glucose will provoke food seeking behavior regardless of whether one is losing
weight or not. Changes in energy intake behavior and physiology that are evi-
dent during maintenance of a reduced bodyweight, i.e. in a eumetabolic state at
a lower weight, must reflect changes in the brain’s responses to food-related cues
that occur as the result of changes in long-term signals – such as leptin – regard-
ing the status of body energy stores.

The Role of Leptin

As discussed above, maintenance of a 10% or greater reduction in bodyweight

in obese or never-obese individuals is associated with reduced energy expen-
diture adjusted for metabolic mass, reduced circulating concentrations of bio-
active thyroid hormones and SNS tone, delayed satiation, and increased PNS
tone, skeletal muscle work efficiency, and hunger that act synergistically to
favor restoration of body energy stores [13, 21, 24, 45]. The similarity of phe-
notypes between maintenance of a reduced bodyweight (in which circulating
leptin concentrations are decreased), fasting or semi-starvation (in which lep-
tin concentrations are even further reduced) [46, 47], and congenital leptin
deficiency (in which circulating functional leptin is absent) [25] support the
hypothesis that these weight-reduced phenotypes are secondary to the effects
of decreased concentrations of leptin following weight loss on central systems
regulating energy homeostasis. It should be emphasized that decreased cir-
culating leptin concentration is clearly not the only signal mediating weight
regain. Both leptin-deficient and leptin-resistant rodents show increased hypo-
thalamic NPY and decreased POMC expression and rebound hyperphagia and
weight regain after fasting [48]. The decline in TSH, increase in PNS tone, and
increase in expression of SERCA2A in weight-reduced individuals persists
even after leptin repletion [13, 16]. Similarly, not all of the effects of weight loss
on neural signaling in response to food are ‘reversed’ following leptin repletion
[22] (see table 4).
The metabolic and behavioral effects of exogenous leptin administration
depend on the nutritional context within which the leptin is given, and are con-
sistent with the threshold model discussed above. Administration of physiologi-
cal (low-dose) leptin to weight-reduced and leptin-deficient humans or mice
reverses many of the behavioral, metabolic, autonomic, and neuroendocrine
phenotypes that act coordinately to oppose the maintenance of reduced weight
[13, 49] thus affecting both energy intake and output. In subjects undergoing
dynamic weight loss, exogenous leptin administration ‘reverses’ some of the
decline in satiation, but has little effect on energy expenditure [50, 51]. Finally,
much higher doses of leptin are required to provoke even small behavioral or
metabolic effect in mice or humans at usual weight [52].

10 Rosenbaum · Leibel
Table 4. Effects of leptin repletion following weight loss on energy homeostasis [5–7]

System Effects of weight loss Effects of leptin repletion

following weight loss

Autonomic ↓ SNS tone Reversed

↑ PNS tone No significant effect

Neuroendocrine ↓ Leptin Reversed

↓ T3 Reversed
↓ T4 Reversed
↓ TSH No significant effect
↑ rT3 Reversed
↓ Gonadotropin pulsatility Reversed

Skeletal muscle ↑ MHCI expression Reversed

↑ SERCA2 expression No significant effect
↑ Contractile efficiency Reversed

Energy Behavioral Delayed satiation Reversed

intake ↑ Hunger Reversed
↓ Perception of amount eaten Reversed

Neuronal ↑ Activity in brain areas relevant to Reversed

emotional and cognitive response to
↓ Activity in brain areas relevant to Reversed
emotional and cognitive control around

Conclusions and Perspective

The primary physiological role of leptin is to defend body fat by increasing

food intake and decreasing energy expenditure when fat stores are insufficient
[5–7, 53]. Leptin concentrations above a centrally encoded ‘threshold’ have lit-
tle if any additional effect, hence the apparent ‘resistance’ to increased ambient
leptin concentrations whether due to obesity or exogenous leptin administra-
tion [52] and the evident ‘resistance’ of obese individuals to their endogenously
elevated circulating leptin concentrations [6]. Leptin concentrations below
the functional threshold evoke vigorous compensatory responses designed to
increase leptin availability [48, 49] – hence the identity of the leptin-reversible
metabolic, autonomic, and neuroendocrine opposition to the maintenance of a
reduced bodyweight in lean and obese individuals [13].
The mechanisms by which the molecular and structural predicates of this CNS-
mediated defense of a minimum level of somatic fat are established remain a critical
area of research. Almost certainly, gene-mediated differences in the performance

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 11

of hypothalamic, brain stem and ‘higher’ centers coordinating energy homeosta-
sis are involved. The likelihood that the relevant cell bodies and circuits are to
some extent malleable contravenes more conventional notions of the fixity of the
anatomy of a mature central nervous system. Developmental (structural, gene
imprinting) effects conveyed in utero or in early development, and later effects of
circulating metabolites (e.g. cytokines, and paracrine effects of glial cells) are all
tenable candidates for mediating a functional plasticity that could enable apparent
elevations of the threshold (defense of higher body fat) in individuals chronically
exposed to suitable environments [6, 12, 54, 55]. Such a capacity further rational-
izes efforts to prevent obesity, and raises the question of whether there are age/
development-related ‘critical periods’ when the threshold is set and during or
before which weight reduction would not be resisted as it is afterwards [56, 57].
The apparent inflexibility of the threshold in the downward direction indirectly
validates these ideas by suggesting that evolutionary selection has enabled change
in the upward direction while prohibiting organisms from ‘accepting’ levels of
body fat that could endanger survival and reproduction [5–7].
These findings should be viewed as providing potential mechanisms for the
successful long-term treatment of obesity. It may ultimately be possible to iden-
tify what type of non-surgical or, if necessary, surgical intervention would most
likely be successful in sustaining weight loss based on pre-weight loss pheno-
typing and genotyping. It should be possible to devise behavioral and pharma-
cological therapies, affecting the leptin signaling and other pathways, that are
specifically geared towards maintenance of reduced weight. This pharmacology
is likely to be substantially different from that used to induce weight loss, since its
goal is to rectify a dysmetabolic state rather than to induce one. The understand-
ing of the functional biological and physiological bases underlying the difficulty
in sustaining weight loss should alleviate some of the biased public perception
that overweight or obese individuals are unlikely to sustain weight loss because
they are necessarily lacking in will power compared to lean individuals. From the
standpoint of the weight-reduced individual, the frustration at the supposed psy-
chological failings attributed to them by society, health professionals and them-
selves should be replaced by the knowledge that they are still confronting the
biology of weight regulation and that this problem can be addressed.


This work was supported by NIH grants RO1DK64773, RR00645 and UL1 TR000040.

Disclosure Statement

The authors declare that no financial or other conflict exists in relation to the content of
the chapter.

12 Rosenbaum · Leibel
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Dr. Drewnowski: Far being from me to ask a provocative question, but one issue that
has been occupying the public and was recently published in the Lancet is the equivalency
between 3,500 calories and one pound of weight gain or loss [1], and this has been the
absolute bible for decades. Every dietitian, every health professional equates 3,500
calories to a pound of weight gain or loss. It does not seem to be exactly true. What is
your position on this?
Dr. Rosenbaum: You are asking, what is the caloric density of weight change? No
generalization is absolutely true, and the caloric density of weight gained or lost depends
upon its composition as fat mass, fat-free mass, and, of course, water. The average
person who loses weight by diet alone loses about two thirds to three quarters of it as fat
and a quarter to a third of it as lean body mass. But people lose weight by different
means in terms of diet composition and exercise. Clearly, if you are losing energy stores
due to the same degree of negative energy balance, the proportion of energy stores lost
as fat mass and fat-free mass will be affected by the type and intensity of the exercise.
The caloric density of fat is roughly 7 times that of muscle, so whether you are losing
energy as fat or muscle is going to make a difference in terms of how much absolute
weight you lose.
Dr. Drewnowski: I am trying to get at the issue of public health policy. There was a
paper published in American Journal of Public Health [2] suggesting that if people in
California went to a fast food restaurant, looked at the menu labeling, and as a result ate
100 calories less, then 100 calories per day per year would equate into millions of pounds
lost and the obesity epidemic in California would go away. This was one spin on the
relation between calories and pounds lost. The other spin was a study published in the

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 15

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [3] suggesting that the reduction of 100 calories
per day for a year would lead to a weight loss of only 800 g. Clearly, the truth is some
place in between. How would you respond to this issue?
Dr. Rosenbaum: Any change in energy storage must follow the first law of
thermodynamics and reflect a difference between energy intake and output. The
conclusion of the American Journal of Public Health paper as you have cited it implies
that when you decrease your caloric intake by 100 kcal/day there is no compensatory
decline in energy expenditure. The correct statement would be that if you consistently
cut your intake by 100 calories a day relative to your energy expenditure, you would lose
36,500 kcal worth of stored energy per year, which would be substantial. The problem is
that as you are losing weight due to caloric restriction, your energy expenditure is
declining both by virtue of the natural loss of metabolically active tissue that’s occurring,
and also is a result of the additional hypometabolism that’s occurring as a result of
decreased circulating concentrations of bioactive thyroid hormones and leptin, decreased
sympathetic nervous system tone, increased parasympathetic nervous system tone, and
increased skeletal muscle work efficiency [4]. This is the idea that they are getting at in
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition paper. The view that our bodies fight against
weight loss and weight gain by disproportionately increasing or decreasing energy
expenditure, respectively, goes back to the work of Neumann in 1902 [5]. He noted the
remarkable stability of his bodyweight over a year with no attempts to control either his
energy intake or his expenditure. He used the term ‘Luxuskonsumption’ to describe what
he believed to be the body’s facultative ability to raise rates of energy expenditure to
oppose relative excesses of energy intake. Keys, Brozek, and many others have made
similar observations during dynamic weight loss [6]. The consequence of these changes
is that you won’t lose or gain as much weight as you think you would like to, or calculate
that you should, by diet alone. Furthermore, our own work [7] and that of the National
Weight Control Registry group [8] have shown that you will need to restrict your intake
and/or increase your expenditure beyond what you would like or predict that you would
need to if you wish to keep the weight off. In this sense, obesity is a disease that continues
to manifest itself in the form of decreased energy expenditure and increased appetite
even after it has been supposedly ‘cured’ by weight loss.
Dr. Finegood: I will just speak up on that because I think more important in Kevin
Hall’s paper [9] was the point about the nonlinearity of the relationship between energy
imbalance and weight changes. Have you ever actually looked at the dynamic phase of
your studies as opposed to just the steady states, and do you see any genetic component
that contributes to the dynamic phase?
Dr. Rosenbaum: The answer is yes and no. We have looked somewhat at the dynamic
phases of our studies and we have not looked at the genetics behind subject phenotypes
during the dynamic phase. The basic pattern of dynamic weight loss is extremely similar
between most subjects. There is an initial rapid weight loss phase reflecting mostly water
loss due to the decreased carbohydrate in the diet and subsequent excretion of sodium.
Following this, there is a period of slower weight loss that presumably would eventually
asymptote. As you suggested, there is a large interindividual variation in the rate of
weight loss. For example, other studies have demonstrated ethnic differences in the
distribution of weight lost (greater visceral adipose tissue loss in white versus black
women) [10] and the changes in energy expended in physical activity following weight
loss (higher in white versus black women) [11].

16 Rosenbaum · Leibel
A corollary to your question is whether the changes in energy homeostatic systems
that occur during weight loss are distinct from those that occur during reduced weight
maintenance. We looked at the differences between dynamic weight loss and static
reduced weight maintenance by studying subjects at the very end of weight loss and
comparing them to themselves when maintaining a similar weight. This allows separation
of the effects of dynamic weight change and weight maintenance at similar weights.
There are marked differences between subjects during dynamic weight loss (negative
energy balance) and maintenance at the same weight (eumetabolism). For example,
there is a tremendous decline in resting energy expenditure during dynamic weight loss
and a much more profound decline in thyroid hormones and in leptin during dynamic
weight loss than during static weight maintenance. It should also be noted that leptin is
not the only signal operant in states of weight loss. For example, we have found that the
increase in parasympathetic nervous system tone and decrease in TSH persist in weight-
reduced individuals even after leptin repletion [12]. So, there are clearly signals affecting
energy expenditure that are related to energy balance as opposed to absolute bodyweight,
i.e. those are present during weight loss as distinct from reduced weight maintenance,
and some of these are not leptin dependent, i.e. those that are evident even in leptin-
deficient mice. Your question as to whether genotype would be predictive of phenotypes,
such as the composition of weight loss or the decline in energy expenditure or thyroid
hormones during dynamic weight loss is a good one that we have not examined.
Dr. Bray: Because Dr. Drewnowski brought up epigenetics, it is important to note
that there is more and more evidence that at least methylation is much more labile than
we think it is. Is it possible that when you are giving a liquid diet for such long periods of
time, the methylation patterns can actually change in a way that turns on and off genes
that results in what you have seen which is depressed metabolism?
Dr. Rosenbaum: This is an interesting question, but we have not looked at the effects of
weight loss or a liquid formula diet on the methylation of relevant genes.
Dr. Bray: Related to that is if you gave 800 calories of lettuce or something that was
not your liquid diet, do you think you would see exactly the same response?
Dr. Rosenbaum: The composition of weight lost is clearly going to be somewhat
sensitive to diet composition. On a high carbohydrate or high salt diet one might
anticipate a smaller initial loss of water weight. Sacks et al. [13] looked at the effect of diet
macronutrient composition (low fat versus high fat, average protein versus high protein,
and highest and lowest carbohydrate content) on the change in bodyweight over 2 years.
At 6 months, participants had lost about 7% of their initial bodyweight with no group
differences. Some weight regain had occurred in all groups at 12 months. No between-
group differences were evident at 2 years. The authors concluded that there was no
evidence of any major macronutrient influence on weight loss.
There is also a substantial body of data suggesting that diet composition does not
have a big effect on energy expenditure during maintenance of a reduced weight. Rudy
Leibel showed that wide variations in macronutrient composition of a liquid formula
diet did not affect energy requirements to maintain weight in inpatients [14]. It should
be noted that subsequent to this meeting, Ludwig’s group [JAMA 2012;307:2627–2634]
reported that subjects who had lost weight had greater energy expenditure on a very
low-carbohydrate diet than on an isocaloric low glycemic index or low-fat diet; while
this would suggest that some of the decline in TEE and REE following weight loss may
be attenuated on a very low-carbohydrate diet, the anticipated clinical consequences of

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 17

such differences in energy expenditure (increased loss of calories on a very low-
carbohydrate diet) were not reported. In the National Weight Control Registry,
individuals who are successful at maintaining weight loss report that they must eat less
and still exercise about 60 min more per day than individuals naturally at the same
weight [8, 15]. So even on an outpatient solid food diet they remain hypometabolic.
Work by the late Dr. Roland Weinsier, in collaboration with Dr. Goran who is here today,
is also relevant in this regard [16]. They studied a group of overweight outpatient women
before and after a 10% dietary weight. They found that there was no decline in weight
maintenance calories following weight loss beyond what was attributable to body
composition changes. At first, this would seem to contradict our finding that there is a
disproportionate decline in 24-hour energy expenditure following inpatient weight loss
on a liquid formula diet. But, if you read the fine print in the article, the women in
Roland’s study reported being 30% more physically active after they had lost weight.
These data are entirely consistent with ours. Roland finds that outpatient subjects are
able to spend 30% more time moving, and they have to pay for it, whereas in the hospital
where they can’t spend any more time moving, they just pay 30% less for it. It’s the same
difference. It is, of course, probable that diet composition has substantial effects on the
long-term dietary compliance in some individuals. It just does not appear to have a big
effect on thermogenesis.
Dr. Rolls: You suggested that we might be able to phenotype people and match
treatment to their particular characteristics in weight loss settings. Do you have some
ideas of how to do this phenotyping?
Dr. Rosenbaum: I think that the model for this is something like the National Cancer
Institute where everybody who receives treatment is entered into a database which can
then be mined to determine whether certain characteristics of individuals are indicative
of a better response to one type of therapy versus another [17]. In our case, the data
would come from obesity clinics from all over the country. Each individual would be
phenotyped, perhaps one day even genotyped, in a standardized manner and entered
into a national database. One could then look at that database and see if there were
characteristics that predicted success, or lack thereof, in response to exercise, diet,
pharmacotherapy, or bariatric surgery.
Dr. Rolls: What are the phenotypes you are looking at?
Dr. Rosenbaum: Of course ideally each individual would have their phenotype
catalogued in the detailed way that we do, but I don’t think you could practically do that.
Historically, you might look at age at onset of obesity, gender, which parent is obese,
previous types of unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, basic lifestyle, and even at the
number of known obesity risk genes that are present. Clinically, you might look at fat
distribution, presence of comorbidities, certain biochemical markers, etc. Behavioral
phenotyping could be done by having individuals complete a questionnaire about their
food and exercise habits. You could really do some nice translational work. Angelo Del
Parigi [18] and others [19] showed that individuals successful at keeping weight off in the
National Weight Control Registry had greater neural activity in brain areas related to
control in response to food. It is not clear whether this increased control was present in
these individuals prior to weight loss or whether it is a learned trait. If it was present all
along, then maybe individuals with that trait would be more likely to sustain weight loss.
Dr. Rolls: I agree that we need tools. Those of us working in this field have found that
eating behavior in particular has been difficult to characterize.

18 Rosenbaum · Leibel
Dr. St. Jeor: I am interested in phenotyping too. Would you include the T3 levels and
compare them against some other norms? I think we are returning to the time when
everybody thought that people were obese because their thyroid was not functioning,
and thyroid medication seemed to be the answer. Do you have any thoughts on how you
might approach that and include that in your assessment and your treatment?
Dr. Rosenbaum: We are looking at this now in the same way we did in our leptin
studies [20, 21]. We are doing thyroid studies of subjects at their usual weight and
following weight loss while they are receiving a placebo or T3 repletion in a crossover
design. Physiological doses of thyroid hormone would not promote weight loss but may
assist in reduced weight maintenance. The basic idea is that the treatment to maintain a
negative energy balance and lose weight is not going to be the same as remaining in a
eumetabolic state to maintain weight loss.
Dr. Drewnowski: Another idea is that the brain is incapable of perceiving calories
presented in liquid form. What’s your take on that?
Dr. Rosenbaum: I think the brain knows when and what you have been eating. The
similarities between our studies and the outpatient studies of Weinsier and of the
National Weight Control Registry would all suggest that the brain perceives ingested
calories regardless of the physical form in which they are presented to the gut. In the
same vein, many feeding studies are done with subjects ingesting milkshakes or other
liquids, and it seems that the intake of these liquids is predictably affected by CCK and
other interventions. It is likely that the central nervous system perception of calories
given intravenously, thereby bypassing most if not all gut peptide signaling, would be
different from that of ingested calories.
Dr. Finegood: Maybe there is a difference between sugar-sweetened beverages and a
mixed meal.
Dr. Rosenbaum: If you are asking whether there are differences in how our brains
react to sugar-sweetened beverages versus a mixed meal, then I would say that there
probably are significant distinctions. Diet composition will acutely affect multiple signals
regarding energy homeostasis including CCK, ghrelin, and other gut peptides, and all of
these will impact on appetite. The immediate biochemical responses to what has been
eaten might be viewed as signals predominantly reflecting short-term energy intake,
while others that reflect energy stores, such as leptin, might be viewed as signals better
reflecting longer-term energy balance.

1 Hall KD, Sacks G, Chandramohan D, et 3 Chen L, Appel LJ, Loria C, Lin P-H, et al:
al: Quantification of the effect of energy Reduction in consumption of sugar-sweet-
imbalance on bodyweight. Lancet 2011;378: ened beverages is associated with weight loss:
826–837. the PREMIER trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;
2 Kuo T, Jarosz CJ, Simon P, Fielding JE: Menu 89:1299–1306.
labeling as a potential strategy for combat- 4 Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL: Adaptive ther-
ing the obesity epidemic: a health impact mogenesis in humans. Int J Obes 2010;34:
assessment. Am J Public Health 2009;99: S47–S55.

Brain Reorganization after Weight Loss 19

5 Neumann RO: Experimentelle 14 Leibel RL, Hirsch J, Appel BE, Checani
Beitrage zur Lehre von dem taglichen GC: Energy intake required to maintain
Nahrungsbedarf des Menschen unter body weight is not affected by wide varia-
besonder Berucksichtigung der notwendigen tion in diet composition. Am J Clin Nutr
Eiweissmenge. Arch Hyg 1902;45:1–87. 1992;55:350–355.
6 Keys A, Brozek J, Henschel A, et al: Biology 15 Klem ML, Wing RR, McGuire MT, et al: A
of Human Starvation. Minneapolis, descriptive study of individuals successful at
University of Minnesota Press, 1950. long-term maintenance of substantial weight
7 Rosenbaum M, Hirsch J, Gallagher DA, loss. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;66:239–246.
Leibel RL: Long-term persistence of adaptive 16 Weinsier RL, Hunter GR, Zuckerman PA,
thermogenesis in subjects who have main- et al: Energy expenditure and free-living
tained a reduced body weight. Am J Clin physical activity in black and white women:
Nutr 2008;88:906–912. comparison before and after weight loss.
8 Wing RR, Phelan S: Long-term weight main- Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:1138–1146.
tenance. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;82:222S–225S. 17 Perry DJ, Hubbard SM: PDQ – a database of
9 Hall K: Predicting metabolic adaptation, clinical trials and cancer treatment informa-
body weight change, and energy intake in tion. Cancer Metastasis Rev 1988;7:209–221.
humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 18 DelParigi A, Chen K, Salbe AD, et al:
2010;298:E449–E466. Successful dieters have increased neural
10 Weinsier RL, Hunter GR, Gower BA, et al: activity in cortical areas involved in the con-
Body fat distribution in white and black trol of behavior. Int J Obes 2007;31:440–448.
women: different patterns of intraabdominal 19 McCaffery JM, Haley AP, Sweet LH, et al:
and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue Differential functional magnetic resonance
utilization with weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr imaging response to food pictures in suc-
2001;74:631–636. cessful weight-loss maintainers relative to
11 Weinsier RL, Hunter GR, Schutz Y, et al: normal-weight and obese controls. Am J Clin
Physical activity in free-living white and Nutr 2009;90:928–934.
black women: divergent response by race to 20 Rosenbaum M, Goldsmith R, Bloomfield D,
diet-induced weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr et al: Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal mus-
2002;76:736–742. cle, autonomic, and neuroendocrine adapta-
12 Rosenbaum M, Goldsmith R, Bloomfield D, tions to maintenance of reduced weight.
et al: Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal mus- J Clin Invest 2005;115:3579–3586.
cle, autonomic, and neuroendocrine adapta- 21 Baldwin KM, Joanisse DR, Haddad F, et
tions to maintenance of reduced weight. al: Effects of weight loss and leptin on
J Clin Invest 2005;115:3579–3586. skeletal muscle in human subjects. Am
13 Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ, et al: J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
Comparison of weight-loss diets with differ- 2011;310:R1259–R1266.
ent compositions of fat, protein, and carbo-
hydrates. N Engl J Med 2009;360:859–873.

20 Rosenbaum · Leibel
Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 21–36,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Physical Activity and Weight Loss

John M. Jakicic
Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center, Department of Health and Physical
Activity, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Weight loss interventions involving diet and physical activity typically result in 8–10%
weight loss within 6–12 months after initiating treatment. Physical activity is a key com-
ponent of these interventions for a variety of reasons. Weight loss achieved with physical
activity averages approximately 1–3 kg, and the effects of physical activity on weight loss
appear to be additive to what is observed with dietary restriction alone. Moreover, physi-
cal activity is an important behavior for prevention of weight regain and maintenance of
significant weight loss resulting from dietary restriction, and physical activity contributes
to weight loss in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. However, there is signifi-
cant interindividual variability in the weight loss resulting from physical activity, with both
biological and behavioral factors contributing to this variability. Thus, additional research
is needed to understand the role of physical activity in energy balance and body weight
regulation, along with an understanding of the optimal intervention strategies to pro-
mote physical activity participation in overweight and obese individuals.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel


The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen significantly worldwide

within the past few decades. Within the United States, the prevalence of over-
weight is estimated to exceed 65% of the adult population with obesity exceed-
ing 30% [1], with similar trends shown in other countries throughout the world.
This is of significant public health concern because of the association between
excess bodyweight and many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, certain forms of cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders [2].
A variety of interventions have been developed and implemented to reduce
bodyweight in overweight and obese individuals. However, the cornerstone
of interventions includes lifestyle modification for both eating and physical
activity behaviors. Lifestyle interventions are estimated to reduce bodyweight
by 8–10% within the initial 3–6 months of treatment [3]. However, it is esti-
mated that on average weight regain of 33–50% occurs within 1–3 years fol-
lowing initial weight loss [4]. Thus, there is a need to develop and implement
effective interventions to reduce bodyweight in overweight and obese adults,
and for these interventions to result in long-term weight loss maintenance.
For example, the multicenter Diabetes Prevention Program, which imple-
mented a very intensive lifestyle intervention, is considered by many to be one
of the most successful lifestyle interventions for weight loss. This intervention
resulted in weight loss of approximately 7 kg at 12 months with weight loss
receding to 5.6 kg at a mean follow-up of 2.8 years, a weight regain of 20%
of initial weight loss [5]. The multicenter Look AHEAD Trial, which again
used an intensive lifestyle intervention, reported weight loss of 8.6% at one
year with weight loss regressing to 4.7% at 4 years, equivalent to weight regain
of approximately 45%. Similar patterns of weight regain have been shown in
other intervention studies [6, 7].

Effect of Physical Activity on Weight Loss

Physical activity is an important component within weight loss interventions

because of its ability to enhance initial weight loss, enhance maintenance of
long-term weight loss, and have an independent effect on health-related con-
ditions that are typically associated with excess bodyweight. Jakicic et al. [8]
reported that an intervention focused on home-based physical activity that
did not include a prescribed reduction in energy intake resulted in an average
weight loss of approximately 2% at 6 months and 1% at 18 months. This magni-
tude is similar to the 3- and 6-month weight loss resulting from physical activ-
ity that has been reported by Hagan et al. [9] and Wing et al. [10], respectively.
A systematic review of the literature conducted for the 2008 Physical Activity
Guidelines Advisory Committee Report also suggested that a physical activity
intervention consisting of 180–270 min per week would result in weight loss
ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 kg [11]. The more recent Position Stand published by
the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) [12] concluded that there is
a dose-response between physical activity and the magnitude of weight change.
This review concluded that interventions that included <150 min per week of
physical activity resulted in no significant change in bodyweight, whereas phys-
ical activity of >150 and 225–420 min per week resulted in weight loss of 2–3 kg
and 5–7.5 kg, respectively.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has recommended that life-
style interventions for weight loss include reduced calorie intake combined
with physical activity [2]. When combined with modest reductions in energy
intake, equivalent to a reduction of 500–1,000 kcal/day, the addition of physical

22 Jakicic
activity appears to improve weight loss by 2–3 kg above the magnitude achieved
with the dietary intervention alone. For example, Goodpaster et al. [13] studied
adults classified with class II or III obesity and compared a diet only interven-
tion prescribed at 1,200–2,100 kcal/day with the diet intervention combined
with physical activity over a period of 6 months. Weight loss resulting from the
diet alone intervention was 8.2 kg compared to 10.9 kg in the combined diet and
physical activity intervention, a difference of 2.7 kg. Wing et al. [10] reported
that the combination of diet plus physical activity improved weight loss by 1.2
kg compared to the magnitude of weight loss observed with a diet intervention
alone (9.1 vs. 10.3 kg). These findings are consistent with the conclusions based
on a review conducted by Curioni and Lourenco [14].
While the magnitude of weight loss achieved with physical activity over a
period of 6 months may be considered to be modest, physical activity may play
an important role in the maintenance of weight loss. As indicated above, it is
common for initial weight loss to be followed by weight regain of the magni-
tude of 33–50% over a period of 1–3 years [4]. However, there is evidence that
physical activity may enhance long-term weight loss, or minimize or prevent
weight regain. For example, Jakicic et al. [15] reported that individuals who
achieved a weight loss of 14.2 kg (16.8% of initial bodyweight) at 24 months
had increased their physical activity to approximately 1,500 kcal/week above
baseline levels, whereas individuals achieving less weight loss were engaging
in physical activity that was on average <700 kcal/week above baseline levels.
In another study that involved the combination of diet plus physical activity,
Jakicic et al. [16] reported that overweight and obese women who engaged in
physical activity of 291 min/week from 0 to 6 months, 282 min/week from 7 to
12 months, and 281 min/week from 13 to 18 months reduced weight by 13.1
kg by the end of the 18-month intervention. This weight loss at 18 months was
significantly greater than the 8.2 and 3.5 kg observed in individuals averaging
approximately 210 or 121 min/week of physical activity across the 18-month
intervention, respectively. Unick et al. [17] have also reported that physical
activity is an important predictor of the ability to lose ≥10% of initial body-
weight within 6 months and to sustain this weight loss at 24 months. These
findings support the importance of physical activity for improving long-term
weight loss. However, as indicated within the 2009 ACSM Position Stand [12],
support for physical activity to improve long-term weight loss comes mainly
from secondary post-hoc analyses or observation studies. This may suggest the
need for additional randomized studies with sufficient sample sizes to better
understand the role of physical activity for improving long-term weight loss
and prevention of weight regain.
Physical activity has also been shown to be important for patients who have
undergone bariatric surgery to induce weight loss. It has been shown that phys-
ical activity contributes to improvements in weight loss at 6–24 months fol-
lowing bariatric surgery [18–20]. Evans et al. [20] reported greater weight loss

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 23

Weight change (kg) 4

Fig. 1. Individual variability in 18-month weight change in response to a prescribed dose

of 150 min/week of physical activity. Unpublished data based on the study conducted by
Jakicic et al. [8].

in bariatric surgery patients who participated in ≥150 min per week of physi-
cal activity compared to those patients participating in <150 min per week.
Thus, it is important for patients who undergo bariatric surgery to participate
in sufficient amounts of physical activity to maximize the weight loss achieved
with bariatric surgery. However, as summarized by O’Brien [21], research gaps
remain in our understanding of the role of physical activity for patients who
have undergone bariatric surgery, and this warrants additional research.

Physical Activity: Responders versus Nonresponders

As described above, on average, physical activity may have modest effects on

weight loss yet be an important contributor to long-term weight loss outcomes.
However, the large variability in weight loss reported in many studies does sug-
gest that some individuals may lose significantly more weight than the aver-
age that is reported. For example, Jakicic et al. [8] reported that the average
weight loss at 18 months in response to an intervention with physical activity
prescribed at 150 or 300 min/week was –0.9 ± 4.7 and –1.2 ± 5.6%, respectively.
However, as shown in figures 1 and 2, some individuals were extremely success-
ful with weight loss while others were not. This is not atypical and is commonly
observed in our laboratory. Moreover, this is similar to the pattern of individual
weight loss observed in response to 16 months of supervised exercise reported
by Donnelly and Smith [22]. Thus, it is important to consider potential mecha-
nisms or pathways that may explain the individual variability in weight loss that
is observed with physical activity.

24 Jakicic
Weight change (kg)


Fig. 2. Individual variability in 18-month weight change in response to a prescribed dose

of 300 min/week of physical activity. Unpublished data based on the study conducted by
Jakicic et al. [8].

Potential Genetic Influence

It has been shown that there is a genetic influence on the effect of physical
activity to regulate bodyweight [23, 24]. Research conducted by Bouchard et al.
[24] in which diet and physical activity were highly controlled over a period of
4 months showed that weight loss ranged from 5 to 12% of initial bodyweight,
which was equivalent to absolute weight loss of 3–12 kg. These findings pro-
vide evidence of variability in weight loss resulting from a standardized dose
of structured physical activity between individuals with energy intake held
Bouchard et al. [23] also conducted a study of 7 pairs of identical male twins
examined over a period of 93 days. Subjects were supervised 24 h per day with
energy intake held constant and structured activity performed on a cycle ergom-
eter twice daily. Mean weight loss resulting from this protocol was 5.0 ± 0.6 kg.
However, there was greater variance between pairs of twins than within pairs of
twins, and the intraclass coefficient for within pair changes in bodyweight was
r = 0.74. Similar findings were observed for measures of body composition and
body fat distribution. These findings support that there are biological factors
that contribute to the variability of individuals to lose weight in response to an
increase in physical activity.

Factors Influencing Adherence to Physical Activity

A potential factor that can influence the effectiveness of physical activity to
reduce bodyweight is adherence to prescribed doses of physical activity. Jakicic
et al. [8] reported that individuals who lost ≥3% of initial bodyweight over a
period of 18 months reported an increase of 228 min/week above baseline at 6

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 25

months and 161 min/week above baseline at 18 months. This level of physical
activity was significantly higher than the physical activity of individuals who
remained weight stable or gained weight over this same period of 18 months.
Thus, it is important to better understand factors that contribute to adoption
and adherence to sufficient levels of physical activity that may induce weight
loss and assisting in bodyweight regulation.
There may be biological factors that contribute to one’s decision to partici-
pate in physical activity. Rankinen [25] has concluded that genetic factors do
contribute to the propensity of being physically active or sedentary. In a study
of children, Cai et al. [26] reported that the heritability estimate was 55% for
total physical activity, with similar heritability estimates reported for sedentary,
light, and moderate levels of physical activity. Stubbe et al. [27] have reported
that the median heritability for physical activity participation in twin studies is
62%. Despite these findings, it is clear that not all the variability in physical activ-
ity is explained by these factors, which suggests that additional factors need to be
Behavioral and psychosocial factors have also been shown to contribute
to the adoption and maintenance of physical activity. Data from studies con-
ducted in our research center have consistently shown that there are selected
factors that appear to be associated with physical activity in overweight and
obese adults participating in a behavioral weight loss program. One such fac-
tor is self-efficacy. We have reported that physical activity self-efficacy increases
in response to a behavioral weight loss intervention, with higher levels of self-
efficacy associated with higher levels of physical activity after a 6-month inter-
vention [28]. However, recent analysis of unpublished data has shown that on
average the increase in physical activity may not be sustained at 24 months, with
self-efficacy returning to baseline levels despite ongoing intervention through
24 months. We also found that physical activity self-efficacy at 24 months con-
tinued to be significantly associated with 24-month level of physical activity
(correlation coefficient = 0.33). This may suggest that interventions need to tar-
get self-efficacy to facilitate the adoption of physical activity in overweight and
obese adults. However, the focus on self-efficacy needs to continue long-term to
facilitate ongoing participation in physical activity that can impact body-weight
Identifying barriers to physical activity and developing interventions to
reduce these barriers is important for improving physical activity in overweight
and obese adults [29]. In response to a traditional 6-month behavior weight loss
intervention, barriers to physical activity decreased, and physical activity at 6
months was associated with fewer barriers to physical activity [28]. Analysis of
unpublished data across the 24-month intervention period showed that fewer
barriers continued to be significantly associated with higher levels of physi-
cal activity (correlation coefficient = –0.30). Thus, an important intervention
target appears to be identification of barriers to physical activity in overweight

26 Jakicic
and obese adults, and the development and implementation of interventions to
overcome these reported barriers.

