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Notes On Nakshatra Data

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Ancient Indian Hindu medicine speaks of three Nadis-Vata (wind), Pitta

(bile) and Sleshma (phlegm). Some writers call them as Aadi (First),
Madhya (Middle) and Antya (Last) colloquially, but the terminology of Dr.
Raman is classical and will be used here. The different Nakshatras for the
three Nadis are as shown in the Table below

Vata Nadi

Nakshatra Padas and Nadis














Pitta Nadi Sleshma Nadi
Bharani Krittika
Mrigasira Rohini
Pushyami Aslesha
Pubba Makha
Chitra Swati
Anuradha Visakha
Poorvashadha Uttarashadha
Dhanishta Sravana
Uttarabhadra Revati

Vata Nadi Pitta Nadi

Aswini 1 Aswini 2
Bharani 2 Bharani 1
Bharani 3 Bharani 4
Krittika 4 Krittika 3
Rohini 1 Rohini 2
Mrigaseera 2 Mrigaseera 1
Mrigaseera 4 Mrigaseera 3
Ardra 4 Ardra 3
Punarvasu 1 Punarvasu 2

Pushya 2 Pushya 1

Pushya 3 Pushya 4

Aslesha 4 Aslesha 3
Makha 1 Makha 2
Pubba 2 Pubba 1
Pubba 3 Pubba 4
Uttara 4 Uttara 3
Hasta 1 Hasta 2
Chitta 2 Chitta 1
Chitra 3 Chitra 4 .
Swati 4 Swati 3
Visakha 1 Visakha 2

Anuradha 2 Anuradha 1

Anuradha 3 Anuradha 4

Jyeshta 4 Jyeshta 3
Moola 1 Moola 2
Purvashada 2 Purvashada 1
Purvashada 3 Purvashada 4

Uttrashada 4 Uttarashada 3

Sravana 1 Sravana 2

Dhanista 2 Dhanista 1

Dhanista 3 Dhanista 4

Satabisha 4 Satabisha 3

Purvabhadral Purvabhadra2

Uttarabhadra2 Uttarabhadra 1
Uttarabhadra3 Uttarabhadra4
Revati 4 Revati 3
Sleshma Nadi

Aswini 3
Aswini 4
Krittika 1
Krittika 2
Rohini 3
Rohine 4
Ardra 1 ‘
Ardra 2
Punarvasu 3

Punarvasu 4

Aslesha 1

Aslesha 2
Makha 3
Makha 4
Uttara 1
Uttara 2
Hasta 3
Hasta 4
Swati 1
Swati 2
Visakha 3

Visakha 4

Jyeshta 1

Jyeshta 2
Moola 3
Moola 4
Uttarashada 1

Uttarashada 2

Sravana 3

Sravana 4

Satabisha 1

Satabisha 2

Purvabhadra 3

Purvabhadra 4
Revati 1
Revati 2
Pada (Quarter) (3
S.No. Nakshatra/Asterism
Deg20′ each)
1 Aswini 4 padas
2 Bharani 4 padas
Krittika 1 pada
Krittika 3 padas
4 Rohini 4 padas
Mrigasira 2 padas
Mrigasira 2 padas
6 Ardra 4 padas
Punarvasu 3 padas
Punarvasu 1 pada
8 Pusya 4 padas
9 Aslesha 4 padas
10 Makha 4 padas
11 Poorva Phalguni 4 padas
Uttar Phalguni 1 pada
Uttar Phalguni 3 padas
13 Hasta 4 padas
Chitra 2 padas
Chitra 2 padas
15 Swati 4 padas
Visakha 3 padas
Visakha 1 pada
17 Anuradha 4 padas
18 Jyestha 4 padas
19 Moola 4 padas
20 Poorva Ashada 4 padas
Uttar Ashada 1 pada
Uttar Ashada 3 padas
22 Sravana 4 padas
Dhanista 2 padas
Dhanista 2 padas
24 Satabhisaj 4 padas
Poorvabhadrapada 3 padas
Poorvabhadrapada 1 pada
26 Uttarabhadrapada 4 padas
27 Revati 4 padas

