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HRM Assignment No 2

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Case Studies Analysis Report

I. Purpose of Report
The report addresses the performance issues of employees raised from the viewpoint
of human resource management. The emphasis is on effectively monitoring
performance standards relevant to each case scenario.
II. Response to Case Study 1
2.1. Coaching model
The GROW model was developed by Sir John Whitmore (1980) and has since
become one of the most effective and popular coaching models. The GROW coaching
model is defined as a tried and tested coaching model for structuring coaching
sessions. The GROW coaching model's strength is that it leads through four stages to
a clearly defined end result. Throughout identifying problems and creating ideas for
solutions, the coachee is personally involved. The mean anything that comes out of
the coaching session has a lot of opportunity to stick [ CITATION Ota18 \l 1033 ].
GROW stands for the initials of: (G) oal, (R) eality, (O) ptions, (W)ay Forward or
(W)ill which are the four main steps in implementing the GROW model. In the case of
Jane who has punctuality issue with Café, the report will use the 4 steps of the GROW
model for resolve and monitor Jane’s productivity, punctuality and team interaction
standards of performance.
Step 1 – (G)oal: For defining the effective goal of coaching trajectory, this goal has to
be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Timely. In this case of
Jane, short-term goals are resolving and monitoring Jane’s productivity, punctuality,
and long-term goals are enhancing team interaction standards of performance.
Step 2 – (R)eality: In this step, manager of Café is responsible for becoming aware of
the actual situation of Jane that she are struggle in. Continuosly questioning about
current situation is one way that GROW Model set up future direction. What is
happening to Jane? She is facing with punctuality issue. What is the reason of this
situation? Her neighborhood childcare center closing down and she has to take care of
her 6-year-old son. What are the impacts? The Café is not opened on time in some
mornings and the set up was late for breakfast operations which is annoying to both
customers and other employees.
Step 3 – (O)ption: After understanding the situation, measures and ideas will be put
forward to contribute to the solution of the problem. In Jane's case, the report
recommends the following options:
Option 1: Propose a new childcare center for Jane
Option 2: Rotate Jane to another shift or other suitable part
Option 3: Ask Jane to take a leave until the personal issues are resolved
Step 4 – (W)ill: The final step of the GROW model is to choose an option and take it
into action. At this stage, the Manager needs to motivate his or her staff to maximize
willpower. Which option is chosen? Option 2 - Rotate Jane to the appropriate shift.
Are there any problems with this option? It is difficult to find a replacement for Jane's
2.2. Potential solutions to staff performance issues for performance standards
Additional training: Organize additional training courses so that all employees know
the duties of other people, convenient for staff exchange between shifts.
Adjusting workload: Ask employees to update the fixed schedule by week and arrange
according to the appropriate schedule.
Agreeing on short-term goals for improvement: Café's short-term goals is addressing
negative feedback and complaints from customers about punctuality issue before the
image of Café is affected.
Assisting with problems outside of the workplace: Actively assisting Jane in finding
new childcare centers.
2.3. Counselling plan and procedures
Procedures for formal performance management and counselling sessions
- Planning and informing employees about a confidential meeting
- Provide employees with sufficient reason, purpose, relevant information and
sufficient notice of the meeting
- Discuss reasons for low performance and assist the employee find ways to overcome
it, focus on issues of good performance and why it is important to individuals and
organizations alike. Professional, cooperative and centered attitude.
- Keep an objective and calm attitude. Ask questions and listen to staff opinions about
performance problems.
- At the end of the meeting, there was encouragement and emphasis on positive
results. Reinforce the value of the employee by the organization and the mutually
beneficial objective of improving the performance of the employee.
- Meeting minutes and plans are announced to employees immediately after the
meeting with the regulations to monitor the progress of the plan application.
Formal notification to staff member and management
Staff members and management will receive an invitation to attend the meeting in a
handwritten letter. The notice will include all information about the meeting as well as
performance issues raised. The formal meeting about performance issue will be started
3 - 5 days after the invitation is published. Absent notices will be scheduled for the
meeting online or receive a report after the meeting if it is not possible to transfer the
meeting to meet.
Invited participation of appropriate people
A suitable manager will conduct the meeting. The manager must attend the meeting to
clarify to the worker the performance issues, provide examples and discuss any
assistance, advice or training that has already been offered / undertaken, including any
documentation from witnesses. Employees will have the opportunity to fully state
their case and respond to the concerns that have been posed.
Organization of appropriate location for counselling session
The counseling conference will be held on the closing day at the Café meeting lounge.
2.4. Suggested designed supporting documents for resolution
Meeting Announcement; Meeting Report; Handwriting Letter.
III. Response to Case Study 2
3.1. Structured performance appraisal
This is a process of assessing the performance of an employee. This process is a
system in which the qualifications and competencies of employees are monitored or
assessed, against predefined standards. Performance appraisal is used to assess an
employee's current and future capabilities. It assesses the contributions employees
make to the company. A Performance appraisal is true to the competence of the
employees, helps employees grow, benefits the company, the company grows better
[ CITATION Cal19 \l 1033 ].
Procedures for performance appraisal interviews
- Prepare for the interview: Collecting data related to the performance of trainees at
Café such as: Invoice wrongly, wrong orders, negative feedback from customers, ...
Find an interview time that is mutually agreeable and allow enough time for the whole
interview. Being guaranteed privacy and undisturbed [ CITATION Adr17 \l 1033 ].