Influence of Physical Activity on Other Components of Energy Balance

The ability to reduce bodyweight is ultimately dependent on the balance between
energy intake and energy expenditure. When energy intake, determined by the
number of calories consumed, is equivalent to energy expenditure, determined
by the number of calories burned, an individual is considered to be in energy
balance and theoretically should be weight stable. For weight loss to occur,
energy expenditure needs to exceed energy intake (negative energy balance),
and an increase in physical activity has the potential to increase total energy
expenditure to create a state of negative energy balance. Physical activity is the
most variable component of total energy expenditure, which suggests that this
should be a target for interventions focused on weight loss [30].
There is some evidence, however, that an increase in physical activity may
influence other components of energy balance, which may either enhance or
inhibit weight loss. For example, Unick et al. [31] compared ad libitum intake
at 1–2 h following a seated rest period versus a period of moderate-intensity
physical activity in overweight and obese women. Results showed that 58% of
participants consumed more calories following the activity period compared to
the seated rest period. These findings are similar to those reported by Finlayson
et al. [32] in which approximately 50% of participants had a positive increase in
energy balance following a 50-min bout of physical activity. These findings may
suggest that there is variation in eating behavior in response to periods of acute
physical activity, with activity potentially contributing to an increase in energy
intake in some individuals while potentially having a satiating effect in others.
This warrants further investigators to better understand the potential pathways
by which this phenomena may occur, which may provide valuable information
to better understand how physical activity may affect energy balance and ulti-
mately bodyweight regulation.
Weight loss is commonly associated with an observed reduction in resting
metabolic rate (RMR) [33], and RMR commonly comprises the largest por-
tion of total daily energy expenditure. When comparing trained versus seden-
tary individuals, RMR is typically higher in those individuals who are trained
[34], and it has been shown that there is an acute effect of physical activity on
RMR. This may suggest that the addition of physical activity to a weight loss
intervention may prevent or blunt the decrease in RMR. However, significant
decreases in RMR are observed with weight loss even when physical activity is
included within the intervention paradigm [33]. Thus, the potential pathway
by which physical activity creates a state of negative energy balance to facili-
tate weight loss and weight loss maintenance may not be through its effects
on RMR, but though alternative pathways and mechanisms that may require
further investigation.

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 27


weight loss

Diet and

Fig. 3. Theoretical pathway for physical activity to influence bodyweight and health-
related outcomes.

Health Benefits of Physical Activity beyond Weight Loss in Overweight and

Obese Adults

In addition to the potential benefits of physical activity on weight loss, there are
additional health benefits that may be realized in overweight and obese individ-
uals through participation in physical activity. One of the key benefits of physi-
cal activity is an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness. Recent reviews of the
literature concluded that higher levels of physical activity or cardiorespiratory
fitness are associated with improvements in health-related outcomes [35–37].
The association between higher levels of physical activity or cardiorespiratory
fitness and reduced health risk is present in overweight and obese adults even
in the absence of weight loss. Thus, overweight and obese adults can realize
significant health benefits from participation in physical activity, and the added
weight loss may further enhance these benefits, as illustrated in figure 3.


Physical activity can contribute to both short-term and long-term weight loss in
overweight and obese adults. These benefits of physical activity are also present
in individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery. In addition, physical activ-
ity and the concurrent improvement in fitness are associated with improvements
in a variety of health-related outcomes. However, there is significant interindi-
vidual variability in the weight loss that is achieved with physical activity, with

28 Jakicic
both behavioral and biological factors contributing to these findings, which
warrants further investigation. Regardless, physical activity should be included
as a component of a comprehensive intervention for weight loss for overweight
and obese adults.

Disclosure Statement

Dr. Jakicic reported serving on the scientific advisory board for Alere Wellbeing, has
received an honorarium for a scientific presentation from Jenny Craig and from the
Nestle Nutrition Institute, and has served as the Principal Investigator on research grants
awarded to the University of Pittsburgh from the Beverage Institute for Health and
Wellness and BodyMedia, Inc.

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adults, 1999–2008. JAMA 2010;303:235–241. overweight adults. Obesity 2011;19:100–109.
2 National Institutes of Health National 9 Hagan RD, Upton SJ, Wong L, Whittam J:
Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Clinical The effects of aerobic conditioning and/or
Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, calorie restriction in overweight men and
and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1986;18:87–94.
in Adults – The Evidence Report. Obes Res 10 Wing RR, Venditti EM, Jakicic JM, et al:
1998;6(suppl 2):71S–76S, 96S. Lifestyle intervention in overweight indi-
3 Wing RR: Behavioral Weight Control; in viduals with a family history of diabetes.
Wadden TA, Stunkard AJ (eds): Handbook of Diabetes Care 1998;21:350–359.
Obesity Treatment. New York, The Guilford 11 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Press, 2002, pp 301–316. Committee Report 2008. US Department of
4 Perri MG, Corsica JA: Improving the mainte- Health and Human Services, 2008; http://
nance of weight lost in behavioral treatment
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6 Look AHEAD Research Group: Reduction Effects of diet and physical activity interven-
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factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes: factors in severely obese adults: a random-
one-year results of the Look AHEAD trial. ized trial. JAMA 2010;304:1795–1802.
Diabetes Care 2007;30:1374–1383. 14 Curioni CC, Lourenco PM: Long-term
7 Look AHEAD Research Group. Long-term weight loss after diet and exercise: systematic
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Physical Activity and Weight Loss 29

16 Jakicic JM, Winters C, Lang W, Wing RR: 26 Cai G, Cole SA, Butte N, et al: A quantitative
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women: a randomized trial. J Am Med Assoc 27 Stubbe JH, Boomsma DI, Vink JM, et al:
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Contribution of behavior intervention com- PLoS ONE 2006;20:e22.
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30 Jakicic

Dr. Bray: You made a statement that dietary modification and exercise are effective
for weight loss, and the combination of these behaviors is more effective than either one
alone. If people persist in these behaviors, they will maintain their current weight or
their weight loss. I am interested in your comments about whether our focus in
interventions should be on adherence to these behaviors and understanding why
adherence diminishes over time despite initial success at weight loss. This may require a
better understanding of both metabolic and/or psychological factors that may be
influencing adherence.
Dr. Jakicic: It is clear that the combination of an energy-restricted diet and physical
activity is the most effective non-surgical and non-pharmacological intervention for
inducing and maintaining weight loss. Thus, the focus of interventions should be on
promoting adoption and maintenance of these key behaviors. Results of 18- to
24-month studies conducted in our laboratory have supported that both components
of energy balance result in improved weight loss [1, 2]. Behavior change is complex,
with many interactions that need to be considered to understand the most effective
strategies for improving adoption and adherence to these key behaviors related to
energy balance and weight control. For example, when considering behavioral
constructs, data from our studies have consistently shown that self-efficacy is predictive
of adoption and maintenance of exercise behavior in overweight and obese adults.
What is interesting is that self-efficacy for physical activity and structured exercise
prior to initiating an intervention are not predictive of behavior change. Rather, it is
the change in self-efficacy once the intervention is undertaken that is predictive of
future physical activity behavior. This suggests that we need to focus our interventions
on exposing participants to physical activity experiences that allow them to realize that
they can do a physical activity and that this activity can be beneficial to them. Too
many times clinicians may simply prescribe activity to patients without addressing the
issues that may influence self-efficacy, which ultimately does not result in meaningful
or sustained behavior change. In addition, we need to consider the barriers that exist
related to modifying eating and activity behaviors. For example, simply instructing a
patient to exercise without also addressing barriers will be less effective than an
intervention that is specifically designed to identify and address the barriers to exercise.
Moreover, eating and exercise are not independent behaviors. For some individuals,
exercise has been shown to stimulate a decrease in energy intake, and for others
exercise has been shown to stimulate an increase in energy intake. Whether this is a
result of cognitive control or other metabolic or physiological control mechanisms is
not well understood. Regardless of the mechanism, the interaction of these behaviors
may be important in understanding factors that influence adoption, maintenance, and
effectiveness of these behaviors for weight control, and this needs further
Dr. Bray: Another observation from our studies is that adherence is associated with
higher intensity exercise rather than with the moderate-intensity exercise in many of the
public health recommendations. We may need to consider this as well when examining
factors that influence adherence.
Dr. Jakicic: This may be related to how exercise intensity is defined. For example,
typical public health recommendations for physical activity intensity are based on data

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 31

that have defined intensity as an absolute value based on energy expenditure. For
example, moderate intensity activity is defined as 3 to under 6 metabolic equivalents,
also termed METS, with vigorous intensity defined as ≥6 METS. However, it may be
important to consider the relative intensity of the exercise, which is based on a percentage
of the maximal fitness level of the individual, rather than on the absolute intensity, which
is based on the energy expenditure of the activity.
It is also important to examine the literature in this area to better understand how
intensity may influence weight loss outcomes and adherence. For example, when energy
expenditure has been held constant, it appears that moderate and vigorous intensity
exercise results in similar magnitudes of weight loss. Conversely, when considering
adherence, King et al. [3] reported that vigorous rather than moderate exercise improved
long-term exercise adherence. It is also important to understand if there is a minimum
dose of exercise that results in optimal adoption and maintenance that also stimulates
the desired physiologic and metabolic responses that will optimize bodyweight
regulation. In some instances, it may be important to promote a higher intensity of
exercise; however, more research is needed to confirm the optimal intensity and volume
of physical activity that results in desired benefits in physiological, metabolic,
psychological, and overall health for overweight and obese adults.
Dr. Oppert: I would like to discuss bariatric surgery because this might be very
different when compared to non-surgical interventions for weight loss. When we
conducted and published a recent review of physical activity in bariatric surgery patients,
we observed that there were limited intervention studies of physical activity in this
population. This makes it difficult to understand the influence of physical activity
because there are changes that occur simply in response to surgically induced weight
loss. In addition, few studies of surgically induced weight loss report on changes in body
composition, especially as it relates to how physical activity may influence these
Dr. Jakicic: Data on body composition in these types of studies are lacking. Moreover,
and possibly more important, is the lack of understanding of how skeletal muscle
metabolism and physiology, along with similar adaptations in fat depots, respond to
surgically induced weight loss and whether physical activity influences these adaptations.
Studies are underway in these areas of research. What we may find is that the influence
of physical activity on total bodyweight may be modest in response to surgically induced
weight loss, but there may be important influences on body composition, the physiologic
and metabolic properties of the tissues that influence bodyweight, and the health-related
In response to your point about cause and effect, that too is interesting, and I agree
that we need systematic research in these areas. We have observed in our own data that
in response to surgically induced weight loss, individuals with the largest weight loss
show the greatest improvements in self-report and objectively measured physical
function, which reflects one’s ability to get out of chair, balance, walk, etc. However,
when we look at our data from objectively measured free-living physical activity,
individuals with the highest level of physical functioning do not necessarily engage in
the greatest amount of physical activity. What I take from this is that we need to better
understand how physical activity is influenced by surgically induced weight loss and
how to best intervene in this population to increase participation in adequate doses of
physical activity to result in maintenance of weight loss along with metabolic and

32 Jakicic
physiological adaptations that influence weight and health outcomes. To date, most of
what we know about this has been from observational or cross-sectional studies, with
few studies using well-designed paradigms to better understand these important research
Dr. Ard: Observations from our studies have suggested that self-efficacy may decline
over a period of an 18-month intervention despite exposure to well-designed and
implemented behavioral interventions. This may be a result of initial perceptions related
to ease of behavior change or the health benefits of change in these behaviors not
matching what actually occurs once exposed to the intervention. Thus, the perception is
reset based on these initial experiences which influence self-efficacy. For example, many
individuals undertake exercise to reduce bodyweight, and after 2 months see very little
change in bodyweight, which results in a change in their perspective of the importance
of exercise which ultimately influences adherence to this behavior. Moreover, regarding
weight maintenance, it appears that there is a need for individuals to continue to have to
increase their dose of exercise over time to continue to maintain their weight loss, which
may influence long-term adherence, and this may be a result of continued muscle
efficiency resulting from exercise participation. It may be important to consider factors
around the optimal timing and dosing of exercise in the course of weight reduction and
in the course of weight maintenance, so that this continued increase in exercise dose
may not be necessary to maintain weight loss.
Dr. Jakicic: Your observation that self-efficacy for physical activity is difficult to
sustain long-term is consistent with data from our own studies. We have shown that in
response to a behavioral weight loss intervention, self-efficacy for physical activity
increases over the initial 6 months of the intervention, with a gradual decline thereafter.
However, when we examine the data in greater detail, participants who maintain higher
levels of physical activity at 12 months continue to also sustain higher levels of self-efficacy
for physical activity. This suggests that maintaining self-efficacy needs to remain a focal
point of behavioral interventions. However, it is important to better understand factors
that contribute to the ability of some participants to maintain higher levels of self-efficacy
versus others being unable to maintain self-efficacy for physical activity, which appears to
be associated with the inability to sustain physical activity behavior. Whether this is a
result of a physiological drive due to improved muscle efficiency needs further examination
and understanding. This decline in self-efficacy over time may also be a result of the
modest weight loss of 0.5–3.0 kg that occurs with regular exercise, which may be less
weight loss than most individuals expect based on the effort required to engage in
sufficient levels of physical activity. Thus, further work is needed to understand how to
improve the effectiveness of our interventions for sustaining physical activity.
Dr. Haschke: With regard to the measurement of body composition, all of the devices
rely on certain assumptions. One of those assumptions is that the percentage of water in
fat-free mass is constant. However, during a dynamic process like weight loss, water
content in fat-free mass is changing, and therefore our assumptions may not be correct,
and this may influence the accuracy of the measurement. My question is whether other
traditional measures such as subcutaneous fat measurement using skinfold measurement
or just abdominal circumference would be sufficient from a clinical perspective because
this may provide valuable information relative to health risk. It may not be body
composition per se, but rather changes in fat deposition at specific anatomical sites that
is important to measure and to understand.

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 33

Dr. Jakicic: I agree that many of the body composition methodologies, including
DXA and hydrostatic weighing, rely on assumptions that may be influenced during the
dynamic process of weight loss, or even weight gain. I also agree that site specific fat has
been shown by many to be critical to understanding the health risks associated with
excess body fatness. Thus, the use of techniques such as girth measures or skinfold
measures may be sufficient and feasible in clinical settings. However, my experience in
training many individuals over the years indicates that there is significant variability
between individuals when performing these measures, and these can be very difficult to
perform on the severely obese. Thus, for us to use these techniques broadly, we need to
have standardized protocols and provide adequate training to allow for valid and reliable
measures. Moreover, the concerns over body fatness go beyond just traditional measures
of body composition, because in many cases you can simply look at an individual who is
obese and realize that they have excess body fatness. Given this, one of the interesting
perspectives is whether the concerns are related to the volume or quality of the tissue.
For example, with regard to fat-free mass, should we be concerned about the quantity of
muscle, the quality of the muscle tissue, or both of these factors? An obese individual
who has a high amount of fat-free mass but of poor quality could actually lose muscle
mass but also increase the quality of the mass that remains, and this would be beneficial
from a health perspective. This was observed in some of the early studies of very low-
calorie diets in which total lean mass decreased in the presence of exercise, but the cross-
sectional area of the muscle based on muscle biopsy actually increased in response to
exercise. So, quality of tissue may be more important than quantity of tissue in some
circumstances. However, to understand these factors, we need to continue to use
measurement techniques that are more sophisticated that a simple girth measurement or
skinfold measurement.
Dr. Lovejoy: You highlighted that there may be sex differences in the response to
exercise as it relates to changes in bodyweight. The evidence suggests that exercise may
have a greater influence on weight in men compared to women. I am concerned about
the implications of this, especially as it is related to commercial weight loss programs in
which women are the primary consumers, and women from certain ethnic and racial
groups may have the greatest need for weight-related interventions. I am curious about
why women may be less successful than men to effectively use exercise as a strategy to
control bodyweight, and whether this may be linked to dietary composition? Maybe
there is a lower threshold of exercise that influences eating behavior or other factors?
From a practical standpoint, this raises the question of whether exercise recommendations
may need to vary for men and women to promote optimal weight loss and weight loss
Dr. Jakicic: The points and perspectives that you raise are interesting. My experience
in working with many individuals over the past 20 years is that men tend to gravitate to
exercise and focus less on dietary change to control their bodyweight, whereas women
try to find a balance between energy intake and physical activity. Not only are the
responses to interventions potentially different, but preferred interventions may differ
between men and women. My impression is that it will be difficult to secure research
funding to conduct a study in which we focus on varying the interventions for weight
loss based on gender. What is interesting is that as part of the Midwest Exercise Study,
the weight loss change in response to 45 min per day of exercise performed 4–5 days per
week resulted in different patterns of weight change for men and women [4]. This

34 Jakicic
amount of supervised exercise led to weight loss for men but prevention of weight gain
for women. However, an interesting finding in this study was that for a fixed duration
and intensity of exercise, the men expended approximately 600 calories per session and
the women expended about 400 calories per session, and this probably contributed to
the observed difference in weight change in response to the exercise. In studies in which
the energy expenditure of the exercise was held constant for both men and women,
similar reductions in bodyweight were observed. To achieve this similar energy
expenditure, women would have to exercise longer or at a higher intensity compared to
men, which may also have implications from an adherence perspective. Finding the
balance between energy expenditure and energy intake that results in optimal adherence
may be necessary from a clinical perspective to make these programs feasible and
effective for both men and women.
Dr. Rosenbaum: The evidence presented illustrates the challenges for behavioral
programs to elicit and sustain substantial weight loss. This may suggest that the
emphasis should be on interventions to behaviors to improve health rather than
behaviors to lose weight. If true that a high volume of exercise is required to lose and
maintain significant weight loss, this may pose significant barriers for many individuals
due to the time commitment that is required. So, perhaps we should de-emphasize the
influence of behavior change on weight loss because for many this may be modest, and
instead place a greater emphasis on good health that may include resting heart rate,
blood pressure, lipids and lipid particle size, and other health outcomes. Maybe this will
influence behavior change to a greater magnitude than placing the emphasis on
Dr. Jakicic: I agree that ultimately the focus should be on health-related outcomes.
However, I do not believe that there is evidence from clinical trials showing that a focus
on these health outcomes improves adherence compared to a focus on weight loss.
Substantial work remains to be done to better understand how to best influence behavior
change and whether the focus of interventions should be on weight or some other health
outcome. We also have to consider the dose of key behaviors patients can adopt and
maintain to influence desired health-related outcomes.
Dr. Goran: You alluded to the health effects of exercise that appear to be independent
of the health effects of weight loss. Is there dose at which the health effects of exercise are
Dr. Jakicic: There is an important influence of exercise on many health outcomes,
and the health improvements appear to be present, independent of changes in
bodyweight. In general, the typically recommended minimal dose of 150 min of
moderate-intensity physical activity per week appears to be sufficient. However, public
health recommendations for physical activity also state that additional health benefits
may be achieved with more physical activity. Whether significant health benefits can be
achieved with a lower dose or intensity of physical activity is less clear from the available
Dr. Bray: The majority of research supporting physical activity and the dose of
physical activity appears to be based on research that examined cardiovascular forms of
activity. Are similar data available for resistance training?
Dr. Jakicic: Within the past few years, the American College of Sports Medicine and
American Heart Association have more clearly defined the resistance training that may
be necessary to elicit a variety of health benefits. A major benefit of resistance training is

Physical Activity and Weight Loss 35

the improvement in muscle strength and function, which for an obese individual can be
very important to facilitate movement and activities of daily living. Where data are
lacking from clinical trials is in the long-term health benefits of resistance training,
probably because of the difficulty in conducting these types of studies and the need to
provide access to equipment and facilities.
Dr. Bray: Most of the recommendations for resistance exercise recommend doing it
2–3 days per week. I wonder if this is a sufficient dose of resistance exercise to influence
Dr. Jakicic: There is probably not sufficient evidence to make a recommendation for
the optimal dose of resistance exercise for weight control. In particular, the evidence on
the long-term influence of resistance exercise on bodyweight is sparse and needs to be
an area of focus for future research.

1 Jakicic JM, Wing RR, Winters-Hart C: 3 King AC, Haskell WL, Young DR, et al:
Relationship of physical activity to eating Long-term effects of varying intensities and
behaviors and weight loss in women. Med Sci formats of physical activity on participa-
Sports Exerc 2002;34:1653–1659. tion rates, fitness, and lipoproteins in men
2 Unick JL, Jakicic JM, Marcus BH: and women aged 50–65 years. Circulation
Contribution of behavior intervention com- 1995;91:2596–2604.
ponents to 24-month weight loss. Med Sci 4 Donnelly JE, Hill JO, Jacobsen DJ, et al:
Sports Exerc 2010;42:745–753. Effects of a 16-month randomized controlled
exercise trial on body weight and composi-
tion in young, overweight men and women.
Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1343–1350.

36 Jakicic
Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 37–48,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Dietary Strategies for Weight

Barbara J. Rolls
Department of Nutritional Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

In an ‘obesogenic’ environment, getting people to eat appropriate amounts is challeng-
ing. Several food-based strategies have the potential to promote satiety and moderate
energy intake. Components of foods such as macronutrients and functional ingredients
can affect satiety; however, for weight management a more comprehensive approach is
needed that emphasizes behavioral strategies to improve the overall diet. Research shows
that large portions of energy-dense foods facilitate overconsumption and that reductions
in portion size and energy density are associated with reduced energy intake. While this
suggests that people should eat smaller portions, recent data show that if people lower
the energy density of their diet, they can continue to eat their usual amount of food while
limiting calories. Furthermore, serving larger portions of low-energy-dense foods can be
used strategically to encourage their consumption and reduce dietary energy density,
and this has been shown to be associated with decreased energy intake while maintain-
ing satiety. This new understanding of how portion size can be used positively to manage
energy intake has the potential to help people achieve sustainable improvements in their
energy intake and bodyweight. Science-based strategies that increase the availability of
affordable nutrient-rich, lower energy-dense foods are urgently needed.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel

In an ‘obesogenic’ environment characterized by large portions of palatable,

inexpensive, energy-dense foods, finding ways to encourage people to eat appro-
priate amounts is challenging. This paper will consider food-based strategies
that have the potential to control hunger and promote satiety in order to mod-
erate energy intake. The available research encompasses: a biological approach
aimed at developing foods that affect satiety mechanisms, a behavioral approach
focused on understanding eating behaviors that affect satiety, and an environ-
mental approach that could help to make low-energy-dense foods a more likely
choice. In this review, opportunities and challenges related to utilizing these
approaches for the management of obesity will be considered.

Biological Approach

Macronutrients and Satiety

Short-term studies have demonstrated that a number of properties of foods can
affect satiety and energy intake, including the proportions of macronutrients,
various ingredients, and even the physical form. The standard experimental
paradigm for assessing satiety is to ask study participants to consume a fixed
amount of a food at the start of a meal. Following this preload, changes in rat-
ings of hunger and satiety (fullness), and of biological variables such as glucose,
insulin, and gut hormones can be tracked and related to later intake [1]. Such
studies have led to the hypothesis that there is a hierarchy for satiety such that
protein is the most satiating macronutrient, followed by carbohydrate, with fat
the least satiating [2].
While this hierarchy has dominated satiety research, the results of numerous
studies comparing the impact of macronutrients on satiety have been incon-
sistent. One reason for this variability is that each macronutrient category has
different types with different physiologic effects. For example, carbohydrates
include sugars, starch, and fiber, and it is not clear where they should be con-
sidered in the hypothesized hierarchy. Furthermore, macronutrient proportions
affect other properties of food that could influence satiety, such as the palatabil-
ity and energy density (calories per gram). While the hierarchy hypothesis has
provided a useful framework for studies of satiety, its utility for weight manage-
ment has not been established.
The emphasis on macronutrients has dominated the dietary management
of obesity; however, the results of randomized controlled trials aimed at deter-
mining the effects of diets with different proportions of macronutrients have
been mixed [3]. Even when a particular macronutrient was associated with the
amount of weight lost during the active treatment phase, significant differences
were not sustained during the maintenance phase. The authors of one large,
2-year trial that compared diets with four different macronutrient compositions
concluded that: ‘Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss
regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize’ [4]. Furthermore, diet com-
position did not affect satiety, hunger, and satisfaction with the intervention.
With similar results coming from several recent large trials, health policy rec-
ommendations for weight management have shifted away from macronutrient-
based advice to a food-based approach emphasizing control of portion size and
total calorie intake [5].

38 Rolls
Functional Ingredients
Another major thrust of satiety research is the characterization of functional
ingredients that affect hunger and satiety mechanisms. While much of the focus
in this area has been on various types of fiber [6] or protein [7], the scope for
new products is broad and will continue to grow as the biological bases of hun-
ger and satiety become better understood. However, the utility of such products
for weight management remains to be established [8]. Demonstrating that an
ingredient or a functional food affects hunger, satiety, or energy intake in the
short-term does not indicate that these effects are robust or persistent enough to
resist physiological regulatory systems for the maintenance of energy balance.
Nor does it show that in the context of an obesogenic environment bodyweight
will be affected [9].
A critical question that is raised by studies of food components that enhance
satiety is whether any one of these can have an impact on its own. Is it realistic to
expect the addition of a few grams of fiber or protein to not only control hunger
but also to decrease daily energy intake and reduce bodyweight? Perhaps effects
will only be seen if such food components are consumed in combination or as
part of a more comprehensive approach to both dietary and behavioral strate-
gies that facilitate weight management.

Behavioral Approach: Understanding Properties of Foods That Affect

Eating Behavior

While the emphasis in studies of eating behavior has often been on the mech-
anisms controlling satiety and energy intake, recent data indicate that people
readily ignore biological satiety signals when surrounded by large portions of
palatable, energy-dense foods. Such overconsumption begins early in life [10]
and often becomes a habitual pattern that continues to be reinforced over the
lifespan. Dietary interventions that rely on people making changes in estab-
lished eating patterns to achieve negative energy balance are often unsustainable
in an obesogenic environment.
Changing eating behavior represents one of the greatest challenges in obe-
sity prevention and treatment. Ultimately, parental and childhood interventions
along with government and food industry initiatives are needed. These initia-
tives will benefit from sound research that identifies robust behavioral responses
to food that could help to moderate intake. Such responses include the effects of
portion size and energy density on energy intake.

Portion Size
The goal of much of the research on portion size has been to establish a relation-
ship between large portions of energy-dense foods and overconsumption. It is
clear that portion size has a powerful, sustained effect on the amount of food

Dietary Strategies for Weight Management 39

500 Meat
Energy intake (kcal)




180 270 360
Vegetable portion size (g)

Fig. 1. Portion size can be used positively to increase vegetable intake and decrease
energy intake at a meal. As the amount of vegetables served at a meal was increased and
the amount of other meal components (meat and grain) was decreased, vegetable intake
of 48 adults increased by half a serving (29%) and energy intake decreased by 40 calories
(7%). Reprinted from Rolls et al. [13].

consumed. This effect has been demonstrated for different types of foods and
beverages in both laboratory and natural environments, and in overweight and
normal-weight men and women [11]. Of particular importance is that bouts of
overeating associated with large portions are not followed by a compensatory
reduction in intake. For example, when the portion size of all foods served over
11 days was increased, there was a persistent and significant effect of portion
size on energy intake [12]. Thus, characteristics of the eating environment such
as the ready availability of large portions of energy-dense foods can override the
regulation of energy balance over prolonged periods.
Since the effects of portion size are robust and sustained, it is possible that
they could be used to increase intake of nutritious, low-energy-dense foods such
as vegetables. Recent dietary advice relies on this premise. The 2010 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans [5] urge people not only to eat less overall and to
avoid oversized portions, but also to increase the proportion of vegetables and
fruits served at a meal. There is some evidence that this could influence intake.
In one study, increasing the proportion of a low-energy-dense vegetable served
on a plate by substituting it for the meat and grain significantly increased veg-
etable intake and reduced energy intake at the meal (see fig. 1) [13]. Other stud-
ies show that in both children and adults increasing the portion of vegetables
served at the start of a meal increases vegetable intake [14] and can decrease
energy intake at a meal. Such findings support the suggestion that variations
in portion size can be used beneficially to influence the types and amounts of

40 Rolls
foods consumed at a meal, but there are no data on the effects of such strategic
manipulations of portion size on sustained changes in intake or bodyweight.
Another portion control strategy that individuals can utilize is to structure
their food environment so that exposure to large portions of energy-dense foods
is limited during several eating occasions in a day. This can be achieved with
pre-portioned foods (PPFs) such as entrées, snack foods, or liquid meals that
are packaged individually in portions appropriate for a meal or snack. Existing
evidence suggests that the consumption of liquid PPFs helps to limit energy
intake and promotes weight loss [15]. There is also limited evidence on the effi-
cacy of solid PPFs for weight management. Providing participants with most
or all of their foods as pre-portioned items facilitated weight loss [16]. It is also
likely that solid PPFs contributed to weight loss and weight loss maintenance
over 2 years in a recent trial that compared a structured weight loss program
including free prepared meals to usual care [17]. Although PPFs show promise
as a useful tool for weight management, little is known about how characteris-
tics such as their energy content and energy density affect efficacy [18]. Nor is
it known if their use leads to better understanding of appropriate portions and
whether their consumption will be continued so that they facilitate weight loss
More research is needed to determine the impact of specific portion control
strategies on body weight regulation. In particular, there is an urgent need for
evidence-based strategies to help consumers limit the overconsumption associ-
ated with large portions of energy-dense foods. In the current environment, it
is difficult for many individuals to eat appropriate amounts of food. Getting
intake back in synchrony with energy needs will be challenging since consum-
ers equate large portions with good value and they have a distorted idea of how
much food is appropriate. If people were to heed the frequently offered advice
simply to ‘eat less’, and were to reduce the portion size of all the foods consumed,
they would probably feel deprived and would not sustain this eating pattern. A
promising approach that would allow people to eat satisfying portions would be
to reduce the energy density of the diet or at least of selected foods.

Energy Density
Dietary energy density has emerged in recent years as one of the most consistent
influences on satiety and energy intake. While the energy density of food is often
related to its fat content, the water content can have an even greater effect. The
combination of water with the macronutrients in foods determines the energy
density, and variations in water can be used to separate the effects of energy density
from those of the macronutrients. A number of systematic studies show that when
the macronutrient content of foods was varied, but the energy density was kept
constant, the effects of fat, carbohydrate, and protein on satiety were similar [19].
On the other hand, the energy density of foods is a robust and significant determi-
nant of satiety and energy intake regardless of macronutrient composition [19].

Dietary Strategies for Weight Management 41

Most of the studies on the effects of energy density have been relatively
short-term, examining individual meals or effects over several days. These stud-
ies show that consuming a large low-energy-dense preload of a water-rich food
such as soup, salad, or fruit, was associated with reduced energy intake at a meal
[2, 19]. In other studies, the energy density of meals was reduced by increasing
the proportion of vegetables, and it was found that adults who were offered ad
libitum access ate a consistent weight of food. This meant that energy intake
varied directly with changes in energy density. Subjects reported similar ratings
of hunger and fullness even when reductions in energy density led to a decrease
in energy intake of approximately 25% over 2 days [19, 20]. The response to
energy density emerges early in life as indicated by studies in preschool children
showing they too consumed significantly less energy when the energy density
of the available foods was lowered [21]. This suggests the possibility of using
reductions in energy density strategically to prevent excess energy intake in
young children as well as in adults [10].
While much of the evidence related to energy density comes from short-term
studies, reductions in energy density show promise as an effective approach for
weight management. In a year-long trial, daily incorporation of a low-energy-
dense food into a reduced-energy diet increased the magnitude of the weight
loss compared to the incorporation of snack foods higher in energy density [22].
In another year-long trial, obese women who were counseled to reduce dietary
energy density by increasing intake of fruits and vegetables along with reducing
intake of fat had greater weight loss than those who were advised just to reduce
fat intake [23]. Over the course of the year, participants randomly assigned to
the lower energy-dense diet (higher in fruits and vegetables) reported consum-
ing an average of 25% more food and reported less hunger than those in the fat
reduction group. In the multi-center PREMIER trial that included three dif-
ferent lifestyle interventions, dietary changes that reduced energy density were
related to greater weight loss after 6 months [24]. Furthermore, participants
with both large and modest decreases in energy density increased the amount of
food they consumed. Eating a greater amount of food while decreasing energy
intake could contribute to the long-term acceptability of a low-energy-dense
eating pattern since it could help to control hunger.
The association between energy density and bodyweight is supported by both
longitudinal and epidemiological studies that have tracked dietary patterns. In
a 6-year longitudinal study, it was observed that young women who reported
a diet higher in energy density gained two and a half times as much weight as
those reporting a diet lower in energy density [25]. Longitudinal studies in chil-
dren have also found an association between dietary energy density and changes
in body fatness [10]. Population-based studies in adults provide additional sup-
port for associations between energy density and energy intake, the amount of
food consumed, diet quality, and weight status. Surveys of self-reported intakes
by free-living adults have shown that normal-weight individuals consume diets

42 Rolls
with a lower energy density than obese individuals [26]. Furthermore, increases
in dietary energy density were associated with greater weight gain in a prospec-
tive study of 50,000 middle-aged women over 8 years [27].
While data suggest that reducing dietary energy density can facilitate weight
management, more long-term studies are needed to understand how to imple-
ment this approach and facilitate the maintenance of low-energy-dense eating
habits. If people were to adopt lower energy-dense eating patterns, they would
be able to eat satisfying amounts of foods appropriate to meet both energy and
nutrient needs. However, long-term compliance with any diet that requires
deliberate and sustained changes in established eating habits is difficult. A key
question is whether the food environment can be modified to help people lower
the energy density of their diets and to eat appropriate amounts in order to pre-
vent the development of obesity and facilitate weight management.