# Name Meaning
1 Aswini The horsemen
2 Bharani the bearers
3 Krittika razor/cutter
4 Rohini ruddy cow, red, growing
5 Mrigashira dear or antelope’s head
6 Ardra the moist
7 Punurvasu return of the light and goods,
8 Pushyami nourisher, flower, the best
entwiner, embracer, intimate
9 Aslesha
10 Magha beneficent, mighty
11 PurvaPhalguni previous red one
12 UttaraPhalguni later red one
13 Hasta hand
14 Chitra brilliant, distinguished
15 Svati independent, sword

16 Vishaka branched, forked branches

subsequent success, following
17 Anuradha
18 Jyesta the eldest

19 Moola root, commencement

20 Purva Ashada earlier victory

21 Uttara Ashada later victory

22 Sravana famous, hearing

23 Dhanishta very rich, very swift
24 Shatabishak 100 medicines or doctors

25 Purva Bhadra earlier auspicious one

26 Uttara Bhadra later auspicious one

27 Revati rich, wealthy

Planetary Lord-ship
Rasi: Sign Deity
Aries (Mesh) Ketu Aswini Kumar
Aries Venus Yama
Sun Agni
Taurus (Vrishaba)
Taurus Moon Brahma (Prajapati)
Mars Soma (Candra)
Gemini (Mithuna)
Gemini Rahu Rudra
Jupiter Aditi
Cancer (Kark)
Cancer Saturn Brhaspati
Cancer Mercury Sarpa
Leo (Simha) Ketu Pitri
Leo Venus Bhaga
Sun Aryama
Virgo (Kanya)
Virgo Moon Savitur
Mars Tvasta
Libra (Thula)
Libra Rahu Vayu
Jupiter Indra-agni
Scorpio (Vrischika)
Scorpio Saturn Mitra
Scorpio Mercury Indra
Sagittarius (Dhanus) Ketu Rakshasa
Sagittarius Venus Apa
Sun Visvadeva
Capricorn (Makar)
Capricorn Moon Vishnu (Hari)
Mars Vasu
Aquarius (Kumbha)
Aquarius Rahu Varuna
Jupiter Ajaikapad
Pisces (Meena)
Pisces Saturn Ahirbudhanya
Pisces Mercury Pushan
Stars Shape/Symbol Guna Caste Goal
3 Horses head Rajas Vaisya dharma
3 female sexual organ Tamas Outcaste artha
6 dagger/razor Sattva Brahmin kama
5 chariot Rajas Sudra moksa
3 head or a deer Tamas Servant moksa
1 tear drop, gem Sattva Butcher kama
5-Apr quiver/ house, bow Rajas Vaisya artha
3 teat of cow, arrow, flower Tamas Ksatriya dharma

6-May wheel, serpant Sattva Outcaste dharma

5 throne, palanquin, royal court Rajas Sudra artha

8-Feb legs of a cot, stage Tamas Brahmin kama
2 bed, legs of a cot Sattva Ksatriya moksa
5 closed hand Rajas Vaisya moksa
1 pearl Tamas Servant kama
1 coral, sapphire Sattva Butcher artha
leaf decked triumphal gate,
5-Apr Rajas Outcaste dharma
potters wheel
4 Bali (heap of rice), umbrella Tamas Sudra dharma
kundal (ear Ring), umbrella,
3 Sattva Servant artha
11 tail of lion, crouching line Rajas Butcher kama
hand fan, winnowing basket,
2 Tamas Brahmin moksa
tusk, square
8-Feb machan, elephant tusk, square Sattva Ksatriya moksa

3 3 footprints, arrow Rajas Outcaste artha

5-Apr mridanga (drum) Tamas Servant dharma
100 circle, flower Sattva Butcher dharma
double faced man, stage,
2 Rajas Brahmin artha
machan, legs of a cot
last bed, legs of a cot two
8-Feb Tamas Ksatriya artha
joined men
32 mridanga (drum), fish Sattva Sudra moksa
Gana Sex
Deva M
Manusya F
Raksasa F
Manusya M?
Deva N
Manusya F
Deva M
Deva M

Raksasa F

Raksasa F
Manusya F
Manusya F
Deva M
Raksasa F
Deva F

Raksasa F

Deva M

Raksasa F?

