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Experiment Title: Objective:: Server-Side Validation

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Exp. No. E02 MANUAL NO.


REV. NO. : 0 REV. DATE : 05/12/16

Experiment Title: Accepting and validating user entered data in registration form using ASP.NET
To learn and implement the Accepting and validating user entered data in forms


Validation is a set of rules that you apply to the data you collect. These rules can be many or few and
enforced either strictly or in a lax manner: It really depends on your business rules and requirements.
No perfect validation process exists because some users may fi nd a way to cheat to some degree,
no matter what rules you establish. The trick is to fi nd the right balance of the fewest rules and the
proper strictness, without compromising the usability of the application.


server-side validation
Suppose that the end user clicks the Submit button on a form afterfilling out some information. What
happens in ASP.NET is that this form is packaged in a request and sentto the server where the
application resides. At this point in the request/response cycle, you can run validationchecks on the
information submitted. Doing this is called server-side validation because it occurs onthe server.
client-side validation
On the other hand, it’s also possible to supply a client-side script (usually in the form of JavaScript) in the
page that is posted to the end user’s browser to perform validations on the data entered in the form
beforethe form is posted back to the originating server. In this case, client-side validation has occurred.

Client-side validation is quick and responsive for the end user. It is something end users expect of the
formsthat they work with. If something is wrong with the form, using client-side validation ensures that
the enduser knows about it as soon as possible. The reason for this is that the client-side validation, if
called properly,executes before the form is posted back to the server.

With this said, client-side validation is the more insecure form of validation. When a page is generated in
an end user’s browser, this end user can look at the code of the page quite easily (simply by right-
clicking hismouse in the browser and selecting View Code). When he or she does so, in addition to
seeing the HTMLcode for the page, all of the JavaScript that is associated with the page can be viewed. If
you are validatingyour form client-side, it doesn’t take much for the crafty hacker to repost a form
(containing the values hewants in it) to your server as valid. Cases also exist in which clients have simply
disabled the client-scriptingcapabilities in their browsers — thereby making your validations useless.
Therefore, client-side validationshould be considered a convenience and a courtesy to the end user and
never a security mechanism.
However, even with the risks, client-side validation is quite popular as it does provide a better
userexperience.The more secure form of validation is server-side validation. Server-side validation
means that the validationchecks are performed on the server instead of on the client. It is more secure
because these checks cannot beeasily bypassed. Instead, the form data values are checked using server
code (C# or VB) on the server. If theform data isn’t valid, the page that is sent back to the client as
invalid. Although it is more secure, serversidevalidation can be slow.

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It is sluggish simply because the page has to be posted to a remote location and checked. Your end user
might not be the happiest surfer in the world if, after waiting 20 seconds for a formto post, he is told his
e-mail address isn’t in the correct format.


The available validation server controls include:

RequiredFieldValidator Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field.
CompareValidator Allows for comparisons between the user’s input and another item
usinga comparison operator (equals, greater than, less than, and so
RangeValidator RangeValidator Checks the user’s input based upon a lower- and
upper-level range ofnumbers or characters.
RegularExpressionValidator Checks that the user’s entry matches a pattern defined by a regular
expression. This control is good to use to check e-mail addresses and
phone numbers.
CustomValidator Checks the user’s entry using custom-coded validation logic.
DynamicValidator DynamicValidator Works with exceptions that are thrown from entity
data models andextension methods. This control is part of the ASP.NET
Dynamic DataFramework. For more information about this control, be
sure to searchthe Internet for DynamicValidator
ValidationSummary Displays all the error messages from the validators in one specific spot
onthe page.

Validation Causes
Validation doesn’t just happen; it occurs in response to an event. In most cases, it is a button click event.
TheButton, LinkButton, and ImageButton server controls all have the capability to cause a page’s form
validationto initiate. This is the default behavior. Dragging and dropping a Button server control onto
your formgives you the following initial result:
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
If you look through the properties of the Button control, you can see that the CausesValidation
propertyis set to True. As stated, this behavior is the default — all buttons on the page, no matter how
many there
are, cause the form validation to fire.If you have multiple buttons on an ASP.NET page, and you don’t
want every button to initiate the formvalidation, you can set the CausesValidation property to False for
all the buttons you want to ignore inthe validation process (for example, a form’s Cancel button or
pressing enter in another form element suchas a search box):

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CausesValidation="false" />

1. Create registration form to accept user data and implement the following validations on it:
a.RequiredFieldValidator d.RegularExpressionValidator
b.CompareValidator e. CustomValidator
c. RangeValidator f. ValidationSummary
2. Execute the above validations.

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