Environmental Approach

The types of foods that are readily available, affordable, and fit with consumers’
preferences and lifestyle can influence energy intake. This suggests the possi-
bility that the eating environment could be strategically designed to encourage
consumers to choose more foods that are appropriate in portion size and lower
in energy density. A range of strategies has been proposed including educa-
tion and nutritional information such as menu labeling, increased promotion
and availability of low-energy-dense foods such as vegetables and fruits, more
opportunities to choose smaller portions of energy-dense foods, and pricing or
tax incentives to encourage selection of appropriate portions of nutrient-dense,
low-energy-dense foods [28, 29].
At present, there are few data to support the effectiveness of such environmen-
tal approaches for weight management, and they have economic ramifications for
the food and restaurant industries that could present barriers to implementation.
Some of these barriers are evident in surveys asking food providers such as chefs
about the items they serve. In one survey, chefs reported the portions served
were primarily influenced by the presentation of foods, food cost, and customer
expectations [30]. Although most chefs thought that the amount of food they
serve influences how much patrons consume, their opinions were mixed about
whether it is their responsibility or the customer’s to eat an appropriate amount
when served a large portion. In another survey, nearly all chefs thought that calo-
ries in menu items could be reduced by 10–25% without customers noticing,
but they noted low consumer demand as the primary barrier to making such
changes [31]. Clearly, innovative marketing strategies that increase the appeal of
healthier options are needed – for both consumers and food providers.
The opinions of chefs agree with lab-based studies showing that both the
energy content and portion size of foods can be decreased significantly without

Dietary Strategies for Weight Management 43

3,500 Breakfast
3,000 Dinner
Energy intake (kcal) 2,500





100 85 75
Entrée energy density (%)

Fig. 2. Reducing the energy density of entrées served at main meals decreased daily
energy intake. When puréed vegetables were incorporated to reduce the energy density
of the standard entrées (100%) to 85 and 75%, daily energy intake of 41 adults decreased
by 202 (6%) and 357 kcal (11%), respectively. Daily vegetable intake increased by 129 g
(50%) in the 85% condition and by 217 g (80%) in the 75% condition. Reprinted from Blatt
et al. [32].

people noticing and that these changes will help to moderate energy intake [20].
Energy density can be reduced in a variety of ways such as the addition of veg-
etables or fruits to recipes or by lowering the fat or sugar content. Herbs and
spices can be used to enhance flavors and mask changes in foods. A particularly
effective strategy to reduce energy density covertly is to add puréed vegetables.
When the energy density of the main dishes served over a day was reduced by
the addition of puréed vegetables, both adults and preschool children consumed
significantly fewer calories. Large amounts of vegetables were added without
affecting the palatability of the foods, even in people who showed a low pref-
erence for vegetables (see fig. 2) [32, 33]. Such innovative strategies to lower
dietary energy density need to be applied to the development of a range of foods
that are palatable, affordable, and readily available.
Changing the food environment in order to have sustained effects on energy
intake will be challenging. However, the effects of portion size and energy den-
sity on energy intake are robust and should be utilized to develop dietary strate-
gies for weight management and to promote a healthier eating environment.


This work was supported by NIH grants DK082580 and DK059853.

44 Rolls
Disclosure Statement

Dr. Rolls has a licensing agreement with Jenny Craig, Inc. for the use of the Volumetrics

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26 Ledikwe JH, Blanck HM, Kettel-Khan L, et adults. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:756–763.
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Dr. Ard: Dr. Rolls, you know I am on your side on this. Do you think we shot ourselves
in the foot with the diet crazes of the 1980s by going so low fat and being so restrictive
that it’s going to be really hard to reverse that messaging to get people to understand that
they actually need to eat more in order to be successful with managing their weight?
Dr. Rolls: Unless we can figure out ways to make the low energy density, reasonable
portion approach more accessible and affordable to become almost the default, I think
we are going to have a very hard time changing the way people are eating now. For a
while, we have had few popular fad diets, but now a couple of best-selling diet books are
back to suggesting that changing the proportions of macronutrients or cutting out whole
food groups will make weight loss easy. We need to figure out how to make healthy
weight management easier and appealing.
Dr. Finegood: Why is it that food companies such as those that sell cereal advertise
the heavily sugar-sweetened, less nutritious cereals but don’t advertise healthier ones?
There are data to suggest that in a blinded test kids don’t necessarily prefer cereal higher
in sugar. Is it that the profit margins are much higher or is it because they don’t think the
lower sugar product will sell well?
Dr. Rolls: I cannot speak for the industry, but one possibility is that they think that
they are more likely to get kids to eat cereal in the first place and that kids who eat any

46 Rolls
kind of cereal, even if it’s sugar sweetened, have a better diet quality than those eating no
breakfast or some other less nutritious option.
Dr. Finegood: But we can’t disentangle that from the advertising efforts.
Dr. Rolls: We know that we have to be marketing the healthy foods more effectively.
That is why the recent TV ads suggesting that parents have to be secretive about vegetables
in foods are so interesting – kids see the message that vegetables are so bad they shouldn’t
be told about them. Product developers know how to put more vegetables in foods without
affecting taste, but marketers have not figured out how to get consumers to buy them. By
the way, we have found that ‘stealth’ vegetables in foods are an effective way to reduce energy
density and to get kids to eat their vegetables. We recently published a study showing that
we could add large amounts of vegetables to a variety of foods without affecting the
palatability. Our problem with the stealth vegetables was with the baked goods – the
children liked them better with more vegetables, probably because they were moister. By
adding pureed vegetables to main dishes across a day, we got the preschoolers meeting their
daily vegetable requirements [1]. If people like vegetables anyway, you don’t have to go
stealth, but why not try some more innovative ways to get vegetables into the day?
Dr. Barclay: The food industry is looking for ways to become increasingly part of the
solution rather than only being considered part of the problem; however, we seem to be
getting some mixed messages from the science. There is a recent paper from Duffey and
Popkin [2] looking at the relative importance of portion size, eating frequency, and
energy density. They found that energy density explained less of the increase in energy
intake over recent decades in US adults compared to portion size and eating frequency.
Dr. Rolls: In that analysis of reported intakes in a population-based data set, a novel
algorithm was used to compare the relative importance of those factors. We plan to
revisit this issue using more conventional methods of analysis. In our controlled studies,
energy density has more robust effects than portion size, but portion size also has
significant effects on energy intake. It is clear that the pattern of eating and properties of
foods such as energy density and portion size can affect intake, and the food industry
should be applying this knowledge to product development.
Dr. Goran: I completely buy the energy density argument, but I was wondering if
there is more research on the factors that drive choice at the moment of consumption.
What are the contextual factors or the intrinsic biological factors that we know about or
need to know about that drive individual choice at the moment of consumption?
Dr. Rolls: There is a large body of information on the determination of an individual’s
food choices that we don’t have the time to cover. This brings us back to the issue of
behavioral phenotypes and personalized approaches. Choice would be something that I
would want to put into any weight management plan so up front we can figure out what
kinds of foods people are going to be able to eat in a sustainable fashion. I dream of a
computer program where people’s food preferences are screened before they go into a
program. You would then use that information to direct them towards a plan that will
accommodate those choices. In the end, maintenance is the issue and that depends on
liking the food.
Dr. Drewnowski: Designing food patterns based on linear programming in people’s
existing choices based on 7 days of records is being done by my colleagues in Marseille,
France. So, this is something that’s absolutely on its way.
Dr. Rosenbaum: I was wondering if people can learn to respond visually to portion
size. If all foods were packaged so that people could see how much food they would get

Dietary Strategies for Weight Management 47

for a particular amount or calories – like the 100-calorie packs, but for all foods – would
they choose the bigger portions of less calorically dense foods and eat less?
Dr. Rolls: I wish we could find a real world setting to do that, but that’s part of what
we try to educate people to do. If you go lower calorie density you are going to get more
food for your calories. But if you ask most people how many calories they should eat in
any one occasion they have no idea. You also have the economics of food choice – some
people want the most calories for their money.
Dr. Rosenbaum: But forget about the economics for a second. If you just walk into a
store and you pay by the calorie and you have to buy 500 calories for a meal, if you can
see that you would get a lot more food if you choose apples rather than a calorie-dense
sandwich, would you buy differently?
Dr. Rolls: There is a chain in Britain that has a ‘bundled meal’ where you pay a flat
rate for 500 calories for lunch. They have all kinds of different packages where you can
mix and match your sandwich, drink, and snack. This could provide a wonderful
opportunity to do research because people could buy items that were different in value
as well as energy density and portion size for their 500 calories. Wouldn’t it be interesting
to look at what they choose?
Dr. St. Jeor: I am curious about what your recommendations are regarding high-
protein drinks, some of them with as much as 60 g of protein that promotes their satiety-
enhancing properties.
Dr. Rolls: We will always have a lot of choices, but this goes back to where I began.
We don’t want people basing their choices on the hope that they will get a boost of satiety
that will help them to eat less with little effort. We want people to be eating a diet with a
balance of nutrients. We need to think more about how to show people that they can use
regular food to enhance satiety and eat less.
Dr. Drewnowski: One trend in children’s nutrition is to try and replace juices with
intact whole fruits. Would that make a difference in satiety or energy density?
Dr. Rolls: We have done studies and so have others showing that whole fruit is more
satiating than juice even if you add the fiber back into the juice. There is a lot of interesting
work on texture and thickness of beverages and how these properties affect satiety. This
takes us back to the functional ingredients approach to satiety, which we should continue
to pursue, but in the context of a healthier diet overall.


1 Spill MK, Birch LL, Roe LS, Rolls BJ: Hiding 2 Duffey KJ, Popkin BM: Energy density,
vegetables to reduce energy density: an effec- portion size, and eating occasions: con-
tive strategy to increase children’s vegetable tributions to increased energy intake in
intake and reduce energy intake. Am J Clin the United States, 1977–2006. PLoS Med
Nutr 2011;94:735–741. 2011;8:e1001050.

48 Rolls
Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 49–60,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation

to Treat the Underlying Basis of the
Metabolic Complications of Obesity
Michael I. Goran ⭈ Tanya L. Alderete
Department of Preventive Medicine and Childhood Obesity Research Center, Keck School of
Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

The prevalence of obesity has increased throughout the last three decades due to genetic,
metabolic, behavioral, and environmental factors [1]. Obesity in turn increases risk for a
number of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver
disease and some forms of cancer [1]. Despite the well-known link between obesity and
increased morbidity, the mechanism of this remains elusive. Thus, the question ‘why does
increased body fat cause increased metabolic comorbidities’ remains unanswered. By
understanding the underlying basis of obesity-associated metabolic diseases, different
therapies could be designed to target relevant pathways. Although we lack a full under-
standing of the underlying mechanisms that result in disease, several putative explana-
tions exist for why fat affects metabolic health. One such theory is based on the anatomic
location of fat deposition and ectopic fat accumulation [2]. Specifically, current literature
suggests that visceral, liver and skeletal fat accumulation affects organ function and con-
tributes to the development of insulin resistance, fatty liver, and the metabolic syndrome
[3]. However, even in individuals matched for body fat and fat distribution, significant dif-
ferences can exist in metabolic outcomes, and the phenomenon of metabolically healthy
obese has been well described [4]. More recent data suggest the alternative hypothesis
relating excess adipose tissue to disease risk based on the metabolic function and mor-
phological properties of adipose tissue. In this scenario, excess adipose tissue is hypothe-
sized to contribute to a state of chronic inflammation which promotes development of
insulin resistance as well as other metabolic complications by stimulating nuclear factor-κB
and Jun N-terminal kinase pathways in adipocytes and the liver [5]. In this paper, we will
review the hypothesis linking excess adipose tissue to increased disease risk through adi-
pose tissue inflammation. Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel
Adipose Tissue as an Endocrine Organ

It was once believed that adipocytes were only involved in the storage of trig-
lycerides, but recent studies have demonstrated that they also act as endocrine
organs. Hotamisligil et al. [6] and Karasik’s group first showed that proinflam-
matory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α was produced by adipocytes,
induced insulin resistance, and increased with expanding fat volume. The con-
cept of adipose tissue as a site for the production of cytokines and other sub-
stances has expanded to include leptin, interleukin (IL)-6, resistin, monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-
1), angiotensinogen, visfatin, retinol-binding protein-4, and serum amyloid
A. Adiponectin is also produced by adipocytes, but its release decreases with
increasing adiposity. Leptin and adiponectin are adipokines that are produced
only by adipocytes; while TNF- α, IL-6, MCP-1, visfatin, and PAI-1 are also
expressed at high levels in activated macrophages. TNF-α, IL-6, resistin, and
other proinflammatory cytokines participate in the induction and maintenance
of the acute inflammatory response associated with obesity. Additionally, MCP-1
and other chemokines recruit macrophages to adipose tissue. These cytokines
and chemokines activate intracellular pathways that promote the development
of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic complications associ-
ated with obesity [5]. Therefore, adipose tissue and macrophages within adipose
tissue have been shown to play important roles in the regulation of metabolic
pathways through the excretion of adipokines and cytokines.

Metabolically Benign Adipose Tissue

Despite the observed link between body fat, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,
and type 2 diabetes, some individuals exhibit ‘metabolically benign obesity’ and
are protected from the metabolic consequences of excess adiposity, possibly due
to differences in adipocyte tissue metabolism and macrophage infiltration. In a
study aimed at identifying insulin-resistant individuals, 17% of the overweight
and obese participants were found to be insulin sensitive [7]. Additionally, a
review by Karelis et al. [4] determined that approximately 20% of the general
population can be categorized as obese but metabolically healthy. In contrast to
this, 18% of the population were found to have a normal bodyweight but suf-
fered from severe metabolic abnormalities. In other studies among obese adults,
the degree of adipose tissue inflammation was closely associated with increased
metabolic risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and fatty liver disease,
whereas obese adults without adipose tissue inflammation have metabolic risk
factors in the healthy range [8, 9]. Despite the fact that most human research
has focused on the links between fat distribution and metabolic risk, these find-
ings suggest a role for adipose tissue inflammation. In a previous study among

50 Goran · Alderete
obese young minority adults, we found that approximately 40% of subjects had
subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue with crown-like structures, indicating
inflammation, whereas approximately 60% of subjects had no signs of adipose
tissue inflammation. Despite the two groups being identical for overall obe-
sity and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue volume, those with inflamed
adipose tissue had approximately 30% greater visceral adipose tissue and 41%
greater liver fat; 53% greater fasting insulin and 23% lower β-cell function, and
22% higher TNF-α. Additionally, adipose tissue from those with inflamed adi-
pose tissue had upregulated nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) expression activity and
downregulation of insulin signaling [9]. Another recent study by Bremer et al.
[8] demonstrated that, among overweight and obese adults, those with meta-
bolic syndrome have significantly higher levels of infiltrating macrophages/
crown-like structures in their adipose tissue compared to those without the
metabolic syndrome. Given these observations, the disparities in metabolic
diseases among obese individuals may be explained by the degree of chronic
low-grade inflammation of adipose tissue. Therefore, targeting adipose tissue
inflammation has become an important new strategy in treating the metabolic
conditions typically associated with obesity.

Weight Loss and Inflammation

One of the few effective anti-inflammatory treatments for these metabolic dis-
eases is weight loss [10]. Studies in diet-induced obese mice have shown that
reductions in adiposity result in decreases in macrophage infiltration of adi-
pose tissue as well as gene expression of pro-inflammatory markers [11, 12].
Specifically, Kosteli et al. [11] found that the murine immune response to
weight loss was dynamic. Caloric restriction of high-fat diet-fed mice resulted
in an initial increase in adipose tissue macrophages; however, the number of
adipose tissue macrophages decreased following an extended period of weight
loss. Vieira et al. [12] examined the effects of diet and exercise on inflamma-
tion among high-fat diet-induced obese mice. This study examined the effects
of weight loss via a low-fat diet, exercise training, or a combination of low-fat
diet and exercise on inflammation. All methods of weight loss resulted in a sig-
nificant attenuation of high-fat diet-induced increases in systemic and adipose
tissue inflammation. Additionally, all three interventions improved insulin sen-
sitivity, reduced adiposity, MCP-1, and TNF-α gene expression. Among obese
humans, caloric restriction to achieve weight loss also decreases markers of
inflammation. For example, a 28-day severe calorie-restrictive diet (800 kcal/
day) among obese females was found to reduce bodyweight by an average of
13 pounds as well as significantly alter markers of inflammation. Specifically,
weight loss resulted in a decreased expression of proinflammatory markers (e.g.
IL-12a, matrix metalloproteinase-9) in white adipose tissue and increased the

Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation for Treatment of Obesity 51

expression of anti-inflammatory molecules (e.g. IL-10 and IL-1 receptor antag-
onist) [13]. Studies using surgical methods to achieve weight loss also improve
inflammation among obese patients. A study by Aron-Wisnewsky et al. [10]
demonstrated that weight loss following gastric bypass surgery resulted in a
mean weight loss of 44 pounds at 3 months. Among the 16 obese females in this
study, the activation state of adipose tissue macrophages switched from mostly
proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory after weight loss. However, since weight
loss is difficult to achieve and maintain, alternative strategies aimed at adipocyte
inflammation present a unique target in which to modify metabolic health.

Diet and Inflammation

Diets high in sugar and fat have been shown to increase systemic mark-
ers of inflammation [14, 15]. Given the link between diet and inflammation,
it is not surprising that dietary alterations have been used to examine obesity
and obesity-associated inflammation among obese humans [12]. Specifically,
healthy adult males given fructose (40 or 80 g/day) or glucose (40 or 80 g/day)
sugar-sweetened beverages for 2 weeks demonstrated significant increases in
high-sensitivity CRP [14]. In addition to sugar intake, trans fat consumption
is related to markers of inflammation. A cross-sectional analysis of 730 women
from the Nurse’s Health Study found that CRP levels were 73% higher and IL-6
levels were 17% higher among those in the highest quintile of trans fat intake
compared to those in the lowest [15]. Among humans, a diet high in fiber (30
g/day), either through diet or fiber supplementation, has been shown to signifi-
cantly reduce CRP levels [16]. Baseline examination of data from 406 partici-
pants from the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study found that increases in fiber
predicted decreases in CRP and IL-6. They also found that changes in fat and
carbohydrate intake were either weakly or not related to reductions in CRP and
IL-6 [17].
Studies using obese mice have found differing effects of diet composition
on inflammation. For example, Wang et al. [18] used mice with high-fat diet-
induced obesity to examine the effects of weight loss achieved by switching from
high-fat diet to: (1) an ad libitum low-fat normal diet or (2) restricting the high-
fat diet intake to match bodyweight of mice with low-fat normal-diet-induced
weight loss. Weight loss by either of the two methods resulted in decreased
fat mass and liver steatosis; however, effects were greatest among the low-fat
normal-diet-induced weight loss than the high-fat diet restriction-induced
weight loss. Interestingly, weight loss with the low-fat normal diet, but not the
restricted high-fat diet, normalized blood CDC11c+ monocytes and attenu-
ated hepatic inflammation. In contrast, the calorie-restricted high-fat diet sig-
nificantly reduced chemokine levels and CDC11c+ cells in adipose tissue when
compared to low-fat diet-induced weight loss and obese controls. Although

52 Goran · Alderete
these studies demonstrate that changes in diet can affect systemic inflammation
associated with obesity, the direct mechanism and critical dietary components
are not known. Additionally, the dietary changes necessary to elicit weight loss
and decreases in inflammation are likely to be too drastic to sustain over time.

Anti-Inflammatory Treatments

In addition to dietary interventions, studies have examined the effects of anti-

inflammatory treatments on systemic markers of inflammation. For example,
human studies examining omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) sup-
plementation have shown mixed results in its ability to target systemic inflam-
mation [19], while high-dose aspirin treatments have decreased plasma markers
of inflammation [20]. Among adult men and women, a placebo-controlled,
double-blind study used 3.5 g/day of fish oil (1.5 g/day n-3 PUFA) for 12 weeks
to examine change in plasma markers of inflammation. Compared to placebo,
the treatment group did not differ in the median CRP change over the course
of the study. In fact, results suggested an increase, not a decrease, in CRP with
n-3 PUFA supplementation compared to placebo [19]. Given the disparate find-
ings among animal models and humans, it is not surprising that the potential
therapeutic role of n-3 PUFA supplementation to target inflammation has been,
for the most part, abandoned. Despite these lackluster findings, researches have
begun examining other potential anti-inflammatory treatments that directly
target adipose tissue inflammation.
Studies using mice models have successfully used anti-inflammatory treat-
ments, such as n-3 PUFA and resolvin D1 to target adipose tissue inflammation
[21, 22]. Todoric et al. [22] treated diabetic mice with a low-fat or a high-fat
diet [rich in either saturated/monounsaturated fatty acids (HF/S) or n-3 PUFA]
and found that adipose tissue macrophage infiltration was increased and genes
involved in inflammation were upregulated in mice fed HF/S compared with
the low fat diet. The high-fat diet containing n-3 PUFA completely prevented
macrophage infiltration induced by the high-fat diet as well as changes in
inflammatory gene expression. Most notably, a recent study has demonstrated
the therapeutic potential of resolvins. Resolvins are a newly discovered family
of lipid mediators that are generated from n-3 PUFA eicosapentaenoic acid and
docosahexaenoic acid. Resolvins have an anti-inflammatory affect by blocking
leukocyte infiltration into tissues and decreasing the expression of proinflam-
matory cytokines. A recent study found that resolvin D1 significantly decreased
adipose tissue macrophage accumulation and improved insulin sensitivity in
male leptin-deficient mice [21]. Despite these promising results, to our knowl-
edge, this is the only study examining the effects of resolvin D1 on adipose tis-
sue inflammation. Further studies aimed at using resolvin D1 in humans are
needed to fully understand the therapeutic potential of this agent.

Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation for Treatment of Obesity 53

Among animal models and humans, aspirin has shown promise for decreas-
ing inflammation and improving type 2 diabetes. Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug that inhibits COX enzymes through the modification of the
enzyme’s active sites and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis in a similar manner
[23]. Specifically, high-dose aspirin studies in Caucasian adults have shown that
aspirin inhibits JNK, IκB kinase, and the key enzyme of inflammatory transcrip-
tion, NF-κB. Additionally, high-doses of aspirin (7 g/day) have been shown to
improve peripheral insulin sensitivity and CRP [20]. In obese humans and mice,
low-dose aspirin therapy was shown to inhibit systemic IL-6 and reduce IL-6
release from subcutaneous white adipose tissue [24]. In addition to aspirin, sta-
tin therapy attenuated increased mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory genes,
MCP-1 and IL-6, in adipose tissue of obese mice [25]. Of these treatments, aspi-
rin shows the most promise with regard to reducing adipose tissue inflamma-
tion associated with obesity; however, the therapeutic potential of high-dose
aspirin is limited by bleeding risk.
Several recent studies, mostly in Caucasian adults, used the anti-inflamma-
tory drug salsalate to address its efficacy and tolerability as a new treatment for
insulin resistance and glucose control. Salsalate, unlike aspirin, lacks an acetyl
group and does not effectively inhibit COX enzymes [23]; however, salsalate
has been shown to inhibit NF-κB [26]. Four trials have examined the effects
of salsalate treatment among obese adults. Studies by Fleischman et al. [27],
Koska et al. [28], and Goldfine et al. [29–30], have demonstrated the viabil-
ity of salsalate treatment as a means to decrease markers of inflammation and
improve glucose control. Specifically, Fleischman et al. [27] used a double-
masked, placebo-controlled trial of salsalate (4 g/day) for 4 weeks to examine
inflammation and metabolic indices among 20 obese adults who were at risk
for type 2 diabetes. After treatment, they found that salsalate reduced fasting
glucose by 13%, glycemic response after oral glucose challenge by 20%, gly-
cated albumin by 17%, and CRP by 34% [27]. Koska et al. [28] examined 54
obese adults using a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of 3
g/day of salsalate for 7 days. This shorter study found a reduction in fasting
plasma glucose concentration and glucose area under the curve during an oral
glucose tolerance test. Lastly, Goldfine et al. [29–30] completed two fundamen-
tal studies demonstrating the effects of a moderate and high-dose salsalate on
insulin sensitivity as well as the effects of a longer-term clinical trial of salsalate
[29, 30]. The first trial consisted of three arms: 4.5 g/day for 2 weeks, 3 g/day
for 2 weeks, and 4.5 g/day for 4 weeks. The 4.5 and 3 g/day treatment lasting
2 weeks reduced fasting and post-challenge glucose, while the 4.5 g/day for 4
weeks improved fasting and post-challenge glucose levels and decreased NF-κB
activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by approximately 65%. The sec-
ond study by Goldfine et al. [30] included 108 obese adults in a randomized,
double-masked placebo controlled trial using 3, 3.5, and 4 g/day of salsalate
treatment for 14 weeks [29]. Hemoglobin A1c levels decreased and glycemic

54 Goran · Alderete
control improved in all treatment groups. It is interesting to note that mild
hypoglycemic events occurred in 22% of the 3 g/day, 30% of the 3.5 g/day, and
22% in the 4 g/day groups [29].
Overall, these trials noted improvements in insulin sensitivity, fasting glucose,
CRP, and NF-κB activity with a 2- and 4-week high-dose salsalate treatment of
4.0 and 4.5 g/day [27, 28, 30]. These data support the hypothesis that utilizing
a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as salsalate, to target adipose tis-
sue inflammation may provide a therapeutic route for treating obesity-related
diseases. Coupled with the above-mentioned findings, and due to the fact that
non-acetylated salicylates do not prolong bleeding times, salsalate may offer a
relatively safe and effective treatment for the low-grade inflammation associ-
ated with obesity. However, it is important to note the limitations of salsalate
treatment. Specifically, the moderately high dose needed to elicit improvements
in inflammation has potential side effects that warrant concern. Participants in
these trials experienced ringing in the ears, alterations in liver function tests, as
well as hypoglycemia. These adverse effects highlight the need to understand
the mechanism in which salsalate targets inflammation and improves metabolic
Previous studies in obese individuals show that salsalate decreases plasma
markers of inflammation and improves glucose control under conditions of
weight stability. However, the mechanism of these effects is not known, and
no prior clinical study has examined whether the improvement of metabolic
complications is due to reduction in adipose tissue inflammation. Currently,
our group is initiating a double-blind, randomized control trial, among obese
Hispanic young adults, aimed at determining the effects of 4 weeks of salsalate
treatment (4 g/day) on the number of macrophages in adipose tissue. This study
will be the first to examine the effects of salsalate therapy, without weight loss,
on subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation. In particular, we will examine
the notion that the improvement of metabolic risk after salsalate intervention
occurs due to its effect on suppressing adipose tissue inflammation, and that
without an improvement in adipose tissue inflammation there will be limited
improvement in other metabolic risk factors. Findings from this study have the
potential to elucidate the mechanism in which salsalate improves glucose con-
trol and decreases inflammation. Once the mechanism(s) is identified, safer and
more effective therapies could be designed to target inflammation, and thereby
treat the metabolic complications, associated with obesity.


Given the known link between chronic low-grade inflammation and metabolic
health, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the biological pro-
cesses that contribute to inflammation in adipose tissue. We have reviewed the

Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation for Treatment of Obesity 55

evidence linking dietary composition, physical activity, bodyweight, and possibly
race/ethnicity to the inflammatory profile that is observed in most overweight
and obese individuals. The effects of dietary interventions, dietary supplements,
and weight loss have demonstrated mixed results in their ability to effectively
treat the inflammation associated with obesity. Nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
tory drugs have been found to successfully target markers of inflammation and
improve glucose control among obese participants. Studies in animal models,
as well as humans, have highlighted the potential contribution of adipose tissue
inflammation to metabolic disease risk. These studies underscore the need to
examine treatments that have shown success in alleviating the metabolic com-
plications associated with obesity, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
in order to determine their effects on adipose tissue inflammation. Studies such
as these would shed light on the mechanism in which these therapies improve
systemic inflammation and metabolic health. By understanding the development
of obesity-induced inflammation, as well as potential therapeutic targets, drugs
can be engineered to alter the inflammatory process that occurs during obesity.
These kinds of treatments may offer important clinical methods that can be used
to prevent/treat insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver dis-
ease, and other metabolic conditions associated with obesity and inflammation.

Disclosure Statement

The authors declare that no financial or other conflict of interest exists in relation to the
content of the chapter.

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Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation for Treatment of Obesity 57


Dr. Lovejoy: I question the accuracy of the term ‘healthy obesity’. If we take a
diabetes-centric view, it might be possible, as you have shown here, to talk about
individuals who are metabolically healthy versus those who aren’t. But when we look
broadly, a big part of the public health burden of obesity are things like osteoarthritis
and sleep apnea which require weight loss to reverse. So, there are other consequences of
obesity in addition to metabolic ones. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that even
‘metabolically healthy obesity’ may be a temporary condition, as these obese individuals
develop metabolic abnormalities over time at a higher rate than non-obese [1, 2]. The
risk of using the term is the backlash we saw a few years ago when there was a lot of
media attention around the notion of ‘healthy obesity’ that led many people to
erroneously conclude that obesity is not a problem.
Dr. Goran: Good points, thank you for highlighting that. Most of what I have talked
about relates to the metabolic dysfunction of obesity. The more correct term to use
would be ‘metabolically healthy obesity’. The other aspects that you mention probably
fall outside of the metabolic consequences of obesity.
Dr. Oppert: I have two quick questions. First, could it be that inflammation at the
beginning is something beneficial or a normal reaction to enlarge the adipocytes?
Second, could it be that there is a point of no return? For example, when there is
inflammation and then fibrosis in the liver? Perhaps strategies to reduce inflammation
would not be so beneficial at the beginning, and perhaps could be difficult to put in
place when it’s fibrosis.
Dr. Goran: I think that’s a potentially very interesting point, and we don’t know a lot
about the time course of when the process is established relative to the accumulation of
body fat. It’s unclear whether this is an intrinsic property of adipose tissue or that it’s a
normal reaction to adipocytes growth. I think those are questions that remain.
Dr. Rosenbaum: At the beginning, you are showing that adipocytes attract
macrophages or macrophages come to adipocytes. I was wondering if you go back and
look at the healthy versus the unhealthy obese, do you think the major difference is in
whatever the adipocytes put out there to attract the macrophages, or in the macrophages
themselves and in their aggressiveness in pursuing the adipocytes. Where is the original
difference between those groups?
Dr. Goran: I don’t know who is calling whom, I think that’s a good question as to
who is attracting whom. I don’t think we really know the answer to that.
Dr. Finegood: Is it not about the death of the cells themselves?
Dr. Goran: It is – but then what causes the death of the cells?
Dr. Finegood: Yes, but the point is that the macrophages are called to wall off the
triglyceride that is sitting around presumably because the cells had died. What causes
the difference in the death of the cells I think is important.
Dr. Ochoa: A recent paper showed that M2 responses prevented the insulin resistance
and the hyperglycemia in mice from M1 responses. Do you know if when we do
interventions, we are promoting M2 responses instead of just quieting down the whole
system? Has anyone studied that?
Dr. Goran: I showed the surgical weight loss study where the M1 and M2 responses
were different.