Raksasa N

Manusya F

Manusya F

Deva M
Raksasa F
Raksasa N

Manusya M

Manusya M

Deva F
Power of the
Nakshatra (Read
Dr.David Frawley)

# Nakshatra Deity

1 Aswinni Ashwins-the twin horseman

2 Bharani Yama- Death

3 Krittika Agni- Fire

4 Rohini Prajapati-lord of creation

5 Mrigashira Soma-god of immortality

6 Ardra Rudra-god of storm

7 Punurvasu Aditi-mother of the Gods

8 Pushyami Brihaspati- teacher of the Devas

9 Aslesha Sarpa-serpent
10 Magha the Pitris-the Ancestral Fathers
Aryaman- god of contracts & union, Sun as
11 PurvaPhalguni
friend, beloved

12 UttaraPhalguni Bhaga-the Sun as bliss

13 Hasta Savitar-Sun as inspiration

14 Chitra Vishvakarma- divine architect

15 Svati Vayu-Wind

16 Vishaka Indragni-gods of lightning and fire

17 Anuradha Mitra-divine friend, lord of compassion

18 Jyesta Indra-god of thunder

19 Moola Nirritti- goddess of disaster, Alaksmi

20 Purva Ashada Apas-goddess of Waters

21 Uttara Ashada Vishvadevas-Universal Gods

22 Sravana Vishnu- the Pervader

23 Dhanishta Vasus-gods of Light and Abundance

24 Shatabishak Varuna-god of Cosmic Waters

Aja Ekapada- one footed serpant, horned

25 Purva Bhadra
goat, unicorn
Ahir Budhya- dragon of the Depths of the
26 Uttara Bhadra
Pushan- Sun as nourisher, protector,
27 Revati

Nakshatra Articles

# Nakshatra Miscellaneous Articles

1 Aswinni conveyances, horses,
2 Bharani wells, husky grains, cereals,
3 Krittika mantra, music, white flower,

beasts of forests, rose apple, gems,

4 Rohini ornaments, mountain, cows, bulls aquatic
animals, beauty parlor, the market

fruits, Catechu plant, fragrant articles, birds,

garments, aquatic products, flowers, gems,
5 Mrigashira
beasts, perfumes, brewery, mango, juices,
tastes, crops
fort, husky grains, belleric myrobalan
6 Ardra
(baheda), heavy rains
7 Punurvasu weapons, best of grains (Kalama paddy),

sugarcane, barley, wheat, rice, holy fig tree

8 Pushyami
(Peepal), forest, water tanks, flowers

artificial articles, liquid, husky grains, bulbs,

9 Aslesha roots, fruits, insects, reptiles, poison, herbs,
worms, aquatic objects or animals, snakes

10 Magha corns, granaries, non-vegetarian food,

salt, fire, butea frondosa (palash),
11 PurvaPhalguni commodities, oil, cotton, honey, kids,
money exchangers, fried food
elephants, stone, fire, corns, holy tree
(plaksha), fine grains (kalama rice),
12 UttaraPhalguni
jaggery, salt (Venus-ruins the beings in the
Jangala regions- where there is little water)

neem tree, ornaments, commodities, husky

13 Hasta
grains, elephants,
coconut, corns for royal use, birds, painted
14 Chitra
vessels, women

elephant, green gram, Arjun tree (arjun

15 Svati terminalia), birds, beast, horses, grains that
produce gas, deer, vegatables, birth control

cotton, stone, trees with red blossoms and

fruits, sesame, black, green and Bengal
16 Vishaka
gram, gram, saffron, lac, crops, madder,