- Provide sufficient information for interviewees including staff, trainees about the
reason and purpose of performance appraisal interviews. Make sure the interviewees
understand the interview well and are prepared.
- Conduct the appraisal interviews.
Reasons for performance appraisal
Performance appraisal helps managers at Café to better understand the performance of
their employees. From there, identify the strengths and weaknesses of each employee,
adjust the training course in accordance with the capacity. In addition, Manager also
identified good employees to promote and received feedback from employees to
improve the operation.
Format for, and inclusions of, performance appraisal documents
Performance appraisal form include
Individual Information: Name of Employee, Employee ID and Department
Rating about Knowledge: Skill, work quality about checking Café invoice, confirm
Café order …
Evaluation: That need to be complete by writing
Other feedback
Methods of appraising performance
Methods that help Café’s manager conducts an appraising performance include:
- 360-degree feedback: Each employee in Café appraises his or her managers,
colleagues, customers, suppliers, and also performs a self-assessment. This approach
ensures successful evaluation of results and the participation of Total Employee (TEI).
If not properly managed, this method may also be affected by the evaluator's
subjectivity [ CITATION Kis19 \l 1033 ].
- Management by objectives (MBO): This is the system of management in which
managers and employees identify, schedule, coordinate and communicate goals
together. Upon setting clear goals, supervisors and subordinates assess the progress
made in tracking and debating viability on a regular basis. The downside is that Café's
staff and trainees have too little experience, giving directions to Café and Manager
will put pressure on them.
3.2. Feedback and support for staff performance
Role and importance of monitoring staff performance and providing feedback and
coaching. Monitoring staff performance and providing feedback and coaching play an
important role with manager in manage performance of employee [ CITATION
Nar17 \l 1033 ]. The aim of performance coaching and feedback is to help managers
increase their employees ' productivity, develop and improve the capacity of an
employee to succeed and correct poor performance.
Advice on training and development opportunities: The Café Manager should enable
employees and trainees to take trainees every time before starting the job. For
Trainees, the time of observation, training and probation can last from 2 to 3 months
depending on capacity. This helps trainees before going to the actual job are more
likely to adapt to the job, avoiding errors.
Confirmation of organizational objectives and key performance requirements: The
short-term goal is to help trainees master the job and reduce negative feedback from
customers towards the trainee. The long-term goal is that all employees meet the
performance requirements.
3.3. Policies and procedures
Key elements of performance standards
Element 1 – Purpose is well defined
The manager of the Café must clearly show the staff and trainees why they are good at
their job, and also understand the importance of the work to be done. The prerequisite
goal of Café is to satisfy customers.
Element 2 – Outcomes are well designed
Outcomes need to be estimated reasonable.
Element 3 – Accountability is nurtured
Café's staff and trainees must have a sense of responsibility for their actions, and
above all else's.
Element 4 – Teams are your leverage point
The importance of employee feedback helps management improve work efficiency.
The work should be done in groups, or in the service shift of Café to ensure effective
performance management.
Productivity indicators
- Hourly Labor cost: Hourly labor costs are the pay ratio of total working hours,
including overtime. Employee compensation includes wages and wages in cash and
cash, bonuses, overtime, and employers ' social contribution. The data source is the
Employment, Earnings and Working Hours Survey.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): This is a performance evaluation index, a
measure of job performance, expressed in data, ratios and quantitative indicators, to
reflect the performance of organizations or functional parts of the company or
individual business. For example, the KPI of the sales department of Café is to sell 50
cups of coffee a day, or the KPI of the Marketing department of Café is to attract 200
new visitors via fan page; ...
3.4. Designed supporting documents used for the above
Performance appraisal form; Performance appraisal interview announcements.
IV. Conclusion
The report examines each case study scenario provided to monitor employee
performance relative to the required performance standards. Since then, the report has
identified performance issues and standards that need to be addressed.
Appendices of all designed supporting documents
Appendices 1. Meeting Announcement
Dear All,
You all invited to attend the staff and management meeting which is scheduled on
[date] at [time] in [meeting room].
Please do your best to be there at the specified date and time.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ____. [Additionally, specifically], we will
shed the light on the below topics:
1) Topic 1
2) Topic 2
3) Topic 3
4) Etc…
Feel free to add to this list as you see fit and share with the rest of us. Please be
prepared as you always do. Your presence is highly appreciated.
Appendices 2. Meeting Report
Address, Day, Month, Year
All staff of Café
Mr./Mrs./Mss. Specific Name
Topic 1)
Topic 2)
Topic 3)
Report submitted by: Name
Report approved by: Name
Appendices 3. Handwriting Letter
Company, Inc.


Mr./Mrs./Ms. Name

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Name, I am writing for you to announce about company’s formal
performance meeting. This formal meeting will be schedule on [date] at [time] in
[meeting room].
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ____. [Additionally, specifically], we will
shed the light on the below topics:
1) Topic 1
2) Topic 2
3) Topic 3
4) Etc…
We looking forward to having you in the company’s formal performance meeting,
please send us the confirmation letter as soon as possible.
Appendices 4. Performance appraisal form
Cafe’s staff information
Name: _______________
Evaluation period: __________________
Title: _____________________________ Date: ________________________
A. Performance factor 1 2 3 4 5
Problem Solving
Independent Action
Job Knowledge
B. Employee strength and accomplishments: Writing
C. Performance are that need to improve: Writing
D. Other feedback

Employee ____________________ Date ________________________

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