58 Goran · Alderete
Dr. Ochoa: It’s interesting that any surgical intervention promotes M2 responses
dramatically, and those in severe traumas may last for a month or more; so, it’s really
fascinating that we are seeing that M2 response predominate in our patients.
Dr. Jakicic: When you look at this cascade and when you throw activity or fitness
into this mix, what makes this pathway healthy? Can you really have a healthier obese
person if you put activity into the mix? Is it necessary? And I guess you are thinking
about at least doing some of that.
Dr. Goran: I wasn’t.
Dr. Jakicic: Are you sure? Have you thought about the issue when you talk about the
GLP-1 and the blocking of the insulin that obesity may be blocking that if you are
increasing insulin sensitivity on the other side with activity? Where does activity fit into
this cascade?
Dr. Goran: We have published a few studies showing that exercise, or strength
training can have variable effects on insulin and circulating cytokines for example, and
there are some other studies like that, but I don’t really know what the mechanism is. It’s
an interesting point, and I should probably think about it a bit more. Mostly, I have been
disappointed with our studies with exercise as we have found mixed results. This was not
just in different people but also in different studies that were done in the same way. We
found one effect versus another, so our most consistent observation is that we can’t get a
consistent effect of exercise.
Dr. Drewnowski: I have a question about sugar consumption. The consumption of
added sugar in its many forms, whether solid or liquid, is often associated with lower
incomes. Are there any racial or ethnic groups for whom this combination is particularly
devastating? Can you answer that based on your research? I am saying the consumption
of sugar varies as a function of socioecomic status and is higher among lower income
people than among the upper income people. Are there some low-income groups for
whom sugar-fat mixtures would be particularly damaging?
Dr. Goran: Yes, in fact we have a paper in our Hispanic cohort, and this is a very
specific example but it answers your question. There is some evidence to suggest that
Hispanics have an increased liking for sugars. They have an increased prevalence of the
PNPLA3 gene, though I don’t know why. The prevalence of this gene is almost 50% in
Hispanics versus 20% in Caucasians. This gene promotes fatty liver disease. The substrate
for fatty liver disease is sugar, possibly fructose, because fructose is lipogenic and
promotes lipogenesis in the liver. So, I think this is a perfect storm among Hispanics who
have a genetic predisposition and a liking for sugar. The issue of economics comes into
the equation as well. If you consider the whole story of high fructose corn syrup, you see
that the exports of corn sweeteners by the US are increasing dramatically as a result of a
recent policy shift by the World Trade Organization. So, I think this is a very clear
example of a specific subgroup of the population which is susceptible to the damaging
effects of sugar.
Dr. Ard: How much of this has to do with energy balance in the context of intake of
sugar or other things? Adipocyte biology can change with a bout of exercise or with the
institution of calorie restriction or even bringing people into energy balance; so, how
much of this do you think is related to that milieu of excess caloric intake that then
continues to foster the inflammation?
Dr. Goran: There are limited data to answer this question, especially in humans
which would require a fat biopsy. There are some animal studies that have looked at the

Targeting Adipose Tissue Inflammation for Treatment of Obesity 59

effects of positive overfeeding on the development of adipose tissue and the creation of
adipose tissue inflammation.
Dr. Rolls: We would hypothesize that a low energy dense eating pattern would be a
low inflammatory eating pattern, but I don’t know of specific data on that. Do you know
of studies or do you agree with that hypothesis?
Dr. Goran: Yes I would. I think that’s a very interesting idea. The Zone diet for
example has an anti-inflammatory element, and there are other diets that are promoted
as anti-inflammatory. I would agree that the low energy density diet is also anti-
inflammatory, but there is a lack of studies to show effectiveness in this regard.
Dr. Finegood: Did you characterize the subjects that you had in terms of their food
intake and exercise levels? Do you know about differences in their eating patterns or
Dr. Goran: In our study that I showed you, the groups were quite small, and
unfortunately we don’t have good dietary or activity data.

1 Chang Y, Ryu S, Suh BS, et al: Impact of BMI 2 Bradshaw PT, Monda KL, Stevens J:
on the incidence of metabolic abnormalities Metabolic syndrome in healthy obese,
in metabolically healthy men. Int J Obes overweight and normal weight individuals:
(Lond) DOI: 10.1038/ijo.2011.247. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
Study. Obesity (Silver Spring) DOI: 10.1038/

60 Goran · Alderete
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 61–66,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Summary Discussion on Obesity

Treatment: Challenges and

Dr. Lovejoy: I would like to ask a controversial question that ties to what most of the
speakers have talked about. Are there specific foods, for example those high in sugar or
fat, that have effects on the brain or body that are parallel to those of addictive drugs? If
that is the case, do we need to consider this in relation to obesity treatment and strategies
for a healthy diet?
Dr. Rolls: I presume you are talking about addiction in a stringent way using a formal
definition that includes withdrawal symptoms.
Dr. Lovejoy: I think that has been a part of the controversy. There are those who
would argue that the stringent definition of addiction applies to food, including
withdrawal. But others disagree and say that it’s not truly addiction with food. But
obviously certain foods are stimulating the same areas in the brain as addictive drugs.
How do we come to grips with that as a field in a way that makes sense to the public?
Dr. Rosenbaum: Some of the brain areas that are more active in individuals following
weight loss and are sensitive to leptin are the same ones that are more active in individuals
who are addictive, so there are certain parallels between addiction and the inability to
sustain weight loss. I don’t know if anyone has looked prospectively at who is going to
gain weight along those lines. Could you identify someone early and say that he is going
to be a food junky down the line? I don’t know the answer.
Dr. Drewnowski: France Bellisle and I published a review entitled ‘Is sweetness
addictive?’ in the British Nutrition Bulletin some years ago. It is worth noting that the
former definition of addiction, as featured in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM), is now gone. It used to be based on the criteria of tolerance
and withdrawal. What we have now is something called substance dependence and the
inclusion criteria are very soft. Just about anything fits. Substance use behaviors that are
performed in private, that take precedence over other activities are now part of the
definitions. So, conceivably, eating chocolate would fit the bill. We need to pay attention
to the fact that the definitions of food addiction are changing. Our studies need to keep
pace with the definitions. And then there are very few studies on food addiction or on
the potential underlying mechanisms. Dr. David Kessler in his book, The End of
Overeating, was referring to some studies performed by us at the University of Michigan.
Those studies, conducted with bulimic women used the opiate blocker naloxone to show
that the opioid system was somehow involved in food preferences and the consumption
of good tasting foods. However, that was a far cry from addiction. Now, 15 years later,
there are still no new studies on selective opiate antagonists and their impact on food
consumption. Instead, attention has shifted to dopamine and neuroimaging, but I am
not sure that those studies have come to a consensus on whether or not foods are
addictive. All we know is that something is going on in different areas in the brain
following certain exposures. So, I think the issue of food addiction is still unresolved. I
should note that in all of our research we have been very careful to note that foods were
not truly addictive substances and that liking or even craving was not the same as
addiction. We did not want to use the word addiction; we did not use the word addiction.
Of course, our studies were interpreted in the popular press as a search for a drug that
stops food cravings, which is not what we were all about. So, it’s an interesting issue that
many people raise all the time. There is a big difference between addiction and liking or
preferring or even craving. I don’t think that sugar liking is an addiction.
Dr. Goran: It doesn’t matter what it’s called. If you agree that there are those other
properties that are not healthful, it doesn’t matter whether it’s technically addiction or
Dr. Drewnowski: We are kind of addicted to food since we eat it every day. But that is
not really addiction, there are other factors that you need to very carefully consider as
Dr. Goran: Really, you think we are addicted to food?
Dr. Drewnowski: According to the definition of substance dependence in DSM-IV
that I read very closely, eating food would actually fit.
Dr. Rolls: But really the issue is how we can shift people towards healthier foods and
get them away from the foods that are pushing overconsumption.
Dr. Drewnowski: The economics plays a role too because the foods that you would
identify as targets of cravings and addictions are energy dense, but also they are
Dr. Rosenbaum: In a rodent study that was just published, Yann Ravussin showed
that if you take mice and overfeed them on the DIL diet, the nice diet that rodents and
lab technicians love, they become obese. If they stay obese long enough, when you
restrict their food, they behave like starving animals and they defend a higher bodyweight.
That’s an analogy to addiction in that somebody who abuses a substance develops a need
for it, and they have a higher set point for how much of that stimulus they need. So, it’s
not a bad model, and perhaps if you sustain an elevated bodyweight long enough or at
specific times in life, your tolerance level in a way that is similar to addiction is
Dr. Rolls: But an interesting question that comes from your talk is can you ever
reverse that? Can you reduce their weight long enough to get them back to where they
were before the obese phase?
Dr. Rosenbaum: It seems from both the epidemiology and the evolutionary biology
that you can probably jack this set point or whatever you want to call it up, but there is
no way that we know how to jack it down.
Dr. Rolls: Do we really know that?
Dr. Rosenbaum: Animals that are sustained at reduced bodyweight for an extended
period of time remain extraordinarily metabolically efficient, while animals maintained

62 Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities

at a higher level of bodyweight for an extended period of time will start to defend that
bodyweight to some degree. Human beings are getting fatter and fatter, and whether you
are fat or thin you make the same metabolic opposition to attempts to sustain reduced
weight. I have studied people who kept weight off for 6 years so not everybody regains,
but most people do.
Dr. Rolls: So once you are obese, that is it?
Dr. Rosenbaum: I would say that what is regulated is the relative level of body fat in
the population. So it’s like baseball. If you were to move the back wall of every stadium
back 20 yards, there would be fewer home runs, but the rank order of homerun hitters
wouldn’t change. You would still have some pitchers at the bottom and other pitchers at
the top. So, I think it’s the same thing. If the food environment were to be changed,
people who are most obese in this environment would still be obese in the new
environment. On an absolute basis, they would be less or more obese, but the relative
distribution of obese people would be the same.
Dr. Finegood: What about the dynamic of that rise? How long do you have to be at a
higher bodyweight to begin to defend it?
Dr. Rosenbaum: That would be an unethical study to do.
Dr. Finegood: In a controlled way, but what about in a less controlled way – there are
people gaining weight all the time.
Dr. Rosenbaum: Again, I think it’s incredibly complicated. The things that influence
the bodyweight you defend begin at the moment of implantation. That’s where the gene
environment interactions begin. You get into all the ideas of the thrifty gene and the
catch up growth hypothesis. Probably, there are specific times in life where you are more
Dr. Finegood: But you are suggesting that we also defend higher bodyweight if our
bodyweight goes up.
Dr. Rosenbaum: I think that that’s correct. If you maintain an elevated bodyweight
long enough or at specific times in life or both, you may be able to jack that defended
point up, but exactly what that time frame is and what influences it, I have absolutely no
Dr. Oppert: That’s for Dr. Rosenbaum about the comeback of T3 because this is about
treatment; so, is this to counteract the adaptations in thyroid metabolism or is it the
weight loss?
Dr. Rosenbaum: You ask about giving people thyroid hormone? The major factor
for the decline in energy expenditure that occurs during reduced weight maintenance
appears to be skeletal muscle, and the changes that occur in skeletal muscle could be
due to the decrease in circulating T3 that occurs as a result of weight loss. The MHC1
promoter region contains an inhibitory T3 response element, and as T3 falls the MHC1
expression should go up as it does in hypothyroid animals. So, the idea would be that if
you replace T3 to the levels that were present before weight loss, you might actually
reverse the changes in muscle and only in muscle. You would then have an increase in
energy expenditure, so at worst you could eat a little bit more and still match your
energy expenditure. But it’s a physiology question. We are not at the point where it’s a
treatment question, but it might be. The idea is that the weight-reduced person is very
different from the weight-stable person. T3 would not be the way I would promote
weight loss, but it might be a good addition to reduced weight maintenance therapy for
some people.

Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities 63

Dr. Oppert: But I thought that the decreasing T3 was a kind of transient
Dr. Rosenbaum: Some people have reported that, others have not. We did not find
that. The problem is that there are so many other things that influence T3, sympathetic
nervous system tone being a big one, so people can do other things that affect that.
Dr. St. Jeor: As Dr. Goran said, I think we might need a paradigm change mainly
concentrating on obesity as a disease rather than the outcome of weight loss. We know
the limitations of weight loss, and we know that the treatments are very complicated,
and as Dr. Rosenbaum pointed out, the phenotypes and the assessment is really where
we need to begin. We can see that obesity now is being classified as a disease by insurance
companies, and a lot of progress needs to be made to understand the mechanisms of
obesity. So, I would say that we just need a paradigm change, so we can pay a better
attention to these mechanisms that affect not only the outcome of weight loss but weight
loss maintenance to pull that field together. Having a more interdisciplinary
understanding is really important because instead of just concentrating on weight loss or
weight maintenance per se, I think we need to understand better the processes that are
Dr. Jakicic: A lot of the discussions are around physiology and the gene and
everything else. My concern is that people eat for a whole bunch of reasons that are not
driven by physiology. They sit in front of TV for a whole bunch of reasons that are not
driven by physiology. The physiology hasn’t changed dramatically in my opinion in 30
or 40 years, so why is the obesity rate going up? We can continue to study what happens
to the physiology, what drives fat metabolism, and these are really important questions.
But at the end of the day we have to appreciate that there is a whole bunch of other
drivers, these behaviors that actually are as important to this whole cascade that we have
to appreciate. If somebody had a bad day, they may eat because food is comforting to
them and not because some molecule told them to eat. I am just worried that if we make
this all about the physiology, then we really are not going to solve the problem. If we
make it about physiology, then we are going to create maybe pharmaceutical agents to
address these issues. However, we also know people can override that decision, that the
body is telling me I am not hungry but I am going to eat anyway. I am concerned that we
have to keep that in this discussion in a major way, otherwise I don’t think we are going
to make much progress.
Dr. Rolls: You said that very eloquently, and it reinforces what I said.
Dr. Jakicic: I agree with you, and these are intriguing questions from a scientific
perspective and from a clinical perspective: what molecule does this and what gene does
that; but, if it was all physiologically driven, as soon as intake went off, energy expenditure
would go up and it would be in pure compensation. That’s not the case, the body is not
truly compensating. So, I think we have to figure out how to do these interventions to
prevent and treat and maintain and so on based upon a person’s physiology. What we
need to do is get people to eat fewer calories and get them to burn more energy. How do
we do that, that’s the major question.
Dr. Lampe: Along those lines, I was thinking during your talk Dr. Rolls that there
used to be a day when a hamburger the size of a hockey puck was sufficient, and now
we need hamburgers the size of dinner plates. Why can’t we make the transition back,
and what would it take to try to get us there? The world hasn’t changed to the point
that our needs require us to be eating hamburgers the size of dinner plates.

64 Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Rolls: Obviously consumer demand is there and it’s at least in part an economic
issue. In America, we like value for our dollar and we put value on getting more food.
This is going to be hard to change and must involve starting with parents and their
children. Not only do people like big portions, but they are also a cheap source of calories.
If you are in policy meetings and you say let’s cut back on the calories we are offering in
triple hamburgers there are going to be people there who say that it’s going to discriminate
against the poor people who are coming into this chain and relying on this food to
sustain them. It’s going to be tough to change.
Dr. Finegood: As a colleague of mine, who was responsible for the food guide in
Canada, says you practically have to have an eating disorder in the current obesogenic
environment to be at a normal healthy bodyweight.
Dr. Bray: I don’t really disagree, but we need to make sure that we are aware that we
are not eating the same food that we ate 20 years ago. We are ingesting a lot of chemicals
and nutrients that affect DNA, things that affect our physiology and our brains at the
molecular level. They may be a big part of why we are behaving the way we do because
we are eating different kinds of things now.
Dr. Rosenbaum: I understand Dr. Jakicic’s point, but I think the idea of separating
physiology and behavior and the environment is actually an unhealthy approach to
this problem. The changes you want to make in behavior and the changes you want to
make in the environment are on the template of a physiology that has not changed in
the last few millennium, much less in the last 20 years. So, I think it has to be ‘the
farmers and the cowmen should be friends’ approach, otherwise you are just on sort of
a fishing expedition, let’s keep on trying things. If you can find the basis to predict
what would work, if you can understand how the environment is interacting with the
physiology that didn’t evolve in this kind of an environment, that’s how we are going to
find a way to address this issue, not by going into separate camps and not working
Dr. Drewnowski: I have a comment on that as well. The point was to integrate those
two approaches. There is now a great deal of work about who the obese people are,
where they live, where they shop, where they eat, where their calories come from.
Focusing on obesity rates in small area studies, we know that obesity rates can vary by a
factor of 5 depending on the neighborhood, even if people shop at the same food stores.
Some of the physiological models can accommodate those social and geographic
disparities and other models cannot. The challenge is to select those models that can
successfully integrate the social and the economic findings and see whether they provide
some additional insight into the causes of obesity. Our task today is to determine what
the best approach is and how it integrates the behavior, the physiology, and the
Dr. Rosenbaum: We need a collaboration of geneticists, physiologists, behaviorists,
and environmentalists.
Dr. Rolls: I think the either/or approach is not going to work, but what drives the
either/or approach is the funding. There is just not enough money to go around, and so
we all have to shout and say this is where all the action is, and that is going to stall the
integrative research that we need.
Dr. Drewnowski: Interdisciplinary studies take a long time to establish. It can take
years to become conversant with areas outside your primary area of expertise and to get
your partners to join the research.

Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities 65

Dr. Oppert: If I may add something on the environment, it may well be that we are
not so well advanced in our understanding of the relationships between attributes of the
environment and the behaviors and even less advanced in what we should do.
Dr. Finegood: What is important is the interaction between physiology, genetics and
the environment. Maybe the shift we have to start making is out of our siloed thinking.
We need to start asking the hard questions about how these interact. The interdependencies
are where the money is, so to speak.

66 Summary Discussion on Obesity Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities

New Directions for Prevention
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 67–79,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity

Meredith A.J. Hullar ⭈ Johanna W. Lampe
Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA

The composition of the gut microbiome is hypothesized to be an environmental factor
that contributes to obesity. Results of several human studies suggest that obesity is asso-
ciated with differences in the gut microbiota composition, reduced bacterial diversity,
and altered representation of bacterial metabolic pathways. The obese phenotype is asso-
ciated with increased microbial fermentation and energy extraction from non-digestible
food components; however, until recently it was not clear how relatively small increases in
energy extraction could contribute to the large and rapid weight gain observed in the
animal studies. Mechanisms by which the gut microbiome may influence metabolism
and energy homeostasis include regulation of energy uptake from diet, interaction with
signaling molecules involved in host metabolism, modification of gut permeability,
release of gut hormones, and low-grade, chronic inflammation, the latter being a hall-
mark of obesity-related diseases. Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel


Environmental and genetic factors play a role in determining energy balance

and risk of obesity. The prevalence of excess adiposity and obesity-related fac-
tors has paralleled the rise in diseases associated with chronic low-grade inflam-
mation, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gall bladder disease and
several cancers. The human gut microbial community has been identified as
another possible factor that may alter host metabolism and adiposity and influ-
ence chronic low-grade inflammation [1, 2].
The composition of the gut microbiome (i.e. the collective genomes of the
gut microbial community) is hypothesized to be an environmental factor that
plays a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and associated diseases. This hypoth-
esis has emerged with the advent of new technologies that have allowed for the
generation of important new data related to the composition and characteristics
of the gut microbiome. Recent application of molecular techniques to charac-
terize intestinal bacterial species has allowed for more in-depth identification
of gut microbial species and evaluating its relationship with human health and
disease [3]. Much of the work has involved the sequencing of the 16S rRNA
gene to determine which microbes are present in the gut, or more recently a
metagenomics approach, measuring all of the genes in the microbial genomes,
to identify the genetic potential of the bacteria present.
The gut microbiota colonize the length of the intestinal tract in varied cell den-
sities, ranging from ~104 bacterial cells/ml lumenal contents in the duodenum
to 1011 cells/ml lumenal contents in the colon and rectum [4]. The gut micro-
biota consist largely of members of five phyla, the Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes,
Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. The number of different
species of bacteria is estimated to range from 300 to 1,000, with the majority of
the species diversity distributed between the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes [5,
6]. There is high interindividual variation in the composition of the communi-
ties, mostly at the species level [3], although recent work suggests that certain
bacterial community composition patterns are identifiable within human popu-
lations [7].

Obesity and Gut Microbial Profiles in Humans and Experimental Animals

Results of several human studies, typically with small sample sizes, suggest that
obesity is associated with differences in gut microbial profiles [2, 7–11], as well as
reduced bacterial diversity [9], and altered representation of bacterial metabolic
pathways [9]. It has been hypothesized that, at the phylum level, an increased
ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes may contribute to the pathophysiology of
human obesity [2, 12]; however, this hypothesis has not been supported consis-
tently across studies [13, 14], even in the studies that detect obesity-associated
differences in gut microbial community [7, 8, 10].
Recently, in a cross-sectional sample of 115 premenopausal women, we
evaluated the association between adiposity and the gut microbial community.
We measured percent body fat on these women by dual-energy X-ray absorp-
tiometry and used several approaches to characterize the microbial commu-
nity in fecal samples. First, using quantitative PCR and terminal restriction
length polymorphism (TRFLP), we found that the abundance of Bacteroidetes
was positively associated with percent adiposity (r = 0.20; p = 0.02) and that
TRFLP peak 473 (indicative of the Bacteroidetes-Prevotella group) was statisti-
cally significantly associated with percent adiposity. Multiple regression testing
of the relationship between adiposity and gut microbial community, adjusting
for energy, carbohydrate, fat and dietary fiber intake, showed that Bacteroidetes
explained 15% of the variation in adiposity in these women. In a subset of
the women, we also compared the gut microbial community composition by

68 Hullar · Lampe
pyrosequencing the V1–V3 region of the16S rRNA gene. In total, we analyzed
239,875 sequences. After trimming the sequences (no ambiguous nucleotides,
homopolymer ≤8, primer mismatch ≤2, barcode mismatch ≤1, quality score
≥35 in 50 nt window), we aligned the sequences in SILVA (http://www.arb-silva.
de) and found that out of 65,492 sequences 13,190 were unique. We found that
the bacterial communities in the obese women (35–46% body fat; n = 35) were
significantly less diverse than those of the women with average percent adipos-
ity (25–32%; n = 27), a trend similar to that reported by Turnbaugh et al. [9] in a
sample of twins. The phylogenetic composition and abundance of the microbial
community were also significantly different between lean and obese individu-
als. Multivariate analysis of the pyrosequencing data, using non-metric multi-
dimensional scaling (NMS), explained 75% variation in our data and NMS axis
2 was positively associated with percent adiposity. In addition, two Prevotella
sp in the phylum Bacteroidetes were positively associated with NMS axis 2 and
increasing adiposity. Given that the Bacteroidetes are a metabolically diverse
group specializing in saccharolytic degradation, this suggests that increased
efficiency of energy extraction from the diet may be associated with specific
microbial metabolic pathways in a few groups of bacteria in obese individuals.
Studies in experimental animal models also support the hypothesis that gut
microbes play an important role in energy regulation and adiposity. Colonization
of axenic (i.e. ‘germ-free’) mice with a gut microbiota derived from conventional
mice resulted in a 60% increase in body fat mass and development of insulin
resistance [15], and the bacterial community composition of the inoculum
influenced amount of fat stored [16]. These effects have been seen in the context
of a chow diet and a semi-synthetic Western diet [17]; however, in a similar
experiment conducted using a high-fat, semi-synthetic diet with the same over-
all proportions of macronutrients as the Western diet, but composed of different
ingredients, axenic mice were not protected from obesity and gained as high or
higher amounts of body fat as the conventional mice [18]. Bacterial community
composition has also been shown to differ by degree of genetically mediated
adiposity; obese ob/ob (i.e. leptin-knockout) mice had 50% lower abundance of
Bacteroidetes and proportionally higher amounts of Firmicutes [1].
The results of the association studies in humans and the animal studies raise
the question whether compositional change in the gut microbiota precedes the
onset of weight gain and whether the microbiota plays a causative role [19].
Unfortunately, no prospective studies have been conducted in humans to exam-
ine this. In a retrospective study, Kalliomäki et al. [20] selected overweight and
obese (n = 25) and normal-weight (n = 24) Finnish children, 7 years of age, and
matching for numerous factors (e.g. gestational age, body mass index, BMI, at
birth, etc.), and assessed gut microbial community by fluorescent in situ hybrid-
ization (FISH) and qRT-PCR in fecal samples collected at 6 and 12 months. They
reported that, in infancy, bifidobacterial numbers were higher in normal-weight
children, and Staphylococcus aureus was greater in overweight children. Some

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity 69

work in mice supports a potentially causative role of the microbes; transfer of
gut microbiota from genetically obese ob/ob mice to lean, axenic mice resulted
in greater body fat gain in these lean animals than in lean axenic mice colonized
with microbiota from conventional lean mice [12].
Further, some, but not all, intervention studies of weight loss in humans also
show changes in gut microbial populations. Studies report that obese individu-
als have fewer [9, 12], increased [8, 11] or no difference [7, 13] in the amount
of Bacteroidetes compared to Firmicutes. Others have shown shifts at the genus
level [10, 21]. Ley et al. [2] showed that weight reduction on either a fat- or
carbohydrate-restricted weight loss diet resulted in a decrease in Firmicutes and
an increase in Bacteroidetes; by 52 weeks, the distribution mimicked that in lean
individuals, and the percentage bodyweight change was linearly associated with
an increase in Bacteroidetes abundance. Similarly, administration of an obe-
sity treatment program to adolescents resulted in significant changes in certain
bacterial groups as monitored by quantitative real-time PCR; the changes were
observed in the group of participants who lost >4.0 kg, whereas no changes were
observed among the group who lost <2.0 kg [21]. Duncan et al. [13] monitored
groups of fecal bacteria using FISH in obese and non-obese individuals under
conditions of weight maintenance and weight loss on two different reduced-
carbohydrate weight loss diets. There was no significant change in Bacteroidetes
in the obese individuals after 4 weeks on the weight loss diets; however, there
was a diet-dependent decrease in a group of butyrate-producing Firmicutes
(Roseburia + E. rectale).
A recent weight loss study in mice examined the effects of weight loss on
the gut microbiota in the context of high- and low-fat diets (60 and 10% of
energy derived from fat, respectively) [22]. The design allowed for comparison
of the effects of weight loss in lean and obese mice, as well as comparison of diet
effects on gut microbial community composition independent of bodyweight.
The investigators showed that the differences in diet composition had the larg-
est effect on differences in the gut microbiota. When evaluating the effect of
weight loss within diet category, in mice fed the high-fat diet, maintenance of
a 20% reduced bodyweight influenced the composition of the gut microbiota.
This effect was not seen in weight-reduced mice fed the low-fat diet. These dif-
ferential responses and the findings of Fleissner et al. [18] speak to the complex
interactions between diet, the gut microbiome, and host physiology (i.e. adi-
posity and associated metabolic parameters), and suggest that human studies
designed to evaluate these relationships in weight reduction studies need to be
stringently controlled to determine the individual impact of diet and fat mass
loss on the gut microbiome.
Several technical factors may contribute to the varied reports on the rela-
tionship between microbial taxa and obesity in both human and mouse studies.
Different methods used to characterize the microbial community may intro-
duce different types and amounts of bias that could influence the strength of the

70 Hullar · Lampe
association and interpretation of the results. DNA extraction [23], PCR primer
biases [24, 25], and accuracy of phylogenetic identification [26] are potential
sources of variation. For example, oligonucleotide probes, used in FISH to iden-
tify shifts in microbiota associated with weight loss [10, 20], are hampered by
cell permeability or probe mismatch issues [27]. In addition, on the adiposity
side of the equation, relying on BMI rather than procedures that more accu-
rately determine body fat percentage (e.g. dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry)
may contribute to misclassification of individuals [28].
The potentially large, but often not considered, contribution of dietary and
other lifestyle differences to some of the obesity-related findings of the cross-
sectional studies is also a concern. Among those studies that evaluate diet,
underreporting of diet, especially associated with studies of obesity, may be
a source of bias [29]. Energy intake is, on average, underestimated, especially
when using memory recall methods [30]. Several behavioral changes may influ-
ence the accuracy of self-report, such as: change in the true intake as a function
of recording, lack of awareness of the amount of food consumed, and reluctance
to disclose amounts or foods eaten. In addition, some studies have shown that,
among dietary items reported, there is evidence for differential underreporting
of certain foods [29], creating further bias in self-reported data.

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity: Mechanisms of Action

The obese phenotype is associated with increased microbial fermentation and

energy extraction from non-digestible food components; however, until recently
it was not clear how relatively small increases in energy extraction could con-
tribute to the large and rapid weight gain observed in the animal studies.
Mechanisms by which the gut microbiome influences human metabolism and
energy homeostasis and subsequent obesity-associated disease risk include: reg-
ulation of energy uptake from diet [13, 31], interaction with signaling molecules
involved in host metabolism [32], release of gut hormones [33, 34], and modi-
fication of gut permeability [35]. Some of the mechanisms appear to involve
effects of products of bacterial metabolism of dietary constituents and others
are direct effects of the gut microbes (fig. 1).
Fermentation efficiency and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) composition can
be influenced by the composition of the gut microbiota [16, 36]. Non-digestible
carbohydrates (e.g. dietary fibers) are fermented by the gut microbes to produce
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, SCFA (e.g. acetate, propionate, butyrate) and other
compounds, such as lactate and formate. Estimates vary, depending on the sub-
strates, the gut microbial community composition, and gastrointestinal transit,
but fermentation accounts for approximately 10% of human’s daily energy intake
[37]. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens (i.e. Archaea) and sulfate-reducing bacte-
ria consume the hydrogen produced from the fermentation of polysaccharides

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity 71

PYY ĹInflammation
Microbial Lipogenesis


ĹSCFA muscle
ĻFatty acid

bacteria ĹAdipogenesis
Gut lumen

Adipose tissue

Fig. 1. The gut microbiome and its metabolites may influence metabolism and energy
homeostasis through several mechanisms. SCFA, the products of carbohydrate fermenta-
tion, are substrates for lipogenesis, and also are signaling molecules for G protein-coupled
receptors GPR41 and GPR43. The presence of the gut microbiota and SCFA modulate
release of enteroendocrine hormones [e.g. glucagon-like peptides (GLP-1 and -2) and
PYY], affecting hunger and satiety and suppress FIAF. Reduced FIAF in turn decreases
hepatic and skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation and increases lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
activity and triacylglycerol storage in adipose. LPS translocation across the gut epithelium
leads to higher circulating LPS concentrations and increased low-grade inflammation and
macrophage activation in adipose tissue. Adapted from Bäckhed [31] and Delzenne and
Cani [43].

and their rapid uptake of hydrogen helps to drive the process [38]. Thus, hydro-
gen transfer between hydrogen-producing bacteria and hydrogen-consuming
Archaea is hypothesized to increase fermentation efficiency and SCFA produc-
tion and contribute to increased adiposity – a relationship that has been shown
in an experimental animal model [16]. In humans, the results of one study
showed that higher numbers of Archaea and the order Methanobacteriales were
present in obese individuals (n = 3) as compared to normal-weight individuals
(n = 3) [8]. However, in an earlier study of 1,293 individuals, obesity was statis-
tically significantly less prevalent in methane producers than non-producers,
when producer status was characterized by breath methane excretion [39]. It is
likely that unaccounted dietary factors and other host exposures influence the
observed relationships.

72 Hullar · Lampe
In addition to providing energy, gut microbial metabolites, such as SCFA,
also play a role as signaling molecules, interacting with receptors in pathways
influencing energy uptake [31]. Acetate and propionate and butyrate bind to
two G protein-coupled receptors GPR41 and GPR43, also known as free fatty
acid receptors FFA3 and FFA2, respectively [40]. GPR43 is expressed in immune
cells, adipocytes, and the distal ileum and colon, and Gpr41 is expressed in adi-
pose tissue and several immune function-associated tissues, such as spleen,
bone marrow [40]. Work in GPR41-deficient mice suggests that one aspect of
the interaction between SCFA and GPR41 may be to increase levels of peptide
YY (PYY), an enteroendocrine cell-derived hormone in circulation that reduces
gut motility; reduced gut motility may aid in digestion and allow for increased
absorption of SCFA – acetate and propionate are substrates for hepatic de
novo lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis, respectively [32]. Activation of GPR43
by SCFA inhibits lipolysis and adipocyte differentiation and GPR43-deficient
mice are less prone to high-fat diet-induced obesity and have lower macrophage
numbers in their adipose tissue [41]. These findings would suggest that high
intakes of non-digestible carbohydrate might be detrimental in weight control;
however, prebiotic supplementation of animals overexpressing GPR43 and fed a
high-fat diet has been shown to reduce adiposity [42].
The impact of gut microbial fermentation products, such as the SCFA, on
release of enteroendocrine hormones involved in appetite and bodyweight reg-
ulation has been demonstrated in experimental studies in humans and animals.
Fermentable carbohydrates from several sources, even though they modulate
gut microbial community structure differently, have been shown consistently to
decrease food intake and bodyweight and with concomitant increases in pro-
duction and secretion of two anorexigenic peptides glucagon-like peptide-1 and
PYY [reviewed in 43].
Gut bacteria have also been proposed to increase triacylglycerol storage in
adipose tissue by suppressing fasting-induced adipocyte factor (FIAF) in the
gut epithelium; FIAF suppression in turn stimulates de novo hepatic lipogen-
esis and promotes lipoprotein lipase-directed incorporation of triacylglycerol
into adipocytes [15] and reduces fatty acid oxidation in the liver and in skeletal
muscle [17]. In contrast, another study, also in mice, did not support a crucial
role of the modulation of intestinal FIAF production in mediating fat storage
[18]. Recent in vitro work using coincubations of bacteria and cell lines showed
that some bacteria increased and others decreased FIAF expression in intesti-
nal cancer cell lines [44]. Further, incubation with propionate and butyrate, but
not acetate, increased FIAF expression and cleavage in colon and hepatic cell
lines, suggesting that the SCFA effects on FIAF may not be restricted to the gut
epithelium, but that bacterial effects in vivo may be mediated by gut microbial
metabolites at other tissue sites.
The gut microbiota also influences low-grade, chronic inflammation [43],
a hallmark of obesity-related diseases. Gut microbiome composition has been

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity 73

associated with altered concentrations of inflammation biomarkers, such as adi-
pokines, C-reactive protein, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and tumor necro-
sis factor-α, in circulation and in adipose tissue [45]. One microbiome-mediated
pathway that may contribute to low-grade systemic inflammation is the presence
of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS; also called endotoxin) in circulation. Low
concentrations of LP in the blood (i.e. subsepticemic) have been linked to obesity
and related metabolic disorders [46]. LPS stimulates the innate immune response
by binding to toll-like receptors expressed by macrophages in adipocytes and
epithelial cells [47]. A higher systemic LPS load accompanies increased trans-
location of LPS via chylomicron uptake and/or increased intestinal permeability
[48]. Thus, diet, particularly high-fat diets, may contribute to the microbiome-
inflammation relationship [18, 45]. In contrast, other end-products of microbial
metabolism of diet, such as SCFA, have been associated with reduced inflamma-
tion through interaction with the TGF-β pathway [49]. Butyrate interacts with
TGF-β to block the transfer of NF-κB to the nucleus thereby reducing transcrip-
tion of inflammatory genes [50] and reducing inflammation.
In summary, the gut microbiome may contribute to altered energy storage
and obesity through several mechanisms, including regulation of energy uptake
from diet, interaction with signaling molecules involved in host metabolism,
modification of gut permeability, and release of gut hormones. Further, the inter-
action of gut microbes with the host innate immune system influences inflam-
matory and metabolic processes associated with obesity and important to human
health. The complex interplay between the gut microbial community, diet, and
host physiology needs to be considered carefully in the design and interpretation
of experimental interventions and population-based observational studies.