wool and hide articles, ornaments, horses,

17 Anuradha vehicles, games, mimusops elengi (bakula),
all things growing in the Autumn,

wealth, buffaloes, fir, weapons, groups or

18 Jyesta
seminaries, elite families, trade guilds
opposite or reversed, seeds, weapons,
19 Moola
agriculture, medicines, fruits, herbs
fire, fruits, aquatic flowers and fruits,
20 Purva Ashada
aquatic animals,
elephant, horses, stone, commerce,
21 Uttara Ashada
immovable things like trees, diseases
22 Sravana medicinal plant (Aak), conveyance,
23 Dhanishta ornaments,
water creatures, things thriving in water,
24 Shatabishak neulea orientalis (kandab), aquatic
products, ropes, nets,
25 Purva Bhadra mango tree, animal husbandry, fire,
elephant, stone, lemon, fine/valuable corns,
26 Uttara Bhadra
roots and fruits, gold, women

things produced in water, conches,

ornament, bassia latifolia (mahua), fruits,
27 Revati
salt, pearls, gems, flowers (fragrant),
lotuses, perfumes, autumnal crops

* Harihar Majumdar Phalita Jyotish Part I (Fasting on days of planets and graha mantras if this is your birth sta
Note: Those in italic are derived from Brihat Samhita through a study of transit effects, the other indications are di
stated from other works.
Shakti Basis Above Basis Below Result

world becomes free from

quickly reaching things those to be healed healing therapies

removal of life from the carrying the soul to the moving on to the next
take things away
body ancestral realm world

to burn heat light burning or purification

growth plants waters creation

giving fulfillment extension weaving make the world enjoyable

effort hunting or searching reaching the goal brings about achievement

ability to gain wealth or

wind or air wetness or rain revitalization of plants
create spiritual energy sacrificial worship the worshipper creation of spiritual energy

inflict with poison approach of the serpant trembling and agitation destruction of the victim
leave the body mourning leaving the body death

procreation wife, female partner husband, male partner creation of the fetus

giving of prosperity wealth gained from one’s wealth gained from one’s
accumulation of wealth
through union or marriage own family partner and their family

gain what one is seeking puts what one wishes to

seeking of gain process of gaining
and place it in one’s hands gain in one’s hand

accumulate merit in life law truth gain honor in one’s work

scatter like the wind moving in various directions change of form transformation
achieve many and various
plowing or cultivation harvest fruit of the harvest
worship ascension descent honor and abundance
rise or conquer, and gain
attack defense one becomes a hero
courage in battle
the power to destroy (can
to ruin or destroy breaking things apart crushing things
destroy destruction)
invigoration strength connection gain of luster
grant an unchallengeable becomes unchallenged
strength to win the goal that one can win
victory winner
connection seeking the paths connection of all things

give abundance and fame birth prosperity bringing people together

healing pervasion over all support of all world freed of calamity

gives the fire to raise one

what is good for all people what is good for the gods support the entire world
worshipping up in life

bringing of the rain raining clouds growing of planets stability of the three worlds
nourishment, symbolized nourishment of the entire
cows calves
by milk world


birth star of Rahu

birth star of Chandra

birth star of Chandra

birth star of Ketu

birth star of Venus

birth star of Guru

birth star of Guru

birth star of Sun

birth star of Sun

birth star of Mars

birth star of Mars

birth star of Mercury

birth star of Mercury

birth star of Saturn

mantras if this is your birth star)

cts, the other indications are directly
The Houses

strology that simply begs for (and profits greatly from) cross-pollination from differen

to the houses that most modern Western astrologers are unaware of, yet would find ve

ome of the meanings of the houses by different astrological systems:

House Modern Western

body, self-image, persona,
First House
money self-esteem, possessions,
Second House
mind, correspondence
Third House
home, mother, family, emotional
Fourth House
children, creativity, speculation,
Fifth House
work environs, work, co-
Sixth House
workers, health
marriage, spouse, business
Seventh House
death, psychotherapy,
Eighth House
transforming, occult

Ninth House travel, religion, higher education,

career, father, rules, success,
Tenth House
friends, groups, hopes, mass
Eleventh House
hidden strengths and
Twelfth House
weaknesses, suffering

The Houses of the

Horoscope: A Vedic

Many different branches of astrology understand and use the 12 houses of the chart in different ways

Admittedly, there are differences within branches, too, e.g. the Horary branch of Vedic astrology som

The First House.

Most "astrologies" value the first house (and its lord) much more than most other houses, because it

A challenged first house may result in self-centeredness, arrogance or exaggerated humility, inefficien

On the other hand, a strong first house can indicate an inner mandate to succeed, pragmatic intellige

The Second House

For many astrologers the meaning of the second house is limited to moveable possessions, wealth, spe

One of the meanings of the second house only indicated by Vedic astrology is the tenor of the family l

The Third House

In modern Western astrology, the third house means siblings, neighbors, short trips, the mind, comm

The themes of the third house are greatly expanded in other astrologies. For one thing, the third hous

The third house also means much more. The idea of exercising the initiative and effort to accomplish

The Fourth House

Besides the more common meanings of the fourth house, mother, home, and family, this house corres

Since ethics are learned "at one's mother's knee" , this house also represents moral education, our se

The Fifth House

In addition to the well-known themes of children, recreation, romance, and play, the fifth house indic

Other themes of the 5th house include involvement in the government (everything from president or

The Sixth House

Most Western astrologers place health issues, enemies, pets, debts, and employees in this house. In fa

The Seventh House

Well known as the house of partnerships, both business and marital, the seventh house is the house o

Furthermore, the strength of planets in, aspecting, and ruling this house indicates whether one feels "

The Eighth House

It may surprise some astrologers to know that while the eighth house does indicate the manner of dea

Additionally, it represents chronic problems, such as lingering illnesses and unresolvable issues, as w

The Ninth House

This house indicates long distance travel (as opposed to foreign travel), pilgrimages, praying, giving c

Ones ease or difficulty in ascertaining their life purpose is found here, as is the father (!) and the rela

The Tenth House

Besides career, authority, rules, achievements, and discipline, the tenth house indicates ones status, d

This is the house of ones primary activities.

The Eleventh House

Here we find, in addition to friends, groups, and goals, the attainment (and fulfillment) of ones purpo

Ones ability to receive is here, as well as ones older siblings, good qualities, major investments, and o
The Twelfth House

Most Western astrologers attribute self-undoing, imprisonment, hidden weaknesses, hidden motives,

Vedic astrologers add "pleasures of the bed" which include sleeping and beds, and sex and orgasm a

It is also the house of the relinquishment of the ego into enlightenment.

A Tutorial in Western
Astrology: A step-by-step
sequencing of lessons

I have organized all of the instructional articles and essays on this website into a step-by-step set of le

You can access the tutorial pages by clicking here

Note: when you click on any link in the tutorial, it will open in a new window, so that you will be able

The Major Aspects in

Western Astrology

Western Astrologers commonly use 5 major aspects in their chart work: the conjunction, sextile, squ

Aspects that are within 3 degrees of exactness (e.g. two planets 2 degrees apart or 182 degrees apart f

A conjunction occurs when planets are within 8 - 10 degrees of each other. This can be the most powe

The conjunction represents the blending of two (or more) adjacent planets' energies and themes. If th

If it is between like planets, one does have to be careful of not being too skewed or extreme in the are

Finally, the sign involved can show which planet -- especially in a disparate conjunction -- dominates

The opposition, when planets are opposite (within 8 or so degrees of exactly opposite), is the second s

