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Investigation of Egg Shell and Alumina

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Investigation of Egg Shell and Alumina

Reinforced with Magnesium Matrix Composite
L.Subash1 U.Natarajan,2
PG Scholar, Manufacturing Engineering, ACGCET, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, india.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ACGCET, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract:- In Aerospace and Automotive industries, the ram in an enclosed die. This is done to minimise casting
demand for lighter materials is increasing drastically. defects like blow holes and porosity. Though the costs
The main advantage of Magnesium Metal Matrix involved in production of Magnesium metal matrix
Composites over Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites composites are relatively higher when compared to that of
and there is an additional (15-20%) weight saving. aluminium metal matrix composites, the benefits accrued
Magnesium reinforced with carbonized, uncarbonized more than compensates the costs involved. The main
Egg shell and alumina have significant advantage over parameters involved in stir casting method are stirring
conventional materials. Generally, these reinforcements speed, Holding time, Stirring time and Size of
are used to improve the hardness and tensile strength of reinforcement particles [2]. A stir casting method with a
metal matrix composites and also improve the corrosion melt holding and stirring at a temperature of 680◦C can be
resistance of materials. In this present work, we have successfully utilised to synthesise reinforced magnesium
performed two specimen of Magnesium with based metal matrix composites with minimum porosity.
reinforcement, 4% of Alumina and 6% carbonized and The uniform distribution of SiC particulates and good SiC–
uncarbonized Egg shell using casting assisted by stir matrix interface bonding indicates the suitability of present
casting method. The specimens were subjected to processing technique [3]. The purpose of fabricating metal
Mechanical tests such as Micro Vickers Hardness test, matrix composites is to decorate the mechanical properties
compression test, tensile test and impact test. In like hardness, tensile strength, ductility etc. and also to
addition, the corrosion study of these uncarbonized and reduce their wear rate. MMCs produced by including
carbonized reinforcement was carried out and analyzed. reinforcement material in the metal. The desire of
This composite technique employed to replace the reinforcement material is very important according to its
existing aluminum alloys used in the automobile and field of application. The reinforcement of Eggshell has
aerospace industry without compromising on its poultry is an influential sector in Agriculture in India and
properties. has an average growth rate of 6% in egg manufacturing in
step with annum. The hen population of India is 489
Keywords:- Magnesium (Mg), Alumina (Al2O3), million that produces 47 billion eggs per year and ranks
Uncarbonized Egg shell (UES), Carbonized Egg shell third highest among egg producing countries in the world.
(CES), Egg Shell Powder (ESP)


The ever-increasing fuel price has led to a renewed

urgency to address the issue of weight reduction in the
aerospace and automotive sectors. Since the early 1960,
there’s demand for new and improved engineering
materials with advancement of modern technology
concentration in the areas of automotive, aerospace
industries had forced a rapid development of metal matrix
composites as some MMCs like Al-MMCs and Mg-MMCs Fig1:- Waste eggshell producing soil pollution [4].
were significantly lighter than metals and alloys. In
Automotive and Aerospace industries, the demand for Thus egg shell may be utilized as a biodegradable
lighter materials is increasing exponentially. The main waste as a low cost material for reinforcement
advantage of Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites (Mg- within the matrix and can be utilized as a low cost
MMCs) over Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (Al- reinforcement in the matrix for composites [4]. Egg shells
MMCs) is that, there is an additional 15-20% weight saving are biodegradable so it may be utilized as a low cost
without having to compromise on properties [1]. An reinforcement in the matrix for composites.
important factor which is to be considered in producing
MMCs is cost of production. The costs involved should be About 95% of the dry Eggshell is calcium carbonate
as economical as possible. Also, casting technique is used weighting 5.5geams. Eggshell contains around .3%
for the manufacture of complex parts. Hence, stir casting a phosphorus and .3% magnesium and signs of sodium,
simple and cost effective technique is used in this study, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron and copper [5]. To study
followed by squeezing, under the pressure from a hydraulic that impact of uncarbonized Eggshell Weight percentage