Supported in part by U01CA162077, R01DK084157 and Fred Hutchinson Cancer

Research Center.

Disclosure Statement

The authors declare that no financial or other conflict of interest exists in relation to the
content of the chapter.

74 Hullar · Lampe
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76 Hullar · Lampe

Dr. Birch: My question is whether you have information about whether participants
were breastfed or formula fed as infants?
Dr. Lampe: This was the study of Kalliomäki et al. [1]. Two groups of 7-year-old
children, normal weight and overweight or obese, were selected for retrospective
evaluation of their gut microbial communities in stool samples collected within the first
year of life. The children were part of a follow-up of a cohort of Finnish children who
had participated pre- and postnatally in a randomized trial of probiotics and atopic
Dr. Birch: Do you know if obesity status at 7 years of age was associated with
differences in infant feeding mode?
Dr. Lampe: There were no statistically significant differences in infant feeding mode
between the normal weight and overweight children. The two groups were matched for
several factors, including gestational age, BMI at birth, mode of delivery, duration of
breastfeeding, use of antibiotics during infancy, intervention group, and frequencies of
atopic diseases and atopic sensitization at 7 years of age. Other studies in breastfed and
formula-fed infants show differences in gut microbial populations, which is why
matching was important.
Dr. Haschke: The Finnish study was a secondary outcome study looking at allergies.
All the infants were breastfed until 6 months of age, and there was some intervention in
terms of giving mothers probiotics prenatally, so this study has been reported 3 times. It’s
from Erica Isolauri’s group (Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku, Finland),
and it could not be reproduced by any other group that there is some difference
continuously there, so we have to wait for confirmation. The clinical data have been
really weak until now. The hypothesis is attractive, but we still don’t have a prospective
study showing that certain microbiota could be preventive.
Dr. Lampe: Thanks for that clarification. I think you raise an important point, and
that is that we really do not have any good prospective studies. We need to encourage
cohort studies to collect and store stool samples, so that we can do the robust studies that
are needed in order to answer these questions more effectively.
Dr. Goran: I always get a little confused with some of these aspects because short-
chain fatty acids are being protective in some situations, so resistant starch for example
is promoted as a vehicle to induce insulin resistance and it starts to act through short-
chain fatty acids. Can you clarify whether there are positive and negative effects of some
of these things, especially in the context of your study where you showed that fiber and
starch were predictive of the biome? Are they predictive of a beneficial or a harmful
Dr. Lampe: All of the individuals in our observational study of diet and gut microbial
community were healthy, so we do not have information on differential relationships
dependent on metabolic syndrome or other disease phenotypes. Although the dietary
data are predictive of the microbiome, they cannot distinguish between physiologically
positive and negative effects. Looking at the totality of the predictive value of diet, these
diet components help to define different groups of individuals who have different
microbiomes. Whether or not one is better from a health standpoint, we don’t know in
the context of this study. Intervention studies of dietary fiber and gut microbial
community show shifts in different groups of bacteria and in directions that typically

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity 77

have been thought to be beneficial. With regard to resistant starch and diabetes, I think
that part of the effect of resistant starch in relation to glycemic load may be its influence
on gut transit and absorption of sugars.
Dr. Goran: Were you able to look at in that study or did other studies look at subtypes
of fiber, soluble versus insoluble for example, in different types of starches? And then the
third factor that comes to mind is fructose, which in large amounts is poorly absorbed
and may also contribute to the issue. Have you been able to dissect that?
Dr. Lampe: In this study, when we looked at soluble and insoluble fiber, it was really
the insoluble fiber that was explaining most of the relationship between dietary fiber and
microbial community. The contribution of soluble fiber was less apparent. Trying to
measure resistant starch from a 3-day food record is not very accurate because it’s really
hard to quantitate it in observational studies. We didn’t try to do that.
Dr. Rosenbaum: I don’t fully understand, but you only can report relative amounts of
different species, so we don’t know if as people lose weight they are back to where one
number goes up and the other one is coming down. Do you think that it’s the balance
between the different species or the absolute amount of one or the other, is this some
sort of a functional assay that you could do that would determine the absolute amount,
how they handle the starch load or something like that?
Dr. Lampe: In order to get at the absolute amount of bacteria, you would need to
access the total contents of the lumen. Consequently, much of the focus has been on the
relative amounts of different groups of bacteria. I think the ultimate goal is also to move
towards measuring mRNA or even looking at protein levels of bacterial enzymes
important in the various metabolic steps in the gut. This will give us information on the
functionality of the gut community as compared to just what bacteria are there and in
what relative amounts.
Dr. Rosenbaum: In the weight loss studies, was there a difference between dynamic
weight loss and static weight maintenance, or they didn’t look at that?
Dr. Lampe: The study was 52 weeks of a weight reduction intervention; there are no
data to indicate that the participants were followed any further than that.
Dr. Rolls: Can you speculate a bit about whether you think this understanding of the
microbiome holds some promise for either the treatment or prevention of obesity and
how that might work? Could changing intake of a few foods help adults? Do we need to
start prenatally or with maternal diets?
Dr. Lampe: It’s very early days, but I think there may be some potential for both
prevention and treatment. Given what we know so far, early life may be an important
time to intervene. Crosstalk between the host and the gut microbial community is critical
for development of the innate immune system and the body’s ultimate comfort level
with what microbes are present in the gut. The microbiota also interact with the adaptive
arm of the host’s intestinal mucosal immune system, modulating regulatory cells in the
gut that are involved in maintaining immune tolerance. Related to this, we know from
interventions in adults that it is difficult to get inoculations of probiotic bacteria to
colonize and maintain a presence at detectable levels without constantly providing them.
I think there will be opportunities for prevention and treatment of obesity, but we have a
way to go to understand the basics and long-term consequences before we can effectively
modulate the system.
Dr. Drewnowski: Is the gut microbiome established in the first year of life or even
before that?

78 Hullar · Lampe
Dr. Lampe: As we saw from the one slide of the study of Koenig et al. [2] – and
granted that this was just the example from one child – the gut microbiome is pretty well
established by weaning. I think the estimate is that by age 2 or 3, the gut microbiome has
the functional attributes of the adult microbial community.
Dr. Lovejoy: What would happen if you dramatically changed your diet, given the
examples of children in Africa versus children in Italy? If somebody went from a largely
meat-eating diet to becoming a vegan and staying a vegan, would their microbiome
change and stay different or would they maintain the biome that they had since 2 years
of age?
Dr. Lampe: Keep in mind that in that study, the children were born and raised to
their particular environments and diets. Nonetheless, in adults, there would be changes
to the microbiome as a result of what the person is eating and therefore what substrates
are available to the bacteria. At the same time though, particularly at the genetic level,
you are still likely to find those other bacteria that were part of the microbiome prior to
the major change in diet. It’s just that there are going to be fewer of them, but they are
still likely to be detectable unless there is some major perturbation as a result of antibiotic
treatment or disease.

1 Kalliomäki M, Collado MC, Salminen S, et 2 Koenig JE, Spor A, Scalfone N, et al:
al: Early differences in fecal microbiota com- Succession of microbial consortia in the
position in children may predict overweight. developing infant gut microbiome. Proc Natl
Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:534–538. Acad Sci U S A 2011;108(suppl 1):

The Gut Microbiome and Obesity 79

New Directions for Prevention
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 81–94,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention

during Infancy
Leann L. Bircha ⭈ Stephanie Anzman-Frascaa ⭈ Ian M. Paulb
Center for Childhood Obesity Research, Noll Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, and bDepartment of Pediatrics, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center,
Hershey, PA, USA

Obesity prevalence among infants and young children has increased rapidly during the
past 4 decades, a disturbing trend given early obesity’s association with later life obesity
and its comorbidities. Fortunately, infancy is a period of great behavioral and metabolic
plasticity offering numerous targets for preventive interventions. Modifiable factors that
may affect early rapid weight gain and obesity risk include infant sleep duration, feeding
to soothe infant distress, and the introduction of solid foods and transitional feeding. We
discuss evidence linking these factors to weight outcomes, as well as results from behav-
ioral obesity interventions in infancy, from our laboratory and others’. For example, in a
recent pilot intervention, we focused on helping new mothers address three areas of
infant behavior hypothesized to affect weight gain and early obesity risk: infant sleeping,
crying, and feeding. First-time mothers were randomly assigned to receive either a
Soothe/Sleep intervention, an Introduction of Solids intervention, both interventions, or
no interventions. The interventions were delivered via home visits and showed positive
effects on infant behaviors and weight outcomes at 1 year. Based on evidence from such
pilot interventions, we assess the plausibility of targeting behavioral factors in infancy
and suggest next steps for early prevention research.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel

The prevalence of obesity among young children has risen rapidly during the
past 4 decades. Approximately 20% of 2- to 5-year-olds are currently over-
weight, and approximately 10% are obese. Similarly, 10% of children under age
2 have a weight status at or above the 95th percentile for age and sex [1]. These
statistics, combined with the limited success of obesity interventions target-
ing school-age children [2], highlight early obesity prevention as an important,
emerging research area. Two growth trajectories can result in obesity early in
life [3]. First, through prenatal influences (e.g. maternal pre-pregnancy weight,
gestational weight gain, smoking during pregnancy), babies can be born large
and stay large during the postnatal period. Second, babies with normal or low
birthweights can gain excessive weight during infancy. Rapid weight gain dur-
ing infancy predicts obesity and its comorbidities later in the lifespan, even after
adjustment for prenatal factors. These two distinct pathways suggest two ave-
nues for intervention: prevention efforts beginning during the prenatal period
and targeting the diet and behaviors of the mother, and postnatal prevention
efforts targeting infant factors linked to early weight gain. In this paper, the lat-
ter is our focus. However, it is important to remember that birthweight affects
subsequent growth, and in general, infants who are born heavier are more likely
to regress toward the mean and grow more slowly than those born at the lower
end of the birthweight distribution.
Rapid weight gain during infancy is associated with increased risks of obesity
and its cardiovascular comorbidities from early childhood [4] through adult-
hood [5]. In addition to the epidemiological evidence, research with animal
models reveals that early rapid weight gain can have epigenetic effects that may
alter developing metabolic systems to increase risks of obesity, metabolic syn-
drome, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes [6]. This evidence indicates that,
contrary to popular belief, a chubby baby is not necessarily a healthy baby who
will ‘grow out of it’ but may be more likely to ‘grow into’ obesity later in life.
Despite extensive evidence that early rapid growth increases obesity risk, until
very recently, few obesity prevention efforts have been focused on infancy [7].
There are many reasons to consider obesity prevention during infancy.
Obesity rates are high by early childhood, and epigenetic effects of obesogenic
environments on early growth indicate that infancy is a period of behavioral and
metabolic plasticity that can have life-long effects on health. The rapid dietary
transition from an exclusive milk diet to a modified adult diet by age 24 months
is one example of the flux and instability of infancy [8], highlighting this period
as an opportunity to shape behaviors that affect growth and obesity risk. Basic
research, in combination with a small number of pilot intervention studies, shed
light on the efficacy of targeting behavioral factors linked to infant growth.

Behavioral Factors Linked to Weight Outcomes during Infancy

The current state of obesity research in early life suggests that moderating early
rapid growth could be a successful first step in preventing obesity. What infant
factors should be targeted in order to achieve this goal? In a recent review, Paul
et al. [9] identified several modifiable factors, implicated by basic research
as predictors of early rapid weight gain and obesity risk. These factors were
infant feeding mode (breastfeeding or formula feeding), infant sleep duration,
parental use of food to regulate infant distress, the timing of the introduction

82 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul

of solid foods, sweetened beverage consumption, the age of weaning from the
bottle, and the introduction of solids and table foods. Recently, the Institute of
Medicine released a report on ‘Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies’,
which focuses on the period from birth to age 5 and includes brief reviews of the
evidence for some of these factors influencing early growth in infancy and early
childhood [10].
A consistent and growing evidence base implicates infant sleep, parental
regulation of infant distress, and the introduction of complementary foods
and transitional feeding as promising early behavioral targets and suggests
potential possibilities for interventions (table 1). What about breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is indisputably the ideal infant feeding mode for many reasons,
including immunological benefits, but the evidence is not consistent regarding
the extent to which breastfeeding protects against childhood obesity. Although
meta-analyses show a modest, protective effect of breastfeeding [11], exclu-
sively breastfeeding for long durations seems to confer the greatest benefit.
While promoting exclusive and long durations of breastfeeding is a goal in the
US, and rates of breastfeeding initiation have increased, with the majority of
new mothers in the United States breastfeeding in the hospital, it is rare for an
infant to be exclusively breastfed for durations that have been shown to result in
reduced obesity risk. In addition, the effects of breastfeeding decrease in magni-
tude after adjusting for maternal and socioeconomic confounders that are also
related to offspring obesity [12]. A recent study comparing longitudinal data on
breastfeeding and later obesity across cultures in which the social patterning of
breastfeeding differs adds to the evidence that part of breastfeeding’s apparent
protective effect is due to residual confounding: In the UK, where breastfeeding
is associated with a higher socioeconomic status, breastfeeding was inversely
associated with child BMI, but in Brazil, where such social patterning of breast-
feeding is not observed, breastfeeding was not associated with child BMI [13].
These findings do not support a causal effect of breastfeeding on BMI but do
support possible causal links between breastfeeding and IQ and between breast-
feeding and blood pressure as positive associations between breastfeeding and
these outcomes were noted across samples differing in the social patterning of
breastfeeding. Although breastfeeding is an important public health goal for
multiple reasons, the lack of clear evidence that breastfeeding reduces obesity
risk and the challenges of promoting exclusive breastfeeding for long durations
have led us to focus on other factors.
Although evidence regarding causal mechanisms is still emerging, short sleep
duration has been linked to a higher weight status in all age groups, including
infants [e.g. 14], with only a few published studies failing to find this relation-
ship [e.g., 15]. Short sleep may affect hormones regulating hunger and satiety
and/or may lead to more feedings in infants who are awake for longer durations.
To teach infants that hunger leads to feeding, feeding should be reserved for
when the infant exhibits hunger cues. Feeding as an indiscriminate response to

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy 83

This page intentionally left blank
Table 1. Interventions to prevent obesity during infancy

Opportunity Possible intervention1 Evidence from pilot studies2

Infant sleep Educate parents on methods + Intervention infants had greater increases in nocturnal
to lengthen sleep duration sleep compared to controls, as well as greater
and soothe at night without reductions in settling time and night-time waking [23]
feeding as a first response to + Breastfed intervention infants showed increased
nocturnal crying nocturnal sleep duration [24]; effect not seen in infants
transitioned to formula before 16 weeks

Parental regulation of Respond quickly to crying in + Intervention infants were less likely to be given food as
infant distress early infancy, but use a reward [22]
(i.e. use of food to alternative methods to – Intervention did not affect maternal beliefs about
soothe or change soothe than feeding using food to calm baby or responsiveness to satiety
behavior when child cues [23]
is not hungry) + In [24], fussing/crying episodes were more likely to be
followed by awake/calm (as opposed to feeding; [27])

Introduction of solid – Delay introduction of + Intervention group introduced solid foods later [21, 22]
foods complementary foods + Intervention group introduced solid foods later [23]
until at least 4 months of + Tended to introduce solids later (trend level) and were
age more likely to accept novel foods [24]
– Avoid placing cereal in a
– Use repeated exposure to
healthy foods as a
response to normal infant

Transitional feeding – Emphasize healthy + Earlier introduction of cup [21, 22] in intervention
(i.e. introduction of dietary choices group
developmentally – Use low-fat cow’s milk + Less juice feeding in intervention group [21]
appropriate foods after introduction at 1 + Less likely to be put to bed with a bottle [22]
and beverages) year – No effects on maternal intake of healthy foods [23]
– Do not any give juice to
children <6 months; then,
limit daily consumption of
100% fruit juice to <6 oz
– Give juice only in a cup;
do not allow children to
easily transport juice
– Completely avoid fruit
drinks/soft drinks

Intervention targets selected from Paul et al. [9], based on the existing evidence base from pilot interventions
targeting infants.
This column shows whether these variables were affected in the pilot studies of three groups whose studies were
reviewed herein [21–24]. If one of the studies is not mentioned in a given row, then that behavior was not targeted
in that study.

84 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul

infant distress is another possible risk factor for obesity, and focus group data
suggest that this practice is likely in low-income groups already at heightened
obesity risk [16]. Fussier infants tend to be heavier, and researchers have specu-
lated that this is because these fussy infants tend to be fed more as an attempt
to soothe them. Recent research shows that highly negative infants and young
children who are fed to soothe have increased BMI-for-age z-scores [17].
Fussier infants may also receive complementary foods sooner [18]. Early
introduction of complementary foods has been linked to obesity risk, as have
other inappropriate transitional feeding practices, such as offering sweetened
beverages to young children [9]. While the evidence on early introduction of
complementary foods is mixed, with many but not all studies indicating that
early introduction increases obesity risk, there is also the possibility that the
associations noted are the result of residual confounding or reverse causal-
ity (i.e. infants who grow faster are given solid foods earlier because they are
hungrier). There is evidence that formula-fed infants receive complementary
foods earlier than breastfed infants, and that early introduction of solid foods
is associated with obesity risk in formula-fed but not breastfed infants [19].
As indicated above, there are many other differences between breastfed and
formula-fed infants that make interpretation difficult. Causal manipulations of
the timing and process of the introduction of solid foods can shed light on these
issues, and initial evidence shows that the introduction of solids is an opportu-
nity for infants to learn to like the foods that are offered and can have long-term
effects on food acceptance [20]. Early periods of dietary transition offer unique
opportunities to shape subsequent food selection and diet quality, an important
goal given that the transition to the modified adult diet begins before the end of
infancy, is relatively complete by 24 months [8], and is currently characterized
by a high intake of sweets and grains and low intake of fruits and vegetables.
Taken together, sleep duration, feeding to soothe, and the timing and process
of introducing new foods and beverages are all potentially modifiable behavioral
factors that seem to predict weight status, providing the evidence base needed
to attempt to causally manipulate these factors, alone or in combination, in pilot
studies and efficacy trials aiming to prevent rapid growth during infancy and
subsequent childhood obesity.

Results of Initial Intervention Research during Infancy

In a recent review of inventions designed to prevent obesity in 0- to 5-year-olds

[7], most studies focused on preschoolers; only 6 of the 23 studies enrolled
participants during the first year of life. Of these, only 2 enrolled participants
in early infancy, when early measures of rapid growth could be obtained, and
another was designed to focus on high-risk infants, based on infant weight sta-
tus (≥95th percentile weight-for-age) or maternal obesity (BMI ≥30). Despite

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy 85

the paucity of empirical evidence, this research area is growing, as evidenced by
a number of publications describing protocols designed to prevent rapid growth
and obesity during infancy. To date, many of these studies are in progress, and a
few have published results.
In a feasibility pilot study conducted on an Australian sample, home visitors
delivered an intervention that centered on feeding recommendations in the first
year [21]. The intervention resulted in a lower proportion of mothers introduc-
ing solids before 4 months, a lower rate of juice feeding, and a higher proportion
of cup use at infant age 12 months. The intervention group also had a higher
proportion of mothers still breastfeeding at 12 months, but there were no dif-
ferences between treatment and control on duration or proportion of exclusive
breastfeeding. Nevertheless, these results are promising, and in a subsequent
larger trial targeting socially and economically disadvantaged families, results
were consistent with those from the pilot study [22].
Similarly, a pilot intervention in the US demonstrated promising effects on
some early behaviors linked to rapid growth and obesity risk [23]. In this study,
intervention messages were delivered to parents in primary care practices and
via phone calls and targeted domains of sleep, TV viewing, feeding, and physical
activity in infants and their mothers. Positive intervention effects were observed
in the infants, including later introduction of solids and greater increases in
reported night-time sleep duration from infant age 2 weeks to 6 months. There
were no effects on breastfeeding duration, maternal beliefs about using food
to soothe a crying baby, or on maternal responsiveness to infant fullness cues.
Intervention and control infants did not differ on weight status at age 6 months,
but there was a trend such that intervention infants were less likely to be in the
highest weight status quartile.
In our own pilot research, we also reported promising effects on infant behav-
iors and weight status in a US sample [24]. We focused on helping new mothers
to develop parenting skills to address three areas of infant behavior hypothesized
to affect weight gain and early obesity risk: sleeping, crying, and feeding. First-
time mothers who intended to breastfeed at infant birth were randomly assigned
to receive either a Soothe/Sleep intervention, an Introduction of Solids interven-
tion, both interventions, or no interventions. The interventions were delivered
via home visits at ages 2–3 weeks and 4–6 months. One hundred and ten mostly
White, higher income mothers residing in central Pennsylvania and their infants
completed the one-year study. The Soothe/Sleep intervention focused on strate-
gies to lengthen infant sleep and taught parents soothing strategies to use rather
than indiscriminately feeding in response to infant fussing and crying. At age
2–3 weeks, dyads randomized to this intervention were instructed on alternate
soothing responses, including swaddling, side or stomach position, shushing,
swinging, and (non-nutritive) sucking. Parents were also taught to emphasize
day/night differences and to respond to night waking with alternate soothing
and care-taking responses. The Introduction of Solids intervention focused on

86 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul


WHO weight-for-length percentile





No Feed Sleep Both
Intervention group

Fig. 1. Infants who received both interventions [24] had lower weight-for-length percen-
tiles at age 1 year (n = 110), relative to the WHO growth standards. No = No intervention;
Feed = Introduction to Solids intervention; Sleep = Soothe/Sleep intervention; Both =
both interventions.

‘when’, ‘how’, and ‘which’ foods to introduce to infants and provided systematic
experiences with new foods between ages 4–6 months. All participants were
given a standard infant parenting book, and nurses answered questions about
general infant care. Mothers reported on infant behavioral states (sleeping, fuss-
ing/crying, awake/calm, and feeding) in 15-min intervals over 4 days at infant
ages 3 and 16 weeks. At age 1 year, infant weight and length were measured.
Infants receiving both interventions had significantly lower weight-for-
length percentiles at 1 year compared to other groups. This result is depicted in
figure 1, where the y-axis depicts weight-for-length percentiles using the World
Health Organization (WHO) growth charts, in accordance with the recent CDC
recommendation to plot the growth of American children younger than 2 using
these charts [25] and in contrast with our previously published results, which
were plotted relative to the CDC growth charts [24]. The WHO charts depict
optimal growth of breastfed infants living in families with adequate resources,
so that infant growth was not limited by food availability. These growth stan-
dards are appropriate for our sample where all mothers intended to breastfeed.
Breastfed infants who received the Soothe/Sleep intervention also slept lon-
ger at night and had fewer nightly feedings from 3 to 16 weeks compared to
infants who did not receive this intervention [24], and there was evidence that
mothers in this group were less likely to indiscriminately use food to soothe

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy 87

infant distress. Because the Soothe/Sleep intervention aimed to help parents
use adaptive soothing techniques, it was hypothesized that this intervention
would increase infants’ likelihood of transitioning from a fussing/crying state to
an awake/calm state, as opposed to transitioning from a fussing/crying state to
feeding. To assess this aspect of the intervention, the data from the daily behav-
ior diaries were analyzed using a statistical technique called Markov modeling
[26], which enabled an examination of the transitions between behavioral states.
Consistent with our hypotheses, the Soothe/Sleep intervention significantly
increased the likelihood of transitioning from fussing/crying to awake and calm
at 16 weeks. In other words, when intervention group infants were fussing and
crying, it was more likely that they would move to an awake/calm state next,
compared to controls. There was also evidence that transitions from fussing/
crying to feeding predicted subsequent weight status [27].
These results provide initial evidence that behavioral interventions designed
to modify parenting practices can decrease early weight gain through changes
in parenting and in infant lifestyle, including sleeping, crying, and feeding. For
the most part, these factors were parent reported, although the observed effects
on measured weight status suggest that positive effects are not due to report-
ing biases. While this is an encouraging start, additional research is needed to
determine the generalizability of these findings. Our pilot study showed effects
on behaviors and weight outcomes, but our well-educated sample of mothers
who intended to breastfeed at infant birth can be considered low risk. It is not
clear if these results would be replicated in a more heterogeneous population or
a population at increased risk of childhood obesity.


Obesity interventions in infancy can be viewed as controversial as traditional

parenting and medical care have focused on ensuring sufficient growth rather
than preventing its excess, and intervening with at-risk populations, although
a natural next step brings its own controversial issues. One example that was
mentioned is breastfeeding. Observational studies suggest that infants may be
‘protected’ from early obesity if they are exclusively breastfed for long dura-
tions. Breastfeeding also has demonstrated benefits in numerous other domains
of child development; thus, it is the ideal infant feeding mode. Yet, there are
marked sociodemographic differences in the prevalence of breastfeeding in
many societies [see 12, 13], such that low-income and minority families are less
likely to meet breastfeeding recommendations and also are at increased risk for
obesity. Is it more practical to promote breastfeeding in these families, or is it
more practical to give them information on the ‘best practices’ within the con-
text of what they are already doing (formula feeding, and later, feeding solid
foods and table foods)?

88 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul

We have argued that there are a number of logical behavioral targets for early
obesity prevention, but another caveat that must be added is that early obesity
prevention efforts will not inoculate children against obesity. The initial evi-
dence suggests that early behavioral interventions could help young children
and their families to acquire healthy behaviors and growth healthfully, but in
our current obesogenic environment, the efforts cannot stop there. Perhaps if
coupled with early prevention efforts, school-based obesity interventions will
be more effective. Perhaps early interventions will need to be supplemented
with later family-based interventions. Perhaps some aspects of the broader envi-
ronment will need to change. There are many questions and controversies to
address as we build upon the existing pilot research.
In sum, current obesity rates suggest that prevention efforts are needed as
early as infancy, a period of rapid transitions and developmental instability.
Basic research implicates behavioral targets in different domains, including
infant sleep, feeding to soothe, and the introduction of solids and transitional
feeding, and there is initial evidence from pilot studies in home or pediatric
contexts that it is possible to modify each of these. Next steps will be to expand
upon this research by examining: (1) the pathways through which these efforts
have their effects, (2) which factors seem to have the largest effects on weight,
(3) whether effects are sustained in larger efficacy trials and effectiveness tri-
als, (4) the generalizability of findings across different populations, including
those at high risk, (5) the generalizability of findings within populations (e.g. are
certain effects moderated by infant temperament?), (6) longitudinal data on the
long-term effects of early interventions, and (7) ways to build on infancy inter-
ventions in childhood and beyond. The research on obesity prevention during
infancy is off to a promising start, but this is only the beginning.

Disclosure Statement

The authors declare that no financial or other conflict of interest exists in relation to the
content of the chapter.

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90 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul


Dr. Rosenbaum: In my experience as a teacher and as a pediatrician, I find that a lot

of the things you learn when you are young you forget in adolescence and then recall in
adulthood. Is it possible that this is the case with early interventions? Perhaps the effects
appear later on in life?
Dr. Birch: Yes, I think that’s quite possible, but longitudinal data in humans are
limited. In addition, although evidence shows early effects on outcomes later in life, as in
studies of ‘fetal programming’, there is typically no information about what occurs
between the early life exposures and subsequent outcomes in adulthood. For example,
with respect to the effects of breastfeeding on later obesity risk, no one has investigated
whether diets during childhood and adolescence of breastfed children differ from those
who were formula fed, although this seems likely.
Dr. Goran: I was wondering if you had done any analysis in your new data or other
studies looking at the effect of other maternal exposures. When we have looked at our
Hispanic cohorts, we found that breastfeeding is protective, but interestingly in kids who
are exposed in utero to gestational diabetes that effect is practically wiped out. What
might be responsible for this?
Dr. Birch: Animal model research has shown that maternal obesity, excessive
gestational weight gain, and gestational diabetes can all interact with postnatal exposures
to affect offspring growth and obesity risk. There are also data indicating that the
composition of breast milk and success of breastfeeding are altered in women with
diabetes. Finally, gestational diabetes is often accompanied by elevated maternal weight
status, and excessive weight gain during pregnancy, factors that would predispose the
infant to overweight and increase obesity risk, and these factors could offset any
protective effect of breastfeeding.
Dr. Ard: This is anecdotal, but being a parent of young kids and having their friends
around I am often struck by how parents project their liking or not liking of certain
foods on their children. I wonder, in your studies, are you going to look at the introduction
of new foods? If the mum doesn’t like peas then she is not going to introduce the peas,
and then the next time they are around someone eating peas she is probably going to say
he doesn’t like peas because he has never had peas and she doesn’t like peas.
Dr. Birch: Your observations are consistent with some of the findings from our early
research on the use of repeated exposure to promote acceptance of new foods. In general,
foods that become familiar become preferred over those that are unfamiliar. If parents
don’t like a food, they are probably less likely to have it around, to eat it, or to offer it to
the child, and early experience with tasting foods such as vegetables is essential to
acceptance of these foods. With respect to mothers’ reports of children’s food preferences,
nearly all of the very early research on children’s food preferences relied on maternal
reports. The first thing I did when I began doing research in this area was to develop a
procedure for obtaining preference data directly from young children. As a part of this
work, we looked at the validity of children’s food preferences, and as a part of this
validation, we compared children’s reported preferences with maternal reports of
children’s preferences. We also asked the mothers about their own food preferences and
the results were consistent with your suggestion that mothers may project their own
food likes and dislikes on the child. We found that mothers’ own food preferences
correlated with mothers’ reports of their child’s preferences, but these maternal reports

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy 91

of their children’ preferences were not related to children’s reports of their preferences. It
was children’s reports of preferences, not mothers’ reports that predicted children’s food
Dr. Lovejoy: I think that intervening in pregnancy is incredibly important,
particularly given the epigenetic changes that can occur. But although pregnancy seems
a great time to intervene because the woman is highly motivated and concerned about
the health of her baby, the kinds of effects from behavior change interventions you’d
expect to see are often not observed. For example, we have anecdotal evidence that since
pregnant women know that smoking is bad for their baby, they may simply lie about
their smoking behavior rather than actively seek cessation support. So, although I think
we need to intervene early, I am concerned that if we provide information on food as
well as on smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy, we are just going to get behavioral
suppression, and lack of compliance.
Dr. Birch: You make an excellent point about compliance, and in recent discussions
on the design of interventions, Tom Robinson suggested that to promote compliance,
behavioral interventions need to be inherently motivating and include short-term
incentives as well as more distal incentives, such as reducing obesity risk later in life.
Robinson has had a lot of success in his research on obesity prevention and treatment in
children using this approach. We are trying to do something similar in an RCT that we
are beginning with first-time mothers and infants. Rather than talking about preventing
obesity in their infants, we are promoting the intervention to new parents on the grounds
that it can teach them the parenting skills they need to become effective, responsive
parents. Short-term effects of responsive parenting can include positive effects on
parents and infants. Based on the results of our pilot study, effects include increased
parent self-efficacy, infants who tend to sleep longer, take fewer feedings at night, and
who are less likely to gain excessive weight in the first year of life. The intervention
teaches parents to be appropriately responsive to their baby’s needs, in particular, to
learn to identify infant hunger and to use feeding to soothe only when the infant is
hungry, and to use alternative soothing techniques in response to other distress. I do
think that pregnancy and new parenthood are ‘teachable moments’. However, although
excessive weight gain in infancy is a risk factor for obesity, most new parents are not
particularly concerned about their infant becoming obese. They have more immediate
challenges to deal with! Most are motivated to be good parents, who are able to soothe
and care for their infant, and we think this will help to motivate compliance; time will
tell. There is a large body of evidence that responsive parenting is associated with positive
cognitive, emotional, and health outcomes in children. We are hypothesizing that
another benefit of responsive parenting will be to prevent excessive weight gain in
Dr. Talamini: You mentioned that your pilot study with mothers and infants provided
mothers with soothing strategies. In your current study, will you offer age-appropriate
soothing strategies for alternatives to food?
Dr. Birch: Yes, that’s right; the idea is during the first 3 months to teach them
swaddling and use of white noise, which are effective approaches to soothing and
calming young infants. However, for older infants and young children, swaddling is no
longer effective and other strategies are needed. It’s easy and effective to use palatable
foods to soothe infants and to use food to control older children’s behavior, and parents
need guidance on effective alternatives to the use of food to soothe or control behavior.