This aspect can have both positive and negative effects, again depending upon the planets involved (w

It is important to realize, however, that the opposition and conjunction to the Sun are special cases to
Planets opposed to each other can blend their energies (e.g. Moon opposite Venus representing a very

The trine, when planets are 120 degrees apart (within about 6 - 7 degrees), is the strongest harmoniou

While trines represent inherent talents and places in the life where things flow easily, they do not give

Squares (planets 90 degrees apart, plus or minus 6 - 7 degrees) are the most dynamic challenging asp

(Incidentally, internal conflict is more typically represented by squares while interpersonal conflict b

Even between compatible planets like Jupiter square Mars, for example, the square may create too m

Finally, the sextile occurs when planets are 60 degrees apart (plus or minus 3 - 4 degrees). This is the
pollination from different astrologies.

are of, yet would find very useful.

Horary Vedic
yourself, head, your state of your charisma, fame,
mind, face physicality
rights of ownership, neck, oral traditions, family, voice,
wealth adornments
news, immediate environment, courage, the arts, manual
siblings activities
father, lands, endings, buried land, agriculture, happiness,
treasure vehicles, education
inventions, romance, hobbies, intelligence, wisdom
indulgence discernment, counsel
employees, servitude, labor, conflict, anxiety, health
small animals workers, debt
adversary in lawsuit, war, sexual appetite, self-
opponents employment, brokers
joint finances, loans, legacies, crises, losses, grief, scandals,
elimination obstacles
pilgrimage, science, clergy, father, mentors, luck, intuitive
philosophy knowing
government, kings, the judge, status, fame, actions,
honor(s) managing, commerce
acquaintances, clubs, desires, easy money + support older
colleagues siblings
confinement, secret enemies, sexual joys, expenses, sleep,
self-undoing enlightenment

ouses of the chart in different ways. By learning a larger range of meanings to each house, we enrich our practice of astro

ary branch of Vedic astrology sometimes places themes in a different house than natal Vedic astrology does, and North I

han most other houses, because it represents the person themselves. Among the diverse themes given to this house are: O

or exaggerated humility, inefficiency, antisocial tendencies, unlikeability, and an inability to actualize the promises of the

ate to succeed, pragmatic intelligence, a good personality, a comfortable embodiment, clear and healthy inclinations, and

moveable possessions, wealth, spending patterns, values, security and sometimes self-esteem. In fact, the second house al

strology is the tenor of the family life, including both the general tone of the family life and disruptions to family life.

hbors, short trips, the mind, communication, and correspondence.

ogies. For one thing, the third house indicates all things manual, i.e. manual labor and the trades, prowess in fighting and

initiative and effort to accomplish a task in a third house theme, as is courage, cleverness, talent, might, boldness, enterpr
ome, and family, this house corresponds to plants, water, lands, vehicles, sleep, graves, community, formal education, and

epresents moral education, our sense of right and wrong, and the relationship between one's passion and one's ethics. As

nce, and play, the fifth house indicates a person's discernment, intelligence, wisdom, penetrating insight, good judgment,

ent (everything from president or king to a person receiving a grant), writing, teaching, and publishing, and practitioners

and employees in this house. In fact, it is the house of acute diseases (not health, per se), as well as of anxiety and worry, a

l, the seventh house is the house of sexual attraction, passion, affairs, and even the sexual characteristics and behavior of

house indicates whether one feels "at the effect of others" or in a position to help others.

se does indicate the manner of death, incest, bankruptcy, research, inheritances, scandals, crises, transformations, and th

sses and unresolvable issues, as well as manipulation, disgrace, and murder.

vel), pilgrimages, praying, giving charity, and good fortune, as well as the more commonly understood higher education,

re, as is the father (!) and the relationship with the father.

enth house indicates ones status, dignity, commercial success, and honor (or lack thereof if astrologically challenged.