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
on mechanical properties of composite material developed of the vehicle components and transmit loads that result
by Electromagnetic stir casting technique. The mechanical from longitudinal, lateral and vertical accelerations that are
properties are tensile modulus, flexural hardness and experienced in racing environment without failure [10].
stiffness have been extensively progressed [6]. The
mechanical properties, tribological properties and II. PREPARATION OF EGG SHELL PARTICLES
microstructure of Al6061-SiC and Al7075-Al2O3. Weight
percentage of reinforcement material vary from 2%-6% and Uncarbonized Egg shell: The Egg shell (Fig.1) were
research proven that tensile strength and hardness of the collected from local households; they had been then
composite material increases with increase in the weight washed with demineralized water to eliminate any foreign
percentage. Wear rate of Al6061-SiC is better than Al7075- objects and the skinny outer membrane
Al2O3 composite [7]. Magnesium alloys are this type of
lightweight metallic alloys currently being investigated, due
to its low density, 1.74 g/ cm3, and high mechanical
stiffness. The mechanical benefits of magnesium, however,
are contrasted by a high corrosion rate as compared to
aluminium or steel. Because of magnesium’s
electrochemical potential, as illustrated in the galvanic
collection, it corrodes easily in the presence of seawater.
The high corrosion of magnesium has relegated the alloy to
use in areas unexposed to the environment, consisting of
car seats and digital boxes [8].The corrosion behaviour of
Mg, AZ31 and AZ91 has been evaluated in 3.5% NaCl
solution using weight reduction, Electrochemical
polarization and impedance measurement. Carrion rate
derived from the weight losses demonstrated the occurrence
of steeply fast corrosion reaction on AZ91 alloy after three
hours of immersion, indicating the start of galvanic
corrosion [9]. A chassis serves as the basic foundation
which gives strength to the body and on which all the parts Fig 2:- Preparation of Egg Shell Particles.
of a machine rest. An example of a chassis is the base
structure of a car. That mass or weight reduction is an The Egg shell had been then sun dried for duration of
important issue in automotive industry. Chassis is a 48 hours in dry condition. The dried Egg shell were then
prominent structure for a body, which takes the loads pulverized to attain fine powder (fig.2) with the help of a
during serious accidents, costly recalls; chassis too has a grain miller at 400 rpm. The obtained powder was passed
great impact on product image. Accidents, costly recalls; through sieves of required size so as to attain particles with
chassis too If any failure occurs in chassis it will leads to uniform size distribution.
collapse of whole vehicle system which cannot be replaced
easily. The chassis structure must safely support the weight

Fig 3:- Uncarbonized Egg shell Powde

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corbonized Egg shell: The Egg shells had been
collected from local areas.And then Egg shells Had been
then washed with water to remove any impurities; such as
dust and Egg liquid.

Fig 5:- Process carbonized Egg Shell Powder

Fig 4:- Preparation of Egg Shell Particles. III. PREPARATION OF CASTING
The thin outer membrane. The Egg shells had been Magnesium matrix composites are the two
then solar dried for period of 48 hours.To obtain carbonized compositions reinforced. They are (mg- Al2O3-
Egg shell powders,the Eggshell were first kept in the uncarbonized egg shell), reinforcement of 10 vol.%
furnace(fig 5) preheated to a temperature of 1000 ℃ for a alumina(29g) and uncarbonized egg shell(44g) second
period of 60 minutes (fig 6) and then transformed to composition (mg-al2o3-carbonized eggshell),
powder usage of the Egg shell powder were then reinforcement of 10vol.%alumina(29g) &8vol.%
pulverized to obtain fine powder with the help of a grain carbonized egg shell(44g), were produced by the stir
miller at 400 rpm after cooling to room temperature. The casting process. The size of the reinforcement particles are
obtained powder was passed through sieves of required size of 25-50 𝜇𝑚 for alumina and 70 𝜇𝑚 for Egg shell.
so as to obtain particles with uniform size distribution.
The main operation was done on stir casting machine
with vacuum casting. The machine consists of crucible and
furnace the crucible is placed on the top end of the
machine. The reinforcement (alumina and eggshell)
particles are put in the crucible.

Fig 6:- Stir casting machine.

