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Homework 4, Quantum Mechanics 501, Rutgers: October 28, 2016

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The document discusses the time evolution of expectation values of position and momentum for a quantum harmonic oscillator initially in a superposition of energy eigenstates, and how this relates to classical motion. It also considers how a constant force term and restricting the potential to one side of the origin affects the energy eigenstates and eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator. Finally, it examines the possible antisymmetric wavefunctions and energies for two electrons in a system with three single-particle energy levels.

The expectation values are calculated by first writing the time-dependent wavefunction as a superposition of energy eigenstates, then evaluating the position and momentum operators between this wavefunction and itself. The results oscillate sinusoidally in time with amplitudes related to the coefficients in the superposition.

The inclusion of the constant force term can be accounted for by making a change of variables to shift the origin. This results in an overall energy shift but leaves the eigenstates as the usual harmonic oscillator wavefunctions, just shifted in position. The ground state probability depends on the energy shift.

Homework 4, Quantum Mechanics 501, Rutgers

October 28, 2016

1) Consider a harmonic oscillator which is in an initial state a |ni + b |n + 1i at t = 0 ,

where a, b are real numbers with a2 + b2 = 1. Calculate the expectation values of X(t)
and P (t) as a function of time. Compare your results to the classical motion x(t) of a
harmonic oscillator with the same physical parameters (ω, m) and the same (average)
energy E ≈ (n + 1)~ω.
Ans.: Time dependent wave function is
|ψ(t)i = e−iEn t/~ (a |ni + be−iωt |n + 1i) (1)
The average of position operator gives
hXi = hψ| (↠+ â) |ψi = (2)
r 2mω
a hn| + beiωt hn + 1| (↠+ â)(a |ni + be−iωt |n + 1i) =

2mω r
2~(n + 1)
ab cos(ωt) (4)

and similarly momentum is
mω~ † p
hP i = hψ| i (â − â) |ψi = − 2~mω(n + 1)ab sin(ωt) (5)
Clearly, the classical equations of motions are satisfied, since d hXi /dt = hP i /m.
The frequency of oscilations is the same, however, the aplitudes are different.
For the classical system, the position is given by
x= cos(ωt) (6)
mω 2
The quatum system satisfies
2 hEi
hXi = ab cos(ωt) (7)
mω 2
Since a and b are some constants smaller than unity (a2 + b2 = 1), the quantum
amplitude is smaller for at least factor of 2. Clearly classical motion can not be
properly described by only two eigenstates of quantum oscilator.

2) A particle of mass m is in a one-dimensional potential of form V (x) = 1/2mω 2 x2 +mgx
with some real number g. (Think of this as an oscillator potential plus a constant force
mg in −x direction acting on the particle).
Without doing much heavy math, can you write down the lowest energy eigenstate
of this potential? (Think about the classical analog a weight hanging on a vertical
spring. How does gravity affect the equations and solution for the harmonic spring
potential energy?)
Ans.: The Hamiltonian can be cast into the following form

~2 d2 1 2 g 2 1 g2
H=− + mω (x + ) − m 2 (8)
2m dx2 2 ω2 2 ω
If we introduce a new variable xnew = x + ωg2 , the above Hamiltonian has a canonical
form of H.O. apart from the energy shift. The solutions are then solutions of H.O. The
ground state is
 mω 1/4 mω 2 )2
ψ0 (x) = e− 2~ (x+g/ω (9)
with energy E0 = ~ω/2 − 12 m ωg 2 .
What is the probability that a particle starting out in the ground state of the harmonic
oscillator potential only (first part of V (x)) ends up in the new ground state once the
force is ”switched on”?
Ans.: If we denote the unshifted oscilator wave function by ψ00 (x), then the probability

P = | hψ00 |ψ0 i |2 (10)

which is
mg 2
P = e− 2~ω3
and can also be written as P = e− ~ω where ∆E is the change of the energy due to
additional term in the Hamiltonian.

3) Find the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the one-dimensional Hamiltonian with potential
mω 2 x2 x < 0
V (x) = (11)
∞ x≥0

Nearly no math is needed, only some clever argument.

Ans.: We know that the solutions must be the same as those for a the usual oscillator
potential on the left side (x < 0), since they have to fulfill the same differential equation
there. On the right hand side, the solutions must be of course simply equal to zero
(infinitely high potential). All we have to do is match the l.h.s solution to the right
hand one to get a continuous wave function. This is obviously only possible if the l.h.s.
solution goes to zero as x goes to 0. This is the case for solutions with odd n, since

the corresponding Hermite polynomials have only odd powers of x. In other words,
the eigenstates are |ni, n = 1, 3, 5, ... and the eigenvalues are E = ~ω(n + 1/2).
Note that one also has to renormalize the wave functions (with an extra factor 2) since
the integral in the spatial variable x now only goes from −∞...0.

4) The wavefunction of a particle of mass m is in a 1D potential V (x) is

Axe−ax x ≥ 0

ψ(x) = (12)
0 x<0

a) Assuming the particle is in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, find the potential

V (x) and the total energy E for this state.
Ans.: It needs to satisfy the Schroedinger Equation. The second derivative is
ψ 00 (x) = ψ(x)(a2 − 2 ) (13)
which gives for the Schroedinger equation

~2 2 a
− (a − 2 )ψ(x) + V (x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x) (14)
2m x
For the equation to be satisfied, we need V (x) = − ~ma x1 + C. Without loss of
2 2
generality, we can set C = 0, which gives E = − ~2ma . Note that this holds only
for x > 0, as the wave function vanishes at x = 0 (with finite derivative) and
potential is therefore infinite at x < 0.
b) Find the potential energy expectation value hV i for this state
Z ∞ Z ∞  2 
2 2 2 −2ax ~a ~2 A2
hV i = V (x)ψ(x) = A dxx e − =− (15)
0 0 mx m 4a

and ∞ ∞
1= 2
dxψ(x) = A 2
dxx2 e−2ax = (16)
0 0 4a3
2 2
hence hV i = − ~ ma .
c) Find the expectation value of the kinetic energy for this state.
2 2
Ans.: hKi = E − hV i = ~2ma

5 The eigenstates, which are accesible to a single electron, have energies ε0 , ε1 and
ε2 and their states are |0i, |1i and |2i. When two electrons are introduced in such
system, what are possible wave-functions of the system of two electrons, if we neglect
interaction between the two electrons?

a) How many possible states can you write down, which have correct statistics?
Write them down.
|ψ0 i = √ (|0i ⊗ |1i − |1i ⊗ |0i) (17)
|ψ1 i = √ (|0i ⊗ |2i − |2i ⊗ |0i) (18)
|ψ2 i = √ (|1i ⊗ |2i − |2i ⊗ |1i) (19)

b) What are the energies of these states?

Ans.: ε0 + ε1 , ε0 + ε2 , ε1 + ε2 .
c) Is the state |0i ⊗ |1i a valid wave function of such system? Why (not)?
Ans.: No. It does not satisfy fermionic statistics for identical particles.

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