ent (and fulfillment) of ones purpose. In the Eleventh house we see if things can come easily to the person, whether it be s

ualities, major investments, and ones gains and profits in general.

dden weaknesses, hidden motives, behind-the-scenes activity, and compassionate service to this house.

g and beds, and sex and orgasm as well. This is the primary house of expediture, losses, wastefulness, addictions, and cha

website into a step-by-step set of lessons in Western astrology that I will expand over time. This will allow students of astr

w window, so that you will be able to go back to the tutorial listing at any time.

work: the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. (More advanced astrologers will pay attention to semisquare

grees apart or 182 degrees apart for the opposition) are much stronger than aspects that are 5 degrees apart. Aspects ove

h other. This can be the most powerful of all aspects, because it focalizes the person's energy more fully in just one area o

planets' energies and themes. If the planets are of similar nature, the conjunction is a natural blending. (Such as conjunc

g too skewed or extreme in the area involved. But if it is a conjunction between the two groups, then there is a challenge w

isparate conjunction -- dominates. For example, a conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn (Mars' ex

f exactly opposite), is the second strongest aspect.

nding upon the planets involved (whether they are in the same or disparate group -- see the paragraph above) and how st

tion to the Sun are special cases to consider. Any planet too close to the Sun (conjunct) becomes invisible -- called in astro
opposite Venus representing a very nurturing person), feel paralyzed (e.g. Saturn opposite Sun feeling full of self-doubt),

egrees), is the strongest harmonious aspect. The trine represents an effortless blending of two planets energies, and even b

things flow easily, they do not give one the motivation or initiative to make something of these gifts. Unless there are enou

the most dynamic challenging aspect. While slightly less energetic than the opposition, they involve disparate signs and so

ares while interpersonal conflict by oppositions.)

mple, the square may create too much assertion, too much impulsiveness, and too much arrogance. In fire and earth sign

or minus 3 - 4 degrees). This is the weakest aspect of the major aspects, and tends to manifest more fully as the person ma
h our practice of astrology.

logy does, and North Indian astrologers differ from South Indian astrologers in some of their attributions. While this me

en to this house are: One's leadership, independence, self-understanding, interest in self-development, status, health, long

lize the promises of the chart.

althy inclinations, and the ability to make the most out of their lives.

ct, the second house also represents all vocal themes, e.g. one's ability to speak and/or sing effectively, the sweetness or ro

ons to family life.

rowess in fighting and coordination, ability to use the hands for fine work like art, music, massage, and crafts, and writin

ight, boldness, enterprise, and the ability to promote one's agenda. Additionally, hearing comes under the third house, as
, formal education, and one's sense of well being, i.e. peace of mind (and heart). Our early life experiences color the streng

on and one's ethics. As the house of ancestors, the nature of one's lineage is also indicated here.

sight, good judgment, and ability to give good advice, as well as the likelihood of having children (or the lack thereof if he

hing, and practitioners of mystical practices.

of anxiety and worry, antagonism and emnity, theft, alienation, weapons, and professions dealing with disease.

ristics and behavior of the spouse. It is also the house of independence in business.

ransformations, and the occult, it also indicates longevity, knowledge of ancient classical subjects, posthumous fame, winn

ood higher education, religion, institutions, and beliefs.

ically challenged.

person, whether it be support, money, or gifts.

ss, addictions, and charity. It is also the house of foreign travel, foreign residence, immigration, and isolation.

l allow students of astrology to more systematically approach the material on this website.

ttention to semisquares and sesquiquadrates, as well as quincunxes, quintile and other minor aspects. Beginners should b

rees apart. Aspects over 5 degrees apart often contribute little to the dynamics of the chart  unless there are few or no stro

fully in just one area of the life (one house) and amplifies a particular type of energy (one sign).

ding. (Such as conjunctions between members of the firey group Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto; or between members of t

n there is a challenge within the conjunction that must be resolved by learning how to "marry" two disparate energies.