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The main purpose of putting the reinforcement The second composition of the product have the
particles reaches up to temperature of 200℃. A valve is Magnesium as a matrix material and its reinforcements is
placed at the bottom of the crucible which preheating the the alumina and carbonized eggshell. Same as like the first
valve at bottom is closed. Simultaneously furnace which is specimen, second specimen is also acquired without any
at the mid of the machine is also preheated to a temperature impurities.
of 800℃. This temperature is maintained for a period of
2hrs. After preheating of furnace, Mg ingot of 760g placed
in the furnace. The melting temp of Mg ingot is 750℃ and
the Mg starts to melt in 1/2hr. A stirrer is placed on the top
is made to move down by the use of hydraulic press and it
starts to rotate by means of servomotor. The stirrer enters
the furnace from top to bottom and starts to stir the melted
Mg. The reinforce preheating crucible value which is
placed at the end of crucible is opened and the preheated
particles come out through a hole of 5mm into the furnace.

The composition of the product have Magnesium as a

matrix material and its reinforcements is alumina and Un
carbonized eggshell. A flat shaped specimen is acquired
without any impurities. Fig 8:- Samble2 (Mg+ Al2O3+CES)


 Tensile Test
The Tensile test is a destructive test process that
provides information about the Tensile strength, % of
Elongation, yield stress and toughness etc. In this work, the
tensile properties of the developed composites were
obtained using 25 kN servo-hydraulic UTM. The ASTM E8
standards dimensions for conducting tensile test.

The tensile take a look at specimen before and after

fracture are proven in Fig.11, 12 below. Results decreased
that tensile strength of the Mg-alumina matrix by 107.32
Fig 7:- Samble1 (Mg+ Al2O3+UES) MPa in the case of uncarbonized egg shell and 84.54 MPa
in the case of carbonized particles (Fig.9).

Fig 9:- Comparison of Ultimate Tensile Strength of Two composites

There changed into a decrease within the % Elongation values after the addition of CESs to the Mg-Al2O3, Eggshell matrix.

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 10:- Comparison of Elongation of Two composites.

This the Mg-Al2O3, un carbonized Egg shell is 6.78% Elongate and Mg-Al2O3,carbonized Egg shell is 6.42% Elongate.

The yield stress values after the addition of CEPs to the Mg-Al2O3, Egg shell matrix. This the Mg-Al2O3, un carbonized Egg
shell is 87.27MPa yield stress and Mg-Al2O3, carbonized Egg shell is 73.56 MPa yield stress.

Fig 11:- Comparison of Yield stress of two composites.

Fig 12:- Before the Tensile test.

Fig 13:- After the Tensile test.

IJISRT20APR937 1333

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Compression Test  Hardness Test
The compressive strength of Mg- Al2O3, Carbonized The project we are using micro Vickers hardness test.
Egg shell composite and Mg- Al2O3, Un carbonized Egg In this method intender has the material of diamond
shell composite increased by 1.113% respectively. intender. And intender has the shape of pyramid with a
Magnesium matrix around reinforcement powder flow square base and an angle of 136°. The intender penetrate
away in the direction perpendicular to the applied load that the work piece by 10 to 15 seconds. In our project we are
reduces load transfer ability of the matrix and leads to making two different composition of material. First sample
material failure. casted.

The compression take a look at specimen before and By base metal of magnesium and reinforcement of
after fracture are show in (fig 14 and 15). alumina and Un carbonized Egg shell.

Table 1:- Vickers hardness test result sample 1

The other sample prepared by base metal of

magnesium and reinforcements of are alumina and
Carbonized Egg Shell.
Fig 14:- Before the Compression test.

Table 2:- Vickers hardness test result sample 2

 Impact Test
Impact testing is of enormous importance. A collision
between to objects an often result in damage to one or both
Fig 15:- After the Compression test. of them. The damage might be scratch, crack, Fracture or
break. In the magnesium matrix composite specimens were
Results decreased that Compressive strength of the analyse the strength of impact by izod Impact test machine.
Mg-alumina matrix by 122.13 KN in the case of un Impact testing is resisting about impact. This is often called
carbonized Egg shell and 109.74 KNin the case of a material’s toughness. In impact test principles of first we
carbonized Egg shell.(fig.16). have to prepare v notch in the specimen. And then impact
strength to be calculated.

Table 3:- Izod impact test value

Fig 16:- Comparison of Compression Strength of Two


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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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