92 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul

Dr. Rolls: There must be huge cross-cultural differences in these early practices. Has
anybody been exploring those and tried to tease out what effect they have on eating
Dr. Birch: There are a few classic anthropological studies that have described cultural
differences in feeding practices, but they have not tended to focus on effects on eating
behavior. I am not aware of current research on the topic. In his classic anthropological
work, Robert LeVine reported on differences in parenting practices among cultural
groups in Africa. One of the major points he makes is that parenting practices differ
across groups to the extent that perceived threats to children’s health and well-being
differ. Parenting practices are attempts to protect children from perceived environmental
threats to children’s health. So, for example among groups who experience periodic
famine or food scarcity, parents are concerned that children get enough to eat when food
is available, and they may deliberately ignore hunger and fullness cues in their children,
and overfeeding is common and may include offering food in response to any infant
distress, force-feeding, and offering preferred foods when available. However, although a
major threat to children’s health these days is too much food or too much of the wrong
foods, these traditional feeding practices persist, particularly among low-income groups
at high risk for obesity. In ongoing research, we are finding that these traditional feeding
practices are reported by Pennsylvania WIC mothers, many of whom have probably
lived in environments where food is scarce, at least periodically. If parenting practices
are a response to parents’ perceived threats, then to change these traditional overfeeding
practices, we need to change parents’ perceptions. Simply telling them to use different
strategies won’t be sufficient.
Mrs. Wangsgaard: Have recommendations changed over the years concerning the
order in which solid foods should be introduced? Does it matter in terms of their gut?
Dr. Birch: This is still an area of controversy, perhaps because guidance on order of
introduction of solid foods is not evidence based. However, there is an ongoing multisite
trial that should provide evidence soon.
Dr. Goran: Dr. Rolls, I think you mentioned a good point in terms of cultural
differences. There is pretty good evidence, I think it’s from a national longitudinal study
of growth that the separation of obesity by ethnicity occurs early. We have shown in our
WIC population that an increase in obesity is occurring by age 2 years in Hispanic
children, whereas the increase occurs later in African-American populations.
Dr. Birch: The patterns of early obesity seen in NHANES data differ by gender
between Hispanic and African-American children. To me, this suggests that differences
between Hispanics and African-Americans in feeding practices may be responsible, but
NHANES doesn’t provide any direct evidence on differences in feeding practices. In
particular, among African-Americans, girls are heavier than boys but among Hispanics,
boys are heavier than girls. To me, this seems unlikely to be genetic; it’s very likely that
this difference is culturally driven.
Dr. Finegood: What is your sense about the impact of social media and the Internet
on people’s practices? Is it actually helping or is it creating more confusion? Are people
adopting better practices?
Dr. Birch: In terms of impact, I don’t really know. However, in doing our own search
of what’s out there, we found an amazing number of websites, blogs and YouTube videos
related to infant care and feeding, and these varied greatly in information provided and
in the extent to which they were evidence based. All this information could be very

Starting Early: Obesity Prevention during Infancy 93

confusing to new parents; being a new parent is challenging, and parents are looking for
information. We found lots of information on some topics but little on others. For
example, while there is conflicting guidance across sources about introducing solids,
there is very little guidance on bottle feeding. We found limited guidance on how much
to offer infants of various ages or on how to select appropriate bottles and nipples for
infants of different ages/stages. Choosing appropriate bottles and nipples is important
because although breastfeeding requires that the infant is an active participant, a bottle-
fed infant can be more passive, and it is easy to overfeed a bottle-fed infant. Parents need
guidance to recognize hunger and fullness in their infant, and to use these infant cues
during feeding.

94 Birch · Anzman-Frasca · Paul

New Directions for Prevention
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 95–112,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior:

Why Poverty and Obesity Are Linked
Adam Drewnowski
Nutritional Sciences Program and the Center for Public Health Nutrition, School of Public Health,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Obesity in the United States does not affect all segments of the population equally. It is
more prevalent in deprived neighborhoods and among groups with lower education and
incomes. Inequitable access to healthy foods is one mechanism by which socioeconomic
factors can influence food choice behaviors, overall diet quality, and bodyweight. Having
a supermarket in the immediate neighborhood has been linked to better diets and to
lower obesity rates. However, the affordability of healthy foods may have more of an
impact on food patterns than does distance to the nearest store. Grains, added sugars,
and added fats are inexpensive, good-tasting, and convenient. Their consumption has
been linked to lower quality diets, lower diet costs, and lower socioeconomic status. By
contrast, the recommended healthier diets not only cost more but were consumed by
more affluent groups. New techniques of spatial analysis are a promising approach to
mapping obesity rates and linking them with measures of socioeconomic status based on
diverse social and economic aspects of the built environment. Low residential property
values predicted bodyweights of women better than did either education or incomes.
Shopping in low-cost supermarkets was another powerful predictor of bodyweight.
Bodyweight gain may be best predicted not by any one nutrient, food or beverage but by
low diet cost. Higher obesity rates in poor neighborhoods may be the toxic consequence
of economic insecurity. Alleviating poverty may be the best, if not the only, way to stop
the obesity epidemic. Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel


The obesity epidemic in the United States has been linked to the changing food
environment. Studies have linked rising obesity rates with a growing consump-
tion of energy-dense foods, sweetened beverages, and selected dietary ingredi-
ents [1, 2]. Much research attention has focused on the consumption of added
sugars and fats and on the role of snacks, beverages, fast foods, large portion
sizes, and eating away from home. However, pinpointing which dietary factors
are directly responsible for obesity has proved difficult. Food patterns are the
result of complex interactions between the person and the social and economic
environment [3]. Although individual behavior is clearly involved, diet qual-
ity is reliably predicted by education, occupation, incomes and by other, often
unobserved, indices of social class.
Obesity rates in the US are not equally distributed across all social strata
[4]. Instead, higher rates are observed among some minorities and groups with
lower education and incomes [1, 4, 5]. Minorities and the poor are clearly at a
disadvantage when it comes to the adoption of healthier eating habits [6]. Local
disparities in access to healthy foods may be one problem. Studies on ‘food des-
erts’ [7] have shown that lower income neighborhoods attracted more fast-food
outlets and convenience stores as opposed to full-service supermarkets [8]. By
contrast, wealthier areas had access to better restaurants, fresher produce, and
more opportunities for physical activity.
Socioeconomic variables, including those in the built environment, have a
profound impact on bodyweights and health [9, 10]. Yet, greater distance to the
nearest supermarket may not fully explain why obesity rates are much higher in
poor neighborhoods [7]. That explanation may involve food affordability and
food cost. Simply put, on a per calorie basis, grains, fats and sweets cost less,
whereas many healthier and more nutrient-dense foods cost more [1, 11]. In
recent analyses of US federal data sets, higher quality diets were associated with
higher per calorie diet costs, and were more likely to be consumed by wealth-
ier and better-educated persons [12]. In other studies, the observed influence
of socioeconomic status (SES) variables on diet quality, so often attributed to
nutrition education, was partly explained by diet cost [13].
Obesity research in the US has steered clear of the complex issues of pov-
erty and social class, preferring to deal with individual-level genetics, metabo-
lism, physiology, or behavior. One concern has been that if obesity becomes a
problem of the disadvantaged and the poor, it will no longer command national
attention. However, effective obesity prevention and treatment strategies criti-
cally depend on knowing the environmental context of the national obesity
epidemic. Knowing who is most likely to become obese, where and why, is an
essential prerequisite to designing effective strategies for obesity prevention and

Poverty and Obesity Are Linked

Obesity rates in the US are linked inversely to education and incomes [4].
However, the observed socioeconomic gradient has not been very steep and,
other than for white women, not always readily apparent. Some researchers

96 Drewnowski
have emphasized that obesity trajectories were similar for all groups, with
obesity rates increasing steadily in both sexes, across all ages and races, and at
all incomes and educational levels [4]. By contrast, others have noted diver-
gent trajectories and a growing social gap in obesity rates among children.
Whereas obesity rates among children from the highest SES group declined
between 2003 and 2007, children from the lowest SES group continued to gain
weight [5].
Measuring the social gradient in health and bodyweight presents many
challenges. Whether past education and current income measures adequately
capture the multiple aspects of SES is unclear. Several researchers believe that
these two measures are insufficient to explain the observed influence of social
position on long-term bodyweight [14, 15]. Some have tried to supplement the
existing measures with new metrics of economic insecurity and with measures
of area-based deprivation versus long-term wealth.
Geographic mapping of obesity rates at a sufficiently fine geographic scale
offers new insights into the social and economic determinants of health [16].
Existing approaches to mapping obesity rates by state, county, or metropolitan
area tend to obscure SES distinctions by neighborhood. Whereas state- and
county-level obesity maps issued by the Centers for Disease Control are well
known, fewer studies have mapped obesity rates by political districts, health
planning areas, zip codes, census tracts or by neighborhoods. Where such data
do exist, the link between high-obesity and high-poverty census tracts becomes
more apparent.
Figure 1 shows the joint distribution of obesity and 150% poverty by census
tract for Seattle King County. Although King County is reputed to be healthy
overall, the local disparities in obesity rates by census tract ranged from 5 to
over 30%, a 6-fold difference. The map also makes it clear that high poverty and
obesity rates shared the same geographic location.
One problem with area-based data is that the links between obesity and
the built environment depend on the type of geographic aggregation and may
require complex multilevel analysis. Whereas data on poverty and wealth at the
census tract level can be readily obtained from the US Census, health and weight
data at that level of geographic resolution are exceedingly rare. As a result, we
still have an imprecise understanding of the spatial distribution of obesity and
its links to poverty and social disadvantage.
New techniques of spatial analysis may help remedy this problem. The geoc-
oding of addresses of health survey respondents allows for more sophisticated
spatial analyses of obesity at the individual level [16, 17]. For example, the
addresses of participants in the Seattle Obesity Study (SOS) were geocoded to
the centroid of the home parcel using the 2008 King County Assessor parcel
data. Geocoding followed standard methods in ArcGIS, version 9.3.1. Spatial
cluster detection analyses were then used to identify significant obesity clus-
ters in lower income neighborhoods. Relevant neighborhood features included

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 97

Obesity and Snohomish country
poverty (150%)
Obese <25; pov<10
Obese <25; pov 10–19
Obese <25; pov≥20
Obese ≥25; pov<10
Obese ≥25; pov 10–19
Obese ≥25; pov≥20

km 0 5


Group health cooperative

Pierce country king country census, tract

Fig. 1. Joint geographic distribution of obesity (BMI >30) and 150% poverty rates in
Seattle King County by census tract.

residential property values, residential density, traffic volume, density of fast

food and quick service, intersection density, density of broad-selection food
stores and access to parks and trails. SmartMaps, created by the Urban Form
Lab, transformed these neighborhood features into spatially continuous val-
ues for each study participant, without any need for geographic aggregation.

98 Drewnowski
In other words, studies of the impact of neighborhood variables on bodyweights
and health can now be conducted at the individual level.
Residential property values became the variable of most interest, given that
home equity for most Americans represents the bulk of their wealth. Obtained
from county tax rolls, property values for study respondents may be a more
accurate measure of individual socioeconomic position than provided by
either education or income [16]. Based on objective tax data, rather than on
self-report, residential property values provide an additional link to neighbor-
hood resources, including access to food sources and local opportunities for
physical activity.
Spatial analyses, based on individual-level metrics of the built environ-
ment offer a new way to map the geographic distribution of obesity and health
behaviors across neighborhoods [17–19]. Such methods also permit a new
look at the social, economic and environmental determinants of obesity and
self-reported health. In the SOS, consistent inverse associations were obtained
between obesity and low residential property values [17]. In analyses based on
standard regression models, residential property values were the best predictor
of bodyweight of women, adjusting for individual-level education and incomes.
In contrast, and consistent with other data, property values had no impact on
bodyweights of men.
The disparity in obesity rates among women by property values was more
than 3-fold (300%). By contrast, the observed disparities in obesity rates by
race/ethnicity, education, or incomes are normally in the order of no more than
20–50%. Property values are a potentially useful and novel metric of wealth for
health studies. These new measures point to a strong social gradient in obesity
rates across neighborhoods.

Access to Healthy Foods: Proximity or Price?

Having a supermarket in the immediate neighborhood is reported to affect diet

quality, bodyweight, and other health outcomes. Studies have noted that people
living in low-income or minority communities had limited access to full-service
supermarkets and to grocery stores selling healthful foods. Some of those studies
were conducted in Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Los Angeles county,
areas often characterized by racial segregation, poor housing and inadequate
food supply.
Much of the existing research on obesity and access to healthy foods has
relied on two assumptions, both of which may hold for some cities but not oth-
ers [20]. Lacking data on where people actually shopped for food, researchers
were forced to assume that most food shopping was done within the immediate
neighborhood. Studies on the food environment and heath were then able to
correlate the density of supermarkets or fast food restaurants in a given area with

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 99

measures of diets and health in the same area. Some studies used the street net-
work distance to calculate the distance between the nearest supermarket and the
participant’s home. In many such studies, physical distance between the home
and the nearest supermarket was associated with healthier eating, lower body
mass index values, and with lower rates of obesity and diabetes. Those studies
became the principal research underpinning for many policies related to obesity
prevention at the community level. Although the assumption about local food
sourcing may have been correct, especially for people lacking transport, none
of those studies had any information as to where people actually shopped for
There was a further reason why distance to the nearest full-service supermar-
ket was the presumed predictor of diet quality. Here, the underlying assumption
was that only supermarkets offered healthful foods, including fresh produce, at
affordable prices. Even though supermarket prices can vary across store chains,
as do client demographics, few studies looked for differences within the super-
market category by food quality or price.
The SOS was the first to address food shopping destinations and to iden-
tify those supermarkets and grocery stores that study participants reported as
their primary food sources [20]. First, the locations of all food sources, includ-
ing supermarkets were geo-coded, as indicated in figure 2. The geocoding of
home addresses and food shopping destinations permitted the calculation of
network distances between the participants’ homes, the nearest supermarket,
and the supermarket that was their primary food source.
First, only 1 in 7 study respondents shopped at the nearest supermarket.
Second, the distance from home to the nearest supermarket had no impact on
obesity rates. Distance to the supermarket identified as the primary food source
was also unrelated to obesity rates. These Seattle-based findings ran counter to
the previous research consensus that physical proximity to supermarkets had
a major influence on diets and health. That was clearly not the case in Seattle,
where most people, admittedly, shopped by car [20, 21].
Characterizing supermarkets by price can help provide additional insights
into the economic mechanisms behind the observed disparities in bodyweight.
The Seattle supermarkets were assigned to three price categories, high, medium
and low, based on the average cost of the market basket of 100 representative
foods. The question asked was whether supermarket proximity or price would
be more strongly associated with obesity rates, adjusting for individual-level
demographics, education and income.
The results were dramatic. Shopping at low-price supermarkets was asso-
ciated with far higher obesity rates (27%) than shopping at high-price super-
markets (9%), another 3-fold difference. The supermarket effect was significant
even after adjusting for the standard individual-level SES variables, education
and incomes [20]. The data suggest that supermarket selection, driven by food
prices, may be another understudied aspect of SES.

100 Drewnowski
Kernel density of grocery stores

Fig. 2. Distribution of grocery stores in Seattle King County. Store clusters are identified
using Kernel Density analysis.

The SOS data run counter to the overwhelming consensus is that physical
proximity to supermarkets has a major influence on diet quality and health. In
the SOS sample, most people did not shop in the immediate neighborhood, such
that mere physical proximity to a store was not an accurate index of exposure.
Furthermore, it appeared that the poor and the wealthy shopped farther than
absolutely necessary, going up to three miles beyond the nearest store. The inter-
pretation was that lower income groups drove farther in search of food bargains,
whereas the wealthy drove to more expensive destination stores more commen-
surate with their SES.
These Seattle-based data need replicating in cities with different patterns of
food shopping. Arguably, communities may be vulnerable to obesity and chronic
disease not because the nearest supermarket is more than a mile away, but

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 101

400 Fats and oils

Grains Dry beans, legumes, nuts, seeds

Energy density (kcal/100 g) 300
Sugars, sweets, beverages
Meat, poultry, fish
200 Milk and milk products



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Mean cost/100 kcal (USD/100 kcal)

Fig. 3. Relation between energy density (kcal/100 g) and energy cost (USD/100 kcal)
denoting the relative positions of the different food groups. Median data by group are
from US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies
(FNDDS 2.0).

because healthy food choice is not always the most affordable choice. Systematic
efforts to improve diet quality by improving access to healthful foods will need
to take economic inequalities into account.

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior

Food choices are made on the basis of taste, cost, convenience, health and variety
[22]. Taste refers to the sensory appeal of foods, such as palatability, aroma, and
texture. The concepts of taste and energy density are intertwined, since the most
energy-dense foods are usually the most palatable and vice versa. Energy density
of foods is defined as energy per unit weight or volume (MJ/kg) [23, 24]. Cost
refers to the purchase cost per unit of energy (USD/10 MJ) or the purchase cost of
a daily diet (USD/day). Convenience refers to the time spent on buying, preparing,
and cooking food. Variety refers to the innate drive to secure a varied diet, whereas
health refers to concerns with nutrition, chronic disease, and bodyweight.
The low cost and high palatability of energy-dense foods could help explain
why higher obesity rates are found among lower income groups [23, 24]. Grains,
fats and sweets are good-tasting, satisfying, accessible, and convenient. In general,
grains, fats and sweets cost less per calorie than do lean meats, vegetables and fruit
(fig. 3). Clinical and laboratory studies suggest that energy-dense foods have a
lower satiating power, and may lead to passive overeating and weight gain.
For those reasons, rising obesity rates have been blamed on the food envi-
ronment. Energy-dense diets, increasing portion sizes and the consumption of

102 Drewnowski
fast foods, snacks and beverages have all been linked at one time or another
to obesity risk. Again, physiological mechanisms regulating food intake were
generally thought to be at fault. Whereas some studies suggested that humans
failed to compensate for calories in liquids, other studies invoked incomplete
compensation for solid energy-dense foods.
By contrast, there has been relatively less research emphasis on the obese per-
sons’ economic environment. With the exception of studies on healthy food pat-
terns conducted by the US Department of Agriculture [25], US-based research
on diet cost in relation to health outcomes is very limited [11, 12, 26]. Existing
studies, some based on econometric modeling, do suggest that constraints on
food expenditures may contribute to the obesity epidemic, especially among
lower income groups. One hypothesis, grounded in the economics of food choice
behavior, is that individual weight gain is best predicted not so much by the con-
sumption of any one food or any one nutrient but by low overall diet cost.

The Cost of Eating Healthy

Diet quality, both in the US and elsewhere, is a function of SES. It is well known
that older and wealthier consumers have higher quality, healthier, and more var-
ied diets, with more high-quality meats, seafood, vegetables and fruit [24]. In
contrast, lower income households tend to select diets with lower cost meats,
inexpensive grains, and more added sugars and fats. The observed influence of
SES on diet quality may be explained, in part, by diet cost.
In the SOS, usual dietary intakes of a representative sample of 1,295 adults
in King County (WA) were assessed based on a food frequency question-
naire [13]. Energy density (kcal/100 g) was calculated using food composition
tables. The monetary value of individual diets was estimated using local retail
supermarket prices for 384 foods. A column of prices in USD/100 g edible
portion was added to the nutrient composition database. Local prices were
attached to 384 FFQ component foods. Prices were obtained for those foods
that were most frequently consumed and for the lower cost options, includ-
ing frozen and canned foods. The underlying assumption in calculating diet
costs was that all foods were purchased at retail and then prepared and con-
sumed at home. Analogous assumptions are made by the US Department of
Agriculture in calculating the cost of healthful diets, including the Thrifty
Food Plan [25].
Mean cost per edible portion of food was calculated, after adjusting for prepa-
ration and waste, and was used to estimate the cost of daily diet. Nutrient quality
of the diet was based on nutrients of concern as identified by the 2005 Dietary
Guidelines: fiber, vitamins A, C and E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. The
more costly diets were associated with a higher consumption of fruit and veg-
etables and with lower consumption of grains, fats and sweets, after adjusting

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 103

for energy. Regression analyses showed that intakes of the 7 nutrients and the
overall nutrient density of the diet were significantly associated with higher diet
Both diet quality and diet cost were then directly linked to the participants’
SES. Overall diet quality, as measured by nutrient density scores, was signif-
icantly higher for the highest education group than for the lowest education
group. However, higher quality diets were also more expensive. Estimated diet
cost for the highest education group was USD 1.09/day higher than for the low-
est group (USD 9.28 vs. USD 8.19, p trend <0.001). Similar cost trends were
observed across income strata. These SES-related differences in diet quality
were attenuated once diet cost was introduced into the model.
The impact of SES on weights and health is thought to be mediated by diet
quality [26]. One interpretation of the observed social gradient has been that
higher SES groups have more nutrition knowledge. The present findings shifted
the focus from education to the affordability of healthy foods: the observed dis-
parities in diet quality by SES were partly explained by the fact that healthier
diets cost more. The higher cost of adopting a healthy diet may pose a barrier
to dietary change and may contribute to the observed social disparities in body-
weights and health.
Such profound disparities may not be remedied by small shifts in income or
by minor manipulation of food prices. A USDA study showed that low-income
households spent about USD 1.43 less per person per week on fruit and veg-
etables, as compared to higher income households. Whereas higher income
households did increase fruit and vegetable consumption following an increase
in income, lower income households did not. One interpretation is that fruit
and vegetables were not a priority and that low-income households chose to
spend limited resources on more essential items such as meat, clothing, or rent.

Why Poverty and Obesity Are Causally Linked

A systems approach that incorporates diets, lifestyles and environmental factors

is clearly required to deal with the obesity epidemic. To date, obesity prevention
and treatment strategies still focus on the individual [27]. Food-seeking behav-
iors of obese persons continue to be viewed through the prism of physiology
and medicine. Excess consumption of added sugars and added fats has been
explained using such concepts as satiety deficits and passive overeating. The
consumption of sweets and desserts has been explained in terms of an addictive
personality, stress, depression, and seeking comfort in high-fat foods. Frequent
consumption of palatable sweets and fats has been explained through the mech-
anisms of ‘cravings’ and neurotransmitter imbalance.
The present hypothesis is that the observed links between poverty and obe-
sity are largely economic. What refined grains, added sugars and added fats have

104 Drewnowski
in common is their low cost. Diets of lower income households provide cheap,
concentrated energy from fat, sugar, cereals, potatoes and meat products – but
offer little in the way of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Low-income con-
sumers are more likely to live in areas with limited access to healthier foods
and to be users of fast-food as opposed to full-service restaurants. The failure
to select healthy diets has been explained in terms of economic conditions that
include limited physical access to supermarkets and grocery stores and the time
spent commuting to work.
There is accumulating evidence that obesity tends to cluster in poorer neigh-
borhoods. Going beyond education and incomes, the SOS examined the influ-
ence of neighborhood type, property values, and supermarket choice on the
participants’ bodyweight. Preliminary analyses suggest that SES variables were
extremely powerful and were more strongly linked to obesity than were diet-
related variables. In other words, the new measures of SES accounted for more
variance in obesity rates than did energy density or the macronutrient composi-
tion of the diet.
Adopting a healthy diet may pose an economic as well as a behavioral chal-
lenge. Some of the current strategies for obesity prevention do not recognize
that healthier diets can cost more. Some years ago, the NIH Obesity Education
Initiative advised obese patients to look for guavas, persimmons, star fruit, kiwi,
and papaya as opposed to bologna and American cheese. Dietary Guidelines
2010 [27] recommended a healthful assortment of foods that included vegeta-
bles, fruit, whole grains, low-fat milk products, and fish, lean meat, poultry or
beans. The 2010 Guidelines further emphasized foods that were unprocessed,
fresh, and contained little sodium and no added sugars and fats. It is a matter
of some concern that those obesity prevention strategies are largely based on
recommending high-income diets to low-income people.
Studies conducted in Australia, Canada, and the EU contrast with the pre-
vailing US view that healthful diets do not represent any additional expendi-
ture to the consumer. In a French study, diets with a higher content of vitamins
and minerals were associated with higher diet costs. In fact, lower energy
density and higher nutrient density were each independently associated with
higher energy adjusted diet costs. In other modeling studies, based on linear
programming, attempting to reduce daily diet costs without taking diet qual-
ity into account led to energy-dense diets composed of grains and sweets that
were similar to those already consumed by lower income groups. Although
spending more does not assure a good diet, reducing diet costs below a certain
minimum virtually assures that the resulting diet will be energy rich but nutri-
ent poor.
Based on recent analyses of federal data sets, evidence is emerging that higher
quality diets as measured by the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) cost more. Higher
HEI scores were associated with higher diet costs, higher incomes, more educa-
tion, and with lower rates of obesity.

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 105

The Economics of Obesity

Economic and food policy interventions at the national and international lev-
els are the most promising approach to obesity prevention. The UK Foresight
Report [28] outlined a multisector multilevel strategy that involved all branches
of government. However, stemming the obesity epidemic cannot be sepa-
rated from stemming the tide of poverty. The rising obesity rates may reflect
the increasingly unequal distributions of incomes and wealth [29]. Evidence is
emerging that obesity in America is a largely economic issue.


This work was supported by NIH grants DK076608 and DK085406.

Disclosure Statement

The author declares that no financial or other conflict of interest exists in relation to the
content of the chapter.

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Dr. Finegood: I think the take-home message I just got is that if I am poor, I should
still try to own a home and shop at Whole Foods so I don’t have the money to eat, is that
Dr. Drewnowski: No.
Dr. Finegood: Obviously, I am being a bit facetious.
Dr. Drewnowski: We found that people’s attitudes towards healthy food were the
most important predictor of diet quality. If people wanted their diets to be healthy, then
they had more nutrient-dense diets, regardless of where they shopped. In other words, it
is possible to select nutrient-dense foods even within a low-cost supermarket. We are
now doing second-level analyses trying to determine whether or not health-related
attitudes determine food choices within the supermarket at all levels of income.

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 107

Dr. Finegood: There are a couple of things that are interesting here, such as the 8-fold
difference in obesity rates by supermarket. But there is not an 8-fold difference in the
cost of food in those supermarkets. The question is: now that you have this detailed
ability to look at the spatial relationships, have you tried to look at low-income
neighborhoods that are in closer proximity to high-income neighborhoods versus the
ones that are not? Even if you do not have money, but live in proximity to a high-income
neighborhood, will you be in better shape?
Dr. Drewnowski: We have a grant from the National Institutes of Health to set up a
longitudinal cohort for a study of food shopping, obesity, and weight gain. We are doing
address-based sampling stratified by ranges of property values. That will allow us to look
at residential locations that are of comparable value but far apart, and those that are close
together in space but very different in value. In Seattle, people of different SES who live
in homes with different property values can live in neighborhoods in close proximity to
each other. They may even be using the same neighborhood shops and other resources.
We plan to attach GPS tracking devices to 400 people in our longitudinal cohort to flag
where people shop and where they eat. We want to find out where in the neighborhood
the calories are coming from on a regular basis. We want to know where our subjects get
their food, how they schedule their supermarket trips, and whether they eat or shop on
the way to or from work or school.
Dr. Bray: Do you have any information about their history of SES? For example, if
someone grew up poor, but is now educated and wealthier, will they still have the profile
of a poor person?
Dr. Drewnowski: We do not have enough power in our sample to test this hypothesis.
We have data on length of residence at the current address, age, and education, so we
might be able to figure it out. We found that the leanest people in our sample were
women who lived in expensive homes and did not work. We are trying to figure out how
SES variables affect food choices.
Dr. Warshaw: You have this sample of Seattle, but how generalizable do you think
this is?
Dr. Drewnowski: Seattle is not typical of the US, but neither is Detroit or New
Orleans, where a lot of the data on food deserts came from. We are conscious of the
potential differences between the cities, because in Seattle people even from low-income
households had access to a car, even those living in a food desert. Our subjects mostly
shopped in a supermarket once a week; that supermarket was 10 min drive or less. Some
people went much farther to big wholesalers, but they went once a month. So, we do
have data on the frequency of grocery shopping and distance to the store; we have the
demographic profiles of the shoppers, and we know who goes to wholesalers versus
high-end grocery stores. There is so much more to know about food shopping and the
local context. Even though our data are for Seattle and not the US, our techniques could
be applied to other cities in the US. For example, I would expect to find similar
distributions of obesity rates in rich versus poor neighborhoods. We are also doing
studies of food shopping in Seattle versus Paris.
Dr. Ochoa: Is the individual of a high economic class more obese now than 30 years
ago or 60 years ago? We know that there have been changes in different geographic
regions of the world in what people eat, how they live, and what they die of.
Dr. Drewnowski: The patterns of obesity and disparity are different as well. It is the
lower income groups in the US who are more obese and the higher income groups who

108 Drewnowski
are less obese. This pattern is reversed in developing countries. For minorities in the US,
things become more complicated because in some cases the more affluent minority
numbers are more likely to be overweight or obese. There is also the issue of obesity
trajectories, and here opinions vary. In the US, obesity data seem to show that all SES
groups are getting obese at the same rate, so that all the trajectories are rising in parallel.
Data from Europe suggest, to the contrary, that the social disparities are actually
increasing. So whom do you believe? In France and in other countries, the poor are
becoming obese but the rich are not, or not nearly as fast. So the divergence by SES
between the US and the EU is interesting, I am not sure what the final word is. The
consensus in the US seems to be that everyone is getting more overweight at the same
Dr. Johnson-Askew: Have you had an opportunity to look at those people in your
region that are poorer, or look at those who own their home versus those who do not?
The other question is whether you have adjusted for fast food density in your study.
Dr. Drewnowski: We have data on lower income groups. Lower income households
live in areas with lower property values, and we can track those by their geographic
location. Seattle is not particularly segregated, so that low-income areas cannot be
associated with any particular race or ethnicity. We do have geocoded data on the
locations and the density of fast foods. We can also distinguish between the fast food
restaurants that were closest to our participants’ homes and the ones that they actually
went to on a regular basis. The two were not the same. The fast food restaurants that
were actually frequented were not even in the immediate neighborhoods. So that is very
interesting from the standpoint of public policy. The current strategies to build more
supermarkets and take fast foods away are all based on the premise that people shop and
eat near where they live. That may not be the case. People make shopping and eating
decisions for many reasons. Physical proximity is just one of them.
Dr. Oppert: If I understand correctly, you don’t believe in the food desert concept.
Dr. Drewnowski: No, I don’t believe in food deserts in Seattle. I am prepared to
believe that the concept of food deserts is very real in places like New Orleans after
Katrina or in Detroit, especially if people have to walk to get the food. It’s just that in
Seattle, with our distribution of food sources and our study population, we did not see
that. We have submitted a manuscript where we added the transportation component
and car ownership to the definition of food deserts – currently thought of as census
tracts with low income and distance of more than a mile to the nearest supermarket. We
added the mode of transportation: food deserts expand or shrink depending on whether
you walk, bike, take the bus, or drive. So, if you walk, there will be places where the
nearest supermarket is more than 10 min away. But if you bike, take public transport or
go in a car, then pretty much every residential address in Seattle can access a supermarket
within 10 min. It may not be the right supermarket but there is a supermarket.
Dr. Oppert: You also showed that some fast food outlets were clustered.
Dr. Drewnowski: Driving influences development.
Dr. Oppert: So, don’t you feel that we are just following what people have done when
they have built these food outlets along the major roads?
Dr. Drewnowski: Most of the fast food restaurants were clustered along big arterial
roads in a ribbon pattern and did not necessarily target middle schools or low-income
areas. Restaurants, including fast foods, tend to locate where the people are, which is
something that people in the business world already know about. The location of food

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 109

sources depends on traffic patterns and on arterial roads. I should mention that we in
Seattle are very lucky. We do have a number of low-cost ethnic restaurants and some
local food markets, so the food supply is good. From that standpoint, Seattle is not a
typical place, but we think it is representative of the US.
Dr. Rolls: Do you know if food assistance programs have any impact on these
Dr. Drewnowski: That’s what we hope to address in the follow-up study. In our first
sample, we didn’t have enough people on food assistance to be able to come to any conclusions.
I can’t answer that question based on existing data from the Seattle Obesity Study.
Dr. Rolls: Do you have food intake data?
Dr. Drewnowski: Yes we do. We have food frequency questionnaire data for
everybody. We have also attached food prices to the food frequency questionnaires so
that we can estimate diet cost.
Dr. Rolls: So, the people who want to eat a healthier diet are choosing healthier foods.
Are they spending more, and if they are spending more where are they getting the
Dr. Drewnowski: Our estimates of diet cost showed that healthier diets did cost more.
People who wanted to eat a healthier diet had higher quality diets, and those diets did
cost more. So, it was just a relative change in spending on food.
Dr. Rolls: So, you don’t know where they would get the money to spend more?
Dr. Drewnowski: These were relative differences across SES strata. Some people did
not mind spending more money to get better foods. In fact, spending more money on
food is not a bad idea, given the high cost of medical care and other consequences of
poor diets. Another thing is that although healthier diets are normally more expensive,
they don’t have to be more expensive. There were people in our sample who were eating
nutrient-dense diets at low cost, and we are trying to find out who they were and what
they were doing right. That is because the relation between nutrient quality and diet cost
is highly variable; whereas some people seem to get good nutrition value for their dollar,
others do not.
Dr. Jakicic: It’s interesting that you know the different grocery chains. We have all
been in these various chains, and we know their different layouts as you go in. Is it the
food selection, is it what they offer, or do you think there are major differences in how
Safeway is laid out compared to Whole Foods? There may be differences in terms of
what is at the end of the aisle, what is at the eye level versus what is on the bottom shelf.
I know that, at least in our place, the brands pay the grocery chain to have their products
in a better location. I wonder: is there a difference in marketing that may help to explain
some of this?
Dr. Drewnowski: Usually supermarkets are laid out in the same way, with processed
foods in the middle and fruits and vegetables and meat and dairy on the perimeter. The
dietary strategy to: ‘shop the perimeter’ is deservedly popular, because that is where the
most nutrient dense foods are. We are actually doing a project with the art school to map
the nutrient density of foods by supermarket aisle. If you want cheap sources of
potassium, which aisle do you go to? Do you go toward the aisle with the canned fish or
toward the vegetables, or the fruits, or the potatoes? We need to know how shoppers use
the supermarket layout once they are inside.
What’s interesting here is that some supermarkets were shopping destinations
whereas other were not. People would drive for miles to go to a specific supermarket,

110 Drewnowski
bypassing many others on the way, so there must have been something special about
those stores. I think that every supermarket would like to distinguish itself in some way
and become the preferred shopping destination for people coming in from all over the
place. We were able to create some interesting shopping polygons to map each
supermarket’s service area. We found that adjoining supermarkets could serve customers
of very different SES.
Dr. Barclay: I am trying to understand why low-income populations are choosing
not only cheaper but also less healthy foods. Is it about education? Should supermarkets
help people to monitor their health? Should the processed food industry focus on
improving the nutritional quality of lower cost foods?
Dr. Drewnowski: It was not all about money. There were people who were going to
low-cost supermarkets but who were still selecting a nutritious diet. There are other
aspects of culture, lifestyles and attitudes that affect food selection. Whether the answer
lies in education, health promotion, price interventions, supermarket interventions, or
food fortification, I can’t tell you at this point.
Whatever the best solutions to obesity prevention are, they need to come from the
ground up and be a part of a systems approach. Grassroots initiatives are better than
government-imposed taxation, prohibition, or legislation. Something has to happen to
shape consumer behavior for the better. In our research, we are just beginning to
delineate food shopping behavior. I know that the easy answer is to build more
supermarkets, but bringing a supermarket half a mile closer may not affect shopping or
eating behavior all that much.
Dr. St. Jeor: This is fascinating data, and how it comes together is quite complex. I
was just curious if you are working with the food industry. What about commercial
development done by city planners because they must be ahead of this in one way or
another? And finally, how do you plan to interpret your findings to benefit the obese or
the non-obese population?
Dr. Drewnowski: We have not worked with a supermarket chain on this research
project, but I think that will come. We do work with researchers in architecture and in
urban planning and with the local transportation people and with the Seattle city
planners. That is our new audience in the area of obesity prevention. We are interested in
working with supermarkets and grocery stores as potential partners in fighting the
obesity epidemic. National statistics show that 62% of calories in the diet of adults were
purchased in a grocery store. By contrast, the amount of calories supplied by fast foods
or vending machines is very small. National statistics also show that 72% of added sugars
are purchased in a grocery store. Supermarkets and grocery stores are the main sources
of calories for obese and lean people.
Dr. St. Jeor: But do you have a plan? How can you put some of your findings into
action to help with this problem?
Dr. Drewnowski: Our research relates to food systems and food policy. It tells us that
looking at food retail is very important. Showing where the calories are coming from is
an important and overlooked component. The environmental and socioeconomic
factors can also supplement the data on the physiology of obesity that we already have.
In the systems approach, everything is interconnected. There are many leverage points
that can be used to improve diets.
Dr. Finegood: I am still stuck on that 8-fold difference in obesity rates by supermarket
chain, and I am wondering whether the obese people who live in high-income

The Economics of Food Choice Behavior 111

neighborhoods go out of their way to find a grocery store where they are going to feel
more comfortable because there is a social norm for obesity?
Dr. Drewnowski: We can look at that. We have data on obese persons in lean
neighborhoods and lean persons in obese neighborhoods. You may think that an obese
person in a lean neighborhood may be more stressed because their bodyweight does not
correspond to the norm for their census tract or their immediate neighborhood or zip
Dr. Finegood: Do they go out of their way to shop where they are going to feel more
at home?
Dr. Drewnowski: That could be. But in Seattle, upper income people lived farther
away from any kind of food store and were thinner. So, the distance to the store was not
a major determinant of bodyweight.