o, Capricorn (Mars' exaltation sign), or Virgo(Venus' sign of fall), will have Mars dominate. In Libra, Taurus, Cancer (th

aph above) and how strong the opposition is. If an opposition is within 2 degrees of exactly opposite (178 - 182 degrees ap

visible -- called in astrology "combust" -- and therefore weakened in its expression. Any planet (including the Moon) opp
ing full of self-doubt), or at odds (e.g. Mercury opposite Mars being torn between thinking and action). Note: the example

ets energies, and even blends these energies well between disparate planets. E.g. Saturn trine Sun can give purposefulness

. Unless there are enough challenges (squares and oppositions) in contact with the trining planets, the person may "coast

e disparate signs and so are harder to resolve and more troublesome.

. In fire and earth signs, this Jupiter square Mars would represent the conflict between play and work, between impulse

fully as the person matures. That's because the sextile represents learning to blend different elements in a harmonious fa
ttributions. While this means that one must test and experiment with the insights from each field, this, in itself, is a grow

pment, status, health, longevity, charisma, resilience, capacity to cope with life's challenges, and physicality --  and the lac

ctively, the sweetness or roughness of the voice tone, the tendency to speak harshly, etc. The second house also covers the

age, and crafts, and writing ability.

s under the third house, as does moving, because the third house is 12th to the 4th, and therefore represents the dissolutio
xperiences color the strength and solidity of the ground of our being.

en (or the lack thereof if heavily challenged astrologically).

ng with disease.

ts, posthumous fame, winning a lottery, alternative medicine, and sacred sex.
, and isolation.

spects. Beginners should be wary of trying to use too many aspects at once, to avoid confusion.)

ess there are few or no stronger aspects. Aspects that are 1 1/2 degrees orb or smaller are the strongest of all and should b

; or between members of the cooler group Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune, but not between the two groups.)

two disparate energies.

Libra, Taurus, Cancer (the sign of Mars' fall), or Pisces (Venus' exaltation sign), on the other hand, Venus will dominate

osite (178 - 182 degrees apart) it will be more intense and more likely to cause both inner and interpersonal tension.

(including the Moon) opposite to the Sun is at its brightest and therefore at its most powerful (note: for Mar, Jupiter, Sa
action). Note: the examples given are possibilities, not inevitabilities; e.g. a person with Sun opposite Saturn may or may

un can give purposefulness, focus, and groundedness.

ets, the person may "coast" and take the easy way out and not make the most of their abilities.

d work, between impulse and control. In fire and water signs, there might be issues of extroversion vs. introversion and p

ements in a harmonious fashion. The sextile, then, is a bridge that allows the person to become more flexible, more versat
eld, this, in itself, is a growing process.

d physicality --  and the lack of any of these attributes if the first house is more challenged than supported astrologically.

ond house also covers the oral theme of eating and ingesting (taking things in, and not just through the mouth), as well as

re represents the dissolution of home and the partition of property.

trongest of all and should be given the most attention.

een the two groups.)

hand, Venus will dominate the conjunction.

nterpersonal tension.

note: for Mar, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto this means that it will be retrograde and therefore be both p
posite Saturn may or may not have self-doubt, depending upon the signs involved, other aspects, the rising sign, etc.

rsion vs. introversion and possibly too much emotional reactivity, impulsiveness, and intensity. In water and air, this can

more flexible, more versatile, and more talented.

upported astrologically.

ough the mouth), as well as the teeth and food.

de and therefore be both powerful and less conventional).
ts, the rising sign, etc.

In water and air, this can create intimacy issues: close vs. claustrophobic, as well as changeability, and very variable thou
ity, and very variable thoughts and feelings. In earth and air signs, this can represent the conflict between a detailed/prag
ict between a detailed/pragmatic/hands-on approach vs. an abstract and detached deliberation (working vs. talking and t
(working vs. talking and thinking about it), as well as the conflict between working and socializing/interacting.

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