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A. Inedible B. Unmanageable C. Indigestible D. Unpalatable

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Exercise 19: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the

following question.

Question 1: I’m afraid you may find the truth somewhat _________.

A. inedible B. unmanageable C. indigestible D. unpalatable

Question 2: The youth team really _______ themselves in the semi-final.

A. surmounted B. excelled C. beat D. exceeded

Question 3: I personally don’t believe you can _________ of his support.

A. count B. depend C. rely D. be sure

Question 4: He opened the account with a(n) __________ to running up a healthy overdraft.

A. aim B. view C. purpose D. plan

Question 5: The _______ feeling at the meeting was that we should go ahead.

A. predicted B. pre-eminent C. predominant D. prefabricated

Question 6: The estate agent assured us that we could ________ the house at any time.

A. look over B. overlook C. oversee D. see through

Question 7: There is little doubt that your daughter has a real ______ with animals.

A. affinity B. intuition C. aptitude D. flair

Question 8: Your query unfortunately does not _______ into this category.

A. fall B. take C. set D. work

Question 9: There is every ______ of things going horribly wrong.

A. opportunity B. chance C. probability D. opening

Question 10: Your work falls well _______ the required standard.

A. under B. below C. short D. off

Question 11: She came back with an answer as quick as a (n) __________.

A. twinkling B. lightning C. flash D. express

Question 12: The government was finally ____ down by a minor scandal.

A. brought B. taken C. come D. pulled

Question 13: It appears that the hostages were not ______ to any unnecessary suffering.

A. subjugated B. subjected C. subsumed D. subverted

Question 14: The ______ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.

A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds

Question 15: Her performance in the last scene was quite ___________.

A. describable B. remarkable C. notable D. noticeable

Question 16: Have you ever really ________ up to your parents ?

A. spoken B. reached C. worked D. stood

Question 17: For years now it seems he has been _______ by bad luck.

A. bugged B. doomed C. dogged D. haunted

Question 18: Unemployment figures have _______ since the last election.

A. lifted B. raised C. flown D. soared

Question 19: At last, I ________ on him to help us out of our dilemma.

A. persuaded B. prevailed C. labored D. convinced

Question 20: The earthquake ________ 6.5 on the Richter scale.

A. weighed B. measured C. achieved D. counted

Question 21: You should be ________ ashamed of yourself for what you’ve done.

A. thoroughly B. hopelessly C. entirely D. earnestly

Question 22: Wouldn’t you agree that the balance of power has ______ recently ?

A. affected B. swept C. shifted D. weighed

Question 23: The referee’s attention was drawn ______ a player lying prostrate in the centre circle.

A. to B. by C. on D. for

Question 24: Despite a string of _________ performances he retained his place in the side.

A. promising B. reasonable C. satisfactory D. moderate

Question 25: Nobody from the President down should imagine they are ______ the law.

A. beyond B. over C. within D. above

Question 26: In this first assignment, we will _______ your work and then give you detailed
feedback on how to improve your writing.

A. assess B. judge C. value D. estimate

Question 27: In a seminar or tutorial, everyone should take part rather than allow one person to
_______ the discussion.

A. dominate B. overwhelm C. oppress D. beset

Question 28: Although it is impossible to give a _______ age, we believe that the woman was
between 25 and 30 when she died.

A. certain B. definite C. absolute D. complete

Question 29: Rather than try to treat it, the best ______ to the problem of poor public health may be
to attempt to prevent it.

A. approach B. method C. way D. solution

Question 30: Surprisingly perhaps, the biggest _______ health risk for tourists travelling abroad is
actually road traffic accidents.

A. probable B. possible C. potential D. theoretical

Question 31: Water is made up of two ________, namely oxygen and hydrogen.

A. sections B. aspects C. ingredients D. elements

Question 32: Computers can be difficult to repair because there may be hundreds of different
______ inside.

A. pieces B. components C. parts D. crumples

Question 33: Because Paris is expensive, many organizations pay higher salaries to ______ for the
high cost of living there.

A. adjust B. redress C. adapt D. compensate

Question 34: Many people were killed instantly at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but thousands more
died from __________ radiation sickness.

A. succeeding B. following C. consequent D. subsequent

Question 35: The clothing of men and women used to be quite ________ , whereas today women
often wear trousers as well as men.

A. distinguished B. discernible C. distinct D. diverse

Question 36: Research_________ that customers want free car-parking when they go shopping.

A. claims B. points out C. indicates D. adote

Question 37: In political terms, the Middle East is one of the most unstable ________ of the world.

A. regions B. places C. locations D. spots

Question 38: The _________ cause of death today in Britain is heart disease, with cancer in second

A. first B. major C. prime D. initial

Question 39: In addition to reading books and journals, the other man source of information
available to university students is the _________ given by the academic staff.

A. lessons B. lectures C. classes D. subjects

Question 40: The atmospheres of most planets are not ______, making it difficult for us to see the

A. lucid B. transparent C. clear D. visual

Question 41: Three terrorists managed to escape but all of them were _________ within 24 hours
and returned to prison.