112 Drewnowski
New Directions for Prevention
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 113–121,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

The Importance of the Food and

Physical Activity Environments
Jean-Michel Opperta,b ⭈ Hélène Charreireb,c
University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Department of Nutrition, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP),
Center for Research on Human Nutrition Ile-de-France (CRNH IdF), Paris, bUREN, INSERM U557/INRA
U1125/CNAM/University of Paris 13/CRNH IdF, Bobigny, cLab-Urba, Urbanism Institute of Paris,
University of Paris Est-Créteil, Paris, France

There is increasing interest in identifying characteristics of neighborhood environments
(physical, social, economical) that might favor unhealthy dietary and physical activity pat-
terns leading to excess weight at population level. Measurement of characteristics of the
physical environment in relation to food and physical activity has greatly improved in
recent years. Methods based on assessment of perceptions by residents of their neigh-
borhood or on objective assessment of the actual built environment (such as provided by
Geographic Information Systems tools) would benefit to be combined. A number of
recent systematic reviews have updated our knowledge on relationships of food and
physical activity environments with relevant behaviors and obesity. Available evidence
appears to show more consistent evidence of association between built environment
characteristics related to physical activity (‘walkability’ indices, land use mix, variety of
transports. . .) with physical activity behavior than with weight status. In contrast, built
environment characteristics related to food habits (accessibility to different types of food
outlets, availability of healthy foods. . .) would be more consistently associated with
weight status than with eating behavior. The need for data from different countries and
cultures is emphasized, as much as the importance of transdisciplinary research efforts for
translation of these findings into our living environment.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel


The development of socioecological models of health behaviors in the last two

decades [1] has promoted environmental factors as key players in our thinking
about obesity prevention and treatment [2]. For example, integrated maps about
obesity development emphasize the potential role of ‘activity environment’
alongside ‘individual activity’ as major clusters of interest in systems thinking
on obesity [3]. There is therefore increasing interest in identifying the character-
istics of neighborhood or local environments (physical, social, economical) that
might favor unhealthy dietary and physical activity patterns leading to excess
weight and obesity at the population level.
Our focus in this paper will be on the potential influence of the characteris-
tics of the living environment (social, built), with a special emphasis on physical
and infrastructural aspects. Dietary behavior may indeed be modified by spatial
accessibility to food items through the patterns of implantation of various types
of food outlets and services. Similarly, physical activity behavior may be influ-
enced by access to recreational or sports facilities, green spaces or parks as well
as transport infrastructures and land use [4]. Access has been recognized how-
ever as a complex construct that associates different dimensions such as avail-
ability (number, density of outlets), proximity (referring to distance and travel),
diversity (referring to the types of services available) as much as affordability
[5]. This applies to the concept of access in general but also to access to services
related to eating or physical activity habits.
In the following text, we would like to briefly address some issues related to
(1) the measurement of food and physical activity environments, (2) the cur-
rent knowledge on the relations of attributes of the environment with behav-
iors and weight status, and (3) the possible implications for interventions and

Assessment of Relevant Attributes of the Food and Physical Activity


Measurement of characteristics of the physical environment potentially related

to eating and physical activity habits has greatly improved in recent years. A
number of methods are currently used, based either on assessment of the per-
ceptions by individual residents of their neighborhood, or on an objective
assessment of the actual environment [6, 7].
Objective measures mainly rely on preexisting inventory databases and busi-
ness directories or, in some cases, on environmental audits, which consist of
sending trained raters with checklists to document specific aspects of the physi-
cal environment. Among objective approaches, spatial analysis methods based
on geographic information systems (GIS) have opened up a new era of research
in the field of public health nutrition [8]. GIS are computer-based methods and
tools which, via different information sources, enable organizing, managing and
combining spatial and thematic data, and representing and analyzing results
according to geographic location [9]. Using GIS tools, analyses can be carried
out to model spatial interactions between different types of information.

114 Oppert · Charreire

In the framework of a research project ongoing in France – the ELIANE
(Environmental LInks to physical Activity, Nutrition and hEalth, www.elianeproj- study – we recently performed and published a systematic review of the
literature to investigate which GIS methods had been used to define the food envi-
ronment and what type of spatial measurements were generated [8]. In total, 29
papers were included in the review. The aim of these studies was either to compare
food outlet spatial accessibility between different neighborhoods or to investigate
relationships between characteristics of the spatial accessibility measures and
individual food behavior. Two main approaches were identified. A first approach
was focused on availability of facilities with the aim to quantify the number of
food outlets using the buffer method, kernel density estimation or spatial cluster-
ing. The second approach was focused on proximity with the aim to assess the
spatial accessibility to food outlets by measuring distances or travel times.
Based on this literature review [8], it was concluded that only some among
many GIS methods available had been used, while other GIS methods combin-
ing availability and proximity, such as spatial interaction models, had not yet
been applied to this field. As recently discussed by Salze et al. [10], spatial inter-
action models allow to compute access to facilities (such as food outlets or sports
equipments) according to an inverse function of the distance from the resident
home or work address (gravity-based models). Using such models makes it pos-
sible to overcome the limitations of the most frequently used indices such as the
count of opportunities within a given neighborhood. Another way forward is to
extend these models in order to take into account both home and work-based
accessibility for a commuting population. This seems to be relevant to study the
influence of environmental factors on eating habits in general, including food
purchase and consumption.
Another conclusion from this methodological review on GIS measures of
the food environment was that future research would benefit from a combina-
tion of GIS methods with survey approaches to describe both built and social
environmental characteristics as important determinants of individual food and
physical activity behaviors [8]. In particular, access to food outlets and physical
activity resources may be limited by the subject’s perception of the environment
in one’s neighborhood [11]. Therefore, the availability of healthy foods and
physical activity opportunities as reported by residents (perception) and their
availability as measured by GIS application (density) provide complementary
information for characterizing the local food and physical activity environment.
To better understand how features of the environment related to eating and
physical activity behaviors are perceived, techniques such as asking residents to
draw themselves maps of their neighborhood may help define their living space
as seen by the subjects themselves. Information obtained by such (mental) maps
can then be linked with physical activity measurements (e.g. accelerometers
[12]) and/or GIS data. This field of research combining objective and subjective
assessment seems particularly promising.

Environment, Behaviors and Obesity 115

Relationships of Food and Physical Activity Environments with Behaviors
and Weight Status

Recent systematic reviews have updated the status of knowledge regarding rela-
tionships of food and physical activity environments with relevant behaviors and
obesity [13–15]. For the food environment, in the review by Giskes et al. [13]
focused on obesogenic dietary intakes in adults (≥18 years), 28 original stud-
ies (from 2005 to 2008) were reviewed. Number of participants ranged from 22
to 1,000. Most studies originated from the US (n = 16), followed by Australia
(n = 6), Japan (n = 2), the UK (n = 2), The Netherlands (n = 1), and New Zealand
(n = 1). All but one were cross-sectional studies. Interestingly, among a total
of 18 accessibility factors assessed, 16 were objective measures. An important
finding emerging from this review is that current literature in adults appears
to show more consistent evidence of associations between environmental fac-
tors and weight status than between environmental factors and obesity-related
dietary intakes. Greater accessibility to supermarkets and lower access to take-
away outlets were found associated with lower BMI or prevalence of overweight/
obesity. No consistent association was found between fruit and vegetable con-
sumption and access to supermarkets or takeaway outlets, or availability/shelf
space of fruits and vegetables. In contrast, area-level socioeconomic status was
more consistently associated with healthier dietary behaviors. In children, based
on objective measures of environmental factors, available evidence suggests that
weight status is positively related to spatial accessibility to convenience stores, but
findings with other food retail outlets and restaurants appear mixed [14].
For the physical activity environment, Ding and Gebel [15] performed a
review of reviews on associations between built environment characteristics,
physical activity behavior and obesity based on reviews published between 1990
and 2011. Among 37 reviews included for examination of their key characteris-
tics, a vast majority (n = 27) dealt with physical activity and only a few with obe-
sity (n = 5) or both physical activity and obesity (n = 5). Most reviews focused
on youth (n = 12), and only 5 targeted adults and 2 senior residents. Very few
reviews considered specific populations such as African-Americans, low socio-
economic or rural residents (n = 1 each) pointing to the need for more data in
these groups.
Another recent review also emphasizes the fact that fewer studies have
assessed associations of physical environment attributes with weight status
than with physical activity [16]. In this latter review by Durand et al. [16], 5–10
times more studies assessed relations with walking behavior compared to BMI/
weight status for environmental characteristics such as ‘walkability’ (composite
indices usually including residential density, street connectivity and land use
mix), mixed land use, variety of transports available, or density of built space.
Moreover, if 30 to about 60% of associations between built environment char-
acteristics were found in the expected direction with walking behavior, this

116 Oppert · Charreire

Table 1. A tentative synthesis of current knowledge on rela-
tionships between food and physical activity environments,
corresponding behaviors and weight status

Environment Behavior Weight status

Food ± +
Physical activity ++ ±

proportion was reduced to only 10–20% for associations with BMI. Positive
associations between accessibility to green space and both physical activity and
weight status are also increasingly being reported [17]. Finally, in older adults,
current literature appears inconsistent on the relation between walkability indi-
ces and physical activity [18].
Altogether, available evidence more consistently shows an association
between built environment characteristics related to physical activity with
physical activity behavior than with weight status, whereas built environment
characteristics related to food habits would be more consistently associated with
weight status than with eating behavior (table 1). The importance of combin-
ing perceived and objectively determined aspects of the environment has again
been recently emphasized. Gebel et al. [19] observed that residents who per-
ceived neighborhoods to be less walkable than objectively determined (through
GIS) were less active, more obese and more likely to decrease physical activity
and to gain weight over time than those with a more accurate environmental

Implications for Intervention Strategies and Future Research

Significant advances have been made in recent years regarding the theories and
methods used to study the food and physical activity environments. However,
we have to acknowledge that major challenges are ahead to better understand
the complex pathways through which attributes of the built environment may
impact weight status, in conjunction with neighborhood and individual socio-
economic characteristics.
In terms of measurement, defining the size of the neighborhood in which the
relation between environment and behavior operates remains a methodological
issue, as much as ways to combine refined objective spatial measures (such as
GPS) with assessment of how residents perceive their environment. The combi-
nation of data from multiple sources and obtained with different types of sensors
will require the development of new data platforms for integration and analysis.
Designing and implementing longitudinal studies are on the list of priorities,

Environment, Behaviors and Obesity 117

as much as evaluation of ‘natural experiments’ such as re-location studies or
opportunistic evaluations (including cost-benefit) of environmental interven-
tions [20]. Wider use of refined analytical methodologies, including multilevel
modeling, will be needed in attempts to identify causal relationships.
Regarding generalizability, it is likely that the effects of environment factors
differ greatly across countries, cultures and climate. Since most studies were per-
formed in the US, the UK or Australia, there is clearly a need for data from other
regions and settings. Finally, to integrate findings about the physical activity
and food landscape in a global picture including the social and policy environ-
ments appears very much in line with the current thinking on the prevention of
non-communicable diseases [21]. The translation of findings from such trans-
disciplinary research will not be possible without the input from all potential
stakeholders, to assist in creating environments that are more conducive to regu-
lar physical activity, healthy eating and maintenance of a healthy bodyweight.


Part of the work of the authors reported in this paper is from the ELIANE study. ELIANE
is a project supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR-07-PNRA-004,
coordinator J.M. Oppert).

Disclosure Statement

J-M. O serves on scientific advisory boards for Vivus, Tanita, Institut Benjamin Delessert
and has received funding from Fondation Le Roch (France).

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Dr. Drewnowski: I was very interested to see the major differences in urban form
between Berlin, Shanghai and New York. Context can be very important, and what we see
in Seattle may not apply to Shanghai or to Paris. We need to do this kind of transdisciplinary
transcontinental research to figure out which features of the food environment are
common and which are unique to specific cities. It’s an interesting question.
Dr. Oppert: Right, but you have to convince the funders.
Dr. Finegood: It seems that all this work on the causal mechanisms of obesity is not
going to get us very far because it’s not terribly transferable from one place to another.
Shouldn’t we get more focused on solution-oriented research which isn’t worried about
the causes of the problem but is more focused on what solutions are going to work in
Shanghai versus New York versus another place? Your argument about causality – I
would say forget it and move on.
Dr. Oppert: Yes, of course we emphasize cultural specificity; however, we can
anticipate that some associations will be transferable from one place to the other, or at
least this is what we are trying to do with Dr. Drewnowski, comparing shopping in Paris
with Seattle supermarkets.

Environment, Behaviors and Obesity 119

Dr. Drewnowski: In Paris, people live about 400 meters away from the nearest
supermarket. In Seattle, shops are farther away. There will be huge differences in distance,
and of course Parisians will walk to shops as opposed to drive and will shop much more
often. But there will still be communalities in how people access food sources; that’s
what is interesting to us.
Dr. Barclay: Is it possible to obtain data from supermarkets about what is in the
shopping basket and the cost? With what they call fidelity cards, they have a very good
record of what people buy.
Dr. Drewnowski: We haven’t done a project in collaboration with supermarket
chains, but we have collected study participants’ grocery store receipts for at least 2
weeks, if not 4 weeks, to confirm what foods they bought. This was to validate self-
reports of what people ate and how much they paid.
Dr. Finegood: There is a huge data base on what people purchase, but academic
researchers don’t usually have an access to it because it’s expensive. Yes, supermarket
chains have tons of data that would be very useful, but it’s hard to access.
Dr. Drewnowski: The data are available from consumer market research companies
such as the NPD group.
Dr. Finegood: For how much?
Dr. Drewnowski: For free if they are interested in research. But the point is that health
researchers need to go to commercial data sets and start looking at commercial suppliers.
The problem is that with national surveys, the number of people in any one location will
be small. For example, I would expect the number of Seattle residents in any national
database to be under 100. However, we are interested in data that can be geocoded where
the data set is national. Is there anything like this in Europe, there are a number of
consumer research suppliers?
Dr. Oppert: Yes, there are directories or databases where you can get some of these
data. I would think that the firms would be interested in working together with
researchers. One reason is that the market is evolving. For example, in France and in
some parts of Europe it is not supermarkets but mini-markets that are getting back into
town. I think that the companies would be really interested. We have good contacts with
some of them.
Dr. Rolls: I have been at meetings in the UK where it has been made clear that
supermarkets have information that is proprietary. Stores know a lot about how food
choices are affected by price, labels, and positioning, but they are reluctant to share their
data. Such data would be very useful to try to figure out how to change food choices.
Dr. Oppert: Designing an audit method to assess exactly what is in a shop is very
complicated. In one of the large-scale EU projects that was performed in the last several
years on prevention of obesity, a big part of the project was dedicated to this, and they
found that it was really complicated to make a complete audit of store contents. So, I
think that perhaps photos taken with a camera would provide more information than a
store-by-store checklist of what products are being sold.
Dr. Klassen: Do you have data on the person that purchases the products? The
person who shops may be different from the person who consumes the food. For
example, in urban areas you might find more singles or students, which consequently
may lead to a different purchase pattern in Paris than in rural areas.
Dr. Drewnowski: Dr. Oppert has those exact data for Paris. In Seattle, we looked to
see who went to large warehouse stores, such as Costco, which can be farther away. It

120 Oppert · Charreire

was as you would think. People who went to Costco had large families and went there
less often compared to the average Safeway shopper.
Dr. Oppert: Sometimes you have those details but you don’t know where the people
go, so currently we have to admit it’s very difficult to have all the relevant questions in
the same study.
Dr. Warshaw: I would imagine that even shopping patterns are different from Paris
to Seattle or other US cities.
Dr. Oppert: What do you mean by shopping patterns?
Dr. Warshaw: Frequency, value purchase per time shopping, maybe that’s my
perception in Paris.
Dr. Drewnowski: You are right, I think in Seattle the shopping pattern was to go by
car once a week; in Paris that was clearly not the case, so yes, absolutely.
Dr. Finegood: I will just be a little bit more challenging here, and say that part of the
reason why we think we need to work out the causality is that we believe we will find
solutions in the causes of the problem. But in this big domain of the food and physical
activity environment, the changes will need to be big. My impression is mostly anecdotal
and I apologize for that, but the experiments that have been done to change the food
environment and the physical activity environment haven’t worked out very well. I
wonder whether you can comment on that. Proposed changes to the environment can be
very expensive, but we haven’t seen the results that people were hoping for.
Dr. Oppert: I think there have been a few so-called natural experiments that have
been performed especially in the UK, and these were not so positive. The results were
really mixed; I mean having a new supermarket in a neighborhood may lead to changes
in food purchasing behavior. But I think there are many new ongoing studies on this,
especially physical activity. New projects are looking in great detail into changes in the
physical environment and the effective impact on physical activity habits. I think there
are new studies and new designs ongoing at the moment, so I would try to be positive.
Dr. Lovejoy: I think we do need to know causality, and I think the challenge, as Dr.
Drewnowski pointed out earlier, is that we haven’t looked enough at it at a micro-level.
We have been making assumptions about things like food deserts and how people shop
and how people engage in physical activity based on macro-situations when there are so
many exceptions. One common assumption is that easy access to green spaces in parks
will be associated with more physical activity. But researchers found that in some places
that is not true because green spaces in parks in the US anyway are sometimes used only
for little league fields. So if your children are not playing in little league, they are not
using the park and they are not engaging in any more physical activity. So that’s an
example of a micro-level. You need to know that causal piece of it in that unique situation
in order to be able to do an effective intervention.
Dr. Oppert: But this is why you have to complement the objective data with subjective
data using interviews to assess the perceptions of residents about the environment they
live in. The use of a place can be completely changed from its initial purpose, and this
appears especially true for physical activity.
Dr. Rosenbaum: You have to distinguish between intervention and prevention. You
can’t do prevention if you don’t understand causality. If I don’t know why people are
getting fatter, I can’t do anything to prevent it.
Dr. Oppert: There are good guesses, however, which would not prevent us from

Environment, Behaviors and Obesity 121

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New Directions for Prevention
Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 123–137,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

The Importance of Systems Thinking to

Address Obesity
Diane T. Finegood
Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC,

Obesity is clearly a complex problem for both the individual and for society. Complex or
‘wicked’ problems have common characteristics such as heterogeneity, nonlinearity,
interdependence, and self-organization. As such they require solutions appropriate for
complex problems, rather than a reductionist search for the causes. ‘Systems thinking’
provides new ways to consider how to collectively address complex societal problems like
obesity, where biology interacts with social, cultural and built environmental factors in
infinite permutations and combinations. The systems that give rise to the obesity epi-
demic function at multiple levels, and there are important interactions between these
levels. At any given level, individual actors and organizations matter and system function
is optimized when individual and organizational capacity to respond is well matched to
the complexity of individual tasks. Providing system supports to help networks of indi-
viduals become ‘communities of practice’ and ‘systems of influence’ may also help to accel-
erate the pace of effective action against obesity. Research efforts need to move away
from the relentless search for the specific isolated causes of obesity and focus on solu-
tions that have been shown to work in addressing other ‘wicked’ problems.
Copyright © 2012 Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG, Basel

Causality, Complexity and the Need for a Paradigm Shift

For many years, the obesity ‘problem’ has been framed within the paradigm that
people need to be individually responsible to eat less and move more [1]. While
public discourse remains mostly rooted in this paradigm, academic literature
has shifted to include recognition of the importance of many social, psychologi-
cal and physical environment variables in causing obesity. This has helped to
move the dialogue somewhat from individual to societal responsibility [2], but
Table 1. Characteristics of simple, complicated and complex systems

Simple⁄complicated systems Complex systems Examples/relevance

Homogeneous Heterogeneous Genes, environments, etc.

Linear Nonlinear Exposures, life course
Deterministic Stochastic Triggers for behaviour change
Static Dynamic Weight loss⁄maintenance
Independent Interdependent Food production and consumption
No feedback Feedback Mostly missing
Not adaptive or self-organizing Adaptive and self-organizing Makes causality mostly irrelevant
No connection between levels or Emergent Current obesity trends

blame is still ascribed in the tone of moral panic which supports the notion that
people must be individually responsible for their weight [3].
Obesity research is usually based on conceptual models that have focused
more on working out the causes of obesity than on developing solutions, espe-
cially solutions appropriate for complex problems. Biological and physiological
mechanisms associated with obesity were the exclusive focus of obesity research
when the first journal devoted to obesity was introduced in the late 1970s [4].
The deeply held belief of this biomedical focus is that working out the causes
of a problem will lead to solutions. This paradigm remained dominant until
the late 1990s when papers on population and public health began to appear
in the three obesity research journals that existed by that time [4]. The rise in
population level research helped to increase the number of identified causes and
has opened the door to a discussion of societal level responsibility, but has not
yet led to a shift from the basic paradigm that solutions need to be rooted in an
understanding of the causes [5].
In the last few years, obesity has been labeled a complex or ‘wicked’ problem
[6]. Characteristics giving rise to this complexity include the heterogeneity of
our genes and environments, nonlinearities in processes like weight loss, the
importance of triggers to sustained behavior change, and the many reinforcing
feedback loops that drive individuals towards less healthy behaviors (table 1).
Current scientific approaches, especially those rooted in an understanding of
the causes, are better suited to problems that are simple or complicated, not ones
that are complex. Simple problems have simple solutions based on the causes of
the problem and sometimes complicated and complex problems can have simple
solutions (or a set of simple solutions), but these solutions need to be based on
a systems approach and not necessarily on the causes. As Wagner [7] points out,
causality can only be meaningfully defined for systems with linear interactions.
Rittel and Webber [8] suggest we need a different way to approach wicked
problems. They suggest that scientific methods have been developed to address

124 Finegood
‘tame’ problems, not ones where the problem cannot be definitively described,
where there are no ‘optimal’ solutions, and it is impossible to define a ‘stopping
rule’, or to know when the problem is solved [8]. Solutions appropriate for com-
plex problems tend to be more process (as opposed to outcome) oriented and
focus on the interactions and interdependencies between individuals, organiza-
tions or levels in the system [9].
New streams of research rooted in systems thinking are needed to build
novel and effective approaches to address obesity and other complex health and
societal problems [6]. But achieving this goal will require several fundamental
paradigm shifts. We need to focus on solutions rather than the causes of the
problems [5], be holistic and integrative rather than reductionist, focus on pro-
cesses rather than outcomes, and understand both our collective and individual
roles and responsibilities.

New Places to Look for ‘Simple’ Solutions to the Obesity Problem

The introduction of the Foresight Obesity System Map in 2007 [10] helped initi-
ate a dialogue about the complexity of obesity and how systems thinking and
systems science can help to change the way we approach looking for solutions
[6]. The Obesity System Map is a causal loop diagram which helps communi-
cate the complexity of the system as a whole and emphasizes the importance of
feedback loops and interdependencies to the development of obesity [10]. The
map, a product of a stakeholder engagement process, illustrates many possible
connections between important subsystems including food production, social
psychology and physical activity environments [11]. The map was built both on
available evidence and the experience of the stakeholders involved in its con-
struction; specific linkages may only be relevant to some individuals in the con-
texts in which they live, learn, work and play.
Common responses to complex problems include despair, retreat, believing
the problem is beyond hope and assigning blame [9]. But accepting complexity
does not mean we need to give up, rather it means we need to turn to solutions
appropriate for complex problems. When viewing solutions from a reductionist
paradigm, the natural tendency is to think solutions for complex problems need
to be multi-level and comprehensive [12, 13]. There is evidence that compre-
hensive interventions are more effective, but comprehensive interventions can
also overwhelm the systems that support them, the resources available and they
are difficult to evaluate [14].
Can accepting complexity help us identify new ‘simple’ solutions? Many sys-
tems thinkers, researchers and writers articulate ‘simple’ principles that under-
lie systems approaches. Bar-Yam [9] reminds us we need to look for solutions
in the interactions between a system and its environment, such as the capacity
of actors to act relative to the complexity of their tasks. He also suggests that

Systems Thinking and Obesity 125

Capacity of individual
(or organization)


Complexity of environment

Fig. 1. Matching capacity and complexity. When the capacity of an individual or organi-
zation is greater than the complexity of their environment (or tasks), the individual or
organization will survive. When capacity is less than complexity the individual or organi-
zation will fail.

interdependencies between processes like cooperation and competition can be

used to create the conditions for more collaboration [15]. Meadows and Wright
[16] provide insight into solutions appropriate at different levels within a system
such as feedback loops, information flows and the goals of the system. Wheatley
and Kellner-Rogers [17] suggest that all organizational structures can be consid-
ered as networks, and to have impact we need to act locally, connect regionally
and learn globally.

Matching Capacity and Complexity

Although complex systems often involve multiple subsystems with a myriad of
actors and the organizations they work for, one simple principle is that each
individual still matters [9], be they the individual at the centre of the Foresight
map struggling with weight control or the CEO of a large food company balanc-
ing shareholder profits against a growing demand for a healthier food supply.
As Bar-Yam [9] points out, what matters is matching an individual or organiza-
tion’s capacity with the complexity of their environment and specific tasks. If
the capacity of an individual is less than is needed to deal with the complexity
of their tasks, they are more likely to fail (fig. 1). In contrast, if a person or orga-
nization’s capacity exceeds the complexity of their task, they are more likely to
succeed. For a large system to function well, a focus on matching capacity and
complexity may help.

126 Finegood
While this idea that capacity and complexity need to be well matched is
a theoretical construct, it also makes sense intuitively and can be applied
directly to thinking about solutions. Rather than asking ‘what are the various
biological, social and environmental factors causing obesity?’ it suggests that
research should focus on where in the complex system (described for example
by Foresight Obesity System map) there are mismatches between capacity and
complexity. More importantly, it leads us to consider interventions that reduce
complexity (rather than increase it) or increase capacity.
One could argue that the dominant focus on educational approaches to
addressing obesity has been an attempt to increase people’s capacity for healthy
eating and active living. Yet, the fact that education has largely failed to halt or
reverse the epidemic suggests either that the marginal increase in capacity that
might derive from an educational approach is insufficient, or that the focus of
most educational programs is not actually helping to increase capacity. Different
educational targets may be better able to increase capacity, but it is also likely
that education is not sufficient to overcome other drivers that make it more
complex to act according to what we know [18].
The need to match capacity and complexity also suggests we need to
reduce the complexity of healthy eating and active living. Many environmental
approaches and the notion that ‘we need to make the healthy choice the easy
choice’ are consistent with reducing complexity, but some changes may inad-
vertently increase complexity. Consider for example the impact of increasing
the availability of healthy food choices. Behavioral economists have shown that
as the number of choices increase, we are less likely to actually make an active
choice and instead will make our decisions by default [19]. For this reason, it
is not enough to make the healthy choice an easy choice; we must also make
unhealthy choices more difficult or non-existent.
Lastly, when we consider variables like our capacity for behavior change and
the complexity of the change, it is not enough to only consider the rational com-
ponents of behavior. Emotional drivers can easily outweigh rationality [18]. As
such, it is not enough to make the healthy choice the easy choice; we must also
make it the desirable choice [20]. Having more desirable defaults when choices
are being made will reduce the complexity of making healthy choices and ensure
more individuals have the capacity to succeed.

Leverage Points in Complex Systems

Systems operate at many different levels. With respect to obesity, these levels
range from the microscopic (genes and proteins), to the individual (physiology
and life course) to the population (local, national, global). Meadows articulated
the levels of complex systems in terms of their common characteristics across
different kinds of systems and with a specific focus on their potential for chang-
ing system behavior, i.e. their potential as leverage points. At one end of the
spectrum her leverage points include: (12) numbers (constants and parameters

Systems Thinking and Obesity 127

Table 2. Intervention level framework

Level Definition

Paradigm Deepest held beliefs

Goals What trying to achieve
Structure Information flows, connectivity, trust
Feedback and delays Self-regulation, reinforcement and adaptation
Structural elements Subsystems, actors, operating parameters

such as subsidies, taxes and standards) and (11) buffers (the size of stabilizing
stocks relative to their flows, e.g. the number of people on earth relative to the
number who are born and die each day). Other leverage points include (7 and
8) balancing and reinforcing feedback loops, (4) self-organization, (2) the par-
adigm or mind-set of the system (the deeply held beliefs) and (1) transcend-
ing the paradigm (letting go of beliefs and assumptions about the system). As
Meadows points out, the leverage points with the higher numbers are relatively
easier to implement, but also are less effective, whereas changing the deeply held
beliefs under which a system operates is much harder, but also more effective.
While the 12 leverage points Meadows described provide a helpful frame-
work for a systems approach to complex problems, with 12 levels, this framework
was difficult to translate into a tool for planning and/or analyzing intervention
approaches [21]. We collapsed the 12 levels into a 5-point intervention level
framework (table 2). The 5 levels are paradigm, goals, structure (as a whole),
feedback loops/delays, and structural elements, and include all 12 of Meadows
levels [22]. With only 5 levels, this framework has the potential to be applicable
to a variety of challenges associated with complex problems including under-
standing how a system operates to assessing the compatibility of actions at dif-
ferent levels of a system and across a range of goals.
Our first application of this framework was to a set of materials provided as
pre-conference reading for a meeting on food systems and public health [23].
The actions recommended within these readings that spoke to making food sys-
tems healthy, green, fair and affordable were sorted into the intervention level
framework [22]. This analysis suggested that some actions to achieve all four
goals are compatible, including broad public discussion and implementation
of policies and programs that support sustainable food production and distri-
bution. At the level of paradigm and goals, however, the challenge of making
healthy and green food also affordable becomes apparent as some actions at
some levels may be in conflict.
Current and future uses of the intervention level framework include other
analyses of qualitative data, supporting reflective practice to enable cross-sector
dialogue, program planning, research and evaluation. As Meadows points out

128 Finegood
in her ‘guidelines for living in a world of systems’, it is very important to ‘get
the beat of the system’ and to ‘expose your mental models to the light of day’.
Recognizing the multiple levels at which a system of interest operates and where
the changes are needed is an important step to tackling a complex problem for
the good of the whole. Asking questions about what is happening and what
needs to change at each level of a system and in the interaction of the levels is a
good place to start.