A. trapped B. snared C. captured D. grabbed

Question 42: Anybody who joins the army as a soldier has to accept that danger is an _____ part of
the job.

A. inside B. internal C. inner D. inherent

Question 43: Students without the normal academic qualifications but who have relevant work
experience may be offered a place on an easier diploma course on the _____ towards an MBA.

A. route B. direction C. journey D. road

Question 44: In Egypt, water from the River Nile has been used for thousands of years to _____ the
dry desert land so that crops may be grown.

A. moisten B. irrigate C. fundamental D. alkalify

Question 45: Improvements in quality control techniques have resulted in more high-quality
products with very few _______.

A. mistakes B. failures C. flaws D. defects

Question 46: As you can see from your handout, the first ________ of figures down the left-hand
side shows the growth in population.

A. line B. pilar C. string D. column

Question 47: The ______ of men to women in China is unusual, in that there are more men than

A. number B. ratio C. portion D. percent

Question 48: According to a recent survey in Europe, most workers expressed a preference for
increased __________ time rather than the chance to do more overtime and earn extra money.

A. hobby B. extra C. leisure D. spare

Question 49: The former West Germany tried to _____ its business approach onto the former East

A. superimpose B. enforce C. imprint D. enable

Question 50: In a nuclear power station, _______ of uranium are split into smaller particles,
releasing huge amounts of energy.

A. atoms B. chunks C. elements D. constituent

Key to Exercise

Question Key Explanation

1 D Unpalatable: không thể chấp nhận được

2 B Excel oneself: làm gì tốt hơn bình thường hay làm

3 D Be sure of/about: chắc chắn

4 B With a view to + VING: nhằm mục đích để

5 C Predominant feeling: cảm nhận chủ yếu/ lấn át

6 A Look over: kiểm tra nhanh

7 A Affinity for/ with: ham thích hoặc đồng cảm với cái gì

8 A Fall into the category: thuộc vào loại

9 B Chance of something: có khả năng xảy ra

10 B Fall below the standard/ something: loại vào mức độ thấp hơn cái gì

11 C As quick as a flash: nhanh như chớp

12 A Bring down by : mọi người hạ bệ, làm nhục

13 B Be subjected to: phải chịu (=suffer)

The odds: lợi thế. The odds are against that: không có khả năng thắng
14 D
lợi/ xảy ra việc gì

15 B Remarkable: xuất sắc, đặc biệt, khác thường

Stand up to sb/ sth: dũng cảm đương đầu với; có thể chịu đựng được =
16 D
put up with

17 C Dog: bám gót, theo sát gót

18 D Soar: đạt mức cao, tăng vọt

19 B Prevail on/upon sb to do sth: thuyết phục ai làm gì

Measure + đơn vị: đo được (Richter scale: thang đo địa chấn về độ run
20 B
của động đất Richter)

Thoroughly/ deeply/bitterly ashamed: hết sức xấu hổ (entirely có một

số trường hợp hiếm dùng nhưng chỉ dùng phủ định “I’m not entirely
ashamed of my actions”, và không hay sử dụng cho mô tả cảm xúc mà
21 A
chủ yếu cho vật chất; thoroughly amused/ tired/nice/cooked etc ám chỉ
điệu bộ dáng vẻ từ sâu bên trong, ashamed là cảm xúc cảm nhận từ bên

Shift/ tip/ tilt the balance of power (idiom): tạo một tình thế cho một
22 C nước/ nhóm đảng chính trị có nhiều quyền lực hơn nhóm cạnh tranh

23 A Draw attention to: hướng sự chú ý tới

A moderate performance: trình diễn hạng thường/ ở mức trung bình/

24 D
không hay cũng không tệ

Above the law: đứng trên luật pháp, cho mình là quan trọng không cần
25 D
tuân luật

26 A Assess: ước định, đánh giá

Dominate the discussion: lấn át cuộc thảo luận (nói nhiều và không cho
27 A
người khác có cơ hội nói)

28 B Definite age: tuổi xác định/ rõ ràng

29 A Approach to sth: cách tiếp cận/ giải quyết

Potential: sẽ xảy ra lúc nào đó trong tương lai (possible: có khả năng
30 C
xảy ra được ngay hiện tại)

31 D Element: nguyên tố

32 B Components: thành phần hợp thành

33 D Compensate for: đền bù, bù đắp

34 D Subsequent: theo sau, xảy ra sau

35 C Distinct: riêng biệt

36 C Indicate: cho biết, chỉ ra

37 A Region: vùng, miền

38 C Prime cause: nguyên nhân căn bản

39 B Lecture: bài nói thuyết trình

40 B Transparent: trong suốt, có thể nhìn rõ

41 C Capture: = arrest: bắt giữ

42 D Inherent: vốn có, gắn liền

43 A Route: đường đi =path/ way

44 B Irrigate: tưới nước (đất/ ruộng); làm ẩm

45 D Defect: nhược điểm

46 D Collumn of figures: cột số

47 B Ratio: tỉ lệ giữa 2 đơn vị/ thành phần đem đi xác định

48 C Leisure time: thời gian rảnh

49 A Superimpose: đặt chồng lên trên

50 A Atom: nguyên tử

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