Influencing Emergence
Emergence refers to the arising of novel structures, patterns, and properties
during the process of self-organization in complex systems [24], and is often
thought of as ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’. Bar-Yam [25]
defines multiple types of emergence depending on the nature of the relationship
between the parts and the whole. ‘Weak’ emergence is the difficult to understand
micro-to-macro relationship between the parts and the whole, whereas ‘strong’
emergence can arise either through system constraints or from a global-to-local
causality. The Foresight Obesity System map suggests that obesity results from
weak emergence of a large number of factors. The map illustrates how more
than one hundred different ‘micro’ level variables and their interdependencies
give rise to obese individuals. It is also likely that strong emergence contributes
to the epidemic of obesity. For example, globalization of the food supply clearly
has an effect on local food environments. A better understanding of system con-
straints and global-to-local relationships could provide new insights into how to
influence the emergence of obesity.
Wheatley and Frieze [26] suggest ways to influence emergence even in the
absence of a deeper understanding of system constraints or causality. They con-
sider that networks are the only form of organization used by living systems
and since they are mostly interested in social systems, this frame works well and
enables them to describe emergence as ‘the fundamental scientific explanation
for how local changes can materialize as global systems of influence’ [26]. They
suggest that as a change theory, this approach offers methods and practices to
influence emergence and accomplish system-wide changes.
Networks are defined as the first stage in the life cycle of emergence. They
tend to be based on self-interest, are self-organized and have fluid membership.
The next stage is ‘communities of practice’. These can spring from networks, are
also self-organized, but motivation for participation goes beyond self-interest.
In communities of practice, people participate to serve their own needs, but also
to serve the needs of others; there is an intentional commitment to advance the
field of practice and to share learning with a wider audience. The speed with
which people exchange knowledge, learn and grow can be rapid in a community
of practice. The last stage in the life cycle of emergence is the ‘system of influ-
ence’ where efforts and ideas that were expressed by a few suddenly become the
norm. Practices developed by courageous communities suddenly become the

Systems Thinking and Obesity 129

accepted standard, and there is no hesitation about adopting these ideas and
approaches. This process is illustrated by the rapid rise in smoke-free space leg-
islation following the ‘emergence of passive smoking as a scientific fact’ [27].
Wheatley and Frieze [26] argue that emergence always results in a powerful
system that has many more capacities than could ever be predicted by analyzing
the individual parts. They suggest that to influence emergence we need to ‘act
locally, connect regionally and learn globally’. Given the variable influence of
the various factors identified as causally important to obesity [10], the need to
act locally makes sense. Only local actors have sufficient knowledge to consider
what is important in their community/context and how to implement policies
and programs to address obesity and chronic disease prevention. We could
influence the emergence of healthier communities by supporting local actors
in learning from each other. By creating system supports which enable knowl-
edge exchange of what works in local contexts, we could accelerate the pace
of learning and enable networks to become communities of practice and ulti-
mately systems of influence. But emphasizing the value of local knowledge and
expert opinion will require a paradigm shift from an evidence-based medicine
approach in which the ‘best’ evidence comes from carefully controlled experi-
mental paradigms that do not exist in the real world.


The dominant reductionist paradigm of biomedical research has served us rea-

sonably well for many years in tackling many complicated problems such as
diseases caused by single-gene defects. But most of today’s ‘wicked’ problems
are complex problems with characteristics that make the reductionist approach,
including highly controlled experimental conditions and a search for the causal
relationship that stands out even in multiple contexts less helpful. Instead, we
must turn to systems thinking and the science of complexity in our search for
appropriate solutions. The characteristics of complex systems and the features
that are common across most complex problems provide new avenues for obe-
sity research. By shifting the paradigm from a ‘problem orientation’ to a ‘solu-
tion orientation’ and by considering the interdependencies between actors and
their environments and the possibilities for influencing emergence, we should
find more effective solutions to complex societal problems like obesity.


The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge feedback on the manuscript from Dr.
Carrie L. Matteson, Philippe Giabbanelli, Lee Johnston and Penny Deck and grant sup-
port from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

130 Finegood
Disclosure Statement

The author of this chapter does not have any relationships to disclose.

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Dr. Drewnowski: Let me begin by asking you a question about your experience at the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the emerging interdisciplinary
networks in the area of obesity.
Dr. Finegood: Networks and teams are helpful ways to advance obesity research
because they create an interface where different disciplines can learn about each other
and can bring complimentary skill sets together to work on a problem. At the CIHR, we
created several opportunities for multi- and transdisciplinary teams to form and to
enable both basic research and research on natural experiments. By creating a competition
for funding, we enabled the cooperation of researchers across their usual silos. By
supporting research on natural experiments, where the researcher does not have control
over the intervention, we have begun to learn more about policy level interventions like
the return of PartipAction and the implementation of a physical activity tax credit. Those
projects have been fairly effective at emphasizing the value of intervention and
interdisciplinary research and giving it a foothold so that it could grow.
Dr. Drewnowski: Our experience was similar in that our work with urban planners
and geographers was sparked by a planning grant from the National Institutes of Health
for a transdisciplinary exploratory center for obesity research. Putting money on the
table is the best way to promote interdisciplinary research between people who would
never talk to each other otherwise.
Dr. Finegood: By creating competition at the right level, you create cooperation at
the next level down. Think sports teams and leagues, the most competitive team in the
league has the most cooperative players. This systems idea can be used in the research
funding domain to stimulate cooperation, but also elsewhere in government.
Dr. Bray: We had a program in place, briefly, where we had the police department,
the university system, and government people with all of us donating our time. The
mayor was actually quite engaged in community wide health. The program was really
comprehensive, but the problem was that it wasn’t self-sustaining. There are a lot of
people who acknowledge that obesity is a complex problem and there are people who
want to participate. But those of us, who want to do it, can’t do it endlessly without some
sort of support and somehow that self-sustaining component is often not there.
Dr. Finegood: Many of us understand that obesity is a big complex problem, and we
need to address many different facets of it. Our reductionist mindset has led us to huge
and comprehensive solutions and those are very hard to self-sustain. But if we shift our
mindset a little bit and zero in on integration and integrative structures, without trying
to be comprehensive in everything we do, then we can be more self-sustaining and

132 Finegood
adaptable. This is where supporting emerging networks can be helpful; by taking people
who are on the ground doing things separately and making strategic connections, you
enhance the ability of the structures to function. You do not necessarily make people do
more, but by making strategic links you begin to move from a network to a ‘community
of practice’ and ultimately to a ‘system of influence’. These are things that we can do if we
get away from the mindset that everything has to be done together in one big effort.
Does that make sense?
Dr. Bray: Yes it does, and I also think that sustainability has to also be part of the
Dr. Finegood: If we are thinking that the solution to a complex problem lies in
working out the reasons for the problem, linking these causes to their specific outcomes
and then intervening at the cause, then we are ignoring the potential for intervention
through integrative approaches. The path to workable solutions through working out
the causes of a problem is slow and very costly due to its complexity. I believe that simple,
more sustainable solutions can be developed within whatever resources the actors bring
to the table if the focus for the group is problem solving around their shared goals and
integrative processes.
Dr. Rosenbaum: But doesn’t the importance of working out causality depend on
what your goal is? Isn’t it different when your goal is ‘health improvement’ as compared
to ‘reducing body fatness’, not that the two are necessarily separate? Isn’t causality
important to work out treatment as compared to prevention? It’s like looking for ways to
treat measles or for ways to prevent it, that’s the question. I guess the official topic of this
session was prevention, so I was thinking that causality is very important. Prevention
and treatment are completely different problems.
Dr. Finegood: There probably are differences in the importance of working out
causality for prevention and treatment. Tom Robinson argues that we will speed up the
finding of effective solutions if we test hypotheses not about the ‘causes of the problem’,
but instead we focus on the ‘causes of the solutions’. Both health improvement and
reducing body fatness are complex problems and chasing causality in both cases isn’t
necessarily all that helpful. And yes, there probably are differences between prevention
and treatment outcomes for variables like physical activity or the nature of the food
Dr. Rosenbaum: The relationship between food and physical activity is very different
in someone at their usual weight than in somebody who is reduced weight. I like your
idea of capacity and complexity because I think that the kind of physical activity that is
necessary to lose weight may well be beyond the capacity of most of us. We just can’t do
it, we don’t have the time, and we don’t have the capacity.
Dr. Finegood: This really strikes me as being a view about the individual. The
difference between prevention and treatment may apply to an individual. But the same
argument about capacity and complexity also applies to the food environment. I don’t
think that the changes that we need to make in our food environment are going to be
different for obesity prevention and obesity treatment necessarily. So, in that sense I
don’t think they are different. It depends on what level you are at as to whether that
distinction is important or not.
Dr. Rosenbaum: I would say that they are very different. In one case, your body is
fighting against you in terms of treatment; there are a million things that fight against

Systems Thinking and Obesity 133

you. In the case of prevention, your body has not yet begun to fight, so it’s a different
Dr. Finegood: I personally understand that relationship and dynamic completely
having lost 35% of my bodyweight and kept it off for more than a decade now. What I
would argue is this. If I had started being more physically active and eating a healthier
diet before I gained the weight, I probably would not have gained it. I am not sure that
the behaviors that I needed or would have undertaken would have looked that different
to me. Yes, I have to work harder at it now because I gained the weight, but the behavior
changes that I need to make are not necessarily different from those that I could have
started earlier. Perhaps I would not have had to work so hard at it. I apologize for this
being an anecdotal response.
Dr. Goran: The real challenge here is how to convey what we know about this very
complex problem in simple terms. How do we provide relevant information to the Mayor
of Houston to address obesity locally? What this demonstrates is not only that obesity is
a complex issue but that the solution is going to be very specific to the contextual factors
of a community, and you alluded to that slightly. It seems like the next step would be to
come up with strategies for communities to seriously address the obesity problem rather
than just apply a simple band aid which is typically what happens. So what do we need to
do to make that move?
Dr. Finegood: That is about influencing emergence, which is an important point.
What is coming out of this conversation is that the action needs to be at the local level.
Hopefully we are starting to understand the importance of contextual factors. When we
get to community-based participatory research, the community becomes incredibly
important in determining what is going to happen next. If you talk to anybody who has
done this kind of community engagement research, you will find that they often go in
there with their own preconceived notions about what changes need to be made based
on the best available evidence, and they come out doing something very different.
Sometimes, the community accepts projects that increase physical activity, or the
community isn’t ready to talk about physical activity depending on where they are.
Instead, they want to talk about the fact that they can’t afford to exercise, they have got to
work 3 jobs, and they don’t have time.
A part of the argument here is that we set aside causality for a moment and recognize
that what we have to do is act locally and learn and figure out the best ways to engage
with people. We can help to guide their solutions, but they are the ones that are going to
generate them, and all that data that we have collected are not necessarily going to be all
that helpful. We already know a lot. Maybe if we didn’t know anything about the causes,
I might not be standing up here being a bit provocative. But we do know a lot, and we
could apply a fair amount of what we know already to help communities take action in
their own environments. And there are some other major problems; for example, lots of
us don’t live in places where we even perceive that we are in a community, we don’t know
our neighbors.
Dr. Drewnowski: I have a comment here about the use of data. I think local
communities want local data. Although we do know a lot, local communities don’t know
enough about themselves. The moment you present them with maps saying this is the
extent of problem, this is where you live and this is where the supermarket is, things
change. Maps are very telling and local politicians prefer to use local data from 5 miles
down the road as opposed to national statistics.

134 Finegood
Dr. Finegood: I didn’t tell you anything about the CAPTURE Project, which is
another half of my life at the moment. CAPTURE stands for a CAnadian Platform To
increase Usage of Real-world Evidence. It is an effort to build a system to support the
collection, sharing, and use of practice-based or real-world evidence. It is intended to
support communities and people on the ground. The goal is to figure out what data
would help them and then use that data to figure out what they want to do. If we were
better at doing that kind of work, then we could solve some of these problems without
necessarily spending huge amounts of money. It is the people on the ground that need to
explore the diversity of ideas and come together to figure out what is possible with the
resources they have and the context that they are in.
Dr. Drewnowski: One way to provide helpful data is to aggregate obesity statistics by
political district. The moment you do that, it becomes somebody’s responsibility. It’s just
another way of analyzing geographic data but everything changes because now it can be
brought to the attention of politicians and policy makers. So, it’s one way of making best
use of local data.
Dr. Bray: There is no way that obesity prevention or intervention projects can depend
on an endless flow of money. They have to be community oriented, it has to be something
intrinsic to the program itself, and it probably will need to arise from the community.
Dr. Barclay: I think there has been at least one reasonably successful multisectorial
collaboration which started in France (EPODE: http://www.epode-european-network.
com). Although it hasn’t been able to reverse obesity, it has been able to stabilize obesity
in children. The program brings together players from government, education, and
industry, etc.
Dr. Finegood: Funded if I am not mistaken by Nestlé, is that correct?
Dr. Barclay: Nestlé is one of the co-funders.
Dr. Finegood: It’s a good example of what can happen if you can engage people at
multiple levels and in multiple sectors.
Dr. Drewnowski: I have a question for you based on your experience as a former
head of a research institute. We have heard about various aspects of science at the
individual level and environmental level; we have heard about the microbiome,
inflammation, the brain, and the environment. Based on the people in this room, who
would you put together with whom and why to create an emerging network?
Dr. Finegood: What I would say to that is it’s not up to me because it’s not a command
and control kind of problem. If I can create the competition that stimulates cooperation
then it’s up to the people in the room to figure out who they can work with and what
makes the most sense. I have led enough multidisciplinary research teams to know that
it’s a challenging thing to do. It takes time for people to learn each other’s language. The
important thing is to create the opportunity and to give them the time and maybe
financial support. But there are some multidisciplinary questions and problems that we
do need to resolve.
Dr. Drewnowski: I think you are right; it’s a question of time and trust. At one point
granting agencies had a list of bullets saying that you must have one person from this
area and one person from that area.
Dr. Finegood: Forcing it doesn’t work that well. People have to know each other. This
was a technique used at CIHR over the years. Sometimes what you get are researchers
going to people in government on the day that the grant is due saying: will you sign this
letter of support. That is not what I call authentic engagement. But at other times, you

Systems Thinking and Obesity 135

will get people who have already spent time engaged with collaborators in different
sectors and want to bring the shared experience to the funding table. But it’s hard to do.
Money helps and leadership helps, and after that you have got to let people self-
Dr. Rolls: Can you think of examples where competition has created cooperation
that has given us better food?
Dr. Finegood: The problem on the food side is that there is such a negative atmosphere
for cooperation right now. If you follow any social media and you follow the people who
are well connected like Marion Nestle and others, then you get the idea that collaborating
with the food sector is dangerous.
Dr. Rolls: What about within the food sector?
Dr. Finegood: Within the food sector, I probably don’t have enough knowledge. I
don’t have a good example that comes to mind. But I am going to be debating this topic
about collaboration with the food industry next week at The Obesity Society with Dr.
Yoni Freedhoff who feels that it’s wrong to collaborate with the food industry because
you give them the credibility of your academic or your organizational brand and all they
are doing is making more money based on your credibility. I will tell a quick story about
collaboration on physical activity in Canada. We had the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver,
and Coca Cola had the rights to the 2010 torch relay. Coca Cola wanted to get kids
engaged and get them physically active and they could have just gone out and developed
the program by themselves, not that they have any expertise about what works. Instead,
they partnered with ParticipAction, a not-for-profit organization to develop this
program. Maybe they did that because ParticipAction had the expertise to help them
develop something that was evidence based, but outsiders assumed that the only motive
was to get the credibility of the ParticipAction brand. It’s very hard to collaborate, and
that’s the reason why I have held three meetings to have this discussion around how to
build trust to address obesity.
Dr. Rolls: I wonder if within a food company you could have scientists competing to
come up with the best-selling and profitable healthy products and so leverage that kind
of development.
Dr. Finegood: So, a competition to create the healthiest product – that’s an interesting
idea. I wonder to what extent that might be going on in Pepsico for example which is
trying hard to shift its portfolio. It must be challenging for the CEO of a food company
that wants to shift their portfolio to healthier products. If the products don’t sell, the
shareholders will not be happy. We consumers are an important part of this feedback
loop. If we don’t shift our eating habits and actively make healthy choices, then we cannot
expect them to be available in the marketplace.
Dr. Drewnowski: That goes to the heart of the sustainability issue because those
changes need to be sustainable, which means consumers have to work with the food
industry and with food environment to make changes in the long-term. Together, the
consumer and the supplier need to both understand what is both healthy and desirable.
Dr. Finegood: I wonder how many companies went broke during the Atkins craze
because a lot of companies shifted their food portfolio to sell low carbohydrate food and
now few people are buying it. It’s quite conceivable that a lot of companies went broke
because they responded to consumer demand.
Dr. Bray: I think that I shouldn’t say this in a meeting sponsored by a nutrition
company, but there may be depending on the company as much effort at developing the

136 Finegood
image of a healthy food as there is developing the actual healthy food. Subway has done
an excellent job of marketing themselves as a supplier of healthy food and created a
health halo for their products, but not all of their sandwiches are in the same healthy
Dr. Finegood: I am not going to stand up here and defend the food industry for its
practices because many of those practices are questionable, and yet I would defend them
for wanting to sell their food. If we want to stay in our corners and not have conversations
about this, how can we support the shift that the companies need to make, the iterative
gradual shifts that they need to make in order to deliver a much healthier food supply
that is honestly healthy and is not just capitalizing on the apparent demand for healthy
food? One of the things that we need to do is to get our government policies to change.
Dr. Johnson-Askew: I would like to know what role you think systems modeling has
as we approach this very complex problem of obesity.
Dr. Finegood: One thing systems modeling can do is to help us integrate the data we
do have so as to create a better understanding of the big picture, although there is a part
of me that thinks it’s just the way reductionist scientists need to go about addressing a
complex problem. Josh Epstein answers the question of ‘why model?’ with many different
points about how it improves the rigor of our consideration of fact and assumption,
helps us test predictions, and can illuminate core dynamics and uncertainties.

Systems Thinking and Obesity 137

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Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 139–141,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Summary Discussion on New Directions

for Prevention

Dr. Lovejoy: I wanted to bring up something that we haven’t talked about much
today, which is the role of stress. As we are thinking about obesity treatment and
prevention, we should look at the physiological effects of stress, which certainly impact
the brain, the gut, and inflammation, and at the behavioral effects which impact people’s
desire to eat different foods and their willingness to engage in physical activity. Research
has been done showing that the built environment contributes to stress and lack of sleep,
so I think that stress is the often overlooked third leg of the obesity story. We talk about
diet and physical activity all the time, but we need to consider that stress may be just as
important in terms of the big picture.
Dr. Drewnowski: I am glad that you mentioned stress. People who work on the
relation between the built environment and obesity have been using the stress hypothesis
a lot. Living in a low-income neighborhood with no access to facilities and resources can
increase stress levels and alter work patterns, sleep patterns, and food choice. So, the
stress hypothesis has been quite prominent, and there is increasing literature on that. We
did not talk about it today, but that is not to understate its importance, it’s a major
Dr. Warshaw: Building on this, I want to introduce another topic that relates both to
treatment and prevention – the importance of support. Study after study suggests that
support has to be a critical issue. In the national diabetes prevention program which is a
CDC project from the affordable care act, they are going to be using some community
health workers. There is a lot of interest in using community health workers and
paraprofessionals as supporters since they are less expensive than trained professionals.
Such support seems particularly important for weight loss maintenance. We tend to
support people intensively during the weight loss phase and then there often is withdrawal
of support, but yet so much research suggests that’s when people need support. We need
to communicate to the public just how hard it is to keep weight off and that they likely
will continue to need support.
Dr. Drewnowski: I agree with you. There are two important issues related to social
support. Having spouse, family, or peer support during the weight loss phase is critical to
its success. The other issue is having sufficient social support to prevent weight gain in
the first place. The latter is sometimes called social capital as distinct from income and
material resources. Basically, it’s who you know that can provide you with support and
with social resources. Even if your income is low, but you still have parents, family,
neighbors, a house and some assets, you will probably do okay. But there are people who
are completely on their own, without a social support network. Such issues are not picked
up in studies on obesity and SES because many just focus on incomes and nothing else.
There are other aspects of social context and social capital which are very important, and
we need a better handle on those.
Dr. Finegood: We heard lots of good data this morning that would argue that it is
more important to support people after the first 6 months of weight loss than it is
during the first 6 months. You can do almost any treatment in those first 6 months, and
people will lose weight. It is after the first 6 months that people are struggling and need
support. I have often thought that the challenge, in my experience, is that weight loss
gets harder, not easier. But if you get that idea out there, it may prevent people from
ever starting weight loss – so what will that do? In my own experience, very small
behavior changes at the beginning were the easy ones. I could start off by parking my
car far away and taking the stairs. Those are things that I have now incorporated in a
sustainable way in my own behavior. But now, 10 years later, I am at that point where I
am at a steady state. I can’t find anything else to do that is easy enough and that I am
capable of doing to bring my bodyweight down further and to sustain that weight loss.
And yet, the social norm and my knowledge drive me nuts because I am still obese. So
I think you are right, our strategies are backwards. We need to focus a little less on our
initial weight loss interventions during the first 6 months and put more emphasis on
Dr. Oppert: Going back to prevention versus treatment, I think that obesity treatment
is more of an individual topic but that prevention should be more properly focused at
the population level. For example, obesity treatment in Europe is managed by national
health systems but prevention issues can be addressed at an international meeting at the
European level. So, I agree that there are similarities between prevention and treatment,
but there are also major differences. However, I think it is an interesting issue that
prevention efforts aimed at changing the environment will also affect the environment
of obese patients. So, prevention initiatives apply not only to the whole population but to
obese patients and may help with treatment.
Dr. Rosenbaum: Would you say that it’s harder to engage politicians in prevention
than in treatment? In my experience, working with the public schools in New York City,
if you say you are going to do something now that is going to decrease the prevalence of
obesity 10 years from now, they say that’s very nice but I am not going to be here in 10
years. They want something that before the next election is going to change this. It’s
much easier to get the powers that you alluded to on board with something that they can
see right now. That’s a big barrier to some of the changes that we need to make.
Dr. Finegood: That is a fundamental challenge in terms of getting government
regulation. The way I would think about it is that the things that we might do around
prevention tend to be at the higher levels. They are less about genes and proteins or even
individuals per se, and they are more about systems and structures. And the things that
we do at the higher levels can be helpful in both prevention and treatment. But it’s true
that treatment occurs at the individual level, particularly with the morbidly obese who
need individual attention. For example, there are some people for whom bariatric surgery
may be the best solution. So yes, treatment can be individualized, but the prevention step
is going to apply to everybody.

140 Summary Discussion on New Directions for Prevention

Dr. Drewnowski: Let me do a quick summary. This began as an anti-consensus
workshop featuring cutting-edge research, but in fact we have identified a number of
common themes. Our discussions included biology, behavior, economics, and the
environment. We liked the idea of transdisciplinary networks and a system’s approach.
Sustainability is certainly another key issue that found support. We also agreed on the
importance of research at the local level that could influence policies and environmental
changes that may prevent obesity.

Summary Discussion on New Directions for Prevention 141

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Drewnowski A, Rolls BJ (eds): Obesity Treatment and Prevention: New Directions.
Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, vol 73, pp 143–145,
Nestec Ltd., Vevey/S. Karger AG., Basel, © 2012

Concluding Remarks

Based on workshop discussions, the disease model of obesity needs to be bet-

ter placed in its social and environmental context. On one hand, there is clear
evidence for the direct involvement of the brain, the adipose tissue, and the gut
microbiome in weight loss and weight regain. On the other hand, the broader
social, economic, and environmental contexts may help explain why some peo-
ple become obese whereas others do not. Energy balance behaviors and access
to resources and services may further predict why some people are successful in
losing weight whereas other people are not.
The systems approach to obesity treatment and prevention recognizes that
biology, behavior, and the food environment are connected in a myriad of ways.
The many social and economic determinants of health and weight and their
interconnections are all prominently featured in systems maps such as the one
produced by the UK Foresight Report. Given its strong inverse links to multiple
measures of socioeconomic status (SES), especially among women, obesity does
not fit the standard model of a genetic or a metabolic disease. To the contrary,
the geographic distribution of obesity suggests a pattern of poverty and social
disparities. Some population groups and some neighborhoods are more vulner-
able and more affected than others. The targets for prevention and intervention
are becoming increasingly clear.
What is to be done? First, new approaches to obesity treatment and preven-
tion need to take advantage of the latest scientific discoveries. As demonstrated
during the workshop, research on the gut microbiome, the adipose tissue, and
the brain is on the cutting edge of biological science. Studies suggest that the
gut microflora in obesity is less diverse and may be metabolically specialized to
extract maximum calories from the diet. Gut bacteria can affect energy uptake,
gut permeability, and gut hormones and can produce proinflammatory mol-
ecules. Fat accumulation in the adipose tissue can also contribute to inflam-
matory response, leading to insulin resistance and metabolic disease. Strong
biological forces promote return to former bodyweight following weight loss.
Brain reorganization during weight loss means that neuronal activity encour-
ages greater energy intake and reduces energy expenditures. Brain physiology
conspires against maintaining the new lower bodyweight. However, biological
drives can be countered by behavior, including physical activity.
Achieving a convergence between biology and the full spectrum of food-related
behaviors is the second of the new directions. We live in an obesogenic environ-
ment with ready access to many good tasting, energy-dense, inexpensive foods.
A food-based treatment approach would be to eat foods that help control hun-
ger and promote satiety. Consuming larger portions of lower energy-dense foods
would permit consumers to eat satisfying portions while limiting calories. Not
incidentally, lower energy-dense diets tend to be nutrient rich. Yet much research
in this area has focused on the macronutrient composition of the diet, often with
disappointing results. We need science-based strategies which will lead to more
effective advice than the simple injunction to eat less and exercise more.
Third, behavioral strategies for obesity prevention need to have a develop-
mental component. One new direction in research is to understand the early
determinants of food-related behaviors so that behavioral training can start
during pregnancy and the immediate postnatal period. Behavioral targets may
include parental eating behavior, infant feeding mode, infant sleep duration,
soothing strategies, and the introduction of solid foods. Shaping the early devel-
opment of food preferences and eating patterns is likely to lead to a healthier
diet later in life.
Fourth, prevention and treatment strategies need to acknowledge the eco-
nomics of consumer food choice behavior. Many palatable energy-dense foods
are inexpensive and appeal to lower income groups. By contrast, some of the
recommended nutrient-dense foods tend to cost more per calorie. In general,
diets lower in energy density but higher in nutrient quality are more expensive,
although they do not have to be. The selection of nutrient-dense foods and the
creation of high-quality diets involve a number of economic decisions. Nutrient
density and affordability indices are among the tools that can help consumers
select diets that are nutrient rich, affordable, and appealing.
Finally, new directions in obesity prevention should include measures of the
built environment collected using Geographic Information Systems approaches.
Such studies have helped map the geographic distribution of obesity rates in
relation to neighborhood characteristics, showing beyond doubt the links to SES
variables. In particular, obesity rates among women were better predicted by
low residential property values than by the standard measures of education and
income. One puzzle is that location appears to be associated with bodyweight
but less consistently with measures of diet quality. The explanation may be that
the social gradient is stronger for bodyweight than for the existing measures of
diet quality. One provocative idea put forward during the workshop was while
obesity rates are predicted by neighborhood characteristics, dietary choices and
diet quality are not. Health-related attitudes and beliefs are an important com-
ponent of dietary choices and the social gradient in diet quality appears to be
less strong.

144 Drewnowski · Rolls

Given the influence of geography, economics, and the food environment
on bodyweight, it is essential that obesity research extends its focus beyond
the individual. A better understanding of how people of diverse bodyweights
interact with their food environment on a daily basis will help develop new and
better targeted prevention strategies. It is becoming increasingly clear that such
strategies will need to involve food production and distributions systems, retail,
transportation, and other aspects of the built environment. All these factors
are among the socioeconomic determinants of weight and health and all are
Acknowledging this connectivity is the essence of systems thinking. The sys-
tems approach has challenged the deeply held belief that direct causes need to
be uncovered before effective interventions can be put in place. Previous stud-
ies on the causes of obesity have variously sought to link the consumption of
a single food, beverage, macronutrient, or dietary ingredient with obesity and
weight gain. In general, the contribution of dietary factors has been viewed
through the lens of physiology and metabolism, with much attention devoted to
the consequences of high-fat or high-sugar diets. Less attention has been paid to
the fact that both added sugars and saturated fats tend to lower diet costs, mak-
ing energy-dense diets more attractive to lower income persons. Further, the
impact of SES variables on bodyweight can extend beyond dietary factors and
may involve inactivity, sedentary lifestyles, stress, depression, disturbed sleep
patterns, and anxiety. Opportunities for physical activity are also sharply lim-
ited in lower income neighborhoods as is access to a range of affordable healthy
In addition to new directions, the workshop identified some questions for
the future. Given that new technologies permit the tracking of food-related
behaviors in time and space, what do we need to know about the patterns of
food purchases in obesity, food choices and portion sizes? Are some groups vul-
nerable because they put too much emphasis on taste, cost and convenience?
Would studies of energy density and satiety, including anticipated satiety, help
us develop new ways to feel more satisfied on fewer calories? Should we change
the entire food supply or modify the behaviors of vulnerable persons?
Demonstrating causality may not be possible in complex systems, but should
not hinder the development of appropriate solutions. It may not be possible to
link obesity with any one food or beverage or any one pattern of behavior, given
that much of the behavior is not under individual control but is constrained by
social and economic circumstances. On the other hand, likely prevention strate-
gies at the individual and population level suggest themselves, and they involve
behavior, lifestyles, and the environment. The challenge is to create a food and
physical environment that better suits our collective biology.
Adam Drewnowski
Barbara Rolls

Concluding Remarks 145

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Subject Index

Addiction, food 61, 62 macronutrients and satiety 38

Adipose tissue weight maintenance and diet
endocrine activity 50 composition 17–19
metabolically benign tissue 50, 51
weight loss Exercise, see Physical activity
anti-inflammatory activity 51, 52
anti-inflammatory therapy 53–55 Fasting-induced adipocyte factor (FIAF),
diet composition effects 52, 53, 59, gut microbe effects 73
60 Fat, see Adipose tissue
Aspirin, anti-inflammatory activity 54 Food addiction 61, 62
Food choice
Bacteria, see Gut microbiome economics 102, 103
Breastfeeding, obesity prevention 83, 91 food preferences development 91, 92
Food desert concept 109
CAPTURE Project 135 Food environment
Cholecystokinin (CCK), weight loss assessment 114, 115
response 8, 19 behavior and weight status
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated relationship 116, 117
transcript (CART), weight loss geographic differences 119–121
response 8 intervention strategies and prospects
C-reactive protein (CRP), dietary for study 117, 118
response 52 Foresight Obesity System Map 125
Functional magnetic imaging (fMRI),
Diet weight loss response studies in
advertising impact 46, 47 brain 5, 6
eating behavior and food properties
energy density 41–43, 47 Geographic information system (GIS),
portion size 39–41, 47, 48 food and physical activity environment
environmental approach to weight assessment 114, 115
management 43, 44 Gut microbiome
functional ingredients 39 density 68
inflammation and composition establishment 78, 79
effects 52, 53, 59, 60 fiber effects 77, 78

obesity infancy interventions, see Infancy
mechanisms of action 71–74 interventions, obesity
profiles 68–71 metabolically healthy obesity 50, 51, 58
prevalence trends 1, 2, 81
Infancy interventions, obesity recommendations for treatment and
behavioral factors linked to weight prevention studies 143–145
outcomes 82–85 systems approach for intervention
complementary foods 83–85 causality and complexity 123–125
cultural considerations 93 competition for healthier food 136
design 92 influencing emergence 129, 130,
food preferences 91, 92 134
outcome studies 85–88 leverage points in complex
prenatal factors 82, 92 systems 127–129
prospects for study 88, 89 matching capacity and
sleep 83, 84 complexity 126, 127
Insulin, salsalate effects on sensitivity 54, Omega-3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory
55 activity 53
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
adipocyte production 50 Physical activity
dietary response 52 diet synergy in weight loss 30, 31
health benefits beyond weight loss 28,
Leptin 35
bodyweight regulation 2 weight loss effects
repletion effects in weight loss 10, exercise intensity 31, 32
11 guidelines 35, 36
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), inflammatory overview 22–24
response 74 responders versus nonresponders
adherence factors 25–27, 32, 33
Macrophage, weight loss effects 52, 58, energy balance 27
59 genetics 25
Microbes, see Gut microbiome sex differences 34
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 Physical activity environment
(MCP-1) assessment 114, 115
adipocyte production 50 behavior and weight status
weight loss response 51 relationship 116, 117
Myosin heavy chain I, weight loss intervention strategies and prospects
response in muscle 9 for study 117, 118
Portion size, see Diet
Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), salsalate Poverty, see Socioeconomic status
inhibition 54, 55 Pre-portioned foods (PPFs) 41
Nutrition, see Diet
Resolvin D1, anti-inflammatory
Obesity activity 53
economics 106
gut microbiome Salsalate, anti-inflammatory activity 54, 55
mechanisms of action 71–74 SERCA, weight loss response in muscle 9,
profiles 68–71 10

148 Subject Index

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) Weight loss
gut microbe metabolism 71, 72 anti-inflammatory activity 51, 52
signaling 73 brain activity in response
Skeletal muscle, weight loss response 9 autonomic nervous system 6, 8
Socioeconomic status (SES) energy expenditure modulation
cost of eating healthy 103, 104, 108 mechanisms 7
food choice behavior economics 102, functional magnetic imaging 5, 6
103, 110, 111 overview 5, 6
healthy food access 99–102 caloric density of weight change 15
obesity epidemiology 96, 108, 109 diet, see Diet
poverty and obesity linkage 96–99, leptin repletion effects 10, 11
104, 105 neuroendocrine function 8, 9
Stress physical activity effects
infancy interventions for exercise intensity 31, 32
obesity 83–85 guidelines 35, 36
obesity role 139 overview 22–24
Supermarket responders versus nonresponders
chain differences in obesity 100, 101, adherence factors 25–27, 32, 33
110, 111 energy balance 27
layout and food choices 110, 111 genetics 25
sex differences 34
Thyroid hormone, see Triiodothyronine skeletal muscle response 9
Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH), social support 139, 140
weight loss response 9 weight maintenance
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), diet composition 17–19
weight loss response 8, 10, 17 energy intake and expenditure 3–5,
Triiodothyronine 9, 10, 16
therapeutic potential for weight
loss 63, 64
weight loss response 8, 9, 18
Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)
adipocyte production 50
weight loss response 51

Subject Index 149

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